14 THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAXD, OCTOBER TIMBERMEH TO OPEN POHTUHD SESSIONS Conservation and Fire Patrol Methods Will Be Studied. TWO CONFERENCES SET Colonel Graves to Forest Policy Before Operators From All Over Northwest. Forest conservation and fire con trol methods and logging operations will be studied this week at two con ferences In Portland at which timber men and loRing- operators from all over the J'acific northwest. British Columbia and California will be" pres ent. The two sessions are that of the Western Forestry and Conserva tion association, to be held Monday and Tuesday, and that of the Pacific Lodging congress on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Both confer ences will be held in the Multnomah hotel. While the two meetings wil! be held under entirely different auspices and are not directly connected by a common organization, they are closely allied in that they both consider prob lems of the lumber industry and both will be attended by many of the same i persons. Several hundred persons from Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, British Columbia and Cali fornia will be in the city for the two conferences. Plane Patrol to Be Take a. Two problems to be taken up at the Western Forestry and Conservation association are airplane patrol and wireless telephone. On Monday morning1 the airplane patrol will be discussed, the success of the 1919 sea son explained and possibilities of greater use of airplanes in the work in the future discussed. The wireless telephone discussion, which is set for Monday afternoon, will be enliv ened by a practical demonstration of a wireless telephone outfit. Messages will be transmitted from one end of the room to the other, and an explan ation of the mechanism made. Probably the most important fea ture of the forestry programme will be the reading of a paper from United States Forester Graves in which Colo nel Graves will outline a new for estry policy. This paper promises to be of national interest. The paper was prepared by Colonel Graves for presentation before a committee of the National Lumber Manufacturers' association to meet in Chicago early in October. It was agreed to have the paper read also before the Pacific coast conference here. Later the Chi cago meeting was postponed, and as a result the reading of the paper here will be the first presentation of Colo nel Graves' statement. Losxrrt Will tio to Bead. Betwen 400 and 500 men are 'ex pected to attend the logging congress, while about -v are expected for the forestry session earlier in the week. The two big ideas to come before the loggers for discussion will be the application of electricity in handling the logs, and the use of the cater pillar tread on donkeys. On Friday evening the delegates will go by spe cial train to Bend to spend Saturday Inspecting thu logging operations of the two big logging firms of that country. Brooks-Scanlon Lumber com pany and Shevl;n-Hixon company. Ln- usual opportunity will be given tor study of logging methods, as the Brooks-Scan Ion concern handles its logs by means of big wheels and horses, while the Shevlin-Hixon com pany uses machinery. A picnic luncheon will be served on the banks of the Deschutes river. Complete Programme Olveo The complete programme of the two conferences for the five days sessions follows: WMifm KrtrM-y nd Conservation awso rlution. Multnomah totW, Ortobr H anil 7. Moniy morning. October ft. standardisa tion dy; 9 A. M Call to order and open ing ad'trc. C. S. Chapman of Portland, c r airman of the standardization commit tee: "lYocres of Fire Protection In t,uggtng Operations. Burnlnic of Slash ings. Necessary Precautions." Cleorge C. Joy and Much Henry; "Airplane Patrol. tiu-cr of 1 1 1 1 Season, Possibilities and probable Ravine In Men." R. K. llammatt and V. A. Klliott: "Centralisation in Pur ina of fciqutpment for Northwestern A -wo fa lions, possibilities and Methods of "It and line." W. L. HumLston : "Review of iTr-crea In Fire Fighting and Protection Method. Possible Improvements. Trend of Work." W. B. Osborne. Jr.; "Fire Protec tion of Crown l-nds, D. Roy Cameron, d-strict In.-peWor for British Columbia; "Recent Amendments to Fire Uws. Ex planation of and Benefits Derived." E. E. Pp. C. C. S-ott. ti. M. Homana. John C an Hook. I. H. Na.h. Monday afternoon. 2 p. M. "Need fr Increased Facilities in Kducat tonal Work ; Accomplishment of Ptst, Potwiihtlities of Future." B. T. Allen: 'Oovernment Co-operation In Protection Work: Interest of Federal Government and Keult. Sought." Ceo. h. Cecil; "Wardens and Patrolmen Dutie of Kind of Men Pstt Suitd for Work Equipment of Attitude Toward Public R. H. Rutledce and Huntinrton Taylor; "Wtrelena Tele phone prwibliaie tor Fire Protection boards, by Dick Ferrell of the northern Idaho district. "The Aim. Scope and Pur pose of the L U L I-.." by Ralph Burn side. V:llapa Lumber company. Port land. Or. "The Industrial Association Programme," by Charles Puehler. inter national industrial secretary fur the west ern district, with headquarters at San Francisco. Committee in charge: Ivan B. Rhodes. Interstate secretary Y. M. C A., Oregon-Idaho; Bob Jensen, state secretary, industrial department, Y. M. C. A., Wash ington; L". S. Duncan. Interstate secretary, industrial department, Y. M. C. A., Ore-on-Idho. Thursday, October 9. 0:30 A. M. "Com bination Yarder and Loader with Sta tionary Boom." B. H Blfendahl, Modoc Lumber company. ChUoqum. or. "Mc-l-an Loading IVom," Claude C. McLean. Carson. Wash. "Log Loading Boom." 8. Nord. Goodyear Logging company. Clal lam Bay. Wash. "Relation of Camp Liv ing Conditions to Logging." W. C. Rueg nitx. Bridal Veil Lumbering company, Portland, or. "Klectric Dishwashimr Ma chine," B. B. Stowell, Portland, Or. "Camp Cafeteria," T. P. Jones, Potlatch Lumber company. Hoise, Idaho. "Monorail Log gins; S vi tern," Louis Everdlng. Areata. Cal. "Welfare Work In Logging Camps. x. H. Simpson. Saginaw Timber com !snv. Attrrdeen. Wash. "I'm of Oasnlini Present New I Engines for Logging." Fred MacFarlane, .nmvi aiiauv (X III lit fS, or IMC. f . .!. Aerial Logging ffvstera for Rough Coun try." George R. Taitt. North Fork Log King company. Ariel. Wash. "Track Lift ing Machine." J. B. Norby. Portland, Or, oen-jTopeiied uasoline Track Layer. ri. Meister. logging superintenden Shevlin-Hixon company. Bend, Or. "Pro per Reeling of New Line on a Loggim Kngine." James O'Hearne. Knglish Lum ber company, Mt. Vernon. Wash. "New Metal Cap for High Leads.' A. R. Baker, Hammond Lumber company. Astoria. Or. "Washington Medical and Safety Laws as rteiaung to rime Loss and Compensation Fund." Dr. John S. Klober. state safety boara, Olympia, ash. "Accident rre vention." film of California industrial ac cident commission, showing accident pre vention in mills and camps of California, presented by members of California safety commission. "Accident Prevention. port by W. A. Marshall, chairman of com mtttre. and discussion by members of the inausiriai accident commissions oi tan forma, Oregon, Washington. Idaho, Mon tana and British Columbia. Announce ments. Complimentary banouet. :3 P. M. Columbia River Loggers information oureau. committee: J. s. o Liorman chairman ; C. G. Griggs. Hollls B. Alger jonn r. uougaii, toantm aster. Friday. October 10. :3U A. M. "In come and Excess Profits Tax.' William v niterieid. Portland. Or. "Klectr cal In stallation at Snoaualmie Falls Lumber tympany; Operation of Electric Donkey. n. . uray, snoquaimie rails Lumber com pany. tinooualmte Falls. Wash. "Over coming Running of Steel on Heavy uraaes. red H. Madigan, Wilson Bros. Co.. Independence, Wash. "Handling of C reeptng Ralls on Steep Grades." Fred rowers, smitn-powers Logging: com pany. Marsh field. Or. "The Cow's Cud." C. L. Smith. O.-W. R. & N. Co. Portland. Or. Film "Grazing Industry of the National Forests" (through courtesy department of agriculture). 2 P. M. Continuation of last session's committee reports. Railroad construction, James O Hearne. chairman. Logging engineer ing and university training. John P. Van Orsdel, chairman. High lead suit, Joseph irving. cnairman. Ioggers fire preven tion committee. Hugh Henry, chairman "Logging Methods So as to Insure Fair C hance for Reproduction, T. T. Munger, forest service. Portland. Or. "Armstead's now Motor." F. L. Boucher, Spokane. Wash. Excursion to Bend. Or., leave Union depot. Portland, at 7:10 P. M. Saturday, October 11. Leave Bend for Portland s P. M. Arrive Portland. Sun day morning. VMCDUVEf) STARTS FIEHT EFFORT TO GET JOIXT LAXD OFFICE IS BEG CX. Clav M. Alien: "Ft rest Fire Report IMS. C. P. Chapman ; "Report of Resolutions Committee." W. D. HumisVnn. chairman Korest Industry conference day. Tues day morning. tctober 7. call to cior and opening address, A. L. Flewel I rg. preid.-nt: "Re-organiaation of West ern Forest r and Conservation Association Ei4nMn of Work." E. T. Allen: dla rwinn of new revenue laws affecting in-c-me tax and profits on lumber prior to wetrn meetings of Major Mason of V. S. internal revenue department. Washing ton, I. C.. Chester D. Moore. West Coast Lumbermen's ajvof tatlon. Tuesday after noon. - National forestry program. H. 8 i raves. In i ted States forester, presented by T. T. Munter; report of finance com m it tee Western Forestry and tTonservm tion association, commit tee; resolutions etlon of offuers. Pacific higging congress, tenth annua! session. October S. 9 and IO at Portland. )!ulnnmah hotel: October 11 at Bend. or. port tsnd entertainment committee; J. s. Hiorntin, chairman : C. t. ingri. Hollia ; Alger. Hend entertainment committee: T A. M-Cann. J. P. Keves. A Whisnsnt. Wednesday. October 30 A. M. President "a address. Secretary's rpirt. Committees: Resolutions, auditing, nom inations. '"Bauipping I'resent Type of Jonpe En gin with Caterpillar Traction. paper by J. W. Hill. Portland, Or. Iis- ruMinn : r . . . Kiley. ltioeier. Mwirt Ve. h. Vancouver. H. C. JimM O'Hearne. Knr!ih Lumber rompinv. Mt. Vernon. W ash. John P- Van rdel. Coast Range Lumber company, Mabel, or. "Gasoline T ra- tor for Pi ne I-og g i n g. T. P. J ones, Potlatch Lumber company. Hovtll. Idaho. K. . Bng ham. logging engineer. Weyer y, teaser Associated companies. Spokane. Wash, -l-ocging With Caterpillars in the Alp." Pan Mci.illleuddy. Aberdeen. Wash. Pie-Work System in Logging Camps.'" Floyd Bvlea. loggt ng superintendent. TMoedeL Stewart 4t Welch. Myrtle Point, H C. "Camp Iundrl." J. T. Snelson. th American Iaundry Machinery com pany. Portland. Or. '2 P. M "Mechanic ally Driven Saws." George W. Wolfe. Red River Lumber company. West wood. Cat. . C. Riiey. Bloeder. Stewart Welch. Vancouver, B C. A. G. de No rt hall. Port land. Or. Hmpreseel Air for Op-rat-lng Devices for Falling and Bucking Tim-b-r." V. J- Kraber. Portland, or. Thomas Jtllit. Aton. "lagging Cost Ac counts." Jsul Webb. Seattle. Wash. "Log ging by Zeppelin." Robert Parr. Kelso. Vah. Vapt:e Balloon l-ogging. W. A. lUmmpni). Tacoma. Wash. "The Auto Truck m Logging' 4 Illustrated by motion picture. - W. Barker. Seattle. Wash. "I.urnbein In France A. C F . Lieu tenant -Colonel C S. Chapman. Portland. Or "Film A. E. F. I?J. Operation of ;urjj Kngineers In France." (courtesy com rittte n public information and the World Film corporation. 3rt P. M Welfare dinner. Multnomah hotel, under auspices of the industrial department. Y M. C- A. thort talks by em plovers doing wMfare work association or other t be .wewa. as g.v-n y lausu:ai Cha-jiaxns Conditions Favorable to City Are Pointed Out by Commercial Club, Which Will Lead Campaign. VANCOUVER. Wash., Oct. 4. (Spe cial.) In an effort to prevent the re moval of the United States land of fire from this city and its consolida tion with the Seattle office, with head quarters at the latter city, the Com mercial club, at its meeting last night. adopted a resolution which says: Circular No. 040 of the general land of fice shuws that the Vancouver land dis trict contains acres more than six times as mucn vacant surveyed land as the Seattle district contains, and more un surveyed acant land than the Seattle district, exclusive of reserves and rail road holdings: and Vancouver is on the main line of ths Northern Pacific, the Great Northern. Oregon-Washington Railway Ac Navigation company, and the Spokane, Portland Seattle railroads, and has water trans portation on the Columbia river, being geographically situated so that all travel from the south and from up-river points where four-fifths of the vacant land lie, must pass through Vancouver to reach Seattle, thus making it an inconvenient and extravagant proposition to locate a consolidated land office at Seattle; and Vancouver is connected by a :t,HM).nO0 Interstate bridge ith Portland. Oregon, headquarters fr the chief of field divi sion, and for the forest service, les than eight miles distant but 16 miles distant from Seattle, and the land office at Van couver is In a 140.HH) federal building with every convenience and ample room for additional records, while the Seattle office, with scant Income, pays high rent to private Individuals, thus adding to the great Inconvenience and gross extrava gance Involved In the location of the com bined offices at Seattle, while Vancouver Is as favorably situated as any city id the United States for such an office. WOMAN'S WORK IS LAUDED Tribute Paid at Funeral of Albany Red Cross Worker. ALBANY, Or.. Oct. 4. (Special.) Tribute to Mrs. Mary E. Bilyeu. a prominent Albany woman who died Wednesday, for her work for the Red Cross during the war was paid at her funeral In the First Presbyterian church here yesterday by Dr. George H. Young, pastor of the First Baptist church of Albany, who served as chairman of the Linn county chapter of the Red Cross throughout the war. Mrs. Bilyeu was vice-chairman of the organization and handled a great deal of organization and committee work, as well as giving-her personal services in the management and oper ation of the workrooms. Dr. Young Your Teeth Need Looking After The first important step in good dentistry is de ciding what shall be done with the teeth. If the "dentist's advice is wrong, a long chain of troubles is sure to follow. It ought to be worth a few moments of your time to have your teeth thoroughly ex amined by a dentist who makes a business of examin ing teeth. Such a man is in every dental office using the E. R. Parker System. His duty is to find out what your teeth need and tell you. His advice is well worth hav ing, for he examines so many mouths he knows what he is talking about. For this ad vice there is no charge. If you don't want to take the dentist's advice, all right; If you do take it, he will tell you the price for doing the work under the E. R. Parker System, which means that it will be done without a waste of your time, without fear of pain, and done so well that you will be satisfied. E. R. Parker System dentists are not satisfied until you are. PORTLAND OFFICE nr. A. D. Cage Dr. F. N. Cbrlatensen Dr. A. R- Mitchell Dr. A. B. Stilra Dr. K. C. Flett Dr. K. C. Bennett Dr. A. W. Deaa Dr. K. O. Wilson Registered Dentists Members E. R. PARKER SYSTEM Entrance 33(1 Waah. St., Cor. 6th. Near Sunset Theater Dr. Painless Parker Mm VSYSTEKJ said that her efforts contributed greatly to the remarkable record made by the local chaptei. Dr. Young spoke at the conclusion of the funeral services, which were conducted by Dr. O. V. Poling, pastor of the First Presbyterian church. The burial service a.t thi Masonic cemetery was conducted by the local chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star, of which Mrs. Bilyeu was a past worthy matron. Mrs. G. T. Hocken- smith, worthy matron, and Percy R. Kelly, worthy patron, presided, at this service. THREE CARS SUGAR ARRIVE! SEVERAL MORE DIE TODAY, CITY GETS RELIEF. OLDER BOYS NAME HEADS Medford Conference Hears Talk and lias Big Windup. MEDFORD. Or.. Oct! . (Special.) The second day of the Older boys' conference closed tonight with the election of the following officers: A. Merrifield, Marshfield, president; Jack Brady, Ashland, vice-president; Leslie Butner. Roserurg. secretary; Harold Totts. Grants Pass, sergeant- at-arms; Herbert Gray, Medford, offi- ial reporter. The principal address was delivered by Professor Norman K. Coleman of liugene, the subject being "Getting and Keeping Fit." A banquet was held at the Christian church tonight, when the boys made merry with their ells, stunts and toasts. The conference closes tomorrow with a big union meeting at the Pres byterian church. Hunter Fined $25. ALBANY. Or., Oct. 4. (Special.) . C. Foren of Shedd. paid a fine of 25 and costs in the justice court here esterday for hunting without a li cense, with gun in nana, accom panied by his dog and with a pheasant his pocket, Foran was accosted by Deputy Game Warden Hawker. oren admitted he had no license and pleaded guilty. Read The Oreironlan classified ads. Rose City's Cargo Expected in Few Days Candy and Syrup Plants May Have Layoffs. Very much like prize packages are the tiny, bound bags of sugar grocers now have done up for distribution among those whose sugar bowls are low during the present shortage. Three carloads afforded temporary re lief yesterday, and several more are due tomorrow. The steamer Rose City, which was due to sail from San Francisco yesterday, is understood to be bringing a large quantity north and will have it here inside of three days if no mishaps occur. H. M. Haller of the Kelley-CIarke company has received a communica tion from the Western refinery in forming him that there is no change in the strike situation there and no hope is held out for getting sugai through until the machinists go back to work. Should it end in the next few days it would be several weeks before large manufacturers again would be supplied, "and on this account a good many layoffs at cake, candy and syrup factories are expected. The Stearns-Hollingshead company, which turns out couglidrops, is now running only one of its three crews while the shortage exists. California beet sugar, it is under stood, will reach Portland October 15 if sent according to schedule. Yak ima beet sugar will not be in until November 1. College Women Meet Tuesday. The Portland branch of the federa- Women's Kid Shoes $4.98 A good gray kid, laced, with cloth tops and mili tary heels. We have all sizes. Our style number 2647. Our Unalterable Policy: UNDERBUY UNDERSELL First, Second and Alder Streets Men's Nightshirts $1.89 Regular $2.25 quality in good outing flannel. Men's Cotton Hose 6 Pairs $1 Blue, white, black, gray. Great Sale Seasonable Domestics Right now when people are looking for the greatest purchasing power of their dollars, it will pay you to elance over these urices quoted below. -Compare them, with would-be competitors. We know what - . - -v-w n- v-v -v t- 1 t m Y Tl - the answer will be : ".Let's go to simujn s 1 uni the House of Low Prices." 40c Outing Flannels Amazingly Underpriced 25c the Yard 29-inch heavy outing flannels in which pink, blue, and a full line of choice patterns are shown. These are actually 40c values specially priced for this sale at 25c the yard. Limit 20 yards to a customer.- jmwmwmu m ea 1 1 Si IP lllppi Great Sale Children's Fleece Lined Union Suits 65c and $1.10 Children's fleece-lined union suits with high neck and long sleeves, ankle length. An excellent qual ity. All sizes 2 to 12 years. In Sizes 14 and 16 Years $1.29 Sale Extraordinary ofSilkolines29cYd. Lovely 36-inch silkolines in a choice se lection of patterns and designs, suitable for comfort coverings and the many uses women know for such beautiful ma terials. $2.25 Cotton Com forter Batts $1.59 Sanitary cotton comfort batts, full 3 . pounds in weight; open out in one com plete sheet, size 72x90 inches. Limit 4 to a customer. Buy at Simon's and save! 10,000 Yards New Dress Percales in a Wonderful Surprise Sale 25c the Yard 36-inch percales away below present wholesale cost. Shown in light, me dium and dark colors. A heavy, ex cellent quality. Do not fail to take advantage of this low price. Come! Coats for Women Velour and Kersey $34.50 Values $22.50 These coats just reached us last week. They are nobby full-length garments, some plain, some fur trimmed. We have all sizes from 18 to 44. New Coatees Arrived $45 Values $34.50 A shipment of new plush coatees has just reached us; they are in both belted and loose-back models, with either plain or fancy lining. See them here tomorrow! Navy Serge Suits for Women $35 Values $22.50 Here are smart, stylish suits in heavy-weight navy serge, either plain tailored or belted. Every woman wants a navy serge suit; here are real values! Women's Waists $5.48 These are of georgette and crepe de chine, either beaded or embroidered. Each gar ment is a wonderful value at the ,p rice. tion of college women executive board will meet Tuesday at i P. M. in room C. Central library. All mem bers are requested to be present at this meeting, when affairs regarding the state federation at Corvallls will be taken up. ' A letter from Mrs. Yawger. president of the New York City federation, is to be acted upon. Glendale Gets Albany Pastor. ALBANY, Or.. Oct. 4 (Special.) Corns Come' Off Like Banana Peel "Gets-If Leaves Toe Smooth As Your Palm. NeTer Fails. Ever peel off a "banana skin? Well, that's the way "Get-It" peels off any corn or callus. It's a picnic. Noth ing else in the world will do it but "2Droaf 'Crt4t.' Good-far Com r " "Oet-lt" because of the new necret principle in the "Geta-lt" formula. "Oem-lt" does away forever with contraptions." "wrappy" plasters, ointments that rub off. blood-lettinir knives, and scissors that snip into the "quick." "Geta-lt" eases pain. It takes but a second or two to use "flets-It." There's no fussing or trou ble. It dries immediately. You put your stocking: riKht back on iln. Sour corn will come off painlessly in one complete piece. That's common sense. It never fails. "vJets-It. the only sure, guaranteed. money-back corn-remover, costs but a trifle at any drunr store. MTd by E. Uwrence & Co., Chicago. III. Sulil in r-rt!iind Lv Owl Drus Co. at Ui thurwuj:! store on Uie .Pacific Coaot. Adv. INSURE WITH The Home Insurance of New York Company Against Strike, Riot, Civil Commotion and Explosion As it is a form of coverage which no banker, manufacturer, mer chant, property owner, or mortgagee should be without. It protects the assured against fire and other losses growing out of strikes, riot and civil commotion that are not covered with the ordinary fire insurance policy. As rates are increased in the event of a general strike, insure now. For information call on the Company's representatives located in every city and town in the State. PORTLAND REPRESENTATIVES. HARVEY O'BRYAN, GERLINGER RICHARDS & CO., McKay Building, . Northwestern National Bank Bldg., Phone: Main 418. Phone: Marshall 1776. Rev. E. H. Edgar of this city has ac cepted the pastorate of the Presbyter ian church at Glendale. Or. He for merly conducted evangelistic services with headquarters at this city. About two years ago he bought a general merchandise store at Plainview and later conducted a similar place of business at Shelburn. lie returned to his ministerial, work a few months ago. Road The Oreeonlan' clnsslftpd mis. How Lack of Iron In The Blood May Change A Woman's Appearance And Break Down Her Physical Strength While Plenty Of Iron Makes Rich Red Blood Corpuscles That Give Health, Vitality and Beauty yj&T&fo Every Woman Who Looks Pale, Haggard and Worn Should Her Blood Examined for Iron Deficiency Administration pie Nuxated Iron 'Will Often Increase the Strength and Endurance of Weak, Nervous, Care-Worn Women in Two Weeks Time and Make Them Look Years Younger. Longing for the keen activity, the youthful step, the fresh rosy cheeks and the sunny disposition of buoyant health ts mak ing many a woman unhappy, discontent ed, wrinkled and old before, her time. Sleepless nights spent worrying over supposed ailments, constant dosing with habit-forming drugs and narcotics and useless attempts to brace up with strong coffee do not help the real cause of their trouble, which m a y be nothing more than lack of iron in the blood. For want of Iron a woman may look and feel old at thirty, pale, haggard, and all run-down while at 50 or 60 with good health and plenty of iron In the blood she may still be young in feel ing, and so full of life and attract iveness as to defy detection of her real age. That women may become stronger, healthier, more beautjful and better able to meet the care of home, social and business life by increasing the supply of iron in their blood is the opinion ot Dr. George 11. Baker, formerly Physician and Surgeon of Monmouth Memorial Hospital, New Jersey, who says: "What women need to put roses in their cheeks and the springtime of life into their step is not cosmetics or stim ulating drugs, but plenty of rich, pure red blood. Without ,it no woman can do credit to herself or to her work. Iron is one of the greatest of all strength and blood builders, and I have found nothing in my experience so effective for helping to make strong, healthy, rcd-blouded women as .N'ux- tZ ?-; VNKS. ' 100c These illustrations tshow bow a woman may look, when she has only 25Co blood corpuscles and her blood is starving for iron and the chanpe. that takes place In her ap pearance when the percentaKe of red cor puscles increase as her blood becomes filled with strength-giving- iron. ated Iron. From a careful examination of the formula and my own fsts of Nuxated Iron. I feel convinced that it la a prepa ration which any physician can take him self or prescribe for his patients with the utmost confidence of obtaining highly ben eficial and satisfactory results." Among other physicians asked for an opinion was Dr. Ferdinand King, New York Physician and Medical Author. Dr. King says: "By enriching the blood and increasing Its oxygen carrying power Nux ated Iron will often transform the flabby flesh, toneless tissues, and pallid cheeks of nervous, rundown women into a glow of health and make tnem look years younger within a surprisingly short time." Dr. James Francis Sullivan, formerly Physician of Bellevue Hdspital (Outdoor Dept.), New York, ana the Westchester County Hospital, j?ays: "As I have said a hundred times pver, organic iron is one of the greatest of all strength builders. I have prescribed Nuxated Iron organic iron many, many times, and I have seen frequent Instances where it gave renewed strength and energy, increased power and 4 f endurance, steady nerves, and the rn bloom of' health, in about ten flays or two weeks' time. I consider Nuxated Iron one of the foremost blood and body builders the best to which I have ever had re course." It 1h surprising how many people suffer from iron deficiency and do not know It. If you are not strong or well you owe It to yourself to make the following test: See how long you can work or how far you van walk without becoming tired. Next take two five-grain tablets of Nuxated Iron three times per day after meals for two1 weeks. Then tent your strength again and see how much you have gamed. Manufacturers' Note : Nuxated Iron, which is prescribed and recommended by phy sicians, is not a n'cret remedy but out; which Is well known to druggists, t.'nl Iku the older inorganic iron product." It is easily assimilated and does not injure the lMh, make them black, nor upset the stomach. The manufacturers guarantee miccessful and entirely satisfactory results to every purchaser or they will refund vouv n:oiie. It is d ispensed iti this city by the ! Drug company and other druggists. Adv.