14 TTTE SUNDAY OREGOXIAy, PORTLAND, OCTOBER 19, 1919. ' . . j i FOB 8LE- I FOB SAIT. I FOB EAI-xg. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. I FOB SALE. ' FOBSALE; FOB BALE. - Furniture for Sale. Pooltr. . STUCK RANCH FOR TRAUti. 8U0 ACRES NEAR PORTLAND. Less than 50 miles from Portland; rood roads, school. neighbors, telephone, electric lights, modern buildings, lots of fruit, plenty of -water, unlimited out range, rolling, hilly land, fine feed and (trass, near boat and stock market; plen ty In cultivation for feed. A wonderful proposition for a sheep man; would care for 2000 head. Price $40,000; incum brance 10.0ou. Will trade and assume; what have you? F 648, Oregonlan. 1452-ACRE wheat ranch In Mayville dis trict. Gilliam county. Ortgon; 500 to be In crop; fine 11-room house, hot and cold water, other fine buildings; head work horses. 90 hogs, 2011 chickens. 1 cattle, tractor costing- 2H00. a further big lino of machinery; 35 per acre; consider other property to $25,000, lauou cash, remainder long time, low Interest. L. K. MOORE. 317 Board of Trade. CLEAR. TRADE AND ASSUME. 7-room modern house, close In; lull basement, trays, furnace; clear of in cumbrance. Price $3700; will trade for better house and assume. F 6.3. Ore- Ionian. WANTED About 10,000.000 well located timber In exchange for well located well improved acreage. 52 and HS acreage with fair buildings and city lots; clear for clear. AR 843. Oregonlan. I'OR SALE or exchange, south California 70 acres cleared land, $40; Vi-sectlon timber. MO acre, near Goldendale. Own er. 1817 Orchid, Los Angeles. 80 ACRES fine land near Beaverton; -4 acres in cultivation; high-class 'and: trade for Income property; value $S000. W H43, Oregonlan. TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS. SiKVf Science and Health. 2 yards bear fur trimming, vibrator. Al leather bag 3 nickel window stands: cash or trade for trunk, wardrobe trunk, high chair, new electric percolator or what have you. E OHIO. EXCHANGE Player-roll music, all new and good condition: even exchange and will pay postage one way. H. B. Heide man. Westport, Or. iiXCHANOB Player roll music, all new and good condition; even exchange and will pay postage one way. H. B. Helde man. Westport. Or. TO TRADE Large Jersey cow for chick ens or vacant lot. S. L. Dean, 27 B St., Vancouver. Wash. WILL trade my '17 model Indian motor cycle for diamond or what have you 7 Phone Oak Grove 1T.6-J. , COLTS automatic : W. hammer gun; 5. want Colts or S. & no Junk. Main 304S. MICHIGAN, $550; Oregonian. want diamond. O 116, FOLDING kodak to exchange for small trunk. Mar. 50. t BINGER machine, fine condition, for 8x10 Axminster or brussels rug. Wdln. 1500. FOB SALE. Horses. Vehicles. Livestock. A I ' 1 -T T ( "V" f AUCTION! VnndnvH and Thursdays at 2 P. M we hold our regular sales of horses, wagons and harness. Bring in your horses and cows and get the high dollar We have 5 matched teams to sell at Private sale. The best work horses in Portland tor the money. J. S. William son, 240 B. Sth st. SOME LARGE DAIRY COWS. 5 gals, per day. some extra good young Jerseys, extra rich milkers, all just fresh, will sell or take beef cows in exchange. 1100 Macadam St.. South Portland car to end of line. 3 blocks south to Rich ardson ave.. 1 block east In pasture. WANTED Several thoroughbred Jersey cows: large, well built, heavy milkers; fresh or coming fresh soon; state age, quantity of milk per day, if registered, where can be seen and lowest cash price. L 112, Oregonian. FOR SALE: Swiss Toggenburg milk goals. Purebred registered buck, 7 months. $230; registered doe, 7 months. $100. Pedigree on application. Some fine matured milk ing does and young does. La G. Goutry, 2:14 West Ocean ave.. Long Beach. Cal. BRING $70 WITH YOU ! Pretty bay mare. 1100 lbs., 7 years old, good anywhere, harness and buggy. Come and get her. E. M. GOLDER. near Battin school. 1 V4 miles south of Lents. Hurry up! TWO large, fresh, part Durham cows. $65 each, without their calves; three good part Jersey coys, just fresh, heavy milk ers, $90 each: also several other fresh cows and springers for sale. G. K. How itt. Portland Union stockyards. WE HAVE on hand a large assortment of dairy and family cows that are just fresh and coming fresh soon; also 10 largo Durham cows, 05 without their calves, c. K. Howitt. Union Stockyards uarns. Woodlawn 2400. FOR SALE Good reliable team, weight about 12O0 pounds; harness for five horses, good wagon ; ior sale cneap or will trade for second-hand car; call at 45 Tacoma ave. Sell wood 995. 4 GOOD fresh cows, Holstein and Dur ham, heavy milkers, will sell one or all; take Oregon City car to Arlington sta tion, come up river to wagon bridge, cross, turn to left, first house. WANTED To buy 100 head of horses, with or without harnoss, broke or un broken; must weigh from 1200 lbs. up. Phil Suetter. 285 Front st. Phone Main 9109. b GOOD familv cow, Jersey-Guernsey, 5 years old, high test; one good dairy cow, fresh, heavy milker. 95 E. 30th. cor. Washington st. FOR SALE CHEAP One 1100-lb. bay mare, 10 years old, good worker. Port land Damascus Milk Co., E- 2d and Broadway. LARGE Jersey cow. fresh 6 weeks; heavy milker and very rich; must be sold by Monday as party Is leaving town. Call at 1154 Woodworth ave.. near 39th st. "WE BUY and aell cattle, sheep and goats. See us If you want to buy or sell. Camp bell-Phelan Land & Cattle Co., 301-2 Couch bldg. 24O0-LB. BLACK team, good harness and nearly new 3-lnch farm wagon. $150 for all. Mrs. Lock. 392 Knott St.. near Union ave. . LIVESTOCK For sale: 20 head of registered sheep. Campbell-Phelan Land & Cattle Co., 301-2 Couch bldg., Portland, rnone Main ouot rnn siT.n Rrnnd sows. voung Pigs. . cheap. Box 446, 1 mile east of Lents Junction, on Foster road. rinrSr. t m of work horses, harness, wagon, plow, harrow and scraper. Make me an offer, jnone w ain. 100. $375 UPRIGHT piano, almost new. In ex change ior aiamona or aiuims via us, equal value. 310 Blackstone hotel. 7 FRESH cows. 3 to 5 gal., sell or trade for beef cattle. Take Vancouver car to Columbia blvd.. ona block north. DEAD stock removed quickly. Cash paid for dead cows and crippled horses. Phone Mllwaukie 69-J for results. FOR SALE Good coal heater, excellent for gas briquettes; good condition; $25. 1002 E. Morrison. FOR SALE At a bargain, mare weighing 1600 lbs., true to work, $65. 100 East 9th st. North. "WANTED Fjrm team, wagon and har ness. Must be cheap for cash. 506 N. Flanders. ' FOR SALE. Pigs. Pigs and Rahbfts. Owner 554 E. Salmon st. East 693. LARGE Holstein cow, will be fresh In Dec. gives 6 gallons when fresh, now milking. 6647 65th st. S. E. Woodstock car. FOR SALE Nearly new wagon, used but a short time. Baker & Kinney, 701 Wash ington st.. Vancouver, Wash. THOROUGHBRED Duron Jersey brood sow, 12 months old. Apply Frank Legg, K. 90th and Sandy rd. ; s blocks north. TWO Jersey cows, cheap. H Smith. Phone Mllwaukie U9-J. Near 8. P. de pot. 21st and Adams sts., M ilwaukie. FRESH Jers-y cows, young, nic and gentle, good rich milk; 610 Kerby st. Mississippi car to ttusseil st. FOR SALE Or trade for diamond, a 4s gal. cow, to be fresh soon; tests 5 to 7. IOO East 9th North. 15 THOROUGHBRED Shropshire eyes and 1 registered ram. H. J. Feathers, Clack amas, Or. 2 JERSEY rows; 1 fresh, second calf. Also 50 White Leghorn yearling hens. 5604 67th st. S. E. 1 STEWART special made banjo, xylo phone and orchestra bells. Tabor 27R2. WANTED Light lumber wagon for single horse and work harness. East 3125. DEAD horses, animals hauled away free. Portland Rendering Co. Woodlawn 20. "WAGONS for sale, with lumber racks. Ap- ply Inman-Poulsen Lbr. Co. East 338. DEAD horses taken quickly. Cash for dead cows. Tabor 4203. WANTED Double set work harness. 335. Oregonlan FRESH first-class big Jersey, 5 years old. Tub. test. 8H5 Powell st. FOR SALE Five-year-old saddle horse. Phone D 1007. GOOD milch goat for sale. 978 Commer cial at. Call after o r. m. FINE JERSEY cow for sale at blacksmith shop. Tlgard, Or. FOR SALS Horse and wagon or will sell peparately. 872 E. Couch st. ONE thoroughbred mare, 8 years old, 1150 pounds. 415 E. 7th st. East 2128 TH REE family cows, gentle, at the end of 23d Bt, car line. Sll North 2 su I JtonM, I CDlCin, 1.1 r"T H 1. . I . lltiui., vrg,uv miim ........-. . i AUCTION SALE DATES. w. fct. Wood. Auctioneer, Vancouver. Wash. Phone or Write for Bills. Oct. 20, Walter Jensen, near Vancouver. Wash. Oct. 21. A. B. Conrad, near Troutdalo. Or. Oct. 22, V. L. Burt, near Bakers Bridge. Or. Oct. 23, Wm. Bowden, near Orchards, Wash. Oct. 25, L. B. Hardman, near Castle Rock, Wash. Oct. 27, K. R. Jennings, near Vancou ver. Wash. Oct. 2S. Boss & Walker, near Lents. Or. Oct. 20, Roy Howell, near Orchards. Wash. Oct. 30. Joe Keller, near Knapps, Wash. Oct. 31. Ward & Son. near Brush Prairie. Wash. Nov. 1, F. E. Bowman, near Woodland. Wash. Nov. 6, A. L. Whitten, near Battle Ground, Wash. PUBLIC SALE On John Roth place, IVi miles north of Knapps station, 32 miles south of Ridgefield: by auto take Sara, Felida road, or by train to Knapps station, Thursday, Oct. 30. at 11 A. il.: 02 head Holstein cattle 52 cows; 15 have been fresh In last 4 weeks: all heavy milkers and large cows: 26 heif ers from m to 2 years old: 12 heifers, 4 to 7 months old cattle will be tuber culin tested and certificate of health goes with each head; registered 2-year-old bull: grade bull 3 years old; team horses, 3200 pounds; driving team. 2400 pounds; mafe with 4-months-old colt; bay horse; 200 chickens; B. P. Rock and Black Mlnorcas: lots machinery; 50 tons oats, vetch and wheat hap; Sim plex cream separator, 800 pounds ca pacity. Joe Keller, Owner. Col. VV. S. Wood, Auctioneer, Vancouver, Wash. AUCTION SALE. 2V- miles south of Troutdale. Or., Tuesday, Oct. 21. at 11 A. M. ; 5 cows. . 3 2-year old heifers. 2 calves, 6 horses. brood sow, 61 tons nay. luu du. onaae land oats. 50 bu. barley. 20 bu. rye, binder, 2 mowers, rake, tedder, swather. grain drill, disc plow, 2 plows, 2 seta harness, 2 harrows, S. P. harrow, disc, 2 cultivators, potato planter, potato dig ger, feed mill (30 sks. per hour). 7-h.-p. gasoline engine, wood saw, 3 wagons, buggy, manure spreader, cream sepa rator, platform scales, fanning mill, corn sheller. cider mill, and lots of other articles. A. B. Conrad, owner. W. S. Wood. .Auctioneer. Vancouver. Wash. AUCTION SALE The U. S. Dairy. Tues day, Oct. 28. at 11 A. M.. 2 miles south east of Lents, Or.: 48 Holstein and Dur ham cows all big cows a lot fresh: a splendid herd, tuberculin tested; 2-year-old registered Holstein bull. -ton Sterling truck. 3 wagons, harrow, S. P. harrow, disc, cultivator, mower, rake. 2 sets harness. 5-h.-p. steam boiler, all kinds of dairy utensils, 2 milk wagons, etc. Buss & Walker, owners. Col. W. S. Wood, Auctioneer, Vancouver, Wash. SALE OR TRADE. Toggen'burg-Nubian doe, fresh 10 weeks, giving 2 to 3 quarts. Her doe kid, age 10 weeks. Tog. -Nubian doe, age 12 months. Anglo-Nubian buck, hornless. sire registered; dam high-grade. Value fdT all, $17.5. Take poultry, pigs, young cattle. R. Morecroft. Dundee, Or. GOOD TEAM of black horses, weight 2650 lbs- sound and tne Deft or workers harness and 3-inch wagon; also 3 good cows, 2 fresh with calves, one coming fresh soon, and one Chester-W hlte sow Will sell all or part cheap. Woodstock car to 34th sr.. 5 blocks south to square red barn. U. S. STABLES. 248 FRONT. 20 head good young horses and mares: some well-matched teams, from 4 to 6 years old; 2 good mules'. 4 and 5 years old; every horse sold with a guarantee as represented. G.. D. Williamson, pro prletor. HORSES HORSES. 15 head of good young horses, weight 1300 to l'-'OO lbs., 4 to 6 years old. all well broke and ready for work, each and every horse sold with a guarantee. Sani tary stablus, 365 Union ave.. corner of Stevens St. L. Glass. East 8778. FOR SALE, hire or exchange; 100 head of horses from 1200 lbs. to 1700 lbs.; will take carltle, Liberty bonds or approved notes; have all kinds of harness, dump carts, wheel scrapers, plows, harrows, etc. Phil Suetter. 285 Front st. Main 9109. 4 GOOD milk cows. 1 fresh with calf and heavy milker: 2 good all round work horses. 1 5-year-old bay. weight 1050, harness and buggy, also from 10 to 15 tons of baled straw, 50c a bale, 2 tons of oat hay cheap. Johnson's place, 3 blocks west of lit. Scott cemetery. WE HAVE for sale 10 head of young mares, weighing from 1300 to 1600 lbs., from 4 to i years old. If in need of a good farm animal call and inspect this stock oerore Duying. ah block guaran teed to be sound and true. Call at Hel ser Transfer Stables, 100 E. 9th st. N. IF YOU want any fresh dairy cows of any breed at any time, see Mr. Bruce, at the stockyards. North Portland, Oregon. PianoH, Organs and Muwlcal Instruments. PLAYER PIANO BARGAIN. Fine late style, cannot be told from new. Lester player at almost half. A real bargain. Terms given or your old piano taken as part payment. Seiberllng- Lucas Music Co., 12. 4th st. VICTROLA RECORDS. We have iust received another shln- ment of Victor red-seal and double-faced records. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. $285 BUYS a fine mahogany Armstrong piano, late style ana gooa as new. terms $25 cash and S10 per month. Foley & Van Dyke, 108 Fifth st. FIRST CLASS splendid toned Whitney pi ano, mahoeanv case, price only $190; down. $10 monthly. Hyatt Talking Ma- cnine Co., 30 Aider. ki;sh &. LAX E "Victor" nlano. mahog any, late model, like new; cost $475; will take $265. cash or bonds. 1093 Ver non ave. Woodlawn 3786. EntSOV DIAMOND DISC. Fine $285 Edison, beautiful fumed oak case. Price 22o. Terms. Hyatt l ant ing Machine Co., 3i.O Alder. WE HAVE several slightly used pianos at bargain prices. If you want a piano this is the time and place to buy. Soule Bros.. 166 10th st. ' SPOT CASH PAID FOR USED PHONOGRAPHS AND" RECORDS. NEWMAN'S EXCHANGE, 128 First. Main 4495. FINE genuine Whitney piano, mahogan case, price only $190; $25 down, balance monthly. Hyatt Talking Machine vo. :o Alder. EDISONS TO ADVANCE. Edlfon phonographs advance shortly; buy now and save money. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., d-0 Aider. J.'hh) KINGSBL'ftY piano, mahogany case. only $J i. it you Know a Dargain here it is. Brokerage Co., 312 Worcester bldg. BEAUTIFUL Caucasian walnut 88-note player. Just 3 months from factory. Am leaving city and will sacrifice. Call 468 Rose lawn ave., or Phone woodlawn JSso. $100 FINE-TONED portable gragonoia and fine record cabinet, cost xuo, price iU, $15 down and $6 monthly. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. MANDOLIN In case, bargain. $10. A and B flat, high-pitch clarinets, $o. 385. 945 Cleveland ave. Wdln. $450 BEAUTIFUL Farrond piano only $2155, easy terms: like a new one; plain case. sij w orcester niag. KNABE or Steinway piano wanted from private party only; pay an ill cash. F 642, violins, etc. G. COMPANY, 149 Oregonlan. STEEL guitars, ukuleles. F. JOHNSON PIANO COMPANY, 6th st. WILLARD piano, wal. case In fine condl tlon; see this bargain. Seiberllng-Lucas Music Co.. 12 4ta Ft. $5vX GENUINE Bush & Gertz piano, plain mahogany, only AAt. easy terms, Brokerage Co., 312 Worcester bldg. $75 COLUMBIA talking machine, only $50. SOU I-t. -tJKOO., 166 Tenth Street. GOOD used piano for sale cheap. See G. F. JOHNSON PIANO COMPANY. 149 6th St. $130 VICTOR for $100. terms. ' 166 Tenth Street. SCHUMANN grand piano for sale or will accept victory bonds or diamond. 565 Wash. st. FINE mahogany upright piano, reasonable. 4rOT 70th. cor. -win ave. juu facott car line. WILL PAY cash for violins, cases and bows ; violins for sale. s. R. Kelley, 412 Gernnger Diag. Tapor o-io-k. CHENEY phonographs sold exclusively by G. F. JOHNSON PIANO COMPANY, 149 6th st. CHICKBRING pianos, sold exclusively by G. r . JOB-KSOiM flAttU COMPAIS Y, 149 6th st. WANTED to buy, good sweet-toned piano irom private party ; casn. Aiarsnau 01 09. $140 CASH takes a good mahogany upright Foley et van LyKe. VOSE & SON piano. In fine condition; will tatte i f o casn. juain 4uu. FOR SALE Good toned Fischer square piano, very reasons Die. rast b'.mr. $110 VICTROLA and records, just like new, only $i2.50. dl2 Worcester bldg. BABY GRAND in good condition, reason able. East 4160. HOVER'S accordion for sale cheap. Tabor IS1U. BEAUTIFUL grafonola. $45; classic rec- xd for sale, reasonable. 450 E. lltb. L PLAYER PIANOS If you are looking lor a good buy in slightly used player pianos, come In early next week. We have four that have already been through our re pair shop and are In first-class condition and three more will be ready by Tuesday morning. Included In this list are good standard makes: Weber-Pianola. Schatt Bros., Strohber, Smith Barnes. Bungalow. Universal. A big saving on each instru ment. Liberty bonds accepted at full face value. Reed French Piano Mfg. Co., 435 Washington St., corner 12th St. Broad way 750. . PAY $5 DOWN. Have one of the wonderful Pathe ma chines now. Only a few of the special allotment being sold at reduced terms for advertising purposes now available. Telephone Main 122 and we will send your choice of golden or fumed oak or ;nahogany 'n the $100 style, or go.den oak or mahogany in the $125 style on approv al. Plays all records and plays them per fectly. Call Foley & Van Dyke s Pop ular phonograph. 106 Fifth St.. Just be low Washington. . Security Storage Co.. closing outi,0 $750 Steinway & Sons upright piano $2"5 $.175 Brirgs small upright $150 J. p. Hale A Co.. upright $750 Weber. French model J-'i $75 Steger. 1918 model $'i50 Stark player piano l'la $550 Thompson, large upright .... 2 uprights, small anS sis Parlor organs $28. $3- and $48 Pianos bought and sold for cash only. Pianos stored for 50 cents monthly. 109 4th St.. at Washington. PAY $1 DOWN. Join Our Christmas Phonograph Buvers' Club. Select a Vlctrola. Pathephone. Strad i .... ... .. .- .1 i.r unv other of the makes we carry. Let us explain how easy . to get a Christmas gift machine. FOLEY & VAN DYKE. 106 Fifth St. EVERYONE A BARGAIN. $125 Pathe ,5 225 Brunswick 1J" 110 Vlctrola .', 175 Brunswick 110, These are in splendid condition, very little used. WAKEFIELD MUSIC CO..' 427 Washington street. PIANO BARGAINS. We have them from $luO and up. Good standard makes such as Fisher. Emer son. Willard. Victoria. Singer and others. See them before deciding. Our one-year exchange proposition will guarantee them Terms given. Seiberling-Lucas Music Co.. 123 4th St. HEAR THE BRUNSWICK. Don't fail to hear the new all-record Brunswick, plays all records, has no sur face noise; shipment of new instruments Just received. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 Alder. "FLETCHER TONE" Is a perfect tone, which is most essential in a phonograph. Does not tcratch or spoil records. Hear this wonderful Instrument. Phono graphs repaired. Enke & Fields, 709 Couch Hdg.; Main 8273. EDISON CYLINDER RECORDS. We carry full line of the new four minute Edison blue amberol Indestructi ble records. Hyatt Talking Machnie Co, 350 Alder. . USED PHONOGRAPH BARGAINS. We have them In Brunswick. Pathe, Columbia. Edison and others; very lib eral terms of payment. Wakefield Mu sic Co., 427 Washington st. $15 TO $25 CASH. $ or $10 monthly, buys good new or discontinued models; $114 to $535 In savings on pianos during fac tory clearance sale at SSchwan Plana -o.. Ill Fourth st- BruTpnwirvB'o ......$150 Davenport A Tri-cey (large, modern) -00 D. S. Johnson, mahogany...... -- Decker Bros., ebony HAROLD GILBERT. 384 Yamhill. $5 WILL still secure one of the Pathe- phonea being sola ior oraim K . poses only at reduced terms. Pay bal ance weekly. Foley & Van Dyke, across from First National Bank. ORGANS. Estey. A. B. Chase, and others, all In good condition. $25. $35, 4j. lerma given. SeUTling-Lucas Music Co., 12o 4th St., bet. wash, anu Aiuer sua. A REAL. BARGAIN. a s.'.f.n wir-u niano in a beautiful pure walnut case; buy it this week for $330 on easy payments. Wakefield Music Co., 427 vs ashington st. PIANO WANTED Will pay cash for gooa piano or trade Edison, coiumoia or vie tor phonograph. Reed- rench Piano M fg. Co.. 435 Washington St.. 12th. Broadway 750, corner t a r.Pi Tni'R PIANO or organ on a new Vlctrola and records: our propositions will please you. Selber- llng-Lucas AlUbic -o.. m - So bo. : IF YOU are in the market ior a piano vnn -iTi avf bv OOK1DE over uui nuo. Our rent is lower ana our uanu:.. rharees less. VJ& sell on reasonaoie terms. Foley 4- van Dyke. 106 Fifth st, FINE genuine Whitney piano, mahogany case, price omy - ; , monthly. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. FOR SAL13 $100 letter of credit on a piano; will sell cheap or exenange ior graphophone, cornet or saxophone. Mar. IN THE Cremona we have the finest toned phonograph on tne znaraeL. cumo " we'll prove it. Wakefield Music Co., 47 Washington st. t VICTROLA XI. We have now in stock the new vlc trola. XI selling for $130. Hyatt Talk ing Machine Co., 350 Alder. UPRIGHT PIANO Ernest Gabler & Sons, wainut case, in gooa conaumn, uu only in private home; price S200. Mar shall 1215. or call 724 Sherwood drive. FOR SALE High-grade mah. phonograph, cheap; play all records. See tbu ma chine Sunday, n m o. ouv bldg., 10th and Washington. MELV1LE CLARK piano player, 88-note, cost $b50, owner leaving J7 " ' including all music rolls, $400 cash Call Tabor 200. HEAR THE Cremona, the "wonder-pnono- graph ; plays ail recoras ."- better. Wakefield Music Co., 427 W ash- Ington st. PIANO WANTED. Highest cash paid lor ued pianos and player pianos; get our price, seioeriing- lucas rianowiMi" r . ! VIOLIN, GOOD CONDITION. O v cri HAS DROPPED bioyi w BARGAIN AT $50. F 081. OREGO NIAN. EDISON DIAMOND DISC. Fine $285 Edison, beautiful fumed-oak case, price tenn. Machine Co., 3oo Aioer. ur.uiriY C tenor saxophone. Aaureaa w i. Atkinson, o-o oulatn. Waah. . ACCOUNT leaving city, $700 Kohler-Chaae mahogany player, uko no, kuvju (rela tion rolls, $4O0. 47 May apts. WILL pay cash for violins, ale. S, cases and P. Kelley. bows; violins ror i 412 Gerllnger bldg. WILL store player piano for use of same; steam-heated apartment, best of care, no children. Main wis. . EMERSON fine upright, like new, t al most nail. oeiuernu nAxm 125 4 th St. ORPHEUM banjo, professional instru ment: best maae; com o, ".imoii u-. will sacrifice for cash. Phone A-4398. $100 TO $150 CASH paid for your uprlg piano by Security Storage Co.. 109 4 t., t Washington st. Call Main 5323. FOR SALE A small violin of fine qua ht 4th FOR SALE A small violin of fine qual ity, for a chiia. ai x- riyimuy Price $25. LARGE-SIZE Vlctrola, almost like new; bargain. see r. jun.ov x' i $375 UPRIGHT piano, oaa case, 10 di iwc- rificed. Owner leaving town. 310 Black stone hotel. WILL TRADE new Vlctrola or phono graph for your 01a piano: iioerai va.ua allowed. G. F. JOHNSON. 149 6th' st. PIANOS tuned and repaired; talking ma chine repairing, roiejr a .o i o. w Fifth street. WANTED Good standard make piano from private lamiiy, noi over -1243. $190 CAn Duya , "CCI"1:,V Vf" rigni piano c,rIv-"1 th BU, at w uqiubiuu. WILL PAY cash for violins, cases and hows; violins ior sa.e. a. it. ieuey, i- Gerlinger bldg LEAVING city, must sell my new $275 phonograph at nan. price; ierm. t ioa, Oregonlan. PLAYER ROLLS you are ted of ex- Changea at 1UC per tola, xiai 0. uuoori' 384 Yamhill st. . I PAY CASH FOR USED PIANOS. H A ROLD S. GILBERT. 384 Yamhill St. I SAXOPHONE melody C. for sale. G. F. I Jtin. x-xav GRAFONOLA with records for rent, 354 Broadway, broaaway iaa. I PIANO for sale at bargain, almost new. Marshall MUST sell excellent piano, cheap, at once. E 580. oregonian. BRUNSWICK, large cabinet, plays all records; no dealers, main o-o;. - NEW C. G. Conn cornet; A and B flat, I Williams ave. I FOR RENT or sale, upright piano; terms I given. proauway sj-oct. I WANTED To buy good used piano. G. F, I JOHNSON PIANO COMPANY, 149 6th, WENGEB'S TALKING MACHINE BARGAINS. BRUNSWICK $285 model, oval tone chamber. double ultona. KOia trim mings. triDle spring motor, very latest 1 model. Used as a demonstrator for a abort time. For cash only $230. BRUNSWICK Sells now for 1175. TJ1- tona tone arm, fine filing system, dou- I ble spring motor, fully guaranteed, used only a short while. With over $.10 worth of fins records. Special $130; $25 down, bal. $10 per month. SONORA 1140 model, beautiful ma hogany case, plays all records, double I spring motor, with over $::o worth of I dandy records, fiber needle trimmer and record brush. Fully guaranteed. I only no. VICTROLA $115 outfit. Consisting of late model Vlctrola IX and Tine ma hogany cabinet to match. 1 album and 20 dandy double disc records. This is splendid outfit. Only $75. $15 down. bal. si.oO per month. GRAFONOLA $50 model. Golden oak. double spring motor, fine tone. first-class condition. With 15 double I disc records (30 selections). Outfit for $40. $5 down. bal. $5 per month. VICTOR horn machine, with fine cab inet and 20 records, dandy tone. Only $22, $4 down, bal. $1 weak. COLUMBIA horn phonograph with I wood born, double spring motor and 15 I double disc records. Only $18. $4 down bal. $3 per month. EDISON Amberol a. Sold for f be fore the advance in prices. Fully guar anteed. Only $30. $4 down, bal. $4 per I montn. EDISON Triumph horn phonograph. cygnet horn, plays z or 4-minute rec ords, witn .so blue amberol records, out fit cost new over $80. Only $16. $4 down. Dal $l week. VERS L. WENGER, The Talking Maohlne Man. REMEMBER We carry the full line ot tne new Columbia Graronolas and Columbia records. We sell on easy terms. And give you REAL Service and satisfaction. OF all big bargains ever heard of this tops everything: a genuine mahogany Hallet & Davis player-piano with finest auto piano De Luxe action, music cabinet to match actually filled with 212 well' selected music rolls, which of them selves are worth over S25i; also nice bench. This all cost $1125 Christmas two years ago; will actually take half If can realize all cash at earliest pos sible moment. we will cover this strument with unconditional guarantee, same as a brand new ooe. See storage department. Oregon Eilers Music House. Entrance 287 Washington St., below big electric rlanoi sign. GRAND PIANOS Chlckerlng, semi-concert size, a splendid piano for hall or large home; regular price now $1650, this one specially priced at $775. Kimball ttaby Grand. dull finish mahogany. splendid condition, fine tone, specia.ly priced at $725. Another Kimball parlor size, a wonderfully fine piano at $025. Here are three bargains Jn grand pianos that should command your attention If desiring an Instrument or this kind. Liberty bonds will, be accepted at full lace vaiue. Terms given ir desired. REED FRENCH PIANO MFG. CO.. 435 Washington St., cor 12th. Bdwy 750. BARGAIN. One Victor talking machine; the best made; with the elegant cabi net ; both are quartered oak ; and 85 records, all songs. Value $150. Y'ou can buy for S55. Call Sunday at 733 Waah st. Phone Main 623. Room 413. Bet 10-12 A. M. and 2-5 P. M. AN OPPORTUNITY to save a clear $2rt5 if you get this elegant Knabe upright- brilliant figured mahogany case, inside and out, like new and one of the best Knabe's ever built, well worth $7O0 and even more : will take time payments. Oregon Eilers Music House, piano de partment. 287 Washington st.. Just be low 5th. Look for the big electric piano sign. SECOND HAND PIANOS We have eight for sale Monday morning at big price reductions. Remember every instrument goes through our shop and Is put in the best possible condition and our policy to guarantee every Instrument sold. A big saving on each Instrument. Liberty bonds accepted at run value. Terms given. Reed French Piano Mfg. Co., 435 Wash ington st., corner 12th st. Broadway 750. FOR-only $73 we will sell beautiful ma hogany type phonograph, almost nm new, filled with excellent selections of records, several Red Seal: this cost new $130; will guarantee every way. Write and will send photograph, or telephone Main 1123, or call Oregon Eilers Music House, phonograph dept., 2S7 Wash ington st. $220 EDISON phonograph with $75 rec ords, practically new; will sacrifice for cash only. Call 7bl Kearney st. after 1 P. M. "MY Cairo Love," "Breezes." "I'm For ever Biowing Bubbles." "Beautiful Ohio," "Sweet Hawaiian Moonlight," "Alabama I Lullaby," "Dear Heart," etc., the rec ords you really want, always found at Foley A Van Dyke's popular phonograph dept. $130 MODEL Vlctrola. slightly used. In cluding $25 worth fine selections, red seal and popular, such as "Dear Old Pal' by McCormack, etc. Price $115 cash, or $120 six months. THE RECORD SHOP. 189 Broadway (Heilig bldg.) 1N DESTRUCTIBLE CYLINDER RECORDS. While they last we are closing out Ed ison 2-minute wax records at $5 per hun dred, yatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. COLUMBIA GRAFONOLA. First-class $100 Columbia Grafonola taken in on larger machine and $50 worth records all for $100: $20 down, balance monthly. Hyatt Talking Ma chine Co.. 350 Alder. COLUMBIA GRAFONOLA. First-class $10O Columbia Grafanola, taken in on larger machine and $50 worth records all for $loi. $2i down, bal ance monthly. Hyatt Talking Machine oC, :50 Alder. PHONOGRAPHS Several slightly used phonograph. A $2(H standard model Just like new, $150; a $125 style for $67, several smaller machines, $10, $15 and $25. Reed French Mfg. Co., 435 Wash lngton st., corner 12th st. Broadway 750. WM. KNABE. "the world's best piano;" Just like new, at tne price ot a tend or thump box. and easy terms given to reliable parties. A finer piano than this one can never De bought at any price. BroKerage jo., j.ij Worcester nidg. VICTOR RECORDS. We have Just received another shin ment of Victor Red Seal and doubled faced records. Hyatt Machine Co., 35tt Alder. VICTROLA RECORDS. We have lust received another shin ment of Victor Red Seal and double faced records. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., w Aioer. PLAYER-PIANO sale The best selection of the boHt makes at the best prirea ana Dest. ana easiest terms of payment. Call ptnno department. Eilers Music Diug. tiverytning ior the musician. ORGANS If you want an organ, come in and pick out one for $10. $15 or $25. Free delivery in the city. Reed French Piano Mfg. Co., 435 Washington il, corner Lith st. isroaaway ymi. BRUNSWICK. Latest style Brunswick number t and 20 selections, $108.50: $15 down, $7.50 monthly. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., tfou Aiaer. PIANO wanted; can be old if good condl- tion; give casn. aiain &4H week days Furniture for Sale. BUCK'S PIPELESS FURNACES HAVE SO many exclusive features that are not on other pipeless furnaces: for Instance hot blast draft, automatic filling of water containers, ash sprinkler pre vents dust ; one-piece cat fi repot and many 01 ner nine conveniences tha count. Law and see it at work In our store. Easy terma and a year to pay. No Interest. GEVURTZ FURNITURE COMPANY. THE BIG STORE. All Under One Roof. No Branch Stores. 185 FIRST STREET. Remember. 2 doors from Yamhill Public .Market. SOLID oak swivel also arm and 4 other oak office chairs, also hall tree and rug at a bargain. 614 Panama bldg. VERY fine bed, study table. Paisley shawls, pictures. xno aeaiers. 447 i. 18th N. GAS range, side oven, first-class condition. Can Tanor 4441 arter iu:ao A. M. FOR BALK Flat-top Tabor 420. desk and chair. SWELL oak dresser. Phone Bdwy. 87S2 no aemers. HEATING STOVE for sale, lawn 3793. Call Wood FOR SALE New dark blue 6x9 Axminster rug. Phone jaarsuau ouj. SPECIAL THIS -WEEK. 25 per cent reduction on all used heat ing stoves on cash purchases only. 20 per cent reduction on ranges and stoves on cash purchases. 10 per cent reduction on mil other household goods if paid cash. On account of limited floorspsee we offer these extraordinary reductions on all cash purchases. If credit Is desired, arrangements could be made on reasonable terms. LEVIN HARDWARE A FURNITURE COMPANY, 221 Front Street. TJNTTSTJAL VALTES IN DESKS AND BOOKCASE3. Two Globe-Wernicke sectional book cases In genuine mahogany: one Is 4 sections, crown and base, the other 3 sections, crown and base. They are worth $70 and $57. respectively, and under priced at $43 and $T5. wax oak sectional bookcase. - sec tions, crown and base, for only $12. 50. Solid oak bookcase with two glass aoora and adjustable shelves, a iji.ju case for $22. uO. A small roll-ton desk In solid oak, wax finish, suitable for either home or office and very cheap at $25; solid quarter-sawed oak ladies' writing desk in line condition, worth 35. lor s-.ou, cash, or easy payments. MISH FURNITURE CO.. 1S8-1U0 1st bU A SPLENDID BIO DAVENPORT, uphol stered in high-grade striped denim. spring edge, spring back and arms. 3 line loose cushions stuffed with floss: this is a big comfortable davenport and worth $150 of anyone's mot.ey. Our price $110. and brand new. Easy terms, no interest and a year to pay. GBVURTZ FURNITURE COMPANY, THE BIG STORE. All under 1 roof. No branch stores. 183 FIRST STREET. Remember, 2 doors from Yamhill Public Market- COMFORTS. RLIGHTT.T USED FROM. $1 UP. Big reduction on washing ma chines, $J8 for $14; tables, chairs and rockers on sale for very low prices. UNITED FURNTTUR E STORE. 173 FIRST ST. BEAUTIFUL ALL GRAY ENAMELED GAS RANGE. This is a Buck's, which means the best. It sells regularly for $125. but there are two little chips In ths enamel. We obtained an allowance from the railway company, so will sell it now, brand new, for $95, easy terms, no in terest. UEVURTZ FURNITURE COMPANY. THE BIG STORE. All Under One Roof. No Branch Stores. 185 FIRST STREET. Remember, 2 doors from Yamhill Public M arket. OWL FURNITURE CO. SELLS FOR LESS. Iron beds $2.50 and up. Springs $1.00 and up. Mattresses $2.50 and up. Dressers $9.50 and up. Chairs $ .75 and up. Dining tables. .. .$3.00 and up. Center tables.... $ .75 and up. Rockers $1.50 Cook stoves . . . .$9.00 OWL FURNITURE CO., 160-16S 1ST ST. FOR SALE Piano, good make. first-eia.HU condition : large elegant roll-top desk, flat-top desk, mahogany music cabinet, mahogany parlor desk and bookcase combined, quartered oak dining room set. two bedroom sets, several chairs, pictures and other furniture. 204 East 12th st. WOOD heater with water colls, large space ior wood, win heat water as quick as gas. Special price $14. 50. OWL FURNITURE CO., Sells for Less. 166-108 First St., near Morrison st. I IVORY bedroom set, mattress and springs practically new, $i5; 1 library table, fumed oak, $10; 1 large rocker, leather seat and back, $10. 922 Long ave. Take Woodstock car to 30th. walk 4 blocks south. A LA RGE selection of heaters, new or used, for wood or combination several Howard heaters. Our prices are right. OWL FURNITURE CO., Sells for Less. 166-168 First St., near Morrison. LADY'S guaranteed oak writing desk, special price. $10.75. STAR FURNITURE CO.. The House of Bargains. 204 First SU Main 5064. DAVENPORT, solid oak. full panel sides. Chase leather, with mattress, $44, regu larly $65. OWL FURNITURE CO., 166-168 First at., near Morrison. NON-RESIDENT will sell all or" part ot $260 cash due bill on Edwards Furniture 'Co., at 59e discount ; bill is sub j cut to regular cash discount at store. Address Kenneth Nielsen, Nam pa, Ida. STABLAK (STAYBLACK) STABLAK. The wonder stove polish for heaters. Apply as directed and you need not pol ish your heater again this winter. For sale at 209 First ut. $60 SANITARY couch and pad. two iron beds and springs, one nearly new mat tress, one arop-nead sewing machine, used gas range, cook stove with coils, nearly new heater. 14 foot of Miles st TWO bedroom sets, dining room set. 11 brary set. wood range and heater. 2 1 S Alnsworth ava., corner Williams; no second-hand dealers wanted. ALL KINDS of floor covering rugs, car pets, linoleums; very reasonanie. OK I FURNITURE CO., 2O0-211 Second St. WHITE Ivory bedroom set. 1 dining table. 1 Wilton rug 6x9, 1 9x12. 1 sun. couch and pad, 1 Bissell carpet sweeper, 1 kitchen table. Phone Main 6767. FOR SALE lied davenport, mahogany frame, tapestry cover. A-l sha pe, 4 : Majestic range, good as new. $70. 1121 Katt Main at. CARLOAD of comforters, quilts and pil lows; very reasonaoie. OKI FURNITURE CO., 29-2ll Second St. COMPLETE furnishings of a 6-room house Ior sale, including can iruit ana piano. Call Sunday at 1419 Curtis ave., between 8 A. M. and 6 P. M. CARPET Handsome, plain, rose-colored carpet covering two large rooms, also bedroom carpet at 562 East Ash (apt D). TO to 4 today. OA K library table. Singer sewing ma chine, box wood heater and numerous other things. Tabor 7 1 60. No dealers. FURNITURE for sale reasonable; private parties only, can Sunday Derore o. liov Hatght ave.. near KlUlngswort h. FOR SALE 2 rugs. Ice box. porch swing, book aheir, portiers. reading lamp; cheap. 945 E. Salmon. g-HOLB range with water coils and Columbus buggy ana harness. ion Francis ava. FOR SALTS A quarter-sawed oak library tabb. book racks in ends, s.iu over town, same as new. $2Q. Call East 4433. COMBINATION wood and coal stove; heavily nickel-plated, at H price. la Dor 2132. FOR SALE A Wilton rug. 6x12, Just like new. Chinese design, peacocK Diue; price $5u. Call Tabor 4112. FURNITURE of J-room flat for sale, flat ior rem; uesi iwaimn in viijr, rouiiu all rented. Marshall 1159. HEATING stove, electric heater, gas plate and oven, tame, cnairs, oooacasa, eic 831 Capitol ave. 1 STEEL range, 1 iron range, 1 heating stove, 1 elect, sweaper. Phone Bdwy. 2651. 122 16th st. FURNITURE, including piano, for sale; very deniraDie a parinieni tor rent; casn only. Phone Main 5698. HEATING stove, electric heater, gas plate and oven, table, chairs, bookcase, etc 8H1 Capitol ave. MA HOG AN Y and cane damask covered davenport, wicker aulky with top. Main 479. OFFICE FURNITURE. Very reasonable. 209 -211 Secon d St. GOOD furniture of a five-room house by the piece. Call between 11 and 5 Sun day. 1147 E. Lincoln St., near 39th. FURNITURE fnr sale by private party. Call Main oum. FOR SALE: Good range, with coils, for $15. 1298 E. 32d St. JS'. PIANO. Reliable g: as range, rugs, etc Ta bor 8717. HANDSOME mahogany dining room suit. For particulars telephone Eaat 1 895. STOVES, bureaus, beds, bedding, etc, for sale today at 1 0-0 Macadam st. HEATER and furniture, third floor No. 2 First st. Apply today CHILD'S white enameled bed. Call morn ings, uonege mi. hak duofold davenport, like new. an Axminatcr rug. 11.0x12.6. 263 K. ZSth. sU BARGAINS IN SLIGHTLY USED FURNI TURE. RUGS. HEA1EKS AJSU RANGES. WM. GADSBY A SONS. First and Washington sts. "A BETTER PLACE TO TRADE. Solid oak dining table. 6 foot, eo'd new for $19.50 ..$10.50 Dining chairs, upholstered In craft lea.; vaiue $6 -00 Good library table, slightly used. value $10.50 I2-50 Diamond velvet rugs. 8x11, slightly used: value $35 - zo.so Gtickley Bros, mission rocker, good leather seat, value $21.50 ... lOO Oil II 1 ...... . n 1 1 il I 1 1 V VlUt ' I US. . " M " f Kfl ligr,il -50 Folding bed. In good condition, val- ii. iin 14.50 Ivory enamel dresser, good as new, value $35 .- ; .i .. ...... iinhnlatnrMi in 4.50 al"l ...j-, -. - tnntrv value SJd V.liJ Large assortment iron beds, as low 3.50 2.50 Large assortment of mattresses as low Wood and coal heaters of all oe- scriDtions. as low as 2.75 Good gas ranges as low as..... WM. GADSBT A SONS. First and Washington st- .. 14.00 BIO COMFORTABLE EASf CHAIRS FOR LITTLE MONEY. Two large overstuffed rockers In brown Imitation leather; regular $2o rockers at "two eia?gi arm chairs with solid oak frames and genuine black leather seat and back: one is priced at $12.o0. the 0tlSrV oak rocker with tap rtrf at and back; & splendid buy at $14..0. Also several used Morris chairs ranff lntsr from $5 to $15. And remember, we trust you. MISH TTJRNlTtTRE CO.. 18S-liK 1st SU USED RANGES FOR THE PRICE OF x:irYv- v. hiivt over 1K samples to elect from and ber ars few Majestic, with coll, set up and con "Monarch!" with hot-water front- con nected. $65. , Buck demonstrator, only used a iew times. $65. Roval Rival, in good shape. $-7.50. And many others too numerous to mention; all are guaranteed to give sat isfaction: easy terms: no Interest. UEVURTZ FURNITURE COMPANY. THE BIG STORE. All Under One Roof. No Branch Stores. 185 FIRST STREET. Remember. 2 doors from Yamhill Public Market- RUG SPECIALS. pxi2 brown velvet rug. $15. worth $ 9x12 tapestry, floral design. $l-!.&0. 9xT2OIJlain"'green velvet. $15 50. worth $25. 9x12 tan body brussels. $1S. worth $4". 9x12 old rose Scotch wool, $15. -worth $4U. 1 wnni s. r-t siv worth $40. ft'ft. S in. bv in ft. 6 In. genuine Wilton velvet rug, $20. KLINE FURNITURK CO. 192 First St.. near Taylor. BABY BASSINETS AT HALF PRICE. "We purchased a wrecked consignment of white enameled baby bassinets from the Southern Pacific Railroad company; In the lot we find 46 perfect ones in three different styles which sell regu larlv at $12. $11 and $9; we offer them at $6. $5.50 and 4.oo. MISH FURNITURE CO.. 183-190 First st. LUCKS COMBINATION RANGES Bake in the oven with coal, wooa or m. of cast iron and lasts a lifetime; only one stove to clean; save space and expense; ... -. , i,ioV,un tn winter rool in summer. We take your old range or gas range in --v. u r.r hinnr verv easv terms. We rharve no Interest. Call and see them. Thov have other combination ranges backed off the map. r- w GBVURTZ FURNITURE COMPANY. THE BIG STORE. All under 1 roof. No branch stores. 185 FIRST STREET. Remember, 2 doors from Yamhill Public Market. PRICES CUT 20 PER CENT 20 PER CENT. Brand-new Gold Seal congoleum rugs In sixes 6x9. 7x9. 9uJ10 and 9x12. in -. .rv inAt nnttrni and colors and at 209o off the regular prices ; better get yours before they are gone. MISH FURNITURE CO.. 188-190 1st St. MASSIVE CIRCASSIAN WALNUT DRESS ER AND CHIFFONIER TO MATCH. riu sir Vi tr handsome canes. In th finoMt of Circassian walnut; we will sell h t 1K1-H rtiet es at the price of one, $150 for the pair, easy terms, no interest 'SevVrTZFURNITTTRE COMPANY. - THE BIG STORE. All under 1 roof. No branch stores. 185 FIRST STREET. Remember. 2 doors from Yamhill Public Market. TTNTTED FURNITURE STORE Sells this week heaters and ranges for less than you can buy wholesale price. We got to make room for stock; don't miss this bargain. UNITED FURNITURE STORE, 173 FIRST ST. fcPi-l A I. OVERSTUFFED TAPESTR ROCKERS in great variety; we nave aooui 20 of these Tine comiortame cnun up holfterd in various designs of good tap estry and win sen mem in in ween. , $35 each. Easy terms, no interest. GEVURTZ FURNITURE COMPANY, THE BIG STORE. All under 1 roof. No bra nch stores, 185 FIRST STREET. Remember. 2 doors from Yamhill Public Market. LIBRARY TABLE with magaxln racks, prsctlcally new $12.50. This Is a snap. Come early as such a table will not stay for abov price; afternoon Monday. OWL FURNITURE CO., Sells for Less. 166-168 First St., near Morrison at. BEAUTIFUL G-plece Ivory bedroom set. latest design, bed. dresser with large square mirror, triple mirror dresali: table, cane-seated rocker and bench match, all for 76.50. worth $123. STAR FURNITURE CO., The House of Bargains. 204 First St. Main 5064. COMPLETE William and Mary dining se extension taoie, i chairs, 1 carver, du ft and china cabinet: practically good as new ; has only been used few months st a low price. Cash or terms. OWL FURNITURE CO., Sells ior Less, 166-1 First st near Morrison. FINE TONE Eatey organ. $30; massive oak dining tame, extends 11 rt., dinin chairs. 3 good rockers, vxij Axminutt run. heavy Iron bedstead and coll sprin bed and spring, kitchen treasure, an other household goods. Apply all a Sunday; no dealers. 6401 ssth st. S. STEWARD coal, wood or gas range wl water coll, on sanitary oase, xor quick ale. $0" ; this i snap. OWL FURNITURE CO., Sells for Less. 166-168 First st.. near Morrison st. 1 BR IDGE and beach range. 1 Howa; htntinir stove. 1 Jewel ru range. 1 corn gas hot water heater. 1 section bookcase and writing desk. 1 hall tree. Call evenings or Sunday. 834 Halaey vor SALE Buffet. 2 rockers, iron and spring, dresser, 4 dining-ron chairs, and kitchen table: cheap rash. Call any time Sunday. 1068 27th st. N. DON'T sacrifice your furniture lr go I ast or to California. We can save you mnnv on vour freight in our throu cars. Fire proo " 6 to ra ge. G. M. Olse Transfer 3c Storage Co.. 248 Pine St. FOR SALE Majestic hotel range wl Hniler steam tabl. lunch counter. high stools, ice box. zinc, 24 dining room chairs. 412 Hoyu FOR SALE High-grade sideboard. cost $i0 also combination bookcase and writ ing desk: will sell all for $40. Call Tu7 E. 10th st. SfcJWING machines and graphonolas very reasonable. OKI FURNITURE CO., 209-1:11 SecondSt- MAHOGANY frame settee and chair. Span ish leather seat, excellent condition, suit able for office, reception room furni ture. 778 Irving st. ONE Turkish leather rocker. 1 china cabi net, quarter-sawed, round front. MtJ Ma son st. Saturday morning or Tuesday. OAK dining table. dresser. Peninsula range, kitchen table, other furniture. Col. 238. WILLIAM and Mary buffet and serving table. In American walnut, cheap. Sell. 3404. HIGH-GRADE MAHOGANY FURNITURB. FROM FINE PORTLAND HEIGHTS . HOME. SAME AS NEW. ALL. BUT THTfi PRICE. Overstaffed S-pice parlor suite, com prlAinf? massive davenport, wit h rocker and chair to match; U is a wonderful attractive suite ol superior construc tion, it has loose cushions wit h Mar shall springs and is upholstered in a dainty two-tone blue denim. A Olobe-W e-nicke sectional bookcase In solid mahogany with sanitary base, 3 large book sections on crown. A very massive mahogany library table. ..0x4S-inch top and 4-inch legs; a table any one would be proud to own ; A ma hosany cabinet grafonola, the very latest type and -4 selections, all In Zirat-class shape. A piano lamp with solid mahogany pedes tai and old rose colored shade of Cheney slik. Also three royal Turkish ruga, sizes 9x12, 4xH and 3x5 feet. Following are the prices paid "recent ly and the prices we ask now: Overstuffed parlor suite, cost $350, now 7. Sectional bookcase, cost SI, now $315. Mahogany library table, coat $75. now $47.r0. Mahogany grafonola and records, cost $11lo. now $SD.50. Piano lamp, cost $50, now $2. 912 royal Turkish rug. cost 173. now $12.t.50. 4x royal Turkish rug. cost $45. bow S31..S0. 3xtt royal Turkish rug. cost $35, now $24 50. W will sWl all or any single article and make terms to mi it your conven ience: come early, thes bargains are well worthy ot your prompt attention. MISH FURNITURE CO-ISS-lyO First St. FOLLOW THE CROWD TO 158-190 FIRST ST. FOR ANOTHER SENSATIONAL OFFER Beginning Mondav morning we place on I sale two carloads of new steel springs of double construction, with 27 large helica I springs across each end and guaranteed s;tizle3 for 2.1 years: they sell regularly for $13.75. but buying two carlo: da direct from the manutac- turer enables us to pass them on to you at each. We also have a lew more 40-pouud felt mattresses left at $10.'.. each. lou are welcome to easy terms. MISH FURNTTURE CC, 1SS-190 First at. iF". O st 1 t-a ren a t verv low D rices- Crib ben fc Sexton gas range with seii lighter for $30. Used A B gas range, side oven and white snlasher. S.I5. Used Vulcan ime oven. S27.K0. Others as low as $15. Eacy terms. We charge no Interest. GEVURTZ FURNITURE COMPANY. THE BIG STORE. AH Under ne Roof. No Branch Stores. 1S5 Kl KT STREET. Remember. 2 doors from Yamhill Public Market. ELEGANT BIRDSE YE MAPLE BED ROOM SET. consist. of heavy roii-top Napoleon bed. fine dresser and chiffonier, chairs, rocker and stand, all of selected bird we ye maple, slightly used, but gooa as new. The complete set for $117.50- easv terms and a year to pay. v i cburire nrt interest, GEVURTZ FURNITURE COMPANY. THE BIG STOltE. All Under One Roof. No 1 '.ranch Stores. 1 FI KST ST RE ET. Remember. 2 doors from Yamhill Public Market. WANTED We want 20 used Vlctrolaa. old models or later styles, to IUI exnort order: will make liberal allow- ance toward payment of modern nes Instrument. Including Edison's master achievement. the famous Laboratory Tone Re-Creation phonograph, or will I pay cash. Phone or write, stating kind of machine ou have, or call phono graph dept.. Eilers Music bldg.. -is 4 Washington st. SIX-HOLE STF.HI. RANGE $12. SIX-BURNER GAS RANGE 12.50 STEEL SANITARY COUCH AND PAD 7.50 IRON BED. SPRINGS AND MAT TRESS 7.50 GOOD OAK DRESSER 10.00 AND OTHER FURNITURE At 175 East 5Sth st. North. M. V. car. Tabor NlV. IVORY-ENAMELED bed. 8reer and chair, god condition; also X-IJO liaison phonograph : sell c a . h only. Call 7S1 Kearney st. after 1 P. M. FOR SALE 1 oak dining table and chairs. 1 oak library tahie. 3 oak rockers, 1 oak. dresser. 1 breakfast table. 2 brasa beds. nnrinfi and mattresses (1 si'k floss. 1 felted!. 1 heating stove. 1 gas stove. 3 rugs Al condition. Phone East 6363 Sunday. VULCAN ras range, four burners and sim mer; white enameled doors, canopy top. $45 delivered and conected. OWL FURNITURE CO., Sells for Less. 166-16 First St.. near Morrison st. WE HAVE a large selection of hiich-grade used niRs. very reasonable, come in ana look them over. STAR FURNITURE CO.. The House of Bafgalns. 204 First St. Main 5064. SOLID OAK bookcase, glass doors. In fine condition. 4 sheUo. It is a rea-l oeauty for only $24..r. OWL FURNITURE CO.. Sells for Less. 166-168 First st., near Morrison, st. ABOUT 3 dozen mahotrany riniah folding chairs, suitable ror picture pno. lodge room. etc.. will aell vrv reasonable. STAR KVKNITl-ltK I'O.. The liouso ol iirKaina. 204 First tt. Main 504. BIRDSKVK maple dreeeinK table. French plate beveled mirror, ror only OWL. FlKMTUltK CO., S.-tls for l.eps. Trtft-ltV! First st. near Morrlgon. SPANISH l-al her davenport with mattreasw special -..l. ST A K FURNITIT.K CO.. The House of. Bargains. 2f4 Flrat St. Main .'.fXU. 2-INrH continuous poet stel be. filler, epe. t..l for .Monday, !'.. Come early to Ret thte it.ip. OWL. FlUMTirRK CO.. Sells for Less. 16-1S Kirn St.. near Morrison. HOL'SH KOK KKNT WF.ST S!1K. Furniture for sale. 6 rooms, including; billiard table; very cheap house for renl ; low rent: west Mile corner; close In on l'ark. Main I!"!".. .-.! KKNT. FVRNITITRK for six-room flat for sale: flat for lease; walking distance; hot water and ateam heat furnished. J. C Corbm Co.. ao.Vo-T-H Lewis hliln. M.K S A LB 1 first-class Garland ranire. 1 excellent wood and coal heater. 1 smai. coal heater. 1 rood Has range. All prac tically new. leaving city. Call Wood lawn 2V4. Vl'LCAN hot water heater in Kood con dition; special SIO. ST A it KlT.NITfRK CO.. The House of Carnains. 2A4 First St. Main r.O4. FOR SALE To prlvato parlies only, range, heater, bed. dresser, china cab inet and other articles. G 513. Ore gonian. MIRROR in beautiful brown mahocany frame with 2 small drawers underneath. Made by Berkey & Gay. Practically new. :;o. KaJt 44v von SAI.fc: Alr-tlKht neater. wooa or coal, 1-: oak buuel Wlin Deveieo. mir ror; bargain. Tl'3 K. 57 tn st. N. Ta bor 4H3H. A LI, KINDS of heaters, electric, gas. coal. wood and coal on: very reasonaoie. OKI FT" R NIT I KB CO.. 2tr.--ll Second St. LARCH fumed oak buffet, 170; Lowell Axminster carpel. l.;ni per ara Iron beds and springs. .47 a. 6L'd St. N. FOR S A 1.1-3 One rug llxlJ: also lightly used Brussels rut? Uxi'2; no dealers. Phone Tabor Hli41 Monday. ut'ti.t. sell mv II rooms of furniture In Nob Hill district, mostly housekeeping. very reasonable. At, o.,b. oregonian. !)x!2 CONllOLEl'M rug. 1 heating stove, one electric heater, all good as new. liMi-J K. Madison. GENUINE black leather. hand buffed, roll head couch, not tuffted; cost 4125; at 175. Phone East 543. FOR SALE lial-pi.oe set of Theodore Haviland china. Phone East 1I':1. FOR SALE White leghorns. Rhode Island reds, and barred rocks; pullets 60c to 75c. W. Swan. Oak Grove. HAVE a 150 White Leghorn strain at 140 West Emerson St. FOUR choice I.echorn pullets, with Pnilo co p. Tabor lots. 6 FINE Plymouth Rock pullets. 3 months old. Woodlawn 150. 0 HENS Barred Rock and game; $1.50 each. lat 240. W A NTE D You to rece I Ted free a f u 11 H-Pound paclage of DR. HESS POUL TRY PAN-A-CE-A. enough for 24 bens 2 weeks. PAN-A-CE-A will help your poul try through the moult. It will start your pullets and moulted hens to laying. It will keep your whole flock healthy. Get your package at any of the.-e stores: Routledge Seed & Floral Co., 145 Second; Butrer Seed Co., 188 Front; W. G. D eats man Co.. 6913 Foster road; The Home Merc Co., 209 W. Burlington; J. M. Hart Merc Co.. -s0 Lombard; Broadway Feed Co.. 101 North 6th: C. G. Anderson & Co.. 2 store 8 47 Ml, ave.. 123 E. Lom bard . 5932 9Jd st. S. E. Lents. Mt. Scott Drug Co.; St. Johns, St. Johns Pharmacy; Grecham. Gresham Drug Co.; Stanley Station. E. T. Elmer. PREVENT poultry diseases. That's cheap er and more profitable than curinj; them Sprav vour poultry houses reg ularly with Pratt's Poultry Disinfectant. Inexpensive, safe, powerful. One gailon makes fifty gallons of disinfectant so lution that kills disease germs, drives out vermin, makes everything sanitary. Guaranteed. Sold by first-ciass dealers ever)' where. t pfi.t ets V offer you Barr4 ocka. White Wyandottes, maca viymw ana Khnd Island Red pullets. $1.25 to $2.50, according to age and strain. Northwest Poultry Corp.. b2d it. 73d to 74th ava. Southeast- 150 MIXED pullets, beginning to lay. $L50 and $2 each. leaning w nue i-enon. hens. $1.00 each. Also Barred Rock and R. I. Red pullets. J. js. aicuiure, Oregon st. FOR SALE 40 White Leghorn and is Barred KorH puiieta. April naicu, mini laving. $1.25 up. 1645 Mtaa, ave. Sunday or after 6 P. M. weekdays. FOR SALE OR TRADE Rhode Inland red cockerels and ono rooster. 1 none Tabor SQ5L FOR SALE Four thoroughbred Rlngbonsa and Martin strain w yandotte roosters; may hatch: $2.M) apiece. Tabor 45m. AT YOUR OWN PRICE, one pair of golden pheasants and 3 silver pheasants. -oj Cherry et. J. M. Wright. WE WILL pay you highest cash price for April. May natcnea puiiets. any oraeo. Northwest Poultry Corp.. Lents, Or. Dogs. Babbles, Birds, Pet Stock. BIRDLAND. The holldava are approaching and as usual we are prepared for them with a Large stock of pets suitable for gifts. SPhClAl Birdland's buyer. J. C. Edwards, will return from New York about November 1. with the best of personally selected Re nota Hollers. These are tne Iirsi 10 ho lmrortel for several years, and have the same wonderful repertoire of notes that former importations nave exceueu. in. fan and hear tnese niras sing, com pare them with other "would-be' roller canaries and observe the difference. We also have a large stock of cheerrui Warbler canaries, and a nice lot of grand looking, deep colored, fancy cana ries. In fancy and aviary birds you will find our stock always the most com plete, with a nice selection of phea sants, ducks and ornamental land and water fowl. Send In your order for Bellnote Rollers early to secure rirst choice. We carry the largest stoca 01 bird and animal cages on the coast, also ii kindR of foods, seeds and remedies for any of your pet a You will find gold fish, and globes for tnem. TALKING PARROTS. The only firm in the country that has all the varieties in stock, such as the Panama parrots that talk for them selves the double yellowheads or human talkers, the cute dwarf talking parrots and all the other kinds, and every bird Is guaranteed to talk. DOGS. Our dog department at 21 Mercantile Place offers some nice puppies of many different kinds; a full line of kennel supplies, such as collars, harness, etc.; also all the standard remedies, food. tC" MAID ORDERS. Mall orders receive careful attention: we ship to all parts of the country. Send for copy of Birdland News. 1 f riwin 1." M Prnnrletor. 1301 Central ave. and 216 Mercantile Place. Los Angeles, Cal. RABBITS Belgian hares. New z.eaianu sonablc prices; 20-page illustrated book let showing hutch pinna. 20c. stamps. Mo"ntieello Babbitry, largest In north- ot -T,m- K'lth And East Stark. Port land.' Mount Tabor (M-TSMh) car to end. four blocks north, one easu FOR SALE bv the Mohawk Rabbitry & Kennels, 1421 Ashbury st.. Indianapolis. lna.. nign-ctass rioiw r.nnA, r)0- ; rri oleeons. hunting docs and blooded dogs. Raise stock for - - fnmih th breeding stock and buy back all you raise; send for prices and terms. 10c for booklet ana circuii. RAISE H ABB ITS FOR MhA l Belgians, .New eaianu rirnuo.. English Lop Ears and White Eng. Ish. all ages and sires; utility stock as well as fancy pure-bred. Write for prices and catalogue. Rout'.edge Seed & Floral Co., 145 Second St.. Portland. Or. WE WANT reliable people w pare time. We furnish stock, pay $3.5d ft? r..i -OA rh. for ail you rits. - Fur Co.. 5o7 Lankershim bldg.. L An geles. CaL . RABBITS 12 New Zealand Reds, 12 Flem ish Giants, t mo. ' choice. $2 each. Also Himalayan and White Angora. J. R- McGuire. i7 Ore gon st. SEVEN New Zealand does with 45 young ones and 10 lare bu. ks. ha ve to vrt land, will sell at meat prices IS self cleaning; nuicura nu ... ... 315 Mason L, cor. Rodney svo. Ft AMBITS 100 to pick ITom. no".... I box'n. 3 m.le. ol b vorton. on Karnilnston. RKKUCK H. C. U. Haise your own mej. 8f.ll separately- McReynolds. 140', Kll- lingsworth. apt. r. WA VTE1 Setter Jok. munt be retriever and brok. on i.hM.anI.; rlv turn an ina pnc. r.. - Idaho. THOROUGH BRED male Airedale. grv.t 4"r. ii..i mt-lliirent clean animal. splendid' watch dog. venings and Sun day. E. MSI. FOR SALE Alrdalo pup. 3 mo. oia. . H Schlirl. isiano. car. . THOROUGHBRED screw tall French col lie bulldog, l year, lunu i ..... .-.-... Tabor 4o. FOR SILK About 7 doren WBlte kike 1 : . ...... h.Mll " hjU"' una carneau "'""""-,,-:; gain today. Phone tt o-'-o- TWO thoroughbred New Zertand does. both bred. iu, ouim 14th st. . BEAUTIFUL, yellow head Mexican parrot for sale; very " Main 4f.. H tRTZ mountain canary bird; singers . ... . i-. , c ".I mnti vt ash. eacn. io 1 1 s . room 4n. THOROUGHBRED Toy Boston, female. bat ears, year oiu. ' "" way. FOR SALE Fedegreea hot ioj puppies, very una . . j nori. 4T N. Jerrey St.. St. John. . WANTED Skye terrier or small noue- broke watrn nog; iou - AC 16S. Oregonian. FOR SALE 15 Nw Zealand Belgian does: 60 young: 75c to 4- O. Van Emu, Oa Orove. or. FOR SALE, cheap. 1.10O-lb. horse and ae on, and cuoa Harness. i blvd. . YOUNG St. And re as berg rollers. In fuTl song. Sollwood 2744. 1111 Lexington WANTED Full-blooded foT terrier, ma.s puppy, toy or medium. Phone B 6161 732. or P. O. box -'4. Portland. POLICE dog puppies: pedigreed, regis tered; fox. bull. Irish terriers, collie pup Pies. Speedway Kennels. Tabor 6fs.v PUREBRED Toggenburg for service. Speed way Kennels. Tabor r.OSS FINE Flemish giant buck: also doe; full grown: sell reasonable. Tabor Sfcatt. A FEW choice young singers left. (5 each. Mrs. Rhodes. Scappoose. Or. FOR SALE High-class Boston terriers; perfect marking. Bdwy. ISsn. 8 NEW ZEALAND rabbits with huts, J10. f.44 E. 57th, st- N. PEDIGREE Boston bull puppies for sale. r44 K. tMth at. N. DR. M. HOWES. Specialist, dog and cat. Lady attendant. Tabor 65B8. AII-EDALES Select male puppies, J40 up. The Bush Farms, box M7. R. 3. Portiand- FOR SALE cheap, beautiful parrot. Phone Co!. 511. BLOODED Persian kittens for sale. East GENUINE St. Tabor 5617. Andreasburg females, $1. !67 E. 41st St. TWO Belgian does, with Utters: also some young Flemish; reasonable. Wdln. 3PJ.t. THOROUGHBRED male Airdale puppy, reasonable. ltjO East 47rti North. ST. ANDREASBURG roller for sale. Phone East 030 or C 2122. AT SERVICE, Boston1 terrier. Mart J. Bdwy. 12il. CANARY singers, Marshall 42..K. young; and old birds. BEAUTIFUL Persian kittens for sale. Main 5450. Hillsdale. Or., box 32. ROLLER canaries. fancy females. 420 Stanton st bred; also. East 452S. GOOD home tor doc or any pet. Tabor a