THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, iORTLAND. OCTOBER 5, 1919. SMALL FLOUR ORDER PLACED WITH MIL LS Government Buys Only Third of Normal Amount. small Ion of Elbertas and southern Ore (on Salways are still available. NO CHANGE MADE IN PRICES Potato Market Is Weak. The potato market was weak, with sup plies large and the demand slow. One ear of Wanhlngtons arrived. The best Orecon Durban It a and Yaktma Netted c;ma aold generally at Ordinary grades brought f L'tj 2 20 ' Bank Oearfng-s. Rank c len r i n ga of the north we tern cities yesterday were an follow: 'lean n it. Balances. Portland .Jl7.X7t S 1.4W,414 ifi 7.T;i.iH; l.o41.v:h Tarntm .::.47:t 41.SH , K-Mknn '2.?OH,H44 1.1 Hunk Marine of Portland. Seattle and I Tacoma for the poat week and correspond' mi wei in former years: fort lan a. e-eattle. Turnrnn. .$ tH.h1rt.rtl $44.;;H4.041 '94.AMH.47fl STOCK. LIST .HECBVEHS BETTER NEWS OF PRESIDENT'S CONDITION IS HELP. n'ga Premium Slill Being Paid in Interior for Hard Wheat. Coare Grains Firmer. Orders for Vlnhfr export flour were f:aced yesterday. No statement was mad by the grain corporation a to the quantity bout hi. but It learned from millers that the purchase mas limited, only about a third of the normal monthly amout.t being taken, owing to the lack of tonnage ready and the threat-ned strike. The prices were, the same as In September. S'J.o3 f. o. b. and 19 Ml f. a. a. Tb wheat market continues excited by the strong buying for eastern as well as coast milling account, premiums of 14 to ii cents over the government basic price are being paid for hard wheaL The coarse grain market was steady to firm. At the noon session of the Mer chants Kxchanse lOO tons of December 38 pound clipped oats were sold at S..2U. the same price bid on Kriday. Sacked oats offers were higher. Corn bids ranged from So cents lower to So cents airher than the day before. Barley was advanced 5uctll. Weather conditions in the middle west, as wired from Chicaso: Minneapolis, clear. t ne. 69 to "S; Chicago, clear, fine, 60; Missouri part cloudy to clear. 70 to 7. Kansas cloudy. 73, showers last night at Hutchison: Ohio, clear, fine, heavy rain at 6pnngflld; Kentucky, c'.ear, fine; Tennes see, cloudy; Minnesota, part cloudy, cool. LMtle rain last nigth at Duluth: WJnnlpeg. part cloudy, cool. Forecast: Illinois. Mis souri, Wisconsin, showers, cooler; Minne sota. Iowa. Nebraska. Kansas, probalile showers tonight and tomorrow, fair and warmer: probably trosl. Kansas, tonight; South Dakota, fair and warmer." Terminal receipts, in ears, were reported y the Merchants Exchange as follows: Wheat. Brly. Kir. Ota. Hay. Portland. Saturday 44 Tear ago 1;1 Total Inls week.. -' Year axo -3 Season to date. . . -T" 4 Year ago 344'J Tacoma. f'riday.. 4 Yar ago 6 Season to dale. . . IK 7 1019 . iin. . 1II7.. i!m. 1I4.. im.!.. ll'l.'.. I'M I.. 1!HI. . tl-OW. . 11MW . 1!'7.. liK'tJ.. '. lrt.ii-i m.74.:i04 M.77o.S'I i:i.:.x.4.:7 i."i.ii:h iix l::. in .mm u.Mi.",. :vi 1J.4vM,6 M.ntiO.S M. I.-'.'Im 5. 7 In. VHNI ;ii.w .ft.4Sl.WI7 u.2,m: 12.M7..HR H.l'O.OM4 I I. H4II i:4:i 1 I.NIS.7J7 l-.Mf41.172 14.4m 1T 10.67v46.-f III. .. ih;2 a.7i.:.7l I .'.47ll..'.50 ' -. loi".!'-'!'l ' -'.4S7.4"4 ; t.64ll.7H! I 4.4l.2.':l i 5.n.-.0.7-ll 6.44..HS I ..KO-VIUl ! r,,:.M7 : 3.42M. S73 ItlRTUND MARKET QIOTATION9 I shares. Short Covering Is Extensive and Tliere Is Also Buying for Long Account BondsFlrm. , NEW TORK, Oct. "-4. Stocks recovered In variable degree today from the sharp reversal of the previous session, extensive short covering and some buying for the long account being Induced by the better news concerning President Wilson's condi tion. Ralls were conspicuous features on a renewal of the midweek demand. Cru cible steel recovered part of Its recent setback, rising an extreme of 12 points. Otis' made gams on tne strength of Mexican Petroleum. American Woolen, motor subsidiaries and several of the food groups made Irregular advances, the mar ket closing with a confident and strong undertone. Sales amounted to 475,000 preferred stock offering of the Standard Oil company of New Jersey. The visit of the King of Belgium is expected to hasten negotiations for a iarge loan to that country, but in high finan cial circles opinion is well nigh unani mous that credits to other European coun tries will remain in abeyance pending the senates ratification of the peace treaty. Money, Exchange, Etc. NEW TORK, Oct. 4. Bar silver, $1.20. Mexican dollars, 92 'c LONDON. Oct. 4. Bar silver. 64d per ounce. Money and discount unchanged. Excess Reserves Are Increased. NEW TORK. Oct. 4. The actual condi tion of clearing house banks and trust companies for the week shows that they hold $30,606,740 reserve In excess of le gal requirements. This Is an increase of $21,182,860 from last week. Dried Frnit at New York. NEW TORK, Oct.. 4. Evaporated ap ples nominal. Prunes. dull. Peaches dull. Cotton Market. NEW TORK. Oct. 4. Cotton Spot quiet. Middling $31.10. 1.1 VK.MTOCK PRICES ARB UNCHANGED (rain. Floor. Feed. Kte. e Merchants' Exchange, noon session: Oct. Nov. Dec. Oats Kid Bid Kid No 3 white feed (52.00 1 53 00 154.50 Rarlev Standard feed 2 M 6.1 On 6S..10 No. 3 blue 63.00 63.30 4.tMJ Corn No. 3 y.llnw 0.00 5 00 65.50 Eastern oats and corn In bulk: Oats .Im pound clipped 60 OO 82 00 B2.00 3.H-pound clipped 52.50 53.UO S3 00 Corn No. 3 yellow 680 57.00 65.50 Barley No. 2 60 00 412 00 61.50 Tear ago 1 . 4 S-attle. Friday... 2.1 Year ago l::l Season to date. . . I-'1 Tear ago 1'4S Tacoma. total Sept. !! 1 32 1 8 14 6 1M 6 40 2 25 41 s 114 752 22H 62 354 42 262 II- I 50 ... 7 2-0 19 ... 69 453 I 2 .-,11 3 7 In 111 197 470 :m 4:1a li9 no 4 ... 37 61 WHEAT Government basis. $2.20 per bushel. KLOl'R New crop patents. $11.15; bak ers' hard w heat. $1 1.15 i 1 1.75; whole wheat. $10.50; graham, $10.25; straights. $1I .".0. MIl.I.FEED Mill run. t. o. b. mill, car lots, ton lots or mixed cars. $::940; ton loin or over, delivered, $1.504i2 extra: rolled barley, 6: rolled oats. $60; ground barley. $(-; scratch feed, $78. COKX-Wholt. $70: cracked. $72. HAT Buying prices, f. o. b. Portland; lflf. $2:S:;o: cheat. $17? 19: clover. $21w22: oats and vetch, $21j22; valley timothy, $26v28. Another moderate Increase of actual re serve in the clearing house statement brought the total excess of that item up almost to 140, OOO. OOO, against the deficit of 53,OOO,OO0 reported a fortnight ago. Bonds were firm, several of the specu lative rails following the course ofallled shares, especial) Southern Pacific. Liberty bonds were steady, internationals feature less. Total sales, par value, $6,750,000. Old United States bonds were unchanged on call during the week. MI1PMENTS OF APPLES INCREASING Oregea Boxed Eaalera Market Steady Fruit. Apple shipments from Oregon on Thurs day were Si cars. At the New York auc tion 755 boxes of Oregon Gravenslelns sold at $1.65t2.43. an average of $2.14. Con ditions at shipping points were wired as follows. Spokane. Wash. Carloads f. o. b., usual terms, and carloads f. o. b.. cash track: Yakima Jonathans XK, I2.2523.i; fancy. 12U2.20; C. I1.90V2: Delicious XI', $3 63. Wenatrhee Jonathans. Xf, medium to Urge. $2332.4U: fancy. $2tt2 .20: C. $1.85. Other districts Delicious XF. medium to large. $3.50: fancy, 13 25: Staymans XF, $2.i; fancy. I2.6U; r.omea XF. $2.35. Cash sales for Immediate shipment. Delicious XF. $2.75t2.s0: fancy, 12.55. All sixes, amall to large, exceptions noted. Urand Junction, Colo. Partly cloudy, llaultngs moderate, demand moderate, market steady, quality and condition fair, soma wormy. Carloada f. o. b.. usual terms. Jonathans XF, 12 25; fancy, $2; C. $1.75; wagon loads cash to growers. Canos and Ben Davis. $1.50 bulk per cwL It iimes. S2IS2.62S. Delta district Waeon loads, cash to growers. Ganos. $1,7312: Janathans, $2.23 4j 2.50 bulk per cL Olathe district Ganos, $1 73; Ben Davis, $160165; Jonathans, Winesaps, $2.30 bulk per cwt. Rochester. N. T. Warm, partly cloudy. Hauling moderate, wire inquiries moderate, demand moderate, market steady. Few sales oa account of light loading. Car- 1 loads f. o. b.. usual terms. Barrels, 20- unco A X-inrh. best. I6.734y7; few Kings, $7: Greenings. !t6 5a. Fruits and Vegetable. FKL'ITS Oranges. $o.234f7: lemons, $6 1: 8.50 box; bananas, 94s9?c per pound; apples, $1.25fe3.50 per box; cantaloupes, $1 25'3 per crate; grapes. $22.50 per box. 7 y 1 lc per pound; casabas, 2 c per pound. VEGETABLES Cahbage, 2'42c pef pound, lettuce. $2,504 2.75 per crate; beets, $2 5142.75 per sack: cucumbers. 75i$l a box; tomatoes. H5c4s$l per box; beans, HfPc; green corn. 30a40c doxen: egg plant, 7'9c pound: turnips, $2.75 per sack: carrots. $2 412.25 per sack. POTATOKS Oregon. $2 u 2.25 sack, sweet. 4T4r6'c per pound. ONIONS Oregon. 3ti3Hc per pound. Provisions, l.'ocal Jobbing quotations: HAMS All sizes. Choice. . 36S37c; standard, 34'ii.lfic; skinned. 2S&33c; pic nl. 24c: cottare roll. 2 he. LARD Tierce basis, 34c; compound. 25c per pound. DRY SALT Short, clear backs. 289 33c; plates. 2o-2Uc; exports, 294?32c. IlAi'O.N Fancy. 48 51c; standard, 41 42c; choice. 37c. CL.OSI.NO STOCK QUOTATIONS. Last High. Low. K5 Ki 65 6.1 132 V4 1-2 is 127 127 113 111 74 72 141 Vi 140 108 Vi ! 119 P8 23 23 67 W 661, 112 til 175 172 137 4 134 "i 40 "4 39 104 102'a 28 m, 28T, 51 T, 50 a 152 -J, 152 104 102 4 to ' r..s 44 :, 4:1 Sales. Am Beet Sug. 1.21 Am Can' 7.3O0 Am Cr A Fdry 100 Am II i L pld 100 Am Ixico 19,3oo Am 8m Rfg 400 Am bug Rfg., Am Sum Tub. Am Tel A Tel. Am Z L & Sin Anaconda Cop Atchison .... A U & W 1 S S Baldwin Loco. 17.8IIO Halt A Onio.. 1.70D Beth Sleel B. IS.lniO HAS Copper. 5,2HI Calif Petrol . . Canadian Pac. Central Leath. Ches ee Ohio,. Chi M & St P. Chi HI Pac Chino Copper. Col Fu & Iron. Corn Products 1.900 Crucible Sleel. 4.1IOO 1.1IX) 5, IK Ml 600 5O0 2.100 7oi) 1.200 800 300 3,7(H 1.000 3.100 tiOO 500 Larger Part of Day's Receipts Go Direct to Packers. Nine loads of stock were received at the yards yesterday, but a good part of it came direct. Trading was light during the half day of business and prices were unchanged. Receipts were 68 cattle, 1 calf and 1241 sheep. The day' sales were as follows: Weight. Price. 17 cows 924 $ 7.25 6-cows 933 6.C0 1 bull 1410 5.75 1 bull 17,00 5. Quotations on livestock at the local yards ioiiow : Cattle Best steers $ 9.75 010.75 Oood to choice steers 9.25 U.75 Fair to icood steers 7.2.r.Js 8.25 Common to fair steers 8-OOly 6.75 lioice cows and heifers 7.75W 8.25 Good to choice cows and heifers 7.00' 7.75 Medium to good cows, heifers. 6.00 7.00 Fair to medium cows, heifers S.MA 6.00 fanners 3.00 O 4.50 Bulls e.llOij 7.00 Olves 8. 00 W 16.00 blockers and feeders 6.00$ 9.00 Hogs Prime mixed 17.50918.00 Medium mixed" 17.00417. 50 nougn heavies 15.75r 16.00 Pisrw . . 1 Tr.ii i no 01. I sheer If I Prime lambs 1 H I Fair to medium lamh, Yearlings Wethers Ewes Sale. Ill 65 13214 127 112 74 14i H7 119 2:1 67 92 174Vi 136 40 ' 103. CORN HIGHER AT CLOSE TRADERS BELIEVE IMPORT DCTY MAY BE PUT OX. 28 42'), 41- Cuba Cane sug 12. .VO Staple CI roc erics. . T,ocal jobbing quotations: SI'UAK Sack basis: Fruit or berry, $9 115: beet. $1)33; golden C. $9.15: pow dered, in barrels, $10.25; cubes. In barrels. $10.40 NL'TSa-Walnuts, 26036c; Brar.ll nuts. 35c; filberts, 30c; almonds, 2430c; pea nuts, 11i2iic. SALT Half ground. lOOs, $1T per ton; 50s. $18.75 per ton; dairy, I26.50ln28 per ton. RICE Blue Rose. 1414c per pound. BEANS Pink. 7.c: lima. 10lc per pound: bayous. 7c; Mexican red. 7c. COFFEE Roasted. In drums, 3950c. Dairy and Country Produce. BUTTER Cubes, extras, 60c lb., prime firsts. Solc; prints, parchment wrappers, box lots. 65c: cartons, 5c: half boxes. Vic more: leas than half boxes, lc more; but No. 1. 65w 66c per pound. CHEESE Tillamook, f. o. b. Tillamook, triplets, 3Uc; Y'oung Americas. 31c: long boms, 31c: Coos and Curry, f. o. b. Myrtle Point, triplets. 29c: Young Americas. 3uVjc- EtKiSOregon ranch, candied, 66 a 67c; selects. 7lc: eastern. 55c. POULTRY Hens, 2430c; broilers. 25 28c: ducks, 25 & 35c; geese, 20c; turkeys, nomlnaL VKAI, Fancy. 2H43 26HC per pound. PORK Fancy. 26c per pouad. Hops, II Idem, Wool. Etc. HOPS 1919 crop. 75c per pound. HIDES Green. 2Sc; salted. 32c: calf skins. e5c: kips. 55c; dry hides, 42c; dry calfskins. 80c. WOOL Territory staple. 4Sf5S. ac cording to shrinkage: clothing or French combing. 45 54c; half-blood combing and clothing. 4360c: three-eighths clothing snd combing. 45 w 65c ; quarter-blood cloth ing and combing, 4042 37c; common and braid. 31 50c. MOHAIR 1918 clip. 45c per pound. TALLOW No. 1. like per pound. CAaCARA BARK New. He per pound. V S Fd Prods. Erie General Elec. Genl Motors . . Gt No pfd Gt No Ore ctfs Illinois Central Insplr Copper. Int M M pfd.. Inter Nickel .. Inter Paper .. K C Southern. Kennecott Cop Louis Nash . Mexican Petrol I6.000 Miami Copper. 1O0 Mldvale Steel. 1.30O Missouri Pac. N Y Central. . N Y N H & H. Norf & West.. Northern Pr.c. Pan-Am Petrol Pennsylvania.. Pitts W Va, Pittsburg Coal Ray Con Cop.. Reading Hep Ir Steel Sin Oil & Rfg. Southern Pac. 40.3OO Southern Ry.. I.80O Studcbakcr Co 9.4O0 Texas Co 410 Tobac Prods.. 2.9oo Union Pacific. Unit Ret Sts.. U S Ind Alco. U S Steel do pfd Utah rorr-. Westing Elec. Wlllys-Ovlnd.. National Lead Ohio Cits Gas. Royal Dutch.. 61 NJ 10O 100 11.2CIO 9uO l.MH) 7"M) 3.600 2.8'MJ KO0 2 200 mo 900 2.100 1.7110 3,300 3ix) 900 2.500 100 400 700 400 8.000 1.400 12.700 1.7O0 19.700 7iM1 40.400 2O0 loo 1.000 5.900 .100 6i0 6.300 87 V. 236 42", 86 16'i 165 265 86-4 4..', 114 60', ' 118S 27 H 62 34 V. 227 Vi" 26V, 51 Vi 30 75 34 Vi 102 8S 118V4 4314 31 Vi 62 Vi 84 94 60 107 26 '4 117H 268 103 Vi 1 -.-. V, 111V4 137i 103", 114H 82 r.4V4 33 84 K 52 ' 1015, 86 233 39 14 85 111", 165 2.-.S 86 45 IM'4 410 A 117, 26 V, 61 l!l4 34V 261 !1 29 H 7314 S3 4 101 87 V. 1174 43 V, 34 412", 22 '4 82 14 934 59 103 - 25. 11-'Vi 26 102 124 109U 13 114 104 11414 82 f,4 .1254 83 '4 52 S. 100 V. 152. 1114 Vi 60 444 28 1, 41. 44 87 Vi 233 42 V4 8li Hi '4 165 V4 264 '4 86 Vi 45 4 94H 604 11, 274 62 194 34 14 108 226 14 26 'a 61 14 30 7.5 34 Vi lOl. 88 1184 43 Vi 34 62 Vi 8.1 94 4 Ml V4 1(17 '4 2.1 117V 20 1024 2. 110 137 V, 1054 114V4 8: r.4V 33 83 52 '4 101 .... 11.C012.50 .... 10.50&11.00 .... 7.50 ig 8.50 7.50 8.50 .... 6.00 tt 7.00 Chicago Livestock Market. CHICAGO, OcL 4. Hogs Receipts, 3000. 15c higher. Heavy, $15.25 16.60; meaium. l.j.40W16: light. 15.75W1.8.V light light. $15.254rl6.50; heavy, packing sows, smooth. $14.25&15; packing sows. rougn. .13. iora)l4.2u; pigs, $15;16. Cattle Receipts, 3000, market compared with week ago, native beef steers, 27c to i:ic higher. She-stock, steady to strong feeders and range cattle, 25c higher. Veal calves. 41 lower. Sheep Receipts, 3000. market compared wun week ago: Fat and feeder lambs, mostly 85c to $1.25 higher. Sheep and yearlings. Irregular, 25c to 75c higher. xireeaing ewes, steady. Early Market Weak, Due to Fear of Argentine 3ompetition ; Sea ' board Sales Lift Oats. CHICAGO, Oct. 4. Corn advanced In price today, notwithstanding that consid erable weakness prevailed at the outset. Gossip that a bill would be Introduced in congress to restore the import duty on corn wus to some extent responsible for the advance. Prices closed firm 14 cent higher: December, $1.24 6' 1.24 Vi and May, $1.221.2214. Oats gained 14itii4c In provisions the outcome ranged from 30 cents decline to a rise of 50 centa The downward tendency shown by ths corn market around the opening appeared to be due chiefly to fear of Argentine competition and to uncertainty over Pres ident Wilson's Illness. Big sales to the seaboard lifted the oats market. Provisions averaged higher. Leading futures ranged as follows: CORN. Open. High. Low. Close. $1.22 $1.244 $1.2214 $1.24 .... 1.21 1.224 1.204 1.22 OATS. T014 .714 .701 .71 7214 .73. .724 .72 MESS PORK. ....35.50 35.75 35.50 35.75 IAll'-,,' 4ial4 Dec. May Dec. May Oct. Jan. Oct. Nov. Jan. 7.15 LARD. 27.42 27.15 27.42 26.42 23.35 Bid. BONDS. J S Lib 14s. .1 100.06'A T TtT 6s. 101 do 1st 4s 95.22 Atch gen 4s 79 4 do 2d 4s. .. .94.00 O & R G ref 5s. 6H1 dp 1st 4 'is... 9.V50 N T C deb 6s..l06Vi do 2d 4s. . .94 .3" N P 4s 8(1 do 3d 4'iS. . .96.00 N P 3s 87 Vi do 4th 4,s. ..94.36 Pac T & T 5s.. 89 Victory Za ...99.92 Pa con 4Vts....92 do 4s Hll. 84 CI f cv 98 1UI U s ref 2s reg.Moo do coupon . .100 V S cv 3 reg.9 do coupon . . 9 U S 4s reg 111614 do coupon ..10614 So Ry 6s Li p 4S V S Steel 5s. Angio-Fr 6s . 63 87 Vi 95"4 87 Bid. Mining; Stocks at Boston. BOSTON. OcL 4. Closing quotations: CORN DISTRIBITION' XagUah Market FALLS OFF Railway I SMrtUed by Strike. Broomhall cables concerning the corn Situation In England: "Although arrivals of corn Into the Tnlted Kingdom have been Increasing slowly, distribution has fallen off sharply, due to the Interruption to transport as a result of the railway strike. Consumers appear very apprehensive, fearing that the temporary Inadequate transport facilities will cause a tleup la the ports and prevent the discharging of boats. Argentina still retains a fair surplus of old corn and this, together with the larger exportable sur plus from the new crop, gives that coun try an enormous amount of corn to dis pose of. AUSTRALIAN EGGS REACH PORTLAND First Shipment From That Country Ever Received Mere. A shipment of Australian eggs was re ceived yesterday by way of San Fran cisco. This la the first time eggs from the antipodes have ever been brought to this city. Oregon eggs were In small supply and firm at 65 cents, case count: 66 a 67 cents for candled, and 70 cents for selects. East era aold readily at uncharged prices. The butter market was firm on extras, but the lower grades, which were plentiful, were difficult to move. PROIIMON PRICES ON DOWN GRADE llama, Bacoa and Dry Salt-Cured MeaU Are Lower. Provision prices continue on the down grade, with bams showing the largest re duction. A new price list that goes Into effect tomorrow morning will quote de clines of 3 to $14 cents on hams of vari ous sizes; 3 to 4 cents oa skinned hams; 1 cent on picnics and 2 centa on cottage roll. Bacon of all grades will be down 1 cent and there will be the same decline on dry salt meats. Compound lard drops 2H cents, but pure lard prices will be raised 2 centa Baesa bold to Make Soap, According to a Montreal paper, a Ca nadian who has Just returned from Liver pool claims thai unrequired Canadian ba con was sent to the soap factories la England. "Canadian bacon Is a drug on the mar ket In England. said he. "When I was In Liverpool 20.000 cases of Canadian baeorr was going bad on the wharves there. It was sold to melt down to soap. Cases of Canadian bacoa of loo-pound -lot cases sold for 1 shilling 2 pence, or 2S cent for 6o0 pounds." - frs Cra-sf-sult la. The first ear of new rrop Florida grape fruit arrived yesterday. Other cars are due early In the week. Trices range from 2S ta $-7S. The peach season Is practically over, but Oils. LINSEED OIL Raw. barrels, 2 26: raw, cases, $2 36; boiled, barrels, $2.28; boiled, esses. $2.3. TURPENTINE Tank $1.91; cases; $2.01. COAL OIL Iron barrels. 13Viei6c; tank wagon. 13 Sc; cases, 24 6 31c GASOLINE Iron barrels. 2314c: tank wagon. 23!,c; cases. 34c: engine distillate. Iron barrels, 16c; tank wagou, 16c; cases, 26SC SAX FRANCISCO PKODICE MARKET Prices Current oa Yegctuhles, Freeh Fruits, Etc, at Bay City. SAN" FRANCISCO. Oct. 4. Vegetables Egg plant, 50ci$l lug box; bell peppers, 5o a 75c per box; summer souasli. 5ugs 85o large lug box; cream, 75cj$l box; to nntoea. 75tr90c, large lug; potatoes, rivers, white. $22 50 cental: sweet, 3t 4c lb.; onions, yellow and white, $2.25 cental; Australian brown. $2,304. 2.75 cen tal ; tucuiflberg. 604j75c lug; green corn. $242.23 sack: garlic 20 1 25c lb.; beans, string. 4fe6c lb.; wax, 3tj3c; limas, 67c; celery. $3 4x3.50 crate. Fruit Oranges. $45.50 box; lemons. $546; grape frutt. $.'G6; banana. 8(y So lb.; pineapples, $2.50 8 4.50: Bartlett pears. $4414.73 box; apples. 3 H -tier. King. $2: Belleffleur, $12.. 4175 box: Quinces, lib 1.25 lug box; peaches, 75c 4 tl small box; melons, crate casabas, 50r9Oc; honey dew, 75cj$l: watermelons. lullc lb.; cantalcupes, standard.. $2.50$ 2.75; pony, $1.50 if 2: figs, black. 75c 9 II, .Ingle layer box: white. 90ci$L single layer: rasp, berries. $135013 chest: strawberries. $14 (r15: blackberries. $10413; huckleberries, 15t17c lb.; plums, $10 1.50. all varie ties: grapes. Malaga. $1,254? 1.50 crate: seedless. $3fi3.50 large lug box; Tokay, $1.2501.73 crate: pomegranates, t22..'.0 half orange box; persimmons, $1,506 2 pef 20' lb. be x. Eggs Fresh extras, 76c; extra pullets. 62 ',c Receipt" Flour 9230 quarters: barley r centals: beans, 4237 sacks; potatoes, Vi sacks: hay. 372 tons; hides, 590; wine, 53410 gallons. Bulge la Coffee Futures, NEW YORK, Oct. 4. There was a sharp advance In the market for coffee futures here today owing to more encouraging ad vices from Santos and a moderate demand from trade sources. The opening was 30 to 35 points higher and the market closed at a net advance of 66 points, with Decem ber selling as high as $15.20 and closing at $13 33 bid; October, $13.59; December, Jan uary. March. May, July ad September, $15.-43. Spot, quiet, but steads. 1,lo 7s. 1214c; Santos 4s, 2SV.fe25!4c Vlloucx Arlx Com Calu A Arlx. . lu A Hecla.. Centennial ,.. Cop Range East Bum ... Franklin Isle Royalle . . lake Cop Mohawk 40 North Butte . 14 Vi Old Dom .... . 73 (Osceola . . . . .4115 luulncy . 1 5 Vi 'Superior , 60 ;Sup A Boston. , 184 Utah Con .... 4 1, Shannon ..... . 34 (Winona 5 Vi : Volverlne .... . 63 Greene Can . . 15 41 58 67 6 S'i Vi 23 42 Vi GOLD RESERVES OVER 2 BILLIONS Resource of Five and Three-Quarters Bil lons Reported by Federal Board. WASHINGTON, OcL 4. The condition of tl)e 12 federal reserve banks at the close of business October 3 was as follows, ac cording to the weekly statement: Resources Gold coin and certificates $ 242.405,000 Gold settlement fund federal reserve board 616.333.000 Cold with foreign agencies.... Ius.hy2.ou0 Omaha Livestock Market. OMAHA, Oct. 4. (United States bu reau of markets.) Hpgs Receipts. 4000; market 10!25c higher. Top, $16.25; bulk, $15.25$ 13.65. Cattle Receipts, 1000, compared with week ago. Beef steers, mostly 00c higher. Butcher stock, 2550c higher. Veals, steady. Blockers and feeders closed dull, fairly steady, early advance lost. Sheep Receipts. 300. Compared with week ago; fat and feeder lambs, breeding and feeding ewes, fully $1 higher; sheep nu yeanings, ouc up. Kansas City Livestock Market. KANSAS CITY, Oct. 4. Sheep, receipts, 1000; market for week: Native and, west ern lambs, 75c $1.25 highes; stock ewes, 25c higher: yearling wethers, breeding sheep, steady; feeders, 50c higher. Seattle Livestock Market. SEATTLE, Oct. 4. Hojs Receipts 261; earier. Prime $17.i0tl 18.50; medium to choice. $16i&.17; rough heavy, $1516; p. a.. $15 16.50. Cat-Je Receipts, 162; steady to easier. Best steers, $10.50j 11.25; medium to choice, $9&9.50; common to good, $57; best cows and heifers, $7ia9; bulls, $5i7: calves. $7.25 o 15.50. Eastern Dairy Produce, CHICAGO. Oct. 4. Butter Easier. Creamery, 4962Vi0- Eggs Higher. Receipts, 4038 cases. Firsts, 54 Vi 56 Vic; ordinary firsts, 46 47c; at mark, cases Included. 47HS55c: storage packed firsts, 58 Iff 58 Vic poultry, alive Lower. Springs, 2314c: fowls. 18024c NEW TORK. OcL 4. Butter Steadv. unchanged. Eggs Steady, unchanged. Cheese Steady, unchanged. Total gold held by banks... $ 867.632,000 Gold with Fed. Res. agents. ..$ Gold redemption fund 101.252,000 Total gold reserves $2,13.".22.OO0 Legal tender notes, silvetr, etc 70.229.000 Total reserves $2,205,511,000 Bills discounted, secured by government war obligations. $1,654,166,000 All other 361,771.000 Bills bought In open market. . 326,667.000 Total bills on hand $2,342,604,000 V. 8. government bonds 27,095.000 U. S- victory notes 136. 000 U. S. cert, of indebtedness... 263.148.000 .$2,632,983,000 13,184,000 Total earning assets Bank premises Gold In transit or In custody In foreign countries Uncollected items and other deductions from gross de posits Five per cent redemption fund against federal reserve bank notes All other resources Total resources $5,782,131,000 Liabilities Capital paid in $ 85.350,000 Surplus 81. 187. 000 Government deposits 78.832.OO0 Due to members, reserve accL 1,765,863.000 Deferred availability Items .. 691,968,000 Other deposits, including for eign government credits.... 97.913,000 861,955.000 11,897.000 10.246.OO0 LAUNDRIES ASK FOR WRIT Injunction Against Pickets Is Re quested From Courts. An injunction against the picketing: of 13 leading- Portland laundries is asked in a suit filed In the circuit court yesterday against the Central Labor Council and local No. 70, Laun dry workers national union. It is maintained that the business of the concerns initiating the action is be-in-? injured severely by the pickets. The issues are virtually identical with those under advisement by Cir cuit Judges Gatens, Stapleton and KavanauKh for the past three weeks in the petition of manufacturing: jew elers for a similar injunction against the Jewelry workers' union. The plaintiffs are the Crescent, Troy, United States, Oregon, Palace, State. Union, Imperial, Crystal, Na tional. Opera House and American laundries. 22.92 23.35 22.80 SHORT RIBS. Oct 18.75 18.85 18.75 18.82 Jan 18.00 18.00 17.85 17.92 Cash prices were as follows: Corn No. 2 mixed. $1.45; No. 2 yellow, $1.49. Oats No. 2 white, 72 lie 73 Vic; No. 3 white. 6971Vic Rye No. 2. nominal; No. 3, $1.4 Barley $1.26(&. 1.39. Timothy $8.50 1L 2. Clover Nominal. Pork Nominal. Lard 27.407 27.42. Ribs $18.50 19.25. Grain at San Francisco, SAN FRANCISCO, Oct, 4. Flour, 8-8s, $11.80. Grain Wheat, $2.20; oats, red feed $2.80g2.95; corn, nominal; barley, feed. $2.8503. Hay Wheat or wheat and oats. $13 18: tame oats. $1518; barley. $12016; alfalfa, $17 022; barley straw, 50 80c bale- Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Oct, 4. Barley, $1.0549 1.35. Flax. $3.90(-f-3-fl3. CANTEEN HIGHLY PRAISED Portland Workers Do Good Work, Says Letter Prom Seattle. "The courtesy extended to Dr. Far rand Just as he was leaving the city by the band and canteen girls -made a profound and excellent impression on him," said Earl Kilpatrick of Red Cross headquarters at Seattle, in a letter to Mrs. Ferdinand Reed, head ! of the demobilized Portland Red Cross canteen. Mr. Kilpatrick's letter was ( inspired by the brief visit of himself and Dr. Farrand to Portland, during ' which he attended the ceremonies at tendant upon the closing of the can teen. "You and the other members and officers of the Portland chapter- have the satisfaction of knowing that no canteen in the United States has made a better record or a better name with the soldiers and sailors than the Port land canteen," wrote Mr. Kilpatrick. HAVE YOU EVER THOUGHT 10 YEARS AHEAD? What you will have of this world's iroods 10 years from now ? How much of what you put aside will have remained intact as to principal and how regularly the interest on that principal will have been paid ? Do not waste this 10-year period ! Make the most of ft 'by beginning to invest your money judiciously. Put it into Government and Municipal Bonds and keep on putting it into these unexcelled securities until you have built a real fortune for yourself. Above all else, Government and Municipal Bonds are safe and you can be sure that the interest will be paid as it becomes due, and the principal as well. For oyer twenty five years we have sold Government and Municipal Bonds, and during this entire period not a single one of these securities has defaulted in the payment of either principal or interest. The bonds on our list aggregate over two and one-half million dollars. We own and offer them to investors as securities which embody every element of safety and desir ability. Better figure to make the best of that 10 years ahead, because, it's easy to make hay while the sun shines. Be a coupon clipper. , . . . . ti: m - The Premier Municipal Bond Honse Capital One Million Dollars Morris Building, 309-11 Strk Street, Between Fifth m& Sixth Telephone: Broadway 2151. Established Ofer a Quarter Century PORTLAND, OREGON ;w''jteq- Mt. Poindexter Boom ' Started. PASCO, Wash., Oct. 4. (Special.) A call is being prepared for a mass meeting of republicans of this vicinity for the purpose of forming a "Poin dexter for president" club. IRISH FRIENDS 'ORGANIZE I r Robert Emmet Branch Is Estab lished in oPrtland. The Robert Emmet branch of the Friends of Irish Freedom has been established In Portland to assist in obtaining recognition of the repub lican form of government instituted in Ireland. Organization of another branch for residents of the east side is under way. Meetings will be held on the first and third Wednesdays of every month Woodman of the World hall. Friends and visitors will be welcome. The initial public opening of the Robert Emmet branch will be in the form of a card and dancing party on October 15. Miss Julia Sullivan, Joan D'Arc hotel, is secretary of the branch. Fall May Have Broken Back. W. L. Keffer, 1111 East Taylor street, a salesman, was injured when he fell down an elevator shaft at 3S4 East Stark street yesterday. Keffer was taken to the SL Vincent's hospi tal, where he was reported to be suf fering possibly from a broken back, jle is married and is 26 years of age. Doctors to Help Veterans. YAKIMA, Wash., Oct. 4. (Special.) Dr. A. J. Helton, Dr. W. E. McClure, Dr. E. S. West, Dr. G. W. Cornett and Dr. T. E. Baililie have been named as a medical consulting board to act in cases of ex-service men needing medican or surgical attention. Dr. Helton Is chairman. Twins Die of Cholera Infantum. TOPPENISH, Wash., Oct. 4. (Spe cial.) Irene, three-months-old daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. George Moss, died Wednesday morning of cholera in fantum. Her twin sister died two weeks ago. A. Ij. Mills Invited to Conference. SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 4. I. W. Hellman, Jr., and A. L. Mills, bankers This Grey Iron Foundry Must Be Sold THE LIBERTY FOUNDRY, INC., PORTLAND, OREGON well located with 200 ft. frontage on railroad 25,000 sq. ft. of ground. $35,000 of Equipment, Supplies, Material and Bldgs. Satisfactory Ground Lease. Make Us An Offer Phone, wire or write H. J. CRESS Main 2023. 181 2d St, Portland. Oregon fnH U isWrffl lift i LsJ Ml U&ka&tut. i of San Francisco and Portland, Or., respectively, have been invited to at tend .the world conference of bankers in Atlantic City, October 20, which has been called for the purpose of arrang Ing a new international basis of fi nance. Total sross deposits 12.634,576,000 Federal reserve notes In ac tual circulation 2,708,186,000 Federal reserve bank notes in circulation, net liability ... S41.93T.OO0 Ail other liabilities 30.HbS.0UU Kara! 8tac;.A SAVANNAH, Gs.. OcL 4. -rWpentlne Firm. $144: sales. 31 barrels; ratelpts, 214 barrels; shipments. 68 barrels; fjtock, 9393 barrels. Rosin Firm: receipts. 10M barrels; sales, ass barrels: shipments, laOS barrels; stnrtt. 41.204 barrels. Quote: B. 11.1: D, 1V0.V . tlH.1.1: F. 115.20; Q. 1S.3040; H. tin-: I. 1I 17.23: K, flHill-.2.t: M, JI Jf, 1.75; WO, I20.2S; WW. 120 75. Total liabilities $5.7R2.131,000 Ratio of total reserves to net deposit and federal reserve note liabilltiea combined, 414.7 per cent. Ratio of sold reserves to federal reserve notes In circulation after setting aside 35 per cent against net deposit liabilities, 5W.1W per cent. WEEK'S STOCK MARKET ERRATIC Liberty and Victory Bonds If you must sell your Liberty or Victory Bonds, sell to us. If you can buy more Liberty or Victory Bonds, buy from us. On Saturday, October 4, 11. the closing market prices were as riven below: They are the governing prices for Liberty and Victory bonds all over the world, and the highest. We advertise these prices dally in order that you may always know the Hew York market and the exact value of your Liberty and Victory bonds. 1st 2d 1st 2d 3d 4th Victory Victory S'4s 4s 4s 4b 444S , 4s 4is 3,1 44s Market 100.06 95.22 94.97 95.50 94.20 96.94 94.34 99.h6 99.84 Interest 1.08 1.23 1.57 1.31 1.66 .25 2.02 1.42 1.80 Total. . 101.14 96.45 - 96.54 96.81 95.86 96.19 98.36 101.28 101.64 When buying we deduct 37c on a $50 bond and $2.50 on a $1000 bond. We sell at the New York market, plus the accrued interest. Uurrlar and Fireproof Safe Deposit Boxes for Kent. Open Until 8 P. M. on Saturdays. MORRiS BROTHERS, Inc. The Premier Municipal Bond Hntue. Capital One Million Dollars. Morris IJuildine. 309 -a 11 Stark St., Bet. 5th and 6th. Telephone Hrmntnay 2151. Established Over 55 Yearn. fetal tie' Feed and fta?. PRATTLE. Oct. 4 City delivers reed, mill, per ton; aerate!, f d, IM); feed whtit, all rrnln chop, $74; nata. U; aproutinr oat. $7:1; roll ad oata, $(5tf; whole corn, J".: cracked eora. S74. Hay K a tern Waahlnffton timothy, ml xed. f.TI. 37 1 donhle comprfwied, $4; alfalfa. Ml 32; acraw, t litflti; Fuet to una, (til, Dally TurnoTer at Full Sessions ATeraree Over Million Share. NEW YORK. Oct. 4. Continuance of Industrial disturbances, the violent move ment of call money and the illness at President Wilson left their heavy impres sion upon this week's erratic and active stock market, . the daily turnover of the five full sessions averaging well over 1.0O0.000 shares. To these factors was added another adverse movement In foreign exchange, especially the London rate, for which the graver outlook of the British railroad strike was held malny responsible. The turn into the year'a fourth quarter, with Its Interest and dividend payments In volving much shifting of loans, account ed In a mensure for the vagaries of call money, which fluctuated between 6 and 15 per cent, but the smaller supply of time funds, resulting In a firmer tone, probably anticipated crop moving require ments. More than a small part of tha October, cash dlMbursements found Its way Into in ventment channels, Judging from the sua- I twined strenicth of liberty bonds and the free absorption of new capital flotation. I Ut largest of. which Uo llW.CWaOW Zm ROBERTSON & EWING GOVERNMENT CORPORATION MUNICIPAL BONDS LOCAL SECURITIES 207-8 NORTHWESTERN BANK BLDG. PORTLAND, OREGON. May we serve you? We buy high grade bonds for our own account and offer them to our clients in large and small amounts. - The principals of this company have had long experience in uying investment bonds. Every year for many years they have bought millions of dollars of high-class bonds for distribut ing to investors, banks and In stitutions. Not a dollar has been lost to any client of theirs through separate Investing in bonds purchased upon their recommendation. This company "was organized upon a founda tion of experience. Our pur pose is to serve you profitably and retain your patronage per manently. May we have the opportunity to advise you? $100 $250 $500 $1000 FREEMAH Smith CAMP Co. SBTCOND TSLOCSt Mass 646 OVERBEGK & COOKE GO. Brokers, Stocks. Bonds,' Cotton, 1 Grain. Etc. - 216-217 BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. MEMBERS CHICAGO BOARD OF TKADE MEMBERS Correspondents of Logan A Bryan, Chicago and New York. New York Stock Exchange. Chicago Stock Exchange. Boston Stock Exchange Chicago Board of Trade. New York Cotton Exchange, New Orleans Cotton Exchange. New York Ciffee Exchange. f New York Produce Exchange. Liverpool Cotton Association. School Bonds We Own. and Offer 1 $125,000 5 Bonds of School District No. 2, Natrona County, Wyoming Dated August 1, 1919 Due $5000 yearly, beginnlns; January 1, 1921 Interest payable semi-annually Janu ary 1 and July 1 of each year. Assessed Valuation of Taxable Property. ... ,18.937.391. 00 Total Bonded Debt, this issue only 125,000.00 Population 13,500. This School District Inclirdes the City of Casper, the second largest city In Wyoming and the County Seat of Natrona County. Write or telephone for descriptive circular, t G. E. Miller & Company INVESTMENT SECURITIES. Northwestern Bank Bids Main 4195. Wilson-Heilbronner Co. Announce their acquisition of the E. F. 11UTTON" A CO. WIRE& AND SERVICE and the offices at 201-202-203 Railway Exchange Bolldina; They have direet wire connections with every exehangre In the eosntrr, and will boy or sell any Railroad, Industrlnl, Steel, Copper, Craln or Cotton Stocks or Bonds traded In. YOTJR BUSINESS IS COURTEOUSLY SOLICITED. Wilson-Heilbronner Co. THE HEILBRONNER CO. Butte, Mont. PORTLAND. OREGON. Phonest Main Correspondents! E. F. KUTTON CO., New York. CLEM EXT, CURTIS CO., Chicago. UAYDEN, STONE at CO., Boston. Invest in Our Guaranteed 6 Serial Gold Bonds Secured by FIRST MORTGAGES on improved CITY and FARM PROPERTY, representing the highest type of investments. Inquiries invited. Money to loan on improved Farms and City Property. Low interest rates, no brokerage fees. Correspondence solicited. COMMERCE MORTGAGE SECURITIES COMPANY Chamber of Commerce BIdg. Ground Floor, No. 91 Third Street 4