12 THE SUNDAY OREGOXIA PORTLAND, OCTOBER 19, 1919. REAL ESTATE. or bale Farms. fAUirm AGENCY. INC 7 ACREAGE. $1400. acre of good lana nw FelJera sta.- la under cu, u vation ; win exchniiM f.ir 11 CHICIfi!:N RANCH. $1500. tore rt"' cte-d nu,t rm depot, tore aud postoixice; rural mail route! ?u.n rCret uader cultivation. balanS rolling paatm-o; running water, good faiuuy houw of S room., barn chicken FRUIT FARM. $1500 frAt'chVrr.0! land" a11 Bet to faring bSrriM- iS i Ph fa- acle- apples an3 from U?h " me- bne spring house h .w. i "ih water can be piped to ?n7, yVarn and ba-y "ed; located at wwge 0rZv r- Wuiu make a fane ehicaen or dairy ranch. Good terms. BERRY LAND, $1600. .a-iS iaf.a' ,part of wbch is cleared, -T-LT 1 mlle, rom station on electric line: ome small buildings, spring water a nap. 33 will handle this or wLl .C cept a small bome iu Portland or Leni. HALF-ACRE HOME. $2000. - acre on East Young sU, at Wood urn. good. large, new. modern 7-rooin aiouae. small barn and other outbuildings, plenty of fruit. A dandy home. Will exchange for a home of eu.ua! value in ACREAGE, $2200. 20 acres, with 12 acres tinder cultl atLon,; 5'room house, barn and other outbuildings; 4 mile from school and railroad station; located near Mitchman AUUoii, on good road. 1-ACRE HOME. $2500. . cr of good ground, all cleared, ad joining city of Gresham; good modern bungalow, with basement. The house alone is worth more than the price u?ked; $150o will handle this, or might consider an exchange for a 4 acre farm in tViilainette valley. CHICKEN RANCH. $3000. feres of good creek bottom land In Creahaai; 5-room house, nearly com pleted ; 4 large chicken houses, lots of range and snade; place has alwavs made .money. Will sell chicken separate if s anted. $1200 will nandle this. IMPROVED ACREAGE, $3000. to acres, Hi miles from the Ait. Hood oop highway and good town; 10 acres tinder cultivation; 4-ruoxn house, wood ahed. washroom, chicken house, smoke house, barn ; water pumped irom spring to house by gasoline engine. Good farm lor diversified or other farming. Will exchange in part for a home in Seaside. fruit land $3000. 10 acres, located on a good road near Woodburn; ail good land, all under plow, well fenced and well drained; 1 svere of raspberries, fair house of 6 rooms, good new barn and other out buildings; a finte fruit and berry ranch, close to town. Will exchange for more and cheaper land in the valley and as sume. BEAVERDAM LAND, $3200. 15 acres, with about 1 acre of beaver Aam land; 7000 feet of tile, 6-roora bouse, woodshed, hog and chicken houses; well and pump; good fences; 1 hi miles from Canby. on a good road; 2. F. I. and telephone. FRUIT FARM. $3500. 20 acres. 3 miles west of Corvallis, on a good country road; 10 acres of prunes end balance pasture and garden land ; family orchard, tine spring, good soil; land gently rolling; small house of 2 rooms, good barn and prune dryer; trees average 400 boxes of prunes a year, which amounts to about $1600. Wll. make terms on this. ONE-ACRE HOME. $3500. 1 acre inside the city limits of "Wood burn ; one of the main streets ; has a good 8 -room modern house, which is in good shape and a bargain. W til ex- ; change on a farm up to $8000. IMPROVED ACREAGE. $3500. ! 2hi acres, close to highway, close to 1 Portland and Ores ham ; fancy G-room bungalow, Dutch kitchen In white enam el, lireplace, barn, chicken house, ga rage; grove at house; fruit trees and berries; Jersey cow, chickens and some feed; $1300 will handle this. CHICKEN RANCH. $3750. Chicken ranch of 3 acres and 4-roora house on nice creek of running water the year around; at Cottage Grove. Or.; chicken house lOxSO. now used as a brooder house; 1 chicken house 10x6o, 1 chicken house 16x30. The land is good creek bottom land and set to fruit and berries ; buildings are equipped with trap nests; II 2i8-egj? incubators, 2 new brooder stoves; terms. ACREAGE. $4000. 17 acres, mostly wooded land, a short distance out of Eugene; modern 4-room bungalow, with bath. toilet. electric lights, garage, small barn and chicken bouse. Will exchange for home in Port land up to $3000 or $4000. ACREAGE. $5000. 20 acres. 2 miles from Woodburn, on rood gravel road ; 17 acrea under plow, balance pasture, but all good land; good 6-room modern bouse, good barn and other outbuild In gs ; some stock and equipment. Will exchange for cheaper land near Catholic church. Will assume up to $3000. FRUIT FARM. $5000. A fine 13-acre apple orchard. 0 years old, planted to Delicious. King, Davis, Jonathans, etc.; well located on a fine countv road, mile from Philomath. Will make terms on this. CHICKEN RANCH. $5000. 10 acres adjoining the city limits of Woodburn, on a main road; good land, all under plow, well fenced and well drained; modern T-room bungalow, elec tric lights, water, etc. ; new modern barn, new chicken houses, garage, etc ; $2500 will handle this. BERRY LAND. $5000. 10 acres, all under plow, adjoining the citv limits of Woodburn; all new, mod ern buildings, good 6-room house, with electric lights, water, etc.: large barn garage and other buildings; all good black land, fine for onion-set land or ierry land. Terms, or will exchange for cheaper land up to S10.U00. COUNTRY HOME. $6000. 13 acres of land mile from Gresh am : elegant, modem T-room bungalow, with full basement, garage and barn; good well, pneumatic tank and gasoline engine; good young orchard; 6 acres tinder cultivation; an elegant, modern country home and by adding fruit this place will be self-sustaining; $3500 will handle this. PACIFIC AGENCY. INC. 512-13-14-15 Swetland bldg. RTERB YOU HAVE IT. IrO acres. 74 miles from Vancouver, only H-mile from paved road connect ing with Pacific highway; 40 acres under hiKh state of cultivation, part of bal ance very easily cleared; place excep tionally well watered by eprings and at reams: 2 orchards in full bearing, 2 houses, large barn, machine sheds, black smith shop and all other necessary out milldlnga. Personal property consists of all household goods. 2 team. 3 cows, Z head of young stock, chickens, 2 wag ons, hack, harrows, plows. cul vators. mower, rake, cream separator.- . Aill set blacksmith tools. 26 tons hay In barn, all growing crops and small tools. Price for quick sale $10,000. half cash. Must be seen to be appreciated. THOM PSON ft S W A N. 3d and Main sts Vancouver. Wash. CLOSE TO BROWNSVILLE, ONLY $65 PER ACRE. 5 16 acres black loam soil, on good rd-Hurraced road, school on place and all rural conveniences ; 250 acres under cultivation, 1 80 acres pasture, balance timber; watered by 2 creeks and springs, good fences. 6-room houpe, barn and out buildings; two acres orchard; price $65 ner acre with large line of machinery. in good shape; 30 head of horses and 40 head or cattle win oe ieii on ine piace, if satisfactory terms can be made; less than hair casn win nanoie mis rancn John Ferguson, Gerllnger bldg. f4.8-ACRE stock farm. 9 miles north of Corvallis, 6 miles . it, station ana main West Side highway, now being paved : good 5-room house, 3 barns. 1 silo, spring voter nined to house. living stream across the place, 9 miles of woven wire fence. Personal property, such as farm implements, horses, shet and 'other stock of value about $6000 included in price of $32,000. Think of it! Such a farm with all improvements in heart of Willamette valley for about $20 per acre. I. G. DAVIDSON. WIS Chamb er of C o mmerce. " ON HARD-SURFACED ROAD. CLOPE TO ELECTRIC DEPOT. 30 acres, all under cultivation, located 25 miles from Portland; nice level land, exceptionally fine soil, good 4-room bouse, barn, chicken house, garage, or chard; water piped to house: close to school: personally inspected. Prle $4250 with about 10 tons hay, some grain and potatoes. Terms on part. John Fergu son. Gerllnger bldg. iNBARLT 360 acres, about 8 miles from Portland limits, on R- R. and paved highway; about 2O0 acres cultivated; fine living stream. 2 dairy barns. 3 silos, larre herd of Jerseys, horses, sheep, hops and farm implements; all for $72. 6V0; really worth $100,000. See me for Why it is for sale. J. G. DAVIDSON. 1 9 Chamber of Commerce. KLAMATH FALLS. 640 acres for sale by J 6$, Oregon ima. REAL ESTATE. lor Sale Farms, WThVtMuT? VALLEY BARGAINS t Jr. Ji-i.J BEEN PERSONALLY INSPECTED BY A MEMiiJiil OF OUR COMPANY. STOCK RANCH. rwJli1acre" ,oeate1 1- miles west of ?.Tn?i'I' i .Ti!es rom H station; county road through place; about 100 aJ in cultivation, balance open pasture.- ex- ?,K'P.erh,ar8 1 or 80 and oak timber, place should easily run 200 head oi sheep; improvement fair; a bargain I?QMineono at "a Per acre- Might take small residence in Portland as first pay ment. Cut-OVBR LAND GOOD STOCK PROPOSITION. of)0 acres, located within 7 miles of good town and R. R. station, on main graveled macadam road leaalng to two popuiar ocean resorts; price $o260: will take Portland residence up to $4000. G R A IN A ND DA IRY FARMS. 2uS acres, located 2 miles from town, on paved Pacific highway; ItiO acres cultivation, bal. oak and ash timber; all well fenced and cross-fenced, well im proved, good house, barn and other out buildings; price $12,500, good terms can be arranged. 96 acres, located about 2 miles from Oregon Agricultural college, on main road; about 85 acres cultivation and balance timber; well improved ; this ia an estn te and must be sold at once. Price ho00. terms. 440 acres, 4 miles from good tbwn on paved road; about 40O acres in cultiva tion ; well watered by running stream ; good house, two good barns and other outbuildings ; all well fenced and cross fenced; with this place goes all per sonal property, valued at about $12,000-, Including .stock and equipment. 123 acres, practically all in cultiva tion, with enough timber for domestic use; good improvements, large house, two good barns and other outbuildings, fruit of all kinds, all well fenced and cross-fenced ; w ith this goes all personal property except household furniture ; owner too old to handle place ; price $15,000. A fine home for someone. These farms have been personally In spected by Mr. Burnap. of this firm, who will be in Portland Monday and Tues day and can be found at the office of the Pacific Agency, S wetland building, between the hours of 10 and 4 o'clock each day. Or for further particulars writs J. W. MORGAN & CO., Phone 4202. Corvallis, Oregon, CO ACRES STOCKED AND EQUIPPED, 10 MILES OUT. This is a good farm, rocked road to the place, and just 10 miles from city limits, 30 acres, 26 in cultivation; splendid soil, and it lies well: 6-room house, new barn, 3tx0. outbuildings, fruit and living spring. Personal: 3 splendid horses, 7 cows. 100 hens. 3 hogs. 20 tons hay, 100 bu. wheat. 350 bu. oats, potatoes, binder, mower, disc, cultivator, drill, 2 wagons, harness, plows, harrows, small tools; price for everything. $7500; per sonal easily worth $2000. This is in one of our very best farming sections. HARGROVE REALTY CO., 122 North tith at Broadway 438L S0-ACRE FARM TO TRADE. This place is near the Columbia highway, three miles to R. R. sta tion ; ail good loam soil, 20 acres cult., bearing orchard, with all kinds of fruit, farm dwelling, large new barn, all fenced ; 2 horses, 3 cows, 3 heifers. 2 hogs, plenty of farm tools to run the place; fine view of the Columbia river. Own er will trade for city property worth $6000 or take any reasonable cah offer. See Ralph Ackley, 527 Corbett bldg. iiain 7141. 122 ACRES. 100 In cult,, some more almost ready to plow, the bal. in oak and fir timber; all black loam soil, all level, well tiled; 7-room house, 2 barns, all kinds of out houses, line fruit, some fine big wanut shade trees around the house; good well at house, flue living water; this place made close to $40' )0 this year; talk about raiting corn, this place had corn over S it. high, real eastern corn; for loganberries, hog and dairying you can't beat this place; located 4 miles of Canby, Or.; price $100 an acre, part cash, bal. time at 6. E: P. ELLIOTT & SON, Tth and Main Sts., Oregon City. Or. FOR SALE OR RENT. 210 acres, located 2Vi miles from Har ris burg, Oregon, Wilamette valley. lt0 acres under cultivation, large orchard, good graveled road, prairie upland. 10 room colonial house, large barn and out buildings, telephone R. F. D., cream route, hi mile to school; price $125 per acre on very easy terms; will rent for $5 per acre. cash. Stock on the place thp.t can be bought at right price. A high-class place, well located. John Fer guson, Gerlinger bldg UNION COUNTY RANCH. Located north of Elgin. 160 acres, black loam soil, water by spring and wttl 1, 90 acres under cultivation, house, barn, good county road, school on plac. R. F. D., very productive soil; price $75 per acre, with 19 head of cattle, G hories, 75 chickens. 2 wagons. 3 plows, 3 sets harness, mower, rake, binder, harrows, cultivators, gas wood eaw. drag saw, grain chopper, grain drill, potato planter, 3 hay racks and lots of crops; half cash. John Ferguson. Oerllnger bldg 61 ACRES, iocated six miles from inter state orlage, Vancouver, vvasn., on niu surface road, two blocks from Union station on Slfton carllne; about 35 acres In cultivation; good farm house, barn, 3 horses, 10 cattle, barn full of hay, some oats, wheat and barley, wagon, buggy, plow, mower and other toois; about 10;V cords ot wood; fine soil; adjoining land selling as high as $300 per acre; the price of this fine little farm, including everything. $12,600; terms $4500 cash, balance $J00tt per year. 5 per cent in terest. GIl-fSON. 268 Stark. Marshall 12. YAMHILL COUNTY RANCH. 108 acres located 5 miles from Gaston, Or.. 36 miles from Portland ; 53 acres under cultivation, 55 acres good pasture, well seeded ; good fences, watered by spring and well ; good 10-room house, barn, chicken house, water piped to buildings; R. F. D., telephone, school on place, county road; price $7000, with S good horses, wagon, harness, hack, buggy, 5 hogs, chickens, hay, etc.; $3500 cauh Pcrsonallv inspected, photo at of fice John Ferguson, Gerllnger bldg. $42 PER ACRE. lOO acres. 25 cleared, part slashed, some very good timber, good soil, fair house good large barn, chicken houses, orchard. 3. acres In spuds, plow, har row mower and rake. cultivator. 25 bUHhels wheat. 32 bushels oats: 22 miles Portland. 7 miles R- K. and Columbia river in Wash, county, $1000 cash, bal. 5 per cent interest. Albert Harala. with Hargrove Realty Co., 122 N. 6th st. Broadway 43S1. fll-ACRE FARM. ELECTRIC LIGHTS CITY WATER. Joins town; best of soil; 26 acres in cultivation, 5 pasture with spring; land lies perfect; 6-room house, small barn, chicken houses, orchard ; include team, cow, hogs, chickens, some implements and feed: 35 miles Portland on electric line; $6000 for all. D. McChesney, 304i Oak at. Broadway 206. SI-ACRE farm, Clackamas county, miie electric, Ihk S. P. R. and store, close to school and church. miles good town, 27 miles from Portland on good auto road, with stock, tools, feed and seed. Good buildings. 6-room house. 2 large barns, hog house and other outbuildings. All for $12. COT), good terms. Addre.w owner. L. A. Austin. Aurora, Or., Route 4. box S4A MARION COUNTY river bottom stock farm. 363 acres, 200 under cultivation, balance pasture, abundance of water, good house, barn, silo, hog house, good fences: would make 3 good ranches, with river bottom soil on each plave: if taken in a body go at $100 per acre. Some cash, long time on balance. V. R. Put nam, Woodburn. Or. NEAR HILLS BO RO. 90 acres, located south of Hlllsboro, Tualitan river bottom, all can be culti vated. 65 acres under cultivation, nice laying land, sloping to river, county road and close to graveled road, exceptionally fine soil, 1 mile to school, cheap build ings; price $11" per acre, half cash. John Ferguson, Gerllnger hlrlg. BARGAIN $10.300 BARGAIN. 135-acre farm, 90 acres in cultivation; some timber, some open pasture: house, him and other outbldgs. ; telephone in house; milk route ; 7 miles S. E. of Sil- verton; terms 1-3 cash, balance 1, 2 and 3 vea'T. 6 Interest. GIBSON, 2tS Stark. Marshall 12. ON THE PAVEMENT. Near Tigard. 20 acres, nice lying land, good soil; ideal building place, large frontage on the highway; price oniy $30O per acre on very easy terms. . Per sonally Inspected. John Ferguson, Ger llnger bldg. THE wheat next fall should pay for this place; 800 acres. 155 tillable; 360 acres sown to turkey red wheat : nice resi dence, large barn, plenty of wntr piped to yara ana ounuings. j. r uzmaurice, Condon. r. Zhk ACRES, good house, close to valley tnwn and new highway ; land in culti vation ; orchard ; may take auto up to ;lu. vuicainxmg nnt. wr email garage, .r larger farm. AV 606. Oregonian. 5-ACRE chicken ranch. blocks frorr Kniem street car: good house, burn kenhouse; lots of fruit; for sale at a bargain. See Mr. Purdy at Hotel Oregou tonay. 160 ACRES, near Vale, for onlv S9 -.r acre; this land Is good soil, plenty water a good chance for oil. Weatengard. r. il JIEAL ESTATE For Sale Farms. NEWBERG 460 ACRES. 80O acres under high state of cultiva tion, 10 acres of prunes; strictly modern two-story house, barn 100x100, silo and all necessary buildings; 20O head of sheep, cows, horses; in fact, fully stocked and equipped; fronts on Wlllam eto river; this wonderful farm can be sold at a bargain. WEIST & DOLLAR HIDE. 510-511 Lewis Bldg. 125 ACRES MARION. 65 acres under cultivation; all good soil; family orchard; woven-wirs fences; new modern six-room house; barn 40x8O; creek and well; located one-half mile of town, south of Salem; price $14,000. WEIST ft DOLLAR HIDE. 510-511 Lewis Bldg. 2O0 ACRES JEFFERSON. 145 acrea under cultivation, all good land; family orchard, fair set of farm buildings; this farm adjoins Jefferson; price $125 an acre. WETST & DOLLARHIDE, 510-511 Lewis Bldg. 100 ACRES POLK COUNTY. Family orchard, all very rich slightly rolling land ; good set of farm build ings; on main road from Independence to Corvallis ; price $ 1 1,000. WEIST ft DOLLARHIDE. 510-511 Lewis Bldg. $65 AN ACRE 800 ACRES. 200 aenn under cultivation; woven wire fences; family orchard ; very good set of farm buildings; gravity water system : located one mile from town, near Albanv. WEIST ft DOLLARHIDE, 510-511 Lewis Bldg. 450 ACRES. All under cultivation, fenced and cross fenced; good set of farm buildings, two wells and windmills, 15 acres of orchard; one mile from railroad station, near Kugene; price $37,500; will take part in trade. WEIST ft DOLARHIDB, 510-511 Lewis Bldg. 240 ACRES POLK COUNTY. lO0 AN ACRE All under high state of cultivation; very rich siiglmy rolling land; fair set of farm buildings, family orchard; lo cated one mile from railroad; terms. WEIST ft DOLLARHIDE, 610-511 Lewis Bldg. 100 ACRES NEAR TIGARD ROAD. 65 acres under cultivation, one-half Tualatin river bottom; very good set of farm buildings; family orchard; 20 acres of clover, woven-wire fences; a snap at $ 1 2. 500. WEIST ft DOLLARHTDE, 510-511 Lewis Bldg. 330 ACRES, BROWNSVILLE. $25 AN ACRE. 80 acres under cultivation: family or chard, fair set of farm buildings, springs, creek and welt; .on mam county road, five miles from Brownsville. WEIST & DOLLARHIDE, 610-511 Lewis Bldg. 25 MINUTES FROM OFFICE TO FARM. Consumed time. 25 minutes; gas, hi gallon, from Portland's center to this ideal country home, out Ores ham way, but this side. This is the bargain of that splendid section; 28 acres with per fect road right to the door, all in a high state cultivation, perfect laying land, no rock or gravel; 6-room bungalow, lighLs at house and bam, bath, cement walks, splendid barn and outbuildings: splendid orchard, 25 symmetrical, bearing English walnuts, all kinds berries. PERSONAL: Team, 2 cows, calf. 6 registered hogs, lots chickens, bees, 2 wagons, full set implements, 20 tons clover hay; price $11,000; just th pries of bars land in that vicinity. HARGROVE REALTY CO.. 122 North 6th si. Broadway 4381. IRRIGATED ALFALFA FARM, EASY TERMS. 40 acres, level and cleared river-bottom alfalfa and bean land, main irrigating canal goes around two sides of this 40; neighbors are cutting 10 to 12 tons al falfa per acre; best dairy and hog-raising district on Pacific coast; will supply buyer thoroughbred registered brood sows at pork prices; only 4 miles to city of 80,000. good roads, steam, electric and water transportation ; this is the Ideal place you have been looking for; price for'quick sale $160 per acre, only $1280 cash, balance in 15 yearly payments; you won't find a single poor farmer on this rich land. Phone, write or call for full information. H. E. Castle. 475 Waehing ton St., Portland; phone Broadway 2182. WILL SACRIFICE THIS FINE 225-ACRE FA RM IN ORDER TO SETTLE AN ESTATE $75 AN ACRE. 8 miles from a good town on Red Elec tric; 40 miles S. W. of Portland: 140 acres of rich soil in cultivation; no rock: lies well; balance good open pasture and timber, til la if le when cleared ; fenced with woven wire; 3 fine springs, creek unj well; good big barn; new bog house, chicken house, smoke house; five-room house, fruit trees, berries, fine prune and loganberry land ; refused $125 a few years ago. See Sam Hewey at J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg. 30 ACRES. $S0O DOWN. 23 acres in cult-, some more easily put In cult., some timber, living spring water, 4-room house, granary, fair barn, all kinds of fruit, good well at house; this place is 1 hx miles to storo, carline and shipping point; this is a dandy lying place: you couldn't fine a nicer tract of ground; 7S miies of Oregon City; all of the roads graveled but 1 H miles; price $3500. $800 down. bal. time at 6. The owner used to ask $5000 for this place. E. P. ELLIOTT ft SON. 7th and Main Sts.. Oregon City, Or. CROP, STOCK AND EQUIPMENT. 80 acres, located six miles eat Esta cada. Or., county road, good soil ; 45 acres under cultivation, 70 acres can be cultivated, good fences, family orchard and 500 bearing prune trees; new 6-room house, water piped to house from spring, large barn, chicken house; price $7200, with 3 horses, 1 cow, 2 brood sows, 36 chickens. 7 stands of bees, 12 tons hay, 10 tons straw, 3 acres carrots and vegeta bles, wagon, mower, cultivator, plow, disc barrow. 2 sets harnesses and seeder; half cn. John Ferguson, Gerllnger bldg. HERE is a farm bargain; 80 acres, over 40 in high state oi cuit. ; very oet or soil : 2 acres of I talian prunes and an abundance of all kinds of fruit for fam ily use; land lies nice to worn; fine spring near house: new 8-room house, barn, chicken house, etc; fine team of horses weigh mg 2800 lbs., 3 cows and complete equipment of farm irryilements and tools: all go for only $:Tj0; good terms: this is only 17 mii-s from Port land, fl miles from Hlllsboro; this is a bargain, let us show it to you. Yallmadg Realty Co., 619 Henry bldg. CROP, STOCK AND EQUIPMENT. 43 acres, located 14 miies from Port land, this side of Oregon City; 30 acres can be cultivated. 20 acres under culti vation, rolling land, large orchard, creek and two spring?; price $5500, with young team, 6 cowp, 4 heifers, brood sow, 70 chickens, 20 tons hay. kale, vegetables, wagon, mower, cultivator, 2 plows. 2 sets harness, hay rake, cream separator, hack, buggy and farm truck; $3000 cash. Personally Inspected. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. CREEK-BOTTOM LAND. 23 acres, located close to electric de pot at Earle creek, on macadamized road, all level land; 19 acres under cul tivation, balance pasture, some timber for wood, creek through place; all of land can be irrigated from creek; 5-rm. houe. barn, chicken house, orchard and berries; price $3100, $1100 cash. Per sonally Inspected. No trades. John Fer guson, Gerlinger bldg. FULLY equipped 80 acres, central Oregsn irrigated land: good house, barn and outbuildings, fenced and cross-fenced. 60 tons of hay, some catt!e, 9 head of horses, chickens, hogs and machinery ; 65 acres in cultivation, family gard- 7 varieties of berries; a snap. $6000, terms. CALL ON US. H. H. 1'RD AHL t INC.). Mnin 6252. 322 Ahington Bldg. HALF MILE FROM SHERWOOD. 30 acres, on good macadamized road, rinse to Caoitol highway: all can be cul tivated. 27 acres undor cultivation. 4 acres commercial orchard. In good shap; water system, small houre. good barn, chicken house, nice grounds, convenient to electric depot; price $.WO0. $1500 cash. Personally inspected. John Ferguson, fjprlinsT mag. 119 ACRES. IRRIGATED. 119 acres, 80 in high, state of culti vation. 15 nearly cleared, good orchard some bulMInrs. near West Staytott; pric $11,000. $:t.00 down, including pald-ui water right. A I DPDT T-T a d a t a With Hargrove Realty Co.. 1 22 N. Cth Street. oiwauwa.T ACRE TRACT IN CITY.- All under cultivation, lots of fruit trees, some berries; located close to Haw thome car; good soil, no gravel, 4-room house and outbuildings: gap and other citv conveniences; price $JJ.0. $500 down. Personally Inspected, photo at office. John Ferguson, Gerllnger Didg. POLK- COUNTY stock farm. 347 acres. SO acres under cui ti vat Ion. 267 acres of pasture, numerous living springs, good house and bam and other stock sheds: fenced and crows-fenced, hog tight fences: $".0 per sere; easy terms. V. R. Pmnam, (HKibuxn. vt REAL ESTATE. lor fcale Farms, PUBLIC SALE. On old Jerome Jackson place, one-half mile west of Broad acres station, S s miies west of Hubbard, on - THURSDAY. OCTOBER 2S, Commencing at 9:30 A. M., the fol lowing described property: B LIVESTOCK. 2 Holsteln cows. 1 Jersey cow. 1 Jersey cow. 5 years old. duo to freshen Dec 26. 1919. 1 Durham and Jersey cow. 5 years old. due to freshen Dec L 1919. 1 Holstein bull. 1 black team. 7 and S years old. weight about 3200 pounds. 1350by mare 7 year oid iffht about 1 black filly, 3 years. 1800 pounds. - S thoroughbred Chester White brood sows. Some shoats. weight about 65 pounds. 4 young pigs. 1 registered Chester Whits boar. 8 dozen Leghorn chickens. 18 geese. FARM IMPLEMENTS. TOOLS. ETC 1 wagon. 1 mowing machine,. 1 hay rake. 1 broadcast seeder. 1 two-horse cultivator. 1 one-horse cultivator. 1 large disc 1 small disc 1 spring-tooth harrow. 1 three-section drag harrow. 1 double hack. 1 single hack. 1 anvil. 1 vise. 1 forge. 2 grindstones. 1 windmill. Cider press. Bone mill. Fanning mill. 1 16-inch steel plow. 1 14-lnch chilled plow. 1 10-inch hop plow. 1 roller. 1 f harpless cream separator 4 10-gallon cans. 1 5-gallon can. 1 buzzsaw. 2 circular saws. . 1 emery whsaL 1 feed mill. 1 Jr. planter. 1 auto truck. 1 hop press. Hop baskets and sacks. Hay rake, blocks and fork. 1 platform scales. 2 sets harness- 1 hand spray pump. 20 bushels wheat. 3'0 bushels oats. 60 bushels barley. About 20 tons hay. TERMS All sums under $10. cash; over that amount a credit of 1 year's time will be given on good bankable notes bearing 6 per cent Intereit from date of sale: 5 per cent discount on all sums over $10. All property must be settled for before being moved from the premises. LUNCH ON THE GROUND. M. H. Hostetler. auctioneer. Bank of Hubbard, clerk. C. C. RULIFPON. Owner. Also will offer at public sale. 177 acres, known as the Jerome Jackson place, 100 In cultivation, good buildings: terms. $1000 cash on day of sale. $6000 on exchange of satisfactory papers, bal ance at 6 per cent. Minimum protection bid of $10o pr acre. If not sold will be for lease from 3 to 6 years. 90J-ACR RANCH IN DOUGLAS COUNTY. OREGON. This ranch contains 965 acres, about equally divided between rich bottom land and gentle side hill slope. There is plenty of water for both stock and Ir rigation purposes; it has free irriga tion ditches and free water for quite a portion of the bottom land. It is sit uated on Cow creek and said creek a I ways has nientv of water. The Pacific highway runs through the entlro place and 13 only 4 miles from Glendale. a nice little town on the S. P. R. R.. Has a good 13-room house, silo, barn and other build ings; has good family orchard contain ing a variety of fruit. This ranch could be made one of the show places of Ore gon and Is all 'A' number one land. There are 150 acres in cultivation; there Is some good tirrber on this rnnch, which the owner is now putting into lumber; he will make a liberal discount for the removal or this timber. OSCAR GBRHAUSER. 403-4 Stock Ex. Bldg. Main 8075. Inquire for Williams. 120 ACRES. 25 MILES OUT. $110 PER A. inis is real farming land, no better producer. Just 23 miles south, right at electric station. convenient to high school, 120 acres, splendid laying land, 50 acres In one field, best bottom land, all In cultivation, with Irrigation ditch and pald-.ip water right; no waste land all cleared, but 40 acres splendid pas ture, all of which could be put under plow with little work: 6-room house. 2 barns, outbuildings; price only $110 per acre. We are the oldest exclusive farm dealers In this section and our thorough knowledge of the country places us in a position to show you more real, good farm buys In one trip out than you could possibly find otherwise. Let us serve you. HARGROVE REALTY CO., 122 North 6th iu Broadway 4381. 120 ACRES. Stock and tools; 70 acres In cult., more open land that Is In pasture; fine living water, good 6-room house, good large barn with hay fork, gTanary, toolhouse, chicken house, hoghouse. all kinds oi fruit, good well at houe ; 5 horses. 2 cows. 28 head of fine sheep, 0O chick ens. 13 hogs. 2 wagons, mower, binder, drill, disc, riding and walking plows, cult., disc harrow, cream separator, all small tools, all household goods, and they are line; well-furnished house and clean, all ready to cook a meal, hay and grain; 1 miles to carllne, 8 Va miles of Oregon City, good location; price $16,000. $5500 down. bal. at 6 If you want a complete farm here It is and good soil. E. P. ELLIOTT ft SON, 7th andf Main Sts., Oregon City. Or. 15 MILES SOUTH OF PORTLAND ON HARD ROAD TO THIS 40-ACRE FARM. STOCK, CROP AND EQUIPMENT $6000. Big new barn, 6-room house with base ment, chicken hous. hog house; oats, seed wheat, hay in barn; potatoes; good garden, family orchard ; big team of horses, wagon, harness, new mower, new hay rake, plow, harrow and other small tools: 2 cows, 100 chickens; 25 acres of splendid soil In cultivation, balance in pasture and timber; mile to school. See Sam Hewey at J. L. Hartman Com pany, 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg., 4th and Stark. NICE. NEAT COUNTRY HOME ON PAVED ROAD. Paved road every foot of way and just 5 miles from the city limits; 12S acres, perfect laying land and very rich; 0 acres cleared, balance timber; 6-room plastered bungalow, cement walks, nice red barn, numerous good out -buildings, fruit. Only a stone's throw frm station, with good schools, churches, stores, etc Price $6000; $2io0 down. HARGROVE REALTY CO., 122 North tith st. Broadway 4381. 80-ACRE FARM. Good dairy farm with 12 cows. 3 horses, hogs, chickens and young stock, located In the Willamette valley, 1 mile from Oregon Elec tric, all cuit 7-room modern bun galow, hot and cold water, good or chard, close to school and good neighbors. Owner will take part trade. Price $12,500. Ralph Ack ley Land Co., 306 Corbett bldg. Main 7141. 100-12 160 ACRES. 40 in cultivation, 10 level; 6-roora house, barn 70x92, chicken bouse, hog house, prune dryer: Vi mile to school. 2 V- miles town and electric station: also 3 "horses. 1 colt, 6 cows, 2 heifers, 2 calves, 13 sheep, 2 sows, 12 shoats. 50 chickens, 10 turkeys, binder, mower, rake, disc harrow, seeder, cultivator, plows, wagon, hack, separator. 40 tons hay. all grain on place. Prtce $10,500; $.500 cash, balance 6 years, 5 per cent. H. A. Heater, Oregon City, Or. 8th and Main sts. SOUTHERN OREGON STOCK RANCH. 320 acres, all tillable with dark loam soil in very fertile valley. Medford dis trict, with large outrange adjoining, 200 acres been cultivated. 50 acres more practically cleared, balance some small timber, large creek through place f rom which 75 acres can easily be irrigated: a good large barn, small house, half mile to school on county road. Owner, a non resident, offers very attractive price and terms. A. H. BTRRELL CO.. 217 N. W. Bank bldg. Marshall 4114. 160 ACRES, centra! Oregon Irrigated land; 35 acres alfalfa, all fenced and cross fenced, 8-room modern house. 1 team of horses. 2 wagons. 2 good milch cows, and all other equipment. Including some small tools; owner wishes to retire: price $9000. terms. CALL ON ITS. H. H. URDAHL INC. , Main 6252. 322 Abington Bldg. NOW IS YOUR CHANCE I have 500 acres of good land nar Crane, Or., and I am cmpelld to offer this for sale at a sacrifice. See me to day at Hotel Oregon for information relative to this property If you are in t b - market. W. E. Purdy. 167 ACRES by. owner; I mile from town, school, depot, boat landing; 3 houses, 3 barns, 500 fruit trees, all bearing; 25 acres cleared, rest pasture: I ak pay only for improvements, land you can fc.v frs. P. O. box dtfi, Kalama, Wash. REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Farms. BBSTOX COUNTY FARM LANDS. THE CHEAM OF THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY. CLOSE TO THE OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. HO-ACRE DIVERSIFIED FARM. 170 acres under the plow this year, balance oak and ash grove around the buildings; all second bottom land and drains fine, no white land. Place well fenced ; good T-room house, fine barn 44xH; loo-ton silo; garage, hog and chicken houses, tank, engine, windmill ; water piped to house and buildings ; on county road ; community school miie. The equal of any farm In the valley, re gardless of price. Priced at $120 per acre, including farm machinery, some stock, hay. feed, household furniture, etc S20-ACRE DAIRY AND GRAIN FARM. 220 acres in cultivation, all choice wheat land; loo acres in pasture, pt ic tically all of which can be plowed if de sired; half or more of the pasture has been plowed ; soil is free working soil with a triple of sand mixed through it, making It very easy to handle. This Elace is improved with 8-room plastered ouse. dairy and stock ban that would cost four or five thousand dollars to build ; has good family orcHard. is near school, railroad station and less than 10 miles to Eugene. Price. $100 per acre, soma terms. ONE-MAN G-RAIN FARM. 154 acres. 3 miles from Corvallis; 130 seres of the veTy best quality land in cultivation; 24 acres ash pasture land: has fair set buildings. This place has every advantage to offer a farmer; fine soil, never-falling creek, fine bui'ding pot,- in good neighborhood, adjoins paved road and near grade school: only 84 miles to Oregon Agricultural college. Price of this piace $150 per acre, and will take amalier place as part payment. 45-ACRE GRAIN AND 6TOCK FARM. 516 acres in high state of cultivation, all laying Just rolling enough to drain well; this land has all been in clover and lOO acres In clover now ; place is well fenced and cross-fenced; has two stock barns, 2 si!os, 9-room farm house, water system, family orchard, 3 acres English walnuts: is located h mile from S. P. electric station, church and school. ii mile from paved highway: has 30 acres of fine fir and ash timber: pro duced about $12,000 worth of crop this year. This Is one of the best large farms we have seen in the valley. Price is $125 par acre. 10O-ACRE GRAIN AND DAIRY FARM 130 acres in cultivation. 30 acres of timber, pasture along the never-failing creek through the place: land has about 6 to 8-foot fall and lies fine for farm ing. This is a bargain and must be seen to be appreciated ; has fine large barn, small house and usual outbuildings Price is $ll,O0O; good terms. SPLENDID IMPROVED 60 ACRES. All in cultivation and has good 6-room plastered bungalow, fine large barn and outbuilding. aLL practically new. Is about 2 miies from high school, church and railroad station. This is a fine place and worth $15 per acre. Can arrange terms. , 160- ACRE HILL RANCH $4000. 40 acres cultivated, balance timber and cut-over paws tire; ' place is well watered by creek and springs; fenced goat-tight ; has good new barn. 5-room house and some outbuildings ; school or the place ; good orchH rd. 1 acre of prunes. Snap at $4hh; $1000 cash, terms on balance at 6 per cent. Each and every one of the above farms has been personally inspected by Mr. Kinney and we know them to be as represented. We have several hundred farms listed and can suit you if vou want a good farm from 10 to 2oO acres. Mr. Kinney will be at the Imperial hotel In Poniand from Sunday to Tuesday noon. Go and see him personally. KINNEY ft COH Benton County's Lead ing Farm Land Dealers. CORVALLIS OREGON. Home of Oregon Agricultural College. A FARM TN PERFECT SHAPE FOR THE DISCRIMINATING BUYER. This is not the piace lor the party wanting a run-down fa nn to put in shape. It Is in shape first-class shape, in every way every building is a good one and sts on concrete founnaton. and most of them have concrete floors. 02 acres. 20 miles scuth. 75 acres in hign state cult ivo t ion snd as pretty laying as you could picture. A splendid pro ducer; 6-rot-m house, large red b:rn, miik house, fruit house, chicken houses, granaries, hog houses, garage, etc. Choice fruit, rock road. PERSONAL! 3 horses, a cows. 12 hogs; chickens. 2o tons hay, 350 bu. grain, bindr, mower, rake, po tato p.anter. potato digger, walking and rid Ing plows, wagon, buggy, hack, fan ning mill, scales, cream separator, drills, household goods and a hundred other things. Nothing needed on a farm is left out. Everything goes for $16,500. HARGROVE REALTY CO.. 122 North 6th at. Broadway 4381. 137 ACRES. Every acre tillable and level: no wet land, need no drainage: 55 acres in cult.. 8 acres timber, all of the bal. open land. Just an old rotten log here and theie; there Is about 25 acres extra easily put in cult. ; good 6-room house, good large bam and all outhouses, fam ily fruit, good 'well at the house; school houtte on one corner of the place, coun tv road on 2 sides; line living water. 1 mile to electric line and S miies of Ore gon City, on the Molalla roal: all hard road, well graveled; this place is no ticed by all passers-by. owing to Its lay and location. Here Is a bargain: land all around It is selling from $l.o and up; we will take $14,uO0 for thlt. less than $102 an acre ; terms $70uo down, bal. lo yrs. at 5. Here Is a fine farm for you and you not only get a dandy farm, but you have bought some thing that Is a real investment. The time Isn't far away when It will be worth double what we sre asVing for it. E. P. ELLIOTT ft SON, Tth and Main Sts.; Oregnn City. Or. STOCK RANCH 870 ACRES DEEDED AND LEASED GOVKPNMBNT GRAZ ING LANDS, INCLUDING 100 ACRES OF ALFALFA. Located east of the Cascade mountains In Oregon : cut 60O tons of alfalfa this season; free water right; abundance of water for Irrination; MM acres iu culti vation, balance good bunch grass pasture, put un feed enough to run about HOtto sheep "and 400 cattle. Leases run for 9 years; 6 to 7 cents per acre: controls both sides of a big river for several miles: 2 cets of building; all necessary equipment for running the ranch. PrU-e $73, !)0: terms. S-e Sam Hewey at J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg.. 4th and Stark. aprks. o MILES OUT. FOR T0nn. We euarantee you cannot duplicate this buy in any of the good districts near Portland; just miies i rom ine any mu lt, corners on two good rocked roads and rigrit at scnooi. cnurcnen uui rn-n. nH in nn nf the very bet farming sec tions near the city: 25 acrs. all in cul tivation, perfect laying land, rich, ml to soil, and no rock or graven good 6-rorttn pleasant house, outbulldinKs. bearing orchard, including many choice Blng and Lambert cherries. Price $5000. half casn. A HARGROVE REALTY CO.. 122 North Cth st- Broadway 438L FOREST GROVEL 60-acre dairy ranch to trade. Ts mil cultivated, level, black loam soil; borders on river; 2 acres of fine bearing orchard, city water ?iped to buildings, practically new -room bungalow, large barn and outbuildinr. 2 horses, 7 cows, 2 hogs. 50 chickens and plenty of fa rm tools ; one-half mile from railroad btation, school, church snd stores. Price $12.o00, or will take good Portland property as first pavment. No. ltl-2. RALPH ACKLEY LAND CO., 527 Corbett Bldg. Open Evenings. TWO FARMS FOR SALE . P farm of 5S acres, fully equipped, or will retain enuipmcnt and make allow ance accordingi v. Another of 124 sc-rs. fully enuipped. mostly Molalla river bottom, only 1 mil? from J -i:er-.i snn t rr.ns iroin immy It Is generally known that soil condi tions in this lo-slity cannot be excelled. This farm has tractors aud all necessary mHchinery, cattle. horse. horr- silo, et-. We know you would be pleased with either of these farms. Call on Orhaitir st 403-4 Stock Ex. bldg.. or phone Main 8075, and get further particulars. 80 ACRES. 14 In cultivation, nearly all level; 400. 0O0 feet fir timber; goon spring and wen 1-acre orchard; 6-room house, good barn granary and out build ings ; t in He to school, 8 milew to electric station and town: wit li this place go 3 cows, 1 horfa. 10 hot:, 6 chickens, binder. mowr. rak,. plow, harrow, disc, wagon snd all crops. Price $4700; $1500 cawh, balance 5 ya". 6 per cent. H. A. HEATER, 8th and Main Sts. Oregon City. Or. NICE -ACRE HOME. RBEDVILLB. All In cultivation, nice, smooth li.nd. abundance of fruit, large walnut trees, a-room hnufe, large barn, outbuildings, horse, harness, buggy, cow, 3 hogs, chickens, implements: price JL-oon. HAHIililJVE REALTY CO.. 122 North 11th si. l".roailjj 4:1K1. SHERWOOD. OR. For sale, large and small farms, two and three milca from railroad, at reasonable price. J. p. leiuif. REAL K STATE. For tSle HERE ts a fine farm In the famous 'Bea ver creek district; consists of 207 v acres. ust back of Oregon City; 65 acres under plow. Al soil, practically all level; 1 acre prunes. 1 acre apples, good fences. 2 good springs, good crock with 25-foot falls for power; fine new 9 -room house, all plas tered, painted, etc., has beamed ceiling, paneled dining room, elegant built-in buffet. Dutch kitchen, bathroom, book cases, etc; good barn, machinery, chick en house. Personal property; 6 horses 6 cows, 3 heifers, 1 brood sow. 9 pigs. 60 chickens, all farm machinery necessary, all household goods; also fully equipped aid operating saw-mill, with steam and water power, all new; 2.000.000 feet first-growth fir. Just think of it, this place can be bought for $14,700. and will throw in flpe Grant six auto. There is timber enough to pay for two farms like this, lumb.-r now celling $20 per thou sand: a cash payment of $10,000. balance to suit, fclee this it's a bargain. A. G. BENDER. RITTKR, LOWE & CO.. 201-8-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. Listen to this: A real dairy proportion right at Portland s door. This fine farm cannot be beaten at this price. Read this thoroughly, then come In and let me show you this elegant farm in the fa mous Pleasant valley district. Just the other side of Lent: 89 acres, all lies with a gentle slope; 60 acres under plow, more ready for plow; 1 acre timber, few berries, Al family orchard; all exceed ingly well fenced; stores, school. P. O. right across road. R. F. D.. telephone. 1 S4rlng. 1 creek. Al road; soil cannot be beat; 1 well, fine 2-story. 11 -room house, hot and cold water, bath, tollei. sings, etc. ; all plastered and papered, modern and In excellent condition : 1 fine barn 40x60, machinery house, chicken house, etc. Personal property includes 2 plows, harrow, spring-tooth harrow, disc, disc drill, mower, binder, rake, walking plow. 1 cultivator, riding cultivator, wagon, hay rack, cream fceparator. hay fork and equipment: 3 Al horses, 3 Al Jersey cows. 9 Al brood rows, 5 pigs. 2 fatten ing hogs, 100 chickens. You can't best this anvwhere. ' S-e It and be convinced. Price $23,000; $6o00 cash, balance to suit at 6 per cent. A G. BENDER, RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 201-3-6-7 Board of Trade Bldg. This fine farm Is located In the Wil lamette valley and consists of 314 acres. 200 acrea under plow, some oak timber. 5 acres aborted family orchard, all fenced. , mostly woven wire; everything Is in fine condition; 1 miles to store, school, povtoffice, etc.; R. F. D. and telephone; Al gravel road. 4 fine springs. 2-storv. 8-room house, painted and 'plastered, in good condition; large barn and all out buildings, all fanning implements com plete; 4 teams. 50 sheep, 50 hogs. 2 cows. 24 turkeya Price for a.l $34.O00; if look ing for a real proposition, this can't be beat; $S000 or $10,000 cash, balance to suit. A. G. BENDER, HITTER. LOWE c CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. Listen to this. Mr. Farm Buyer. I have some wonderful views of this fine farm and it Is a real place and worth the money asked; 194 acres all nearly level, all Al soil, rich and deep, all under plow, 20 acres of fine bearing cherry or chard, all fenced, woven wire and boards: 2a miles from railroad. H mile to school. Al macadamized road. 2 wells. Al 14-room hout-e. barn 50xteO. hoghouse 30x4o. machine shed, chicken house; this place is located In the valley near Eu gene, don't iajs this farm up. ee It, you will want it. Price $30,000. about half cash, balance to suit. A. G. BENDER. RITTER, LoWE CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. WHEAT-FARM BARGAIN. 480 acres. 320 acres level, balance roll ing; 820 acre under plow, numerous out ranges, 320 aor-s fenced; 2 - miles from railroad. 1 mile from school, good road, good well, 4-roori hours, good condition: barn, chicken and bunkhouses. Personal propcrtv: Header, thresher, drill, plows, walking and 2 j;ang; harrows. 2 good nutans. O wnrk horses. 2 yearling colts. two 3-year-old colts, cow and calf. 4 to 6 dozen chickens. lew turxeys. r-nce ior all $5500, $3500 cash, balance easy. This is a good chance to get a ftart; get busy. A. '.. BKN OEU. RITTER. IAJWE Ac CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. This farm Is a wonderful proposition and Is worthy of the Inspection of any one: tee it and be conv inced. It it- a Hue stock and grain proposition and consists of 247 acres, with 190 acres level bottom land, 130 acres under plow, 3 or 4 mil lion feet timber, unlimited outrange; the soil is Al. deep and rich; 3 acres prunes. S acres variety orchard, all fenced with woven wire and crons-fenred. This fine farm is located south of Albany. .1 mile to bchool. church, P. O.. store, etc.; tele phone, 2 springs, 1 fine creek. Al grav eled road, 1 weil, good 8-room house, hot and coid watr. bath, toilet, etc.; 2 barns 50x66 and 30x5O; Implement, tool, hog and chicken houses, prune dryer. Per sonal property: Binder, hay rake, 3 walking plows, disc plow, cream sepa rator, hand cultivator, horse cultivator, grain drill, disc harrow, drag harrow, gas engine, water pump and wootlsaw. fe.-dmill. bone grinder, gas washer, auvi; nd force, farm wagon. 2 Hp wagons. 1 buggy, mower, garden seeder, grass seeder, 10 cows. neiiers, i t-jwuiu Holsteln bull. 1 1-year-old Durham bull. 7 head horses. 5 brood sows, 40 ead hAo.. I Mi t hickens. 6 ceese. 6 ducks. Z acres spuds. 15 tons straw. 200 bushels oats. 4UO bushels wheat, l" acres corn, mo na Vm v in hum : lust think, every thing, on this place goes for the measly sum o $25,000. $5UO cash, balance to suit at 6 ier cent. Will consider clear vAd.-nr in rtm xmall town .' Portland or acreage to the amount $5000. ttee this; it is a real proposmou. A. G. BENDER. " RITTER. LOWE CO.. 201-3-3-7 Board of Trade Bldg. EXCHANGE FOR LARGER FARM. Beautiful home of 27 acres, all highl raar h&m and Powell al- ley road; Al buildings, etc.: price $U.OoO. all clear. Want good farm to $25.om. Btocked and equipped. Don't submit your farm if it is no good. Write mo at once. A. G. BENDER. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-8-5-7 Hoard of Trade BldK. urivponiM "RK AVER DAM. Thin Is your chance to Kul a real small farm of genuine beaverdam. nuaranteed v... .a Al IS .", acre, ail undf niow. only W mile from Druon ele. tric K R. titinn. 14 mil irom rnruaira: , . .. ... .. r ...... thi. i. S1CHI0 per acre: nrl... t.3l)(l. SliOOO cub, balance lonii aa wante.l. per cent. See thla al once. don I delay. A O. BINDER. RITTER. LOiVE & CO.. S01-3-S- lioard of Trade Bid. McMISNVILI.E. OR.. FARM. i .i .it .1 .r.t unofl and depn ..A.it. i.ln.' lOO acrea Inched and needed to fine pasture: springs. 3 creekn. al Kind, ot irun "u .11 fenced Willi ovf wire and rail: I'l m... .m K n : R. b . !.. teleiinone. on fine traveled road. Hood .-room hoiiFC barns 8Jt.'.8 and 31!x34. also 3-room houi-o. fireplace, etc.: water piped to ail butldinBH. dranary. chicken and milkhouse. Personal property: Hye waitonn. hack. 2 woodracks. binder, drm. mowing machine. rano. j-nore r..... plow 2 walklnc plows. 8 drara. milk 1 .-- .hi. on. 11 head hones and colts. 'fl pl(t. 1 boar. 40 goat. 7 hlvM beet. 80 chickens. 14 good cows. 3 heif ers 5 sows. 10 hoats. Investigate this: orlca S21.UUO. 600 cash, balance termc to suit Se us before buy ins. We hav. some oOO line rarms. A. G. BENDER. RITTER. LOWS & CO, 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade BldK. v.Tvr 5TSTKRS, OK.. A l . r i. r n. ' . . ... Here Is a fine lrngaed proposition and cannot be beaten. Mr. Buyer. K you are Inr.klnR for a rood farm one triat you can raise anything: on. and one that has all the water that anyone wonld want for Irrigating purposes, see this. This lsnd lies at ine n-ai vi 1 " , tlon ditch. You ar. never wanting for ' .... ... thi. to vou. Water waier. ii r . chars'S 1 per acre; eiam ure. 2" aPres 2i. This is your chance, you can pay for this in o years. ... Zo now being cultivated 155 acre. leveL . . v- A.ti 1 1 tsd. nientv water for 1.15 acres, all kinds outrange, family orchard, soil Is Al good. deep, heavy ash loam all well fenced: !Ho yard, to itSre- aSd postof f I. e. good road. S-Mory. o-room houso. 8 years old; barn 2. "hrt" .: v ...i t. ...... houses for help. root c,.iar. The bank owns this farm ro i . .rt... Mtne. Don 1 over- ";".".- Too vou will be sorry l(OH ' " 1 - . V. . ln far-m Just th nR tne price on j" Is onlv $10.4is. 3.M down, balance is oniy ... vou beat an on- ptrtunity of this sort? Come In and talk It over. This won't last. It can and wm oe so.... q BENDER. RITTER. LOW K CO 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bid. vTvtl FA N N O T BEAT THIS FINE KQl-lPFED H-ACRK FARM AT TUB PRICK. All fine land and In cultivation: 30 tons of hay in barn: other feed, all goes with sale, mciuunn iwh - '"- Implements. - . chickens: water by spring, creek and well; li.oaorn ou... -a.. V"", .V.- low: large oar... - - ings- famllv orchard; near a good town ings . m1!1";, , .. see Sam soum o. i ui u.ii" . - - -- ai J. L. Hartman Company. 7 : . .... hl.lr . 4th and ritark '.. nil E FROM COL'RT HOUSE reason ah ic'and good terma. Wdln. 40:i3. 12 -. CeL. 1 Vl, -a a-. $2000 cash. McFarland, 603 Yeon bid. REAL FSTATE. For 8aie l arma GOOD FARMS-BARGAIN PRICKS. i RY ONE WITHIN 20 Mll-luS I FROil POKTLA'D. j $1SOO. J 1J1 acrN alee little bungalow, ot- I buildings, some implements and house- i hold good; locatt-d 13 mtlea from Port land, h mile from electric station; good terms or wiil trade for Portland property. w $2200- I FTr acres In high state of cultivation. , good bouse and outbuildings, plenty of j fruit and berries. shade trees, rose bushea. well. Jersey-Ho.stein cow. chick- I en implements, hay In barn. If de- "red will Include adjoining 7H acres. I also highly cultivated, making the farm I 12-; acres. Price 4000: I! ml left from : I ortland and hi mile from electric suiv tion. I40OO. ' ITH acres, all under cultivation, or chard, berries, good house, outbuilding, well; located in Washington county. 25 rods from rail wsv station on main county road. Terms. $4000. 13 acres, 13 acres under e-oTtlvation; family orchard, some timber; good soil; 6 miles from city -Imlts in tsunnyside valley and on graveled road. Good terms, . S 5500, 33.0 acres with extra rood house and nd cf outbuildings; well and creek 011 the place, on graveled road about 3 i lHo irom IPon 'ty. Will consider 44000 Portland house a part payment. The above are only a few of our list ! navo 'arms of different sizes. In different places and for different pricea. W hen ready to buy on R- A. LINPGREV, SAVON I.AN1J CO.. ?.35 N.VW-JBLl)G. Main 6331 12 MILES out; 40 acres; on auto road: 2-3 in cultivation; god buildings, including ail equipment, lor ftUH'0. 14 miles out; 23 acres In superb cul tivation; on a winter and summer road; fJvK). Weil mortn 75o; Price cr": 12 miles out: auto road; $6ia0; lays prettily and all in cultiva tion; the house, barn and other build ings are ail good; this i aa exceptional buy. UO acres, with nearly 65 In cultivation: house and barn; close to hlghwav; 3 miles from Hiliuboro; IS miles out: $120 per acre, $4sooacre: ? mJle out Hillsboro way; The above properties Include extras too numerous to mention here, but further details will be cheerfully given by phone or letter. See Mr. Corbln. COE A, McKENNA A CO.. S2 Fourth st. Main 4522. THIS IRRIGATED RANCH A MONEY MAKER. 110-acre, ranch, located in Umatilla county. Or.. S mile from a live town of looo population on mala line of O.-W. U. railroad; Columola highway touches this ranch; every foot of it pood t-oil. covered by government watr for Uma tilla reclan.ation project. This proiect has the distinction of being accredited by the U. i. reclamation service engi neer as the most productive of all proj ects under national irrigation. f5 acres in alfalfa win cut from 5 to 7 tons per cr.e, General and diversified farming and dairying; good 5-room bungalow ; some furniture; barn, alfalfa, cow, light auto truck. PrKe $22,300. See Sam Hewey at J. L. Hartman Company. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg 1.0-ACRE FARM. Located three-quarters of a mile west of est Woodburn. on good auto road; fine house and barn, in fact, build ings a re above the average; 115 acres of this splace in cultivation, soil can't be beat; this farm is right in the logan berry country and Is i-leal for logan berry culture; our bank had to take over this property and Is offering it at the extremely low price of $17..V0 on terms of $.'.000 cash, balance to be arranged. If you are looking for a fine, up-to-date running farm in one of the best sections of the Willamette vaUey at a pri- awav below the market value of otlwr lanris around iu do not fail to look into this proposition at once. See ATCli ISON. 2o4 Henry bldg. STOCK AND GRAIN FARM. 145 acres. 20 rods from corporate lim its of Oregon City on hard-suriacrd road. clo.e to schools and stores; loo acres unuer plow; 43 acres pasture and Um ber. 20 acres of hich can be put under plow at small expense, and this Is alder bottom. This farm will grow anything that grows in Oregon, for the soil is the moat pliable, rich and productive loam ; has large barn, smaii boue. lenced and crosa-fenced. This Is reallv an ideal piece of oil and a rval buy at $lfiO per acre; $mhmi cash. bai. long time at 0. TUB LAWKKNCIfi CO.. 205 Corbett bldg. Main 6915. GOOD FARM BARGAINS! $2200 for a good 40-acre farm; $800 to har. II-. $4500 for a good 40-acre. well-Improved farm : $1mi to handle. $SOOO lor a iell-tniprovel and stocked farm with crop; gou terms. $10.0M for Ml-acre f:rm In Washing ton county; excellent soil; $3000 cish. $100 per acre for equipped 234-acre farm nar Corvallis; $4oo cash. $52. Mk) for a splendi.l. very productive 4'10-acre farm; excellent bargain and on good t r jii s. If you want good value for your money and a square deal, se K. Fuchs. 4'o Chamber of Commerce. BEAUTIFUL big farm within I miles of Portland. 200 acres: loo seres cleared and in cultivation; 30 acres timber, land lies rolling, is all tiled and drained with deep rich soil; 2 large barns and some equipment; highway being paved to property. This land will douhl In value on completion of road construction; about $10,000 taken off the place thia year. Here la a bargain. Price $230 per acre, terms. CALL ON US. H. H. URDAHL INO.. Main o2.-2. aI22 Abington Bldg. T W KN'TY-KIOHT ACHES. Within ten miies of Portland. mile to Garden Home, on fine rock road: 24 acres In cultivation; family orchard, ber ries: splendid 4-rotm bungalow; 2 extra large chicken houses, fully equipped; large barn ; with this place go 8 t ine horses, dandy cow and heifer. 30 chick ens, plenty of hay and grain, manur spreader, binder ard complete lim- of fai m machinery. This place complete in every tie tail. For information and trms see John K. Howard, 318 Cham br of Commerce. A V A I.UA BLK 4H-ACRK FA RM. FACING ON PACIFIC HIGHWAY. 330 acres in cultivation, fine level land, threshed 000 hiiphM of grain thl sea son; 300 totts- of hay in bsrn. 4o or 30 head f stock ; 12-room house, electric lights, gas, hot and cold water, bath snd toilet; good big bsrn and outbuild ings: water piped every w here ; 70 acres timber, balance pnsture: lamllv orchard; good fences; H mile to school. Price S32.300; 1-3 ca.-h, balance ft per cent. See Sam Hewey. at J. L. HA RTM AN 'Q.. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg. BUILDING. KQUIPMKNT, $0000 4-AC UK SNAP. Owner will sacrifice 40 acres lust off paved Capitol highway, onlv 19 miles from center of Portland. Over half in cultivation. 1 h acres bearing orchard, mostly prunes. Fine spring, fenced and cross-fenced, dwelling with hot and cold water, poultry runs, over $500 personal property. Remember. $O0O takes every thing on easy terms. Call 6O0 Concord bldg.. 2d and Stark. GOOD HOMES. 50 small farrr. near Corvallis. with bearing orchards, some have buldlngs; prices range from $73 to $250 per acre, in 5. 10. 0-acre tracts: only one mile railroad and town and paveO highway; $100 cash down or more gets loveiy tract, no batter soil in Oregon; will show any t ime : call at office. M. 3672 McFARLAND r2 Yeon bMg. R ARK BARGAIN 1410 fine Improved grain and stock ranch. 3 m ties border ing river, artesian well and springs: 2r0O adjoining leed. 100O a. Irr gbie, rt00 now under irrigation and cultivated. Finest of Improvements. 17 but! in s, $25,000 of personal prppert y. Price for all $143,325; will take some Portland in come. Plats, maps at office. S. M. Venwrd. t2l Chamber Commerce. 4 ACRES. Central Oregon Irrigated land: 3-room house.' bam. chicken house and cement cistern: all fenced; 20 acre In cultivation. 2S tons of hay. 2 good cows; a bargain. $3500. terms. CALL ON UP. H. H. URDAHL UNO. Main 6252- 322 Abington Bldg. WHEAT farm for sale; 320 acres.; 200 In cultivation ; 1 10 seeded to w heat : well watered: good fences and fair building. Price $40 per acre, including some stock and equipment. Must be sotd at once if at all. Dufur Valley Realty Co.. Dufur. Or. FOR SALE Ry owner. 20 acres, miles from Columbia river snd good town, one acre cienre. small house and orchard, part fenced, plenty of out range, can make enough wood to pay for place ; priced to se.l at $4(t. $IO0 down, balance very easy terms. P 70. Oregonian. $23 PER ACRE for 120 acres of good farm land, of which IS to 20 acres can be cultivated at once, nearly all the balance easily cleard. House and barn; in Or r man settlement, east of Estacada. H. E Noble. Lumbermens building. LAND BARGAINS "no acres good tfm ber. farm and stock land for sale at $1 6,000. and 360 acres good corn land at $30 per acre. Address p; O. box f.t.4, Kugene, Or. CHOICE 50-acre farm at Woodburn. close to Pacific highway; stock and machin ery. This is something extra good. Ad d resa bo x H , W ood b urn. Or. 10 ACRES. $2-00. near Capitol highway. Main $672. McFartand, aj2 Ysoa bids. For Saie 15 MILKS FROM PORTLAND. 66 i acrw, 30 a-crcs in cultivation, part tn croi. balance tn fine Umber ami pasture. 5 -room house, good barn and outbuildings, springs and fino crooks; 1 cow. 14 sheep, 25 chickens, 4-horse-power M itchell dragsaw, wagon aud hacks, plows, disc, harrow, mower and ail kinds of farm implements, 6 tons of straw, ton of oats and 0 tons of hay. 700 cords of wood to be cut; can get $4.&U a cord on road. This piace is on the main road to Estacada. Price $6300, exceptional terms. 61 acres, 3u in cultivation, some crops In, fenced and cross-fenced, 6-room housa, 2 good barns, hog house, granary and other buiUi ings, team of fine horses, 3 cows. 1 heifer, 2 calves, 4 brood sows. 3 frhoats, 23 chickens, 13 btands of bees, 50 bushels of oaLs, 20 tons of hay. 13 tons of rutabagas and turnips and carrots, 11 good orchards, 4 good springs. This lana is on the Pacific highway. Price $.vo. good terms. Would consider smaii room lug house as part pavment. $3.50 PER ACRE atToCK RANCH. tU.SO PER ACRK. R00 acres fine soil, abimd&noo of springs, river runs through place ; on a hard-surface road, railroad station and j-ostoffice on ranch. 12 miles from Cot tage Grove, Or.; 400,000 feet of good cedar post timber. LOOU.000 teot of ime lur timber; terms. BEST BUY IN -OREGON. 200 acres. 33 acres in cultivation. f0 per cent tillable, 2 creeks run through place, 7-room modern house, hot aud cold water, large barn, plenty of out buildings, fine orchard, SO tons of hay, 7 cows, 5 heifers, tine team of horses, 8 hogs. 100 chicken, hi mile from Pa cific highway, 3 miles from large town; $12,00(. Would consider some trade, 16 MILES FROM PORTLAND. -5 acres, 12 acres very easily cleared. 800 cords of wood, M mile from hard surface road, wood bringing $4. 30 a cord, on road, new 4-room plastered bunga low, fine spring at the house, 10 seres of this land is fenced; land lies slight ly rolling. Price $20iH. liberal terms. H MILE FROM HIGH SCHOOL. liS acr-vs, lu acres oilt! at ion. 5-room house, 2 barns, outbuildings. 2 wells, 3. acres seeded to oats, 1 acre ready for wheat, team horses, wagon, harness, plow, harrow, cultivator, dray, 6 tons hay, kale, beets and carrots, 2 cows, l heller, cream separator, family orchard and berries : $ 4:ou, t-rms MIL UlLLEKSHir, Alder Hotel. Main 3275. GOOD STOCK AND GENERAL FARM IN THK UMl'QUA VALLEY. 29 acres, located 10.; miles east of Roseburg on good county road ; near school and church; dally mail: 60 acrea in cultivation; 20 acres of this is creek bottom, rich loam soil: will grow good crops of alfalfa, clover, corn and all kinds of grain; balance in cultivation on gentle si ope; in soil and character is a dark loam and very productive. 200 acres In p5ture, well set to grasp; has sutue scattering oak timber; larm is all under j:ood fence, cross-fenced, most ly woven wire arid S-strami barb wire: good 6-room plastered house: two barns in fair condition; other outbuildings; 3 acres in fariiny orchard; running stream through farm ; good t prints in pasture. The owner will Include good Mm of horses and some farm implements. Price $.mhh: $3000 cash, long tune on bai a nee. W. A. BOGARD, Roseburg, Or. WASHINGTON. 'the Evergreen State." has splendid openings for more farmers. Fruit growing, dairying and livestock raising as weil a grain growing show great results. Here is a mi id climate, ample rainfall for Irrigation, and many val.eys of fertile sotL Land prices range from $23 an acre upward, depending on location and development. Good roads, schools and enure he.. Full in formal ion in new book by state agricultural coiiege and United States rai.road administra tion, JuM off press. Ak lor Washington book and give your name and address p.ainly. J. L. Edwards, nianac.-r a.crl cuitui al section, room 67S United States railroad administration, Washington, D. C. REFER EE'S SAI-E to close an estate. One of the best farms in Clackamas Co. will be sold to the hicrhrst bidip r for cash, on November 1. at li o'clock P. M., at the courthouse. Oregon City. Or. Con tains 113 acrej. 70 in lnh state of cul tivation, ba. ance good pasture; ail level, no rock or gravel ; lO-ro.m house, large barn, all neceasary outbuildings; running WMier. windmill and tank, pood Iami. orchard and berries; it acres of fine English walnuts; It. F. D. and telephone; g-od grav eled road ; 4 n.iles S. E. of Csnby. 24 rri'.es soutn of Portland. For further information write W. 1. Bauer, Molalla, Or., or see Elmer Armstroug, at the farm. HERE IS A MPE HOME AND SMALL FARM Fo: YOU. 14 acres, only 13 uiues from Portland courthouse, with good ti-room plastered house, good rus,lc barn; bui'.Uin worth JjoOO alone; treck and good well; 3 miies tins side of Wils.mville; lots of p. ling and wood on place; 4 or 5 acni cared: ail good soil; 1 miles to elec tric station, on good hard road. Price $4300. terms; or might take In bungalow at rieut pri- e. STEWART at PUrK. 31 Northwestern Bank blflg. something nice. 1H acres on East 39th bt., with fine 8-room house, all kinds bearing fruit In ahundar.ee, fine soil ; one should be able to sell from $30 to $4O0 worth of fruit each year. If desired one can sell o!f part of i in lots at big price. Will sell whole tract for $12,300 and triva terms. If you want something nice lut ui- show vou this. phot-s at the oifleo. 403-4 Slock Exchange Bldg. Phons Main FOR SALE OR TRADE. 320 acres, near Fort Rock. Lake coun tv: 00 acres In cultivation, nearly ail fi'nced. small house, barn and chicken house, good water. This pi are is near the goernmrrt forest reserve snd . all open range. W" ill make excellent stock rnrh; a.! c!car of Incumbrance. Price $ inoo or trade for sir.i' I farm near, or ' house in Portland. William Radke. Fort Rock. Oregon. FINE MODERN BUILDINGS. R-room modern bunt; a low, large mod ern barn, outbuildings, 1!M acres, north bank of Columbia, magnificent view : 25 acres under plow. 73 more tillable ; family orchard, well, springs, 1 mile station ami boat; general farming, fru't. stock runrh ; improve nients represented to have cot Jll.ouo, all for $3Ki. term;-, j c. XKBIN CO.. 303-R-7-8 Iewls bldg. . IOO-ACHE irrigated r-n'h im-T ticho.-o proiect; all been plowed and cropred and ahJi-t 14 acres M-t t Hlf:C:n. oalaii- c. gram stubble; has 4-r om frame dwil Ing large barn, granary, chicken house, woodshe-i. root ceTur. wirdmill. three; we.ls and pumj . anc" al! f. need. Write or se R. W. Ten. Prinevll'e, Or., for farther pa rt icu'ars. FOR SALE or trid- for Portland rl-clnn.-e, 20-aere improved farm, pleniv fruit 'good well; productive soil; all un der cultivation. 10 miles from Vancouver. a.-h.. one mile fn.m Brush Pr:nv, Wah.. $5." OO. Ao-lfs 3i'3 Carmelua -pis., phone M a ' ' '' 10t ACRES, house and other buildings, some cultivated, $kioO: 40 acrea. uncul tivated. K" or I-rt acres, unculti vated, ; three rr.i.es from Molalla : some beaverdam; favorable terms. F 626. Oregonian. 10O ARES. H mile from east of Waeonda O. E. R-. miles from Salem: 14 acres In cultivation, remainder osk bush; good bullcllnps. family orchard, $110 per acre Apply owner on premises or write A. Lawson. Gervais. Or.. R. R 2. FOR SALE or trade. 61 H acres first-class timber rand, estimiti 1 million ft saw Umber and 1 million ft. cedar, 2000 cords of wood, cls- to Port. and on vl road: 4-room nouse anu wsii. Phone Main 6961. FOR SALE, exchange or rent, very cholee well improved ftO-acre farm at R. R depot school. R. F. D.. phone ; Molalla river bottom. Clnckarns oi-nty. Owner. r.f 4 K Salmon st. East 6033. TO SEIb 2o-acre farm. 4-room house, bsrn and outbuildings, family orchard, berries ; S ncrs in cui ti vat ion. 9 m:lew north of Vancouver; price $2o0. John Hook. Vancouver. Wash., route S 47 ACRES. 1 !t miles from Cloverdale. Til lamook countv; 11 acres bottom lnn boose no bsrn. An Al buy at $4oo. half cash. Nestucca alley Real Es tate Agency. Cloverdale. Of. 20-ACRE FARM IS VILES S. OF M '"" -ROF A! L IN CROP AND FRUIT: STOCK WD FA KM IMPLEMENTS IN CLUDED. PRICE $30ou. L D. LILKS. MONROE. On $.".0O H ANDLES. H acres, near Vancouver, with good buPrilngs. on paved road. 1 acre bearing nrUne walnuts, equipment goes with this place at $3000. Wilbur F. Jouno. Henry bldg. CH I '"KEN. "F R U 1 T . GARDEN RANCHES, near Portland. 75 to $200 per acre, eay terms: oest soii. r arms ior fiue. MrFa-and. 602 Yeon bldg. sires. WHEAT LAND. SO aeres near T,eYtngton, Morrow coiiatv. cheap, all In grain, $30 per acre. Call East 419. ' "$3700. acrea In cultivation, on Foster roa-l. 1 block to electric car: with good bldrs. Terms. Wilbur F. Jouno. Henry bldg. Ju, ACRES near WilUmlna: level, cleared, fenced' good S-rm. house; 91350, $130 CR-h. $15 month. Jesse R. Sharp, V, 8d st. CHEAP for cash. 40 acres. 7 miles fro t railroad. Josephine county: o.k woo, sugar pine. E. Atkinson. Sandiake, Or. Far-tiers' Mutual Fire Relief Association. . nsures at cost. $25.0oo paved to farm ers yearly Stock Exchange bldg., city. LOGGED-' FF lands. 910 acre up: running wcter: rood sol'. tH'nMe: employment; aay terms. J. K. bhaxp. &3. fel at. i