The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 05, 1919, SECTION THREE, Page 3, Image 51

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Enlarging Our Trimmed Hat Section
Handsome Novelty Suits
The woman who has set a limit on the price
she will pay for her fall suit will be wise to
consider these' smart styles and reasonable
prices. The actual saving on any one of these
suits is from $10 to $15, compared with prices
In order to serve our customers better we
are moving: our entire stock of trimmed hats
to the third floor, where an increased force of
. saleswomen will devote all their attention to
what we believe is the largest assortment of
trimmed hats in the city more than 2000.
Untrimmed hats, banded hats, t trimmings
and children's hats will be found on the first
We think this new arrangement will enable
us to give more efficient service and be more
convenient for you.
To acquaint you with our new trimmed hat department
We Offer for Special Sale Monday
200 Trimmed Hats at - - -$15.00
200 Trimmed Hats at - - - -$7.50
(Third floor)
100 Beaver-faced Plush Sailors $6.50
(First floor)
These 500 hats will be snapped up quickly.
The early shopper has the best choice.
MATERIALS Silvertone, Tricotine, Plumette, .Velour.
TRIMMINGS Fur collars, cuffs and bandings, fancy
vestees, buttons. . .
. ' 'w
Only Intimate friends of the honor
guest were asked to ipend the even
lng with them. William Aronsen. of
Christian!, Norway, save some Inter
eating numbers on the violin which
more than charmed nis auaience.
David Campbell served as accom
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kerr and lit
tle Jeanne Josephine, who have been
spending the summer here, have re
turned to their home in Tulsa. Ok la.
Mrs. Dent Mowrey was a charming;
hostess at a musical tea Thursday
afternoon at her apartment in Trin
ity place in honor of Mrs. Solberg of
Seattle, and Miss Elisabeth Creadick.
Miss May Ennis gave a most delight
ful piano programme.
m m m
Mrs. R. W. Whlttsker has been very
much entertained for the past two
weeks, before she left for Chicago,
where she will remain until after the
holidays. Among; those who enter
tained for her are Mrs. John Stenner
who gave a bridge tea in her honor
at Alexandra court. Mrs. Warren
Kecler had two tables of bridge in
her honor. Mrs. Our Strome gave
s luncheon and Orpheum party for
her and Mrs. Thomas Beverly, who
entertained her with a matinee party
at the Alcaxar.
First dance of the season at B'nal
B rith building will be given by the
B'nal B'rlth club girls Saturday even
ing. October 11. Invitation extended
to all.
Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Bigger of Irving
ton announce tbe engagement of their
daughter Evelyn H. to M. J. H. Nich
olson of Seattle, the wedding to take
place the early part of November.
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Toung of Al
bany announced the engagement of
their daughter Isabelle to captain
Bogart Rogers of Los Angeles at
large reception for which they were
hosts last Saturday afternoon. Miss
Young is a member of one of Al
bany's most prominent families and
has many friends In this city, where
the Toung family is well known.
Last evening Miss Ruth Graham,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gra
ham, became the bride of Richard
Burton Case, the Rev. Mr. Holmes of
' Vancouver, Wash., officiating. The
bride was attended by her sister. Mrs.
Harold Edgar Shook, and the groom
by Russel Case. Mrs. Fred L. Olson
sang preceding the ceremony. The
bride was attired In a white satin
gown trimmed with old lace and wore
a tulle veil. She carried a bouquet
of Bride roses. Mrs. Shook wore a
pink organdie gown and carried an
arm bouquet of Ophelia roses. Miss
Imogens Colman and Mrs. Charles
Bates of Salem presided In the dining
room. Assisting about the rooms
were Miss Gladys Bowen. Miss Doro
thy Reed and Mrs. Russel Case. The
bride and groom are well known In
college circles, the bride having grad
uated from the University of Oregon,
where she was a popular member of
Alpha Phi sorority and of Zeta Kappa
Psl honor society. She was a mem
ber of the debating team, president
of the Oregon Intercollegiate Orator
ical association and vice-president of
the senior class, also taking an active
part In dramatics. Mr. Case was a
The Newest Fabrics in the
latest approved styles that fashion
has designed for Ladies' Fall
Suits- and Coats is made to
your individual order in the best
of tailoring at the most reason
able prices by ,
I. Reubiri
Lardies Taller all Designer
Suite 40S Bush Lane Bids.
Broadway at Alder
member of Phi Delta Theta frater
nity and editor of the Orange. The
young couple will make their home
at the Case country home near Van
couver. Wash., where Mr. Case has
large farming Interests.
Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Williams will
leave tonight for New York to be
present at the debut In the musical
worrd of their son Parrlsh Williams,
which will take place at Aeolian hall
on October 13. During the absence of
Mr. and Mrs. Williams, which will be
about two weeks, friends from Berke
ley, Cal., will occupy their home.
Last night Mrs. Warren E. McCord
with her daughter, Mrs. Sherman
O'Oormin and granddaughter Miss
Virginia Mcdonough left for Su
perior. Wis., where they will visit
Mrs. Lyman C Powell for a few
weeks. Mr. O'Gorman will Join them
next week. Mr. and Mrs. O'Gorman
will return to Portland at the end of
the month. Mrs. McCord and Miss
McDonough will spend the winter at
Palm Beach. '
Dr. and Mrs. Stuart Sheldon with
their two children are in town again,
after an absence of some months,
when Dr. Sheldon was on duty in
Washington, D. C The Sheldons have
taken their old home.
Mrs. Oscar Menefee. with her two
daughters, the Misses Elizabeth and
Flora, returned Thursday night from
an extended trip to the Atlantic coast
Donald Kkeene, the son of Dr. and
Mrs. William Skeene. left Thursday
for Palo Alto, where he will attend
Stanford university.
A much feted visitor has been Miss
Margaret Alderson, who has been the
guest for the past two weeks of Mr.
and Mrs. Leroy Fields. Among those
who have entertained for Miss Aider
son during the past week were Mr.
and Mrs. Guy Porter, who gave a din
ner and Orpheum party for her on
Monday night, also Mr. and Mrs. J. F.
Cobb, who had a dance for her on
Tuesday night. Mr. and Mrs. Truitt
Hughes were hosts in her honor at
a theater party. On Monday afternoon
Mrs. James Ambrose entertained for
her with a bridge tea. On Tuesday
Mrs. Lloyd Bates was hostess for a
similar affair. On Wednesday Mrs.
Harry Stevenson gave a bridge lunch
eon in her honor. On Thursday Mrs;
Fred Belcher entertained at an in
formal bridge tea in her honor. -Miss
Alderson has Just returned from
France, where she did splendid work
with the Red Cross. She left Thurs
day night for her home in Cali
fornia. The marriage of Miss Jessie Har
riet Gulllfer of Boston and Harry M.
Grayson of The Oregonian staff was
solemnized on Monday night at the
Methodist Episcopal church. South
Union avenue and Multnomah street,
the Rev. James T. French officiating.
Only a few friends and relatives were
present. Miss Jennie Conway was
bridesmaid and Frank J. Lonergan
acted as best man.
Mrs. Grayson is a graduate of Sim
mons college, Boston; Framingham
Normal school, Framingham, Mass.,
and Mrs. Lucindaw Prince's School of
Store Service and Education, which is
affiliated with Simmons college. Since
coming to Portland In September,
IMS. Mrs. Grayson has been educa
tional director of the Meier & Frank
store, resigning but a few days ago.
She was formerly educational direc
tor at the Jordan Marsh company of
Sioux City, Iowa, coming to the Meier
tc Frank store from the latter con
cern. Mr. Grayson Is a member of Port
land lodge No. 141, B. P. O. Elks, the
Multnomahi Amateur Athletic club I
Portland Press club, Portland Golf
club, is vice-president of Portland I
post No. 1, Oregon Branch of the
American Legion and president of the
Devil Dog club of Oregon.
Mr. and Mrs. Grayson left Thurs
day night for San Francisco and Del
Monte, Cal.
On Saturday night. September 27.
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Scott were hosts
in honor of the birthday of Pomeroy
Slnnock, entertaining a number of
his friends who have recently come to
Portland. The gay affair took place
in the hollyhock, room at the Mult
nomah hotel, the table being beauti- I
fully decked with autumn colors.
Baskets of autumn leaves, zinnias and I
lavendar formed the attractive center!
piece, and from them ran sprays of I
trailing Jasmine and fern. Covers
were laid for 20 guests, dainty hanoV
painted cards marking the places, I
each one suggesting the individual I
tastes of each one present. Numerous
birthday surprises were a feature of
this delightful dinner party. Mr.
Scott, as toastmaster, called upon
each member of the party for toasts
to Mr. Slnnock. When each had paid
his tribute to the guest of honor the I
lights suddenly blinked out and the
orchestra struck up a lively tune.
Immediately a waiter appeared bear
ing a tray on which reposed a great
Illuminated birthday cake.
The evening s entertainment was
concluded with dancing in the rose I
ball room adjoining. Punch was dis
pensed at a prettily appointed table.
Mrs. William Alvord is In San
Francisco, the guest of her brother
and sister-in-law. General and Mrs.
Benjamin Alvord. General Alvord is I
Very New,
Very Smart,
Very Warm
Are ShortCoatsof FurFabrics
'17 to '175
They are becoming and comfortable,
these new wraps of lustrous Baffin
seal, ' beaver plush. Some have the
ripple back; others are belted. Col
lars are large, sometimes of contrast
ing fabric, or fur.
A Velveteen
Just Wears and Wears
For real service no material can surpass velveteen.
This group of dresses are of black, navy and brown
in several modes, each exceedingly attractive.
Embroidery trims a clever model in brown moire
ribbon of fsets another of-black. They CQ Cf)
are indeed good-looking; marked only
Blouses of
For the new fall suit
several new blouses
must be added to the
For $10
you will find crepes and georg
ettes of excellent quality and
workmanship in both plain
tailored styles, with just tucks
and hemstitching, and the
dressier ones with little round
necks often touched up with
lace, embroidery or beading on
the front.
For $13.95
you can buy just the prettiest
blouses imaginable in both
crepe and georgette of exqui
site quality. They are orna
mented with Val. and new laces
on the order of Venise. One
has a unique front with small
squares of hand hemstitching.
w. .
(Continued on Page 4.)
Pjl' Cn C CV ' eet' Book of Furs Nov? Reai))'S ll
;;fls aw;rst W70 this
. r It I 4il J fW- -J I Wt a. M
finer. J a n,.,eafe r ste-
ffcfe to Tit This
Dainty Silk
Our new underwear section
is proving very popular with
women who appreciate qual
ity garments at prices about
20 Lower Than
, ; Elsewhere
Gowns, chemise, bloomers,
camisoles in satin, crepe and
Complete Range of . Prices
ton;-. S0Ve fJ It in n
7 7 -CiJ
Suits, Coats
and Dresses
For the Stout
art purchased with absolute confidence
In their qaaiUr. style and price at the
Hudson Bay Fur Co.
Biiabl tar Manarartann.
Ladlva' Tailara
AS Huelaraa4
Which Vase Would You Choose?
They arc exacT counterparts of each, other; they have the same
perfect symmetry and clascal grace;
But one is of gold plate and the other of phre gold which
would you choose?
Among FURS
a like choice must be made
Your-eye can tell if your -fur is lustrous and beautiful; your sense,
of touch carr fell you if it has.a silky softness and luxurious warmth.
But only the eye and touch of an expert-can tell if it is of "gold
plated" or "pure gold" quality!
"If you don't know Furs, you do know Stores
If you ve noan expert judge of furs, let the name H. Liebes & Co. be
your unf ailing guide to fur quality.
Business Hours 9:30 A . M. to 6P.M.
no ' UJ
. . me
T,Tr 2
Built on fashionable
lines, they are cut by
. expert tailors to give
the slenderizing effect.
Velour, tricotine, serge
and the new thick, soft
fabrics. '
Suits $39.50 to $125
Coats $37.50 to $165
Dresses $35 to $75
Sizes 44 to 52'
AWRT"WHILETIP I rrr f ' Sh We Are Now Making to 'TAMCITA
laKaraanusepuc frj&00 FancySuits.Capes aM.whatoth.rdepII.torle.h.v.falIed
f rv jQr'? I 3 f A do' Its Qu'ck sure, harmless and
flVvflPr If sS1 , , U1U. VUaiO the raxor. electric needle, acids, tw-
X UlTUW Cloak and Sutt era or other makeshifts.
Boom. in all the latest materials and
is a cleansing:, heaiins. germicidal rAIX,-gnTWBff FAtL approved fashions. Removing Unsightly Hair
and invigorating- douche. A great COATS CI O T From the Face or Rodv
aid in leucorrhoea and female dis- JTEW FALL DBK8SKS TRICOTIXE,' OCllWeitZer (X. HaglD Order yoor tub. toda7from any Tl.W.
orders. SOc and 1 per box. Sold by TKICOLKTTK Seraea and Satins. . . ,ruf or. department atom In l'ort-
. v rtPnT At Verx Moderate rrLY.a, C LADIES' TAILORS Jj-- Ton.l.o co,.ln. no poUon. I-
PORTLAND HOTEL Wi-m 392 2 Washington St XtZZuX'lVk
Won invited. 4r . . A . . hospitals. Tonlto also acts as a deodor-
PHARMACY 143 MORRISON STREET. Next to Haywood (antcoametlc." B.eache. the .kin.
, F. W. PATT & CO. for as w-to.datb sctt see sr D A TT t.nn,. M? w fresh everyday.
ladies tailor O WFIM. " A 1 1 ta?lr ltMorrison st, bet.
Suits. G.w... W-lata. kj TT I M. tj 8UITK ,. B18H LANE BUILDING. ljM, h and 6Uu TeL
606-1 BroadwaT Bid. MarskaU 4SS. Tie Ladles' Tailor. 128 ft Tenth St. WHSEM, BKOADWAX AND ALVt.iL. tUMli skOs Main 0? A 1805,