The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 19, 1919, Section One, Page 6, Image 6

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War Record of Nebraskan As
sailed in Senate.
Freedom for Ireland Resolution
freclpltates Clash, and Many
Senators Mix In Verbal Melee.
WASITOCGTON. Oct. 18. Treaty de
bate In the senate shifted back to the
Irish question today( Senator Walsh,
democrat, Montana, starting a sharp
discussion on the subject by calling
up his resolution to declare that the
United States should bring the ques
tion of Irish freedom before the
league of nations as soon as it' be
comes a member.
Senator Walsh declared the United
States would be responsible to the
overwhelming sentiment of the Amer
ican people if it declared In the
league for Irish independence.
Senator Penrose, republican, Penn
sylvania, asked whether the United
States could not do more for Ireland
if it had six votes, like the British
empire. In the league assembly, and
Senator Walsh replied in the nega
tive, declaring if action were taken
the decision must be unanimous. He
also denied a suggestion by Senator
Lenroot, republican, Wisconsin, that
to present such a plea to the league
would be in violation of Great Brit
ain's territorial integrity as guaran
teed by article 10.
Jurisdiction Point Raised.
Serator Lenroot also argued that
If the Irish question could come with
in the league's jurisdiction, then the
league could consider also the ques
tion of immigration, tariff and other
matters regarded as purely internal.
Senator Walsh assured the senate
that his resolution was offered in no
spirit of hostility, either to Great
Britain or Ireland, but in the hope
that it might aid in a solution of
their difficulties.
Senator Poindexter, republican,
Washington, opposing the resolution,
said it illustrated bow the league
wjuld operate.
"Tho resolution Is an external at
tack on the territorial integrity of
Great Britain." said he, "and the next
thing would )e action by the league
against the United States, with the
bringing of economic pressure, be
cause of the action of the senate in
attacking British territorial integ
rity." Declaring Great Britain would have
six votes in the league to America's
one, Senator Poindexter said:
Service Held Questionable.
"If the Intention of the senator Is
to create the impression among Irish
voters that he is doing them a service.
or Ireland a service, I do not think he
will deceive them."
Senator Walsh replied that his only
purpose wa sto help dispel Irritation
between Great Britain and Ireland.
Senator Penrose said the Walsh
resolution "was the crowning, most
Insolent effort yet to 'bunko' the
Senator Poindexter attacked the
war record of Senator Hitchcock of
Nebraska, the administration icader.
referring to the latter's advocacy of
an arms embargo and expressions of
sympathy for Germany prior to Amer
ica s entrance into the war.
"Does the senator question that
supported the army neutrality bill to
the limit of my ability?" asked Sena
tor Hitchcock.
"I certainly do," replied the Wash
ington senator. "I do not see how the
senator could support that measure
to the limit of his ability while he
was urging passage of an arms em
bargo and making declarations of
sympathy for Germany.
Pro-Germanism Charged.
"If the senator from Nebraska had
bad his way in this war, it would
have been equivalent to leading into
the field an army of several hun
dred thousand Anlriiam In hphnlf nf
Germany. They could have been of '
no more service to Germany than
would passage of an embargo on
Senator Poindexter quoted numer
ous statements in the senate by Mr.
-Hitchcock before the declaration of
war expressing himself as neutral
and as hoping that neither side would
crush the other.
"He thought it was highly honorable
in 1915 to abandon France and Great
Britain," continued the Washington
senator, "but ho says now it would
be poltroonery to abandon them.
Senator Poindexter also quoted a
declaration by Senator Hitchcock on
March 4, 1917, while the armed neu
trality bill was pending, expressing
"sympathy for the German people."
The Washington senator added that
Senator Hitchcock also had praised
the German government and had "con
doned German atrocities."
Senator Hitchcock made & brief re
Joinder, declaring that the attack upon
him was part of an. "obnoxious fili
Nebraska Senator Replies.
"I did Introduce an embargo bill,"
said the Nebraska senator. "I thoaught
and I still maintain that this country
should not have sold arms and am
munition in vast quantities by which
it virtually transformed Itself Into a
base of supplies for one side.
"The senator from Washington him
self supported my proposal, voting
with me against a motion to lay it
on the table.
"That's all I care to say. I would
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Photo from Underwood.
The "kidnaping" here depicted was an agreeable one all around. Miss
Anna Hamlin, a Boston society girl, took the prince in her car to see the
big Harvard stadium at Cambridge, Mass., and told him all about it.
prefer to have the senator's 111 will
and bad opinion than his good opin
ion." Senator Poindexter denied that he
had voted for the embargo bill, say
ing the vote against laying on the
table did not mean that he supported
the measure.
The debate ended there and the
clerks started readine the treaty text.
Society Will Ask Congress for
Bonus and Better Lands.
Application for a charter from the
national body was framed at the sec
ond meeting of the Private Soldiers'
and Sailors' Legion of Portland, held
Friday night in Veterans' hall. The
application was Bigned by C. J. Rich
ards. E. W. Gurbard, Ira Simpson and
about 20 others.
From announced objects of the pri
vates' organization it appears that
radical legislation favoring ex-service
men is desired. It is to work, for in
stance, for a 500 bonus for ex-soldiers
and sailors. Congress is to be
asked to provide employment for all
such men as may apply. It will also
be asked to make it easy for former
service men to get good farms not
nifire swamp lands, the prospectus
states. Removal of war taxes on the
"poor man's pleasures." notably on
motion picture admissions, will be
Bandon Youth Steadfastly
Maintains Innocence.
Holding of Lad for Trial Causes
Surprise In View of Calm De
meanor Under Questioning.
Effort to Have Improvements on
Sauvles' Island Is Subject of
Long-Drawn-Oat Litigation.
MARSHFTELD. Or.. Oct. 18. (Spe
cial.) Harold Howell, the 14-year-old
Bandon youth who was held In the
county Jail several weeks as a sus
pect in connection with the killing of
Lillian Leuthold, of Bandon, with a
25-caliber rifle, was indicted last
night by the Coos county grand jury.
The jury had entirely new testi
mony presented at the last moment
of the Investigation. The Indictment
is for second degree murder, since
first degree murder is punishable by
death and the laws of the state do not
permit capital punishment.
Youth Doe Not Weaken.
Young Howell has been Incarcerated
for several weeks, and during that
time has never shown any sign of
weakening or confessing to the mur
der. The authorities at the time of
the preliminary hearing before County
Judge Wade believed that one piece
of evidence was almost conclu
sive when the dead girl's brother.
John Leuthold, presented two cart
ridge shells he found in the sandy
road near the scene of the murder.
A Coquille gunsmith, who examined
the bullet found in the girl's head,
said the gun found after the killing
at the Howell home would have
caused the same marks as were
gouged in the bullet.
Indictment Not Expected.
Of late, owing to the Inability to
nhtaln anvthlnir in the wav of CulltV
sign from Harold Howell, there had Saving of 600
been a belief that the grand Jury
would not indict him. The boy went
through several gruelling conferences
with detectives, but steadfastly held
to his claim of innocence and nothing
has shaken his first statement, that
he was not near the place where the
girl was killed on the day of the
murder, although it was maintained
by officials that he could have passed
that way in returning home that day
from a f riend s.
The killing occurred on a Sunday
afternoon in a lonely place in a wood
at the eastern extremity of the city
of Bandon. The victim bad visited
girl friend and when she did not re
turn home that night her parents
thought she had remained at her
friend's home, as she sometimes did.
Not returning the next morning, the
father went out In search of her and
being Informed by the Jennings fam
ily that she had departed the pre
vious evening, searched the trail
leading to the main road and found
the body hidden away behind a log.
Father Finds Trail.
The conclusion the father reached
was that the body had either been
hurriedly hidden by & man or else
dragged by a boy. A trail was made
from the trail to the log. the body
having been dragged. It was there
fore quite evident somebody who
could not carry the body had disposed
of it. There were later pieces of evi
dence said to have been produced, fol
lowing the hearing In Judge Wade's
court, but they have never been veri
fied. It was said that Harold Howell's
clothing which he wore on the day
of the tragedy could not be found at
the home and this report gave rise to
the theory that It had been blood
stained. Mrs. Leuthold, . the girl's mother,
was prostrated at the time and but
recently recovered sufficiently to be
about. John Leuthold. her brother.
Is a logger at the McDonald and
Vaughan camp at Terheel. and a short
time ago was Injured and taken to
Mercy hospital. North Bend.
The trial has not been set. but
probably will commence next week
bout Wednesday or Thursday.
Charles F. McKnlght. attorney for the
boy, says they will enter a plea of
not guilty when the trial is called.
Team and Cows Lost In Fire to Be
As the result of a fire which de
stroyed a team of horses, harness, six
cows and three hogs, besides hay and
feed belonging to Joseph Kaster of
Grand Ronde, Yamhill county, a citi
zens' committee of that place has an
nounced that it Is receiving dona
tions in order that the team and cows
may be replaced.
Mr. Kaster was living upon a rent
ed place and the fire destroyed prac
tically all his possessions. He is
married and has two daughters. The
committee'is composed of Peterson &
Sons, A. R. Ford. A. O. Kelly, L. F.
Bates and Charles L. Bates of Grand
Coins Offered for
Marriage License.
SPOKANE, Wash, Oct. 18. (Spe
cial.) Deputy County Auditor Mur
phy was asked to accept 600 pennies
as payment for a marriage license
when Archie R. James, an employe of
the Spokane Bakery company, and
Miss Beryl Wilson appeared for a
marriage license today.
The 600 pennies were refused, and
they will be kept as a memento and
a souvenir of davs of saving before
Selling Twice as Many Suits
and Overcoats as Ever Before
Because of selling for cash and at less margin of profit than other
stores, this store has become the popular store for men and young men
who know style and quality and appreciate the better values we give.
$40 Suits
and Overcoats with those
sold at other stores for
$50 Suits
and Overcoats with those
sold at other stores for
$30 Suits
and Overcoats with those
I sold at other stores for
, Latest Style Furnishings and Hats, Quality
HI Best, and at a Saving of 7 per cent for cash.
R. M. GRAY j
the wedding day. the couple told Mur
phy. "They gave me 600 pennies and
asked me to take out 450 for the
license." Mr. Murphy stated. "We do
not accept more than 25 pennies in
payment for anything, so we had to
refuse them.
"So they got a check cashed and
paid for the license in cash."
Rad The Oregonlan classified ads.
Three Youths, Ranging from 14 to
2 0 Years Old, Arrested.
Ralph C. Phelps. 20 years old, and
Glen Quarring. 14 years old. were ar
rested last night by Patrolman Thorpe
and charged with stealing 11 sacks of
oats from G. A. Simpkins, 866 Wash
ington street, and storing the prain
In a poultry shed owned by Leonard
Christ. 19 years old. The policeman
arrested Christ on a charge of re
ceiving stolen property.
Phelps and Christ were locked in
the city Jail. Quarring was sent to
the county jail to be held for the
Juvenile court.
In a certain part of Persia there la
a race of pigmy camels five feet In
height and snow white in color.
I. W. W. Who Threatened Life of
President Gets Three Years.
LEAVENWORTH, Kan.. Oct. 18.
Petro Pierre, a member of the I. W.
W., was found guilty by a Jury in the
federal court here today on a charge
I tnreatening the life of President
He was sentenced to serve 3 years
n the federal penitentiary here, and
pon his giving notice of appeal bond
was fixed at $7000.
The verdict was reached In 20 min
Burggraf Leads Red Cross Drive.
ALBANY, Or.. Oct. 18. Special.)
Charles H. Burggraf has been ap
pointed chairman of the local com
mittee in charge of the annual Red
Cross membership drive, which will
take place November 2 to 11, Just
prior to Armistice day. The other
members of the committee are W. A.
Eastburn, B. J. Hecker, D. S. Smith
and fr. E. B. Dunn.
Eat Freely of
Red Rock
a healthful food, de
licious and satisfying;
easily digested.
Red Rock reaches you
with all its purity, its
freshness, its goodness,
the same morning it is
When you buy cottage
cheese, say "Red Rock" to your
dealer he knows I
After 60 years' fight, marked by
seven distinct court actions, J. L.
Reeder of Sauvles Island has succeed
ed In retaining establishment of road
No. 911, a Jury In the court of Cir
cuit Judge Belt yesterday awarding
damages totaling J5.277.70 for land
Reeder began his fight for a county
road on his land 60 years ago In an
effort to compel the eounty to con
struct a bridge across a slough. He
failed in numerous court actions and
finally constructed his own bridge.
Through the ravages of time, that
bridge has fallen into decay, and the
campaign ' Just waged in the circuit
court has as its object the building of
a new bridge across that, slough.
The road has been contested by
other property holders on Sauvles'
Island who have held that it would
benefit only Reeder and cost . them
much money. Th'ere is a road there
now, but to make it of the proportions
of a county road, condemnation pro
ceedings were necessary.
The case was in the local courts last
spring and a Jury returned a verdict
to the effect that the opponents of
the road should not be reimbursed for
any alleged damages, except that the
county should be compelled to build
a fence along their property, border
ing the road. Though the decision
appeared equitable to the Jury, it was
not legal, and its peculiar provision
resulted in the granting of a new
trial, which ended yesterday.
George C. Shepherd was attorney
for Reeder in the action. The district
attorney's office was represented by
Samuel H. Pierce.
Indian Born, 1834, Is Bnrled.
CENTRALIA, Wash., Oct. 18. Spe
cial.) Jack Judson, an aged Indian,
died last night at his home in Roches
ter. The funeral was held today.
Bishop Peter Heck of Oakville offi
ciated and interment was in the Grand
Mound cemetery. C. L. Stlchlin had
charge of the funeral arrangements.
Iudson was born in Grays Harbor
county In 1834. One daughter sur
vives him.
This Tacoma Woman Says She
Owes Her Health to Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills.
I suffered from anemia for three
years," says Mrs. Roy Morrison of No.
4628 South Park avenue, Tacoma,
Wash. Many medicines were pre
scribed for me but they didn't seem
to get at the cause of my trouble
and I gradually lost ambition. I did
not want to do anything but sit still
all day long. I lost flesh steadily
and worried myself Into nervous at
tacks. My complexion was sallow
and I did not care to eat. Then I
began to have headaches which be
came so severe at times that it
seemed as though my head would
split. My relatives became very
much worried over my condition.
"An uncle who had taken Dr. Wil
liams' Pink Pills with benefit advised
mv mother to get me to try the rem-
,Hv. I procured a box and hadn't
taken half the contents before I could
see that the pills werj helping me.
As I continued the treatment the tired
feeling disappeared and I found nei
interest in my work. Gradually my
appetite Improved and It wasn't long
before I regained strength and flesh.
The headaches disappeared and my
cnmnlexton is healthy. I shall al-
othvh sav a good word for Dr. Wil
liams' Pink Pills, for I believe the
romeflv saved my life."
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by
11 druzElsts or direct from the Dr.
Williams Medicine Co. Schenectady.
N. Y., 60 cents per box,-, six boxes
t2.R0. nostpald. Write for the free
booklet- -Building Up the Blood."
t7 come mffmmMi lesmmmmm-
Cj On an Hear p,
r? lC?' "laying $-nhs
WSm SkWV? Head what this critic says "
yfev. and. then read page 151 of this feT
Vli-WV weens aiura7 .vun w 'sf.?
man of the theater myself, grown ripe
in the profession, and my eyes have
witnessed the dramas of many coun
tries; hut in many a year, I have
as by this lyric masterpiece " -$fffjJ$
declares Herman Devnes, in
It's Thoroughly Enjoyable
Sunday Dinner at The Hazelwood
The knowledge that the food is pure and wholesome, that it has been prepared for
the table in the most healthful and appetizing manner, makes dining here a real delight.
Table d'Hote, $1.00
Vegetable Dinner 45c Plate Dinner 75c
Prm 'V: fm 0 the Chicago Examiner.
3000 people
K-t'-.-iuiu.-:: "i
m -
Choice of Soups
Choice of Fish Ready or
Roast Leg of Veal, Dressing
Creamed Lima Beans. Buttered Beets
Pie, Pudding or Ice Cream
Coffee or Milk
Brown Sweet Potatoes
Corn on Cob ,
Creamed Lima Beans
Buttered Beets
Coffee or Milk
THE Hzelaood
York. X ?&SJr ii'tu
. 71 rT , In Wurlitzer Concert Todav at 1 :30
'; .fcJeM'-IV-rwl and Clrcmste- Elgar
JsflJClii. ; "V- - S .-; Ke Fine Day," Madame Butterfly " .&r-S-&-l
nd S3
In rw
M cents
csrvw. nwn today at
10:00. 11:35. 2:0O. 3:45, :40. .
7:5. 9:35 tomorrow and bal
ance of week at 10:30. 12:30.
2:20. 4;20, o:zu, a.i-o. in.
388 Washington
not b (teated
durlnc pro-
127 Broadway
II T'ovatore.
Earrptian Dance.
ausalan R-ir (Baned on
.v Tbfmr of
MrWB ui r?u . 'ism0ir
j - " - : - - --1