TIIE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, OCTOBER 5, 1919. E Advance Notice of New Store Hours: Effective. Monday, October 13. Our New Store Hours Will Be THE public is courteous ly requested to make note of the change in shopping hours so as to avoid possibility of disap pointment by reason of coming to the store earlier or later than the time ap pointed. SEE ALSO PAGE 13 (This Section) Possibilities for Spring Pri Tut Q.ualiti Store or- portlahd rYOv, 5iMLh,'Mon4oty Alder 3t maries Are Discussed. r 2i LEG ON M 1MED POL TICS 9:15 to 5:45 ACTION IS INDIVIDUAL Organization Xot Involved, but ex Sold I ers Will See That Offi cers Express Principles. About 30 member of the American Legion are being: mentioned in politi cal circles as possible candidates in the primaries next spring. This Is only a starter, for 20 or SO more will be mentioned as the time for filing petitions approaches. Reports through the atate Indicate that there is not a town, much less a county. In which some of the returned service men are not being discussed aa available ma terial for this office or that. As an organization, the American Legion is not In-politics. It has within its membership voters of the republi can and democratic parties and there fore is non-partisan as well as "non political. The legion has principles, however, and these principles must, in some Instances, be carried out by men in public office; consequently, the mem bership of the legion wil be interest ed in the personnel of candidates for such offices as will be needed in fur thering the principles of the legion. Orzaalaatloa Not IaterestesL For this reason the legion members, as individuals and not as an organi sation, will be especially Interested in the legislative ticket. Half a doz en legionaires are now tentative can didates for the legislature and their ranks will, without doubt, be in creased later. It Is distinctly understood by mem bers of the legion that the organiza tion cannot be used for political pur poses and any attempt to so use It by any individual or group will meet with immediate resistance. In the legion there are soldiers who are al ready urging caution. These men are opposed to seeing a -soldiers ticket." which will try to capture every political office with in sight. There Is general recogni tion that the service men will take an active part In politics and that tuey are entitled to offices, but the more diplomatic service men advocate moderation and the selection of only those offices which will best carry out the principles of the American Legion. teerlaa; Cosasltee' Likely. To this end a "steering committee" Is likely to be formed which will undertake to guide. In a measure, the course of events: Among the objects nf this steering committee, of which "there is already some rumor, will be -the smoothing out of certain tangles. Kor Instance, several service men may 'aspire to seek the nomination for a certain office. It may be that the office in view is one which is par- I tlcularly attractive to a service man, but with so many soldiers scrambling j for It a civilian may win out. j The steering committee will at-1 tempt to get the service men together and see if they cannot all step aside but one or two and thus present a stronger front. The steering com mittee, in .brief. Is designed to safe- guard the general political Interests of the ex-soldiers, sailors and ma rines, but will not be pattered after the Bolo club, the political organiza tion within the Spanish -American war veterans. Office holders who failed to give j full measure of support to America during the war will find the soldiers vote aimed to take their scalp. Of- ! fice holders whose patriotism was tinged with profit will also receive the bpposition of the soldier vote. And there is another class of men I who will find hard going if they aeek I puouc uuice; mis ciasa consisia 01 officers whose men think they were not. treated right while they were in tho service. The former commis sioned officer who saw that he was welt-fed while his men were on short rations or went hungry may as well send to the scrap pile any political Ambition be may be nursing. NIGHT CALLER ARRESTED Man Who Went 'to See Girl' Caught on Street at 1 o'clock. And now another difficulty has been placed in the path of the would be Romcoa of Portland. For the police hold that calling on the best girl is not a lawful reason for being out after IS o'clock. Larry Carey, whose only excuse was that he had been to see his girl, was arrested Friday night by Sergeant Crane at Fourth and Alder streets at 1 o'clock. He waa released by Judge Kossman in municipal court yester day on condition that he would in future confine his calls to the early h"urs of the night. Children under IS years of sge must be off the streets by 9 o clock and omera or l- unieu iney nate a law ful reason for being out. according to the provisions of the new curfew ordinance. A Sale of 40 Sample Ftir-Trimme o111tS,ao",p o3 Ex-Major's Daughter Weds. ' TOrPEXISH. Wash.. Oct. 4. (Spe cial.) Miss Cleo. Ruffner. daughter of ex-mayor and Mrs. V. M. Ruffner. was married today to John D. Cornett, Jr., of the Traders' bank, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ruffner. Rev. C. E. Miller of the Toppenish Methodist Episcopal church performed the cere mony. After a wedding trip of two weeks in Seattle and other sound ports they will make their home in Toppenish. Derailed Englue Stops Traffic. When an engine ran into the pit of the turntable at La Grande Fri day afternon It resulted In a tie-up of freight traffic for eight hours. All of the engines were In the round house and there was no way to reach the tracks with traffic over the turn table closed. The locomotive was linea I rum me pit ai mn eariy nou; yesterday morning when traffic was resumed. W ilson Illness Grieves Portland. Hope for the speedy recovery of President Wilson was expressed in a message dispatched yesterday to Mrs. Wilson by Mayor Baker. The tele-I gram reads: "The people of Port land have learned with deep grief of the Illness of President Wilson and we wish to express sincere hope for hn niieedv recoverv." CAtlD OK THANKS. We wish to extend our thanks to those who so kindly assisted im dur- j Ing the sickness and death of our be-j loved husband and father, and for the, beautiful flowers. , MRS. AI.BKRTHA HAXSEX Adv. A.i CHILDREN. Sweaters! New Ones! Seven Entirely Different Styles Surplice sweaters have a large wide sash which ties around forming a lovely bodice effect for wear over frock or blouse. Smart in black, becoming in pink and flame color. ?13.50. Muffler button-up brushed wool sweaters are good for sports without a coat. Healthy, wholesome costume for a hike, a game of golf, a fishing trip. Complete with long striped muf fler, $25. Angora-like sweaters in heath er effects, $21.50. Swiss sweaters knitted in Zurich are relieved by large or small blocks of contrasting col or,. ?23.50. Shetland wool sweaters with braided belts are nice to wear in cold offices, $15. Sweaters at $10 are special ized attractive plain and fancy stitch sweaters in almost any color. Wool jersey coats are also a part of sweater wraps excel lent values at $23.50. i; r.- iVs; Third Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.) Real Irish Crochet in Old Ivory is the precious cargo that has come to the Neckwear. Shop. Chemisettes, vestees, collars and sets composed not only of the Irish lace, but also , of Valen ciennes reproductions and fine tucked net in old ivory tones. Especially created to wear with autumn suits and dresses. Styles are exclusive and there is only one piece of a kind. Prices $9.50 upward, Meier & Frank's: Main Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.) ii Butterfly Flounces Forty-inch net flounces in en chanting sweet pea colors. Two yards will make the skirt of one's flirffy dan.ee frocks. $3.75 yard. Plain material to match at $1.50 yard. Meier & Frank's: Main Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.) Picturesque Feather Fans A new shipment of these . luxurious feather fans to carry with one's evening gowns they are as effective 'as a dia mond tiara and far more ar tistic. Imagine sitting in a theater or opera box and sway ing a mass of ostrich plumes in such gorgeous colors as jade green, turquoise, tangerine, coral, sky blue, orchid, Ameri can beauty as well as wonder ful affairs of black or snowy white. Both the Cleopatra and fold ing styles. $5.50 to $34.50. Meier & Frank's: Main Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.) Laces and Embroideries for the Making of Gifts Tiny edges of footing for handkerchiefs. Appropriate laces for boudoir caps,-camisoles and other underclothes. Hand and fine ma chine embroideries for baby dresses and petticoats. Dainty laces for the doll dresses that are to be shown in the doll contest. Semi made bonnets beautifully hand embroidered for baby. r Sale of Girls' Coats at 614.95 Sizes 6 to 14 years in effective striped coats of wool velour. Trimmed with' bands of black plush -on collars, cuffs and pockets. Good-looking buttons. Pretty colors. Durably lined. Buck led belts. New sweaters, new dresses and plenty of new coats have just arrived from New York. Glad to show them to you. Meier & Frank's: Second Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.) Lace motifs in all sorts of , shapes, 20c to $1.25 yard. Imitation Duchess, Calais, round mesh and Plat Valencien nes headings for camisoles, 25c to $1.35 yard. Imitation Point de Paris, Duchess and lovely Calais laces for boudoir pillows, lampshades, doll clothes and so on, 15c to $1.25 yard. Trousseau sets of fine Birken Valenciennes and imitation binche laces for exquisite lin gerie or blouses, 12 M c to 60c yard. Real- Madeira hand embroi deries for baby clothes, 1 to. 4 inches wide, 60c to $3 yard. Baby sets of imitation hand embroideries, 25c to $1.25 yard. Meier & Frank's: Main Floor (Mail Orders Filled.) Special Nemo Demonstration Are you perfectly contented with your cor set? Does it support you where you need sup port? Does it improve your figure to its ut most? Does it give comfort ? If you have any corset problem consult Mrs. A. L. Craig in our corset department tomorrow or any day this week. She has come to us from the Nemo Hygienic Fashion Institute, New York, to give expert corset advice and to demonstrate the values of all the patented features of Nemo corsets. We have a comprehensive assortment of new Nemo corsets in styles for all figures. Nemo corsets famous for style and durability are priced at $4.25 upwards. . Meier & Frank's: Third Floor. -(Mail Orders Filled.) '553 woHVLRLlfl New Books By Favorite Authors By Ethel M. Dell, "Lamps in the ' Desert," $1.75. By Mary Roberts Rinehart, "Dan gerous Days," $1.60. . By Samuel Merwin, "The Passion ate Pilgrim," $1.75. By C. N. and A. M. Williamson, "The Lion's Mouse," $1.60. By Harold Bell Wright, "The Re Creation of Brian Kent," $1.50. By Booth 'Tarkington, "Ramsey Milholland," $1.50. By Talbot Mundy, "The Ivory Trail," $1.75. , - By Harold Bindloss, "Partners of the Out Trail," $1.60. By Reginald Wright Kauffman, "Victorious," $1.75. By Juliet Wilbor Tompkins, "The Starling," $1.50. By Anne Archbold Miller, "Hul- dy's Whistle," $1.35. And the much talked about book of V. Blasco Ibanez, author of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, "Mare Nostrum," $1.90. This book will find a permanent place in the libraries of most folk who care about books. Meier & Frank's: Fifth Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.) Special Laces 5d to 1S New French and round mesh Valenciennes laces for holiday sewing. It will be wise to supply your needs early. Meier & Frank's: Main Floor J Extraordinary Values Thirty-six of them are richly trimmed with fur collars and some have fur cuffs, fur pockets or fur borders. Particularly smart ones have the new small animal choker collars. Furs include natural raccoon, natural muskrat, Hudson seal (seal dyed musk-rat), opossum and sealine (seal dyed coney). Fabrics comprise fine wool velours and silvertones. Styles are the straight slim things which New York is crazy about with finger-length coats. Two of the suits are sketched. Plenty of the favorite colors of the sea son black, blue, brown, as well as green and rust. Sizes 16 to 40 but only one suit of a kind. Values of all these suits are so far above ?75 that we leave you to make your own comparisons. Fair warning the lot contains only forty suits none can be duplicated at the special price. 50 Luxuriously Draped Satin Dresses All at One Price $45 CHILDREN'S FURS Largest Assortments We Have Ever Had All Fresh and New Exactly one child's set remained unsold in all our large fur stocks at the end of last winter! Every other piece in this entire collection of junior furs is beautifully new. Fluffy, soft, glossy, unhandled. Pretty, not costly kinds, which will be the joy of children's hearts. . Dainty white furs for dress occasions include angora, thibet, imitation er mine and the so-called Iceland fox, which comes from a far-eastern mountain goat. Gray fox, squirrel lock, nutria and American opossum are the darker, more service able furs for constant wear. Shapes and styles are designed for girls of V to 16 years Choose them now and Ethel and Dorothy will have them all season long and you will make them rapturously happy. White Furs Coney and angora combina tion sets, $6.50 and $7.50. Imitation ermine sets, $7.50, $12.50, $15. . Thibet lamb sets, $10, $12.50. "Iceland fox" (Japanese moun tain goat, which is fluffy like fox), $12.50, $17.50, $19.50. Serviceable Darker Furs Squirrel lock sets, $8.50 to $29.50. 'American opossum sets, $10. Gray kit coney sets, $8.50 and $10. Gray fox sets, $19.50, $27.50, $29.50 and $35. Moufflon sets, $25 and $27.50. Nutria sets, $37.50, $39.50. Separate Fur Collars Angora collars, $3.75. Coney collars, $5. . Thibet collars, $5 and $7.50. Iceland fox (mountain goat) $6, $8.50, $10, $12.50. Meier & Frank's: Fourth Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.) Only 9 More Days to Enter Our 17th- Annual Doll Show This year's Doll Show the 17th annual event of its kind will be held in our Sixth Floor Auditorium October 16, 17 and 18. $275 will be given in eighteen prizes in cash and $14o m merchandise. Single dolls and groups of dolls may be entered. Entries must be made in Dollville, Fifth Floor, not later than Wednesday, Octo ber 15. There is no entry fee or other obligation. Here is the list of 18 prizes: Grand Prli $50.00. in Cash to any church, charitable Institu tion. society, club or other or ganization entering the best f:roup of dressed dolls, consist rig of not less than 15 dolls. Second Grand Prlae $30.00 in Cash to any church, charitable institution, society, club or other organization entering the second best group of dressed nous consisting oi not less tnan io amis. Third Grand Prise $20.00 In Cash to any churcn. charitable in stltution, society, club or other organization entering the third Dest group or dressed dolls, consisting of not less than 15 dolls. Fourth Grand Frhe $20.00 in Cash to the child entering the best group of dressed dolls, consisting of not less than 5 dolls. Fifth Grand Prise $10.00 In Cash to the child entering the sec ond best group of dressed dolls, consisting of not less than 5 dolls. Claim A, First Prlae $22.00 Au tomobile to the child entering the best dressed character baby doll with short dress, doll to be 15 inches or over. Class A. Second Prise $15.00 Piano and Stool to the child en tering the best dressed charac ter baby doll with short dress, doll to be 8 to 14 inches. Class B Prise $10.00 Doll Trous seau to the child entering the best dressed Infant doll in long oiothes. Class C Prise $10.0 Old Ivory Rattan Rocker, cretonne uphol stery, to the child entering trie best trousseau with doll and lothes. i Class D, First Prise $25.00 Child s Desk and cnair to tne child entering the best dressed doll 24 inches or over. Class D, Second Prise $15.00 Tri cycle to the child entering the best dressed doll 17 to 23 inches. Class D. Third Prjse $10.00 Table and Two Chairs, white enamel, to the clrild entering the best dressed doll 9 to 16 inches. Class D, Fourth Prise $6.00 White Decorated Dresser to the child entering the best dressed doll under 8 inches. i ' Class E, First Prise $5.00 Mer chandise Order for toys to the child entering the best doll im personating a character, most original and comical doll. Class E. Second Prise $4.00 Set of China Dishes with Tray to the child entering the second best doll impersonating a char acter, most original and com ical doll. Class F. Flrt Prise $12.00 Child's Desk to the child enter ing the best dressed kewple doll, any size. Class F, Second Prise $6.00 Ma hogany Finish Doll Bed to the child entering the second best dressed kewpie doll, anywise. Class G Prise $5.00 Work Bas ket with Candy to the child en tering the best dressed boy doll. Satin dresses are very smart in New York. One sees them on Fifth avenue and in the best res taurants and theaters. Our fashion buyer now in the east has been able to secure some of the new est styles in much better satin than we have had so far at the price. While they are designed to give the straight sil houette, yet there are subtle draperies. Some go so far as to suggest the pannier, others are as bouffant as a four-tier skirt affair, but a number of them are draped only enough to give prettily changed lines to the costume. Several have the new long-waisted blouse effects. Others have the equally new high-waisted lines. One model pictured shows the popular square neck and long, tight sleeves outlined with silver cloth. Another has slashed collar and cuffs of embroidered georgette. Black, Brown and Blue are to be had in them and these colors the three Bs are almost the only ones to be seen in New York this autumn. Melr & Frank': Apparel Shop, Fourth Floor. Blouses in the New Broivns "Everything is brown this season," writes a fashion enthusiast. Any shade so it be brown wood brown, net brown, pheasant, beaver, beige, putty. Be sure you can find wonderful variety in brown Diouses in tne isiouse nop. Scores of them in many styles. Beaded, embroidered, with cut work and exaggeratedly new sleeves, with chenille work and red buttons, with high stock collars, with tucked putty color chemisettes strapped with the material of the lovely feminine frills. blouse.i with An exceedingly interesting dark brown model is pictured. It is of Georgette crepe strapped with satin and there is a long front panel forming a peplum. The fascinating little belt is of patent leather stitched in gold. . Prices start ab $8 and go to $57.50. Meier & Frank's: Fourth Floor. (Mill Orders Filled.) Baby's Shop Is Snugly Prepared, for Winter Baby buntings, cunning bonnets, cross-stitched carriage robes, deliciously comfy blankets, all sorts of white and pink and blue bootees and stockings, plenty of silk and wool underwear and quantities of charming white dresses. Colored play creepers for morn ings grow prettier and prettier, yet' they, are very simple to launder. Little rubber pants save half of mother's work. For gifts there are bewitching toilet baskets and toilet-sets and practical bath tubs, wardrobes, Meier & Frank' chairs, chiffoniers and other practical nursery furniture. Baby's Shop is a quiet little place where mothers with babies can come and talk to experts and there is a "Baby Library" from which books of helpful in terest to mothers may be taken without charge. : Second Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.) Hats at $12.50 to $22.50 Have Quite Elaborate and Extravagant Tendencies It is easy to make wonderful hats if one is regardless of price. But the MEIER & FRANK millinery experts prefer to use their ingenuity in designing beautiful hats at commonsense prices. Almost every woman wants at least two hats if possible. There is nothing which changes one's appearance so readily as a new hat. It cheers one up mentally. It makes one look young. It gives one a nice feeling of satisfaction. A new hat is good business sense whether one be a wife and mother or .a sister and fiancee or an efficient business woman. Especially large collections of hats at $12.50' to $22,50 include : Turbans with flowers, Turhans hidden under mn.ses of ostrich feathers, SmnJI hats with feather crowns. Flaring- sal I or a with feather fiiclnu:. Medium hats with tna jcerlue ostrich. Turbans with eucalyp tus or baby ostrich, Turhans with glycerine' ostrich, I.nrae hats with velvet hows mid ostrich frlnce, Turhuus with hiarb, up standing velvet drun eries. Jonn of Arc hats with ostrich tips, Spanish tnms of velvet f inrrmiru nun narrow nnd i rlnltoti, ' Turbans of sliver aolV hrocaurs. .Meier & Frank's: Fourth Floor. Mail Orders Killed.)