20 TIIE SUNDAY OHEGONIAX, PORTLAND, SEPTEMBER 2S, 1010. BUSINESS OITORTIMTIFM. DANDY GRUCKRY AND LIGHT LUNCH. Brick tin i Id i n g. corner location ; rent J25; nirp stock and fixtures; price $N3tl. 4J R Ot B R Y AND C N F K CI lONKRY. In a partmen i - house district, west side, doing line business; rent $0U; will in voice about $25hii; don't fail to see this. DANDY LITTLE FRUIT AND TOIiA(.'Cu STANI'. On (rood nr ner. doing uud bus! iu'sh; rent is : price $ 12oo. 4 1 R 4 C E R Y AND l,l('H ROuM. Near car barns, doing m business of bout $35 a day: J living rooms in rfar; rent only S12.50; for quick sale I JIBSTAL'RAST. On Fi rst st reet, doing a business of about $40 or $." a day: must sMl on ac count of sickness; rent only Mu i price ?M0. R KSTA V R A NT. flood loranou. tioinc a business of $35 to $tu day; dandy place for a cot-pie i oi iauit-H; rnt milv sao; price 4Uo. CA KB. In the b'Kt hold in southern Ore son, only 1 bloi-k from depot, doing a busi nsa of In-1 ween 1 aim and tjoo a month: present owner can not handle on account of other business; free rent; Rood rhnn'P for first-class restaurant man to step right in a well-established business. n ly $2iHl. hkkuke iu yim; elskwiierb see, B U S IXKS.S .SBRVl C K . 317 Henry Bidg. -Main 6797. CITY OARACK. One of the most thoroughly equipped Iti Portland; excellent location; new brick building; good lease, low rent ; is now running at fullest capacity; owner leaving the state ; $4250 can do the business. CONFECTIONERY STORE. Neatest in the city. doing good busi ness; ran be increased; fine location; good lease; price $2100. COUNTRY STORE. One of the best buys in the state, best part of the Willamette valley; Mock a bout 350U ; store building, dw ell ing, ground and all for $5o00, or might tell stock and lease store. SANITARIUM. Completely equipped for treatment of F peri a I diseases. Price $35MI. WATCH OUR ADS; WE GET RESULTS. F. KI ERDON, R 1 TT E R. I .O W E : CO. . 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. INVESTIGATE THIS "M INK OF MERIT." "SILVER AND LEAD." HIGH-GRADE MINING PROPERTY. NEAR SMELTER AND R. R. MIll'I'lMi ORE ; NO V OPEN. WILL RUN Altdt'T $2h0 PER CAR. ( X N -R ESI DENT OWN KRi N EEL'S SMALL FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE (NOT SELLING STOCK); OFFER YOU LI R ERAL PROFIT AND SECURITY; $:t500 J or I.ABnR AND E(.TI I'M E NT IS AMPLE TO ENABLE I ' S TO SHIP ORE AT GREAT PROFIT nit fLYiMiu 1. A E S TMKNT SECURES TO YOU Cii x -I ROE AND MANAGEMENT. "MINING M EN" (OR TH ER-i I N VEST H; ATE J NY ESTM E N'T SE M'RED. A DDR ESS "SI LVER PR P ERTY," CARE OF B 720, OK E SON I A N. CIGAR STORES. js;.mi Ru.-y corner, wiili t h ree rooms. Sn.-.h N...JI- in. doing daily. ?1 loo Washington street ; sacrifice prk-e. Exact renter of Portland, i ASH GROCERY STORES. M35t Corner, with throe rooms, near in. jc-jonn Corner, with 4 rooms, near in. SJimhi Washington street, busy corner. $ J500 A partition! house and grocery, CARL E. TLGUI.K. 212-213 Henry Hldg. Main SR32. G ROCBR Y to exchange for w hen t land ; stork will i n voice a bout S30O0; will pay cash balance to J5uop. Grocery. west side, rlose in; doing big business; $40O(l cash for quick sale. M to f luii a day. See this Monday. A money maker. Grocery in state of Washington, doing business of $3tuni a month; property and stork will invoice about $tinoo. Will trade for good Portland income prop erty; would like house and lot. JOHN P. WESTON, .. o30 N. W. Ba n k Bldg. MR. HOG MAN WE ARE OFFERING- FOR SALE AT LESS THAN HALF THE ORIGINAL COST OUR COMPLETE OUTFIT FOR RAISING AND FEEDING HOGS. INCLUDING- SHEDS. FEEDING PENS. 2 TON TRUCK AND SCA LES. THIS PLACE WILL ACCOMMODATE 710 HOGS AND IS MIDWAY BETWEEN THE CITY AND UNION STOCKYARDS. KENTON FEEDER CO.. UNION STOCKS. NORTH PORTLAND, OREGON. SUCCESSFUL OPERATING. OARAGE REPAl R SHOP. ETC. FIRST-CLASS, NEW EQUIPMENT AND MODERN BUILDING. OFFERS UNUSUAL OPEN ING FOR MECHANIC. INVESTMENT A BOUT 354iii. B h)K'S OPEN TO RIGHT PARTY. HIGH-CLASS REFER ENCES GIVEN AND REQUIRED MAN NEEDED MORE THAN MONEY. AD DRESS W ."mm. OREGONIAN. WO .V D E R FV L OPPORTUN I T Y. Nifiy conf.-rtionery store doing a busi ness of Sls.ooo a year; good location in good tow n : re-.it only $;. per month ; si..' of tore I'Oxlon ft. ; good fixtures and well equipped kitchen for making candy; prire abou t $35Mt ; must sell at once: other business demands attention. Ad. The Rose. Roseburg. Or. DRUG STORE at invoice; $4000 to $5000; fixtures belong to building owner; will reduce stock to $3000 if desired ; doing big business; will accept income prop erty in payment. Store on a busy cor ner. JOHN P. WESTON CO., 3 N. W. Bank Bldg. M' ANTED A i-alesman or bright business man w ho wants to become interested personally and financially in a pros perous and money making exclusive sales business. To the right man a splendid opportunity is offered. High est credentials exchanged. X 90, Ore gon! an. MERCHANDISE STORE DOING r $:tn.tiutl YEAR. Store, warehouse, H-room house. 1 acre land, garage and barn ; 10-year lease at 35 per month; located on Pacific high way; will sell stock at invoice; good buy. M r. Henry, Alder hotel. Main COUNTRY STORE ON HIGHWAY. Store 30x45, warehouse, G living rooms, 1L- acre of land in cultivation; wagon scales and ail store-fixtures fr $--ioo- sell stock at invoice; doing $14,0o0 per i . ee mis at once. Mr. Henry A id e r h o t e I . Main T 1' 7 5. BE INDEPENDENT Chiropractic doctors earn ?:iooo to $0000 yearly, work for voursel: ; this good paying profession quickly learned by correspondence, low rates, easy terms, illustrated book and charts i ree. American Universitv, 107 Manirre bldg., Chicago. MAN and wife to handle restaurant; good rooms to live in ; you could add erocer- is. confectionery and have a fine busi ness; east side location; $1000 cash, bal ance easy terms. Weston, 6o0 X. W. n;t!!K n : n g. CIGAR and confectionery. $1 750. on ennH downtown corner; two others at $800 ani j.iouo. eston, U30 W. Bank OKI g. ItiiMne Opportunities Wanted. HA V E S.'hHI with my services to put into a legit i mate business ; tell all in letter; no agents, owners only. AL 4-4, Ore gon !Htl. WANT to buy weil equipped country nws paper in agricultural section; must Htuntl investigation: state all first letter. AG o... n-rgonian. WANT to buy arr interest in small cash and-carry grocery, restaurant or other business that will make a reasonable income. j-' ,. t . regonlan. 1 HAVE Siouo to :;ooo to invest in a le KMimaip ousiness. enner an or half in terest, rvo agents. Address T "14. Orego nian. ! WI LT purchase whole or part interest restaurant, lunch-room. No notice taken unw-ss location and price stated. B 800, 're?"iii n. W A N T E I Piir-lui.se real estate business, tnose specializing in trades preferred G .":cj. orponin. CASH buyer for grocery store, west side only consiuerea. 1 nomson, 60-l!l Henry mtig. WANT to buy a small restaurant bv owner 41 N. :id St.. city Phone A i:0.".7. Call r rank N isii. HAVE some money and services to invest 111 any reasonanie proposition. Give tul cetitils. AG -54, Oi'epor. ian. "VVOI'LD lika to buy or make connections wi: n jocai insurance agency. B Si;; Oregon ia n. WANT lo buy fuel business or would consider buying into an established f il com pa ny. J 32S, Oregon ia n. WILL pay $400o to $5000 cash on a cen trally located hotel or a good apartment house. AH 5S!, Oregonlan. WANT a confectionery store, light grocery or other small business that I ca-n handle for SHioQ t ash. V 502. Qregonian. EN PERI ENCED chef would like to rent furnished dining room or restaurant. K 1 6, Oregon ian. W ANT to buy a retail lumber or would consider buying into an established yard. H 212. Oregonian. WA NT barber shop ; must be good and cheap, ca&h. , W 562, Oregonlan. BVSINKSS OI'I-ORTINITIKS Bu&lness Opimrtunities Wanted. WE IAVK Immediate buyer for parage up to $25. nun. Would consider partner or buy outright. OREGON BUSINESS & FINANCIAL. CO.. 448 Morgan bids. WE HAVE immediate l.u yer for a clothing store or dry poods store up lo $ 2 5,4(4 hi in city suburbs or valley. OliEGON Bl 'SIN KSS & FINANCIAL CO.. i 448 Morgan bldg. WANTED. Merchandise businets up to $10,000. Garage business up to SoUUO. Cash grocery up to $5000. Picture theater up to ."00O. "i-jiir store up to $"000. Wnat have you to offer? I have clients waiting. CA RL E. TUGGLE. 2V2-'2VA Henry Bldg. Main 8SrJ. OWNERS. TAKE NOTICE. Whn you get tired having others try to sell vou out see J. Bruce Goddard. ."hi' Couch bldg. Mr. Goddard has a svgteni of selling different. He'll get re sults with less trouble to you than in any ot her way. List yours. A YOUNG business man with ! years road experience with large manufacturing con cern has from $:.ono to JoniHi to invest in a manufacturing plant or half inter est in hardware or parage; must stand a thorough investigation. E 007, Orego nian. PA RTY with sufficient capital desires purchase interest in real estate business or secure services of energetic man who is posted in Portland realty values and acquainted with property owners. AH r o . Oregon 1 an. ACTIVE, mill. -aged man has $.UO or less to invest with services; used to wait on on public, in business ail his ufe; proposition must be square and stand investigation; Al rp. What have you? W 7.V.), Oregon ia m I WANT to buy direct from owner, a ga rage or repairshop. either in Port. and or a country town: will pay eaan : wou.V consider a partnership with reliable pa rt y. AtiareHM l o 1 1, v-" rnvi""" H A E $L'tjno, perhaps more, which I would like to invest with services in Home es tablished business; give lull details iu vol- r letter. U --' Oregon ian. WOULD invest S10O0 to $:i0O0 in profitable, legitimate business carrying office posi tion, in or out of city; must stand close investigation. Hi oresonmn. AM willing 10 oe shovwi Rood business tliat will bear investigation. G .".47. Oregonlan. ""storks and Bonds. ' $J5 BUYS shares of capital stock of American Lifeograph " company of Port land. r. Address Frank Mugno, tox- parK. w yo. Hotel and RooSniinR Houwea. THESE ARE PORTLAND'S BEST BHP. jo rooms, hot and cold water In rooms, heated. Electricity. Clean and new-like. Cnmpletelv furnished. Regular place. Prire $i7"0, $1immi down. Clears ?l-,s above every expense, besides providing home. VJ large rooms, hot -wa ter heat, hot and cold w-ater in rooms, electricity, lovely bHsement. corner house, reason able rent ; painted and decora ted throughout. Price $i:;00. Positively the hest lii tie a part men! house in cit v. 1J rooms, very close in, $1immi; has new electric range and will make lovely home and good income; first time of fered in :t years ; idea n. 1 4 rooms. White Temple district. $sno down will handle it ; -lovely place, furnace, elec tricity, homelike, iront ana uhck. jaio. hard to beat. l: rooms. $115"; very close in. yard and !i pullets, eggs the vear round; well furnished; a good one. 1U large rooms. Ir0. easy terms; among the millionaires in Nob Hill dis trict ; large, fine yard ; lears ?00. 15 rooms with running water, $sih; only takes ?15oo to handle this; clean it up and get $ i -o for it ; owner too old. U; rooms, '75. half cash; clears t70 and provides good home: stove heat, large garden in; good location. 1U beau tiful new rooms, new furniture, steady roomers, very n ice, homelike. lo rooms, upper fiat, swell Stuff, roomers only ; you'll like it. 10 rooms, bath and. show er bath; good corner; $150, $5uo down. The above are exclusively with this office and are right or we would not spend our time selling them. The fact that I offer them for sale is a guaran tee that they are right. Get in my au tomobile and I will show them. J. BRUCE GODDARD. 001-2 COUCH BLDG. MAIN 4557. THE PACIFIC AGENCY. INC. 514 to 51 S wet land Bldg. $ 1,000 11 rooms, good location. low reht, always filled. furniture anil fixtures in fine shape. Clears loo per month above everything. $ 2,600 JO rooms, very low rent, good lease. A workingman's hotel, but good for $-00 a month. Fine location. $ o.oOO III rooms, rent surprisingly low, a modern place, furniture Al, fine brick building, steam heat. H. and C. water, call bells, ideal location. Good for $:Um a month. $ 5,500 ot rooms, fine location, new carpet s. good furniture, sub let lower part of building for more than the rent. Weil -appearing brick building, always filled. Can clear 40O month easily. $ G.SO'J 150 rooms, large dining-room, first -class furniture and fix tures. ;t-story brick building, sub-let $275, making rent very low. Good for $5uu a month. Very good terms. $11.000 75 rooms, Washington st. loca tion, fine furniture and fixtures. Good lease wit h low rent. Clears $7u to $000 a month. Some terms. THE PACIFIC AGENCY. INC. 514 to 510 Swetland Bldg. 48 APARTMENTS, modern fireproof build ing in best renting district ; long lease; low rent ; automatic elevator, private balconies, etc. Exceptional buy at $14U0. SO modern apartments; modern brick corner. Rent $:i00. Lease. Oil burner furnace. Completely furnished. Price $550o; terms. OS rooms; modern brick corner; re tail district, west side. Rent $400; long lease. Price $4000; terms. 72 rooms, fine, west side brick corner; ground floor lobby,; several private baths; big money maker. Price $13,000; terms. Many others; all sizes, prices, and lo cations. YATES REALTY CO., 24fl 4TH ST. ANOTHER FINE ONE. til'-room apartment house. white pressed -brick cor. bldg., absolutely mod ern, well furnished, clean as a pin: win ter fuel all in ; rent only $275 month : 2 and S-room apartments ; nets about $450. See Mrs, Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon bldg. FINE FURNITURE. 10-ROOM HOUSE. 1 BLOCK FROM HIPPODROME THEA TER. HEART OF CITY. CHEAP FOR CASH OR MIGHT TAKE A HOUSE UP TO $700 OR $800 CENTRALLY LO CATED IN VANCOUVER. CALL 446 TAYLOR, MAIN 2175. P. O. BOX 868. TF YOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL Business. Hotel, Rooming or Apartment House of any kind, anywhere, see F. HI ERDON. WATCH OUR ADS. WE GET RESULTS. HITTER. LOWE & CO.. 20;t-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. FIRST-CLASS. 24 3-room apartments, beautifully fur nished; nets $5Hi; absolutely modern cor. pressei-oricK oicig. ; private Oath to every apartment. Price $S500. terms. See -Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yeon bldg. FOR SALE OR TRADE Do you want a good paying hotel? One of the best paying hotels in Oregon for sale or trade by the owner ; will sell on easy terms or will trade for merchandise store or real estate. What have you? Write for particulars to C. W. Wallace, urass valley, or. 20-ROOM SPECIAL 20. Good furniture ; clean house, full good tenants. A No. 1 location, near au ditorium; several sinks and kitchenette ; water handy on each floor; low rent; well arrangen. part terms. HEDGES. 2S2 TAYLOR. FOR QUICK SALE. List your hotels, apartment and room ing houses- with us. We have cash buyers waiting for your propositions. See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOOJE CO.1007 Yeon Bldg, FOR SALE The f uniture tt a 21 -room strictly modern brick hotel catering to transient trade and auto highway. Have 40 regular boarders, 2 in a room. Thj only hotel in town; large lawn, garden Rent reasonable. Sickjaess reason for selling. H. A., Box 4617 Carlton, Or. 44-ROOM hotel. splendid location, al ways full, hot and cold water, steam heat, corner building, nets $300 month. 1 1 fi.o". See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. loo7 Y'eon Bldg. FURNISHED 27 rooms, clearing $15o per rnonin; i"" nannies n; no agents. Unless you mean business do not apply. nil n 1. iii-ftuinnii. HOTEL Good money-maker. well fur nished, in good location; will sell on easy terms on account or poor nealtn. Al dioutgoiuery, inufc-neiu or. BUSINESS OI'PORTO'ITIES Hotel and Rooming Houses. A. J. LeFOREST & CO., o 2 0-321 HENRY' BLDG. MAIN 261a BUYERS ATTENTION. If vou wish to buy a business and haven't sufficient capital, see us. we will help -finance any good proposition if purchased through our office. SPECIAL BARGAINS. 122-ROOM HOTEL. Corner brick building with elevator. Downtown location. N W. heal: 41-yi-ar lease with reasonable rent. $0000 down, balance yearly payments. !."-ROOM APARTMENT HOUSE. One of the a well est apart men ts in the city, best of furniture and carpets, mak ing $5(io a month net; :i or 5-year lease. Price is right at $0000, part time. A GOOD INVESTMENT. For a man and wifu, rooms and of fices with good lease, at a rental of $4no a month. Pays better than $."50 a month net. $6000 handles it. HiO-ROOM APARTMENT HOUSE. Modern brick building in easy walking distance. 34 apartments, all 2s and is, with private bath and phone in earh; rent $;;50; good lease. Price $0000, $4500 down, balance to suit. 00-ROOM APARTMENT HOUSE. Nob Hiii district, brick building with elevator: rent very reasonahle. Price only 7500, $4000 down, balance as you make it. 00-ROOM APARTMENT HOUSE. Nice lit t le place of 2S modern apart ments, Price $5500. part time. 55 ROOMS. $2Oft. Workingman's hotel; rent $125; locat ed in South Portland; will give good terms. A LITTLE HOTEL. Exceptional ly attractive brick build ing, west side, .'.4 rooms, best of furni ture and carpets, running water and ft earn heat. The location can't be beat for either steady or transient roomers. If you have $4"(0 cash see this at once. 40-ROOM S TRANSIENT. Right down town, big money-maker. Price $:i500. part time. ' 27 ROOMS. Near the Willamette Stel Iron works, caters to men only, steady room ers. Rent $40. Price $2500, $1500 down, balance monthly. SMALL APARTMENT HOUSE. 24 rooms all on one f : nor; brick build ing; rent $70; income $225. Price $1850, pan time. 18 ROOMS A BA RGA IN. The best of carpets and furniture, run ning water in all th rooms; good lo cation: clears $15ii a month, with chance for increase. $2400 handles it. WHITE TEMPLE DISTRICT. Good money-maker, requires all cash. hFt of locations: always full; all light rooms, most have running water. Price of furnishings $:1250. ? ? WHY WORRY ? ? When you need rnpital. want a part ner or wish to sell your business, wc can help you. Give us a call. WE BUY CHATTEL MORTGAGES. HIGH-CLASS HOT EL. Most complete modern hotel in Port land: verv best of furnishings; good brick building: first-class location: run ning 54t per rent transient and .always full ; will furnisli long lease; nets $2U00 -per month; $20,000 will do business. SMALL TRANSIENT HOTEL. Modern brick building, located in the hart of west side business district ; 32 rooms, completely and well furnished; good lease; fair rent; $44100 to handle. 145-ROOM HOTEL. Completely furnished and equipped with first-class lobby and dining room and kitchen: now running and full of steady guests; this property M block, new brick modern hotel. Can be handled with. $20.01 n. balance 6 per cent and very reasonable terms. 26-ROOM BARGAIN. Fine little downtown transient hotel, all on one floor; suitable for woman to ha ndle alone ; good lease .at $70 per month; $2500 to do business. APARTMENT HOUSES. SO apartments, all 2, 3 and 4 -room apartments; well furnished; modern new corner brick building; 5-year lease; rent $375 ; nets over $4U0 per month; $6000 talks. ( 145-ROOM APARTMENT HOUSE. 2 and 3-room a part men tK, well fur nished ; fine brick bui Iding ; strictly modern: 5-year lease at $0OU per month; $7ouo can do business. ROOMING HOUSES. Several, both sleeping and house keeping; all parts of the city. F. Rl ERDON. BITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. HOTELS AND ROOMING HOUSES. 15 h. k. rooms, walking distance, rent $50 a month; price $1100, $550 will handle. 36-room apartments, good location; price $1650. IS rooms, west side. $15410. 22 rooms In heart of city. S2504?. 2S rooms, good location, S2600. 37 rooms, west side, $ 3 500. 72 rooms and dining room, has 65 steady boarders; 8 baths. Price $4500. ATLAS BUSINESS AGCY, &. RLTY. CO., 1 10 tioara 01 iraie oiug. ;iain .":ii... HOTEL 73 rooms, all furnished, 100 beds, hot and cold water, steam heated, - stone building, dining room and soft drink parlor in connection ; income about $540 per week ; rents for $15(1 per month ; lo cated in the very best industrial part of Portland; price $54)00; investigate this place; It Is a monev-maker. JOHN MALONE, McClure & Schmauch Co. Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 1503. T R A N S I E N T H OT E L B A RG A I NS. 30 strictly modern rooms, central lo cation, clearing $400 month; $4mm to handle. 50 very elegantly furnished rooms on Washington street. $675o, terms- 30 rooms, semi -modern, $240' 1. 22 strictly modern rooms, first time on market for 8 years. Others all sizes, all prices. BRUCE GODDARD. .502 COUCH BLDG. 12 ROOMS, all H. K.; rent $35; electricity; lurnace; very uesiraute nome. besides in come: $6U0 down. 21 rooms, all H. K. : furnace; rent $45; real money-maker; $ 13'0. 13 rooms, mostly H. K. ; rent $40; fur nace, electricity: good furniture; good clean home; cash bargain. $1250. THOMSON. 4,i'0-L-l Henry bldg. BARGAIN HUNTERS. Here it is ; 20 rooms, heart of city, steam heat, running water some rooms, clean and neat as a pin, turns away 20 people a day, a sure money maker, all for $1300, easy terms. Peters, 15 N. oth st. 38-ROOM commercial hotel, f ullv fur nished; 3Vfe-year lease; rent $125 per month; doing a good business; proprietor must sell because of pursuit of other business. Price $1200. CALL OX ITS. H. H. UHDAHL CO. (INC.), Main 6252. 322 Abington Bldg. REAL SWELL. 10 rooms with kitchenette to every one. This place exceptionally well fur nished, nets $ 100. Price $1400. $000 cash, downtown location. See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. loi7 Yeon Bldg. HOTEL BARGAIN. $5000 cash will handle only hotel at R. R. and steamer line terminal ; rooms, parlor, office, dining room and kitchen, all furnished complete; come in and see photograph of property. Including ' block ground . 44 14 McKay bldg. ROOMING HOUSE for sale by owner, lo cated in business district of Vancouver, Wash.: 21 rooms, nicely furnished and alw ays rented : place is clearing $200 per month; this will stnnd closest in vestigation. Inquire 3US W. St h st.. Vancouver. Wash. ON ACCOUNT of sickness wili sacrifice my rooming house of 11 rooms which consists mostly of housekeeping apart ments, price $s00. some terms; rent only $45 per month; good income. AH 587. Oregonian. HIGH CLASS. 12 Tooms elegantly furnished, rent $50. Absolutely modern. 11 boarders, making fine money, swell location. See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOOR E CO., Im7 Y'eon Bldg. ATTENTION JAPANESE! We have one strictly modern hotel and one housekeeping apartment we can lease to you. SCOTT-BO WDEN CO.. 431 Chamber of Commerce Ridg. ALL HOUSEKEEPING. 24 rooms, rent only $5ti. close In. White Temple district, net profit $140 month. Price $220". See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE 4'Q., loo? Teon Bldg. 18 ROOMS. $2i per month: small rooms; old frame bldg. ; on S. W. corner 14th and Petfvgrove sts. RITTER. LOWE & CO. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Hldg. SNAP it taken at once, furniture and lease of 30-roopi hotel, nit 1st sell in 1 o da vs. called out of town, cheap for cash. Ad dress 313 1 W ashlngton st., Vu ncou ver, Wat a. BUSINKSX OriORTl'MTIKX. Hotels mnt Rooming Houses, SCOTT-BO WDEN CO.. 431 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. HOTELS. APARTMENTS. ROOMING HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF N THE CITY. HIGH-CLASS APARTMENTS. 120 rooms modern brick apartment, located close In on the west aide: new; 5-yea r lease. The furniture and fur nishings are all excellent, and th net income is close to $5oQ per month. This is one of our best close in buys and worth investigation. Price $0500. $5000 handles. SMALL APARTMENT. C.2 morns, apartments, mostly 2s; rent $:;im. with good lease. This propo sition is first-class and won't last long at this, price .Price $5o00( terms. SMALL HOTEL. 30-room. corner, brick; location ts the best in the city and a new 2-year lease goes with it ; the furnishings are all of the very best and in first-class condi tion. Hot and cold water, call bells In all the rooms: N. W. heat. Clears over $300 per month. Price $5500. HOUSEKEEPING. 42 rooms; location close In on west side: rent $75 with 2 -year lease; fur nishings ane all in good rent ing condi tion ani this place clears 2i over all expenses. Price $3500. $2500 handles. MODERN MONEY-MAKER. 2S rooms, rent $lu0: close in, west side; steam heat, hot and cold water In rooms, excellent furnishings and mak ing between $250 and $300 per month over all expenses. Price $33U0. $2500 handles. 12 ROOMS. Furnished in heavy oak furniture; fur nace heat, electric lights, running water in apartments. This is an extra nice homelike place and a good income is assured. Price $13541. 7 ROOMS. Located In Broadway, very rlose In; furnishings are very good and this is a nice, clean place; electric lights. Price $650. LISTEN! WE HAVE OVER 5t SMALL HOUSES ON OUR LIST FROM 7 TO 20 ROOMS. WE CAN SUIT YOI7 IF YOU ARE IN THE MARKET FOR A SMALL ROOM ING HOUSE. OUR LISTING PHONE IS MAIN 6127. SCOTT-BO WDEN CO., 431 Chamber of 4'ommerce Bldg. LOOK AT THIS. 13S-room apartment house, fine cor. brick bldg.. mostly 2 and 3-room apart ments; rent trifle over $4 per room : 3 ve;.rs lease; net profit between $7o0 and $04i. Price $16.noi), rplendid terms. See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO., loo7 Y'eon bldg M RS. M. E. LENT. HOTEL AND APARTMENT-HOUSE BROKER. If you wish to buy or sell, come In and talk it over; 12 years in this business in Portland, enables me to give you at lsf act orv servire. 723-24 Northwestern Bank bldg. BEST YE T. OS -room apa r! ment house, white pressed -brik building. up to da to in every respect, well furnished, making net profit a bout $6uo month: big waiting list; close in. Prire $1.otio, $5000 down. See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO., ll7 Yeon bldg. DOWNTOWN MONEY MAKER. 70-room hotel, hot and cold water in a II rooms, modern cor. brick bid g.. nets 3:500 month. Price $7500. $40U0 will .handle. See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO., !Oo7 Yeon Bldg. T AM A NEW COMER and want to buy d irect from owner, a small rooming or apartment house. Have the caFh to pay. Sell wood 2552. A- BEAUTIFUL home of 14 rooms, lovely grounds, chicken yard, garden, s Lea in heat, all housekeeping: close in; rent $:;o; good furniture; $800. Phone Sell wood 2756. 10 ROOMS, K KITCHENETTES. Four blocks old P. O.. good furniture; always full : low rent ; large income; quick sale. Just $nn. no more. HEDGES, 2S2 TAYLOR. COME in and consult our list of room ing houses from lo to 15 rooms, too numerous to advertise. See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yeon Bldg. 15 ROOMS GOOD LOCATION. Near Union depot. Partly furnished, nice clean furniture. Lunch counter in connection. Low rent. Part transient. Only $575. Hedges. 282 Taylor st. 11 RO( MS. EXCEPTIONALLY GOOD.. CLEAN FURNISHINGS: CLEARS $75; RUNNING WATER; LEASE: ALL H. K $!MMl. TERMS. BROADWAY 976. r.sr, X. 22D." NO AGENTS. 16-ROOM hotel with boarders. Alwas full. Tr:i nsients more than pay ex penses. Terms will suit you. Hotel Atbina. 21 Albina ave. HOTEIj. 50 rooms, industrial district, 45 regular boarders Turning people away every day. $1960 cash. bal. terms. Owner, AN 822, Oregonian. BY OWNER 14-room apt. house, clearing $loo per mo.; always full; good furnish ings and clean: close in, west side lo cation. 151 Lownsdale. 40-ROOM hotel, modern brick, west side ; good furn i turf, low rent, lease ; prire right. Call 163', West Park bC Wells & Anderson. 15 rooms, rent $20. all housekeeping, clears $00 month. Price $554). See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yeon Bldg. 32-ROOM apartment house, good lease, fine furniture; close In. This can be bought on easy terms. See this before you buy. Call li;3 w. Park st. Wells & Anderson. J6- ROOM rooming house, fine location, low rent. 2 years lease, good furniture, goo4 buy. Call 163 Vx West Park au. Wells & Anderson. 5 ROOMS, hot and cold water, well fur nished, and a money-maker; will sacri fice for cash. Imperial hotel, Vancouver, Wash. I AM in the market for a small room ing or apartment house. Must be bargain. Have cash. What have you? Marshall 727. ROOMING-HOUSE OWNERS. I have cash and want one from ft to 30 rooms; am working, so phone Sunday or evenings. Tabor 4i48T. FOR SALE By owner, H-room house; this is good place for home and some profit, 4 rooms rented; good furniture. Call 587 Washington st. ROOM ING house. 24-room. brirk, fine lo cation; rent only $5o. completely fur nished; Rood money-maker. Price $1500. H . W. Ga rland 201 3d st., cor. Taylor. 15 ROOMS 15. Brick bldg.. heart of west side; all h. ' k. ; clear 150 month ; only $ 14)50, easy ler-ms. Peters. 13 N. 5th St. 11-R041M housekeeping, well located, fine furniture, low rent, lease. This is a good buy. Call 14)3 f West Park st. Wells & Anderson. LIST your rooming houses and hotels with us for quick results. 163 W. Park st Wells & Anderson. WANT rooming or apartment house, can pay $2000 to $3000 cash.. AH 501, Ore gonian. FOR SALE By owner. 10-room housekeep ing apartments, walking distance; cheap rent, .-wars nan j4. WE ARE having many cal !s for rooming nouses : 11st tnem wit n us lor results. GODDARD WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. SNAP 15 rooms, lease, good location, sale or traie tor nouse ana lot or acreage. Main 621. VVOI'LD like to hear from owner of hotel or apartment house that $3000 will 500. Oregonlan. IF YOU want to sell your rooming or apartment hous phone Main ."t60. H. If. W. Oaranrf, 201 3d St.. cor Taylor. FOR best bargains In rooming or apart ment houses see members of the Realty Board. Yates Realty Co.. 240 4th st. WEST SIDE rooming hoUe, good, clenn one. making money: $14j0O cash. Se N L. Hays. Weston. 630 X. W. Hank bldg. 7-ROOM rooming house. "Close in. A snap. 10th. Phone Broadway 22413. 20 ROOMS, fine furniture, rent $53; clean and all full. 244? Mon t gomery. 14 -ROOM hotel, mr.dorn. doing good busi ness. M rs. Mae Fox. Y'oncalla, Or. 1 1-ROOM modern rooming house, west side, close in. 173 N. 17th. Bdwy. 5711. FOit SALE bv ot tier. 15-room housekeep ing : rent M month. 06 North 21 st st. COST AND POUND. LOST Downtown district, Friday after noon, lady's brown mixed cloth suit belt. Finder please call Wdln. 4(130. LI BERAL reward for return of English Pointer lost Sept. 10. 302 E. 11th. East 24)6. LOST Keys on ring. engraved with serpent. Main 072S. evenings. REWARD for return of bloodhound pup taken from 320 Main st.. Main 1765. FOUND September 27. bicycle on Lin 11" ton road. Owner apply t.K7 Kearney st. LOST B:nrk sil k order hook. Phone or return Athens hotel. Reward. FOUND Laprobe, on street. Call Eust ::i4i. L st ti nest one ha r pin S-iturday ; lib eral reward. Call Main 2670. LOST AM) POUND. THL following articles have been found on cars of the Portland Railway, Light &l Power company, S pt. 26: 4 pur-. 2 keys, spectacles, achool tickets, pair gloves, box tomatoes, 4 packages, violin, battery, 2 suitcases. 1 lunch box, 5 um brellas. Owners ma v . obtain property "t First and Alder at. LOST On 5th St.. bet. Yamhill and the courthouse, lauy's brow u leather purse containing lau h gold watch and man's go.d nugget chain. $18 in bills and gas bi! L wit it name and add ress on. FiliUer please cal Wood lawn Jl.'.N or leave a, on Ice of Abnttai t Title Co., 205 til ark M.. receive liberal reward. LOST Sept. 21, ta 1-J' street car, pock et book t-outamiiK over 2o in grten barks and a. shipping eon tract of Hi roe carloads of tattle l rout Priiieville to J ten son Commission Co. Reward. Call K. K. Pric--. Imperial hotel. LOT Between E. 30ih and Morrison and S. P. waiting room on 4th st., or on S. I, electric to Hillsboro, a cr scent pin set wit h a met hyst and p ar a. Telephone 'Tabor 714:; liberal reward. LOST On Broadway, between new I'. O. and Washington m., ladies wat- h. Swiss movement, name. "Kva" engrawd inside case finder phone W oodlawu 5&O0 a i tor P. M. Reward. WILL party who found package with one yard velveteen pi case return same to Woolworth'a 15c store on Wash, st.: it was lor a child's hat and iu mother can't at ford the loss. LOST On the l.innion road. between Burlington and illst and Kearney sts., one Cole S rear axle, wheel and tire; liberal reward. Factory Motor Car Co. Main 5"61. REWARD and no questions for return of all papers in traveling bag taken from room 4o2 Clifford hotel. Sepu 23. 1'houo East 4727. LOST Sept. 25, on east title, bluebird pin. surrounded with pearls; vaait-d as a keepsake. Reward. Kat lUbO. or Ta bor 743SI. LOST Two Boy Scout medals for sell ing bonds and savings stamps, at West minster churcr. grounds e-r t.etwen j.here and 711 Wasco. E. 4lo3. Reward. BLACK bathing suit ami Turkish towel, on Flanders st., somewhere bet. ltith and 2tth ; also red silk bandana and cap. Call Bdwy. 121S or leave at 04) N. lOUi. LOST A green silk umbrella with alumi num frame, black handle, white ring. 11 ease Phone li 7124. Keepsake. Re ward. LOST Gray wolf fur on E. 3Kth or 30th. between Ha wt home and Grant : $ 15 re ward for return. Call Tabor 5 162, after 6 P. M. LOST By widow with 3 small Mldreii. a pocket book with $10 bill and small change and receipt front Fcrnon Drug Co. Call Wootilawn 1321. PARTY finding lady's hluo bcrgc coat near Viola on A be in a thy road, pica communicate with 450 Rose lawn iive. din. 2;fVt. Reward. A BAY horse, white fare. and roller marks on bhoulder. Weighs about '.too, from Oak grove. Telephone Sell. 1 26o. WILL the party who found my gray can teen bag containing 2 pair glasses, etr.. please bring or in ail same to lltiH 1 lit h st.. apt, h '.' Reward. No questions asked. LOST Rol I of currency, a bout $20U. on Burnside st., or Meier & Frank's. Leave; s t M e I e r A Fra n k ' s and rece i v e re ward . ST RA YED away, black Mu- ova dra he, with red comb; 2 feathers cut from right wing. Woodlawu 525. Reward. PARTY who picked up package contain ing 3 yards brown satin in public market call Mam 023; reward. L-.'ST- Si-pt. IS. Hitu'iliyyt breHs-tptn. near 4th and Washington. II-'wh i d. Vari able as keepsake. Phone Broadway :'. KE WA RD for ret urn cf overcoat found east of Portland, is pt. 10. W. H. Bunee, 4 N. Broadway. Tabor 344Mi. lid. 3. 127. LOST Medical fraternity pin, initials G. G. C. '12 on back ; rew aid. i'houu E. 4S09. LOST Between E. 21st and M nit noma h st. on 12th-i,t. bridge, nuull brow u lur neck piece. f.'a ! 1 Ea.-t 2450. LOST At 1'Uh and Washington, screw-tall Bjton terrier bulldog. brind 1-j and white, without collar; reward. Main 544S. LOST O. A. C. student's green-mixed coat, between Curvalha arjd independ ence. Call Tabor 1401. Reward. SPECIAL NOTICES. I. TIIE undersigned, will not be respon sible for any debts contracted by ti. L. Craig at 440-4 42 E. Burnsiue after this Uaie, Sept. 25, 101!). Signed JOHN T. JAR RETT. Proposals Invited. CREDITORS' SALE OF PROl'E RT Y . To Whom 1 1 -May Concern : 1 w fii re ceive bids till October 15, li.10, lor any ot the following property: TILLAMOOK, COI N'l'l SE4 of NH : Sec. ;.", T. J N., It. U W. cumbcri ; N E 1 & of NE Sec. 7, T. 3 S., R. Ill W. (heavy timber); lot 1 45ai, Slrese Acres; iot 7, blk. 44. R.icka w a v. CLACKAMAS COl. NTY Lot G. See. 16. T. 3 S.. R. 4 E. t40-a. iarm: lots : and 4. blk. 34, 1st Adu. to Kslaeada I liou.-il and barn ) ; SW of SW 4 Sec. ;;u. T. 2 S., K. 3 E. n aiy to clear, good road ; foreclosure cert. SW -j ot N W ' Sec. 25, T. 2 S., R. 2 E. 4larm; foreclosure cei t-S'-4 a. Hathaway D. L. C. olne Iniinci; SKV, Sec. 1 4. V. 4 S.. R. 5 E. ( uw mill and timber); 15 acres sandy luain at Caiupuie station, Oregon City; 2'mio cords fir, alder, l ir ; lo ai is, lot s 5 and 6. Miller D. L. . i Turin); lot s and parts of lots 1, 2, 7. bik. l'.. Bolton (7-roum house); SW- SW I See. T. 5 S.. It. 3 K. tColton) ; block 14; lot 16, blk. M ; lots 15. 16, bik. 7 ; lots 7, . bik. :;." (Gladstone); lots 1, 2, blk. 5, W. Glad stone; lota 17, IS, 1., bl;. 2, Schoo.t y Add. ; lots 22. 23, A p person's Add. ; lots 6. 7. bl k. 5, Ed Kewood Add. ; lot blk. jo; lots ". 4. bik. 1; lots p. lo. 11, 12. blk. 2. Windsor ; 12 acres. See. 27, T. 2 S.. R. 2 E. . N .3 Of S'.j ol Sec. S, T. 6 S.. R. 2 E. ( farm ; lo ucrts W m. Arthur D. L. C. T. 2 S., R. 2 E. t Clackamas river frontage; 3 a. Sec. 12. T. 5 S., R. 1 W. (Woodburn on. hards); 4 ft. lot 2. blk. 3. Harlrss Add. to Molallu ; lot 6. b:k. 3S. 'luckamas Hgts. ; :::x loo. blk. b Oak Grove; 3 a., house, burn, Court ney. MULTNOMAH COUNTY SE ' Sec. 4. T. 1 S,. H. 5 E.. south of Trapper creek (stock farm); lot 3. blk. 4, Linda Yista; lots 7. S. blk. 6; lot lO. blk. 5, Mosely Add. ; lot 7, blk. 2. Cooper's Add 1 7 moin house); lots 3 to Jo. 17. P.). 20. bik. 1, and lots 3 to S, blk. 6, Floral Park Add. ( Portland ). LINN COUNTY Lot 21, blk. 2. Ideal Fruit Colony (5 a. apples); 7x132, Ral ston Add. to Lebanon 1 7 -room house). LANE COUNTY 22 a.. J. H. Short ridge D. L. 4 (farm); NWi Sec. .s, T. 30 N.. R. 0 W. 4 timber), California. LINCOLN COUNTY N E l, Sec. 27. T. 9 S.. R. Jl W. 4 timber). Rids may be cash or otherwise; if not cash, state terms. No reasona ble bid rejected. Warranty deed and abstract. E. L. POPE. Trustee for Creditors. Tel. 70, Oregon City, Oregon. NOTICE OF SALE OF IRRIGATION DISTRICT BONDS. NOTICE IS HEREBY given that sealed proposals will be r-cei ed till tue 14th day of October, 10 111. at the hour of ti o'clock in the evening for the pur chase of Forty Thousand Dollars' worth of bonds of the Enterprise Irrigation dis trict of K lamath cou ly, Oregon. Said bonds are to be aated November 1. 1010, and are to draw interest at the rate of 6 per cent per annum, interest payable semi-annually upon the first day of Ju;y and ttie 1st day of January of each year until the maturity of said bonds. Said proposals will be received by the board of directors or said irrigation dis trict, and should be directed to the sec retary of the Enterprise J rrigation dis trict, care of Charles J. Ferguson, Loonis building. Klamath Falls, Oregon. The board of directors reserve the right to reject any or all bids offered. G. J. HILLYARD. Secretary of the Boa rd of Directors of Enterprise Irrigation District. SEALED bids for metal lockers for Benson Polytechnic school w ill be receiv ed at the oliice of the undersigned. 441 court house. Portland, Or., until 3 I". M ., Thun-day. October 2, 19 H. and will he opened at a meeting of the board of di rectors to be held at 4 P. M., same date, in room an l- court house. sper i I icaiions may be received at the oil ice of the undersigned. The board of directors reserves the rig lit to reject any and all bids, or to divide the award. Certified check for 14) per cent of the amount of the pro posal payable to R. H. Thomas, scnool clerk, must accompany each propos-al. R. H. THOMAS, School Clerk and Business Manager. September -7.RR' NOtTce" TOBU I LDI NG CONTRACT RS. Sealed bids will be recel ved by Chas. Royce. Spray, or., cb-rk of srliool dis trict No. 1, Wheel- eounty, Oregon, un til Octob r H, P. Hi, for the construction of a one-story concrete and wood srliool building. Plans and specifications on tile with Phil Metchan. Jr., Portland, Or., and clerk of district of Spray. CHAS. KOYCK, District Clerk. OFFICE' of the o u a rtermasrer-genera I clothing and eotiipae division, muni- tions building. a.-hington. i. c. se:Uei proposals iu triplicate will be received at above office until 11 A. M.. U-;. 17. 111 J, for furnishing nil or any part of 40.H42 O D. overcoats. Bids must be accompanied by guaranty of o there on, proposal Man ks and iniot matioii furnished an reuue&t. M i 1 1 ii n co 1 1 m . NOTICE Vol hlng can be cont racted by J. S. Moltzner In the firm name of Moltz-ner-Westcuit Motors. R. B. Wcstcott. I WILL not be responsible for any bills contracted bv mv wife from Hun date. Sept in ber 26, l'.MO. R. F. G Roi N I K 1 WI LL not be responsible for aey hi I If rout racted by my wifu, Jcbsica Adams T. C. Adama. FINANCIAL LIBERTY AND VICTORY BON PS. If you must ell your Liberty or Vic tory Bonds, sell to us. If you can buy more Liberty or Victory Bonds, buy from us. We buy and sell Liberty and Victory Bonds at t ho market. YOU CANNOT DO BETTER; YOU MAY DO WOKfrE. On Saturday. September 27, 19H. paid the following prices for United States Government liberty and Victory Bonds, which were the closing New York market prices, plus the accrued interest: N. Y. M arket. InteresL Total. 31-jS $luti,02 $1.01 $BH.03 1st 4s - 95.20 l.lrt 16.34? 2nd 4s 4.:t2 1.4! f.VM lt-4's .v 40 1.2:1 i;.;3 2d 4S U4.44 1.5H 1M.U2 3d 4',s 16.40 .17 t'6.57 4fh 4',n 14.44 1.14 i.3S Victory 34s.. lw.ni 1.34 101.24 Victory 44- - 0. :m 1.70 1O1.60 In purchasing; Liberty and Victory Bonds we deduct from the above price 37c on a $54 bond and $2.50 on a $1hh bond. In selling Liberty and Victory Bonds we charge 1 he New York market price, id us the a cc rued I ti te rest. ASK ABOUT THE MORRIS BROTHERS PLAN Burgiar and Fireproof Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent. Open Until K P. M. Saturdays. MORRIS BROTHERS. I NC. The Premier Mutitcipal Bond House. Cap! tul One Million Dollars. Morris Hldg.. 3u-31 1 Stark St., Ret w -en 5th and 6i h. Telephone Broadway 2151. Established Over 25 Years. LIBERTY BONDS. All Issues Bought and Sold. Before Buying or Selling Get Our isolations. E. L. DEVEREAUX & COMPANY, Government and Municipal Bonds fe7 Sixth SL'eet. Between Stark and Oak. LIBERTY AND VICTORY" BONDS CASH PAID FOR ANY ISSUE OF BONDS FULL MARKET PRICE LOAN ON WAR SAVINGS STAMPS Yt U CAN BOR ROW 'ASH OF US ON H N DS AND SAVINGS ST A M PS OK TO FINISH PAYING FOR VICTORY BONDS. SEE E. BURKTTT. PRESIDENT Oregon bond and mortgage CO. 2US SELLING. BLDG. t2D FLOOR). MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. TITLE AND TRUST COMPANY. TITLE AND TRUST BLDG. CASH FOR AUTOMOBILES. YOU BUY OR SELL A CAR. W 1 ; FURNISH THE M O N E Y . IT IS PERFECTLY SIMPLE. OREGON BOND A- MORTGAGE CO., 20S SELLING BLDG. BONDS BOUGHT. SPOT CASH. SPOT CASH. MARKET PRICE. CASH for RECEIPTS. We will LOAN you money on BoN DS, W. S. S.. or to make PAYMENTS on BONDS, 7 per cent. 725 Gueo Hldg.. Filth and Alder. CELLA RS-M L KTO.N CO. HIGHEST values iti casn paid for mort gages and sel iers' Interest in real estate contracts; also money to loan at reason able rates Williams Loan c Investment Co.. 4 22 Chamber of Commerce. CASH pii lor mortgages and sellers' con l raci.-4 u r.-al estate in Wa.-hiiiKton. Ore gon. It. E. Nobie. J16 Lumbermens bldg. CASH paid lor undivided Interest in real property and estates. Frank T. Berry, 25 lianwav Exchange b.dg. 20 SHARKS steamer stock for sale; roast- v. ise service; divideuds paid quarterly. V 5 7 1 1 re go n i . i n . WILL SELL 7oO first 'mortgage, 3 rs 6 per o-nt, on Portland house and lot; reasons ble d iscou :it. E. 54 5. Oregon ian. Motiey to Loan on Real P-titte. IF YoU want to borrow money to but id or buy a home, or pay off a mortgage, you sliould compare the total amount of interest paid on a straight loan with our month. y repayment plan. Loan made in every town in the Mac. Pacific Bldg. Loan An., 1333-5 N. V. Dana bldg. FARM LOANS. Insurance company money to loan at lowest current rates on W iliamette vaiicy farms. No commission. No delays. DEAKREACX. MORTGAGE COMPANY. t7 Ot h St., Portland. Or. WE MAKE, buy and il first-class 6 per cent. 7 per cent and . per cent fit el mortgages on farms and Portluiid real estate. I merest and principal collected w n hout chi t ge. M.CRUUE Ar SCHMAUCH. INC., :toi; R.nlWii.v Exchange blag. MORTGAGE LOANS on real estate security: any amount from S.tiio up on improved city or larm prop erty. THE LAWRENCE COMPANY", 205 Curutll Bldg. Main 6015. A 2M5. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, low rat.., promptly closed. Attractive repaving privileges. A. H. B1KRELL Co.. 217 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. A 4113. MORTGAGE LOANS. Loans made on improved city property. Prompt tervice; no delay. Call and hc us for terms. PORTLAND TRUST Co. OF OREGON, Northwestern Bank Bidg. money to loan on improved citi real estate. Homes, apartments, business proper ties. Uirk service, low rates, repa ment privib .'s. H. P. Barnliart. Mar. 6170. MONEY TO LOAN on Imorovea city property and also Im proved farm property. Current rates. WM. Mac MASTER. 3:41 U. S. National BunK Bldg. private money. For Im medi a te Ion ns. No delay. $4Mltl to '."'". t t'l is- C. HECK. r23 Henrv bldg. Mar. 5S5S 6EE US TODAY We loan money on real estate, 6 and 7fe, long time, short time, monthly payments as you can, sums to toUit. 725 Gasco bldg., 5th and Alder. CELLA its-M fit TON Co.. MORTGAGE LOANS. FARM AND CITY PROPERTY, 54 PER CENT. 6 PER CENT. 7 PER CENT. UNION ABSTRACT CO., Corbett Bldg. Mortgage LOANS on improved farm and city property ; favorable repaying pri vil-'ges: no commas ion or delay. THE oKK'jON MORTGAGE CO., LTD. 5 no Plait Bldg. Mam 5371. SEE me about your loans. Can handle S-'1! building loans. 4,'uick action and lowest rales. C. J. Johnson. 313 Henry building. MORTGAGE LOANS. OUP OWN M NEY. LWEST RATES. WESTERN BOND & MORTGAGE CO., Fourth st.. I 'on laud. r $ loot i T LO A N. no commission ; 15) to io (oai. no commission. Private funds to loan on first mortgages. AB TS. urt goniau. MONEY TO LOAN on real estate securit y at Kojng rate of interest. Otto Ar llarkson Realty Co., 413 Chamber of Conwiiercc. $2o.4Ho To LOAN in sums to suit ; buiid ii.g loans, lowest rates. V. C. Beck, 215 216 Failing nids. :ji;or.c Main 3407. Ijiki. S4UU. $5MU. $754. JUmMJ AND UP; low rates ; uuik action. Fred W. iirman c,,.. 732 Cham, of Com. Main 64 4 5. '1 Vi sums of $4'o4t to loan on improved real estate at 7 per cent. X02. Ore- 13'". 4oO. $5MI, $;.M. $751. IHMHI AND UP; lowest rates; quici; action. Gordon Morl KHie Co., 31 Chum, ot Corn. Main 13 TO. liAv E S204iu to loan, w ill split to sua re sponsible part).; low rule of Interest; no eon m ission. G 54V oi ep.inian. MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 and 7r. . Louis Sol omoii Ar Co., 4U Selling bldg. MoNEV on farm ajid improved eltv prop erty K. K. Baxter, 74 Spalding hldg. SEE OREGON INV. A MORTGAGE CO., 222 Chamber of Comm'-'.'ce. 4th and Stark. M RT ; AGE loans, low est rales. Hard in r. 12 Rn ti w ay Exchange. LoANS on city and farm property. 5 per cent up. F. Fuchf 42i Cha m. of Coin. $ i ion) AND UP: no commission or delav. F. II. DESHON. !15 Cham, of Com. bidg. srtonn TO 5 YEARS. EAST 543V Mi.KY t loan on farm and improved ci t y proi'City. K. iv. Baxter, 7ol Si'aiUtng bldg. FINANCIAL Money t Loan on Heal KMate. OUR lnt-i!Iineni plan is the bett and surest met hod of rying & loan. $32 3d per month for S6 months, or $21.24 per month for 44 months, of $15.17 for 16 months pays a $louO loan aud in terest. Ovher amounts in proportion. We loan on improved city property. No commission cnartcd. EQUITABLE SAYINGS A- LOAN ASSN., 242 Stark St., Portland. Or. RESIDENCE LOANS. From ti ; to 7 per cent for five years, YOU MAY PAY $10 or a.iy amount on principal and reduce interest. t ABSOLUTE LY NO CHARGE TO APPLICANT. Also see us tor lowest. Interest rates on business property. MORTGAGE LOAN COMPANY, Phone Main 2541. 1524-20 Yeon Bldg. $25.ntMl TO LOAN In sums to suit on east or west side property at ; no com mission charged ; no delay : d - scribe se curity to receive reply. F 60l. orego nian. $500 TO LOA N on improved suburban property. See ATCHISON, 204 Henry bldg. Mo iter to Loan Chattel? and Sularte. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. Phone Broadway 010. 394 Stark Street, Near Tenth. Loans on diamonds, watches, vlctrolas. pianos. kodaks. shotguns. furniture, musical instruments and anything of value. ESTABLISHED BY THE PEOPLE OF PORTLAND TO PROTECT THE BOR ROWER. City and county warrants cashed for face value. CARRIE MYERS-HERRMAN. Maaiager. DO YOU NEED MONEY We make a specialty of loans on auto mobiles, furniture, victrolas. etc. Se curity left in your possession. Small weekly or monthly p. omenta. ALSO Loa ns made to sa iarled people. Rates reasonable. Private office. All busi ness confidently I. PORTLAND LOAN CO. tLicensed) Third and Washington sts.. nP6-307 Dekum bldg. Marshall 32. S ALA R Y. I .O A N S. CH ATT E LS. WE LOAN MONEY on short notice to salaried or working men on their own notes. Weekly, semi monthly or monthly payments. Eu.ch tr;i nsact Inn st rict ly conf id en t ia). no mortgages, no indorser, a b so l u t e l y n o security. "V e also ioan on hou. ho.d turniturc, pianos, etc.. w ithout remov a I CALL AND INVESTIGATE. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY", LICENSED. 2IS Failing bldg. WE MAKE, buy ami fell first-class fr. 7 and S-v ttrst mortgages on farms and Portland real .tal-; interest and principal roilerted Without charsi". Mr Ciwt e and Srhmiiocli Co., Inc.. 506 Rail .v Exchange bidg. M N E Y to loan on l iamonds. lew el r ; le gal rates.; all articles held a vear: stab hshed sinre sk Dan Marx. 23 Wash. HATHA W A Y Leans on pianos and lurui nire; legi.i rates. I'os Washington bldg. O EO. H A R V E Y loans money on houbehuid goods LegH I les. T.ibor ::oti. Itiiw W noted. WANTED. $l4.4Ot 3 Years. Secured by Fi ne urn proved farm I ! m i lea f rotn Portland courthouse; paved road.-; must have l hi without delay. See WEIST & DOLLARHIDE. 510-511 Lewis Bldg. F R SA LE. $l4lo4. first mortgage, on Prescott st. Buiigiilow. won li .i.u. uue 3 y ears, 7 per cent interest. CLE V E LAN D-H E N D E I tS N CO. . 212 Railway Excfi. bidg. .Main 6752. WANTED From a private party, a loan of S.Vmi ; good secu l it y on ei u i pm -n t of estaolish- d. paviiic busi iic? Will pay good rcanoiuuie interest. C 206, ore gonian. Y ANTED o4tO loan for 3 e. r al 7 per cent; Kina.ll 5-rootn bungalow in Park rose. J. L. H A RTM A N Ci M PAN V, 7 "tut m ber of Com inerre B11 g Li ANS W ANTED. 2544l. ; or 5 years ut 7 per cent se. curio ; lo acres on 7 2d st.. wt.nh $7mi. S'l ITH-WAG N Kit .. ST ' K EX ;.mt! W A NTE I Cho.ce securit y ; highly improved 2 -a ere su I'urb.i u home . i ig lit In edge of city. A. K. ili.i Co.. 215 Lum bernn im b.dg. WANT $lotMl on west side, rlo-in im proved ropert y. assessed for $!Hl."0. in sured for $Mi4K: income $14 a month. R. F. Hran. 5o. ('ham. ff Com. CLIENT wants $:0nto at 7 per cent; secur ity, improved city real estate. B. Lee Paget. ii' Corbett bULg. Phone .Main '.2.;o. W ANTED $1541).. Jl'iOO. $1m0. $2)HM1. 6 to 1' r Interest, security and moral risk ex cept uinul I y good, no commission. Mr. Price. Main 2541. WANTED $16.H!0 on highly improved city property at 6 l- per cent. F 50 S, orc g o n i a n . W A NT ED From private party 1 son or $2' as first mortgage on a new house nt 7rt-. J 323. Ore go nia n. WANT Direct from lender. $5)M, S per cent interest, residence security. X fMK'T, Tegotiia n. W ANT $H)o4 t(ir 3 yea m on unimproved 5-acre tract near 4swego lake. G 561. Oregonian. W ANTED $l!M4) on city residence f.r three y- ars. 6 per cent. No commission. I '76. Oregonian. first Mortgages on improyed portland property fo r sale F. H. I'KSIHW. 615 I'ham. of Com, h dg. WANT $33h0 for 3 years, nt 7 per cent, on 6t"-ncre farm near Wllsonvil.e. Wilbur F. J ouno. Henrv bhtg. LOAN wanted on first-class stock and personal security. Interest paid month ly. X 10. oregonian. A N TK!" Immediately, $3ii. .M days. 12 1 r cnt. Tabor 4206 WANT $6000 loan on income property. It "sh. Oregonian. SEE 0RI;G4)N INV. A- M ORTG A4 ; E CO.. 222 Cham, of Cornmerre. 4th and Stark. PERSONA I CREATIONS. New thoughts are but creations And products of the mind; For mind is all -producing Of every sort and kind. You are your own creator. Though much of your exisTnee. It all depends on thinking ngiit. With energy for assistance. For a man to think Improper thoughts Creates a bad condition. For t h oughts are s 1 1 - prnrf urin ft. And effects are but rendition. We're thinking right on prices And we can save you more On each fall SUIT. COAT. DRESS and HAT At the PETERSON UPSTAIRS STORE. Second Floor Pittork Block. NURSE has ranch home in CaTifornia. will take arrested cases of T. IV to hoard, can locate part ies on homesteads in proven water d is t rict. cl imatc best in world for all lung troubles. A. C. Vestal. Wagner. San Bernardino county, Cal. Phone Broadway 50. I pay the highest price for Indies and gent's cast -of f clot hing. Please call or phone MRS. DUPOY. tK N. lOth St. Portland. Or CAN take 3 peop'e bv auto to Salem. I.eaTe at 7 o'clock Sunday morning from 15th ami Morrison. Make reserv.i t ions ut Frank Nau'l drug store. 6;h and A !der. BE A UTY secrets, including $5 rlear-sk in recipe of famous benutv doctor lor Iir coin or stamps. "Writ" today, agents w anted. A ngelus C hem leal w i ks, 5457 Cent i al ave., Los Angeles. t"ai. TELL your own fortune with a deck of those wonderful Forttma picture cards; instructive and educational. With full riirHtttons. I "rice 1. M. L. H.-ssc. 42 3 2d st.. Milwauk ee. Wis. KltlKSi'S white shield maternity borne for unfortunate girls: 110 publicity : babes placed in Christian homes. Adi.ress. 7pn E 72d N : C 1270. 1 WILL ir-t both feet fixe. I up good Rt Dr. Eaton's the CH IRopoDIST. who tlosti't hurt ou; . yrs. here; exaoi. tree. ;ioh theater bldg., 11 th Ar Wash. Bdwy. 221. i FULL tlress suit. iac 3S. fr talc or tru ) Mart hall 2303; Main 43ns. PERJSONAU CET WELL. FREE. Fkiii;. FREE Every day, from Hi A. M. to 4 P. M . and evenings on Mondav, Yvednesday and rriday, irom 7 to U, aud Sundai irom li to 12. THOUSANDS OF SUFFERERS WHO HAVE FAILED to get relief m any o::., r way are invited to investigate Chiropractic method w hlcli are permanently curing hundreds every day. Til E BEST OF CHIROPRACTIC DIAGNOSTICIANS will thorough. y examine you, make ft complete diagnosis of your case aud di rect your treatments WITHOUT ANY COST TO YOU W M ATEY K K. CHIROPRACTIC i the safe. j?ane, t-ure and modern science ul curaig aud une- en ting disease. CH IRt tPRAi'TIC will permanently cure 05 per cent o: all d;s.as. . C H IRt PR ACT IC removes the cause health r turns. The above service R'i --. to you at the coi;, ge building and uuv be had in private it desired. PRIVATE TREATMENTS mav also be had in cotieize huildir.g by members : the fai ut.y, by either lady or men prac titioners. PACIFIC CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGE. Corner oi lark and YamUi.L Tel. Main luli. lit iSPlTAl, in connection w itii college. Will handle out-ot-town patients at a most reasonabio rate in orler to show w hat Ch iropract ic can do. Address a 1 cominunicalions lo DR. O. W. ELLIOTT, President. lOU 1ER CENT CHIROPRACTIC. SYSTEM. Lr. Mi'Maiutii, Ma a bldg., Portaud. a chiropractor of experience, a past ama teur, a loo per cent chiropractic special ist, with highest testimonials from pa tients from eastern states, lamniar with the hest: also from western and local pa tients having uii'ortunateiy had icss t.iau PHI per Cent chiropractic elsewhere. Wltll, ot course, corresponding disappointment in delayed rvliet. Men and women are fuPy satisfied with my loo per cent chirtpractic philosoph v . long experience and superior skill demoii M rated in consultation examinations; easy, careful adjustments, rates and, finally, results. Tenth year in this citv. Terms, 31 adjustments $15. Phone, ca:i or write. FOURTH AND WASHINGTON, New Home. 647 East Salmon st. FAIR TO THE PUBLIC Watch the paper mid look for the hest tailor. We do very particular woi k aud wc put on snappy st Ies. A first class trimmings iitid workmanship is guaranteed, vv ith every suit made here. All our clot hes ;ire ma tic by union tailors. We have a very good variety of woolens that you can select from. You are cordially invited to comic in a nd in spect our suits. It don't make any dn fere nre if you buy or if you don t buy. Our prices arc right. M. WELNSTEIN 4 CO.. Ta'lors to Men and Women. 410 Stark, bet. loth and 11th. Satisfaction guaranteed. DI ATI i ER.M I A. with proper equipment and prop riy applied, is one ot the best mod a I it ies ki.ow ti in elect rot he rapeu ties. Its use is successful in aH im lamed t sore l co millions and no pa rt of the body is t oo remote to be reached with almost mathe matical precision. For t his r ason sore, ovaries, uterus, prostate gland, bladder, stomach, bowels, liver, kulnevs. lungs, ,101 iii s in fine, any pa rl o' the bod v ci n be reached and the sore, part healed. Tu berculous joints and cancerous conditions ar-' no exception if taken in time. li Milfering irom Mir-'ii.v in anv part of the body, come in and have this method of t real men t explained. Dr. li. A. Phil iips, !o." Kro.td wr bidg. THE HOT SPRINGS OF PORTLAND. Brow n Hv.ln.pai bio Institute. Stevens bids . complete equipment. fccienir'ic. t re. i on ems, t here fore superior result s. 1 1 di o-thei apv. eo ctrl. light ca bind b.i;hs. sriei. 1 1: ic massage, bake oven. sum iii, m til. a I g mn -is ics. corr ct i v e id, t. Tiitsdii v and Fnda v . women only , woman as-i-t:mt. Main Dandruff antl f.-illing hair IS THE SCA LP'S CALL FOR TIIUTEKDEE HAIR CERATE. $2oo PER JAR. Get it at our drutgist or THE EKDEE CO., vu L"i iu ave. North. Pol; 1 LAND. oli. WE WISH to announce tht Miss Eleano.r ltriggs, formerly tif the Bon Ton mi I -lm-rv store, is opening an exclusive millinery department on the baUony. 1 his department w iii offer a large line of popuiar-iTiced hats. tr.mmed and ready to wear at pries from 2.13 to $15. Shanahan's. 3d and Washington. " NOTICE TO EXPRESSMAN. Is there any e x pi essui.t n th.it can give some iiitoiniatttMi as to a trunk and box tliat was t..kvn from a ball it the Run apts.. 1144'- Union ave.. Sept. 13? If io call Main 24:;, luum 1. and get rew anl. 111. ES, constipation and rheumatism, driv en out of our s stem by nat ure's gu t. Wihi 1'igeoii Mineral Water, direct irom the ro K. unadulterated. onier a gallon to. lav troin our diUnUist tr !phi Koek t- nicdy Co., 7 1st st. A 1 4 1 . Portland, or. VAKARA ANTISEP TIC P tWDKR ' a leattsiiig. healing, grrmicolal :td invig orating doiit he. A great aid in U-ucor-rin-a and female tlsorb-rs 5e and 1 per box. Sold by Portland Hotel I'har inacy. M KS A D E L A 1 1 E KUUi't'M Come back If vou are in need ot money, w tie m" and I will M-r.d it to vou. I cannot s-d ti.e place without ou. Please write. Your husband. John Ruifoui. Elmna. DR E R. PA RKS. 717 Dekum bldg Phone Main 4753. D is- uses of dig- stive tract heart and luncs. nervous and spinal disorders. Chliopractiu and Naluropai hie met hods. KBY M R. AND M RS. J. SCHORl. l.i Tues . circle Thxirs. S P. M 15 East 1 .".t 1 -t north, cor. Burnside; Sunday meet in 3 and I. M. E a.s I Side WooUmflih h.ili. E st 3os4. ALL the latest remedies sdd at the iem eiisoii Imiir Co., 2hj Morrison st.. St Charles H at el corner. At this drugstore you get just what you tall lor. We hav no substitutes. ANY persor. know ing the ;Tt-nt atbir. s of Mrs. Hazel Murphy, formerly Aiiine ai.arimoius, will be rewarded by address ing bo S. city. D I A M N I S W A N T E I. Full market value for diamonds. NATIONAL JEWELRY CO.. 417 Morgan b.dg.. 4th floor. LA I 'I ES' purses and hand bags repaired . b at u r travel Ing bags, black and tan . bur-;ains : made to order. 1 'urt land Leather Co., 224i Washington. "A 1 ".SENT EE" Marsaiice PI u turner Write me. I have important in I orinatioii tor vou. Horace J. Piummer. Route K. box 1 on. I nd lanapol is. I ndiana. WE " AN cuie weak, nervous people with the violet ray treatment, rheumatism, neurit ia. iictii al gia and ntany other uo me ms. -'" Kli'-iinrr blug. TEACH ERS of new life. M r. and M is. 4. U. Blaiul. Free readings this- week. Open sea me Sunday evening' 2 o'clock. 573 E. Burnside st. DETEi TI V E United Service Delectiv e Bureau: w ot k executed by skilled opera tives. 0U7 Stock Exchange bldg. Main 3 12. DR. RUTH OLSON, 552 Washington hicg.. lrugless Swedish Sstem; steam bat :is. electricity. Rheumatism, constipation. rundow n condit ion. Main wl4. FEB V ET tit H A NN E HUT. leading wig and loupe makers, finest stock human hair goods, hairdressing. manicuring, race and si a i 1 "t re a t ment. 34. Alder. Main 54i. G R A DU ATE nurse tr a ts lumbago, etc. Hours 2 to u. r by appointment. Phone Main H4:. Office 3QS-C. Third st. SFPEKFLU 1"S hair, moles, warts removed bv 1 needles method; trial I ree. .losie Finb v, 14 Bush A- laue bldg. Main ti.itiN. ALASKA tox, wolf. Ivtix ctdlars chokers at upstairs prices. Ttie Fur Shop. tWO Swetland bblg., 5th and Washington. SUPER FI.UOUS hair dest royeti f.rev -r tv m ult i pie needle met iiols iioloi m-.I bv phvsii iBtis. ."o4. Swetland hldg.. 5th-Wash DR. ELN A SORENSEN. .".on Panama b dg. Drug'ess methods. Stomach, kidneys rh umatism. ronntipation. etc. M. 5cvf, ToHACt'O or snin'f hahit -ured or 110 p ; Jl if cured. Reineily sent 011 trial. Mu perba 'o., W ;14, Baltimore. Md. DR. ETHEL A. SAURY'S sat.itarv hiip odv and manicure parlors, 4o3-4 327 wish. ex. RHEUMATISM. T CAN CURE RHEUMATISM. EAST 1X77. BEST st eani bat h. c h 1 rnpra t ic. vibra : b-n and eiectric in city. Dr. Mtrg.iret Hay nie. 2T5 Swetland bh!g.. M im 1 Tr. BA D li " RTS col let-ted every w here. Stanu an! M errant i le Agency. Bonded. Pa nam bV.g.. Third and AMer. MAGNETIC bea'.er. manicuring. 511 Morri son, ne.' ir.th. room . upstairs. Iirtad w ay 35" I t OKKTUUOK DA N 1 E I .S. su luous hair 12 Fliedncr ma incur; ng. lace, sea p. bldg. GOITRE, eniarg- d g'anos; ure yours- 'f. A. R. Striu Ii;iii. route H 1 nhot o. Or -NT Tom. Vtereck. Dick Ctd '.ee r IU Ions. RU PTI RE CA N BE CURED w it nout . n iipo'nii.tn. Fre hook'et. P. O. ho t 1 PRIVEDX B I.M. fornierv called Ha m of Fii:?. t4 E. 3"d. S'-'l. 2213. niormres WILL Frances Suttle jdeae communicate w-th Box Itl. R F. 1 .. Bend. r I It MA. W eite tile. elie-nl t 1 I Aritine'i PILES lion. C N BE CUK!i: w , Ftec booKKU P. U. intt:t opo bo. 115 I