10 THE SUXDAY OREGOXIAN, PORTLAND, OCTOBER 5, 1919. EEAL ESTATE, tor sUe Houxa. EXrKEDINHKT ATTRACTIVE HOME I NEAR WKSTOVKK TtKKAl'K. j $h.Mi. terms. The biggest bargain in i ni'Ml-rn. nuty. up-to-date home on i he t wvst side. This home wa built with . ?Tui-h rare and se!cted material nl I finished by the iw-st abm"t maker In the . rlt bji.t mion k the nio-t modern, con- . rvatve arc.ilt-clural line and will b j U-cti 2'i years' from now. ' La. ing rom finished in fine mahot- any. d. iii rig room and den In solid oak. elegant built-in work, fireplace on each 1 ioor, four tedruoms and itlawl-ln sleeping porch, extra plumbing, asbes tos -hingie rof, big private observation porch with view of all the city and mountains. Double cement garage, lot &t in, all I itiia paid. Immeuiate pos session. This home la In the $13.oOO class, but account of owner leaving- the city and not wishing- to rent, make this bis aac ririce for quick action. KAbt.'t RAINEY. 823- Gaco Bid Marshall 3125. IRVINGTON SACRIFICE IMMEDIATE POSSESION. Exceptionally welt built. hardwood floors in e;y room, ao.id oak finish dowmtair. white enamel up. extra '.arge l:vmc room. library, reception hall and dining room, 5 large airy bedrooms and repine porch. bath, also extra toi.t-t nd lavatory downstairs, full base ment with fruit and laundry room, fur nace. f.replce. house newly painted, ev ery room egantiy papered, hardwood floor refnine!. eveiythiiig same as new; a rre chance to obtain one of Irving ton's best homes far btiow real va.uc on terms to ult. S. E. cor. 16th and Halsey. tmneion or Broadway car. i. J. l io.N. - 3d. 11 a . n .i.'2. 11 a rha II 59 I " LAURELHURST. 7 - R OO M Jtl'MiALutV $ . I M . Folk. here we have one of those real food -look ing. except locally well-buiu butigaioas; living and dining room fin ished in solid mahogany real mahog any. One bedroom on first floor and three on second. This bungalow is mod ern to the last degree. W us buiit four ears ago for present owner's home. Con veniently located to car. in choice part f Laurelhurst. Now in us show you. A. G. TEEPE Co.. I4 Stark .Su, near 3d. Vain 35Ifc. Main 3092. .Bra-mlt office. AOth and Sandy. l Open Sunday. I $.;.-. ADJOIMXU WALNUT PARK. on a 5ox'j2' corner lot on Union ave nue, across the street from Walnut I'ark b a mud em 6-room bungalow cottage: whit eaamrl plumbing, eiectrlc lights and gaa. iood b:mnt with turn are. I nujl bargain. Terms. We have over tjw photographs of inspected homes In our office for sale. 12 experienced u!emeo with autos at your service. E FRANK 1- .McGUIRE To BL'Y YOUR HO.MK Abtncton Bids. Main 1ml Offlc open Evening; nd i-undays. $-':0. $-100. AT.PERTA FN A P. l"0 ca 3h snd $25 per month will buv thirf d;nidy six - ront house. nert- Prejcott st.. in Al berts. Th. is a w-il-billt house h.tbj fargv- ro ns. three bedrooms, .in;ng ri d li v ,.14 loom, k'tchen. I: rye -ets: fine lot. garden and fruit tres. Thu is a genuine good buy. liionj jdaia ttooV. Ask lor Mr. Evctmjii. SPLENDID HOME. HALF BLOCK. FRUIT. FLOWERS. COOP HOi'SE. A REALLY DESIRABLE HOME PLACE KKAl'l TO MVK INTO. LOCATION .NKAH ..31 45TH AVE. $5N OH tH MILL HANDLE THIS. WiULD C(NMUfcK ;nD R. t OR OTHER WELL L('ATKU l.cT FIRST PAYMENT, HAL EASY. PRU E $I5HI. Til I S IS A REAL BARGAIN. ALL PATTERSON, MAIN 1 Wti. 3'C SELLlNti BLDtL WEST SIDE SACRIFICE. An attractive I iT-try. bungalow in the Nob Hill district; larse rooms, re cepfton hull. 2 sleeping porches. 2 hnth root iia, hardwood floors. hui:t-in retng- erator and other attractive features; va jror heat svsteti; 2 fine lots or will sell cne lot only; situated in vicinity of hos pitals, especially suitable for a physi cian; an exceptional bargain. By ap-to.uiint-nt only. No phone information. Mr. Ko- k with SKOTHEIM-FROWV CO. t31-312-kt Ky. Ex. h bids. Main 5In9. ROSE CITY PARK CA ft. SWELL BUNGALOW ItEAUTIFUL I'O KN E R $3o. We do want you to see this beautiful bungalow home. It is so far above the ord.nary. so truly good for the moderate price asked, that we know it will appeal to you. Built about 4 years. Hardwood floors, fireplace, massive bufret, etc. Let us show you. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 24 Stark St., near 3d. Alain 351 i. M.tln 3092. Branch office. AOth and bandy. Open Sunday. SEE THIS DESIRABLE "BEAUMONT" HOME. LOCATION BEST IN DISIRICT. S7TH NEAR STANTON; ABOUT 3 BLoKs To CAR; NEAR NEW FUR NACE. POSSESSION So DAYS. $5o TO $7.o CASH; I-ONG TIME. EASY PAY MENTS. ON BAL PRH E THIS WEEK M. THIS PLACE IS EASILY WORTH A N l COST ABOUT $ HI. CA LL 3H2 CELLING BLLH3. WM. PATTERSON. Pit ONE MAIN 1 13. ROSE CITY PARK CAR. 6 ROOMS AND DEN $47oO. We do know that you wtii appreciate the splendid value in this more than iriodern home: hardwood floors, fire pi ace. bufiet. cement basement, furnace, etc.; exceptionally large and airy rooms. Let us show ou. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 24 Stark SL, near 3d. Alain 251. Main 3092. Braach office, r.oth and Sandy. (Opto Sunday.) PR AND NEW $tS50. Grand ave., corner Ah l-v ( one block north of Ainsworth); brand-new little bungalow; brdrom and living-room tinted ; all woodwork in Ivory white, complete plumbing ; laundry trays, din trig airuve. electric lights; no good for large faml'r. but Just riht for a cou ple. Pay caan, $w monthly. Go look. UTHROP. M ABINGTON P-I.DG. t h HL'S a neat home oi a) rooms and den first f oor. two bedrooms and bath second floor; fireplace: corner with sidewalks in and paid; new carpets on living room. a. so stair carptl and new Inlaid linoleum go w iin bouse; garage: new iy patnted and decorated throughout : terms. J A. W IC KM AN CO.. 204 Ry. Ex. B.'!g. Vain 104. Sunday c;ll Taor l;t 17. PORTLAND HEIGHTS HOME $19.&mj for a mst beaut: fu. 7 -room house, hardwcod floors, furr.ace. fire place and all modern conveniences. Gruand space of 2 S tots, frutt. shrub bery and a most beautiful view of Port land. 4i ""O do n buy it, balance on time to suit. GRUBER. SHi Oregon bldg . Tuesday A. M. IN LAt'RELh t'KST. 4 BRAND-NEW BUNGALOWS. ( pn for Inspection today. If you have a moderate amount of cash and a god Job you ran move rtht in to one of them. Inspect them today. Drive out to Laurelhurst Tract Office. East 3tth and Ghsan. or phone for auto. Tabor Jt:3. residence East 2UMI. VACANT TUROWN TERMS $27.-i NEAR JEFFERSON HIGH. $2750 -room. we!l-construct-d house, base irrtiL gHd p.umbr-.tg. eiectrlc lights, gas. goxl district, near car; II. S. treet. rtd; a bargain, on your term. Sur.dav, Mar. week dava Main 7;7. Mari- :s or MIiIarrs. -0 Cham, of Com. bldg. WANT IRVINGTON HOCSES. In handling Irvington homrai t-a we aat'.iraKy are tn touch with buyers for h.m already built. List your Irvington hmi with us. We are boosting this 4imct. RTTTER. I.OWR CO.. ?1 3-5 T Board of Trade bldg. RrWE CITY PARK. 5 r. rnnralow. large living room, hard wood floors, fireplace ind furnace; at trmctlelv situated, a nifty home in per t -t condttioi now offered at $4UO; $.tM. bl. eT terms SK THKlM-BUOWV CX . 331-332-3A3 Ky. Es.cn. bldg. Main 5190 BEAUTIFUL ROSE CITY PARK. CHOICE LCATloN. 5 room a and attic, furnace, fireplace, hardwood flars, hard surface street, garage. $45m J. ROBBINS. 9ni Railway Exchange. Main 7931- Res. Tabor 5319. ROSE CITY PARK NOW VACANT. Modern bunga.ow. 3 rooms, h. w. floors, fireplace, buffet, cabinet kitchen, enamel finish, cement basement and porch, furnace, wash trays, fine gar ace. 3 Ml E. 4th N. Open today. E. 2T1. IP VINGTON. ' 320 East 24th st. N . cor. lot 53x1 00, modern house. rooms and sleeping j-orr h. hardwood floors. 2 fireplaces, fur nace, laundry, etc.; garage. For sale 1 y owners F. E. Bowman 4b Co 213 C. of C. bldg. Main 32tt. XTRA GOD RTY. IMMEDIATE P SSESSION. Well-built 6-ro'n house and sleeping porch, worth $30m for $220O; f.-,) w, handle. We hsve many bargains in homes from $1'm to $.V.ooo. Ua. TT. Fuchs. 4J0 Chamber of Commerce. t?7 TIPBETTS ST.. near E 2th: 5 rnisT. sAAdsxa. cm; pa toUy. Kami Zsli, REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houmv. OXT.T 91.100 for a h!g lot. nn the earllns and on the boulevard, right at the sta tion. With this lot goe a good -ronm house with such convenience a city water, can and electric light. There Is a hath and toilet of porcelain: there is at rity?tchoa only 2 blocks away. The j iix-auoti oi mi.i place ror a view or tn mountains and riv-r is unxurpaxs-'d. On a earf.tre. There Is fruit in full bear ing for family use. with all of the con veniences and advantage this place cannot be beat for the price. $300 in cawh or lens (3 n you red. M. J. CLOHESSY. AfilNGTON BLDG. In Rose City Park, the best part of It, on 53d st.. I.i an up-to-date, modern-to-t he-last -notch 5-room bungalow, sleep ing porch and everything else that goes wnn it. witn a new up-to-date iiunpamw , and a full lot. Price la only $4400. $2000 j will handle it ' M. J. CLOHLSSY, ABINGTON BLDG. ( Take vour choice of these bungalows. one for .H.0. the other fLWHJ: band new. never occupied, ready to move Into; close in to the business center" on the west fide; one is a 5 -room and the other Is a 4-room: double constructed, cement basement and fireplaces, nice electric i 1 fixtures, near to car line. sValking dis- tance; only $.VkV in cash in either case; is all you have to pay down, the balance monthly. M. J. CLOHESST, ABINGTON BLDG. Here Is one that should interest you two big srartments on a corner lot; there are 3H rooms in these two apart- , ments: ih- location Is on 6th t.. on the went side, close In. not as far south as t Harrison ft., practically in the center of the citv; there is at present a good In-, come from thse apartments; It can be doubled when the lease expires in De cember. The owner offers everything for sale at a figure which we will not quote bjere. but sufficient to say that no better in"tment for a mnn and wife or single lady who is experienced In conducing apartment house can be obtained. It is a corner and a great bargain will he given in the sale of this property. Call and inquire how cheap you can buy this. M. J. CLOHKSSY. ABINGTON BLDG. $4 (WW JEFFERSON HIGH DISTRICT. Here Is a real bungalow home on a full lot on a paved street. 1 block north of Killings worth, close to the Jefferson hlh school, public library and city park. i'lnm- to three carlines: house is prac tically new: built-in conveniences: beat plumbing fixtures: good cement base ment; laundry trays : house is equipped with Rector gap radiator system. This is an unusual b'lv. Can arranre terms. We have over ft photographs of in spected hnmes in our office tnr sale. 1 experienced salesmen with autos at your service. ee FRANK L. McOl'IRK. "To Btiv Your Home. AMnrtn Ft!dg. Main Office Open Evenings and Sundays. EASTMOR ELAND NEAR REED COLLEGE. On account of owner moving to Csll fornia. this beautiful home mtint be sold. It has a nice reception hall, larce living room and dining room with breakfast room: all built-in conveniences in kitch en, three large, lisht bedrooms on sec on floor, with big bath and lots of closet room. There is also a fine sleeping porch on this floor. farge attic, store room and maid's roon- on third floor. Full cement basement, furnace, fruit room, laundry- imyi. Hardw-ood floors on first floor. Nice garuge. Call Stock ton. " THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY. H4 Fifh Street. Main rtStr. $4mm BABY FARM. On 20O240-foot site on the Penlnsiils Is a very attractive ft-room practically new bungalow. This property is under hirh state nf cultivation and is an un usual bargwln for the price. This prop ert v has "imI ff nf fmn I ir nn the railroad track, and would be an Ideal factory site. We have over 600 photo graphs of Inspected homes In our office Tor sale. 12 experienced salesmen with autos at vour service. SEE FRANK I- McGUIRK T BUY YOUR HOM? Ahievfon BMg. Main Office (;-n Evenings and Sundays. on CASH. 2WI CASH. $2i CASH. . $'37.V -.:i7i .V75 WT WILLIAMS AVE. 1?7 WILr.IAMS AVE. .VRM. MODFRV BUNGALOW COTTAGE 5-EM MOpKRN BUNGALOW mTTA(!E VACANT VAC NT VACANT. New iy painted, attractive home, rlose in. on two car Tines; con'v to high and grade school: nice lot; paving and sewer paid. Main 4o3. A GOOD BUY IN HOI.LADAY ADDITION. Hre Is a good, substantial 7-room bom. located on 2tth st. There are 4 rooms on lower and 3 bedrooms and bath on upper floor; fireplace, full base ment, furnace heat. SOxloo comer lot. fruit trees In bearing. Yes. the street as!sments are nil paid. The price is $7"t0 with $lonn rush. If you can find a better nome for the price In Holladay we would like fn ae !t. COR A. McKENNA A CO. Main 422. 2 4'h s?.. Board of Tmde bTdir. M nnr 3-ROOM bungalow, close In. on East 22d. between Don and uimton streets. n:i block north from Richmond on Wood stock car line: Improved streets; east front lot 4xinO; house all on one floor: full basement 2Bx4: furnsee. wash trays, woodlift. pantry, kitchen. 2 bed rooms, bath complete, dining room. Ilv ing room and smalt reception hall all in one and nice lirce rooms: Oo hard wood floors or bulit-1ns. Price $205O: $r,oo cash down, balance per month A P-r cent. See owner at 33d Est 12th st. t'OO ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. vrv attractive ft-room mmlern bunga low with many huPt-tn conveniences. On 1 ox 1 13 fnt corner. Can arrange some terms. We have over oo nhotographs of Inspected homes in our office for sale. 12 experienced st'esmen with autos at your service. EE FRANK U McGUTPE TO BUY YOUR HOME Ablngton BIdr. Main ions. Office Opm Evenings and Sundays. IK VINGTON district home, possession In two weeks, on fine corner, an assess ments paid. 4 large rooms downstairs. 3 larce bedrooms upstairs: full attic, ce ment basement : some bearlnr walnut trees in tho prklne. fruit tr-m in the back yard: a good buy r.t $VhV Want enough cash to know thst the place Is sold balance on your own terms at 6 oer cent. See owner. 2'4 Henry bldg. tr.CfX FOR IRVTNGTGX HOME. Six-room bungalow, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, paneled snd beamed dininar room snd II vine; room, white enameled kitchen. built-lns. range. Terms. J. C fORBTN COMPANY. nv-7- Iewis BMg. GARAGE OR GOOD BUSINESS SITE. 4 roomed bungatow. with gas range and partlr furnished. This is a good home, with business possibilities. Owner anxious to sell, on very easy trm or verv cheap for cash. See A. C. Gal bratth. KAPOK E. ENGLFHART CO.. Mtn 7'JrttV H-4 Henry bldg. FOR SALE $3Ort for a five-room hun ralow. lot 33x0 ft., on East 37th street, near Hawthorne avenue. $25no for a five-room cottage, lot IMx 1 00 ft., on East Madison street, near 40th St-eet. HARVEY WELLS COMPANY, W2 Carro Bldg. KENTOV. 5-mnm modern bouse: streets raved and paid for; 4 blocks from bank; $luOO; $00 rash. A rooms; lot 100x125; SloO; terms. 3 rooms: well hui:t; '0; terms. We h. vo so rpe real c'assy ones from 1 1000 to tTOOA Pear! O'Nell. Wrin. 40."4. HAWTHORNE AVENUE. 4-room bung low; rooms light snd wl armnred: bath, raa nd electrieltv: full basement; $100, $500 cash will handle johvsov noppox CO.. 33 N. W. BANK BLDG. MAIN 377. Jlft-.O BUYS an s-room home. Just newly painted and decorated throughout; va cant; Immediate possession. About $250 cash will hand's. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 504 Railway Exchange B'dg. Main 10f4. SVAP-tl(W 4-ROOM VOOERN BUN OALOW BUILT-IN FVK'T. 2 LOTS. CHICKEN HOrE. BERRIES. FRUIT Tpfr? GARDEN JttnoO CASfT. B A L Avr TO SUIT BUYER. OWNER. 627 MTM ST S E WEST SLOPE OF MT. TABOR 30O. g-room residence in fine condition: 4 bedrooms on second floor, very large lot; Immediate possession GODDARD A WIEDRICK. 243 Stark 8L $3250 GLADSTONE AVE. Bungalow. 6 rooms, modern except fur nace fireplace, built-in: Immediate pos sesions; terms ECKES. 608 Chamber of Commerce. Main 8Q43. A WISE purchaser of real estate has his tit Is insured. Get a tit! Insurance policy. TITLE A TRUST COMPANY. 01 FOURTH STREET. VERY FINE MODERN "-ROOM BUNGA LOW. SLEEPING PORCH. OA RAGE. IdftxIOO. GOOD TERMS. EAST 5438. ALBERTA DISTRICT 5-room bungalow, f 27VV Gibson. 2 Stark. Marshall 12. COZY, modern bungalow, cheap: choice location. 1147 East 2 1st N. A Iber ta car. 5- room bouse. MI G!enn ave.7Alameda Park. Phone Main 6- ROOM house and 2 lots, Sunnyslde car. close rn. Phone Tabor 5'Jm. 5" ROOMS, basement, barn, fruit trees; 10 lots; clse in: $2'iQ; terms. Wd!n. 403 a. GOOD 7-room house, full lot: snap if taken svt once, MS CUmom at. Richmond aa. REAL ESTATE. For Sale House, HANDSOME, double constructed, six roomed bungalow with garage, just com pleted; will tint and paper to suit pur chaser; choicest part Alameda Park, 100 yards from Broadway car line. Full ce ment basement; latest heating system; tiled bathroom; pedestal washstand; basa bath tub, oak floors; plate class front windows; all latest built-lns; Ivory fin ish; solid mahogany trim; exceptionally large living room, 14x29 fL Very best j workmanship and material guaranteed. Cash or terms. Call owner to iew. Wood lawn 1505. $4750 REAL ROSE CITY HOME. On East 62d street, close to the car Is a verv attractive ti-room modern home: very pleasing lines; receptior hali, living room with fireplace and lead ed glass bookcases; very pretty dining room with built-in leaded glass buffet; cove ceilings, hauiwood floors, white Dutch kitchen. I uii cement basement, furnace and laundry trays. 3 light, airy bedrooms and sleeping porch, . white enamel plumbing. Can arrange terms. We have over HOO photographs of in spected homes in our office for sale. V exnerlenced salesmen with autos at your service. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUY YOUR HOME. Ahington Bide. Main lfMW. Office Open Evenings and Sundays.. BPLEXTTT IRVINCTON HUM E. Owner wlshlne to move Into the conn trv offers his fine D-room Irvlngton resi dence for sale at the exceedingly low nrice of S7500. First floor has large re eeotlon hall, big living and dinigg rooms, splendid kitchen. 2 good bedrooms (one could he use a as a oen r wameu .nu tnonlnv nnrnh la rtrr noueh for two full sized beds; second floor has three good bedrooms, with very light closets; fine furnace and full cement basement, gooa garage, lots of flowers and very fine lawn. This Is one of the few really good buvs left. DON'T DELAY. Call Hr Cleaveland. THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY. 104 Fifth Street. Main 6S!. SOLID MAHOGANY FINISH. Crt.r.OO PIEDMONT PARK. This is one of the finest homes for tie money we heve had on our list for some time. High lot. with beautiful lawn and shrubbery. Porch across entire front nnd around the corner of house. Beautiful front door and w!n- rinwa. Tivina room across front, with benutiful bookcases, stairway and other trim. solid mahogany. Ditiln room paneled, plate rail, beautiful buffet and one-nanel doors all best mahogany. Vt- to-date kitchen. 3 bedrooms, one with dressing alcove, large sleeping balcony good basement, hot water heat, garage. See A C. Galbraith. GEORGE E. ENGLEHART CO.. Main 726. f24 Henry bldg. 3 -. ARTISTIC BT'NGALOW. On E. Clay street, near 45th. 1 block from the Hawthorne car. Is an unusually attractive typical bungalow with low rambling lines; large living room wttn -fireplace and built-in bookcases: paneled dining room with buffet: Dutch kitchen; 2 light, airy bedrooms: good cement basement. Can arrange terms. Very distinctive bungalow. We have over Ron photographs of Inspected homes in our office for sale. 12 experienced sales men with autos at your service, bee FRANK L. McGUIRE. "To Buy Your Home." Ablngton Bldg. Main Office Open Evenings and Sundays. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. f have two choice homes on Port land Heights that can not be built tod a v for the prices oji oted here. One is on FERN AVE., near MONT GOMERY DRIVE ; has six large rooms; lot is riOxHO: price $5750. The other is on Kline st.. near Pat ton road: lot f5x!O0: this Is the best buy on the Heights at $5500. J. J. MCCARTHY, Ablngton Bldg. 25rt DOWN. $ 'nf M O R TG AGE S A LE $200. Unusual opportunity to pick up a real burp in ; ft-room bungalow type home, modern, verv homelike; on KlUinfPsworth avenue. Piedmont district, block to car; practically your terms. We have over BOO pbotograhps of Inspected homes in our office for sale. 12 experienced salesmen with autos at your service. SEE FRNK L. McGT'TRE TO BUY YOUR HOME Ablngton Bldir. Main 10rtS. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. . ALAMEDA PARK. SWISS CHALET. Rare architecture, beautiful gothic window. French doors between main rooms. 2 fireplaces, hardwood floors, nu merous built-in conveniences, rt rooms and steeping porches, double garage: balcon ies command pnoramic view of city: a wonderfully attractive home. Priae $S500. on terms. COB A. McKEXXA A CO.t M S7t. M. 4522. S? 4th St.. Board of Trade Bldg. 240n RUNGAI-OW HOME. Very neat, practically new 5-room modern bungalow on 50x100 lot. on Par doe st.. near 2Sth. Unusual bargain. Can arrange terms. We have over 600 photo graphs of Inspected homes in our office for sale. 12 experienced salesmen with autos at vour service. PEE FRANK L. McGUTRE TO BUY YOUR HOME Ablngton Bldg. Main lOrtS. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. ROSE CITY bungalow, on 47th st.. near Sandv. has to he sold In 3 days. $3750. Six rooms, hardwood floors, paneled and beamed dining room and living room, fir-place. furnace, full cement basement with fruit room, two bedrooms on the first floor, modern In every wrA easy terms, J. C. CORBIN COMPANY. 8(15-8-7-8 Lewis Bldg. 100x100, 8-room bungalow and bath; chicken house, fruit, strawberry bed, fine soil: $1300. Sl.io c.ish. $15 per month. See Peterson. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO.. 104 Fifth St. Main oStiO. SWELL IRVINGTON HOME. Finished InaYdd Ivory, plate glass windows, very large living room, oak floors, fireplace in basement, four bedrooms, immense big sleep ing oorch : property could not be duplicated now for less than tll. 500: price for quick sale, $7500; half cash, balance 0 per cent. GIBSON. 2ft Stark. Marshall 12. NEW BUNGALOW BARGAIN. $3100 buys a new bungalow of 5 rooms and attic, with all built-lns. full cement basement, wash trays, fireplsce. connected with sewer; vacsnt. never oc cupied. House alone could not be du plicated for the money. $300 cash to handle. J A. WTfKMAN CO., t Railway Exchange BMg. Main 1004. ATTRACTIVE 8-ROOM BUNG A LOW BT'Y. Fine wide street. Hawthorne district, renter hall, one bedroom, bath, living, dining room and white kitchen down stairs: 2 bedrooms up: large lot, fine location and garage; $3250, $1800 cash. Schaefer, Broadway 51G7. WEST SIDE 5-room home, walking dis tance, rlose to car. wih Targe garage: ran be bought for $250 on terms. This property was taken over by our bank and the property is being sold for about what lots are worth in this same dis trict. See ATCHISON. 2"4 Henry bldg. $2750 A MODERN 1 H -story house, large living room, fine built-in kitchen, two bedrooms. 100x108 lot, plenty of fruit, fine garden soil, np-to-date chicken house. Inquire 1170 Schiller st. WS car to 4th ave. Sellwood 1925. BUILD NOW? If too own a lot we will furnish the tnoiyy and build for you. Terms like rent. Cslt and see us. WESTERN CONSTRUCTION CO.. Matn 2035. 621 Morgan bldg. OWNER here for few days: must sell 7 room house on Portland Heights; good view, one block to car; garage and sleep ing porch, streets paved. Will se!l home for les than ground value. Mur. do business Monday. K 642. Oregonlan. $ 2 Io0 $1000 CASH. 5-room bungalow, with sleeping porch, fireplace, bookcases, buffet, full plumb ing; 2 blocks from car. JOHNSON DOOSON CO.. 3S N. W. BANK BLDG. MAIN 8787. FRANKLIN high school district, close to car, modem bungalow. big sleeping porch. for$3onn. real with owner. M.ible M. Herxiv, 4!28 ."1st sve. S. E.. one-half block w-st of Mt. Scott car. or see ATCHISON. 204 Henry bldg. UNION AVENUE SNAP $3000. Lot 541x100. near Prescott, with house bringing In $14 per month, all Improve ments paid: lot alone worth $5nno. GODDARD A WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. BELMONT, near 30th. 4-apartment flat. 21 rooms; will net 10 per cent on 80000. Mske reasonable offers on this. W. H. Sawtell. Tabor 111. $120O NOW VACANT $100 DOWN. Neat 3-room cottage, gas, good lot, fmtt. cnicken hnnse, $25 per month. tiiUTH-WAGO"iia C04 STOCK, EXCH. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. A. J. DeFOREST & CO., 320-321 Henry Bldg. Main 2690. SPECIAL BARGAINS. $2700 A BIG SNAP. $2700. Five-room Highland bungalow, full ce ment basement, '1 bedremms, bath. Easy terms. 1 block from car. fAROO LAUR ELHURST $5500. A rare bargain: cement basement, laundry travs. hardwood floors, fur nace, hul It-ins. buffet. 2 blocks from car. If you are interested don't delay, as It must be sold at once; owner going east. $3300. Five-room bungatow. 3 blocks from Wat nut Park, nice surrounding neighborhood, full cement baseman t. '2 bedrooms, in terior finish good, garage. Easy terms, EASY TERMS. See this house at once 6 large rooms, 4 larce clothes closets, cement base ment, furnace, fruit trees, roses, shrub bery. $1000 down. ASK MR. STORBERG. WE CAN SELL YOUR HOUSE. Jtl.-.nfl RF ATTTTFITL BUNGALOW. Unusually attractive typical 6-room bungalow. Very pretty living-room with fireplace and leaded glass bookcases; paneled dining-room with massive buf fet: lull white Outcn Kitcnen; o ns"i. airy bedrooms: white enamel plumbing: full cement basement; laundry trays nnd a real furnace; on a full - lot. 50x1'o. located close to the car In the beautiful Irvington park. Terms. We have over fiOO photographs of inspected homos in our office for sale. 12 experienced sales men wjth autos at your service. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUY YOUR HOME. Ablngton Bldg. Main lOtiS. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. READY FOR IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. A modern home in Laurelhurst Is of fered for $:J50O less than you can build if: built by W. N. Everett, a man who builds one house at a time and builds it right. See O-wner 134 Laurelhurst Ave. $100. $1800. 3-ROOM HOUSE BARGAIN. This place is on Council Crest, with fine view of the Tualatin valley. Three rooms with -fine basement, over -one-half acre of ground and chick en yard. 14 fruit trees, berries, fine garden. This is a snap. Call Everson, Main 68G9. THE McGUIRE SYSTEM makes home buying easy. You can come to this office and see over 700 photo graphs of homes for sale, arranged in their respective districts with full . de scription. Every homo has been ap praised by an expert appraiser, some remarkable bargains. That is why we sold over 7oo homes since January 1 this year. 12 experienced silesmen with autos at vour service. PEE FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUY YOUR HOME. Ablngton Bldg. Main 100R. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. $;;ono BUYS dandy 5-room home with Urge bedrooms and lots of closet room. The street Improvements are all In and paid. True the lot is small, but the houses aro far enough apart so your rooms are nil nice and light. By sacri ficing a Mttlo on the lot you get so much more value in the house; also, remember, no assessments will be levied shortly after you buy. Do you realize what a bargain this Is? Full cement basement, w ash trays, furnace. Let us show you. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 204 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main lor4. LAURELHURST $7500. This Is a fine home of 8 rooms and den and maids rooms on top floor, big living room, din Ins room. den. kitchen. down ; three large herl rooms, glassed-in sleeping porch nnd bath on upner floor, and 2 maids' rooms on top floor; all hardwood floors, wide fireplace: hot air heating system; garage; street liens all paid. Owner will accept $1250 cash. Compare this with some of the so-called good buys in Laurelhurst. COE A. McKENNA GO. Main 4522. S2 4th St., Board of Trade. Main 6R71. $25O0 HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW $J500. On K. it tn st., in tne nawmnnie dis trict, on a corner lot on paved streets. Is a neat 5-room gray bungalow cot tage, white enamel plumbing, electric lights and gas. $500 will handle. REAL BARGAIN. We have over C00 photo graphs of inspected homes in our office for sale. 12 experienced s?ilosmen with autos at your service. PEE FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUY YOUR HOME. Abington Bldg. Main lor.. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. NEAR END OF IRVINGTON CAR. This is a 'beautiful home. garage, flowers, shrubbery, lawn and some fruit. Two stories, good porch, reception room, large living and dining room, very handy kitchen. 3 bedrooms and very large bathroom and sleeping porch. Splendid basement, furnace and laundry trays. This is a fine imposing home. See A. C. Galbraith. GEORGE E. ENGLEHART CO.. Main 72rtd. 624 Henry bldg. HAWTHORNE AVE. Neat home on 4th St., near Haw thorne, for $2750, on terms within rea son ; It. has five large rooms and one small room : you could not build this place for 13000; all improvements in and paid at this price: I also have two neat little houses on 60th st. at $1350 each on terms to suit. J. J. MCCARTHY. Ablngton Bldg". IRVINGTON. Located on ISth St.. 6-room home, hardwood floors, fireplace, large living room, pass pantry, etc.. 3 large bed rooms and sleeping porch, finished in old Ivory. 50x100 lot. good garage. Good home for a particular buyer. Going for $7000 Call Ted Peterson. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO.. 104 5thStreet. Main 6S69. 5-ROOM bungalow, neat, clean and ready to move into: fun plumbing; cement basement: 1 block to car and pavement: nice neighborhood: price $1800; $400 cash, bain nee monthly. , JOHNSON DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. BANK BLDG. MAIN 3787. PORTLAND HEIGHTS 4-room cottage, close to school and car; our bank in structs us to sell this nt the low price of $3500 on terms of $500 cash and $25 per month. See ATCHISON. 204 Henry bldg. A TITLE INSURANCE POLICY is a gnarnntee of the title to your home. When you buy your home have the title Injured. TITLE A TRUST COMPANY. 91 FOURTH STREET. FOR SALE By owner, a good 5-room house with large sleeping porch; all modern conveniences, also good barn and garage, with four lots. Located at 0715 Foster road. Come and see for yourself. Phone Tabor 1102. - $220 5-ROOM BUNGALOW $2250. Neat modern 5-room bungalow, elec trieltv. gas. basement, garage, good lot, and some fruit. $500 will handle. Bal. terms. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. Stock Exchange IRVINGTON $0500. An Ideal 8-room residence,' very large I living room, bullt-ins, hardwood floors, and newlv decorated, lot 3x100. GODDARD A WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. HAWTHORNE $3150. $750 cash, balance monthly. 5-room bungalow, fireplace, bookcases, buffet, full cement basement; 1 block from car. Johnson-Dodson Co., 633 N. w. ijana oiag. .Main WEST SIDE income property, corner fine lot, close in : 8-room house. 2 flats of 3 rooms: furnished: bring $130 a month. Price $7500, cash $4000. bal. mtg. 7 per cent. G 5C. Oregonlan. LOT 60x100. 4-room shack, gas. electric light, 2 blocks from car. Improved sts., cement sidewalks; will sell cheap for ca.'-h. Phone owner, Columbia 509. S650O IRVINGTON HOME $6500. 7 rooms, fine condition: possession now. Good lot. well Improved and paid. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EX. EAST CLINTON, near 30th. large 6-room house, fireplace, furnace, $3250: $500 down; some bargain. W. H. Sawtell, Tabor 1811. $300 CASH and monthly payments buys a 5-room suburban bungalow on 5c fare; west side. It is a snap. See ATCHISON, 204 Honry bldg. 4-ROOM cosy bungalow, lot 50x100. two blocks from Peninsula school and St. Johns car line; reasonable. See owner, 186 North 24th.' Marshall 1204. FOR SALE 6-room California bungalow, 511ft E. 61st. ave. S. E. Woodstock car to 52d St.. walk one block south, block west. Price $2500; terms. 5-ROOM COTTAGE Full lot, fruit and berries: one block to car: $2250; big bargain. GIBSON, 26S Stark st. Mar shall 12. THREE rooms and bath, Dutch kitchen, full lot. chicken house, fruit trees. Sac rifice sale $1700. Term. 19 U 4 Fremoat. Tabor REALESTATE. For Sale Houses. VACANT VACANT. . BEAUTIFUL ALBERTA BUNGALOW. $3450, TERMS IK DESIRED. HOUSE ELEGANTLY CARPETED (IN CLUDED). 1079 EAST 25TH ST. NORTH. 107 EAST ."TH ST. NORTH. Modern 5- room bungalow ; full base ment, furnace, cement floor, electric fixtures, e hades, screens, paneled din ins room, Dutch kitchen, plumbing com plete, built-in effects, east front lot, 10 ft. alley, lot) rose bushes, lawn, 5 fruit trees; only block to Alberta car. Deal direct wuti owner. Open for inspection 1 to 5 daily. See It today. Take a car to 25th, then go block north. Phone C 1182 Home or Pacific phone evenings, or East Ooltf during day. BEST BUY IN PORTLAND. PRETTIEST BUNGALOW IN ALBERTA HOME BARGAINS. $2800 Big snap. Cook ave.. just off Williams, 50x100. with fruit, b- room good house; would cost $4 mjO to duplicate. $3900 Burrape St., Pieiimont district, furnished home 0 rooms, modern, fruit trees. $4000 Piedmont district, Haight st., 7 rooms, modern. $4200 East Lincoln, corner lot, 7-roora modern house. $3,100 East Lincoln, 6-room modern. $3250 East 7 th, near Bdwy.., ti-room house. $3S00 San Rafael St., 50x150, 6-room house, 8 fruit trees, walking dis tance. CHAS. RINGLER & CO.. 225 Henry Bldg. $2J00 NEW BUNGALOW $2700. On Stafford street, just cast of Union avenue, is a 5-room artistic bungalow, Just recently completed; living room with fireplace, dining room, white Dutch kitchen, two bedrooms, white enamel plumbing, full cement basement: terms. Might consider a Ford as part down pay ment. We have over 600 photographs of inspected homes in our office for sale. 12 experienced salesmen with, autos at your service. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUY YOUR HOME. Abington Building. Main 1063. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOWS. $2500 for a 0-room, bath, toilet, full cement basement, lot 40x100 witn garage. $500 cash. 3j acres for a fine 6-room witn nara wood floors, fireplace, buffet. $100i" i cash. 3750 for a fine 5-room. very classy, in the finest of shape. One-half cash, balance terms. $4200 for one of the finest 8-room bungalows with fireplace, built-in buffet, hardwood floors, lot 50x100. A snap. $1000 cafh, balance monthly. Mar. tt-U. F. L. BLANC HARD. 510-20 Railway Exchange. $3500 HOLLA D A Y-IR VINGTON HOME. On Clackamas street, on a full lot, is a 7-room very modern home, living room with fireplace, solid paneled dining room, leaded glas buffet, cove ceilings, full white Dutch, kitchen, 3 light, airy bed rooms, white enamel plumbing, electric lights and gas, sleeping porch, full ce ment basement, furnace and laundry trays. Can arrange termsSee our dis play of over 0O0 photographs of homes for sale. Autos at your service. SEE FRANK L. MdGUIRE TO BUY YOLRl HOME. Abington Building. Main lOftf. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. Six rooms, including living room, din ing room, Dutch kitchen and 3 bedrooms; alto nice reception hall and sewing room; French doors between living and dining rooms, bedrooms and kitchen white enamel, hardwood floors, full ce ment basement, furnace, etc Don't fail to see this, it is something different; price J5O0O, terms. LUEDDEM ANN COMPANY, 913Chamber ot" Commerce. Alain 6067. 6-ROOM furnished bungalow, Wilton car pets, inlaid linoleum, first-class furni ture and hangings, fireplace, gas range and water heater, furnace, abundance coal and wood ; screens all doors and windows, fruit trees, rosebushes, shrub bery; ,ot uuxDO; 00-foot improved street room for ga ra ge ; price $ 5500 ; would consider improved corner lot, balance cash, for equity $32 00. owner- 102U East 1 roaa way. CANNOT BE DUPLICATED. An up-to-the-minute 2 rooms and sleeping porch home in Irvington dis trict, with every modern convenience. sucn as 1 urn ace. nremace. naruwooa Doors, buiit-in buffet, Dutch kitchen. In wnite enamel, nne nxtures throughout choice lot. at $5000. Can handle with $10oo cash. A. H. B1RRELL CO., 217 N. W. Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. IMPROVED 100x100 IN RETAIL DISTRICT. Will consider large tract of land or timber to i. per cent of the total value. Balance mortgage at reasonable rate. Price $150,000. For full information in quire WEIST & DOLLARHTDE, 510-511 Lewis Bldg. GRAND 7-RCOM HOUSE. Reception hall, living, dining, kitch en, pantry down; 6 line bedrooms and den, bath and toilet up; cement base ment; 40x72 y -ft. lot: paved streets all paid; located on E. 24th; Mi-blk. S. of Ankeny. J ust a grand home and Al value; $3500; $500 cash. bal. like rent. THE LAWRENCE CO., 205 Corbett bldg. Main 6015. THAT VACANT LOT Why not turn a burden into Income? We design and build apartments, gar ages, residences, anything: funish pian.i and finance. Established ten years. Wa offer SECURITY. SERVICE. SATISFAC TION. L. R. Bailey Co., Inc.. cntract Ing architects. 024 N W. Bank bldg. TN SUNN YSIDE. A neat little house of 5 rooms, has a full basement, electric lights and gas; is modern except furnace; on a paved street. Everything paid up; lot is 33 1-3 by 100 feet. Pries $2450. See J. A. MILLS. With Sperling & itaiina. 204 Corbett bldg. FOR SALE. ' Brand-new 6-room house, garage, S78 Colonial ave. Owuer, 555 Ma son. ONE of Portland's best Heights homes. close in, run unoostructiDie mountain view, four bedrooms, with two baths, dressing rooms, sleeping porches, two maids' rooms with one bath, hot water heat; mahogany woodwork, all oak floors ; price $30,000. Residence phone, Main 336 3-ROOM HOUSE AND FURNITURE, $1000. Three rooms, ceiled, electric lights, water, small basement, lot 44x100. side walks in, streets graded and paid for, nice yard, flowers, garden, fenced; $150 cash, balance $15 a month and interest. Apply owner, 3 717 66th st. S. E. FOR SALE. Houses and income property In the city of Portland. CAMPBELL-PHELAN LAND & CATTLE COMPANY. 301 Couch Bldg. Phone Main S0S4. 301 Couch Bldg. A "REAL BARGAIN on a beautiful 8 room modern home in Irvington Park ; on 75x100 lot. with alley; natural trees, shrubbery, full plumbing, furnace, fire place, bookcases, buffet, hardwood f Ira JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. BANK BLDG. MAIN 3787. NORTH IRVINGTON home for sale by owner; an exceptionally well-built 7 room house on a looxlOO corner lot; hardwood lloors. fireplace and bullt-ins. cement basement, lauiiary trays, pavod streets and sewer. d-4: .Mason st. WHY PAY RENT? $2S0O buys 6-room house on Cook ave near Williams: couldn't be duplicated for $4S00; 50x100 lot; fruit trees; close ta : rare bargain. Charles Ringler, 225 Henry bldg. FOR SALE By owner 5-room modern bungalow, full cement basement, large attic with space enougn xor d rooms; a bargain. 1038 E. 23d N. Alberta, & block td jcar line. ATTRACTIVE 8-room home with garage, furnace, full cement basemen t( finished attic, hard -surf ace paid, 10 minutes N. E. of Broadway bridge, income $45 per month; price $5000, half cash. East 71 04. looxlOO WITH modern bungalow; 5 rooms, large finished attic, cement basement, fireplace, buiit-in effects; near 55th ave. and Mt. Scott car; price $3250, terms. Tabor S454 MODERN S-room house with sleeping porch, chicken house and barn, good heating system. lot 100x100, with bear ing orchard and berries. near good school. Call owner. 443 W. Farragut st. 50x100 WITH 6-room house; attic, bath, gas, electricity, furnace, 'wash trays. East 20th st. between Stark and Wash in g ton:PHce$30jhSl8J Oregonian. MODERN Irvington home, must sell In 30 days, 6 rooms, attic, full basement, fire- place. Fox furnace, best of condition; only $4000. Phone East 7481. BARGAIN Close-in 6-room house, modern, garage, fine view. See this at once; 1 block Wgodstock car; $2900, small pay ment down, rest like rent. 790 Brook lyn St., near 24th. - $2600 HAWTHORNE BARGAIN. Very nice 4-room bungalow, large rooms, unusually fine lot, cherry trees; vacant. 1036 E. Lincoln. Tabor 67U8. FINISHED this week, S-room house, all modern, cor. 52d and Broadway. East IF SOLD at once, non-resident will sell 8-room nouse, comt;i 101, uiwo to scnooi, at a bargain. W'oodlawn 499. NICE large lot, 8-room house, close to shipyard. laoor o.-o. IRVINGTON EAST R. T. STREET. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS RESIDENCE. Solendid hlsrh-class home, on 70x125- foot lot, overlooking river, city and mountain snow pea.ks, at east and north: 7 large, airy rooms and maid's room, in finished attic ; 2 sleeping porches. 2 fireplaces, furnace heat, fine basement, etc. : architecture and plumbing unsur passed; neighborhood and general sur roundings finest in the city; hundreds of piiue rose bushes; & concrete garage, paved streets, wide porches for sight seeing; electricity, gas, etc., add to the home comforts. Survey and make your own appraise ment and you will agree that the price of $10,000 is quite below the actual value. Shown only by personal appointment with Frank McFarland, agent for the owner, 602 Yeon bldg. Main 3672. "$2100 REAL BUNGALOW "BARGAIN. Two blocks south of the Mt. Tabor car. on a full 50x100 lot, is an attractive typical bungalow with large living room, paneled dining room, china closet, Dutch kitchen, 2 light, airy bedrooms, white enamel plumbing, electric lights and gas, good cernenf basement; small down pay ment, entire balance like rent. No mort gage or street iiens to assume. Bargains like these are few and far between. We have over 000 photographs of inspected homes in our otiice for sale. 12 experi enced salesmen with autos at your serv ice. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUY YOUR HOME. Abington Building. Main 10f8. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. SUBURBAN HOME. 6-room bungalow, sleeping porch, large front porch, lull basement, city water, electric lights, gas. telephone ; 1 acre highly improved, all kinds of fruits, grapes, strawberries, -etc. Nice lot of roses and shrubbery, good garage, chick en house and yard; located on rock road near station and school, 8 miles from Portland. Owner in business in another town, has told us to sell this desirabja home at once. The price is very rea sonable. TUCKER & SCHRECK, 502 Spalding bldg. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS HOME. Fine reception hall, nice living room, fireplace, dining, buffet, oak polished floors, kitchen. 3 fine bedrooms, bath and toilet, extra lavatory, fine room in attic; 50x100 lot; paved streets. The owner is going to sacrifice this home for quick sale and offers for less than house cost, outside of lot. All in line condition and only $4750; one-half cash down. Will say that this is big buy. Buy it and move right in. THE LAWRENCE CO., 205 Corbett bldg. Main 6915. $800 ADJOINING PIEDMONT. Very attractive 6-room colonial type bungalow home on a full lot. very con veniently arranged, house like new ; va cant, move in; J500 down, entire balance at $25 per month. No mortgage or street liens. See this today. We have over 600 photographs of inspected homes in our office for sale. 12 experienced sales men with autos at your service. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUY YOUR HOME. Abington Building. Main 1068. Otiice Open Evenings and Sundays. FINE house on Mt. Tabor Heights, with beautiful view, surrounded by fir trees, beautiful flowers and bushes; 4 bedrooms 2 sleeping porches, screened and glassed, bath and toilet upstairs, birdseye 'maple floors, large living room with fireplace, dining room with built-in buffet, Dutch kitchen and refrigerator room, oak floors downstairs, large porch on three sides of the house, full basement, hot-air furnace, stationary tubs with gas stove alongside; price aio.uoo; situated at IOj. .e. tiiuh st. Phone Tabor 1550. homeseekers. look! your rent and living practic ally free, modern 4-flat building at 1035 rodney ave. one flat com pletely furnished included in price of ss500. splendid loca tion, paved streets, sewers, etc. income $100 per month. $3(.o0 cash required. balance 6 per cent. owner. c 11s2. home or pa cific phone. evenings. going to california. must sell. $0500 homesbeker! Must sell, owner left city, orders me to sell at any price his magnificent, large, commodious residence situated at 630 E. Ankeny ; carpets on floor, win ter wood in basement. If you want a home at a bargain, away below what was offered for it 4 years ago, look this up. Make appointment to see house. Terms. Auto at your disposal. TAYLOR, 330 Ry. Exch. Marshall 2633. I HAVE an exclusive listing on one of the nicest little 5-room bungalows in Rose City Park. It's close in. A corner lot and garage. Nice large living room, 2 bedrooms. Just one block from car line. You. haven't seen this before and you'll have to see it at once, for it will be sold within the next ten days. Price $5250. See Stockton,, with THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY. 104 5th Street. Main 6Stt9. RICHMOND BUNGALOW. $.1650 We challenge you to find a better buy In an S-room modern bungalow; close In. all improvements. We want to prove this. Salesman and auto at your service. $1000 cash. R. F. FEEMSTER, 309 Ablngton bldg. IRVINGTON RESIDENCE. $5700 for a fine 6-room with sleeping porch, hardwood tloors, fireplace. 2 toilets, garage. Facing east between Thompson and Brazee, out-of-town own ers. Must sell. Immediate possession. Marshall 820. F. L. BLANCHARD. 510 Railway Exchange. .. A FINE bungalow, 5 large rooms, fireplace, booKcases, outlet, omen Kitcnen, in white, cement basement, large lot, graded St., cement sidewalks; price $2800, $600 cash, $23 month, with Interest. If you're looking for a bargain, investigate. C. E. ADAMS. 507 Cham of Com. Bldg. Marshall 2575. IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY can be had of this 1 4-story 6-room home; choice bathroom fixtures, elec tric lights, full concrete basement, on choice full-size lot with bearing fruits and berries, for $1700, on terms to suit. A. H. BIRRELL CO.. 217 N. W. Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. 7-ROOM. modern, streets paved, walks, all for $2S00; $200 cash, bal. $2o month, in cluding interest; will bo at place 141 Sumner, Sat., Sun. from 10:30 A. M. to 7:30 P. M. Take Kenton or Miss. car. Go Vz block east. ROSE CITY Spacious bungalow, east front. corner, oOxloo, u-tt. parking, 2U E. 4th st. N., 2 blocks from Sandy; five rooms, attic, hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, fruit trees, chicken coop; $2000 cash, bal ance terms to suit. VACANT MOVE RIGHT IN. Rose City Park car, modern, 4-room bungalow, bath, toilet, electricity, gas, Dutch kitchen, good porches, nice, large lot, garden, flowers, etc. : only $1500; reasonable terms. Tabor 6559. $4750 ONE acre. seven-room house. garage, cnicaen nouse, cnernes, peaches, prunes, apples, grapes and berries; close to school, also Franklin high school and car service, terms. 2614 67th st. S. E. $2500 LEAVING, QUICK' POSSESSION. Five rooms and bath, lot 50"xl35, fruit, garden space, flowers, poultry houses and yards, near car, fine mountain view, east front. Owner, Tabor 3426. IRVINGTON COLONIAL BUNGALOW New, simply charming, French doors, ivory finish, art paper, oak floors, fire place, garage, choice location, $7500. Main S07S; evenings. East 304. PARK ROSE i acre. 5-room house, all outbuildings: 1 block to car; $1575; some terms. Inquire Brooks, Brainard and Hammond ave. RESIDENCE In southern California, mod ern seven-room house, no incumbrances, for sal or trade for acreage. Address Ji. E. Stillians, Gen. Dei., The Dalles. Or. 5-ROOM bungalow, 1 block I-J car line; small deposit and balance monthly pay ments. AV 666, Oregonlan. 7-ROOM home, choice location, abundance of fruit; owner will sacrifice. 546 East 15th North. Price $4750, terms. $2640 5-ROOM bungalow. 100 feet to Williams ave., close in; terms; a snap. 615 Chamber of Commerce bldg. 7-ROOM modern bungalow, also 5 acres, close in, with house: terms. Owner, Woodlawn 4195. 720 Prescott st. A SNAP if taken at once; newly painted cottage, in jrood condition. $1750; terms. Inquire Hi E. t'J 2d North. Tabor 9072. AUTOMOBILE, late model, for my $1000 equity in 7-room modern bungalow; bal. $1640 easy terms. AG 288. Oregonlan. FOR SALE Groveland Park home, $4250; 2 blocks to car, 2 blocks Franklin high school. By owner. Phone Tabor 6140. FOR SALE 3-room cottage, $650; some terms. 4704 79th S. E. Take Mt. Scott car to Flrland station. FOR SALE. Five-room home, new, 62d avenue E. Phone jlain 474. Mr. Palmer. FINE home, overlooking Willamette river view" best In the city: splendid buy. A. w! Davis, fnone mmni. 0-1. MT. TABOR. rooms, entirely modern. garage, Deauium nome, uargain. Owner, Tabor SS24. LOVELY mission bungalow, 75x100 corn r only $6750. Irvington home to sell. East 1347. " ' IRVINGTON HOME. DELAHUNT. EAST 1347. 100x100. LIVABLE house, garage, 14 fruit trees; $100 down, balance like rent. In qulre 1819 Haven St., St. Johns car. 5-ROOM house, bath and toilet, gas range included, $1700; must sell at once. lUif9 East -8ii North Owner REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. LOOK AT THESE. 1 7-room house, on E. 12th st. N. ; paved streets; a nice place. Price $J500; easy terms. 1 7-room house, near Overlook, mod ern, 70x100 lot, garage. Price $4200; very easy terms. 1 6-room bungalow, E. 30th st. N., $2500; exceptionally easy terms. 1 5-room bungalow, on Garfield ave., close in ; very low price and terms to suit. 2 modern houses on west side; fine places; $4000; good easy terms. 15 other houses in other different dis tricts ranging in price from $450 to $o000; ter:ns from $50 to $500. Call T:ibor 1485. Ros. 8i32 50th Ave. S. E. $0750 IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. On a full corner lot on Broadway, west of 20th, is a i-room attractive typical bungalow, living room w ith fireplace, paneled dining room, beamed ceiling, convenient kitchen, 5 bedrooms, white enamel plumbing, electric lights and gas, full cement basement, furnace and laundry trays. Can arrange terms. Wo have over 000 photographs of inspected homes in our office tor sale. 1'2 experi enced salesmen with autos at your serv ice. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUY YOLU HOME. Ablngton Building. Main 1068. Office open Evenings and Sundays. $S500 L&urelhurst. S-room home; library, pass pantry, bkfst. room. 4 bed rooms, large sleeping porch, tile bath. large garage. $6S00 Knott st.. large bungalow, 100x 100. corner, paved sts.. paid, a rage. fruit and 4 bedrooms, hard wood throughout. $5000 Irvington, 7-room modern bunga low: paved sts. paid; terms. $10,000 irvington home, i5xlU0, strlctl? modern. CHAS. RINGLER Ar CO., 225 Henry Bldg. CLOSE-IN HOME. Just a grand 0-room homo; reception hall, living, fireplace, dining, den. kitch en, pantry, large front porch down; 1 large. 2 med. bedrooms, bath and toi let up: cement basement, hot-air fur nace. 50x100 lot. paved streets al paid: location 22d and E. Madison. A splen did home and offered away below its actual value. Only $4500. $1000 cash. THE LAWRENCE CO., 205 Corbett bldg. Main 6013. FOR LEASE OR SALE. 5 '4 acres land with fine 7-room house, garage, little barn and chicken house, over 100 fruit trees and berries, city water, telephone, one mile from post office of S. W. Washington town with 6 mills going full blast. See or write owner, K. Pernerstofer, Washington hotel, Kelso, Wash. $2250. Ti -story, 7-room home on SOxloo lot; apples, pears, raspberries, blackberries, chicken runs, etc.: 8 blocks to car; 2iM) ft. to pavement. Price $2250, $:ioo cash, balance like rent. Can buy lurnisiied S H500. JOHNSON-DOPSON CO.. 633 N. W. BANK BLDG. MAIN 3787. IRVINGTON: BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW. Near Brazee and 19th. lOOxBH). double garage, $9000: terms. Also t -room new bungalow, all old ivory, 2 baths, full lot, garage. $S2O0. On" 7-room house on Broad wa v. S42O0. Another 7-room house on 20th. $02. 0; all on easy terms. McDonnell. East 4VX ONE of Portland's bst Heights horn close in : full unobstruet i ble mount view ; four bedrooms, with two baths; dressing rooms, aleng poreneb, 1 maids' "rooms, with one hath; hot -water heat : mahogany woodwork. all oak floors: price $.10,000 Residence phone, Main 8309. IRVINGTON. REAL HOME $3700. Perfect throughout, large living room, 2 fireplaces, four B. D. and S. P.. garage. fine lot, natural trees, ail draperies, stai1 rnnnpr and JJiin.i heater included: w:l take liberty bonds or cash up to $4i'o0 for firut payment. And two other beauties at $12,500; exclusive. East 410. WKST KTTK BARGAIN. Willamette Heights modern 7-room home; 2 hrepiaces. good turnace, on imi tr.m.i vi.iiv ini ' iivi-nc!-. nun-resilient, will saeritUe for immediate deal. Full particulars at our office. A. H. B I KR ELL CO.. 217 N. W, Bank Bidg. Marshall 4114. XtnilRRM 0-ROOM HOUSE: FIREPLACE BUILT-IN BUFFET AND BOOK CASES; GARAGE; CORNER. CLOSE IN ON EAST SluE; BEST CAR LINE IN CITY; $4250. TERMS. PHONE EAST 3069. SPECIAL bargain in Alameda Park, cosy K-rnf.m strictlv modern, beautiful new decorations; price, including all st. as sessments paid, $6000; it would cost $7500 to duplicate it today; located at 8'.U E. 30th st. N., Broadway car. owner at 4i7 Chamber of Com. Main o25ti. NEAT 4-room bungalow on St. Johns cur, with fireplace, bookcases, nnd but fet, bath, toilet. lavatory, shrubbery and fruit. Price $2100, $1000 cash, balance $300 yearly. JOIINSON-DODSON OO.. 633 N. W. BANK.- BLDG. MAIN 377. DUTCH COLONIAL HOUSE. 5 rooms, with furnace, full cement basement, cctin-itt floor, hard-surface st. ail paid for; V btk. of car. on 34th St.; a dandy buy; $:;.no, terms. C. E. ADAMS, 507 Cham of Com. Bldg. Marshall 2575. ONE ACRE close in, $2500, unfinished house, li) bearing cherry trees, apples, pears, plums and berries, three blot ks from good car service, close to school, also Franklin high school, a real bar gain, terms. 2614 67th st. S. E. SNAP $2400 home for $2200. some cash, some trade, balance $25 monthly; cash discount; 6 rooms, modern, closets, attic, basement. furnace. porches, concrete walks, fruit, garden. Call after 3 P. M. Owner. 4047 65th st. S. E. $27oo. $2700. Beautiful 4-room bungalow, strictly No. 1; basement, corner lot. sewer, pave ment, 2 blocks to 2 car Hues; house va cant; terms. Key r.t 330 Railway Ex change. Marshall 2633. KENTON district, 4-room bungalow, fire place, electric lights, concrete basement, corner lot; $2000. also 25 feet lor $250. and advance money to build. D. D. Bathrick, 515 Chamber of Commerce or 10S Winchell after 4 P. M. HOME FOR THE OLD FOLKS $1500. Large 6-room plastered cottage on paved street in Fulton; an assortment of bearing fruit trees; at reasonable terms. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. Open Sundays and evenings. IRVINGTON. Beautiful home, seven rooms and S. P. Attici finished in old ivory and white enamel, hardwood floors, bookcases, buf fet, fireplace and furnace, garage, one block from car. Tabor 2062. IN IRVINGTON Several fine modern homes or will furnish lots, finance and build to suit. iiuiu iuu Domes in i'ort land. Rice Construction Co., It. B. Rice, agent. tii)0 Wasco st. ii.ast 2432. KKaR Jefferson high, good 6-room house. full lot, pavement and sewer, full base ment; this must be sold this week; owner going east ; j.--uo casn, uai. on time. iuu- Commercial st. A HOME in Piedmont for sale. 8 rooms, - hardwood floors, garage. 12 fine bearing fruit trees, flowers, five blocks from Jef ferson high, inquire lit cieveiaud ave. or phone c -n.. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. . Large bungalow, modern conveniences, 2 lots, level, with paved sts., on corner. 2 blocKS irom car, t ys loueua irom AlllS' worth school. Main 7294. for ouick sale, account leaving the city. will sell my home. Rose City Park, 6 rooms, full basement, turnace. tine lawn, fruit trees, new garage; good lo cation; $3700. Tabor i sTroOM house. East Couch st., modern," in splendid condition, newiy painted, in side and out, bargain price, $5500. E. H. Collis. East 8660. FOR SA LE 6-room house, rath and toi let, electricity and gas. on M V car line, lot 50x100. terms. 47 E. 80th N. See owner. $2700 Good 6-room house, excellent con dition, except painting, winter's wood, walking distance; half cash, terms. 253 Hancock. $4,-,0U MODERN J)-room house, with sleep ing porch, all built-ins. fireplace, kitch en: lot 50x141. large garage, paved street. 451 Marguerite ave. Tabor 7416. FOR SALE by owner. 5-room bungalov. , in excellent condition; 3405 E. 55th st.. 1 block north of Powell Vulley road. Phone D 1139 BY OWNER Strictly modern house In Irv ington; oaa ttoors. tun eemen; oasoment, 50-foot lot, $4500. East 2377. or 722 Selling bldg $200 FIRST payment, balance like rent. buys o-room duubc, e niBo in, wanting distance. See Jonn Brown. 324 Rail way Exchange bldg. Mar. 3331. GOING to build or repair? Get my Ideas and estimates. r 1. Aiiyu. i-ij Mark st Office hours 3 to 5 P. M. Phons Main 831. Res, phone Tabor 194. BROADWAY, N. W. cor. East 17th st. N., the canter ot Irvington; looxlOO and modern colonial hou.e; 7 large rooms. Owner, East 76X6. $15i0 LESS than the actual value will buy a 7-room, up-to-date, modern .house; must sacrifice to get money; easy terms. 404 Ry. Ex. Phone M u i njTl I W. O w n e r. $4500 BEST buy around Irvington, 7-roorn modern Queen Anne home; might con sider smaller house. 615 Chamber of Commerce bldg. IRVINGTON DUTCH COLONIAL The real thing; all oak floors, 2 fireplaces, choice location; garage. No agents. AC 59, Oregonlan. BIG BARGAIN Leaving city, wiil sell my modern S-room lurmsned house, I'ied mont; immediate poi-scssion, Woodiaw n 426fc I REAL ESTATE. lor Sale Houses. $4200 BIG HOME BARGAIN. Here is a very distinctive modern six-room home on a lOttxlOO corner, with very attractive lines; large living roon? with fireplace; pretty dining room; con venient kitchen; 3 light, airy bedrooms; white enamei plumbing; electric 11k lit and gas, full cement basement; furn.ics and laundry trays; attractive lawn with abundance of fruit, berries and flowers. On E. Ninth street, near Going. This u a real bargain. $15oo uiui.-r Its value We have over 60O photographs of in spected homes in our office for sale. 13 experienced salesmen with autos al your service. See FRANK L. McGUIRE, "To Buy Your Home." Abington Bldg. Aluln 1068. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. SAME AS RENT. $1000 to $2mio each, your own time ta pay the balance, M'o on deterred pay ments, will give you potcssion of mosL ELEGANT LA lKHLl i L HKT home, one block from streetcar; coiner lot, 5x114; street improvements all paid basoment has laundry . drying, servant or chauffeur's room, also bath; first floo? has living, dining, bed and bathroom den; second flour has four bedroom, bath, ii artistic fireplaces, hardwood floors up and downstairs; hot-watel heating systom, large double gaxas. Listen, this is a bargain. FRED W. NEWELL. Oregon Investment &. Mortgage company, 21h-iy-20-21-22 Chamber of Commerce, Marshall 2U5. MODERN HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. 5-room mouern bungalow In Hawthorne, with built-in china closet, bookcase, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, cement basement, laundry trays, turnace, cement sidewalks, paved streets and all modern con veniences; 2 blocks iroin Haw thorne car. This is a fine, modern bungalow for only $3300. on eay term. Go to 170 East 3Mh at. and ask for Mr. Cone, or phone Tabor 124. $2630 ADJOINING LAURELHURST. Very homelike, substantial 6-room bungalow cottage, white enamel plumb ing, electric lights and gas, on 50x100 lot, with abundance of fruit, flowers and shrubbery, 011 East .Tilth street, near Oak, adjoining Laurelhurst. A BAR GAIN. We have over 000 photographs of inspected homes in our office lor tale. 12 experienced salesmen with autos at your service. SEE FRANK L. McGUTRE TO BUY YOUR- HOME. Ablngton Building. Main 1068. Of 1 ice Open Evenings and Sundays. HOMESEEKERS If you have $1000 cash and are looking for a nice home, here is a 5-room bungatow just completed ; hardwood tioors, iircplace, beautilul pa per, finished In old ivory and white enamel ; breakfast alcove and all built ius; nice garage with full cement drive way; lot 50xlU0, all street improvements in; price only $4050. Come out and see this at 730 E. 46th st. N.. near Klickitat. Rose City Park, Beaumont car line, or call ow ner, Wdlu 1396. Open Sunday from 11 A. M. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. A very desirable 7-room house, in PERFECT CONDITION and thoroughly modern; hardwood floors, fireplace, fur nace, lull cement basement, level lot, two blocks car. Price for immediate sale $5750. Only $1000 cash, balance $40 per month including interest at 6 per cent. Main 4 0:1 it Sunday only, week days Main 2326. FOR SALE by owner, beautiful little five roum cottage on fine 5ox HM lot ; 1065 E. -4th st. N. ; full basement, floored attic, very nice electric fixtures, gas water heater, laundry tub in kitchen, linoleum on kitchen, bathroom and pan try lloors. Price $3L0. 0oo down, $25 riiont h, 6 per cent interest, or $.1100, $Louo down, $30 month, 6 per cent int. F. G. A. White, Hotel McOhesuey, St. Johns. HOME ON RIVERSIDE DRIVE. In 1 Liver wood addition: hard surface eutiro distance; on street car line; live room house ; gas; Bull Run water and ciecLricity; nearly one acre; fino boating and battling beach; 6-ycar-oid orcnard and berries. Rents lor $35 entire year, possession any tune. Will sell at con siderably lets than cost. $ 1500 will handle. Se owner, room 607. 45 4th su Phuiiu Bdwy. lbdO. Res. E. 1470. HEART OF JRVlNGTuN. Neat home finished in mahogany, choice neigh borhouu, w ith living luom, timing loom, den and kitchen on tirtt Luor ; 2 lai go and 1 smj.il bedrooms on secoiid flour; basement and furnace ; near East 21sL and liiaacc. Price f.5ou. Terms. SCHILLER B. HERMANN, ti;i0 Lumbermen's bldg. ROSE CITY PARK. 6 room, 1 v.-sloi 3 bungalow Willi a sleepiug porcit, jur nace, lireplaew, screened-ri pul cll ul ( kiichen, buili-ui bullet- 1'rico $4250. Terms. CALL ON US. L'UDAHL CO. (INC.) 322 Ablngton Bldg H. H. Main 6252. FORECLOSURE SNAP. '" tire authorized to dpuso of a fin 8-r. colonial stylo huino In Irving tou ut u price cu Bering mortgage foreclosure, 'iis is a modern home, in need uf some repairs, but an unusual vuiue. Sec Mr. Brut, 11. SKOTHEIM-HUOWN CO., 331 -3-"2-oo3 ivy. Exeli. blug. Main 5199. 2-FAMILY FLAT FOR $6000. 6 rooms and bleeping porch, 43d and Harrison , double tuina.ee and all con veniences, 5uxlUU lot, 111 fcood bhapu and woi t li 000 more. w la aull ou uuy terms or trade, lor single house, O. V. BADLLtf CO.. 360-2 East Morrifon. Last 8407. $3250 NEW 5-KOGM BUNGALOW. V-ichiuoiid dist., No. 432S Clinton, near 45d si. Full basement, lil'epiace, Dutch klteiteu, bookcases, bullet; uu city liens; smail dow u payment. $25 pvr mourn, wun Intel est. owner J. H. AlcMAHON. 2606 EAST 4oD ST. A GENTLEMAN'S COUNTRY HoME. 10 acres, improved; good o-rooni house, newiy paiuteu; uurn, cnicken hojMjb and outbuildings; 20 minutes by auto froiu courthouse, walking distance to car, Ou lare. l'rn:e, $.V00. Terms. See thia. li. M. GAYlSYVOOD Ac Co., 165 yj 4 til st. ACT U.U1CKLY. IRVINGTON BARGAIN. Choice modern homo in bet part ot Irvington; 6 rooms and sleeping porch; sacnticuig for $0000; it's suro to please you. Me A. K. Hill, 2-15 Lumbermen King. Bdwy 421 E IRVINGTON RES I DENCE. $8200 for a very line 7-room with sleeping porch, 2 fireplaces, 2 toilets, haruvvood Hours; a fine home and la first-class condition! Mur an a 11 b2U. F. L. BLANCHARD, 519-20 Railway Exchange. BY OWNER, tf rooms, plastered, electric lights, gas, bath, partly luruislied, close to school. 3 blocks to car. Lot 5oxloo to alley; high and sightly; $lo5o, $350 cash. Call uL tlio house 4452 41st ave. S. E. forenoons, or sew Mrs. Lcdg.rwood, 91 4th st. MODE RN residences being constructed on Samiy boulevard and East 2Mh st., 7 and & rooms each. For prices, terms and ail other particulars see us. Seo the house tuuay. PARR1PH, W ATKINS & CO., HMi Second st. W A V E RL E 1 G H H El GHTS B A RG A 1 N. Cozy bungalow, 5 rooms first floor, space for 3 rooms upstairs; full base ment, laundry tubs, fine lot; $1MH) cash, balance $700 easy. Owner, 945 L. Frank lin si. KENTON Five cottages and lots nt and near Miss, and Winchell; prices $900 to $1750; terms. Muntavilla, 7SUi near Pine; 5-room house. 40-foot lot. $2250: terms. D. D. Bathrick. 015 C. of C. Alain J055. SLNNYSIDE CORNER. $3350. Modern 5-rm. bungalow, ce ment basement, - laundry trays good plumbing, fireplace, near car and school. $1000 down. bal. to suit. M. Billings & J. E. Musgrave, 600 McKay. M. 1390. Fi V E-ROOM bungalow nicely furnished; Rose City Park, near Sandy; large living room, furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, cement basement; large lot. Bar gain at $4750. Some terms. No agents need reply. Tabor 9301. Bi' OWNER 6-rooiu bungalow, newlj painted and tinted Inside, built-in buf fet, fireplace, wash trays and full ce ment basement. Anxious to sell, w ill consider offer for quick acceptance. 503 E. 35th St. Key at 509. ; $3-00 A FINE 7-roorn house, 50x102 lot; good cement oasemem, -run uees; j. block from car. E. D. SCHOMACHER, 417 Spalding Bldg. Main 1038. FOR SALE 4-room house with breakfast room, corner lot 50x110, with 15-ft. alley; lull basement. Part of furniture and w inter wood for sale. Terms. Phone Columbia lo37. SL'NNYSIDE, $3150 Very good and clean 6-room cottage or bungalow, with gar age: E. 3Jth Ht. ; owner leaving city. H. H. Staub. 1027 Bel mont. Tabor 219. A BARGAIN 6-rm. house, and lot, Bel mont, west of 39 th. Gas. electricity, bath, fireplace and sleeping porch. 2 minute car service. Call Bdwy. 5563. TITLE insurance is your beat protection when you buy your home. Have your titles insured by Title Trust company. 91 4th street. 1336 ACRES Good young timber. 20 mil lion saw timber. 12, OOo piles. 20,000 tel. poles; good land when cleared. H. A. i'ox. Multnomah Sta., Or. SMALL house, large lot, easy terms; 213 Xiailcci. bUt Avar i-LiUwu dibUi-L