The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 05, 1919, Section One, Page 20, Image 20

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News Gently. Broken in Letter
Year After Event.
Incipient Blazes Are Located
Quickly by Fliers.
1 i
Miserliness of Wife Cause of Com
plaint, Especially When She
Thinks Babes Too Costly.
Living Winged Messenger Flics
From lis Inanimate I'rololjpe '
Back to Hou Station.
..vf. V' .
rnn in ini miinnnr I will
rnfl I ill urn hr ffrr, . , Essi
V 4' N. y.
jP ''
Out of a fleecy cloud bank the huge
army place points its nose earthward
and wings its rapid way over th
valued pines and firs of Oregon's for
sts. Krom his great height the pilot
catches a glimpse of a thin spiral o
smoke moving toward the heavens.
In an instant he studies bis map
which lies spread before him in th
cockpit of his machine. Rapidly and
accurately he figures his location, and
in another moment he has penned tni
location upon a small piece of paper.
Then, reaching into a wicker basket
he draws forth a carrier pigeon. The
mte is fastened to the pigeon's leg
and the little winged messenger i
then released and started on its a:
Journey back to the home field.
Thus is another incipient forest fire
In an Oregon forest stopped before 1
has gained real headway. For the
Pigeon reaches headquarters and car
ries Its warning of another forest fire
i.iany hours before any other agency
could do it.
Plan la Sarreaaftil.
This Is the work which has been
going on during the late summer and
fall months by the army planes which
have been patrolling the forests
this state. Although they got a late
start in their patrol work, they ac
i-omplished a great deal of good and
laid the foundation for an even more
successful patrol work next year.
W. B. Osborne, forest examiner at
tached to the national forest office in
Portland, has Just returned from Eu
gene, where he devoted an entire
month to an investigation of the
utility of the airplane patrol of for
ests, and he has returned to the home
e-ffiee convinced beyond any possible
doubt that this method of guarding
against destructive fires is the most
feasible which could be adopted.
Day after day Mr. Osborne was a
Jiassenger in the big planes as they
ratrolied the wooded sections frotn
Mount Hood to Crater lake. lie
worked daily with the army pilots In
mapping out their locations and get
ting a general knowledge of the for
ests which they were guarding. His
personal observations have converted
h;m into a strong advocate ef the air
plane patrol system and he believes
that next summer the fire hazards In
the forests of this state will be placed
, at a minimum.
More Plane Wanted.
The, forest officials liope that by
next summer more planes will be
available for this work. This fall but
two planes were in daily use. Forest
officials hope that this number wil:
be doubled during the summer months
of next year. Likewise, better maps
will be in readiness for next year and
the pilots will have had a better
knowledge of the country. When the
fteet of patrol planes arrived for this
work late this summer, the skies al
ready were naxy from the numerous
f rest conflagrations, and it was no
easy matter for the pilots to gain a
good understanding of forest condi
Fores: officials likewise beliee that
the wireless telephone will be in
readiness for installation on all patro'
planes by next summer. Forest offi
cials who are now concluding their
wirelesr telephony experiments i-ssert
they will be ready to install appara
tus with a carrying distance of 1?
miles so that It will be ready for
every plane used in forest patroi
If the wireless telephone Is found
entirely practicable, it will eliminate
the necessity of using carrier pigeons
in carrying fire messages, but the
army pilots now stationed at Kugene
are training these birds daily and
will have them ia readiness for any
"From my investigations I am firm
ly convinced that the airplane patrol
ft our forests is the only method by
which big conflagrations might be
discovered in time to prevent a dis
astrous destruction to our forests."
said Mr. Osborn.3. "Despite the many
handicaps which confronted the pilots
this fall, they proved their utility in
many ways and there is no dcubt in
my mind that next year these planes
will be the means of saving many
thousands of dollars of timber."
Siayor Names Committees to Ar
range for Armistice Iujr.
The general committee to handle
the Armistice day celebration in Port
land on November 11 was named yes
terday by Mayor Baker. The commit
tee includes representatives of all pa
triotic organisations of the city. The
crganixations and the representatives
named are as follows: Liberty loan.
Kdward Cookingham. Ladd & Tilton
bank: War Camp Community. Emery
!mstcad. Northwestern National bank;
War Savings. C. S. Jackson. Journal;
lied Cross. Amadee Smith. Uasco
building; American Legion. C. R. Peck;
Multnomah club, D. K. Bowman, Mover
Clothing company; Grand Army. C. A.
Williams; Spanish War Veterans. Ed
ward Romnel; Salvation Army, O. C.
Bortz, major: Elks. H. G. Allen, Elks'
club: food administration. W. K. New
ell. 202 East First street north; Knights
of Pythias. Patrick Bacon. Telephone
company; i". M. C. A.. H. W. Stone;
Y. W. C. A.. Miss C. A. Holbrook;
Boy Scouts. C C. Colt. First National
hank: National Guard. Colonel C C.
Hammond, the armory: Emergency
Fleet. L. J. Wentworth. Northwestern
bank blda: Women's auxiliary, Mrs.
C. L. Williams, 348 Eleventh street;
Jewish Welfare board. Senator Joseph
Simons; United States Grain corpora
tion. Max H. Houser, Board of Trade
Vancouver Shipper Tells of Dif
ficulties He Has to Load.
VANCOUVER. Wash.. Oct. 4. Spe
rial. ) Necessity for a municipal dock
was presented by Joseph Harvey, of
the Harvey Mill company, in an ad
dress before the Commercial club last
night. Mr. Harvey said that while
he had recently shipped 13,000.000 feet
of ties, he still had nine cargoes to
load, but that unless Immediate steps
were taken to provide suitable dock
age facilities these cargoes would
have to be loaded at son oUVtr point
having dockage farilttiev.
George McCoy, of thr "orl 4,,nmis
sion. said that an eleciv,t. -ld be
held In December to subm.t proposal
to Issue bonds totaling l.ts)0 for a
- m
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Iieter i. Murphy, J. C Ainswortli
anil Julius Meier All Knjoy
Trial Flights in Fast.
Chester G. Murphy. J. C. Ains-
worth mid Julius Meier, all of whom
are in the east at me pn-in n....
and are interested in the new Pacific
Air Line company that is being or
ganized In Portland, have had flights
In a Curtiss seaplane and found the
experience most exhilarating, accord
ing to a letter lrom .Mr. Murphy to
Emery Olmstead. Arrangements are
being concluded hy .Mr. aiurpn, n
has been in the east two weeks, with
the Curtiss Aeroplane compan ior
ih northwest representation and
crders have been placed for ships to
be used by the Pacinc Air linc com
pany here.
t Ainxworth. Julius. Meier and
Guy M. Standifer. all being interested
n the Pacinc Air L.ine company.
n New l'ork at the same time and all
have been out to tne curtiss m-m
trying the flying game. Mr. Meier
went down to Atlantic City to make
flight in the "Seagull, wnne air.
Ainsuorth flew In the "tirioi wun
h well-known nilot. J. 1. Hill. Air.
Murphy also took a number of frights
n the "Seagull.
Murphy writes: I simply cannot
find words to tell you what a mag
nificent trip the Columbia river ihk"
way will make by the air. It Is the
nroirramme of the Pacific Air Line
company to operate flying boats from
he city up tne toiumma nci
nd I believe the tourist wun umiieu
ime will be able to gilinse tne oeau
ies of the gorge in an hour."
A carload of airplanes Has leu tne
Curtiss "factory for the Pacific Air
.ine company headquarters in i ori
and. according to Mr. Murphy, and
he ships-are due here witnin a suori
ime. and will be put into service.
V :. V,,c's.'r,
!li - rti?'; ..A ::
"Mijuuti f! inn's if ar lawUftw-iniarr n; nv. h.-a amw s
ortland Business Men in Offices
and On Committees.
ALBANY. Or.. Oct. 4 (Special.)
Standing committees oi tne urrsun
Retail Jewelers association to sene
urine the ensuing year ave neen
amed as follows by Royal M. Saw-
telle of Pendleton, presiueni oi mc
association, according to an an-
ouncement today oi r. at. rrencu
.i -itv sei-retarv-treasurer oi tne
l j. t-ii.iii vc committee uno
Hartman of Salem, E. J. Jaeger oi
ortland and Carl J. Greve oi i-ori-
land. . ,
Trade Interest committee rtojai .m.
Sawtelle of Pendleton. Frank Heit-
kemper of Portland and :- J. Donner-
berg of Astoria.
MemherHiiu committee r.
French of Albany. O. A. Hartman of
Salem and I. E. Staples of I'ortlana.
If. solutions committee setn bara-
wav of Eucene. A. L. Schaefer or Pen
dleton and William Andresen of Ore
gon City.
The i.ew officers oi mis orsaiu
ion. chosen in the recent annual con-
ention at Pendleton, are: l't s-Kient.
Royal M. Sawtelle of Pendleton: first
ice-Dresldent. E. J. Jaeger of Port
land: second vice-president. F. J. Don-
erberg of Astoria: third vice-presi-
ent. O. H. Johnson of Ashland: sec-
etary-treasurer. r. M. rrencti oi Al
bany: members of the executive com
mittee to serve with the above-named
fficers. who are ex-offlcio members
of the committee. Carl J. Greve oi
ortland and William Andresen of
Oregon City.
Prominent Portland .Merchant and
Sport-nian Succumbs.
After a short illnessA. M. Reckard.
for 30 years a prominent merchant
and sportsman of Portland, died in
Siattle yesterday. Neuritis was the
cause of death.
Mr Reckard was bofn in Baltimore
Maryland. February 29, I860. He came
to Portland In 18'JO, and became a
prominent figure in mercantile and
sporting circles. He was proprietor
of the Portland Gun company at 233
Yajuuill street, and also of the is'ortli-
l ppcr Pilot rtlroer fire In Santlam forest while npeedins 4IMI0 feet above
the trees. Middle View of big apple orchard near Medford. as taken by
W. II. Osborne, forest examiner, l.oner line of carrier pigeons used In
forritt patrol work la being petted by army pilot at borne station ln
west Gun company, at Third and
Washington streets, where the
Spaulding building now stands. Nine
years ago he engaged in retail hard
ware trade in Seattle. Mr. Reckard
in survived by his widow, Mrs. A. M.
Reckard: his daughter Emily. 187 Six
teenth street. Portland, and son, Mar
shall R. Reckard, of the firm of Piper
& Taft. Seattle. Funeral services wil
be held in Seattle on Tuesday.
nounccd today. The apples are now
arriving: at the plant and the pressing
season soon will be on.
State Federation at Bend to Dis
cuss Steel 'Wulkotit.
BEND. Or., Oct. 4. (Special.) The
steel strike and the walkout of em
ployes of the British railroads will
be topics at the convention of the
State Federatlcr. of Labor, to biin in
Bend Monday, it was announced today
by G. H. Baker, chairman of the local
committee In charge. Aside from in
dorsement of the policy of the em
ployes, however, it is probable that
no definite action will be taken, Mr.
Baker said.
Delegates from the Idaho and Wash
ington state federations will be in at
tendance at the convention, in addi
tion to the labor representatives who
will begin arriving Sunday from all
parts of Oregon.
Plica to Press Apples.
SALEM. Or.. Oct. 4. (Special.) The
Salem Phez company expects to press
more than 3,000.000 pounds of apples J
during the present' season, it an-1
Indiislriiil Policies in Use in Eusl
to Be Studied.
SALEM. Or.. Oct. 4. (Special.)
R. Lee Steiuer, warden of the Oregon
slate penitentiary, left here today for
a trip as far east as New York on a
visit to several of the best-managed
and largest prisons in the United
States. Among the penitentiaries to
be inspected by Dr. Steiner are those
at Walla Walla. Wash.; Deer Lodge,
Mont.; Stillwater, Minn.; Joliet, 111.;
Columbus, Ohio; Jackson, Mich., and
Sing Sing, New York.
The purpose of the tour is to inves
tigate industries which may prove
suitable for installation in the Salem
prison. The flax industry in Oregon,
as far as the local prison is concerned.
Is nearing an end. The warden is de
sirous that some industry be estab
lished to keep the convicts at work.
Dance Opens Social Calendar.
MONMOUTH. Or.. Oct. 4. (Special.)
Social activities among the students
of the Oregon normal began tonight,
when a dance was held in the gym
nasium. The literary societies of the
school gave their first programmes
last night. Attendance : t the normal
shows an increase of 40 per cent over
last year. A number of service men
are among the students.
"California Syrup of Figs"
For a Chad's Liver and Bowels
Mother! Say "California," then you will
get genuine "California Syrup of Figs." Full
directions for babies and children of all ages
who are constipated, bilious, feverish, tongue
coated, or full of cold, are plainly printed on
the bottle. Children love this delicious laxative.
Tou say you will have the estate
settled up soon; that you are going
tn Milwaukee, and then you will
m Portland. You can do as you
like, for you are no longer my wife
for I have gotten a divorce from you
about a year ago.
tn these words, written to Mrs.
Louisa F. Crawford at St. Paul, Minn.,
John Jesse Crawford broke the news
of a divorce he had obtained in Port
land long before, contends Mrs. craw,
fnr.-l in a motion filed in the circuil
court yesterday to set aside the de
fault order and permit the filing of an
answer and cross-complaint.
To the best of her knowledge, until
that letter -was received, Mrs. Craw
ford was not only on excellent terms
with her husband, but was expecting
to have him join her shortly. Instead
of having such intentions, he divorced
her and married a woman with wnom
his first wife maintains he became
infatuated in Portland, He is janitor
of the Kenton bank.
First Wife Charges Fraud.
Mrs. Crawford charges fraud in the
divorce proceedings and contests the
legality of her husband's second mar
riage. Copies of summons and other
divorce papers were mailed to her at
St Paul in care of "General ueliv
ery." while she asserts that her hus
band was well aware of four differ
ent addresses in St. Paul and Minne
apolis where they would have been
certain to reach her.
The Crawfords were married in
1905. In 1915 inflammatory rheuma
tism caused the wife to desire to leave
Portland for another climate. She
asserts that her husband had agreed
thoroughly with the plan and wrote
her many affectionate letters up to
Airgust, 1918, promising to join her
as soon as he could dispose of inter
ests here.
She asks in the cross-complaint that
the decree be granted her and alimony
of $50 a month paid.
The "violent, jealous, pouting, peev
ish temper and disposition" of Hattie
C. Jordan has caused her husband, N,
E. Jordan, much embarrassment and
has "made it decidedly impractical"
for them to go out together at all
he contends in a suit for divorce filed
Wife Miserly, He Say.
The miserly habits of Ethel Barron
were such, declares her nusbann.
Clifton E. Barron in an action for
separation filed, that she not only
would not go out evenings and Sun
days on the plea that it would cost
too much money, but she also re
fused to consider bringing children
into the world on the ground that
their rearing would be too costly
Within a few days after marriage,
Crystal Goddard adopted a "cold, re
pulsive indifference" to her husband
he complains. She wed A. V. Goddard
at Hillsboro on September 13 of this
year, but though less than a month
has passed since marriage, the hus
band declares his wife's attitude is
causing: him great misery from which
he desires the relief of divorce.
Under the belief that her husband
had been killed in France, Margaret
M. Lane and Cash R. Lane were mar
ried March 1, 1919. It now develops
that her first husband i . very much
alive and husband No. 2 yesterday
Keep Sloan's, the World's Liniment,
Handy to Allay Aches.
rpHOUSAN'DS of men and women.
J. when the least little rheumatic
crick" assails them, have Sloan's
Liniment handy to knock it out. Popu
lar a third of a century ago far more
popular today.
That s because it is so wonderfully
helpful in relieving all external aches
nd pains sciatica, lumbago, neural
gia, overstrained muscles, sun joints,
weather exposure results. A little is
all that is necessary, for it soon pene
trates without rubbing to the sore
spot. Leaves no muss, stained skin,
clogged pores. A bottle today is a wise
precaution. Keep it handy.
All druggists aac, iuc, i.iu.
Imported Medicinal
Gla-Wood Brand
Pure Colorless Odorless Taste
less. Preferred by many to the
domestic product. Used as a treat
ment and cure for many forms of
Creates no habit. Produces no bad
after effects. Harmless, yet ef
fective. Acceptable to all ages.
At Your Druggist's
For J5.00 six pints will be sent, all
charges paid, to any express or
postoffice in the United States.
Portland. Oregon.
ORECO Rives immediate relief
from painful itching, bleeding, pro
truding piles. We refHnd your
money if you are not satisfied
after a
Sold by Stout - Lyons Drug Co.'s
three stores. Northern Pharmacy,
Third and Morrison: Perkins Hotel
Pharmacy, Fifth and Washington;
Irvington Pharmacy. East Broad
wav at Fifteenth: Leland Drwg Co.,
Tenth and Morrison; Fryer's
Pharmacy, Albina and Killings
worth; Eagle Drug Co., Forty
ninth and Hawthorne: Currin's for
drugs, St. Johns, Portland; A. C.
Chumasero. Vancouver; Huntley
Drug Co., Oregon City; Hillsboro
l'harmacy. Hillsboro,
Our Method of Piano Selling
makes a decided appeal to the thrifty piano buyer. We are more than
mere piano dealers ; we are the exclusive Tactory representatives of the
world's greatest manufacturers of Pianos and Inner-Players The
Cable Company, the Mason & Hamlin Co., and others.
When you come here to make your Piano or Inner-Player selection,
you are buying direct from the factory representative.
You will recognize the advantage of this when you begin to compare
price tickets.
Our direct method of selling docs make better piano values possible.
But we'll let you be the judge. Come in and make your own
TzUgB Allen
filed suit for annulment of the second
ceremony. The first marriage was
performed December 22. 1907.
Other divorce suits filed yesterday
were: Ida Garner against Benjamin
F. Garner; Wanda Hayes against
Franklin J. Hayes; Bryan J. Tausend
against Pearl Tausend; Claude C
Medley against Lillian L. Medley; and
Louise Gann against William P. Gann.
Michigan Fugitive Arrested.
Inspectors Maloney and Tichenor
last night arrested Harry Arthur
English. 40 years old, and held him
by request of the authorities at Bat
tle Creek, Mich, linglish declined to
say whether or not he would leave
Oregon without fighting extradition.
The police know nothing of the
charee apninst him.
In outstanding grace of line -and
luxury of appointments, the Auburn
Beauty SIX marks the ultimate
triumph of motor car designing
mKM BeautH'SI
And Auburn performance is a perfect com
plement of Auburn beauty. In rough-geiftg
on country roads, at forty or fifty miles an
hour on the highway, or crawling along
crowded streets, the Beauty SIX is unsur
passed in comfort and ease of control
Five models FJve Passenger Sedan, $2475 Four
Passenger Coupe, $2475 Five Passenger Touring Car,
$1695 Four Passenger Tourster, $1695 Two Passenger
Roadster, $1695. Smart color combinations. Demonatra
tion on request. De Luxe Catalog now ready
Automobile Engineers to TWnty Years
Ninth at Couch St