TIIE SUNDAY OREGONIAX, PORTLAND, OCTOBER 5, 1919. ITERUSSIATIRED OF BOLSHEVIK RULE Poles Now Dominant Expect ecf to Do Better. GOVERNMENT IS ASSURED Present Backwardness of People Is Proof That KusMan Dominion lias Tkwo Little for Them. 'On!noed Torn Flr-t Psre. hours before General Jadwin. who had been at Vilna. reached Mink. The, Poles entered at 19 o'clock In the morning of August S. and he arrived at 9 that evening. Incidentally, ha ran a certain risk, as tha I'hlans had moved so fast tbey had not cleaned up all the bunches of bolsheviks, to whom General Jadwin's Cadillac straggling up the deep sand on the hills, mum have looked tempting. Also to run Into a freshly captured town at nightfall is not very safe But the general felt it was his duty to get there as soon as possible (the city was captured -4 hours ahead of schedule) and maintain American honor. A nrriraa liflarirf Felt. For General Szentyski had sutrcest- ed Henry Morgenthau of the Ameri can commission to i'oland to write a proclamation to the Jews of Minsk, asking them to keep entirely out of the fight.- This was dropped from aeroplanes and General Jadwin. being I a member of the same commission and soldier by profession, wanted to be there and see that the Jews, taking Mr. Morgen thau's sucscstion, should have America's assistance in return for their non-combatancy. Minsk is not so big that it did not know very soon that an American flag was flut tering through its streets and per haps that also had something to do with the lack of fear on the part of the Jewish population. still It seemed to me the Jews were not very much afraid anyhow. They expected Indignities, such as beard cuttings and some looting, but they were not really afraid of the Poles. 'or. after all. there is something in this ancient good relationship be tween the Jews and the Poles, al though it Is nowhere nearly as good as It used to be. The first encounter 1 noticed between a Pole and a Jew was anything but unfriendly. I headed down this way from War saw about the time I expected Minsk to fall in the company of a Polish landowner with property near Minsk, which he was anxious to reach as soon as it was released from the bol shevikl. My companion belonged to an ancient Polish family and ordi narily looks like a modern cultivated gentleman. But after he had passed two nights in a box car and pushed a heavy auto through sand and dug it out of mud he looked like one of his own ancestors, with long, drooping mustaches and haggard eyes. He needed only shave his head around and wear a pigtail to drop back five hundred years. Pole mud Jew Km brace. All the way along: he had been ex pressing fear for the safety of a certain friend of his. who was also his agent. The moment we arrived, he insisted on stasting at once to this friend's house. In the street we heard a cry of Joy from the other side and a little old white-haired Jew came run ning across the street. The two met in the middle, threw their arms around ea'-h other, slapping each other or the back a score of times and kissed each other. Polish style. We were led off to the old man's house, where everybody fll on the Pole's neck, though he was crtainly the fiercest looking Pole in Minsk that day. It is worthy of note that my companion in expressing anxiety continually for his old friend never thought of mentioning the fact that he was a Jew. From his family I got my first figures on the cost of living under the bolsheviki in Minsk, figures after; ward verified. Bread was 40 rubles a Russian pound (which is about -0 per cent smaller than ours): butter, I'OO rubles: salt. 100 rubles: ten eggs, 100 rubles: sugar. ISO rubles a pound: meat. 73: tea. 00 rubles; cof fee, unobtainable; bacon, 250. Bread S3 Taaad. Baroa S17.SO. At the rate of exchange for roubles In Warsaw, bread is over $3 a pound here and bacon is $17.50 a pound. But this exchange rate is fictitious as far as life in Russia is concerned. All money 19 demonetized in Russia just what the bolsheviki want. The effect Is that, although money Is thick, it does not stay in town. The peasants demand sheaves of it for everything and they get It. I am told the peas ants around Minsk often have 200.000 or 400.000 rubles. Those peasnts are Inluck. Now the Poles are here and begin to bring in merchandise they can buy things, and their money will jump to 10 timee. even SO times its value. So the money will come flowing back into town. Kxperts on monetary systems can figure who wins and who loses on the transaction. The political effect is more important now. It is going to make the peasants pleased as Punch with the Poles. They mill not care whether they are Kuthenians or rot. To be Poles will be good enough for them. They have no national aspira tions anyhow. All they want is to be let alone. Coming down here Into this back woods of Europe among these Ku thenlan peasants, it Is perfectly ob vious we ase no longer in Poland. I have enjoyed putting my Polish acquaintances on the defensive In venting reasons why they ought to be here, where outaitle the towns not over a per ceni or tne people are Poles. To my accusation, not seri ously meant, that this Is imperialism, they give every argument except the real one mat wnue Kussla is no more Russian than It is Polish, it is simply Kuthenian. and the Kuthenians neither can nor seem at all anxious to set up a government of their own. Their backwardness is a proof that Russia did little for them. Poland la certain to do belter. Just now they are very tired of Russian rule, fur they regard bolshevik rule as Rus sian rule, a more minute tyranny than that of the t'xar. Both come out of the east. If the Poles, by an aichemy that has something to do with the points of Uhlan lances, make them all rich, they are goin gto like the Poles well enough. Also the Poles are set ting about at once providing a civil ised government. Mlask Mervly itasalfled. I. who love Russia, for all her faults, came Into this country with something of the feelings of a man who has the agreeable sensation of getting near home. But. as I stay here. I realise that Minsk Is simply Russified. What there Is of Russia about it Is superimposed. It has not th real Russian flavor. To get here I had to cross that vast waste that runs from Dvlnsk to Brest-Lltovsk, the region the Grand Duke Nicolas Nicolalvitch razed with his Cossacks and emptied of 1.000.000 innabitants so he could have room to carry on war. As the train creeps past the weedy fields, the charred villages, mile after mile, endlessly, without a domestic animal, without a human being, only the circling black birds, only the empty, grass-grown roads, the sense of desolation has the poignancy that Is felt only in deserted places where people once lived. This waste is 40 miles wide on the way here from Vllna. and a very few peo ple are just beginning to come back. Most of them were driven so far into Russia they never will get back. I met one family on the road that had been trekking It from Turkestan, Our train consisted of a few freight cars. We were riding with a Ruth enian Pole who had half a carload of bacon, with which he was easing his way up toward Minsk waiting for through traffic, to open. He expected to make a fortune and carried with him a private armed guard. He was generous, too. and gave away a good deal to the wretched peasants who had found their way back and crowd ed around the newly opened railroad to get food. War Waifs Seeklag Home. On the train were two girls of 14 and a boy of 7 with a little pig In a sack. They told us they had got separated from their parents when their village was wiped out, the bat tle spewt over them and the Germans sent them a few miles to the rear. For four years they have been living on a farm, working tneir way. ana now for their last months united pay they had received tne pig ana Here starting back to their old home with it. When we came to their station, they were at first bewildered by Its emptiness, for even the stationhouse was cone, but in a minute they got their bearings and started off across the weeds through the dreadful wil derness toward what had once been their home. When they left the oldest was 10. The chance that their par ents were among the few returning peasants was too small to be calcu lable. But they were old in hard ship, indured to devastation, and the crows that croaked at their shawl covered heads struck no terror to their hearts. These are not the only war-wise children we encountered. At an American Red Cross relief station that has been catching the wayfarers children as young as 6 sometimes drift In by themselves. One little chap came along and asked for a meal and. having got that, sat with his chin on his palm thinking for a few mln utes. Then, looking up with bis wide little eyes, said: "It is coming on right now. so you will not turn me out. will you?" Another, when asked where he came from, replied: "I don't come from anywhere; Imp ust here; thaj's alL" Poland Has Opportunity. The children of these parts are lit tle old men and women. They have seen nothing but war all their con scious lives, and life Is serious to them. The lack of children's shrill cries and joyous laughter Is more de pressing than the desolation all about. These Red Cross nurses have tales to tell. These refugees come hungry, broken, covered with vermin. They are in no condition to set to work deconstructing their farms. Besides, they have no material, no foods, noth ing. When the children are once bathed and clean their happiness is a delight. I saw one little girl of 8 who did not want to leave and go on with her parents. "I want to stay,' she protested. "I never felt like this before." If Poland is clever In administering White Russia. It will feel that way about ti. too. BRIDGES WILL BE REBUILT Xew 210-Foot Span Over Cowlitz at ika Planned. CHEHALJS. Wash.. Oct. 4. (Spe cial.) The Cowlitz river bridge at Nesika Is to be rebuilt soon, accord ing to State Highway Commissioner Allen, who has issued a call for bids for a new 240-foot span. Bids will be opened at Olympla October 20. Two years ago Overcoats of smart men and one from My showing" overcoats for vounsr men is which you will delight to choose for yourself, for it is replete with fine examples of the master-tailors' skill." Here are rich, colorful woolens of American, Irish, Scottish and British weav ing, correctly modeled and faultlessly tailored; gar ments that will serve, and look well in the serving; the kind of garments you like to see men wear the kind you like to wear yourself. Come in and choose your winter overcoat now while there is so much to attract and please you. $25 to $90 enSellin Morrison S treet ai Fourth: to the bridge was washed avay and a big jam caused the stream to shift its main channel. This left the steel span on the north end of the struc ture practically high ana ary. fol lowing a consultation of engineers efforts were made to shift the stream back to its old channel, but last win ter when another big flood came all this work was lost. The last legislature made an ap propriation which, added to Lewis county and other funds, will add an other span to the south end. By next summer it is hoped to have the Nesika bridge ready for travel. W. J. ROBERTS IS DEAD Seattle Business Man Is Survived by Widow and Child. ' SEATTLE, Wash., Oct. 4. (Special.) W. J. Roberts, ex-president or the Roberts-Burkhardt company and a member of the firm of the Alaska Pacific Fisheries company, died Satur day at his home after a week s illness. Mr. Roberts .was a resiaent oi Se attle for 25 years, having come here from Portland, where he was born in 1SS. He Is survived by a widow and a 12-year-old daughter, Virginia Rob erts. Funeral arrangements will not be completed until the arrival of C. A. Burkhardt. president or tne Aiasna Pacific Fisheries company, from Port land. toward the erection of a nurses' home and to a relief emergency fund. APPLE GROWERS IN PANIC Shortage of Packers Threatens Serious Loss to Many. HOOD RIVER, Or., Oct. 4. (Spe cial.) Hood River apple growers have never experienced so severe a shortage of apple packers as they have this season. W. Wilkie, in charge of the government employ ment office, says he could place 200 packers at or.ee, but no more are available. A number of growers, fearing loss of apples remaining picked in unpro tected sheds, grew panicky today and offered a cent bonus' over the six cents set by the Apple Growers' as WINLOCK TO GET PAVING Plans for Roadway to Connect AVln lotjk AVith Highway Approved, CtfEHALIS, Wash.. Oct. 4. (Spa rial.) Plans and specifications for the proposed new paved road that "will connect Winlock with the Pacific highway at Cowlitz corner, have been approved by the Lewis county com missioners. G. R. Walker, E. G. Lowry and Walter Clinton have been named as appraisers and have begun their work. The pavement will be 18 feet In width and of concrete. It is hoped to get some of the grading done this winter so that the roadbed will have time to settle before laying the con crete next year. The work is being done under the Donahoe road law, the county to pay half, the road district one-fourth and the abutting property one-fourth under the zone system. Six Games Scheduled. SALEM, Or.,... Oct.. 4. (Special.) J. L. Stalker yesterday disposed of his 103-acre ranch situated in the vicinity of Silverton to Edward Olsen. The consideration was $12,500. Arthur Fosdick has sold his ranch, near Ger vals, to A. C. Keene for $14,000, while Frank Kloft. for af consideration of $17,000, has sold to Frank Bernards a 150-acre ranch near St. Paul. JACK PICKFORD in "BURGLAR BY PROXY" A yarn packed full of action, adventure and rapid comedy f un by the ton ! It's tough to slip out of being a burglar when you are caught with the goods his best girl there, too! You never could guess his alibi! A Lloyd Comedy "THE RAJAH" Harold Lloyd, Bebe Daniels and Harry Pollard in a joy-goulash The Wonderful PRIZMA The glories of Glacier National Park in natural colors. TODAY AND ALL WEEK New Columbia Orchestra Evenings Portland's Theatre Beautiful Yudenltch Moves on Petrograd. WASHINGTON. Oct. 4. Simultane- otislyv with the renewal of the of fensive against the bolsheviki. on the eastern front by the Kolchak forces, General Yudenitch has begun an ad vance toward i-'etrograd from the Archangel district, according to ad vices by the Russian embassy. Benefit Dance Nets $260. THE DALLES. Or.. Oct. 4. (Spe cial.) More than $260 was cleared at dance given last night in the Elks temple by The Dalles Hospital Alumni the south approach association. The proceeds will go O 1919 Knox Hat Company, lac. k t iiox hats here is character in hats just as there is character in men good points. good points are what you are looking- for in the hat you buy then why not have the hat with all good points knox. good style; good quality; good name for nearly one hundred years. on o icliel men's furnisher and hatter exclusive but not expensive 331 Washington st., near broadway The Chamber of Commerce of Brus- IkSS rSrgST -7: 1 rfc ill 7 Vi'B sels. Belgium, has recently addressed ilril frffT j i 'i')h I ' ''-I the government, urging that harbor g 1 ImLj4 Sli 1 1 iv!1 V- I''il: IJ.Tni' l1 -ft J--"- L 1 9 works contemplated in 1914 should iHSBl&'W 'Ml I now be constructed. . IMr&J) SPifl Mi'-"i?itnrtt sf J 5SZi ? ' 1 " wa n Ma i ICJH'W 1-1 Ii " u I r Hf 1 1 -., I "'i-tm I . t I II 1 " I'll . - 4 I ' I II II I f M. mm. I 1 -1 II 'I i IB UlJM JUai-iV'WilW I ll-WMl 1:3! tf,.?-t 11 I : D ' rlll''illl' ' 'h ljjj Jj S - &i ;l iff jJ The Lady with the f Jt Ell M $50,000 back. VC . . V' I If f CV : - 111 U m B"del See How Inexpensively You Can Modernize Your Home Lighting Here is a really artistic lighting fixture that is beauti ful enough for a mansion, but so moderate in price that the owner of a small house can afford it. The fixtures illustrated are of the handsome Adam design and will harmonize with most any interior. Miller Lighting Fixtures Special, as Offered in Saturday Evening Post CHANDELIER 5 1U antique gold finish, suitable for dining room BRACKET 2 It., with switch, antique gold finish. Modestly priced. Miss Gordon, in this pic ture, wears an amazing array of gowns, furs, hats and jewelry all up to the minute; a veritable Fashion Show, displaying $250,000 worth of finery. "PLAYTHINGS OF PASSION" Can two wrongs make a right? She was accused unjustly by her husband, and in the resultant mix-up this Butterfly of Fashion gets a clergyman tangled in the web. The result was startling, to say the least! TODAY AND ALL WEEK STAR Washington at Park a aa SIDE DISHES 1. KINOGRAMS 2. FORD WEEKLY 3. SCREEN MONOLOGUE See the Fixtures at Our Showroom iii mmt-am J. C. English Upstairs 148 Fifth Street "It