The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 05, 1919, SECTION FIVE, Page 7, Image 79

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Ten Folks Ride in Car and
Trailer Tows Behind.
is I
"'"'.'OS - .
Despite Heavy Load Old 1915 Car
Reaches Portland With Only
One Repair En Route.
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How would yon like to take a
chance on driving across the conti
nent in a car any car loaded down
with ten persons of various sixes,
and lowing behind it a trailer that
with camp equipment, luggage and
auch weighs 2400 pounds? Tou'd
think twice before you tackled It on
any terms, wouldn't you?
With his family of nine, assorted
iies. aboard the car and the 2000
pound trailer behind. John McKay, a
New York contractor, reached Port
land a week ago in his 1915 Chalmers,
after a cross-continent tour of (000
mi lea Be made the long trip with
only one repair.
The Chalmers was a seven-passenger
car. but even a seven-passenger
car Is slightly crowded when It has
ten persons aboard. Despite the fact
that the car had traveled several
times as far before the start of the
New Tork to Portland run. It snade
the (000 miles with its extra load in
what Mr. McKay described as 'per
fect order."
Mr. McKay recently constructed
the big aviation field on Long Island.
Being Interested in the west, he de
termined to bring his .family to the
coast for the trip, at least. His des
tination is Yakima. Wash., and hs
may locate there permanently, for hs
likes the country, he said.
The party left New York on June
2S. They traveled westward by Lin
coln hlgbwsy to Denver, thence tak
ing the San i Fe trail to Los Angeles.
From that city they followed the
Pacific highway to Portland, from
here going to Seattle and Yakima.
The single repair on tne trip was
for a broken front spring leaf. Aside
from this there was no engine trou
ble or mechanical difficulty of any
kind. Mr. McKay reported when he
stopped at the C. L. Boss Automobile
company to say hullo, and incidental
ly, to pay a compliment to the car.
"We passed many cars on the road
that weri not so fortunate." said Mr.
McKay. "With our heavy trailer,
laden with food, supplies and house
hold equipment, we rather expected
difficulty of some sort, even from
the brst machine. Our Chalmers sur
prised us all.
"When you take a 191S model which
has bea run constantly since It was
first sold, and run it across the con
tinent after four years or use. you
have undertaken some stunt. When
the machine then completes the trip
hauling an extra load of 2000 pounds
with only one repair, the car has
demonstrated some wonderful road
and engine qualities. It seems to ma."
.7tv -
At W iu :alWaUj "u 'AH i"v --
Six Gary Trucks Purchased by the City of Portland for the Fire Bureau
The ear beloaga to II. W. Kiinu, of Lenta. Or, who is so prod of its performance that he urged the camera man
ts be sure to saratloa Its record. He gathered this load of moss la the Cascade mountains while on a vacation
trip, aad saved track or team hire by brinarlng It to towi on the- old Velle. The car climbed the hills from Bull
Ran lake wltk Its heavy load aa Intermediate gear, which la going some. The moss was sold to undertakers
Louis Out of It When Car Gets on
Fire at Sneepsbead, and Ills
Brother Wins.
Average for Whole 193 Miles 4 7.7
Miles Per Hoar, Which
Is Going.
A remarkable showing for sustained
speed was made Wednesday, August
27, by an Elgin Victory Scout model
In a test run from Chicago to Indian
apolis. The distance of 193 miles was
covered in four hours and six minutes,
an average of 4T.7 miles an hour, and
it minutes less than the running
schedule of the fastest express train
between these two cities. This run
breaks all records between Chicago
and Indianapolis for a stock car with
full load.
Lieut. J. G. Jamison, recently of the
American aviation service, piloted
the car a standard four-passenger
sport model. Mr. Jamison says the
road in some places was full of holes
and deep ruts, while at oher points
the Klgin six had to plow through
loose dirt eight to ten inches deep on
stretches where the road graders had
just begun work. However, a speed
f (0 miles aa hour and better was
maintained over a large part of ths
distance, and Mr. Jamison says the
car held to the road like a duck to
water., running smoothly and without
the swaying and side-throw which Is
noticeable In many cars when going
at high speed.
The gasoline ecenomy. In view of
te high speed maintained through
out, was remarkable, averaging 17 H
miles to the gallon of gas. No water
was added to the radiator during the
entire trip. Elgin officials are highly
pleased with this performance, as
proving not only the car's ability as
to sustained speed and economy, but
also Its even balance and smooth run
Bin a efficiency.
The run waa made as a test of en
durance and economy at high speed,
for the information of the Elgin engi
neers. Mr. Jamison waa accompanied
by E. Ryder of the Elgin experimental
department. William K. Uibbs, for
merly associated with Motor Age. and
Chester Paust of The Chicago Ameri
can, the latter two acting aa officials
of the test.
Pnrpose When Starting; Is to Take
Load Off the Engine.
A good many people ask this ques
tion. "What's the use of pushing out
the clutch when you start your motor,
as long as the shift lever is in neutral
and there is practically no load on the
ena-ine?" The question sounds like a
logical one. but as a matter of fact. It
Is based on a wrong supposition.
There Is really a considerable load on
the enclne Just on account of the
haft and gears that must be turned.
Just try this test if you want to see
how much this losd amounts to: Turn
your engine over by band some morn
ing with the clutch in. Then have
someone hold the clutch pedal down,
or fasten It down with blocks and try
It again. If you turn the engine over
rapidly you'll sea that there ts quite
a difference, and the load is much
greater when the engine spins at the
rate the startlngmotor turns it.
It pays to keep in mind the fact
that thickened oil has a very definite
braking action.and this action is very
greatly lessened when you push down
a your clutch pedal.
Keep Weight Down.
"Every time a pound of weight ts
taken off a track chassis." ssys H. B.
Bennett, vice-president of the Com
merce Motor Car company. "H adds
a pound to the load-carrying capacity
of the truck."
After a thrilling duel between the
two Chevrolet brothers, which termi
nated on the 110th mile with Louis
Chevrolet's car going up in flamea
Gaston Chevrolet set a new world's
record for 150 miles at the Sheepshead
Bay (N Y.) speedway, Saturday, Sep
tember 20. His time for the distance
was 1 hour 22 minutes, 11.2 seconds,
clipping t minutes from the former
record, and maintaining an average
SDeed of 10 miles an hour.
Tha two Chevrolets in their Fronte
nacs had lapped the field at the 60th
mile, and after Gaston took the lead
at 110 miles he was never neauea. ai
though Joe Bover. In a Duesenberg,
and Ira Vail in a Phllbrin. pressed
him hard throue-hout the race. Th
contest between Boyer ana van ior
second place furnished many thrills,
Boyer finally nosing out Vail by three
seconds at the finish. Art aieiu in
P.ntrent finished fourth.
The record of these four men In this
rare la one of the most remarkable in
racing history, for all drove the en
tire ISO milea without a stop for any
purpose whatsoever. It has been tne
rule, and not the exception, for racing
drivers to win their terriric speeaway
contests without a stop in fact, every
race at the Sheepshead Bay speedway
for the last three years has been won
in a non-stop. run. but never before
have the first four men in a big 150
mile race finished with perfect rec
OLYMPIA, Wash, Oct 4-
The new automobile law of
Washington, which was passed
for the express purpose of rais
ing plenty of funds for the con
struction of highways. Is ao
com. lishing what waa contem
plated. The receipts thus far are 2H
times as large as for any cor
responding previous period, the
total collection for January 1 to
AuguJt 1, 1919. amounting to
I3.065.86J.7S as against I80S,
(99.50 for the corresponding pe
riod of 191.
Another half million will
probably be produced before the
end of the year, so that collec
tions for the biennium, accord
ing to Secretary of State L M.
Howell, will approach the un
precedented figure of 15,000,000.
ords. This achievement is a wonderful
tribute to the cars and no less a trl
umph for the tires.
It was also a victory for Goodyear
cord tires, for the big racing cars of
these four winning drivers were
equipped with these tires, which added
one of the greatest trtumps of the
season to a long list of races that
have been won on the various race
cqurses of the country.
Denny Hlckey. driving a Stlckel car.
finished In sixth place, with three of
his tires having gone the entire dis
tance and a fourth that had rolled 120
of the 150 miles. He also drove on
Thls unprecedented tire performance,
with 19 tires going through the en
tire race without any attention what
ever, is illustrative of the progress
that has been made in building tires
to withstand the terrific speeds of the
race tracks. In the early days races
were necessarily slow because tires
had not been developed for racing.
Tires then rolled a few miles and blew
out. But this is all changed. A com
bination of the tire lore that drivers
have accumulated and the research
work of Goodyear tire engineers has
evolved a tire that successfully re
sists the meteoric speeds of which
present racing cars are capable.
The Sheepshead Bay race. In addi
tion to furnishing the best tire record
of the season, also produced two
thrills that brought the 40.000 spec
tators to their feet. Coming down
from the top of the turn leading Into
the main straightaway, Ralph Mul
ford's Duesenburg went out of con
trol through the breakinr of his steer
ing gear, the car shooting into the
inner concrete wall and bounding up
the bank into the outer wall, coming
to a full stop again at the foot of the
banked track. With the two Chevro
lets coming but a few feet behind Mul-
ford. the enormous crowd set Itself to
witness a tragedy, but the Chevro
lets got past while 1 Mulford was
bouncing from the inner wall, and
Ralph De Palma shot by as he hit the
outer one. When Mulford and his
mechanician .stepped from the car un
hurt, a great cheer announced the
crowd's congratulations at the mirac
ulous escape.
The other thriller was furnished by
Louis Chevrolet. On the 110th mile,
and in the lead, his car suddenly burst
Into flames at the same spot that Mul-
ford's accident had occurred. With
the daring driver standing up to
escape the tremendous heat, the flam
ing car shot past the grandstand and
was brought to a stop with consum
mate skill at the end . of the stretch.
Both driver and mechanician Jumped
out. Chevrolet lighting a cigar, and
walking back to the pits amid the
thunderous applause of the throng.
Ne"" York Highway Commissioner
Invites War Department Sup
port to New Programme.
August Junge of the New Rex Mo
tor Company Hears of Increase
in Factory Production. -
With a dally production of 60
trucks a day the Traffio Motor Truck
corporation barely keeps up with the
demand for its 4000-pound capacity
truck, declares August Junge of the
Rex Motor company, distributor for
the Traffio truck and Jones Six car,
The factory production was between
10 and 12 trucks a day not over a
year ago, but it was found necessary
to enlarge the plant, thus raising the
The Traffic Motor Truck corpora
tion manufactures trucks of only one
design and capacity, that of the 4000
pound capacity. It waa built and
designed for the man who figures
maintenance expenses and low ope
rating cost is one of the Traffic's fea
'Every Traffic specification shows
that careful consideration and in
spection was made by the engineers
before they were put into the truck's
chassis. The prospective truck owner
cannot afford to miss the opportunity
of having tha Traffic demonstrated
to him, for in the end it means a sav
Ing of many hundred dollars, not only
tne first cost, that of buying the
truck, but the expenses that come
from upkeep and running."
Craft la Designed for Motive Power
. Taken From Cars.
Engines removed from small auto
mobiles have frequently been used
as boat motors, but now an enterpris
ing boat builder has completed a boat
especially designed for that kind of
motive power. The hull. 25 feet long
and 5H feet beam, is strictly flat
bottomed and draws but a few inches
of water. Like many other motor
boats it haa a channel built into the
bottom, running In from the stern,
in which the propeller operates.
wholly above the bottom line of the
boat and protected from weeds: it
also is provided with a double rudder.
one blade at each side of the channel,
forming practically a flexible exten
sion of the current of water from
the propeller.
Glycerine for Slipping Clutch.
Glycerine of the best quality ap
plied to the leather facing of cone
clutches gives the "take hold" which
Is often lacking. . If the clutch is
fierce in taking hold add a little
graphite to the glycerine.
Fear that ill-considereri mn, m,k
legislation by the different states will
mieriere with the develonment nf
I economical highway transportation
and of motor truck express service in
Interstate commerce has led the New
iora state commissioner of highways
Frederick S. Greene, to writa to f-ninJ
nel Sherrill of the United States war
department, calling . attention to the
necessity of having the states enact
unirorm trarric legislation.
The commissioner points out that
iew xork state la preparing for the
motor express era and is building con
crete roads as part of its programme
in promoting motor truck llnea The
sisie division of foods and markets is
much interested in the development
ul ucn irucK operation as an Import
ant factor in promoting agricultural
production and reducing prices of
farm products in tha cities, "it win
oe tne auty or the next legislature,"
says Mr. reene. "to enact laws that
will promote transportation develoD-
In bis letter to the war dmurtmant
the commissioner says: "I have no
ticed that a great many states are
now beginning to enact motor truck
legislation, and, as usual, tha laws
are not uniform. This, of course, is
going to hamper not only the manu
facture of motor trucks, but will tend
toward confusion generally in motor
truck traffic. I believe the law
At the meeting of. the direct
ors of the NatlonalAutomobile
Chamber of Commerce In New
York the traffic committee re
ported carload shipments of au
tomobiles for the month of July
to be 24,897 aa compared with
12,741 In July, 1918.
Incomplete reports for August
Indicate carload shipments of
21,000 as compared with 13,868
In August last year. In addition
there was a large number of
drlveaways and shipments by
Railroads have been able to
furnish sufficient cars and the
traffic department is in close
touch with the regional director
of railroads with' a view to
keeping up this automobile car
The Gary Tracks , Di
They stood every one of the severe tests put to-thern by the Portland
Fire Department in a recent test, winning over all competitors and the
city purchased six Gary Trucks to replace horse-drawn apparatus. This
should be enough to convince the skeptical as well as the conservative
Ten Test Gar y Trucks
Carry a full year's factory guarantee. Every part of them is a known
part carrying the war-famed Buda motor. The Tuthill Titanic Spring
which is banded, not bolted, and is guaranteed for the life of the truck
against breakage in the center. The axles and bearings are Timken
throughout. We use a multiple disc clutch. Our line is complete, mak
ing five sizes from the one-ton light delivery speed boat to the five-ton
tractor type for heavy duty. Our prices are the lowest and our terms
are the most reasonable. We would be pleased to have you call at our
office to have a-truck chat. ' '
snouia limit motor trucks In three
directions width, height and maxi
mum load per inch of bearing surface
or tire. in my opinion, no truck
should be allowed on our highways
wnicn is more than 8 feet in width
and 13 feet in height."
He also advocates a maximum cross
weignt 01 vehicle and load not ex
ceeding 800 pounds per inch of tire,
as the crushing strength of concrete
pavements averages 1600 pounds per
square inch. That gives a factor of
safety of nearly four, which Is enouah
to take care of stresses due to lmDact
or heavy moving vehicles. He does
not anticipate any trouble with re
gard to length of trains composed of
tractors and trailers, as he believes
that grades of more than five per cent
limit tnem at present to one or two
trailers hauled by a single tractor.
The recommendations as to weight
per inch of tire and overall width
made by the New York state commis
sioner are the same as those in force
in Massachusetts and several other
states. They have been agreed upon
by tne motor truck industry as rea
sonable and sufficient for protection
of properly constructed highways, and
are embodied in a uniform traffic bill
that has been prepared for introdue
tlon in the various state legislatures
next winter.
Dont run in ruts,
against curbing.
car tracks or
If J- ' VTM i f r
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... - Tp.. . , j fvitmsiu.
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nifty ill, in i
John McKay, a New York contractor; Mrs. McKay and all the little McKays eight of 'em, all told were in
Portland a week ago In their 1915 Chalmers six en route to Yakima, Wash., from New York, via Los Angeles and
8a n Francisco. The car towed a trailer that, with luggage and camp equipment, weighed 2000 pounds. Yet, despite
its load of ten folks, large and small, and the trailer on behind, tha only trouble on the entire 6000-mile trip was
on broken front spring leaf. IX fa war to repeat tha trip, said Mr. McKay, It would certainly be la a Chalmers.
Entire Department of New Bedford
Cotton Plant Carried to Paw
tucket by Motor.
One of the largest motor trucking
contracts that haa ever been recorded
in New England has recently been
completed by a Fall River trucking
concern, which successfully moved
from New Bedford to Pawtucket. the
entire equipment of the cotton yarn
finishing, conditioning, mercerising
and dyeing department of the Sharp
Manufacturing company. The con
tract Involved the transportation of
600 truck loads of machinery and
other equipments over the road, and
five-ton trucks were employed.
At first the company attempted to
take down, load and unload the mm
enuinment with its own employes.
but soon found that it was cheaper
to hire the experienced riggers and
loaders of the trucking contractor.
The Sharp company recently bought
a plant in Pawtucket ana piannea to
concentrate its finishing and condi
tioning work there by moving the
department from New Bedford. E. P.
Wlnward & Son of Fall River were
employed, and under the original con
tract were to ao oniy inq moving.
The work of loading and unload
In it was so much delayed by the inex
nerlenced mill employes that the
Winward concern found" It necessary
to charge for the wasted time of the
trucks. This led to an arrangement
whnrebv the trucking concern took
over all the dismantling, loading and
unloading process, and this work cost
the mill company less than the cost
of the idle time of the trucks.
Much of the material transported
was made up of heavy and bulky
tnnkR. some of which required the
use of trailer wheels.
American Cars Take Four Events
in Six, With Lexington Win
ner of the Main Honor.
Automobile racing is the latest
Americanized sport to gain popular
ity in Australia. Twenty thousand
persons witnessed a race meet re
cently at Sydney, Aus., according to
newspaper reports from that city.
The events were held over a new cin
der oval measuring nine furlongs, or
one and one-eighth miles. American
built cars won four of the six events
in competition with several promi
nent European makes.
A Lexington minute-man-six, man
ufactured by the Lexington Motor
company of Connersville, Ind., car
ried awav the honors In the principal
stock events of the day. Driven by
A. V. Turner of Sydney, the American
entry captured the Initial heat of a
20-lap race. The winning margin,
according to the Sydney Sunday Sun,
was 60 yards, which evidently is the
Australian way of figuring margins.
In the final heat the Lexington ob
tained the lead at the start and held
its position throughout, winning from
its nearest competitor by 200 yards.
The time for the initial heat was 28
minutes 32 4-5 seconds; that for the
final heat, 27 minutes 32 seconds.
A second Lexington entered in the
second heat of this, event captured
The Sydney Sun lauds the drivin
of the various pilots, particularly that
of A. V. Turner. It describes the rac
irg as being "good" on the whol
particularly in view of the uncertain
trt ck.
"The racing was carried out on
cli der track without any bankin
and consequently it was loose going
at the corners," it states, adding
"That there were no accidents is
testimonial largely to good driving.
The article upbraids the manage
ment of the races, however, for per
mitting spectators to encroach upon
the track during the events, thus en
dangering not only their own liv
but those of the drivers, and warn
that If racing is to continue a greater
effort must be msde to control the
eager crowds.
the location of the leak. - A little soft
solder on the end of a wire will en
able you to reach places where com
mon soldering cannot be carried out.
Preparing Maps for Tour.
A convenient method of preparing
pocket maps for use on a tour is to
paste them onto strips of cardboard
about three inches wide and eight
inches long. This makes a conveni
ent size for ready reference In the
city and fits in the pocket
Don't neglect necessary adjustments
and repairs until ft is too late and
you are laid up by the roadside.
Sturdy Auto Already Has 100,000
Mile Record, and Looks to Be
Good for Mucb. More.
Oakland ability to deliver transpor
tatlon over a long period of years is
demonstrated by the Model 24, of th
vintage of 1910, which is owned by E.
Kretchmer, of Webster Grove, Mo.
This venerable vehicle has run close
to 100,000 miles and is still in good
condition and giving daily service.
Persons who have ridden in it say
that it gives promise of several years
more of running before it lands fn the
"bone yard.
The discovery of this car has
started the Oakland factory officials
on a bunt for the first models of their
car ever built. They have evidence
that the first Oakland is now In op
eration in Norway. It certainly has
traveled a long way, whether it
BDeedometer shows the distance or
The factory is now anxious to know
where models 2, 3, 4 and up to the
first hundred are whether they have
passed to the happy hunting grounds
of faithful autos or whether they are
still giving service to mankind.
Radiator Leaks.
Badiator leaks are often very hard
to locate, especially when they are
little ones. In these circumstances
empty the radiator completely and
blow smoke Into it through a jewel
er"s blow-pipe. This will discover
Capt. A. E. Ritchey commanded Co. E, 5th Engi
neers, U. S. A., that crossed the continent with
the first Motor Transport Convoy using Mack
AC Trucks.
Capt. Ritchey Says:
The Mack Bull Dogs got mixed up
in something like 60-odd bridges and
a great many culverts. In one day
we broke up something like 16 regu
lar bridges, and when I say we I mean
the engineers who had the five
Macks, and yet on the entire trip we
broke but one front spring. In all
my experience with motor trucks I
have never seen equipment stand up
under the hard use, and I might say
necessary abuse, that these Macks did
from North Platte to the Coast There
is not a member of the whole com
pany but who has acquired a sort of
sentimental fondness for the old Bull
Dogs by reason of what they did and
the way they did it.
We were all overloaded and when
ever there was anything hard to do
the Macks got the job. We helped
everybody and received very little
help ourselves. In fact we did not
need it.
Give me the kind of roads that
trucks should run over and I would
consider it a real pleasure taking a
fleet of Bull Dogs around the world.
International Mack Corp.
10th and Davis Sts. Phone Bdwy 691