THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, OCTOBER 5, 1919. 13 M SUCKER PLE.DS? XORWEGMX DRAFT SAYS HE LOVES AMERICA. Legion Is Asked to Allow Him to Sp Job Rather Be Shot Here Than Return to Jiorway. DODGER K I I 'A :g AJrert Jenson. Norwegian, who with- j f) drew hit citizenship application to A escape the draft, now aaya ha loves 1 A the United States and asks the Ameri- l Zt can Legion to let him alone, J Released from one lob after another 6 Grocery Specials Breakfast Bacon, Armour's fancy sliced, whole or half strips, lb. 5of. Flour, Olympic, Crown or Royal Banquet, 49-Ib. sack at $2.95 Sugar Peas, Del Monte Spe cial, dor. $2.70, can.S3 Pearline Washing Powder, 3 large packages 80f Parlor Matches, extra qual ity, 5 boxes 2o Brooms, special at 90 c $1.20 and $1.40. Meier & Frank's: Ninth Floor. See Also Back Page this "Section for additional Meier & Frank store news featuring special values in women's Suits and Dresses Trie- QuaTit if StOre or Portland Advance Notice of New Store Hours: 9:15 to 5:45 Beginning Tomorrow and Continuing Until Satilrday (While Lots Last) Try o - o Ti Hill JCiXposiuon and Sale of to C R. Peck, president or the fort land post of the l-pton. to be let alone p ,and allowed to earn a living- for him- ,A aelf and his wife. ,5 Jenson came to this country from K Norm ay before the war started -In Europe, and made his first application 'A for citizenship here. When-America ' entered the etrujrcle. he withdrew his ,F application for citizenship to escape the draft, according to his statements A to Mr. Feck. Since the conclusion ot Kl hostilities. Jenson, like many another!' of his kind, has found treat diffi culty In retaining any kind of em ployment because of the legion's de termination to make life unpleaaant for mil who acted as Jenson did In the nation's time of need. A -I have tried to enlist In the army." 5 Jenson told Mr. Peck, "but they won't K take me without my first papers, and af I can't get them again for five years. A I am willing- to do anything to atone ;0 because I realize the mistake I made." Upon Peck's sufffrestlon that he re turn to his native country. Jenson re plied that he would rather be shot here than go back to Norway. "I love the United Statea and I don't want to leave Uncle Sam." said the man without a country. I am afraid your lo-ve for this country has come to you Just a little too late to do you any good," said Peck, "but we will make a public appeal of your case and see what the aentiment of the people la concerning den in your position. Beck, Mattresses, Springs ALIENS PASS UP CLASSES Klght School Head Saya Too Few Aro Studying English. "Foreign resident In this city are not taking advantage as they should In attending the nlKht schools where, among other branchea of education, they can be taught to speak and write In English." said A. M- Gray, super intendent of night schools, yesterday. "These schools were opened last Monday night. We would ask that the English-speaking people among our population talk to their forelgn languatre neighbors, telling them of this opportunity and also to tell them that thia Is the only method by which a foreigner can become a real Amer ican citizen. It Is stated that mem ber of the American legion are urg ing that all foreigners who cannot and wilt not speak and writ English should le deported." Cla.ose of the kind described are taught Monday. Tuesday and Thurs day nights from 7:15-to :15 in these three high schools: Lincoln, Jefferson and the High School of Commerce at Fifth and Harrison, two girls' schools. Benson and the girls' polytechnic, and the Ladd school. ANZACS VISJJJjOOD RIVER Warriors Are,Orcliard Owners and Wilt Study Methods of Pack. HOOD IUVKR. Or, Oct. 4. (Spe cial.) R. A. Clayton. E. T. Vaughan and P. Val Kerr. Anzacs en route home from service agalnzt Germany, arrived here yesterday for a six weeks' visit in the Hood River orchards. The re turning warriors, owners of orchards In Tasmania, state that they will spend a year touring American and Canadian fruit belts. learning meth ods of cultivation and pack. The soldiers are accompanied by David H. Bundle, manager of the Co operative Fruit Company of Nelson, New Zealand, and J. A. Campbell, as sistant director of the horticultural division of the department of agri culture of New Zealand. Police Chief to Speak. s New Cretonnes 80c to $1.50 Softer color effects such as give English living; rooms their pleasantly comfortable air are noticed in these new est cretonnes. Delightful flower combinations appear on black, taupe or beige grounds. One has a marvelous touch of jade boughs and tangerine tinted petals on black with just a touch of soft blue to make the composition an effective whole. A burst of sunshine is a pattern of poppies, roses and daisies. A gay yellow one portrays Chinese landscapes and figures with grave dignity. Many clever American artists are designing cretonnes nowadays and the manufacturers ehow regard for their art by using the designs on heavy worthwhile fabrics. Almost any of these new cretonnes are heavy enough for furniture coverings and for winter draperies. Hand-Blocked English Cretonnes 73c Enough of a kind for curtaining one or two windows, for pillows, bags, odd chair slips and holiday gifts. Meier & Frank's: Seventh Floor. (Mall Orders Filled.) Fervlce men and friends who visit Everymen's club thi evening at 8 o'clock will hear a talk by Chief Johnson of the Portland police flt-iji partment. The chief has promised to IF tell some of the inner workings of his A public's attitude toward the police system. Interesting happenings that have come under his observation will be related. The musical part of the entertainment provided by the cluk will consist of numbers by William La Case and bis Hawaiian duo of singers I and steel guitar players. Picture ol TA the Hawaiian Islands and Other scenic I K beauty spots will be sjiown. , Universal Asbestos-Insulated Pipeless Furnaces The Universal Asbestos-Insulat ed Pipeless Furnace' derives its name "Pipeless" from the fact that there are no overhead pipes to con vey the heat to the different rooms. Instead it has a single register above the furnace which provides both the outlet for warm air and me intake lor cola air. When a pipeless furnace is installed a cool basement is always assured, due to the fact that the entire furnace is surrounded by a cold air chamber. Perfect combustion and perfect circulation greatly lessen the cost of fuel. Make Your Own Terms in Reason Fireplace Accessories Enjoyment of the fireplace is much enhanced by the addi tion of carefully selected ac cessories. Our assortments of andirons, fire sets and screens are very extensive the most varied we have ever shown. Plain black andirons. 3.!5 to JS SO. Colonial brass finish andirons. 15 to 112.50. Solid brass brushed finish andirons. flt.SO to (30. Plain black fir sets. I to $ 69. Colonial brass finish fire sets. $5 to J 10.50. Solid brass brushed finish fire sets. $17.50 to 130. Folding fir screens. $4.35 to $30. --Meier ft Frank's: Sixth Floor. (Mail Orders r niea.) L'pIFF la 1 PM. fat f4, Didn't sleep well last night? Too bad. Dreamed all night? Woke up with a start? Indigestion? .Nerves? Or wasn't your bed comfortable? A comfortable, noiseless bed invites one to relax completely. Complete relaxation coaxes deep slumber. And it is deep, dream less slumber which re-creates one from day to day keeps one young-looking enables the brain and hands to do quick, calm. splendid work throughout the day. Simmons Beds Built for Sleep are to be had in wide variety in the Furniture Store. The Simmons organization for more than two generations has been studying sleep-inducing beds arfd bedding. Sim mons metal beds are strong and rigid in the corner locks where most beds are weakest. Simmons beds are noiseless. Not a creak, a rattle or feeling of unsteadiness as one turns in slumber. Nothing to disturb one's complete relaxation or to jar one into sud den wakefulness. - Simmons new three-piece beds are now on display the spring forming a single unit, with the side rails. Simmons single, three-quarter, full-size and twin beds simple, good-looking, well made "sleepy" beds are all here. The regular prices are reasonable. Discontinued Models of Simmons Beds Specially Priced $8.59 for standard $10.75 steel beds in vernis martin fin ish, full size. $7.69 for standard $9.60 steel -beds in vernis martin finish, full size. $8.98 for standard $11.25 steel beds in ivory enamel or ver nis martin finish, full size. $10.39 EVERY SUMMONS BED FROM HIGHEST .TO BUILT ON HONOR for standard $13 steel beds in vernis martin finish, full size. LOWEST PRICED IS Two Carload Purchases of Springs at Advantageous Prices Reed to Hear Dr. Thompson. 'A Tkw Tfc S ThAmniAti .f t Vi 1 . ! f v ! I will be the speaker at the Keed co-A leg. vesper services this afternoon. A at 4 o'clock, in the chapeL Dr. , T. Thompson recently returned from Franc, where he won three gold! stripes doing valiant service for the' Y. M. C A. in the great base hospital of Bordeaux. His talk today will be based on his experiences overseas. Special organ and vocal music are the vesper specialties. The meeting is open to the public 1614 Would llont Birds. TAKIMA. Wash.. Oct . (Special.) Yakima sportsmen are preparing to take full advantage of the abbrevi ated pheasant season. October J-15. Sixtren hundred and forty-four hunt ing licenses have been issued, by the county auditor since September 1 and it Is expected that about the same number will be issued the first 10 days of this month. Scarcity of shot guns, particularly the popular sixes. 1 smid bv dealer hr to be acute. Saleshian Established firm requires serv ices of high-class book sales man. Commission only. New proposition. Roycroft Shop. Card leads. Western territory.' If you think you have selling ability and capable of earning ,100 to J 300 a week, our propo sition will interest you. Adress W. D. HARNEY 405-6 White Bids;, Seattle. "S. O. S." The Magic Kitchen Cleaner 25c Beginning tomorrow and continuing until Satur day we shall hold a special demonstration of "S. 0. S." the new magic kitchen cleaner. "S. O. S." cleans and polishes aluminum ware, granite ware and all kinds of pots and pans no matter how badly burned or stained they may be. "S. O. S." is a steel wool base thoroughly satur ated with soap and oils it does not rust. It is the most economical cleanser you can buy. See the demonstration tomorrow. Meier Frank's: Basement. (Mail Orders Filled.) : . Tun? . Belated arrival of bed springs ordered ten months ago. to benefit by the particularly low prices. $15.95 for standard $20 double-deck coil springs with 99 oil-tempered springs; all sizes for wood or metal beds. 69.95 for standard $12.50 heavy single coil springs; all sizes for wood or metal beds. $8.25 for standard $9.75 all-steel sanitary couches; into a pleasant sitting room. Householders will be glad $9.75 for standard $12.00 wire fabric springs; rust - proof finish; all sizes for wood or metal beds. $8.45 for standard $9.75 wire fabric springs for metal beds only; rust-proof finish. rust-proof finish; they make the bedroom All-Linen Huck Towels Hand-Embroidered $2 to $6 Not only all linen but particularly fine linen. All hand scalloped and with more or less elaborate embroideries, many wth me dallions for monogram. Guest sizes, $2; large sizes, $4 to $6. T 4' Effective Monday, October 13, Our New Store Hours Will Be 2 ! Great Sale of Sheets, Cases and Spreads Here are five extraordinarily good offerings in sheets, pillow cases and bedspreads. Some quantities limited. $1.50 Muslin Sheets 90 Good quality seamless muslin sheets in size 54x90 inches. $1.75 Muslin Sheets $1.50 Serviceable round-thread seamless muslin sheets in size 81x90. 50c Pillow Cases, Each 35 Excellent quality muslin pillow cases in size 42x36 inches. $6.00 Bed Spreads $5 Marseilles or satin-finished bed spreads in size 80x90 inches. $4.00 Bed Spreads $3.50 Crocheted or honeycomb plain hemmed spVeads in full size. Meier & Frank's: Second Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.) A Special Purchase of a Prominent Importer's Sample Lines of Real Hand-Embroidered Madeira Napkins, Towels and Centerpieces l4 to 13 Off All these household treasures are exquisitely hand-em broidered on very fine linens. Some show slight marks of handling, but pressing or one trip through soapsuds and not water will make them fresh and new. Any of them will make beautiful gifts for the holidays. All-Linen Tea Napkins 4S, 69S 75cS 89S $1.25 One, two, three, four, five and occasion ally six of a kind. 7, 12, 14 and 16-inch squares. All with the difficult rose scallop and nearly all have an elaborate hand-embroidered corner. Wide variety of designs on the rare linen of pre-war days. May be used for doilies. All-Linen Centerpieces $2.25) $2.50, $3) $3.75 24-inch all-linen centerpieces, hand scal loped and embroidered. Such things are scarce even at the regular higher prices. Meier & Frank's: Second Floor. (Mail Orders f illed.) Blanketsand Comforters in a Very Special Sale $9.00 Wool "Mixed Blankets, gray or white with pink or blue bor ders, 72x80 inches, pair $7.65. $9.00 Wool Mixed Blankets, in pink, blue, gray and tan plaids, full bed size, pair $7.65. $12.00 Wool Filled Comforters, sateen cover, full bed size, spe cial at $10.15. $2.25 Emmerich Feather Bed-Pillows, 21x27 inches, special at, each $1.85. New Beacon bathrobe blan kets, Indian blankets and com fortables just received. Meier & Frank's: Second Flcor. (Mail Orders Filled.) J STOP WINDING BOBBINS Why waste your time winding bobbins when you can enjoy the pleasure of sewing .directly from two spool of thread one above, one below? The "Eldredge" two-spool rotary sewing machine is the only home sewing machine made on which you can sew directly from two spools. Here only in Portland. If desired pay only a' $8.25 for Our $16.50 Grade 40-pound felftd cotton mattresses with blue figured covering; 3 ft., 3 ft. 6 and 4 ft. 4 sizes. IMPORTANT: We expect these half price mattresses to be gone by 10 o'clock come early. $1 Down $lWeek Liberal allowance for your old machine. Used Machines at Special Prices Our Dress Form Club Join our dress form club tomorrow and enjoy the use of a new dress form while paying for the same. We have a new ship ment of Model dress forms. Pay only $1 Down 50c Week Meier ac Frank's: Second Floor. (Mail Orders Filled.) $18.75 for standard $27.00 wood beds, ivory finish; well proportioned; full size. $11.98 for standard $15.00 wood cribs with steel springs; ivory finish. The M. & F. Victory Mattress $23.50 is of felted cotton, weighs 50 pounds and has the best triple-stitched rolled edge. De signed by and made to the express order of the Meier & Frank bedding expert. HALF PRICE for a Limited Number New Mattresses That Are Slightly Damaged $9.75 for Our $19.50 Grade 45-pound felted cotton mattresses with blue and white A. C. A. ticking. Three-quarter size only. Better De Luxe Springs Have Arrived All sizes can now be had in these famously fine springs for which customers have been asking. '. Finest Hair Mattresses and Box Springs will be made to order in our own Bedding Fac tory on the premises. Samples can be seen in the Furniture Store. Meier & Frank's: Eighth Floor. (Mail Orders Filled) L The Eden Electric Washer will finish un the wash in short order. . It works while the mistress of the house looks after her other duties. It does not rub the clothes. ,It operates on the principles of the best laundries. The dirt is pushed out from the clothes . by constant dropping of the garments against the hot soapy water. Priced $133. Any terms in reason. Western Electric Dishwashers are by far the most practical that we have seen. They really wash dishes clean and they dry them selves. Priced $185. Any terms in reason. Majestic Electric Heaters, $11 Move them to any part of the home. No odor, no danger and plenty of heat. Large stock on hand ready for immediate delivery. Electric Wedding Gifts Electric lamps, waffle irons, percolators, toasters, grills, irons and many other 20th century conveniences for modern people. Electric experts who have actually tested them will tell you all about them in the new electric kitchen and laundry. Meier & Frank's: Basement Balcony. (Mail Orders Filled.) MaTaTeVVe)eClCeCVs t