The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 19, 1919, Section One, Page 11, Image 11

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Portland Business Excursion
Finds Cordial Unity.
terian church for 150 persons. After
dinner the speaking: programme-was
held in the Elks' building; to which
the meeting: adjourned.
Boilaeu Mem Speakers.
Roseburg speakers were A. C. Mars
ters. president of the I.oseburg Na
tional bank; J. H. Booth, president of
the First National; R. L. Guile, who
told of the prune and apple produc
tion and possibilities; A. J. Geddes.
expert on cannery and evaporating
industries, told of the world-wide de
mand for the jams and sweets pro
duced in this region; J. W. Perkins,
timberman; J. W. Hamilton.
Portland speakers at the final meet
ing of the tour were X- 11 .Edwards,
D. T. Honeyman, William MacMaster,
A. J. Bale. E. II. Sensenich and Cam-
Growth of Cities and Towns Visual
ized Roseburg Hospitality Is
Typical of Spirit of All.
ROSEBUEG, Or.. Oct. 18. (Special.)
Portland business men representing
the Chamber of Commerce tonight ex
pressed their gratification that in the
six-day trip through southern Oregon
there has been manifested at every
point a spirit of friendly interest and
willingness to co-operate in the move
ment for a greater Oregon.
The growth that has been made by
cities and towns and general advance
ment of their trade territory has been
a surprise when visualized by visits
to the places where more than $25,
000,000 of goods are sold over the
counters annually. Statements of
traveling salesmen laid down on the
desks of executives does not convey
the understanding that is gained by
a personal visit, nor does it have the
effect in creating good will resulting
from acquaintance with the individual
whose name is signed to orders that
come through the mails from the road
forces of Jobbers and manufacturers.
The exhibits of Oregon manufac
tured goods in all of the towns was
one of the features that aroused local
interest in the coming of the delega
tion to the five cities Included in the
itinerary, and novelty, artistic merit
and diversification of ideas carried
out disclosed that there are expert
window dressers in the smaller cities
of Oregon.
Towns All Favor Highway.
Ashland. Grants Pass, Klamath
Falls, Medford and Roseburg are all
a unit in furtherance of the plans
for the great highway system that is
under construction to connect the
tourist attractions of the whole state.
Each has its own local problems re
lated to progress of the whole com
monwealth, in which the moral assist
ance of Portland is sought.
Substantial aid in the way of financ
ing some of these projects is a mat
ter for individual action after study
of each particular project. Nathan
Strauss, chairman of the excursion
committee, today called a meeting of
the delegation which was held in the
observation car as the train left Rose
burg on the last leg of the homeward
journey, to discuss the information
obtained and formulate conclusions
that will be embodied in a report of
the chairman and supplemented by
recommendations to the directors of
the chamber by the four board mem
bers accompanying the party on the
The reports and recommendations
will not be made public until sub
mitted to the directors of the cham
ber for action. However, it can be
said that the impression gained has
been such that the heads of big busi
ness and representatives of the lead
ing banks are intensely interested in
helping the people of southern Oregon
to achieve some of the things out
lined at the various places visited
during the week.
Growth of Business Seen.
The investigation of trade condi
tions, the industrial situation and
commercial relationships bave been
made by the travelers with care and
keen discernment of the assured
growth in volume of business and de
velopment of lateet resources now
just gaining headway.
It has been a seriously considered
array of interrogations that have
been presented, and the business men
have replied that they desire to culti
vate the trade territory of all south
ern Oregon, in which they propose to
give service, maintain high standards
of efficiency in regard to the civic
questions and transportation matters,
such as the Strahorn railroad at
Klamath Falls, the cut-off. The open
ing of the Indian reservation, exten
sion of the railroad now built out 15
miles from Grants Pass to Illinois
valley, backing the movements for
The official utterance on these
matters will come from the official
beard of the chamber, but the delega
tion at conference tonight revealed
that, to a man, they, are all boosters
for southern Oregon, united in the
purpose to impart to every member
of the chamber and to every business
man of Portland the comprehensive
knowledge gained of the region.
Cordial Reception Delights.
One of the pleasant surprises of the
trip was the cordial feeling manifest
ed by business men everywhere. Oc
casional citizens of some of the towns
visited lodged complaints, but on the
whole there was only rejoicing that
the metropolis had sent a delegation
truly representative of its modern
spirit of co-operation and good-will,
reflected in warmth of welcome that
left no doubt of mutual pride of
One speaker at a banquet expressed
the apparent feeling of the people of
Southern Oregon, when he said that
they would not become a part of an
other state, even if they could, that
they were so happy and proud to be
citizens of Oregon and working to
gether with Porotland it angered
them that a pound of their products
went to the ultimate consumer with
any other than an Oregon label. Al
most every man in the delegation had
some suggestion to make to the com
mittee in charge as to recommenda
tions that should be made to the di
rectors of the chamber. All of these
were directed to the same general ob
ject of aiding in practical ways the
ambitions for development, through
loyal moral support of worthy enter
Oregon manufacturers received
wide publicity and aroused enthus
iastic support in the cities of southern
Oregon through the display of pro
ducts in windows of stores. The as
sociated industries of Oregon awarded
prizes at each town for the best show
ing of manufactured products of the
Roseburg Gracions Host.
Roseburg welcomed the visitors
with genuine hospitality, providing
autos for trips into the surrounding
country and wherever the individuals
wished to go, resulting in several at
tempting to lure the festive trout
from the Umpqua. After luncheon
the entire party was taken for a
tour of the valleys in the heart of
which nestles the seat of Douglas
county. The drive included visits to
apple and prune orchards where the
pack of fruit is in progress, straw
berry fields, with ripening fruit, from
which were supplied the berries
served at the dinner. Some dairy
farms and several of the scenic at
tractions of the locality.
W. C. Harding, president of the
Roseburg chamber of commerce
presided at the dinner which was
served by the women of the mental
culture club. Covers were laid in the
assembly room of the First Fresby-
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Lieutenant Mortimer P. Cook.
Word has come from Lieuten
ant Mortimer P. Cook to his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. R
Cook of 430 East Fortieth street
North, that he has received the
French croix de guerre with
palm for valorous action with
the 2d division in the Cham
pagne offensive. The captain of
his company was killed immediately-after
going over the top,
and, although Lieutenant Cook
was slightly wounded by the
same shell, he took command of
the company and led it until
his unit - was recalled, eight
days later. This was his first
experience under fire.
In a subsequent action in the
Meuse-Argonne drive he re
ceived a wound in one arm,
which resulted in his being re
turned to the United States late
in December. He was a pas
senger on the Northern Pacific
when she went aground on Fire
Lieutenant Cook is now at
Letterman hospital, San Fran
cisco, where he recently under
went an operation which is ex
pected to restore his arm to its
normal condition. At the time
of entering the war he was in
the employ of the Equitable
Savings and Loan association.
eron Squires, of whom the four first
named are directors of the chamber.
and with Chairman Strauss of the
excursion committee the official rep
resentatives or the civic body of the
trip. All of the addresses were in
optimistic vein.
With a total volume of business ag
gregating 14.700,000 annually it was
stated that approximately 90 per cent
of the trade goes to Portland jobbers,
wholesalers of manufactures, and the
remainder goes to distant points for
goods not readily obtainable except
from their sources of supply.
Kosenurg is enthusiastically an Ore
gon town, with the spirit for its full
development to be among the most
populous and richest of the state.
Washington Commission Reports
on Disbursements for Year.
OLYMPIA. Oct. 18. Compensation
paid' out to injured workmen of
Washington in the year ending Sep
tember 30, totaled $596,167, the indus
trial insurance commission reported
today. Claims awarded numbered
11,803. Steel shipbuilding, an out
growth of the war, was third In the
list of hazardous occupations, with
1527 claims. Sawmill workers led
with 2263 claims and the logging in
dustry was second with 1765.
Workmen lost in wages during the
year throuerh mishaps $2,123,971.
An t until Brides
"PAVORITE patterns in complete
assortments of both flatware and
hollow-ware. The illustration shown
above is the Lady Mary design, one
of the favorites of the year. Many
other new and standard patterns.
No matter what your selection, any
article purchased at this store will
grace the table or home of the most
discriminating: bride.
A. & C. Feldenheimer
Jewelers Silversmiths Opticians
Washington at Park. Established 186S
Don't Wish for Handsome Furniture and Modern Equipment
for Your Home, Use Your Credit at Powers and Have Them !
Debate on Question of Teachers
Organizing Is Scheduled for .
Next Saturday's Meeting.
The work of the home service sec
tion of the American Red Cross was
the topic at the noon luncheon of the
Civic league at the Benson hotel yes
John H. Stevenson, chairman of the
service section of the-local-Red Cross,
outlined the scope of the service. Miss
Margaret Creech told of the necessity
of continuing to support the home
service section. Mrs. Fay T. Catlin,
grand supervisor of home service in
the six adjacent counties, told of ex
periences of service workers with
recipients of Red Cross aid. Stewart
Rice, former manager of the New
York municipal lodging house, dis
cussed problems of the bureau of edu
cation, of which he Is director, and
emphasized the importance of the
housing and unemployment move
ments. A. J. Hall, a veteran of the
British army, urged maintenance of
the government employment office.
At the luncheon next Saturday noon;
C. C. Chapman of the Oregon Voter
and C. R. Stillman. president of the
American Federation of Teachers, will
debate the question of teachers or
ganizing and affiliating with the
American Federation of Labor.
internal injuries. She was removed
to her home following the accident,
where she regained consciousness.
She was driving about 20 miles an
hour at the time of the accident, ac
cording to report. The car was badly
Woman Hurt When Machine, Un
manageable, Leaves Street.
Mrs. W. Spiro. f.65 East Forty-sixth
street North, was thrown to the
ground and rendered unconscious
yesterday when the automobile she
was driving skidded on Sandy boule
vard and. becoming unmanageable,
ran across the sidewalk and struck a
residence on the north side of the
boulevard between Nineteenth and
Twentieth streets.
Mrs. Spiro received severe bruises
and cuts about the body and possible
Rev. D. L. Schultz Says Churches
Can Eliminate Unrest.
"Much of the present industrial un
rest will be dissipated when the
church and organized labor come to
an understanding." declared Rev. D.
L. Schultz, of Pittsburg. Pa., in an
address before an audience of men at
the local Y. M. C. A. last night. Dr.
Schultz, who is known throughout the
country as the labor evangelist, is
a member of 11 unions, and is a rep
resentative of the Federal Council of
Churches in the American Federation
of Labor.
In his talk last nisit Dr. Schultz
told of conditions in the mining dis
tricts in Pennsylvania with which he
is familiar, and which are among
those conditions which he is working
to prevent. The breach between the
church and these organizations is
caused by false impressions of the
church among working people and
also by the fact that the church mem
bership is not wholly supporting the
Christian doctrines which the church
represents, he said.
Miss Edna Ferguson, soloist of the
Calvary Presbyterian church, sang
delightfully two songs, "Little Mother
of Mine" and "My Task." with Miss
Ruth Agnew at the piano.
Ilome-Xurslng Course to Open.
A course in home care of the sick
is to be opened at the Girls' Poly
technic school, October 22. It is to
be taught by Miss Letha Humphrey,
who is the regular Instructor in home
nursing. This course will consist of
J 5 lessons and will be given on
Wednesday and Thursday of each
week, in the forenoons from 10:30 to
12. It will cover such matters as
babies and their care, symptoms and
diseases of children, feeding and care
of the sick, the bathing of the patient,
bedmaking for the sick, causes and
prevention of disease.
Phone your want ad to The Orego
nian. Main 7070, A 6095.
- -y'5?V
i fe- v ; I
Delay in Having
Your Teeth
Placed in Proper
Condition May Mean
Serious Sickness
l How little the average man or woman
thinks of the danger of harboring diseased
teeth or stumps.
$ Indifference, procrastination and fear of
pain are a few causes for this neglect
which sometimes leads to very serious re
sults. CJ Why not see a dentist before your phy
sician orders you.
jf The bugaboo of pain has been handed
down from former years when dentists
were less skilled than at the present time
and before the many agencies for the pre
vention of pain had been discovered.
J If a plate is necessary I will remove all
of your stumps or diseased teeth without
causing you any noticeable pain.
CJ And" the plate I will make for you will
fit so snug and comfortable, performing all
of the functions of natural teeth so satis
factorily, that you will wonder why you
did not come sooner.
3 All dental work that leaves this office
must be absolutely satisfactory.
Sixth and
Raleigh Bldg.
Phone Main 2119
Office Hours
8 A M to 6 P. M
Open Evenings
by Appointment
Consultation Free
10 to 12 A. AL
H " Does so Much More Than Just Wash'
Economize by Doing Your
Laundry at Home
H In the Efficient Electric Way
THE ELECTRIC 3-WAT WASHING MACHINE does all the laborious Dirt of
- washing, handles all fabrics without the extra wear of the rubbing board, handles
heavy pieces that cannot be laundered by hand. And. better than all. it conserves the
strength, of the housewife.
H The Electric 3 -Way Is Thoroughly Adjustable
EE fllE WASHING ARM may be used to agitate the blueing and rinsing -waters. The
wringer may be used jn any one of -four positions and may be operated forward
or backward. You can use two, three or four tubs.
J The Electric 3-Way Is Mechanically Simple
EE THERE'S NOTHING TO GET OUT OF ORDER, nothing to confuse, no upkeep cost.
- At a touch n thorough. tireleRR l-innr1rn wnHha whiU 1 a r a a hnnt nth,r
SZT household tasks. And the cost of operation is so slight as to be almost unnoticeable.
$2.00 Cash, $2.00 Weekly, Buys the Electric 3-Way
ee Washing Machine
EE , "Uvt eux evedit at (fhivtAA
a 3A V&uL El
n Ti n
Powers' "Adjusto" Chair
Massive Library Table
Comfort Rocker
AO- special pattern under
(JJT.OIpriced for introductory
purposes. Heavy oak frame, deep
spring peat, sliding footrest. Uphol
stered in Spanish leatherette ad
justable to any position.
1 Q AO very sPecial price for a
tpA-Zyj 42-inch table in solid oak
stock. Has heavy three-inch legs, wide
shelf an immensely useful style.
Golden oak or fumed finish.
QOQ Q( instead of $29.75.
OO.I7U Mahogany finished
frame, good grade Spanish leath
erette upholstering. A luxurious
ly comfortable chair and a real
bargain as priced.
Imported Draperies at HALF
O holiday gift making. Very rich color
ings and handsome patterns 1 D J fo
at Just Z
Choice Drapery Fabrics
PANEL. LACES and lace curtains In pro
fusion from which you will delight to
make selections.
Bathrobe Blankets $7.85
large color selection in warmth-with-out-weight
Blankets and Comforts
long list of easily graded prices. Just
what you need the price you wanted to
Room-Size Velvet Rugs $39.50
$5 Cash, $1 Weekly
J from which to make your se
lections are featured at a won
derfully moderate price.
Velvet Carpet
$2.25 Yard
1 MATCH. Twenty desirable
fiatterns for selection, and a very
ow price for superior q utility
Klearflax Linen
rJL sizes and colors in new pat
terns that will please you.
A Warm, Comfortable Home
Where There's anA-B Pipeless Furnace
V'1 7JUEL ECONOMY and quick results
- i recommend the A - K to home-mak-
V A. ' X ' Altii-t It la th. i-1 a a n .i , ninihml rt
heating your home nnd dispenses en
tirely with disfiguring pipinc. An
other thinff its installation does not
deprive you of your basement store
room. It is of low construction, can be
placed in the basement of practically
any six to eight-room home.
v Than Amy Similar Type of Furnace.
Powers Will Install the A-B, Guarantee
Its Efficiency and Give You a
Year to Pay for It.
Comfort Wood Heater
Underpriced at
cellent heat holder, with its heavy cast
lining and steel body. It may be fed from top
or side; has a mica dopr that gives you a
cheery glimpse of the warm fire.
For the
Bicycles Tricycles
Velocipedes Wagons
CTURDT M a'k E S that the
UyounEiiter may enjoy with all
his might. Keeps the youngsters
active while they are out-of-doors
gives them plenty of
healthful exercise.
Bed-Davenport Featured
at a Very Special rrice
fiT't'i "" " ' - T-ygay
(rfk A low price for a bed-davenport that
dOliUU may be in use both night and day, and
that is entirely adequate for both services.
Frame of quartered oak 6tock, upholstering of
Spanish leatherette. Handsome in appearance and
of master construction that makes its operation very
light and simple. A jewel in crowded quarters.
A BIO SHOWING of period
A Buffets in walnut and
mahogany. A number of
beautiful period styles In a
good line of sises for large
rooms and rooms not so
A Brunswick
all m
$10 Cash, $2 Weekly
rHE BRUNSWICK is the choice of
every lover of music, for the Bruns
wick is a phonograph of no limitations
it interprets ail disk records and al
lows you to choose the music and the
artists you admire. The Brunswick is
finished in harmony with its unexcelled
performance and is a real ornament to
the home. You will agree that our
terms are very cenerous for a reeal in
strument like the No. 7 Brunswick.