13 THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, OCTOBER 5, 1919. kML FT TE. Far Aai Armff. IRRIGATED LANDS. Eastern urnoo. on main line Union Pacific raiiroa t . attitude &m feet : lots uojim. plenty uf water, mt.d win ten, bumper crop of alraifa. corn anl Iruit tai rctb.fi: idel condition (or knie; raa and fu.l-coursa huth hoot; bawl of opportunity fr dairving and raising h and tattle. Prices and term ra ub. a.id attractive. Call or write to D. O. huinjtRS. 548 Stark St.. Portland bight ACRES Dandy 8 rr-s with 7 to cultivation' beautiful a room plastered fcungalow. Ure fireplace, paneled waila id living :m dining room . all buili-tn effects, i'litrh kiuhn, good barn and chicken booMi, am pi trr t irrigate entire piaee. 9 mil a cast of clt on fine auto ruad; close to a to re, school and car une. J. D. GORDON. SH Chamber of Commerce. t'OWS. rilh-K E HOGS. HUKSK 44 acre of fin Unl. located on d road, ronvvniant to electric deoot: nea r ahum; all under cultivation : large ' nard of apple, warn, plum and rr.ea; & room houae'. barn, woudsnn. I'riu ken bouse and rabbit hutches: lot of walnuts: ortce tillOo for everything Including cream separator, cropa and raobits; personal! v in pec ted. JuHN KKKULSON. Oerlmger Bids. ONLY irxfto CASH. Three acrej. totaled ciose to cl:y llm Its. on good macadamized road; ic com mutation fare: asv walking distance o station; a) amovr cultivation; garden land . no rock or grave) ; exceptionally fine soli: water pi pea to house; gaa mam bin extended to this district . pi i $l:e. baling on easy term. Personal .inspected. Photo at office. John Fergu son, Oer.tnger bldg. COUNTRY HOMK. CHKAP. $14mj. on it-rmi. buys a good room home, barn and other building, located on over an acre of fine land, ail In bearing orchard and fruit; 4-mlle from station, in food town on tne nignway Jo ml.ei south Portland. This la a real snap. Buiidinga are worth more th; price ikrd. W. G. IIE. 624 Henry bldg. 1 . ACRIi.- on the went side, two blocks from S. P. electric. 10 minutes' ride from the heart of the city: half under cultl vatlon. the other half can be easily cUared: one-thir of It Is the finest onion land in the state; running watri the year round. Price $-lOO; el down Auto service. K. D. 8CHOMACH ER. 417 Spalding Bldg. Main 103. 12 ai'RES on the Tualatin river near the bridge on Capital highway, about 10 acres In cultivation, small I'-room house, chicken house. so me fruit trees, good land, moetlv river bottom: thla Is a very desirable location. being on hard-surface road and on th river; price only i-tm. harf cash, balance terms, per cent in terest. tilHSON. 26 Jtark. Mar. 1 Z. ONLT $300 DOWN. 10 acres, located 2 4 miles from Sher wood. Or., on county road ; close to achool: all the land can be cultivated: over naif under cultivation : 4-room house, small barn: well and creek; price $13.. easy terms on balance; person ally Inspected. JOHN FERGUSON. Cerltnger Bldg. BERRY LANDS IrtAi'KK TRACTS. 11000 BERRY TRACTS $100. 20-acre tracts near Columbia river highway; very tine soif. best of climate, plenty of water. There Is big profit In berries. Here is your opportunity, unlv S.'."0 cah. balance I15U yearly. W. b. Ie. I'orbett bldg. WILLAMETTE R I V K R FRONTAGE. 4S acrea. located 1 miles from court house, ni electric depict, on Salem high way; all under cultivation; orchard of apoles, pears, plums, peaches. G-rooni house, barn. hU kea house, fruit cellar. Price down. A fine pl-ce of land: g"d product ne soil. John Fer iison. tierllnger bllg. OPPORTUNITY 3 ACRE.S TERMS. 1ft m'les west side, near upper Colum bia highway; ft acre cultivated: tlm-b-r . riht to place ram at neighboring r-ll. will throw water anywhere; farm or country home; will divide. J. C. I'OftRI.N CO. 3iA--7-S Lewis Bldg. ACRE TRACT. CL.I K IN. Six bloks from Bell station; all under cultivation. II fruit tree, some be met. T-ruorn p.astered hoii!e. wired for elev irtc Ilffhis. gas. water piped to house; s!id. aaraxe; pen e 1! ,-". I.MW cash. prs..n.ilv insne-tel. Photo at Office. J.-nn Ferguson, tierlinger bldg. 3 IMPROVED acres fronting on the beau tiful Clackamas river: pretty maple grote on bank. land In bearing p-a-h and other fruit treet. and berries. 4-room bunaglw with ba.-ement. Near paved highway and Oregon Cltv car line. Pru-e Terms, u. E. Freytag. Oladstone r w A D A N DY 4? -acre in Parkrose. on hard surficed street ; 'J5 bearing fruit trees, graphs and smal. fruit, good garage. r'ii ken h'ujn small 2-room house, wa ter, im and elec lights. A bi bargain at $ l:i.V. $.m0 dow ii. bsl. terms. Nord Hampton Co.. l Stock Exchange. CHICKEN ranch. 1 acres two level and in cultivation: some fruit trees and berries; 3 chicken house, one 4-room shack. lHxlA woodshed, hored well, spring and creek. l.VMi leet of chicken a-ft. wire fencing. See R. C. Osburn. 1 C Wish, st., Vancouver, Wash. l"t ACRES and water right in Kern county, Cal . within few miles of oil fi-'ld in cirrus belt: good school, best roads. Will sell for 13: buyer assume mortgage of $:mni due In & yars at 7 per rent. Mrs. O. B. Morgan. St. Francis Hotel, Eugne. Or. 1.1 ACRES NEAR WOODBURN. AM in cultivation and fenced: 3-room fc;ig.. bam. chicken house, good well, fam Uy orchard ; good roads to Port land: $7V ,M IT H-WAGONER CO . STOCK EX. ACRES, all clear, -near car lire: small shack on place; fenced and rro.i -fenced . water, gas and elec. in street: $ O will handle this. Only S mi.ee from court house. Nord Hampton Co.. 401 Stock Ex--(ia"e. 2W ACRES. ONLY l-'50. $:m down and " per month ; located on county road in the beautiful Tualatin valley, accessible to electric line; partly fenced, fine for chickens or loganberries. T.to Concord bldg-. 2d and Sttrk- 5 ACRES. ALL IMPROVED. r-rom ho'ise. assortment fruit ; land a'l In cultivation: good black coll. Price $ 1 5 . f -1 o c: o w n . DRAPER A C. I.WAT. ."".' Chamber of Commerce bldg. 1.". .O RES, all in cultivation, near Wood bum : all fenced and cross-fenced : :t room house, barn, chicken house, wetl. good orchard; -7'M imio down. This t some buy. Near school. Nord Hamp ton Co.. 41 Stock Exchange. gXrDAIN tracts where one can raise all our vegetables, berries, chickens, etc.. which i the greater part of your living. Price only t;CO. $25 tash. balance Sin per month. M E. le. .'5 Corbet t bldg. 1H ACRES on ('apital highway, one mile south of Tigard ; fine soil, running water: about loo cords of wood : price for quick sale. $22 per acre. GIBSON. 2t Stark st. Marshall 12. b AC RES good garden land, atl Improved, good buildings and water, on Sa .em Elec tric 2'-1 miles from Portland: will trade for 3 or K-room modern bungalow. Owner. Hajtht ve. 22 ACRES rt er bottom, mile from rail rad town and highway: 2 miles from Portland, on county road, nearly wood enuxn to par fr the place: $l"0, term s. P. P. Box 42. Ba rlow. O r j. o ACRES of Willamette river frontage, strictly high-cfas property: city con veniences, on electric line near station : auto road aerors rear; clore in. Owner Clirton st. Marshall 420. hUN atatton. nearly an acre, on auto mobile road: city water, gas and elec tric lights aval table; all in cultivation: ht buv tn the district st Hmmi. Terms. See AT"HlON. 24 Hnrv hl.fg. I E r-scre ranch, w ith ft-riom plas tered hoe. b im. pumo house, chicken house- and orchard: 7to cash will handle- 7 mites rm courtbous Nord Hampton Co.. Stock Exchange. 40 XCKES about half in cultivation spring, running water alt year; ore mile eeciric roads. U mnes Portland: se.I verv rhesp. F Oregoman. jWO ACR ES at Stanley Station on Gresham car line, on Johnson creek ; ail cleared: Ma bargain: price $21M; easy terms. OIRSoV. Stark. Marshall 12. ( ACRES ad loining station: cleared hoitse al-nrtt new ; line stil. no travel; $.;mni. terms. 24 Oregon btdg. Broad way NICE 3 -acre tract, convenient to two ear lines: mav be rented by the year: chlc mnm and tncubtcra for saie. p 634. Ore gonian. FOR HALE H acres near Dona'd. Or.: 4 res in cultivation, balance easv clear d : fine for berrl's: eav terms. C. L. Mc 'at!in. 411 E. Morrison at. 4 ACRES, especially adapted to WAL NUTS and l.KAi NKERRIES: near pavd a:ito road. 14 miles to Morrison bridge; $10.0HJ. Owner. 621 new P. Q. bldg. OWNER 0 acres. 0-room house, fruit, onion ground, near car line, close to Portland: on pavement: terms. Phone Wood; ww .vtt.Y 2 ACRES 1 mite from Errol station: water and gas In front of acrea Phone owner Tgbor 706. 2 .V'KES. 2 blocks to station: cleared; fine soil, no gravel: 7oi. terms. Broad ,way IH-Vv 2it Oregon bldg. j" ACRES at Durham station: 40 minutes ride from. Portland. Phone owner Tabor 75. FOR SALE acre, under eu'tivatfoo terms s4 price call Maia 3300. for BLL ESTATE. For Sie -Acres-e. c rurI TRADE. For houae and lot that In dear: there i w .r. in .nit bal. fine grove of umber. All of the buildings wera built 4 yrs. ago. an: trt all p-tlntcd. Good 6-room houae. good barn, with hay torn, ail stanchioned off for cor dn", houae; good wood house, cellar and fruit houae. rood chicken house: 2 oa one at houae and barn. Thia la 4 mile to cnrllnc. 4 4 ml.ea from orrn on good road: 4 mile to s -hool. 1 mile to store, a good trad ng pointy On a main-traveled road It la a " t.n Price ftthMMI. Will trade our I'.'Mni equity for clear hou lot. What ha you to offer us 7 K. P. KLLIuTT A ON. Tth and Main sts.. Oregon city nd HOOD RIVER PEAK ORCHARD. -tItf 14 acre of bearing peara. moatly D'Anjoua. -. Detail 2:19 Bartletta. 2.. yeara old. RijO IVAnjoua Irt yeara old: J0 U AnJoui 8 yeara old; K.0 W inter NlUa 10 yrm old; ru lounf Bosc; about 1 cr.' bearing appla. A boautiful b''dJ" spot in a fi?e grove. A good house and all the outbuiluir.. necessary. A pasture land, and finest of all. free for irrigation. acrea In the whole tract, but a little ways out from town. Price J0.mmj. K. E. W OTT. Agent. EXTRA CHOICE Unincumbered, highly Improved 12 acres. Including comp.ete set of srood buildings, best soil, private water astem: also running water, nice bearing orchard; well stocked and equipped. Including two good cawa and very choice lot of chickens, wood, feed, etc.; on good road, near achool. ala rum and about SO minutes' ride Trom Portland. This la one of the very best acreage propositions close to Portland, can be had at a real genuine bargain and on very easy terms; nothing better. SAMUEL DO A K 1 202 Nort h w estern Bank Bldg. AN IDEAL PLACE. A BARGAIN. 8- acres, verv highly Improved, right at st'atlon of Oregon Electric, near Tual atin: deep rich soil, with some bottom land, good buildings, about two acres i..n.rin Afhini lots of berries. If you are looking for a place that's a money-mak r from the day you take pos- , ,i,,n fall to inve.sltcate at once. Cwt the owner Itttoti; price for quick action, onlv $42."0. terms. KASEK c KAI.NET, ft'ja- tlasco Bldg. Marshall 3125. A beautiful suburban home located right on the hard surface highway at Tur.rrl on Oreaon Electric. R-room K,.nU.lB mier vstem and electrl lights, good garage for 2 cars, fruit cel lar flue new chicken house tor otHi chickens. w ith woven- ire runway. Full-bearlr.g fruit trees of all kinds, and in)a nr line roAi. Place well kept and very attractive. The price la .... i .- Kf TmrrrM S-e J. D. ti'oRDOX with JOHN E. HOWARD. 311 CHAM MfcK Uf tUJiJJct- 1 At RE. FURNISHED HOUSE. GARAGE. niiAii Mail i mi ri iruiii uui- ne- .enter: aood ulastered house, looks ........... . hu livlni room. Iiirtte bed r.wr.m fine teen in oorch. kitchen and room for bath, garage, c.iickcn house and runway; acre fnced with hog-tigm fence: runnir.x water: attrartiveij iur nifhed; read to wcupy at once; every thing there. Price J .Oo; tei ma SltfuO caah. balance can stand. L I E L - I E M A N N CO M P A N T 9MI CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. lo ACRES. SECTION LINE RUAD. At the Intersection of the Kockwood road and about 4 4 miles fiom the city limits, half In cultivation, balance small stumps, easy to clear; small shack and good well; price 4mh. half cash, bal ance 6 . 3 eara. See E. M. Brown, with NET. LA N PAP.KHILU 211 Lumber mens Bldg.. .'ih and Ptark at. DXXDY COUNTRY HOME S1K.VI. jo acres with goml little 4 -room house, some fruit and an acre or ao cleared, bal ance stump land : fine trout stream on place; only mile from station; plenty of work tn logging cmp within mile: terms 4"0 can. balance to suit. L I E I D E M A N N COMPANY. Ml CHAMBER OF COMMERCE C I .OS K-1 N IMP ROV K D A CR E AG E. We now have over 3o places, any di-re-f ion. some on improved roads, with buddings and orchards, some close to elect rc transporiaMon ; all personal ly inspected. sprased and photographs! ; photo at office. Four erTirienl sales men w it h am os- John Ferguaon. Ger llnger bldg. m 10 ACRES Right tn Tualatin, near sta tion, achool. etc. : buntings poor, une soil, good water, abundance of fruit. In cluding beautiful walnut orchard: price $.Vol. with terms: here is a very fine con--In little farm, w itii wonderlul lo cation and most attractive place. SAMUEL DOAK 102 Northwestern Bank Bldg Homes? ends. Bellnqolshmenta. GOOD level government land In Nevada open fcr hometea'iing; tine son. wimi $100 per acre In rultivation, on railroad; for-lgners must have rirM naturaMxatton papers: stamps for particulars. Home seekers' Iniormatton Bureau. Sacramen to, Cai. For Sale Fruit Lands. Hnnn RIVER ORCHARD. WONDERFUL BARGAIN. S acres. 12 in full bearing commer cial orchard. Thla year's crop Included in sale If sold now.. Attractive modern house, barn and all other necessary bulidlnge and orchard equipment, four miles from Hood River. This orchard will pay for Itwlf In 4 or . years; 4mmi will give Immedtsfe possession. East 2oM. WALNUTS AND CHERRIES T.O acres. 40 acres in watnuts iseedltngsi and cherries; 10 acres mostly in grub oak with good house on it. Cherry and walnut trees al' good sise. Splendid investment. Also fine list of prune, walnut and apple orchards . in Willamette valley, pearry Bros.. 210 Oregon Bldg.. Salem. Phone ov. INVESTMENT that will show and pro duce an earning capacity equivalent to 10 per cent net is considered good: cran berrv land will produce from f.'.no to $100 per acre on an investment of $l"-00. Once planted lasts lifetime: acreage lim Ited. p. O. box 1... Seaview. Wash. BARGAIN HOOD" RIVER. Ten acres of Irrigated land, two miles from Hood River: acrea In orchard, full bearing commercial varieties: snap for 70iO; g::(MM cash, balance 7 per cent til BSON. 2HS Stark. Marshall 12. FOR SALE. BARGAIN 80 acres orchard land pear Lyie. Wash., 20 acres bearing trees, first-class conditio : owner now lives In east. AE 4rttf. Oregonian. For Sale I arm. 30 ACRES AT REEDVIL1.E ON VERY EASY TERMS. Thla is a very home-like place. Well located and Just 13 miles from Portland in the splendid farming section of Reed ville, in the heart of Washington county. 30 a.. 17 cleared, balance best pasture, with some nice timber. All splendid land. Good 7 -room house, good barn and outbuildings. Very choice orchard, berries and nice shrubbery. Price $60o0. IIOOO down, balance terms. HARGROVE REALTY CO.. 122 North th St. Broadway 4381. 380-ACR E SHEEP AND STOCK RANCH Adjoining a section of open range; loo acres has been In cultivation and moet - II i8 under good fence. Good 8-room house and nearly new barn. seeral sheep sheds, fine sheep ranch. Only 10 miles from I-ebanon. A pick-up at $20 per acre. Hall cah, long time on bal ance. See us for bargains in farms. Tell us what you want, we have It. GIBSON. LBAVENGOOP CO.. LEBANON. OREGON. TlflS FARM MUST BE SOLD. A real atock and dairy farm of 22S in Willamette valley: 120 acres in cultTvatton; OA acres beaverdam land) worth $200 per acre; plenty of good oak. ash and fir timber: good 8-room plas tered house. 2 bams, and good family orchard; stock also goea wTth this farm: sale price $C per acre. This ia a real bargain. A. E. Johnson, 549 E. Yam hill st. 30 ACRES. $13,000. 30 a in cult., bal. ti.nt-er pasture some open, some slashed: 2.000.000 feet tie timber; ail fenced. mostly woven wire; good barn with water piped In; 2 ml to town. Phone: stock and equip ment: Ro tons hay; young orchard. Box 237 Wtllamlna. Or. 161 ACRES. 3 miles southeast of Port land; 4 cleared, balance timber: river anjd spring on the place; houses not much good : ft miles from 2 railroads: 2 miies off county road; an Ideal place for stock ram-h; lots of outrange: $3000 " and rtve terms. J. Co us an, 4(1 N. 20th at.. Portland. THREE atock ranches partly Irrigated, with plenty of grating land. In Rogue River valley: 160 acres, 5o acres and 1400 acres by owners. Prices $4000. t g.iMio and $20,000. W. A. Holt. 706 Everett. WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARM. I03 acres, all in cultivation: 4o milea south of Portland; 1 mile off highway; fine loganberry land: price ho per acre. Tabor 167. Owner. ' OWNER will aacrlfice 40 to 75 Irrigated acres. Vale. 640 stock land. Klamath Falls: 320 acrea Prineville. B 842. Ore gonian. 40 ACRES, 40OO. Mt. Hood highway; house, bnrn, 10 A. cult.. IO00 cords wood. Main 3t72. McFarland. 6o2 Yeon bldg. 240 ACRES near Newberg. good soil; terms or trade. 100fe Fourth st. REAL ESTATE. Far hale -Fi BENTON COUNTY FARM LANDS. THE CREAM OF THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY. CLOSE TO THE OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. I'o-ACRE DIVERSIFIED FARM. 17o acrea under the plow this year, balance oak and ash grove around the btiliings; all second bottom land and drains fine, no white land. Plnce well fenced; good 7 -room house, fine barn . 40x00; loo-ton silo; garage, hog and chicken housea. tank, engine, windmill : water piped to house and buildings: on county road: community school mile. The equal of any farm In the valley, re gardieea of price. Priced at 1120 per acre. Including farm machinery, some stock, hay, feed, houaehold furniture, etc. v COMBINED PRUNE AND DAIRY RANCH. 7.1 acrea only 4 miles from Corvallla. All choice second bottom land: 2ft acres in young bearing prune orchard In very good shape and has had the beat of care. 4 acrea of sweet cherrlea. Lam berts and Roval Annes: 1W acres of cul tivated land of high quality; 8 acres in stumps and pasture. Place is all fenced; has very good farm house, fair barn, si!o. garage, tank, engine and water ays tern. Thia Is a real money-maker and will it.ind the closest Investigation. Price la 20,000. and can arrange aome terms- HALF SECTION FARM BARGAIN. 320 acrea with about 210 acres in cul tivation; 00 acres in rolling hlil land, all of which raises good grain, but would be Ideal for fruit growing; the balance of the place is gentle slope and high-class bottom land. The buildings are very or dinary and have not much value. The place is well watered by several springs and we think it a good bargain at $75 per acre. 320-ACRE DAIRY AND GRAIN FARM. 22o acrea in cultivation, all choice wheat land: loo acres In pasture, prac tically all of which can be plowed if de sired half or more of the pasture has been plowed; soil is free working soil with a trifle of sand mixed through It. making It very easy to handle. This place is Improved with 8-room plaatered house, dairy and stock barn that would cost four or five thousand dollars to buiid, has good family orchard, is near school, railroad station and less than 10 miles to Eugene. Price, $100 per. acre; some terms. ONE-MAN GRAIN FARM. t"4 a c res. 3 miles from Cor va 1 1 la : 1 .10 acre of the very best quality land In cultivation ; 24 acrea ash pasture land ; has fair aet buildings. This pi ce has every advantage to offer a farmer; fine soil, never failing creek, fine building spot. In good neighborhood, adjoin paved road and near grade school; only 3S milea to Oregon Agricultural college. Price of thia place $100 per acre, and will take smaller place a part payment. 34.VACRE GRAIN AND STOCK FARM. 310 acres in high state of cultivation, all laying Just rolling enough to drain well. Thia land has all been In clover and loo acres in clover now ; place is well fenced and cross fenced; has 2 atock barns, 2 silos, U-room farm house, water system, family orchard. 3 acres English walnuts; is located mile from S. P. electric station, church and rchooi. mile from paved highway; has :;0 acrea of fine fir and ash timber; pro duced about $12,O4i0 worth of crop this year. Thia is one of the best large farms we have seen In the valley. Price is $120 per acre. I W-ACRE GRAIN AND DAIRY FARM. 130 acrea In cultivation. 30 acrea of timber pasture along the never-failing creek through the place; land has about 6 to -foot fall and lays fine for farm ing. This is a bargain and must be aeep to be appreciated: has fine large barn, small houre and usual outbuildings. rnce is ni.ww; gooa terms. SPLENDID IMPROVED SO ACRES. All in cultivation and has good 0-room Postered bungalow, fine large barn and outbuildings all practically new-. Is about 2 milea from high school, churrh and railroad ta;!on. This is a fine plr.ee and worth $120 per acre. Can arrange iri ma. 270-ACRE RANCH ON HIGHWAY. 100 acrea of fine wheat land in culti vation: lo acrea of pasture covered with ok and ash timber. Thia place ia wa tered by 2 fine creeks that never go drv. Buildings are cheap; place has fair fences: faces on west side highway that is being paved now. Thia Is a good buy at $70 per acre. Will consider houae or small farm as part payment. 1W-ACRE HILL RANCH $40no. 4o acres cultivated, balance timber and cut-over pasture; place Is well watered by creek and springs: fenced goat-tight; has good new barn. 0-room house and some outbuildings: school on the place: good orchard. 1 acre of prunes. Snap at $4iHHi; $OOo cash, terms on balance at 6 per cent. Each and every one of the above farms haa been personally Inspected by Mr. Kinney and we know them to be as represented. We have several hundred farms listed and can suit you if you want a good farm from 10 to 200O acres. Mr. Kinney will be at the Imperial Hotel In Portland from Wednesday to Sunday. Go and see him personally. KINNEY A CO.. Benton County's Lead ing Fa rm La nd Dea 'era. CORVALLIS. OREGON, Home of Oregon Agricultural College. WASHINGTON, "the Evergreen State." has splendid openings for more farmers, frruit growing, dairying and livestock raising as weil as grain growing show great results. Here is a mild climate, ample rainfall for Irrigation, and many valleys of fertile soil. Land prices range from $20 an acre upward, depending on location and development. Good roads, schools and churches. Full information in new book by state agricultural college and United States rai-road administra tion. Just off prehB. Ask for Washington book and give your name and address plainly. J. L. Edwards, manager agri cultural section, room 678 United States railroad administration. Washington. D. C. DO TOU KNOW That 20 or 40 acres at San Joaquin will make you independent? Fine city start ed. S. P. runs through property. To the mart who knows the full value of soil and water will say; Get In now. Terms easy; $17.50 per acre cash, balance ten yeara Soil certificate for your protec tion. Thla add. ia exactly aa represented. Free trip by auto, make reservations. SEEING IS BELIEVING. Fres booklet on request. V ALLEY GARDEN FARMS AGC V. Exclusive representatives. 229 14th at.. Oakland, Cal. 28 ACRES within 10 miles of Portland, 4 mile to Garden Home station: on fine rock road: 24 acrea in cultivation: familv orchard, berries; splendid 4 -room paint ed bungalow: 2 extra large chicken housea, fully equipped; large barn; with thia place goea 3 fine horses, splendid cow and hetfer. 36 chickens, plenty of hay and gram, manure spreader, binder and complete line of farm machinery. This place is complete in every respect- For full information and terms, JOHN E. HOWARD. 318 Chamber of Commerce. FARM I 300 acres, stock, hay. grain ranch, all under ditch, with free water: alfalfa and wild hay. Will keep 1000 sheep or 300 cattle year around and produce hay to keep them. Completely stocked, cattle, milk cows, horses, hay. grain, ma chinery. Everything included for quick saie. Move right In. Belongs to an es tate: $S0,tsK. Accept Income Portland property, no Incumbrance, to- $20,000. cash and terms. Box 213. North Powder, Oregon. FOR SALE BY OWNER 196 acres. 10 in cultivation. balance In timber and stumps: about $11000 worth of timber, several fine springs and creek; this land is Ideal for walnuts, filberts, all kinds of be rrie and fruit or will make an A-l dairy or sheep ranch, ail fenced and seeded to grass, on macadam road. 1 miles from paved road. 1 1 to school, 24 R- R-. 12 to Portland. Will sub divide: price $10,000. G. N. Sager, Ores ham. Or. Phone Farmer S3. - CALIFORNIA farms for sale In the only government Irrigation project in the - state: easy terms, rich loam soil adapted to growing of alfalfa, almonds, oranges, lemons," figs, olives, etc. No hard pan or alkali; no killing frosts:, abundance of water and cheap; best of schools and churches. Write for free literature. George E. Nygaard. 302 First National Bank blrig., Oriand. Cal. NOW - ISr THE TIME AND HERE IS A - GOOD PLACE FOR YoU. 02-acra farm. 5-room house, barn, good family orchard of all kinds of fruit, some good pasture, enough wood for family use. less than 20 milea of Port land: all good soil; one of the best places for the money. Price $00oo. STEWART A BUCK, 310 N. W. Bank bldg. HALF MILE FROM SHERWOOD. 80 acres, on good macadamized road, close to Capitol highw ay ; all can be cultivated : 27 acres under cultivation : 4 acres commercial orchard. In good shape; water system; small bouse, good barn, chicken house: nice grounds; con venient to electric depot. Price $0500, $1 000 cash ; personally inspected. JOHN FERGUSON, 'Gerlinger bldg $25 PER ACRE. A whole 160 acres; haa a 6?room house, a Itood barn, between 0O and fio acres in cultivation ; good springs; about 2 4 million feet of fir timber; 1 4 miles to school; daily mail. Thia ia an ex cellent stock ranch. $10mi down. See J. A. MILLS, with SPERLING HANNA. 204 Corbett Bldg. HAVE many bargains In farms, all sixes and prices, both for sate and exchange, come In and let us show you. Tallmarige Realty Co., 619 Henry bldg. 14 MILES from Portland. lOfl acres. $125 ere; fine road. D 729, Oregonian. REAL E9TATK. For Pale Farm. IRRIGATED FARM. Three miiea from Prairie City. Grant county, terminus of railroad: 200 acres m cultivation, some alfalfa, balance bunch graas: all can be irrigated except 20 acres: close to two government re serves; Irrigation rights paid up in full: unlimited water, good improvements, well fenced, mostly wire: attractive price and terms; some trade accepted. CAN BY. OREGON. 1 4.1 acres m miles from Canby. Or.: lo cated on Willamette river; boat landing on place; mostly cleared: approx. 30 acres In cultivation. balance bruah; mostly black loam, some sandy loam : living stream from spring running through place; wtre fence; 6-room house. IS -story; good barn, other outbuildings; all In very good condition; school close; low price, reasonable term. EAGLE CREEK STATION. 55 acres, good soil; 2 streams: fenced and crosa-fenced ; log hog pen, good con dition ; chicken house, good 6-room house, barn 40x00; near school ;. practi cally all cleared: suitable for sheep, raising of chickens or hogs; price $3800, cash $1300. OREGON INVESTMENT & MORTGAGE OJMPAXT. 218-19-20-21-22 Chamber of Commerce, Marshall 200. On Estacada Electric Line. MR. RANCHER AND DAIRYMAN. Here ia one of the best farms Clackamas county; 208 acres of fine loam soil ; no rock or white land; 100 acres in high state of cultivation, bal ance fine pasture and aome good tim ber: extra fine bank barn; good 6-room House; spring and water in every lie id; land Ilea mostly level with some bottom land and aome slightly rolling. In a fine farming district; close to school and stores and on a fine road. With this goea 10 Holstein heifers coming fresh, 9 other head of young cattle, 3 horses, 23 head of hogs, 80 to 100 tons of hay, 600 to 700 busheis of wheat and several hundred bushels of oats; 12 acres of fine potatoes. All the farm implements. All for $35,000. J. B. HOLBROOK. 214-215 Panama Bldg. RICH. DEEP SOJL. We are the owners of several thou sand acres of very fertile land in Grays Harbor county., which we are selling on very easy terms. The land Is located only 5 to 12 miles from Aberdeen and Hoqulam, 2 very prosperous cities, and on good roads. The soil is rich, free from rocks and gravel and the clearing is very easy. Prices range from $20 to $00 per acre, including oil rights. In addition to the logged-off lands we are also selling partly Improved and im proved farms with buildings, crops and stock. We take liberty bonds at par value. For further information apply or write at once. WASHINGTON STATE COLONIZA TION CO.. INC.. ABERDEEN. WASH. ON NEWPORT HIGHWAY. 20 acres, located 2' milea from rail road town. Eddyville, Or., Lincoln coun ty, loo acres can be cultivated. 65 acrea under cultivation; 00 acres of river-bottom land ; one-acre orchard : good fences; 4-room house; barn 20x40, shed 12x40; $45 per acre, with 10 cows, 9 yearlings, calves, 8 hogs, 6 horses, 36 chickens, harness, hack, 2 wagons, mower, rake, cultivator, plows, harrow, disc harrow, cream separator and tools; 00 tons hay, 2 acres potatoes and fruit. Will consider well-located acreage up to $40oo and $2000 cash; ranch is clear; long time on balance; personally in spected. JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger Bldg. BARGAIN IN STOCKED AND EQUIPPED FARM. 220 acres, nearly all tillable. 70 in cult., balance easily cleared. 5 acres good or chard, mixed fruit, creek and aprings, free outrange, land lies nice, good build ings, water piped in. about 39 miles from Portland, good auto road all the way. all crops, stock and equipment goes. Includ ing 4 horses, about 30 head of cattle and all kinds of machinery and tools at only i..ouu; take some trade, little cash, balance easy terms: this ia a bargain and a money-maker from the start. Taltmadge Realty Co.. 1 Henry bldg. .4isO-ACRE MARION COUNTY FARmT" One of the best farms in Willamette valley, 12 mi. from Salem, electric sta tion at place, about mile riverfront; over half in cultivation. balance pasture, some timber, spring water piped to buildings; modern house, two line large barns, stlo, stock and machinery sheds, etc.; soil and buildings in O. K. condi tion : very fine orchard; place all well fenced; no better place for stock, grain and frutt raising. For price, terms and particulars call at office. A. H. BIRRELL CO.. 217 N. W. Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. CHRISTMAS GIFT 100 arres. 31, miles east of Cape Horn, State Washington; good roads. high school, grade school : land roiling: ce dar post.- and wire; W acrea in cultiva tion, :pmhi apple tre-a. 3 00 prune, cher ries, plums and peaches; grain has been grown betw een rows ; property appraised hy -very reputable bank farm appraiser 01" state-wide reputation at $17,200; our price 5t,oii. terms. FRED W. NEWELL, Oreffon Investment & Mortgage company, 21S-1U-2U-21-22 Chamber of Commerce. Marshall 200. ON- HARD SURFACED ROAD. CLOSE TO ELECTRIC DEPOT. 30 acres, all under cultivation ; locat ed 20 miles from Portland; nice level land; exceptionally fine soil; good 4 room houae, barn, garage; orchard; wa ter piped to house; close to school; personally inspected; price $4200 with about 10 tona hay. some grain and po tatoes; terms on part. JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger Bldg. 100 ACRES 3 milea from Independence. Or.; all In cultivation : fair house; good barn ; 2 RO-ton . silos: on a good road; 19 head high-grade Jersey cows, 6 head full blood younger stock; farm completely equipped with horses and machinery, jm-luding a Ford ho n tractor. Price $21,000. half cash. SPERLING HAXNA, 2Q4 Corbett Bldg. HEAL BARGAIN 16 acres 14 miles from Portland; all cultivated; 130 bear ing fruit trees: 2 wells; tt-room house, large barn, chicken house, garage; 184 bushels wheat and oats. 10 tons hay i c ty. 3 cows, calf, team! tit?..! J i cfi,f:kens. f Implement; . $7000. half cash. KCKES. 08 Cham, of Com Main 8043. CANADIAN FARM LANDS. - Cheap land; remarkably eay terms; andseekers excursion party leaves Port Und for Calgary. Alberta. Saturday. October 11; reduced rates. For further particulars- see Canadian Pacific Railway company. 2os Railway Exchange hin L. P. Thornton, district represen t a t J e. 40-ACRE farm in the Washougal country 3 acres in full bearing prune orchard 23 acres In other cultivation, house barn and other buildings, all fenced. good neighborhood, close to school; price $4000, terms if desired. Write AH 676 Oregonian. 30 ACRES, located 12 miles from Oregon City. 6 miles from W. V. S. car line- 0 acres tn cultivation, good familv orchard good 7-room house, good gravel road school and church, about 200 yards from house; price $11000. Route 3, box 2. Ore gon City, Oregon. CANADIAN farm for sale. 175 acres. 1H0 acres in cultivation and under irrigation 5 -room house, barn, granary, fence! and cross fenced: $2000 cash, balanca 17 yra Owner registered at Bellevue hotel. S. O Frayzet $22 PER acre. 320 acres. 150riwI1thandle it, only three miles from good R R. town; 80 acres Improved, uo fenced; house and well. 200 acres can be irri gated. Have water right. Addrese Ernest Behrens. owner. Roberts, Idaho. FOR SALE 51 acres, good 6-room house, large barn, good orchard; water piped to house; team mares, 3 good cows, all farm tools; on road, R. F. D. ; a bargain at $4A00; by owner. Bone utter. Castle Rock, Wash. FOR SALE Farm 314 acres about 60 un der cultivation, with or without the elec tric light plant, which supplies the town with lights: for particulars write James G. West. Cat h la met. Wash. STOCK ranch. 208 acres, 60 bottom, fair buildings, 4 mile R. R. station. 14 milea from town. team, implements, tools and feed; price $7000. terms. C. C. Nelson, I WILL SELL 236 acres or 130 mostly cleared, two sets of buildings, 20 miles from Portland, only $90 per acre. See . owner at S34 Tlbbetta st. Phone Sell. 2087. 160 ACRES, all river bottom, good house, harns. silo, well fenced, family orchard, on highway. Will sell one-half or all at $ 100 per acre ; half down ; no trade. J. L. Clark, Independence. Or. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES near Portland. $75 to $200 per acre, easy terms: best soil. Farms for sale, all sixea McFarland. 602 Yeon bldg.. Pore la an. CHOK'E alfalfa or apple land in tracts of 40 acrea up: owner. too old to im prove same; will give someone chance at very attractive price and terms. See owner 314 Cham. Com. Tabor 7834. OWNER MUST SELL QUICK 84 acres half mile from Mt. Tabor, city limit, berry, fruit ranch, with house, horses auto truck. Implements. Phone A 1439 FARMERS' MUTT." A L FIRE RELIEF ASSOCIATION. Insures at cost. $20,000 saved to farm ers yearly. Stock Exchange bldg.. city. 54 ACRES near Willamlna; level, cleared, fenced; good 8-rm. house; $1350, $100 cash. $15 month. Jesse R. Sharp, 83 4 3d sL FOR SALE 90 acrea of 8-year-old wal nuts in the very best condttion. Camp-bell-Phelan Land A Cattle Co., 301 Couch bldg. Phone Maia 805&. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Farm. PACIFIC AGENCY. INC. 512, 13. 14, 10 Shetland Mdg. GARDEN LAND. $300. of an acre cm East Lincoln St.. at Woodburn; close to high school. Will make fine garden land; might exchange ior a gooa car. ACREAGE. $1400. 'T acres of good land near Fellers sta tion, on Orogon Electric; most of x this is under cultivation ; will exchange for a good rooming house in Portland and assume sioiio. . CHICKEN RANCH. $1500. 11 acres, located 2 miles from de pot, store and postofflce; rural mail route, etc. ; 4 acres under cultivation, balance rolling pasture: running water, good family house of 5 rooms, barn, chicken houae.; good family orchard: nice, sightly little place and would make ka fine chicken ranch. FRUIT FARM. $1000. 4 acres of land, all set to beari-ng $rult. cherries, pears. . peaches, apples and berries; email home, fine spring house from which water can be piped to house; land good and has been used as a airy; barn and hay shed. Located at Cottage Grove. Oregon. Would make a fine chicken or dairy ranch. Good terms. ' BERRY LAND. $1600. 10 acrf s. part of which is cleared ; only 1 mile from station on electric line; some small buildings, spring wa ter. A snap. $1300 will handle this, or will accept a small home in Portland or Lents. HALF-ACRE HOME. $2000. -acre on East Young st.. at Wood burn ; good. large, new modern 7-room house, small barn and other outbuild ings; plenty of fruit. A dandy home. Will exchange for a home of equal value in Portland. ACREACE. $2200. - 20 acres, with 32 acres under culti vation: 5-room house.- barn and other outbuildings: 4-mile from school and railroad station: located near Hitchman station, on good road.' 1-ACRE HOME. $2000. 1 acre of good ground, all cleared, ad joining city of Gresham; good modern bungalow, with basement. The house alone Is worth more than the price asked; $1000 will handle this, or mi.ht consider an exchange for a 40-acre farm in Willamette vallev. CHICKEN RANCH. $3000. 3 acres of good creek bottom land in Gresham; 5-room house., nearly com pleted; 4 large chicken houses, lots of range and shade; place has always made money. Will sell chickens separate ff wanted: $1200 will handle this. IMPROVED ACREAGE. $3000. 20 acres. 1 14 miles from the Mt. Hood loop highway and good town: 10 acres under cultivation. 4-room house, wood shed, wash room, chicken house, smoke house, barn; water pumped from spring to house by gasoline engine. Gncd farm for diversified or other farming. Will exchange in part for a home In Seaside. FRUIT LAND. $3O00. 10 acres, located on a good road, near Woodburn; all good land, all under plow, well fenced and well drained : 1 acre of raspberries, fair house of 6 rooms, good new barn and other outbuild ings: a fine fruit and berry ranch, close to town. Will exchange for more and cheaper land In the valley and assume. BEAVERDAM LAND. $3200. 15 acres, wrth about 1 acre of beaver dam land; 70 feet of tile. 6-room house. woodshed. hog and chicken houses: welt and pump : good fences : li miles from Canby. on a good road: R. F. D, and telephone. FRUIT FARM. $3000. 20 acres. 3 miles fffBt of Corvallls. on a good county road: IO acres of prunes and balance pasture and garden land : family orchard. line sDnng. goon soil; land gently rolling: small house of 2 rooms, good barn and prune dryer trees average 40 boxes of prunes f year, which amounts to about $1000, Will make terms on this. ONE-ACRE HOME. $3500. 1 acre. Inside the city limits of Wood- burn; one of the main streets: has good 8-room modern house, which is in good shape and a bargain. Will ex change on s farm up to $S000. IMPROVED ACREAGE. S3000. 2'i acres, close o highway, close to Portland and Gresham; fancy 0-room bungalow. Dutch kitchen in white enam el, fireplace, barn, chicken house, gar age; grove at house: fruit trees and berries; Jersey cow. chickens and some feed: $13mi will handle this. C H ICKEN R A NCH. S3700. Chicken ranch of 3 acres and 4-room house on nice creek of running wat the year around: at Cottacre Grove. Ore gon ; chicken house lOxSO. now used as a brooder Jiouse: 1 chicken house JOxtiO. 1 chicken house 1bx3,t, The land Is good creek bottom land and set to fruit and berries: buildings are equipped with trap nests: 11 248-egg Incubators, 2 new brooder stoves : terms. ACREAGE. $4MK. 17 acres, mostly wooded land, a short distance out of Eugene; modern 4-room bungalow. with bath. toilet, electric lights, garnge. small barn and chicken house. Will exchange for home in Port land up to $3000 or $4000. ACREAGE. $3000. 20 acres. 2 miles from Woodburn. on good gravel road: 17 acres under plow, balance pasture, but all good land; good 6-room modern houee. good barn and other outbuildings; some stock and equipment. Will exchange for cheaper land near Catholic church. Will assume up to $;;ooft. FRUIT FARM. $0000. A fine 13-acre apple orchard. 9 years old, planted to Delicious. King. Davis. Jonathans, etc. : well located on a fine county road, -mile from Philomath Will make terms on this. CHICKEN RANCH. $0000. 10 acres, adjoining the city Urn it a of -Woodburn, on a main road : good land, all under plow, well fenced and well drained: modern 7-room bungalow, elec tric lights, water, etc. : new modern barn, new chicken houses, garage, etc. : $2000 wl!I handle this. BERRY LAND. $0000. 10 acres, all under plow, adjoining the city limits of Woodburn: all new. mod ern build trigs; good 6-room house, wit h electric lights, water, etc. ; large barn, garage and other buildings; all good black land, fine for onion -set land or berry land. Terms, or will exchange for cheaper land up to $10,000. COUNTRY HOME. $KW)0. 13 acres of land 3-mile from Gresh am; elegant modem 7-room bungalow, with full basement, garage and barn; good well, pneumatic tank and gasoline engine ; good young orchard ; U a'-res under cultivation : an elegant modern country home and by adding fruit this place wilt be self-sustaining; $30fM will handle this. PACIFIC AGENCY. INC. 512. 13. 14, 10 Swetland bldg. NBR HTLLSBORO. 30 acres of good land. 10 acres under cultivation, 20 acres pasture ; no waste; creek and well ; good fences: close to electric line ; county road : milk route, mail route; new, awell bungalow of good design and construction; cost $300o: barn and chicken house ; 3 horses'. 1 cow. 2 yearlings, 3 hogs, 2 pigs, 15 goats, wagon, culti va tor, plow, harrow, har nesses, hack, buggy, hay and potatoes; $4000 cash, balance at 6'. JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger Bldg. A RARE OPPORTUNITY. $10,000 carh payment will put you in possession of a $100,000 wheat ranch in Eastern Oregon, and out of each year's crop. Interest, taxes and expense will be paid first, then buyer gets of bal ance and seller gets other to apply on purchase price. See us at once. U. S. MORTGAGE & INV. CO., 607 Yeon Bldg. Main 2418. 80-ACRE FARM. $5500. 35 miles southwest in good district, 1 y miles town; first-claws soil. 55 acres In cultivation, rest open pasture; good It room house, large barn, fine orchard, spring water, binder, moiv ir, rake, plows, cultivators Included. $0000, v'4O0 cash, balance 6 per cent. You won't tjnd more for your money anywhere. D. MeCho ney, 304'-'. Oak st. Broadway 266. 223 ACRES. BENTON CO. $30n0. About 4 miles from Wren, on P. Pacific 20 acres in cult.. 20 acres slashed, hal. good when cleared; several springs, deep dark loam soil. Small house- and bant. 14 miles , form county rd. and school Terms. GODDARD & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark S t 30 BEAUTIFUL acres of level land on the Pacific highway, all really good free working sandv loam; 14 in cultivation. One mite from town. Price $3000. $1200 will handle it. This is a good invest ment, $300 land for $100 per acre. O. E. Freytag. Gladstone. Or. 53 ACRES NEAR HTLLSBORO. All in cultivation, good house and barn, 3 horres. 4 cows, 5 hogs. 50 chick ens, wagon, bugry, plows, harrow, disc, seeder, mower, plenty winter feed; $K0O0. 4 cash. See owner,. 732 Patton road, city. Main 8380. FOR SALE BY OWNEri. , Owing to poor health am offering my 4-acre poultry and fruit ranch for sale, including incubators and brooders, brood er house and buildings to house about 1OO0 hens. R00 hens and pullets. Corner of 52d st. and 53d ave. S. E. INCOME BEARING. P0 ACRES. 80 IN REARING WALNUTS. APPLES, LO GANBERRIES. GRAPES. RUNNING WATER. ON ROAD NEAR STATION: INVESTIGATE. REASONABLE. EAST 5438. 200 ACRES VAMHILL CO. $3000. 9 miles of McMinnviMe. 80 A. slashed: 120 A tillable : Panther creek runs through with fall of 100 ft., no bldgs. $1000 cash. GODDARD A WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. THE best 40 acres, part in orchard. In Oregon's famous apple belt at bargain nrice: fine crop of standard apples In- 6S4 Glisan st. 170 ACRES. 40 IN CULTIVATION. 1 ACRES YOUNG BEARING COMMER CIAL ORCHARD. WATER PIPED TO HOUSE. EAST 5438. 73TACRE farm in good cultivation. 20 miles from city : will take 3-room bun galow. J. J. Fisher, Tabor 3031. REAL ESTATE. For Saie Farms. SMALL FARMS LOW PRICES. $1800 Six acres, nice little bungalow and outbuildings; 13 miles from Port land; mile from electric sta tion. $2000 Three acrea very good bunga low and outbuildings, fruit trees and berries; 2 miles from Ore gon City. . . $2200 Five acres, good house and out buildings, fruit. berries. rose bushes, etc.; 4 mile from Elec tric station and 17 miles from Portland. . $4000 12" acres, good house and out buildings, fruit and berries, 4 mile from Electric station and 17 H miles from Portland. $4000 17 V- acres, good house and out; buildings. fr,Mit and berries, -o rods from railway station, on county road, close to school and church. , $4000 13 acres. 13 acres under cultiva tion. 1 acre fruit, an old house a new house not quite finished. 6 miles from city limits in Sun ny side valley. . $0000 Eight acres, very good plaste-ea house and outbuildings, fruit trees and berries; 2 miles from ' Oregon City, sidewalk all the way to the place. , . t . All of the above farms are in high state of cultivation and priced right. They can be bought on easy terms. For full details call on. E. A. LINDGREN. Savon Land Co., 930 N. W. Bank bldg. VALLEY FARMS. 113 acres, extra choice, roiling, nigh land; 80 acres high state of cultivation, balance timber; creek, spring, well, orch ard, walnuts, etc.; hopyard, hophouse. 7 room dwelling, bath, toilet, hot and cold water, 2 barns; 21 miles Portland. 3 miles Newberg. 1 i miles Ry. station. This farm is one of the very best In the valley. Price $140 per acre, $15,820; terms. , 320 acres; 220 acres In cultivation, bal ance timber and pasture; running water; new bungalow; barn and outbuildings: 40 miles Portland. 2 miles Yamhill; $70 per acre, and worth it; terms. 80 acres; 31 acres in cultivation, bal ance pasture and timber; rolling land; creek, sorinps; 5-room house, barn, out buildings: 19 miles Portland. 1 mile paved highway; railway station 1 h miles: 2 14 miles Sherwood: DriCi' $0200. half cash. This is an exceptionally good buy; 50 minutes out of Portland. 30 acres. 20 acres in cultivation. 8 acres pasture. 2 acres timber: 7-room house. 2 barns, roothouse: level, choi land; 1 V- miles Reedville, 10 miles Port land; So 000; $2000 cash, balance mort rage. 10 acres, near Beaverton. Or.: half clear, balance nasture: 4-room house. barn, chicken house, creek, well. Price whi; nair cash. R. M. GATE WOOD & CO.. 165 4 4th St. Open Sunday. Main 8291. 40 ACRES NEAR PORTLAND. Here' is the "best close-In farm buy we have located on the road from Portland to Gresham, which is paved;, land is all cultivated, rich, black loam soil: 6-room farm -house with hot and cold water, large barn, dairy house with ce ment floor, chicken house, hog house, woodshed and garage. Place has first-class family orchard, with all varieties of fruit, grapes, ber ries and English walnuts. 5 thor oughbred Holstein cows. larse team of mares, farm implements and tools. 0 acres of potatoes in the ground. 2 acres of corn and kale, barn full of hay. seed corn and garden. This place is well located and certainly a bargain at $13,000. $4000 cash Raiph Ackley Land Co., 527 Corbett bldg. Phone Main 7141. DON'T OVERLOOK THE FACT THAT THIS IS THE TIME TO PUT IN YOUR CROP. We have some very good farm buys fairly close to Portland: one of 52 acres, ready to move onto, 4 in cultivation and A No. 1 pasture. Another, HO acres. 13 miles Trom Port land, ready to move onto and start fall work: 20 acres in cultivation. Also 00 acres, 17 miles from Portland, without buildings, but can get house and barn near to live in. And 4S0-acre wheat farm, wjth all equipment and . 90 acres seeded; this is a buy you don't get every day, for less than price of raw land, $11.00 per acre. All personal propertv thrown in. STEWART & BUCK. 310 Northwestern Bank bldg. SIXTY acres, under fine state of cultiva tion ; best of soil and no w as to ground; large new' barn, holds 100 tons of hay; 7-room house; apple, cherry, walnut and shade trees; nice grape vineyard ; two Acres strawberries; SO rods to school and church ; one mile from Damascus, three miles to Boring, five miles to Gresham. nine miles to Portland ; all good roads. If you are looking for a model farm, either fruit or dairy, and right price, you wilt find nothing better than this. Price ?220 per acre: fome terms. Cary Real Estate Co., Gresham. Or. . ONLY $0000 CASH REQUIRED. 21o acres, located south of Scio. Linn county. Oregon; loo acres under cultiva tion, of which 50 acres is beaverdam land, balance good pasture; 4 acres bear ing orchard, creek and well, good 7 room house. 2 large barns, milkhouse and sheepshed. good fences; price $00 per acre, with horses, cow. hogs. 30 sheep. 0O goats, 1 ." chickens. 00 geese, fio turkeys, wagons, cultivators, plows, harrows, harnesses and hay: immediate possession. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. ATTRACTIVE SMALL FARM. 20 ACRES. $3700. Very homelike place, with good 5 room house, barn, silo, chicken house, garage, fine orchard, grapes, berries and shade trees, 15 acres in cultivation and the rest nearly cleared : 2 miles from electric line, about 10 miles nortn of Sa lem. It's well worth seeing before buy ing a small farm. D. McChesney. 304 4 Oak st. Broadway 2t'6. 120-ACRE stock ranch with unlimited out range, about 40 acres cleared, good land, part river bottom, smooth and prac tically level, fine family orchard and berries, good set buildings, plenty water, balance in pasture and piling timber: hay. straw and two acres of garden; 10 miles S. E. Cottage Grove, good roads, grammar and hish schools, telephone. No trade. R. W.. WARD, box 37, Cottage Grove. Or. FOR SALE. 420 acres 220 acres under cultivation. Splendid land, part red shot, balance biack loam bottom land: very produc tive: modern 7-room house; modern barn, watered hy spring and small creek: wa ter piped to'all buildings: good fencing; price, including four good work horses and tools. $70 per acre. G. L. RISKS, 1004 Fourth st. 1G0 ACRES. GILLIAM CO. $IS00. Ten miles from Condon. 80 acres plowed but neglected; 40 acres more could be plowed, rest rough; Rock creek nriles away: no bldgs. except small house 16x18; fenced on two sides. 1 4 miles from store. P. O., school and church. GODDARD A WIEDRICK. 243 Stark st. REAL HOME FARM. 190 acres, with first-class modern buildings; atl lies fine; over 100 acres in cultivation, balance level open pasture; $100 an acre; farm is In fine open part of Willamette valley, on good road and 1 mile from station ; we have pictures and complete details at our office. D McChesney, 3044 Oak st. Bdwy. 206. 56 acres, $4000. 40 acres, water. $2300 17 cleared. 2 barns, house, 5 cleared, fenced, running 20 acres, $1300. Terms on all these places; good roads, school, level, free from rocks. Write. GEO. BEERS. Sandy, Or. WASHINGTON CO. SNAP. 100 acres, 18 miles Portland, near Hiltsboro: 60 In cultivation, modern 6 room house, good barn, family orchard, 8 acres clover, balance land nearly all plowed and seeded this fall : $100 per acre, good terms. See owner, 732 Pat ton road, city. Main 8380. 40 ACRES 24 miles of Silverton; t" A. tn w heat, 0 In clover, 4 in hay. 5 A. 2nd growth timber. 4 acre of fruit; close to school ; 1 mile from cheee factorv; 4-room house. 2 bnrns, chick house, hog shed, etc.; price 80000. Terms. GODDARD A WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. MUST be sold, cah or terms, $14,000, 109 acres jo mnes r'ortian.a. 10 acres beaver dam, 60 acres clear, running water, 2000 cords standing timber, fair buildings, Oregon Electric station on place, and "on bank of Willamette river. Call Sell wood 2805 or write 5S8 Lafayette st., city. 200 ACRES SO cultivated. balancetim . ber-paFture. Adapted stock, grain, hav: good soil: natural drainage, spring water; horses, machinery, tools, 4 of crop: building road to Eugene, 9 miles: $sooo cash; federal loan $4 OOO. A. Ball, route 3, Eugene, Or. CRANBERRY marsh. 12 acres, two bear ing. remainder unimproved ; also US acres, mostly woodland; four-room house, cranberry house, other buMdings. If taken at once, crop included: located on railroad near Coos Bay. Or. For particu lars address T. S. Small, Hauser. Or. 120 ACRES, 6 miles of Oregon City, lots of good timber, 21 acres in cultivation, new 6-room house: plenty barn room; vwagon and team, 10 cattle. 5 head of hogs; $75 acre; half cash, on rock road. J. E. Reardon, Route 1, box 125-B. Ore gon City, Or. FOR SALE. Some very fine cattle ranches, with or without cattle; prices from $30,000 to $400,000. CAM PBELL-PH ELAN LAND A CATTLE COMPANY, PhoneMain8089. Portland, Or. CALIFORNIA farms near Sacramento for sale, easy terms. Write for list. . R. Waite, Shawnee, Oklahoma, REAL ESTATK. For Sale Farms. 500 ACRES. 11 MILES EAST OF VANCOUVER. Two-thirds under high state of culti vation, balance good soil, in timber, fenced and cross fenced with woven wire: ten-room plastered house, barn 64x70 concrete floor; 400-ton si to. all necessary outbuildings, stock, crops and equipment. All goes and everything is there, nothing more could be added to make this a paving farm. WEIST A DOLLARHIDE. 010-511 Lewis Bldg. 201 ACRES AT JEFFERSON. 23 under cultivation, all very rich soil; three acres of prunes and apples, good fa mily orchard, fenced In four fields with woven wire, good seven-room house, excel lent brirp hn rn. and all necessary outbuildings: plenty of water: located on main road and S. P. R. R. Price $125 per acre. WEIST & DOLLARHIDE. 510-511 Lewis Bldg. 400 ACRES NEWBERG. BUILDINGS COST $2(1.000 Fully stocked and equipped: 10 acres of bearing prunes ; woven wire fen cob ; fine water system; fronts on Willamette river. This is the show place of the en tire neighborhood ; can be bought at a decided bargain. WEIST & DOLLARHIDE. 510-011 Lewis Bldg. 1250 ACRES STOCK AND FRUIT RANCH. Located in southern Oregon, right at the station on main line of S. P.. also on PacLflc highway; good six-room house also four-room house, barn, garage, and outbuildings. Cash price $30.mlo. Might . exchange for southern California. WEIST &. DOLLARHIDE. 010-511 Lewis Bldg. 007 ACRES. SIX MILES FROM INDEPENDENCE. All slightly rolling, very rich, dark loam; three good sets of farm buildings; three family orchards, nearly all umler hich state of cultivation; plenty of wa ter: fenced and cross fenced with woven wire. Located one miie of R. R. on Pa cific highway. Price $10O an acre. WEIST & DOLLA RH IDE, 010-011 Lewis Bldg. LINN COUNTY STOCK RANCH. $20 AN ACRE 32 ACRES. Good set of farm buildings, family or chard; plenty of water; 70 acres under cultivation: located 4 miles of Browns ville, on good road. Terms. WEIST Ac DOLLARHIDE, 010-511 Lewis Bldg. FINE LARGE DAIRY FARM. 660 acres on hard-surface road, 10 miles from city hail, 30 minutes by automobile, and on tmerurban car line; 360 acres In cultivation, nearly all of balance open pasture, land mostly roll ing; fine spring water, gravity system to buildings; fair farm house, cow barn, holds loo cows; 60 tons hay. large straw shed adjoining, two silos, horse burn, room for 00 tons hay, machinery shed, hog house, chicken house, potato house, milk house, cooling room, good family orchard, abuut four acres walnuts: loca tion very sightly: good view of sur rounding country and city; pood soil, very fertile, no gravel ; with the ranch can be Included 100 cows. 00 heifers. 2 fine bulls. 10 horses. 40 hogs. Hi) tons hay, 50 acres corn, now in process ot filling silos; 10 acres potatoes and a full complement of machinery, including a tractor: total value about $4000: price $100,000; terms, $00,000 cash, balance on or before 10 years. 5 per cent interest. GIBSON. 28 Stark. Marshall 12. FINE FARM. EQUIPPED AND STOCKED 1 2 M I KBS FROM PORT1 -A N I . $i4.5oo monthly incom e $265. 41 acres practically all cultivated, no better soil along the Capitol highway (hard-surfaced i. in Tigard district. PLENTY OF FRUIT. House 6 rooms, good barn and other buildings, including dairy house and " alios, best of water in abundance from wells. PERSONAL PROPERTY INCLUDED. 7 dairy cows- milking, 2 heifers. 2 horses, good brood sow, 6 dozen chickens, barn full of hay. Thrifty growing corn to fill silos. Wheat, oats, potatoes. 10 acres of clover and pasture. Plows, drill planter, mower, rake, vehicles and other tools. Death of owner's wife cause for sel'lng. Sec M. J. Edwards. GEO E. ENGLEHA RT CO.. Main 72. 24 Henry Bldg GOOD FARM NEAR ESTACADA. If you are looking ror a good farm and equipment, come to Estacada and let mo show you a 60-acre farm: 40 in cultiva tion, balance eay to clear. It lies level and is all fenced with wire lenee, good familv orchard, 2 pets of hulkling, fine well of water, R. F. D. mail. Included with this farm are 700O feet of lumber, about 10 tons of hay. 70 sacks of pota toes, 2 sets of harness, mower, binder, plow, harrow, 1 light wagon. 2 cultiva tors. 3 dozen chickens. 4 large hogs. team of horses, 3 cows, 1 calf. 7 miles from Estacada. 4 mile to school. 4 mile to church. Price $0000. Half cash, bal ance to suit. See P. E. Wooster. Esta cada. Or. INN ESTIGATK Florida opportunity !".- ooO per vear income in citrus grove. Big Illustrated book tulle describes all. n'rite Sent free. 10 yr. esfab.. responsi ble Florida citrus lnd and grove devel opment company offers choicest high altitude, lake section, frost protected, rolling, best fruit citrus soil land at beautiful Hi.wey. Lake county. Fli. (near t.eesburg.) 4 to 40-acre grove estate. Low est price. Money -back guarantee, with 6 interest unless prof its of first 3 crops return your entire investment. Terms easy. B:nU refer ences. Reputable agents wanted. d dress W. J. Howey Co.. 29 S. La Sahe St., Chicago. III.. U. S. A. LINN COUNTY RANCH. CROP. STOCK AND EQUIPMENT. 16-S acres, located near Lebn nnn. Ore gon, on hard-surfaced road; 00 a'-res under cultivation. 1"" aeres ran be cul tivated, balance good pasture: two acres orchard, 0-room house, barn, chicken house, silo, sheep shed: price $til per acre, with S cows, 2 mares, Guernsey bull' harnesses, wagon, mower, cultiva tor, plows, disc harrow, buy rake, corn planter, ensilage cutter, rider mill, fan ning mill, grain drill and other imple ments 40 tons hay. 2-" tons ensilnse; terms' on half. John Ferguson, Gerlin ger bld-g. WOULD YOU BUY a good farm of 121 acres? Rolling but not hilly; 80 acres in cultivation, about 10 acres in clover: good springs in pasture; a well at the house and burn: a good house and barn and other out buildings; all fenced; on a good gravel road lust n short distance to the west side hichwav; 2 miles to electric sta tion. This place can be bought for $91 per acre. It is the best buy in the valley. SPERLING HANNA. 204 Corbett Bldg. I30-ACRE FARM BARGAIN. 90 acres In cultivation : house, ham.- other outbuildings; 2 wells, running water in pasture: all good land ; 7 miles southeast of Silver ton : telephone in house; dally mall; milk route; Including one third of presen t crop, this fine farm is offered for the low price of $11,600; one-third cash, balance 1. 2 and 3 years. 6 per cent inter est. GIBSON, 20S Stark. Mar shall 12. ALFALFA RANCH. FULLY EQUIPPED AND PAYING MORE THAN 00 PER CENT on total price asked of $7000 This is not imaginary, ,it is large enough and good enough to keep you Independent with the minimum investment and care; a true opportunity; terms. F. E. Miller. 416 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 867. FIVE MILES FROM OREGON CITY. SO acres. I oca t ed on ha rd -surf a red road, close tn school ; all can be culti vated; 43 acres under cultivation, 13 acres grass pasture, balance heavy t im ber : good well, large barn, very desira ble location; price $100 per are; $:."( m cash, balance long time at 6. John Ferguson. Gerlinger bblg. ltio ACRES land. 40 acres clear, good soil, balance timber enough to pay for land up to $20 to $20 per acre: sawm.il! on pl.Tce adjoining: atl level: $0o per acre; $00oo ensh will handle: also 0-room house ' good condition, located In Silver ton: $12i0. Write to S. H. Walker, Sil vorton. dr. FOR SALE Some of the best -farms and stock ranches that you can find in Ore gor and Washing! on if you are looking for farms toek ranches or timber land see Campbell-Phelan Land & Cattle Co.. 301 Couch bldg., Portland. Phone Main 809. 50 ACRES, all In cult., all level; 30 miles from Portland. 1 miles to town and R. R. Snap for $90 rer acre. Other bargains. H. W. Garland. 2Jl 3d St., cor. Taylor. FOR "SALE OR RENT 30 acres 12 miles from Portland: paved road: 18 under cultivation : orchard : house; barn ; chicken houses. Reasonable to tight party. Owner. East 5087. 79'A ACRES. 20 00 cords wood. 3VJ miles from Oregon City: must be sold at once: $32fo takes it. Wood will pay for place. Nord Hampton Co.. 401 Stock Ex change . ' FOR SALE 80 acres in Clackamas Co.. near M1h Ma : 14 in cultivation, old house, fruit, nasture, springs. Price S3000, terms. See owner. 6739 09th ave. S. E..' Portland. LOGGED-OFF" lands. $10 acre up: running water: good soil, tillable ; employment; easy terms .1. R. Sharp. 83 4 3d st. 47-A.CRE farm for sale, near Portland, on county road and half mile from high way. Owner, J 362, Oregonian. REAL ESTATE. For Sah -Farms WILLAMETTE VALLEY BARGAINS. 290 ACRES 200 acres In cultivation, hal ance pasture with sufficient tlmbei for domestic use; all best of land ; Place well watered with running stream: large house of nine rooms anrl 3 good barns and other out buildings; fruit of all kinds: located on paved I aciftc highway with railroad station on place. This is an estate and mut be settled. 133 ACRES, practically all In cultivation, with enough timber for domestic use: good Improvements, large house, two good barns and other out buildings: fruit of all kinds; all well fenced ant? cross fenced; with this goes all per sonal property except household fur niture. Owner getting old and wants to retire. Price il.YOOO with uomi terms to suit. 440 ACRES, four miles from good town on paved road, about 400 acres in cul tivation, well watered by running stream; good house, two good barns and otiier out building;-, all well fenced and cross fenced; with this place goes at least $0,000 worth of personal prop erty such as hay, grain, stock aoid farming implements. Price $00,000. 56 ACRES. 1 4 mites from good town. 8 miles from Corvallls. on good macad am road, watered by running stream : 30 acres cultivation, balance open pas ture with timber for domestic use: citv water and electric lignts. Price Includ ing at least $1200 worth of porMna property $6000. 40 ACRES, 14 miles from CorvaUis. no good county road, all in cultivation, and all the very best of soil ; a rea buy for $70 per acre. 370 ACRES All can be farmed with trar tor. well improved. 'A'r Itouse and four good harns: 2 so acres in crop thi year: two good orchards, one old and one young orchard; small fruit of all kinds; 4 mile to electric station. Pries $60 per acre and good terms can bs arranged. Write for descriptive pam phlet and price list of lands in Willam-tte valley and further particulars regaiding above, farms. J. W. MORGAN A CO.. 'orval lis, )regon. ARE YOU INTERESTED IN ONE OK THE BEST FARM BARGAIN'S IN YAMHILL COUNTY? Our special of faring for th's week is 1 14 acres in Mc Miunvllle district at $ 100 per acre. SO acres tillable. 20 in pasture, 39 fine wood timber. More than looo cords wood on wood land. Good family orchard, new 9-ronm house. g.nd barn and silo, 2 chicken houses, hog house, other outbuildings. Part of this place is bottom land which is covered hy back water tn extreme high water. This insures fertility of the soil. This place is near established highway and ii Ideal tor fruits, berries and spring plant ing for grain, hay, veg ' tables and for dairying. Liberal terms. Also 100 acres all clear and sowed to clover last spring. 1 ' miles from good town. No Improvements. Fine rolling land. All Rood soil. Crop wilt produce at least $0000 next season. On good road. Price $100 per acre. $0009 down, balance liberal terms. 70 acres 1 4 miles from 2 good towns. 00 acres tillable, 110 in pasture. 4 acres of this In woods, 10 acres in peaches and other fruits. All bearing. Soil alt good. Good 4-room house, fair bat n. 4 mils from paved highway. This is a fin money, making place adapted to frutl. berries or dairying. Price $10,000. 4 cash, terms on balance. We are glad to show these places.. OLDS-LEW IS REALTY CO.. McM innvttle, Oregon. ALFALFA AND M oG RANCH. Best irrigated HO in bt-.st sect iin of cent r.il Oregon. Big producer. 70 acre b-low riiich with 64 -acre water-right. SO acres in alfalfa and more r-?ady to seed ; 0 acres pot a toes. 1 3 acres oa ts. 20 acres good raw land with trees pulled. eav clea red. good for posts a nd wood all fenced and crnss -fenced ; some hog tipht. About 2 acres nn hurd ami stv-H fruit . 4-room bungalow , hot and cold water: gravity system. Barn with ga rage, shed vi tJich' d. chicken h nise, team and harness. all nees-,ry farmine, equipment. 0 or 6 clnn chb-kens. 20 head pigs and hogs. 40 or 00 tons al falla hay Mucked; 4 mile store. P. '., public and hfh school and R. R. sta tion. 0 miles Redmond. $12,000 takes all. tiC per cent down. 4o per ent in 3 yeariv payments t 7 per cent, or will sell place alone and deduct personal prop erty and crop.- from price. Address Box 114, Terrebonne, or. 1 ACRES, lot-n ted six mites from Inter state brtrlge. Vancouver. Wash., on hard surface road, two blocks from Union sta tion on Si i ton car line ; a 1 tout 30 acres in cultivation: good farm house, barn, 3 horses, 10 cattle, ha rn fill I of hay, some oats, wheat and barley, w agon, buggy, piow. mower and other tiols; about 1011 cords of wood ; fine soil ; ad -joining land ellinpf as high as $3o0 per acre : (he price of ttiis fine lift le farm. Including everything, $12,600; terms, $1000 t ash. ha la nee $2000 per year. 54 per cent interest. GIBSON. 268 Stark. Marshall 12. 10 ACR ES. Central Oregon. It riraied : A 1 a Ifa If a land, producing loo twie vearlv ; good house. barn and outbuildings; fenced a-nd cross-fenced : smalt familv garden, 7 varieties of berries. A snap $iif oft. 40 acres. Cent ral Oregon. Irrigated land ; 3 -room house, barn, eh icken house and cement cistern: all fenced; 20 acres hi eii It I vat i on ; 2S tons of hay, 2 good cows. This is really a bargain. Price onlv $30oo. terms. CA I.L ON US H H. URDA1TL CO.. INC.. Ma in fi 20 2 . 1 i 2 2 A h j 1 1 g I o n hldg. S M ETH IN I DIFFERENT Here is SO acres on Pacific high wa v with 40 acres in cultivation. In the ia mous Pioneer district of Clarke countv. that will sel 1 upon in estimation. The price is down to bed rock; no trade. It bflonji' to a couple who have retired The buyer will get a bargain at $90oo. Time payments can be arranged if de sired. Good house and orchard. The barn Is poor, hence the low price. It's a dandy farm. No gravel or rock. It will appeal to you. H. B. Apperson, Ridgeftetd. Wash. YAMHILL COUNTY RANCH. 1oS acres, located 0 miles from Gas ton. Oregon. 36 miles from Portland; 03 acrea under cultivation, 00 acres In good pasture. well seeded, good fences, watered by spring and well; good 2 story house, of 10 rooms, barn and iargo new silo; water piped to bnildincn; R. F. D., telephone, school on plate, county road ; price $"000. with 3 good horses, wagon, harnesses, hak. huccy, 0 hogs, chic Ken s, hav. ete : tliooo cash : person ally in spec ted. Photos at office. John F'-rgusntt, Gerlinger bid ff. 42 ACKKS WELL IMPROVED $11. OO0 . On good gravel roid between Sher wood and Tigard. 4 acres beaverdam. all very rich producing soil. 2 good wells, good building-, plenty of fruit, including a fine crop of potatoes and onions, hv In bnrn, some grain. 2 fine black horses 2 cows. 6 dozen chickens, all Imple ments and tools. About half cash. See M. J. Edward. GEO. E. ENGLEHART CO.. AIan 7266. 624 Henry Bldg FO U K THOUSAND CABBAGES. 10 acres, located 4 miles from city limits. 11 tl under cultivation : good new 0-room bungalow, barn, chicken house, large orchard, berries, in acres beaver dam land, tiled and drained; can be ir riga ted from creek ; price $4200, wit h hav. vegetables, crops, good team, chick ens and large Une of machinery: terms on part, personally Inspected; photo at office; an exceptional buy. John Fer guson. Gerlinger bldg. JUST WHAT" YOU WANT. OS-acre ranch. 30 acres In cultiva tion, balance easily cleared: good mod ern house. 2 barns, shed, chicken house, etc. Young bearing orchard and all small fruits ; good school, hard -surface road, good outrange, close to market, fine team. cows, chickens, all farm equip ment Phone Tabor 3009. ow ner. G 371. Oregonian. 20 ACRES NEAR GRESHAM. For 20O per acre, persona I propet y Included: 4 -room h'-use. barn. 4 acres in orchard, lots of berries of all kinds. This is an evcellent piece of land, fronts on tn'Un rond. Remember there is about $1000 worth of personal property con sisting of grain, potatoes, hav and tools. STEWART A BUCK. S!5 NorlhweMteen Bank Hldg. OWNER will sacrifice 40 acres Jiftt off paved Capital highway, only 10 miles from center of Portland. Over half in cult i vat ion. 1 4 acres be;i ring orchard, mostly prunes. Fine spring, fenced and cross-fenced : d w el ling with hot 11 ml cold water; poultry runs: over g.'oO per sonal property. Remember $6000 ta kes everything on easy terms. Call 500 Con cord" blda,2d and Stnrk "l'O ACRES WITH CROP! " $1000 NEAR SHERWOOD. One-fourth mile to Capitol highway (hard-surfaced). 5-rooni house, good barn, and good orchard, all fenced, fine well of water. See M. J. Edwards. GEO. E. ENGLEHART CO.. Main 7266. 624 Henry Bldg $950 FOR 4n ACRES. This land Is good dark soil, no rock : K-room house; 3 blocks to school; near Willamlna. Yamhill Co. Price $900. $1 0o dow n. DRAPrr. A CALWAY. 026 Chambc of Commerce bldg THE DIKED lands of southwest Washing ton are unoxeed in fertility; have sev eral choice farms for sale, some outside of dikes ; n lso stock ranches, all sixes; cut-over, logged-off and timber lands. See or write Lawrence Perry, P. O. Box 341, Kelso, Wash.