17 ENTRIES GUARANTEE Portland. Or.j J. R. Hunter. Island City. Mo. PETITION FOR BABY shlraa H. K. Wirnir. Ft. Johns, Wash.: D. A. Bra Iceman. Ontario. Or.: A. C Ruby. Portland. Or- W A. livelier. Ajlcel. Or.: C A Brakeman. Ontario. Or. Night bone show entries E. M. Elmp son. Hood River, Or. - Jacks and Jennets A. c Ruby. Port land. Or, Ebep Division. Lincoln J. O S. Hubbary & Eons, Mon roe, Or.; State College of Washington. Pull man, Wash.; William Rlddell & Sons. Mon mouth. Or. Shropshire Oregon Agricultural college, Corvallis, Or. Cotswolds--O. T. Murphy A Boa, Hob bard. Or.; Oregon Agricultural college, Cor vallis. Or.; William Ridden A Eons, Mon moutb. Or. Romleya MeCaleb Bros, Monmouth. Or. Hampshlres J. M. Moran. Starbuck, Wash.: Ivor T. Edwards, Klmberley, Idaho; Schmidt Bros, Huff. Or.; Edward Schoel, Albany, Or.: J. G. S. Hubbard A 6ons. Mon roe; State College of Washington. Pullman. IT Nearly 2500 Animals Are In Ban Lifted in Time to Fore stall Move by Citizens. . MONT cluded in List. BUILDINGS ARE RUSHED SIGNERS ARE PROMINENT CITATION RECEIVED TELLS OF" POllTLANDE R'S BRAVERY. Missouri, Minnesota, Arizona and I Officials Say Child Welfare Com- mission Reopened Institution, British Columbia Represented "With Coast States. Evading Direct Appeal. TITE. STUTDAY OREGONTAN,. PORTLAXI. OCTOBER 10 1919. RECORD STOCK SHOW HOME PIP H END SHOE SALE Entries far In excess of all expec tations have been listed with the Pa cific International Livestock exposi tion for Its ninth annual show, which is to be grlven under the roof of the Pacific International's new $C50.000 pavilion at North Portland the week of November 17-22. Upward of 2500 pure-bred animals. the finest livestock products of prac tically all the Pacific slope states, together with representations from Missouri, Minnesota, Arizona and British Columbia points, have been orncially entered in the breeding classes, which closed October 15. The night horse show, fat stock and ju venile livestock club classes are still open, and entries in these will un doubtedly bring the total up to the 3000 mark. 'or the accommodations of these nimals, the management of the Pa cific International is not only speed ing up the corapletlqn and equipment of its big 7-acre stock show build ing, but is making plans for tempo rary buildings to take care of the overflow that Is now certain. With the possible exception of the Panama Pacific exposition at San Francisco, no stock show of equal size and Im portance has ever been assembled west of the Mississippi as is now as sured for Portland in November. Entries in the breeding classes, par tially complete, are announced as fol lows: Bee' nivUlon. ' Shorthorn George Bertrant. Castls Hock, WiiEti.; Day Rothrock. Spokane, Wash.; Will M. Rhodes. Sheridan. Mont.; Caledonia Farms, fan Francisco. Cal.; A. 1. Dunn. Wapato. Wash.; Frank Brown. Carlton, Or.: James H. MeCroskey & S-'nm, Sprague. Wash.: University of Idaho. Mos cow. Idaho; T. 8. Glide. Davis. Cal.: A. Chalmers. Forest Grove. or.; Schmidt Bros., Hufr. Or. ; Oregon Agricultural col lege, Corvallis, Or.; State College of W ashinitton, Pullman, Wash.; G. V. Delay. Hot Lake, Or.; William Henn, Kansas City, Mo.; J. B. Cornett. fchedd. Or.: A. H. Tar bell. Warren. Or.; Maxwell Mtlier Cattle Co., Steamboat PprinRS, Colo.; Biblee Farms, Santa Barbara, Ca.1.; Green A Son, Union. Or.; SI. B. Wlialen. Woodland. Cal. Herefords A. B. Cook. Townsend. Mont.; TTnlversity of Idaho. Moscow. Idaho: Here ford corporation. Cheyenne. Wyo. ; Chesney Stock Farm. Kvanston. Wyo.: Henry Thies s'n. Sweetwater, Idaho; P. W. Snvder, Loi Mollnos. Cal.; A. B. Hall. Willowa, Or.; luayro McKinney Turner, Or.; A. H. Bar num. Moro, Or.: W. I.. Velie. Hlghwood, Mont.; C. A. Hunter, Willowa. Or.: Piatt Bros., Genesse. Idaho: Oreson Agricul tural college. Corva'lis. Or.; William Head. Kansas City. Mo.; Baldwin Sheep & I, and Co., Hay Creek. Or.; William O. Emery, Macleay. Or.: Charles Bull, Mabton. Or. ; Herbert Chandler. Baker, Or.j Hill & tie Clellan, Livingston, Mont. Aberdeen Angus. Congdon & Battles, Yakima, Wash.: state College of Washing ton, Pullman, Wash. - firv Iivlinn, Jerseys Gus Peterson. Garibaldi. Or.: I A. McCormlrk, Tillamook. Or.: Albert T. Johnson, Bay City. Or.; F. K. But'er. Blind Slough. Or.; D. C. Howard, Carlton, Or.; Oregon Agricultural college, Corvallis. or.; Frank Reed Sanders. Phoenix, Ariz.: Mor rison Mills. Tillamook, Or. ; F. K. Blacka der. Tllamook. Or.; William Robitsch. Tillamook. Or.: noy fl. Jones, Tillamook, Or,; Edwin Glad. Tillamook. Or.; Frank I,onghary & Son, Monmouth. Or.; Mrs. Theresa M. Ross. Tillamook. Or. Joe Don aldson. Tillamook, or.; Alfred Zwald, Tilla mook. Or.; Pickard Bros., Marion, or. ; Iron Mine Farm. Oswego. Or.; University of British Columbia, Vancouver. B. C. , W. S. Hare. Tillamook. Or.; John B. Stump A Son, Monmouth, Or.; Waikikl Farm, Spokane. Wash. Miikinff Shorthorns Foorhllls Farm. Carlton. Or.; Thomas Harrison, Santa Bar bara. Cal.; Tlinman Farms, Denver. Colo.; Alexander P. Kellogg. Suisun, Cal. Ayreshires University of British Colum bia. Vancouver, B. C. fled Polleds Jean da L,utn arms. Jju- fjV.li H-.ihh";nVtirwt luth Minn. Holsteins John Eblnger, Tillamook. Or.; J. B. Honey, Tillamook. Or.; Bert A. Folk, Tillamook, Or.; J. R. Windle. St. Johns, Or.: Terminal Steam & Navigation com pany, Vancouver, B. C; F. W. Cornell, Hlllsboro. Or.; Frank Reed Sanders. Phoe nix. Ariz.: Hollywood Farms. Seattle. Wash.: I'. A. Frakes. Scapoose. Or.: louis J. Simpson. North Bend, Or.; William Dolps. .Portland; or.; J. M. tilimore, Tillamook, Or.: J. J. Roup, Tilla mook, Or.: Charles C. Card, White Salmon, Wash. ; Albert K. Smith, Sumas, Wash.; S. P. Muchart. Granger. Wash.; F. R. Veals, Tillamook. Wash.: Carnations Stoekfarms. Seattle, Wash.; Krnrst Werner, Aurora, Or.; r R. Evans. Halfey, Or.: Clay Daniel, Mohler, Or.: William Biahop, Chinacum. Wash.: Roy Norval. Summervllle, Or.; Mandiers Olsen F.state. Segers, Or. Guernsevs Albion S. Gile. Chinook, Wash.: J.an flu Luth Farms, Duluth. Minn.; W. A. Goodin. Cornelius Or.; A. L. Boattie. Oregon City, Or.; A. I. A J. Hughes. Oregon City. Or.; Hawley A Son, McCoy. Or.; Octav Voget. Hubbard. Or.; John T. Whallay. Portland. Or.; John J. Burns. Tillamook. Or.: Caribou Farms, Saginaw, Minn.; Larkdale Farms, Salem, r" Ilorne Division. Clydesdales E. M. Simpson. Aeea, CaL; J E. Reynolds. I.a Grande. Or.; Oregon Agricultural college. Corvallis. Or. Belgians A. C. Ruby. Portland. Or.; 8. K WatPon, Portland. Or. 'Perohrons D. L. Burge, Albany, Or.; Oregon Agricultural college, Corvallis. Or.; A C Rnhv. Portland, dr.: S. K. Watson. Corporal Caariea M. Dalby. Citation which told of bis son remaining with his g-un during three days' exposure to the en emy was received recently by C E. Dalby. 935 East Ankeny street, and father of Corporal Charles M. Dalby. It was the first Intimation to The father of the danger his son had un dergone. Corporal Dalby left Portland with the 147th field artillery. He was constantly at the front after reaching Europe, being transferred Into several differ ent organizations and having In a year and a half only four days off. He returned to the United States with the 3d divi. sion and is now at Camp DIx. Upon his return he enlisted again for the term of one year that. he might learn a trade. He is expected to be mustered out next spring and then will come to Portland. Corporal Dalby ts the brother . of Miss Harriet Dalby of Port land and of William Dalby, who recently returned from overseas service. Common-Sense for Corns, "Gets-It" The Great Painless Corn Loosener. Simple as A. B. C. Never Fails. If you have ever tried to get rid of a corn by bundling up your toe with bandages, or by using salve that made our toe red and almost raw, or tried -GtsJf Takes Out the "Ouch and the Corn TVash.; Selway A Gorrlen, Anaconda, Mont. Do nets w. H. Cleveland. Gresham, Or.; Carl Needham, Albany, Or. Rambouiilet -Billiard Bros., Woodland, ai. , j. ai. jHoran. -Star buck. Wash.: Ed ward Fchoel, Albany, Or. Southdowns J. G. S. Hubbard & Bona, Monroe, Or. T Oxfordo C. P. Klzer. HarrUburg, Or.; J. G. a. Hubbard A Sons. Monroe, Or. (iouia. R. W. HoRg. Salem, Or.; William Rlddell & Sons, Monmouth. Or. Swine. - Poland Chinas O. T. Murphy A Sons, Hubbard. Or.; Kay J. Fox, Lyons. Or.; C. K. I.oe. Silverton, Or.; Emi! A. Loe, Hilverton, Or.; Tl. W. Hogg. Salem. Or.; Hugh Walter, Townsend, Or.; Herbert Willaru, Dayton, Or. - - - Duroc L. 6. Otto, Filer, .Idaho; K. W. Dalton, Filer. Idaho; Rlchards-OIsen Live stock Co., Virginia, Idaho; R. E. Fisher. Lincoln, Neb.; V. S.. fc heard. Chlnacum. Wash. Poland Chinas A. L. Wilson A 6ons, Creenleal, Idaho; Herbert Willard, Dayton, Or. O. ,T. O. TT. L. Fletcher. McMlnnvllle. Or. Berkshire M. Haskell. Warren. Or.; Hush Nlsbit, Chinacum. Wash. Chester White T. Brown, Yankton, Or.; H. I. Curtis, Garfield. Wash.; JEd Schoel, Albany, Or. Sheep. Romley McCaleb Bros., Monmouth. Or. Dorset ts Carl Need ham, Albany. Or. Cotswold J. E. Smith Livestock Co., Pi lot Ruck, Or.; David A. Kirby, AIcMinn vllle. Or. Oxfords C. P. Klaer, Harrishurgr, Or.; Eelway Sc Garden. Anaconda, Mont. Boys and Girls Clubs. Thse entries are still Incomplete, and number and breed of entries are not speci fied, except in t he case of the first Indi vidual entry. The county teams named will compete in juvenile judging contest ana aiFo enter animals In various classes. Donald Grant, Fairview. Or Chester White swine. County teams of two boys or girls each from the following: Jackson, Josephine, Coos, 10 hogs; Doug las, two calves and four other animals; Iane. Linn, 10 hops and 12 calves; Ben ton, Polk. Marion, 15 hogs; Clackamas. ITi hogs, five calves, six goata; MuUnomuh. 20 Ington. 4 &0h r, boss, three calves, eight sheep, 15 goats: Washington, four hogs, three calves, five goats: Clatsop, six calves: Wasco, Des chutes, Umatilla. Union, Wallowa. Baker. t?lx teams are entered from Washington and two have entered from Idaho. Tha following exhibitors from Portland have entered goats: Clayton Quigly. Davis Laughltn, Mary Falting, Norma Fitajohn; Lewis Howard, Helen Novas, Ernest Hilsen berg, Ruth Melendy, Marjorie Melendy, Marion Swank. Harry Taylor. Klsworth Taylor. ANTI-JAP MOVE GROWS Only Chambers of Commerce Said to Oppose Orchardists' Work. HOOD RIVER. Or., Oct. 18. (Spe cial.) Oeorgre M. Aneell of Seattle, a representative of the Washington Farmer, here yesterday "eeekinff data on activities of a recently organized league of orchardists, whose members have pledged against sale or leasing of real estate to Japanese, says that a strong anti-Japanese movement has originated in Tacoma and Seattle. "Both of these cities." says Mr. An gell, "have strong organizations. They are going to carry the movement throughout the state. "While general public sentiment is supporting the movement, the cham bers of commerce, wooing the Japan ese steamship lines, are expressing opposition." That a group of prominent citizen of Portland were ready to take up the fight for the opening of the Waverly Baby home by appealing directly to the child welfare commis sion, and that their action was fore stalled by the action of the commis sion in granting the desired certifi cate Friday, was the declaration of officials of the baby home yesterday, who disclosed a petition which had been circulated and signed by a num ber of prominent business men asking for the opening of the home, but which was never presented to the commission, as the certificate was granted before the petition was ready. The petition follows: To the Child Welfare Commission of the State of Oregon We the underxigned citizen of the city of Portland, county of Multnomah, state of Oregon, respectfully represent and show your honorable body that we have been acquainted with the baby home for years past and with the citizens who have had charge of said Institution. - . Sincerity Is Emphasized. That we are convinced of the tntesrlrv and sincerity of purpose of the managers o" nra institution and of the quality of service It la rendering this community, and that the withholding of a certificate of approval authorizing their work Is working a great Injustice to the Institution and to the children to be cared for by them, and respectfully urge that such certificate be Issued without further delay. (Signed) A. F. Flegel, J. F. Powers. John M. Lane. Bertha 8. Stuart, M. D., Adolphe Wolfe. A. L. Mills. Edward Cookingham, George W. Hoyt, A. W. Moore, M. D W. P. Olds, William McMaster, J. I Meier. B. J. Jaeger, Thomas Roberta, William F. Woodward, Louis G. Clarke, R. L. Sabln. Nathan Strauss, The statement of Mrs. Millie R. Trumbull, secretary pro tern, of the child welfare commission. In which she declared that she left Portland on Monday and up to that time had no knowledge to the contrary that the baby home was not accepting babies,, was vigorously assailed by members of the board of directors of the Waverly Baby home yesterday, who produced letters signed by Mrs. Trum bull and dated August 23. In which Mrs. Trumbull as secretary of the board notified the baby home that no cnuuren could be received until a license had been issued. Letters Are Presented. The letters which the Waverly home officers presented to refute the statement of Mrs. Trumbull follow: Child Welfare commission, state of Ore gon, August. 23. 1919. Mr. F S Alrln retary Waverly Baby home. Broadway building. Portland. Or. Mr. dear Mr. Akin. Enclosed please find copy of a letter which the commission has instructed me to send to the Baby home officials. Tours very sincerely, MILLIE R. TRUMBULL, Secretary pro tern. August 23. Mrs. D. C. Burns, president Waverly Baby home. 603 Mill street. Port land. Or. My dear Mrs. Burns. Referring to the matter of admitting babies to your home, may I advise that until a license from the commission has been filed, that no other children may be received. Tours very sincerely, MILLIE R. TRUMBULL. Secretary pro tern. HOOD SHORT OF CREAM Harvest Hands Drink I'p Supplies From Many Orchardists. HOOD RIVER, Or, Oct. 18. (Spe cial.) Receipts of cream at the Hood River creamery have been cut 60 per cent the past three weeks, orchardlst patrons of the concern keening back their dairy product to supply harvest nanas. The cream receipts have also been curtailed as the result of an Increase in express rates from White Salmon and Underwood, Wash. Increased 40 cents over the old rate, the cost of shipping a can of cream here from the Washington points now reaches $1. 1 WT3TT5?:?ttY3ri mm 1 to drag your corn out with a knife, there will be a surprise waiting for vou when you use "Gets-It." Imaelna I peeling your corn off gloriously, eas- lly ana pa.ime.-5.iy, jusi use peeling off a banana skin. Well, that is what happens when you use "Gets-It." There is nothing else that will give you this same result. Millions of folks have had the same blessed ex perience. Why putter and suffer, limp, and spoil a good time for your self and your friends, or your peace of mind while-, trying to attend to iiusiness? Use "Get-It," the. simple, Tommon sense way. "Gets-It," the only sure, guaranteeu, money-back corn-remover, costs but a trifle at any drug store. M'f'd by hi. Lawrence oi Co., Chicago, 111. Sold in Portland by Owl Drug- Co. tl stores on the Pacific Coast. Adv. Pendleton lias 1 6 Cases. PENDLETON, Or., Oct. 18. (Spe cial.) Sixteen cases will be ready for the state supreme court when it con venes in Pendleton October 27 for the semi-annual session here. Two of these only are from Umatilla county. One Is a personal injury case, the other a civil suit to determine the title and disposition of the S. P. Stur gis library fund, sought by the Pen dleton Commercial association to aid the Umatilla county library. Rata In Britain Do Great Damage. LONDON. Rats do a yearly damage in the United Kingdom of 1200,000. 000, or nearly $5 per head of the pop ulation, according to generally ac cepted figures. The pre-war estimate of this damage was $75,000,000. The seriousness of the situation has re sulted in the iauguration of a -country-wide campaign, headed by the board of agriculture, for the destruc tion of the pests. "Sir "'n lift ow j VlfilL I Does Not i V Blister. f A Vfzl Contains si- f"i IsgijJ licious earth ' IvWS and anil- iC K ISWsl septics of llljf lijtil known value fJjLLf I t 1 Cans, 3of j i J 1 i and 75! Iff. ' I At all f 1x1 Drug 11 LL1 Stores LU VS I ! i.sl A SPECIAL SALE of Baker Footwear Starts Tomorrow Morning Demonstrating the efficiency of the Baker Organ ization by Giving Shoe Values that Challenge Comparison. Do Your Shoe Buying at BAKER'S This Week. D-666Soft black kid lace boot with black cloth top, welt sole, leather military heel. REGULAR PRICE $9, REDUCED TO A-666--Genaine black kid vamp, toith black Merge top of excellent quality. Made in tvelt sole with leather LXV heel. REGULAR PRICE $9, REDUCED TO J 01 9 Patent colt pump, with tongue and buckle. Turn sole and celluloid covered wood LXV heel. REGULAR PRICE $8.50, REDUCED TO D-1204 Black kid opera pump. A Brook lyn made shoe of quality. Made with turn sole and kid covered French heel. REGULAR PRICE $12.50, REDUCED TO These special shoe values include boots, pumps, and oxfords full and complete lines all leathers. A'1206 Brown kid plain pump with nar row toe and long vamp. Turn sole and kid covered wood LXV heel. REGULAR PRICE $10.00, REDUCED TO Sole Agent for Dr. A. Reed Cushion Shoe for Men Los Angeles San Francisco Agent for the Netlleton Shoe The Best for Men Portland 380 Washington Street 308 Washington Street Largest Retailer of Shoes West of Chicago 270 Washington Street 270 Morrison Street Two girls working side by side in a 5 and 10-cent store in Chicago dis covered one day that they are sisters, who were separated 17 years ago. A (.onvemeut. enjoysbit home for the Seattle vis ltor. Location excep tion ally convenient to trans portation and to wholesale and shopping olstrlcts. Refined social entertainment evenings; one of Paotflo Coaat's famous cafes. LECTURES TO NON-CATHOLICS AT ST. MARY'S CATHEDRAL Portland. Oregon. Oct. l.191t. Hjr Dear Non-Catholic Neighbors. Too are cordially Invited to attend a course of lectures to Non-Catholics on the. principles and teachings of the Catholic religion. The lectures will be given at St. Mary's cathedral. Fifteenth and Davis streets, Portland, Or- by Rt. Orison McMullen, C 3. P.. and will be gin Sunday. October 19. 1919. The evening" discourses will be- f in at 8:00 P. M. A special fea urt will be the Question Box placed near the door, wherein questions concerning the Catho lic religion may b left for the lecturer to answer. This lecture course ts protect ed In a spirit of sincere Chris tian charity and Is designed to acquaint those who differ with us with the teaching and prac tices of the Catholic church in order to promote concord among Christian people. Very sincerely yours. fcDWIN V. O'HARA. Pastor. St. Mary's Cathedral i rAintn rnCMULLtN X NrH- fclffl TOPICS ST. MARY'S CATHEDRAL, ISta and Davis Stab, Perrtlan. Or. Sunday. Oct. 19, 11 A. M. -TflTS APOSTOLATK OP CTOIIST P. M, "THE PRESENT KEEO OF RKLItilO.-M." Monday, Oct. 20, 8 P. M. CHRIST, THR DIVINE TEACHER OF THE AGE." Ttresday. Oct. II. S P. M. "DOES THK B I II L IS SOLVE ALL PKOBLKMSr Wednesday. Oct. it. 8 P. M. THR OHVROH OF TUB AGE." Thursday. Oct IS. 8 P. M. "THK POWiB OF FORQIVINO SINS." 3 Friday. Oct. t. 8 P. M. "THE EllHAKiSTi is ii a nca ORY OH A REALITY f Sunday, Oct. 26. P. M "WHf THE CATHOLIC 'CHURCH ALONE CAN OllUB AND SAVE HUMANITY." '777' START SAVING TODAY THE Initial payment that brings you the Thor Is like s first deposit in s savings bank. Subsequent payments only sdd to your savings account, for not s single wash day can go by without the Thor bring ing sn actual saving. Clothes last six tint long w you The Thor has'' no belts to break snd slip ot catch. The Thor Is self-cleanable. The atalog eliminates all over losding danger, washing in an hour with the Thor. Yon can do a big We can make immediate deliveries. 'Place your order and be sure of getting: a S10 first payment and balance easy monthly payments. Smith McCoy Electric Co, 104 5th SU, between Washington and Stark 571 Washington St-, between 17th and 18th Phone Main 8011 ? yS- eSaSSSSsaSSBBBBSBBSSSSSSSSBSBBBBBSSSSai ,f v ; 4D Tlie Wife The husband was a matrimonial flivver and the wife was well, on't Change Your Husband A Cecil B. DeMille Production with an all-star cast Elliot Dexter Gloria Swanson Sylvia Ashton Lew Cody Theodore Roberts James Neil Playing Now