THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, OCTOBER 19, 1919. 13- REAL ESTATE. For hale Farms. BECK'S LITTLE FARMS. 300o buys 20 acre rich bottom land. rly all cultivated; set buildings, fruits, living water, close town, all neighbor hood conveniences. Terms $l&Ou cub. $niOO buys 47 acres. 15 tilled, balance ii.-ita pasture: good buildings. Irults. suo. milk, mail, telephone, routes; ,-miie aroua tow a. Terms, $1000 cash. $320O buys 40 acres, about 20 bottom, cultivated, balance slashed and seeded. -Adjoins lOOO acres outrange: on county roau, close school; set buildings, spring water, fruits. Good team, hay and farm ing equipment. Terms, I1GOO cash. $4500 buys 80 acres, 75 level. 40 culti-I -rated, bal. easy cleared; good burn, no I house, line orchard, close school, fine outrange; 2 cows. 2 heifers, poultry. crops, machinery. Terms. $1500 cash. $0500 buys 50 acres. 23 bottom land I cultivated, Dal. slashed and seeded; iruits; -rra. house, barn, etc.: water -Piped from spring; mile good town; some! urveraam; phone. K. F. !.. etc.; team, bay, fdrm equipment; ideal dairy audi uug xarm. Terms. $1000 cash. $6500 buys 1O0 acres on good road. 3 "cb irora town ; nearly level; i culti vated. 35 slashed; living water, orchard, set Duiidings: line outrange: A good cows, 2 heifers, team. hay. silo. i arm machinery, gasoline engine, cream I eoparator, etc. Terms, $20uo cash. OTIS C. BECK. "Reciprocity" Realtor. finite 525 Henry Bldg. Mar. 5858. bo ACRES Near Molalla and Canby carl line. 25c fare to Canby; 52 acres cul-1 tivated; house, barn, all kinds of build I lngs : 2 Vm acres orchard, best of fruits: clear cold water: one-half mile to school; river bottom land and some upland; no I better farm land in the state; price I evuuu. bo acres; 60 cultivated, 15 pasture, 3 1 timoer; house, barn and all necessary buiiulngs; three-fourths mile to school. two miles to post office and railroad; well watered; $0u0. 124 acres; 100 cultivated, 24 pasture and timber; number of buildings, good house, tt rooms; new barn; abundance or best of fruits on 2-acre orchard. 4200 rhubarb plants; the farm land on the above 58 acrM and this place is I river-made land id exceptionally early for garden products, corn and all grain; price $22,500. 106 acres; choice place in Newberg district, with two sets buildings, small ; creek and spring; 85 under cultivation, : ft acres 8-year walnuts, fine fruit and nut land and a splendid buy at $12 an acre; price 413,200. 120 acres; all cultivated except around house and barn; located six miles from the statehouse at Salem ; surrounded by full-bearing prune or chards; deep rich soil, no rock or gravel; this is ideal for subdivision and can be old in small tracts to suit, with small payment down and long time on bal ance; it's the best prune and logon - nerry land. Very rasonable terms of payment on aDove i arms can be nad. B. &. COOK, bol Stock. Exchange bldg. 80 ACRES. Tillamook county dairy farm. on good road, 1 mile from Blaine; 3- room no use, 2 Darns, chicken house ana sheds; 8 acres cleared, balance mostly pasture, most all can be cultivated. Must be sold at a bargain at $1600. Some terms. 20 acres, has all been cultivated; 200 assorted fruit trees. Best of soil; 3 miles from Kalama, Wash. $1000, $500 eas n. W e have a large list of farms to choose from, some stocked and eautpned. from 40 to 500 acres. Can be bought on good terms. A. W. LAMBERT A SON. S. E. Cor. Grand Ave. and East Alder. Portland. Oregon. 80 ACRES VERY FERTILE. l"hre miles from Sherwood; 30 acres In cultivation, 20 in stump pasture and seeded to grass; 30 acres heavy raw tim ber; good house, barn and outbuild ings ; splendid young orchard ; choice variety of fruit; 2 wells, pood spring water piped to house and barn; 3 horses. 3 fine cows. 3 dozen chickens, mower, rake. plow, wagon, harness, hack, bugy, hay fork, 0 tons hay in barn, l.W bu. oats. 35 bu. wheat, 3oO to 4K boxes apples; $12.0OO; half cash or liberty bonds; your I own terms on balance at u per cent. Take Portland residence up to $200. MITCHELL & RIPPEY. ,828-29 Henry Bldg.. Fourth and Oak. GRBSHAM FARM. A choice 50-acre farm on the Powell "Valley road; rich, deep loam exil; no rock or gravel; living Btream. 5-room plastered house, new barn 4fx66, painted outbuildings, family orchard; located close to store, school and electric sta tion. All this for only S200 ner acre. and an excellent auto road to Portland. Why not buy close in? Very easy 1 terms. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO.. 212 Railway Exchange Bldg. EAST OF OREGON CITY. T23 acres, located on county road, highland district; 115 acres can be cul tivated, 55 acres under cultivation, bal ance in timber and pasture: lo-room house with plumbing and fireplace ; 3 acres orchard, large barn. Fheeobhed and machine shed; price $8200. with horse. cow. 4a sneep, ats cnicKens. 3 pigs, wagon. mower, binder, cultivator, plows, disc harrow, hay rake, separator and har rows; $2000 cash. Personally inspected. j onn jp erguson ixernnger Diug. NEARLY 100 acres, only short distance be yond city limits, highly improved in every way, including good bldgs., fine water system and both soil and" location extra good ; w ill make bargain price and might include some stock and equip ment ana take reasonable part in trade. This is a wonderful piece of property and a great proposition for platting or berries. Nothing better. Might divide and give easy terms. SAMUEL DOAK. 1202 North wes tern Bank bldg. 42 ACRES WELL IMPROVED. $10,500, On good gravel road between Sher- j wood and llgard: 4 acres beaverdain. .U very rich producing soil; 2 good wells, good buildings, plenty of fruit, in cluding a fine crop of potatoes and onions, hay in barn, some grain, 2 fine I black horses, 2 cows. 6 doz. chickens. all implements and tools. About half cash. See M. J. Edwards. GKO. E. ENGLEH ART CO. Main 720G. 624 Henry Bldg. KKAL FARM in the best fruit belt In northwest, orchard 18 acres, sold for $15,000, Vihalf mile from this place of ?( acres ior iu.:juu; an extra good sou. will grow prunes or alfalfa, 40 acres in cultivation, good buildings; water piped to all buildings from deep well with power pump; all weil fenced on good road near R. R. station and school. Terms. J. B. Atkinson. 112 W. th St.. Vancouver, Wash. 40 ACRES, all in cultivation, best soil, 1 complete set oi extra good Didgs.. aDun- danoe of fine water, well stocked and I eauipped. on good road. In fine neigh borhood and only about 30 minutes' ride j from Portland. This is positively one of I the very best farms close to Portland: will be priced right with easy terms and might take some trade. SAMUEL DOAK. 1202 Northwestern Bank bldg. 12 ACRES AT GL A DPTOVB $4000. Thre miles east of Gladstone, on coun ty road, 9 A. in cult., frtj 8-year-old fruit trees. 3-roora log house with basement. water piped to house, fine barn, cow and wagon sheds; about 10 tons hay. 4 cows, horse, heifer and calf 35 chicke. plow, barrow, cultivator, wagon and buggy in cluded In Diice. GOD DA RD & WTEDRICK. 243 Stark St. COLUMBIA RIVER BOTTOM LAND. Dyked. 555 acres, located 2 miles from good town, all bottom land; 470 acres under cultivation, all can be cultivated : 3 sets of buildings, orchards and all rural conveniences, nice level land, ex ceptionally fine soil; this can be divided Into three airrerent iarms or soia in one; price $100 per acre, half cash. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. lrtA "ACRES." LINCOLN CO. S7O00." 24 mile west of Willamina. 10 miles I Mst of Otis, on Salmon river; i miie S. of Salmon river (county road; 2 miles from cheese factory: wagon calls daily I rfrr cream: 60 A. In cult.: several springs. orchard, 2-story house. 2 barns. If stock I and implements mciuaea. price m shwwj. GODDARD & WIBDP.ICK, 243 Stark St. fiii ACRES of fine land, 28 acres in culti vation, rood buildings, bearing orchard. fine creek, water piped to house, good I toads, close to town.fcsrhool and post- office; all crops and stock go with place, $:iOOO will handle, bal. of SH500 on easy terras. JK.utneriora neaity co., ueiens. Or. 1-A ACRES. ELMONICA STATION $5200. On Reaverton-Hlllsboro line. 10 miles from Portland, all in cult., good soil. 6-room house, large barn, young fruit 1 trees and berries. GODDARD 0l WIE-DRICK. 243 Stark St. 10 AND 20-ACRE TRACTS. lO and 20-acre tracts on S. P. electric I will sell. Only $100 down, long time nn Da. a nee. DRAPER. 52 Chamber of Commerce. BEAUTIFUL HOME 80 acres; 30 in cul tivation: good soil, mile river front: water piped to modern buildings; fine I fruit and nut land; near Portland. East B438. INCOME BEARING 90 ACRES: 80 IN BEARING WALNUTS. APPLES. I0- GANBKRRIE3, GRAPES: RUNNING WATER; ON ROAD NEAR STATION. INVESTIGATE. EAST 548. OWNER wants to sell half of 3r0-a-re farm near Dallas to improve balance; might sell all at 937.50 per acre. G 615, ' Oregonian FOR SALE 10 acres. 125 cultivated, fair house and barn, on Pacific highway and B P. R. R. Price $kmo. E. C. Lock wood. Cottage Grove, Or, REAL ESTATE. For Sale Farms. HERE'S the bet buy you ever saw. On account of a death, an apple orchard is to be divided ; five bcs. varieties, just come into commercial bearing, all thriv ing, well cared for; on good road. 1 mile irom apple and loganberry Juice plant. cannery, condensory and dryer, where they take everything you can raise: most prosperous town in Oregon ; on paved road. miles from Portland ; employ ment for every member of the family : advertising for helD rnnstanilv: beat schoois and college. You can have any part or tnis from 7 acres at ?2fH, or 1 at $35ou up. Next place just sold for wo per acre. Investigate this from top, bottom and both sides. You wlil be surprised. Reasonable terms. forty acres, red shot Dundee hills. prune and w alnut land ; 20 acres in seven-year walnut; French franquette grarted on native stock, no rocks; south siope above frost beit; surrounded by SJHK Per afrp nrunn nnrf walnut or chards. $125 per acre. $5O0 will hand In. Seventeen acres, bottom land, suitable for berries or any fruits; 1 mile from Newberg, on good road ; enough i apples to clear $1500 per year now. Terms. 2oO acres, nil tin.-hi f a le hnilinim leased on shares for 1020; owner's shari last year cleared him $3ooo. Terms PORTUKD-NEOERG REALTY CO, Box 5Go. Newberg. Or. 207 First street, or call Main 403 before noon Monday and Tuesday. ATTENTION. MR. PRUNE MAX. 60 acres of the vrv heit Inatn boII. nn rock or gravel: 35 acres in high state of cultivation; fenced and croes-fenced; about 8 acres of Italian prunes, 4 M: acres in full bearing. 34 acres 3 years old, new prune drier, large family orchard tn full bearing. 50 winter banana apples Just coming into bearing; all kind of small fruits and berries, new barn worth $UtH)f good 7 -room house, garage, chick en house a-nd park, hog house and lot. to gether with 7 good dairy cowe. 8 good fraae neifers. excellent brood sow with pigs, 3 horses, harness. 70 full-blood Wh ite Leg-h orn ch ic ke ne, mower, ra k e. 2 plows, harrow, disc, wagon, prune boxes, sprayer, cream separator, wood for prune drier for next year, all small tools, 30 tons of hay, several tons of straw, '2hi to 3 acres of very best pota toes, 3 acres in corn: only 1V miles from Columbia river town with high school and payroll of $75,000 per month; on good macadamized road "With all rural advantages. Price $11. Goo. THOMPSON & SWAN. Third, and Main ijts.. Vancouver. Wash. HLUE ARJE BOJYS YOU DON'T GET EVEHT DAY. 5 acres nearlv all In fruit In hnarlnr; 5-room house, plastered, and good barn: H mile from elect, station-: oaved road all the way but about 1 mile, and that is macadam. What do you want better In a small place, all for S3000? Terms. iou can own this and work In Portland: only 18 miles from center of Portland. Another ls acres, all cleared: 5-room house, good bam, good well, graveled road Vz mile, pavement rest of way to Portland: mile to elect, station; plow, cultivator, dxag and some tools, all for $5500; terms; 18 miles from Portland and good road all the way; a dandy house and farm. M acres. 2 acres rood timber. 5-room house, barn and outbuildings. This is a high-class place for tvrtx; terms. l ou will not miss it to investigate the places. They are all koo1 nlacea. located m Washington county, and all good soil. tome in and we will show you these places. All on or near paved roads. STEWART BUCK. 315 X. W. Bank Bldg. SEE THESE AT ONCE. 9 acres, all in cultivation, all level. 3 acres bearing prune orchard, good 4-rm. plastered Douse, Darn, cnicRen bouse, etc; mile from car line, 6 miles from Vancouver, on fine road, joins school; only $2400, easy terms, might consider good auto as first payment. loo acres, all good level land, some cleared; old buildings, on good road, near town, mues irom Portland; price $2000. easy terms. so acres. 25 cleared, fair old buildings. 2 miles from good town, 23 miles from Portland ; this is a fine stock proposi tion ; price srj5U. eay terms. bee us xor real bargains in farms ana acreages. THE R. S. THOMPSON CO.. 410 Wash St. Vancouver, Wash. BIG STOCK RANCH. 1060 acres, within 12 miles of Corvallla, mile from station; 200 acres fine bot tom lend and 250 acres upland in culti vation; lot more open land: balance ti ni cer. Practically all lies fine. A Tie pa ved n 1 gh w ay will pass th rough place ; good house with hot and cold water, bath, etc.: also small bungalow for heln, 4 barns, many other buildings; fenced and cross-fenced, including 7 miles hog- tight fencing; will include 16 head honses, 20 brood sows, 300 chickens and turkeys and all farm machinery. Price $42,500. This is one of finest stock propositions in the state. LUtDU hlM A. "v.N U LM PA N x. 913 Chamber of Commerce. 12 ACRES In cultivation ; new 5-room bungalow, new barn, family orchard; milus from" town; No. 1 land, lies fine; on good road, close to school; a snap. Price $1800; half cash. 80 acres, all In cultivation. 2 xh miles from Carlton, Or., 5 miles from McMinn- vi ue; ino. l land, none Detter ; new .- room house, new barn, the buildings all new; an iencea with woven wire; on good graveled road, close to school; fam ily orchard just beginning to bear. Price $3000; $2000 cash, balance terms. J. C. GILBERT. McMlnnville, Oregon. I. O. O. F. Bldg. CLOSE IN FARM. 20 acres, located on Foster road. 16 milev from court house, or 8 miles from city limits; all good soli, no waste, 12 acres under cultivation, balance pasture; large orchard, macadamized road, rural conveniences; modern 6-room house. oarn. chicken house; photo at oitice; water system; a fine, attractive home in good lor-ation. offered away below its value; $2000 cash, balance long time at n per cent ; personally Inspected. John Fergusion, Gerlinger bldg. GREAT BIG SNAP. 41 acres, all level and all fine soil. 34 acres in cultivation, IS acres in bear ing prune orchard, good house, 2 good barns, new silo and all outbuildings, good ell and running stream ; only 4 miles from Vancouver on main auto road, near electric line; price, if sold at once, only sftoi. y capn. balance easy terms, per sonal property can be purchased If de sired. THE R. 8. THOMPSON CO., 410 Waeh St. Vancouver, Wash. 594 ACRES IN TIGARD. 11 MILES FROM PORTLAND. 35 acres in tulttvation. 29 acres In old stumps, acres timber. Very good house and barn. PERSONAL PROPERTY INCLUDED. 2 cows. 2 horses. 3 doz. chickens. wagon, plows, harrows, mower, rake, hay fork, hand tools. 8 tons of hay, 150 bu. oats. 50 bu. wheat. Price $16,000. See M. J. Edwards. GEO. E. ENGLEH ART CO.. Main 726. 624 Henry bldg. BIG WHEAT FARM. 3000 acres In wheat belt of eastern Washington, practically all in cultiv; tlon. over half in summer fallow ready for fall seeding; good buildings, fine well and pumping plant: tractor, com bine, mules and fine farm equipment. Price $120,000; good terms, or will con- alder other property as part pay. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. FIRST CLASS LAND. 40 acres about half under cul ti va tlon. 10 acres pasture, 10 woods, spring and creek : new 5-room house nearly com pleted; barn, well, etc. family orchard; team. 2 heifers, sow, chickens, feed and some implements included, $9000. It's only 15 miles from center of the city D. McChesney, 304 Oak st. Bdwy. 2 Go. ONLY 5 MILES FROM PORTLAND. 23 trees, located close to 82d St.; all good land, creek through place, excep tionally line soil. 1 acres under culti vat ion ; all the land can be cultivated ; good locality, close to electric transpor tation; price $4500, $1000 cash, long time on the balance at 6 per cent. Per sonally inspected. John Ferguson, Ger- linger Didg. FOR SALE. FINK DAIRY RANCH. FULLY STOCKED. 40 acres, good house and barn, 11 milch cows, 4 heifers, 1 bull, team work horses, wagon, harness, hack, set single harness, cultivator, plow, l Empire milk ing machine, 50 tons fine hay. 3 tons straw, silo full of ensilage; price 18500 terms. W. B. MeCarty. BatUe Ground, Wash. FINE WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARM. 150 acres within 35 miles of Portland close to station, nearly all In cultiva tfon, all fine soil, well drained and nearly level: good ouiioings, in line condition fruit and berries for home use; in good neighiornooa. trice si t..uu. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. 28 ACRES NEAR GARDEN HOME. $1)000 ALL EQUIPPED $9000. All in cultivation except 4 acres in timber. faplendid bungalow and ver good barn. Dandy span of horses an all farm implements. Only 8 miles from Portland. bee M. J. hnwaraa. GEO. E. ENGLEH A RT CO., Main 7206. 624 Henry bldg. MARION COUNTY FARM. 94 acres, all In cult.. Including 1 acres m hops: electric line through place 1 mile from Donald Sta. : a good farm situated in good oistrict: some stoc and tools go with place; price $20O per acre. GODDARD & WTEDRICK. 243 Stark St ALFALFA and apples. I own 120 A. very choice, brush land. White Salmon dlst., adjoining best orchard In state. Am too old to Improve so will sll for $40 per A. Easy terms. Write owner, L 12, Ureo iu an. REAL ESTATE For Sale Ft IRRIGATED FARM. Three miles from Prairie City. Grant county, terminus of railroad: 200 acres In cultivation, some alfalfa, balance bunch grass; all can be irrigated except 20 acres; close to two government re serves ; irrigation rights paid up in full; unlimited water, good improvements, well fenced, mostly wire; attractive price and terms; some trade accepted. CANBY, OREGON. 45 acres 1 Vt miles from Canby, Or. ; located on Willamette river; boat land ing on place: mostly cleared; approx. 35 acres in cultivation. balance brush ; mostly black loam, some sandy loam; living stream from spring running through place; wire fence; 6-room bouse, 1H -story; good barn, other outbuildings; all in very good condition; school close; low price, reasonable terms. EAGLE CREEK STATION. 55 acres, good soil, 2 streams; fenced and cross-fenced; log hog pen, good con dition ; chicken house, good 6-room house, barn 40x60 ; near school ; practi cally all cleared; suitable for sheep, rais ing of chickens or bogs. , Price $3850; cash $1350. OREGON INVESTMENT & MORTGAGE . COMPANY. 218-19-20-21-22 Chamber of Commerce Marshall 205. On Estacada Electric Line. 120 ACRES, 70 in cult., balance Umber and pasture; practically level: several springs and creek; lots of fruit; good 7-room house, large barn and other out buildings; '2H sheep. 14 hoars, 2 cows. 1 heifer, 4 horses, chickens, seed wheat. lOO bushels of oats. lOO bushels of rye, barn full of hay. all kin-ds of farm im plements and tools; only 21 miles south of Portland; mile to school. This is a going farm, well equipped; a money maker and a bargain at $1.5.OO0. Good terms, and. would taka in residence to 3Oo0. 2JO-acre stock or dairy farm. 70 In cult., balance very easily cleared : lota of free outrange: land Ilea nice to culti vate ; 5 acres of orchard, creek and springs; good buildings, hot and cold water in house; all crops, stock and full equipment go, including 4 horses. 30 head of cattle, chickens, etc; within 40 miles Portland; 7 miles good town and. R. R. ; good auto road. This is a choice, close-in stock ranch proposition ; a money maker and very cheap at $15.0OO. Take some trade, little cash and easy terms on balance. TAULMADGE REALTY CO- oiy Henry Blag. YAMHILL BARGAINS. 80 acres. 60 or 70 acres of the finest fruit land in the state, fine. deep, free working soil, 20 acres of bearing prunes, fine heal thy condition, good new barn and outbuildings, cheap house, spring water piped to buildings, on good rock roa.L 5 miles from Yamhill, one mile from store and K. K. station. This place can bo bought for $12,500, half cash. The orchard alone is worth the price aaked. 20 acres. 4H miles from Yamhill, on main road, oil cultivated, 5 acres 3-year-old prunes; 5-room plastered house, fine, ell-equi pped with gasoline powet pump; good largo I arn, alao small barn, v oodhouse and chicken house ; all fenced and cross-fenc-d ; 1 horse, buggy, harness, plow, cultivator, 4 tons grair hay, small tools, household goods, in cluding nice new range and good furni ture. Ih La can be had if taken soon for $3500. Hnlf cash. E. . MAGON, Yamhill. Or. SO-ACRE MARION COUNTY FARM 80. 20 miles south of Salem, on graveled road leading to Pacific highway; 1 mile from electric R. R. station. V mile from school; all in cultivation; family orchard, all kinds of berries, a good tt-room houso with hot and cold water, bath. tank. " windmill, OxtJ4-ft. barn, stanchions for 2if cows, stahs for u horses. 8ij-ton silo, granary, blacksmith shop, chicken house. garage. 2 straw eheds full of straw. 35 tons hay in barn. $2t0 worth grain. 3 mares. 6 Jersey cows. Holstein buIL 3 yearling heifers, Poland China boar. 1 brood sow with 8 pigs. 12 dozen chick ens, incubator, brooder, cream separator, mail and cream route. Price $12. 500; easy terms. Take city residence up to $3500. MITCHELL A. RIPPEY. 328-29 Henry Bldg. Main 2534. COLUMBIA COUNTY LANDS. Good roads, fine rail and river trans portation and good markets, give our farms distinct advantage. Ask us about farms and home sites near the new highway. We sell the best improved and unimproved lands. 25 acres near St. Helens, close to school and cost off ice : roads, soils and water excellent ; orchard and small fruits; good buildings. Half cleared and balance tn pasture. $3700, terms. 40 acres, half cleared, just off and overlooking highway, bearing orchard good house, beaut if ui location and fine place ; s.vhni, terms. RUTHERFORD REALTY CO. St. Helens, Or. HALF PRICE. 38 Acres 20 ACRES BEAVERDAM, Price $16,500. On paved road near Sherwood, 15 miles out. The kind that produced S787 per acre from onions. Set excellent buildings, family orchard. Sacrificed to lens than half price of like adjoining land for Immediate sale. All but two acres upland under high state of culti vation. INone tet ter. OTIS C. BECK, Reciprocity" Realtor, t Suite 525 Henry Bldg. Marshall 5858. LINN COUNTY RANCH. CROP. STOCK AND EQUIPMENT. lt8 acres, located near Lebanon. Or. on hard-surfaced road; 50 acres under cultivation, loo acres can be cultivated balance good pasture, two acres orchard; o-room nouse, oarn, cnicKen nouse, siio. sheepshed ; price $61. per acre, with 8 cowk, 2 mares, guernsey bull, harnesses, wagon, mower, cultivator, plows, disc harrow, hay rake, corn planter, ensliage cutter, cider mill, fanning mill, grain drill anu otner implements; 4U tons nay 25 tons ensilage; terms on half. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. CHRISTMAS GIFT 160 acres. 34 miles east of Cape Horn, state Washington; good roads. high school, grade school ; land rolling; cedar pests and wire; wu acres in cultivation; 3i 100 apple trees. 300 prune, cherries, plums and peaches; grain has been grown between rows; property appraised by very reputable bank farm appraiser of state-wide reputation at $17, UO; our price $6500, terms. FRED W. NEWELL, Oregon TnveMtment & Mortgage company, 218-19-20-21-22 Chamber of Commerce. Marshall 205. PORTLAND FARM. 40 acres, near the Ruby Stock Farm : 35 A. rn high state cultivation : 7-room plastered house, fireplace, bath and toi let, air pressure water srystem. barn 40x 60; garare and good out buildings, fam ily orchard and all kinds of small fruit: electric station close by: only 5 miles from Portland limits. All th is for only $:;0O per acre. Surrounding land la held at $50O to $10OO per acre. About one third cash required. CLE V ELA N D-H ENDERSON CO.. 212 Railway Exchange Bldg. 66 ACRES, located elope to electric depot. 22 miles east or Portland; 80 acres under cultivation, 10 acres pasture, all tbe land can be cultivated, balance easy clearing; al 1 can be irri gated from sprln g gal vanized pipes installed for distributing the water, creek on place; good 6-room house, with complete plumbing, large barn and silo: orchard of assorted fruits and some walnuts ; price $8OO0. with some crop and equipment, team and chickens. Personally inspected. Photo at office. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. MARION COUNTY STOCK FARM. 157 acres. 60 acres In cultivation, bal ance in woods pasture. 2 Vfc miles from Aurora; abundance of cedar timber. IO rootn house in good repair, new 25xfrO barn, chicken house, ho house, granary, smokehouse. wood house, good wire fences, good well, spring, running water, ou Pudding river; $110 per acre: $5000 cash, balance long time at 6 per cent. MITCHELL & RIPPET. 328.29 Henry Bldg.. Fourth ad Oak. Main 2534. 10O-ACRE EQUIPPED FARM, TUALTIN VALLEY. 16 miles from Portland: no richer soil or better lying farm could be deired; a good 6-room house, barn 4Ox60 ; usual outbuildings: family orchard; includes team, 7 cows, machinery, hay and feed, all at $125 an acre ; liberal terms II wanted. Am on daily mall and milk route to Hilla 10 ro condenser. D. Mc Chtaney, 304 H Oak st- Broadway 266. BY OWNER 8 acres at Tualatin. In fruit and bearing walnuts; pays good income: leaving city; must be sold at once. Broadway 3741 or Sellwood 955. WANTED REAL ESTATE- WANT to buy a 5-r. house, close In; have $1000 cash. Must be a snap. P 726, Oregonian BUNGALOW Good district: give Laurel hurst lot. some cash, first payment Main 6127. , WANTED 5 or 6-room house. In good district, price $4300 or less. E- J. Oeiser, 417 Chamber of Commerce. WANT Irvington bungalow or 6-room house at once. Something cheap. AK 675, Oregonian. I WILL give $1250 cash for carline in Ladd's addition. a lot near East 1173. WANT lot as part payment 2 flats near car. Io0 Fourth sL, WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED The best imp. income property that $o000 cash will buy; might assume 11 it's a real bargain. Wanted Nine houses in the northeast part of city, any size or kind. Wanted 10 acres, more or less, highly lm. . within 20 miles of city. Wanted One or two aheap lots, also a cheap house and lot. all within 10 or 15 blocks of East 20th and Powell fits. Wanted All kinds of real estate. We have the customers. Room 1 Va. 245 Washington St. DON'T FORGET that I have the buyers for houres. I can sell yours: what have you? Your houae will be given proper attention. WATCH OCR ADS; WE GET RESULTS C. A. WARRINBR, v RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. X HAVE lots of nerve, a good position and a good salary, but nothing ahead ro make substantial first payment. Want to buy bungalow home in Portland. Are you game to sell me place $30 per monb and interest and take a big payment later when I sell my place in TacomaT I carry $3000 life Insurance. AG 333. Oregonian. WANTED BUNGALOWS. HAVE CLIENTS FOR BUNGALOWS ALL OVER PORTLAND. LIST WITH US; WE WILL SPECIALIZE YOUR PROPERTY IF PRICE IS RIGHT. DOBNKR 6c DOBNER. BONDED REALTY DEALERS. S08 HENRY BLDG. MAIN 8474. WANT IRVINGTON HOURES. In handlinar Irvine ton homesitea we naturally are In touch with buyers for homes already built. List your Irving ton house with us. We axe boosting this district. RITTER, LOWE A CO-2A1-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg! WANTED 6-room bungalow with cement basement, furnace, three bedrooms; near car line. Mt. Tabor, Sunnyslde or Haw thorne districts preferred; will pay $500 down, balance monthly or quarterly with 6 per cent Interest; can trade in very de sirable Rock away or Oceanleke property for part. Address A V 748, oregonian. WE have 5 competent experienced sales men with autos and ar ab.e to get you quick action should you desire to sen vour home. We need more houses to sell. Have scores of prospects waiting. Phons us. we win can. .T A WTCKMAN CO.. 204 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 1034. HAVE YOU TRIED To sell your home and failed? We have long waiting list of buyers for 5 and 6 room modem houses. Try a live bunch: let us sho you a quick and easy method or selling. rnone Main tsvs. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 YEON BLDG. HAVE dozen of c&nh buvers for lm proved farms from 20 to 100 acres. If you want to sell, write or come to our office and if your price and farms are right we win sell them. See Sam Hewey. at J. L. Hartman Co.. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg. IF YOU have a farm or acreage property for sale between Portland and Hillsboro we will sell it for you within 2 weeks If your price 13 rignt. COPJ A. McKENNA &. CO., 82-84 Board of Trade. M. 4522. M. 6871. WANTED San Francisco bay region ira proved or unimproved property ; assume or pay small cash difference exchange for U-room house; 6 lots. 50x100; unin cumbered ; restricted neighborhood ; cOFt $7000. W. Robertson, owner. 1545 3d ave., Oakland. Cat. WANT WEST SIDK APARTMENT OR HOTEL- BLDG. CTP TO S150.000. for good Improved Income Portland property and balance ca-h. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. CLIENT must have bungalow by Wednes day up to ?:jimju; can pay 53uu casn ana 40 per month: Hawthorne preierrea. DOBNER &l DOBNER. BONDED REALTY DEALERS. 308 HENRY BLDG. MAIN 8474. WANTED 15 or 20 acres of land lying on or near "to Portland-Newberg nigh way between Sherwood and Multnomah stete location, price and terms. . Only cleared land will be considered. O 1 C regonlrn. WANTED 6 or 7-room house, not over $.j000, and give a close-In lot, 50x125, as iirst payment, balance monthly il menu, with prospect of larger payment after first of year; responsible party. AS hotj, oregonian. WANTED A lot 100x100 with 5-room house, in Sellwood ; will pay cash ; also 4-room house near Crestcock st. for client. Mrs. F. M. Young. Milwaukie, Or., route 1. Inquire 3 houses north Klsley station, Oregon City earn n e WANTED 5-room modern bungalow 1: Hawthorne or Sunnyside district: mus be double constructed, hare fireplace and hardwood floors : not over $3000: will pay $1750 and assume: wish to deal with owner. v ow. oregonian. WE HAVE THE BUYERS. Phone us the location of your house and we win do the rest. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. 913 Cham, of Commerce. Main 0967. PUTTING APPLES IN HOME. SOLD FINE APPLE ORCHARD. Will Invest proceeds In good 6-room bungalow. Call 215 Abington bldg.; Main I WANT a suburban home near Oa Grove up to $tiooO; must be a first-class hous of 0 rooms or more. If you haven t a bargain don t answer. O 318, Oregonian. WANT 10 TO 12 ACRES. Running water, walking distance sub urban car, improvements not necessary submit offerings. J. C. CQRBIN CO., 305-6-7-8 Lewis bldg. I WANT from 2 to 5 acres within 9 miles of Portland: modern 5 to 7-room bunira. low; fruit, berries, outbuildings, garage. etc ; give oest casn price and all par tlculars first letter. AP 442, Oregonian WE WANT farms and acreage, improved or unimproved, within easy reach Portland; can get quick action for right property witn rignt price. GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark s WANTED T- buy from owner, modern 5-room mineral jw or cottage in tunny aide or Hawthorne district ; give closes price, location and terms. Address AG vregoni-in. WANTED to buy a 5-room modern bunga low in good district, about $2500: cai pay $300 down, balance $30 per month Can give best of references. Owners only. x oz, oregonian. OWNER I am looking for a real buy 1 a real home, not over flO.OOO; U down Laurel burnt or Irving ton preferred : full particulars in letter. j otm, Oregonian. I AM looking for a hoi me In Hawthorne or Richmond; would like something mod ern; can make fair down payment. .C 28. Oregonian. CASH paid for fractional and undivided Interests in real property and estates. Frank T. Berry, 215 Railway Exchange bldg. 1 CAN pay $200 down on house In some fair district; must have at lea.t 5 rooms; would like fairly modern. AC 24. Ore gonian. WANT lOO -acre farm, with stock, for all ca-h; must be good value, not over $13, OoO ; write full details. F. M. Phelps. P. O. box No. 672. WISH to buy modern 6-room bungalow, east aide, for my own home; will pay cash: will buy some furniture. Address AV 734. Oregonian. WANT 6-room house in Sunnyslde, west of 50th. about $5000; have $1500 cub. and modern house in S Johns. ah 612, Oregonian, I AM looking for a home In lrr Ington, Alameda or Laurelhurst ; want 6 rooms or more; must be modern ; part cash; will pay up to $KH0. C 243, Oregonian. I WILL buy a house in any good district; want five rooms or more; would like some fruit; suitable payment. AB 18, Oregonian. WANT 6-room bungalow or house with one Deo room aownstairs; win pay cash for good bargain. F. M. Phelps, P. O. box No. 672. I CAN pay $100 down on house; will deal with owner; balance paid monthly; want gnnmninr now, au q::, oregonian. WANT 5 or 6-room modern bungalow with garage. Main e i no. THOMSON. 620-21 Henry bldg. WANTED To buy direct from owner. 5 or 6-room bungalow ; not over $3500. ra oor inn. 1 WANT a house in any part of city; want fruit and 2 or more lots, not too far from car; want terms. A j 734. Oregonian T Vf A VT a' rVioftn hnnaa t mm t W. ... can pay $50 down, balance like rent; i mean ousinesa. a 1, oregonian. WIDOW with cash will purchase neat home In desirable district to $3500. Give n n dress to Main icim. VV A N T r-V n-room nungatow. not over $3000; Sunnyside or Hawthorne prefer- WANT west side home for cash, about $10,000; must De bargain. P. o. box 377, city. SMALL, well-Improved ranch to S3000 cash; must be gooa ouy. JVI 730, Ore go nlan. 1918 7-PASSENGER Studebaker 6: will exchange for real estate. F 687, Orego- WANT 20 to 40-acre farm, with stork and machinery, at 40UO to $6000; $3HH) cash. F. M. pneips, f. dox xno. t.'. I SELL and exchange Everett property. Try me. F. J. Geor ge. Everett. W as h . WANTED Lot, Rose City park car; al cash. A 7!, Oregonian. BUILDER wants to buy cheap lot; muat b iuu; gala. vwriL xm Ju. wta X. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANT $3000 house or garage for dandy. well improved and equipped 4U-cr $3200 farm. ' WANT city property for highly im proved, stocked and equipped 58 -acre $10,000 farm. WANT part trade for well improved 196-acre $13,500 farm; &0 cultivated. 40 aeeded to pasture; fine location and oil. WANT to $B0,000 rental properties for equity In modern $85,000 brick apart ment under 5-year secured lease at $654) per month. OTIS C. BECK. Reciprocity" Realtor. Suite 525 Henry Bldg. Marshall 5858. FARMS WANTED FOR COLONISTS. Colony groups in Canada and middle west want farms in Oregon and Wash ington. 1 must have several hundred farms for thebe people, who have the cash and are substantial Americanized citizens. If your price is right, send me at once a reliable description of your property, preferably with sketch, making your price Include regular sales commission. Action is what you want that la what we offer. Write today. O. H. SKOTHEIM COMPANY. Farm Sales Specialists. 831-332-333 Railway Exchange Bldg-. Portland. Oregon. WOULD LIKE AN UP-TO-DATE 5 OR 6-ROOM BUNGALOW. Have 15 acres. 10 in cherries and oears and In between the fruit tree rows have 8 acres In Cuthbert red rasp berries: had 2 acres tn strawberries and one-half acre plow land. 14. acres in pasture and 2 acres in timber: will give someone good trade for bungalow and garage In Improved district; Al soil, black sandy loam; near Olympia, Wash-; this la a dandy fruit farm. STEWART St BURK, 81S Northwestern Bank Bldg. HAVE spot eajih client for income prop erty, apartment nou pmrrrru, v $30,000. Owner see or telephone R. F. Bryan. Main 1963. 509 Cham, of Com. DO YOU OWN SOMETHING LIKE THIS? ACREAGE WA.-NlbU. 10 to 20 acred, prefer along some good road out of Portland not to exceed 12 or 14 miles from courthouse. Want some fruit ; like a spring or stream. Good building preferred, but building can be old. Will consider run-down place if trees, etc.. are healthy. Want to turn in 5 acres free and clear in Multnomah acres. Some cash or commercial property. 8M IT H -WAGONER CO.. Stock Ex. APARTMENT BITE WANTED. (WEST SIDE PREFERRE-D.) AT RIGHT PRIOE SPLENDID QUICK DUAL POSSIBLE FOR OWNER. GI E PRICE AND LOCATION TO GHT ATTENTION. ADDRESS "BL'U ER," L 114. OREGONIAN. HOME WANTED. I am In the market for a modern home on the west side for immediate buy: gi-e me the price and description in flrt letter; I want to deal with the owner only. F 65Q, Oregonian DEXTER FELLING BUILDING. MAIN 1S0O. RESIDENCE. B 7120. ABOUT SOLD OUT. If you have acreage, farm or city property to sell, list with ine for quick eT P n K E LL Y . T15 PWRTUND BLDG. Main 7776. am tv THR MARKET for the best house bargain casn win ouy. , - - " direct with owner. Please state the loca tion, size of lot, mention modern fea tures, etc. About how soon could pos session bo given? C 333. Oregonian. A NOB HILL home. to 8 room" v be nice and modern; up to $10,000. X 117. Oregon Ion, niTv ...hnrKo n mnA firm nrnoertv bought and sold: also money to iuu. service. A. K. HILL CO.. 215 Lumbermen's BJdg -n h-.vA vnhnrbnn acreace property or small farm located on hard-surface road for Male at a Dargam. wot me; buyers waiting. GIBSON. 26b Stark. Marshall 12. I HAVE the cash to pay for a good buy in Hawthorne. Rose City Park or Laurel -hurst or equally good district. Mus be modern. Give complete details In letter. C 334. Oregonian HAVE $1400 mortgage and little caam as fiit navment on house in Alberta or Piedmont. Want $25O0 to $3000 place. Weston Co., 630 N. W. Bank bldg. a- a v-Tirn Wont wide houses south of ;-, hndlin west side prop -rtv Is my specialty. John Singer, 420 Chamber of Commerce bldg. WANTED To buy from owner for cash, modern 6 or 7-room bungalow in good locality. Rose City preferred. P 433, Oregonian. xfp. tv" 4 vt it rood clear building lot. If have the lot and 50 cash we can give you a fine trade, Weston Co. N. W. Bank bldg. 630 wanted A 4 or 5-room house near a car linV on at side; have S1X0 to pay down; price irom iow v 8 200, Oregonian. WANTED From owner, a model up-to- .t. r. -.- K-rnnm buncalow: a Rood dis trict: cash if a bargain. Call weekdays. Main 9072 or Marshall 3454. WANTED A farm from 40 to 60 acres, not A AwAA Act mile-, from Portland: must have reasonably good buildings; prefer to deal with owner. P 'tax, ciregoman a iwr -w. v -.nn Anwn nd ISO monthly for good bungalow In Hawthorne or Rose City Park. tive locauon, v C 330, Oregonian. AM LOOKING for a 6-room house on Tv-tinrt Heights: buy or rent. Price -.,-1 h ncht Owners only. M 751 Oregonian. u a v-it ciunt wnt ine w to 1 acre lm proved with small house, near 6c fare Metcalf, 17 Chamber of Commerce. Max. : 4i 1 or reuwoou .-. w i vt t once a 5-room bungalow In Hawthorne or Richmond districts ; must be modern; want easy terms- F 652, Ore gonian. WANTED. I,ot in Eastmoreianrt. 100x100; must be bargain, mi iin ejsw. 4 OR 5-ROOM house that 2W casn ana monthly payments win ouy. noi w e- cecd $25; 0. L 4. oregonian. OWAI. F.STATF. F.VrHANGE. 325 Railway Exchange bldg.. 8d and Stark. We buy extraordinary bargalna. WANTED To buy for cash at once a - -nom modern noma, rnone oouimwo 11W7. Farms Wanted. w it ti A VK a buver for 20 to 40 acres, With stoca, iocaica on goou ru, w pay $4000 to ibooo, 93000 down. Al.n foe Ifi ncres at S4500 With StOCk small payment now and 3000 next April. Another hiiver wants 60 acres or more. with stock, that can be handled for $1500 cash. Will assume f8O0O or more on paymeata. We have another buyer for lOO acres of cultivated land, witn stoca ana equip ment at $12.onu; $500O cash. We can sell the stock and equlpmen An m larare farm for rash. If you own a farm that will suit these buvers. write us full details at once. Ralph Ackley Land Co.. 527 Corbet t bldg. IMPROVER FARMS WANTTD. With or without stok and eoulDment We are aelling them, when priced right. We oa v over 1500 oer month for advertis ing and are pleased to advertise and show you property. John Ferguson. Ger- linger bldg LISTINGS WANTED. We have clients wanting ranches tn the vicinity of Newberg. Forest drove, McMinnv'lle. McCoy, Albany, is. Kuren- and Molalla. M. BILLINGS J. B. MUSORAVB. 501 McKay Bldg Main 1310. WANT FARM About 80 to 10O acres tha 1 can move onto at once. Am here witn family from Iowa and want good land and improvements; w ill pay cash for a good piace. C 324, Oregonian. WANT land, vicinity of Portland, for used car, worth $500. and pay cash difference up to $1000. K Gtl, Oregonian. WANTED Farm for nice 5-room bunga low of about $2600 value. Might assume some. N 112, Oregonian. WANTED A small place to lease with improvements, close in. Addreas M 748, Oregonian. WANTED Rent farm, good barn and near city. 30 to 50 a.X 150. Oregonia. Wanted to Rnt Farms. WANTED To rent a grain farm and give share; everything must be furnished; young man; references furnished. 455 Hickory at., alem. Or. HAVE practical dairy man who wants to lease a good farm ; wtll pay cash for persrmal property if price la right- Wil bur F. Jouno, Henry bldg. TIMBER LANDS. TWENTY million, Columbia river, R. R.; $1 stumpage; terma. five years. F 43, Orcfioniau. BUNGALOW. TRVTNGTON. ROSE CITY. LAUREL HURST. ALA M EDA OR PIEDMONT. $4000 TO S7000. MY CLIENT CAN r vi? 4irri iMRST PAYMENT. POIN- TIMBER LANDS. FINE TIMBER PROPOSITION. 140 acres hk mile from electric station and paved road to Portland, land lies level except about 40 acres on river; 40 acres cleared, 90 acres fine timber; Iir and hardwood. Timber will more than pay for place; fine farming district. v Invite closest investigation of this prop erty; price $12,ooO, terms $6uou balance to suit. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Commerce. ABOUT 10 million feet of good timber miles fron Portland, good road, horse logging and more timber Joining tract, 11.50 per 1000 feet, $35K cash will han dle , hivj experienced raillman with caan will buy this tract if he can get a man with complete sawmill to Jolnfc..f.,m nd start operating soon. E. bchlller. 519 Henry bldg.. Pottland. Or. I HAVE given the undersigned exclusive elling right of my complete mill and Umber, never offered before, for quick sale at a sacrifice; I need the money in a hurry; this is meritorious and the best bargain ever offered. Full particular 322 Yeon bldg. THE BiRCH COMPANY. WANTED Up to 4000 cords fir stump age, absolutely no correspondence ans w.rH unieM evtt-t loratlon. nearest pave ment or loading spur and full description of both land and tunoer are given. . -H. Armstrong. Milwaukie, Or., route 2. WONDERFUL opportunity. '.60 acre tim ber, very accessible, good land. Prtl improved, four nulesto R, R. station ana on good stream; would consider trade. Inquire at Oregon Hotel until Monday eve. B. E. wnght. Yv- a vrirn ztitmn i nrt or unimproved suitable for cultivation, in exchange for 160 acres with 6.O00.0O0 feet of timber. Yamhill countv. Owner. 222 U. S. Bank b'.dg. HAVE 10 million feet of very fine tim ber, well located and a gooa logger w no win hnv it: will vou furnish the mill? 822 Yeon bldg. THE BIRCH COMPANY. WANTED Corporation or Individual con cern to cut. saw and deliver trom eight to ten million feet of timber. 75 per cent vellnwr nine. Iocm ted near neppnrr. . Write G. J. Ickes Sr. Palouse, Wash. GOOD standing timber. M section. 5 clear, near M osier Or. A bargain at 45 an acre. Timber alone worth the price. Good hnrlne water. Fruit country. A 513, Oregonian. vrT j 1 it nvi TRADE. 25.OO0.O00 ft-et good saw timber with - complete logging outfit; good location for tie mill; can ship by rail or cargo. AH 22, Oregonian. HAVE one of the best mills complete Hrht in 1 own that vou can find ; can buy cTioap logs: one of the best d ever offered. 322 Yeon bldg. THE BIRCH COMPANY. kla FOR SALE Fine 20-M II usee 11 mill: also 9 VxlO Seattle aonaey. iuu iokkmib equipment, bargain price and term. . E. Bowman Co.. la tnamoer Commerce. M of FOR SALE BT OWNER. A tract of firt-clas tirooer. good leg rin. a miles from K- K.. -mile from county road; clo to Portland. C 2 b 4. Oregonian. HAVE listed for quick sale SO.OOO.oOO feet of fine timber, which the main line cuts into. You can't find a better buy on the coast. 322 Teon bldg. THE BIKCH COMPANY. 136 ACRES good young timber. 20.000.000 feet saw timber, 12.000 piling. UO.uuO tel. poles. Good farm land when cleared, li. A. Cod, Multnomah, Or. wakt to let. 15 to 25 M. mill. prefer near Portend. Or will traae ir"w,i fine fir limber at $1. Give or take cash difference. AC 176, Oregonian SH ER WOOD, Or.. 40 acres timber, good piling and cordwood; live yours o timber; 24 mile to R. K.; terms. J P. Young. 8 MILLION timber available. 25M mill. planer, logging and camp equipment, donkey: near R. R. ; $3ooo will handle. F 6-IO. Oregonian. MANAGER wanted for large sawmill; must take full charge Of logging, operating, selling, collecting, etc. pay $50U0 to right party. M 1 29 . u re g on 1 a n . HAVE 65 million feet of timber, well lo cated. Will sell stumpage or aeuver iota at mill. F 6S4. Oregonian. 402 ACRES and 14,000.000 merchantable lumber for sale, in 1 wp. u, 1 west, Jackson Co., Or. AV 601. Oregonian. HAVE timber to trade for Portland resi dence; cash Vfriue. au,uw. m 011, vre- gonian. . 50M -CAPACITY mill on main line: a money-maker: plenty umber; attractive terms. BF 190. Oregonian. OWNER will sell at bargain 70.O00.0O0 fine yellow fir. near railroad ana river. al 7U3. Oregonian IS TO 25 million feet of fine timber lur sale, all from Tour to eight muea 01 Hornbrook, Cal. K 733. Ort-gonian. FOR SALE 15.000 M. sawmill, running. with timber; good terma. a ,ju, Grego rian. . W.iNTED To lease or buy a Siimiii with or without timber, u ii, ureito- nlan. rOR SALE cheap, four-sided Hoyt planer; excellent conditio. oiu nenry bldg FOR SALE 46 acres timber land. 30 miles from Portland. F 654. uregoniaiu WANTED Timber, well located, for Imme diate operation. 3 231. oregonian. WANTED RoMgh fir timber, any aixe. Quote prices. U 20. oregonian. PILING wanted: give scale, price and when cut. i. . v. uatnoie, toucn 7,000.000 r LKT at Siletx, 25,000,000 Waldport. Phone Taoorj. ilA LF-SfcJCTlON timber 2 nail es S. P. sld- ing. P 723. Oregonian. M AN to log 20 M all winter; no hog wires wantea. i 14 coucn oiaa. FOR RENT FARMS. FARM FOR LEASE. PERSONAL PROP ERTY f OH tA. 820 acres located 20 miles from the heart of Portland with 350 acres under cultivation, the balance fine hay land and river bottom pasture; large dairy burn equipped with milking machine, electric lights and water system ; room for 150 cows and 250 tons of-hay; 2 silos 150 tons each; 7-room house with elec tric lights and water syatem ; milk house, bunk house; also large horse barn and machine shed: all aandy loam river bot tom land; farm land docs not overflow; rent $155 per month with lease. Personal property as follows: 80 milking cows, 20 heifer. 2 registered bulls. 7 head of horses. 24 head hogs. 75 chickens. 3 sets harness, saddle. 4 wagons. 3 gas ellgines. 2 sulky plow. 1 disc plow. 1 gang piow. 2 mowers. I rake. disc. 2 harrows, 2 com cultivators, biloge. cutter and engine, potato pianttr and digger, hay tedder, manure soreader. weeder. new binoer. Del o lighting system with motor com plete; loo tons hay. 1500 bu. oats. L0 bu. wheat 20 icrett in corn, corn planter, grain drill, milking machinery. milk cans, blacksmith's outfit and all tools v r..n . n im-tn-date dairv: price $19.0oO. reasonable terms, balance 6. This place la a money-maker and any man who understands dairying WU1 appreciate same. H. A. DRYER. "The Acreage Man. 50-9 Lewis Bldg. FOR RENT. 100-ACRE FARM. 7-rorm t trictly modern house, hot and cold water, toilet and bath, good barn and outbuilding?, a large tank with gas oline numo. family orchard. H acre of -. mnA aniall fruit. Th Is la Oil h rrf tiT-f ..r-e road 12 miles from Port land. Can give lease for & years. For particulars see MR. MILLERS HIP, Alder Hotel. Main 6273. DAIRY MEN. ATTENTION. IrtO crea. ill tn cultivation, first-class building, for rent; stock. Implements for sale; 64 cows, 17 heifers. 1 registered bull. 4 horses. 2 hogs, chickens, 150 tons hay, 6 acres kale, lOO tons corn for silo, 40O bushels grain, all dairy and farm outfit, income $1100 to $1200 a month. Call 17 1st st., room Portland. Or. FO R REN T Fi ne fa rm of 120 a cres : -room house,- good barn with stanchions for 20 caws; hay capacity 7 it tons; run ning water, large family orchard: 80 to 1O0 acres can be plowed at once; one ' mile to -.rate highway; 3 miles to rail- I road station ; one mile fine school aav tore. Will rent or aell. Earl S. S. Smith. 821 N. W. Bank bldg. IN I mpqua valley, fruit ranch. 34 acrea, mostly prune. also cherries, apples, pears and small fruits, machinery, stock and full equipment, close to good-sized town. If interested, write for further par ticulars. L 13, Oregonian. LONG-TIME leaae, 500 acres. 7 arrft cultivated, 50 miles from Portland, near good river town : good roads and loca tion; lease for 3 to S years, $80 per year. Rutherford Realty Co., St. Helens, Oregon. 210 ACRES. 150 acres In cultivation, near Harrisburg: rent 150: personal prop erty for sale very reasonable. Wilbur F. Jouno. Henry bldg. 60 ACRES. 50 acres In high state of cul tivation, with good buildings, near Butte vllle: rent $000. Wilbur F. Jouno. Henry bldg. . 20 ACRES 1 miles from Estacada. See John llru-wn, 324 Railway Exchange bldg. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. 22 H ACRES at Hillsboro, on highway, for home. t.L.iix, 100 rourtn. GOOD income-bearing property at" Kern Park; $lo00; will exchange. Tabor 4030. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. FOR EXCHANGE. Will exchange this ht&nly improved up-to-date and completely (quipped farm consisting of 324 a res with 170 acres In cultivation which is excellent soil: large barn with silo, good house with modem plumbing, electric light system, orchard of asso-ted fruit in bearing ; place fenced with wire woven fencing, about 40 acres good timber, the balanca la pasture land, most of whtrh is good farming land when clear, inrludmg the following personal prcrty: Five hories, - colts, 2 cows, registered bull. 3 sows, 20 pigs, 75 chickens, new Ford-on trac tor with plows. 2 wagons, S sets of har Desa, bugr-y, driving harness, binder, roller. 3 plows, harrow, corn cultivator, single cultivator, disc. 75 tons ha v. Son tushels oats. 150 bu hel wheat. 40 acres in com, all Included in the price of $32. 4 OO. This u without a dt-ubt cn of the most up-to-date dairv farms located within a radius of 25 mUe of Portland snd on a paved road and two miles from Newberg and If you are looking for a good frm at a very low price, see this place; easy terms. H. A. DRYER. 'The Acreage Man." 608-9 Lewis Bldg. EXCHANGE FOR PORTLAND PROPERTY. 6O0 acres. 85 acres in cultivation, bal ance all tillable when cleared. Will cost $6 per acre to clear; soil is dark, sandy loam; will produce 4 to 50 bushe'.s corn, Tino bushels lr:irh potatoes and irom K to 1.00 bushels sweet potatoes as a secondary crop; sugar cane. 3i to 7O0 gallons to the acre, and will grow all kinds of grain or hay; splendid nut land: grass srreen all the vear: An not feed stock in winter time; larpe colonial house, located on slight elevation over- looKinic the estate; 41 inches rainfall ; J f ree and dear, now used as catt'e ranch. Would consider Portland property, saNn alue. G. L. RERS, 100S 4th St.. Portland. LOS ANGELES FOR PORTLAND PROPERTY. 8 blocks outside of city limits. Los Angles; sunuroan acre home; pretty 5 room house, large sleeping porch: t h house commands a magnificent view overlooking south Pasadena: citrus and semi-tropical fruits of all kinds: owner can be seen for two days at office. Will exchange for Portland property or for a itniniL iarm. rnr jmw u. McCLURE SCHMAUCH COMPANY, 306 Railway Exchange Bldg. WANT PORTLAND RESIDENCE. Have 12 acres right at Hillsboro. all under cultivation, with fine family or chard, berries, etc.. cvd room v house wit h all city conveniences; large barn ana an nerwary buildings; good team. 2 cows, 2 pigs and all necessary f;irminc tools and implements. Price $9M0; will take modern r part payment. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. 813 Chamber of Commerce. 3 ACRES. ALL TN CULTIVATION. BEING LOT in. CKESTVIHW TRACT NEAR OR EN CO. ON THE OR EG OX E LECTH It- PR ICE $1500. HALF CASH. BALANCE TERMS. OR WILL CONSIDER GOOD AUTO OR LOT FOR P A RT. AND HAL ANCE CASH. POIND EX TER. 2S SELL ING BHi.DIN'. MAIN 1SU0; KKSI PENCE. li 7120. B E A UTIFI " L, 4acre with aTf kinds fruit, garden, lawn. 8-room house, ho1 and col water. 2 blocks from S. P. depot, good town, concrete walks In fron and around both sides house; $1000 cash good terms on balance, or will trade fo; 40 to fQ acres bearing prunes, n R. R. and town ; owners only. AV 743, Oregonhin. 160 ACRES. GILLIAM COUNTY. 10 miles from Condon; SO a-ref nloi but neglected: 120 could be plowed water from Rock creek. i mile away 1 miles from store, postoffice and school: will trade for house and lot. con fectionery store or Interest in garage small houM on nlnce. GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark L INCOME PROPERTY FOR EXCHANGE Brick building on good corner, stores below and apartmrnts nbove; good in come property : price $4 5. Ooo ; will con slrter farm property in exchange up to $30,OOO. hi lance mortgage. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. P13 Chamber of Commerce. TILLAMOOK DAIRY FARM. 135 .-icres, 00 in cultivation. Ucjited on rood road in best dairv disnrrrt. pric $15,00. Includes 14 cows, 2 heifers, farm machinery: Home irood oottom lanti. iai cnee rolling; might consider some cleat proiertv for equity or tmu. OWNER, P. O. Pox VS3. Portland HAVE valuable suburban and farm acre Ke and ftr?t-class properties In Oroco Citv and Gladstone, free of Incumbrance, to exchange for approved Portland pror ertv. Give location, income and mort gage to be assumed. Can match large or small values. Address A V 6jl, Ore gonlnn. WANTS WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARM Have house in Portland, price $500, and 320-H-re farm in central Oregon price $3200; total $11.7K); will trade foi farm in Willamette vsHlev. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Commerce. SALE or trade. Superior 5S-a. ranch. 35 cultivated, balance easily cleared: mod ern 1 0-room house, barns, other outhuil lngs, young orchard, team, 2 cows, chick ens; hard-sufaced rond: outrange; tele phone, school; price $l0.noo. .1. v . Du ley. Castle Rock, or phone Tabr 30." ACREAGE FOR PORTLAND HOME. 104 acres. 5 miles S. E. of 'Estacada, 25 acres cleared and cultivated. Ro malnder standing timber. Stream. Wan Portland propert v ; mortgage 2400. SUBMIT WHAT VOL' HAVE. SMITH-WAGONER CO., STOCK EX lO-ROOM modern home, went Mt. Tabu hardwood floors, fireplace, hot wate furnace, full cement basement, largo sleeping porch, lot lOOx H.0, lawn, rones. fruit, etc.. fll.oOO: mtg. s:j.ou. ooru pied by owner. Exchange for farm Y 102. Oregonian. 155 ACRES YAMHILL CO. S5 miles from Portland on good roa close highway and good town and rail road: 100 acres in cultivation, fair bides.; family orchard; price $20.imm, would ac cept half in city property or imali farm. See owner. 1 125 Gasco bid g.. room ft. 240 ACRES. lfiO acre hay and rnin land In Camus Prairie, 8 acres in timber, f t of buildings on county road, near p't office and school. Pri'e $16.voo. Will accept half tr.'dc. hhlan e cash mid mortgage. C. H. Estea, White Salmon. Wash. WANT walnut orchard, bearing, for beau tiful home In Ladd Add. ; same fur nishings, garnge. ma! 1 mortgH ire. a 'so nice little new buncalow on 4 lots, mod ern, clear: total value $5.j0. Owner. T 271. Oregonian. DON'T LOSE TOCR PROPERTY. IS YOUR MORTGAGE FORECLOSED If your mortgaKe hi been foreclosed, don't lose your property. I will giv yt.u a good trade for your equity. N M OregontH n 16X ACRES, near Molalla. for m!e or ex change for liounc or small ncreaK. A acres near Gresham to exchange for house. 1 have a good house t exchange for farm. We-teng ird. r. 1. Worcester bldg. I HAVE 3 lots In Portland. 6-mom cottage and 2 lots on Tillamook Reach, value t'JOOO: all clear: Slooo in rash to trade for acrege or farm, will assume. Tabor S7S0 or 1185 East Sherman st,. Port land. Or. CITY LOTS, prominently located, for sal or wtll exchange for mere hand lse. grocery at ore preferred, or for stock farm, acreage, or for piano or auto. Ad dreaa S. E. Trssk. Corvallla. Or. FACTORY FTTK. 6 acrea. near S. P. shops, $1 ft. 000: will accept improved farm or city Income. W. H. ROSS, lloo N. W. Bank Bldg. 100x100 CORNER, with three houses, wftst side, free and clear; exchange tor rarm of SO acres or more; muM have fruit, butldings and near car. D 753, Orego nls n. HAVE several city rer-idence propert lea to exchange for farm. List your farms and acreage tract.- with us; haie sold several this oust we-It. Tallmadge Realty Co.. 19 Henry bldg. 13 ACRES easily cleared prune and logan berr land, running -4 a ter. near Estaca da. $1100. for acreage nearer Port'and. mortgage: will py or ussutne difference up to $100. K 6rto, Oregonian. TRACT of 30 lots. S. B. corner 43d and Division value J 18.00; want apartment houM hotel or farm : Portland. Or., or any pood town. J. H. McMahon. 20nti E. 43d st. Tabor 53l. W'LL exchange $2500 equity in 8 -room house for lot or lots in ti r-jtrnblft uis- trlct ; houe hs full .cement basement in fine neigh m mood. E-ist Side. Own ers only. AG 538, Oregonian. 20 ACREF. HOOD RIVER DISTRICT Want to pot this in on a fairly good house at $20oo; acreage Is frM and cear. in assume sometning on the houjM SMITH-WAGONER Co., STOt'K EX. EXCHANUK 29-rooni hotel. furnished ; electric light, rent for ?iO pr irnmt h ; value $0ooo. for small fruf t or dairy farm, improvea. Aaaross route box 5m. saiem. or. 20 PER ACRE wli: buy Improved .120-a. 2 sets buildings, or 2S0, fair buiMings: R miiilon fine timber; some trade- eB than half value. S. M. Venard. 129 Chamber Commerce. CASH grocery store for house and lot up to $2500: free of ineum bra nee. See John Hrown. 324 Railway Exchange bldg. WILL take your auto or lot h part pay ment on my house; price $2500. 127 W ill- lams ave. ACCEPT auto or lot In on 7 or 8-room modern house, 20 min. ouj. Main 73"oi. SMALL APT. HOUSE, well paving, farm, about $500. Hall, 211 Wash. for J Sx acrea. fine land at Milwaukie for city residence. Phone Tabor TO KXCUA.V G E REAL ESTATE. A BIG PROPERTY. AT A BIG BARGAIN. That's where you can make BIG MONEV. ISO acres, LO cultivated. SO Cleared. j oak timber and pasture, 4h prune and apple orchard, good graveied roaas. best buick and rrd.-not soil, good wire and board lencos. of above sandy loam bottom iana; abuudance of pure water, transportation iy rail and boat, clouts to scaoo.. churcii. postoffice and stores, 1U ml.os from town: iv. F. D.. phone, t-room houo, 40x50. gran ar. hoghou&e, prune lrr and cUicaen bousta. 4 cows, 4 horses. 8 hogs, 11 pige, V4 sheep. 6O chickwna; wapon, trucc drill, barrows, roofer, rake, uuggy. ;and rlier and ali necewary p.owd nd tools too numerous to mention, and alt In the best part of the lanuui W niainette Valley; making big nuney now, and ail lor $-0,000. lerniA lO.uoo cn. xiO.OoO first mortgage and miht consider giit edge for and give im intJiaie poiission. li.-re is amethinc wo. in iic. CU eary tor compieLe details. A. J. PRESTON. 422-23 Henry Blu. Portland- Oa. CENTRAL OREGON "STOCK RANCH. REAL STOCK RANCH; AXOUT HAU PRICE; 32 (OR 64u ACRES. DESCHUTS CwCNTY. ABOUT HAU REAUY To PLOW. XL i'SCJ. F A 1 K BUILDING?. PLENTY GuoD SOFT WATER. (2 SETS UU1D1NG. NEAR R. R. SURVEY. STAGE STA TK'A. P. O.. STOKE. PHOXE. SCHOOL ETC OFF EK TiliS LAND AT tlO PER ACRE ON TELMo UT WoTt $-. DISCOUNT FoK ALL CASH. WlH'LD CONSIDER SM.1 CITY HOME OR SULUKUAN HuMB ON EX CHANGE. THE BEST LOCATION 1 THE WEST Ft.. II LIVESTOCK. AND HAY RANCHING. SEVERAL GtV LKNMEN f liUNCHGKASS LOCA tions still ol. to .-lttlkment for pasture, same distriot.4 A D D i t i-SS l'ATTEU SO N . 302 S LLL1 NG 1-vLDG.. PORTLAND. faE FILLINGS Ss MUSORAVK for Good Li ys in City and Ram h t ropertiea. 2Ju acres, about the same distance from Albany and CorvaliLs: about acrvs in cultivation; all im be. l."o e.cre ', uiu, an if nee a ana cross fenced; about mile from Pac:fio highway, cloae to Railroau station. This pl.tce is zin exceptional buy at $100 per acre; fully equipped with stoctt. machin ery, hay and gr.nn. can run for ten yeara at V. intermit. $.Ooo cajth and terms on balance to suit purchaser. Would take some good clear income property in exchange. M. BILLINGS J. E. MTJSG RAVE. - 5tl McKa y Hid g- I a: I a 13 1 1 0. .D0O-ACK K wheat ranch, nearly all under plow. iui now being t-eedt-u to summer fallow wheat; fine well, fair buildings, lull and complete fanning outiiL 45 - per acre. Wul consider good unmcum bored property to $T 0.000. Ooo-acre wheat ranch, nearly an under cultivation. l;,ou being wwn to sumiiUTia.liow wheal; splendid buildings, w ith waier pipexl into e-ame. lea-ted lor cojutng cat. nwr receives 1-3 deliv ered. jor acre. Consider good prop erty to $; J K. Moore. 41 Board. ol Trade. 'CRANFIERRY LAND." 1'KOMT UrM PER ACRE POSSJ0 CAN VOL" LEAT IT? 4 ACRES IN -rilOVKX DISTRICT 5 A L hi ifiAMT T hi 1 1 1 S ; EXCH AN GU MAKE OFFER. I'Kii'K ILA.VD UN 1 Al PROVE SELLENO $300 To $:.ih NEAR IS. ADl'ittSS OWNER, 302 SEXNO B1'G.. K'KTLA.ND. GOOD INCOME. CLEAR 1 IK1CK A i'AKTM ENX, CLOSE IN, WEST SIDE. PRICE mm: WILL 1 HADE FOR CLOSE-IN PROPERTY AND ASSUMB TO 4."i.000. Vti IS A CHANCE TO UNLOAD. GET Su.Mfcl CASH AND GET A GOOD 1 NO M E. WHAT HAV13 TOV? F 41. OREGONIAN. W 1 LL Tit A DE A N l ASS L'ME. An s-rooiu niwuern house, fine cement brvstment, two is of plumbing, eiectxio lights, fcaw; a mighty weil-buut house; lot iOx loo ; ner overlook addition. Price $4oUU. clear; will trade this for house in bet ter district and assume; thiM wi:l stand a loan of $1750. F t&l Oregonian. &4U-ACRE (arm. 6 miies wet from Eu gene. 4O0 to be in crop for coming year; god buildutK; s ol place fenced hog tiht; 2 orchards; good auto road to place; ol equipment belongs to owner and goes with place ; owner receives ol crop ; price J.'0.m0. Consider Fort land property. L. K. Moore. 317 Board g HOMES FOR FI-AT3. Modern 7-room bunaiow ; new and up-to-mmute -rimni, cui Kara tie, hard surface, ltiuxl"0, lu minutes waia from Broad w ay bridge ; al i clear; -worth 12,oo0. Want iiat same amount. O. V. HADLEY, East bU. 7 ACRES, all in cultivation; fine soil, at Aioah station. 3 acres near Ients Jet.. al In cultivation. 00 aros good land. 2 miles to railroad. Lincoln county; either or all to trade lor city property. G 020. t rejoman. CLOSE-IN AC R E A G E. all under cultivation; Kood buildings, en hard-feuriace tre-t. to trade for larger larm. Price 530, t too. WE1ST v DO LLA RH I DE. M0-511 Lea is bldg. QUA RTER -SECTION good wheat land, all t lihible. in summer l;:liow; three miles to warehouse. Cornel!. Wah. ; good roda. What havj you? ti40(i. Room 27 Tay lor Hotel, either phono A 41,iS. FOR TRAltrJ - 2-4n-a-re wheat ranch, 190 In cull 1 vation. 0O in winter wneat: good buildniK, plenty of water; price $30 per Mcrf . uhpi small sttre or ranch. liox 1 5i. Mansfield. Wash. FoR SALE or exchange, a city lot well located in ancouver. ash., clear or all incumbrance for u ranch . might pay some cash nilereuce. P. J. Klrwiu, Van -touer, Wash. EXCHANGE 8 -room double houso, two lots, on corner paved st. rent 00 per mouth, want soinn tali. Whit have you ? Ow our. 05 E. 3uth St.. Sunny aide i r. 3 HOUSES, 70x100 corner, Williams ave.. 20 minutes out, f 1,500. 1 aKe J.ooO farm, radius 40 miles Portland, some rash, balance to suit. 1047 Cleveland a ve. FOR SALE or exchange, 38.32 acres Lin coln oounh ; right by spruce railroad: county road 4 mile : 1 S acres clear!; 2-rt'oin l.oufc. G ;i. I. uret;uiimn. PORTLAND Bl'NGALOW. New and inoCern, garuge. $ti500: want similar Los Aiijjeles uiiitlow. W. Hu Kosa, 110O N. WBank bicg. WILL TRADE 6-roorn c.itinge. 2 hi room a, clear oi incumbrance. (r 6-rooiu bun. ga.ow with U V'eurooiiis and assume mtg. Wooiliaw n M-I2. H BLOCKWalla Walia. $lo00. Nice nm ; II bungalow Med lord. Or $1250. Ei:li'r tor auio, or what have youT ;14 Panama bldg. 100 ACRES in Southern Oregon, price 3."oo. nior'Hifc $ loo ; will trade for an thing oi! aiue. Cail Wood lawn 2H25. LA KG E house. 9 rooms. 15th and E, Sal mon. Wtll exchange equity for farm land. Give .full de-cription. Write owner. H 310. Oregonian. GEAKHART cottage. $ 1 li 00 for sJ or trae. 7 rooms, ati cedr. f ured beat location. Y 81. oregonian. EXCHANGE Klamath Falls lota for hoaaa or bungalow In good location; will fr ail me. AC 130. Oregonian W I LL SWAP 50 x 1 0 f Irvington d istr 1 ct lot for anything. What havo you? M 733, Oregonian. FoR TRADE 10-a. grapefruit land in Manatee Co Fla.. for light car or ton trut k or vacant tots. 15! O'.lve t i WILL exchange gilt-e.l7ea security and caflh to $ 1 "h as payment on $2500 houe. Wepton, HSO N. W. Hank bldg. FOR EXt'HANGE Lots near Hawthorne ave. ; want clear lots los Angelea. D HtH. or gonian. $ loo. oho OK PUEBLO real estate. Income $4ooo; will take Portland property or 'cash. 125 W. 12th. PueMo. Colo. F.XCM ANGK. 3 -room house. II niiie from Portland; Ai Oregonian HAVK 4-room house. 2 lots. NnxlOO each. Wiil exchange for small hung: tow, close In. Hatfleiu. 231 Morrison st, EXCH A NGE block and il-room house -in 1 nie pe nd e nee. Or., tor property near Portland; ail clear. H 2S4. Oregonlau. MODKHX S-ronm. close to Franklin high, or will trade lor smaller house. Phone Tabor 2 --. FOR PALE or escliange for cheep house and lot 1 acre with buildings, truit and berries near Beavwrton. Tci. Mar. 52oy. WANTED House equity or lot for Ford roaiibU-r. 14 Panama bldg. lOO ACRES near Orofino. Idaho. $2400 for Portland property. Mam 73Q9. 00 A -RES luiprovt'l. Estacada line. Price riKht. Ail tl-N. Oregonian. LOT OR ALTO on my modern 5-rm, bun 1; a ! o w. 215 Abington bldg. BKOOM house, furnace, garage; want lot h. part pavmenr. 10O;- Fourth st- A.-TORIA prop or farm eqiut rty for y. E.!z. ipartment house looi. Fourth st. FoR good bu . alo or exchange, see Strat- t'-n . 217 A bin gt on htdr. ACHES of land 3 miles from Portland for property. C 1'Q7. Kyl'lTY in 8-room houe for good auto. Tabor 7126 after 6 P. Al. 6