The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 05, 1919, Section One, Page 16, Image 16

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144 Third, Bet. Alder and Morrison
Senator Turns Confusion Into
Women Pledge 88 on First
Day at Eugene.
Laughter at Denver.
freshmen Girls Permitted by Uni
League Covenant Attacked and A 5
frcrtion Made That Only Hun Ag
gression Drew C S. Into War.
versity to Live In Sorority Houses
as In Former Years.
V-fx nil --Ss J 3 :s f.-V
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Lvrtfi ivy r i--rii-ihftrtfiiiiniuitfiin- -k V ititriu aiw na sa jHftiifiwuMi siftiirr fcinmiir-iYf in m -jmnrrifirf.fiMiWa rtfiiWiMHi iffftftiftfiffifrriinniwiiffrir Av:w
DENVER. Colo.. Oct. 4. Senator
James A. Reed of Missouri, speaking
here tonight, read from the earlier
writings of Woodrow Wilson and pre
sented a mass cf statistical and other
matter In support of his argument
against the league of nations cove
nant Senator Reed held the atten
tion of his audience closely and was
greeted by generous applause, despite
one or two abortive attempts at
heckling which were soon suppressed.
His arguments were those he has
been presenting throughout his pres
ent tour.
Senator Reed's audience comfort
ably filled the main floor of the mu
nicipal auditorium here, which seats
14.000 persons, and overflowed into
the first balcony.
oovernor Oliver H. Shoup. who
spoke briefly, said he believed no
Colorado audience would be other
than courteous and hoped all those
present might learn something of the
other side of the question.
Laagksrr Stops Ileekliasr.
Senator Reed opened his address by
likening his voice to "a buss saw
going through a pine knot, as the
result of constant speaking. He said
the audience was the best evidence
of the interest American people take
In public questions and elaborated
the doctrine that power rests in the
"This Is not a one-man country,
he said, "but it is a 110.000,000 men
Persons in the crowd started to
heckle the senator and were greeted
with cries of "put him out." Con
fusion ensued but ended in laughter
when the speaker said: "The bray
ing of one ass ought not to break up
a great meeting.
Trlhate Paid ta Wilsoa.
Referring to the Oklahoma inci
dent, he said: "I never voted for suf
frage but at that meeting when 1000
women sat quiet when the lights
were cut off I about came to the con
clusion that they were good enough
to vote.
The speaker paid personal tribute
to President Wilson and expressed an
earnest wish for his early recovery.
Senator Reed said he denied that
America entered the war either to
regenerate or democratise the world.
but that German acts of aggression
J.ew i in.
X umber of Petty Burglaries Are
Reported lo Police. ..
A number of prowlers are operating
In the city. This is indicated by the
number of petty burglaries reported
to the police yesterday.
A. W. Anderson. 112 Caruthers
street, reported that his apartment
had been entered through a kitchen
window and about $30 in money taken
besides a couple of watches, two hats
and a rain coat. Sergeant E. C.
Brothers reported that the show case
of Painless Paul, dentist at 125';
Sixth street, had been broken into and
large quantity of gold teeth and
dentist material taken. Two gold
band rings and two amethyst rings
were taken from the home of W. G.
Beek. 525 East Thirty-ninth street.
Thieves w no entered the home of
Mrs. H. Varnig. 87 East Seventeenth
street, took away six small Turkish
rugs and a large number of china
plates and cups and saucers. Mrs.
Charles Hill reported that her place
11 2S2 North Sixteenth street had
been entered and a plush overcoat
trimmed in brown fur taken. The
Vulcan Machine works, 250 Ullsan
street, was entered and the office
ransacked, but nothing was missing.
I'ublie Market. Open to All Pro
ducers. Advocated Other
Phases Are Considered.
Upon one point as to how the high
costs of working, worrying and sur
viving may be overcome, the speak
ers at the weekly luncheon of the
Oregon Civic league were in accord
yesterday, and that was the curtail
ment of buying an jar as possible.
On oth.r phases of the subject there
was difference of opinion, including
the public market, which was one of
the chief topics of consideration.
However, there was general unanim
ity that it should be an "open" mar
ket to which all producers might of
fer their products at prices that would
enable householders to buy direct
without pajliisr cost of unnecessary
handling, and wherein there should
be advantages to both producer and
City Commissioner Blgelow dis
cussed the value pf the public mar
ket. Mrs. George L. Williams and
Mrs. K. O. Northrup, two of the
women active in the movement of
housewives, also spoke.
Louise Palmer Webber advanced
the claim that the solution of high
costs could be reached if every man
ufacturer were obliged to label his
product with a statement of the cost
nd if each wholesaler, jobber and
retail merchant were required to do
likewise, there would be no chance
for maintaining the practice of over
charging. She declared that prof
iteering is rife, but that women are
m&king u serious mistake in thinking
that they can combat profiteering by
assailing the public market.
W. K. Newell and C. E. Spence.
master cf the State Grange, also
v 1 " a
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. tit - V
"1 i" -amT - V 1 " ' 1
I'pper I,ooklng down 00 eonnlnjr to vrer of l'-S.q from U. S. S. Bittern.
Loner Waiting lio. on gangway at municipal boat landing.
Attracted by the islting mine-sw eeper and German submarine U-88
now at the -unicipai boki landing at the foot of Stark street, Samuel
Coumbe of Spokane yesterday enlist ed through the Portland navy re
cruiting office for service on the mln e-sweeper. There are still places open
for about 10 men on the U. S. S. Bit tern. Coumbe joined the navy as an
apprentice seaman.
Preparations have been made to receive large crowds aboard the ves
sels today. This will be the last opportunity to view them, as they have
for beatlle tomorrow morning. Cro wds Increased In size yesterday after
noon and additional police were required to keep them orderly.
Slate Convention Election of Hiber
nians Announced.
Officers of the Ancient Order of
Hibernians cf Oregon were elected at
the state convention on Tuesday night
in Hibernia hall. M. J. Driscoll is
state president; M. J. Murnane, state
vice-president; T. R. Maguigan, state
secretary: Frank Mai Ion. state treas
urer, and Rev. w. A. Dallon, state
Resolutions approving the Sinn Fein
movement and urging the Importance
of aiding the republican government
In Ireland were adopted. Greetings
were extended to Eamonn de Valera,
president of the Irish republic, who
will soon begin a tour of the west. A
resolution urging the study of the
social problems outlined by the Na
tional Catholic War council also was
Charges That County Money Was
Vsed for Fight Prizes .Made.
MARSHFIELP. Or.. Oct. i. (Spe-
clal. C. R. Wade. Judge of the
county court, has addressed an open
letter to the fair management of the
Coos and Curry fair at Myrtle Point
tdvising it of rumors that the money
appropriated by the county in per
petuating the fair has been expended
for prizefights and other entertain
ments not in keeping with the ideals
of a county fair.
Judge wade invites the manage
ment, if it chooses, to come before the
county court and disprove the charges
made in bis letter. Eight hundred
dollars was' the county appropriation
for 119.
Albany Couple Become t.randpar
cms Twice In Pay.
ALBANY. Or.. Oct. 4. (Special.)
To become grandparents twice In one
day was the experience yesterday of
Mr. anfl Mrs. H. J. Kenneil 01 mis
city. Both grandchildren were coys
Yesterday afternoon a son was born
to Mrs. Eli Kenneil. their son's wife,
at their farm home near Albany, and
last evening a boy was born to Mr.
and Mrs. Kennell's daughter, Mrs.
J. D. Krabill, at the Kenneil home in
A Oa. taA. .
- i f t
A. H. Averlll. Representing Law
Company, Called From City.
Because of sudden development in
his business which will keep him
from Portland for weeks. A. II. Averill
resigned as a member of the arbitra
tion board appointed to handle the
street railway wage increase demand.
Mr. Averill was appointed to repre
sent the company.
With the announcement of the
resignation of Mr. Averm also came
the announcement or r. (J. Knapp to
fill the vacated position, into Jlart-
lg represents laoor on tne ooard. It
la Drobable mat tne two men named
as arbitrators will meet Monday to
celect tfc? T!ro member 01 the board.
Mra. . K. MiUter.
SILVERTON. Or., Oct. 3.
(Special.) Mrs. N. E. Milster.
Oregon pioneer of 1852, passed
awav at the home of her daugh
ter. Mrs. Jette Dibble. 1
lalla. Thursday, October
She was born in Pierce coun-
ty. Missouri, in 1837. and was t
united in marriage to R. L. Mil- I
stcr March 17. 1852. In April J
of the same year she started 4
with her father, Alexander Hin- 4
acific 4
daugh- T
In Mo- I
kle. and family, for the Pacific
coast and reached Silverton In
October of the same year, set- 4
tling on a farm near here. 4
Eleven children were born to 4
Mr. and Mrs. Ulster, eight of 4
whom are living, namely: Mrs. J
Mrs. Mary Riding and Mrs. Kan- J
nie A. Irake of Silverton, Ida
Graves. Jette Dibble and Bertha 4
Woodside of Molalla; Delia
Smith of Eugene. Lettie Daven- I
port of Portland, and Beda L. 4
Kerrnlsh of (Juathlaskl Cove, 4
B. C. 4
Besides her daughters, she
leaves two brothers. 17 grand- I
children and 29 great-grandchil- J
Mrs. Milster "had lived for 22
years in Silverton and for the
past 15 years had lived with
her daughter. Mrs. Drake.
The funeral was held at the
tatter's home Saturday after
noon at 1:30, and Interment was
made In the Miller cemetery
east of Silverton.
ran oi rjiriivn. .
Mayor Baker Insists That Mr. Cow
pertliwuitc and Officer Norrls
Should Be Replaced.
Albert Cowperthwalt will not vol
untarily resign his position because
of the controversy in which he and
Mayor Baker have become Involved.
In fact. Mr. Cowperthwait yesterday
said that the shooting of the animals
which resulted In the investigation by
the mayor was Justified and that in a
similar case in the future he would
take similar action.
Friday Mayor Baker ordered Mr.
Cowperthwait out of the executive
offices after the president of the hu
mane society had testily referred to
some of the directors in the society
as "cattle."
"Several weeks ago we received a
call to attend to a cat which had a
broken back." said Mr. Cowperthwait
yesterday. "An officer was sent out
and when he found the cat stretched
out helpless and dying, he ordered
the children away and shot the
"The dog referred to In the contro
versy was suffering from a broken
hip and would have died within an
hour. The same procedure was fol
lowed. "As far as I am concerned I intend
to conduct the Oregon Humane so
ciety's work as I see fit and I do not
Intend to allow the mayor to dictate.
I certainly will not resign and if the
directors see fit to discharge me, that
Is their right."
Mayor Baker said he did not intend
to enter into any controversy with
Mr. Cowperthwait. but was satisfied
that the president of the humane so
ciety should be replaced.
"All that I care to say," said the
mayor, "is that I Intend lo request
the board of directors to replace both
the president of the society and Of
ficer Norris. as I do not consider
either man fit to be connected with
humane work. If the request is de
nied. I will most certainly take steps
to divorce the "city from the humane
society, at least until such time as
proper officers are employed to han
dle the work of the society."
drawn vehicles on and about the
grounds. It was remarked by
ors at the fair that one found
It necessary to go to the race track
to see a horse, none being in evi
dence about the grounds. In days of
yore, when the farmer and his famiiy
planned to visit a county fair, a full
day usually was allowed for the trip.
Nowadays the farmer and his family
are able to reach the fair grounds
in their county from any district
within a one or two-hour drive by
automobile, over hard-surfaced roads.
! enjoy the best part of the programme
of any one day and return in ample
time to their farm duties in the even
In the Clackamas county fair, with
Its myriad exhibits of prize-winning
stock and farm produce. Clackamas
county- farmers have had ample evi
dence of the development of the coun
ty which has attended their industry
of the past decade, and the success
ful closing of the thirteenth annual
fair may fairly be taken as symbol
ical of the' closing of a most success
ful year of their farm life.
Autos Abound. But Horses Are Seen
Only on Race Track; Exhibits
Show Successful Year.
OREGON CITY. Or., Oct. 4. (Spe
cial.) The thirteenth annual Clacka
mas county fair came to a close at
the Can by fair grounds tonight after
one of the most successful four-day
meets in the history of the fair asso
The industrial and educational ex
hibits, which filled the pavilion and
other buildings on the grounds to
overflowing, were significant Illus
trations of the progress and develop
ment of the county during the past
few years.
A significant, feature of the four-
day fair Just closed was the prepon- I
u.uuce uL automobiles oter huiae-.
Nineteen Standard Districts Are
Honored at County Meeting;.
At the regular monthly meeting of
the Multnomah county school teach
ers yesterday diplomas were awarded
19 standard districts, which Include
3. 4, 7, 8. 13, 16. 20, 27. 28, 31, 32, 39,
40, 45. 48, 51, 52 and 6 joint and 15
Professor Roessler of Oregon Agri
cultural college, secretary of the state
teachers' association, spoke on the
advantages of membership in the or
ganlzationand all instructors present
registered. Next month the principal
speaker will be 3: A. Churchill, state
A number of evening meetings in
the country schools were arranged for
and dates set. Short programmes are
to be given by the pupils and illus
trated lectures from the superintend
ents' office will follow.
Oct. 4. (Special.) Men's and wom
en's fraternities today announced the
pledging of 191 new members. The
men pledged 88 and the women 103.
Sixty-seven new members are from
Portland. The men chose their new
members last week, but today was
the first day of pledging for the
The freshmen women, as in former
years, will live in the sorority houses.
The plan was changed this year so
that freshmen women would live in
Hendricks hall, but owing to the large
number of women in the freshman
class, the sororities were permitted
to house the freshmen women, as
The sororities held open house to
night for all the men of the university.
The men's fraternities announce
their pledges as follows:
Delta Tau Delta John Alexander. Ar
thur Base, Portland: George Newton Cros
field, Arthur -Mecller, Wasco; Meredith
Beaver, Ashland: William Silverihorn,
Frank Clark, Clayton Ingle. La Grande:
Wilbur Hostettler. The Dalles: Arthur Lar
son, Eugene.
Alpha lau Omega Raloh Couch. Albert
Currey, La Grande; Verne Fudge. Boze
man; George Kiggs, Klamath Falls; Frank
and Karl von Der Ahe, and Merton Folts,
tiooa Kiver; Lrnest Crockett. Pendleton:
Arthur Kosenbaugh. Salem: Sylvester Bur
leigh, Enterprise; Way-man Williams, Eu
gene: Rufus Dinwiddle, Grass Valley; Lee
Brown, Lugene.
Beta Theta Pi Hush Clerin. Ralnh
Smith, John Langley and Del Oberteuffer.
Portland; Heed ilcKinney. Olymola. Wash.:
Pierre Mead, McMinnville; Lawrence Mane
rude, Jiugene; Owen Calloway. McMinn
Phi Gamma Delta Nelson English. Wil
bur Phillips. Harrison Hugeins. Frances
Kern, Hubert Jacobberger, Portland; James
King, Prlnevllie: Hubert Darby, Elmei
Cook. Salem; Aubrey Furry, Phoenix,
Kappa Sigma Dean Ireland. Pasadena.
Cal. : Hubert Smith, Ed Thompson, Henry
Judd, Tom Murphy and Ned Strahorn,
Pendleton; Frank Dixon, George Borman,
Portland:- John Booker. Walla Walla.
Wash.; Arvin Burnett, Ashland: Archie
nd Floyd Shields. Washougal. Wash.:
Wallace ahd Alan Carson, Leon Culbert-
son, featem; Roland Andre. Athena; Dewey
Rand, and Tom Wyatt of Baker.
Sigma Chi Austin Hazard. Conullle:
Ivan C. Rustadt, Eugene: John Burchtorn.
Rutherford Brown, Baker: Floyd W. Max
well, Union; Cleo Jenkins, Albany; Ray
mond Vester and Stacy Hendrix. Portland:
Theodore Strong, Tacoma, and Thomas
Waters of Marshfleld.
Phi Delta Theta John Gavin. The
Danes: 'ranlc Ho mes. McMinnville: Hu
bert Belknap. Prinevllle; Hugh Lapham, I
Silverton : Lionel Tromlitz. Kuseno: nrf I
Sigma Nu Fred Dotson. Baker; Stuart
naregar. Mtanriold: Harry Kurtz. Ivan
McKinney. Robert Morrison, Bob Shep
herd. Portland: Arthur Tuck. Redmond.
Sigma Alpha Epsilon Lvnn Fuller Th
Dalles: Joe Meafher. Walter McMonies,
Ervine Ludeman,v Albert Woertendyke.
Portland; Herbert Greer and Rav Hen-
ricks, Walla Walla: Donald Mi-nunirV
The women's new members are:
Kappa Alpha Theta I.enor! Cram. Jes-
le Lewis. Hood River: Doris Senestaken.
Marshfleld: Lorna Coolidge. Caroline Pal
mer. LaGrande; Genevieve Matson. Ta
coma; Imogene Lethcher, Helen Stoppen-
bach, Anabel Mackenzie. Dorothv Mr.
Gulre. Grace Pallett, Portland: Margaret
Beattie. Oregon City.
Kappa Kappa Gamma Ruth Austin
Woodbnrn; Audrey Medler, Wasco: Louise
rvlng. Margaret Dunlwav. Ellen Oanten-
beln, Aurita Payson. Dorothv Jamison.
Dorothy McKee, Mauna Loa Fallis, Port
land: Jean&te Crosfield. Wasco: Flora
Campbell. Dorqthy Miller. Eugene.
Gamma Phi Beta Gertrude Llvermnre.
Violet Robinson, "Eugene: Francis McGill.
Margaret Kerns, Genevieve Clancy, Flor
ence Hartman. Ruth Hopkins. Elnise
White. Janet West, Portland: Zoe Allen.
Beatrice Barker, Blanche Wtckland. As
' jl
Occupant of'Car Which Fatally In
jured Chinese to Serve 10 Days.
Patrick Friede, one of the occupants
of the automobile which struck and
fatally injured Leong Dan, Chinese,
East Sixty-second and East Gli-
san streets last bunday night, was
sentenced to 10 days in jail and fined
60 in municipal court yesterday. He
was charged with failing to give his
name after the accident. The party, it
is said, had been Joyriding.
Gatini Buzelli, driver of the car.
as been held by a verdict of the
coroner s jury to await the action
the grand jury.
Alleged Liquor Violator Fined.
V. B. Murphy, 95 North Third street.
yesterday was fined $250 by Municipal
udge Rossman on a charge of violat
ing the prohibition law. Murphy was
rrested Friday night by Officers E. E.
Rockwell and R. L. Thomas. A small
glass of whisky was seized by Rock-
ell who jumped over the bar at the
SuitsCoats Dresses $29.75
Extraordinary surprise, save $10 on a new winter garment. A splendid opportunity to get the right coat,
suit or dress in the latest style at a big saving. Prices' are going up every day. Reorder duplicates of theso
very garments will cost more wholeale. But we are going to give every thrifty woman a big surprise. Come
early and make your selection.
Stunning Pattern
Hats at $15
from the country's best designers are featured
here tomorrow.
To women of discernment the unusual charm of these hats
is at once apparent. They have caught to perfection the
elusive chic of Paris, yet they have toned and subdued it to
accord with the more conservative American standard of
taste and each hat succeeds in remaining entirely indi
vidual and' when donned it blends admirably with the
wearer's personality.
100 Beautifully
I -- - --. X J V T
J T K tw av si l
Fverv one made to sell for at least double. All are smart modes from our regular lines. Such a variety
that description is impossible. Think of buying high-grade millinery for $4.95 every woman will want a
hat at this price We urge early choosing. The values are so phenomenal that they may not q(-
last all day
Portland Sends X umber of Rad
icals to State Convention and
Control Will Be Attempted.
Organized labor's proposed alliance
with the non-partisan league, the
state grange and the farmers' union
in the formation of a state-wide labor
party will be one of the chief ques
tions before the Oregon State Federa
tion of Labor which convenes in its
annual session at. Bend, starting to
morrow morning.
This projected step into the polit
ical arena, together with the avowed
intention of the "red" element in or
ganized labor to dominate the state
convention, promises to make the
coming state convention one of the
memorable meetings in the history
of organized labor.
That the radicals will make a de
termined effort to control the delib
erations of the State Federation of
Labor is admitted, but the conserva
tives in Portland scout the idea that
raiirai element will De auie iu
r,i,t across anv of its propaganda, el
though the Portland delegation to the
state meeting win nave a laree iium
her of leaders who are numbered
among the radical element.
The two delegates from the Port
land Central Labor council are ad
mitted radicals, and one of their num
ber, William Williams, is the leader
of this element in the Central Labor
council. Both these men were elected
as delegates by large majorities over
the two conservative candidates.
The Portland delegates, numbering
nearly 100, will leave today for Bend.
held irbrulay- night at the B'nal
B'rith hall under the auspices of a
group of War Camp Community Ser
vice girls under the leadership of
Miss Garcie Byars. All ex-service
men are invited to attend. The danc
ing class of ex-service men at the
Lincoln high school scheduled for
Monday night will not be held and
the men will be asked to attend this
dance instead.
Vancouver Laundry OlXuins In
junction Against Union OfNciuls.
VANCOUVER, Wash., Oct. 4. (Spe
cial.) A temporary order was issued
by Judge R. H. Back of the superior
court, enjoining the Laundry Work
ers' International, Mabel Norton, pres
ident: James L. Canion, its secretary;
Ida Gates. Hazel Miller, Mrs. W. Hein
richs, Mrs. M. B. Palmer. Julia Mergo
and all persons associated with them,
from establishing pickets in front of
the Vancouver laundry. The order is
to remain in' effect until Monday, Oc
tober 13, when the hearing will be
The injunction was issued upon the
application of James Harvey and
J J. C. Armstrong, proprietors of the
laundry, the union employes of which
are now on strike for higher
wages, improved working conditions
and in objection to the discharge of
two employes.
Read The Oretronian classified nds.
A thoroughly reliable man
wants permanent delivery
work from one or more
firms that his new Keo
-ton speed wagon will
handle. Call Mr. Jones at
Bdwy. 1460.
E.x-Service Men to Da nee.
A dance, for ex-service men will
Chief Johnson Devotes Special At
tention to Car Thieves. .
As a result of the large number of
auto thefts during the past month I
Chief of Police Johnson announced s
yesieraay mat. lie wuuiu iicaie u. uu-i
reau In the inspector's department for
the handling of automobile cases.
This department, which will be com
posed of four men, he hopes will cut
down the number of auto thefts by
making them dangerous. ,
Motorcycle Detectives Russell and
Van Deusen will be two of the men
attached to the new department. They
have already been doing some of thij
Thefts of automobiles for Septem
ber totaled 108. Of this number 86
have been recovered.
i -
! Some of the Big Hits !
Beautiful Ohio
Alabama Lullaby
Daddy Long Legs
Hawaiian Nights
Southern Nights
Mammy O Mine
Roses at Twilight
Tell Me
Broken Blossoms
Lonesome, That's All
a rnnvtn enL ccioTame
home for the Seattle vis
itor. Location etcip
t ion ally convenient to
trans portation and to
wholesale and shopping
niBtrtcts. Refined social
entertainment evenings:
one of Pacific Coal
amous caiea.
Music Co.
125-127 Fourth St., Bet. Washington and Alder g
Records Victrolas , Pianos. ji
Musical Instruments
. Player Roll J
In line with our policy to
give the very best Player
Roll Service in this city, we
carry all the
We cordially invite you to
come in and hear any Player
Rolls without any obligation
to purchase.
Sherman.Jplay & Cft
Sixth and Morrison Streets, Portland.
(Opposite Postoffice)