THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN. - PORTLAND, OCTOBER 5, 1919. FF STETSON HATS New Fall Styles MANHATTAN SHIRTS New Fall Arrivals E Colonel Davis' Name Stirs Idaho Political Circles. Overcoats For Business Men EDGINGTON IS MENTIONED 0 ICERS IN 1 M umihi.ii.iii mi mm iiiiii 1 ., , I E .- , - ---- - i in .murfuniMimiii irn m ini ni m -wiUnitTi wiiiiiii ininrmiiiis iimi ' j FOR GOVERNOR Next Stale Election to Mark Change Back to Convention Plan of Nomination. HOISK. Idaho. Oct 4. (Special.) Th prospective arrival In Idaho of Co!on-l K. U. Iavi. whose friends say will enter the race for the Re publican senatorial nomination, is t'au.iinE some little speculation in political cm-les. where he is well known. Colonel Xavls left here a captain shortly after the Cnited Plates entered the war and entered the Judee advocate's department at "WashinBton. He has been there ever, since and has beer promoted twice, i He is a graduate of West Point, but mma years ago was retired on a pen-, lion because f injury that he re-1 reived to one of his feet. However, he is a native son of this state, hav- injr.received his appointment to West 1 Point whiia a resident of Malad co'inty. Colonel Davis is looked upon as a i likely contender for the nomination ti the race which ex-llovernor Frank . It. ;oding says he. loo. will enter.' Uoodlng. from the Republican stand point, is considered the favorite in the race so far. many Republicans feeling they are in duty bound to support him. Major Kdsrlasrtosj Mentioned. Another man whose name la being freely linked with the senatorial nom ination la Major Kdgington of Idaho Kails, former mayor of that city. He was closely identified with the affairs of the republican party prior to en tering the service. While mayor of Idaho Kails he resigned to enter the officers' training school and at Pre sidio received a commission of cap tain. He was later sent to the Uni versity of Idaho at Moscow, where ho took charge of the student train ins; army corps. Later he was trans ferred to Montana. Major Kdgington represented Bonneville county in the legislature as a member of the senate and at one time was prominently mentioned as congressional timber. The fourth prospect Is Captain A- H. Connor of Standpoint, who eince he returned from Krance has also been with the Judge advocate's department. Captain Connor was wounded while In the trenches but managed to assist during the last victory loan drive. by giving a number of speeches in this state. He served In the house of rep resentatives of the Idaho legislature both as a member and speaker. His friends, particularly in the north, want to bring him out as a candi date. Political Field Surveyed. The situation will be entirely changed in selecting candidates for the senate, house and state offices next year, due to the fact the last lesjislature repealed the direct pri mary law insofar as it applies to them. Kor that reason there is early fixing of political fences and the making of surveys of the political fl-ld. Instead of going directly to the people with their respective cases, candidates for these offices will have to go before a slate convention. The old state convention plan to which Idaho is returning, came into disrepute in 190S when Burton L French was defeated for the congres sional nomination after two-thirds of the elected delegates who were pledged to him violated their instruc tions and nominated Colonel Hamer, who was subsequently elected. Reports have been In circulation that Governor Davis might enter the race for Lnited States senator but the close friends of the state's chief executive r inclined to the opinion that he Is more likely to become a candidate to succeed himself as gov ernor especially after having given the state a new system of state gov ernment which so far has proved very successful. Another report that has politicians peculating is that I.leutenant-Colo-nel 1. V. Patch, present adjutant general of the state, will enter the political arena either as a candidate for United Slates senator or for governor. Clackamas Schools Show Gain. MOLALLA. Or.. Oct. . (Special.) A monthly report, sent to the coun ty superintendent of public schools, hows a large gain in enrollment over last year. P.ead The Oresronlan classified ads. Silk Elastic Garments are band-woven by us to fit any and every need. Enlarged (Varicose) Veins Old Strains and Sprains Weak Joints or Rheumatic swellings A Support for Over-Fatness, Pregnancy or Appendicitis Operations A Strengthening Aid Send for oar illustrated price list. Woodard, Clarke & Co. WOOD-LARK BLDG. A!u'er at W. Park. Portland, Ore. '-ifiimiimiuiiiiiimimmiuiiiiuiiiiiiiu: Shirts I I TO ORDER I Jacobs Shirt Co. 1 Raleigh Blag. E a7 Washington SL Car. (. E ESTABLISHED 1MS8. E aTiifiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiittiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir? BOOTH'S FOR BUTTONS K3 Morgan Bldg. No alloy. Bring your material. Fine hemstitching, 10c a yard. Coat buttonholes, 10c each. Til best shrinking, 7c and lOo yard. We call your special at tention to the new fall overcoats we are showing this season. The one shown here is shown in dark and medium oxford, semi-conservative, soft roll collar. It's the one you'll like, with or without velvet collar. You'll find other models here, too, to your liking; big, roomy, fall coats in sin gle and double-breasted, in plain and heather mixtures, some with belts all around. We have them here for $30 and up to $100 Young men's overcoats in new models are here also. kit fv'...,- 'Kyiir I j ; .'4 " : ; :. ' -' 3 r . t ! 1 I ', . h . I hi j f - il Copyright 1918 Hart Schaffaer & Marx Sam'l Rosenblatt & Go. The Men's Store for Quality and Service Gas co Bldg., Fifth and Alder GOLF CONTEST ON TODAY ABERDEEN AND SEATTLE'S CHAMPION'S WILL MEET. Twelve From Each Club Will Be Pitted on Links and Four-Man Content Also Will Feature. ABERDEEN. Wash., Oct. 4. (Spe cial.) Twelve Jefferson Park, Seat tle, golfers will arrive here tomorrow morning to play the best 12 of the Grays Harbor Country club. Play will start about 12 o'clock Sunday morn ing and will last through the day. The feature of the card will be a four man team contest, for which the line up will be W. CJ. Povargue vs. Claire Criswold. Uuy Martin vs. Clark Spiers, 11. Schmidt vs. Bon Stein, W. J. Patterson vs. Lee Steil. Oris wold Is the northwest golf champion and Spiers was the runner up in the northwest match. The names of the other eight men coming from Seattle have not been learned. They will be pitted against Harry Phipps. W. S. Lindsell. Thorpe Pahoock. E. T. Tsylor. Todd Oardner, S. M. Anderson, H. P. Brown and Charles Scurry. Opening play in the annual league golf matches began at the country club links today. Rules governing the contest, together with the assign ment of club members to the various teams, of which there are six In each league with eight players to a team, making a total of 96 participants, have been mailed to all participating members. A dinner will be the stake of the contest. settle insurance questions. Opinions are still divided on the cause of the fire of September 20. 500 REACH CAMP LEWIS 31st Heavy Artillery Brigade AVI II Be Located Permanently. TACO.UA, Wash.. Oct. 4. Five hun dred men of the 31st heavy artillery brigade from Fort Winfield Scott, Cal., reached Camp Lewis this morn ing. The brigade will be filled to a strength of 3500 officers and men and will be located at Camp Lewis per manently. Thirty airplanes will, be assigned here, and the necessary hangers will be built at once. Adjuster Visits Cove. COVE, Or.. Oct. 4 (Special.) A. B. Everts- of the Pacific adjustment bu reau, arrived in Cove yesterday to Curfew Bars Parties on River. Moonlight canoe parties on the river and midnight bonfires on the islands are to become a thing of the past. Karl Prehn, chief harbor patrol engineer and acting harbormaster, has received Instructions from the city hall through the chief of police that the curfew law is to be en forced on the water as well as the land. All minors, meaning boys be low the age of 21 and girls below 18, are required to be off the river by 9 o'clock at night, and their elders must be in by midnight or show law fut business upon the river beyond that hour. The order is to be en forced immediately. Sunday Schools Hold Parade. SPOKANE, Wash., Oct. 4. Approxi mately 350 automobiles and floats carrying more than 3000 men. women and children, chiefly the latter, formed a clty-wlde Sunday school parade which passed over downtown streets here this afternoon.' The parade was intended as a demonstration of the work of the local Sunday schools. Booths for Buttons, fine hemstitch ing 10c a yd. 823 Morgan Bldg Adv. Marah Ellis The book that you loved has been made into an excep tional picture. All the wondrous romance of the early west is woven into "Told in the Hills." The picture was filmed in the very location where the plot was laid. AH the rugged grandeur of the mighty Rockies scenes beyond de scription. You can be a kid again for a night the "In juns," scouts, soldiers and "squaw-man" will give you more thrills than you ever got out of the book when you sat around the fire and shivered while mother read "Told in the Hills" ALL-STAR CAST MBKIB Ryan fe? A;! hi - 'ify - l ' 'Aw 5TTSpsSw" - j A magnificent reproduction in 12 acts, staged under the I f tllj Rill II If I personal supervision of Mr. Wright, with his own company. I . ' - " ' ' : V '. fit II tfl f ill 11 1 -Jy' ''j t I I Preachln' Bill says: "I knovted a common, onery, old I t - SJj-' ' MVI fS' n Ift Jrpv if houn' dorK onst what KOt ter th,nkin' he WB" a l.bWill ylfMiri'nA I II III II f 4? 1 I sure 'nough fighter, an' he vas. too till he met up vita E : JA f fji' t:Z ,11 VieS-. k I I the kind of a dorg be thought he was hlsself. Since I '.VVV'JLi. k' ir JnWl V&fsiil 3 llPyi III v H 1 I ii'iu nu I -.-jrmr 'jeiossjii Urz-jt f t'$ '.,W -Si I tf miMi M in Special Wurlitzerac- i - 4 ' t ? ' iMiiV-f 2 I 13 companiment and in i V" - m" J-i' '"llffe1 S- : MS'm Js Concert today at 12:30. lJ.ifh''-'. PROGRAMME: f&?A' , -tf i' . fA ISwira (Adelina Patti's fa- J Sr - X' 1 - - ' " UlirA PEE'E i j KolNidrei.-MaxBruch ' i. - JSrmV ; Katinka Friml I Jr-..- ..v- j Ss Jy:d-2 J Songs of Yesterday.. j w.'.Vgs'i ' u''"wi'i"'" jimiin ms.m.huwwt.,-.-. u ssn m i-snMnMiK t- .TS-nsSjJ ..Arrg. by Cecil Teague t , r -.'., ,n.i , -- - """"" I L. .in - .1 I Also a Briggs Boy Comedy "S'prise party n' everything" PEOPLE; Direction of Jensen & Von Herberg And the International News and Topics of Today PORTABLE DDIfirO MACHINE A Model for Your Business $125 to $335 E. W. PEASE, Sales Agent 110 SIXTH STREET Let Us Show You on Your Own Work r u Before Buying Your Water System Multnomah Hotel "nere Home Comforts Abound Portland, Oregon I Si! The Palace Beautiful Elegance and comfort combine to make enjoyable your stay at the Multnomah. 600 cozy rooms, beautiful mezzanine floor and lobby, and superior service at reasonable rates. Garage in connection. Eric V. Hauser, President A. B. Campbell, Manager & An Idtal Motor-Drimn OufU, on o.' our numerous complete units. Our advice to buyers of Home Water Systems, Tanks, Pumps and Power for pumping and storing of water is this: First find out for yourself the name of the man who has the reputation of being the up-to-date, ex perienced, the best-posted, the most reliable Water System dealer in the town nearest you. Then go to that dealer and be guided by what he iya. "Everybody Knows Water Systems" The probabilities are that such a man will be a Leader-Trahern dealer. Our dealera are all of that type, and we are constantly trying to get more dealers of that standing in other cities. The Leader-Trahern line of Tanks, Pumps, Power Equipment and Complete Water System Units, for deep or shallow wells, electric motor or gas engine drives any capacity, is the most comprehensive line in America. Dealers in whom absolute confidence is reposed in their own communities, are the men who take pride in recommend ing Leader-Trahern Water Systems. They know that they must satisfy their customers. And they know that Leader-Trahern products do satisfy them every time 1 If you find it difficult to decide, write to us for the name of the best water supply dealer in your community. MARSHALL-WELLS HARDWARE CO. Fifteenth and Love joy Streets. Phone Broadway 3700