18 THE SUNDAY OREG ONI AX, FOTtTXAND, SEPTEMBER 28, 1910. Kbl'CATlONAU UK A r jotor i OK j cnmorHACTio. The ch iropractic pro fission offers the : most unus.ia 1 oppor limit: -s of any f ield in the world tjil;i. Kn.iw about its great opportunities before deciding your rarrtr, or if you are dissatisfied in your present position in life or its earning capacitv is not what you would like it to be. in vestiga te f lie grea t oppor tunities offered in this greatest of all prof unions ill 1 Rnf'KACTK'. A most exceptional opportunity to study chiro prac tit- and to become a chiropractic physician is offered at this time by our college; both !iv and night courses.; U.NB HL'NI'KKlJ THOUSAND chiropractic jihysirians needed in the i United States today to supply the de- i rnands of the millions who have turned to this great method of healing their ' ills. INVEST TO ATE. ! Augmented Curriculum, Able Faculty, Clinical Facilities Unexcelled. For particulars address Lr. Oscar W. Elliott, president. i PACIFIC CHIROPRACTIC COLI.EC.B. ! Park and Yamhill. Wain 1014. Portland. Or. j ou cannot learn any part or tnis profession through correspondence. LEARN A TRADE. We are giving a special course in auto mobile, gas tractor, truck, stationary and marine, operating and repairing; also ignition, carburation and battery repair ing, for $70 with a $ JO discount to dis charged soldiers and sailors. Hemphiii'a Trade Schools, Inc., 7o7 How t home ave. Take Hawthorne or Mi. Scott car, 2d and A.dtr sis., to E. 2uth. ADCOX AUTO SCHOOL. UNION AVE. AND WASCO ST. THE SCHOOL THAT'S DIFFERENT. ONE WEEK FK EE. To investigate our system of teaching autoa, tractors, gas engines, auto elec trical and battery work. SPECIAL. KI.KCTRICAL COURSE FOR AUTO MECHANICS. D j V A N 1 NIGHT CLASSES. CALL OR WRITE FOR 1U0 PAGE CATALOGUE FREE. ASK FOR HnoK NO. IB. E A R N B I G M O N E Y in the auto and tractor business: learn in few weeks by our .system of practical in struction; all modern equipment, expert instructors : free JOO tractor scholarship oiler now open, earn board and room while ' earn iiik. Write for free catalogue, National Automotive School, SIS South Figueroa. Los Angeles, CaJ. HAWTM ORNE AU'i'O SCHOOL.. 462 Hawthorne Ave. Automobiles, trucks, tractors, ignition and starter work. Vulcanizing and re treading. Special summer rates. Day and evening ciasses. THE SCHOOL THAT TEACHES YOU TO BOSS THE JOB. MOLE R BARBEJt COLLEGE Will teach you the trade in 8 wks. ; give you a set of tools and some pay while learning, positions secured; scholarship and transfur cards issued; 32 schools in U. P. a no Canada. Send for catalogue. 2.14 Burnslde st. POSITIONS ASSURED ! EVERY CRADL'ATB OF HKIINK E-WALK ER Business College, Portland. Enroll any time. Telegraphy, stenography, banking, bookkeeping, secretarial. Free catalogue. jIRL between Hi and 25 years to learn the comptometer course; $4tt; good posi tion lor competent operator; good sal ary. "all 313 Morgan bldg.. mornings before 11 o'clock. SITUATIONS WAX VKI MALE. KELIABLE experienced colored man from the east, an excellent dainty cook, ac customed to family service, wa nts posi tion in family adults or bachelors for cooking and some housework, city or country; wages to suit; references. J 346 Oregonian. 1'ERMAN ENT position in growing out bide town ; both town and work must Jia v.1 prospects of future growth ; am good painter, retail talesman and quick at figure; married; 30 years old. X 0b, Oregonian. MACHINIST, specialty man. tool grinder and finisher, emery dresser, minor drill press, toolroom and operations, general machine and tool repairs; good workman. Qualified in clerical capacity, wants sit Uation. R. L. Love. Hi I E. Morrison at. A WELL educated, extensively traveled, refined man American) of good appear ance and polished manners, desires em ployment as secretary, companion, valet or in some other capacity. A 010. Ore gonian. ilR. RESTAURANT MAN, can you use me. I have fair knowledge of business, front and behind ; but want to learn some practical cooking. Hours and wages? You name them. AB 92, Ore gonian. LA W N AND GARDEN WORK BY EX PERIKNCED M EN ; PLANTING OK TREES. SHRUBS. BULBS. ETC. OR DERS TAKEN FOR TREES. SHRUBS, VINES. BU LBS, RUSKS. GILROY. BROADWAY 1937. LEAKY ROOFS. Re pa ird promptly a nd painted with tar and asphaltum; 23 years' experience. Prompt service and reasonable prices. Wdl. 332S. feOLDI ER, nonorably discharged from the service, would like position as chaul f c u r w i t h some good private family; have bad ci s'n t years' experience. Phone 7 1o V. Vancouver. Wash. EXPERIENCED farmer understanding poultry and dairying desires position; capable of taking charge; small lamtly; references; slate salary. AV 0?3. Ore gonian. AN EXPERIENCED engineer, steam boil ers, oil burners; can do any repairs to Mearn or water lines, hotels or apt. house or office bltlgs ; any general re pairs. R. W. GHIett, 100 Burnside. &HOWCA RD writer, window trimmer and commercial artist wants position with dry goods or department store. Equipped with air brush and plenty of ability. AB 00. Oregonian. "WANTED Wo: k on farm by married man with one child by Oct. 1. or at once ; would like sepn rate house to live in. Tabor 0201 after 2 o'clock Sunday. H 221. Oregonian. COLORED COOK. Good, clean, economical worker, wants position in sma II hotel or club, city or country; first-class on meats, pastry and bread. H 213. Oregonian. WANTED by active elderly man job as watchman or helper ou truck or what have you; responsible party; can give reference. C 248, Oregonian. "YOUNG MANT 2H, SI NG LE. GOOD E DU CATION. BUSINESS EXPERIENCE. EX ECUT1VE ABILITY. DESIRES PoSI TIOX. AH 070. OREGON I AN. WANTED Position a bookkeeper, audi tor or sales manager. 12 years ex perience ; best of references. F 006, Or egonian. .YOUNG man wants position in a dairj lunch: experienced dining room and counter man. Davis, room 320 Alder hotel. I'OSITION of trust by Al accountant, seven years as accountant and office manager of big department store. AB 77, Ore gonian. EXPERIENCED dairyman and milker, some experience in cheese and butter making. 403 d st S. The Warrenton. phone Main 7771. room 48. EXPERIENCED auto driver and mechanic with best of references wants steady work in city. Call Columbia 331. "YOUNG man wishes position driving truck or in garage; have experience in both lins. AB 70. regonian. NIGH T or day watchman w it h best refer ences like to have position soon. X OH'l, Oregonian. MARRIED man wants work in grocery or general merchandise store, city or coun try; experienced. B 81d, Oregonian. A-l DRIVER and mechanic, age 21. wishes position driving, private chauffeur pre ferred. Call Taror 78M1. HIGH SCHOOL boy wants work after school and Saturdays ; ome experience in grocery business. Phone East 6306. 3 1 A V E 3 's - ton heavy duty truck for hire or contract: suitable for any kind haul ing in or out of city. G 036. Oregonian. JK 1 CARPENTER a nd builder wants con tract or percentage work. G 044. Ore gonian. ON OR after October 1 elderly man wants job ; handy around house and garden ; references- C 2i7. Oregonian. WANTED Position j sponsi ble man a nd Call Tabor 34K4. is care.taker by re wife of middle age. WANT Job where can use Chevrolet car. Address B Gorrell, 1106 Mall st. DRAUGHTS MAN wa nts steady position city. C 230. Oregonian. EXP. truck driver with good references wants work. Columbia 331. MAN with Fo r d car and selling ability. W hat have you ? X Point. Oregonian. MAN and w ife. cook hotel or restaurant. and helper; city; G 507, Oregonian EX PERI ENCED fireman wants position. X 0H Mi. Oregonian. steady ELDERLY man or houseman. wants position as janitor H 226, Oregonian I aPERH ANGINO. painting and tinting, good wo-k. right prices. Mar. 2103. WANTED Position clerk or packer. as assjstant shipping F 071. Oregonian. do light janitor work MAN and for apt. wife will Sell. 227i CHAUFFEUR mechanic would like to drive to California. X 116, Oregonian. SITUATIONS WAMK I MAL F, ENGINEER WANTS POSITION. First-class mechanic, electrician, cap able to operate large power or heating plant. 20 years experience; references. Address. Engineer, 370 Sixth street South, apartment S. i'EHUAPS I AM THE YOUNG MAN YOU ARE LOOKING FOR HAVE BEEN' IN THE SELLING GAME 10 YEARS; AT PRESENT EM PL YED: DESIRE CHANG; WITH SALARY AND COM MISSION. C 247. PR KG ON I AN. MAN and wife, with small girl, wish plac on i arm; either to run farm, work fo? 1 year, or ..ent for 3 to 5 years, with ever j thing furnished. Address Mr. Hart, sock. 2.4 Uth st.. Portland, or phum Main 4 !." lor appointment. EN i i I N EEK Operating steam. electric, refrigerating wis lies position ; married ; 40; best of references: 0 years chief en gineer large state institution. F. G. A. White. Hotel McChesney, St. Johns. Columbia 44. W A X T K I J By experienced hotel manager position of like capacity or one requiring responsibility; can product results, fa miliar ail departments; interview will convince. X 82, Oregonlan. - WANTED Position as helper on tranafe or de.ivery trucks; some experience, can do any kind of work. Cal! evenings. Phone 202-W, Oregon City. A YOUNG MAN wants some respectabU home where he can work for board and go to school. Call or phone Broadway hotel, room 225. OCTOBER 1 am ready to exchange for reasonable compensation my services as private watchman to responsible party or firm; bond if required. F 060, Ore gon i.m. . MAN, 40, who has had both Inside and road xperienre in gents furnishing and shoe liner, desires position. AH 080. Oregonian. MAN with family wants position on ranch, ern In or stock: am experienced In both: wages or on shares; can give best of references; steady position only. E 530, Oregonian. POSITION wanted Married man, aged 30, experienced salesman, buyer and general merchandise store manager. Ta bor 0074. AG 204, Oregonian. DRUG clerk, registered, producer, proved capability and honesty; best references; want position ; no objection to country. Geo. W. Hays, 100 Lownsdale St. YOUNG man. 30. just returned from over seas, would like to connect with reliable house ; have selling and clerical ability. J 344, Oregonian. POSITION as salesman wanted by refined educated gentleman; now employed but am seeking to do better. X 100, Ore gonian. YOUNG man. 25 years of age, good me chanic, just discharged from army, wishes position managing good garage on shares or wages. A 575, Oregonian. MIDDLE-AGED man wants steady posi tion as janitor. Have experience and references. Write M. N Box 314 Mll waukle. Or. COMPETENT bookkeeper and cashier wishes position; 4 years' experience; best references ; will leave city. F 572. Ore gonian. ABSTRACTOR OF TITLES. Competent to take full charge of of fice: desire pQsition out of city. J 316, Oregonian. COLLEGE student, 28, wishes work from 0 to 12 P. M. ; experienced cigar clerk ; will do any kind of work. D 000, Orego nian. YuL'NG married man, auto mechanic, wants to drive light delivery car; also furnish car if wanted. G 555, Orego nian. POSITION wanted as engineer; 20 years' experience with stationary engines in mills and mines. Address Engineer. 14S7 E. 7th st. N. WANTED Hauling contract by owner of new 2-ton truck; will consider job any where. J 321, Oregonian. COLLEGE Ftudent. married, wishes work - morning or evening; can furnisJi bond and references. B ft05, Oregonian. PLUM BER and fitter with 10 years' ex perience, wishes steady job; out of town lire f erred : references. E 542. Oregonian. POSITION wanted by eiderly man. Janitor, watchman, day or night; Al references and cash bond. E 508, Oregonian. WANTED By Lincoln high boy, position in store or office after school and Satur day. Tel. Woodlawn 35S1. YOUNG man, married, good teamster, wants steady work. H 214, Orego nian. YOUNG man wants work driving auto truck, vulcanizing, anything steady. East 6100. EXPERIENCED farmer wants to take charge or well equipped farm. Address C. Hurst. 250 Market St.. Portland. Or. CEMENTMAN Can do any kind of cement work; wants position: country pre ferred. E 503, Oregonian. TRADE SCHOOL boy would like work in garage Saturday and Sundav. Address R. Campbell, box 33N. R. 2. Hillsdale. Or. Fl RST-CLASS all-around work; good pastry man. nian. baker X 103. wants Orego- WA NTED Place as shop foreman In ga rage, y years experience. 4 years as fore man. E 570, Oregonian. MAN knowing route will drive car to Cali fornia for expenses. Drove over route 5 weeks ago. F 5H1, Oregonian. H IGH school boy wants work as office or errand boy after school and Satur days. Call East 3028 or Marshall 5013. WANTED Position as office manager by man who has had corporation and ex ecutive experience. AH 547, Oregonian. W A NTED A job. permanent, stationary fireman ; oil burner : $ i5 per mo. and board. Call East 7634. PRINTER All-around, city or country, limited machine experience, competent. A 0S2, Oregonian. BY MARRIED man, steady work, ware house, sawmill fireman or watching. B M 7, Oregonian. osition as night watchman ; work with it. A 609, will not object to Oregonian. FI RST-CLASS auto mechanic wants posi tion ; over 15 yrs. experience. A 720, Oregonian. WA NTED home or Place as caretaker of country summer resort, by elderly but active couple; ref. H 2lo, Oregonian. ELECTRICIAN in Baker, Or.; must be all around man: state wages expected. Write Electric Supply Co., Baker, Or. once. steady work on farm both experienced. J young couple, 7. Oregonian. HAULING WANTED I have a 4-ton truck and trailer ready to go to work at once. M r. MacGregor, Woodlawn 806. WANTED Position. 3 days and 3 half days a week, by man attending college. East 6014. j MILLER cesspool Main 42: & O'ELL. cement contractors, and septic tanks a specialty. YOUNG MAN, 23 years old. high school graduate, wants part time work, day or evenings. AB 88, Oregonian. EX-SOLDIER, long experience in office work, wishes permanent position. Tele phone East 6376. EXPERIENCED truck driver wants job. 0 years' experience. Marshall 5543, after 6 P. M. EX -SOLDI ER wants job driving car or truck; 0 years' experience. Call Main 5120. room 200, after 6 P. M. MAN with : or steady -ton truck will take contract work. Phone Main 4485, 327 MIDDLE-AGFD man, experienced in cloth ing and gent's furnishing lines, desires position as salesmun. G 037, Oregonian. WANTED A position by an ex-soldier who has had 7 years' experience as a fixture wire man. A 601, Oregonian. YOUNG mn, married, wants inside work; steady and good worker. H 216, Ore gonian. WANTED or job; -Work by 1 reasonable. :-ton truck, by day Wood lawn 2580. POSITION by middle-aged man as watch man or janitor. Tabor 0110. A No. 1 watchman will be open for posi tion Octl.BJ13, Oregonian. JANITOR wants rare of apartments. Ad- drejH W. B. Williams, 880 Strong st. MAN and wife want position cooking for small crew. BF 100, Oregonian. WANTED Position middle-aged man. as day watchman by AR 770. Oregonian.. YOUNG MAN wishes work on farm for at no i it in i me i . -a oo. oregonian. A-l Butler, white, can furnish best of ref- HOUSE painting and tinning; reffnishing a specialty, reasonable prices. Tab. 3001. CARPENTER New or old work; also con crete and house raising. Phone A 1670 SHINGLING, roof repairing, in or out of citv. Call Main 6817. room No. 7. PLUMBING expert, repair any plumbing gas; very reasonable. McCurdy. Sell. 1125 PAINTING. kalsomining by contract; re- liable man. Main 5801. W A NT E D To cut and donkey, got drag saw. split wood for a V 583, Oregonian, BOY". 1 1 years old, and go to school. wants Box 20, to do chorea Arleta Sta. PAINTING, kalsomining by contract; liable man. Main 001. POSITION wanted by all-around baker city or country. X 100. Oregonian. ' PASTRY baker wants position; wiii go anywhere. X. 104, Oregonian, SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Boofckeeeni. Stenographers. Off tec. pinBib.r"l0,fongwl,SOWBhJ0pbu,!nS, corporation, but wish to get into an- i other line of work; experienced in real , estate management and handling of I money. Have college education and am I now taking Alexander Hamilton Mod- t em Business course. Prefer connection with reliable wholesale house in credit dept., or financial institution or firm engaged In foreign trade ; will furnish bank and local references; I may be Just the man that you need In your organization. G 540, Oregonian. CHIEF CLERK AND PAYMASTER. WIDE EXPERIENCE GENERAL OFFICE WORK. EFFICIENT IN FACTORY DETAIL. COSTS, ETC. C. H. M.. WIS LOVEJOY ST. PHONE MARSHALL 5304. PRIVATE secretary to wealthy executive in large eastern city seeks similar asso ciation in west, with estate or person of wealth, and refinement; 20 years with, present employer. In addition to ex ceptional secretarial experience, is prac tical accountant. When necessary can take dictation and transcribe notes on typewriter. AV 600, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED lumberman, thorough ac countant, sales experience, good cor respondent, wants position with manu facturer where Intelligent, faithful serv ice will be appreciated ; would not con sider less than $200 month to start; no objection to leaving city if living con ditions good. E 544, Oregonian. FACTORY COST MAX. FEW WITH WIDER EXPERIENCE, CAN DO ANYTHING CLERICAL. PHONE MARSHALL 5209. BOOKKEEPER, accountant and cashier with 10 years' experience. including cost accounting, wishes position; thor ough training in advanced accountancy and law ; good typist. F 564, Orego nian. BOOKKEEPER of wide experience, high est credentials as to character nnd abil ities, desires situation. J 330, Orego nian. BOOKKEEPER - ACCOUNTANT. several years' experience; efficient in cost ac counting, record systematizing, etc. A 721. Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER with wide experience de sires office work requiring few hours' work daily. Phone Mr. Wilson. East 6hSS. SMALL set of bookKeeper. books wanted Address X 87, by expert Oregonian. WANTED A-l building. salesman. Matlea Gl RL for liKht housework 10 o'cWck Call Tabor 2 mornings ?7H Soldiers and Sailor. EX-SOLDIER, married, over 21 years old. wants position with local firm where chances of advancement will be given upon satisf action and ability, can fur nish best of references, high school and one term college education, must have $115, $125 to start with; give me a personal interview and a trial. Phone Marshall 146 and leave appointment. EX-SOLDIER, married, over 21 yrs. old., w:nts position learning a good trade with local fir.n. . Must have $1')0 per mo. to start. Try me. B. L. Esteb. Main 140. EX -OVERSEAS SOLDIER desires a posi tion as tracer in the mechanical line. Have had 3 years' experience; would ap preciate interview. Call Marshall 100, loom 201. Mr. Norstrom, and leave word. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and office man, familiar with the machine shop and foundry line, desires position; single man, can go anywhere. W 578, Orego nian. GOOD, reliable young man desires clerical position with large or small firm; good at figuring: writes touch system on type writer; one year at University of Oregon; willing to work. W 580, Oregonian. ACCOUNTANT 8 years' experience in lumber industry, Columbia river district, wants position as chief accountant with lumber company; fine references. Can hand I e typewriter. S 162. Oregonian. DISCHARGED soldier, highest non-com. grade, wants a clerical position tn anv office where initiative and intelligence can be used; city or country. A 670, Ore gonian. EX-OVERSEAS man and wife want work on ranch: can handle tractor and ma chinery. What have you? Write fcSl De pa w st., Portland, Or. YOUNG man, ex-service, good education, attending Jaw school evenings, would like to get in touch with good position A OK, O re go n i a n . SOLDIER Mechanic, 720 Division St., can save you money; guaranteed work; re pairs cars at your own garage. Sell- wood 1237. EXPERIENCED engineer wants position ; can do all repair work, steam fitting and electric work : discharged soldier A. L. K.. 00 East 02d St. WANTED, by returned overseas man work with machinery firm : experienced assembly man. Phone evenings. Tabor 3034. YOUNG man. 30. just returned from over seas, would like to connect with i liable houie ; have selling and clerical ability. J 336, Oregonian. Y OL'NG ma n. denta 1 student, desires wor of any kind after 6 P. M. nights. F 575. reeonian EXPERIENCED truck driver feur wants position In cityi ences. Call M 407. bet. 3-5 and chauf good refer- P. M. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Position as asst. bookkeeper or to take charge of a small set of books: have knowledge of stenography ; expert enced. B 826, Oregonian. RESPONSIBLE lady wants position as jan I tress for first-class apartment house; best of references given. Call Sell wood 3O70. EMPLOYMENT after 0 o'clock and Satur day afternoon. bookkeeping. children, sewing, embroidery or almost an) thing. K 610. Oregonian. EX PERI ENCED woman wishes Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. 1032. day work Sellwood DEPENDABLE person cares for children evenings; experienced in the care of the aged and sick. Marshall 340. K ITCH EN walls and woodwork washed bv expert window cleaner. Hansen, East 873. WIDOW, with child, would like position as housekeeper of an apt. house. Wood lawn 60o0. . UNDERGRADUATE nurse with office ex perience wants position with physician. StJt salary. Tabnr 106. MIDDLE-AGED widow wishes to take charge of an apartment ; respectable and honest. G 033. Oregonian; WANTED Would like some old people to care for who have no one to care for them. 14 First st. Room 12. REFINED middle-aged lady wants posi tion as companion to elderly person. G 545, Oregonian. WANTED Care of elderly woman or semi invalid ; references exchanged. Phone. Broadway 3055. LACE curtains hand laundered by ex perts; cal led for and delivered ; ref erences, fclast 6106. RESPONSIBLE of apts. Ref. gonian. lady wishes management exchanged. .E 540, Ore- LADY will work for self and board a nd room. Sell. 2276. EXPERIENCED primary teacher wants position in Oregon. X 118, Oregonian. LADY in gonian. alteration room. 090. Ore- LADY wants housework; small family; no wasning. r .v.'j. ureponian. EXPERIENCED woman wants to cook in s ma 1 1 hotel or hospital. 28o F i rs t RELIABLE woman wants day work, 8 hrs. a day. East 5867. KINDERGARTEN teacher desires position. E 03. . Oregonian. SWEATERS MADE TO ORDER. TA BOR 43H6. RELIABLE Woodlawn woman 4768. w ants day work, J A PAN ESE girl wants G 038, Oregonian. light housework. ALL kinds of curtains hand laundered by experts. i a Dor in. A PLACE to do chamber work in hotel or private family. Main 2364. EXPERIENCED wants position. comptometer operator AG 2i8, Oregonian. LA UNDRY by day. done beautifully. Main 9132. at home or COLLEGE girl wants work for room and board. eMi Michigan ave. WOMAN for general work, 6 days, 2 6:15, permanent. 317 Eugene st. COLORED girl wants day work; for ap polntment. Tabor 7076. WOMAN wants work, washing and ironing, 4Qc hour, car fare. 067 E. Caruthers. RELIABLE woman wants kitchen work; steady. Call Tabor 6472. EXPERT East 10) laundress wants first of week. POSITION by lady in procery tore; three years experience. Call Woodlawn 3340. CHAMBERMAID in first-class hotel or ele vator. AB 76, Oregonian. BABIES and children taken care of by the day. &51 E. 46th N. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. I"'' Price,. 310 Fremont. Tabor A NEAT, active, elderly woman would like to work for wages or for self and husband s room and board and small wages. Prefer chamber work. Respon- Bible people. K 066, Oregonian. GIRL wishes place to board and room ; would prefer place where could give service to help pay same. Phone Mar shall 274. help pay same. Phone Marshall 2764. REFINED, educated girl, who is a good cook and capable of taking full charge, wants position mm companion, preferably with elderly couple. B HQ7. Oregonian. A WOMAN who is thoroughly experienced in camp cooking wishes a situation as meat cook or baker. Address 102 H Grand ave. 8. Room 32. WOMAN who Is thoroughly experienced In camp work wishes position as meat cook or baker. Miss Crawford. 192 Grand ave. S. SITUATION wanted tv young married man; will accept any kind of steady work; can furnish references; would prefer inside work. K 020, Oregonian. POSITION in office, lady of refined ap pearance can receive callers and handle general office work, including stenog raphy, h oregonian. B IGH school girl wants work after school. 3741. Call W oodla wn Bookkeeper, Stenographers, Office. STENOGRAPHER Experienced in law and as private secretary; particularly successful in office management; quali fied by education and experience to fill high-grade position; best references; salary H'0 to begin. B 70S. Oregonian. BRIGHT young lad y, 9 years' experience bookkeeper, stenographer and . general office work, desires good position; must bo permanent and good salary. W 587, Oregonian. COMPETENT bookkeeper, cashier, stenog rapher desires work of some kind Sun days or few hours evenings. Call Miss D.. Main 4240 Sunday or before or after fi:30 or from 1:20 to 1:00 week days. BY EXPERIENCED BOOKEEPER CASH IER ACCUSTOMED TO MEETING PUBLIC, MA KIN. FINANCIAL STATE MENTS. ETC. MAIN 6344. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper wants small set books for evenings; especially familiar with automobile business. V OS 2, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER DE- SIRES A POSITION. FAMILIAR WITH INSURANCE WORK, REFERENCES. W ODLA W X 3836. TYPIST having own machine would like copy work for home or few hours day in office. Call Sunday or evenings. Mar shall 20!2. STENOGRAPHER and bookkeeper, with 6 years' experience in general office work, desires position. Phone Tabor 6350. WANTED By experienced biller and typ ist with high school education and knowledge of bookkeeping. Good refer ences. Wdln. 1004 or E 445, Oregonian. WANTED Position by experienced stenog rapher. Thoroughly competent. Secre tarial work preferred. Address B 707, Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER, asst. bookkeeper, cash ier, desires position; 7 years experience; h-st references. A H 584, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED stenographer desires tem porary worK, 94 per day. c 2j3. ore gonian. EXPERIENCED stenographer with good education and best of references desires permanent position. C 201, Oregonian. EX PER ENCED, efficient stenographer and dictaphone operator desires position. Broadway 4077. WANTED By experienced bookkeeper now otherwise engaged, a small set of books to keep. E 560. Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER with 0 months' ex perience, desires posi tlon ; cn furnish good references. East 32. YOUNG girl wishes clerical work besides an operator on a small switchboard. W r I te M iss N y gar d . Parkla n d . Wash. LADY with some office experience, desires position as typist. Can use dictaphone. Full orpart time. AH 578, Oregonian. EXPERT stenographer desires evening work, copy work or dictation. J3 780, Oregonian. W ANTED Position by stenographer thor oughly experienced and capable. B 821, Oregonian. WANTED roll work Position in fa tory office, pay preferred. B K22. Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS experienced desires posi tion. G 500, stenographer Oregonian. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework. Main 67 12. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and stenogra pher. B-st of references. Main 2M 7. Dressmakers. IF you admire work weil done try M rs. Hutchinson. 0(2 E. Flanders; ladies tailoring, street and evening gowns, also remodel i Tig. Phone East 1430. SjEWING by the day. guarantee all work; reference if required; :t.0o per day. Phone Marshall 0478 Sunday or after 5 P. M. weekdays. Mrs. R. G. Shaw. GOOD seamstress wants 6 hours' sew ing a day with dressmaker; medium wayca. Main 7008. M rs. West. WANTED Engagements by the day. ex perienced in suits and gowns, do remod eling, reasonable. Phone Bdy. 1 567. COATS, dresses, etc., made and remod eled by M rs. K inder at Emporium Dye Works, 540 Morrison st. Broadway 1200. SEWING by experienced dressmaker;- re fining coats specialty. Tabor 7173 after 6. EXPERIENCED dressmaker will go out by nay. rtroaaway l :. hats made over. look like new. 352 Yamhill st. GOOD dressmaking $3.00 per day. after 6. East 3703. rERY capable dressmaker ; references ; alterations; reasonable. East 7665. DRESSMAKING by day. East Nnrnes. MATERNITY AND SURGICAL HOS PITAL. 1090 Williams Ave. We take care of confinement cases and all other surgical cases for less than rne-haif the usual charges; normal con finement cases, including drugs, dressing, licensed physician's cervices, two weeks' hospital care all for $4tt. Phone Wood lawn 100, Main 7744. or apply at 7U2 De kum bldg. VERY competent nurse would like to lake charge of infant or child by hour. All day Friday and Tuesday and Thursday evenings. Will do plain sewing or mend ing. Call for Mrs. Moore between 7 and P. M. East 7340. EXPERIENCED dressmaker and tailoresi would like sewing, $5 per day, references given. Woodlawn 5400. DRESSMAKING by an experienced dress maker. 001 E. 37th st. S. Phone Sell wood 1607 after A P. M. GRADUATE nurse wishes case; very com petent; prices reasonable. Phone Eaat 6M03. I'RACTICA L nurse wishes case ; day or night duty or will go out of town. East 5744. EXPERIENCED nurse wishes case of in valid or infant ; hospital trained ; will leave city. Main HMO. NURSE will care for convalescent or other case in own home; rates reasonable. Ta bor 8040. NURSE. E. 30th Sellwood st. 2339 or address GRADUATE nurse will her private residence. In.ke patients Tabor 20O. at PRACTICAL nurse wants work ; house keeping, too, if necessary. Main 1 020. ME TAPHYSIO AL mTrH! Wood n Iomj. HoueUeepert. MIDDLE-AGED woman with son 11 wants position housekeeper in modern home near good school ; good home more than waes. Box 260. The Dalles, Or. POSITION as housekeeper, by widow. In a motherless home, or to cook for 2 or 3 men; excellent housekeeper: no triflers need reply. E 061. Oregonian. COMPETENT housekeeper with 2 little glrlf. wants position In or near Portland, or would cook for several men. Marshall 2662. 1302 Kelly street. YOUNG woman with baby wishes perma nent position with bachelor rancher as housekeeper; no foreigners. B 818, Ore gonian. REFINED middle-aged lady wants posi tion as housekeeper in widower's modern home. G 001, Oregonian. U N I N IT M BE It ED keeping for one ranch. AH 03, widow wishes house or more gontiemen on Oregonian. LADY with 2 small boys wants a place keeping house in or out of the city, close to school. H 222, Oregonian. WIDOW with 2 children. 0 and 12 years of age, wishes permanent position as housekeeper or cook in camp. Tabor 11. ELDERLY lady wants housekeeping for one or two men; city or country. AR 770. Oregonian. LADY wants position as housekeeper widower's home. 167 Page st. A .MIDDLE more than AGED wages. lady F .' wants a home vi. Oregonian. HOUSEK EEPER in a refined widower' home; no small children. East 70S. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Housekeepers. A MIDDLE-AGED respectable widow wishes position as housekeeper in widow er's home; no objection to one child; references exchanged. O 50O, Orego nian. WANTED Position as housekeeper In re fined, well-to-do widower's home, bach elors' club, or first-clnss rooming house, by refintd middle-aged lady; Rood home more than wages. F 507, Oregonian. WANTED Position as housekeeper in small home by married woman, husband employed, in exchange for room and board for both, and aome wages. Room 412. East 201. CA PA BLE housekeeper wants position ; widower with grown children or two or three gentlemen; full charge. J 317, Oregonian. HOUSEKEEPER Middle-aged lady of re finement in modern home in city; adults or gentleman's home or apartments. -V 5hM. Oregonian. Domestic. LA D Y wants housecleaning, other work, hours, day; good work guaranteed. Wood lawn 63u5. WANTED TO RENT. MEIER & FRANK'S Information and Rental Bureau. Reliable, up-to-date lists 'of desirable vacant houses, apartments and flats with definite information pertaining to each. Newcomers to Portland will find this bureau of great value in helping them get properly and quickly located. Eighth Floor. 1 WANT to rent a house aud two or more lots in Portland or Vancouver, or one or more acres with housjj, outbuildings and plenty of good water, near carlin, aud within 15 miles of Portland. W. G. Clark, 4527 45th st. S. K. Phone B 1048. WANTED By October 15th, furnished Hat or cottage to rent for 6 mos. in district south of Clay st. to Jackson. Best of care will be taken. Address G 510, Oregonian. BY FAMILY of three adalts, a comfortably furnished home of about 7 rooms, pre ferably with garden and sleeping porch, in good neighborhood. Broadway 1504, room 020. TWO adultb want, by Oct, 5, small, well -furnished house, flat or apartment, or will share desirable home: 2 months or winter; Hawthorne or Richmond car best care; references. Tabor 0014. WANTED Party with children, oldest 1 6-room furnished place, Oct. 1. owners who so strongly object to and hate chil dren, don't read this. But we have got to live. References. Phone Bdwy. 24:: .-jU rOK 3 years at vh per cent, on new 6-room bungalow in Laurel hurst, worth S75O0. No commission. Mr. Koeh ler. Laurelhurst Co., 27o Stark st. Main J.oo. YOUNG business man wants to rent well furnished home. Laurelhurst or Rose City preferred; must be first-class and have, large garage; not over $100 per month, ah 42. oregonian. v A. i ed l o rent furnished or unfur nished, 4 to 6-room house; best of care no children ; references. H 220, ore gonian. WANTED 5 or 6-room unfurnished houss or flat in Irving ton, reliable parties, no children ; any time between Oct. 1 and Dec. 1. East 4034. WANT 4 -6-room furnished or unfurnished house, close in. west side ; adults; ref erences furnished; permanent; best of Care. Talcott, 51 N. 6th st. WANTED By two very responsible adults. no cnimren. moaern .' or u-room bungalow in desirable neighborhood : best of ref erences. Phone Main 4303. BL SINESS man wishes to rent or lease -room unfurnished house or bungalow. thoroughly modern; good location. Main h21. Mr. Dore. UNFURNISHED 5 or 6-room modern bun galow or house by responsible party; 5 reward for first advice of house 1 accept. r-ast 4 i l i. DA UGHTER who has mother nnd father coming west for a visit desires to rent pleasant furnished home for the winter. lit of references. Phone Wdln. 624 BY THREE adults, furnished apartment or house for the winter: can furnish best of references. Address Mrs. T, McCart. general delivery, city. REQUIRED 4 or 5-room furnished bunga low, or 3 -room flat for ex-army officer and wife. D 71 1, Oregonian. TWO adults want furnished 8 or 1 0-rooin house ; west side ; will buy furniture. G 53.. Oregonian. WANTED By young couple, two to four rooms. Turn ished house, or flat. Mar shall 1200. room 1. WANTED Four or five-room furnished house or apartment. Hawthorne district. cIhpp in. Call B. 1108. WANTED to rent, furnished or unfurnished house on west s:de from Nov, 1. Tele rhone Marsht ll 11. WANTED 0 or 6-room modern furnished house or small apartment. C. E. Elliott, room f22. Washington hotel. WANTED 4 or 5-room. furnished house or flat in Alberta district. Phone Wood lawn 2401). WANTED Well -furnished home with ga rage, win pay up to 1 100 for right p. ace an tr-ast t --.. i ANT to rent 4-0 -room bungalow with g:irage. 3 Wood law n people; take good care. Phone W A X TKI To rent or 7 -room adjacent to E. 21st and Broadway; erate rent. Main Hi04. house mod WANTED To rent on west side, unfur niched 8 to 12-roo.nT house In good con ditlon. Phone W oo llaw n 46-t i. WANTED To. buy furniture and rent house on west side. Must be reasonable. Marshall 2040. Answer today. WANTED To rent, modern -room house in or near Walnut Park, "hy ,t adults best of references. Tabor 8807. 5 ROOMS and hath, loir, Williams ave. ?27.00. Inquire 4iS Selling bldg WANTED Furnif heif house. Tabor 6437. in suburbs. WANTED A modem house or flat, furnished. Will lease. Tabor 630. WANT to rent a modern 4 or 5-room house i;i good neighborhood. East 4 82. 12 OR 14-ROOM furnished house or flats walking distance. Wdln. 4036. Apartment. ANYONE planning to leave the city for t he w inter and desirous of renting t heir lurnlsheu apartment to two adults. "molher and daughter. telephone room 714 1 ten son hotel, between H and A. M. Sunday and Monday; references given. 90 REWARD I want a small unfurnished apartment, an outside rooms, in a mod ern brick apartment house; nothing else considered ; walking distance preferred, w 111 pay o ior iniurmation lor tn apartment 1 accept. Address AJ3 Oregonian. WANTED to rent by couple small fur n ished apartment ; must be completely f urnisnei ana up to a ate in every sped; rent not to exceed $45 per month Address K 617, Oregonian. BUSINESS couple, no children, want tw or three-room apt. or modern H. K. rooms, close in. Phone Mar. 36 IS or Main 440O. MIDDLE-AGED Catholic woman would iike to share apartment with a widow, or would like a housekeeping room in a private family. A; 20i. Oregonian. WANTED Tounsr w- man writer wants small apt. or well-furnished housekeeping rooms, west Hide, close in. Room 30 ... M ultnoma h hotel. WANTED By man and wife, man em ployed, wife to care for apartment house, t ree rent for services rendered. F o!0, Oregonian. WANTED Small furnished apartment, flat or house by young couple; no chil dren. Woodlawn 0o27. BUS IN ESS woman w ants furnished apart ment. 1 room, kitchenette and bath, on west side. Oct. 1st. A 619, Oregonian. WANTED Two-room furnished apt. business woman, walking distance. Ot". Oregonian. for V WANTED -To rent unfurnished apartment or flat. 3 or 4 rooms; adults; prefer Seil wood or Sunnyside. Call Sellwood 303. TWO ladies. Al reference, share expenses In CLEAN home, west side preferred ; Monday or Tuepday. F 336, Oregonian. TWO adults want desirable apartment! permanently: unfurnished preferred; ref erences. Tabor 7007. W ANTE D T w o Woodlawn 3344. furnished apartments. WANTED Two-room inent. Woodlawn 122 furnished apart' SMALL apt. for one lady; ref.; permanent. K 603. Oregonian. WANT furnished single apurtment. begin ning next week. G 046. Oregonian. Room. room: must be on main car line, nnd near corner Washington and 23d streets. Business of such nature that room will be occupied very little. Call room 226, Seward hotel. WANTED Furnished room in private family outside of city, by sentiemau. Tabor G4.37. WANTED TO RENT. Rooms. LARGE. front, w-11 furnished. heated WANTED By couple (2 children . two housekeeping rooms, wa iking distance Benson poi y techni c . Wdln. 41s. Iloomn With Itoard, EDL'CATED WOMAN, middle-aged, wants comfortable room with good board in strictly modern home. In or near Port land; prefer home where are young peo ple; aslst with tewing and mending. E 52H, i regontan. WANTED, by young man. room with 2 meala. breakfast :30. 1. mln. from busi ness district: when answering give par ticulars. X 102, Oregonian. WANTED A h me with miudle-KKed cou ple who will care for an elder iy ma n crippled: good compensation. W 577. Oregonian. BUSINESS girl desires rcc-m and board in private home w ith piano, on lr.ad way car line. l-st of teferences. B Mb, ore gonian. LY BUSINESS girl, board and room in pri vate home with piano tn vicinity or Mult nomah club. Can give best of references It sort, Oregonian. BUSINESS man with good references wants first-class board and room in private family. Address K 507, Oregonian. WANTED Room and board by refined lady; must be warm; references. W 004, Oregonian. WANTED By man and wife and two lit tle girls 3 and 1, room and noara; east side preferred. A 676, Oregonian. WANTED Home in good family for boy 7 years old. G 540, Oregonian. Housekeeping' Rooms. W A NTED By two elderly people. on large or two small housekeeping rooms. Terms must be moderate. Permanent if suttid. Private family preferred. D 678. Oregonian. WANTED By a refined young business woman, room with bath, suits ble for liKht housekeeping: in a good home or apartment : price must be reasonable. A K 07'. Oregonian. WANT TO RENT One or two housekeep ing rooms, unfurnished, or a small home for a lady. Phone Tabor 4443. Ru Miners I' I aces. OR 5-ROOM furnished or house, not over $20. adults, gonian. unfurnished W 5nS. tire- Ox 100 CONCRETE garage. E. 27i h and liurnside; ?!0i per month. T. H. Edwards, 84 0th st. Main 1027. Miscellaneous. WANTED To rent for six weeks, a 30x40 or larger tent. Call Cutler's Manuiac turing Co. East 7332. FOR RENT. V u rn ih h ed Roo ni s . A Modern Priced Hotel of Merit. HOTEL CLIFFORD. East Morribon and Sixth. Hotel Clifford is the principal east side hotel and is a hotel of dignity and refinement. $1.25 per day; two in room. $ 1.70; 0 per week, $22.00 per month. HOTEL NAVARRE. 427a Alder St.. Corner 11th. Elegantly furnished, central location, clean aud orderly. Hated by day or week. NOB HILL. Large front room, modern home, handsomely furnished, on Ktarney st.. between 23d and 2ftth; men only; ref crences required. Main 4711. WANTED By a teacher nnd her mother. a small furnished apartment or house keeping rooms : preierabty near lrv ing ton car line. Call Main 233U. HOTEL CONRADINE. Tenth a:d Burnslde utreets. 2 biocks north ui Washington st. All outside rooms, strict ly model n and fireproof ; rates by day, week or month. HOTEL SAVON, 131 11th t.. between V ashing ton and Alder; clean modern room $4.00 per week up; $1 per day up. THE GEM. Housekeeping and transient rooms. 20c and up: tteam heat, hot and cold w ater. 00 S 1st st. HuTEL OCKLEY, Morrison st. at Tenth Rates $1 per day up; weekly. $4 up; run ning water. 1 ree phone and Lain. FURNISHED rooms, light, clean and only 1 . min. out. 114!) Hawthorne ave. la bor 3320. Fl RN ISH ED rooms ; light, sunny 404 Bdwy. fur Main ntshed room, close i 37:3. N O R R I S hotel. 033 Alder, splendid mod ern outside rooms. $4 w eek up, w ith bath $7. Come and see. PALACE HOTEL. 446 Wasll. St.; down town location, respectable and struiiy modern; steam heat; rooms large, clean. ANSON I A HOTEL 14 lh and Washington. clean, respectable, modern, transients $1 up, erniaiient $4 up. Private bath $4. 470 MORRIS' N Single or en iuite. con venient, newly furnished, also cheap basemen t. W E A V E R hotel, double rooms for 2 geii- t lemen, pri vale bat h, vacant October 1. "Ms Washing ton. WKLL-i URNISHED mom In steam ed apartment. Nob Hill district: t ences exchariKed. Phone Marshal! NICELY turmshed front room; steam h at. bath, phone, close in. west side. Marshall :;2M. NEWLY finished front room, walking dis muderii and reasonable. 16 N. tame, 1Mb. :0c. $1 DAY: $2.00 week up; outside rooms. Hotel Cadillac, 3d near Jelferson. SARGENT HOTEL, 271 -i Grand ave., apt. and sleeping rooms. East 20 h. k. T W sleeping rooms tor rert. reason ; ble. Call Tabor 273 or 002 K. 36th st. South H I LLCREST HOTEL Bath, phone. $20 mo. up; without bath. $1 up. 733 'ash. WELL 2U4 -FURNISHED 22d M. N. Mi room on tin 4043. main floor; Unfurnished Rminit. TWO large un 1 urn ished outside rooms, wttli use of kitchen; 2 blks. from steel bridge. Call between O A. M. and 3 P. M.; adu.iw only. 2'4 13 Occident wt. LARGE unfurnished or partly furnished room, first Iloor. 671 Kearney. Furnished Roonia inlrlvate Family. NICELY furnished room, in R. C. P. home, wiih or without board; lady emploel preferred; reference exchanged. Tuor N031. TWO pleasant well f urn ished rooms for two geneltmen. near Multnomah club. cm riti t i ti g L0 17th. 3 LA R' E housekeeping rooms floor; range and fireplace. 2H rlson t. Rent $27. fit st Mor- PLEASANT c.ean outside room with or without family board; reasonable: easy walking distance. -JS., Hen I on St.. apt. A. 3 FURNISH ED housekeeping rooms with private bath. 0OM E. Ash. East 403. ATTRACTIVE Phone East room, 40:l. w alking uibiant 260 14TH. walking near Jefferson distance. Main -4 'hoice Shu 3. 44S TA YLOJt ST. pleasant front sleeping room, suitable for one or two gentlemen. FOR RENT Nice, clean. Clay. single room. 300 NICELY furnished Hawthorne. f 10. room on E 0th. near Call 316 E. 0th. IRVINGTON. beautiful room. 1 -a blocks I. or B. East 419. breakfast. ' TWO clean sleeping room?, private home; men only. 44 oiumnia. cor. nm. DESIRABLE bedroom, private family. Sellwood 3202. MOI 'ERN sleeping West Park. Man rooms, 1 721. close in. IN PRIVATE Ing distance home, rooms for rent ; w alk ; price reasonable. 30 Davis. WELL-FURNISH ED. clean room for busi ness man or woman. 326 loth Ft . WE Li side -FURNISHED Marshall 01.1 room, close in, west FURNISHED room for one Flanders st. gentleman. 60 1 ONE furnished room, nteam heat, bath, phone. 440 Columbia st. Large sleepin r room. 1 ma it prel erred. P4 1 earn heal : "ouch. apt. FOR RENT Parlor two people. Cal I bedroom for one t 110 E. 12th. FURNISHED room for rent In private fam ily with breakfast. 10 E. Alder st. KICK 04 S front room, use of good piar-o. lady. Halght ave. ROOM iu private family, close in. East 7310. LA RGE front and small distance. 343 13th st. room, w.i'king Main 1721. SLEEPING room for one or two gentle- men. 474 Salmon st. corner 1 4th. FURNISHED room, ladies preferred, Ing distance. A0O Columbia st. FURNISHED room In apt . close In; privileges. Marshall 240. FOR RENT Nice front room home, board If desired. Call private -t liss. MODERN room, close In; East 23.S4. ladies preferred. VERY fine modern :ttl st. South. furnished room. 444 N ICELY furnished room walking distance. 267 for 11th gentlemen ; st. SLEEPING 1 00. n for 1 or 2 gontiemen, in I rvington nomc. Phone East 622. ON WEST SIDE A well furnished sleep ing room In private family. Main 3Mo. FRONT room, furnished. East 7iy FOR RENT. FumiheU Rooms in Private Family. Ku R It ENT Two larce front rooms; lur mice, ru lining water; also ery large downstairs room. lurnished or pariiy I urn ished, near 2M h. on Madison, one block to Hawthorne tar. clor-e to board ing hous and garage. Phone East t;o.;u IN BEA UTI FU L I rv ington home, to single gen t lern.i n . ha ndeo iuc. w e . I - he.t ; 1 1 1 on t room. .Tl ii;o;.iny f urnihirKS throughout. i Jar.1 go, per pet uj I hot w a: r. u . ! t oii eit Jences. board if ties: red. One block f 1 oin Broa d wa v. East 1 2o. UKuNT room for two Kirls employed, home pn ileges; use of kitchen, pi. mo, walk ing dista nee. Phone E. 1 I . bet ween 1m A. M. ana 5 P. M. Sua.; alter 6 P. M. weekdays. TO A business man. a nice lare room with private lavatory and dressing room. In a beautltul home, with all modern conveniences, w est bide walking dis tance. Mar. 4'I. NICELY furnished. d modern tl.it ; kitchei light, buth. linen : West side; desirable Flanders st. an ouisme room, privileges, heat, walking distance, ad u 1 1 s only. 028 NICELY furnished rooms for 3 or 4 gen tlemen in private laini.y home, all "mod ern conveniences. West side, walking dis tance to business -district. a iio, ore gonian. ELEGANTLY furnished front parlor with drtmg room and sleeping pore hsuit able for two gen tie 111 tn or 1.. dies em ployed; also siue room, west tide, walk ii.g distance. l N. I Mb. LARGE bedroom in my modern home, t-u uable for one or two lauies or em ployed couple, tor 18 a month, breakfast If desired. Call al 028 E. 30lll it. S., Richmond car. TO gentleman, furnishing the best of ref erences an attractive, corn fori a ble room in a priuie home having all modern con veniei.cuij; walking distance. Phone East 7040 $lo PER MO. Desirable sunny south room; furnace heat, electric light, bath and phone; 10 minutes' walk to business center. 410 Broadway; west side. LARGE front alcove room water; itlso si title room; in n-iKhborhoou; Nob Broad w ay 0623. with running fa nnlv hotel Hill district. in new house with pri e ptrt of e ojcupa- basement. 111 genii 01 gonian. CLEAN. w ui! -I'urn ished rooms lor busi ness men, hot water, electric lights, fur race heat ; walking distance. Nob Hill d 1st rici. M a-n 7;;40. FURNISHED front room in private iu.111 ily. su 1 La lle f r two girls; si ea m lie a t. private entrance, walking distance. 7o3 Everett. n ar 22d. NICE, furnished rooms, close in. all modern conveniences, reasonable. C.ii! Sunday or after 3 week days. 301 Harrison st.. or Main 400l. LARGE front room, nicely furnished, suit able for 2 : electric light, furnace heat. Use of piano. b:ith and phone; renson t ble rent. ;01 W ashington, cor. El la. LARGE, well-f urnished front room; liKht, heal and phone; quiet employed gentle man preferred. 7 70 Glisan st. Main loio. ONE line 1 urnished room. 33 bet w eeti Clay and Market ; tic rocm. 'all evening or .Marshall Ou74. W. Bdwy., also one at unday. Tel. I.EASANT front room in Hiarttnent house: private entrance; hot and cold water in room : phone, bath, steam heat ; gentleman preferred. A 06i. FOP refined gentleman, lie lit. well -furnished 100m or co. meeting rooms for 2 gentlemen; references; walking distance. Mam 4..01. FRONT room in an attractive home, beau tiful view , walking distance. furnace heHl. br ak fast if desired, near 23d and Wash. IM Green ave., Marshall 104U. FURNISHED room su.:..il : for 1 or 2 Koir.itiiK'ii. steam heat and private en trance: close in, west side. Phone even ings. Broadway 34"5. FURNISHED rooms. gent leinen ; every thing modern, new and clean; nice place for day sit-epcrs. 3 -IS Montgomery st. Main ;;w4i. LA R i E furnished front room, with alcove and sleeping porch, suitable for 2 an t ieiueu only ; reference reuu:rea. 212 inn t. COSY, sunny front bedroom in private family. Furnace heat, electricity; ref erences. Take Suunyside car. 120 E. 34th St.. cor. Alder. BEAUTIFUL large room, w it 11 pi a no. for 1 or 2 gentlemen. Call 414 and Salmon, cor. 1 1th. N ICELY furnished outsid ntiig water and ufodern ; room, walking run-dis- t.i ni e. ... 1 ay lor. LARGE room, 3 windows. 2 modern bunga w. Mount Tabor 2142; relerences. Tabor. vir. ONE nicey furnl aml laundry if Phone M.ir. 2; lied roo; d e 1 re d , 11. use of kitchen 170 23d North. YoUNG small. I'la no. vorkinic man to -ongemal f amilv Main 60 v room and of ouiig 1 ard: pie; N E ATI. Y or two 3714 furnished room, suitable fo men: modern, furnace heat. 126 I'.. H a rr is.m one East F R R ENT N Ice. clean furnished nun a "d eej(:i a porch, suitable tor 2 ; hot and cold water, use of phone. Main tt3'7. LA tl '. E n Icov e fro phone. 10 miuiit men only. 'all it room with I u.il!( to tt y Marshall 2'lV ith and gentle- 304 M NT' lOM FRY. sma 11 room. walki'ii, distance phot.e. front sb heat. eping light. TWO furniMied very close roe ms. 1. 04 preferred ; Broad w ay F K 'NT bedroom, v ery distance. went side; Phone Mam iio-6. desirable, walking gent leman only. Fl'RNlSHED room on fint floor, near G. id Samaritan hospital. P'lone Ma' Oia1l r.vi'i FURNISH ED 1 Broadway, n E. Broadway. in private !d: $1 pt t 017 home ve.k. ATTRA VTI ELY furnished 1 location on west side, ior m.-als nearby. Telephone od two; Mar 262!. FU li N IS H ED room for rent for 1 or 2 feiitiemen or ladies, in private family. Phone Wood law n 6110. 0411 Jar: I eld a v o. $n PER month Sunny room, wa.king distance: alt conveni n v. Marshall Col V west side, nces ; men COM F RTA BLE. w ell furnished room for gent lemen. 20 East 1 t st . Nort li, near Hfdladay ave. Phone C H6ii. RimiM in private home. 1 hlo.-k from car; to student or woman employed. Tabor i2. LARGE light and nicely furnished room in lrvtngton. with breakfast. East 4s.",j. NICE front room, ground floor; no chil dren; walking distance. 4". Jackson st. FK' NT room for gentleman in home nr. 23d and Wash. 02 Lucretia st. ONE suite Park. and single sleeping rooms. 272 Ri m IMS, car. 3 bent, licht. bath, half block 2 Morris. East 6o.0. SLEEPING Port !a nil room for 1 or 2 gent lemen on Heights. Call Marshall 334-V O M Fo I T A B L E room in iern lrv ing- ion h'me. Phone East 34"I. DEL1GHTUUL sleeping rroms for refine men, eto-e in. Phore Bdwy. 2266. Room Wi tn Itourd. Nt'RTONIA HOTKU Portlands downtown high -class family hotel . rooms en tuite or si nU w 11 h or without board, for t am il:es and business m-n and women. We give you all the comforts of a home. Reasonable rates. D( Y U want good board and room. ! to 5 lu. t hen come to t he Or nd A venue hotel ; st net ly A men en n. "-lose in. 33 4 Grand avenue, eorm-r of Mill. THE HAZEL Excellent table: a res I home table at reasonable rates. Third and Motitgomerv . Main 7"04. THE MARTHA WASHINGTON. 3MI l'.i tu st. For business girls and students; reasonable rates. Mar. 1201. Ro M and board fcr busmen cnls: all modern con v en 1 ences . a I k trig d ista nee . $4 per week. East 4i32. 12 E. 7th st. PAR v VI E vV HOTEL Rooms w ith board, excellent table . cl -jse in. 36 Mont gomcr , near West Park. WANT to board child, three to six vears, $It-f2M per month; good care given. Call Tat'or 34'iV FIRST-CLASS board week; steam lieit. Ma'.n l"oV and room. f7. hot and co.d ro per water. t'. iroiit room wtlh Uoard for couple, 1. M tin 2670. Room With Hoard in Private KatiiHv. FURNISHED rooms, suitable for 1 pent .erne n. with or without board. 2UO. or 2 East PLEASANT only. 4mi room, with Monroe st. board, gentleman E. N06. N B HILL Re.iutifu! room, private lava tory, breakfast: two adults Mam i;it ROOM and board near S. at titiO Kaig st.. near E P. shops I no u ire . 10th. Sell. 3460. WANTED Child ren care. luC.O Corbet t care for. mot tier's , phone Mar. 33. CH 1 LD to board between 4 and H years old. Best of mother's care. East 0ltt. OUT SI DE rooms, board $6 week up ; table board 0. 2S4 Main street. LP 1 ARD and r men. TaHor in private family for FURNISHED rouin wuii board. ui Irving. FOR RFNT. Room With Board in Private Family. LOOKING for a good place to settle for tb winter? H ii- - r. Minis, veiy comfey, nice ly 1 urn is tied, cleun ; f ut na e it eat. with board; home cooking, ery reasonable If taken at once for not icss tii.n four mom hi , each suitable for two. Mam BOA RD Couch w hero w I. ere a n d roo m in p r i a : o fa m i 1 v in : rhool d;5t.. for t.i rr.il v of four there are no other 1o.ii.Kt. and mother and babv can ct atten- tion. Will pay good money. AB ou5. ori'cnn:an. Ro M w ith or w ardrobe, hot w a tones, mammoth piano, fine home st mients. Phone tith'Mit hoard; large ter heat, private lava living room, fireplace, for bibinsa men and Main 42!0. CAN (rive good home in country chlUir n. r.ar school and ! st an furnish best of references. j04 Kerby st. East 74 H. for t wo of care; Ca. at I.A RG K water room with fireplace, hot and cold suitable for two; ai.-o mgle room. steam heat; ralfs reasonable; walking dista nee. 332 lot h. NEWLY furnished front room with board, private residence, close in, west side, sui Table for two men. also s:nc room with board If desired. Mar. 037S. WI I.L give room man with boy mother's care Stout car. board, was gent ie w eek ; : ferson. under 8, I or $ I to child. 6-6 Je WANTED Two Reed college girls1 to room ami board at private home, walking dis tance to Reed ; pieasan t surroundings, very reasonable terms. Call Sell. 2.2:. B OCTOBER 13. l.irce front room in beautiful Irvingion home, suitable for couple young people. emploed. Tabor 71 2 3S un da y a n d even! n g s only. WIDOW, with bos 0 and 0. wi'l board and room boy at-ut same aee; moth er s care ; $2t. WOO E. 2M h st. S BO l!D and room in private family for gtrl 0 years old; mother's rare; close to rural school In Rom City. MarshaU 1612. Fl' RN ISHED room with board, for gentlemen. til 2 Spruce st Harrison. Phone Sellwood 17 suitable , cor. E. I'll E MIGNON NURSERY w ill care for chitdren by the day, week or month; reasonable. 1224 East Main st. ROOM ING and hoarding school, children, .at reasonable price. School one block Irom house. Tabor 7:0. WANTED Place near Hollaiiay honie. J 3:4, to board 8-year-old girl, school; prefer childless Oregonia n. A LARGE front room with single v beds and good home cooking. Home baked bread. 143 North Ht h st. Brdwv. 4:;H P L E A S A N T room w alking distance Phone Mam 427 with board, half-block west side, trom car. WILL share my modern homo with voung lidy employed. Kitchen privileges. Phone East 31tl. WILL give w ould ad od home to gtrl of 12 to 10; pt : by American home. J 3 17. Oregonian. Fi RST-S1 LY ER room and board, suitable for two. if desired. 304 Columbia st. Main 264. 1TH ST.. well furnished rooms: home cooked meals; good heat; hot and cold w a ter. ON E clean, com fort a bie room for a man, with or without board, good home cook- ing. 40 Yamhill, upstairs. NICELY furnished room with board, near Broadway briuge, private home. 40S Benton st. FURNISHED room suitable for one or t wo gent lemen, with or without board. East 2110. BOA i; one D and 3 a d v ; room 1 one bl East ; 1 private ck from family for Broadway. WELL-FURNISHED room with board; re fined private family ; w alking distance. 7o3 Hoit. GOOD room and board in private fami'y: no ot her Hoarders : 10 per w eek. 2.6 !'.2i. near Hawthorne ONE fine large room excellent board. 736 East 646. r two gentlemen. Bunis;dc. Plloli REASONABLE board and fined w otlla 11 w ho wa n is 4 lawn 044O. rom tlOUH tor re . WoikI- R00M and cooking. board for gent leman : home va king distance. 7.0O per Clay. ROOM suitable fo cn rage ; excel lent -MODERN lan. 301 W. .eeping porcl Park. Mar for 210. WANTED 1 or 2 pnv .1 te fam fly. St iai for 1:1 voo-1 WANTED Tw o and room En refined st 417 V peop.e to boa rd WANTED To hoard k ape. (rood home near trl or school. bov. trh Tabor 27 JO CHILD yard, vmi To board. s ! East D.tvi.. 11 boa r-1 wa . k i n 1 I r im;l st a nc- M and board it men. 07t L.idd pri va t e ion iv.. HiM 21! Ht M and board for family. 044 u 4th two men ; private Bt 1 A R D home. ind room Bdwy. 1.1 for 2, prettv west Mde 3. Ku rn lulled A imrinirn tw. t M PLETEI.Y f u rn ished rooms and H. eeping porch. Pt l! outside ro,ms. ma ny . w ooi- li.i t ) oo-l f.onrs. t res pons : ' - 'e con -1 Easl 4:122 for furnisffied in bau::fu work of ivory etiam Price $Ui p.-r mont h pie; no children, t pa n icu la rs. THE ntOMWKI.U Fifth and Columbia Si reef. Five minutes walK to M.-l-r A- Frank's store: good surroundings, t-trictlv mod ern. 2 and 3-room furnished apts.; ail outside with French doors ami balcony. RATES BY WEEK nil M"NTli. STELWYN APARTMENTS. High Cias. Lovely apartment aud st eping porch, beautifully furnished in Chinese rugs and wiilow : very light, tunny and airv ; sin gle room and bat h ; relerences required Mar. 231. BELKNAP APARTMENTS. 2-room apartment $32. in iuilinc light, steam heat: also one furnished room including light and cooking gas. 1 4 17th st.. near YamhJil. W I H to sublet my apt. to reliable people ior the winter, has lour complete. y fn r n is bed rooms, la rge living room. 2 bed rooms, hal i, bat h. 3 closets. k itch en ; references ; west side. Phone MhIM 444. ELEi ANTLY and completely fmnih.l 3- r.v.m a part men t tor sate : soi:n ma nog. any furniture, orients 1 rugs. 1 ine china pictures, hangings, kitchen utensil., etc. hardw ood f.oors. w hite enamel wood electric stove. Main S021. 2. 3 OR 4 NICELY furnished housekeep lieat, g is a nd 1 1 cli I ing rooms; Htea m furnished. 640 Union ave. N. East S."tO. 4- R00M apt. with bath at 67 4 1 - Mi sr. ave.; rent $I6.6'i. including water; partly furnished. 1 ; O D D A R D & WIE I R I C K. 243 Stark St. FURNISHED A PA RTM ENT for man and wife; no children; rent and wages to wife in exchange for chamber work: man can pet work nearbv. W 000. reconian FURNISH ED 5-room apt.. $10. I water, garbage included ; adults Stark ; after Tuesday. bphotie, s77 E. - ROOM furnished modern a distance. Inquire apt. No. 4, 7t7 Wa vne st. Pt .. walking Wayne apts. FOR ern Ion RENT One apartment. Apts. furnished 4-room Phone East lit;o. mo.l-Ava- FINELY furnished front suite of room-. Nob Hill district, suitable lor employed couple ; no children. Main 000. FOR RKNT Clean, modern, close-m fur nished housekeeping a part men ts. Ca II Marshall 3";7. ONE room and kitchenette in p:e.ti.i sientn-heaTed flat, one or two employed la-lies. 4o::'.. 1 2: h st. G LA DSTON K A PTS.. 71 N Grand Steam heated apts, $17 and 3d; everything lur ri isned. WANTED Will a pa rt inent w ith lose in. ( 'all share my a oung man Bri.a.lw uv 111 furnished w est side. 3-RooM furnished apartment with sleeping porch. The Lois. 74 Hov t YY A NTED Ioun lad; , emplowd. to )mre apt. E. 3"2 today, morning or ev num. COM PLETE apartment, $10; concrete bldg. U n ion ave. and K tilings wort h. ;-i; ' bin a .1 furnished ave. C 11 TO a pa rtment. 1 130 ! A 1- 3-R M. jessippi private bath. aduts. S4't V is- 3-RooM furnished apartment, rent reason able. M1 Front st. TH E G ROVER. K. hplK. 1M one aid t G rover st. vo-rorn ftf. Main 0"'0. -POOM furnished apt., ."..'1 E. Pine st. lower floor, adults. M USK will share apartment with con iren ik. lad y. 210 11th st , Main !S7 S. $ 1 h ST E A M heated, two large housekeep ing rooms; 240 1- N. 17th. Broadway 3474. J FCR. A PTS . a lm rooms and ba th f or ene week. Mam 4070. U.NB 2-room apt. luOO Kelly. Mam 137i. I nfumislied Apartment. UNFUKNI 3 blocks HED 5 -room J ohns pt.. car. ground floor. 1017 Fiske TWO f it n ished housekeeping rooms. $20. 2M4-. McMUlen. . N I "ELY f urnished 3 rooms, front a pts. M arshall a pts. 624 Marshall. Bd . 3 0 1 . o R o MS modern all outside roo ma; front a n.l I... . U n.o-H r.CI I '.li.iii St 4