The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 05, 1919, Section One, Page 8, Image 8

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All.of Chief's Energy Thrown
Into Fight for Treaty.
Depression Noted In Western Ton
Indicated Executive Saw End of
JUm njht Waa Near.
Qw?tntie4 em Flrwt Farm.)
number favoring aome uioditicaUun
or reservation ta tha pact.
Tha flrat reception that struck th
parly aa bain a whola-bcartad waa a
t'pokaae, and from that tiraa on until
tha train laft Los Ang-alea to return
to tna aalddie weat. tbe president waa
In tha finest spirits, except for aom
depression created by tha tragedy a
PurUud in which one of tha news
pape correspondents and a citizen.
X i'ortlud war killed.
Old Deaxesalea Karons.
Tba depression which marked hla
demeanor bar ore the party reached
Spokane seemed to return aa tha train
rumbled on and on over tha long
slretca of daaart to Silt Lake. There
arl ware recoe-QUed tha same pay
ecological conditions that were so
noticeable In every aaaembly at tha
outatart of tba trip. In Colorado the
recaption waa mor than over lacking
la that warm hospitality which
accorded everywhere alone the coast.
where realdenla of small towns turned
out after tha midnight hour to 'cheer
te presidential train though It never
slowed down or In anyway acknowl-
eiixsd the popular recognition.
No accurate account. It ta under
stood, baa ever been published of the
apeeca at Pueblo which compelled Ad'
mlrai Grayson, the W hite House phy
slclaa, to asaert his authority and
cancel the balance of the trip.
Tba melancholy which characterised
tr.e last 100 miles of the trip before
Pneblo waa reached Is said to have
held poaseseion of tbe distinguished
patient through all of tbe terrible
days since bis return to the White
House last Sunday. Ills illness is
plainly tha result of disappointment
as much aa nervous and physical
Dleappotarmeat Keealy Felt.
Mr. Wilson baa suffered far more
disappointment than anyone except
those Immediately surrounding htm
have ever comprehended. His first
disappointment came a hen he was un
able to achieve in tba peace confer mora than a small measure of
vhai be announced would be his de
mands before be left for Kurope last
Iecember. He was humiliated by
failure to have tha covenant framed
openly and aboveboard, aa be bad set
forth In tha first of his It points an-
ndunced In his message to congress on
January a. 131s.
Then the futility was seen of even
presenting tha demand contained in
his second point, which was for free
dom of tha seas. Mr. Wilson expected
to be abla to write Into the peace
treaty every one of these principles,
and apparently had made the mistake
of attaching too much credence to the
acceptance of this proKramme by
other nations that were bound about
by secret treaties of which ha knew
nothing at the time.
I-rxKM Oppoaltlra Grawa.
It waa the best be could get and he
came back feeling that he had been
partially defeated In Taris with a
worse straggle ahead of him at home.
When be returned to this country last
February there were only three sen
ators irreccncillably opposed to the
-a:ruo of nations covenant Borah of
Idaho and Poindexter of Washington,
republicans, and Reed of Missouri,
democrat Tha balance of the senate
waa Inclined to follow bis leadership
If certain changes were made in the
tentative draft of the league covenant
as then submitted.
Although he went bark to Paris
and secured some of the changes
asked, be landed In Washington in
July to find that lr.stead of three sen
ators Imconclliably opposed to the
league of nations, there were at least
;o. while ill or the rest or me re
publican aenttors. with one lone ex
ception. MeCumber of North Dakota,
were determined to write reservations
lr to the treaty and have them con
curred in by tha other signatories to
tie pact.
The unsatisfactory receptions after
tho train left Los Angeles, however,
were not the sole causa for the de
gression which overcame Mr. Wilson.
He waa keenly disturbed by telegrams
from Senator Hitchcock receivea at
many points alone; tha route advising
him that several senators on the dem
ocratic side were at the point of
fierioaa aeatlaa Raised.
Dr. Grayson's admission that at the
tet it will be a ln; time before Mr.
Wiisoa can give attention to admin
istrative affairs is leading high of
ficials to consider the prooeedure nec
essary In event that he is prevented
from discharging: the duties of chief
executive for a protracted spelL The
organic law offers the only guide.
The constitution, besides providing
that the vice-president shall succeed
to the presidency In caae that office
becomes vacant, also provides further
that In case in "inability (on tha part
of the president) to dUcharxe the
powers and duties of the office, the
same shall devolve upon tba vice
president. a
Tha question to be determined is
what constHutes Incapacity. This
contingency la causing some concern
and the problem, it is said, must be
solved In the near future unless the
president's condition takes soma very
unexpected change fur the belter.
the Red star allowed. On one or two
occasions ha heard from a-far aft tha
call of the wild, aa ba gave a pass or
soaked some batsman on the spine.
Baa I.sek Pa ark.
But these mistakes meant nothing
as long as ha could stand there and
coolly reduce the famed Sos punch
to a klckless beverage of water and
milk. Ring hit two Box and gave
three passes, but one of these was
an Intention gift to remove
Schalk and bring Cicotta up for
softer mark In the eighth Inning, to
show that ha had no Indention of
slipping or carlnir, as he struck out
Joe Jackson and Hap Felscb with as
much ease as if they had been a brace
of bushers Just up from tha under
brush, for a first whack at tba real
When Ring hooked these two rare
birds that close to the end of tha
trail Uie big crowd emitted a hollow
moan, Indicating; widespread woe.
They knew then and there that tha
Red pitcher had their heroes In his
clammy grip, with nothing watsoever
to be dona about It. except wait for
the melancholy end. Ring had great
speed today and when his ball came
over the bop attached was tha main
factor that stopped such -eminent sons
of swat as Collins, Weaver,' Jackson
and Felscb.
Cicotts deserved a better fate upon
his return but after all as Eddie takes
mj! Plane to Remain at Camp
Lewis Till Later.
Time in Air Since Leaving; Wash
ington 74 Hours, 33 Minutes.
St Miles Hour Average.
TACOMA. Oct. 4. Tha Martin bomb
ing plane, which Lieutenant-Colonel
K. 8. Harts is conducting on a 12,000
ma return out arter ail as taaie uses mlu p., roun1 tne r,m of tne United
y.iahl; ,M;t.,d.w.t ttea. will remain at Camp Lewi.
no one
Pur four Innings hs and Ring traveled
side by aids In a pitching duel of rare
merit. Ring had permitted one fluke
blow up to this point while t-oais
had permitted but two hits.
titsrtlng tha fifth Cicotta retired
RQusrh and this brought Duncan up
to baf. Duncan tapped one sharply
to tha box, but the ball took a high
bound and caromed off Clcottes hand.
lie whirled over to round up the ball
and followed with a low throw to
first which bounded on to the stands.
This play sent Duncan on to second.
Kept Hearts Trouble.
Kopf, one of the timely hitters of
the aeries, rapped a low line single to
left. Duncan raced to third on tha
drive. Aa Jackson pegged Into Schalk
at the plate Cicotta, rushing out la
front of Schalk slapped at the ball as
It sailed over his head in the direc
tion of Echalk'a big mitt and the
ball bounded sharply out of range.
Duncan scoring as Kopf advanced.
This waa quite sufficient to decide the
rollicking pastime with Ring extend
In hla picket lines and digging In
for the afternoon. Keale followed with
double that soared over Joe Jack
son's head and Kopf scampered ever
with the second run.
From that point on Cicotta held
the Reds to one isolated blow, but
ha ammunition dump had already
blown up snd his fine pitching went
to seed. The Sox had the chances,
but they all went to naught. Start
ing tha second Inning Joe Jackson
lifted a high-winging fly to center
which Rousch badly misjudged. The
Red star flrat ran back on tha ball
and tben came In too late to haul
It down.
This wss a starter. In place of con-
Inulng the attack Kid Gleason again
Iected to sacrifice Hap Felsch, al
ways a dangerous slugger, and Jack
son got to third, uanaii poppea to
third and there were two out. Ring
hen lost control for a minute, walk-
ng Kiseherg. who promptly stoie.
Kather than take a chance with Ray
Schalk, he also waa passed, and with
he bases full Cicotta died on a roller
to Rath.
Another Chance
Aaaln In the third Inning Ring
soaked Kddle Collins on tho thigh.
nd a moment later, with kddle on
second. Rath booted Jackson's Infield
tap. Herein tha Sox drew anothat
sir of oneners. but they Tailed to
11 when Ring stopped Felsch. That
waa tha last Sox chance to go any
where except from the plate to the
ench a trail they biased ma reai
of the afternoon.
With the decision I to I against
ham. the Sox now possess one fad
in hope, two fine left-handed pucn
ra and the possibility o( procuring a
w run-making hits. They still have
Claude Williams and Dick Kerr left-
wo left-handers who have supprasseo
ha Reds with seven hits in 1 in-
insra. Rut Moran will come oaca
.-ith Dutch Ruether on Sunday, and
rat has Sallee, Kller. Fisher and Ring
waiting the gong in turn.
Reda Are Confident.
Tha Reds, buoyed up by their wide
arcln of safety and the brilliant
itrhinr thev have been getting day
by day are of course confident and
ii of pen. They know now mat re
gardless of Sunday'a outcome they
will return to home scenes with a
lead which they expect to turn
into a conclusive triumph by Tuesday
nieht. They are within two Ylclo
riea now of the winner's crown, but
all the Sox have to do la to win four
of the next five games. That has oeen
done before, but not by the system of
earning one run every fourth contest
n! that on a brace of fluky Dlows.
Unless they can break through the
steel balloon which Red pitchera have
built around them their doom is as
certain as the ultimate appearance of
death. Their one chance now la to
unleash the big mace and resume the
assault that made them masters of
the American league. They should
hit Fisher and Sallee. but they will
find Reuther and Ring a different
barricade. These are the two birds
that now flutter above their bowed
heads like vultures waiting for an
other m'aL
until Monday or Tuesday before con
tinuing' its Journey. Colonel Harts
has asked Governor Louis F. Hart to
take a trip In the plane.
The bomber, carrying four men, and
S500 pounds of baggage, has been in
the air T hours and 23 minutes since
leaving Washington. D. C- July 34.
It has covered a distance of 6000 miles,
due to detours and retracing flights,
at the rate of tl miles an hour.
Tbe plane reached Camp Lewis to
day after landing near there last
evening. It was impossible to find
the camp la the fog yesterday.
Mouat Ranter Circled.
For the first time Mount Ranier
waa circled by an airplane yesterday
when the Martin bomber, having lost
Its way, went around the mountain
In some places touching tbe trees,
growing on the mountainside. The
railroad to the mountain was . fol
lowed. Colonel Harts and his navlga
tors mistaking It for the railroad Into
Colonel Harts expressed satisfaction
with the flight despite delays. Tha
plane flaw wall from Washington
D. C to Haxelhurst Field. N. Y., and
on to Augusta, Me., he said. Then on
the way to Buffalo, a storm was en
countered In the Adirondack moun
tains and In landing at Joy, N. Y.. the
landing gear was damaged and the
plane smashed up. It took ten days
and f S000 to repair the machine. The
plane then made good time to Buf
falo, Cleveland. Detroit. Chicago. Mil
waukee, Fargo, Bismarck and Bil
In Montana forest flres'and a bllz-
sard delayed the machine several
Dally Reports Made.
The bomber will proceed from Camp
Lewis to Portland, down the west
coast to southern California and back
to Washington, D. C., on the southern
rim of the nation.
Colonel Hartz makes daily reports
on possible airplane landing; fields to
the war department.
f r-rtn trnel I'rom First Page
it lias the ancient bean that went
riewttr'a Webblea Costly.
If you happen to recall the details
It was Clcottes slow fielding, that
bad throw, which cost him five runs
and complete annihilation In his first
start. . Today three mistakes in one
inning, two misplays and one error
of Judgment, all lumped Into a game
losing mass, cost him his second
start. He had the Reds badly baf
fled and bewildered outside of the
one chapter where he blew wide open
and tossed away the game.
While Cicotte knew one bad Inning.
Ring stalked along in his way like a
conqseror with as csnny a display as
you will ever hope to see. His sup
port was none too good in spots, for
on at least three occasions it cracked
behind him, but through it all he
looked the best and continued to
throttle the enemy until bis mates
rallied and came back to earth.
Ring allowed three hits, but one of
these was a badly misjudged fly ball
that Eddie Rousch should have cap
tured in his ear. and still another
was .an Infield roller that barely
curled bevond Kopfa reach. Hap
Felsch's clesn blow to left In the
eiaala waa ike only honest hit that
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Rebailt
Run-down System and Cor
rected Stomach Trouble
"After spending hundreds of dol
lars in a vain effort to find something
that would restore my health I heard
of Dr. Williams' IMnk I'ills and In a
few weeks after beginning the treat
ment I obtained thefirst relief I had
had in over a year." This Is the state
ment of Mr. Fred Oruner. who lives
at No. 2720 McKlnnon street, Dallas,
"An attack of grip." he continues,
-had left me in a badly run-down con
dition and it seemed impossible for
me to regain my strength. I was wor
ried by a steady loss of weight and
Increasing weakness and tried many
prescriptions but nothing helped me.
I suffered from dizxy and fainting
spells and my stomach was so dis
ordered that I couldn't eat without
pains which kept me awake at night
-When I was about ready to give
up hope I procured my first box of
Dr. Williams' Pink Tills. They proved
the very thing for me. In a few
weeks I felt so much stronger that I
could do my work without effort. The
diziy spells disappeared and then I
began to pick up weight I sleep well
now and can eat whatever my appe
tite craves, without distress. I have
told seversl of my friends about Dr.
Williams' rink Fills and can't apeak
too highly of the remedy."
Your own druggist can supply you
with Dr. Williams' Fink Pills or you
can order direct from the Dr. Williams
Medicine Co., Schenectady. N. Y.. en
closing fifty cents for one box or 12.50
for six boxes. Write today for the
free booklet "What to Eat and How
to Eat."
Japanese Thinks America May
Despise Lefts Wealthy Xations.
SEATTLE, Wash., Oct. 4. (Special.)
"One of the most significant
changes to oecur tn the world In con
sequence of the war will be the trans
fer of the world's financial and eco
nomic center from Great Britain to
the United States," said Baron Kiha
chlro Okura, noted Japanese financier,
in an Interview recently given out in
Tokio. according to advices just re
ceived from the orient by the Seattle
chamber of commerce. Baron Okura
Is president of the Japanese banking
house of Okura & Co.
"America Is Japan's foremost cus
tomer and her growing prosperity and
development will naturally enhance
her purchasing power. This Is a mat
ter for congratulation. But since
Had Suffered Ten Years-
Gains Fifteen Pounds
After Taking Tanlac
"I have gained fifteen pounds since
I commenced taking Tanlac and the
troubles that have been causing me
to suffer for tan years have been com
pletely overcome," said F. W. McQraw,
a well-known boiler maker for the
Standerford Ship Bldg. Co., and who
lives at Eagle Creek, Oregon, while in
the Owl Drug Store In Portland the
Other day.
"From the day my trouble began,
up to the time I commenced taking
Tanlao," continued Mr. McQraw, "my
condition gradually got worse. In
fact, during the past year I was in
misery nearly all the time. My stom
ach was in very bad condition, and in
a short time after meals what I ate
would sour and cause me to be bloat
ed up with gas something awfuL
Then. I often had bad cramping pains
in the pit of my stomach. At other
times I would become so nauseated I
could hardly retain what I ate. I
was constipated all the time, and
would have the worst sort of head
aches every day or so. I seemed to
lose all my energy, and got' so nerv
ous l could hardly sleep at an at
night. These troubles kept getting
worse all the time, and, as I bad
failed to get relief from the different
medicines and treatments I had
taken. I was very much worried over
my condition, and had almost given
up hope of ever finding anything that
would do me any good.
"My wife had been In a run-down
condition for a good while, and not
long ago she commenced taking Tan
lac, and she had improved so much
on it that I decided to give it a trial
myself. Well, sir, this medicine just
hit the spot right away, and in a short
time I was feeling like a different
man altogether. I got stronger every
day from that time on, and now I am
enjoying as good health as I ever did
in my life. I never had a better ap
petite, and 'every thing I eat agrees
with me all right. I have gotten rid
of the constipation, and I haven't had
a headache since just after I began
taking Tanlac, My stomach Is In fine
condition and I never am nauseated
like I used to be. I sleep like a log
every night, and when I get up In the
mornings I am ready for a hearty
breakfast and a good, hard day's
work. Yes. sir, Tanlac put me on my
feet after everything else failed me,
and as long as I live I will never lose
an opportunity to say a good word
for it."
Tanlac is sold In Portland by tbe
Owl Drug Co. Adv.
America has thus become In a posi
tion to sway the world's finances, it is
feared that her people will become
conceited, eventually despising less
wealthy nations. This is greatly to
be apprehended by us.
"Nothing is to be more dreaded
than misunderstanding and this seems
still to exist to a certain extent be
tween America and Japan, forming
the most deplorable situation that has
yet prevailed between that country
and ours. When the two nations come
to know each other through "daily
commercial Intercourse, such mutual
misunderstanding; will be quickly dispelled."
Chelialis Attorneys Bat; One Ani
mal In Cascades.
CHEHALI3, Wash., Oct. 4. (Spe-
claL)--C. A.' Studebaker and H. E.
Donohoe, Chehalls attorneys, have re
turned from a hurried deer hunting
expedition into the Cascade moun
tains in the Cispus river country in
eastern Lewis county. One deer was
bagged by the party. The attorneys
said there are 200 hunters in the
Cispus country.
Between Chehalls and Morton the
Chehalls men encountered bad roads.
State road No. 18 has been graded up
preparatory for surfacing.
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 1 1 huh ii in ii i mi! miiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiii'iiiiHiiiiTiing
Diamond House
Invites You to See
Its Fine Diamonds
NOT only do we invite your time and your patronage
by reason of the extent and variety of our diamond
stock, but as well by reason of the fact that we
are making diamond prices for Portland! Our
facilities for buying diamonds permit us to quote prices
not possible by the ordinary dealer. If you contemplate
buying a diamond, you cannot afford to overlook our values,
if only to acquaint yourself -frith them.
Diamonds of Quality $10 to $2500
Cliasiington Street at Broadtfay
To Our Patrons:-
H. Enke
Owing to the congestion of business in our
West Side Office at 105 Broadway, we would
be pleased to wait upon those who can come
to our main plant at
(Just across the Burnside Bridge)
B. Levine
at Fifth
Fall Opening Displays
of New Furniture
Today the store is in gala attire. Today our windows
tell of the warmth and beauty the comfort and luxury
to be found on every floor of this great store.
We are ready to help you to realize that BETTER
. Home! Where thoughts and bodies find comfort and
relaxation. Where tempting: settings bespeak the
thoughtfulness of loving hearts.
Wherein lies success for him whose duty takes him
abroad to play "big" parts for her whose aim it is to
make that home environment cheerful and inviting.
And so with the echo of laughing summer days ringing
in grateful hearts the thoughts of BETTER HOMES ex
pand with enthusiasm.
Today is the stamina of time, and time is the stuff that
life is made of and, for that good reason alone, if not
for any other, you should grasp the present moment to
better your home and secure the things which will make
the home you want or love most successful and beautiful.
You will find utter co-operation in this resourceful
store's corps of home-furnishing enthusiasts, whose
hearts and souls are devoted to the splendid attainment
of beautiful homes.
This confidence, together with the extensive variety
from which you may make your selections, opens the way
for you to make your home THE Home of Homes!
Here are deep, luxurious, roomy Davenports, tempting
in their comfort. Their beautiful covering of tapestry
will harmonize with your own ideas of color.
A wilderness of Lamps is here handsome floor and
.table lamps with their shades of silk, rich in color
unique in design.
And those essentials for the BETTER HOME Gift Pieces in
rich mahogany they are here in great array. Our mezzanine floor
holds many of them Chairs, Rockers, Stands, Pedestals, Sewing
Stands, Tea Wagons, Telephone Tables, and scores of other delight
fully attractive pieces that are indispensable in the cozying-up of a
living room.
Take a glimpse at our corner window today and your eyes will
rest upon a magnificent Cromwellian Dining Suite in Italian wal
nut. You will linger in admiration, for it is perfect in its propor
tions and its finish. When you visit our store we will show you
many dining suites in mahogany, in walnut, and in the sturdy oak
suites from among which you may choose for your own home.
The Bedroom the spot where one-third of your life is spent
receives its full need of attention here. Whatever style or wood
your choice may be, you will find it here mahogany, walnut, oak,
maple all vie for your attention; many lovely suites are shown in
dainty ivory enamel; Period styles, Colonial and Early American
styles, and modern designs.
Rugs and Draperies rich in color, wondrously beautiful in
design fill the second floor of our store. Every home want may
be filled from this stock; you will love to linger in its atmosphere
of luxury and charm.
Everything is here for the cozy kitchen, from the magnificent
enameled Duplex Alcazar Range to the smallest item of the good
housekeeper's cupboard. We are, indeed, outfitters for the "Kitchen
Make this store your "Home Store." Let it help you to realize
that ineffable vision that ever is before the eyes of the true man
Including; wide and extra wide ear
rlagea. -Every
machine guaranteed,
w. mr them on terroa if deaired.
Machinea for rent by the month.
Write or call am a lnipect our eio-
Retall Department,
The Wholesale
Typewriter Go.
S21 Waaklaa-toa Street.
Pkoa Malm B6S1.
ftfl$ Since 1890.
.ijaqaja, wiim'.jiauwj
Master Cleaner and Dyers.
"There's a Difference."
It's Planting Time
We will supply and
plant your garden.
E. 7th and Hancock
- East 5370
Perhaps Your Plates Are
Partially Loose
And you don't secure others, believing that all plates are more or less
wobbly. This is a mistake, and one that you ought to correct at once,
so that you can get the full enjoyment of
A Perfect Fitted Plate
A plate supplied by this office will fit tight and snug, performing all
the functions of natural teeth to your entire satisfaction and will
eliminate entirely all of the disagreeable features so common to
wearers of badly constructed plates.
Plate Satisfaction Guarafiteed
If your plates for any reason don't hold firmly to the gums and feel
perfectly comfortable, see me at once. I will supply you with plates
at moderate cost that will be a revelation to wearers of the other kind.
Sixth and
Raleigh Bldg.
Phone Main 2119
Dr. B. E. Wright
Painless Extraction of Teeth
Twenty Years in Active Service
Office Hours
8 A. M. to 6 P. M.
Open Evenings
by Appointment
Consultation Free
10 to 12 A. M.