The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 05, 1919, SECTION TWO, Page 20, Image 44

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Hint e PottM-M ce.
Jl H K nd e-neral hnuk-Pr w-ntd
In famllv of four adult: hirht
IT n-t and comp-fnt ; apply to W
Limmon-i 127 Si"t at.. bL Wash, and
Aldrr st.
FOR rook who will alt with gen
eral houork. Main i.'w.
tufur Orrhsr.l rompny. Dufur. Or., In
the dry belt, out of the rain. Men. 4
pr day; women. S3 p-r day. Hoard. St
pr dy. Inquire 2 N. I'd. Phone Broad-
ja yJ-i- ;
MAN and wife experienced in hotel work
to take chance of up-to-date sawmill
hotel; mutt be competent and aive refer-
frw. Writ K 53. Oregonian.
.il'NDHlS men. women. wanted. SID
year, government oflic and outside posi
tion. List free. Franklin Institute,
dept. 376 S, Rochester. N. Y.
VAN TED Experienced apple packers at
onre. c per box. Wire at my expense
J. Dunn. White Salmon, Wash.
WANTED Man ana wife for laundry
work in an institution. Main 57.
The chiropractic profession offer the
most unuDuul opportunities of any field
In the world today. Know about its
great opportunities before deciding your
career, or if you are dissatisfied in your
present position in life or us earning
capacity IS not what you would iike
it to be, investigate the great oppor
tunities offered in this jrre;test of all
profess;ona CHJ RoFK.VCi'U. A most
exceptional opportunity to study chiro
practic and to become a chiropractic
phvsician is offered at this Miie by our
college; both d;v ami night courses.
rhirnnratlir nhvmrnni needed In the
United Mates today to supply the de- j
ni.niti of the millions who have turned :
this great method of healing tneir
Augmented Currn-uluni. Able Faculty.
Clinical Facilities Unexcelled.
For particulars au d ress Dr. Oscar W.
Klliott. pres:lent.
Park and Yamhill.
Wain 101 4. Portland. Or.
You cannot learn any part of thii
profession through correspondence.
It n. learn the autr. and tractor buine.s
and earn I IOO to (30O a month. Southern
l aaiorma oi lers exceptional opporiuni
ties whiie and after learning, high sal
aries. Ideal working conditions, fine
year 'round cilmate. no previous experi
ence necessary. Learn in short lime the
national way. Expert instructors, new,
complete mechanical and electrical
equipment including Packard Twin 6,
Camillas , Willy-Knight, etc No age
limit. Kara beard and room while learn
ing. Ckmxi r-jccessful graduates GUARAN
TEE Yoi'R success.
Years in Los Angeles at 81 S S.
Figueroa. Write today tor FREE catalog.
We are giving a pcial course In auto
fnohtie, gas tractor, truck, stationary and
marine, operating and repairing . alo
iguition. carbur?tion and battery repair
ing, for T5 with a di.-count to dis
charged soldiers and sailors. Hemphill's
Trade Schools, luc, 7T Hawthorne ave.
Tae Hawthorne or ML Scott car, 2d
and Aldei si., to E.l 2UIO.
To InvestiKate our system of teaching
utoa, tractors, gas engines, auto elec
tric, and batt-ry work. SPECIAL
if uK NO IB.
4i2 Hawthorne Ave.
Automobile, true, tractors. Ignition
and starter work. Vulcanizing and re
treading Special summer rates. Da
and evening caes.
Wtll teach you the trade In 8 wks.; give
you a set of to. and some pay while
learning . positions secured , scholarship
and transfer cards issued. 32 schools in
U. S. and Canada. Send lor calaiogu
r.U Bumtde tt.
Business oitege. Portland. Enroll any
time. Telegrapny. stenography, banking,
bookkeeping, accretariai. Frew catalogu.
Native teat her. licensed from Lincoln
hijeh school; is the only one who special
izes teach-ng by conversation : class be
ing formed now. Call between 3 and 4
P. M.. room 3"i Corbett bldg. Main 3:tL
FRENCH lesons by a Parisian. 91 per hour.
Written translation of Fr. letters ;oc
earh ; Mme. E. W. Counsil I nee Dul
beau 42 Vaughn SL Main 2160 after
noon. OREGON BARBER COLLEGE will teach
you the trade In a weeks, scalp and face
massage specialty . tools free, positions
guaranteed; pay while learning; luiuoD
reduced this term. 233 Madison,
Young m-n and women wanted. Call
433-4 Hallway Ex. bldg. Opportunity to
learn a weli-patd profession. Free book
let. Railway Telegraph Institute.
writing, bookkeeping, comptometer, all
other mod. business courses. Day. night
school. Alisky bldg.. 3d A Mor.. Main 324.
LEARN to be an optician and optometrist;
day and evening classes. le Keyser
College of optometry. Columbia bldg.
Get cataiogue.
Miss Bucket's private scnool; Individ
cal instruction. 122 Grand ave. E. 427.
Frank K. Welles, ex-a-st. State Supt..
mgr. N- W. Bank bldg. Teachers placed
Holmes business collegeTwash.
at 10th; enter now; day. evening; a!l
commercial branchea Broadway 182L
STUDENT, attending dental college, will
give cornet Instruction in pupil s home
hrween 6 an-i 10 P. M. East 4'.M.
Portland barber college pays you
while learning, gives ou set of tools
free, position secured. 33 N. 2d st.
TEACHER of experience in Portland -iiy
schools, will tutor pupils In elementary
studies. Phone Sellwood 231V
WOULD you like to study massage? School
starting, three months' course. Dr. Glbbs,
Main 77&K.
PH. D. PREPARES students privately for
any college or university. Tabor 7454.
FISK Teachers' Agency Journal bldg. M n.
41. Teaching positions; free registration
THE Ovens method In Vancouver Busi
ness college. Wash., assures you success."
OREGON LAW SCHOOL. Alisky bldg.. 3d
and Mor. W. E. Richardson. Sec. Main 77.
TH E International Correspondence Schools
can raise your salary. R1 Broadway.
MiSS Mattinbly's Shorthand. Tye writing
School; $6 mo. 2a 14th. Main 3U3.
FRENCH conversation, literature, dictiol
for singers. 4o loth st. Tabor 1617.
FRENCH. Kr.glih and art instruction by
student of London andParis. Main 4463.
TATES-FISHER Teachers Agency Free
registration. Main 6274. BroaJway bldg.
LEARN tire repairing and retreading. See
Flanders. 3t Stark.
T s attending dental college
wish to work for br-kf-t and supper,
or supper. East 4!M.
CARP ENTER wants repairing or genet al
carpenter work; prices reasonable, phone
Tal-or 23 ta.
TOUNG man with mother and home de
pendent, wants steady position; wilting
to team: references. Phone East 7425.
Bo Y. 14 years old. wants work on farm,
with chance to go to school. Phone
Col. il'J.
TINTING rooms. $4
work. M-in 3n56l
and up; first-class
lt6 1st st.
POSITION wanted by shovel engineer or
foreman. R 2, Oregonian.
YoUNG man w ants janitor work, experi
ence. Call C 157 on either phone,
ELDERLY man. good to take care of in-
valid. I 1. Oregonian.
MAN and wife cooks for crew, or man
baker. wiV r.unkey. F 25. Oregonian.
K A LSoM I N I NO. painting, piaster-patching;
reasonable. Main 265.
W ANTED Position
eler. Call Ttir :
doorkeeper at the-
31 AN and wire, camp cooks.
want Job,
M RiM, oregonian.
PA I N'T I NG. p.iperhanglng
and tinting.
T-bor tW. i tc in hour.
GOOD pi"trr a n d decora tor. E. 70 6
wOsva'LNu Uer huura. Tabor 2017.
MAN with years of rxtifrirnce. wholesale.
paints and oil, packing houif, machine
rhnp. ete.. familiar with all detail of
office routine, nrieinz. billinr. ledger, re-
receivlnc. Job or ex or bill, claim.
rurrffnden'-e. voucher clerk, purchase,
Invoii-e. ord-r clerk, bookkeeper, etc., ex
cellent reference.. In charge of dept. at
present time, with construction corpora
tion, capable of supervising work and
ij.mninn responsibility. Present position
end short. y. Wood lawn 56i. Home 3
3 nils'; after I. M. Wood law n 4620. or
write .'. Oregonian.
TH )ROI"i;h I.V experienced farmer, mar-
rieu man. would like to secure a position
as :iin-er f lr mnrk rsnrh: exper
ienced in the care. feeding and raisin of I
cattie. nh-ep. hoKH. horses, poultry ana i
general farming: can repair and operate
any Kind of farm machinery: Know now
to handle men and get results: know-
how to buy and sell stock; good business
man. 5001 habits, honest and industrious.
O !. Oregonian.
KM PI.OYM ENT By middle-aged man In
Knral merchandise store, ranable. a
hi t ious salesman, not afraid of hard
work. Ions; experience and familiar with
reiulrments In western Oregon and
Washington ; best of references: Inter
view w.llclted. Phone Tabor 137ft. or
wlrtr-ss I, Oregonian.
wide experience general
office work,
efficient in factory detail,
costs, etc.
no objection location.
C. H M ., IMi.i LOVEJOY ST. .
PRINTER Machinist operator. Al Job. ad
and make-up man. able to repair and
kt-ep in good order linotypes, Ludlow s.
typograph and printing presses, seeki
permanent position: 10 year's experience
as for man; married : on best of term
. with work. State waxes paid. Address M.
R- P-oefimer. Astoria. Or.
YOUNG man. recently discharged from
marines, wishes oosition with xirm
publicity or commercial department: hod
expe:nenv? on newspaper ytal f : can tin
die type nter; well acquainted with
nt v : will leu vt town if ne-essiarv. Ad
ilre,s R. Stewart. 106 N. 22d St. Phone
Main 74M.
LOOK KEEPER and office man, familiar;
with the machine shop and foundry
line, at present employed, but owing to j
re.tion of shipyard work, will soon
b out of employment: single man. can
g anywhere. M 7ol. Oregonian.
WANTKI Position of trust by man long
resident of Portland : Kood salesman.
quick at figures, energetic and capable
of handling men; will give you honest
effort and good value for your money; ,
best of ref-re n c es. Ta bo r 14(6.
ni:: med man wants to connect
himself with firm that handles gasoline
vnsrines and steam engines, hollers, etc.;
have had experience in that line; where
advancement Is sure to a hard woraer;
give me an Interview. W 602. Oregoniun
HAVE 2 new. heavy duty White trucks
and trailers to match, have been log
ging, would like truck Job; winter's job
preferred, can produce the goons, v. l
Smith. 160 W. 13th St., Vancouver,
W ash.
WA.VTKD By middle-aged man with ex
perience and Al references, place as Jan
itor for first-class apartment house or
private Hotel, p. o. box 10a, roruana.
YOUNG Japanese school boy desires posi
tion In small family to learn English
who ctnnnt speak English very well.
i av. oregonian.
WANTED By experienced, reliable man.
protest ant. position on farm for general
work, home influence appreciated; state
w-ages. m Oregonian.
PHOTOGRAPH operator and retoucher;
disengaged In few days; would not ob
ject to leaving city. Apply AE 404. Ore-
POSITION wanted by first-class janitor
anil wife; Jn an apartment house; gocn
references W. E. Wright. Cambrain
EXPERIENCED married man. with chil
dren, wants work on farm for wages.
or will work farm on shares. J. Nick-
la us. Gen. Del.. Portland. Or.
EXPERIENCED office man. bookkeeper
and accountant, would like employment
Saturday afternoon or evenings. L
FIRST-CLASS darkroom man. ali around
kodak finisher, can take charge, wants
steady joo. will go anywhere. X 120,
MARRIED man, no children, thoroughly
experienced uh manager of apartment
house, caretaker or manager of hotel.
i;il. Oreironian.
A MAN who has operated his own sawmill
for several years wishes a position; can
fill almost any place In a mill; state
wages paid. AG 26, Oregonian.
AN experienced executive now employed by
large Co. w ishes change; any thing In
wholesale or brokerage line. Y 16. ore
giinian. MAN, 36. good appearance, strong, capable.
wi.nng and dependable, wants work. Any
kind, afternoon and evenings. Reference
AC . Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper-typist attend
ing dntai college de.ires work monday
and Thursday mornings, faturday after
noon or evenings. References. East 4UM.
SA LKSMAN wishes position with reliable
firm, inside or out; can rater to any
clus of people. Call room 432 Broadway
Yol'NG man. some experience, desires
connection Portland real estate firm with j
small drawing account. P 655, Orego-
INDUSTRIOUS. Intelligent high school boy
wants position tor aaiuraays. laoor Oiuu
YoUNG man desires outside emplovmenL
delivery work, collecting. D 725, Orego-
ACCOUNTANT and office manager would
Ike position with rome first-ciai'S music
or Jewelry houe. P 618. Oregonian.
SASH and door foreman or layout man
wants position In or out of City. AV 681,
Yol'NG man attending business college
wants work outside of study hours.
Phone Bdwy. 1W2L
MIDDLE AGE, handy man would like
piace. work for room and board In pri-
vate family. S 216. Oregonian.
FIRST-CLASS auto repairman with over I
15 years' experience
wants position.
AC 4. Oregonian.
JAPANESE student in college wants posi
tion as school boy in family. AC 60.
O regonian ,
A BOY attending Washington High wishes
to get work after school and on Satur
days. Phone East 562.
AMERICAN cook: Good on dinner and
short orders. Good baker; unexcelled on
pies. Howell 403873d sL
EXPERIENCED Industrial Insurance man
desires position; steady and dependable.
1 bb. Oregonian.
JAPANESE wants any kind of work, town
or out or town; no kitchen. AG 203.
TRUCK driver desires change of position;
reliable, with good habits. Phone Wdln.
WANTED Wood cutting by contract: thai
larger amount the Deiter; direct to- J. E.
- Thornton, uervais. K. r . L. o. 2.
YOUNG man wishes sales position, retai'
experience: wishes to connect with whole
sale concern. W 623. Oregonian.
WANTED Position In logging camp, by
experienced bookkeeper, timekeeper and
scaler; married; 33. X 125. Oregonian.
TINTING, papering and painting wanted:
first-class workmanship. Olsea. box 410.
COLLEGE student with Ford wishes work
morning or evening, with or without car.
R 23S. Oregonian.
YoUNG man wants work in barber shop
or machine shop: experienced. V 614,
MAN and wife, reliable people, want cock
ing In camp or charge apartment or
rooming house. Phone East 1336.
BASEMENT digging and yard grading.
Hammond & Kinney, 1038 Greely au
Wowliiwn 41I.
A-l MILL fireman wants steady position
in city: 3 years' experience. M 681, Ore- I
WANTED Piace as caretaker of country
home or summer resort by e'darly but
active couple, rer. m 21.x oregonian.
WANTED Work from 4 o'clock on and all
day Saturday; high . school boy. 131
Morris st.
YOUNG MAN. good education, desires
evening employment; also Sundays. S
235. Oregonian
JAPANESE BOY wants 8 hours' work In
town. F o-u. oregonian.
YOUNG married man wishes Job; handy
with toois. -to, vreonian.
tXPF.KIENCED house man wants employ- I BOOK K LEPER-ACCOCWTANT a en res of
ment. AG 273. oregonian. P W flee work or small set of books requiring
EXPERIENCED young man wants Janitor
work. Cail C 1576oneither phone.
WANTED Hauling for 2-ton truck! M
67. oregonian.
Al AUTO mechanic: has run several shops.
M '.2. Oregonian
WANTED Position by experienced man
as watchman or janitor 1 a Dor 0103.
WOULD like hauling by day or contract
for m-ton true, rnone Main 5074.
HUL--E painting and tinning: reflnfshtng
a pcri.. 1 rimiiiu r pritres. I a P. Ool.
Fl.UMIUNG expert, repair any plumbing
gas. ery leasonable. McCurdy. Sell. 1125
HIGH -SC H O L boy w a n ts work af Ter
srhool. Phone Broadway 5463. apL 23.
PA INTING. tinting by contract; reliable
XtO. aiaia
MAN with a rood Ford would like a po
aition that would keep him out of doors
aome oi the time. I have a college ea
ucation. am in splendid health, strong
and have the benefit of several years'
experience in business. Good salesmaa
and can furnish unquestionable refer
ences as to ability and Integrity; would
not object to going away from home.
A 723. Oregonian.
EXECUTIVE position wanted by young
man where knowledge of business pri ti
dies, corporate affairs and ability to
handle men will be rewarded by a salary
in excess of $250 per month: experienced
as accountant and office manager, thorr
oughly reliable and capable. For inter
view address AE 465, Oregonian.
IS thure a reliable firm who wants a
young man of ability, willing to start
at the bottom, to become a salesman?
I am going to be a class AA salesman
In the near future; all 1 ask Is the op
portunity. Call C 1222 all day Sunday
till 6 P. M. References given. AG 206,
BY an elderly man of good satnding and
appearance, position us aay or ihkui.
Wm.1 r h m n n runnlne elevator or doing
lanitor work : have had experience and
am able and willing- to work. Address
W. F. Owen, ft E. 11th St., Portland.
Phone E. 4003.
I SITUATION as pump trouble shooter; good
tor steam pump, gasoline pumps, m
tlonary steam and gas engineer, pipe
fitter and mechanic; would like position
with big company or construction. AC
54, Oregonian.
HONEST business man with a lot of ex
perience desires the management or
rooming or apartment-house; best of
references. J. M. league. 1.VI3 E. Glisan
St.. ' Portland. Phone Tabor 102.
MIDDLE-AGED man, handy at most any
thing, would like a position as nignt
watchman, assistant shipping clerk, pack
er or anything that will pay. L 32, Ore
gonian. GOVERNMENT auditor, expert on payroll
and distribution, resigned Oct. 1 to taae
some special college training, would like
set of books to keea or dental work
after school. F 22, oregonian.
I HAVE 11 years' experience and am ex
pert auto electric trouoie ana repair
man; want position with reliable garage
or will take charge of same. O 24, Ore
gonian. or call East 4M7.
WANTED By an all-around baker. 1
place either as 1st or 2d man; i. yrs.
experience: have several new trade get
ters; state salary paid. K 637, Orego
WANTED By man and wife, who are
thoroughly competent, sawmill boarding
house from AO to lOO men; will run on
ok n responsibility or for wages; neat
of references. V 632. Oregonian.
POSITION wanted by experienced sawmill
stenographer, order and invoice ciera,
or assistant bookkeeper; married man.
willing to locate anywhere, Al references.
AV, oregonian.
Vol NG man with office and accounting
experience desires permanent position in
any kind of business; must offer good
opportunities for advancement. J 370,
! POSITION wanted by expert firt-clas
all around baker. country preferred;
wages not less than $40 a week. D 734,
INT E LLKI ENT, aggressive young couple,
want charge of apartment house in ex
change for apartment and small salary.
T 24H, Oregonian.
POSITION sidetrack foreman or car-tally-
Itig, loading by contract. W 111 consider
house or mill carpentering or sawmill.
M r.JilAl.
WANTED Position as salesman, any line
where good judgment and business acu
men is desired. Salary $100. 7b3 Brook
lyn St.
RESPONSIBLE young man wants half
day position, afternoon; experienced in
meeting public; no boy job. X 130,
WANTED Steady Job hauling with a six-
ton truck, good rig for lumber or wood.
ilso eood for merchandise. . b. Jubb.
Oregon City, Dr., route No. 1.
A YOUNG man is going to be a salesman
of ability. Do you want him to make
you and him? References given. AG 2b7.
Ore (Ionian.
WANTED Steady work in city by young
married man ; can rurnisn references;
vi 11 accept any honest work. X 13,
Al TRAFFIC man, familiar with local and
transcontinental rates, wishes position
with firm desiring such services. L
;, oregonian. ,
EXPERIENCED cornetlst. member of
A. F. Al.. local int. attending dental
college, desires work; either dance or
concert. East 4!h0.
POSITION wanted by man of 55. me
chanic of good appearance and educa
tion, can give security, j. s., Wou ti.
SALES ability, painter and carpenter, new
or repair work, wants position, buildings
or factories or other houses; Woodlawn
FIRST-CLASS baker wants position on
bread, cakes or pastry; state wages paid
in first letter. G 566, Oregonian.
SALESMAN Position by experienced mar
ried man; Inside or outside position. T
250. Oregonian.
AUTOMOBILE, overhauled, $1 per hour;
expert work.
720 Division. Main 3M7.
ELDERLY man. experienced baker's
helper on bench work. AC 80, Ore
conisn. WAN"! ED. by mechanical draftsman,
itei-dy position In city: 12 years experl-
t nee. l 121, oregonian.
WOULD like management of apartment
houre by Oct. 15; good references.
Welkins, r. 4. corvaiiis, or.
WANTED By Benson Polytechnic boy.
place to work for room and board. Call
East 5.
CEMENT and concrete work of all kinds.
P. B. Younger, 405 Staflord st. Phone
Woodlawn 61 int.
EXPERIENCED automobile accessory man
wants permanent position. Woodlawn
YOUNG MAN. handy with tools, with Ford
car. wants work around shop, or deliv
ering, f ou, oregonian.
SALESMAN of ability and 16 years' expe-
rionee; would like to connect with some
reliable house. Tabor 5002.
DENTAL STUDENT wishes work for few
hours In evening In exchange for board
and room, al 400, oregonian.
YOUNG man wants work, driving service
car. truck, or light , delivery. Tabor
EXPERIENCED man would like janitor
job work. Call all week. Broad
way 21.
Bookkeepers, Stenographers. Office.
Y'OUNG man. 24, desires position as book
keeper or assistant bookkeeper with a
Portland concern, with prospect of ad
vancement; no experience. I wish to
hear from a firm that needs an ambi
tious, steady and reliable man. At pres
ent studying accounting. Y 56. Orego
WANTED. POSITION Man. 34 years ot
age, 3 years office experience, lumber
and timekeeper, student Tanner Gllman
Schools of accountancy. AE 455. Ore
gonian. CAPABLE bookkeeper wants small set of
books to care for; can devote three or
four hours daily to same, if desired. Call
Marshall 3241, or address M 6U0, Ore
gonian. ;
FIRST-CLASS accountant with varied busi
ness experience desires position: a hard
worker, with high-grade education, ex
ecutive experience, fair stenographer. AC
60, Oregonian.
PARTY familiar with bookkeeping and ac
counting, also general business experi
ence, wishes employment for part time.
Can spare from 2 to 4 hours per day.
Charges reasonable. T 235, Oregonian.
Superintendent, I am the bookkeeper
or office clerk you want. References.
Worker. Look me up. S 228, Oregonian.
BY an active credit man and office man
ager from Chicago, who desires to locate
in tne nose -uy. r. . -Miner, x. .raui
hotel. 4th and Alder, Portland.
SMALL sets of books kept; Invoices, state
ments, and letters typea; daily atten
tion; reasonable rates. j 364, Orego
cashier wit h ten years experience, in
cluding cost accountancy, wishes posi
tion; gooa typist, t oiv. oregonian.
Y'OUNG married man desires position in
traffic, sales or purchasing dept of sub
stantial concern. AC 77, Oregonian.
FIRST-CLASS bookkeeper and accountant
wishes employment hall days. L w, Ore
gonian. Al ACCOUNTANT would like a small set
of books to keep forenoons. J 3a0, Ore
COMPETENT bookkeeper wouJd like one
or two more sets 01 nooks to keep after
noons or evenings. East 1503.
WANTED Small sets of books by expert
bookkeeper. tHM. oregonian.
ACCOUNTANT wants spare time work.
Tb.r S41H or K tH.i. Oregonian.
Soldier find Sailors.
WANTED By ex-soldier, position as night
watchman. Sellwood 2otf.
EX -OVERSEAS SOLDIER wishes position
driving roru truck, to .-, or ego map.
Soldiers and Sailors.
employed at present time and attending
automobile school nights, wishes em
ployment In garage as mechanic'! helper;
am one whom you can depend upon.
Phone Main 6n8 and leave address, or
. write T. L., 200 23d at. I am also good
YOUNG man. ex-servica college education,
with lots of push and energy, would like
to get in touch with position in some
foreign office or In local firm to pre
pare for service in foreign office; am
employed, but want something perma
nent with a future. P 653, Oregonian.
Overseas soldier, bookkeeper, pay
master and cashier wants position; ref
erences, no bad habits, worker; look ma
up. S 232, Oregonian.
RETURNED man desires postion for Sat
urday afternoon and Sunday; can run
anything with a gasoline engine; will do
anything. a. F. Marshall, 287 San
EX-SOLDIER wants to drive car for pri
vate family; can do all repair work;
will also do extra work if wanted. Call
or phone Main 3365. 2U2 11th st. South.
EX-SERVICE man attending vulcanizing
school desires position 4 or 5 hours
afternoon and evening. W 14 7, Orego
EX-SERVICE man desires employment
that requires a dependable, neat and
willing man; best references. AG 265.
SOLDIER-MECHANIC repairs cars at your
own garage; guaranteed work. One dol
lar per hour. Call Sellwood 1237.
POSITION wanted by general repair man,
auto mechanic and welding: out of city
preferred. AE 447, Oregonian.
years of age. experienced office man
and expert typist. Broadway 1173.
SOLDIER, young married man, wishes
permanent position ; the best of refer
ences. K 646, Oregonian.
DISCH ARG ED soldier of good character.
wisnea position as truck driver; a live
wire man. Phone Wood J awn 535U.
FIREMAN wants firing in large building
in city; references if requested. Phone
Wood lawn 515$.
EXPERIENCED office man. age 28. de
sires permanent position. Call East 6376.
WANTED By respectable American lady,
position as traveling companion ; can
go any place or am congenial in home.
Address or call at 7U1 Yale St., University
park, city. "
YCUNG GIRL with considerable experience
clerking In specialty store wants work
afternoons and Saturdays. B 832, Ore
gonian. REFINED middle-aged widow wouid like
a pleasant home 111 exchange for light
work and companion to lady; best ref
erences. Phone Tabor 0443.
WOMAN, capable, clean, wants day work,
cooking, cleaning, ironing, 6 hours work,
45 cents hour, car fare; give phone. G
575. Oregonian.
WANTED By married woman, position
as janitor; could look after heating
plant; had experience. AC 78. Orego
EXPERIENCED woman is open for en
gagement as cook only; can handle any
number or guests; xiuu per month. Last
4 7 :i 4.
POSITION wanted as housekeeper on
ranch by English woman with daughter.
Mrs. Gallagher, 429 Market street, Port
land. COMl'El ENT woman wants day work
whei e can take 2-year baby ; practical
nursing preferred. Mrs. Meyers, 0107
f7th ave. S. E.
MIDDLE-AGED lady would like to get
a position as matron In some good place;
good references. W rite Y. W. C. A.,
room 61.
WA NT ED Position as tutor for small
children; past live years teacher in lead
ing ciiy school of bou'.h; 25 years of age.
A 7.3. Oregon ian.
EXPERIENCED woman wants manage-
iiiviii wi uiuuciii iuuiiiiiik nuu.e, upL
house or hotel; good references. X 132.
YOUNG lady with four years' experience
as telephone operator, desires position
as exchange operator. AG 277. Ore
gonian. YOUNG ladj experienced tutor and
teacher in best eas-ern private schools;,
wis lieu position as private tutor; very
best references. AV 679. Oregonian.
WIDOW lady, 2 boys, wishes position as
cook and housekeeper in widower's or
bachelor's home; prefer to go to coun
try 532 Williams ave., room 224.
COMPETENT housekeeper, with 2 little
gir.s. wants position; near Portland pre
ferred; or cook for several men. Mar
shall 2662. 1352 Kelly st.
WOMAN with child eighteen months
wants work for one or two In apart-
ment or modern house. W tio'J, Ore
gonian. A GOOD, reliable lady would like position
as manager or housekeeper in an apt.
house; good references. AG 245. Orego
nian. YOU NO girl, going to business school
mornings, wants afternoons and Satur
?(iH: would prefer 01 f ice. K 628. Orego
nian. POSITION as manager or housekeeper in
apartment house by experienced woman,
capable of taking full charge. H 238,
UNDERGRADUATE nurse wishes insti
tutional or private position. X 136, Ore
DEPENDABLE person will care for chil
dren evenings. Experienced with the
pick. Marshall 340.
EXPERIENCED lady wants to work out,
washing ami ironing, 8 hours day; will
take laundry. Tabor 5SS0.
LAUNDRESS wants work for Monday and
Thursday. 54c per hour and car fare.
Call Broadway 5567.
EXPERIENCED woman cook" wants po
sition, in restaurant or hospital. 285 1
First st. Tel. 40.
WANTED By a graduate nurse, position
in doctor's or dentist's office. AC 65.
EXPERIENCED woman will come and
clean and put your apartments in or
der; also Ironing. Main 2438.
1 WO young ladies desire work evenings
from 7 to 12. Telephone Brd. 5436 after
EXPERIENCED woman wants days work
or chambermaid work. Call all week
Broadway 201.
WANTED By reliable elderly woman,
cure of children by the hour, 40c. Phone
Marshall 23i0.
WIDOW lady wants position answering
telephone in office or shop; Mrs. Smith,
phone E. 4044. Experienced.
LADY wants housec leaning, other work
hours, day. good work guaranteed.
Woodlawn 0:!5.
LADY with two boys wants a place keep
ing house in or out of the city, close to
school. T 261, Oregonian.
WANTED A place to take care of chil
dren evenings while mother is away; ref
erences. East 7106.
YOUNG married man wants position in
slaughter house or butcher shop; will
leave city; references. F 605, Oregon'an.
EXPERIENCED telephone operator wishes
place; all or part time. AE 457, Orego
nian. KITCHEN walls and woodwork washed
by expert window cleaner. Hansen. Main
RESPECTABLE lady wishes to assist light
housework or second girl. C 201, Ore
gonian. CAPABLE energetic woman wants position
as manager of first-class apt. house.
X 141 Oregonian.
DAY WORK wanted; sweep, dust; steady.
Wed.. Fri., 45c hour and car fare. Ta
bor 6048:
WANTED Crocheting and tatting to do;
yokes $2 up; lace 20 cents a yd. and up.
Tabor 3263.
YOUNG woman will stay with children
during day or evening. Marshall 1430.
RESPECTABLE lady wishes
care for. B 828, Oregonian.
rooms to
POSITION wanted by experienced lady
elevator operator. Phone East 1026.
LADY wants work in office or store. Phone
Broadway 5463, apt.
DAY work. 50c hour and car fare; 5l hr.
only. Woodlawn 3107.
WOMAN wants day work; 73S Michigan
a v e. Wood 1 a wii 4511.
WOMAN wants Ironing, private family,
day or hour. Woodlawn 35t5.
LACE curtains laundered by expert. Tabor
STUDENT stenographer wishes work even
ings and Saturdays. 205 Wheeldon Annex.
WANTED Work, by woman with child 3
years old. Phone Broadway 3540.
LAUNDRY done beautifully at home or by
day. Main 0132.
LACE, scrim, marquisette curtains hand
laundered, called for. East 6106.
NORWEGIAN lady wants day work. Phone
Mnrshall 0S2.
FINE millinery and made-over done
expert. 3So Eugene st.
EDUCATED young lady desires position
with advertising1 firm. G 570, Oregonian.
CROCHET made to order. Tabor 7100.
W OalAN want day work. Woodlawn 203. ,
A LADY of culture, recently arrived in
Portland, must earn her living; talented
singer, good entertainer, lady's com
panion or social secretary; also experi
enced, practical nurse. How can I serve
you? AG 205, Oregonian.
OFFICE NURSE, 8 years experience as
assistant and manager of oector's of
fice and operating room. aio book
keeper and collector. Call Marshall 6060.
room 505. any day. S to 10 A.M.
WANTED Position by experienced ship
ping and receiving clerk and warehouse
man: also experienced at handling help;
10 years experience, first-class refer
ence. J 363, Oregonian.
I GIVE singing lessons to young ladies In
their own homes; 15 years' teaching,
concert and recital experience; reason
able; voice trial free. Florence Henkey.
Congress hotel. 8 to 10 A. M.
REFINED, capable woman to manage an
apartment house can be obtained by call
ing Marshall 2563.
Bookkeepers. Stenographers, Office.
EXPERIENCED lady stenographer, neat,
with pleasant disposition; one capable
of doing general office, clerical work
and meeting the public; automobile
business. Y 73. Oregonian. t
EXPERIENCED office girl in shorthand
and typing wants position ; can give
good references. Address Miss Pauline
Dean, 864 Vaughn st.
EXPERIENCED young woman desires po
sition as assistant bookkeeper or Ken
eral office work; references. Marshall
Y OUNG lady comptometer operator and
typist, desires position; have had ex
perience in large lumber company. P
631, Oregonian.
By young lady experienced in detailed
reports and office routine; references.
AE 45R, Oregonian.
WANTED Office work, about two years
general office work; I am not a stenog
rapher, but can use typewriter. Call
Main 4178, apt. 5.
AN EXPERIENCED young woman desires
general office work or position as assist
ant bookkeeper; references. AV 686, Ore
gonian. EXPERIENCED, competent stenographer
and bookkeeper with good education
desires permanent position. R 7. Ore-
Y'OUNG lady would like clerical position;
has had high school education and four
years' selling experience. C 288, Ore
gonian. STENOGRAPHER and billing clerk; six
years experience; can handle corre
spondence. Phone Tabor 635!i.
COMPETENT stenographer, ready for po
sition October 15. Miss Moran. care
Edwards company. Main i:27.
STENOGRAPHER with 9 months' expe
rlence wishes position; can furnish good
references. Fnone Last 3-.
BY STENOGRAPHER Position wanted
experienced in law work ; reliable
accurate. Call Stenographer, Main 478.
AM experienced bookkeeper, cashier, typ
ist; references; you will not regret an
interview given me. s 22J, oregonian.
YOUNG lady with knowledge of typewriter
wants position as oriice gin. w ain, jyy,
EXPERIENCED, capable book keeper -ste
nographer wants position; excellent pen'
man. AC hi, oregonian.
EXPERIENCED girl wants position in of
rice; stenographer or clerical work; rap
id typist. AO , oregonian.
BOOKKEEPER, thoroughly experienced
and capable, wants position. AO oa,
PHI VATE lessons in English to grown
people, elementary and advanced. R
10. Oregonian.
YOUNG lady, experienced, wishes position
as oiilce clerk. woodlawn wji.
LADY wants bookkeeping and general of'
flee work. East 1004.
COMPTOMETER position wanted.
DRESSMAKING, plain sewing, alterations,
hou.e anrons. dresses, children's clothes;
reasonable prices. 310 Fremont st. Eat
DRESSMAKING and plain sewing, reason
able: guaranteed. 62A N. 21st st. Alain
MRS. J. S. HUTCHINSON would be pleased
to see both her old and new customera
102 E. Flunders. Phone East 1430.
FOR BEST results In dressmaking and re
modeling, see Mrs. Kinder at Emporium
Dye Works. 540 Morrison sL Bdwy 42d.
RELINING ladies' coats and tailored but
ton holes a specialty. Alteration Shop,
. Shetland bldg.
WANTED Dressmaking. experienced
dressmaker. 001 East 3ith at. S. Sell
wood Hi57, after 5 P. M.
PLAIN sewing and dressmaking; prices
reasonable. Pa vis st.
DRESSMAKER by the day or house; ref
erences. 671 Glisan.
DRESSM A KER, experienced, tailoring
makeover; $3 per day. bell. 5J?2.
EXPERIENCED dressmaker wants gewing
oy aay. Aiain ooo.
EXPERIENCED dressmaker,
call labor t2UA.
FURS remodeled and repaired.
gan building.
No. 1015 Williams ave. Normal con
finement cases, and all surgical and hos
pital cases taken care of for less than
one-half the usual charges; confinement
cases. Including drugs, dressings, li
censed physician's services, two weeks'
hospital care, all for $40. Phone Wood
lawn 166. Main 7744, or apply at 70J
Dekum bldg.
GENTLEWOMAN desires post as nurse
companion or housekeeper; experienced
nerves and mental cases; age 43; excel
lent references. AE 4ol, Oregonian.
GRADUATE trained nurse wants patient to
care for in her country home. Box 66,
Shedd, or.
GRADUATE nurse wishes case, prices
reasonable; doctor's reference. Phone
East 0003.
EXPERIENCED practical nurse with in
valids, elderly, would like another case.
Marshall 260.
WANTED Position as child's nurse by
experiencea girt; reierencea. & 071,
WANTED Old people wanting care; city
or country. Aaaress 140 1st St.,
room t-'.
nurse desires work; city;
Woodlawn 800.
w Ai ilu w ork Dy practical nurse; con
finement cases preferred. Tabor 1251.
cases. Call Sell.
A POSITION by a refined American wom
an of middle age. In a nice, modern
home where she has full charge and nice
accommodations are provided; no objec
tions to a nice apartment house; triflers
need not answer this. Address K 635,
HOUSEKEEPER Place in man's home.
by refined, capable woman; comfortable,
plain home preferred, where there Is one
small child or infant, or grown children.
Woodlawn 5017.
UNINCUMBERED lady wishes housekeep
ing for widower or bachelor on small
ranch, good permanent place considered
rather than high wages. V 626, Orego
nian. WOMAN wishes to keep house for Belf and
husband s board and room, or as part
payment: widower or bachelor's home
preferred. Mrs. Frank, phone Broadway
WIDOW with girl 8 years old wishes
housekeeping position In widower's home
or adults employed city or country. X
12S. Oregonian.
WOMAN with granddaughter 6 years old
wishes position keeping house for gen
tleman: wouid not mind one or two chil
dren. Mrs. Angie Davis, 320 Second st.
POSITION as housekeeper by middle-aged
woman wnn ooy i years; a month;
about 50 miles ouL Pauline Trambitas,
575 Gideon st.
MIDDLE-AGED woman wants position
keeping house in refined home, refer
ences; would leave city. Y 03, Orego
nian. REFINED woman wants housekeeping in
gentleman s modern home, where I can
keep 12-year-old girl and do some dress
making. Phone E. 2298. J 368. Oregonian.
WANTED Housekeeping work; no chil
dren; gooa cook; Box 87,
Rainier, Or.
POSITION as housekeeper, close in to
Fortiana, near scnooi. have two children,
small wages. AV 685. Oregonian.
A WIDOW with one girl would like place
as nome neiper ror wiaower. buss Both st.
S. E. Mt. Scott car.
MIDDLE-AGED lady wishes housekeeping
position, private no use. au orego
nian. AGREEABLE widow wants housekeeping.
Aaaress au -10, oregonian.
HOUSEKEEPER in a refined widower's
home. 104 East 10th st.. near Wash.
COLLEGE girl wishes light housework, no
scrubbing or washing, in refined familv
for room and board and wages; refer
ences. B S33. Oregonian.
JAPANESE young woman wants light
iiuuafcwork. Write to 40 N. Oth-
Dome tics.
REFINED young lady, wishing to study
music (piano), desires housework, neat,
congenial family; no washing; assist
with sewing; am trustworthy, neat with
self and work; good home appreciated;
seldom out evenings; treated as one o
family; close in; references exchanged.
S 206, Oregonian.
I WANT llglit housework in adult family,
small wage. A 724. Oregonian.
Information and
Rental Bureau.
paiiohio n-.-tr.-H te lists of desirabl
vacant houses, apartments and flats with
definite information pertaining to each.
"wcnmpr in Portland will find this
bureau of great value in helping them
get properly ana quicsiy iocai.tru.
Eighth Floor.
rrtnt itt th- winter rains catch you
with a vacant house; we have parties
waiting to take a year's lease on your
property; will pav $35 to $45 per month,
W4TFn ti rent fnr a months or longe
H op 6-room unfurnished house or f la
with eas ranee in: walking distance
reasonable rent, by 2 adults. Phone Ma
TniTvo bnsin-- man wishes to rent
fur-iMhori hniA in Laurel hurst or Irv
ington; must be A-l. not over $100 per
montn; lease: reierencea.
WANTED A furnished 5 or 6-room house
or bungalow, to rent in or near tne irv
inc-tnn Hisrrirt: wil! Dav liberally for 1
desirable place for occupancy during
the winter months. Phone Last 124L
WANTED Tot rent pleasant 5 or 6-room
furnished home for six montns. com
menrinsr Nov. 1. 3 adult S only I best
references; prefer Alameda or Beaumon
fall Wdln. 624o.
WANTED 4 or 5-room furnished or un
furnished house; Alberta district. Wood
lawn 24! )9.
WAVT tn rant K frt 7-mnni Unfumishf1
hmiRe nr flat, on or before Nov. 1
excellent care guaranteed; references
eiven. Call Sanders. Hotel Lenox. Mai
W" ANTED To rent house of 12 -Li rooms.
fnr-isheri or unfurnished, suitable fo:
renting rooms, west side. Mrs. C. S. Car
roll. Hotel Rainier.
v vti.' n The-- nr f our-room furnish
hnnrrulnw hv rt-irnhle COUDle. no cllil
dren: state full particulars and terms.
AC 73. Oregonian.
w 4 VTFn Tn rp-1 5 or 6-room unfur
nlshed buncalow or house, on carline, by
resnonsihlf rounle with 6 months old
child. Main 1511.
A VERY resDonsible couple who can gtv
best references, wants a 6 or 7-room
furnished house; will take lease;
children. B 837. Oregonian.
UNFURNISHED bungalow, flat or apt.
r-j-iHa-n -nH flonn for reliable smai
fnmilv: -arage: refs. given. Phone E,
n.pnnw unfurnished buncalow. by care
fni t-nnnt 2 adults, no children; .will pay
S50 per month, best reference. Phone
Main 4303.
kwat.t. mnriprn house, furnished or un-
furnished, with carace preferred; rent
reasonable: adults; references. Phone Ta
bor 8700.
WANT atrirtlv modern furnished 5 or
room house with sleeping porch; must
have bath and furnace. T 240. Oregonian
x t" a ytfti to rrvt S or 6-room bunga
low or house, by responsible party: best
of care guaranteed. woodiawnuit)0.
WANTED A 4 or 5-room bungalow; must
be near car line, clean, al 4.y, orego
nian. m
RFRPOVSIRLE family of two adults wan
small unfurnished house or bungalow,
with garage. Call Main 22lo.
WANTED To rent 5-room house: best c
references furnished. Woodlawn 466:
apt. 22.
WANTED To rent by young couple with
baby a three or four-roam furnished or
unfurnished house. Phone W din 13 0.
WANTED to rent, furnished house or flat
near Union ave. .fnone asL do.
365. Oregonian. '
WANTED 6-room. well-furnished house
in good condition and not for sale. E
6 OR 7-ROOM furrrished or unfurnished
residence; not over $.0- Tabor 54. to.
WANTED 4 or 5-room bungalow. Phone
East 6056.
WANTED To rent or lease, "-room house.
close in, west side. F 61;, Oregonian.
5 REWARD I want a small unfurnished
apartment, an outside rooms, in a moa-.
ern brick apartment house; nothing else
considered; walking distance preferred
Will pay J-5 for information for the
apartment 1 accept. Address AB 26.
ADULTS only desire furnished apartment
4 or 5 rooms, west side preferred, ne
einnintr November 1 or earlier; for win
ter or loneer: satisfactory references.
Address 301 U. S. National Bank bldg.
WANTED By a teacher and mother, a
small furnished apartment; prelerabiy in
Irvington or near lrvington car line,
west. Call Main 2330.
WlN'TFI) An nnartment or desirable flat,
weil located, for 2 adults; unfurnished
preferred; excellent references. Phone
Main 605.
YOUNG couple, employed, wishes small
apartment. 1 or rooms; reasonaDie
rent: walking distance. A 732, Orego
REFINED couple want 2-room apartment,
or flat, furmsnea: net ot rererences.
East 4710-. Mr. Henderson.
LADY employed, wants furnished apt., 1
room, kitchenette and bath, on west siae.
M 673, Oregonian.
WANTED A furnished 3-room apt. for
housekeeping, not over ?3;. close in. for
father and daughter, a Oregonian.
BUSINESS girl wishes board and room.
reasonable. AO id, oregonian.
WANT ED Three-room furnished apt. or
bungalow with garage. Broadway 2626
WA.VTKD Middle-aged American couple.
aulet. clean. Intelligent, vacant furnished
rooms for H. K.; permanent: private
family; east-north side preferred. AC
62. Oregonian.
REFINED business man. 36. desires room
or room and board in private family;
will pay good price for congenial place.
State particulars. W 615. Oregonian.
BUSINESS woman wants November 1,
modern living room, partly iurnished,
near GlTsan and Broadway. JV1 700,
LADY wants furnished room In steam-
heated apartment, with or without
board ; references. D 735, Oregonian.
WANTED At once, 6 rooms completelj
furnished; will lease for 6 months: ref
erences. Call Bdwy. 3435. room 500.
WANT a room; employed woman, after
10th, will share apt. or detached room,
reasonable. L 30. Oregonian.
WANTED 4-room flat, unfurnished; close
in, good district; furnish references. 21
235. Oregonian.
CONGENIAL gentleman wishes room close
In on west side. AC 82, Oregonian.
Rooms With Board.
WANTED Room or rooms and board (2
meals) for man and wife with five-year-old
girl ; parents both employed and
child must have good rare. West side
preferred, answer P 632, Oregonian.
WANTED, by a lady, her married daugh
ter and two babies, a place to board with
the privilege of doing their laundry ;
must be reasonable. 4410 02d st. S. E.
YOUNG GIRL in need of a friend wishes
board and room in private family with
out children at a reasonable rate. Mar.
BY office man (28). walking distance.
west side; must be sunny room and first
class meals ; might consider roommate.
AG 26, Oregonian.
WANTED Clean, pleasant room with
ooard, by lady employed ; prefer other
roomers. Phone East 308 Monday, or ad
dress J 351. Oregonian.
WANTED Room and board
family by woman employed
close in;
state terms. Y 80, Oregonian.
BUSINESS woman and boy 4 want room
and board where boy will be cared for
during day. P 658. oregonian.
STUDENT and wife wish board and room
with private family, walking distance
dental college: 2 meals. O 1. Oregonian.
WOMAN unemployed with 4-year-old child
will appreciate room and board in small
private family. East 7035.
SINGLE man, board and room in private
family , witn garage to Keep auto. k
641, Oregonian.
WANTED Home in refined family for 5-
year-old girl. F 618. Oregonian.
LADY" wants board and room. to a
car line. fc,ast 1 ibu.
Housekeeping Rooms.
AN elderly lady wishes one large or two
small furnished housekeeping rooms
with heat, use of phone and bath; Al
berta district preferred. Woodlawn 446,
Housekeeping Rooms.
WANTED In or npar Ladd's Addition
or 3 housekeeping rooms. Phone East
4bl S.
Furnished Rooms.
A Modern Priced Hotel of Merit.
Vutt Morrison nnd Sixth.
Hotel Clifford is the principal east side
hotel and is a hotel oi aignny anu
refinement. $1.25 per day; two In room.
11. 10; 6 per week, --.uo per muimu
4'7U AlHer St Corner 11th.
VAcra nf.v I'-irnisllrtd. t'entral location,
clean and orderly. Rates by day or
week. .
APARTMENT house, front room, second
tloor, private entrance, heat, phone, bath
running not ana coia waier m 100.1.
gen ti enian. A b5o.
NICELY furnished front room for gentle
man, ground floor, private famiiy; n
children; walking distance. 407 Jack
son st.
FURNISHED rooms with furnace heat
bath, electric lights, phone, linen, use
of piano. A home for women employed
254 N. 2Uth. cor. oi isorinrupj
HOTEL CONRADiNE. Tenth and Burneid
streets. 2 blocks north of waaningtoa si
ah ntiiH(H root .k- strictlv modern an1
fireproof; rates by day, week or month.
HOTEL OCKLEY, Morrison st. at Tenth-
Rates SI ner day uu: weekly. up, run
ning water, free phone and bath.
PALACE HOTEL. 446 Wash. eL; down
town location, respectable and strictl
modern; steam heat; rooms large, clean.
will, huvd hv i"t 6 well-furnished suit
of rooms, first lioor, walking distance,
705 Everett.
NEATLY furnished room in strictly mod
ern house: suitable for two. Phone
Woodlawn 5370.
NORRIS hotel, 533 H Alder, clean, modern
outside rooms, $4 week uo. with bath $6,
walking distance. Come ana see.
ANSON I A HOTEL 14th and Washingtjui
clean, respectable, modern, transient
up. permanent 4 up. i rivate oam ?j
Phone Biiy. 2202. Terminal Baggage Trans
fer Co., 6th, Flanders. Baggage stored
days free.
75c. $1 DAY: $2.50 week up; outside rooms.
Hotel Cadillac, d near jetiersou.
SARGENT HOTEL. 271 Grand ave.. h, k.
apt. and sleeping rooms. fcat
uir.i.rp EiT 11 otki, Rath, ulione. $
mo. up; without bath. 18 up. 733 Wash
Electric heaters. Phone Main 632.
BI SII.MARK. 565 Wash, st., large, clean
steam-heated rooms, modern, nose i"
Unfurnished Rooms.
Tvn ovir-j iar unfurnished H. K. rooms.
east and south windows. 11 replace, nrwi
flnnr .", minutes' walk. 221 12th St., tor.
of Salmon.
utirwK nnH en unite, with elec
trie lights and lavatories. Inquire 163
t street, room 10. over drugstore.
CHEAP to small family, basement on first
floor. Inquire 41)1 Montgomery si., even
ings and Mm day.
TWO unfurnished housekeeping rooms in
Sunnvsidc family preterea. lanor ox.i.
Furnished Rooms in 1'rlvate Family.
'I.kasaxt front room in attractive mod
Vm home 'ose in. between Hawthorne
and Sunnvside lines: breakfast served
if desired; call before 4 P. M. Sunday
anl after 6 P. M. weekdays; one or
two gentlemen preferred
East 1147.
clean rooms in private family
boa rd
if desired. 686 Overton, near
21st sL
A LARGE bed room, suitable for one or
two nersons. with or without breakrasi
lady employed preferred. Marshall 3350,
NICE home. close in. for two young
ladies employed; housekeeping privileges.
i0l Everett st.
A LARGE front room: bath, toilet same
floor; 71 Ice for 2; walking distance,
Main 1721. 34:1 13th st.
vi.-hv lur-rn upwIv furnished room, suit
able for two; walking distance, mouem,
reasonable. 1m N. 18th.
IRVINGTON Room, beautiful home, i
blk. B. car; references. r ouu, orego
NICE la rue .sleeping room, suitable for
two. $15; slng.e siu. Aiuuia ae.,
Monroe st.
BEAUTIFULLY furnished room adjoining
hath, su tab e for 2 business men. w esi
Side, walking distance. Call Main 4574.
TWO large furnished front rooms, furnace,
hot ami cold water. 120 i. .auison.
phone E. Ii035.
ROOM in private family. m dern list.
home nr v eires. to lady employed. Aian
r1 13. CJMJ nyt st.. near 21st.
TWO very desirable rooms for rent, private
family, gentlemen preierrea. uui r. ua
LA ROE corner front room with porch in
well -turn Is lied home, neaum ui location.
near E. 12th. Phone East 8348.
FOR RENT Single room, modern, heat,
light. uJione, bath. lor man, iu per 1110.
8O0 Union ave. .M., near ieecn.
N'KWI.Y furnished lame, room in modern
home, close in; don t can rrom m to i
A. M 1 20 E 1 5t h st Call . 6S2 1 .
1 LARGE. room: bath, phono; breakfast if
desired: '-j block to llawtnorne ave. car.
200 E. 40th. Tabor 4K6L
FURNISHED room on Portland Heights In
private home for one or two young men.
Marshall 1243.
i.AHfiK front room within walking dl
tance. Nob H ill district, lamny noiei
near by. Broadway 5623.
FURNISHED rooms, everything new; place
for day sleepers: modern; gentlemen
only. Main 3041. 34S Montgomery st.
NICE front room
with 2 beds and bath
in private home, reasonaDie.
651 Savier
st. fhone tmwy. ,
'OR RENT Parlor sleeping room.
block of iH canine. uan hi ii
12th st., corner Alder. t
HOMELIKE, modern room, private lav
atory, breakfast, two aouns. 01- .Mar
shall st.
WELL-FURNISHED room, with or with
out men Is; i nn venient location ror iwo
Dezendorff Apts.
NICE, small sleeping room, walking dis
tance; very reasonaoie. ioauwaj
South. '
FOR RENT A young man with auto can
find a pleasant sleeping room una new
garage at 711 K. Ankeny. East 2548.
A HEATED room, walking distance, for
1 or 2. 120 K. l;th. corner Aider.
SLEEPING ROOM in private family.
gentlemen only. Marshall 1 m.
ONE or two excellent rooms, one with pri
vate hiith, close in. uan uroaaway uo
FURNISHED 2-room apartment, sleeping
porch, private lanilly. 20 jn. a.
FIRST-CLASS front room for two. board
if desired. .i!4 Columbia st. .viain n.
LA RGE. pleasant, furnished, steam-heated
bedroom. 240 r. imn. raat
WILL board and room two men in private
family. Tabor 5033. 43QQ otitn si. . r.
NICELY furnished room, close In. Mar
shall 301. 347 Montgomery.
COMFORTABLE room in refined family,
walking distance. Main 4..u.
BRIGHT, pleasant room for one or two
boys. 160 N. 2lst. Hdwy. 2i.
YOUNG man would like congenial young
man room mate. r 2bu. oregonian.
ICELY furnished room. 401 Dezendorf
apts.. 16th and Taylor. Marshall 4565.
LARGE, furnished room with alcove. 10.
.:;5 Ms Montgomery St.. near 101 11 -1..
WARM sleeping room for 1 or 2 gentle
men. 44 Salmon, cor. i-tm.
DESIRABLE bedroom In private home.
reasonable, ""all Sellwood .44 11.
WELL furnished room for gentleman. Hall
st.. near Park. Marshall .-woi.
URN1SHED nnm S5 a week; must have
references. 355 Graham ave.. near Union.
OR RENT Rooms at 711 East Yamhill
pt. Tel. East 5012.
lft A MONTH Room in -icdern home in
Piedmont. W nod lawn .!.-
Wo nicelv furnished rooms with private
family. 443 10th st
A RGE unfurnished room for rent. light
housekeeping only. 4fr- r-ine street.
FURNISHED room, near Broadway oriiie:
reasonaoie. -r. nusa .-.j. t i. ".-i.
0 14TH. near Jefferson st.. choice rooms.
walking distance. -Main
RI VATE family, nicely furnished room
7S1 Hoyt st.. Main 2041.
LARGE clean housekeeping room, close
In; good location. 446 Taylor st.
N exchange for mandolin lessons.
Schuyler. Last 34-
BEAUTIFUL room, suitable for one or two,
reasonable for slight service. Last 5420.
$7 PER MONTH Nice clean room, good
bed; men only. 387 I2tn st.
ROOM in private family; very reasonable;
516 Columbia. Marshall 3283.
OSY front room with kitchenette and
bath for lady employed. hast b327.
SINGLE sleeping room, close in, $2.25
week; bath, quiet nome. Tayior st.
LEE PING room at 6924 Everett; rea
sonably priced. Phone Marshall li07.
LARGE furnished front parlor for rent;
in good location. lo Talor at
Furnished Rooms In Private Family.
1 FURNISHED and 2 unfurnished sleep
ing rooms, all modern conveniences, in
private family; 30 minutes from businens
center. 1 block from Alberta car; quint
place for day sleeper; gentleman pre
lerred. Wdln. 2000.
NEATLY furnished front room with bath.
15 minutes' ride irom Broadway and
Washington sts.. on Mississippi line, (Iff
per month. Phone Woodlawn 6304; aistf
garage for rent.
Attractively furnished room, private
home, desirable location; men only; ref
erences required. Main 4711.
LARoE, nicely furnished room for rent;
must be seen to be appreciated. 15S
Mirimar Place. Laurelhuist. Take Mon
tavllla car to Mirimar.
LARGE, airy front room for gentleman;
bath, phone; walking distance; 2 In
family; 3. Call between 5 and 7, 560
East Main. E. 1360.
1RST-CLASS, large room, suitable, for 2.
in firt-class surroundings; breakfast if
desired; walking distance, wust side.
Marshall 1040.
$8.50 PER month. Neat, small front room;
large closet; electric lights, bath and
phone. Walking distance, west side. 415
A LARGE, light roo'm to a gentleman who
w-ill appreciate the comforts of a mod
ern home with no other roomers; close
In; references exchanged. East 7JM5.
LARGE, airy; suitable two; walking dis
tance: gentlemen only; applv personally;
references required. 554 Everett, cor
ner 17ih st.
DOUBLE furnished front room for two
gen 1 iemen, one furnish d housekeeping
room suitable for gentleman. 624 E. Mor-
rison it.
NICE large room ; private lavatory and
uressmg room in a neauttrui home. All
modern conveniences. West Side; walk
ing distance. Marshall 401.
WILL rent 2 nice rooms, also garage to a
congenial couple, both employed; would
give breakfast; private home. Phone
Tabor 4324.
CLEAN, well-furnished rooms for business
men; hot water, electric light, furnace
heal, walking distance. Nob Hill district.
Main 7346.
WELL furnished and cosy living room and
sleeping room for two business gen
tlemen ; private entrance; references.
180 17th Ht.
WARM cosy room, moderately priced ; 10
minutes walk to business center on west
side; electric lights, bath and phone.
Particulars Marshal) 310.
TWO housekeeping rooms; good location;
walking distance: rent includes gus
range, light, heat, water and phone.
East 4010.
A PLEASANT room and good hoard In
private lamity; close in; gentlemen pre
ferred. Tabor 7210.
COSY attic room in nice home cheap ;
walking distance; 120 N. 18th st. Broad
way 1025. Call Monday.
FRONT room with fireplace, suitable for
two gentlemen ; walking distance; also
single room. 365 Williams ave.
CLEAN furnished room; heat; walking
distance; handy to bath, 1'hono East
555 TA Y IOR Clean, outside rooms, run
ning water, modern, privilege of get
ting break l ast.
FURN 1SH ED room, steam heat : private
entrance, west side. Phone mornings,
Bdwy. 3405.
FURNISHED room for young lady; kitch
enette privileges. inquire at 08 Lucre
tia or phone Marshall 3516.
DESIRABLE furnished or partly fur
nished upstairs of a private home: rea
sonable; no children. Sellwood 3417.
WILL rent to young men nice room In Irv
ington nome. waiKing distance, or con
venient to two car lines. Phone East 2013.
NICELY furnished room to rent to lady;
ail conveniences, use of kitchen, or will
give breakfast, reasonable. East 712M.
LA RGE front steam -heated room, vacant
Oct. lo; walking distance. 354 Mont
gomery, cor. Park.
TWO nicely furnished rooms suitable for
two persons. Apply alter 6 P. M. at
718 E. Couch st.
NICE, clean, comfortable rooms with or
without table board. 600 Irving st.. Main
A VERY nice room In private family for
a congenial person. 554 East Taylor st.
Sunday forenoon or week days.
LOVELY large room suitable for 3 young
men ; also single room ; shower bath ;
modern. 605 Everett.
RONT room downstairs, suitable for two
gentlemen. 35 N 18th st.
FURNISHED room for rent. 15th and
Belmont. East 1055.
Rooms Witn Board.
NOHTONIA HOTEL, Portland's downtown
high-class family notei; rooms en suite
or single, .with or without board, for
families and business men and w omen.
We give you all the comfortJ of a home.
Reasonable rates.
W E can give you first -class board and
room, home cooking, for s .Mi to ..o,
close tn. Grand hotel, 3 blocks south
Hawthorne; come and see. 3.i4 Grand ave
THE HAZEL Excellent table; a real
home table at reasonable rates. Third
and Montgomery. Main 7004.
380 10th st. For business girls and
students; reasonable rates Mar. 1251.
K00M and board for business grils; ell
modern conveniences; walking distance;
14 per week. East 4732. 12 E. 7th wt.
PARKVIEW HOTEL Rooms with board;
excellent table; ciose in. 86 .Mont
gomery, near West Park.
HARRISON hotel, outside rooms. $2.50;
good table board, 3ti per weea. rrom
and Harrison streets.
2 MORRISON, cor. 13thv choice rooms
and board, electric lights, steam heat.
Romns With Hoard In Frlvate Famlly.
ROOM WITH BOARD Well furnished
front room in private family, west siue,
betw een 18th and 10th st reets. suitable
for two gentlemen, one block from car.
Marshall 5703.
WIDOW, with two boys. 5 and 7 yrs..
wishes a baby, anout u nioux ns or
child, school age, to room and board,
with mother's caro. 000 East 2Mb st. 8.
Phone Sell 774. ,
LARGE room, with sleeping porch, in beau
tiful Irvington home, tor 1. 11 re
young men or ladies employed; refer
ences. Tabor 7123. . .
BOARD and room In private family to one
young lauv. reasonable to one w no is
congenial and who is looking lor home
like place. Phone East 578.
WILL board and room a child of school
age, motherly care, price reasonable. uu
at 540 Taylor st., west shle, after 1 P. M.
Sunday; weekday any time
LARGE room with 2 double beds. Will
hoard and room 4 men snaring me roor.i.
$35 a mo each, with home priviltges.
Ea st jl 40 1,
FOR two young ladies employed, piano,
furnace heat, nome privileges, nniMui
distance. 468 Market st. Main JOJ,
BOARD and room for two gentlemen who
will room togetner. auo oin, near -o-lumbia.
ROOM, suitable for two working men; 2
clothes closets; 4U apiece. j j iicss.
East 6771.
NE or more children of same family to
board, near two schools. AG 280, Ore-
A ROE, well furninshed room for two
gentlemen. Excellent board. Phon E.
64 Ht. 7:16 E. Burnside.
A RGE. front room, with board, in pri
vate family, all home coowing. jui .u
street N. B
WANTED A little girl between 2 and 4
vears. to board, ny young coupie in tne
country. Box 113. route 1. Gaston Dr.
URN ISH ED or unfurnished room. nd
board, walking distance. 400 stepheni.un,
cor. E. Ninth.
'ILL. care for small child in my h. me.
Have no other children. 1 anor h...(.
GOOD ouara and room.
E. 2840.
walking distance.
N ICELY furnished room wit h board near
Broadway bridge. 408 Benton m.
DAY nursery. 88 W.
BHi-v. 1783.
Park. 25c
WANTED One or two children to 1
in p r 1 v : tte family. Sellwood .'153.
CH1LDKEN to board In private hon
Haley st. Phone East 2441.
WARM room, comfortable, home cooking.
331 Montgomery
CHILD to board between 4 and 8 year;
best of mot h cr's care. East 5180.
PLEASANT room, good board. In private
fa m i ly; ?10 week. Tabor 7200.
ROOM, board, private family; no chil
dren. 544 4th st.
WANTED Little children to hoard; good
reference; mother's care. 346 Columbia.
Wl DOW will care for children and room
parents In her home. R 14. Oregonian
K tOM and board, reasonable, piano. &XS
Broadway. Main 3001.
ROOM, board, private home. 573 Laid
ave.. near E. 12th. Hawthorne. East 5145.
ROOM and board In private home. 2 gen
tlemen. 576 Ladil ave. East 2333.
Furnished Apartments.
REFINED lady to share apartment. Call
Siinflny or eve, 6:30. Marshall 2711.
J.ROOM apt, nicely luruished. JL
-U. UO C 10 Lh U