20 THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, OCTOBER 12, 1919. A a Died Itamwlkt. KIT CATIONS WAMKO MALE. RANTKh Woman cok and to do gen eral houMork for Ihrw adults and niail baty In small motrn dat fn tntiiy located; innd aa'ary to right party. Call tn person, mantiT of Liber tv lH-l-r. between in tiours of 1- and P. M. SdlDDI.B-AGKD WDina for general noi;e rk. Small family, good wages. East 47. HFI.P H MH-MAI.R OR FEMALE. Fl RST-CLASS draftsman and thoroughly reliable estimator on construction, ex perienced tn of i ice and can take charge on lh outaldf, wishes position w here ran make Ute of one or both of thee qualities to fullest advantage. Address L. J. K., No. n New strand Hotel. YoUNG man. graIite from Heaid's auto mobiit school. Sun Krant .ico. wants po sttion in Jt-i as helper; tt months' practical experience In start ins. light ing, icnitlon. Call Everett hotel. Broad wa. between ." and P. M. ANT Japanese woman for housework; n ijenn to hnnd living n house 11 cmointed ciwhr; might take Jipn- m a and wit ir man eo r.M.k. god r.om arC private taih 4nd good W. B. Koberson. 1212 Gasco Net Mar 2W. (iiVKi:.MK.Si wanta thousands census t-kM bi..iv J.muary: $ 11 -$ .:. firt year; men. women. I i to .".o; Portland examinations Nov. 15. List jnlilons lr.-x Wrii Immediately. Franklin In stitute, tept. .Iii-T. Rochester. N. V. t OMMINATIOX plumber and steam fitter with 15 years' experience w ould con sdT partnership or partial Interest In eial'liadfd liuMnecx tn prosVerous city. Phone S 11 wood 3554. BD 592. Ore Son I an. SITUATIONS WANTKI) MALE. DRAUGHTSMAN Young man, former manual training Instructor, seven years in eastern schools, desires lull or part time work ; college man. enlisted In forefront of war and now wishes to locate In or around Portland ; have In struments and complete equipment; can p-ciaile in architectural, machine de sign, tracing, blueprinting, etc. ; com pnsatlon can be easily aujusLcd where there Is possibility lor future. Write K 4. Oregonian. ' WANTKl) By mechanical drattaman i practical and theoretical!, steady posi tion in clt ; willing to perform other duttc if the engineering did not call for (ull time; M years' wide experience. D 73. or gonlan. APPLE PICKERS. Tmfur On-hard compiny. Dufur. Or.. In ha dry belt, out of the rain. Men. $4 per day: women. S3 per day. Board. II per d y. Inqune 2 N. 2d. Phone Hroad- FM OATIONAU BUSINESS MEN Interested In the further practical study of the following auhiecta: Personal Efficiency Buninras Psychology Mon'-y and Banking BuptnpM English Business Uw Salesman" nip Advertising Bulne Economics Organising a Business Financing a Business Retail Alercbandidng Credits and Col i-r lions Prlvnle of Accountinc industrial organization and Management Investment and speculation Transportation and Trat fic Oil ice organization and Management. IN ONE COMPLETE COURSE are invite to call upon or writ the un dersigned for complete Information re garding the BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION COURSE of THE LASALI.E EXTENSION UNIVERSITY. R. A I.INDSAT. STATE REGISTRAR, Xepartment of R'jsine:- Administration. 304 Pillock Blk., Portland, or. PB A KMTOR OK CHIROPRACTIC The chiropractic profession offers the most unusual op-.Mirt unities of any field in tne world today. Know nttoui us great opportunities before deciding your career, or if you are dissatisfied in your present position in life or its earning capacity is not what you would like It to be. investigate ihj great oppor tunity s offered in this greatest of all prniesstons I'll I ROPH ACTIO A moat exceptional opportunity to study chiro practic and to become a chiropractic phyaieian Is offered at this tune by our College: both rttv and mgnt courses. UNB HL'NHRBI THOUSAND chiropractic phymcian needed In the United States today to supply the de mands of the millions a ho Dave turned to this great method of healing their ilia. INVESTIGATE. Augmented Curriculum. Able Faculty. Ciinual Pact h ties Unexcelled. For particulars auurcts Hr. Oacar W. Elliott, premdent. 1ACJKIC CIUKOPRACTIC COLLEGE. Park and Yamhill. Main 1014. Portland. Or. ou cannot learn any part of this i prof op through correspondence. COLORED COOK. Klrst-clasa on all-around cooking, wants position In country hotel; can take full charge; moderate wages. T -bJ. Oregonian. YolWiI M A N wants "work In a garage as ant-ed: have had some experience. Wnat I hav- you ? leave name and address. Phone East tJ!, or M. 414, will call. YOr.Nii MAN wants work in a (arae as he. per. here t months' work Is rfuar anteeo; have haJ somr experience. Wiiat hsve you ? Leave name and address. Phon- Kast hjxfs, or M. 34ia. Will cali. iUL'N'i business man, 33. now employed dei-trcs -hane. best of reasons: thor oughly understands retail and wholesale business and a qualified merchandise and advertising man; lo years' expert ence selling and as sales manager; good appearance, favorable personality; per manent connection desired with oppor tunity for advancement : Interview will convince you of my abllllty. Answer and interview all! be treated strictly ronflcential. P il. Oregon ian. RESPONSIBLE, refined young man. 34 years of age. at present employed, seeks prmunem connection with some re sponsible business. General business ex perience. Including experience as a sales man, familiar with bookkeeping, office arrangement and management. Heady to siart from the bottom. K tlGti, Oregonian. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Bookkee;HT, Stenographers. Office. i VOUNO M A N 2S. GOO D K DtTC A TTON. BUSINESS EXPERIENCE. EXECUTIVE ABILITY. THOROUGHLY RELIABLE. CAPABLE. STEADY WORKER. DE SIRES POSITION IN STORE OR OK FICE WITH CHANCE OK ADVANCE MENT. REASONABLE SALARY TO START. Al REFERENCES. K 673. ORfcH IONIAN. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers. Stenographers, Off Icq. Soldiei Hnfl bailors. EX-SERVICE man. age 28. efficient clerk and cashier, with knowledge of book-kee-ning and typewriting. 7 years' office experience in Portland, desires position. East b;;ti. or Eaat 5571. ACCOUNTANT and office manager would like position wun some ur-ciass music or Jewelry house. P 048. Oregonian. eIT-SERvIcE MAN with Ford touring car withes job. What have you? An swer. Ml Depaw St.. Portland, Or. WANTED Opportunity to learn linotype machine; am 21 years of age and had several years experience in newspaper office ; can give references; have set type on other ty pest ting machines and will be quick to learn; will go out of town. Address O 40, Oregonian. WANTED TO RENT. POSITION as stenographer desired by graduate of business college; three months 'experience in law office; good reference ; law or timber office prefer red. Phone East 8031. OFFICE position; have had several years experience, use typewriter, comptome ter, etc.. and am pood at figures; prefer place with good luture. AO 604, Oregonian. SOLDIER mechanic will repair your car in your own garage, uuaraiueeu woi. Call Eiist ln-'i. MAN and wife wish position; man t work where wife can do cooking. I'nont Woodlawn 411- . MR. LEW WALLACE, Hood Hotel, corner ttth and Everett sts., Portland, Or., would like to have a position as sales man: preter cutlery or groceries; best I references. EX -SEP. VICE man, 2 years high school graduate, ono year collene. desires poat lion ith firm where nucliiK?'Ue and ene of duty are required; references. UU 591, Oregonian. . YOUNG man wishes permanent position. Can drite nnxt any mak of car. Have had two years experience in furnish ork. Call B 13-1. Call between V 30 and 7 P. M. MAN and w if wishes position as man aver or janitor or apartment house. 1H repair work. Win consider anything in this line; experience and reference Main S03l. ALL-ROUND printer. J0 years' experience, wishes steady position, Oregon or Wasfi. ; good machinist- operator; capable ot as suming charge; married; best of ref erence; staie wages paid. Max Boeh mer, Harrison ave,, Astoria, Oregon. POSITION W ANTE D M a rrl ed man, 35 years of age, good on correspondence and general or detail clerical matters, st udent with executive ability; ample ex perience in transportation and other public utility work, excellent record and refrrencea, available now. R 50, Oregonian. JWITOR work wanted by man and wile; apt. preferred. Phone Woodlawn 2411. EXPERIENCED accountant and auditor, lumoer and construction accounting; open for position. Can handle stenogra phy; capable of taking entire charge of office and finances. Will give bond. 35 years old. married. Al references. O 31. oregonian. KX-SKRVICK man. fielf dependent, sot k ins; his wav throUKh college, would like to secure some work evenings ana oun day a. Can lurnisii b st ot reierences, BK oregoniun. WANTED bv Yours: married man. a post tion on diversified or stock roncn or rill run on shares, can give references. Call D 111)7 or write 1 175 E. tiJd st. N. BLACKSMITH, experienced ; accustomed to auto repair w ork. wants position in or near city; would assist In other work, if required. B sJ4, oregonian. EX-SEKVICB man desires employment that requires a depend a n:e. neat ana willing man; best relerences. AC 13d. "re, on ian. MAN. 34. experienced In the handling of trucks, tractors and steam rollers, would like position with some implement house In city. AM SIJJ. Oregonian MILL MEN Want planer feeding assist ant millwright: married; will stay; con ditions, wages reasonable. A E 0t3. Oregonian. PLANING mill grader, rough and dressed, would like to connect w ith an outside mlh, have credentials. Room 71. Rai nier Hotel. Phone Broadway 3413. OFKICfci MEN. The study time of year Is here. Are you going to let another w Inter slip behind ou before tuning action on that sell-promised start in a oure of home tudy? Now la the time to decide; pro eras una lion means neer. Information concerning the higher act oun tancy course of fered by the La teaile Extension UnlverMty can be -cut ed tiirouah the local representatives Wnte or phone lor interview. E- C. Russell, representative higher accountancy dept. 1I5 WILCOX BLfHJ. PHONE MAIN 74. A MARRIED man wishes position In auto garage; can drive any make of car; will ing to start at bottom and work. up. Phone Main77GO COMPETENT steward and light lunch man. will consider proposition with merit; go any place on the coast. B Stil. Oiegonian. MAN wishes position at some work which will pay expenses: some experience in plumliin. electricity, carpentering. AC Orejconlan. PRINTER-OPERATOR, with thorough all around experience, wishes situation. O 53. Oregonian, SI Tt AT I OXSW AX T EDFEMAXB. RELIABLE, experienced woman would like management of high-class apart ment house for good furnished 4-room suite for three adults and small salary. AG 301. Oregonian. A RELIABLE and respectable married woman would take charge of an apart ment house for apartment and some wage: room 425 Angella hotel. 6-3 Washington sL , LADY seeks position as housekeeper, or would assist in domestic duties in nice home: small salary accepted for con genial position wun renucu yvy lfi4. Oregonian. , tU l.-i.-1 v- T.'T- u nman with BITial I re- sou-e like respectable place "rJ for home expenses for self and 2 school children. AV liiMl, oregonian. TOUNG ladyTwould lilse position with automobile accessory firm as sales lady n-Anr. i office work ; have had perience In handling parts. K fiS4. Oregonian. . EXPERIENCED, capable bookkeeper-stenographer, good penman, for office po sition ; also have executive ability for managing a territory or traveling. AM 520, Oregonian. POSITION as comptometer operator and typist desired by young lady who has had 2 years' experience in lumber office. K H81, Oregonian. ASSISTANT bookkeeper, young lady, good penman, accurate at figures, also on adding machine; exp. checking invoices. Refert-ncea- O 3'i, Oregonian. MEIER & FRANK'S Information and Rental Bureau. Reliable, up-to-date lists of 'desirable vacant houses, apartments and Hats with definite information pertaining to each. Newcomers to Portland will find this bureau of great value in helping them get properly and quickly located. Eighth Floor. WANTED TO RENT 4 or 5-room apart ment or house, furnished, modern, in walking distance to Oregonian bldg.. or close to North Pacific college; 3 adults, can give references, by Novem ber 1, 1919; call East 14 or write to Mrs. A. Stewart. 2uC Union ave. N., city. FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms. FOR RENT. Furnihbed Rooms Id Private Fi ally. A Modem Priced Hotel of Merit HOTEL CLIFFORD. East Morrison and SUih, Hotel Clifford is the principal east side hotel and is a hotel of dignity ana refinement. $1.25 per day; two in room. Ji.75; tf per week, $'J..uo per montn HOTEL A RTHl.TR. 170 11th St.; take depot car to 11th and Morrison, walk ha If block south ; clean, modern, respectable; transient, $1 50. with private bath, $2. HOTEL NAVARRE. 427 Vz Alder St.. Corner 11th. Elegantly furnished, central location, clean and orderly. Rates by day or week. ' TIMEKEEPER and payroll clerk wishes position; competent and reliable; would leave city if good position. AR M4, Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER. 12 years' experience, will keep your books accurately and correct ly; half day work or by the hour. Broad way 27-"52. afternoons. THOROUGHLY experienced stenographer and oriice woman desires position; tem porary or permanent; capable of han dling correspondence. Tabor 2253. YOUNO lady wants office work half day, preferably mornings, not stenography. Tabor 1129. ex- Address EASTERN registered pharmacist. 22 years experience. , not yet registered in Oregon, w Ishes position in that or simitar line to better his condition ; at present em ployed, married. Address Druggist, 634 Commercial St., or phone Woodlawn 1773. CREDIT MAN. REDUCE YOUR OUTSTANDINGS. IN CREASE YOUR SALES: EXPERI ENCED MAN WANTS PORTLAND LO CATION. PHONE CREDIT MAN, MAIN 1M82. CHcF - STEWARD WITH EXECUTIVE Aril LIT Y W ANTS ENTIRE SUPERVI SION OF HIGH-CLASS KITCHEN; RE SULTS GUARANTEED. O 48, OREGONIAN. PRESSMAN Cyllnder and platen, married. If yrs. experience, desires steady situa tion. Have (rood executive ability; can cut stock. Will go anywhere. Geo. A. Rhodes, Pend leton. Or. CHILD'S nurse, capable of taking full charge of infaTit; 4 or more children nrr.rrrri also h om e where Japanese help is employed in the kitchen. K boo. oefrntan . . nv ,...,t Monition selling gan, oil and doing office work in a garage having had considerable experience along this line. L 34. oregonian. A DEPENDABLE nurse will care for your children cvenis, capable and tactful with the aged and the sick. Terms, -oc tvm- hr. up to 50c. Marshall 34. LADY would like position, to tane cnarge of good apartment house or as house keeper to business lady or gentleman. RC ir,i, Oregonian. . WANTED By elderly lady, care of chil dren by hour. Engagements mad be tween and 11 A. M. Phone Marshall 142. BAKER just arrived from the east wants place either as first or second: nave i.i years' experience on bread, cakes and rolls. Address or call E. F. M.. 5U1 East Ash st., Portland. iiAl'r r c-UR. experienced man. desires a position to drive a truck or touring car; two years experience overseas. S 265, Oregonian. ALL-AROUND engineer. 2G years of age. S years experience, aried and valuable knowledge of machinery: thorough for eian training. Sillwood 1O20. ARfa SOU MECHANICALLY INCLINED? IX so, learn the auto and tractor business and earn fluu to a month. Southern Caulomia otters exceptional opportuni ty wnile nd after learning, nigh sal aries. Ideal working conditions. fine ear 'round c.tmate. no previous experi ence nccMsr. Laro in hort time ths National rV ay. Expert Instructors, new, complete mechanic and electrical equipment including Packard 1 win tt. adi.lac S. Wlilya-Knlghl. etc. No age limit. Earn board and loom while lamm ing. r4jru successful graduates GUARAN TEE YOUR success. NATIONAL ALTOMOTIVE SCHOOL, 1 Years in Loa Angel at Si S. r'iguef oa. M rite today lor r'Kbik caiatog. A DC OX AUTO SCHOOL. UXIoX A 'E AND WASCO ST. TUiC SCHOOL THAT'S DirKEKEXT. ONE WEEK FREE. To investigate our sys;em of teaching autoa. tractors, gas cosines, auto eec tncai and battery work. SPECIAL ELECTRICAL COURSE FOR AUTO MECHANICS. DAY AND NIGHT CI.Aj.Sts. CALL OK WKlTk KOK Iw PAGE CATALOGUE FhE&. ASK. FOR I HooK NO. IB. j HAWTHORN E AUTO SCHOOL. 42 Hawthorne Ave Automobiles, truck, tractoi-s, Ignltloa and starur work. Vulcauiatng and re treading. Special luiuioci rates. Day and evening casaea. SCHOOL THAT TEACHES YOU TO Bo Si THE JOB. IOSITION wanttd as manager of retail hardware store, by capable, experienced married man of references exchanged N . Oregonian. YoCNG man with 8 years experience in grocery business, who knows city well, would like position as retail grocery clerk or Ford truck driver. Mara l12u. SALESMAN. 23. desires position with re liable house : experienced w holesale gro ceries: would enter new line with chance for advancement. BC ir7. Oregonian. Lo V. going to Benson, would like work alter school and Saturdays: can drive most any make car; can give references. Tihor 7221. YoUNG MAN wants work with wholesale firm In shipping or stock rooms or wiih evprvs or transfer company. Du-via. room 32!. Aldr hotel. STEAM enrlneer. steady, experienced me chanic, can instaii and repair, desires position. Address Box 172. Free water, Oregon MAN and wife wish position on farm, sep arate furnished house; state saiary and pjrticu.ara. Orercon City. Or.. R. F. D. No. rt, box .1. Phone IrtTM. WANTED Poaitton as paymaster. ac count ant or storekeeper, steam or elec trical material. Phone East 0ltt. R. Cresse. M." East A Ider. YoUNG man wants Inside work; good worker; can give references. Phone Woodlawn 2017 SuroJay, after 6 on Mon-dny. MAN. with family, wants work some kind; handy with tools; can do truck driving, auto repairing, labor work. What have you? Phone A UKU. WILL buy truck if I can get a good hauling Job in city, or would like to get a Job driving truck ; experienced man. Call Marshall 2."30. WANTED, by a lady student, a place to work after school for room and board and some wages. Will call for particu lars. F o3It Oregonian EXPERIENCED cashier, cafeteria and res taurant work, wants position; will Or nish ftrst-clasa references. AC 10 , Ore gon ian. . YOUNG ladv- employed would like posi tion for Saturday afternoons, clerical work, answering telephone, etc. P o-, Oregonian. WANTEDSteady Job cooking In arnall camp by elderly couple: man hanrty with tools; reference given. 4bJ r. 3d st. RELIABLE couple wish employment from 4 to tt evenings as assistants, cook s helpers, etc. Boarding house or family. BD .""!. Oregonian. REFINED lady wishes position as com panion to lady in good home; refrences. East 7478. . WANTED Position by excellent cook for two months, in family Qf 2; no washing. AE 304, Oregonian. m REFINED youns lady with slightly af fected arm desires position in office. Ans. phone and light office work; refer ences. AM 317. Oregonian. . lOUNG ladv desires position as compto meter operator; 3 years' experience; can do some typing. BC 149, Oregonian. WANTED To rent, by refined couple, no children, a small house or apartment, unfurnished, by Nov. 1, for at least 6 months; best references. Phone Wood lawn 1003. Mrs. J. Bargemann, 1415 Rodney ave. TO MR. AND MRS. LANDLORD. Are you leaviig the city? Then why not let us care for your property during your absence? You will find our rental department a great convenience to you. SMITH-WAGONER CO., STOCK EX FURNISHED HOUSE WANTED. Young couple want modern furnished house, not over $50 per month rent; will give best of care; fio children; best local references; give location and price when answering. R 49, Oregonian. WANTED To rent, by Nov. 1, 4 or 5-room bungalow, unfurnished or partly fur nished, near car line, by desirable cou ple; references. Call East 801 after 8 P. M. or before 10:30 A. M. SUITE of two rooms, bedroom and sitting room, suitable lor one or two genue mi'ii, in stricily private family; ref. req. Phone E. A 503. VACANT 15th. large steam-heated room. .154 Montgomery, cor. Park; walking distance. TWO sleeping- rooms, close in: furnace heat; $3 and $3.50; respectable people only. 3S5?. Mill. . PHONE Bdwy. 2202. Terminal VtaRKiipre Transfer Co., 6th and Flanders. Baggage stored 5 days free. WANTED Extra stenographic work even ings by experienced stenographer. Broadway 873. GENERAL office work, asst. bookkeeping wanted by experienced young lady; best of references. H 240, Oregonian. PRIVATE lessons tn English to grown people, elementary and advanced. R 10, Oregonian. WOULD like position in office with chance to meet the public, answering the phone, typing. AR 820, Oregonian. BOOKKE E P E R-ACCOUNT A NT 8 years office experience : accurate, reliable; best references. East 25U3. YOUNG woman would ' like office work mornings or about 3 days a week. BC 142. Oregonian. WANTED Small set of books to keep; can give part oi each day; best of reference. Main 63S3. POSITION wanted by stenographer, fa miliar witn law work, reliable and ac curate. Miss Moore, Broadway 30S5. FILING clerk desires permanent position ; accurate and conscientious. Ar 419, Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER, assistant bookkeeper, general ortice work.; lo years experience. Phone Main 5123. WANTED to rent by responsible young couple, small modern bungalow., flat or apartment; must be strictly modern and nice. Will lease if satisfactory. Call East 7458. 6 OR 7-ROOM house, furnished or unfur nished, by professional man: no chil dren ; references given ; will astmme re sponsibility i'or upkeep of place. O 39. Oregonian. WANTED To rent, by Nov. 1, 4 or 5 room bungalow, unfurnished or partly furnished, near car line, by desirable couple : references. Call East 861 after 8 P. M. or before 10:30 A. M. WANTED "-To rent, by October 20, well furnished house, 6 rooms. 3 bedrooms, within easy distance, 4 adults, best reference, give full particulars in first letter. F 634, Oregonian. HOTEL OCKLET, Morrison sL at Tenth Rates $1 per day up; weekly. $4 up; run ning water, free phone and bath. NORRIS HOTEL. 333 Alder Clean, mod ern, outside rooms, $4 week up; with bath $0; walking distance. Come and see. PLEASANT outside furnished rooms. $2.50 a week; Inside rooms, $1.50 week and up; eiectrio lights. 110',-i N. 3d st. PALACE HOTEL, 446 Wash, st; down . town location, respectable and strictly modern; steam heat; rooms large, clean. ANSoNIA HOTEL 14th and Washington, clean, respectable, modern, transients $1 up. permanent $4 up. Pnvate bath NICELY" furnished room in first-class apartment house on west side; walking distance. Telt Marshall 1200. ONE or 2 pleasant sleeping rooms, furnace heat, close in; gentlemen preferred. Call Bdwy 2200. . 75c. $1 DAY; $2.50 week up; jutside rooms. Hotel Cadillac, 3d near Jefferson. SARGENT HOTEL. 271 Grand ave.. h, k. apt. and sleeping rooms. East 291. WANTED To rent 2 or 3-room house, with building that can be used as ga rage; responsible party; prefer west side. L 65, Oregonian. WANTED to rent, nicely furnished small house or bungalow ; close to car line. Call East 1115 between 1 and S P. M., or write Mrs. Brabbe, 352 Hawthorne ave. WANTED To rent unfurnished 5 or 6 roon; house, bungalow or lower flat, by responsible parties with 6-mos.-old cnild. References. Main 1511. FIRST-CLASS experienced stenographer- assistant booKKeeper desires position; references. Main 408. YOUNG lady wishes position in photo graph studio. AR 815. Oregonian. DresmRkeis. FOR BEST results in dressmaking and re modeling see Mrs. Kinder at Emporium Dye Works, 549 Morrison st. Bdwy. 4259. DRESSMAKING by experienced dress maker. 1)91 E. 37th st. S. Phone Sell. 1.-.7 after 5 P. M. IRS. J. S. HUTCHINS will be pleased to see both her old and new customers. 90 E. Flanders, East 1439. DRESSMAKING uf all kinds, alterations retinlng coats. Prices reasonable. 537 Montgomery st. DR ESSM A KING, experienced- dressmaker. Sellwood 1057 after o P. M. 991 E 37th st. S. RESPECTABLE middle-aired man, clean habits, would help a widow take care of home for good home and small wages. R 56. Oregonian. CARPENTER wants any kind of repair work, house raising, concrete, roofs, get my figures. A 1679. WANTED By man and wife a position as mans iter or Janitor in an apartment house. BC 154. Oregonian. CATHOLIC collector, one capable of tak ing entire charge, 51 Y'eon bldg., 12 to 4 Sunday; 4:30 P. M. Monday. EXPERIENCED waitress wants work nights in all-night restaurant or lunch counter. Phone A 1 63 1 . J w LA DY wants position caring for invalid several hours each day; good reader. P 7, Oregonian EXPERIENCED woman cook wants posi tion in a small restaurant. 285Va First st. Roem 49. PRACTICAL nurse, wishes care of invalid or confinement; best references. Tabor 7772. ELDERLY man. watchman, elevator man or Janitor, bltr aires no object, w ant work. Address W. P. Owen. 6 E. 11th. Portland. Phone 4993. . I'll EF Years of experience on big Jobs marrted. capable manager, good cook and meatcutter; will go anywhere. K 699. Oregonian. RESPONSIBLE young man with depend ent wants steady position : exftenenced tn few lines; willing to learn; references. East 7413. ELDERLY man wants Inside work where can have room aid board, reasonable wages, p 7Ki, Oregonian. kOUK BARBER COLLEGE Will UJia you tne trade in s wks.; glv yoa a set of toois and soma pay wnlie learning, positions secured, scholars nip aua transfer cards issued, 3- . hoo.s in U- l ana Canada, -end for cau isua J4 HuffliUlfl st. POSITIONS ASSURED KVERY -GRADUATE OF BEHNtvE-WALKER Buarneas College, Portland. Enroll any tune. Telegiapny. stenography, backing. bookkeeping, aocretanai. t rm ca talog u. A.s'fbl) Pupils. leaons stage and fancy dancing: chorus training a specialty; apply between 4 and A P. M. Mondays and Wednesdays Stage entrance Lyric theater Misses Mullaily and Mathers. OREGON BARBER COLLEGE will teach you the trade In a weeks; scalp and face maaaae pvctaity; tooia Irw . positions guarauteed; pay while learning. tuiUvB teuueed tnt term. 33 iaiion. KENCH lessons fl per hour. Tues., Wed., 'i nurs. Written translations oi French letters In English JOc each ; coin, car tiiKvis or stamps. Mr. E. W. Coun il ( nee Doubleau. 742 Vaughn st., city. YOUNG MAN. IS. wishes position In stock room of i'o-sle nous?; am experi enced. Br 112. Oregonian. CLOTHING, ihoe salesman, employed, de sires change; no objection imll town. AE 499. Oregonian. NOTICE. House painting. katsomlnlng. good work, quick. Belew, W oodlawn b-09. BOILER MAKER, fitter up and general outside or inside work. 20 years' ex perience, non-union. N 93, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED grocery clerk and so licitor, tf years, local references. AC 123. Oregonian. MACH IN 1ST w ants Job. auto or work preferred; can run lathe. Orero--ilan. Kara ice K 60. YoUNG WOMAN timekeeper wants posi t ion ; nble to hold responsible position. East 315. HOUSE PAINTING, and kalsomlnlng; experienced workmen; moderate prices; call us up. Main 33 S3. YoUNG man w ith 12 years experience 1 wants job driving truck In or out of town. P 702. Oregonian. LEARN TELEGRAPHY Young mn and women wanted. Call 433-4 Railway Ex. bldg. Opportunity to learn a well-paid prolevalon. Frea book let. Railway Telegraph Institute. LEARN to be an optician and optometrist: day and evening classes. Oe teyer College of Optometry, Columbia bldg. Get catalogue. XECKEK't BUSINESS COLLEGE. Type w riling, bookkeeping, comptometer, all other mod. business courses. Day, night acnool. Aiisky bldg.. 3d A Mor.. Main J4. KOOKY MOUNTAIN TEACHERS AGCT. Frank K, Well, e-at. State Supt.. mgr. N. W. Bank bldg. Teacnra placed HOi-MKa BUSINESS COLLEGE WASH, at loth; enter now: day. evning. ail ivmmrrtiaJ branches. Broadway Ih'L FoRT LAN D BARBER COLLEGE pas you while learning, gives you set of tools tree, position secured. 3s N. 2d at. EAST SIDE COMMERCIAL SCHOOL Miss Buca-'I's private school : Individ ual instruction. 1 tirand ave. E. 47. JAP studen's want a fxwl teacher to ntudv great law and theology. AP 420. Ore g n isn. ; ISS Mattin.y's Short hand. Ty pewrit.ng School. mo. 14th. Main MU. r lK Teachers' Agency Journal bldg. Mn. 4v;V Teacnlng p -sit tons, fre registration FKEaCH. Eng'lsh and art instruction by student of London and Paris. Main 44t. THt o ens method In Vancouver Busi ness college. Vkash.. tuunw you success." OK EGONLA W SCHOOL Akj7bldg3d and Mor. W. E. Richardson. Sec, Main ;y. Tilt- international Correspondence School can rai your salary. 191 Broad w aj . ) A 1 cS-FlSH ER Teachers Agency Free registration Main e,'74. Bicadway bldg. SPANISH lessons In class or private. Cad Mrs. Vyar. Marshal! Xt4. JANITOR, with wife; 2 years apartment house experience: steady position, relia ble. Phone A 1631. JA PANESE who wishes to learn English wants housework in family. G 584. Oregonian. ARE you willing to exchange good Ameri can dollars for education. Initiative and energy. R 51. Oregonian. ONE trustworthy elderly man wanted work for watchman, elevator man or porter. Address N 92, Oregonian. PILING peelei peeling piling be nr. Or. men wnat long Job Address box 331. New EXPERIENCED colored chauffeur wants position with private family; have best of city reference. East 5703. YOUNG married man wants steady posi tion as srocery clerk or something similar AC 12. Oregonian. BRICK contractor: estimates given on all kinds of brick work. N. B. Lesher. Ph. K. 3357. EXPERIENCED driver wants position as pr.vate chauffeur, taxi or truck driver. Oil Sellwood ft!4. JAPANESE college student wants posi tion aa school boy In family. Phons A 2274. WANTED Hauling with one-ton truck by dav or contract: best of reference. P. O. hoi 3951. Portland. YoUNG man wishes a Job driving truck; has had four years' experience. Phone East 496. NIGHT work by responsible man as fire man or any other work under cover. in city. Apt. B-t. 300 Williams. PRUNE shade trees now: experienced men. tii:roy. pqwy. in..,. PAINTING. Kalsomlnlng by contract, re liable man. Main 5831. MTt AT1QNS WAXTED-MALK. work around gar- YOUNG man wants as-. Ea-Hi 244t. ODD Jobs wsm'ed: work done reasonable. Hroadwav 20i, room 3. OO D painter and trt'-n. E. 7i. decorator. run V ANTE D A poal Hon as c h a u f f e u r or truck driver on private car. E. 3frt2. HAULING wanted for four-ton truck: any thing, anywhere. Call C 122l. PAINTING, tinting, etc.. get my figures. 17. BX ja-utor. P 9. Or vgoni an. EXPERIENCED mutigraph operator wishes position; state salary willing to pay. AC 122. Oregonian. CARPENTER contracts wanted for build ing or alterations. Manning, Sellwood EXPERIENCED Ford driver wants Job; can do his own repairing: can give r-ffrenres. O 33. Oregonian. COOKS Man and wife for small crew, logging camp preferred; best references. M 763. Oregonian. " ACCOUNT ANT-BOOKKEEPE R del Ires several more sets of books to keep. O Zt. oregonian. H l'8K Y high school boy, IS, wants work afternoons. 3 till 6 and all day Saturday. Itc 10, oregonian. WOMAN, middle-aged, neat and clean, would like cooking " or housework; In or out ofcity. BD 590. Oregonian. BY young woman, homelike place, assist forenoons and evenings. P 71.. Orego nian. , MIDDLE-AGED woman will care for chil dren afternoons or evenings; $1; ref erences. Main 194(1. A WELL educated young lady typist and experienced in general office work desires change. P 6S7, oregonlam POSITION In physician's office: experi enced nurse; reference-. BC 168, Ore WANT dav work washing and Ironing. Call, bet ween 10 and 10:30 A. M. Broad way 24S7. . BRICK and cement work done by day or contract. Call East 7968. JAPANESE wants poslMon; has experience In Janitor work. G 5M, Oregonian. RooFS repaired an ft tarred; all work guaranteed. East 3451. " Bookkeepers, Stenographers. Office. OT PORTU N ITT-S EEKE R. 24. possessed by natural Inclination for office work, progressive, g-ood education. Industrious active, steady and trustworthy. Just completed bookkeeping course, desires position aa bookkeeper or office assist ant with a large Portland concern with future of advancement : beginner; good penman; willing to begin with moderate salary to learn the business and be with you permanently; Interview; best of ref erences. AV 724, Oregonian. OFFICE MANAGER AND CHIEF CLERK. Toung man over 30 years will be open for engagement sometime in December. At present employed with one of largest corporations on coast: have had several years' experience and know office a v li tem thoroughly; desire to connect myself with large corporation where ad va nee mont will be ascured. C 286, Oregonian. CoM PETENT, accurate and responsible elderly bookkeeper, best city bank and business references, can take two or three more sets of books to keep at your office or my home. Can open, balance, close or audit. Terms reasonable and all business strictly confidential. Phone Max. Broadway 1937 for interview. BOOKKEEPER and office man. best of references; lit years in the machine shop and foundry line; desire position. At present employed, but owing to cessa tion of shipyard work will soon be out of employment ; single man : willing to go anywhere. R 35. Oregonian. YOUNG man. married, age 31, experienced In hotel and railroad clerical, good pen man bonded In surety company, at pres ent employed, would like position in wholesale house, where hard work brings WANTED A place to take care of chil dren evenings while mother is away; references. Woodlawn 1011. EXPERIENCED laboratory girl wants po sition with doctors; references. AO 603, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED phonograph record sales lady wants position; references. AC 125, oregonian. LADY wishes cleaning, ironing, Wednes day and Friday; 35c an hour. Sellwood 3 79 S. CHILD nurelng by woman of 38: would as sist with upstairs work. M 768, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED dressmaker. $3 a day. Ta- Dor uim. 4 RELIABLE dressmaker all round muke- over and relining coats. 990 Hawthorne. PLAIN sewing, dressmaking; house dresses. ti.ou up. en, luiju. DRESSMAKINUat55 Maln 8107. RESPONSIBLE; couple will take care of house In payment for rent. Call East 88711, apartment 28. WANTED To rent 5-room furnished cot tage; no children; close In preferred. BC 150, Oregonian. RESPONSIBLE party without children wants small modern house to rent which Is no for sale. AC 103, Oregonian. 1U LLC REST HOTEL Bath, phone, $25 mo. up; without bath, $18 up. 733 Wash. TWO nice'v furnished rooms; furnace heat. 107 E. IK'th St.. off Hi Imont. I REFINED couple would like room mid hoard in privato family: hushsnd away most of tho time. East Side. Lsurelhurst preferred. References exchanged. D 5!M). Oregonian. LARGE sunny front room, modern house, with garage, $1'5 monthly; light house keeping priv ileses if desired. 235 11th st. i'lione mornings, Marshall 1 729. NOB' HILL. Attractively furnished room In modern home; central heat, dealt able location; men only; ref. required. Main 4711 FOR RENT A neai ly furnished room in private home. Ladd's addition, for re fined gentleman. Home comforts, ref e fence. East 5945. TWO lar?e front furnished rooms, sunny and airy; hot and cold water, furnace beat. 725 E. Madison. Phone East 6034. BEDROOM, sitting room, private home, all conveniences, close in west side; suit able business men; relerences. East 7630. CLEAN, modern rooms; use of piano, phone; walking distance; employed wo man preferred. 254 N. 20th at., corner Northrup. SUNNY front room in home, conupnlnl. re lined family, breakfast and Sunday din ners 11 desired. Walking distance. Mar shall ;;;;'.', FOR RENT Furnished sleeping- room, gen tleman preferred, nlw i;arace; cen.ent floor and electric lights. Phone East 2211. 792 Belmont, near 25th. FOR RENT Nicely furnished sleeping room; steam heat, private bath and tel ephone ; west side apt. blriK., w u Ik lug distance; rent reasonable. Marshall 390. TWO CHOICE living rooms, fireplace, prl ate family, home privileges: walking distance; single or double; $3 per week. U14 E. Main st. Phone Kast 5079. l HoAfEY front sleeping room; warm, well ventilated: electric light, furnace heat; bath and phone; suitable for 1 or 2: no car tare; west side. 415 Broadway. NICE large room with private lavatory and dressing room, in a beautiful nm, all modern conveniences; west side; walking distance. Marshall 401. FOR RENT Single room, moHern : heat, light, phone, bath; for man; $10 per mo. M union ae... near ewn. ELEGANTLY urnisheif room In a swell private home, suitable for 2 gentlemen; dos in. 71 in n n y niace. FURNISH ED mom, near Broadway bridge. 2.50 wk. 423 Rosa st. East 6918. , LARGE front ;onm, largo closets, running wafer; also single rooms. 475 Morrison. SLEEPING rooms 247 5th st. and $2.50 per week. FURNISH iSD room in small apt. rear Campho'l hotel. Marshall 2 NICELY furnished front room, suitable for 2. 3'15 Williams, cor. Bdwy. Unfurnished Rooms.- WANTED 5 or 6-roorn modern house and garage, close in. by responsible party. Phone Main 8079. I WANT to rent modern unfurnished house. close In. not over $15. Airs. George Nicholson, 49 East 7th st. WANTED Small furnished house or bungalow; modern and close in: beat of references; adults. Tabor 4109. FOUR unfurnished rooms. suitable for housekeeping, in private family; 1 blk. from Montavilla car line; also 1 large front room downstairs, which 1 will furnish to suit : rent reasonable. Take MV car. got off at 28th and Davis. Call at E. Davjs. WANTED to rent furnished 5 or 6-room house or bungalow ; small family; good reference, p uifO, Oregonian. WANTED To rent 5 -0-7-room house, more. unfurnished modern L. J. W., 615 Skid WANTED To rent 6. 7 or S-room modern house; 4 adults. Phone Main 0262. WANTED By refined people. 4-room fur nished flat, west side. Mar. 2767, 9 to 5. Apartments. Morrison sL Phone sewing and dressmaking, ave. Wdln. 324. 828 PLAIN Mich. PLAIN sewing and dressmaking; prices reasonable. 509 Davis st. Nurses. GENTLE WO Al AN desires position as house companion to housekeeper, experienced, nerve and mental cases; excellent ref erences. BD 507, Oregonian. NURSE -Quiet home, attractive surround ings, on fine auto road and car line. Alental cases: references. Gresham, Or. R. A., box 111. POSITION as nurse or companion; prefer going south : wages small if people are congenial. Phone East 1627. Address 528 E. Everett st. EXPERIENCED practical- nurse with el deny. Invalids or any kind nursing; can travel If desired. Alar. I'tHt. G R ADVATE nurse will take patients at her private resfrience. Tabor 21K. Housekeepers. AV ANTED Nov. 1, by quiet couple, em ployed. 2 or 3 rm. furn h.k. apt. or flat"; close In pref. : must be modern, clean and rent reasonable; best refs. R 36. Oregonian. WANTED Furnished apartment or house, west side; 3 adults, best business refer ence: will take lease; November. K 608, Oregonian. WANTED Close-in furnished 3 or 4-room apartment or flat; west side; by Oct. 15; adults. Phone Clyde hotel, room 211. M ust be reasonable. WANTED Furnished apt., woman, with 4-yr.-old child. Will pay $5 for informa tion regarding small furnished, steam heated apt. E. 7935. WANTED by two business people, a 2 or 3 room apt. by Nov. 1, west side, per manent renters. Sellwood 553, call after 7 P. M. WANT Furnished apt. or small house or housekeeping room tor adults. Wood lawn district or Kenton preferred. Alain 41. ELDERLY woman wants work as house keeper tor two or three people; must be respectable. Mrs. Stanley, 618 Alissis sippi avenue. EXPERIENCED cook wishes position where second girl is kept. S 243, Ore gonian. , WIDOW wishes position as housekeeper in wmower s or oaeneiors home, capable of taking fu-li charge; city or country. BC 150, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED housekeeper wishes to take charge of apartment house, apart ments and some pay. according to work. Main 4933, MIDDLE-AGED Christian woman wants position as housekeeper in widower's family; competent cpok; no trlflers. 62G Jefferson. WIDOW wishes position as housekeeper In refined Christian home; references. Ad dress Mrs. Grace M. Freeman, 453 Whit all st.. St. Paul, Minn. UNFURNISHED flat, house or apartment by couple without children; must be close in. Can give best references. AM 507, Oregonian. 2 LARGE verv light and sunny rooms with bathroom; clcse to car and walking dis tance. 632 E. Aider st. Adults. TWO unfurnisht d rooms. Call phone Broadway 2219, 5 minutes' walk to busi VfHs sect. on. FOR RENT Unfurnished. 3 large rooms, $25: also 2-room flat, $15, including light, etc. 859 Hawthorne ave. SINGLE and en suite, very desirable for housekeeping; over drug store. First and Alorri.on. LA RG E pleasa nt room. Miitahl for 1 or ; private nome; modern, ncr nu;. Htid Union. 344 N. Grand. Kast 678S. LARGE front sleeping room connecting with bath, furnace heat, fine location, close in. $15 a month. Main 6142. TWO nice front rooms In modern horn, suit.-i ble for man and wife; gentlemen preferred. Phone East 2-25. NICELY furnished, clean rooms; walking distance, steam ha t and bath ; reason able. Broadway 2142. LARGE corner room, well furnished. In modern Irvlngton home; breakfast priv ileges if desired. East 3-'4Q. FOR RENT Single room, modern, heat, light, phone, bath, for man, $10 per mo. 8oo Union ave. N near Beech. ROOM TO RENT In refined family; fur nace heat, plenty of hot water. Use o phone and piano. East ttioft. S ITT I NTG room a n d bed roo m to ren t $22.50; adapted for two or three youm ladies. 54N Taylor stJ COMFORTABLE, wrll furnished room fo gentleman. 205 E. 1st. st North, neal Holladay ave. Phone C 1006. ROOMS with or without board, or wltl kitchen privileges: closo in. Call Alar 2704 after 12 o'clock. FOR RENT Large furnished room; phono, hath : breakfast if desired. Tabor 73tl 269 E. 40th, near Hawthorne. ONE unfurnished housekeeping room In private family. 466 Vz itll--ull-".'J: iurntiir"d Roomti in Private family. SUNNY rooms adjoining bath and den. with fireplace in Walnut park district, in congenial private home. Breakiast and dinner if desired. C. 1458. DESI P. ABLE rooms; f.rst floor; modern, kitchen mornings if desired. 349 6th st. Alain 7040. NEWLY furnished room, adjoining bath; phone in room; heat and light. Broad way 4298. SLEEPING room, heat and hot water: walking distance. 521 E. Pine. East 1876. PLEASANT room, suitable lor man; walk ing distance. Alain 5729. 743 Everett st., near 23d. ; $10 PER AIO. Clean room, good bed for man, nice place, close in, fine bath, eta 3S7 12th st. ONE nice furnished room in a private family, close in, good location. 446 Taylor st. PLEASANT furnished room, furnace heat bath, phor.e; close in. Phone East 353 440 K. Clay St.. cor. 7th. LARGE, nicely furnished, light, airy room, suitable tor 2 ladles; walking distance. 207 1 1th st. FURNISHED room and breakfast in pri vate Irvlngton home, on car lino; busi ness woman preferred. East 8054. FURNISHED room in modern home, Haw thorne district; breakfast if desired; men only. Call Tabor 2024. Rooms With Board. NORTON I A HOTEL, Portland's downtown high -class family hotel ; rooms en suits or single, with or without board, for families and business men and women. We give you all the comforts of a torn. ReKsonable rates. CLEAN, light room. 3d floor, modern home. $1.50 week. 3J koss Si., - u i ocas ironi Broadway bridge. NEWLY furnished room, with board, suit able for one or two gentlemen. Mar. 3378. TWO sleeping rooms for man and wife or employed ladies; launury ana cuukiiik privileges. Phone Tabor 4732. NICELY furnished room. 1043 Gantenbeln, cor Alberta, near Jetterson nign ana car barn. WANTED By a teacher ami mother, small furnished apartment ; preferably ner irvlngton canine, call Alain 2330. WANTED 3 or 4-room unfurnished flat by couple w ithcut children ; must be reasonable. AN 8.', Oregonian. LADY wants housecleaning. other work; hours, day ; good work done. Wood lawn 6395. HATS made from your own material. Yamhill work. Caii YOUNG woman wants day Woodlawn 5286. W A N TED Old people w ishlng some' one to care for them. 149 1st st.. room 12. WOA1AN wants work by the day; 8 hrs. each day East 49d. LADY would like to take care dren evenings. Call B 1906. AUTHORS I type manuscript, necessary for publication H 240. Oregonian. YOUNG woman wants work from 8:30 to 1 P. M. L 75, O re go n la n; WANT Children to care for by elderly woman. Broadway 3717. REFINED woman will work evenings from 6 to 12 o'clock. BC 178, Oregonian. LAUNDRESS wants work. 184 Grant. Mar shall 1789. LAUNDRY done beautifully at home. Main 9132. EXPERIENCED woman wishes day work Monday, Wed..(Thursday. Sellwood 1932. YOUNG girl wants place to assist with light housework. Call 509 Flanders. chance for advancement and gooS til I "'iK .t0--r7 1 ture. AO 0O9, Oregonian. sleep home. East -9u. help in kitchen and WANTED By a young man with 10 years experience and A-l references for ability and reputation, a position as bookkeeper,, timekeeper or lot? scaler; logging camp preferred. D 739, Oregonian. YOUNG man Just released from the serv ice w is h es post tion as book k eepe r or office manager: excellent references: good accountant and bookkeeper. K K-iK Oregonian. ASSISTANT bookkeeper, wholesale house: young man who wishes to advance: must be goon penman, accurate a nd rapid. Reply in own handwriting, giving age. O. 37, Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS accountant with extensive business experience desires position ; high-grade education and a good work er. fair stenographer. F 6, Oregonian. HOUSE CLEANING work a pneclalty. Al workers furnished. -Phone Alarshall S2n. EXPERIENCED driver would like to drive party to Cal. for expenses. Wdln. 617. WANTED ltnd e'eartng to do by con tract. Address C :il. Oregon Ian. YOUNG man wishes work Saturdav aft ernoons andSundays. P 677. Oregonian, BooKK EEPE R-ACCOUNT A NT and cash ier with ten years experience, includ ing coat accountancy, wishes position; god typist. AE 495. Oregonian. COMPTOMETER operator, experienced, de sires position. Phone Bdwy. 373. EXPERIENCED irlrl will do silk pieces and waists. Phone E. 7429. WANTED Saturday employment. Phone Tabor 4830. EXPERIENCED woman wants day work. Phone Tabor 8378. L.ACE curtains laundered by expert, bor 5933. YOUNG lady of refinement, capable, w 111 accept pleasant housekeeping position ; excellent references. M 771. Oregonian. FURS REMODELED AND REPAIRED. VANITE FUR AND BLOUSE SHOP. 827 MORGAN BLDG. EXPERIENCED lady desires management of apt. house or hotel as housekeeper; best references. Sellwood 2945. WANTED Position as housekeeper, by young woman wun d-year-oid son ; no objection to children. BC 16. Oregonian. ONE or two-room apartment for busi ness woman; preferably unfurnished. K 703. Oregonian. WANTED at once by couple 2 or 3-room furnished apartment for two weeks. D 742, Oregonian. SMALL furnished apt., not over $30, vicin ity upper Williams ave. Phone B 1056. Rooms. WANTED to rent ; room or furnished apartment, all conveniences, with garage accommodations, or located- near gar age. Johnson, 307 Title & Trust bldg. Phone Alain 8182. BY OCTOBER 13. 5-room furnished or un furnished flat or bungalow, close In : 3 adults; permanent. References. K 685, oregonian, or laoor tmv. WOAIAN with child 4 wishes position housekeeper or flunkey in logging camp. tic i 4, oregonian. NEAT, refined middle-aged widow wants housekeeping for gentleman with home. o 47, oregonian. ELDERLY lady wishes position as house keeper of elderly man. AO 610, Orego-nian. YOUNG widow lady with child 4 years old wishes housekeeping for widow. R 38, Oregonia-n. A WIDOW with one girl would like place as housekeeper for widower. 6038 S3d st. S. E. Mt. Scott car. NEWCOMER, first-class cook and house keeper, wants work, go anywhere. - Ad dress B 848, Oregonian. WOAIAN of experience and ability wishes place in man's home; modern home and plain people. Woodlawn 5017. WANTED Engagements by day, upto- date flressmaking: do remodeling, reasonable.- Phone Bdwy. 1507. WI DOW would like to get a position as housekeeper for refined gentleman, no small children. E 598, Oregonian. WOULD like position as housekeeper for reiinea gentleman, ap 421, oregonian. Domestics. CROCHETED tarns made Alain 7230. to order, $1. MIDDLE-AGED dren, 30c an lady will care for hour. Alain 7230. chil- YOUNO lady wishes position as collector; best references. K 677, Oregonian. LACE, scrim, marquisette curtains, hand laundered. Called for. East 6196. HOUSEHOLD linens made. Sell 2951. PRACTICAL reliable bookkeeper with years of experience, desires permanent position. Reasonable salary, best ref erences. East 1503. 1769; SHINGLERS. Berkey Bros. Mi roofs reehtngiea ana repaired. JAPANESE First-class shoemaker, wants job In the shop. 223 Sheridan sC EXPERIENCED young man wants work in dstry 1 inch. Sm Davis. Alder hotel. TRUCK hauling wanted, contract or da work. Po to I flee box 3rt. ELDERLY MAN wants position as Janitor or houseman. K 676, Oiegonian. WANTED Position 3 days a week by nian attending college. E. 6014. POSITION wanted by experienced retail hardware salesman, 82, Oregonian. YOUNG man experienced as timekeeper, payroll and distribution clerk wishes position in or out of town. S 273. Ore gonian. BOOKKEEPER, who is also a fully qualT fied stenographer: 7 - years in last po sition: can furnish excellent references; marrted man. AN 854. Oregon Isn. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and cashier desires position In Portland : can give beat of local references regarding char aeterand ability. A Al 51S. Oregonian. YOUNG man expert lumber stenographer, timekeeper, assistant bookkeeper wishes position. Phone East 19S7. SAIALL sets of books by expert book kecper. L 44, Oregonian. YoUNG MAN wants position as bookkeep er and type wmer, 4L Oregonian. Bookkeepers, Stenographers, Office. COAIPETENT bookkeeper-cashier desires position, full, part time; capable of man aging office. S 208, Oregonian. YOUNG lady, experienced biller. .wishes position in office,- Woodlawn 4501 Mon day. ' CO Al PETENT stenographer desires sub stitute or part time work. AM 506, Oregonian. EXPERT stenographer and bookkeeper, 7 years' experience. Main 6641, apt. 205, evenings. DOMESTIC. WOMAN for general housework : small family or adults. Away from home all day. Comfortable house on Portland Heights. Tel. Marshall 6117. MIDDLE-AGED widow, with girl 8 years old. wishes position as housekeeper in widower's home, near school, city or country. K 69:t. Oregonian. YOUNG lady attending business college from 1 to 5 afternoons wishes lo assist In light housekeeping for , board and $10 per month. K 667, Oregonian. KITCHEN work wanted in boarding house, helping or cleaning out. Phone A5514. WANTED ROOAIS Music teacher will give singing lessons for housekeeping rooms, private family. AC 11S. Ore gonian. WANTED A room where I can practice and lake lessons on my piano-accordion C 296, "Oregonian. MODERN, west side preferred, within walking distance postoffice; state terms. ii ..!, oregonian. WANTED Sinai 1 furnished room wYui private family, south of Mill st. J. M. Hopper, 627 Hood st. WANTED Housekeeping room, close in. west siae. a.n b.h . oregonian. Rooms With Board. WANTED by a refined elderly convalescent gentleman, board and room on first floor in a comfortable home with a family of man and wife who can give him some care If needed; mention location and terms. BC 160. Oregonian. WANTED Room and board by two gen tlemen In Catholic family, within walk ing distance of business center. Break fast and 6 o'clock dinner. L 63, Oregonian. YOUNG woman with 2-year-old boy would like home in private family where baby could be cared for while mother works. AC 134, Oregonian. YOUNG lady working In city wishes board and room In private family near carline. AE 496. Oregonian. GENTLEMAN, 30. wants room and board with adults, close in: no boarding house; 7 years in one family. O 35, Oregonian. GENTLEMAN desires room. 2 meals, pri vate family; best references. BC 175. Oregonian. WANTED Home in refined family for 5-year-old girl. Will pay $20 a month. R 39, Oregonian. SINGLE gentleman wants choice room with grownups; Tabor line west of 30th. O 34, Oregonian. STUDENT and wife wa-nt room and 2 meals, private family; 12 blks. of dental college. East 2477. . F U R N 1SHED f ron t bed room w i th f ami ly of 2; steam-heated apartment; close in, west side. Phone Broadway 5534. SLEEPING rooms, furnished, and privilege of house; near Franklin high. 1498 E. Lincoln. . FURNISHED rooms from $3 t( week, according to size. 90 Broadway 121 S. $10 MO., room and home comforts, to lady employed. 353 Hoss St., 3 blks. E. Brcadway bridge. HERE'S JUST WHAT YOU WANT. Nice. light, cosy front room with grate, close in. 391 Harrison st. Alain 4559. SINGLE furnished room, conveniences, breakfast if desired. Close In. Phone East 324. 574 East Couch St. A-COMFORTABLE, attractive room in a private home for a gentleman of re- k finement. East 7945 BEAUTIFULLY furnished room adjoining bath, suitable for 2 business men. West side, walking distance. Call Alain 4574. VERY reasonable nicely furnished room to one or two ladies, U block to car; ref erences exchanged. Tabor .9.0. THE Al IGNON nursery will boa rd a nd care for children by the day. week or month: reasonable. Tabor 1271. 1224 E. Alain st. DO you want god hoard nd room ? If so, call at the Grand av. hotel, 334 Grand av., cor. East Aliii st. ' TI 1 EM A RT H A W ASH INGTON. 30 19th st. For business girls and stvdcnts: reasonable rates. Mar. 1201. HARRISON HOTEL Outside rooms. $2.5. table board. $6 per week. Front and Harrison ets. . 452 MORRISON, cor. 13th. arm board. Modern ennvenb lug distance. rooms Walk- ROvM and hoard for business grlls; all modern conveniences; walking dtctance: $4 per week. East 4732. 12 E . 7th st . PARKVIEW HOTEL Rooms with board; excellent table; ciose in 386 Mont gomery, near Wert Park. Rooms With Board in Private Family. ROOM WITH BOARD Well furnished front room In private family, west side, between 18th and J9th streets, suitable for two gentlemen, one block from car. Marshall 5703 NICELY furnished room suitable for two. and one single room, with board; rooms well heated, shower bath, good home cooking. 741 Glhan. . CO Al FO RTA BL H roo m and board within walking distance Tor renncu nign scnuoi, business college or working girl, in ex change for light services. E. 2.22. A'FTRAil'f'IVE-front room, excellent board, private family, no other boarders, eit her lady or gontlenian ; local Ion Piedmont ; also garage If desired. Woodlawn 170. COAl FORTABLY furnished room, pleasant location. Portland iieignts; reierences. Alain 7955. 329 WEST PARK, a pleasant room for gentlemen ; nice location ; walking dls tance. NICELY furnished room, suitable for 2; home nrivileges. 791 E. Salmon. East virn !l'ht corner room, just across Broad wav bridge; S3 per wee.. tow nenion st. East 622S. YUl'Nti lady to share apartment: refer ences, Wheeldon Annex, apt. JOj, even lngs. , COAIFORTABLY furnished rooms; also 1 cosy attic room, periuctiy cican. 1 ivi 17th st. ONE sleeping room. Alder. Alen preferred. 471 LARGE front room suitable for side. $20. Main 4i4. COSY room, home privileges; rent rea sonable for slignt services. cast ot-u. ROOM for rent, gentleman only ; newly furnished outside room. on 1 arn si. FOR RENT NICE I. Y rURMSHED ROOAl. PHONE MAKNI AM. 'u . FURNISHED room in modern up-to-date house. Alain 7123. or jMarnnan si FURNISHED rooms for gentlemen, in pri vate family. 4i. Taylor st.. cor, mn. NICE com fort ble room, Marshall 554H. 59 Trinity Place. MCE furnished sleeping room in private family. $S mo. 4i E. Ankeny cor. Mn. -TWO furnished H. Ki rooms. E. 19th st. N. LARGE furnished front room with alcove. .M0. 535 1,2 .Montgomery st. near lotn. WIDOW will care for mie or two children. room parents. V Q2I, oregonian. SLE E PI NG room, private family, suitable for 1 or 2 gentlemen. .Marsnan 10.1. COMFORTABLE 3d floor room, suitabls for gen t Ionian ; waiKing nistance. w etv side; splendid home cooking. Alarshall 3930. I WOULD like 2 young men to room and board; private f;tiuil ; lurge front room; on carline; first-class place; for $32 each. O 45, oregonian. FOR EAIPLOYED lady, bedroom in large modern 4-room apartment ; home hie ; breakfast and dinner served; references required. Tabor 3N38 FOR two young ladies employed; piano, furnace heat; walking distance; Home privileges; 1 33 per month. 40fi Market st. Main 5923. REFINED home will board and give best care and training to widower's child ; bst reference. BD 370. Oregonian. FOR RENT Furnished steam -healed sleeping room, breakfast If desired. 5h7 E. Alain. LOWER 5-room modern flat; completely furnished; piano, sewing- niaenme, g.i rage: $50 month; adults. 757 E. Stark. FURNISHED room with board in private family, west side, close in and on car line. For -particulars call Alarshall 31. WANTED Boy or girl between ages of 4 and 10 to room ami hoard. Fine homo and best of care. Call Sellwood 339U. BOARD and room with all home prii leegs, for man and wife or employed ladies, $1 day. Tahnr tioo. COZY room and board in private family; good home cooking; sunnysnie tnsirici. Call Sunday only, Woodlawn 4504. A REAL Christian working woman board and room, or boat a aiunu. i.a.i week da. 5Q ft. Couch. RO AT and board suitable for gentleman employed night or day. i - Spruce st. cor. of K. Harrison. Sell. 1720. CLE A N, warm, wen -furnished modern home, breakfast ti ocstreu. walking dis tance. 205 Lincoln. NICELY furnished rooms. porch: board It aesirea. st. Main 8514. large Hleepmg 770 Va Johnson COAl KOKTAHLK room ; home cooking in private tamtiy. .( tv lot 11 Bt. .N. nr. ('ouch. Call bet. 1 2 nd 0 P. Al WANTED TO RENT. Houses. WANTED To rent by responsible party, 5 or 6-room house ; prefer west slope of Mt. Tabor. Willing to pay six months' rent in advance. Phone Tabor 5S31. 5 OR 6-ROOAf modern furnished or un furnished residence; will lease for year from Nov. 1. Tabor 5435. BOOKKEEPER-ACCOUNT A NT wants po sition ; 10 years' experience. AM 499, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED stenographer desires per manent position. AN 856. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED stenographer would like position. East 5523. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and stenog rapher; best of references. Main 2S17. WANTBD Typewriting to do; peat 'vork, reasonable prices. 672, Ortouia, WANTED To rent 5 to 7-room modern house; must be first-class place; will pay rent according. Phone Tabor 5388. TO RENT Unfurnished 7-room house near car line and school. S 256, Oregonian. TO LEASE OR RENT 7 or 9-room house; close in; west side, south of Wash st. AC 133, Oregonian. WANTED Small furnished house with garage : best of reference. A E 498, Oregonian. WANTED By reliable parties, 6 or rooms. Phone Main 1137 evenings. BUSINESS girl wishes board and room: reasonable. AG 31 1, oregonian. Housekeeping- Rooms, COUPLE employed, 2 or 3 rooms, furnished or partly furnished, or 3 heated unfur nished rooms by 15th. Phone Airs. Court ney. Broadway 2928. WANTED TO RENT Furnished house keeping rooms on east side, for lady. AAI 524, Oregonlarn. Business Places. WANTED To rent vacant store, with liv ing rooms, in good location. R 32. Ore FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms. HOTEL CON RADiNE. Tenth atld Burnsld streets. 2 bloc lea north of Washington st All outside rooms, strictly modern and fireproof; rates by day, week or month. BRIGHT, pleasant room, for one boys. 160 N. 21st. Bdwy. 20S7. FURNISHED room for rent. S10 Weldler. East 520L IRVINGTON. warm, comfy, room In pri vate home: t o. carltnea. East 1270. LARGE room in private home for 1 or 2 gentlemen. 455 K. 9th N. East 6908. NICE clean sleeping room at 692 Everett, phone Alain 1707. TO RENT 2 furnished rooms. 67 E. 2Sth St.. East 7087. LIGHT airy room, furnished or unfurnish ed, to employed couple. SeUwood 189. FURNISHED room in modern home. Phone East 6S27. WANTED Two or more boarders aL 60S Kerby st.; $7 per week. CHILDREN to Toard in a private home. 305 Half ey st. Phone Kast 2440. COAl FORTA BLK room with board: vrs reasonanle. Main R OO Al and boa rd In private family for 2 gentlemen. 576 Ladd ave. East 2333. A LA RGE front room for rent, with a without bna.nl. 699 Flanders. CHILD to board, 2 to 5 years: mothers' care. East S492. bes of FU R N 1 fami SHED room and board with private y. 7ss Overton, or phone Main Jsl. LARGE front room. modern, furnace heat; use piano. 327 fireplace. Sixth. FOR RENT Sleeping room in private fam ily: price reasonable. E. 3862. FOR RENT J sleeping rooms, walking distance. East 8115. NICE modern sleeping rooms on car lines; reasonable. 354 Ross st. (iOOD room with garage. Wdln 3150. CLEAN, .siusie outside rooms. 3b9 3d fit. BEDROOM for 1 in modern home (gar age Nov. 1.) East 7' 10. LARGE modern, walking distance. M. 1721. $20. ONE sleeping room lor mail. ti6 N. 21st st. BOA RD and room In fine horn. 47th st. N. Tabor 4211. ROOAl and board in private Beech, near Williams ave. fami ly. OUTSIDE rooms, board. $0 week up; table board $5. 284 Main st. ROOM and board In private family tor gentleman. Phone Tabor. 2740. ROOM In private family t -r t w o men. Tabor 5933. NICELY fii-:-!shed 4 22 V- .1 e f f e rso n. room, excellent boat d. Al. 0740. W'IDOW with reference wants children under 6 to board. 340 Columbia.