The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 05, 1919, Section One, Page 11, Image 11

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Activity in Various Lines
Gives Much Promise.
oontry Will Benefit, Observer
Believes, From Contact With
Americans During War.
(Oregon Newspaper Man and
PARIS. Sept. 11. From what I can
e of the French, and from my con
venations with them, I am convinced
mar. mis great nation will "come
b&ck" In as quick order as can be
expected after ao threat war at so
great a cost In treasure and life.
was inrormd the other day by an
American officer that Germany would
recover much faMer and already was
retting under the burdens laid UDon
her In fine spirit: but as I see th'ngs
here. In bUMne'. ocial and amuse
n-ient lines. I frel that France is do'
insr well under the circumstances.
I have recently talked with a mar'
ried French business woman who well
represents that class popularly called
tne common people. t-he was a
milliner before the war and has lived
in Paris all her life. I found her
through an effort to locate a Parisian
who had thought and studied, had
formed opinions and could rive rea-
ns for the same. This woman was
pointed out to me as such, and with
a vu-r.ographer I interviewed her.
She held that there will be very lit
tle in the way of construction dona
here, and the rebuilding- of France
until the treaty of peaci is ratified
and France knows her future with
As soon as this Is done France will
readily j;et under may the developing
proctss by which she will soon re
cover her old position In the world,
her forces marshaled by such states
men as Clenif i:ceau, horn the peo-
pie believe In.
AsnrAraa restart Helps.
One help to this recovery. 1 gather.
I the recent and present contact of
the French wilh the spirit of America
tl rough thv instrumentality of the
forces whici came to ficht for civil
ization on the field and forum. France
is not discouraged, although about
prostrate, but encouraged by her
great victory over her old foe. and
will, with the aid expected from her
friends, soon stand upon her feet.
Wtyle former methods of doing
thtnss were somewhat on the slow
order. It is sometimes admitted, com
pared with American ways, the new
way will be adopted. For Instance.
In tho building of houses. Instead of
Stager's P
J. & M. Shoes for Men
"Comfort and durability are as
essential as stle in shoes."
Dressy Modes
in Women's Footwear
A Nobby Button Boot of patent leather,
with dull kid top. slender Louis
XV heel and hand - turned j jj qq
BA dressy afternoon One-Eyelet Pump,
hand-turned sole and Louis XV heel.
Dull Calf,
)irT Ooae, H2.r,a
Blaelc Ooae, 112.5
C Decidedly attractive I -ace Boot with
the new Junior French heel.
Pateat I.rm4ker. f 1 2.00
Brona Kid, II2-SO
DBaby French-heel Pump, wlth hand
turned sole. i
Pateat mm Black Glased Kid, $9.00.
I flood Taste and Satisfactory Qnal.
I Ity Are Typical of Staleer'a Hoalery
The Children's Shop
Tour children's feet are correctly fitted
when you purchase their shoes at this
tore. Bring the children in and let
us prove It.
a it Is old, which precludes the
French maiden from receiving men in
her home."
Aaofher Was Expected.
"Will there be another war with
Germany?" "Oh surely. France ex
pects to have another war with Ger
many, but not very soon. If It took
Germany 44 years following a great
victory to prepare for war. It will,
following her defeat this time, take
her longer to prepare for the next.
But France eXDects to have war with
stone, wood will be u.-ed In construe- , Germany in the future, of course."
Another viewpoint of one of tne
tion and thus the laborious method
will give way to one more speedy.
France expets all lines of bUAineys
to be much better than at r-resent as
things are more settled, and hopes
for better days than even before the
war. At present business is very
careful about taking risks before
peace, and the conditions desired lor
progress, are absolutely assured.
Cafe !ife on the boulevards is pro
nounced and sidewalks are lined
block after block wi'h the open-air
ease-takers enjoying their wine and
beer by the hour these beautiful even
ing. The streets are thronged with
people and the theaters are well pat
ronized. To me. as naturally a superficial
observer. Paris appears like a great
rig. wide-awake city with health, at
least, showing on the surface. To be
assured, the restlessness resulting
from the war la apparent in labor
circles and others, as in other parts
of the world, but to me it seems but
the unsettled condition of mftid re
sulting from the adoption of new
thought, seeing things from new
points of vlem-; in fact, a house-clean-ir.g.
as It were, which always means
better conditions, though they come
through a period of disarrangement.
Given the opportunity. France will
come into her own and in thus doing
will reveal the fine spirit she mani
fested through the recent years of
blond and smoke. France is looking
to the future with hope.
Birth Rate Deneuea.
The birth rate is decreasing faster
now than before because of the fact
that so manv women had to give up
home life and thouchts of the same
to enter the fields of business to take
the pieces of the men engaged In bat-
tie. But this will be remedied, it is
hoped, by the new conditions and leg
islation which it Is expected will
safeguard the new and beuer state
longed for.
The Americans are liked by the
French, although there is some criti
cism of the claim made by certain
Americans that "we won the war."
France would prefer the Americans to
say. "We won the war along with the
French and the other allies.
The French like President Wilson,
tut some fear he is too Idealistic and
take the position that he stopped the
war too soon.
Various were the opinions given on
Jrany different topics as 1 have con
versed with intelligent natives of
Paris, of late., from the question of
the part the "Y" played and is playing
In the building of the nation, and the
prospect of another war with Ger
many. Religion is stronger in the popular
mind on account of the sacrifices and
fighting valor of the priesua as seen
on battlefiVld and In camp, it Is
Mated, and while many soldiers have
become more religious because of
these things, there are. many who
have been mre inclined to religion
If they have not become directly af
filiated with the church.
"Why could not the French people
make a better impression upon the
Arrerican soldiers, if the former are
a hospitable people?" 1 asked. The
answer given me mas: "The real good
rrencn nome is not opened easily.
There are not !'" American men who
know any ren French families. The
French are very hospitable, but have
done In the case of foreign armies
camped in their land, thouch friendly.
Just what American families would
have done were French armies
camped in the I.'nited States. In
franco mere is the old-fashioned ed
ucation, whlrh 'perhaps Is . enod
questions discussed above was de
rived from Lieutenant C. O. Bunnell
of Portland, who before he left for
Serbia with the Bed Cross the other
day gave me his views on the ques
tion. "Why is It that some of our boys
are taking home a bad ijnpression of
France 7"
Herewith I quote the response of
this army man from our own section
of America. While I may not agret
with all he says, his statements are
interesting and aid In putting the
light on some problems of soldier
life in France and might be true re
garding some Americans. Let the
reader Judge.
Said Lieutenant Bunnell:
"Upon landing at the station they
are taken in charge by the Y. M. C. A.
and given lodging and-a place to eat
where they will not have to pay ex
cessive prices, but the T.' cannot
keep an eye on them all the time and
can only offer Its services. He goes
out to see the life of the city and here
is what he sees; the Place and Ave
nue de l'Opera. the boulevards Ces
Italiens and St. Penis, possibly the
Place de la Republique and certainly
the Champs Elysees. All these he
visits in the evening when they are
aswarm with butterfly life. They
don't get in till morning and Sammy
is too tired to take any sight-seeing
trip before noon.
"In the afternoon he takes the trip
about town with the T." and gets a
tallyho idea of the general character
of the city. The party stops at the
different points of Interest and he
loads up on postcards and views of
the things that are hidden therein
but which, owing to the war. he can
not see. This evening Is much the
same as the one before with the ex
ception that he probably goes to the
Casino and winds up the night at
Montmartre in one of the all-night
shows, staged especially for Ameri
cans and other foreigners with money
to spend. '
"This second morning he is again
too tired to take any morning trip.
ism W3
I y'
i Fourth
The New No. 5 Woodstock
is a combination of the best fea
tures of six modern typewriters.
See the WOODSTOCK before you
304 Oak Street. Bdwy. 27 A.
The Moat Cowiplete Repair !aop la
the ( Ity.
Buy a Watch
Save Time and
"Whether you are in store, of
fice, plant or mill, you need
and should have an accurate
I have a large stock of good
watches Elgins, Walthams,
Hamilton and Howards. You
can buy a watch from me on
very easy terms. Come in this
week and let me show you
these fine time-savers.
My $50 and $100 Diamond
Rings Have No Equal
Largest Diamond Dealer
in Oregon
Opposite Owl Drag Compaay.
but sleeps till near noon. After noon
he takes the trip to the Pantheon de
la Guerre. Napoleon's tomb and
through the Latin quarter. As his
money is getting short he eats at the
'Y.' hotel in the evening and goes to
the opera.
"Next morning (his last in the
city) he thinks about those souvenirs
for the homefolks he was going to
send from Paris, so, having passed a
grand array of shops the day before on
the Rue Kivoli, hies him that way and
searches out a place where English
is spoken and proceeds to buy. He
knows he is being stung, but he Is a
Yank and this is Paris, so he buys.
Afternoon, if he has the time, he
takes the trip to Versailles.
"This winds 'up his leave and he
takes the night train with some not
very complimentary Ideas of Paris.
He figures Parts is the most immoral
city on earth, that the much preached
trench politeness Is only a fable and
that the whole race is a set of graft
ers. Why?
"The shows he attended and the
dives he visited are staged for the
especial benefit of the foreigner and
patronized almost exclusively by him.
The average Frenchman is vaguely
aware that they exist. The shops at
which he did his buying are operated
for the foreign and tourist trade and
no sane Parislenne would think of
going onto the Rue du Rlvoli and
paying the prices asked in some of
the small shops there. The only
French people he met while in the
city were of that class who make
their living about the boulevards and
bright lights.
"Apply this case to your home city
or any city, and find if you consider
his conclusions Just to Paris. If our
soldier had followed out the pro
gramme laid out by the 'Y.' and other
welfare organizations and consulted-
them on where to do his buying he
would have gone away with a great
many more sous In his pockets and
much more respect for the big city
and its people. There are many argu
ments on both sides of this question,
but if investigated and given the
proper thought I believe we will find
ourselves as much to blame as the
French. Truly, though, we have gotten
on wonderfully well. Where in all
human history can you find a record
of two families living In the same
house for two years without a bit of
Miss Lucile Messner Puts Out Army
Hospital Publication.
Editing an army hospital news
paper Is the task of Miss Lucile Mess
ner, an Oregon girl who has been at
tached to the reconstruction division
of the United States army for the past
eight months. Miss Messner, whose
home is in Kedford, Or., is editor-in-chief
of Tenshun Zi, an ' eight-page
sheet published weekly for the pa
tients and personnel of Army General
Hospital 21, Denver, Colo.
Miss Messner was a student in the
first class in occupational therapy to
be given by Reed College. She was
appointed a reconstruction aide last
February and stationed at Fort Des
Moines, la., for six months. Early in
August she was transferred to the
army hospital at Denver and after
five weeks of work on that post was
made editor of the hospital publi
Miss Messner is a former Univer
sity of Oregon girl, having majored in
jornalism at that Institution.
A Most Unusual Offering
Places This $25 Victrola
in Your Home
"KTOW every home in Portland may enjoy a Victrola, for
Powers have made buying terms irresistibly generous.
Here Is the Plan
You make an initial payment of 5c and we deliver the
Victrola to your home.
Each week add 5c to the payment thus the second week
it amounts to 10c, the third week 15c, and so on, until a dol
lar is reached the balance to be paid at the rate of a dollar
a week. .
Make Your Selection
at Powers Tomorrow
and enjoy the evenings you will be spending at home from
now on.
Sample Sale Announcement
Willow, Reed and Fiber Furniture Sharply Reduced
"PyVERY lover of home recognizes the
cheering effect of Willow and Reed
furniture. This type of furniture with
its gay cretonne upholstering invari
ably has a cheering influence upon
the room in which it is placed and
upon those who occupy it.
TN this collection backs and seats are
comfortably padded and there's de
lightful variety in color and pattern
of the upholstering; Choice of rich
Old Ivory or Frosted Brown finish.
The girl who "rooms out" as, well as
the housewife, will deeply enjoy the
possession of one of these pieces.
$23.50 Sample Willow Rockers go at. .
$24.75 Sample Willow Rockers go at.
$28.75 Sample Reed Chairs go at. : . . .
$19.75 Sample Reed Chairs go at
$29.25 Sample Willow Rockers go at.
$24.25 Sample Fiber Rockers go at. . .
$27.25 Sample Fiber Rockers go at. . .
$29.75 Sample Fiber Chairs go at. . . .
$19.85 Sample Fiber Chairs go at
And dozens of other pieces not listed here have been reduced
I o o
o Sf- ' o
3 o
SMOOTH egg-shell finish
Ivory dresser in charming
period style of very desirable
pattern. Good case construc
tion; large true mirror and
roomy drawers. A delightful
piece for the daughter of the
house, wholl be very proud of
her Ivory dresser.
e-fiece Uak Dining ff O O CA
Room Suite -4)77.JV
rm ill
I j M '"
$10 Cash -$2 Weekly
A large, well-arranged buffet, a dining room table that seats ten
persons when extended, and six slip-seat box frame chairs up
holstered in Spanish leatherette. No arm chair as shown in illustra
tion the chairs of this suite are matched. The suite is in the stately
Colonial style,, substantial and. of selected oak stock that takes a
fine finish.
SOLID oak style merits the ex
cellent construction that dis
tinguishes this rocker. Full
spring seat of comfort. Similar
to picture, except front posts '
are plain not turned, and panel
TrELL-CHOSEN RUGS Impart a delightful atmosphere to the
VV home. Our new fall stocks give you choice of rich colors,
subdued to a point befitting floor coverings in patterns that will
give you increasing pleasure in your ownership of them.
V ??0 C) is a moderate price for a
QOSrtjU Room - Size Velvet Rug.
Measures full 9x12 feet and there are six patterns from which to
make a selection. Terms: J5.00 cash tl weekly.
f J C f)f) gives you a Velvet Rug of
4i 0.11 exceedingly nice quality.
A good choice of patterns, harmoniously colored, await your choos
ing. Terms: $10 cash $1 weekly.
Choose Your Fall Rug
Now Pay for It Later
The Volume of Our
Heater Business Makes Credit
Terms Very Inviting
HOMES are made warm and
cheery without imposing any hard
s h i p on the wage earner. Our
stock consists of every type of
heater of intensified practicalness
and there's a full line of sizes to
accommodate every home.
This Week Our
Heater Offer Is
No. 20 Opal Wood
U nderpriced at
On Terms of
$1 Cash, $1 Weekly
Heavy steel body, cast top and bottom, heavy cast linings a heat
holder of merit, lrge feed door that lakes good size chunks of
wood swing-off top": Neatly trimmed good looking as it is useful.
for Extra Quality Wilton
Rugs in full room size.
Most housewives are familiar with the durability of Wilton Rugs.
These are 9x12 room size and a number of patterns invite your
inspection. Terms: $15 cash $2 weekly.
$ 225
a yard for Room and
Stair Carpet to match.
Twenty plain colors and fancy patterns to choose from. We'll
carpet your rooms and floors on a small initial payment and very
generous terms of extended credit.
.p Ufct tct xvecU at ftttfeVi!. 1
Introducing New Fall Draperies
A Big Assortment of
Cretonnes 39c Yard
. TTRACTIVELY PATTERNED for fall uses, and of a quality
i- valued at 75c a yard. T-eds of yards to go at this unusual
The A-B Fipeless Furnace Heats
a 6 to 8-Room House
rTEALTHFULLT, too. Clean outdoor air Is transformed Into
tl clean, moist heat that circulates throuch your home and main
tains an even, agreeable temperature. A-B superiorities over other
furnaces of similar type consist of
Larger fuel capacity,
Larger air delivery
Larger combustion chambers
Larger radiation surface
Greater weight
Its installation does' not deprive you of yoirr basement storeroom
the basement remains a .cool, safe place for your preserves, etc.
Powers Will Install the A-B Furnace,
Guarantee It, and Give You a
Year to Pay for It
Immense Assortments
of Winter Bedding
Blankets and Comforts
in Many Weights at
Graded Prices
The Finest and Largest
Stock of
Baby Furniture
In the Pacific Northwest
at Powers