The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 05, 1919, Section One, Page 2, Image 2

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Tinworker Says Foreigners
Think They Will Control.
value. Secretary Tumulty said today
In announcing that he had prepared
and would submit today an answer to
,the resolution of Representative Ro-
aenoera. repuDiican. Illinois, asaing
as to reoorts that the gifts were val
ued at a million dollars.
Air Tumulty said the president re
ceived no gifts which would have re
quired an act of congress for hlra to
accept and that In each case where
it was made known that he was to
j receive a present he consulted Secre
tary Lansing and the attorney-general
as to whether he could legally ac
cept. The most valuable present, Mr.
Tumulty said, was a gold casket,
which contained a certificate of cltl
senshlp from the city of London. The
kins; cf Italy presented the president
with two old guns and the king; of
England gave him a book.
TcMimonjr of Judge Gary Tliat All
- Could Get Hearing and Keulros
of Grievances Is Supported.
Railway Workers Agree
Meet Premier Again.
tion of the nation-wide steel strike
aa trmporari.y halted today by the
senate labor committee after It had
heard several employes of the I'nited j
Mates Steel corporation who attacked '
sharply tactics of strikers and strike J
VUS. 1 11, llllUIIJ Will W I . BUUIIU
in the Pittsburg district as soon as
the treaty situation in the senate
niaks It possible for the committee
members to be absent from Wasmng
ton for three days or more.
Four mill workers were heard to
day. T. J. Davies of Newcastle. Pa..
said the strike chiefly Involved the!
foreigners In the mills, that may of j ber 9. These circulars have been'for
the participants believed the object , warded to all school superintendents,
was to give the workman ownership I mayors, police chiefs and others ln-
of the mills and that it was being , terested in the conservation of prop-
Amcrlrans Jleiil More Wasteful
Than European; Constant
Practice of Caution Taught.
SALEM. Or.. Oct. . (Special.) A.
C Barber, state insurance commis
sioner, has sent out mure than 1000
circulars during the past week call
ing attention to fire prevention day.
hlch has been designated for Octo
Conciliation Committee Succeeds In
Arranging Meeting of Labor
With Government.
rarrted on with intimidation and vio
With all of the other men heard,
- Iaviea supported statements of Judge
"c-ary, chairman of the board of the
- Meel corporation, that the mill execu
; lives always were ready to hear rea-
aonable grievances and redress them
and said union organization would not
do the men any good.
Worker Urswsm Leaders.
Activities of union organisers in
tr.-l districts before the present
strike was called had all the ele
- ments of a conspiracy," T. J. Davies,
a Xewcast'e. Pa, tin worker, told tne
- renale committee Investigating the
. unke today. Foreign workmen in
some cases. hesald. expect It to re
sult in soviet operation of the mills.
"These men moved mysteriously
- around the plants.- declared Davits,
. who said he represented the sentiment
- of 5000 tin workers. "These loretgn
'. rs. when we asked them, explained
they were going to get the 'closed
"President Wilson. President Uomp.
era. they all say. are with us. You
" Americans can't work here afterward.
Nothing but union men.
"We'll get the check-off system."
; they said, and collect all the union
vtet la Mills Kxaeetcd,
"Some of them explained to me:'
We won't need bosses after this;
-committees wlil run mills."
Davies said some workers wera In-
- timldated because they "are told their
houses will bo blown up and their
. wives killed."
When the strike was called. Davies
aald. he and other workmen who
' sought to get Into the mills at New-
castle were attacked by pickets at
the gates.
"They whipped the city police, they
whipped the county pottce," Davies
." said, "and beat men trying to go to
' work. There were 50 foreigners
around the mill gates, and until re
"". turned soldiers took charge of the
-, situation, there was a continuous
- fight."
Davies said his own earnings mere
117 a day as a roller, lie adueu mat
,. he was a T. M. C A. worker In France
.hirlnr the war.
Davies told the committee that
- when mill employes had grievances
they could appeal to the foremen ana
" if dissatisfied could so to the, super-
' intendent.
Fear ( Strikes Expressed.
-T "I don't know of any labor union
" which has anything to offer us,'
Iavies said. "Most of us have been
numbers of unions.
-A union man la in danger of be-
" ing called out whenever any agitator
cets inflamed with poisncvum ana
hu no redress against it."
Chairman Kenyon asked him If he
. had seen any evidence of bolahevlsm
in tha strike.
"You've developed the doctrine
. among them rigljt here." he said.
" "This talk about committees, the ter
' rorlsm and intimidation, the condi-
tion at Newcastle after they licked
- the police. The wrong education, the
.. inflaming of these men. Is Bolshevism
- at the crest."
Z "Don't you think the managers, the
steel employers, have some responsi-
Mlity in the situation T' asked Senator
"Sure they have." was the reply.
'.' "and the government should Join with
them, get the men out of the coun-
try shoot them if necessary."
- Gesas-cra la Criticised.
Paries discussed the union leaders.
"They won't fight back the rabid
element or the mob spirit," he as
serted. "for fear of losing their Jobs."
M. y. Tlghe. bead of the Iron, steel
' f. and tin workers union, ha said, was
. "quite harmless."'
-President Uompers Is president of
th American Federation of Labor
- and has his Job to hold." he continued.
'.I "He's julte gentle to Mr. Foster ('.
Z. Foster secretary of tha strike mm-
" rnittee). He showed that yesterday."
T Opposing and anti-strike legislation
- in the railroad reorganization law,
'. President Uompera of the American
- Federation of Labor, told the house
interstate commerce committe today
r" that workera would not obey it even
thunyh It were held constitutional by
the supreme court.
Answering Representative Webster,
republican. Washington. Gompers said
In such a situation he would "remain
silent and make a test before the
' people. " Instead of advising and coun
selling tedlcnco of the law. Ho In-
Msied. hoeer. bat ne could not
" conceive of the court holding such a
law valid becsuK. he said. It woulff
impose "involuntary servitude."
By appeal to the people. Mr. Com
.' tts explained that he would seek to
" hsve the court opinion "reversed by
the next congress."
"The French people have said of we
Americans 'that we are' mighty
builders and mighty burners.' and so
we are. not intentlonaly or criminally,
but negligently and carelessly," says
the circular.
"This indeed Is an age of great
achievement and economic reforms,
and foremost Is the Immense saving
of property and life that can be ac
complished by the prevention of fire.
"Reforms come from a change of
mind, and a change of mind can only
come by constant mental effort.
Therefore, think fire prevention, talk
fire prevention and practice fire pre
vention, not only on October 9. but on
through the year until next fire pre
vention day, and then start over
again. Never relax your caution
against the ever-present danger of
fire on your own premises. In that
way you will not only make It a habit
with yourself, but will Influence oth
ers. and we will all reap the benefit.
"Make it a point on fire prevention
day to critically examine four home.
store, office, shop or factory. I ry to
discover anything or any condition
that might possibly cause a fire, and
above all clean up. If you find any
inflammable material, remove It if
T......iki. ... I. m wilt he
doing yourself a great favor, and then
don't stoD keep it that way.
"In America we destroy by fire five
times as much per capita as do the
people of Kurope. It should not be
so. We surpass In every other way
we should in this. The remedy rests
with each and every one of us. Let
us start now.
;. lepartnient of .Labor Krp-
rocnialive for Industrial Meet.
.; WASHINGTON. Oct. . Henry &
- Tennison of Framingham. Mill, was
named today by the department of
r labor as representative of the general
.- public at the Industrial conference.
which opens here Monday. He takes
the place of Kdwln F. Gay of Cam-
bridge. Mass, who is In Kurope.
J Tha national Industrial conference
board announced Its delegates as fol
"Z lows: Frederick P. Fish and Edward
r Farnham Greeae. Boston: J. W.
O'Leary. Chicago, and S. Pembertoo
Hutchinson. Philadelphia.
MoM Valuable Present to President
" Ciold Car-ket from London City.
, WASHINGTON. Oct. . Gifts re
- reived by President Wilson while In
' fcuroye wars ui if insignificant"
Salem Plaintiff Says Indignities
Impaired Ills Health; 3Iany
Witnesses to Be Heard.
SALEM Or.. Oct. i. (Special.)
Taking of evidence was begun in the
circuit court here today in the case
brought by James Sykes to recover
damages In the sum of $5000 from
Bert Macy. city recorder: Elmer Man
gls and Marrls W. Welch.
The case Involves the alleged ac
tion of the defendants toward Sykes
In a parade In which the employes of
the Spauldlng Logging company par
ticipated, when false news of the
signing of the armistice last Novem
ber was circulated, prematurely by
the United Press. Remarks said to
have been made by Sykes that he
would not take part in the parade
Inspired the defendants to assist in
forcing Sykes to march in the parade
nd afterwards to kiss the American j
Sykes complains that this action
was entirely uncalled lor ana was
accomplished by undue rough han
dling of himself by the defendants
and Intimidation by a mob which the
plaintiff claims threatened among
other things to throw him into the
Sykes charges that because of the
Indignities heaped upon him his
health was greatly impaired. There
are many witnesses to do examinea
and the case may not reach the Jury
before late next week.
Marlon Apple Crop Heavy.
S VLEM. Or- Oct. 4. (Special.)
Marlon county's apple crop this year
will net the growers more than 1100,
000, according to Fruit Inspector
Vantrump. who returned here today
after an inspection tour of the orch
ard districts. The better grades of
these apples are bringing 1.7j a box
In Portland, while that part of the
crop used for Jellies anr other manu
factured articles is selling at $16
ton. This season's crop Is believed to
be the biggest in the history, of the
V anfru
LONDON. Oct. 4. (By the Asso
ciated Press.) There was at least a
slight rift In the strike storm clouds
tonight. The country today had rec
onciled Itself to the belief that there
was an Irreconcilable break between
the government and the unions in con
sequence of the absolute failure of
yesterday's conference between the
cabinet and the trade-union concilia
tlon 'committee in an effort to reach
a basis whereby negotiations with the
railway workers could be reopened.
Two unheralded events tonight gave
rise to a more optimistic feeling In
government and labor circles regard
ing the possibilities of a settlement.
Briefly, the conciliation committee
again unexpectedly visited Downing
street, -and, after a conference with
Andrew Bonar Law. repaired imme
diately to the executive of the Na
tional Union of Railwayman.
I'oloa Men to See Premsyr. -
At a late hour it was announced
that James H. Thomas, secretary of
the union, and railway delegates
would see Premier Lloyd George to
morrow, after having absented them
selves from the mediation councils
for several days. '
The visit of the conciliation com
mittee to Downing street had - not
teen looked for. The delegates were
closeted with Bonar Law for more
than an hour, at the end of which time
It was announced that the interview
had been adjourned until tomorrow.
The nature of the conference was
not divulged, but the newspapermen
waiting outside the premier's resi
dence noted that the members of the
committee seemed more cheerful when
they left. Apparently progress was
made by Bonar Law and tha commit
tee, as the visit of the railway dele
gates tomorrow would seem to be de
pendent upon some new angle which
has arisen.
Progress Reperted to Vnlon.
After the meeting between the rail
waymen'B executive and the concilia
tion committee. Arthur Henderson ad
mitted to the reporters that the com
mittee had come from Downing street
to report progress to the union.
Pending the outcome of-Tuesday's
meeting of all trade unions In Great
Britain, the executive committee of
the vehicle workers' federation will
not call a strike of bus, tram and
taxi drivers.
In an article contributed to the
Daily News today refuting an accusa
tion that he Is animated by personal
ambitions. James Henry Thomas, sec
retary of the railway men's union, de
clares that he thrice declined offers
to become a member of the British
cabinet. ...
Mr. Thomas warns the country that
If other trades unions join the strike
it may result in a class struggle,
which not all my counsels or moder
ating influence- may avail to save the
country from a violent and bloody
the fact that she was Mies Ruth San-
dldge and not the wife of Dr. w.
Clyde Adkerson. a lieutenant In the
medical corps of the army, who was
stationed in Camp Mills. L. I., during
the war, as she had previously announced.
The inquest also developed finally
that the case was a suicide. The In
quest not only caused a postponement
in the burial of Miss Sandldge, who
was a member of a good family Jiere,
but it also resulted in the death cer
tificate being changed from that of a
married woman to slnglex
Homesteaders Leave Montana After
' Failure of Crops.
AI.RANT. Or.. Oct. 4. (Special.)
Three dry season! in succession, with
resultant crop failures, has caused a
large number of Linn county people
who took up homesteads in north
eastern Montana a few years ago, to
return to Oregon. Several families
have returned to Albany in the past
three months and have obtained new
locations In this vicinity.
Similar crop conditions in parts of
North Dakota the last few years are
causing heavy immigration to the
Willamette valley. Several North
Dakota families located recently in
the vicinity of Scio, where they
bought farms, and. are well pleased
with conditions.
Liquor Possessor Fined $50.
VANCOUVER, Wash., Oct. 4. (Spe
elal.) A. E. Hardin, alias A. E.
Thompson, who was arrested last
night in a local hotel by Georg-e San
ford, chief of police, and R. F. Wikey,
deputy sheriff, today pleaded guilty
to having liquor unlawfully In his
possession. He was fined tiO by Jus-
tire of the Peace Miller.
Established 1S0.
'E are receiving from our
customers and visitors
many expressions of pleasure
and delight over our collection
of rare and genuine
Starts Vigorous Campaign
Increase Membership. a
NORTH BEND. Or., Oct 4. (Spe
cial.) At a largely attended meeting
of Sunset post No. 1 of the American
legion held here Thursday night the
following officers were elected for
the ensuing year: Chairman. J. H.
Mills: vice-chairman. I'hil J. Kelzer;
treasurer. Clarence Kibler; secretary.
Ed Moore. A permanent meeting
place for. the organization will be
secured and an active campaign will
be Inaugurated to enroll all the ex-
servlc men Of the city and vicinity.
Posters issued by the .national or
ganization to stimulate enrollment
are being displayed in the business
places, logging camps and mills.
Membership cards and buttons are
being Issued to all active members.
Miss KulU Sandidge Found to Have
Killed Self.
LYNCHBURG, Va. A coroner's Jury
here Inquiring tnt othe death Monday
of a young woman fn the residence of
Mrs. I K Adkerson here developed
The far places of the Orient
were searched in order to bring
together under one roof an ex
hibit 60 beautiful and meri
torious. May we not have the pleas
ure of welcoming you here to
see and, possibly, to select?
' Bros. .
Washington, Near Tenth
&1 jO
In eight lessons ladies
! ISO. e-entlemen $5.00
nt He Honey's Beautiful
Academy. 23d and Wash- 1
tngton. Jew lassea lor
BrKinners ptart Monday
and Friday evenines. Ad
vanced classes Tuesday
and Thursday evenings,
S to 11:30. All latest and
popular dances and new
steps taught in eight
three-hour lessons.
This guarantee term is worth $15.
Take advantage of our cut rates for
this week only. Take one or four les
sons a week. Tickets good until used.
Our pvstem will teach you to lead
and make a dancer of you. Plenty of
desirable partners and practice. No
embarrassment. Separate step room
and extra teachers, for backward
pupils. My latest book, describing all
dances, Daiiroom etiquette, etc., rree
for pupils. We have large and select
classes, and the social feature alone Is
worth double the price. Private les
sons all hours. Call afternoon or even
na-. Learn from professional dancers.
Phone Main 765S Select dancing nar-
Tiej every afuniay evening.
county, according to air.
Kujrene May See Derby Plunes.
EUGENE. Or.. Oct, 4. (SpeciaD-
Eugene may be a stopping station for
airplanes in a possible series of aero
nautical events of extended magnitude
during 190. A telegram to the Cham
ber of Commerce from the Aero Club
of America and the Aerial League of
America, asking the Eugene organ
ization to appoint a board of referees
to act with the contest committee
named for a great aerial derby around
the world.
S. A H. greeu stamps tor cash. Hol
man Fue' company. Main SS3. A 3331.
Blockwood. 4 ft. or short alabwood.
Ltah and Rock Spilngs coal; aawdusr.
Physlelaa Will Tell You
ladispeaaable Health.
It la
It Is required by every organ of
the body for the proper performance
of its functions.
It prevents biliousness, dyspepsia,
constipation, kidney complaint, rheu
matism, catarrh, nervousness, weak
ness, falntness. pimples, blotches and
other eruptions.
It Is pure, red", rich, free from hu
mors. Inherited or acquired. It gives
vitality, vigor and vim.. There is no
better way for securing It than by
taking Hood's Sarsaparllla. famous'
the world over aa a blood purifier, i
vltalizer and enricher. It you need
this medicine get it today.
Take Hood's Pills for a laxative
gentle and thorough, purely vegetable.
j Jj j! jJjH
A Dry Cellar Yet a CooljDne
A warm cellar is a poor storehouse. .That's why vege
tables and other foodstuffs cannot usually be kept in the
basements of homes heated by the old style pipe furnaces,
or the more costly systems. The
Home Ventilator Furnace
The Oririna! PATENTED Pipeless Model .
Manufactured only by the HOMER FURNACE CO, Homer, Mich.
will radiate enough heat to keep the' cellar fra from
dampness, but will not detract from its natural coolness.
Vegetables can be stored with perfect safety.
Heat is not wasted with the "Home Ventilator. The
scientific principle of design and operation sends all heat
units through the combination hot- and cold-air register,
and from there it is evenly distributed throughout the house.
Clean, simple and safe. : Doesn't waste space and doesn't
necessitate a big installation cost. Edwards can equip your
residence with a "Home Ventilator" in a few hours.
Conveniently Easy
Payment Terms, Too
No Interest
issai a poor Putt totwdcsi ssassy,
B - ' -
Never a Failure Never a Disappoint
ment, When Baking With This Riveted Tight
vlfca'Stay Sitisfactaiy"2aivg&
Being rivetefj tight (no bolts), there's no possible chance for air to
get in or heat to get out the entire regulation is contrnllml hv tha
Monarch Duplex Drafts. These drafts are at front and back of range
underneath the firebox. Fire must and does burn in the center of fire
box, thus forcing an equal distribution of heat over "'""nd '
underneath the oven. Then, too. Monarch Ransres are Itreous l.iiamel
Lined. Of course this lining has nothing to do with the baking, uui
it does have effect on rust. The natural dampness from firel cannot
penetrate Vltr.:ous Enamel thus the life of Monarch Ilanges has actu
ally been doubled.
Tou can get Monarch Ranges with four and six-hole tops and 15. 17,
19. 21-inch ovens, in either leg or cabinet-base styles. lops are nil
Blue Mirco (no blacking needed). Nickel trimmings are all plain (no
grease-catching scrolls). Any size Monarch Uas Attachment will in any
size Monarch Range.
Edwards Will -Install This Fine Range,
Including Pin-Front Water Heater, on
Easy Weekly or Monthly Payments and
Take Your Old-Stove as Part
4 Rooms Full of Fresh, Crisp, Dainty Furniture
Sent to Your Home on the Small Initial Payment of... ...1
Perhaps you don't need the entire
outfit then select any single piece
or pieces you want.
E.vrS. m
These Two Suites Are Finished to Match in "Hand Rubbed" Golden Wax
Living' room of four pieces is Identical
with the illustration above, excepting the
arm chair on the right, which has been re
placed with a Rocker. Your particular, at
tention is called to the table, which has
book racks at each end, alo broad under
neath shelf. Suite as mentioned
The six Chairs that ten with thf pfx-foot
Table for your dinins$ room have three slat
bucks instead of two, otherwise they're
identical with the tlrawini?. For strength
they would be hard to beat. Awaiting your
examination in the Fif th-street window, the
seven pieces are priced at
n ml. mnm 'in it HUU!CTi.:v in n a - fv iiiteJfrT ik - 3 c iirri -1 1
h s.rSSTSEI'AJ KferLSrt S4rSd Ui:B- teLli' JV. ' . r II
II I ' 1 ' " " . -- "
Exclusive Edwards Suits That Are in a Class by Themselves
Without question the swellest ever at any
thing near the price. The delicate spray of "Moss
Roses" Hand - Laid on Old Ivory gives that
touch of Tone and Refinement ihat had long been
looked for. Five pieces, exactly as pictured, on
display for your consideration, only .-. . . .
It's left to you to decide If this Is not the
cleverest Breakfast Suite ever at the price.
Knglish Breakfast Table has ilolden Pol
ished Top and White Knaniel Bane. Chairs
are all While Enamel and very sturdily
built. You can have 3tix40-in. square top
table Instead of round If you want It. Only
Note the Moderateness of Price and Convenience of Terms on
These wondertuiiy uooa
Sleepwell Mattresses
$5 Cash 1 Week No Interest.
Positively no substitutes are used in the building of Sleepwell
Mattresses, and all are built according to Oregon s bedding law.
Being built layer upon layer. like so many comforters fnot
stuffed). Sleepwell Mattresses cannot and will not lump 01 shut.
Trv- a Sleepwell for 60 niahts. If not exactly as stated. Edwards
will refund your money. Sleepwells re built according to Mr
Edwards' personal ideas and. if you would like a highly satis
factory mattress for little cost get a bleepwell.
Iron and Wood Enameled Cribs
3 Cash.
1 Week.
No Interest.
Don't let your baby sleep
on an open bed; one fall
may result In a doctor bill
large enough to pay for a
dozen cribs.
You'll like the locks on
the drop side of these cribs,
i.. Ana hairier at pnrh end.
I there's not mirch chance for
Daoy to open tnem mniseit.
Yes. the spring Is includ
ed it's a steel-link style,
with helical coils at each
CTr''T': ' 'r',i-''"E'(P"!!'i'ff ,
Here for You!
Seamless Fervak Axminster
Rugs at
Kervak Axminster Rugs are n splendid quality.
The imperfections are very slight, in fact your ex
aniinatUKi of them murft be quite close or the
imperfection will not be round.
The flaws amount to Just this: When weaving
the varn was broken and missed stitches resulted.
Since being darned they're scarcely detected. If
you'd like to save over $15, step In and see them.
Special In Plain Colors
Two-Tone, Taupe, Mulberry and Green.
9.0xl2.0Wilton Velvet Rugs
-il-iwi av aoeD mOHgTf TTOfgg'ttg"l.XWa
$32.50, $39.50, $43.75
and $49.75
Sold by Edwards on the conveniently
easy terms of tJ Cash U Week No
Frames are built entirely of solid
oak; seats, backs and foot rests up
holstered with Spanish and crattsjitan
imitation leather. See them on th
tnird floor this week.