The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 05, 1919, Magazine Section, Page 4, Image 84

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THE Duslness section of Galveston .
was flooded by the disastrous
tidal wave that swept the Gulf
coast and caused loss of life and treat -damage
at Corpus Chrlsti. The new
seawall at Galveston prevented ,
greater damage, although consider
able loss was caused by the waters.
a means of partially pvercom-
lng the high cost of slippers some
genius has invented an electric spank
er. It is not expected to gain popular
ity with youth of the world, but may
lessen the strain on tired mothers.
Vice-president and Mrs. T. R. Mar
shall have adopted a three-year-old
boy. He. was an underfed baby In a
Washington diet kitchen when he at
tracted the interest of the vice-president.
The first women's - post of the
American legion has been organised
in New York, and has been designated
Betsy Koss Post No. 1. Mrs. Kate A.
Claggett, president of Yeoman
battalion, U. S. N. R. F., presented, the
flag of that battalion to Miss Annie -Sharp
Soits, vice-commander of the post.
Lady Lowther, of the British peer
age is classed as among the most
" beautiful women of that distinguished
social set. She was formerly Miss
Blight of Philadelphia, and is now
visiting in this country. The gor
geousness of the jewels Lady Lowther
wears, especially pearl ornaments,
attracts much' attention and comment.
What is said to have been the
first airplane funeral in the world
took place recently at Toronto. Can
ada, when the infant son of Mr. and
Mrs. Martin Allan was carried three
miles to Mount Pleasant cemetery for
Busses were the salvation of cross
town travel In New York during
the tieup of street railways. Per
mission was given by the mayor for
the busses to operate over the old car
lines. .So great were the crowds try
ing to ride on the busses that 40
boarded those designed for carrying
15 passengers and policemen bad to
regulate loads-and schedules.
General Pershing was greeted .by,
crowded galleries when at a joint
session of senate and house lie
thanked congress for the cordial
reception extended to him. This was
the final ceremony of the official
reception to the American com
mander. ,
James J. McCabe, composer of the
American music for "My Country,,
r rh,A " i a. ftr.hool suDerinten-
dent in New York. He is almost a
perfect double of President Wilson
and is frequently embarrassed by the
attentions showered upon him.
fefA'fl'' SiOJ? 0jC In New York a recent conference
yy'ff -Pj" &sy&&?JjysJffl. was held that attracted a group of the
. most famous women physicians and
surgeons in tne worm. xno tuuvn
tion was called by the social morality
committee of the Young Women's
Christian association.'
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