The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 05, 1919, Section One, Page 3, Image 3

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Senate Leaders Agree o
Take Up Treaty Amendments.
Inc. placed definitely on ita feet as a
leading college activity laxt year. Is
to take a step forward during the
present year through the action of the
department of public speaking in al
lowing two hours of university credit
toward graduation to students who
participate under faculty supervision
and comply with the rules to be
framed In regard to preparation for
the contests.
Robert- W. Prescott. professor of
public speaking, who has charge of
debating, will call a meeting next
week of representatives of each of
the campus housing organizations and
of the Oregon club, at which subjects
fur the contests this year will be
Professor Prescott plans to select
comDetent coaches from the unlA'er-
sit- faculty, from the varsity debaters
various teams for the contests.
Massachusetts State Con
vention Adopts Platform.
Km j oil
Ja j
k for Vole on Wcducs-Thur-da)
tions 'cxt in Order.
WASHINGTON". Oct. 4. The trend
of developments today In the ieai-e
treaty mtuation still was toward
rapid progress on amclment and
The senate was not In session, but
leaders held numerous conferences.
The Shanlun? an-.entlnients are to be
taken up formally on Monday, and
republican leaders think It possible
that a:l amendment can be disposed
of and conjid ration of reservations
begun In a week or ten days.
A movement to have a definite date
fixed for the vote on the Shantung
amendments was made today by Sen-j
a:or Kenyon. c.airmaii or the senate
labor committee, which Is Investinat-Ina-
the strike. The committee wirhes
to visit the strike district next week,
and Senator Kenyon said he would
try to arrange for a formal agree
ment to vote on the amendments un
Wednesday or Thursday.
When the Shantiine amendments
are disposed of republican leaders
I' Ian to take up the amendments of
Senators Johnson. California, and
Moses. N'w Hampshire, republicans,
bearing on the eiiia!i'ing of the vot
ing power of the league of nations of
the United States ami Great Britain
and her colon!--. Senator Johnson,
who Is on the Pacific coast, was ad
vised today, some leaders said, to re
turn here within a week, other re
publicans said they knew of no re
tall of the California senator, but
doubted whether he would fill dates
la Washington and Oregr.
The Johnson amendment Is to be
discussed at lensth Monday by Sen
ator JlcCumber of North I'akota. who
has offered a reservation desisned to
rover the same ground as the Johnson
amendment. Further conferences on
reservations were held today by for
mer President Taft with republican
senators favoring so-called "mild res
It was said that a reservation on
the Shantung provision would be ot
tered If Jthe amendment by Republican
Leader 1-odse relating to the Shan
tung award was rejected.
muni niTirinixinii I lUll ll HllHI l fl
if i iiiiii i t ii i h
uim ittiiribAiiuipn
(crinuii Parliament Now Include
IS! Female Members 7 Per
Cent of Grand Total.
"Quiet Hour Decreed. Snnilay to
lie Repccted nd No Extensive
Eincrtaiiiliis Is Permitted.
Chi. 4. (Special.) Miss hllxabem
Fox. who has Just resumed her duties
as den ot women in uiiiiti"j
fter Is months spent overseas in the
service of the Y. . C A., has poslen
the anni.-l rules for the guidance of
-somen at the university. Restriction
of evening social activities is Icad-
inr feature.
"(jutet hours. Miss Fox announces,
shall be maintained on Monday
Tuesduv. Wednesday and Thursday
from 7:30 to 10:30 P. M.. and lights
must be out at 11." Some exceptions
to this rule may be allowed.
"Sunday is to be respected. Music
of the higher type Is expected and no
extensive entertaining shall occur,
the rules say.
Freshmen are not expected to re
ceive or to go out on .Monday, .lues
day. Wednesday or Thursday even
ings, t'pper-class women mint ob
tain the conseut of the house chaperon
for all social engagements on Monday,
Tuesday. Wednesday and Thursday
evenings. No upper-class woman is
expected to have more than-one so
rial engagement a week on Monday.
Tuesday. Wednesday or Thursday
.aiiihts. -
illaiu-ue Signs 20 for Course
and Many More Are" Expected.
lem. Oct. 4. (Special.) Registration
for the college of law, which began
yesterday. Is drawing a number of
additional students, and present esti
mates place the minimum law school
enrollment at 50. Nearly 20 signed
for the law course jesterday. and the'
two more days allotted to registra
tion are expected to bring in many
more. Classes mill start Monday.
The law college Is again under the
direction of Lean I. H. Van Winkle,
who has nine assistants, among them
many of the prominent. Salem attor
neys. Yesterday afternoon the total en
rollment for the university had
reached the 390 mark.
Forest Incendiarism Attributed to
Men Who Want lo Fight Itlaxe-.
(Special.) Al Churchill, mho is here
from the Bohemia district to spend
the winter, said he believed that many
of the forest fires which cause so
much damage ar set by persons look
ing for Jobs as fire fighters.
All the timber on Mr. Churchill's
place, his blacksmith shop and the
timbers ill two of his tunnels on the
President group were destroyed by
the flames. He estimates his loss at
(old Allccc'd Stolen From oPrt
land Dental Windows.
W'. O. Patton. colored, who was ar
rested when he was discovered trying
to sell about $li' worth of gold
brldgework and dental fillings, was
sentenced in municipal court yester
day to six months In the county Jail.
Some of the gold In Ration's pos
session was identified as having been
taken from show wtnllows of dentists
in Portland. Patton was arrested by
Inspettors Wrirht and Gordon.
(Coprirht I y the New York World.
Itched by Arrangement. )
BERLIN. Oct. 4. (Special Cable.)
Germany's suffragettes, who are not
militant, have been quick to seize the
opportunity for equal rights with men
that are offered by the new constitu
tion. Greater Berlin this week gained
the honor of choosing a woman as
alderman, the first to hold the pla-e.
Kolpc,-icck, a Berlin suburb, made fa
mous by the laughable exploit of
William Voight. the cobbler, elected
as alderman Frau Emelte Khm. an
ultra - radical independent socialist.
Potsdam, too, has elected Its first
woman town, councillor, Fraulein
Krosen. an employe In a telegraph
office there.
A statistical Investigation discloses
the remarkable fact that nearly 7 per
cent of all Germany's legislators are
women. One hundred and fifty-three
women are siting in German parlia
ments. The heaviest representation
is 3S in the national assembly and
there are 21 in the Prussian assem
bly. The highest percentage of
women is in the miniature parliament
of the little principality of Reuse,
wh-ire there are three women to IS
male legislators.
In the Gotha assembly also are two
women to 19 men, and the Hamburg
assembly numbers 17 women out of
14 legislators. Eighteen state par
liaments In Germany have women
members; only seven have not. Jt
is significant that of Germany's wom
en legislators .the largest number. .64,
are social democrats; 37 belong to the
democratic party. 19 to the Catholic
center, 13 are independent socialists,
nine are reactionary conservatives.
five are national liberals and two are
Following the example of the first
English militant suffragettes. Hans
Bender, a spartacist leader, went on
Bogel recently.
sparticist gar-
pied the Wolff tele
graph bureau building duritrg the
spartacist revolt last January. He re
fused food for five days, in protest
against what hf called "treatment un
worthy of human beings.. The Jail
authorities refused to permit food to
be taken to Bender from outside after
they found a steel saw In a loaf of
bread that was brought in to him.
Bender recovered his appetite.
No Amendments, but "Unequivocal
and Effective" Reservations'.
Are Advocated. ;
Ruth ford
Brown Is President
-University Freshmen-
Oct 4. (Special.) Richard Brown
of Baker was elected president of the
freshman class of the university at
an election yesterday In which only
about one-fourth of the class partici
pated. Margaret Cundy of Portland,
a graduate of Lincoln high school,
was chosen vice-president; Mildred
Weeks of Portland, a graduate' of
Washington high, school, secretary.
and Fred Schuerman of Ashland.
treasurer. The only close race was
that for vice-president, in which Miss
Cundy defeated Arthur Tuck of Red
mond, noted athlete. 6 to 6j.
The class heard a short address by
Dr. John Straub. dean of men, who
has been on the Oregon faculty for
more than 40 years and holds the per
manent position of advlBer. to tne
freshman class.
BOSTON. Oct. 4 Prompt ratifica
tion of the treaty of peace without
amendments, but with "unequivocal
and effective reservations." was
adopted in the platform offered at the
republican state convention today.
The reservations Include such un
equivocal and effective measures as
will make clear the unconditional
right of the United States to with
draw from the league upon due no
tice; as will provide that the United
States shall assume no obligation to
employ American soldiers or sailors
unless congress shall so direct; as
will make i( clear that no domestic
questions, sucn'as the tariff and im
migration, will be taken from th
control of the United States, and tha
the United States shall be sole Judge
as to the interpretation of the Mon
roe doctrine." The Shantung provl
sion of the treaty also was denounced.
Demonstration Given Lodge.
That the attitude expressed in th
resolutions toward the league of na
tions had been an overnight compro
mlse was made oovlous when Senator
Lodge was introduced. He received
the greatest demonstration of the day
I am glad, he said, that you
adopted the platform without da
bate. With the statement of reserva
tions, I am in full accord.
1 accept the platform. I have no
desire to discuss it, but on that por
tion of the resolution embodied in the
two words, 'without amendment,
wish to express my opinion. I have
already voted for amendments."
Here the senator was interrupted
with a noisy demonstration, after
which he continued:
fcantung la Discussed.
"I voted for the amendments that
have been presented. I voted for them
in the committee and In tlje senate.
I voted as I believed to be right. I
will continue to so -vote. I would
have so voted If I voted alone.
"In your resolutions, you condemn
Shantung. You turned 40.000.000 peace
able and friendly people, our allies in
the war. over to Japan for an indefi
nite period. I will never vote to do
that. I ca"nnot consent to give to any
other nation the power to send to war
the people of the United States with
out the free action of congress.
"I wanted a league of nations
founded on The Hague convention. I
wanted to see an international court
nd Judges. What have we got? A
political alliance and nothing more:
the representatives of nations voting
on the expediency of their own coun
tries. They all got great advantages
In the matter of territory and other
wise, except the United States.
Isolation Held Impossible.
We got nothing-and I am glad of
It. But as we asked nothing cer
tainly we do have a right to say what
our burden shall be. I am not dis
turbed by the threat of isolation. You
can't isolate the United States. I am
not impressed with the plea that if
the treaty waits it will be necessary
to reassemble the peace conference.
It Is already assembled. They are in
Paris now. I think that at whatever
council table the United States sits.
hr vote should be the equal of any
other nation."
Senator Lodge also declared that
he would vote for reservations giving
the United States exclusive voice on
the question of the Monroe doctrine
and immigration.
"Unless the reservations I have
specified are adopted," he said, "the
treaty is dead."
As t'.ie senator concluded' the nearly
1200 delegates came to their feet
h! v -to-i" :
Near-sighted, far-sighted, astigmatic or whatever the
visual trouble may e, this wonderful instrument re
flects that know.edge with unerring positiveness to
the operator.
You Can Have Full Vision! Mv Qur Autumn Arrivals in
New Stocks. Include All
of the Season's Styles
Throughout the store, in every section, our shelves and counters are refilled
with the completest selections of new goods for fall and winter service.
And while correctness of fashion and completeness in variety lead in every
department, prices have been held down to the lowest figures consistent with
a fair profit. ,
Full vision is essential to the full development of human
faculties. Without good eyesight your efficiency and
productiveness ar,e curtailed materially.
Wear Thompson Glasses
Why waste the most valuable years in trying to get
along on half vision ? We can prove to you how wrong
this is if given the opportunity. Our method of exami
nation will give you all the demonstration you need.
Why wait longer?
Have Your Eyes -Examined Now
Complete Lens Grinding Factory on the
Thompson Optical Institute
Portland's Largest, Most Modern, Best Equipped
Exclusive Optical Establishment
209-10-11 Corbett Building, Fifth
Since 1908
shouting and clapping their hands
in a noisy and prolonged -demonstration.
Plans for State Office Structure at
Olympia Approved.
OL.YMPIA, Wash., Oct. 4. (Special.)
Tentative plans for a state office
building to cost approximately $600,
000, wero approved by the state cap-
ltol commission todHV, and the archi
tectural contract with Wilder &
White of New York for final pians
and construction supervision, was re
newed. Bebb & Gould, Seattle archi
tects, will be associated with Wilder
& White. Completion of permanent
plans is expected by December.
The state office building is to be
part of the proposed new group and
its immediate purpose will be to re
lieve the congestion in the old capi
toi building. " .
Bagdad is famous for itn breed of
white asses. Their ears and tails are
sometimes colored a bright red.
A-toria Budget Incorporates.
SALEM, Or, Oct. 4. (Special.)
Conducting a general printing busl-.
ness and publishing a daily newspa- ,
per is the purpose of the Astoria '
Budget Publishing company, which
filed articles of Incorporation here
today. The Incorporatora are E. B.
Aldrich. F. W. 1-ampkln and SI. K.
Chessman and the capital stock Is ,
J50.U00. '
Eugene Capitalist Injured.
Et'GEXE. Or., Oct. 4. (Special )
William T. Campbell, pioneer capital
ist of this city, while repairing tne
roof of his summer cottage at BelkAap
tridgo on the upper McKensia river
this week, fell from the roof to tne.
ground, suffering a broken ankle. He
whs brought to a Murne nospirai.
Most people are
under the impression
that exorbitant
prices prevail gener-
ally on real
klJ I Ij l I Standard Dishes:
JMi$k c II I f Stewed eef 15c
--IILfSAf Hamburger Steak 15c
lr Chicken Pies 15c
. Veal Stew 15c
f, OH? C 1 Baked Beans 10c
' Fish 20c
Pastrys 5c and 10c -
' No charge for Bread
"j "TrTKEEppEhizins Places
Grill '
Broadway at Stark Street
Sunday Dinner
5:30 to 9; $125
Orchestral Concert
Weekday Dinner
5:30 to 9; $125
Music and Dancing
. It is true that advances
have been made in some sec
tions, but none to speak of
in store like this a store
that succeeded in its -chief
ambition of obtaining the
best for the least money to
pass them on ' in the same
way to its customers.
How we succeed in doing
this will be shown in an, in
teresting way when you call
for critical inspection and
Tenth and Alder.
Largest Oriental Hug Dealers
In the
Weekday Lunch
11 to 2; 50c
Intercut in I nicrlly Activity Is
IScportril Strung.
Oct. i. ifrpecial.) Intramural deual-
Service a la Carte
11 A.M. to 1A.M.
Portland' s Favorite
Dining Place
Send for
our latest
' , . Hulletln
or used and shop - worn
band instruments.
Acentn for r. i. Tnnn.
Ala ecaTahaphone Has jo
Mcltona-all Mnale .'
I2i Alder l urtlaud.
Thousands HaTe Been Enabled
Hear With the"
The Simplest Perfect
Hearing Device
Write Us Today
Woodard, Clarke & Co.
Wood-Lark Bldg.
Alder at W. Park. Portland. Or.
Buy Your LINOLEUMS Before Winter Sets In
We have a large assortment of splendid new patterns at
reasonable prices. Some remnants at reduced rates.
Cork Floor Products Co.
202 Broadway at Taylor Phone Main 90
Everything Durable in
Women's Fall Ready-to-Wear
The Season's Most Exclusive
Showing of Women's Dresses
Suits and Coats.
t II Every garment a carefully chosen model of attractive autumn
ll ... i i - i . - i v.. i : l.. ,j : u c
aiure, in styles exclusively snown oy us, aim iiiciuuiiik a.u m
the modes'in making, and the fashions in fabrics, that are recog
nized as distinctive designs for fall. The wide variety of dis
tinctively different models gives a splendid choice to suit every
type of feminine attractiveness.
Suits, Coats, Skirts, Waists and Dresses
" OUl 1 0"--and Materials at.... Uto
-l-- rpri In Modes to Fash-CM O QFT up CJ K
JL O0MbIyntAUt0AO.7D to
ClT7T"n TC In Styles More Beau- (PQ QQ up COK
Oivllv J. O-tiful Than Ever at.. iDO.UO to
11T A TCHPC1 ,n Styles for Home (J 1 Q up QOfl
YY il0 1 0"and Evening Wear.. D1-V to DVJ
nRFSSF's; . $14.95 1: $79
i lL.a4 tJ K JL
H We will certainly be pleased to see you and to give you our most courteous and per-
sonal attention come, if only to see you'll be welcome and not obligated to buy.
Just Received A Brand New Stock of
Phoenix Silk
$1.50 to $3.00 Pr.
T1 We take pride in having secured such a splendid new stock of the'
celebrated Phoenix Silk Hose complete as it is in all 'the new and
staple styles and colors silk stockings which we know to be unsur
passed in fit, finish and durability and unmatchable in quality at the
following prices $1.50, $1.75, $2.25, $2.75 and $3.00 a pair
Come Make Selection While the Assortment Is at Its Best
We've a Splendid New Stock. of
Glove Silk Underwear for Particular Women
Vests Bloomers Envelope Chemise Combination Suits
in All Styles and at All Prices
ffll High standard Silk Underwear, fashioned and finished in a perfect manner distinctive garments,
J that have met every demand for undersilks and have proven very popular among particular women.
Here you will find all sizes and styles in Envelope chemise, Vests, Combination Suits, Bloomers. All
are most moderately priced:
Vests $3.00, $3.25, $4.00 I Envelope Chemise....
Bloomers $3.50, $4.00, $4.50 Combination Suits. .. .
In Our Knit Underwear Section
..$5.00, $5.50, $0.00
$5.00, $5.50, $0.00
Nothing to Surpass Our Showing of
Women's Outing Flannel Gowns
Trimmed and Finished in a Manner to Please You.
At $1.98, $2.39, $2.69, $3.19
Ufln our Muslinwear Section on the Main floor we have placed
on special display a complete new stock of Women's Outing Flan
nel Gowns the assortment includes all new and staple styles in
white, plain colors and neat patterns all have been made under the
most sanitary conditions and each garment has been finished and
trimmed in a most pleasing manner Don't fail to inspect these of
ferings before purchasing elsewhere You'll find our values to be
Women's Fashionable
Fall Footwear
at $8 and $9 Pair
I In our Basement you will find
correct fall and winter styles
in Shoes of reliable quality and
best of workmanship priced lower
than the same makes are sold for
in exclusive shoe stores.
(TTAt the above prices we are
showing both button and lace
models in black and brown vici
kid and with cloth top all sizes
they come with heavy or light
soles and with low or high heels.
Men's Work Shoes
$4.50 to 26.00 Fr.
Men who appreciate well ap
pearing, durable shoes for
every day wear will be well
nleased with these lines. .
They come in Dotn tan ana
black leathers, with double
and heavy single soles, and are
extra well stitched throughout.
Best Standard Silkolines
All New Styles at 35c Yard
tflf In our Drapery Section, on the Main floor, we have arranged a
special showing and sale of best standard Silkolines, especially
desirable for drapes and comfort coverings.
Batts at $1.48
QFine 3 lb. Batts, 72 by 84
inches, made in one piece, a
pure white batt.
Batts at $1.98
(f A '3 lb. Cotton Batt of fine
wool process finish, pure
white, comes 72 by 84 inches.
iy iiiiiiilliiliillillltlllliiiiiiiillllliilililllllillliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig
A-l canvasser for pianos and talking ma
chines on flat salary basis or salary and
commission. Must have ability to judge
prospects, and furnish best of recommenda
tions. Address T 258, Oregonian.
Beautiful Georgette Crepes at
Half Price Remnants!
For All Sorts of Remnants in Our Fancy
Goods Section
(f A saving opportunity that Dressmakers and Jrlouse-
wives will quickly take advantage of. Included are
all lengths, widths, styles and colors in
Printed and Plain Georgette Crepes
Silk and Cotton Nets in a Great Variety
-Chiffon and Trimming Braids in Many
Styles Shadow, Crochet, Filet and Val
Bath Robe
Flannels at 85c Yard
(TJ Brand new goods, more at-.
tractive than ever before,
best standard quality Bath Robe
Flannels in an unlimited assort
ment of styles and colorings.
Cotton Sheet
Blankets at $2.48 Pr.
(f A special lot of fine Cotton
Blankets 58 by 76 inches.
They come in white, tan and gray
and are especially desirable for
winter sheets.
Store Opens
at 8 :30 A.M.
at 9 A. M.
The Most in Value The Best in Quality
Store Closes
at 5:30 P. M.
at 6 P. M.