The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 19, 1919, Section One, Page 4, Image 4

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Strike Penalty Incorporated
by Senate Commission.
Mosler. from Friday until Sunday.'
representatives of the Lasky moving
picture players who are tourine the
United States taking views of all na-
ionai scenic attractions. Starting last
April from Boston, tha party bas
raveled oy automobile, using five
When completed. the views -will be
shown In 12 series, entitled "So This
s America." While here the party
obtained a number of beautiful views.
some of which are to appear in the
play entitled "Views of Mayerdale
Orchards in the Hosier District, Where
World Famous Apples Are Grown."
The director of the party is A. E. Gill-
trom, with the leading man Jack
Gardner, and the leading woman. Miss
Gowrnment Control and Operation
Scheduled to End 20 Days After
Enactment of Measure.
WASHINGTON. Oct. 18. After
adopting provisions ' to end railroad
strikes by penalizing- employes who
go on strike or others who foment
etrlkea. the senate interstate com
merce commission today completed
the draft of a bill to establish a pe
r.ianfnt railroad policy.
Government control and operation
of the roads would end 30 days after
enactment of the measure.
Provision was made" for the estab
lishment of a federal commission on
wages and workine conditions. This
commission would have a number of
subordinate, regional committees for
prompt settlement of local disputes.
La Follette Opposes Penalty.
On the vote on linal adoption of
the anti-strike provisions, Senator La
Follette, republican, Wisconsin, alone
The committee's anti-strike clauses,
which now are expected to remain in
the bill as reported out next week,
follow those in the original Cum
mins bill except that the penalties
against Interference with interstate
commerce would apply to those who
foment railroad strikes, such as Out
side labor leaders, as well as the rail
road employes.
The federal committee on wages
and working conditions would be
composed of eight salaried members,
four nominated by the railroad em
ployes and four by the companies.
Appeal Is Provided.
Decisions of the regional commit
tees would be subject to appeal to
the general committee. The regional
committees would be composed of six
members, evenly divided between em
ployes and employers.
Another provision of the bill op
poses repeal of the Adamson eight
hour railroad law.
, Persons convicted of fomenting or
engaging in strikes would be held
guilty of a misdemeanor and pun
ished by a fine not exceeilng" $500, or
by Imprisonment not exceeding six
months, or both.
The railroads would be divided Into
competitive regional systems with the
Interstate Commerce commission em
powered to fix rates insuring a re
turn of per cent upon actual
values plus one-half of '1 per cent for
im Drove men ts.
The Dlan for adjusting the financial
obligations of the government and
carriers growing out of government
control provides that a net balance
of about $400,000,000 owing by the car
riers shall be carried by the govern
ment at 6 per cent interest for at
least ten years, with new notes of
the railroads as security.
The earnings made by the govern
ment. above the guarantee to the
roads, will be paid to the roads to
offset their indebtedness to the gov
GoTernor Instructs Adjutant-Gen
eral Stafrin to Notify All Ore
gon Companies.
SALKir, Or., Oct. 18. (Special.)
In a letter prepared today. Governor
Olcott advises Conrad Stafrin, adjutant-general,
that there would be at
least 4S vacancies at the United States
military academy at West Point on
June 15. 1920, for the admission of
cadets from among enlisted men of
the national guard.
"The Governor of Oregon Is author
Ized to select two candidates," says the
letter. "These candidates to be selected
from sucoessful competitors in a pre
liminary examination-to be held some
where between December 1 and De
cember 15, 1919. The law requires
that to be eligible to appointment to
the military academy from the na
tional guard candidates must, from
the date of admission, have served at
least one year as enlisted men of that
organization, and must be between
the ages of 19 and 22 years. The se
lections must be confined to enlisted
men in order to give the proper pre
liminary examinations required be
fore the candidates may be selected
by the governor of this state. J. A.
Churchill, state superintendent of
schools, will have charge of the men
tal examinations.
"I am aBking you to notify the cap
tain of each company in the Oregon
national guard of the facts contained
herein and instruct them to advise
the men in their respective companies
of the proposed examinations so that
each member of the national guarl
may be advised that he has an op
portunity to compete, provided he has
the necessary qualifications. Appli- I
cants wishing to compete in the pre- j
liminary examinations should notify
Superintendent Churchill of their in
tentions." )
The adjutant-general Is also asked
by the governor to make arrange
ments for a medical examiner who
will meet the requirements of the
war department.
Spokane Workers Demand $36
Week and Union Recognition.
SPOKANE. Wash., Oct. 18 (Spe
cial.) Twenty-five boot and shoe re
pair workers of this city went on
strike today. They ask for $36 a
week pay snd recognition of the
union. The employers, especially the
large downtown shops, refuse both of
the demands.
Ott Eggert, one of the employers,
said today that if the union's de
mands were acceded to, half-soling
and heeling of a pair of men's shoes
would be $2.50 or more, and the same
work on women's shoes would come
to at least $2.
Mayor Baker's Tuxedo Big
Scream at Banquet.
Change In Plans Make Executive
"Goat" of Elks' Doings.
AT Frank," suggested Julius J.
Berg, exalted ruler of the Port-
and Lodge of Elks, "what do you
say if we change the pians and go
to the banquet tonight and the raeet-
ng as well in our street clothes in
stead of our tuxedos?"
Frank was Frank L. Kaln, grand
exalted ruler of the Benevolent and
Protective Order of Elks, who was a
visitor in Portland yesterday. Inci
dentally, in connection with the ban
quet and meeting In question, it had
been previously agreed that all speak
ers and officers of the grand lodere
would appear at both functions In the
height of fashion.
Gosh, if you fellows are willing
to forget the finery, nothing would
suit me better than leaving my street
clothes on," answered the chief mogul
of the Order of Elks.
And because the entire lot of grand
lodge officers and presumably the
entire lot of men who were scheduled
to speak were present when the con
versation was in progress it was
agreed that street clothes would be
the dress for all at the two func
tions planned for the grand exalted
Some days previously Mayor George
Baker, himself a loyal Elk, had
been requested to speak at theban
quet and meeting, and he accepted,
and emphasis was placed on the in
struction that he appear in his dinner
Gorgeously arrayed, immaculate and
trim was the tuxedo of Mayor Baker
when he entered the banquet room
at the Benson hotel.
"Where did you get it?" and "Look.
the head waiter Is with us." was the
chorus which greeted his honor as he
ambled to his seat, recognizing that
he alone was decked out to meet
any personage from Senator Johnson
to the King of Belgium.
But when one Bill yelled out "Why
don't you inscribe 'Vote for the 11-
mill measure.' on the white front.
George," the mayor stood up and ex
plained that he had dressed according
to instructions and that the remainder
of the speakers had suddenly "got
cold feet.?
Old-Fashioned Spelling Bee Is
Feature; Street Dance Held.
THE DALLES, Or.. Oct. 18 (Spe
cial.) The best county fair ever held
in Wasco county ended here tonight
in a carnival of amusement, including
street dance. Judges and exhibitors
asserted the displays this year set a
new county record, and Mrs. Winnie
Braden, state exhibit agent, today
received permission to take to the
Portland headquarters all blue ribbon
materials in the grain, fruit and vege
table divisions. The Turkey Red ex
hibit is pronounced by Judges to be
perfect. '
The feature was an old-fashioned
spelling match between grade pupils.
Cash prizes were awarded each win
ner. Several events resulted in ties,
which will be spelled off later.
Mrs. Trumbull's Posts Con
sidered "Not Lucrative."
l S"
Northern District Determines to
Eject Territorial Government.
MELBOURNE, Australia, Oct. 18.
Citizens of the northern territory of
Australia, complaining, as did the
American colonists, of "taxation with
out representation," have determined
to - eject the territorial government
established in that part of the com
monwealth. They demanded the in
stitution of a representative govern
ment and the right to vote.
The citizens of the northern terri
tory complain that, although paying
taxes, they possess no votes and now
demand a provisional government.
Strike Laid to I. IV. TV.
PENDLETON, Or., Oct. 18. (Spe
cial) I. W. W. literature found by
Rieth school children on the road be
tween here and Pendleton is believed"
to explain the strike which laid off a
part of the county road crew there
Thursday and Friday. Work was in
terfered with but little, as the con
tractors soon filled up the crew again.
Secretary of State and Attorney
General Coincide In Opinion That
' Law Not Violated.
SALEM. Or, Oct. 18. (Special.) In
reply to a letter received from Mrs.
G. L. Williams of Portland, presi
dent of the war auxiliaries central
committee, questioning the legal au
thority of Mrs. Millie Trumbull to
serve as secretary of the child wel
fare commission at a salary of $126
month and secretary of the indus
trial welfare commission at a salary
of $50 a month. Secretary .of State
Olcott today advised that Mrs. Trum
bull was, acting clearly within her
rights in holding the two positions.
Secretary Olcott's letter to Mrs.
Williams follows:
I beg leave to advise that the em
ployments held by Mrs. Trumbull to
which you refer in your letter are
not considered to be such 'lucrative
offices' as are referred to in article 2,
paragraph 10, of the constitution or
Oregon. This statement is coincided
in by the office of the attorney
general." In the letter to the governor, Mrs.
Williams said It had been brought to
the attention of the auxiliaries com
mittee that Mrs. Trumbull was hold
ing two lucrative offices In viola
tion of the Oregon constitution, and
that steps should be taken to have
the amount paid her unlawfully re
turned to the state.
Mrs. Trumbull Serves In Third Po
sition Without Compensation. '
In connection with the letter which
the war auxiliaries sent to Governor
Olcott, Mrs. Trumbull yesterday
stated that she was serving part time
in two offices for which she was re
ceiving compensation, and that the
third position she held was being oc
cupied entirely without pay.
"I am serving as part time secre
tary of the board or inspectors ui
child labor and as part time secretary
of the industrial welfare commission.
At the present time I am also acting
as secretary pro tern of the child wel
fare commission, serving in this lat
ter capacity without a cent of -compensation,"
Mrs. Trumbull Btated.
The law creating the board of in
spectors of child labor provides for
the employment of a secretary at not
more than $1500 a year, while the
law creatine the industrial welfare
commission says that the salary of the
secretary shall be at the option of tne
commission. It is said that Mrs.
Trumbull is receiving $175 per month
for the two positions, acting "part
time" on both. The position of secre
tary of the child welfare commission
pays "not less than $2000 a year."
Mrs. Trumbull is occupying . this po
sition without pay, however, and only
temporarily while the commission
seeks a permanent secretary, it is
The provision upon which the
women of the war auxiliaries based
their questioning letter to the gover
nor is contined in article two, section
ten of the constitution of Oregon and
provides that no person shall hold
more than one lucrative office at the
same time in the state government.
Members of the state child welfare
commission held an informal meeting
yesterday afternoon in the industrial
welfare office at the county court
house to discuss the appointment of a
permanent secretary, to replace Mrs.
Trumbull, secretary pro tern, who is
occupying the position temporarily.
A considerable number of applica
tions for the position have been re
ceived, said B. W. DeBusk, chairman
of the board, yesterday, following the
meeting, and it will be some time be
fore the qualifications of the appli
cants have been Investigated and the
permanent secretary selected. The
position, according to the law, pays
not less than $2000 a year salary, and
the permanent secretary is supposed
to devote her entire time to the work
and must be familiar with and skilled
in child welfare work.
Mrs. Trumbull, who is at present
serving as temporary secretary, is
herself a member of the commission,
and the temporary offices of the com
mission have been located at the in
dustrial welfare quarters In the
Some Things You'll Find
at Friedlander's
THERE'S a real holiday air about this stock.
What an opportunity for leisurely, dis
criminating; choosing1! Your treasures
may then be laid away until wanted.
Among the hundreds of beautiful things are
these : .
-Dainty diamond rings at $25, $50, $75
and $100; each is a superlative value at its
Platinum rings literally paved with little dia
monds ; some set with diamonds in half circle ;
Great, flashing solitaires set in platinum or
gold, and running into many hundreds of dol
lars; Marvelous displays of women's wrist watches,
from the dainty gold-filled case at $22.50 up to
exquisite pieces in platinum and diamonds at
Women's umbrellas of silk, in taupe, navy, black and
wine, with handles to match, at $5 and upwards;
Many gifts of gold or leather mesh bags, vanity
cases, cigarette cases, purses, etc.
Begin your shopping now; it's not a day too
early. You'll receive courteous service here,
whether you buy or merely look through.
Skilled Opticians Lenses in an Hour
Expert Watch Repairing
310-312 Washington Street,
Bet. Fifth and Sixth
3me man
MONDAY ONLY at these prices
Party Producing "So This Is Amer
ica" Is Entertained.
THE DALLES. Or.. Oct. 18. (Spe
cial.) Mark A. Mayer entertained at
his beautiful home. Mayerdale, near
7.00 to $8.50 Genuine Imported Madras Shirts for. ,$3.Q0
$10.00 Viyella Flannel (non-shrinkable) Shirts for $7.50
8.50 Fine Quality Japanese Cotton Crepe Shirts for .$0.00
White, Pink and Blue Only
This Crepe very beautiful and serviceable for Pajamas)
$15.00 Heavy 16m-m White China Silk Shirts for $11.00
$12.00 Japanese Pongee Silk Shirts for $ 9.00
$18.00 Heavy Fancy Silk Shirts for... $13.50
Fit, Quality and Workmanship of Every Garment Guaranteed
Raleigh Bldg., 327 Washington St.
A remarkable opportunity Is presented to young men who are
trained Hadio Operators. Shortage of operator haa forced up
the salary scale.
We have trained hundred of young men Into Radio positions. V
This school ro-eptntn with the state In providing;
financial aid to returned service men.
For eataloa-ne nnd detailed Information address
Division C, Department of Education,
Portland Y. M. C. A.
rlKe Six- parf
Super Special
that's big
-that's unique
-that's exceptional
-that's as real as
-that will hold you
from start to finish
wrfii i '''Vi i' .ion wiit mi iiiisW
-that's a two-fisted,
man's size, 100
American drama
of adventure, mys
tery and love
-that's taken from
the popular novel
by Jackson
-that's made in the
open spaces where
men hate deeply,
ride likell and
shoot straight.
Attorney-General Captions Measure
Relating to Interest Rate.
SALEM, - Or, Oct. IS. (Special.)
Attorney-General Brown today com
pleted tire ballot title for the proposed
initiative' measure providing- that the
legal rate of interest in Oregon shall
be 4 per cent per annum instead of 6
per cent, as under the present laws.
The proposed measure was initiated
by J. F. Albright of Oregon City.
The essential part of the ballot title
Purpose Amending article IX of the
constitution of Oregon by adding thereto
section 9, which provides that: The legal
rate of interest in Oregon shall be tour
per cent per annum, on all moneys after
the same- shall become due, but on con
tiact the rate of 5 per cent per annum
and no more, may be charged by express
arrement of th parti, whlrh rate sha!!
be Inclusive of all brokerage and commis
sions. No laws of this state relating -to Interest
or usury are repealed or abrogated by this
section Insofar as the legal rat of Inter
est la modified hereby.
Nebraska Legislature Authorizes
Omaha Police Pay Increase.
LINCOLN. Neb.. Oct. 18. Final
passage by both houses of the Ne
braska legislature of legislation
deemed necessary because of the re
cent Omaha riot was completed today.
This included a bill allowing the
Douglas county commissioners to Is
sue bonds without an election to fi
nance repairs to the Omaha court
house, which was damaged during the
riotinjr, and an act permitting the city
of Omaha to ralwe the pay of its po-
The Latest Mack Sennett Gloom-Buster
There's 2000 feet of it, and a laugh in every foot,
so come prepared. That's fair warning! We won't .
be responsible for galluses busted from laughing!
j- ..MMMMtMMMM M II hllHII Sill"- lllll HMIIlKUl - - -
licemen and select a man from an
part of the United States as police
Contracts for about 100 steamers
have been placed by Norwegians with
Entrllgh wards. ,
Enter thia week and be ready for spring: opening-. This school
has been established 15 years.
New building: and new equipment. High grade Instruction!
personal attention. School operated on practical laboratory and
shop method.
Thia school eo-operateai with the atate in providing;
financial aid to returned service men.
For detailed Information address
Division C, Department of Education, Y. M. C. A.
Bldg., Portland, Oregon.
Greetinff Cards of all descriptions. Nut Cups,
Place Cards, Tally Cards, Streamers, Crepe Paper
Decorations of all kinds, Witches, Black Cats, Pumpkins, Goblins, etc.
Halloween is a contraction of All Hallows Eve, the night of vigil before All Saints
day. In olden days this night was sprnt in prayer and fasting. It gradually took on
the form of a celebration, especially ej when this day cam
when all nature was yielding itself to the harvest. When
the harvest was good it was particularly a time for rejoic
ing and celebration. This gave rise to using autumn leaves
and autumn colors in decorations with the golden pumpkin,
corn stalks, red apples.
Before this the Druids celebrated at this lime of the year.
Saman, the lord of death, was supposed to call forth the evil
spirits, witches, goblins, devils, to help him celebrate. In
our day we have combined the two celebrations, so that while
we make fitting celebration to the harvest time we also pay
due attention to the witches and goblins that abound on this
This is the motif of our decorations. In our stocks you will
find everything that will assist you in bringing out the con
ception of Halloween. Decorations that suggest the harvest
and those that suggest the witches, goblins of the Druids'
idea of this evening. Make your selections early.
The J. K. Gill Co.
Booksellers, Stationers,
Office Outfitters
Third and Alder Streets
nil 11
Sap ilHte'
The Cheney Phonograph Plays All Records
The Cheney places at your command the full resources of
all record libraries. It brings them to you in all their
integrity and beauty. The living voice of the artist, the
actual tone of the instrument come from the throat of the
Cheney sweet and pure and true! Truly the world of
music is yours when you have the Cheney in your home.
The Cheney will charm and delight you.
This instrument embodies principles of tone reproduction
entirely new in their application to the modern phonograph.
If you are going to buy a talking machine you owe it to
yourself to see and hear the Cheney.
Made in six beautiful models.
S90 Up to $600
Go F Johnson Piano Clo.
147-149 Sixth, Bet. Alder and Morrison, Portland, Or.
805 Main St., Vancouver, Wash.
Chickering Mehlin Packard Bond Lindeman Pianos