10 TTTE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, FORTXAXD, OCTOBER 19, 1919. KKA I. JfcTATK. To r SaJ e H oukn. Ruse ryr PARK. NIFTY MODEK.N ttl.'iALOW. 6 KUOMri, bl,KJCPIN I'OKCH, OARA(iE-"UtO. One "of Rose City Park's choicest lo cations; beautiful corner with south and ea.-u exposure, located on Aiameda drive. FoiK.3. there is lota of class and distinc tion to this splendid home: exception ally well uuilt; nnianed in white through out, iiardwooj floors, nreplace. buitet tit s a worK of am. complete Dutch kitchen with breakfast nook. 2 bed- rr.otiiM and u ass-inclosed sleeping porch cement basement, furnace, etc.. garage j i'i.nsiiiii'tM.1 to n.nfiirni to stvie of uou&e. i Tftm place is in periect condition. This is so far above the ordinary bo much better than ordinary run of houses that we cannot impress upon you too trong.y the necessity of speedy action. You know there is nothing disappoPus one so much as when thev learn the very place they wanted has jwi been sold. To see this property costs noth inK. Really, it's a downright pleasure for us to snow it. Again, let us repeat that this place ia downright modern to the last detail. A.. U. TEEPB CO.. 26 i Stark St.. Near 3d. Maia 3012 Main 3316. Branch Ortice. 50th and Sandy (Open Sunday); $3300 IDEAL HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. Unuuallv attractive practically new tvpical bungalow of 5-rooms; large front porch extending full width ot house; large living room with fireplace: r. olid ?aneled dining room with ouilt in buffet; beamed ceillnes; very con venient Lunch kitchen; 2 light, airy bed rooms; white enamel plumlnag; electric lights and gasv. pood cement basement; laundry trays; on a paved street, close to car; 50x1 16-foot lot; beautiful lawn and rones. Can arrange terma. We have over 60O photographs of inspected homes in our office for sale. 12 experienced salesmen with autoa at your service bEfcJ FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUY YOUR HOME. Abington Bldg. Main 1063. Office Open Evenings and Sunday. INDUSTRIAL CENTER. 4- rm. modern bungalow. block ear; $23o0. $200 cash. Thia is dandy, verj cheap. 7-rm. modern bungalow, 1 block to car and school, $3000; 4300 to $500 cash, Yery cheap. 5- rm. new modern bnngsjow. all on 1 floor. H block to school; garage; $3O50. $1000 to $1500 cash. Hardwood floor. 5 brand-new modern bungalows, S to 6 rooms. $1750 to $2i00, on easy terras that you can buy; 1 block from car and school, on hard-surfaced St. 22 little houses. 3 to 5-rm- large lots, fruit; prices and terms so you can buy. A. C AlcCONALD, 2iMJ W. Lombard st Woodiawn 6273. , IRVINGTON. S ROOMS AND SLEEPING PORCHL $8500. Now vacant and ready for occupancy. If you are in the market for a real good borne, a real quality house., we do want the pleasure of showing you thia splen did home. You'll be pleased with the large, bright, cheerful rooms. Finished in rich old ivory and white throughout. Located 5S5 E. 12th N. Steam heating plant. It is modern to the last detail. Hardwood floors throughout. Let ua show you. A. G. TEEPE CO., 26 Stark St., Near 3d. Main 3316. Main 3002. Branch Office 5oth & Sandy (Open Sua). Sundays and evenings phono Tabor 8265. Tabor 0321. HER E "l S A H OM YOU WILL LIKE. 7-room, double-constructed, bungalow; owner selected the material and had it built by day labor; modern in every way except furnace; lots of built-rns. fine electric fixtuuee; eerythlng just as one would have it for a home. Size of ground is 100x123 ; nice lawn, roses, fruit and cnicktn park; street Improvements all in; close in on Francis ave. Price $0000; some terms. STEWART & BUCK. 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. HAWTHORNE, East 40th st.; an attractice eemi-bun-falow with living-room. dining-room, large kitchen, bedroom and bath down and 2 bedrooms on upper floor; fireplace, built-in bookcases and buffet; beamed ceiling; full cement basement, furnace, wa-sh trays. paed street; owner leaving town, will sacrifice; let us show you this today. Price $3730; $llo0 cash, balance $25 month. CUE A. McKENNA & CO.. 82 Fourth Street. , Main 4522. ' $2050 UNFINISHED HOUSE. The other fellow's loss is your gain Here Is a new 5-room attractive bunga low practically finished. About $350 -would complete it. In the Waverleigh insights district. net.r 33th st., close to car. Can arrange terms. We have over 600 photographs of inspected homes in our office for sale. 12 experienced sales men with aulos at your service. SEi FRANK. L. McGUIRE TO BUY YOUR HOME. Abington Bldg. Main 106S. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. $C1'0 IN ALBERTA. Here is a 7-room house on a splendid corner lot, that we think is an unusually good buy for the money we ask. A living room, dining room with built-in buffet, kitchen. 1 bedroom and bath downstairs; 3 bed rooms up, with sleeping porch. Piped for furnace; fireplace and laundry trays. 1 block to the car. Don't wait until next spring and pay $4000 for piacea like thia. Lnjoy the pride of ownership. BIHR-CAREY CO. 21 ! Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 16.S6. $140O 9AO0 CASH 6-room house. lOOxlOO. No. 4127 63d-ve. ; Woodstock car: fruit trees; 3 blocks to car. 4 rooms, pias'ered, electric and gas. 4 blocks to car; $U25; cement walks; $300 cash. 5 rooms, 122x137 ; $3230; $3O0 cairn. 0-room bungalow, f ul 1 bath, full ce ment busement; $22O0; $230 cash. Snap; owmr leaving. FRED SPEAR, 5th Ave.. 67th SL 6. E. Tabor 3887. LAl'RDLHL'RST BUNGALOW. GARAGE. A modern 7-room and sleeping porch . bungalow ; excellent plan and graceful lines; hardwood floors, fireplace, book f m m f f hrn kfast room 1 hfidroom. bath and toilet down: 2 bedrooms and Bleeping porch up; garage and runway, etreet imp. paid: only 1 block to Glisan " et. car. Why talk of building when you can buy all this for $3300? Terms. CLE V B LA ND-H E.N D K R SON OO . . 12 Railway Exch. Bldg. Main 0732. . NEW. N I FT Y BL" NG A LO W. E. lllh St. N. $3023. If you want a real bungalow, real modern, with all the new features to much desired, including hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, cement basement, wash truys. etc.. then let me show you this beautiful bungalow home. I want to sell this at once. Phone Tabor S235 and I will be glad to show you the piop ert y. - MODERN HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. B 5 -room strictly modern bungalow, with hardwood floors, furnace, buffet. Dutch kifhen, cement basement, laundry trays, hard-surface streets, cement sidewalkn, peaoh, pear, apple, plum and cherry tre-s, ail kinds of berries, roses and shrubbery, block from car; for only $351)0, easy terms. See Mr. Cone at 170 Eat 3th st., or phone Tabor 1524. ' ' $ 2 7 Of) W O N D E R Ft L B U Y- 2700 . CLOSE IN RICHMOND DISTRICT. Seven-room house, full basement, good plumbing, electric lights, gas. fine lot. 50n 100; iots of fruit, four cherry, two applf. one prune and one pear tree; lots of grapes: hard -surf a re street, all paid. Sunday, Marshall M03; weekdays. Main 7!B7. Mariets or Williams, .820 Cham ber of Commerce bldg. ALAMEDA PARK. Colonial. 6 rooms and sleeping porch, oak flooring, tastefully finished interior la mahogany and ivory: corner lot. ga rage, full concrete basement : splendid home, just listed. Price $S00O; $000 - cash. COE A. McKENNA & CO., 82 Fourth Ptreet. Main 4322. $3000 buys a beautiful home of 7 rooms and ratn; aiwo steeping porcn : run cement basement, furnace, wash trays, corner Jot. one block to car; in perfect condition; house alone could not be duplicated for less than $4000. Terms. J. A- WtCKMAN COMPANY. 2Q4 Ry. Exch. bldg. Main 1094. MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSE IN MOUNT SCX TT ; ONE-HALF BLOCK FROM CAR; NEAR SCHOOL: FULL CEMENT BASEMENT. FURNACE AND WASil- " TRAYS; BUILT-IN KITCHEN. $3000; : T Ert MS. CALL TABOR 1211. " tiRKENWOOD AVE.. NEAR. DIVISION. $150. Cozy 3-room house with bath, on lot TfixlOO; beautifully laid out in garden, fruit and trees. A mire snap. GODDARD & WIEDR1CK. 243 Stark St. SUNNYSIDE, near Belmont at., $300; goo 1 terms, very good modern 7-room house; fire location ; E. 83d st.. a ery good buy. H. H. Siauo, iu Belmont; week Tabor 210. HAV 10 dandy 5-room house on paved street and car lino; will sell cheap. Terms $300 down, balance $15 per mo. and In terest. This is a snap. Nord-Hampton Co.. 401 Stock Exchange. $2750 buys a 6-room home, 4 rooms firs-t floor, two bedrooms and hnth up; full corner lot; garage. Terma J. A. WICK MAN COMPANY, 204 Ry Exch. b'dg. Main 1094. COR. 52d NEAR BROADWAY $3750. 7-room bungalow on lot 50x100; just rompleted: hardwood floors, furnace; strictly modern in every appointment. GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. VERY NICE 6-room notify, all furnished. $200. Main 6312. 211 Waao. REAL. ESTATE. For Sale House. $2250 7-ROOM HOUSE $2250. A 7-room ho us-, bath, basement, etc.; rtewly renovated throughout. - lots, iOxliiO each; 2 Mocks car; $260 cash will handle, bal. terms. $1700 3-ROOM BUNGALOW $1700. A 3 -room bungalow, good basement, bat h, etc.. fireplace, cabinet kitchen, email sleeping porch. 50xlOU lot; terms. A NIFTY LITTLE HOME. $30jO CALIFORNIA BUNGALOW $36O0. A Stric tiv mndcrn bun aralow. oak floors, furna ;e, fi replace, all bullt-ins, cabinet kitchen, fuil cement basement, wash trays. Jot 50x1 0O ft., lawn, roses and had- tree, garage. A dandy little home in Alt. Tabor district. Terma. $,3000 ROSE CITY PARK $3000. A 7-room house, full basement, wash trays, all buiit-ins, 1 btdroom down stairs, all finished In Ivory and white enamel; furnace, oak floors, etc.; ftOxloO "lot; $ix0 down, bat $30 per month, in cluding in t ere art. $5000 ROSE CITY $5000. A 7-i oom nuse, large sleeping porch, full cement basement, wash trays, fur race, lurg-i ki.ch.en and built-in pantry ; beautiful light fixtures; just off Sandy blvd. ; hard-surface st. and sewer in and paid. Terma. $6200i 8-ROCM HOUSE $6200. A strictly modern hous?, full cement basement, wash trays, all built-in fea tures, hardwood floors throughout, fur nace, fireplace, tiled bathroom, every thing in first-class condition ; Ucatin Ideal; $750 to $1000 down will handle, bal. like r-int $0500 LAURELHURST $6500 BUNG A LOW. A nifty 5-room bungalow, full cement basement, wibh traya, floored attic, oak floors, Frer ch doors, every built-in fea ture, breakfast nook, furnace, fireplace, all finished in Ivory and white enamel, garage ani cement runway. It's a bo uty. T E RUa $8000 LAURELHURST $8000. One of the classiest homes in Laurel hurst; every imaginable convenience, oak floo.-a throughout, furnace. fire place; in fact, everything that you would expect in a bouae of this descrip tion. It will be a pleasure to show you thia place. Terma. RUM M ELL &l RUMMELL, 274 Stork at. GENTLEMAN'S HOME. Most beautiful reception hall, French doors, leading Into lovely large living room, most cneerful dining, large Kitch en and pantry; 2 fine large and one me dium bedrooms, bath and toilet up; full cement basament, Al furnace; ail double constructed throughout. This home is located on 115x1 00. surrounded by 3 paved street, all paid. There are bear ing walnuts, cherries, pears and apples; a most lovely lawn with beautiful flow er beds. This is the biggest bargain we have ever offered. The lot value and street Improvements would be cheap at $4f00 and you could not duplicate the house for $1500. Owner moving away and has instructed us to sell at $65o0, $2500 cash. This Is In Walnut Park, close to Jefferson high school and street car; an ideal home for one wishing to live in fine home and educate their chil dren. THE LAWRENCE CO.. 205 Corbett Bldg. Main 6915. HOME BARGAINS. $2800 Big snap. Cook ave.. near Will lams. 6-r. house, 50x100 lot. paved st.; fruit trees; worth $300. $2400 Bungalow. 43d St.. near Haw thorne. 5 r. and sleeping porch ; - sts. paid. $3100 Sunnyside, 5-r. bungalow. $3150 Sunnyside. 6-r. house. $40u0 Corner 42d and Lincoln, 6-r. mod ern house. $3300 East Lincoln, 6-r. house. $3200 East 7 th. near Broadway. 6-r. modern house. $4500 Rose City bungalow. 7-r. modern, garage, paved sts. $ fin f0 Laurel hurst bungalow. $5mm) Irvinftton, 7-r. bungalow. $10.000 IrvlnKton, 75x100, modern 8 room home. $7500 Mt. Tabor. 115x311, with 8-r. house. CHAS. RIN'GLER & CO., 223 Henry Bldg. LAUTtTTLHURST HOME. SEE IT TODAY. ft fine rooms (3 bedrooms: white enamel finish throughout; mahogany trimmed ; beautiful mahogany buffet : dining-room about 15x15; 2 bedrooms about 14x14; oak floors in entrance hall, living and dining-rooms; maple floors In kitchen and bathroom. Price only $0230. "Winter's fuol in bnsement at invoice. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 7 Chamber of Commerce. (Branch office open Sun day afternoons 10th and Sandy.) $2250 PENINSULA BARGAIN. On Macrum street. 2 blocks from the Willamette boulevard, within walking distance to the great industrial center of the Peninsula, is thia practically new. modern 6-room home; newly tinted and painted. This is a real snap; can ar range terms. We have over 000 photo graphs of inspected homes in our of fice for sale ; 12 experienced salesmen with autos at your service. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE TO Bl'Y YOUR HOME. Ablngton Bldg. Main 1068. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. $5800. Beautiful home In Laurelhurst, 7 large rooms, also breakfast room ; hardwood floors, built-in conveniences, fireplace, furnace, handsome fixtures: tine view of mountains; price includes electric cook ing stove, linoleum and window shades. I nspect the house today. 1200 E. Gii aan st. F. K. TAYLOR CO., INSIDE PROPERTY DEALERS. G rou n d Fl oor Henry Bldg. Ask for Mr. Dekum. LAURFLHTJRST. 8 ROOMS AND SLEEPING PORCH, $8500. FolkH. here is a home that is being offered at a price way below its real value. It is modern to the last detail. Hardwood floors. 2 fireplaces, buffet, full roment basement, furnace, etc. Requires $3000 cash. Let us show you. A. O. TEEPE CO., 264 Stark St., Near 3d. Main 3310. Main 30!)2. Branch Office 50th & Sandy (Open Sun.). Sun'iavs and evenings phone Tabor 8255, Tabor 9321. $5500 VACANT VACANT 5500. W ON DERFU L ALAMEDA HO M E. Seven rooms, strictly modern, full ce ment basement, trays, furnace, fireplace, all kinds of buP.t-ins ; hardwood floors lower floor; one bedroom downsta ir; fine lot ; near car: hard-surface street, paid : a good buy, on terms. Sunda v, Marshall 5103: weekdays. Main 7007. Mariels or Williams. 820 Chamber of Commerce bldg. $2630 Another good buy tn Mt. Scott, in the Firland addition. Living room, djning room, kitchen. 1 bedroom and bath,, mu sic room and den downstairs; 2 bedrooms upRtairs and sleeping porch. There is a very nice sun porch in this house. Inter ior finish In white enamel. It i in Al condition. U. block to car. BIHR-CAREY CO. 210 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 186. IRVINGTOX. 1-0-room Dutch colonial. 2 blocks from carllne; lot 5xlH; sleeping porch ana sun parlor, fireplace. large -furnace, hardwood floors, mahogany finish: attic, full basement; best buy in this exclusive district. Price 91o.noo. COB A. McKENNA A CO., 82 Fourth Street. Main 4522. COUCH ADDITION On lot 50x100. 8-room residence with sleeping porch, built-in refrigerator a-nd Tireless cooker: all hardwood floors: vapor hearing plant: bearing fruit trees; lot adioining for $3'tOO additional. GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. GROVEL AND PARK. WEST SLOPE MT. TABOR. $1500, beautiful, most modern 5-room bungalow ; very large rooms ; must be st n to be appreciated; house alone cnuld 1 ot be ruilt for the money. H. H. Staub, 1027 Belmont; week Tabor 210. ALBERTA BUNGALOW BARGAIN. $1700 buys a 5-room bungalow with balh. electric lights, rub If de sired. 50x100 lot, with alley: only one blk. to Alberta, car. Terms. J. A- WICTKMAN COMPANY, 204 Ry. Exch. bldg. Main 1094. 6-ROOM HOUSE AND ONE ACRE. All in fine shape, electric lights, gas, bat. toilet. wash trays. barn and chicken house, on ha -d-surf i ce street, good district ; price $3250 ; $1230 cash balance to suit. BUXDY, 215 RAILWAY EXCH. BLDG. $3000 47th. 2 blks. so. Hawthorne; 7-room modern house, newly finished: corner lot; big value; $050 cash. bal. $35 mo., inc. interest. CHAS. RIN'GLER. 225 HENRY BLDO. KEN I L WORTH AVE.. block from Clin ton car: lot 50x100; 6-room. good-looking house with full plumbing; no in cumbrance. Price $ 1730. . GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. SUNNYSIDE bargain. $2750; $650 down; very good 6-r. om hou-se, ' large sleeping porch; lot 50x1 0; fruit, r.ear school and carline. H. H. Staub, 1027 Belmont; wek Tabor 219. MY equity in 2 -room hours. H acre ground cheap. Tremont station. fi5th ave. and 71st st. S. E.. 2d house from- corner. 2-KOHM plastered house, lot 56xlO0. $300 $2oo down. $10 per month. Call 5430 64th ave. S. E. Woodstock car. $2300' 100X100 and -room house on car line ; streets paved, assessments paid. 4928 Cotb ave. S. E. IRVINGTON 8 rooms. 3 chambers, sleep-In-? porch, built Xor home; axaa. East REAL ESTATE, ON Pt rtland Heights, location Is excel lent, lot Oxla ft., with frame flat and huuM on the same. This property is offered for corsiderable less than its truH value for the purpose of closing an estnte; $70nt will buy this property; be sides a residence 10 live in. there is an income from the flat. Call at the office and ascertain the particulars. M. J. CLOHESoY. ABINGTON BLDG. Only $3250 for a good 7-room, modem, j ery substantia I ly-bui it house on Kear ney st.. '.-lose in. This property Is only a short distance from the business cen ter on tne west tde and capable of bringing in monthly rental of $40 or more ; there is a basement under this house that cannot today be built for $1500. It is so arranged that it could be used for a family. The lot is not a full lot naturally, as the lots In this locality Hre worth $0000. This property is offered for about Vg its value. The house could not be built today for the price asked. $10o cash will handle it. If you want a home close in, where car fare is not an item, this la your oppor tunity. M. J. CLOHESSY, ABINGTON BLDG. Only $1200 for a good 4-room house with a full lot on 85th at.; it is only 1 blocks from Mt. Tabor car line. It has all of the city conveniences, such as city water, gas and electricity ; $300 cah handles it. M. J. CLOHESSY. ABINGTON BLDG. Only $1500 buys this a large 6-room ho 11 He In the city on the west fide, close to two car lines on a boulevard. This houe has ull of the city conveniences, ucn aa cltv water, gas and electricity ; only 1 block from a city school. This is in a very pretty locality with a fine view 01 the river nnd mountains. You go to it over the Terwilliger boulevard; ou can move In right away; $500 In cioh will handle it. M. J. CLOHESSY. ABINGTON BLDG. Only"$10f:0 for a new 3-room house lo cated on the west side, close to a car line, close to the boulevard. This house has all of the city conveniences, only two blocks from a city school, city water, and electricity. M. J. CLOHESSY, ABINGTON BLDO. On Market St., close rn to the business eenter on the west side. You can take your choice of either of two 6-room houses with lots 30x100 ft., each for $3500 ; 91000 in cash will handle it M. J. CLOHESSY, ABINGTON BLDO. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. 8 ROOMS ( ; ARAG E $4750. PORTLAND'S BIGGEST BARGAIN. Folk, you will have to admit that this is the biggest bargain now being offered for sale. Thia place couldn't he duplicated today for leas than $0500. Now being offered for leas than it cost the owner. You Juat can't appreciate the true value until you see this property. It's In perfect condition, too,' not one cent to spend. But you'll have to hurry. We're willing to Wager that this place will be sold by Monday. If you want a rea 1 good-looking. exceptionally well built home of 8 rooms, then for goodness sake get busy. Better phone right now for an appointment and one of our ma chines will call for you. If you don't think this is a real downright bargain aner you nave aeon the property, were willing to pay you for the time you will spend inspecting the property. Located only 2 blocks from Hawthorne car on a fuil corner lot with all assts. paid. Again let us repeat let us urge you to Inspect this property immediately. Tomorrow might be too late. A. G. TEEPE CO., 264 Stark St., Near 3d. Main 3316. Main 3002. Branch Office 50th & Sandy (Open Sun.). Sundays and evenings phone Tabor 8235, Tabor 0321. THE HOUSE BEAUTIFUL. Just finished, my palatial Irvlngton res., semi-bung, type; situated S. W. cor. 17th and Klickitat. This place will appeal to the most fastidious; first floor, 5 rooms, vestibule, fireplace, furnace, bookcases, panel dining rm., breakfast nook, tiled In th, pedestal, lavatory, shower; second floor, sleeping porch, bedrm., billiard room, lavatory, hard wr.od floors, old ivory and mahogany finish throughout; concrete and brick porch ; plate glaatf windows. You will marvel at thin new, beautifully deco lated and gorgeously trimmed hnutip up to the very minute. Price $1 1,500; terr-.s. See me on the ground all day Sunday; week day, 4 to 7 P. M., or call NED BURKE, Main 1903 any time for appointment. $5800 DISTINCTIVE IRVINGTON HOME. On E. 12th st.. near Stanton, on a paved street, with all liens paid, is a very modern 8-room house; living room with fireplace; paneled dining room; built-in buffet; convenient kitchen; 4 light, airy bedrooms; sleeping porch; hardwood floors; full cement basement; furnace and laundry trays; attractive lawn: abundance of flowers and shrubs: garage ; can arrange terms. We have over GOO photographs of inspected homes in our office for sale; 12 experienced "lmen with autos at your service. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRU TO BUY YOUR HOME. Abington Bldg. Main 10418. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. $4223 HERE'S APIPPIN7-room, strict- ly modern bungnlow In Piedmont. 50x100 lot ; paved street, garage, reception hali, living room, dining room with built-in buffet, kitchen, 2 bedrooms and bath downstairs, 1 bedroom up, full cement basement, hardwood floors, furnace, fire place, laundry trays, gas, electricity, screens, shades and linoleum, fruit trees and shrubbery. Don't tell us you can't get what you want, for we've got it in this very home. BIHR-CAREY CO. We get result, try us. 219 Ry. Exch. Bidg. Main 189. 7 ROOMS. ALAMEDA DRIVE. Sun parlor, big living room. 8 bed rooms; this beautiful home is finished in old ivory and white enamel; complete In every detail, gas heating system. Call us for appointment. J. L. HARTMAN COM PA NY. 7 C ham ber of Commerce bldg. Bain 20S. ALAMEDA PARK. Beautiful Swiss chalet. ' facade embel lished with gracefully ornamental leaded windows and miniature balconies: in terior blends in good taste: French doors between main room: 2 fireplaces, 8 rooms In all, sleeping porch gives view for miles in all directions ; double ga rage: pictur-e In our window. Price $8500, on terms. CUE A. McKENNA & OO.. 82 Fourth Street Main 4522. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. 5 rooms and breakfast nook, hard-wood floors throughout ; an exceptionally fine living-room extends across front of house ; excellent fireplace, built-in book cases and buffet, full cement basement and a good furnace; all street lmp. In and paid, 1 block to Hawthorne car. All thiw for only t5if: terma. CLEVELAND-HEN-DERisON CO.. 212 Railway Exch. Bldg. Main 6752. RICHMOND BARGAIN. We have a strictly modern 5-room bungalow, with attic and good base ment, on paved street, near school, one block from car. This place can be bought for $3300 ; If painted and tinted would sell quick f cr 4OO0 ; easy terms, can give possession at once. M. HILLINGS J. K. MUSGRAVE, 500 McKay Bldg. Main 1300. BUNGALOW ON EAST 19TH ST. 5-rooin modern bungalow, with large unfinished attic, cement ba&ement. on lot ftOxloO ft., cement sidewalks, 2 bearing fruit trees, berries and shrubbery, one block from car; price fJ4U), eay terma. See Mr. Smith at 1121 tu. Z4tb st. N., or phone Wood lawn tfbOl. $juo0 VACANT 5-ROOM BUNGALOW IN H AW THORNE. On a 50x 1 OO lot, hard surface street and stwer. AM the rooms on one tloor, full cement basement, laun dry trays, gas and electricity. Vb block from Hawthorne car. Immediate posses sion. BIHR-CAHDY CO. 219 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 1-881. $2350 VACANT VACANT $2350. WHY TRY TO RENT? Five-room bungalow, one floor; good basement, plumbing, electric lights, gas; near car, close in ; an exceptional buy on terms. Sunday, Marshall 5963; week days. Main 7967. Mariels or Williams, 820 Chamber of Commerce bldg. $3000 BUYS a dandy home of five rooms and bath, full cement basement, wash trays, furnace, imp. all In and paid; convenient to Miss, and Wm. ave cars; terms. Let us show you. Near Jefferson high. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 204 Ry. Exch. Bldg Main 1094, BIG SACRIFICE SAVE RENT. $2S00 Buys Home Worth $400. SluOO quick profit can be made if you buy and resell it. 6-R. home. 50x100 lot: fruit trees, paved sts.. imp. all paid. Cook ave., near Wlliiams ave. C HAS. RING L. ER. 225 HENRY BLDG. 71t7 3 T N ALBERTA. 2-room bungalow. with bath. On a beautiful 50x100 corner lot. Thia little place has gas, electrlclty screens and shades. It Is new. and can be had for $325 down. Rest easy. BIHR-CAREY CO. 219 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 1086. EXAMINE CAREFULLY. Verv substantial, strictly modem and well-built 9-room house at 613 Ladd ave., in Ladd's Add.: $.mio. COB A. McKENNA & OO.. . 82 Fourth Street. KENTON Cor. Miss, and Wlnehell. sev eral bar-rains; $iX up. T. D. Bathrick. 6X6 Ch. ot Cm lOo K, Winch ml. REAL ESTATE. For bale -Houses. IRVINGTON. -ROOM COLONIAL $14,000. IRVINGTON" 8 CHOICEST LOCATION. KNOTT STREET. W cannot say too much to Impress upon you the real worth of this splen did home, i'ou never would expect to buy such a quality house In the very choicest part of Irvlngton for so little money. You will be mors than pleased with the interior arrangement; eiep tionally large living rooms, bright and cheerful ; very la rue living room ; first tloor, large reception hail, living room extending the width of the house, sun porch, d ining room and kitchen ; second floor, four large bedrooms and sleeping porch and bath: third tloor. maid's room and bath; hardwood floors on first and second floors; hntaned in rich old ivory and white throughout. Bear in mind, 00. that this is an 80x100 corner on Knott street, with all asies.smenis paid. Yes. there Is a garage. $3000 cash will handle and ba.ance at 0 per cent inter est. Probably never again will you have an jportunity like this one. It'll be a downright pleasure for us to show you and you'll be under no obligations. In our bands exclusively for sale. , A. G. TEEPE CO.. ' 254 Stark St.. Near 3d. Main 30U2 Main 3M0. Branch uffUe. 50th and Srindy. Evenlnss Phone TaborJ21r $4000, JEFFERSON HIGH SCHOOL. Here is a real bunpaiow home on a full lot on a paved street, 1 block north of Killingsworlh. clone to the Jeffersn high tchool; public Ubrary and city park. CJoxe to 3 car lines; hopre is practically new ; built-in con-, eniences ; bsi plumb ing fixture ; good cement basement ; laundry trays; house is equipped with Rector ras radiator system. This is an unusual buy. Can arrange terms. W e have over 600 photographs of inspected homes in our office tor t-ale, 12 experi enced salesmen with autos at your serv ice. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home, Abington Building. Main 108. Office open evenings and Sundays, PIEDMONT Tor Sale M-jdern home, 2-26 Jarrett St.. in beautiful setting of shrubs and trees, land 100x170 ft., houae built for a hom-s; not to market; owner now re siles in Los A. Three nice, large bed rooms upstairs, each having spacious clot ts; hot water plant and the best of plumbinar throughout. The living room downstairs haa a big. fireplace, the library built-in bookcases, and there are all the convenient kitchen and pantry acccs&ortes ; within w a Iking distance of Jeffei don high, Woodiawn and Ockley Green scholia, You mut Be this to appreciate it. Occupant wiil show you through. Price $630o; can be handled for $;;oo0. Call at 228 Jarrett at HAWTHORNE DISTRICT, $3750. First class modern 6-room bungalow, situated at 240 E. 5ft d. one block north of Hawthorne avenue, command ing a fine view of the city and the west side hills; hardwood floors, fireplace, built-in bookcases, buffet, den, Dutch kitchen, two good sized bed rooms, bath; good attic and cement basement with laun dry trays. All Improvements in and paid. House vacant, ready to occupy. Owner will be at house between 3 and 4 P. M. today. Ry. Plxch. Bldg. Monday Main 675. Call before 2 P. M. Sunday. Tabor 7304. $230O SNAP. 6-room semi-modern house, elee. lights and gas. full cement basement, wash travs; Just newly tinted; lot 100x115, with 10 or 15 nice fruit trees, 3 blocks to car on 75th st; $250 cash and $20 mo. $4750 takes this nice 5-room modern bungalow. hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, white enameled kitchen and buiit-ins are perfect; 1 block to car. SIMMS 431 Chamber of Commerce. Open until 12 P, M. Sunday. Main 0127. BEAUMONT PARK. BUNGALOW TYPE HOME. $750 cash, $K0 monthly to Include in terest buys this exceptionally fine home. Very fine large living room and dining room, modern kitchen, fine breakfast room and den, 3 bedrooms, very large sleeping porch, good cement basement, new furnace, garage, nice shrubbery and lawn. Only $5500. Consult A. C. Gal- braith. GEO. r. ENGLEH ART CO., Main 7200. 024 Henry bldg. ROSE CITY PARK, $1000 will handle; first floor, living room, dining room, kitchen, den, 1 bedroom ; hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, bookcase and other fixtures, all first-class; 2d floor has 3 nice bedrooms and bleeping porch, bungalow style, full lot, furnace, full cement basement. 2 '4 blocks south Sandy car. Price $4700, balance like rent. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 632-033-034 N. W. Bank bldg. IRVINGTON $7350. NONE JUST LIKE IT AT THE PRICE! Nina rooms: hardwood floors down stairs; four bedrooms, cement basement, hot-air furnace; room for garage; sat isfactory terms can be arranged. May be seen Sunday by telephoning East 7118 lor appointment. WAKEFIELD. FRIES St CO.. a 5 4th S t " IRVINGTON RESIDENCE. Six rooms beautiful living room with fireplace, plateglass windows, extra fine bullt-lns, Dutch kitchen. full cement basement with plenty of light and head room, extra good furnace, three bed rooms with very large closets. This Is a home anyone would be proud to own and is worth the money. $7500. F. L. B LA NC HARD, 51 Railway Exchange Bldg. Mar. B29. NOW VACANT BIG SNAP. NEAR PIEDMONT CAR BARNS. Well-built 8 -room houeo in good re pair. 50x100 corner lot. full semi-cement basement, furnace ; $ 120O takes pop-session, balance long time. 12 IO Michigan ave. Take a peep. C. A. WARR1NER, HITTER, LOWE 4 CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. BEAUTIFUL acre: $050 will handle; a beautiful home only 25 minutes from heart of city; modern 6-room house, all kinds of fruit and berries, chicken house and runs; this place has all of city con veniences, no city taxes to pay; investi gate this; hard -surface street, 1 block to car. Price only 9X1 50; $0 cash. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 632. 633, 634 N. W. Bank BMt?. PORTLAND HEIGHTS Nearly new mod ern 8-room house with concrete porches. Every modern convenience. laii;e tract of ground running through the block, with two frontages, In choice residence section. $10.oti0. This place is right. If you want something that is worth the money, take a look at this. S-a Ben Uiesland, 404 Piatt bldg., 127 Park St. ALAMEDA PARK SNAP. BEAUTIFUU NEWLY DECORATED. 6 rooms, fine elei-ping porch, old ivory, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, beau tiful buffet. J. ROBBTNR. R01 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 7031. Res.. Tabor 519. BARGAIN IN FLATS $5250. Modern flats, well located, on paved street, upper and lower, each complete; pay nearly 12 per cent. Price $5250; one-third cash . LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. HAWTHORN B $1900 $3O0 cash, balance monthly. 4-room bungalow ; g-is, dUl elect rlrlly, rooms well arra nged. full basement; coi venient to Sunnsiao and Hawthorne cars JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 62-033-034 N. W. Ba n kb id g. $42Ui) fi-room, bunaalow in Alberta. Strict ly modern; 1 block from car. A beauti ful corner lot. This house is brand new. Just being completed and la a good one. BIHR-CAREY CO. Modern homes only. 219 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 166. $850 BUYS a delightful little cottage of 3 rooms and sleep) ng porch in good resi dence sec tion of the city. Lot 5oxluO, all planted tu garden, 2 chicken houses and wired yard. $2O0 down and $15 a month takes the property. For particulars call at 404 Piatt bldg., 127 Park St. $7500 BEST VALUE IN LAURELHURST - 9 rooms and sleeping porch ; high, sightly lot mountain view; hardwood floors throughout; good garage. Phone Main I'oo. Evenings Tab. 5057. Air. Mccarty. 5- ROOM bungalow on East 29th st. ; fire place, built-in conveniences, concrete basement, stationary tubs', etc. An up-to-date bungalow for $ JSOO. For par ticulars call at 404 Piatt bldg., 127 Park street. 6- ROOM modern home, vacant, lawn, fruit, roses, etc.. 3 blks. to car. HM3 E. Wash ington st. Price $2500; some cash- and terms. L. E. Stetnmetz. 4od Gerlluger bidg.. Main tSOOl or Tabor 3224. TWO-STORY, six rooms, bad condition, 50x100; E. 21st., walking distance, near schools, cars; if handy with tools double your money on this buy; small payment down. Price $100. BJ 5. Oresonlan. 6R OOM MO DE R V BUNGALOW " $23 AO E. 27th STREET $2350. One block to car, 2 blocks to school. $6o down and move in; rest any terms. SMITH-WAGONER Co., Stock Ex. 7-ROOM bungalow in Irvington. 527 East 27th st. North, for sale by the owner; oak floors, with all other modern con veniences. $4000. Tabor 2654 or call 128 3d st. A BARGAIN 6-room house, good repair, barn suitable for garage, lot 7xlOO ft., improvements paid : $2000 cath, $200 easy payments. 67 E. 76th su, phone East Gil 03. FINE location; the storeroom at the end of the carllne, East 2Mh and Halsey sts. Look on the map, then go and talk it over with the grower on the corner. Mr. Wagner. FOR SALE Good house with 2 large lots; price $1200; west aide, close in, must sell. ALar. 6210. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. BUILD NOW! PORTLAND NEEDS 5000 -NEW HOMES. HOME NOW OR BUILD ONE FOR THE OTHER FELLOW. The government, the bankers, the merchants say, BUILD NOW! GET TUB SPIRIT! WES WILL HELP YOU FINANC THJfl BUILD INO. TERMS TO SUIT. Come In and see us. We will do our best for you. BUT DO IT ' NOW! WEST ER N OO N ST R UfTION CO 021 MORGAN BLDG. MAIN 2035. $4200 BIO HOME BARGAIN. Here is a very distinctive modern 6 room home on a lOuxlOO corner with very attractive lines; large living room with fireplace; pretty dining room; con venient kitchen; 3 light, airv bedrooms; white enamel plumbing; electric lights and gas; full cement basement; furnaoe and laundry trays; attractive lawn witn abunriano of fruit, berries and flowers; on L. Uih st., near Going. This is a real bargain ; f 1 5d0 under Ua value. ve have over 60O photographs of in spected homes In our office lor sale- 12 emce nCt?H lr 'emen with autos at your FRANK L. McOlTRB ,TO 1!UY YOUR HOME. A b Ington 1 1 1 d g. Mum 1 008. urnce Open Evenings and Sundays. NEAR AINSWORTH A ND wTlLAM ETTE DRIVE. 6 Rooms Bungalow $2730 Folks, here Is a real pick up. You would never, never dream of buying such a bungalow as thU in this location lor so lutie money. And. too. th terms are very liberal. An additional 50xl)d lot -adjoining with Iota ot fruit trees can be had for an addiuoual $300. Thia la a nice, bright and cheerful house. Fire place, bullet, cement basement, wash traya, etc. Let us show you. A. G. TEEPE CO., 204 Stark St.. Near 3d. Main 30!2 Main 3516. Branch Oilice, 5uth and Sandy (Open Sundav). Sunday and evenings Phone Tabor 9S21. FOR SALE BY OWNER Going to California. Our Modern Home in Walnut Park. Eighteen acres, all under cultivation: 1 miles from Warren. W mile off high- ui wiih seven acres ox oe beaverdam, and good 5-room houb-e. One nice building lot at 31st and Hol laday, just off Sandy blvd. One fine small lot at 31at and E. Tay lor street it's a corner. Also our new Hudson speedster. CALL WOOm.AWN 1!73 MORNINGS. BIG SNAP. HAWTHORNE AVENUE) CORNER. Ground i7xl37 and good 7-room house, all st. Improvements paid, abundance of fruit trees. This is one of the finest building Kites on Hawthorne. ave. Ground alone worth more than we are at-king N. E. corner of Ssth and Hawthorne, Take peep. Price $unoot terms. WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS C. A. WARRINEK, RITTER, LOWE 6c CO.. 201-3-3-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ONLY $25oO. 6-room modern home. bath, toilet, hot and cold water, gas. electricity, full ce ment basement, laundry trays. large grounds. 100x100 ft., corner, garage 2 blocks from car line. 3 blocks from school, immediate posession can he ob tained. Will take $500 cash, balance like rent. GROUND FLOOR HENRY BLDG Ki 4th st Mar. ya. BROADWAY home, 5 rooms and large sleeping porch ; hard wood floors, f ire pom ce. built-in bookcases, paneled din ing room with beamed ceiling, cement b;iierneni. laundry trays, clothes chute; beautiful lawn, trees and Bhrubnery; ga rugo and paved street; a hwautiful home in best location. Price 93750; $U30 cash JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 632. 033. 034 N. V. Hank Bldg. FOR SALE at coHt. new 4-room bungalow wim cement nasement; location E. S7th st. and Pino, 5 blocks to Mt. Tabor cars, 1 block off Base Line boulevard Ce ment sidewalks down, paving in spring. i-XJt ouxiou or larger. See or write own er. H. P. McCoy, 1251 Belmont st. Ta- Dor iui, BEAUTIFUL BUNG A LOW. M'NXYSIO E $373-1. Six rooms, including breakfast nook, hardwood floors, fireplace, &cxlOO lot, gas range. A rea 1 buy. J. ROB BINS. 301 Ra Uway Exchange Bldg Main 7J131. Res.. Tabor 5319. ROSE CITY PARK Modern bungalow, - o rooms ami steeping porcn, garage. 11 . . 1 1 ours, 1 urnaue, ve-ry desirable, rTtce $.O0. Terms. 5-room modern oungaiow. lot iiiix mo. double garage, . . v . iioors. weii uuilt, paved streets, price $42or; $1700 down. Sunday. Thom son. 1 uenry oiug. 4-RCMfM plastered house, mod rnnHi -in electric liirlit. gas. cellar, bearing fruit trees, oen y uunes. a corner lots. J blk. from Dekum ave.; 14M E. lt h il N ror Madrons. Owner, 414 Labbe bldg., 2d ana Hnn. sis. .-via in mj. 1. a bargain must sell; cawh or payments. $0750 LADD ADDITION Fine 8-room houe. lor .10 1 9PE hirh sightly lot; walking distance; suitable for large family of workers. Plume Plain 1 ('in. evenings ;ab. 0057. Mr. McOARTV. REAL ESTATE AGENTS' BONDS. YOU HAVE TO HAVE ONE. W e take cars of every detail with your uonn. rue or pnonr. BOND DEPARTMENT, SMITH -WAGONER CO.. Stock Ex, 9-RooM modern home, vacant. newly painted and decorated; full basement, wash trays, fruit trees, berries, lawn. roses, etc. - r. .t n st near Haw thorne. Must sell ; make offer. Phone owner. 1 a oor a-.-i. BEAUT1FL L Irvington home, must be sold; would like. If possible, $3ooO fur my equity of 9S000; will consider real estate or automobile in trade. Best of fer takes t he property. Phone East 2144 or .M a rs hall 3718. $2Sii0 $00 cash, balance monthly. 5-room bungalow with sleeping porch, bui't-tt features, fireplace, full basement, 60x101 lot. 2 blocks rrom car. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 632 -3 3 -034 N- W. Bank bldg. HOME BUILDERS We build, finance and sell homes; highest references. Portland Home Bldg. Assn.. Inc.. 131, 332, 333 Ky Exch. bldg. Main 510. IRVINGTON artistic home, ivory finish, oak floors. 2 fireplaces, garage, $95oo Neuhausen A Co. Main 8o78. l!i d'lTT for sale: K-rnom modern hunv- i iui. . sola Guru aU, Krxo "1. REAL ESTATE. WEST PIEDMONT. $2750. 5-room bungalow, lot 60,l0v. full ce ment basement. 2 bedrooms, bath, all clear, $50 wil handle; balance terms to suit at 6 per cent. TEN-SHUN. 917KO KENTON DISTRICT $1750. Brand new 3-room plastered bungalow, never been occupied, lot 5n-c 100; cement sidewalks; $4h down. Let us take you out In the car to see it. WERT PIEDMONT. $800 down takes this 6-room bungalow, newly painted, 2 bed rooms, bath, ce ment basement, strictly modern ; lot 0ox loo; price $3300. You must see the place to appreciate it. Ask Mr. Stor berg. A. J. De FOREST St CO.. 320-321 Henry bldg. Main 2690. $3600 8 ROOMS AND 2 LOTS IN SELLWOOD. "Well-built, plastered house with 4 nice, airy bedrooms, living and dining rooms, cabinet kitchen, den, bath and full basement with dandy fruit room; fine big bearing fruit trees, apples, cherries, plums and prunes, also nice small fruits; convenient to school, churches, stores, park and library; air planes performing in full view daily; 4 blocks to car, one block to paved street; aro light in front of house: come out and h-- it for yourself Sunday or any evening after 6. 91GOO cash or liberty bonds, balance easy terms. Owner, 6:0 Bidwell ave., corner 17th st. $2525 ATTRACTIVE BUNGALOW HOME. v ery homelike, gray bungalow, with low ram Ming lines; attractive living room ; dining room with massive built in buffet; Dutch kitchen; 2 light, airy bedrooms; electric lights and gas; bst w hi te enamel plumbing fixtures; good cement basement with laundry room. This is an unusual value ; on Campbell street, near A ins worth. We have over OO photographs of Inspected homes in our office for sale; 12 experienced sales men with autos at your service. SEE F R A N K L MuGUIRB TO BUY YOUR HOME. Abington Bldg. Main 10J8. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. ROSE CITY PARK, SPLENDID bL'NGALutt $4500. Folks, du out thia down on vour list. Here im a new house. This one is thoroughly double constructed. Excep tionally large living room, hardwood flours. Crop lace, buffet, cement basement, wash trays. beautiful kitchen with breakfast alcove, large attic in which 2 more rooms could be finished ; street and sewer assts. naid : 2 blocks from Sandy, on 42d. Come, let us show you. A, O. TKbft. t.O.. 204 Stark St.. Near 3d. Main 3o2 Main 3516. Branch office. 50th and Sandy. Even huts Phone Tabor 0321. NOW VACANT. BEAUTIFUL ALAMEDA HOME. Thia is jubt 2 hort blocks from the Broadway car line, an ready to take pose-feion ; large living room, dining room, bedroom, kitchen and hall on first floor ; 3 bedrooms and bath above, fire place, hardwood, floors, built-in book cu.es and buffet, full cement basement, furnace, nice lawn and shrubbery, paved tree ut in ana paid. xnu must oe sees to be appreciated. Let us show you this buy. a'rice $.i250, reasonable terms. C. A. WAKK1NER. RITTER. LOWE CO.. 201-3-A-7 Board, of Trade Bldg. BUNGALOW Thoroughly modern, hard wool floor, fiieplioe, etc., on Monta vilia carllne. A snap if taken at once, $2500; liberal term Attractive home on East TOth st., well constructed, best of material and great bargain at $2250. Eesy terms. Modern hun.e in Rose City Park, 2 blocks off carline; snap at $-;uu0; $1500 cosn. naiance irms. Hare purchaser for well-located, mod ern home at rcsonabU- price. PACIFIC REALTY. 40 Spalding bldtf. Main S47. HOSE CITY PARK CAR. SPLENDID 3-ROOM BUNGALOW. $3S00 Folks, here is one of those real good- looking bungalows, light and cheerful hard wood floors, fireplace, bookcases. maFHive buffet, cement basement. wa.ih trays, etc.: beautilul corner with south and east exposure; you'll be delighted. JU.et ua snow you. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 201 Stark St.. Near 3d. Main 3002 Main 3$1. Branch tiff ice. 30th and Sandy. F.venlnKS Phone Tabor h255 or i321. $270o Nice 5-room bungalow on Huron st.. In Peninsula, fs block 10 tie car. Living room, dining room, uutch kitchen, 2 bed rooms with bath, fireplacu nnd garage 10 of the best kind of fruit trees; berries of nil kinds. lf you want a piace in Peninsula, don t puss this up. BIHR-CAREY CO. The Live Wires. 210 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main ItWrt. -ROOM house; $500 will handle; modern; -uu it. to 1 nmn-ave. car line-; water, lik'hi, gas. bath, laundry trays in base ment; house is double constructed and in excellent condition; concrete foundation, cement waiks and shrubbery ; nard-sur face street and sidewalks In and paid for. Price only $300-0: $500 cash. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 632, 033, 634 N . W. Ban k Bldg. ROeiE CITY PARK. A five-room modern bungalow in every detail will be completed in a short time. This house is being well built; can be sold on terms. Now is a good time t see It, as ou ran see the graue of ma terlal and workmanship. Phone week days. Main 54.0. 112. Gasco bldg. ROSre CITY. 8 rooms, life-story liouxe. reef pt 10 n nan. living, a in 1 n g h mi ores r fast room, kitchen. 3 bedrooms, fire place, furnace neat, full basement: 50x 100 lot; best part of Rose City. 2 Mocks to car, $4750; 9joon cash, balance easy. JOHNSON-DODSO.V CO.. 632-633-034 N. W. Bank bldg. BUNGALOW WALKING DISTANCE. 5 rooms, furnace, fireplace. 70x100 lot. Price 94O00; terms. J. RORBINS. 3fl Railway Exchange bldg.. Main 7031.; res. Tabor 531i. IRVINGTON SWELL HOME Corner, cen tral location, handsome, lare living room, library, dining and maid's room first floor, 3 bedrooms, sewing room snd sleeping porch second. Some bargain. Neuhausen & Co. 7w7rK NEW 5-ROOM BTTNGA LOW 1 V LA UHKLHU RST All finished in old Ivory ; good loca tion ; good garage. Phone Main 1 700. EvniliKS Tab. 5037. Mr. McCA RTY. DIRECT FROM OWNER. West side income property, corner fine lot. close in; S-room house. 2 flats ol 3 rooms; furnished; bring $130 a month. Price 975M; cash 9-MXhi, bal. mtg., "i per cent. G 507, OrB'oniMn. ALMOST modern home with 100x150 ft. of ground in sight of Laurelhurat Park. "Sacrificing for $7500. This Is a splen d id piece of property, the best in Sun nyside. See J. R. McKenna, Belmont and 13. 3inh. Tabor 64H3. PIEDMONT DISTRICT $3200. 7-room house on lot 7dxl00; number of full-bearing fruit trees: streets paved and paid; to clote estate will sell lor $3200 GODDARD st WIEDRICK. 243 Stark at. PARTLY -FINISH ED 6-room bungalow style home, full pi u in bin c. sight ly iot with f ru it. prioo $1 m 95uA cash, "bal ance mon-hly. Immediate possession JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 632-033-034 N. W. Bunk bldg. IRVINGTON COIAJN1AL BUNGALOW. Almost new, ideal plan. 6 rooms, oak floors, art paper, ivory finish, til bath room, garage. 710 East 17th North. East 34. Main 8078. No agents. LIST your Irvlnarton house with us for quick results. We are boosting this section. RITTER, LOWE CO., 201-3-3-7 Bjrvrd of Trade bldg. GOOD 5-rom bungalow, nice location, west of Pied mont ; hall, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, cement bast ment and all mod ern conveniences; $2500; must sell. Woodiawn 5otS. $150 CASH Splendid home of 6 rooms. 50x100 lot, furnace, good basement, good location. $3250, $30 payments per month. See J. P. McKenna, Belmont and Stf th. Tabor W403. 4-ROOM house on Eact Halsey, price $1000 94uO eh. 915 monthlv. QOxlo4 j0f JOHNSON-DODSON" CO., 632-033-03 i N. W. Bank bldg. & EAT COTTAGE Two rooms, hath and woodshed. ftttxlOO lot, in Rose City dis trict; three blocks from car line; $925; terma 694 E. 77th st. N. $1950 4-ROOM almost modern cottage on the west side. This is something you cannot pick up every day. See J. p. McKenna. Belmont and 3'.th. Tabor 64!3. $330 7-ROOM modern residence. near Hawthorne ave.; reasonable terms. East 32fl. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW SNAP. $540. 0 rooms, oak floors, fireplace. Neuhau sen fc Co. J-VVX) I R VI NGTON. BEAUTIFUL MODERN BUNOALOW EAST M38. ( S4OO0 6-ROOM modern residence. eOxluO corner; terms; trade for wheat farm eastern Washington. East 6321. MODERN 4-ROOM FLATS. Best part of Irvington on Multnomah; Income 9lOO month; price 96300. ALB E KTA DISTRICT 5-room bungalow. $2730. Gibson. 26S Stark. Marshall 12. ALBERTA DISTRICT 5-roorn bungalow $2730. Olbbon. 2QS Stark. Mars hail 1 2. 7-ROOM house. 2 lota, fine condition; $2uoU. tuOf cm ill, Tabur k2 REAL ESTATE For Siale Houses SAME AS RENT. 91000 to $-tao cash, your own time to pay thu ba.ance. on deferred pay ments, will give you possession of a most ELEGANT LA L'HKLH U KST home. one biock Irom -street car; corner lot, 1 53x114; street improvements all paid; basement nas laundry, drying, serv ant or chauffeur's room, also bttth; first floor baa living, dining, bed and bath rooms, u-n, Mionfl floor has lour bed rooms, batn. 3 artistic fireplaces, hard wood tioors up and downstairs; hot water heating system ; large double ga- rikCA. I .ihfn fhi it a Vi r t" ;i In. KHED V. NEWELL. Oregon investment & Mortgage company, 216-1-20-21-2 Chamber ot Commerce. Marshall 203. 'PORTLAND HEIGHTS." BKT PART OF PORTLAND. MODERN. SIGHTLY, BEAUTIFUL. DE.-1 KAB1.E, N EARLY N r. W RESI DENCE. NEAR CA4i. LOCATED ESPE CIALLY GOOD. A REAL BARGAIN ; 0 liwM.S. iJC-N. .Sl.Lti l.N'U I'Uiicri. HAKDWOOD FLOORS, i'LA 1 E GLASS WINDOWS. OAK AGE, FULL BASfc--MENT; Hl'rriAL KAiiOAlN. REASON ABLE TERMS. PRK E FOR ylI'K SALE $ll.t oo. EASILY WOK TH $13. UO0. ADDREScS THE OWNER. Al 742. OR EGO.N 1 A N. ROSE CITY PARK. 6 Rooms and Sleeping 1'crcn $3500. Located below tne hill, near Sandy. This ist a real home In every way. Was butlt for present owner the very best of material and wor.iiius;iip; r -oms are ail lwrj;e. bi itit and cheerful; hardwood tloor. urt- u.ai e. missive buffet . cement basement, lurnace etc. Let show you. A. G. TEEPE CC, 204 Stark St.. Near 3d. Main 30'.2 Main 3310. Branch Oil ice. 50ih and Sandy (Open Sunday. 8 R0O31S. CORNER ROTH AND LIMB ti STREET. EAGER' S ADDITION, a BLOCKS TO CAR. SCHOoU STORES. ETC. PoelTlVK BARGAIN AT $2b50 t SURELY A $33O0 VALUE). ONLY $50O CASH, BAL LON G TIME (LIKE RENT). CALL ON OWNER, 302 SELLING BLDG. WILL ARRANGE FOR INSPEC TION. THIS WELL WORTH WHILE. ROSE CITY" PARK NICE HuMK AND INCOME. Duplex residence, nicely arranged, two large sleeping porches, 2 baths, etc. 8 rooms in ail, flrepiace, full cement base ment, lurnace, tine garag, abundance of fruit trees and shrubbery, paved tts.t good location; price $5ooo, terms. It is worth your time to inv cstigate this. C. A. WARRINEK. R1TTKK LOWE c CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. BIGGEST SACRIFICE IN CITY. Look "at this at once: It's the biggest sacrifice buy in Vortl.tnd ; it-room house with Iutko porchtB around tnree sides full ct-ment basement; house nearly new; lnnxloO corner, with cement walks in and oaid: all kinds of full-bearing fruit trees and berries ; located only 2 blocks frnm W nod In w ti mr in a suod nei tfh borhood. near B. 15th st. Price only 1 $28uu, half cash. It s really worth $40ou. G. G. McCORM IC CO., 242 Waahingtun. 1RV I NGTON' BUY. Very altractiv e 7-room bungalow just completed on 21st st. bet ween Klickitat and Fremont. Has cen : er entrance, large living-room with fireplace, one extra large bedroom with ftroplaee. Com plete in every detail, including garage. Material contracted before ptc&uut high prices and can be sold on tonus, lot citar, for $75oo, L. R. BAILEY CO. $44'HI Hawthorne avenue ; snap; 1 V4 -story bungalow. 31st near 11a w thorne ave., on corner; frontage of 70 feet: 0 rooms, hardwood floor.-, fireplace, fur nace, cloak closet In reception hall, large living room. Dutch kitchen, all built-in feature; full cement basement, launorj trays: In fact, tnrii-tly up to date and must be seen to be appreciated. J. C. CORlilN Co., ;05-tt-7-b Lewis bldg. 9M50-HA WTHORXK BUNGALOW $3150. MODERN. A REAL BARGAIN. 5-room bungalow, one floor, fine ce ment bascii.otU. trays, fireplace, built -ins of all kind, fine plumbing, house in good condition, neu r ear. 11. S. st "eet pntd; this Is a real bargain on easy terms. Sunda Mar. 5UK.S. weekdays Main 7007. Alanela or Williams, b20 Chamber of Commerce bldg: OWN ER leaving city wants cash for e-juitv of 6-room. well-built home on hard-surface stie. t. price $3700 ; equity 922' Hi, ha Ian e $;umi ier year; full ba.se jnoiit. fire p aca, buffet. Dutch kitchen, rooms light uud airy; will sell wood and furniture. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 632-633-034 N. W. Rank bldg. 4-ROOM MODERN. VACANT. Ntjwiy paint d ai.d papered through out, full plumbing, small basement. 5ux 100 lot, 1 blks. from car, several bear ing fruit trues, nice lawn, price 91T50. terms. Phone Sun. Mar. 31GJ, weekdays Main 7007. MARIELS A WILLIAMS. S20 t"hai:ib;-r of Comm-r o Bldg. iMiivnv-nonpov ro.. 632-tK3-034 N. W. Bank bldg. A SEMI-MODERN 6-room house in Sell wood, l.o t s of fruit ; garage, thicker coop. 50x!ort lot, cement walks, graded st reel. Price $l5tMi. Any reasonable, terms at rt per cent. Phone Owner, Marshall 1261. ROSE CITY bungalow. 1 story. 6-room house, beautiful buffet, bookcase, f ire piaee. Inlaid oak floors, music rooms, finished room in attic, furnace, fuil basement, sew er. paved st reet ; every thing i i and p.id: 1 btnek to car, $5500. JOHNS) N-lOIut IN CO.. 632-633-ti34 N. W. Bank bldg. $204JO ROSE CITY BUNGALOW, A SNAP. SEE THIS. 6 room, one floor, nice basement, some but it - Ins, fine plumbing, every thing in fine condition, corner lot. 50x 1O0. easy terms. Sunday Mar. 50O3. weekdays Main 7107. Mariels or Wil liams. 20 Chum, of Coin. SPECIAL BA RG (IN Alimeda Park, classy 6-room strictly modern residence, new decorations, price with aH assess ments paid $0iM0; it would cost 975HO to duplicate it today. 1 block to Broad way car. Owner at 417 Chamber of Com. Phone Main 525i. 93500. Nine-room home, modern conveniences. No. 270 East 2Mb st-. n ar Hawthorne ave. : easy terms. F. V. Andrews a- 'n.. Pistt b;ig.. 127 Park st Phone Mar shall h23. I'ORTL. Nl H EIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. Beautiful r.ome on fine sites on Port land Heights at les.- than it would cost to but Id the houses. Mar. 4S27. I'KooKB. A S39 Fi VERY CUSTOMER IS A P EFKRBNCR 00 East Washington nar 27th. fine S-rooni home: furnace, full lot, Dutch kitchen. S fruit trees; very central; close J?" C. COR BIN Co.. S03-6-7-8 Lewis bldg. E ASTMORELAND BUNGALOW. 1122 Fax. ave.. near E. 37th. on mac adam St.. 1 blk. from hard surface, mod ern, garage. $435 cash, like rent. E. 2S71. 7-ROOM modern home, Dutch kitchen, buffet, full basemen t. wash tra s. etc. 4012 E. 47th street S. E. Phone owner. Tabor 3224. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. 4flth and Sndy blvd.. finest lor-atlon in city; see t. Owner at house today. McFADPEN. Mar. 12. Tibor N2H2. MODERN S-room house. $4230; 2 blks. from carllne; good car service. 41 E. 2th st.. cor. E. Pine. Owner, phone Main 22L Mwt' pell.cssh or payments. 6-ROOM modern bungalow, rament ga rage, near Hawthorn. $330 net. Good cash payment required. Owner, Tabor HOPS. " WAVER UEIGH HEIGHTS SNAP, $3000. 5 rooms, modern, fireplace, buffet, large floored s t tic. hard surface in and paid. Cash $30, bal. like rent. E. 2h 1 1 PORTLA NI H EIGHTS Beautiful lrf high-class home, with acre of ground and dotlhle. sarace. Price $26,500. Will trade for good timber. Mar. 4H27. FOR SALE Good fi-room house on paved str -t : furnished : fuel for winter; cheap if you hurry. 1004 Commercial st. BARGAIN for quick sale, only $500 down, 5-room house at iso Commercial st. Myers. 525 Rail wa y Ex. bldg. IF YOU are looking for a home. call. Office open Sundn ys for your conven ience. Thomson. H2-21 Henry bldg. HOUSE. 5 rooms, plastered, bath. gas. electric! t v, close in ; comer lot. paved sts.; 922i0. Hatfield. 231 H Morrison st. 4-ROOM house, nice shape, nice -neighborhood, 930(ii balance like rent. Tabor 1 1 16. Owner. FOUR rooms, breakfast room; lot 50x1 00 ; 1 -foot alley. Phone Columbia 1037. 15Mi Macrum sU gVAP IOO x ion. R-Rrw-VM HOT'FE" HOT WATER HEAT. FOR N'LY 93.MW WITH TERMS. A GOOD BUY. EAST (14CIR. NOW VACANT $2.k:0. 6-room house, newly panned. In fine shape. E. 3'-th and Burr.slde. E.2S71 PARK ROSE. H acre. 7-room house, mod ern and complete In every respect; price and terms ar right. 011 E. 01m N. HOUSE, 4 rooms, fruit and shade trees, $luvHA H a.:.t ieUi SM.'m AlorrAaoa. IRVING TON PARK, 92750 51000 cish. bal l nee mortgage. 6 rooms and eleexng porch; water. li.ht. gas, first-class l iih. buffet. laundry traya. full basement. This house i in good condition, situat ed in among the trees, just 3 blocks to ca REAL STATE. For SsJe -Hous IRVINGTON. $6500 essh or terma Attrsctlvs bung-alow, 6 rooms. Irving ton carllne near Klickitat, piaster, cement snd steel lath construction. 6 large rooms, ivory enamel finish, hardwood floors throughout, Dutch kitchen. breakfast table, and screened -in back porch, furnace, fire place, laundry trays and fuil cement basement, extra htht and airy : Frencn doors, tapestry paper, piate-glass, paved street in and paid. One of best-constructed houses in Irvington. Must sell on ac count of sickness. Lived In house 40 days. Also a good lawn. About 92-000 cash. Save commission. May take auto as part payment. By owner. E. 15th su North. ; HOUSES FOR SALE. New houe. 4 rooms w uh slee-r4f-porch. lot 3-uxlOO. with fruit and ga.-s.. Woodlswn. close in. 9170O: rood terms. Lot 00 x 1011, 1 7-room houi-e and 1 -room house; on Union ave.. -near Kll llr.gsworth. Prices. 92330 and $22i0 re spectively ; easy terms. 5-room and full cement basement; up stairs plastered and floored: can make 2 or 3 rooms; corner, ciose in. on Eut 31st st. Some bargsin for 93400 ; $ooi osuh. balance terms. We also have a few good Rose City buntgalows, & to 7 rooms: terms. A. W. LAMBERT & SON. 8. E. Cor. Gra-nd Ave. and East Alder Sts., Portland. Or. BUNGALOW BARGAIN. New modern bungalow of sdx rooms and sleeping porch, hardwood floors, white enamel finish. Dutch kitchen, fire place, fuil concrete bs ment. screcneil back porch, lot 52x100; 93750. small cash payment, balance easy at 6"-. O. W. Bryan, &O0 Una m ber of Commrrce. Main 1U63. Residence, Mar&haU 665. 93300 ADJOINING PIEDMONT BARNS. 1 block from the car barns on Jessup st-, on a 66xlOO comer lot. Is an 6-room modern home; white enamel plumbintr electric lights and gas; very attractive lawn; upstairs rents for $35 per month: close to Jefferson high school, library and park. Owner Is sacrificing $500 for quick sale. We have over 6O0 photo graphs of inspected homes in our office for sale. 12 experienced salesmen w ith autoa at vour service. S Fi K FRANK L. MrOl'IKB TO BUY YOUR HOME. Abington Bldg. Main 10W. Office Open Even-egs and Sundays. ROSE CITY PARK. 6 Rooms and Den $4750. Splendidly located on 5oth St., 2 blocks from Sandy; east front. Yon will be pleased with this splendid bun galow ; hard wood doors, fireplace, buffet, cement basement, furnace, etc; su assts. paid. Let us show you. A. G. TKEPE CO.. 204 Stark St.. Near 3d. Main 3102 Main 3Mrt. Branch Office. 5tth and Sandy (Open Sunday I. Sunday and FX entngs Phone Tabor f255 or Tabor 9321. STOP LISTEN A SNAP. $24O0 M ODE KN B U NG A LOW $2400. VACANT SEB IT TODAY. 6-room bungalow. 1 floor; fins btg basement, good plumbing, nice fireplace, some built-ins. lot 7xll0. some fruit, near car. This is a wonderful bargain; could not build house for price asked, and its vacant; easy terms. Sunday, Marshall 3W03; weekdays. Main 7067 Manela or Williams, 20 Chamber of Commerce bldg. WHY PAY RENT? $1500 BUY LIKE THIS $1500. $200 cash, balance like rent, buys this 7-room houM, electricity. gaj, basement, full lot, fruit trees, only two blocks from car. Woodiawn. Isn't this a sen sible Idea? WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. C A- WARItlNER. RITTEK. LOWK CO.. 201-3-6-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ROSE CITY, $5250; worth $1000 more than asked. This place is about 2 years old. but owner Is leaving city, hence the price. All tloors best 2-liu h hardwood ; large reception- hall, living room and cliuing room, fireplace. 2 large bedrooms. Hutch kit, hen and breuk'ast nook, old Ivory bullet, buiit-ins. clt-sets. finished attic, fu.l cement basement, lot 3oxH0. J. C. COKU1N Co.. 3U5-0-7-8 Lewis bldfi. HAWTHORNE $3Vi0 $1000 cash. bal ance monthly; 5-room bungaiow typ home Willi 2'p-tldiilonal picstervd room in etic, bookcase, buffet, fireplace, full cement baem lit. faces east, porch ex tending across front, lot 50xlli street bar a -surfaced, all l'ens paid. JOHNSON-D DSON CO., R32-033-034 N. W. Bank bldg. ROSE CITY PARK CAR. 5-ROOM 1V N G A LO W $375 0. I have for ssle a first-class 5-room bungalow, only 4 years o.d. Has a fire place, bookcases, buffet. Dutch kitchen, all in first-class condition. This is a real bargain. I must sell at once. Terms. Phone Tabor 1321. ONLY 923d CASH. Good 8-room house, newly painted and tinted: bath, gas, electricity; ground 1 ook115. lots of fruit, berries, shrubbery; chfckeu house and run ; 1 block Monta vi Ua car; $27oo. easy terms. House alone could not be built for price of alL Phone Tabor 1530. 1oO $ ion will handle on your own terms, 5-room house, electricity, gas, water, etc.: JSOxl'Ni lot; 15 bearing fruit trees and all kinds of berries and g'ir dcii; giod chicken coop and run. wood shed, 2 blocks to car. 3 to school. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 632-033-634 N- W. Bank bldg. JUST finished; the last word in class when It comes to a six-room bungaiow ; old Ivory flnis-h; hardwood floors; all im provement paid; garsge. Just come to SMO 31st st. N. and look at it. and then ssk the price of the owner. Woodiawn 03 13: ROSE CI TV PARK. 94500, Brand new bungalow, 50x100 lot. Ka ra ge; an exceptional ly well-built ft-room huuke; living room, dining room, kitch en 2 bedrooms, bath, fuil cement base ment, Hrptare. tapestry covered wa.li. J C. CUK81N Co.. 3U3-6-4-8 Lewis bldg. A SN AP. Small house and 30Al00-ft. lot at Car son Heights, close to Taylor Ferry road and 2 ea rimes. Call owner. 604 Piatt bldg., 127 Park at. Ph?ne week days. Marshall HO 2 3. 94M)OEAST SALMON Close in: 6 rom. balh, attic, full cement basement, fur nace, fireplace, hardwood floors, eomer lot Place easily worth 93ouO: must be soid $1000 cash. Weston Co.. 630 N. W. Bank bhig. ALBKRT DISTRICT 5-room bungalow. $ 2 7 50. G i bso n . 2 OS Sta rk . Marshall 12, gut,urnma Homes. 4 BLOCKS COUNCIL CREST CAR. Full acre, with over 100 feet frontage on paved road, city water, gass, etc., ail liem paid, a real beautiy spot, with all kinds id trees, wit h brush cleared out : looks like a park, wonderful view of the valley; a big sacrifice for $1750, terms; unquestionably the biggest bargain in hiKh-cfas acreage; only 20 minutes 5th and Washington. K ASK R St RAINEY. 023 -It Gaaco Bldg. Marshall $123. SUBURBAN HOME. 0 h acres, ail in high state of cultivation but one acre, on paved road, C mi.as Portland. 3 miles Vancouver; good buildings; extra fine home and extra good soil, lots of fruit; $5."tOi. Terms. Three acres. $3730: good house and barn in high state or cultivation, tine river view on paved road, extra well located. Terms can be arranged, J. B. ATKINSON. 112 W. 6r h St.. Vancouver. Wash. HOUSEBOAT. ATTRACTIVELY FUR N1SHED. MODERN. EVERY CONVEN IENCE: A SNAP. OWNER SACRIFIC ING TO LEAVE CITY. NO. S OREGON YACHT CLUB; APPLY MONDAY AND AFTER. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOME, and acres us. well located, near ear line, from $1S00 up. Inquire third bouse north of Risley station, on Oregon City ear line, sign "Aider Brook." SIX acres on new paved highway to Beaverton with very good outlook; hous and barn ; fruit orchard. See us for price and terms. GODDARD A WIEDRICK. 24S Stark st. $2130 BUYS a modern 9 -room bungalow and 3 large lets with creek and rustic park on the west side, close to good elect rlc service. For particulars call at 404 Piatt bldg.. 127 Park et. W EST SIDE suburban 5-room bun r slow, city water, modern plumbing, can be bought on terms of $200 down and $20 per month. See ATCHISON. 204 Henry bldg. HOHLV improved 14 acres Just outside city limits. Fine for chickens or berries; no gravel : suitable for business man in " town. $10,250. terms. 544 Emerson st , Sumiays or evenings. $22oo .ACRE blo.-k. Lake Grove bungalow, bath, electricitv, water, flowerr; near d.'pot; $500 ch. Mc Far land. 602 Yeon IdgN $2300 ACRE, neat bunga'.ow. fine view; $1500. acre, cottage, garden, trees; 91450. new house. 1 V a., e'ec, water. Main 3072. McFarland. 6f2 Yeon bldg. FOR summer home ; 5 acres with beauti ful shade trees: on river and road, mile from R. R, Only $730. Box 42, Bar low, Or. $ ;.rwv TH REE-ROOM modern California bungalow, furnished, acre cround. fine local ion on S. p. line. $1 0H cash, bal snre $20 month. FJ 66. oregonian. MULTNOMAH station, three-quarter acre tract and 3-room house for $lStK; aasy larxua. XTUI l.Sui. iHH Hanxy blue