14 TITE SUNDAY OREGOXLYX, PORTLAND, SEPTEMBER 28, 1910. FOR SAMS. 1oich, babbit. Birds, Pet Stork. A WOMKKKL'L oifer to the rijrht person with risht place, in or near Portland Wanted: A keeper and caretaker for a email lierd of splendid Swiss Saancn milk coats; gallun milkers or better, reeisft-rp.i. full -blood billy ; all on a pi oi:t -.: .-rlr.sr fs-'.s. Give location, ad dress and pnone number. W 552, Ore Ron ian. 1'OK SALE by the Mohawk Babbitry Kennels, 1421 Ashburv st., Indianapolis, I ml., hich -class rabbits of all breeds; Guinea pi-s ferrets, piKeons, hunting docs and blooded doK-s. Raise stock for us; we furnish the breeding stock and buy back ali you raise ; wend tor prices and terms, lp'c for booklet and circular. KAISK II ABB ITS FOR M K AT We have Beieians, New Zealand Flemish Giants, English Lop Ears and White English, ail aK-s and sizes; utility stock as well as fancy pure-bred. Write for prices and catalogue. Routlede Seed & Fioral Co., 14. Second st., I'ort.ana, ur VE WANT reliable people to raise fur bearing rabbits for us in their back yards, spare time. We furnish stock and pav $3.50 to $7.50 each for ail you ...!. . Vo i- i ',i r.o7 T.Hnkpr.thiin bids-, Loa Angeles, Cal tKUIGRKKU toy Boston bull terrier pup pies from champion stock. Sire Robin eon's Derby, A KC1 0143 ; fine markings and h rew taiis. 253 Union ave. N. East 852tt. WE ARE reducing our stock of Flemish and New Zea lands, fine does for $ 2.50 . un, voung does $ I up. Alien's Rabbi try, tiil'.i' 5ith ave., ML Scott car, Trexnont nation. 1- 'tut SALE OR LET High-class trained setters by day or season. Sportsmen furnished good :-. hooting. 'Make reserva tions early. M unger. Albany, Or. I' A X'CY St. And rew berg rollers, on ar- ci.un t of 11 Iness am unable to attend them, voung ones ready for training. Tabor yr,:u. UE.vUTl FUL white Scotch collie puppies ti.r sa.e. from roistered stock. Mis. P. li. La Put e, 4422 Wood lawn ave., Seat tie, Wash. $20 FOR all New Zealand Rpd rabbits, 10 2 months old. li fine does, lo months, and huu-h; leaving city. 1 111 East 15th N. EXOKl'TIONALbY fine pedigreed Persian kitten for sale. Main 0450, Hillsdale, r., box 22. VAXTF-o .Male mate to my badger bitch lor breeding purposes. Apply 4US De kmn Mdg.. city. M;V ZEALAND rabbit with two 1-month-M.l rabbits, lull-blooded. Tall before 12 noon or . venings. East SI 71. A FEW pedigreed Flemish giant bred fines cheap. al?o young stork, bucks and chit kens. 11-"';; oith ave. S. E. ST. A X DR E AS HUKG roller, 2 years young singers. 420 u Stanton. a Iso East WILL give excellent home in the country to young dog; Airedale preferred. H. -24, Oregoman. ; BEAUTIFUL yellow St. Andreasberg fe males for sale cheap. 482 lioinian st. Plume Wood ia wn PIT BI LL, male .puppy; just the dog for your car or to raise with children; very reasonable Mar. 2320. BEAUTIFUL, yellow bead M e s i ca n pa rro t for sale: very tame and good talker. Main 4;s. 6 BELGIAN hares, 4 months old. $1 each. J Belgian doe. bred, 5 months old, $2.50. r.oit Harrison st. W. ST. A N D R E A S B E 1 1 G roller singers, $7.30 and up ; also females. Cages. W din. FOR SALE French poodle puppies. Phone Tabor 85i4 Sunday or after i week days. P4'. East Grant. FG R SA LE Pedigreed bull pups, brindle and while; males. $25 ; females. $ 13. 13 Kitst 20th st. south. PEDIGREED Boston terrier puppies; some good ones; 544 E. 5th st. N. Phone c 1250. A FEW choice young singers left, $3 each. Mrs. Rhodes. Scappoose, Or. CH BAP Pretty fox terriers, two montns old. for sale. 027 02d ave. S. B. A FEW choice canaries for sale, cheap. Marshall 3U0O. AIREDALES Select male puppies. $25 up. The Bus-h Farms, box 817, K. 3. Portland. DECOY ducks for hunters. 25 E. 47th st. Launches and Boats. SNA1 Full WIDE-AWAKE RIVER MEN! Distillate work boat. 43x!t; Di h. p., h. d. Buffalo 4 -cycle engine, $30n. 10 h. p. h. d. 4-cycle Globe engine, dis tillate work boat, $325. to h. p. Western standard, $030. 7 h. p. Western standard, good as new, $475. 4-0 h. p. h. d. distillate engine, $150. FULTON BOATYARD. Ft. Virginia St. Marshall 2005. MOTOR BO ATS, fish boats, pleasure launches, row boats, barges overhauled a nd repaired ; also knockdown frames. Phone and our representative will call. REED ENGINEERING COMPANY. 8th and Lincoln Sts., Vancouver, Wash. Phone Woodiawn 1480, Vancouver 245. FoK SA LE Cruiser, a snap, in fine run ning condition, owner leaving city, price .-'225 Willamette Moorage No. IS or phone Sell. 375. FOR SALE Modern houseboat, completely furnished ; owner leaving city. No. 7 Oregon Yacht club. Take Oregon City car tu The Oaks. FOR SALE J. R. Hand V-hot torn motor boat, 30-ft. length. K-ft.xO-in. beam, 0-cylinder Merling engine. Houseboat 11, Sell wood moorage. FOR SALE boathouse, 170 LIth st. A dandy 4-room furnished $200; a bargain. Inquire . apt. 7. FOR SA LE 3 -room boathouse and large rowboat, built this summer. $50. E 558, Oregonian. 24-FOuT motorboat, in good condition; will sell very reasonable. 48, Willamette moorage. HOUSEBOAT NO. 2, OREGON YACHT CLUB: MODERN, FIRST-CLASS CON DITIO EYIN RUDE & CLINKERBUILT rowboat; a fine pleasure craf L. Call Woodiawn 4051. MODERN 5-room shed. Call Mail house, boat and wooa 1 123(1 Monday. CA BIN cruiser launch, 26 ft. by 0-toot beam. H. P. engine. Call Sell. 1622. LAUNCH fur sale or trade. 1062 Corbett st. Typewriters. GUARANTEED factory rebuilt typewriters, ALL MAKES, sold on monthly pav nieiits; send for price list. The Whole sale Typewriter ''o., 321 Washington st. WE can now deliver new machines and rentals; student rate $7.50 for three months. L C. Smith & Bros. Tvpewriter Co., 8'.ni Spalding bldg. Main 574 KENT a Remington; special rates to stu dents. Buy your new Remington now, immediate delivery, reasonable terms. Remington Typewriter Company. JUST liko new Woodstock typewriter: price only $ 50 ; $10 down and $ 5 p e r month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 A hi el". WILL SELL $40 equity in new Reming ion .no. ll. natr price; balance easy monthly payments. AH 74, Oregonian. VISIBLE typewriter, good condition; drop head desk : bargain. Answer, giving phone, F 5CM), Oregonian. ALL makes typewriters rented and re paired. Orerjou Typewriter Co., 1)4 Fifth Alain 3H6S. UNDERWOOD typewriter and stand for sale, reasonable. Oh 1 1 at 220 E. 53 st st ., cor. i-aim on. 1 a bor o.'04. NEW. rcbui if. second-hand renta Is at rut rates. 1. u. Co., 231 Stark. Main 140 REBUILT typewriters and supplies. Corona dealers, ej. w . 1'ease to., 110 Sixth st. UN DER WOOD typewriter for sale; A-l condition. 011 E. 56th et. N. It EXT an Underw ood or Remington. $3 a rt nth. 254 S. Br oailway. B d w y . 155. E M I N G TO N t y pe w ri t er 23 4. for sale. East NO. 5 UNDERWOOD, like new. 3253. 144 4lh st. Broadway LATE Oliver No. 25 Union ave. ! at bargain for cash. f KM1NGTON typewriter No. cash. No. 45 t'nlumhia s;. 10, cheap for FOR SALE Late model L. C. S. typewrit r. cheap. Wdln. 2 6 Mi, Sunday morning. Machinery. SPECIAL 1 70-H. P. Atlas tubular boiler, 150 lb. work ing pressure. 1 12x18 Russell automatic engine, com plete plant, including brick. Immediate delivery. THE J. E. MARTIN CO., 83 First St., Portland, Or. AIR COMPRESSOR. AIR TANKS. U. S. TWO-STAGE COMPRESSORS. Air hose, check valves, safety valves, couplings and automatic switches, every thing for the air line. AIR COMPRESSOR & EQUIPMENT CO.. Broadway 33im. 32i Couch St. SMALL forging plant with tower ham mer, forges, blowers, motors, drill press, etc.. for sale at very low price; splendid outfit for anyone wanting to encage in manufacture of any metal product. 35 First St., comer of Ash. FOR SALE J-i xlO-foot Tacoma logging engine; 230O feet main line; 6000 feet tri p. Blocks, chokers, dragsaw, new sled; fine shape, fully equipped. AV 670. Oregonian. 4-CYL.. Bosch 1705. 20-H. P. magneto. gasoline engine, tale or trade. with East Machinery. GENERAL CONTRACTORS AND ROAD EQUIPMENT. 1 6x8 D. D. HOIST. 1 7x10 DONKEY ENGINE. 1 60-H. P. WESTERN GAS ENGINE. 1 32-H. P. FAIRBANKS-MORSE GAS ENGINE. 1 2-INTH GOULDS CENTRIFUGAL PU.M P. 1 2',WNCH CENTRIFUGAL. PUMP. 1 4-TNCH BYRON JACKSON CEN TRIFUGAL. 1 5-INCH GOULDS CENTRIFUGAL BUM F 3 4-YARD ALL-STEEL. DUMP CARS. 1 8x12 CHAMPION CRUSHER AND SCREEN. SAND AND GRAVEL SCREENS AND ELEVATORS IN VARIOUS SIZES. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR S. & P. CRUDE OIL BURNERS FOR PAVI NG PLANTS AND G EN KRAL STEAM POWER PLANTS. WILLAMETTE EQUIPMENT CO., 29 N. 1ST ST. BROADWAY 1046. FOR SALE. 2 72x18 Butt strap boilers, 150-Ib. Hartford. j ooxlS Butt strap boilers, 140-lb. Hartford. 1 0x 16 Butt strap boiler, 125-lb. Hartford. 1 100-H. P. firebox boiler, 133-lb. Hartford. 1 so-H. P. firebox boiler, 133-lb. Hartford. 1 60-H. P. firebox boiler, 100-lb. Hartford. 2 lo-H. P. firebox boilers, 100-lb. Hartford. 2 Ifi-H. P. upright. 1 7i-H. I. Scotch marine. 1 250-H. P. Corliss engine. 1 1 2x 1 6 Erie center crank. 2 Hxl2 Erie center cranks. 1 Compound traction engine. 1 '-Steam dragsaw, complete. 6 48x14 tubular boilers. G. & R. MACHINERY CO. 503 Gerlinger Bids. Main 8201. FOR SALE One &-yard Smith steam con crete mixer conaplete with hoisting drum, $800; one 7xlO American double drum donkey engine. $10t0: also 12-ton H. C. new billet reinforcing steel -.x?, in 40 and SO-ft. lengths. $60 per ton. Great Northern Con rete Shipbuilding Co., 1U6 Washington st., Vancouver, Wash., or call at 205 Corbett bldg., Portland. I WANT a gas or oil engine of more than 12 horse power. Give make of engine and price in first letter. R. P. Sirnms, 283 llth St., Portland. Miscellaneous. FIRST-CLASS No. 4-A speed Kodak, 5x7. Will take pictures up to 1-1000 of a sec end. A 5x8 Bausch and Lomb zeiss tes ar lens. Series 11 B. Price $65; $15 down and 5 per month. Hyatt Talking M achine Co., 350 Alder. EDISON CVL1 NDER 1 N DESTRUCTIBLE RECORDS. We carry f uli line of Edison cylinder records Send 'or catalogue. Three special demonstrating rooms. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 330 Alder. STOVE M ission wood heater No. 21 for $18. Worth $35 new; stove board, $1.00; pipe and elbow, 15 cents a joint. All in first-class condition. 310 E. 51st st. N., cor. of Sandy. Tabor 0807. 6 WOOL and silk ladies' dresses, size 3S and 40: 2 wool girls' dresses, age 12 -id 13 ; 1 ladies cape ; 1 pr. ladies' pump size 6-A. For sale cheap. 1102 E. Wash ington st. FOR SALE At bargain73 carloads 3-In. planking and 6x8 and 8xS timbers from nearly new loading dock on track, near Lyle, Wash. Main 6855 Monday. HAVE all kinds of houses, lots, acreage, farms and timberland for sale and ex change. Come and see me. Herman Pcper, 507 Buchanan bldg. FOR SALE or trade, pat. moving pictura screen, old style Edison picture ma chine, stereopticon and lire extinguisher. E 540, Oregonian. FOR SALE Sunny Monday washing ma chine, clean and in perfect running or der; price $10, price at store $22.50. Tabor 2411. FOR SALE New Stewart speedometer; never used, 60 miles with season and trip register, $15. East 3680. 923 E. Everett st. FLOR A L CITY heating furnace, in good condition; burns coal or- wood; $45. East 36S0. 923 E. Everett St.; Monta villa car. LADI ES' three-quarter leather coat, fall model. Call Main 471, Monday. length suede A real bargain. NO. 5 jack plane, $3.50; ripsaw, .$2.23; hacksaw, 75c; brace, S3 ; set tap and dies, $25. Call 18th and Ash sts; flat 12. PARLOR organ, $10; dining table, $5; or will trade for anything can use. 455 Simpson st.. phone Wdln. 418. APPLES Bell Flower King. Rhode Island Greening, from 60c to $1.25; bring boxes. D. G. Stephens, ill Columbia blvd. FI REPLACE stove, coal and wood grate. hot water coils ; good condition, $12.00. Sellwood 1024. COMPLETE set of Universal tire filler tools, greatly reduced. Phone Wood lawn 5888. ONE No. 20 wood heater, perfect con dition ; also perfection oil heater. Tabor RESTAURANT gas range; large sink; hot plate cooking utensils, etc. V uu , Ore gonian. FOR SALE- Combination wood and coal heater; practically new ; a bargain. Phone Tabor 7:57. ONE brown wicker baby buggy and white bassinette; good as new . Sellwood 2388. COM BINATION wood and coal heater; also lounge. Call 106'J ia. Alder morn ings. FOR SALE Brand new. dark blue serge cape. Price $35. Will take S20. M. 6854. Call between 1 and 3 P. M. BILLIARD and pocket billiard tables, showcases, wall cases, fixtures; terms. W. J. Quigley, 227 First. Main 5319. FOR SALE Nearly new Singer sewing machine, cheap for quick sale. 474 E. Oak st., upstairs. DIVER'S outfit for sale, la test improved Morse heimet. S. W. Bailey, 755 Bel mont st. GRAPES 5c lb. on vines, bring baskets; apples and quinces. M. N. Millard, Lake road, Milwaukie. LUNCH counter and revolving stools for sale. Wood's lunch, Hth and Stark. FOR SALE Domestic sewing Apply Monday East 1005. machine. NEW INVALID wheel chair, adjustable, divided leg rests. 407 Jackson st. FOR SALE loo gallons good grade floor oil. Portland Hotel pharmacy. .20-GAUGE Winchester pump gun; new case shells, rod, etc., $40. Tabor 1212. NO. 3 O Remington, used very little, $50. Copper. Oak Grove, 10 J. FOR LE A set of tinner's tools and bencnes. 87 .X. 3'i st. Tabor 6050. $60 New cream separator. half price. Newman. 128 First, near Wash. FOR SALE Cash register, safe, addinsj machine; showcase. 43 1st st., near Ash. VACUUM cleaners sold, repaired, rented, exchanged, bought. Bent Icy Co., E. 7(i5o. N E W sanitary couch and pad, $15. E. 37th st. ; Woodstock car. S85 ROUND trK h cater for wood or coal good condition. Inquire 354 E. 42d st. FULL SIZE, beautiful, long Angora; all wool for quilt nat. .Mar. 1102. HUNTERS get your decoy mallard ducks. 52 eacn. uaK urove j-.m. BLUE-WHITE diamond, platinum setting, cheap. 8. E. 37th St.; Woodstock car. 30-30 WINCHESTER rifle, fine shape, $13, 54 shells. 6420 52d ave. S. E. BUTTER-KIST popcorn machine for sale $250, terms. 203 4th st. FOR SALE Encyclopedia Brittanica. Tel ephone wain. FOR SALE Tabor 8276 iirl's coat, size 12 years. SAFE 2x3 ft., fine for office or home. cneap. Worcester Diug. CROCHET bedspread, bolster and under cover, $20. Gas reading lamp, $4. E. 862 NEW Hand-A steam pressure cooker, fami ly size. East &2U6. RELIABLE gas water heater in good con dition, i.'. rjast FOR SALE Wayne filling station pump. Half price. Tabor 1087. 538 E. 41st N. GRAPES for jedy. 3Sh and Steel ave. See sign at 41st and 53d ave. BABY'S brown reed sulky with reed top. 1 n good condition. $15. Tabor 8552. FOR SALE Good overcoat. Wdia, J65L FOR SALE. Miscellaneous. M. BARDE & SONS. FRONT AND MAIN STS., PORTLAND, OR. The House of a Million Bargains" The money you spend for MILL AND LOGGING SUPPLIES goes farther at Barde's. Because we carry th largest stoclc of new and used mill and logging supplies in the U. S. apd buy In quantity, our prices are mighty interesting. The Barde Guarantee hacks every pur chase. All goods are shipped subject to buyer's approval. Check these Items for comparison they'll bear it! Buy from Barde. ENGINES. BOILERS. 4 54x14 tubular boilers, each. . .... J flno 1 16x18 "Vim" engine jooo 1 14x18 H. S. & G. engine WHt 1 12x16 Chandler fe Tavlor engine,. 600 1 8x10 Chandler & Taylor engine.. 3oo LUMBER TRUCKS. 110 24x5 roller bearing lumber trucks, each $17.50 PLOW STEEL WTRE ROPE. 100.000 ft. 1 Vi In. plow Fte.d wire rope, in lengths up to 5000 ft. in one piece, a foot 30c 75.0M ft. 1 in. plow stel wire rope in lengths up to 5000 ft. in one piece, a foot 35c 35.000 ft. 14. in. plow steel wire rope in lengths up to 5000 fu in one piece, a foot , 40c 15,000 ft. 1 in. plow ptoel wire rope in lengths up to 5000 ft. in one piece, a foot 65c 2,300 ft. 2 in. plow steel wire rope in lengths up to 5000 ft. in one piece, a foot 75c J50.000 Stock of LOGGING AND HOISTING BLOCKS. ew , 20 off list Rebuilt 407 off list 5000 Boom Chains and 1,000,000 OTHER BARGAINS. GET BARDE'S PRICE FIRST. M. BARDE SONS. FRONT AND MAIN STS., PORTLAND. OR. wt PEERLESS HIGH-GRADE PLUMBING FIXTURES, TT PLUM BINi ; SUPPLIES. HOUSE-H EATING MATERIALS, IRON PIPE. PEERLESS HIGH-GRADE TOILETS AND "SILENT KNIGHT" COMBINA TION. AGENTS FOR WM. POWELL HIG IT-GRADE VALVE AND STEAM Tr. SPECIALTIES. BOSTON BELTING COMPANY'S MECHANICAL RUBBER GOODS. THE PEERLESS PACIFIC CO. bnowrnnm and salesroom, as -70-72 Front ft. Phone Marshall loi. Portland, Or. WOOD AND LUMBER FOR SALE. ALBINA ENGINE & MACHINE WKR. 7','T WRECKED BY THE ELERATH STEEL & IRON WRECKING CO.. INC. THOUSANDS OF FEET OF ALMOST NEW LUMBER FOR SALE. PRICES L I O N REQU E S T WOOD, $5.50 PKR LOAD, FOR LIGHT ttOOD; $Q.50 PER LOAD FOR HEAVY WOOD. Wood is 2x4, and heavier wood deliv ered within 1 mile of the plant for the above price. This is dry and almost new lumber that we are cutting up for wood. Order now If you expect to get any. Call East 8100, wood and sales depart ment. STORE ACD OFFICE FIXTURES, CONSISTING OF Showcases and wallcaFes. Large tables and counters, candy jars. Cash registers and safes. Scales, cheese Gutters, meat slicers. Roll -top desks, flat-top desks. Adding machines and typewriters. One large and one small icebox. Large gas range, cider press. Two soda fountains; also one 20-foot front and back bar. with large mirror, work boards and sinks complete. GOODS SOLD ON EASY TERMS. HOCHFIELD BROS., 43 1st St. ROOF LEAKS: WELL! Easy to repair, simplv applv REMO LITE COATING and Stop-A-Leak Ce ment over your roofs yourself. See in structions. Black and also colors for composition roofs ; gravel-tight paints for waterproofing gravel roofs, too. Write for prices and guarantee. Remolite saves you monev. Order now from the REMOLITE PAINT CO., INC., San Francisco. Cal. EITHER WAY If you have a diamond and want the cash, or if you have the cash and want the diamond, call in and talk it over. MILLER S CLEARING HOUSE FOR DIAMONDS. 355 Wash, st., next door Majestic theater. EASTMAN autographic kodak. special, ditto with Bush & Lomb tessar series 116 anastigmat lens. f. 6.3 6" -inch focus, with leather case and metal tripod, if could be had new would cost $1 16.06; this one is the same as new. will sell for $100. A V 660. Oregonian. DIAMONDS WANTED. Pawn tickets bought. Full market value paid for diamonds, gold, silver, platinum, old jewelry, watches and false teeth. NATIONAL JEWELRY CO.. 447 Morgan Bldg.. 4th Floor. MOST everybody has been overcharged or their jewelry repairing" has been done unsatisfactorily. Try us next time. We guard ngalnst such errors. MILLER'S CLEARING HOUSE FOR DIAMONDS. 355 Wash. M.. next door Majestic theater. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC ! Buy your raincoat, motor-coat or leather coat direct from maker and save the retailer's profit at the UNITED RUBBER CO., 726 MORGAN BLDG. SP WING machines, guaranteed to sew. .i to s 10. late aropneaa Singers, "Whites, Homes and other makes. $15 to $25. Machine? rented and repaired. FOURTH ST. SINGER STORE. 103 Fourth st. Main 6833. FOR SALE OR TRADE 22 Winchester target riiie, micrometer wind gauge, peep Bights, siing and canvas case, perfect condition. Want Ross. 250 Savage. I8'.t5 Winchester 1006 or what have you? Call East 2625 after 7:30 P. M. !5 DROPHEAD sewing machines, com plete with attachments, in good sewing order, $8 to $25; sewing machines rented $3 per month: machines cleaned and re paired. E. R. Steen, 152 Grand ave. B. 3307. East 2359. SAFES Fire and burglar-proof safes, new and second-hana, at right prices, bought, sold and exchanged. NORRIS SAFE & LOCK CO.. 105 Second St. Phon Main 2045. FOR SA LE Used Richardson & Boynton not-air turnace, complete with brick and top; burns. 4 foot or shorter wood; costs new $ 130; In perfect condition ; price $100. Call Main 2300 or 2S3 Cornell road. LEAKY roof, eh? Very aggravating, indeed. w hy not a permanent and com for table roof ? We repair and Rubber Bond all kinds of leaky roofs; work guaranteed. Main 7776. APPAREL EXCHANGE Indies coats. suits, dresses, evening gowns ; also furs, hats; slightly used, distinctive styles; reasonable. Tabor 2825. PRINTING FOR LESS Smith, non-trust pruiLtrrr. mucu iw AO v o 1 u in oil w ea 1 1 n bldg.. 6th and AnUeny. Good printing at reasonable prices. No lockout here. HOT-WATER tanks, new and second-hand. $12 to J 20 Installed ; expert boiler re pairing, plumbing supplies cheap. 203 Adams st. East 8516. KE'iS Hard and soft wood kegs and bar rels, new and second-hand; no country orders less than three. Panama Cooper age Co.. 228 Front. FOR SALE at 484 Washington. Carlton tailor, 1 Tuxedo suit, 1 full dress suit, size 42, 1 prince Albert coat and vest, size 30. SA FES New and second-hand : some with burglar chests, at reasonable prices. PACIFIC SCALE & SUPPLY CO.. Broadway 1006. 4S Front St. ADDING listing machine, full capacity. $.i0; guaranteed. 110 6th, near Washing ton. AX MINSTER rug, 0x12, perfectly new, oriental pattern, oh! rose and Blue pre dominating. East 1315. W A NTED Ten thousand men to buy slightly used U. S. army raincoats and ponchos at salvage prices. 247 Davis st. CHOICE Concord grapes for sale, T-c per , pound. Milwaukie, Or., Lake road, box 352. FOR SALE, cheap 2 McCaskey credit reg isters, in good condition. Call at 700 Washington st.. Fountain Grocery. TWO roll-top desks, 1 T. W. desk, 1 table, 1 flat-top desk, 8 chairs, 3 filing cabi nets. Bushong & Co., 1 Park st. BEAUTIFUL set oT genuine mink furs, value $200; will sell for $73 cash. Wood lawn 410. TA TTPE dress hat. new. hand-mnri- gain. Call Broadway 1020, or after 6 P. m. can troaaway iz-.tio. BARGAINS in unredeemed guns and re volvers, all makes, cheap. J. j. Beaure gard, 702 Main St.. Vancouver. Wash. ! SUITS to order on easy payments. Unique Tailoring o., j.o r ounn st.( uet. Wash, and Stark. POSTAGE stamps for collectors bought and sold. 301 McKay bldg. Main 1004. DAI-TON adding machine, nine bank, guar anteed; eudp. 110 6th. near WasLUnsLuo, FOR RALE. Miner llaneous. BUCK'S PIPELESS FURNACES are mak ing a great hit; read this carefully. These are exclusive features on the Buck. Automatic humidifier (tank Is always fulD. Sprinkler dampens a when (no dust in basement). One-piece fire pot (no gas leaks into warm air). Hot blast (no waste df gas. All is burned). No cleanout (fire chamber Is always free of snot), and many other exclusive features any one of which is worth $23. And yet our furnace sells as cheap as other in ferior ones, a year to pay. No interest. GEVUKTZ FURNITURE COMPANY. THE BIG STORE. ALL UNDER ONE ROOF. NO BRANCH STtRES. 15 FIRST STREET. REMEMBER. 2 DOORS FKM TAMHILL PUBLIC MARKET. PLUMBING SUPPLIES. Tf you need any plumbing sup plies see the Northwestern Pipe company before you let your con tract, and we will save you money; estimates given free. Special price on plumbing. NORTHWESTERN- PIPE CO.. Phone Main 56J1. 187 Front st. PIPE PIPE PIPE. Galvanized and black, new and second hand, from 4j to 12-inch, from 1 to lO.ooo feet; all kinds plumbing sup plies. Contfact and jobbing. Let us esti mate on your job. 5-ft. bath. $25. PORTLAND PIPE SHOP. 260-271 Front st. Main 6325. SEWING machines, new and second-hand, sold for less; no agents employed; com plete line of parts for all makes; ma chines repaired and rented Main 043L SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. 1!'0 3d. near Taylor St. HAVE your diamonds reset into modern, up-to-date white gold mountings; a won derful selection to pick from. MILLER'S CLEARING HOUSE FOR DIAMONDS. 355 Wash, st., next door Majestic theater. FOR SALE "Cyc.," 40 vols, and perma nent supplomen t good condition ; sold on terms if desired. Mc Master. Hall & Drowley, Vancouver National bank bldg., Vancouver, Wash. Phone 120. MOVING PICTURE SUPPLIES. Machines sold and rented; Lalley 1000 wat t power plant : write for pa rtieulars. GEXERAL SUPPLY & REPAIR CO., 213 4th. near Salmon. Main 25 18. STEEL range, wood or coal, 6 lids, 18 inch oven, high-grade Peninsular, nearly new, with or without water coil: $lo0 new: $5o cash takes it. 553 E. 46th N. Ta bor 323 toda v. 1 to 1 :30. FOR SA LE Diamond ring. 1 karat, al most white, $22. ; electric vibrator. $10; manicuring table, stool and work stand, revolving reel in in g chair, for beauty parlor or chiropodist work. Main ISM 1. GENUINE leather rocking chair, library table. Wilton rug 0x12; trade in dia mond, or cheap for cash. F 501, Ore ponian. CASH register, 4-till, hand operated Na tional; company would ask $:ioo to dupli cate; $45' takes It. See at 1043 Will iams ave. FOR SA LE New Grant bicycle, used only two weeks : light, horn and pump : cost $47. will sell for $35 cash. Woodiawn 48t3. WISH to sell .my genuine seal skin coatee, $275 and one large genuine mink throw, $375. Can be made oxer, slightly used, A very good bargain. K3 N. 22d st. JUST installed a Gasco furnace, will sell my perfectly good Boynton cheap; no dealers; large enough for a 7 or b-room house. E 552, Oregonian. SACRIFICING plush coat. $10. chinchil la coat. $10: brocade coat, $5 ; jersey dress. $12: silk dress. $10; size 16. U 530, Oregonian. OFFK'K furniture for sale 3 desks, type writer and filing cabinets. 335 Morgan bldg. FOR RENT Vacuum cieanjin. 2 hours a day $1 delivered anywhere Woodiawn 1250. OFFICE DESKS. TABLES. CHAIRS. FROM GOVERNMENT D. C. WAX. 20U STARK ST. MAIN 4631. PRACTICALLY NEW wicker baby car riage and wicker chair, ail for $30. Call Sellwood 33. LARGE, oak. roll-top desk. $35; also a fine postcard size camera with taae, $20. 510 Henry bldg., Portland. BOY'S overcoat, dark mixed blue and green, ail wool; a dandy bargain for 8; size 12 or 14 years. East 1315. G I RL'S bicycle, new, steel rims, 1-pokes, tires, coaster brake, price S12. Call 526 Clay st, 16-17. RUFFLED curtains, buffet. child's bun. Ul'1 ; com. range, almost new. reason. B. l::o8. HON E Y W A R R A NTED I" X A D U LTE R A T ED Strained, light, mild ; 22c ib in 5 gal. cans, less 25c. del'd. Easf 14 Hi. KOH LE R & CAM PBELL piano, nearly new, $20o; gas range, airtight heater, bed springs, all $12. 1005 Hawthorne ave. B Y DISCHARGED army officer leaving city. Eng. gabardine rain coat and new ta i lored riding breeches. 7oo Won bldg. TOURING to California by auto, have room for two passengers. Phono Sell. 3325. WILL SELL at bargain, a pair of chocolate brown shoes, medium heels. No. 4. too small. East S7M. FOR SALE Quinces and tomatoes. J. C. Harrison, 716 Col. blvd., ',-mile E. Union ave. BEAUTIFUL imported ostrich boa. 0O in. long, white and natural color. Tabor 7350. 36 BUNDLES of lath, enough for 3 rooms, cheap. 1560 Villard ave., Peninsula sta.. second door south of shop; St. Johns car. BICYCLE -New Ivor Johnson, heavy serv ice, with basket, iren. lamp and tools AIRPLANE Curtiss JN4D; plane and mo tor In first-class condition. P. O. box 4 ! 7. Sacra mento, Cal. 2 NEW Robinson bath cabinets, wooden frame, double walled, brand new; never used : hal f price. East 1 577. BUR ROUG US adding machine, full capac ity, guaranteed; bargain, llo 6th st., near W a s h i n gt an. IOOXiOO FEET used lumber in good condi tion and five carloads wood, all dry. Ca 1 lTavor 4232. FURS Beautiful set mink, large neck piece and muff; also 18 tails; must sell at on--'. Tabor 225. FOR SALE Brunswick home billiard and pool table, 3'l-x7, all accessories included. Price $60. Phone Ta bor 6451 FOR SALE New Ranger bicycle, used miy 2 months ; perfect condition ; cost $75. WU gcli tor$23.70,)E. 41st St. N. GOOD A. B. gas wafr heater for sale; dou ble copper coils. Cal I East 51 07. FOR SALE Ona Braver drag saw. $165; new, used ten days. J 1 35 Rural ave. FOR SALE Safes, one large and one small fireproof safe, cheap. T 112. Oiegoni'n. FOR SALE Wheat and straw. Phone Tabor 1237. LATEST Singr shoemaker machine at bargain 10 3 Fo urth. FOR SALE Beautiful Hudson Bay otter coat, size 40. Call Wdln. 3010. FOR SALE Dolman cape, new shade of blue, silk lined, size 3S to 42. Main 622". l'--H. P. STATIONARY gasoline engine. Woodiawn 2284. apt. 20. LARGE roll-top tyepwriter desk and chair. Main 6813. G ENl'I X E seal music ha sr. never used, at a bargain. Phone K. 3. 1 2. ELECTRIC vacuum cleaning in your home, 35- a rug. Call East 1 .-. Foil SA LE 2 Buck ranges, one coal and one gas. Phone Sell wood 3566. LAJY"S dark gray jersev suit, sport style. sTze 38, $15. Tabor 225. OVERCOAT Young man's, like new, size about 37: bargain. Tabor 2825. DI A MON D pin. cost $145 4 years ago, $100. 510 Henry bldg., Portland. FORD truck bed and top for sale. $15. In formal! rm call B d w y. 48 1 1 . BABY biiKirv. like new for sale cheap. Phone Tabor 0456. FOR SALE Mink muff, coat, evening dress. Call East S44Q. after 3. HEATER, coll: gas heater, sewing machine, pair ducks. 1556 E. Everett. Tabor 0574. WOOD stov? and coal stove, all iron. $3 and $16. Marshall 42Q. HANDSOME black male ostrich plume, 24x16, half price. $16. Marshall 420. LADY'S beautiful d;:tfc blue suit, never been worn; size 41. Tabor 2825. LARGE-SIZE roll-top office dfc.sk. $35; hNo gas te-nter. ?6. Call Main 6373. B A R P.ER furniture, 4 -chair shop, cheap. 346 K. 6th st. N. BABY'S wicker oriole, or trade. 531 Web ster, near East 12th North. ALMOST new gentleman's medium sized suit. Call Main 721. ONE set, 11 vols., "Messages and Papers of the Presidents." East 8534. MINK fur cape, worth $750, for $325. J 327. Oregonian. LADY'S fur coat for sale. Call at 302 hi Washington st. GOOD eating apples, no worms, nor wind falls. $1 box. N. E. oth st. FALL hat and white lux fur cheap. 1'iioue L roadway 101 J. FOR SALE. Miscellaneous. ON HAND FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. LOCOMOTIVES CARS RAILS. 1 f0-ton Shay, wood burner. 1 6n-ton Heisler, oil burner. 1 38-ton Heisler. oil burner. 1 45-ton 6-driver low-wheel locomo tive. 1 llxll Washinrton compound yarder. 1 12x12 Wasuington compound yarder. 1 10x13 wide drum Willamette. 2 lOxll! wide drum Washington. 1 ixlo Mundy. Russell all-steel logging trucks. BOILERS. 1 10A-K. P. fire box boiler, ion lbs. 1 250-H. p. fire box boiler, 160 lbs. 1 30-H. p. fire box boiler. 2 60x16 butt strap return tubular boil ers. 1 66x16 butt strap return tubular boil er. 1 16x42 Bates-Corliss engine. 1 800-H. P. National feed water heater. 1 12x15 Vim center crank auto engine. 1 7xlo six-drum Washington hoisting engine. 1 6x upright engine. 1 3-K. W. 115-volt generator. ROAD CONTRACTORS' EQUIPMENT. 1 No. 2 Austin Jaw crusher. 1 &xl4 all-steel Jaw crusher. 1 Chicago paver, cap. 20-fL 1 Rex paver, cap. 18-fL 1 Ransom mixer, cap. 30-f t. 1 Ransom mixer, cap. lO-ft. 1 Buffalo Pitts 5-ton tandem roller. 1 Monarch 12-ton, rear wheels 21 ins. 1 Mongihan 2-yd. drag-line excavator. AO 24-lnch gauge dump cars. loll 36-inch gauge dump cars. 2 24-inch gauge dinky locomotives. 6 36-Inch gauge dinky locomotives. 1 model 61 Marion track shovel. 1 Bucyrus 45-ton track shovel. 1 8xlO hoisting engine. Pile driver hammers, gas, engines, pumps, tools. SPECIAL 1 modern mill, cut 65 M. in 8 hours. 2 Scripps marine gas engines, 105 H. P. each. 1 Speedway marine gas engine, o0 H. P. Send us your inquiries for anything In, iron or woodworking machinery, log ging, sawmill, contractors' equipment, locomotives, boilers, engines, crushers, steel rati, cable and belting. BURKE MACHINERY COMPANY,. 52S Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 1212. A 2423. ATTENTION, SPORTSMAN. 2 shotguns, 1 rifle, 4 doz. decoys, wooden ; several clay birds, 1 auto robe. 'new; fine oil paintings, hunting scenes; stuffed birds, sporting articles, deer-foot hat rack, china closet, mahoirany settee, chairs, Spanish guitar, statuary, assay out! it. 10 yards hall or stair carpet. Sunday morning. 3816 64th St., S. E., phone Tabor 883. SPLENDID SERVICE AND A PLEASING PRICE. Jewelry repairing, watch repairing. MILLER'S CLEARING HOUSE FOR DIAMONDS. 355 Wash. st.. next door Majestic theater. TWO fine cows, chickens. wire, barn, household goods. J 'lace for rent with 4 acres of ground, 2oo crates tomatoes, 1 acres of late potatoes, cabbage, car rots, beans, at a bargain. 36S Halleck st. North. Portland West. PEXX Y-IN-SLOT scale for weighing per sons or merchandise; brass beams, nickel-silver weights; absolutely accu rate; no springs: $15 down, $5 week; price $45. 635 Thurman su Broadway 1578. FOR SALE Used standard sewing ma chine in very good condition. Reason ably priced. Tl. Marshall 256S or call 187 Greene ave., apt. 3, Sunday between 1 and 5. NAVY blue crepe de chine blouse, em broidered in red; latest model, worn only a few times; cost $20; size 34 or 36; will sell for $7. Call E. 226, NEW genu ine walrus traveling bag. $25. worth f 35; leather bags at bargains; ladies purses and hand bags repaired. Portland Leather Co.. 226 Washington. FORT EXCH ANG E Beautiful jersey dress, nearly new, for bla-k lea t her traveling ba; curtains, cost $12 a pair, for what have you. Mar. 3216, 603 Hood st FULL CASH VALUE PAID FOR RIFLES, S H O T G U X S . REVOLVERS WANTED. 12S First. Main 4405. Tabor 670. STABLAK the wonder stove polish for hea ters. Satisfaction guaranteed or monev back. For sale at he Crown Furniture Co., 2oo First st. WILL exchange new Victrola. Brunswick. Edison or Gra fonola and records for Piano. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 Alder. FOR SALE Cookln- apples. 2 cents a lund. Tabor 346 4 East 67th St. North. Bring your boxes. FOR S A LE In good condition, Sturgiss collapsible baby buggy, b.isinette. baby corral and one kodak. Marshall 772. FOR SALE Young man's suit, brown serge, size 36: skirt model $12.50. Wood lawn 4436, 715 M issourl ave. ONE Briegs woodsaw, attachment for Ford cn r. J 75. Telephone W oodlawn 2380, 1224 Missouri ave. SCHOLARSHIP 1" International Corre spondence schools for sale reasonable. East 886. NEW black hat, orange facing and plumes, never worn ; $ 15. 713 Missouri ave., Wdln. 4436. FOR SALE Edison rotary mimeograph, almost new, worth $75. Sell for $40 if sold a,t once. AV 63o, Oregonian. FOR SALE One large combination Gar land range; 1 nearly new tont 12x14; 2 o ve rcoa t it. Ca 1 1 Wood lawn 371 5. FOR SALE. New $18 Universal electric chafing dish, $10. Broadway 2553. DIAMOND I K. PERFECT BLUE STEEL, ALSO vii K. PERFECT. BARGAINS. H 21S. OREGONIAN. GOOD Edison phonograph and H0 records $12.5(1. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 356 Aider. FOR SA LE Quince ami grapes, 6 cents Ib. Box 13o. Oil t field road, 1 mile south of Milwaukie. 25 CARDS, different reading, for 10c sil ver. Scott, card printer, 43ol) 66th st. S. E. 2-STEEL ranges. 2 hea tin n stoves. 2 lawn mowers. 1 electric sweeper. 122 16th St. Ph on e Bd w y 265 1 . I ON Y PREMO camera, 5x7. 5 plate hold ers, leather carrying case, or will trade for 3 A folding. 377 Stark st. HEAVY brown winter coat with fur collar, size 38. almost new. cost $35: will sell for $15. Call Sellwood 2522. BOY'S s I ' - wool da rk gree-n striped mack i naw, size 8 or 10 years; price $5. East 1315. T W E LV fcJ-G A UG B Winche er pump gun and 4 boxes of shells. Call Marshall 2041. S06 Jefferson. Fl X E nickel-plated 5-gal. coffe urn, worth $30; will sl for $20. Newman, 128 First, near Wash. ELECTRIC coffee mill. d. c. : bargain. $60 rush; tobacco cabinet, I'x7, oak flnisii, $50; 2 cheesecutters. 188 Third st. ERNST Ileht complete proiect ing lens-s and rheostat. $15. 500 MarguerLe. corner Clinton. GRAY red babv carriage. A I condition. 545 E. 18th st. N.. East 4764. Call morn lns. FOR SA LE A good steamer trunk, a I most new. cheap. Call at 554 Morrison st .. west side. ON E 4-hole ga h ran ge with oven, at low price for quick sale. Call at 35 First St., corner or Ash. OAK rolls, hearts or quarters. I. M. & M. Oakland, Or. RELIABLE gas water heater, complete with pipe. $ 1 . 1 a nor r.'i 1. FOR SALE- New Mafpy sectional book case and leather couVh. Tabor 6723. LADIES suits and gowns, slightly worn. Main 567. $125 XEWCOMB rag carpet loom. $62.50 Sellwood 1 1Q2. A LADY'S li ?a vy blue serge sui t. eiz 42, excellent condit ton. Ta bor 866. FOR SA LE Eventr g dress, size 38, cheap. Call Marshall 38. IO COMBINATION gas and electric light ing fixtures r.anT 4lo... FOR SALE Dimension lumber and tim ber; a bargain. 1 547 Fiske. GENUINE double Paisiey shawl. a leather couch. Phone Sellwood 3231. NICE fold in g baby carriage, Marshall 36J. FOR SALE cheap, child's sulky, almost new. 431 Benton st, 30 LBS. real goose feathers, $20. Sell. 361 7 today or after 5 P. M. week day. SWA LLOW-TA 1 L evening ult for sale. prb-e sio. utiwy. LA RGE tulip bulbs, single yellow and red. 40c dozen. Box 4. Dryad, Wash. EASTMAN Kodak 1 A, aul oirra ph ie. ued little, with case $18.K 615, Oregon, an. FOR SALE Lady's coat and suit, size 36. Woodlaw n 666. TOM ATOKS and corn at 853 East Broad way. Bring your sacks and boxes. HEAVY fur-lined lady's oat, fur collar. 1 11 1 1 u i re phone Mum -''."' LARO E wood stove almost new, $ 15. 12i3 E. 16th North. FOR SALE Heating stove. Phone Sell wood 577. NEW $12Q fox fur for $'. East IP pi. F 1 TUH scarf. H skins. Main 5rt7. 3 PA I RS latlie shoes for na!e. East 2384. LAKUE. Lruoih Scllwoud 2022. , FOR SALE. M iscellancous. NOTICE LOGGERS AND MILLMEN ! J. Leve makes an enormous purchase from the United states Spruce Produc tion corporation, consisting ot the lol luwing goods, new and slightly used. If you need anything in tho line ot wire t cable, tools and supplies, see us nrsi De fore buing e. sew acre, as we can save you money, for our prices defy competi tion. WIRE CABLE. Large quantity of new and slightly used plow steel cable, long lengths, A-l condition; various kinds and sizes, at low price. BLACKSMITH VISES. Large quantity blacksmith vises, vari ous sizes, Siightiy used, A-l condition, at a low price. DOUBLE-BIT AXES. Large lot s.ihily used double-bit axes. A-l condition, at a low price. You might be able to buy cheaper axes mau from Iron, but th?y don't compare who our axes, because they are made Xroiu steel. CROSSCUT SAW HANDLES. Large lot slightly used crosscut saw handles, A-l condition. Buy all you need at 25c each. GENUINE SIMONDS ROYAL CHINOOK CROSSCUT SAWS. - Large quantity brand new and slight ly used genuine Simonds Royal Chinook crosscut and tailing saws ; ail sw edged and tiled, ready for work; sizes 6 ivet, 0V feet, 7 feet, 7 Va Let. 8 leet and up to 10 teet, at a price far lower than anyone e;se in Portland. If you need any saws, see us tirst. STEEL ANVILS. LARGE lot of slightly used steet an vils. A-l condition. Try them with a hammer before you buy them. The largest lot in Portland." CHAMPION NO. 4U0 BLOWERS. Largo lot Champion No. 4oo blowers with a 10-inch fan, siightiy used, in A-l condition, at a low price. The largest lot in Portiand. KTEEL WEDGES. Large lot slightly used steel wedges. A-l condition, at a low price. If you need any w edges, see our assor invent tirst. The largest stock In the city. MANILA ROPE. Large lot siightiy used Manila rope, A-l condition, arious sizes. Buy all you need at 1 2c per pound. LUM BER DoLLIES. Large lot slightly used lumber dollies, A-l condition, at a low price. Besides the above, we have in stock a larg q uantity of blocks, pea vies, boxings, shaiting. stocks and dies, rooting paper, chain, chain blocks, gears, pulleys, bench vises, chain wrenches and all kinds of too lb at lowest prices. CANVAS! CANVAS! Just purchased from the government a large lot slightly used light and heavy canas Hies, ttnts and covers. Also heavy canas for auto trucks and -wagon cur tains. If you need any canvas see us first. The largest assortment In Port laud nt low prices no one can beat. WOODSMEN! TAKE NOTICE! We carry in stock at all times the largest and most complete assoitment in Portland in new aud slightly used genuine Simonds Royal Chinook cross cut and I ailing saws, wedges, spiiti ins maulii. axes, broadaxes. wooden wedges, tiles and all other woodsmen's supplied at a low price. RUBBER BELTING. Large lot new rubber belting, varloui sizes. 4, 5 and 6-ply: at a low price. Mall and Telegraph Orders Answered Same Day Received. J. LEVE, 159-1804-191 Front st., bet. Yamhill and Taylor st. Main 5108. Established 186. PIPE PIPE PIPE. Have bought all the. new and slightly used pipe and fittings from the Founda tion shipyard. We can save you dollars on pipe lrom -lu. to 8-in.; properly fitted and threaded, guaranteed In lirsi class shape. We also have a full line of slightly used brass vaivrs. water or steam, at a sacrifice price; steam radia tors, slightly used, at a very low price; toilets, sinks, wrapping paper. Wire rope, from -iu. to "is -in., at a low price. ATTENTION, WOODSMEN. Wedges, axes, brush hooks, broad- axes. Wheelbarrows, slightly used, at $2 each. Rails at $40 the ton. It 00 tin g paper, ,11a lis, engines, marin and stationary, rope, anvils, blow ers. blacksmith tools, vises, post drills, belt ing, pulley s, shafting, blocks, etc ZIDELL. BERENSON CO., 20S Front. Marshall 1332. HEAR THE NEW BRUNSWICK. Let us demonstrate the new all-record Brunswick to you before you purchase; the very last thii:g in phonograph; prac tically no surface noise. P rices $loo to $4oo. on easy terms. Liberty bonds tak en at par. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. 1 H AV E several diamonds that have been left with me by outride part ies to be sold. You can buy them for 25 per cent less than the wholesale cost todav. MILLERS CLEARING HOUSE FOR DIAMONDS. 353 Wash. St.. next door Majestic theater. ELECTRIC GRAFOXOLA SNAP. Beautiful elect rie Grand Gra fonola. shaped like a small grand piano; electric stop and $25 worth fine records. Cost new $325. Price $275. Terms. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 Alder st. EDISON DIAMOND DISC. Flrst-clas $80 Edison Diamond Disc phonograph, taken in on larger machine, price $6o; $10 down an! $5 per month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 3.'.o A ldT. BARGAIN in used sewing machines, as we need the loom. We will tl is pose of these machine at $12. 5o and $15. All drop heads and all in good sewing order. 12 3d near Yamhill. RECORDS For YOUR GRAF0N0LA. We have full line of Columbia records. Plenty of demon.strat ing rooms, compe tent, courteous emploes. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 Alder. WHY WIND YOU R PHONOGRAPH? See the new Motrola; winds your phon ograph, costs practically nothing to op erate. Hyatt Talkii g Machine Co.. 350 Alder. FOR SALE 1 each 4-hoIe glass oven gas range, I almost new Perfection oil cook er, I good large heater, wood. Tabor 3531. 113 E. 40th si. ONE good Bridge Beach cook stove and pipe $20. one Nugget heater and pipe $0. in fine condition. Call before 12 noon or even in rs. East 8171. t BLUE SERGE SUIT that pleases, made to order for $55 ; a Iso ot her selection ol novelties at T. Giardini, custom tailor, 41o Panama b!dg. PILING FOR SALE Three miles from Rattle Ground and 13 miles from Van couv er. Wash. ; good roads. AH 386, Oregonian. 2-BA R RKL pple cider press, in good condition. Main 423. FOR HAI.K Al'TOMORII.KS. OVERLAND 81. just been overhauled, in excellent condition; electric lights and starter. Tires in splendid condition; $5imi. 7 123 50th ave. S. E. at Tremont station or J 342. Oregonian. TWO FORD touring cars. CARY. 522 Alder St. Broadway 2402 $75o 7-PASS. Stude baker, A-l condition, two new Goodrich tires. W ill trade for house and lot or would consider Cash pay ment and terms. Phone A 2086. 31 N. 4th st. MS RU K K four, ref inished like new and runs fine, nearly nw tirs all around and the pric is $825 ; terms and stria II payment down. 525 Alder t., A-l Auto Works. BY OWNER. 101 Dodge roadster; full equipment, good tires; driven "uuo miles. Cash price $.".0. Merrick, 5s.i E. Stll N. E. ;t".47. Mond iy 37 Oregon bldg. BV OWN ER Overland, model 00 touring car, late 101 S model, in perfect cond 1 tion. run very little : price $8imi ; can bo seen at 47 K. Sth st. N. Ea.-t 8U53. AM leaving city, will sell my equity in new Chevrolet touring car to be de livered this wek. Don't wait. Call Mr. Grimes, Hotel Kamapo. 101 7 OIKVK1 LET touring. guaranteed perfect condition: will !! $55o. will give ra.-y terms to responsible party. Call owner, Marshall 34n6. FORD ROADSTER, 1015. with detachable delivery box, just overhauled, good tires and shock absorbers. $25u. 414 G 11 sun, cor. 1 oh. MB'H IGAN new tires, etc., sell hi g hest bidder, not over $35u wanted. 720 Di vision, Sellwood 1257. FIERCE-ARROW bug, classiest bug in town, for sale cheap. 414 Glisan. corner of loth. $350 BUYS Studebaker, 5-pass. touririK. 4 cyl.. run only 17. 000 miles; if ood condi tion. 53! Spokane ave., Sellwood. 11 1 S FOR D tourlnK car. in bet of condl tion. H. Benson, Princess hotel, 34U E Burnside. LATE model Ford tourlutc ; terms to re sponsible party. Call at No. 8 E. tub. st. S. FOR SALE l!M4 Ford delivery, a dandy, quick sale; $275 cash. Mt3 42d St. S. E. UGH MIT HELL LiRht Si "$75u" cash. Phone Woodiawn 3344. VE LI K four, good hape, $250. Sua day ' C 2is. CHALMERS, looks and runs like new; $1050. East 28i',rt. MITCHELL car for naie or trade, painted ; a bargain. East 28tii. flew ly WANTED Ford body, touring or road ftlvr. i'iiuuc iscUwood 201, FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. USED CAR BARGAINS. Reo Six. completely overhauled, nf top with plate Kass in rear, spare tiro with tire cover, has Just been repainted dark blue body with cream Ut -'is; looks like a new car; there is a mighty low price on it, loo. A late model Chandler, just over hauled and repainted, is a. so oitered at a bargain price. Hudson Super Six, In good condition. Is snot lie r good buy. A;so a Leo Four, t ive-paiaenger. NORTHWEST AUTO CO.. Alder at ISth. AUTOMOBI LI'S FOR SALE. Bargain Hunters" Bargain. 1 Ford roadster. $325 ca.-h. 1 Ford roadster, jut overhauled; terms. 1 Maxwell; 5 passenger, very cheap. First come, first served. Ptudebaker coupe, ee li -starter ; a bar gain. 1 Overland, 5 passenger, in good con dition.. 1 Bulck roadster, 1017; Ai condition. Buick. 5 passenper. MOTOR INN G RAG E A: TRANSFER CO.. 850 E. Burnside; phone East 8648. 1017 CASE, ft good tires, bumper, spotlight: a bar gain. Call ikCrary, Broadw ay 1614. FORD TOURING. Extra good condition; font thrott'e spot light, demountable rims, speed ometer. C. G. BLEASDALE, 530 Alder. Open Sunday and Evenings. FRANKLIN TOURING. Tn fine condition and tires: terms; S75 C. G. BLEASDALE. 330 Aldr St. $S7 O p e n Sunday and Evenings. 1018 CHEVROLET touring car; this has been used c.uite a little, but will sell it cheaper than any other in town. Yes. it is running fine and has Just been painted, $55o, terms. Fie id Motor Car Co., Mr. Savldge. 14th and Alder. Used car department. LATE MODEL OAKLAND roadster coupe, wire wheels. cord tires. r.ew spare, bumpers, cutout; this car is in per fect condition; Just the car for doctor or salesman. A bargain if there ever was one. Mr. Taj lor. 314 Burnside st. ALL KINDS of high-grade auto finishes and varnishes at popular p'-cs hi the M I LLEft PAINT & W A LLP A PER C . 1 72 First st. Call on us for informal ion before you paint that car. Gasoline, greases, oils. Main 5''8. litis BUICK roadster, like new in everv way. If you like one of these poonlar roadsters. s.c t Lis 01. c ; It has all the extras you could tret on one: low prh e. terms vou w LI like. 525 Alder. A-l Auto Wor! s. BIG BUY OVERLAND. Mod' 85. f ive-passeitK'T louring, new Goodyear cords on rear, on extra spare; f irst-c!ass mrc ha n ica : i y ; must aril, lea v ing city, will sacrifice. Ask for Mr. Benjamin. "8 N. Broad ay. r.lS HL'ICK louring. This i.-t line car and runs first-' lass ; looks like' new on.i and has special top. and notue the price. $1250. with part down, balance eav bv the month. 525 Alder st.. A-l Auto Works. HUDSON SUPER-SIV. A good cur in god condition. 2 ex tra tiles. 354 E. Ilruadw ay. Phone C H4J. LATE Oakland touring, as good i a new ; cord t! res. bu m per, cutout; Just out of the paint shop and can't In told from new; spare tire, pl.t te-gla ss windshield v tngs: a gift at $:50. Mr. Taybr, at 344 Burns.de st. SMALL 7-p assen i;er Chandler, in A-l con dition t h roue hoiit. 1 wo : irs. praet ica . y ne w. 15 to 20 m i'es on p.itlMn-; lo. . ks f f ne and rides like a cra; : at : raeti ve price for cash. Fit par 10 u a : s ui.d demon j- t rut ion call Bmad w ay t H I" I S N 640. completely ov erha u led. 1--painted. Kd tires, will sell st $looo and give terms: consider snialb r car in trade. 3d Grand ave. North, near liurn- Sld'. COLE EIGHT 7-p.issenrT. in f rst -cla.- condition ev ery way. This nii we can t.tU a licht car in at a good prl -e. 525 Alder st. A-l AUT WORKS STUDE HA K ER F 'I'll Looks arid runs fine: two new Rojal cords, three other good 1 i res ; new top ; ry t hea p and easy terms. Pacific Auto Co., 323 Al der st. BUICK light six. In fine order every way and we will test it any way you he and take light car in trade or bonds ; 1 fa-e value. 525 Alder st. A-l Auto Works & Painting Co. OLDSMOP.ILE FOUR Nimv paint new top. motor overhau d. r.ew lea k -proof rings; looks ard runs like new; dirt cheap and easy terms. 1M if;r Auto ( 'o.. 523 Alder M. lnmiw;iy ::A 1 1 . FoRD touring. 1016. in fine condtpon, good tires, mu-t sell, a barg.u'n m t $:t75. Mime terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. li J 8 FRA X K LI X Verv f in- on i it ;on : good cord tires and h snap at the price; easy terms. Pacific Auto Co., 523 Alder I ro a 1 1 wa y ..ill FOR D roadster. 10 1 7. in bet of eond 1 tion. good tires, new top nod paint, will saerifo e at $150 with terms.. 30 Giand ave. North, near Burnside FoRD roadster with small tail i!.-linrv. in best of condition, must ;-ei. a li;ir::;Mii $305 with terms. 30 Grand a ve. .North, rea r Tin rn-dde. RIGHT-HAND drive 1010 Dodce. roadster, been run io m iles. s-a m as new. $.".0 wort h of extras; price $ 12 15 cash. A V 7i, Oregonian. E LG I N SIX. like new. e.j u 1 pped coin plete ; leaving; will saeiifice at $ 1 L".o : real h;i rCT'id. 1J".4 Dil!ou yt. Tabor 1231. VELIE bug. new s:v.r' tp and w indshi Id. new paini; a d.tssy car: $2tio down. Port la I'd 'ar Sales o.. 5t h n d Ta y J or. 1017 BU I' ' K light t. pe rfoci t ond 11 1.01. t.i extra cord tires. $117. t3 E. llth N. Cal! after 4 I'. M. 101X OLDSMOBILE 8. $t;2d down, guaran tee and free service nuf ced. Portland Car Sals Co.. 5th and Taylor. BARGAIN IN 1018 ClHl.M KKS SIX; RUNS AND LOOKS LIKE NEW. CALL TABOR r..-.n. USED rebuilt tins.. The Finch Vulcan izing Co., 3S0 Vj Stark, between 0th aud loth. GRANT SIX Good shape. go..d tins: a fine bu v for little m n v. Pa .if o- Auto '0.. 523 Alder St. Rrn:(.w ,v .'Ml I. -PASS. Fr.nl. Wlm.i juu an buy an A. B. C. self-st a rter and generator for $35. M .-1 1 n 7 o 2 5 . 53 North 2 . 1 d . SACRl F1CE IO Di Uoi d load-ler. A I con dition, 4 new tires. Phone Sell. 2tl. Call 023 Linn ave. lODi STUDEHA KE p.irit; a bargain. 1 .00 : t . , r ,v Non h 2. id. Main 10 1 S CHALMERS. BUNS A X I L M K LIKE NEW. A 1 CONDITION. CALL TAB It .;o. l,i DG E 1 o.t is' e r. I n 1 8, looks as sood ns new; a'l Kod tires; $000. Main 7025. Xo-th 23.1. lUl'.t BUIK liKht six. perf'-et car. run only 4010 miles: new tires, crilice by owner, cash B 82 1. t'rekioni.in. FOR SALE I'.tiii OhevroVt trt'iriiig tar m perf ec t cond 1 1 ion : a r ul buy. 4tio . Burnsnltv Bdwy 13. auk for Smit h. FOR I tourinii. $ 150 down, f r-- serv i. ; Ford touring, $lio down, free rvlce. Portland Car Saiex Co.. ,V h and Taylor CH EV Rt M.KT. V.n 8. like new. must be sold today. 32. t ouri n st. I'.tlt HUP. run 7"o mi: new ; $1375; terrr.f H., FIKST-CLAS S 1 ' T Ford. rxn, tire. Ea t 8: ' mon. 1 -t for . 1 1 1 8 (iVK R LA N I . mode! UU. TTT.. terms. Pat Dunn. D'.52 East 13 :h t. S-II. I3i 3 5-P A SS. 1 .1 111 i '. y ar. po-d m h a n n a ' con -di'.lon. $2". Wdln. 2 138. 7o; E X BY tW X EK Model 85 v r condition: 2 new tires. S L1 PRIVATE party will f Ina nee auto dcn1-rs. Hit cars and handle contracts. AB 13. Orejtonian. I tPOK furuir n i-tiap it S7"'t Aith t- rin.-.. 3t Gr.nd ave .North. nir i'.iiri ,ii-. DOD : E .ar; f -ne inot or, 4 nc lirt, txvvt iopi i5o. Muia lull. FOR PAIK A CTOMOBiT.KS. SPECIAL CLEAN UP FALH ON TRADE IN CARS. COMMENCING WED., SEPT. 24 AND LASTING ONE WEEK. We are crowded to th doors with cars taken in m exchange for new Chevrolet! and our oruers aro t clean them out renardles of price in one week. No, v. t upoe of a 1 ire n umber of car s in one week, it is tie, osary prn-e the in way belo their actual value and take a very sir ill pavment uovvn. all ot which. have done to an amanng decree. W e also de, id-d on Um sale te ta ke p:irt pa y ment in lib- rt v l.ru, to fcive reasonable free s. nice. lre driving instructions and iu munj cases fiuarauLvCii. EACH CAR WITH TRTCE MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. Chrevolot touring cars 5-325 to $750 (About 14 to pick from, al: models Fords. 3 touring cars. $350. $45t. Oakland touni.tf, a rare bargain, $5..o 101 s Baby Grand tourlntr. $S00 to $ 1 ouo. (3 to pick from.) Maxwell madder, a little Old. but. ac t s young. $:2.". Buick bug. ".-he's a bear.' $22t. A large assort ment of deliveries, trucks and panel cars. FIELDS MOTOR C.R CO., Broadway 20. llth and Aldtr Sts. opeii Sunday and evenings. USED CAR BARGAINS. Buick light si. $05o. Buick four. $750. 2 Buick fours, no starter. $350 ec! 'a k land sedan, 1018, $ J30. 1 loose, $775. Che rolet. 150. 2 Chevrolet roadster?. $375 and $40t 2 Ford deliveries. $::"0 and $35o. 2 Ford touring. $275 and $300. 2 Owrlands, S40o and 5uu. Eight cars. $5o to JJt'O. 0:.e 2 -j -ton truck. Gersix, $1 600. one 1-ton truck, s-tew art, $3t0. One 1-ton trmk. Chase. $125. LONG "c slLVA. 402 Hawthorne Ave. 1010 CHE V ROLET touring car. Just re ceived todav and cannot b told from new car. Has a spare tire, dash light and t ire cover; t ins will be gone hi evening. $mhi, terms. Fields Motor Ca Co.. Mr. Savidge. 14th aud Alder ta Used car depart :nr.t. MAXWELL ROADSTER. New tires. line condition. Owner leav ing cit y and must s-ell ; make 01 tor. . G. Mb-asdale, 53U Alder. Open Sunday aud evenings. 1010 CHEVROLET touring car. $750. term See this at the Chevrolet agent's. Fieid Motor Ca r Co.. Mr. Sa id ge.. i4lh and Alder. Used car depa r t im-ii t MAXWELL 1:18 touring, in fin- condition, good paint and tires, wiil t-acritice Hi $775 w .1 h tonus. 30 Grand ave. North. lo-ar Bunii-ide. 1010 CH EV ROLET roadster. et ras. Kurt less than a mon t h. .1 ust l raded in. See it quick. Fields Motor Car Co., M -. Rinehart. 14th and Alder. Ued car dept. iil DtX speedster in peifi -et. mechanical condition, cord tirs; speediest and best hill climber in town; terms t respor.5. b p i rt y. 54 2 Alder s:. Broa d w ay 172".. CHEVROLET tounnc. 1018. in fine condi tion, good tire, will sacrifice at $675 with terms. 30 Grand ave. North, ne.ir Burnside. 11 A X W E I . L 101O touring, used very Mile, looks and runs like new. n iu.it sell at a bargain at $075 with terms. So Gra.no. live. N rt h. near Burnside. FREE $1 in trade wiih $20 .'.e until w-F'-l acquainted; b-st goods. popu.ar prices. Laurclhurst Sir vim Statum, East d'lyan at 17th st. FoRD roadster. 1015. in go.d condition, good tires, will sell t $375 and give terms. 30 Grand ave. North, wear burn- Side. MAXWELL touring, 1017. g i paint and tires, owner mu-t sell, a bargain at $o2" v 1! h terms. 0 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. 1017 Ford roadster, as good as new; .speed ometer and good lira's, 1 extra, $4ot: dis count lor ca.-h. 72 Miss. avu. Wd.it 8..t'. P." I 3 7-pas-enk- r. 4 - c 1 imter Stud. la k. r . electric lmhis and Ma:i,r; go.d price S250 cash. 1' ho ne B-l wy. 2 7 no. room 40s. C.iK R LET road st. r. .lust overhaul.-, and r'-painted. j:ood tire.-, will i-e,i j, Jii.'.O an. I pive terms. 30 Grand h North, near Burusid-. K. U. 2 B. r-TUNG? Let an expert ii.nnr appraise. r aeo-ct v our prvspt-ct lve car. SAVE $ $- MARSHALL 2157 O V L R LA X D t ouri n ir. 1 itp.t. .m-t li ke lie w . mu: l sell at a bargain at $looO wi'h lib el a I terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near B ;;rns 1 de. li U DS 'N 33. in A-l condi : :on. two exl 1 a tires. $000; will take a Foic. In on pay ment. H Dascher. 228 N. 2 IK h. Broad -way - 7 L DEN 1 1 Y t ru. K. 1 - ton. In Rood m.-eh;. 11 1, 1 tond.tion. will sell cheap on terms to re responsi le (.arty. 30 Grand ave. North, ( . r I turn-doc. 111 Fi 'LD ; speedometer. Hnsfder shock tthorber. lots cxtr, excel. cnt cond.i.on. W i'l demonstrate. Cash or terms. Main 2" 4 2 MAX WELL truck. 1 1 - tons. Bll. used Very lit lb, b-avinp town. muM :-eh. a bargain at $Lis5 with terms. 30) Grand a ve. Xort h. near Burnside litis MOltEL !m overland, just overhaul 5 a 1 most new t ires : car in spiendiu ot tl .t 1 on ; ba 1 Jain for someone at $;,".' t, rtns. E. 3o . 2'- Union ave. N. CHANDLER lourinjr, P.tl7. in best of con dition, used prt vat el y. cood lire.-,, w 1 i I saenfiee a I Jl35i wi'h terms. 30 Grand ave. .North, near Burn-ode. MAXWELL 1!H7 tonrinir. in fine conditu.n. wiiii :-tod 1 1 res. 111 u.-1 s'-II. a bars a in at $575 with terms. 30 Grand ave. North, pen r 1 :ur''--:de. FO R SALE 1 '.tl 8 Ford tourin s. speed - ometer and sno.-k absorbers, in A-l c.n- dr.ion- price S.Vju cash. 15lt E. Lino.n So -th :il ."'.!!!. v ti.l.YS-KNIGH I RMS MODEL. B v owner. A-l cotui 1 1 ion ; 3 snap : car can b- M-un at City garage, Sti loth st. Broii i w .1 v S4. fliT" LDSMOBl LE 8. in fin- condition . .iJO down; free service. Port land Ca r S 1 7. Co.. 5th and Taylor. Ft I ; 7,ni k sab-. P'17 Ford louring. A-l t mu! 11 10 11. two n w t i res. a spare , not a n-.ibr. E 5i4. 'i...ni,in. L LI K i t ou Tin s . r. hi nood cond it ;o all n-w tires and a spare; ,i:i cons-id-a fi,.ii:'.T ear in trad--. Phoii" Main 3" OXKLAXD t. used iveks; .sacrifice fo O'li- i; iie; wiil take Ford as part. Mar sh.i'.l 3'. so. 111 8 MAXWELL in fine omluion and a pew paint job. Good tires A baru.mi. T-rrns. Phone M arsha II 1 !'. Apt V2. lb 17 MAXWELL in A-L mechanical condi tion; look-j hke new. A ban-win. Will pive terms. 1'hon Marshall l:5ii. Ant 42 " -ASM for S5-4 Overland. t-tate price. F 544. n-cKonn-n. . 0 ER L A X D. 5-pass.. 0-c 1., Con tin n 1 al motor, fully equipped. Ai condition. Seit- w ood 3328. I T K model Ford tourin; car, hpectal body witlt one-man top. demountable rin is. ? F.a ; t 5" 3 2. AUTO W" iRKS PAINTING O . Dodc tounnc, low price. lntz terms nnd r'lris to suit you. 525 Ald'-r M. F R D tou rut ff. 1015. in best of cond 1 1 ion. Ioo,1 tires, a bargain at $4't.. vorne terms. ;oi 4 ; r-i x. d a ve. North. n: r P u rrt s ide. I'jl'. MAXWELL, rutit and looks li ke new; m fine buy, iL'tH) cath or terms. Call Tab-r K3". F'RD tourinc car. Rood condi;ion, di.-iip f,.r cash. Ca II Broad way 2.o i". Mr. M.tr-r:-on. a-i A.- i-;X-EK "1c.1i ?; Ha:ti''s. in f:ne (on du t,.n. cond t ir- s. 5s:i E. Couch. Phone F..t IT'.. 2'23 East Ash. LA 'I'L l'GT Grant . us. d v:v lntle-: $.lo ,,,wn; 'im rant co and free s,-r h e. I ',r t la e.d Ca r Sa . s Co.. .V h and Ta y ior. BU b ' K chassis soo t : s. f- -ider; price jls.-, M i i;t 7't25 X rth 23d. 17 1 5 FUR 1 t'Minnir. s. il c hi a p; in me shape. 327 Fr..nt st. CM EV KO I ET. "1 J7M. terms. P. H? Dunn, 1152 F. 13th st. Sejiwood 1 3'.3. 11G2 CHALMERS, new tires, pood rrr.niug rdr, 25t; surely a snap. Kat illo. BARGAIN IN l'18 MAXWELL TOURING CAR. Al CQ.XD1T1"N. EA S T 1 1 . 12. lit D1 iK, 5 tires, cutout and humpw-r. $1150. Main 1G12. Hex ford Apis., No. 3. llt FORD tourin s :i r. Al shape. $275. 411 Giisan Ft., cor. loth. 5- FA SS EN ER Ford tour: tic car. fine shape. $225 cash. 414 Giisan. cor. loth. p7'l MAXWELL. f'if shape, JTOOSee-Al Franks. Lyric th-a:er. M A X WELL 1 7 New p tint. SN P. Pacific Auto C. .".2 od 1 : rei A Me r st. CH LV R 'LET $33 t . re ; many o; her WHITE chas.s. r 7 0.5, 53 North 1 n b. ,-xtt'i w I -xi r is. Fas v. w tires. (3ou. JUain