TIIK SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, RTSPTEJIBER 28. 1D19. REAL ESTATE For Sale -Fttrnw. THE NEW COLUMBIA HIGHWAY. Trie building of a new highway is In variably foilow ed by impruement of lands and increase of valii". Thought ful buyers are looking down the river, where the lower Columbia hlchway is rapidly nearln:; completion. Natural ferti iity. Rood roads and proximity to roarki't- make Columbia, county lands prof it prooucers. We specialize in farms and homesltes alnnqr the new pavement. Our improved and unimproved lands are real bargains. The following are offered for quick sale. 40 a pres. half cleared, fine location near the pavement: fine noil, cod bouse, run-nitipr water, famiiv orchard, and al der timber; S.WOo, terms. ho acres, roar rbe hiehway, lcsa than IS miles from Portland ; 7 acres of or chard, good buildings; $vMW. easy terms. Income from fruit, milk and huss over $2ot'o tills year. so acres Iosred-off land, ready to make a fine farm. The hardest clear ins has been done; tnmpornrj buildings. nKiny advantages; $40 per acre, easy terms. RUTHERFORD REALTY CO.. St. Helens. Or. VERY CHOICE 40 ACRES. This i as eood land as the state af fords. Located in one of our very bet' fanning se t ions. Crops average d better in this section than any within :0 miles radius of Portland. It Is just a short riue out, let u.s show you; 40 acres. 35 a. cleared, 5 a. n ice timber, lies perfectly, a.) tile drained and exceedingly rich; splendid 7-room house, large red barn, garage and numerous good outbuildings; nice fruit and hurries. You have not looked at a better 40 acres. Price $S000. We have an exception: liy choice listing ojf tracts around. 40 acres, can show you many in one trip out. We know we have just the one vou are looking for. HA RG RO VIS KEALT V CO.. 122 North tlta at. Bdwy. 43S1. $03.22 AN ACRE. This money buys 113 acres of good land near Amity. 7 miles from McMinnvitle, i mile fr. rn the new west Fide highway, on a good graveled road; about Su acres are in cultivation, there are a few acres of coin and potatoes; there is some farm mach in ery : t here is a very good house and barn and other outbuildings, about 30 acres ur: in clover; there is a well at the house and barn ; there are two springs in the pasture; there is a littlo timber and fruit trees around the house; you can get immed iate possession ; this is a snap; the land is roiling, but not rough; the soil runs from black to red. Tills Ib absolutely the best bargain on our list; let us tell you about it. See an von e fit SPU-KLiNO & MANNA'S OFFICE. 24 Corbett Hldg. EQUIPPED 29 ACRES. WASHINGTON COUNTY FARM. In very best larming section, "Washing ton county, jUHt 1 mile from town, high school and electric station: this is a money ma king lit tie farm ; 29 acres. 24 acres In cultivation, balance scattering timber, living water, ll-room plastered bungalow, barn, silo and outbuildings. Personal: Team. i cows. 2 heifers, har ness, wagon, surrey, mower, ra ke, disc. Thickens, plows, ensilage cutter, other m p.'etnen ta. plenty hay. corn for silage, etc. Price. $t!r.o, $27 50 cash, balance to suit See Hara!a, with H ARG KOVK REALTY CO.. 122 North 6th at. Broadway 4381. fTOTK RANCH P000 ACRES DEEDED. AND LEASED GO KRNMKNT GRAZ ING LANDS. INOLUPI NO lOO ACRES OF ALFALFA. Lor.nifcl east of the Cascade mountains in Oregon: cut 3 crops of alfalfa this s-apon : free water right ; abundance of wn ter for irriga t ion ; MM) acres in cultl va t ion put up feer! enough to run about foou sheep and 4U cattle. Leases run for 9 years : H to 7 cts. per acre ; con trols both sides of a big river for several miles; 2 sets of buildings: all necessary equipment for running thp ra nch : 150 tops alfalfa hay. Price $75.ooo. Terms. See S:uu Hewey Rt J. L. II A RTM ANN COMPANY', No. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bids-. 4th and Stark. DO YOU KNOW A GOOD THING WHEN" YOU SEE IT? IF YOU DO. YOU WILL LOSE NO TIME IN BUYING THIS PLACE. 53 acres of fine land, fronts on main road. Just 8 miles from the courthouse. 40 acres in high state of cultivation, old house and a nice new barn: we are going to sell this place for less than half its value and on good terms at that. Now don't pass this up, but let us show you what a bargain it is. PTE WART & BUCK. 315 Northwestern Bunk Bldg. FAMOUS? FRUNFJ RANCH FOR PALE. One of the best In the Newberg sec tion. 45 i-s acres. 1 mile to station, prac tically all cleared. 15 acres bearing prunes, 3 acres bearing English walnuts. S acres p-ars and cherries, splendid S room plnRlered. modern house, largo barn and outbuildings ; spring w.i ter piped to nil buildings; up-to-date and new prune drier, 300 bu. capacltv, which alone brings in 3"00 per year; price $20,000, one-third rn'-h, balance HARGROVE REALTY CO.. 122 N. tith at. Broadway 4381. Jfi0 ACRES. VERY CHOICE. 120 in cultivation; 20 acres stump pas ture. t0 acres oak and f ir ; splendid 9 room house with basement, hot and cold water, bath, etc.; woodhouse 24x24. 2 barns, other out buildings ; 69 walnut trees produced $500 last year, more this year; good family orchard, berries; 2 horses, 2 colts. 17 sheep, 2 good brood sows, farm implements. If you want a real, genuine farm home see us about this buau; i f ul place ; close to three good towns on Salem-McM innville road. Price ?25.0O0, terms; worth more. MITCHELL v. R1PPKY, 3-S--9 Henry bldg., 4tn and Oak 4S5-ACRH MARION COUNTY FARM. One of th e best going farms in t he valley, 12 mi. from Salem, electric sta tion on place, buildings, fences, orchard and soil nil up in O. K. condition, over half of place under cultivation, balance pasture with some timber, spring water ptped to buildings, modern house, two fine barns, silo, sheds, etc., about mile Willamette river frontage, best of soil for clover, corn, grains and grasses. Soil and location cannot be better. For price, terms and all particulars inquire of A. H. R1RREI.L CO., 217 N. W. Bank Bldg., Marshall 4114. A 4113. 100-ACRE Minnesota farm, $7MU; with 3 norses and 4 cows, hogs, poultry, wag ons, buggies. harness, complete line implements, on Jefferson highway. 1 miles R R. town. High cultivation til lage, havy producing hay lots, pasture, wood, fruit. Good Jl-roora house, stock barn, granary, corn, hog, ice, poul try houses. Owner made his money here, wishing- to retire, makes low price $7104 for everything, easy terms. Details page 5 fa 11 catalog farm barga Ins, Maine to Florida and west to Nebraska, copy free. Strout Farm Agency. 203 BK Plymouth bldg., Minneapolis. Minn. 160 ACRE3. 1.4 CLEARED, 22 MILES OUT. FOR $oo. Quarter section of land for $53 per acre, easy terms and Just 22 mlls from Portland, out. Oregon City way; 80 acres in cultivation, balance pasture and tim ber, with living water; 6-room house, hot And cold water, bath, large red barn, silo, large granary and machine shed. Lota oi good fruit. 1 1 A KG ROVE REALTY CO., 122 North Gib L Bdwy. 43S1. 81 -ACRE FARM. $fi000. ELECTRIC LIGHTS. CITY WATER. Joins town, best of soil, 26 acres in cultlTat Ion, 5 pasture with spring, land lies perfect, good 0-room house with the lights and water, barn, chicken houses, orchard, team, cow, hogs, chickens, im plements, feed and seed, 400O0. 35 miles from Portland, sout h. on electric line. r. M, McChesney, 304 Oak sl. Bdwy. 266. DAIRYMEN. NOTE THIS. 280 acres (60 in cultivation, balance rrtn timber and pasture), running water and several fine springs, water piped to bouse ; 2 sets build in gs (1 U rge dairy barn ) ; excellent camping grounds; on splendid rocked road and Only one and one-half miles from the town of Sand v, 25 miles from Portland. Price $22,ono. on easy terms. This place w)!l boar close-f invest ia-ation. 1 ITCIIELL & RIPPEY, 328-29 Henry bldg., 4tU and Oak. IRRIGATED FARM LANDS. Eastern Oregon, on main line Union Pacific system; elevation 5O0 feet, plenty of water and sunshine, mild winters, bumper crops of alfalfa, corn, frriits and vegetables: Ideal conditions for hnm- grade and full-course high school, best of opportunities for dairying and raising nueH anu uanm. ei. me snow you country of prosperous and satisfied la rmers. v;ai 1 or write to . li. Buoy M7 Corbett bldg., Portland. REAL HOME FARM. 195 acres, with first-class modern build ings, all lis fine, over 15 acres in culti vation, Iralance leveL, open pasture; $100 a fl acre : farm Is in fine open part of Willamette valley, on good road and 10 miles from a tat ion ; wo have pictures and complete details at our office. D. McChesney, 304 Oak fit. Bdwy. 200. 25 ACKEs 20 acres cultivation, li acres orchard, .vroom house, barn, outbuild ings, 1 acre pot a toes, team horses wagon, plows, harrow, cui tivators. a 11 farm implements. Ford truck, hay barn: 4 acres bottom land ; 32oo- lib eral terms; is miles from Portland. Mr, AUilers&ip, Aider note'. Mum o-1 o REAL ESTATE. Fo r Ha 5 r Fa rmx, GOOD FARMS. RIGHTLY PRICED. $ I SOO. 1 Six arret. 4 acres in cultivation. 2 , acres slashed, new i-ronui bungalow ind j sleeping porch, chicken house, brooder bouse, pluw, cultivator and some house- i hold goods. Located lo minutes' walk j from St. Mary's station. 13 miles out on j O. K. line. Terms or will accept a small j house In Portland in trade. I 20OO. I Three acres, all under high state of ! cultivation, very good 4 -room bungalow,' 2 chicken houses, woodshed, storeroom, j well, about loo bearing fruit trees and) va riet y of berries. Well fenced, local ed 2 miles from Oregon City, sidewalk all the way to the place. Terms. I 22oo. Five acres, all in high stHte of culti vation, no rock or gravel, different kinds of fruit and berries, good ."i-room house, j barn, chicken house, well, shade irees and rose bushes, good Jersey -Hoi stein cow. some chickens, hay In barn and some implements. Located H mile from electric line station, 17S miles from Portland : or will sell adjoining 7 acres also In high state of cultivation, making the whole tract l-Vi acres, for $40oo. 1 1. -$4000. 17' acres, all in high state of culti- I vation, ;j4 young fruit trees, variety of t berries, good 4-room house, barn, chick en house, well ; located in Washing ton county 5 rods from railroad station, on county road, near school, church and store and In prosperous and well set tled community. 4000. Fifteen acres, la acres under culttra tion, 1 acre orchard. 1 acre timber and pasture, an old 3-room house, a new house of 4 rooms, but not quite fin ished ; soil the very best and produces abundant croos of any kind. Located about 6 miles from city limits in Sunny side valley on graveled road and In tnickly settled community. :,uii(i. Eight acres, ail in high state of cul tivation, family orchard of variety of fruit and berries, extra good 6-room plastered houce, very good barn and chicken house, new milk room, well with pump, well fenced, lies between 2 main roads. Located 2 miles from Oregon City, sidewalk all the way to the place. Terms; or will accept a house in Portland up to 42000 a part payment. Look this up. 470O0. Forty acres, about 1)7 acres under high state of cultivation, good house, very good barn and other outbuildings, good well and spring. family orchard of variety of fruit and berries. Locn ted 1 mile from railroml station and about 8 miles from Oregon City: rock road to the place. Terms. Only 4300 cash re quired. The above are only a few of our list ings. We have large farms and stock ranches in different locations, of all sizes and for low prices. Give us. a call before buying elsewhere. E. A. LiNDGREN. Savon Land Co., 1'3." N. W . Bank Bldg. THE BEST bargain in Oregon or Washing ton, 30 acres, 2" acres In cu 1 ti vatU-u ; fair house, fenced, good water, lots of fruit, on good road, 1 miie school, miles R. R. station. Hi miles Portland. $3760; terms can be arranged. 78 acres, stocked and equipped, 12 good cows, good road, fair buildings. In cluding silo, fenced, fine water, ti miles good town, 25 miies Portland. $ 11,000, only $3500 In cash to handle this. 135 acres In the best prune belt In northwest, 10 acres prunes, good build ings, including dryer, all stock and equipment, including tractor and truck. Bargain, on paved road, 10 miies Port land. $35,000; terms. J. B. Atkinson, 422 Chamber of Com merce, Portland. Or., or 112 West tith street, Vancouver, Wash. RICH, DEEP SOIL. We are the o ners of several thou sand acres of veryfertile and In Orajs Harbor county, which we are selling on very easy terms. The land Is located only 5 to 12 miles from Aberdeen and Hoquiam, 2 very prosperous cities, and on good .roads. The soil is rich, free from rocks and gravel and the clearing is very easy. Prices range from $20 to $50 per acre, Including oil rights. 1 v addition to the logged -of f lands we are alo celling partly improved and im proved I arms with building, crops and stock. We tako liberty bonds at par value. For further information apply or write at once. WASHINGTON STATE COLONIZATION CO., INC., ABERDEEN, WASH. 387 ACRES. NEAR JUNCTION CITY". CAN BE DIVIDED; RE A D Y FOR PLOW. GOOD SOIL. SLOPES WEST TO CREEK; LAND SUITABLE FOR LIVE STOCK. HOGS. HAY. GRAIN. FRUIT, BERRIES. ETC. NEAR R. R. DEPOT, 10 MILES TO COUNTY SEAT: GOOD ROADS. POSITI V E HA RG A IN AT $05 PER ACRE. WORTH 1 0. EASY TERMS. MAKE OFFER EXCHANGE; WILL ASSUME: CONSIDER CITY PROPERTY. STOCK OF MERCHAN DISE. OR WHAT HAVE YOU? ADDRESS "OWNERS," P. O. BOX 222, PORTLAND. YAM HILL COUNTY FARM FOR PORTLAND PROPERTY. Well improved farm of Sit acres lo cated In fine section of Yamhill county, improved with good modern buildings of all kinds. a bearing prune orchard, yielding good revenue. Fine soils ; good water supply, with water piped to farm buildings. Price f Sots, will accept good Portland residence up to $4000; the bal ance easy terms. O. H. SKOTHEIM COMPANY. Fifth Floor. Henry Bldg., Main 5100. After October 1st wo will occupy 331-332-333 Railway Ex. Bldg. FARM FOR SALE. Next door to a cash market That takes the entire crop: Milk, cream, eggs, poultry, beef. pork. veal, potatoes and all vegetables. 50 miles from Portland, near the Co lumbia river, 155 acres, no rooks or hills, fertile soil, large trout creek ; 30 acres under cultivation, large new barn, 8-room house with hot and cold water furnished by a spring; small bearing orchard, lots of outrange. 4sooo, some cash, balance can run a long time. J. B. ATKINSON. MAIN 4 179. 4-2 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. IRRIGATED FARM. Three miles from Prairie Cltv, Grant county, terminus of railroad: 200 acres In cultivation, some alfal fa, balance bunch grass; all can be irrigated except 20 acrs; close to two government re serves; irrigation rights paid up in full; unlimited water, good improvements, well fenced. mostly wire; attractive price and terms; some t rade accepted. FRED W. NEWELL, Oregon Investment & Mortgage Company, 21a-19-20-2l-22 Clianu.fr of Commerce. Marshall 205. 10 ACRES PRTTNES AT NEWBERG FOR 42750. Thta in a consistent bearing orchard and in good condition, lo acres, I) acres full bearing prunes, just one mile from station and on good count y road, 4230O crop last year; price onlv $2750. HARGROVE REALTY CO., 122 North Oth SL Broadway 43S1. 04-ACRE dairy farm by owner, located anout miles south or Portland on high way and electric line; lost mv wife and am compelled to sell, too old to take care of it; stocked up with 10 head bigh-grade cows. 4 horses, ll hogs, farm tools, mostly new, crops on plr.ee. about 40 tons hay. 300 bu. oats, vetch and wheat, 200 bu. oats, about 2 acres kale, 8 acres corn, 2 acres potatoes; terms and description of place on application. W. A. Goodman, Gaston, Or. A REAL FARM BARGAIN. 58 acres. 30 In cultivation (15 of which Is beaverdam), balance mixed timber, some saw; fine spring water ptped to house, running water all year, can irri gate beaverdam; fair buildings; -mile from Hopewell: 4100 per acre if taken quick; owner leaving state: a genuine snap; no trade: terms on part. MITCH ELL & RJ PPEY, 328-29 Henry bldg., cor. Oak and 4th. 20 ACRES rich level bottom land, fenced; aooui nan ctearea, balance easily cleared: about 2 acres fir and cedar tim ber: nice trout stream: fair barn ; 2 small houses; other outbuildings ; near school; thickly settled community; 8U miles railroad town and Columbia river; 45 miles to Portland; good road This is a snap at $1 100 cash. A. W Estes, 909 Cham, of Com. FOR SALE or trade. 160 acres of good tim- hnr rtn Mil! PrW T tniloa frnm Lincoln county. Or., near road and tide water. N Vb of SE4. Sec. 34; W' of SWH, Sec. 35. T 11. R lo W. In vestigate and make proposition, citv or country property. Land and timber is cheap at 44500. Owner. . AV 636, Ore go ma n. FINE 35-acre farm, near Oresham, 5-room house, good barn, orchard, good well, pump and gas engine ; 3 acres potatoes and garden; good team, harness and wagon ; 5 good cows, 3 large hogs, 110 chickens. IN tons hay. 90 bushels oats, farm tools and Implements; phice 475uo, ev trms. KRIDER & ELKINGTON. Gresham. Or. 80 ACRES, equipped with farm tools and machinery, mock ana crop : 26 acres in cultivation; 40 acres very easily cleared; good soli ; on county road ; rural route and telephone line; near school: thickly set tied community ; down t he Columbia ts . miles from Carrol Is. Wash. Price $4000; $1500 cash. A. W. Estes, 0oi Cham, of Com. 10 ACRES, Improved, just outside city. 10 acres, good house, running water, near Estacada. 1 73-aore dairy ranch, cow s, horses and implements. J 43 acres, l acres prunes, 5 acres bea verdam. WOLFSTEIN, 400 ilcKay Bldfffc REAL KSTATK. BIG Mo.Nki, A I so 1 4 no acres, located In Clarke county. 22 miles irom Portland; Leis aoo Ubko rivem adjoin; :;iu acres diked. niHiiy more can be diKed ut reasons hl out. ay ; i ai I road th routs h place ; steam boat ianding. Finest land in the w ond ; similar land ut Kelso and Matskanle 1- selling at jiiou and up per acre; approxi mately 35 head stock goes with place ; everything Included. CAN BY. OREGON. 45 acres 1 miles from Canby, Or.; lo cated in Willamette river; boat landing oh place; mostly cleared: approx. 30 acres in cultivation. balance brush; mostiy black loam, some sandy loam; living stream Irom spring running through place; wire fenr. 6-room house, IV stry; good barn, other outbuildings; alt in ery tood condition ; school close ; low price, reasonable terms. EAGLE CREEK STATION. 55 acres, good soli: 2 streams; fenced and cros--f eri.uu ; log hogpen, good con dnioti; chicken house. good 6-room house, barn 4uxtJ0, near school; practi cally all chared; suitable lor sheep, raising ef chickens or hogs; price 4i50. cash $i:;50. OREGON INVESTMENT & MORTGAGE COMPANY, 21S-19-20-2l-2 Chamber of Commerce. Marsnall 20.V On Estac.-uia Electric Lin. FIRST-CLASS FARM. FULLY EQUIPPED 17U hi-re best of Innd. 120 under plow runnlnw water, go d springs, firt-clas buildings, new house. lart;e barn, silo, all the necessary nut buildings; 20 cows 4 horses. H5 tons hay; growing corn for silo. 0 acres kale. 7 acres late spuds bearing family orchard ; all klnd farra implements ; close to school and store ; mail and milk route; mostly rock road. 22 miles from Port land f n Wash.ngton county, personal property and crop i worth 47."m: Sell ail at 425, 500; pari c ash. ba la nee time K. W. T 'HOLER, IQfl Eherloek Bldg. ' 100 ACR5S. Clackamas county. $10 per acre. Owner, 4o1 Wilcox bldg. WANTED REAL Ki TATE. WANT IRVINGTON HOUSES. In handling Irvington homesites we naturailv are in touch with buyers for homes already built. List your Irvington house with us. We are boosting this district. HITTER, LOWE & CO.. UOl-a-fl-7 Board of Trade Bldg. I M i "ST HAVE GOOD HOMES for many buyers wailing: $tlooo, $S0OO, $12,000. 420.000. Irvington, Portland Heights, Alameda. Laurel hurst. If you ha e a good home for sale for cash, phone and we will ca 11 promptly and inspect same. R. T. Street, agent. East fcl4. WA NT new modern bungalow. Rose City Park or Hawthorne, up to $Ha); will pay $1500 ca-n. o. V. iiryan, 509 Cham, of Com. Main 1903. feunday and evenings, Marshall 805. SHACKS AND SMALL HOMES WANTED Price must be right and very easy terms. We have sold over 400 homes in the lat year. If you want action list with us. Fred W. tier man Co., 7aa Cham, of Com. Open Sundays and evenings. BUILD NOW! If you own a lot. we will furnish the money and build for you; terms like rent. Call and see us. WESTERN CONSTRUCTION CO.. Main L'035. Ul Morgan Bldg. HELP WANTED "We are swam ped with buyers wanting good 5 or 6-room modera houses in good locality, from $25fo to $5500. Phone us and we will do the rest. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. I007 Yeon bldg. WE WOULD like to list at once a few homes for quick sale. We promise spe cial a t tent ion and early sale If your property is salable. Phone us and we will call. R. F. Feemster, 309 Ablngton bldg. Marshall 413s. i. G. McCORMIC CO. MOVES. Tho G. C. McC.jrmlc Co., formerly lo cated at 41 S Fen ton bid g., have moved their real estate offices to -42 Washing ton st.f on the ground floor, at the cor ner of 2J and Washington. HOME FOR THE OLD FOLKS $1500. Large 6-room plastered cottage on paved street in Fulton; an assortment ot bearing frui t trees; at reasonable terms. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham, of Com. Open Sundays and even in 15 s. IF YOU HAVE ANY REAL ESTATE YOU WANT TO SELL. CALL AT 446 TAYLOR ST.. MAIN 2175. OR WRITE P. O. BOX bGS, PORTLAND, OR. WANT APARTMENT FURNISHINGS. Have 4 ' 000 cash and 4 lots, choice lo cation. $:i5uu for going apartment. Will not consider inflated values. J. BOBBINS, 301 Railway Exchange. Main 7931. WA NTE DF lYoM O W N BH'at" ONCE, 5 OR 6-ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. LAURELHURST OR IRVINGTON. W ILL PAY LP TO fviHii). AB 73, OREGON IAN. HAVE customer for Westover Terrace home, about 415.0OO. W. L. ROBB, WHITMER-KELLY CO., 414 Pittock Blk. Phone Broadway 7S4. WILL buy from owner, modern house, not " over $3500; must be bargain. Sundays, A. M., week-days before 0 A. M. Tabor 267:t. 142 E. 3'.)th. Laurelhurst, apt. 27. J. W. Byrd. I AM specializing on cheap acreage within mo miles of Portland. If real cheap and worth the money I can sell it. Write me deerlptlon and I will look it up. A. W. Kstcs, 009 Cham, of Com. WANT house in the Alberta district on paved street near car and not to cost over $350o ; good cash paymeut. Main G2. Agents please don't pnone. IE you have a bungalow for sale. Rose City. Alameda. Piedmont, around $."i0ai. half cusn, pnone Po index ter. Selling building, Main lsoO, residence B 7120. HAVE client with $5lM0 cash for modern eight-room house, w-est side. Polndexter. Selling building, Main 1800, residence, B 7120. I CAN pay $200 down on house in some fair district; must have at least 5 rooms; would like fair'y modern. AO 24, Ore- gonlan. WILL exchange 1018 Mitchell car and pay $500 as first payment on good house if location is desirable. Phone Woodlawn 1 I WANT a house in any part of city; want fruit and 2 or more lots, not too far from car; want terms. AJ 734, Ore gonlan. WANTED To buy a 6 or 7-room house, or 5 rooms with attic, not to exceed $4000; in Piedmont district preferred. W ood la w n 167 7. 1 AM looking for a house In Hawthorne or Richmond: would like something mod ern; can make fair down payment. AC 2S. Oi egonian. I AM looking for a home in Irvington, Alameda or Laurelhurst : want 6 rooms or more; must be modern; part cash; will pay up to 46000. C 243," Oregonlan. I WILL buy a house In any good district; want 5 rooms or more; would like some fruit; suitable payment. AB IS, Ore gonlan. I AM in the market for a home and must have immediate possession. Would pre fer to buy furnished. What have you. Blind. AK 571, Oregonlan. I WANT the best home that I can buy with $500 cash ; owners only. A K 572, Oregonian. I WANT a cheap house from the owner; can pay $50 down, balance like rent. I mean business. AC 31 , Oregonian. WANT a 6-room modern bungalow in Alameda Park. Thomson. 620-21 Henry bldg. WANTED Good building lots in Irving ton. Turner & Winshfp, builders. 312 Henry bu:g. Tabor 2124. or Tabor 50O4. WANTED Attractive place. Oregon City car, bargain to $5000. F 561, Orego nian. PARTY has 4200 as first payment on tt ot 7-room modern home; substantial pay ment monthly. X 117, Oregonian. RELINQUISHMENT wanted: will pay cash. C. W. Finch. Portland, Gen. Dal., or call 33 Sixth, room :tl. WANTED 8 or 10 acres, near ' Portland ; lo buildings ; some cleared. State price and terms- X 1 14, Oregonian. WANTED 3 to 10-acre tract! must be Improved, close to city, for cash. 65 Fast 22d. Phone East 4345. Hubert. I CAN pav 4100 down on house, will deal with owner; balance paid monthly; want ao 11 1 c t h i n g now. AO 505. Oregonian. WILL pay cash for modern" bungalow; about 434U0, restricted district. East 2007. WANTED 5 or -room house in Alameda Park or Hawthorne district; price $4500. E. J. Geifrer, 417 Cham, of Com. 43000 HAWTHORNE. 5 room, modern bun galow; furnace not required. Main 0O12 CO BUY'. SELL Oft EXCHANGE PHOP ERTY. SEE ST A LEY. 31B RY. EXCH. 4vmm HOME in Laurelhurst. must have 5 sleeping rooms. Phone Main 9012. TWO cash buyers waiting for bungalows under 43QQO. Masters. 202 Wilcox bldg. BUYER with 4200 waiting for llvabhs shack, not over 4200. East 1193. WANT dwelling, not to Heights preferred. F CS3 exceed 47000. Oregonian. IF YOU want quick cash for your house, call at 017 Board oi Trade WANTED REAL ESTATE. 679 HOMES SOLD SINCE JANUARY 1. 1919. 50 homes in January. 52 homes in February. 60 homes in March. 70 homes In April. 104 homes In Mav. 72 homes In June. 84 homes In July. 114 homes in August. We find irom our sales that the de mand la for modern homes under 4'hmm In good districts. Naturally, we need new listing more homes to sell. We have been established since Ihko. W advertise extensively, are in touch with, the majority of buyers, have a very ef ficient belling organisation. THE Mc GUI RE SYSTEM gets results. Every house lifted with us Is personally in spected, appraised without charge, pho tographed and the photograph of your house is placed on display In our show room in its respective district. If you have a home for sai LIST IT WITH US, we will get fiilrdi and satisfactory re sults for jou. SEE FRANK I.. M-oriRK, TO SELL YOUR HOME. Abtngton bldg.. Main 100S. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. WE WANT HOUSES AND BUNGALOWS. WB CAN SELL THEM JUST CALL US 1 P C.iVE US THE ADDRESS WE MAKE SALES. J. L. HA RTM AN COMPANY. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 2oH. INCOME PROPERTY WANTED. UP TO 420O.00O. Have 1000 lots in Florence. Or., and 61 acres Joining the town, all clear of debt, and 953-acre farm with fine buildings, loo acres in cultivation, balance seeded to pasture, only 20-minute di Ive to Eu gene; total valuation for all Juo.boO; want good income property to tame value. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 305 OAK ST. BROADWAY 4133. WANT HOUSE What have you? I have cash buyers waiting ; your house will bo si ven proper attention ; list now while selling is good. WATCH OUR ADS; WE GET RESULTS. C. A. WARRINER. RITTER. LOWE A CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. HAVE client with cash and good lot near Jefferson high who wants cheap house In need of repair and renovating. if you w ill take this good lot and bal. cash on your house can make very good cieal. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. l'Hi7 Yeon bldg. LAURELHURST HOME wanted from own er, either 1 or 2 lots, at bast 10-room house; must be strictly modern and lo cated near the PARK; give lull descrip tion in reply, with price. A 70'J. Ore gon ian. WANTED To lea.-;e for one year with option for purchase. 5-acre im proved place with modern house, near car line. Will pay cash for any. stock. Answer, giving full particuiars." A 719, Orego nian. AM WILLING to pay a reasonable price for good modern hojne in one of the bet tor districts; pleas givr; full details and price in letter; also state about how soon possession can be given. Want to deal direct with owner. B 7H6, Oregonlan. WANTED Six -room modern bung a. u w. uttlc. east or south front. All ntreet Im provements in. garage. In Alumeda, Rose City or Laurelhurst. Will puy $15)o cash, 4HM to 45h per month. Price not over $45oo. C 260, Oregon ian. WANTED To lease or buy largo modern city house W illi garden and fiaru ge ; must have largo living room and library, 0 bedrooms, bleeping porch, 3 or 4 bath rooms, besides 2 maids' rooms with bath. H 2om, Oregon ian. WE WANT SMALL FARMS tributary to Portland: personal Inspec tion and individual attention. If your price is right give us the necessary in formation and we will do the rest. J. C. CORBIN CO., 3O5-0-7-h Lewis bldg. WE ARE compelled to buy: place we are living in has been sold : must vara te bv Oct. 15; prefer place In Rose City or Alameda; improvements must bo in; would prefer to deal with owner. W 570. Oregon lan. WANTED 50x100. or larger. lot in East or Northeast Portland, lor light furniture factory. Have flKiio lot at 24 th and E. Flanders to oiler at a bargain if accepted In trade. Phone East 4 3 4 6. I WANT a lot close In on east side. Sun ny side preferred ; will give a lot on the corner of 7th and 47th ave, and will pay cash difference. Call Tabor al52, or write B 774. Ores o n i a n . WANT to buy 5-room bungalow, modern, with good-size lot. close to car. not to exceeo 43600; will pay 415oo cash ; give locat ion and particulars. D 6 JO. Ore Ionian. WE HAVE THE BUYERS. Phone us the location of your house and we will do the rest. Ll : E DD EM A N N COMPANY. 13 Cham, of Commerce. Main 6067. WANTED to buy from owner good modern 5-room bungalow or cottage, Sunnysid) or Hawthorne ave. district; give lowest price, ternLM and location. Address All 5D2, Oregonian. WILL pay 41ft00 down on good 5-room bungalow, locat ud In good district, mod ern; prefer large lot; state fuil partic ulars with price; no agents. D 61)5, Ore gonian. HOUSE wanted for cash, must be a bar gain from owner, bet. East 40th and Grand ave.. East Morrison and Clinton sts., 5 or 6 rooms. Call East 333 L 411 xlJt Hawthorne ave. WOULD like to buy a house of 20 to 30 rooms1 fitted up for housekeeping, some W her bet Ween 10th and lMh St.. Jef ferson and Rurnside; would prefer to deal with owner. V 5!s4, Oi egonian. WE have calls for all kinds of houses, business and semi-business property, and bargains in vacant lots. R. F, Iiryan, 500 Cham, of Corn. Main 1063. Even ings and Sunday Marshall H65. WANTED Modern 4 or 5-room bunga low from non-profiteering owner; 45oo down, 425 pls interest. Give full de scription and location. C 264, Orego nian. WANTED About half acre with 5-room house; no shack or single construction; city water, gas or eiectrlc light ; fire place preferred; about $200; $iu0 down. owner only, 'labor t4.. WANT to buy 4 or 5-room bungalow in Rose City Park d is trie t with garage ; will pay $Soo down ; give particulars with terms. D 6si. Oregonian. SV1LL give clear lot. near Penlnsuia Park and 4500 cash as first payment on 5 or 6-room modern house, desirable loca tion. AN 841, Oregonian. HAVE buyers fon west side houses south of Madison st. Handling west elde prop erty is my specialty. John Singer, 420 Chamber of Commerce bldg. WANTED To buy 5-room modern bun galow, not exceed Jliouo; wiil pay 41000 down: give full particulars and price. AH 504. Oregonian. HAVE choice W. S. factory or warehouse site 100x100 on waterfront and R. R.; bargain price and easy terms. Tall madge Realty Co.. 610 Henry bldg. WANTED REAL MODERN HOUSES FOR LEGITIMATE CASH BUYERS. G. C. GOLDEN BERG, Ablngton bldg. '3fl Yrs. In Portland" Main 403. WANTED Small house with one bedroom and bath downstairs, Laurelhurst. I rv lngton or Rose City preferred; state price and terms. E 54 Oregonian. WANTING 10 to 20 acres, partly or un improved, on or close to Columbia river on Oregon side; give fuil particulars. X 0006, Oregonian. WE want houses to sell In all parts of th city; now is the time to turn your prop erty Into cash. GODDARD & WI ED RICK. 243 Ptark St. W A N T E D T o buy. by re liable party, a 5 or 6-room house. Sunnyslde school dis trict prsf erred; st.ite price and terms In first letter. A 67. Oregonian. HAVE cash buyers waiting for buys in Rose City or Hawthorne ave. Simms, 431 Cham, of Com. bidg. Main 6127. Open until 12 P. M. Htinrtayg. WANTED Small house, on acre tract : preferably one equipped for raising chickens. State location, price, terms, distance to car. A 677. oregonian. BUSINESS corner in city of Woodhurn, paved on both streets, worth $ imto, to trade km part payment on a house on east aide. Writo B 774. Oregonian. WANTED to buy from owner, improved partly equipped lo to 50 acres, accord ing to location. Price and terms. F 566, Oregonian WANT good building lot at sacrifice for casn. rrri--, -im ui w-w ii' lamette Heights. F 5S2. Ore gon lan. ROSE CITY bungalow wanted; modern and desirable location; preter with sleeping porch and garage. Phone C 1256. HAVE buyer for 5-room modern bungalow, Hawthorne or Richmond to 44ou0. John Singer, 420 Cham. of. Commerce bldg. HAVE the cash to pay for bungalow; give best cash price, location of property aud description. E 551, Oregonian. WI LL buy or exchan e real en tain for a No. 1 bungalow. Will assume. B b2J. Oregonian. BROOM bun if a low. from owner. S500O: can pay $15ch4 cash. 4 v location. R. C. or Hawthorne. AH 5o:t. Oregonian. WANTED To buy smalt homes in WOUbHTOCK, MOUNT Bi'OTT or ROSE ClX'Y: i'AUK. tof uuick kale. Main yiuy. WANTED REAL ESTATE. ATTENTION. OWNERS. WANTED Neat, well -located modern residence or but g alow of d room, fin ished attic, full basement, furnace, fire place, garage. Requirements La rue living room and den. Olnir.g room, kitchen. 2 bedrooms and enclosed t- lee plug porch, large bath room and closets. Center entrance pre ferred. Full lot. near car line. Location Ir Invton east of 15 tb st.. Laurel h urst or Roe t 'it v. PrU-e Not over 450 o. Communicate by lei tr description, lo cation, price and terms. CITIZEN. C3n LL'M LJERMENS RLDG. W E need our home now. We are s!lin-i more homes than ever and naturally we need more mol.-rn homes. Have buyers waiting for home in A Iberia district ; $J."0o cash. Want the best home we can get ;it S.I15f; $rto caali. Want ." rooms to 4:t75n ; $(oo cash. Have cash buyer to 445oo. Another wants Irvington home to $7 km 1. Several bu ers waiting for . drfjiraltie homes In R. C. P. List with us for Immediate results. J. A. WlCKMAN CO.. 204 Railway Excti. Bldg. Main 1094. Open Even in ga Clos-d Sfl no ay. apartment site wanted. (west side preferred, at right price splendid quick leal possible for owner, give price And location to get attention. api) ress "builder." w 50p. oregon ian. I NEED homes to aoll; many dozen homes recently ad vert ised In my cot 11 inn ads are sold; ''1 out of the last 25 exclusive listing homes sold ; w hr e ise 1 an you receive such a service ? if you will soli your Irvington, Alameda. Portland Hgts. or Laurel f. urst home at a top price, if not too old, phone East S94. R. T. Stroet. agent. WE HAVE a number of cash buyers for ho iiu a. Be sure tt list your properties v. ith us W. B. ts rREETER and J. IT. KEATING, 617 Board of Trade. 1 arms Wauted. Mr. Farmer, do you want to rent that farm of yours? If so. we can get you cash rent and sell that personal property for cash. Wa nave a dusen people calling on us every day wanting to rent farms. Send us yours for quick action. A. G. BENDER. RITTER. LOWE Ac CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. Wanted to Ken Farms. FULL CASH PAYMENT. GRESHAM ACREAGE AND MODERN HOME WANTED. ONE TO TEN ACRES. In G res ham or 0:1 hard -surfaced road, and easy access to lnterurban station near (Jrtslmm, house of at least 6 rooms needed. Would like Bull Run water. ele trie lights and gas. Do not delay a hs we ring, a.i our client has sold h is property and will locate very soon. Phone, write or call on GEO. E. ENGL E H A RT CO.. Main 7266. 624 Henry HTdg. B7-B) 20 acres, 'i mile from R. R. statlon at Yamhill, On iron, all cult I vated ; 1 4 ae res of rich bea vmlam onion land, all very best soil; house and barn, also farm tods; .rent for $4 00 per year or will sell lor $M)0 down. Ralph Ack ley Land Co.. 527 Corbett bldg. Phone Main 7141. FARM OR ACREAGE. UP TO $6060 WANTED. A buyer will pay $ looo cash, convey by warranty deed ..20 acres of good land, some improvements, near high school, In a money -making stock raising dis trict. In the. sout ilea st port ion of Ore gon. Cas-h price $35oo. mortga gn $5 mi, equity i.;i0O, will give mortgage for ditfere nee. GEO. E. ENGLFHART CO.. Main 7266. 624 Henry Bldg. WANTED Vh rm, 20 to 60 acre, within 60 mi.es of I ottlann: must be good land and part of it bottom land ; must be within 3 miles of some town, state of Washington preferred ; clear title and reasonable price-: prefer to deal direct with owner: give full description and cash price first let ter. Address K, S. Larsen, Pomeroy, Wash.; box 263. FARMS WANTED. I have manv cash buvers for Improved farms from 1 0 to loi acres. if your prices and farms are right, I can s-il tih.ni. See Pa in I leu ev a : J . L. HA RT MAN COMPANY, No. T Chamber of Commerce BMg.. 4th A stark. THIRTY ACRES. , TEUWlLLluKK BOULEVARD. 2d acres. 12 m lies from Portland ; cui 1 1 vated. orchard, good house, fine land, on TuaIMn river; will lease for 1 or S years, $350 year rent. EAST 55S7. WA NT ED A good valley ranch up $ 1 00,000 cash ; have a pa rty waiting with t h money ; must have quick ac tion as he la anxious to get settled be- rore winter. WE I ST DOLLAR HIDE. 516-511 Lewis Bldg WA NT farm 40 acr s or more, within 40 miles Portland. Have 1m.x 1o corner. with 4-room house, aiKl $21100 cash. A Iko several other good city properties to put In in fa rms. 1 a.lmadge Realty Co., out Henry bldg. IF YOUR price is right we can make quick sale ror you. LONG ESTABLISHED RELIABLE BKO K ERS. A. K. HILL CO., 215 Lumbermen Bldg. MY LIST OF BUYERS la several tlrms larger than my list of small farms and acreage improved, can sell yours If priced reHSonu lIo. B. F. KELLY, 715 Swutlaild Bldg. WANTED To rent a 5-acie tract with a small house and buildings u lable for 2oo or 300 chickens. State renl in first letter. D 601. oregonian. WANTED To rant on shares fullv ei uiuned ranch near school ; married man. L. F. Ilaniar, 13.W Campbell St.. Portland, Or. SMALL farm wanted with 5 to 10 acres planted to En a I lsh w a I nuts; state fuil particulars. o.'vj, oregonian. WANTED FOR CASH Board of Trade. -fl to 2d acres. 617 FARM WANTED 30 to 50 acres near town. H. U. Allen. Forest Grove. Or. Wanted to Kent 1 arms. WA NTE D To rent small improved place near city. prererabiy go) tig concern year or option; bost care and references details p!enif.. AV 6. Oregonian. IF YOU want to rent your farm, transfer your lease and sell the personal prop erty send description to w iibur . Jouno, Henry bldg. WANTED Small houe with acre or more. improved, near car line; would lease. H 206. Oregonian. TIMBER LANDS. 13.!HM).(H0 FEET of frne yellow fir timber 1 i miles from railroad, 41-25 per looo feet : $4(M)0 will handle: also sawmill with planer. 4140. Two donkey engines for sale or lease. oi itenry Didg Portland. Or. TWO MILLION feet of big body fir Clarke count y. Wash., for cord wood or logging. 42650. Must have 41000 down F. M. Miles, 509 McKay bldg. Main 1 390. FOR SALE Sawmill and timber In Will Hn6Uu va! lev. on main line S. P. : 25 - 000 ft. capacity; price ?25u0; plenty of limber. AV 61 i, oregonian. FO It SALE No. 2 Riisiel 1 sawmill com Die to: edaer and planer, a-ton Den by truck, 1 lj million feet timber: cash or terms. ueorgo 13 roc k, "ccio, or. FOR PALE Bv owner, near Forest Grove, 3.000.O06 ft. fir and enough small tim ber for 20.000 ties; good roads ; easy grades; down hill. A v u3J, oregonian WANTED Cordwood stumpage near Rtay ton. in 30 miles Portland; pay as 1 cut contract; will make man safe. U. C, Cook. Barton, Or. TWENTY million on R. R. and Columbia river. miles rnrimno, nne-rourui rann at a dollar ; terms on nai., inree years. G 539. Oregonian. 30.0OO, (MM) CEDAR and fir. tributary to Co lumb a. Oood timoer ana iozne con ditlous. Price 41.70 M. W h0. Ore gon inn. TO SELL 160 acres of timber land, south ern Oregon ; w tiling to take automobile as part payment. B 9u, Oregonian. HALF section timber. Douglas county, two mues iroin a. . siuing. v oiu, ureso nian. WANT side cut or entire output from 3 or 4 small sawmills, or will contract for planlns your lumber. 774 K. Main st. 402 ACRES and H.uoii.uttO merchantable lum her for rale, in Twp. 40, I West, Jackson Co.. Or. AV Qoi, Oregonian. MAX ACER w a n ted for pay i n g sawmill; gontan. W A N T E D 1 0O or 50 cords of w ood to cut: prefer big timber and good ground. 1 50:;. Oregonian. DOl "G LAS count y. 1 '- miles from ms in line S. P., 2l.ono.00o ft. for ale or trade; bu rga in for qu lck sale-. Main 04QO. 8,Ht0.o04i FIR. 25 M. mill donkey, cm mp complete, $5000. Will Handel, lOJS Grand ave. A MAN who can set in aud ruu a small mxii, CU Vu.ln. aiimC, timbkk lnih. pacIfic "agency, tnc. 514 to 519 Swettar i TVdg. MILL MEN AND TIM HER MEN. -3i M. capacity sawmill. ln" H. P. boiler. 12x15 engine. 3-50-in. hesd biocks with set works. Saw husk, with arbor, pulley and AO-inch set-tooih loi s of con ve or chain. Trucks a nd track for carriage. Cut-off saw. All equipment practically now. Cost 5noO iu iui in ttoiirr iui mr - for the w hole out 1 it. PRICE 4 '-.". IF TKEN THIS WEEK. CLOSE TO PORTLAND. SO M. capacity sawmill. Large holler, good engine, complete mill equipment. 11x9 Willamette donkey, with 15i-ft. main line and rtooo-ft. trip line., a: so other rigging. About 2 miles from sta tion on S. P. A S. Plenty of good tim ber close to mtii. PRICE 456m. 4200 will handle. SEE THIS SURE. RO M. capacity aawmlll. Complete milling and manufacturing equipment, intruding dry kilns, planers, eta. Klne ni r kt for nil products. THIS IS A l.l't PiJ POSlTI N AND WILL TAKE A BIG MAN TO HANDLE It. BUT IT IS GOOlj FOR 425o A DAY. 1 M. c parity Rusel1 sawmill com plete. Now cut out but can be moved ehe;tp. as It is close to Portland. PRICE 415i FOR QUICK SALE. YoU GET THE MILL AND WE WILL GET THE TI M HER FOR YoU CLOSE TO PORTLAND. SEE US ABOUT THIS. 35 M. capacity sawmill. Located f"0 feet from station on S. I. It. R- Mill almost new. 7o H. P. boiler, 12x16 en gine.. 3-56-in. hcadblock with set works, double sa ws; 3-saw 36-in., tow er edgr. rolls. conveyors. beltings, etc.. 6x24. 4-si.1e pinner and matcher. Willamette donkey ith good line. Plenty of tim ber and aOout 3 miles above mill. PRICE OF MILL WITH DONKEY, 45250. CAN GET GOOD TERMS. 0 M. rapscltr sawmill, 12x16 engine. Irttt-H. P. hoi lor. 6x2 4 4-side planer, large edger. new beltings, 2 donkeys. imi a 1 most new. 5,oon.HHt old and seennd grnwth timber. 36 to 56 foot rock road to R. R. 1 5,oou.od6 adjacent. Price 4 1 1 ,OUO. Oil. Very good terms. Lnrge shingle mill. Complete equip ment, car or cargo shipments. Millions of cedar timber available. I R ICED RIGHT. A BIG PROPOSITION. TIMBER. We have listed t -acts from 5.OOO.OO0 Up to 75, t .nuO. SEE US FOR TIMBER. PACIFIC AGENCY. INT. M4 to 519 Swetland Bldg. 450 ACRES. TUG MONEY MAKER. 45o Hcres. most all under high state of cult twit ion, fine barn, 6-room house, pood dairy, will give 3 years' iease at $116 per month, 40 head of cows. 3 head of horses. 1 bead of young cattle, 4 tons of hay. 10 to 15 aeres of corn for si!;ige. 3 gas engines. Sharp'ea Milking M arli ine and all f . rm tools ; price on personal property $ocio. S-e Mr. Ml.iir at THOMPSON SWAN, 3d and Maui sts.. Vancouver. Wash. 30 ACRES just outside the city limits of Kalama. Wash., rent $40 per month. Person. ti property for sale. 42 cows. 43 head of you tig cat tie, 7 head of horses, far ui urn c h 1 11 ery. and milk rout e in com a round 4o per month. Half cash. Her.- is vour opportunity. See Mr. Blair at THOMPSON & SWAN. 3d and Main sts., Vancouver. Wash. 6.000.000 FT. OF Douglas fir In the Sileta basin, -m He to R. R., all dow n grade ; will run around 6-16 ft. on the stump and SO per c n t clear; land praetlca i ly level, goo'l mill site; easily lotrged. What do you offer? Box 226. Korwt Grove. Ore gon. PILING wanted; give scale, price, and when cut. O. V. Uamhle. Couch b.dr. FOR KENT FARMS. CARLTON. OR . FARM FOR RENT. Here is a highly Improved farm, is all stocked nd equipped and ready to go to I work and is a money-making proposi- ! Hon. The owner Is desirous of looking a ft or other business in Port land, t here for he wishes to lease this place; 450 acres, 3 5' I acres under cultivation, few acres timber, all kinds of berries. 13 acres orchard. Including 5 acres pmnf.; A 1 soil ; ail fenced with woven w ire ; c'ose to R. R., 1 mile, to school. It. F. D., tolophone; 5 springs, good road, good 6-room house ; hot and cold water, ba t h. etc: basement, barn ttoxxi, granary, hog house, machinery shed, bunkhous hii-I outbldgs. Wiil lease this place for 1 to 3 yea rs for on - -third gra In and hay and half the fruit. Personal proper! y for sale Is tractor, horses, ti cows. 3 heifers. 3 calves. T bull. 1 Meer, 6U sheep. 45 lambs. 30 aoats. 3 Kids. 7 3 boas, ma chinery of ali descriptions. 40 tons hay, 3oc l but hols on ts. lot 1 bus he la wheat ; price for everything $;S75, some term. STAYTON. OR. 372 acres, 1 75 emit vat .d. best kind of land, all fenced, wovt-n wire, good roads. 2 largo barns and plei.ty of out buildings; p.iice will run 60 head of cattlo and 2''t box and sheep, good grass ami hay meadow. land rui.-es w heat, outs, bar lev. potatoes ; rent in $ 1 000 per yoar. $5oo ca.h, bal. in ti months. 20 ACRES, COVE ORCHARD. 35 MILES FROM PORTLAND. 14 acres of fine beaverdam land, hlyh ly cultivated, raises onions. peppers, caullflow r, cabbage, etc.: farm toolj so with place. 4"M per year. HERMISTON. OR. 80 acres producing alfalfa. Irrigated, 4 mile from it. R. station, crop rental, per? iiai property, $2ihmj. E 'S HILL. DOUGLAS COUNTY. 1 bo cr -s. tit acros cultivated, unlim ited outrange. family orchard. pfonty of good buildings, ft-room noiise. per sonal property, $:luu; rent $auu per year. RROWNSVILLE. OR. 1 70 acres, good bondings. 100 acres cui t i vated. full set of bid gs. ; personal property and lives lock, $205u. Rent, is 1- 4 00 per year. 100 acres. S miles from Portland. Boa vert on district, loo A. level, some a little rolling. 20 A. bottom land, all under cultivation, a J kinds berries, prunes, apples, plums, 2 cherry trees, pears, fenced, good condition. 2 miies to 1. O. and church, 1 blk. to school, R. F. D.. 2 creeks, gravel road, good road all the way to Portland; I well, 2- story, 7-room painted and ceiled house in good condition. 1 barn and outbuild ing, will hold 100 or more tons and room for 2u head of cattle, 4 horses; 1 good silo, garage, con planter, plow. 3 wagons, binder, 2 harrows. Perfection milking machine, drill, potato d igger, cui ti valor, 45 tons hay in barn. 20 tons at raw-. 5 tons oats, etc. ; 4 pigs, luo chickens. Id head of good milch cow s and 0 heifers, 1 bull. 4 horses, 7 acres potatoes, rest grain and hav. straw is m the barn. Personal property, (05oo Rent 4550. HIGH-CLASS FARM 4 i M ILES FROM TOWN OF 27UO IN LANE COUNTY. 6 acres In state r cult I vat ion. fenced rompleta and cross-fenced with woven wire, fine barn and hog house for 15ii bead of hogs, cit v water to barns and outbldgs., 2 chicken-houses, 0-room modern house with sleeping porches bath, toilet and gas lights, complete set of farming im pi omen ts. cream sepa rator, etc. ; 4 (rood horses, 1 cow, 1 hoi for. 20 tons hay. personal property wiil run $2000. Rent is $ti-j per ear or 1-3 crop. C. TL WOODWARD. RITTER. LOWE A CO. 201-3-5-7 Board of Tiade Hid. FARM for r-nt. I have 100 ares, SO acres in cultivation, ftt acres In pasture and timber; good family orc hard, new u-room bungalow, new barn and all new out buildings; located i miles from Leba non, or., one of the bt farming dis trlct In the valley. Call Mrs. O'Connor. Bdwy. 20t, after 1 P. M.. or 535 John son st. 11H ACRES, fenced hog-tlsht: good build ings: Vj-mile from Pacific Mghwav. be tween Corvallls and Albany. Stock, crop and equipment for sule. You ran buy part or ail'tbe grain. if everything is taken $5Mm. gome terms. Will lease on yearly on sis, or witn option to buy. STEWART Jfc RUCK. r15 Northwestern Bank bldg. Al WILLAMETTE VALLEY" FAFtVL 307 acres. over 3ut in cultivation; nes r Crow ley station, in Polk county. 1 5 acres. Inipru-ved with p yiug or chard, Klickitat county; also other grain lands clos. R. S. 1'oOK. Ool Stock Bxrh. R I d g. i'uH RENT "O BCirw. half lear. near Cherry Grove, county road school, near fair buildings. :t st reams. aNo buildings for looo chickens. 103S E. Ornnt. ACRES, Or. acres In cultivation, with good but id Ings, near Wat-Mougal : rent $5uu: personal property 91300. Wilbur F. Jouno, Henry bldg. 320 ACRES. 250 In cultivation, near hii co'jver; rent J150O; personal propert-, $.-.000; terms. Wilbur ,F. Jouno. llotiry bldg. - BEAUTIFUL 14-acre place on Columbia. '1 modern houses. accs-orM-i but'dlngs foi an v purpose. East 21177. or 722 Selling bldg. FOR RENT 3i0 aeres, improx ed, irri gated ranch on shar. east of tht moun tains. M. E. Lee, 5o5 Corbett bldg. 60 A.. 15 MILES of "p'or 1 1 and740 A. uruir eultlvs Hon ; good fences, bldgs. Phone East 3 1 5H. CO ACRES. ftO acres in a high state of cultivation, near Butteville; rent Stioo. Wilbur F. Jouno, Henry bldg. IMPROVED farm near tiulciiL. Call 4S N. Ilia bU, X'urliaad TO EXCHANGE ft FA I. f I" ATE. 40 A 'RES, 5 ml 3e from CssTTe Pock. Wash. : 15 acres In cultiv rt or.. nev 6 room house, btrn and outbu1 dir f.tm ily orchard. 4 fine cows. 3 heifer. 2 pic, bjorse. aziv farm tooin. ni .irsior. R'l In good condition; fine Mrr; war.r. 433' O Will trade for hou-e or va-imt nr. oerty on paved str-et. 5' a r-s newr Sandy, fine bottom no.! : 12 a re (ti cul tivation, acres Hpp.r new Larn. "M bouse, running water. 'me tim ber. 46oo : mortgage 4 1 E;uU v in rltv propertv. A. W. Lambert & S.r.i. 4o E A 'der St. 2- ACRES TRADE. All fine !7id ; 15 acres in cultivation, balance fine timber; all goo'., new budd ings. 6-room house, nood tri'-k. ba - n. good hog house, wood horse. ;,,-e bous". chbken hotme. 2 good we!; of w!-t: plaee in '.4 -mile of tlect-ic ' ! :t . 4' miles of Oregon city, on good roavl. fine . Uott. Price 4om. f w ner rt a 4.".oo equity, w;II trade for a hoi:se and lot; wPI not assume. Thre ure ome tools and grain t f:s t co w-h tb - r a e. E P. ELLIOTT SX. 7th srfii Main sis.. Orec.m c;t v. Or. S MA L L 1 1 O U S EF oTfL aTTg uTT N E. Six rooms, fully m octet n. w 1. h fum ir and fireplace, nice gsragf. 405l corn-r lot. c!oso in on sst wide, goo 1 neighbor hood and surrounding. Wnni 7 or -roo:?i modern bouse in ood drstrict. with t less! 50x1 oi lot. The prop-rtv advertised Is free from Indebtedn' - s . v-.'l assume a reonat;e amount of incumbrance: plao decrt le you r proper t y f vi ' y . st 'i t In g amount of indebted n ess. RJ 20, Ore so ft bin. ' FA KM or. ACKEAC,-:. UP TO 4660 WANTED. A buver will pay 4100.1 .iTh. mnvev hy warranty de.-d 326 acres of coo.1 land som1 improvements. n"ir h!ch school. In a mone - ma k iug stock raiding d lc rict . In the southeast portion of Ores n. Cash price 4:;.'.oo. mot t tr go S.-oo. on i;i t $3loo. will give mortgage t -r d.ffetvnce. GF.o. E. ENGLEHAUT CO.. Main 72.6 624 Uonrv Rdg. N E A R i L Y M Ul v. We have 15 acres, highly Improved, very clone to t ty m pi a. Waub in c: m. t - trade for a rooming house or Pi-rt'and property and cah. This is a silt-vdgcd placo. ERNEST WELLS CO.. 101 Com-h Hid g Main OS 29. E en in ts and Sundays Tabor ."do. TO TRADE FOR CITY PROPERTY. 4HMM EQUITY IN $'UM' I'LACE. loo acres. 9 mils from Van'ouer: fenced on 3 sides: adjoins mam roail : 2'1 acres slabbed that w.111 not be hard to clear. Th it w ill make a tood f a- iu in tho hands of some nidus nous party. STEWART & LUCK. 3 1 5 Nort h west em a r k b'.d g. SNAP for s le or exchange, 20 -a, re f ol i bcarlng app'e orchard; 6 kind of apples. Hand 1 0-year-old l r'-es. good sc 1 1 ; n t: a p ple, n Irea dy picked H to?. 4 eeUs pi' Ulnc yet. all apples contracted for. j "ion, p.-r acre. li st orchard in lenu- mont. Cm!. Come and see. Want Port land income property, or what have you? T. Peterson. Poaumont. Cul. HA W I H KNE D1S1 I'.lf T. Tri.d lo" farm, stock and 2-st-y hoil:e. 6 roitl.-i. rec.pon hall. bath, foment basement, lot 45xl"ii, sew.-rs and str'tt improve r.-'nts in and pari, ail told roii over 4.MMi; will a."Mme sm; il n mount. Aclilrcsu F. D. Wuriur. 42s 4 T- St. 0il.A',,'.M WHEAT RANCH. Have made a cl--ti-up in oil and fo that reason am offering mv wheat rauc at a sacrifice and on ear v terms, o trade for nice home Li Portland. Rc.OM 402. HOYT Hi'TK!.. HAVE a new lot 40135. in ren for $26 bus.ness each :ore bulbllnc. HUr.i f Honuiam, Wam. S 1 month and does fi'uo mont h. Y ; : 1 t rade f . r good automobile ; or wiil small ranch S 11 At $'J 500. Morrison Iavldon, -Ht Krt WANT EQUIPPED W i I E T 1M'MI. ' Will trade all or part of :: o 00 w orth of unincumbered acreage su!ui i ied. on railroad and good highwav. .1" mM s fro?n Portland. Want going wheat ranch and will assume. J 34.".. OREGONIA V. 12o ACRES, loo acrs c?i It 1 va t e.i . 2 a. 1 fine timber, c.oj n-'i bu i ! 1 a ki. rs ioMiif. mail and milk rout... . lose Selool. 4 miies to touri, nesr Salem. I ru e 51m.im.-i. Tiacle for in- t m ert 4 m t C. Uolk, Henry bb . 2S5-ACRE FARM. RItiHT AT TL U. R. station In Doisia countx; good ;-.-t farm bMcs.. family orchard, cood s. Price $1 l.ot'O; trade for I'crtland pr. erty an.', assume. WJCI-T DOLLARHIDE. 5U-51I Lewis b:dg. TO KXCH.wNlK. Have b.-a uti 1 u home a d a part -ment house site Worth 'iti 000 IO exchange for up-to-date aparttiu-nt houte. Will n-su-ie. OWN E!t. Room 1 Wor"eMer bide TURN" T N YtUR ll'M'c;; U..,C,TY. 5 ACRES M ULTNOM a H Si VTf'N. Will take yoiT hou- equity and save you nil of voor worri.s. Si HMIT WIT T tU H WE S M IT'I-W AC,- V Eft C, , ST K FN". FOR EXCH ANOE Seattle. 0-r ..?i hoii., 1 block frum un i et si t - r:it ra n e on prosperous 14 th ave. N. E.. for t. Tabor residence? I ti rndtus 1 ni'ie toth and Reliiioui. be Chaplain l'ertland Smf t:irlutn. MILL TRM'K S -v fr Improved, good springs t la ilKl x m I'ai id ' White Salmon dit net. s x m l.-s nort It of Lyle. for property i:i St 1'aut or :i:, neapoiis. Curl F. l,FVir-u:i, W illiams ave. S. B.. M innea poh. WANTED to trade. S fl Klamath fountv for a land i 5 miles fro? town; it Is all und r ir been farmed. Address Rainier. Or. lan 1 in tL. : a rm. I h rnllioad nn-l a tb 01 aid Iiu W . C. Gaiiiilt, NEAR ALHANY. A 15-acre t-y.-er-idd nt-ple frrVan! ex-hnnge for we!i-beated PorLalid U It's worth 1 n ve - . : tea t f n sr. MacINNEs v PRATT. Main 41., Hoard of Trade bid. WILL TRADE. 5 lots 50x!ibi, clear of Itieu ni bra nee, for 7 cr S - room hou-- and assume; hit s pear Sandy and 42d St.; give . .-i i p u of house, location and price. E .VC, Ore gon ia n. I "j i A V" E Sint'O r-a-h and r0 acr-s Wisconsin land worth :.uon. a4 flr-t pavni"rn to ward first-c!as Sd-acre farm in 1 regoti or Washington. Lock Box 55, Astoria , Oregon. WANT to exchange so-re good land near Aberdeen. Wash., rlos to wher drili InT for oil. for Portia nd pn;i. rty. or Wi Hornet te va i ley ; w i ' 1 u -ume and might ptit ln cash. J ,".25. oregonian. WANTED Stu mn land, or 1111 i m prove-1 suitable for cultivation, in exchange for 1Iu acres with 0.010.000 feet of tlmmr. Yamhill county. Owner, 222 U. S. Batik bldg. 1 WISH to trad my equitv In a quarter section of Soith Dak. land rrir a gnu-zing town as payment on a good 40 or mi hta farm 1 11 t e Willamette valley. T. .7. Robinson. Silvrrton. r. IMPROVED So-acre ptock f.iVm. 00 nii-s nt, good bill : li rs, orchnrd: run me tm. mt g. :i:b"i : take g. od ca r fo my equit y, or what ha e you 7 il -:;. Oreronian. WANT to exchange rood land elose to Aberdeen. Wh.. for Portland propert- or In Wlllarnt tto valley; will a--unie p.p.d might iut in some cash. A ts3, Orego nian. F o R EXCHANGE Two good stor. build ings at Wet.-er. Idaho, for Portland prop- ertv: one Is rented s Karaite loin oil. Jtrtuoo : c ; n-1 prop Oretronia n. ns blacktTit h shop : erty. Addre-- A t(74 lrt ACRKS IN MARION COUNTY". Price HJ'i'Ni. Will evebjen:"- for .lose In acreairo and pv cash c?!f re-ence. WFI-JT e DOl LA R U ! D E. 510-511 Lewis bhlg. EXCH AN'"E I have fi-rooni bur galitw. with aarace. on naved s?-et snI car 11 n. to exehanHC f-r ri--lrai re-Id ci;.- property. '2 or 3 b! k. f : om c t . or sub urban. Owner. A. .I,Ix ran t 5. 4! 1st st 0 i ACR ES. 4 ' j m lies front 4 r .h a 111 : 4 Hi-n s cleared ; very bet of eo i : a u 1 1 1 1 -abb-; on main road. price Jlui; mort gase l4oii; trade equity for lot. Yale-, 240 4'h st. To K Xi'lfAMi E Fine rei le. in Irv ington. i-room lioum. lot 1oo.1oO; ma!i er bouse i-;i t-aTiie ditrict 011 at.-eda accepted as part payment. F 5.7. brt gor lan. FOR SALE or exchange. 1 a- -r. ail In eultD ailoii : b'llldinKi and T!t:' Ti:?i w a ter, for inconi proper!) . F 51.1. Orego nian. . TEN-ROOM house, fu nis'oed v 1 1 h rrnteo out apartnn :M. or unTurr ished V 1 ; I s. II cheap or trade for ti.ii.ill h"-e. W ba 1 have vou? Answer Mem t'.t:'.. HAVE n acres of urt I rn proved fruit land In the flood RUrr-Mosier .".:-: -ici. a i? $ 1 5eu. in exchange for a good lot. AF 1.'14. Qregoi-'an. fill 7 -F "IR D .VPASSENGER PH7. W:n: -m II house or uood .M'-,;tv. WILL TAKE S! :!,LV:RS CONT'-x' p SM 1 TH - W A ' t IN ER Cc .. ST' H'K K ' - R04 iM house anl ba l b. best r - ie;i--e diHt rict of New port. r. t 1 1 a do for auto. What hae you? Pox t'".l. St. Helens. Or. -SEC. 1 AND southern A;befa. u-.:m-pro ed. but icrv R.J'" : nar o tovct . Will exc-hatme for proper-v , or r.ear I'ort land. See ow ner. 2-2 Ta l-r m 7 ACR K". fire- srll. al! In cultivation Alvsh station; trade for course H Oregon in-.i. st NL'E tir'oni mo.ier?i bi Hl'ioa re-trb-fd d'vir" city Oicfcuu CRi tai. F 502. uieS'.uiiuu TO I Af 1l(.F REAL FT TK. CENTRAL OREGON -STOCK RANCH." RE L STOCK RANCH. AUT HALF r:.i' -:. r-o ior mni ac;;- DK-CHUTCS f OUN fY. A I UT HALF RF.D T PHW. ALL FENCED. FA IR HI I! M; PLENTY c i . I sr'KT WATER. 2 1-: r S RUlLDiNGS. NT II R R. SURVET. SACP ST A TION. P. O.. STork. PHONE. SC(itOL. TC ol-'KEi: TI 1 LAND T M I E.t Aor.K. t iN T i'.LM.; til1.- 1 KTIl S-O. DISCOUNT Ki: W.i. -H. Wol'!.D Ci 'N.' IIK!1 SMALL c I T V I'oMK tK SVHIT.r.AN H ye. iN EX t H NC TI E LEST I o- v TI N IN THE WEST Ft R I." V "Ti AND HA Y LA NCI ! 1 .V.:. SE V EltAl. 0,0 - i::nv::xt 1:1 n- - h . 1; s 1.. c - Ti"N STILL t ;!: N T ? 'TTi .'.1 V ENT FO K P A STU !;K. SAVE T i - T ! : 1 T. A l'Pi:!s I'A TTl'K' N. 3"2 SELI LNG nLDC. P '1: TI.ANO. HIGHLY 1 M PROVED 25- Al RANCH KOR pijiiVi.AMi 1: KKiTT Ho V E. S nrres -yea '--old ? r 1 1 r. en berc upSi, :icrcs fuil h.-.r.Tig HirtM pf :: Ro a i A r. n c b t-rr i s ; ;.-ime " 7- 1 !er r y and r-u Tie ;., r . d. F; r.e ' .. , ,.r.s of stindit.c oak wooi!. S;i'-rid r.e rooit .01 :i s.i (.w. living room 1 .": 30. bu; ' t -in iT..e" es. l";t t; ,ce. Du'th ki'eh- en. ba:li. : oi;t. 4 'ood w-.iter i-stem. ba : II. i n 1. He M hoti-e. ,.n hard ro.. d t, n. i ; from 1. a r. n i r. u t e r ice sc hoot a-ros T e ro id. 3 ii'ln from E-isen'. l':. ."..'..iHfii I'xch.nCf for Poriiand 1 c iv e up to J ;'.coo Ha nee erms. S-e Sim H-wev t j . j.. HAKTMW COM P N Y. No 7 Chamber of Commerce l-h .,r s- trk. o ! L SALE Oi; RX C H A N ; E 1 3 tal - a c r s: of-k r.itit'h. 7 in u ; ; v,ir .on. all f lr:e so,l. ov r 4mi i,f cow s. yearling .i.d c.Cves. white-fared jtn shorthorn; 1 L ?-.V!t.-5 and firming imp; e:ne :i s. Price $ To ' . trade for good income p ronert ". s"T-:nTf stock ranch, about 2 miles f.m go-td .i!lev town, f a ill well im proved and idea : 1 y 1 a fed. Price $40. tMwr, consider good income or sell on c.ifv t-1 ms. "-JTe farm, 3 miles from HoltvPIe, Itnp-tial va.U-y. Califor;:;a: in alfalfa. 1 111 corn; aU water rights ne-dei; r.ow rented for Sltam per j car. rrada for 1 re g o n f a rn Sc-i Ti irter- La tul J ' 11 re.i m. Ro.i . a of Trade bid g.. 1'urt.anJ, t '"--on. 37 ACRES. NEAR JUNCTION CITY. CAN R E I 1 VI T'FD : READY FOR PLOW. C.CoT .-OIL. SI. ofES WE-T TO CREEK: LAND M'lrAKLE FOR l.IVE S'I'.'.MN HuilS. HAY. GRAIN. FRUIT. IG-IKRIES. ETC. ; NE R it. R DEPOT, lo MILES TO 01.T NTY SKAT: GOOD RoaI'S. ru.-rrix k f.argain at $5 I'l.i; At.'RE. WtillTM EASY TKKMS. MAKE OFFER EXCHANGE; WILL ASSUME: CONSIDER CITY Pile 1 ' K i ! T V . STOCK OF .. RCilAN D1SE OR WH T HAVE YoU? ADDRESS 'OWNERS." P. O. BOX 222. p m; tland. 7 - R . IRVINGTON HOUSE. $ Ti .VM. 4 l.lrt- R 1 This house is locat"4! on TIT'a tuoek St., 2 bloi.Ks from Ttroad WhV car. This is a well-hu-'t story- iiid.-a-ha !i" house on lo 5c lo-t fe.-t. with nice Iiwn .tid si-rabbei y. Pric i;..oo, $"'oi casn. Ca M at 527 Corbet t bid g. M i.-olay and we wiil show tlie propci t v. pione ! ai:i Till. RALili ALivLtlV LAND CO. APAitTM F NT .lU'l SK. "We have e-;ij.y In flr.p n:ar mnt botis nn ibe west s;;e to t:ado for a vad-y f.r:?i ce ir of i:u unibranf. We also I. a . e se ei al fa riii to tra de for city p:opr:; a. so n 2'-are wi.nut ranch for city pr") t v and cash. tKN i:s r Ei s co., 401 . .,tich Hhiir. Main 6s2:. K t-mnrs and Sundays Ta b-.r .'aioc; Kl'il A E COUNTRY ST' RE F o r f 1 . e or t - a o e . a b n 1 1 1 $ 7 5 1 0, f 1 5'i to Slsoo jn gr.eral nier c h a ?. .se. Store bu 1 1 d 1 11 u w 1 h living rooms, feed - c r i ::: in m t ' l asoi i tie f . 1 1 1 ag : a : I on. . r ; ba r a an! i-3 H1T0 la To I Loci t ed a 1 m ut 14 tnu'-i from Pori'and. tratl fe.r city p'-opertv. small farm or acreags 1. tar I'or Land. A. -L DeFOEST Sc. C O. ::-JO-:i21 Henry Hid--. M.n l'Uf.Ai'l:!' WHEAT RANCH. M.-sT id ti..Cde. 1-1 ood r-ir; of east-4 er u t r " o n . 4 ."ai acres s u mr f 1 dw d. ll'U acres more to be ded ; a bu 10 ; a r. of wat-T, Ir t-ui'id in a . ii-mt r'a:i-n. f lT-e sol ;, .. n-? 'i-ed. prio- 4"..io. in - iiimiii' inco S i This is a going piop siti hi. will trade ! r ct:v or valley, part must be clear. ."..".'. 4,iregonin. He ACRES. 1 'J uud. r plow. J-ro-.m sh .1 ck. -(t'.o barn, w-c.t-r p io-d to sime; lod yards to Paci'ii h,i;U'.v,iy. 31 in;In to 1 'i m ler mio. thr. in 1 1 to ffl? 00 1. pr;ce i'.".'Hi. J.'.oo wn. Will consider t.e.ir to. 0111- loithmd pri;' ! ; in trade. '1 :r. J I lleai y .dg TRACT .'f : f . ne ! ii Idlii g lo . go.'! d :s-trh-t. S ?: cor. 4.1! and Dl.-hoi s'.s. $Jo.ooo. Want i:n ..me pioporly of f irn. port: -.nd. or any c "d town, t . r.er. -I li. Mc.Mahon. 2C.oii iaat 4.1.1. T . --or r.::tti. W ANT P'dlTLAND b.ts for improved 1Mig loy rorn-T; 1 l-roo:n bui.galow; modern; cement tia semen t a nd w a Ls : 7 blocks tn tt A . 4'. 1 11 C - rt m 1 1 a. A place t. l.v and an income. Will a'iiiie some. T. 4. St::b, .Ms Railway Exchange. 1 2o ACRES of good t lmb.-r on Cl aw a ter river, ne'ir big tsawmi.l. 1 want resi dence prop-? t y In Pol : .and. What have ou for exc I .-iiice? C. E. Hicks, "lid Irving st. Mam 77'J3 Sunday or eveu ium. Fc ' 1 1 SALE or : rad - . Lincoln eoun t tio. t or li ee i ranch. 1 5S acres. 15 uiuier cul tivation; house. ban:, chicken honr.e. some berries: 1 '3 mis f : 01:1 pcstolflce mid R R. Good spring. Cj.1 1M4 Sis k : ?. on . b' R I-. I i 1 5 A CR K S F R E B One m.ie from city limits of Portland; pa v- ii ro.i d and electro' 1 1 mc ; f .""e t o any man that wiil cut me 1500 cords of w ood : I furnish all tools, gas wuodsaw, )o;t Hoard of Trade. :i"2 A'.'RFS. unimproved, near Rooseve't. Wash.. Iloo 4;o a- res timber and priii.ng land on CJenrwater river, Ll:. f'JMMO. trade for Porti-ind. Cali foru..i or eastern property. 01 4 Panama i h : g WILL trade for city property or Improved firm land. 101 acres ti miies from Hal kirk. A 1 her t a. Canada. 4't s Tea brokSh Small hous.. etc. tics NELSON, owner. 115 Gf:i tu'l ave. Nort h. ltio Ac'Kl'.S in Ciack-.im.ts (ounly, 0 in cu!:i' h.ioii. 4 to 5 acreg benverdam. .'I good pitniii; priee $5 01O. Exchange for 1 1 , y p: j pert y. Herman Peper. 5u7 Bu- c li .1 fl t il '-.d g. RoSE CITY PARK Six-room house, fur nice, fireplace etc., will trade equity for siL.urbu'i property including about one aie. 'reoti Elecliie preierred. Call T.i bor 1 N KTH !: RN c 'allfornt i, 1 ito acres fruit ard nut land. $Jhoo; also Dhi acres ot ye ' ; o w ami sugar pine. 4.0011.000 feet, J - fn mi; trart" for Portland. Seattle tw S 00 ki. ne proper: y. t ; 4 Patta ma t'le'g. Lot 5oRmi. located on E. sth st. N.. neat Union a v. ; .if- improvement?. clear; price Jl'i'Ki; w il! consider sma'ler lot wi:h lioiiif In trade, pay cash difference. Yi'orr.s :i. tio-21 Henry Mcig. 5-R' ' iM house, large lot. elas-e In. Forest Crovc; 4 iota Minneapolis; S block Valla Wnll.i: r. it e bungalow- Medford. Ot. Tr.nle either for auto, grocery store or house equity. til 4 Pa ban. hid sr. TRADES Ul' EVERY KIND. TL-tun. s. farms, lot. aereau. automo bi es. bo'e'.s. reauuiantfi, stores. What bare vou ' J. BRUt i; GODDARD. .'at? Couch BTdtr WILL t r de 10 n 1 res unimproved land rar W 11 hoit Springs and 2 lots at t'reno Heights f'-r 5-pa ss&n gr car. 1'iione W ood la n Oui;. Address 12U- E. 2.: sr. N. 3 ACRES, light bru-th. easy to cl r. m at St. Mary's ..nd 1 ed cl-erie. Will sll v lien p or tr- de for touring ca r not 1 ter t 'ian i7 mo.sel. Inquire at 122 N. : h. STRICTLY ntooern bri k ap.irlin.'ni bo one, bo;-Witer i'iit. oer I lid mon:h Income, price jfoO.iM ii; ow ners won il take 1 onte t r i - :e. M . E Ltse. 5n5 t 'orb.-.i t bid g. TKAl'K your :-c.n lo: ir,:o n good in-coi.-e property House nr. Im pyi.'S s p.-r c- t t on SoO'M'. Weston, iK'O N. W. It.nk b..i-j. N-K'itd 110 'rr home. J.:.".oO; a-a-ept 411:0. lot or create 41 par: pi.ynciu. Se t'tts -uLiy. S West WVbsler. Take M:Mr:',i'. va . WILL E X c H A N t I E flr--rro-.f g4i-Hre. r-r.t- e 1. for k 1 5-roem hm.a.i'ow to xa'ua t.".oo s.io.1 terms on bl:nce. Call Ta Lor 2'-T''.. Fo :: SA 1 E OR TR A DE - W in ton rt. pood c..;;d : ; ior . ..C covers: wi.l like smaller c 1 ; . W .tt I. a ve ou ? Call ow ner. Wco pawn ;.:;72. Por Ai(t-'.es. Wash., ex bang r. f:x'iirr. t u r:i : ' e, ,r w L.r ..u? Woodlawn W 5:tti. Want to r . i t ' ! L i v in oi:n niiin tid"laiid with rai.roa.I froii:ce f-tr ti:n t. - t.r :um;.ts.e. owner. Mar. 2.:t. SAN I NCI S o 7-r..oni him-o located m belt, to fv-hnnst for Ro-1 .ami property. Tp - Ll' :U.LDINC, tt M ,..! c. . 1 f m' :,u:o. F k- : . B S2 5, Oregonian. b 1 v I ti c rooms, on ""in for land or 715 Sw Land bid-. loiTlil u ,s-'. Ki H .'-bor.. ! y.EV. D for lot. ut ivsh 4th. f o r --An Ot I I ekuin bbig. I-4'R HM.K U-room hvu-v, clo in. 4t3 Ball bU "1