J THE SUNDAY OREGjONIAN, PORTLAXD, OCTOBER 19. 1919. T5 CITY'S BOOKS ARE OPENED TO PUBLIC Inspection g? Finances Before ' Election Is Invited. REVENUES SLUMP BADLY Commissioners to Blake Speeches on Necessity of Increasing rvy to 1 1 31111s. Voters of Portland will not be re quested to accept as fact the word of members of the city council in con nection with the financial condition of the city and the necessity for an Increase of the tax levy, but will be invited to inspect the books of the city and ascertain the existing con dition to. their own satisfaction. This was decided at a speoial meet ing of the city council yesterday, and in addition committees composed of leading business men and representa tives of civic clubs and organizations will be urged to call at the city hall and Inspect the condition of city finances. The council yesterday named Hal M White, secretary to Mayor Baker and manager of the auditorium, to conduct the campaign for the increase of the city tax levy from 9 to 11 mills. Mr. White will conduct the campaign In connection with his other duties. Outside help could not be engaged, members of the city council ex plained, because of the lack of funds. Commissioners to Speak. Each city commissioner is to be assigned for speaking engagements, from now until November 12, the date of the election. Members of the city council desire every opportunity of appearing before the voters in order that the condition of the city's finances may be made plain. It is the. consensus- of opinion among the city officials, that if the voters un derstand the actual conditions as they exist, the proposed amendment will be carried by a large affirmative vote. "Members of the city council have studied this proposition for weeks and months," said Mayor Baker yes terday, "and we only wish to be given the. opportunity of transmitting the facts to the public The extremely limited funds will make necessary a personal campaign, carried on by the officials of the city with the aid of the city employes, who are vitally concerned over the condition of city finances." yty way of showing the large de crease in revenue entering the city treasury since 1914, a statement was yesterday compiled by Chief Deputy Auditor Grutze. This statement shows that the revenue from six principal items of income has decreased from $1,071,267.58 in 1911 to $158,756.74 in 1918. Liquor Income Lost. Liquor licenses were a source of large revenue until 1915, when Port land was voted dry and of course city officials point to the fact that nothing has developed to return this revenue. A 5 per cent charge allowed for costs, engineering and advertising on all improvements was another source of large revenue from which no fur ther receipts are now obtained, be cause of a charter amendment which eliminated this charge. The interest on deposits have shrunk from an average return to the city of $30,000 a . year to little mot than $6000. - Premiums on bonds no longer bring revenue as was the case in earlier years, and general licenses are lower by several thousand dollars a year than was the case in years prior to 1914. The only single Item of principal Vevenue to the city which has in creased over the general receipts of former years is the fines assessed by the municipal court. Although such receipts provide a considerable in crease, this advance does not offset the shrinkage in the other items. In addition to the loss of much revenue from these various sources, the valuation of taxable property has been reduced, statistics being com piled now to show the exact amount of loss to the city on this score to b given out for publication next week. Figures Are Given. The comparative statement showing the revenues received from six prin cipal items of income outside of taxes ttr a number of years is given herewith: Take My New Stairway or let it take you up one flight to my money -saving- second -floor clothes store. It will save you time just as it will money when you come up to buy that New Fall Soit or Overcoat It's just like picking up money on every step are just as much in evidence here as is value. Style and quality JIMMY DUNN to Save .Money I I rn Ynnr l Inthoo I Original Upstairs Clothier Cat-ty Corner From Pontages Theater UPSTAIRS Broadway Near Alder 0. A. C. IS mm n HOMECOMING PROGRAMME TO START OCTOBER 2 4. Athletic Events, ' Including Big Game With Stanford, Will Be Anion' Features Scheduled. OREGON .AGRICULTURAL. COL LEGE, Corvallla. Oct. 18. ((Special.) The largest gathering of alumni ever held on the campus is expected here for the homecoming week, which commences next Saturday. October 24. Plans are nearly complete for the event and a full program has been arranged, which will occupy the time from Friday evening until Sunday night. A rally In the men's gymnasium will open the events of the home coming week. The bag rush between the freshmen and sophomores, will be staged on the campus at 10:30 Satur day morning. Alumni luncheon will be held at 12:30. according to the present plans. The graduates will there have an opportunity to renew old acquaintanceships before the Stanford-O. A. C. game in the afternoon. The fighting gridiron artists from Stanford will meet Coach Hargiss' team at 2:30 P. M. on Saturday in the only big game to be played on the local field this fall. The college asso ciation will be in charge of the stu dent body dance to be staged in the evening after the game. Sunday will end the programme for homecoming week with special serv- cial.) Selma McKInney charges her husband, Walter McKInney, with be ing an habitual drunkard, asserts that he consorts with fast women and that while at Forest, Wash., In August, 1917, while In company with another woman, he engaged in a shooting scrape which resulted in his being arrested by the sheriff. Two boys, 12 and IS, are the result of the marriage which occurred at Houston, Mo., No vember 29, 1899. No property is Involved. HEALTH WORK LAUNCHED Lane County Association Formed and Xnrse Will Be Employed. EUGENE, Or.. Oct. IS. (Special.)- The Lane County Public Health asso ciation was organised In Eugene yes terday afternoon. One of the princi pal purposes of the association is the maintenance of a county nurse, who will be more than merely a registered graduate nurse She will be an edu cator In matters of health. -As the association develops it plans to place more nurses in the field. MILS Mary C. Brownell, graduate nurse from New York, has been se lected to carry on the work here. Miss Brownell has been here for some time Investigating public health con ditions. Officers of the association chosen yesterday are: Mrs. W. P. Boynton, Eujrene. president; MIk Gladys Conkltn, Eugene, secretary; Mrs. L E. Bean, Eugene, treasurer; Mrs. B.' R. Job, Cottage Grove, county vice president. Community vice-presidents are: Eugene, Miss Ida Patterson; Cottage Grove, Mrs. V. U. Reattle; Junction City. Mrs. M. P. Corbln: Florence, Mrs. Irwin A. Smith; Springfield. Mrs. Frank Page; Creswell, Mrs. Frank Richardson. Members of the executive committee are: Dr. S. M. Ker- I ron, Eugene: S. L. Jensen, Junction City; ' William J. Kyle, Florence; E. E. Morrison. STATEMENT OF GENERAL FUND RECEIPTS OF CITY FROM SIX PRINCIPAL ITEMS. Uirnor licenses ............... Interest on deposits Costs, engineering, advertising. Premium on bonds ............ Municipal court ............... General licenses - - 1910. . .$385,641.60 ........ 34.064.14 .......... 126.5-i6.60 .......... 16.244.fl8 ....... 44.S5S.2S 60,015.65 1911. 1578.900.08 44.9.-.S.34 24.-i.02S.8O 93.443.13 47,719.00 61.818.23 1912. $306.65.90 6.-. 991.00 296.810.47 107.714.78 43,021.00 71,406.99 1913. tl97.16S.94 50.406.54 Z27. 496.08 70.S-79.08 24.575.44 8,622.24 1914. $372,179.51 28.839.14 172.110.89 64.397.84 80.763.25 70.861.Sa ma. "i'vta.ii 16,948.78 750.00 87.791.50 47.092.64 (637.751.20 $1,071,267.68 $981,610.14 $633,663.02 The city charter has been amended and no further receipts will be received from this source. $739,147.8? $158,756.74 JAP FOOTHOLD FEARED Klamath Plans Action to Prevent Acquisition of Land. KLAMATH FALLS. Or., Oct. 18. (Special.) Fear that action being taken in California against further colonization by Japanese will result in an ivasion of Japanese land-seekers to Klamath county, has aroused public sentiment and there is much discussion of advisability of forming an anti-Japanese league here to pre vent Japanese from gaining a foot hold. The situation has been heightened In the last few days by the sale of 650 acres of land near Midland to four California Japanese, who are clearing eff the tules ad preparing the ground for a potato crop. This is the first Japanese farming attempt here, but it is reported that other California Jap anese are negotiating for a larger tract of adjoining land and white residents with interests in the locality are talking of organizing to meet the situation. Ices in the churches of the city and open house in the afternoon in all of the fraternities, clubs, sororities and dormitories. FLAW SAVES 4 SUSPECTS ALLEGED SLAYERS OF M'XUTT FREED BY COtRT. Good Health to You Dr. Carter's K. & B. Tea Costs but Little and Ton Can Make Whole Lot From One Package. More people are drinking Dr. Car ter's K. & B. Tea than ever before, because they have found that In these days of high prices some of the sim plest remedies are best. Get a package of this purely vege table tea. Everyone in the family will like it, because it only takes a few days for them to find out that for liver, stomach and bowels and to pu rify the blood there is nothing surer, safer or better. Pimply skin and sallow complexion vanish after a few cups, and the little tots just love It and should always have it, especially when out of sorts and feverish. Adv. Los Angeles Jnrist Holds That Governor Hart's Signature Is Not Valid and 4 Go Free. ' OLYMPIA, Wash., Oct. 18. Spe cial.) According to telegraphed noti fication received today by the gov ernor's office from J. B. Lindsley, prosecuting attorney of Spokane coun ty, a Los Angeles court holds that Governor Louis F. Hart cannot Issue valid requisition papers as acting gov ernor of this state. Under the con stitutional rule of succession as con strued by the supreme court Governor Hart cannot officially sign himself other than acting governor for the rest of the term he is filling out as successor to the late Governor Ernest Lister. The position of the California court. according to notice received today, has resulted In release through habeas corpus of the four McDonalds, two women and two men, who were held in Los Angeles on the charge of mur dering "W. H. McNutt, a Spokane real estate dealer, whose body was found buried under the ashes of a fire on a ranch 40 miles from Spokane. The Los Angeles judge also refused to honor the signature of Grant Uinkle as assistant secretary of state. This is the first time the authority of the acting governor or assistant secretary of state has been questioned, since both are expressly empowered to discharge the full duties of their respective departments. Governor Hart will not return from Walla Walla nn til tomorrow or Monday. Wife Mentions Wild Women. CHEHALI3. Wash, Oct -18. (Spo Springfield: F. W. Ogrmm. Creswell; TT. J. Shlnn. Cottage Grove: Mrs. Karl K. Mills. Cottage Grove: Mrs. C. 11. Collier, Eugene; 1. O. Immel, Eugene. Pasco Has Fourth New Pastor. PASCO, Wash.. Oct. 18. (Special.) Another pastoral change has been made in one of the Pasco churches. Rev. C. S. Treadwell succeeding the Rev. C R. Waite as pastor of the Bap tist church. By this change the four protestant churches of Pasco are now under the administration of new min isters, the changes in all the churches having been made within the past two months. 1HTEHEST MIGHT BE PAID 1-U.UMlSSIOS . THINKS, STATE COULD HELP DISTRICTS. - Constitutional Provision Could Be Met by Payment of Interest on Bonds for Two Years. SALEM, Or.. Oct. 8. (Special.) .mo ocui interests or the state and the Irrigation districts effectively served by the state, under provisions of article Xl-b, of the con stitution, extending its credit to the districts by paying interest on the district bonds for a two-vear nertnri is the conclusion reached by the Irri gation securities commission. The commission is composed of Attorney General George M. Brown. Will H. Bennett, state superintendent of banks, and Percy A. Cupper, state en-gineer. The commission has been working out. ice aetaus or the operation of the provision of the article, which is an amendment to the constitution passed at the election of June 3, 1919. One of the perplexlna- phases was the extension of preferential rights to soiaiers, sailors, marines, and army nurses, but this has been adjusted in the case of the Ochoco project by giv ing this right for a period of 90 days. In the Warms Springs project there is no land available to which the pre ferential right applies. In submitting Its report the com mission declares that "the agreement or the state to pay the interest ac cruing on the irrigation bonds of two irrigation districts marks a new era of irrigation development in Oregon. LONDON MARKET BETTER Hood River Hears Price Control on Apples Is Modified. HOOD RIVER. Or. Oct II. (Soe cial.) A cablegram received today by the northwestern office of ban Wuille &. Co., London apple mer chants. Indicates that fruit price con trol has been modified. The messages stated that California Newtowns were selling in England at $5.20 a box, while the maximum under the old price control would be $4.20. Hood River Newtowns always have brought a premium of $1 a box over the Call- fornia fruit. The cablegram elated that general export conditions were much better following adjustment of the railway BtriKe. Rd The Oregonlan classified ads. $11,000 Postoffice Job Open. CHEHALIS, Wash, Oct. 18. Spe cial.) There is a vacancy in the po sltlon of postmaster at Vader, Wash. -W. r it J Your Hair Needs Danderine Save your hair and double its beauty. You can have lots of long, thick, strong, lustrous hair. Don't let it stay lifeless, thin, scraggly or fading. Bring back its color, vigor and vitality. Get a 35-cent bottle of delightful "Danderine" at any drug or toilet counter to freshen your scalp; check dandruff and falling hair. Your hair needs stimulating, beautifying "Danderine" to. restore its life, colprA brightness, abundances. Hurry, Girls I MM Jmym SALE OF WINTER COATS $ 5 00 A SALE OF COATS THAT IS OF IMPORTANCE TO YOU ABOUT 50 IN THE LOT, IN VALUES UP TO $32.50. Coats that are so attractive with such undeniable style that it hardly seems possible that they can be so reasonably priced. Both belted and loose back models are in the assortment in shades of green, navy, brown, wine, deep purple and mixtures. Mate rials are zibilene, burella, velvet and other popular coating- weaves. Many have lovely fur collars; others are finished with plush trimmings. Popular Winter Weaves 36-inch Iirtperial Serge, all popular colors 42-inch French Serge, excellent for dresses or capes 44-inch Wool Empress, Epingle and Poplin Cloths, all colors and an extra value. A splendid line of coatings of the most wanted weaves, such as plush, broadcloth, tricotine, velour and many others at money saving prices. Buy Your Silks at Shanahan's. 98c $1.25 S2.75 Blankets $2 ' Soft, warm blankets are these, 54x74 inches in gray with pink or blue border and pure white. For Your Baby Come such downy little blan kets just the size for the tiny bed; 28x40 inches in white with pink or blue QPr border OJC Special Hemstitched Cases 35c In two sizes, 42x36 .in. and 45x36 in., these offer a wonderful opportunity. Only 6 to a customer. Hemstitched Sheets, 81x90 in., J;2.50; also seamless Q" f?f sheets, 72x90 in., either bleached or unbleached tJ-LetlV 1 House Dresses $2 Many of these are those famous fa vorites 'Hoover Dresses' They are made in every attractive style imaginable in both belted and straight hanging models. The materials are chambrays and ging hams in checks and plaids. The pockets give an added charm to these dresses so dainty and yet roomy are they. All colors may be found and you are sure among them. to find an easy choice 00 Flannelette Gowns $1 to $3H In two styles, low neck and short sleeves made in kimono fashion and high neck and long sleeves, these come in blue and pink stripes. Billie Burke Pajamas $3 A warm, attractive garment of soft flannel in blues and pinks. These have an elastic at the ankles. Bath Robe Gloth - - - 85c Fleecy, soft material that is ideal for its purpose, in com binations of red and navy, pink and white, blue and white and many other designs. STORE HOURS 9:15 to 9:45 McC all's Patterns and Iagazines UKRY J. I I 'IT Kit. MOIU and on November 19 there will be an examination in ChehalU to provide a list of ellKiblea for the place, which pays at this time $1100 per annum. Coal Tests Are Illgh. CASTLE ROCK. Wash.. Oct. 18. (Special.) J. H. Sherman and E. Hicks of Seattle, manager and treas urer respectively of the Harwood Coal Co., were here Friday Inspecting the work in their coal mine which ia be ing; developed In the hills west of here. Rapid proirrews Is belnft made worked. The coal has been thoroughly tested and found to be higher than government standards. Win lock to Have Match Factory. CHEHALIS. 'Wash.. Oct. 18. (Spe cial.) Tom Duffy has ordered the equipment with which to start a match factory In Wlnlock. Mr. Duffy expects to have his plant going within the next 60 days. Owing to the war establishment of the plant was delayed. All the New Records On Sale Tomorrow at Phonograph Headquarters EILERS MUSIC BUILDING Don't fail to hear the new November records, the best yet. Our stock is very complete. Our Demonstration Rooms are light and airy; all outside rooms; not stuffy coops. Hear some of these snappy mew ones The Waldorf-Astoria Singing Orchestra: Tell Me Fox Trot Obverse side: Breeze The Synco Jazz Band No. 1783 Saxophone Quartet: Beautiful Ohio Blues One Step Obverse Side: I'm Forever Blowing Bubbles Waltz No. JT84 Campbell & Burr: Hawaiian Lullaby Obverse side: Dreamy Alabama No. 2781 Sherbe's Orchestra: Allah's Land Fox Trot Obverse side: Tul'.p Time Fox Trot No. 6110 Adele Rowland: The Hesitating Blues No. 2769 Harry Fox: I'm Goin' to Break That Mason-Dixie Line Columbia Orchestra: A Night in Italy Medley Waltz Obverse side: Sweet Hawaiian Moonlight Waltz No. 6119 Oregon Phone Main 1123 2ST WASHINGTON Upatatra EUlers Music Bids. Seven floors devoted to annate The Man to DR. E. G. ArSPirXD, M:K. My Practice la Limited to HUch-Claas Dentistry Only at I'rlceo Kvrryonc Can Afford. Watch you must worry over competition keep your eye on the man who gives the best service. Salesmanship and Public Speaking School For Ambitious Men SPECIAL TRAINING In selling methods the elementa of a sale personality development character analyst including Demonstration Sales. Salesmanship taught hy Fred Leeston-SnUth. Mgr. Oregon Motor Car Company. Pnbllc Speaking taught by W. G. narrtngton. Professional Teacher of Public Speaking. Free opening lecture Tuesday, October 23, by G. Nel son Pike on "Modern Needs and Tendencies in Com merce." This school co-operates with the state In providing financial aid to returned service men. Far special bulletin of Information, address The School of Salesmanship and Public Speaking, Department of Education, Y. M. C A. It is a prerequisite of sound business (and I use the term business in its broader sense which embraces the professions) that the cost of production plus a legiti mate profit must constitute the selling; price. . No business can stand long that varies from this law. When cost of production INCREASES, that increase is almost invariably borne by the consumer. It is common knowledge that everything essential to our health and well being now costs more money. It is also a fact that everyone engaged in production, from the hodcarrier to the professional man, is of neces sity receiving more for his services in order that he may live, despite advancing costs. It stands to reason, therefore, that the man who works too cheaply must necessarily deliver INFERIOR GOODS OR SERVICE, OR BOTH, and eventually the public will understand this. Don't worry a moment over this class of competition ' i, is the man who does better work and gives better service who will "bear watching." Just so long as I KNOW I am giving my patients SERVICE SECOND TO NONE (and the word "service" includes material, workmanship, sanitary precautions, absence of needless pain and conscientious fees) I have no fear of cheap competition. Any Dentist Can Cut Prices, but It Takes Brains to TURN OUT BETTER WORK! ELECTRO PAINLESS DENTISTS In the Two-Story Building Corner Sixth and Washington Sts., Portland, Or. UinMiii,"MnM"""''"'',ltM1'wgwTTT"itTnmitwt"mr'nii imniinttmiiauiBUistnuunimii