19 PORTLAND DOCTOR BACK tfROM OVERSEAS WITH HIS FRENCH BRIDE. Sam Le Fevre, Who Rescued Officer, Home With Niece. THREE WOUNDS SUFFERED Portland Lieutenant, With Division, Knocked Down Shell, Unconscious 2 Days. 42d by TIIE SUNDAY OltEGONIAN, PORTLAND, OCTOBER 19, 1919. DOCTOR PLAYS HERO; FREIMCH BRIDE WON " 1 1 " . . ..mi n iii i n -iiihi -'' "win K'"mmiJ'n'''-tj t -i i 544- -. r - i - i M -ijiiiii mi i 1 i ii i n a , i ij i , . ,ii,, i mm i iMiiiw Just a few days after Dr. Sam Le Fevre of Portland landed at Brest with the iZd division in the fall of 1918 he made a trip down to the dock to look after his baggage. Un expectedly he came upon two negro tevedores who were browbeating an elderly Frenchman, who was none other than the officer in charge of the port. The American medical lieu tenant went to the rescue and in his gratitude the commander of the French naval base asked him to visit his home. That was the beginning of the doc tor's romance and he is now home with .a pretty French bride, formerly Miss Marie Gourmelon of Brest and niece of the port officer. Doctor Thrice Wounded. Dr. Le Fevre and his bride reached Portland October 10 and are patrons at the Morton apartments, where Dr. Le Fevre's mother is living. She had been in the east, ttut returned to this city with the young couple. Her son enlisted in the medical reserve and went overseas in September, 1918, in time to take part In the Argonne and St. Mihiel drives, and spent six months on the Rhine. The young man was engaged in active field hospital work, following the infantry and often going over the top with the boys. He was wounded three tim.es, gassed once and had a number of narrow escapes. One of his most exciting experiences overseas, occurred two hours before the armis tice was declared, when he was stand ing in a basement just outside of Sedan waiting with 60 men for the news of peace. He was standing with his back to a wall conversing with one of his soldiers when a shell came, over the split above his head, slicing' his companion in half. Thirty men were killed and 25 wounded. Sight la Horrifying-. "It was the most horrible thing I ever saw," Dr. Le Fevre said yester day. "I stood there for fully a minute taking in that awful blood spattered eight when a curtain of black dropped over my eyes and I woke up two days later in a hospital with a dread ful pain in my head." Among the souvenirs the officer brought home is a sawtooth bayonet taken on October 1 at Exermont. The doctor ' was working among big clumps of brush and had just dressed a wounded man when he heard loud . calls for help on the other side of the thicket. He slipped around to a point of vantage and saw a boche killing wounded men with the bayonet. He already had done away with five. As the doctor was about to pull his gun the man he had been dressing came up and shot the enemy. Among other relics Dr. Le Fevre has a cap shot off his head twice by German bullets, a vase made from a shell etched with a nail and compass by a member of his company. Another of his men made him a wooden stiletto carved With a piece of glass and a broken knife in an old mill, where the soldiers were waiting. Brlda Is Orphan. Although the 42d division returned to the United States last April, the lieutenant was kept in France in base hospital work. He was married on July 28 at Brest at a very unosten tatious ceremony. His bride is an or phan and had made her home with her uncle. She had four brothers in the service, one of them being killed early In the war. "When the doctor was wounded and in the hospital at Brest she was able to spend much time with him. Beforesailing he was stationed two months at camp hos pital 33 in the port. Pupils Display Home Work. "Exhibit day" proved a great sue cess In the Lents school, when the home work of more than 300 boys and g-lrls was put on display last Friday. Home industry work has been encour aged by the teachers and principal. and displays of poultry, rabbits, gar dening, canning, baking and sewing " were shown. Prizes were given for the best in each class. A large crowd of interested patrons visited the ex hibit during the afternoon and many compliments were given the faculty and pupils for their efforts in the work. MacDowell Club to Meet. The MacDowell club, Mrs. Warren E. Thomas, president, will have its regular meeting at the Multnomah hotel ballroom, Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock. A music programme will be furnished by Alice Price Moore contralto, and V llhelm Aronsen, vio linist. , , ... ,. ;y ...... , Ends Stubborn Coughs in a Hurry. For real ef fectivenenii, this old homr-mmlt remedy aai no equal. Easily mwd cheaply prepared. " ' :" - - i LI . I t ' .4 I 50 REALTY MEN GATHER PACIFIC AGENCY HOLDS FIRST CONVENTION. ITS Frank E. Roles Predicts Bright Fu ture for Real Estate Develop ment; Banquet Is Held. Fifty members of the Pacific Agency, ar real estate organization with headquarters In Portland, met in this city yesterday for the associa tion's first convention, which was under the direction of Frank E. Roles, president of the agency and head of the Portland office. During the afternoon a business session was held on the fifth floor of the Swetland building, where the company maintains its local head quarters, and several hours were taken up in discussion of business problems and closer co-operation among the members of the agency. The visitors were the guests of Mr. Roles at a banquet at the Oregon hotel last night. At a brief pro gramme which followed the dinner Mr. Roles spoke of the work of the agency, declaring that the outlook was unusually bright at this time for real estate development, and an nounced the next convention of the Pacific Agency, which will occur In Portland in January. The following attended the banquet: J. E. Hosmer. Silverton. Or.: E. S. Anderson. Portland; George A. Patter son, Portland; W. E. Wood. Eugene: W. J. Roles, Portland; Frank E. Roles, Portland; J. J. Sanderson, Canby, Or.; M. tsurnap, corvallis, (Jr.; A. R. Eng land, Hillsboro, Or.; W. D. Wells, Portland; A. H. Hickson, Eugene; J. Arthur Bishop, Portlai.d: S. R. Tandy, Jefferson, Or.; Edward Abeling, Gold endale. Wash. The Pacific Agency has offices in Oregon, Washington and Montana, and is now extending to Idaho and Utah. I i Uppti Mm. Sara F LePtTre, for merly MIm Marie Gourmelon of Brest Loner Dr. Sam F. LeFevr aa he appeared, when atationed on the Rhine. HO , ACCIDENT PIE ON RAILROADERS OF NORTHWEST HOPE TO WIN. M00NEY CASELIMIT SET Charges to Be Thrown Out of Court Unless Pressed by Dec. 1. SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 18. Unlesa the cases remaining: in his court agrainst Thomas J. Mooney. his wife. Rena Mooney, and Warren K. Billings, charged with murder in connection with a preparedness day explosion here, are ready for trial by Decem ber 1. they will be stricken from the calendar, Superior Judge Louis H. Ward announced today. Mooney was convicted and sen tenced to be hanged, his sentence later being commuted, to life imprison ment. Mrs. Mooney was acquitted. Billings was convicted and sentenced to life imprisonment. Business Men Plan Party. The East Side Business Men's club will hold its October Halloween din ner, social -and business meeting at the club parlors and hall on Thurs day night, October 23. A dinner will be served in the club hall at 6 P. M. by women of the Central Presby terian church. Judge William N. Gatens will address the club on "The Divorce EviL" Dr. A. M. Webster, president, will act as chairman of the day. The meeting will be followed by dancing and cards. Tou'll never know how quickly a bad cough can be conquered until you try this-famous old home-made rem edy. Anyone who has coughed all day and all night will say that the immediate relief given Is almost like magic. It is very easily prepared, and really there Is nothing better for coughs. Into a pint bottle put 2 ounces of Pinex; then add plain granulated eugar syrup to make a full pint. Or you can use clarified molasses, honey, or corn eyrup. instead of sugar syrup. Either way the full pint saves about two-thirds of tbe money usually epent for cough preparations, and gives you a more positive, effective remedy. It keeps perfectly and tastes pleasant- children like It. Tou can feel this take hold in stantly, soothing and healing the membranes In all the air passages. It promptly loosens a dry, tight cough and soon you will notice the phlegm thin out and then disappear alto gether. . A day's use will usually break up an ordinary throat or chest cold, and it Is also splendid for bron chitis, croup, hoarseness and bron chial asthma. Pinex is a most valuable concen trated compound of genuine "Norway pine extract, the most reliable remedy for throat and chest ailments. To avoid disappointment ask your druggist for "2 ounces of Pinex" with directions and don't accept any thing else. Guaranteed to give abso lute satisfaction or money refunded. The Pinex Co., Ft. Wayne. Ind. Adv. Alex Helzer Arrested. Alex Helzer, river steamboat man wanted in Ritzville, Wash., on a charge of grand larceny, was arrested yesterday morning in the north end by Inspectors Gordon and Wright. The inspectors have been looking for Hel zer since September 18, when a tele graphic "warrant was received for his arrest. He is being held for the sheriff of Ritzville. All Officials and Employes of Port land District Are Urged to Take AH Precautions. The national railroad accident pre vention drive opened in Portland and elsewhere throughout the country yesterday, with railroad officials and employes of the Portland district on the job determined to land at the top of the column as they did In June, when the last drive was held. Meetings were held Friday at the Albina and Brooklyn shops, and yes terday each foreman of this district was authorized to hold a brief meet ing with his men and explain to them the meaning of the drive and urge precautions with a view to going through the two weeks of the drive without a single accident. J. P. O'Brien, federal manager, sent out telegrams to each of 1700 em ployes of this district yesterday ask ing them to aid in the drive, and R. H. Crozier of the Spokane, Port land & Seattle railway, announced receipt of a telegram from R- H. Alsh- ton, regional director for the north west, urging efforts to make the drive a success. Up to last night no accidents had been reported. Records will be kept of each day and the standing of this region lh comparison with other sec tions will be sent out dally to all rail road officials and. employes of the district. . OPERATION NEW TO CITY Attempt to Transfer Vitality Not Made In Portland. An operation to transfer interstitial glands from a young to an old man in the effort to transfer vitality, similar to the operation reported performed at San Quentin penitentiary Friday, has not been tried In Portland or Ore gon, according to Portland surgeons. The glandular theory of virility and life is still In an experimental stage, they declare although operations similar to the one at San Quentin are not new. This theory Is held to by a certain school of physicians, but has not yet reached the etate where it finds general acceptance, they say. Dr. A. E. McKay said yesterday that the operation as reported at San Quentin was an experiment. He said that Dr. G. F. Lydston of Chicago was known among the medical profession PORTLAND RESIDENTS CELEBRATE GOLDEN WEDDING. V Hills : f'-t ts- . s,. . , . A J 4 1 jll 1 THERE are only 125 lots for sale on Westover Terraces. And each has for its dooryard 10,000 square miles of wonderland.. From unsurpassed Westover can be seen four majestic peaks, Rainier, St. Helens, Adams and Hood, each tipped with eternal snows. Below them flows the silver of the West's two greatest rivers backed by a vista of the Cascade Mountain Chain, Columbia's colorful rugged gorge and, close at hand, the ever-changing lights and shadows of the Rose City. Westover is owned by the International Realty Associates of America, an organization whose membership comprises the best known and keenest realtors on the continent. They bought Westover because it is without peer ampng the view properties of the United States. Property on Westover is restricted. Only homes of character can be built. The property cannot be duplicated. Neither can its area be increased. The fact that it is so limited and so beautifuly located will always make it the preferred site for homes, and an invest , ment of increasing worth. Motor up to Westover today. There is inspiration and delight in every changing vista of its easily mounting, curving boulevards. See the many splendid homes already there and under construction. A visit will convince you instantly that there is no place where you would rather live than Westover the incomparable. Any desired information regarding this beautiful property and . our attractive building proposition will be gladly given you upon request. You may phone, call on or write HAROLD JUNGCK, SECRETARY INTERNATIONAL REALTY ASSOCIATES, Owners Office 1307 Yeon Bldg. Phone Marshall 690. Also for sale by any member of the Portland Realty Board, to have been experimenting with his theory of the transplanting of glands for some time, but that among the rank and file of physicians It was still considered little more than a theory. The concensus of opinion among physicians yesterday was that, while the glandular theory might have pos sibilities, experiments had not yet been carried forward far enough to bring those definitely forward. EDUCATOR TO VISIT. CITY Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Lott of 1169 Albina avenue celebrated their srolden wedding October t. Mrs. Lott was Miss Lydta McBrlde 8underland and was married In this city at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Sunderland. She crossed the plains in 1852 by ox team. Mr. and Mrs. Lott . are the parents of tlx children and five grandchildren. "Portland's Best View "" ,.-.,..... Ii -in- i i f '- ..J ... .v . 1 "Portland's Best View Homesites1 CHURCH WINS DOLL PRIZE G RAXD AWARD OF $50 RE CEIVED BY 3IADELEIXE. Oregon Teachers' Convention to Hear California Authority. When the Oregon State Teachers" association opens its annual conven tion In Portland on December 29 it will have for one of the speakers H. B. Wilson, superintendent of the schools of Berkeley, CaL He Is an au thority on time-saving In elementary education and will probably lecture on this topic tv, convention will last three days. all general sessions being addressed by speakers Irom out oi me smio. wr. Wilson has made an enviable record for himself In educational circles in the middle west, where he has been superintendent of schools In Salem and Franklin, Ind.: D.catur, 111., and Topeka, Kan. He is autnor ot two books on "Motivation of School Work" and "Training Pupils to Study." He has been chairman ot tne commniee on time-saving In elementary educa tion of the National Educational asso ciation since 1912 and was president of the elementary department tor tne National Educational association in 1911. Last year 2660 teacherswere mem bers of the state association, and the campaign to increase this number has been actively carried on in 11 insti tutes this fall. Fifteen of these have made a 100 per cent record. Robbery Fugitive Taken to Salem. SALEM. Or., Oct. 18. (Special.) Joseph Mayer, aged 18 years, who con fessed to assisting in the robbery oi the Bishop mercantile store here sev eral months ago. and who later es caped from Chief of Police Varney while in Portland, yesterday sur rendered to the police at Seattle and has been returned here for trial. After making his escape in Portland. Mayer went to Seattle and obtained employment in a shipyard. Sbeep Men Buy 32 0 0 Acres. PENDLETON, Or.. Oct. 18. tSpe clal.) E. P. Tulloch and Smythe Bros, today announced the purchase of 3200 acres of land In Gilliam county, near Olex, where they will run a part of their sheep. The partners recently purchased several hundred acres near here for the same purpose. Smythe Bros, now operate for themselves and in co-operation with others nearly J 13,000 acres. Washington Deaf School Second and Marlon Kolloclc Third in Meier & Frank Contest. For having the best display of dressed dolls in the Meier & Frank store's 17th annual doll show, which closed yesterday, the church of the Madeleine won the grand prize of $50. The Washington Stste School for the Deaf at Vancouver took the second award of $30 and Marlon KoIIock of 7Ci Weidler street received the next mention and $20. The last of the grand prises, went to Jane Fried lander of 735 Flanders street, who re ceived $10. Judges of the entries were Mrs. William Burgard, Mrs. Edward Cook Ingham. Miss Mao Hirsch, Mrs. George W. McMath" and Mrs. Andrew C. Smith. Other awards are as follows: Clus A, first prize, $22 automobile Sylvia Oasheim. 66 Wept Emerson street. Clam A, rpeci&l prise, 5 Ellsabstb Ehr min, 2A8 Kins street. Class A, second prize, $13 piano and tool Ruth Morton, 471 Kaat Fifty-seventh street North. CIsjis B, first prize. $10 doll trousseau Patricia Perry. 648 Gerald avenue. Class C, first prize. $10 old ivory rattan rocker Marcella Sears, 778 Fanders street. Class D, first prize. $25 child's desk and chair Catherine ' Deyette. 680 Terrace drive. Class D. special prize, $10 Marsaret Hay. 640 Broadway. Class L, second prize, 915 tricycle Dor othy Cawston, Hotel Portland. Class D, third prize, 110 table and two chairs Jennie Hall, 665 Lovejoy street. Class D. fourth prize, $6 white decorated dreneer Barbara, Marshall, 1081 Vaughn street. Class E, first prize, $5 merchandise or der for toys Rose M. Grace, 460 Chapman street. Class K. second prize, $4 set of china dishes with tray Halite Ferris, 804 North Twentieth street. Class E, special prize, $2.50 Theresa Paacuzzl, 854 Macadam street. Class E. special prize. $2.50 Helen Pe ters. 744 East Broadway. Class F, first prize. $12 child's desk Jean Kollock, 765 Weidler street. Class F. second prize, $6 Ynahoitany fin ish doll bed Lardyn Hushes, 448 Elev enth street. Class O, prize, $5 work basket with candy Elizabeth Fernbacher, 10D3 Bel mont street. Special mention Bridal party, Irvis Peal, 1125 Cleveland avenue; bathing party, Mrs. Othus, U27 East Hoyt street. from John Ross, captain of the power schooner Trojan, from this port, he found the bodies of Lieutenants Cecil H. Connolly and Frederick B. Water house on the shore of Bahia Los An geles (bay of the angels). Lower Cal ifornia, on September 12. This was 10 days before the discovery reported by Joseph Allen Richards. Ross letter to hla brother James of this city said that the two American aviators had been murdered. They had been seen alive on the night of September 11. He was prevented from landing on the day of September 11 by a gale, otherwise, he wrote, be probably would have saved the lives of the two airmen, who had got off their course while on a border patrol flight fom Yuma to San Diego on August 21. The United States torpedo-host rte- Use Pyramid fci Piles Tba Ton Will Loaxa What Solid Comfort la. If In Doubt. Send for m Free Trial. Itchinff. bleedlnjr or protruding piles often come without warninir and everyone should know of Pyra mid I'ile Treatment. If you ar stroyer Aaron Ward Is now on the way to Bahia Los Angeles to get the bodies of the airmen. Suit Filed to Recover $1230. . OREGON CITY, Or., Oct, 18. (Spe cial.) Stephen Carver filed suit Fri day to recover $1250 and Interest since April, 1919. from Fred John Junke and Herman John Junke, held to be due on the purchase price of a sawmill located at Carver station and for standing timber on the property of Jane B. and Thomas Withycombe, lo cated In Clackamas county. .z zy Is It Your Nerves? How often you hear the remark. "It's my nerves'." Many strong ap pearing men and women fret because they do not feel as well as formerly, yet their physicians tell them they have no organic disease. They are weak, listless, sleepless, neuralgic, and have a variable appetite, are ex cessively irritable and sometimes hysterical. As soon as any of these symptoms appear. Warner's Safe I Nervine should be taken according to I directions. It has a direct action on I the nerves and Is a medicine of proven merit. It allays IrritaDUity from nervous exhaustion, produces healthful and refreshing sleep, and leaves no unpleasant symptoms. It contains no narcotics .-. d may be taken with no fear of 111 effects. To any who suffer from loss of sleep, neuralgia, nervous headaches and nervous prostration, Warner's Safe Nervine brings prompt relief. Sold by leading druggists everywhere. Sample sent on receipt of ten cents. Warner's Safe Remedies Co., Dept. 265. Rochester. N. Y. Adv. Ttrre la Notblnjr More firaterol Tham the Relief From Piles. now suffering-, either send for a free trial or ico to the nearest drug gist for a 60 cent box. Ask for pyramid Pile Treatment and take no eubstitute. Fill out this coupon and mail It for a free trial. MISSING FLYERS SEEN Men Murdered While Gale Keeps Mariner From Landing. SAN DIEGO. Cal.. Oct. 18. Accord ing to a letter received here today FREE SAMPLE COUPON PYBAinr) TBtTJ COinAVT. WO Pyramid Bids., Marshall. Mich. Kindly seed me a Free sample of Pyramid File Tree, tor out, la plain wrapper. Name. ................. ................. Btreet Pity ftate BIDtNF NigM and Morning, tfli- Have Strong, Healthy Eyes. If they lire, row lLl.il, otuai b ui uuiu, VYtlir. LVlV it Sore. Irritated. In lUUR Hi Lvi flamed orGranulated, use Murine olten. Soothes, Refreshes. Safe for infant or Adult. At all Druscists. Write Xor Free Eye Hook. RHEUMATISM KECIPK I wtll Kadty lend any rheumatism iuf lVrer a Simple Herb Keclpe Absolutely Free that Completely Cured me of a terrible at tack of muscular and inflammatory Kheu maiism of lonw ntatidii.fr alter everything elae I tried had failed me. have irtven it to many ufferer who believed their cases hopeless, yet they found relief from their sui'iering; by ta king these simple herbs. It aIo relieves Sciatica promptly as well as Neuralgia, and is a wonderful blood purifier. You art most welcomt to this Herb KeIn if you will send for it at at once. I believe you will consider It a God-end after you have put it to the test There Is nothing injurious contained in It. and you can see for yourself exactly what you are taking. I will gladly send this Recipe abbolutely free 1 any suf ferer who will send name and address, plainly written. 11. I. SLTTON. 650 Magnolia At., Los Angele. California. Phone Your Want Ads to THEOREGONIAN MAIN 7070 A 6095 T fiW ' ' - - - . V 1 : if ;s-.i-;-- it ' This Smile Says: "I Hear Clearly" If you are hard of hearing you have embarrassing moment t-o do your friend. Jk it not worth while to see If all this embarrassment can be avoided ? 3.o.0O0 pentona are now bearing clearly by aid of the Acouotfcon. A New York physician says: "It la of groit value to me. I should tisv been obliged to give up the practice of medicine long ago if I had not ob tained this best of a'l devices for the aid of hearing." WE OFFER TOU THE Famous Acousticon For 10 Days' Free Trial No Deposit No Expense Just write, saying ""I am hard of hearing and win try the Acousticon." Give it a fair trial amid familiar sur roundings thus you can bett tell what it will do for you. Kemember, however, that the Acousticon has patented features which cannot be duplicated. So no matter what your pat experiences have been, cend for your Iree trial today. Dictograph Products Corporation (Successor to The Oen'l Acoustic Co. 07 Oregon Bldg.. l'ortlauu, Oregon. Aged Resident Has Narrow Escape "I was at my work, my limbs be came numb, I sot dizzy and faint, my ears seemed stopped up. I had been troubled with ran on my stom ach and severe bloating: after meals. Doctors failed to help me. Ore dose of MayrB Wonderful Remedy, recommended by the corner drug gist, proved a life-saver to me. I am continuing: It with splendid results." It Is a simple, harm less preparation that removes the ca tarrhal mucus from the Intestinal tract and allays the Inflammation which causes practically all stomach, liver and intestinal ailn.ents. includ ing appendicitis. One dose will con vince or money refunded. At all druggists. Adv.