The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 05, 1919, SECTION THREE, Page 12, Image 60

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nrTORER 5, 1919.
Agreement Must Be in Writ
. ing, Says Oregon Law.
Cae Pecidrd by Supreme Court of
This Stale Shows I morta nee
ol Follow Ing Law.
Chairman Legal Committee. Portland
Realty Board.
Where the owner of land orally
agrees to sell the same and deposits a
deed In cscrour to be deilverea upon
payment of the agreed purchase price.
may said owner withdraw ine a-ea
from escrow and refuse to consum
mate the transaction even though the
purchaser may have paid a portion
of the purchase price?
This question waa decided In the af
firmative by the Oregon supreme
court In the case of Foulkes vs. Seng
atacken. 3 Or.. 11S. 15S Pac. 952.
163 Pac. 311. In that case the facts
were that the owner of the land or
ally agreed to sell the same to the
defendant. There waa no written con
tract of any kind between them, but
in accordance with the terms of the
oral arrangement the purchaser paid
the seller $300 on account if the pur
chase price and the seller executed a
deed and deposited the same In escrow
with instructions to deliver the deed
to the purchaser upon the payment of
11 000. payable in two annual pay
ments of 1000 each. While the deed
. . i j
so lay In escrow, tne purcnaser pam
the seller $J50 additional. The seller
retained possession of the property
at all times. Before the payments
were completed, however, the seller
died, leaving a will devising to
Koulkea. the plaintiff, "all real estate
which she should possess at the time
of her death." Thereafter the pur
chaser paid the balance of the pur
chase price to the party holding the
deed In escrow, whereupon the deed
waa delivered to the purchaser and
Salt to Caaeel riled.
About three yeara later the plain
tiff, who It will be remembered, suc
ceeded to the land under the terms of
the seller's will, filed suit to cancel
the purchaser s deed, contending that
the seller's deed waa void for the rea
son that the death of the seller prior
to the delivery of the deed rendered
the deed null and void.
In passing upon the question the
supreme court based its decision upon
the "statute of frauds" of thia state,
which provide that a contract for
the aale of real estate, unless in writ
ing, la abaolutely void. The court
held that an escrow "presupposes the
existence of a valtd contract." "There
must be." said the court, "an actual
contract of sale on the one side and
of purchase on the other and until
there la such a contract the Instru
ment executed by the proposed grant
or, triough In fornv a deed, ia neither
a deed nor an escrow."
Now the only writing In the case
was the deed deposited by the seller,
but this deed, the court held, was not
sufficient under the statute of frauds
for the reason that it did not contain
all the terms of the vernal agreement
between the seller and purchaser, and
the court held that since there waa no
valid, binding and enforceable agree
ment to sell the land and not a suffi
cient part performance of the oral
contract on the part of the purchaser
to avoid the effect or the statute of
frauds, there was not. technically
peaking, an escrow; that therefore
ih Henuiiit of the deed bv the aeller
was in contemplation of the law1
merely a voluntary act of the seller
which amounted to nothing more than
a continuing offer which might have
been withdrawn by seller at any time,
and which offer necessarily termin
ated with the death of the seller. And.
the court held that the death of the
seller at once produced the death of
the deed and that no subsequent act
of the purchaser could "resurrect the
w riting and make it a living deed."
Deed Is Deelared Void.
It waa therefore held by the court
that the plaintiff waa entitled to a
decree canceling the purchaser's deed,
but that the purchaser should have a
lien upon the land for the repayment
of the amount paid by him under the
terms of the oral contract. In its
conclusion the court said: "This con
troversy presents some features which
naturally appeal to the sympathy of a
chancellor and yet courts cannot de
clare that contracts are valid when
the atatute law is positive and un
equivocal terms pronounces them in
valid. As has been aptly aaid. 'hard
case are the quickeanda of the law.'
In the long run it is better to follow
the law and avoid the quicksands."
It la to be noted that in the fore
going case the court held the seller's
deposit of the deed to be a mere offer
to sell, a "continuing offer." which
necessarily terminated with the sell
era death. .If the deposit of the deed
waa a mere offer tt would follow,
even though the seller had not died,
that ah might have withdrawn the
deed at any time during her lifetime
prior to the actual delivery of the
deed, notwithatanding that the pur
chaser had paid or offered to pay the
full purchase price: it would alao fol
low that If ahe had ao withdrawn the
offer, the purchaser, having no valid
contract capable of legal enforcement,
would have been unable to compel
her to convey the land. The caae
above cited teaches this: thst not
withstanding the parties to the sale
of realty attempt to place their deeds
and papers in escrow, either party
may withdraw at any time unless the
agreement U reduced to writing In
the shape of a valid enforceable
-XtqnTXcr -
Fully three-quarters of the big amount of building now under way In' Portland is devoted to new garages or
homes for motor car dealers. One of the finest of these buildings Is that now under construction at the northeast
corner of Washington and Burnslde streets for the W. H. Wallingford company, distributors for Liberty and Briscoe
cars. It Is to cost approximately $50,000 and will cover a space 100x100 feet. The first floor will be devoted to sales
room, garage and service facilities, while a complete machine ahop will occupy most of the second floor.
Adjoining this building in Fifteenth street is to be a one-story structure for the Lahey Spring company, costing
$10,000. The W. H. Wallingford company has also purchised the present building adjoining its new quarters on the
west and occupied by A. C. Stevens and Mqltxner-Westcott Motors, Inc., who will remain, however, aa tenants. The
new building is to be one of the finest motor-car atructur s on the" Pacific coast. .
.Numerous Salrs of Farm and Resi
dential Property Closed Dur
ing Past Week.
Farm and residential property in
the Gresham section la beginning to
show vigorous movement and a num
ber of Important sale have been
made during the past wee, while oth
era are in prospect, according to
Messrs. Krider and Elkington of the
Gresham Real Estate company. The
movement In real estate Is attributed
largely to the success of the berry
and poultry industry which has at
tracted the attention of outside peo
ple. The following sales have been re
ported from Gresham:
The C. A. Johnson farm near Kelso,
consisting of 50 acres of farm land
with equipment, to William Jocelyn of
Portland, for $10,000.
Karol Shulxe to John Cunningham.
21 acres of unimproved land near
llogan station, for $2800.
William Mueller to P. A. Ledine, 20
acre farm near Haley station for
Gerald A. Miles to Sherman Lyons.
10-acre home one mile east of Gresh
am. for 15100.
Emanuel Anderson to Michael J.
Byrne. -acre home In Gresham, for
V. 8. Griffith to Henry Bruengel.
27-acre farm at Cottrell. $6809.
G. W. Kenney to G. S. Vedder. 20
acres unimproved land near Lusted
school, for $2000.
Mary A. Stubba to Fred Southard.
14 acres north of Gresham high
school, for $7500. I
A considerable movement of rest- j
dentlal property in Gresham is also
reported. A considerable number of
the purchases both of farm and resi
dential property are newcomers from
the east and middle west who have
decided to make their home in Oregn.
that the industry Is in the main in a
fairly healthy condition.
Strikes have acted as a atrons de
terrent to construction during the
past month, and many buildings have
been held up. The labor situation,
even more than the higher level of
material prices, has been a disturb
ing Influence in the trade, especially
In cities where the unions has broken
their contracts, as did the Painters'
union in New York. Breaches of
faith such aa this cause builders to
hesitate to accept contracts on the
usual lump sum basts, preferring the
cost-plus-percentage or cost-plus-a-fixed-fee
as being safer.
Costs have increased very appre
ciably since the first of the year, due
to increases in wages and materials.
There haa been much talk of profi
teering by material manufacturers
and dealers, but so far no proof has
been advanced of any concerted effort
to advance prices. A commlssioin ap
pointed by the state of Illinois re
cently investigated material prices in
that state: it found satisfactory evi
dence that prevailing prices were
justifiable under present economic
conditions. The present high prices
ill remain either until there is a
decided lowering in the general scale
of labor, or until more economical
methods of construction are evolved.
diaries McGonigle Buys Home. .
Charles McGonigle last week con
cluded the purchase of the ten-room
colonial home at 540 Chapman street
from Mary I. Slauson. the deal being
arranged through Mrs. John Brooke.
The house occupies one of the beauti
ful quarter blocks on Portland heights
and is notable for the view overlook
ing the city. Mr. McGonigle and fam
ily will mike their home there. Mrs.
Brooke also announcea the purchase
of lot No. 8. block 10. Greenway. by
Frank Thorn, who expects to erect a
bungalow there shortly.
Paul A. Cowgill Home From
Washington Trip.
Quality throughout
The Schwan Piano Co. Reputation
Goes With Every Piano
4rnianu ior floor pare in Port
land Is Brisk.
New buildings going up in Port
land are being rented before they are
little more than started, and fre
quently all the floor space haa been
contracted for before ground is
broken for the structure, so great Is
the demand for store space In Port
land, real estate and building firms
Work waa begun last week on two
one-story store buildings on Broad
way, being erected under the direc
tion of the iletiper-l'arker. Fergu
son company. Floor space of both
structures had been put under lease
before work, waa started, said W. W.
One of the structures Is going up
at the corner of Sixth and Glisan
streets at a cost of $30,000. This
building will be one story In height
and will be divided Into five store
rooms and a garage. The other struc
ture Is being erected at the corner of
Broadway and Flanders at approxi
mately $30,000. Tbis building will be
used for store rooms entirely. It la
as aier la height. ,
Volume of Construction for August
927,000.000 Greater Than for
Month of July.
A healthy Increase in building
throughout the United States is shown
by figures compiled by Building Age
New York City. New Tork. The esti
mated value of permits granted dur
ing August. 1919. in 168 cities totals
Jie9.85S.91l. a gain of 274 per cent
over the August. 1918, total ot
Again the activity is widespread.
155 cities reporting Increases as
against 13 reporting losses. Southern
cities report the largest gain, 445 per
cent, with 37 out of 38 cities report
ing increases. Eastern cities follow
with 33S per cent. 55 out of 60 re
porting gains. Middle ' state cities
show a gain of 214 per cent. 41 out
of "47 reporting increases; and west
ern cities show 94 per cent gain, 22
out of 23 reporting increases.
It Is significant that the volume of
construction for which permits were
granted during August, 1919, ia $27.
000.000 greater than for. July. 1919,
when 174 cities reported, showing
Packard Company Puts Out Book-
'. let of Information.
Are motor trucks more efficient
than horses? Shall I buy or rent
trucka? How much wfll it cost to
operate a truck? What can I do with
my trucks in the winter time to keep
down my overhead?
These are a few of the questions
answered in the Contractor, a new
publication Just issued by the Pack
ard Motor Car company. The new
book tells what the . Packard com
pany's transportation engineers and a
number of contractors have found
out about the average contractor's
transportation needs. Twelve ques
tions that arise in every contractor's
experience are taken up nd answered
in detail.
Profuse illustrations. tables of
weight and measures and examples
of cost-keeping records supplement
the Information contained in the an
swers to the problems stated.
Much of the data published was
gathered by the transportation en
gineering department of the Packard
Motor Car company of New York,, and
is particularly applicable to contrac
tors In the metropolitan district. This
la one of the first "textbooks" on
transportation as applied to the, con
tracting business, and already there
has been a wide demand for it.
Copies of the Contractor will be
mailed free to contractors who are
Interested in receiving it.
Men Tired of Strikes and Generally
Unstable Conditions In Cities
Turning to Country.
ALBANY. Or., Oct. 4. (Special.)
Will continuous strikes and labor
troubles fomented by foreign agita
tors In the unions furnish the mo
tive for a "back to the land" move
ment which it has been contended is
needed in this country?
That they will is indicated by the
Increasing demand from residents of
larger cities for small fruit and gar
den tracts in the Willamette valley.
A typical case is that of a Seattle
man who bought a small tract near
Albany last week. He said he had
endured labor troubles as long as he
could: that the foreign element was
dominating the labor unions of
Seattle and that the unions there are
running the business of that city.
He decided to seek independence and
peace on a small farm. He chose
tnis vicinity because of the big can-
j nery here, which assures him a mar
ket for the small fruit he expects to
This man says that many people,
tired of the continuous strikes and
interference with their work by la
bor unions dominated by foreigners,
are seeking new locations. They are
not farmers and cannot take up gen
et al farm work, but since many
towns in Oregon and Washington
now have canneries they expect to
try raising small fruits.. He pre
dicted an exodus from Seattle be
cause of the radicalism permeating
tl e labor unions there.
Conditions here indicate already
that this man's forecast is correct.
Two Business Blocks at Walla
Walla Being Erected on Cost
Plus Basis.
Real estate is rapidly picking up
through the Inland Empire, according
to Paul A. Cowgill, executive secre
tary of the Interstate Realty associa
tion, who returned last week from a
two-weeks' trip to the Walla Walla
and Yakima valleys. The fruit and
grain crops are abundant and both
valleys are in the midst of a period
of unusual prosperity, he reported.
At vv.alla Walla a realty board waa
formed, patterned after the associa
tion In this city. A meeting was held
at the Walla Walla Commercial club
at whic,h Mr. Cowgill spoke, and the
formation of tne realty board ioi-
lowed. The real estate dealers at
Yakima have not yet organized a.
board, but Mr. Cowgill expects to re
turn within a short time and aid
them in forming an association.
"Real estate activities are booming
in both sections," said Mr. Cowgill.
"Prices are stiffening a little as the
demand increases. I found that houses
are in great demand in practically all
the towns throughout that section,
even the smaller places. I had had an
idea that the house shortage was lim
ited to coast cities, but found the sit
uation just as tight in Yakima and
Walla Walla as here.
"I attribute the shortage of living
accommodations to the fact that there
has been practically no building dur
ing the past five years on account of
the war, and at present building is
restricted because of high cost of ma
terial and high wages. In Walla
Walla I was interested in learning
that two brick business blocks now
going up are being built on 'the 'cost
plus' basis, contractors refusing . to
make definite bids because of the in
creasing building expenses.
During his trip Mr. Cowgill visited
Toppenish. Mabton, Prosser, Pasco and
Kennewick, In addition to Walla
Walla and Yakima. Real estate deal
ers in all these sections are beginning
to feel the stirrings of a period of
increased real estate activity which
ia thought to be coming on, he said. .
The Interstate Realty association
recently adopted a policy of taking in
property owners as associate mem
bers, and expects to begin a campaign
shortly to reorganize taxation in a
way which, the organization claims.
will be more equitable to land. At
present officials of the realty associa
tion contend 85 per cent of the taxa
tion of the country is upon land,
which represents less than one-half
of the wM4ith. T. D. Rockwell, for
mer tax commissioner of Washington,
is preparing a series of articles upon
the subject which will be presented
to the members of the association
through its official monthly publication.
a rcw 'nnn modkl, for ?rrr vV-'sv-.?' ttZtt-p-' aj.'-t"--' .
SO C.h azo Monthly rg f,. r 3
.mi . jr. msimmemimumr
Learn the Truth
About Pianos
Compare Our Offerings With Other Local Offerings
ft 1 . 1 S C. Have won a large piano business the largest in the city
rranK ana upen statements
again rising pia'nojnarket prices all correctly described, when possible, as 1910-1916-1918 models or used pianos ano
always positive, frank ana open statements so you can Know, no neeu iu qucnuuu vu, j., ...... .
what the government Is doing for food now only we put It specif ically 25 lower than local market prices pn ti"
models and. after scouring the eastern piano factories the past months we have marie it possible for you to sldester
the recent advance in prices Dy securing many carioaas oi reew ssmpica, " j..-...o, -
models and used Dianos. '
PUT flllT TUIC DRIPE I IT Take it up with dad, husband, son or daughter, determine then and there whether yoi
Discontinued, Rebuilt,
STEINWAt & SONS piai ?an 17T:
325 cash, $13 monthly.
UAIIPT 9, niVKRebuilt Ebony, pol'd, MSO
ill pay the advancing prices or take advantage of this last opportunity at lower prices
ro a n fall, z Dedais..
-$15 cash, $7 monthly.
QTaBir PliWn Pfl Rebuilt, ivory keys. 400
vinim i innu wwiate mo
nodel. B'st'n fall
-$25 cash, 9 monthly.
TUflMDCU D'tn Pfl Discontln'd 1916 mod., 5oo
IIIUIIllull f I1U UUi mahogany, dull ivory.
$25 cash, $11 monthly.
CRAMER PIANO CO.drmah.filoryT:
$15 cash. 8 monthly.
RAVI non PnUD'UV1910 mod., fancy case.
uniLUIIU UUIIil III dull mah.. Ivory keys,
.i9& rash. 19 monthly.
VflCC 9. CPU? Rebuilt ebony, dull $4.5
UOC U O U rl 0 finish, plain fall
$15 cash. $8 monthly.
CTPDCV 9. PI AOs' 1910 model, rebuilt 4o
01 UllCl 06 OLAimrcy case, ivory keys.
. $25 cash, $8 monthly.
HARDMAN PNO CO. T0": &mah?:
$25 cash. $8 monthly.
Refinished or Used
11 II 0 U 9 PCDT71914 niod., dull mah., 4T5
UUDII 00 U L. II I i. 4 ft. 8 In. high.
$25 cash, $8.50 month.
CABLE & S0NSi91f?. Z&ogny:
$25 cash. $9 monthly.
CTPDCV 9. PI ADIfArt style, 1915 model, 00
0 I UriC I 06 ULArlrVburl walnut, good...
$25 cash. $9 monthly.
Refinished. plain. 4
9 in. high
425 cash. $7 monthly.
CTADk' DUMA Pfl 1915 mod. fancy case, 550-
OlAnfV rlAaU UU. price on top lid $550
$25 cash, $10 monthly.
SINGER PIANO C0.as1Lnr.el...a.k-..s??d
$25 cash, $12 monthly.
OTrprn ft QDWlills moael fumed oak, 35
giLUkii ui vuiiu pood as new.
$50 -cash. $14 monthly.
VIMPCRIID YKxchane departm'nt $410
h I n 0 0 D U n I polished mahogany..
$25 cash. $8 monthly.
I CI A HI II IIDDIfJUT 1917 model, oak. ex- 42S
LLLnllU Ul Ilium chjnge department. .
Clichalis Realty Moving.
CHEHAL1S. Wash., Oct. 4. (Spe
cial.) More purchases of homes in
Chehalis are reported, the demand for
residence property being brisk. Bert
man who came here was a con- I Jones has bought Mrs. Mattie Robin
tor who gave up trying to han-' son's Quincy-a venue dwelling -for
$1600: M. H. Metz the Ben Schmidt
dwelling on Lewis for $1000; Mrs.
Nettie B. Pearce the Albert Irish tract
on Coal creek for $1000; C. P. Fulton
the W. M. Large dwelling on Adams
avenue for $2650, and Fred Auts the
A. E lis property on Fourth street
for $1400.
die labor problems and others are
workers who found conditions un
stable because of more or less con
tinual strikes.
Socket Wrench.
It is possible to make a socket
wrench by placing a bolt head of the
proper size in one end of a pipe and
then forging the pipe to fit it. After
the wrench has been made it can be
annealed, if desired, to give it lasting
qualities. A hole is, of course, bored
in the opposite end to take a cross
piece and complete the tool.
Aggregate Rental in $ 1 0-Year Pe
riod to Be $213,707.
A ten-year lease on the basement
ajid ground floor of the building at
the northwest corner of Fourth and
Alder streets, owned by the Alder In
vestment company, has been taken
by Wright's Sample Shoe- store. The
aggregate rental will be $213,707.
The building has a frontage of 100
feet on Fourth street and 100 feet on
Possession of the corner room on
the ground floor. 40 by 60 feet, will
be retained by Phegley & Cavender
and the Alder hotel will conUnue to
occupy the upper stories of the five
story building. Other tenants of the
building will be compelled to seek
new quarters, in fitting tne build
ing for the use of the shoe store al
terations estimated at $20,000 will be
Old Landmark Being Torn Down
With the tearing down of the
wooden building at No. 34S Stark
street, between Broadway and Park,
begun last week, goes one of the
landmarks of that section. The build-.
ing had long been the home and gro
cery store of Mr. and Mrs. Philip J.
Kerrigan, and stood next to the old
home of Ben Holladay, remembered aa
one of the prominent politicians of
Oregon in his time. Mr. and Mrs. Ker
rigan are the parents of Herbert W.
Kerrigan, one of the recent football
stars for the Multnomah club.
Many of Present-Day Cars Can Use
Coal Oil Mixture.
There are thousands of cars at pres
ent in use which can, with a
convenience, use a mixture of kero
sene and gasoline or even kerosene
alone. The carburetion systems of
modern cars are designed to handle a
fairly poor grade of fuel, but owners
are a little backward in experimenting:.
An appreciable saving can be made
by each owner if he will try a one
gallon "mixture composed of one-half
kerosene and one-half gasoline. Espe
cially should this be done by owners
who are not particular about abnor
mal car performance. For ordinary
running when little demand is made
for quick acceleration, this mixture
may prove satisfactory in a great
many cases.
Though motoring in this country Is
comparatively cheap. owners can
make It still cheaper if they will di
rect their attention to two of . the
important items of expense fuel and
tires. Tires are higher in cost than
once, but the average owner can make
up for the extra cost by getting addi
tional mileage. At the very first
sign, plug the slightest tread cut. In
flation should be given a great deal
of attention, especially also since the
heat of summer adds to the wear.
Tou will be surprised at the better
performance of the car after it has
been lubricated at every moving surface.
In magnificent mahogany. Circassian
walnut, fancy American walnut, hand
some oaks, fumed, satin, dull finishes
and high polishes, inciuainx cauiuei
and duet benches.
IVhnleKale Farlnrr Mamnlea. Local Sale
New, Discontinued Models. alue. Price
Steger in fancy walnut $73 C560
Sieger in magnificent oak 750
Steger In Circassian wal.. 750
Steg-er in splendid oak.... 750
Steaer In Flemish oak 650
Steger mission in oak 625
Sieger Circassian walnut.. N50
Steger in finest walnut 750
Steger ebonized 625
Steger in splendid mah.... 625
Steger in fancy walnut.... 850
Kt in fumed oak - 750
If you nave areamea oi naving a
first-class piano today the price you
need pay elsewhere for second and
third grade cheaper pianos will buy
one of 'these "most valuable pianos in
the world."
New 1916 and 1919 Original 8ale
Model llanos. Local Value. Price
S Thompsons in fu. oak. .9475 $290
4 Senroeder Broa-, man.. 4au V
8 Thompson, mah.. oak.. 4SO
4 Thompaona. mah., wal.. 475
8 Thompaona, mah.. oak.. 550
Thompaona, wal., mah.. 550
1 singers, mah. and fu. oak 625
2 Steger Sc Sons, mah.. oak 650
A Steger 6c Sona, fine mah. 750
2 Steger A Sona, mis. mod. 750
$n In records purchased
I U delivers one of these
$5 or
models to your home.
tf)C socriti 1 - ;
Cfl 75 Cents
4UU '
1 Weekly
New 19IH-1919 Model Original Sale
Grand Pianos. Local Value. Price
2 Steger A Sona, pol. mah.SIOSO S797
t Steger A Sona, pol. mah. 1.100 975
1 Artemln. dull oak 650
i Mendenhalla, mah., oak. 750
2 Thompsons, mah., wal.. 9O0
1 Singer in fine mah 950
-$25 cash, $10 monthly.
New I91S-1KI9 Model Original
rand PlanoN. Local Value.
1 Kred A Sana, fine mah.. ttoo
3 Heed A Sona, mah., wal 10M
2 Steger A Sona, mah., oak 1150
satisfies the people through its
Rettnle aad Oed Planoa. Value.
Weber, art model, mah . . . ."750 S23.
DnvU Son, fumed oak.. 450 290
sinter A Sons, mission.... 625 393
II. Board, small 'upright. .. 27S 75
Kimball A Co. large oak.. BOO 293
C'ollard K Collard, small up 2SO ."
J. P. Male A Co., ebony... 325 135
Rnah A Grrta, large wal.. 550 295
Leland, golden oak 215
Valley tiem, Flemish oak.. 450 210
Thompaon, . dull mahogany 650 333
Uavla A Son, fumed oak.. 475 315
Terms: $15 or $25 cash. $6, $8, $10 or
$12 monthly.
Rl and I'aed Orlrinal Palo
Player-I'lonoa. Value. Prirr
''hotnnann. mah.. S8-note . . anon 49
Thompson. 1918 mod., used MM 56i
Thompaon in handsome wal BOO 59. i
I'eerleaa, electric player.. 750 29,"i
$50 cash, $12, $11 or $18 monthly.
Orlrinal Sale
I ed Parlor Organs. alue Prlcr
( lough A Warren organ. 7 sl.SlOO 2!
Katey A Co. organ, stops., 145
fkin.nA f'Attanr organ. 10 St. I.tO tVN
!! ( i! uneen orsan. ..i m... i
ii..nn A Hamlin orcan, 10 St. 165 54i
Terms: $10 cash. $3 to $5 monthly.
Truths fully namen
unprecedented values.
business policy. We tell you now. prices are going hlRher.
rmiTiinii inwrnTioilin
inuinrui. Muvcnnoinu is our chief
. . . i -1 i r
i .. - ivivti t.-i.. dka.,m nunr.s nnt hav a nnrA iiinTtiv7 whv Khnuiri market values not ue uuncucn.
little In- PKILh luhNIIIT 1 r,av iniutH nrii-es? Let vs- finance vour ninno rjuR-hase. S15 or more cash, $3
rurafsk in nrlthi V
. iAPi.-w -iriKHA Ah.r t-i i toin in nirt or full navmeiit of Pianos or P1& ver-Pianos during this aal
vonr old Piano. Orcan or Talkinar Machine.
.a, an, a, a.,-, .if ftf I 1 II DMI atnrfT onrl fomni.r Atll- Ullallit V- n I- mi ft IfriHI. sftd Vf T t .?, Slid JOU Wll
UnUCH lUUn NAniJ Ul MAIL, learn why tt hivr hundred a of mail-order buyrra.
a... .. m s-f-, A i m.- DDtvi. A I XI 1 K I'HKK nKl.ll KRY OK PIANO Til VOIR HO MB within
, k a nionn will he nhinned Riihlert in FtrhnnrR within one year, we allowln
the full amount paid This virtually gives you a one-year trial of the piano you order.
Every piano or player-piano purchased carries with it the Schwan Piano Co. guarantee of satisfaction, as
the usual guarantee from each manufacturer of these new musical instruments. Open Saturday evenings.
tlnnnrarmrera. if M 13 J HA( Ki ll II
Con.t uia.r.ou.ora. BTm TAT- VI ITa U D ZJ fH9 8 U IT Tft MAW MIM.lO
It w."hV-Tto-! JblAAff MIA JL AA.M. fjrm isicapi
Work baa keen started on a new edifice at Foreat Grove to replace the Congregational rhorrh destroyed there In
the dlaaatroaa fir of last Aagaat. The new at met ore was designed -by K. E. McClaran. Portland architect In
the Laaabor Exchange building. Under the plana the new ebnrrb will seat SAO people. A baaeraent la provided
with rooaa for prayer-meeting ball, social and banqnet room and kitchen and boya and girls' meeting rooms.
On the main floor Is the a ad I tori nam. balcony and Sanday school room divided Into ten Individual classrooms.
Tk.. , h. ... , . mJ -...J l.-k. with Hultln. rnnffn ir mmA h tnt.l fnm t m I
at 91.000. The bnlldlss la being ereeied on the site of the old building oa College may, aad will be ready for j Diapepsin and the stomach distress is
ccoaaacy 1st about foax msaths, according to preseat plana. i gone.
Riddle Hearing: Scheduled.
SALEM. Or.. Oct. 4. (Special.) J.
M. Devers. attorney for the state
highway commission, has received
a telegram from Roseburg to th ef
fect that arguments of the demurrer
to the complaint in the case filed by
S. H. Rockhill of Riddle to restrain
the state from proceeding with con
struction of the so-called Canyonville
portion of the Pacific highway had
been set for a week from next Tues
day. The new highway, as proposed
by the commission, eliminates Riddle
from the main traveled road, accord
ing to Mr. Rockhill in his complaint.
Salem Wants Portland Prisoners.
SALEM. Or.. Oct. 4. (Special.)
Salem police will make an effort to
obtain possession of Bert Chinn and
Earl Riley, who were arrested in
Portland recently. It is charged that
these men held mx W. W. Forest here
during the state fair and relieved him
of $105. It is also possible. Chief of
Police Varney says, that the men will
he connected with an auiomoDiie
theft which occurred here early
fair week.
Hard on Auto Thieves.
Through the efforts of 'the Penn
sylvania State Motor federation a real
law for automobile thieves is being
considered in the Pennsylvania legis
lature. The new law would provide
a penalty of $5000 fine or ten years'
imprisonment. An accessory to a
theft is to be considehed as guilty .as
the principal. This goes for so-called
joy-rideid as well as prof e.sional
'Tape's Diapepjirt" relieves Sour, Qassy, Acid
Stomachs at once-po waitingl Read.
sharpest critics, after
comparing' various player
pianos, give enthusiast ic
preference to -the Steger
Player-Plano, because
unique structural features
enable anyone to play real,
delightful music, with nat
ural, lifelike expression
Arid its
surprisingly moderate cost,
combined with its unex
celled advantages, maltes
it the most valuable play
er-piano in the world.
Play it yourself fH
usic m,
Tour upset stomach will feel fine!
No waiting! When your meals don't
fit and you feel uncomfortable, when
you belch gases, acids or raise sour
undigested food. When you feel
lumps of indigestion pain, heartburn
or headache from acidity, just eat a
tablet of harmless and reliable Pape's
Millions of people know the magic
of Pape's Diapepsin. as an antacid.
They know that most indigestion and
disordered stomach are from acidity.
The relief comes quickly, no disap
pointment! Pape's Diapepsin tastes
like candy and a box of -this world
famous indigestion relief costs so
little at drug stores. Pape's Diapep
sin helps regulate your stomach so
you can eat favorite foods without
terms, u
Hear it at