THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, SEPTEMBER 28, 1919. NEff TODAY. SOME EXCELLENT PORTLAND INCOME PROPERTY EXCHANGES OFFERED BY WEIST AND DOLLARHIDE 510-511 Lewis Bldg. $18,000 50x100. close In, Nob Hill, corner, improved with four six-room flats. Shows 10 net income on invest ment. Will take exchange to $10, 000, balance mortgage. $37,500 60x100 corner, Improved with 3 story brick hotel and etore building. Will accept other property up to $25,000, balance mortgage 3 years at 6. This is a good income pro ducer. $40,000 75x100 corner, improved with two Ftory brick apartment building. Produces $4000 per year net. Will consider $20,000 exchange, balance mortgage, long term, 6. $45,000 50x100, inside lot, close in west eide, improved with four-story con crete class "A fireproof apart ment. This property is leased for $3600 per year and will consider $25,008 in exchange. Balance long term mortgage. $65,000 100x100 corner, in best garage dis trict. This property improved with two-story brick building, with full cement basement, can be converted into garage, which should pay $700 per month at a cost of less than $10,000. Present building produc ing $4000 per year income. Will consider $40,000 in exchange. Bal ance mortgage at 6. $70,000 75x100, west side, close in, im proved with the very best brick apartment building in Portland. Big income producer and very lit tle attention needed to manage. Will consider exchange in good city property to $40,000. Balance mortgage, 6. We havt many profitable inTrnlmrntii from :!0,000 to 300,000 In fcllt-rrige Income properties located In Portland nnd coant cities, both for cash and ex change. We solicit your correspond ence and patronage. WEIST AND DOLLARHIDE 510-511 Lewis Bldg. FOR SALE SITE 100x100 with 60x90 Rum ford concrete basement in. Strong enough for a three to five-story building. On best carline in city. Price $14,000. $8000 cash will handle. See owner s Room 1 Worcester Build ing or 133 East 29th St- WHO'LL TAKE THIS BABY? A HOMELESS LITTLE DARLING WANTS PLACE IN A WELL-TO-DO FAMILY A superb little beautifully figured, genuine mahogany miniature model grand, which shared the high honors at the San Francisco exposition. Can not be told from brand new; wil sacrifice at half its value for imme diate sale; in fact, no reasonable of fer, cash, liberty bonds or payment $20 a month refused. Swell bench in eluded. Don t miss this if saving much money in the purchase of magnificent baby grand is an object. See Piano Dept., Eilers Music bldg. entrance between 4th ana bth sts., on Washington, No. 287. NEW IRVINGTON HOUSE 0. : EAST SIXTEENTH ORTH HETWEE STAMOX AMI SISKIYOU Ton rooms, two baths, double garage. enameled and papered. Materials bought before latest advances. Un- usiral opportunity to secure first-class home at fair price: $2000 cash and $1d0 mommy, including interest. Price $12,500 Open Today. E. J. Mautz E. S031 Mar. 1SSO. Net Income Over 14 A modern, up-to-date furnished flat Duuaing in a verv aesiraDie district, cost owner to construct over $31,000 His Price $20,000 One-Half Cub, Balance I.onic Time J. S. SulllVan Henry BldK. NEW TODAY Beautiful Irvington Portland's Model Home Section SELECT YOUR LOT NOW THEY ARE GOING FAST We are selling the Hughes estate property at prices lower than ever before oft fered and on easy terms. Highly improved lots like these will soon bring what they are really worth, as we are selling them way below their true value. All improvements, such as graded streets, cement walks, curbs, sewei and pavement, are in and paid for and represent a greater portion of our sell ing price. We still have several dou ble corners, 75x100, inside parcels and 50x100 lots. Buy your future homesite today. Ritter, Lowe & Co. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. TRACKAGE 2 SIDES Near business center 100x200 ft. corner. Well located and ready for building purposes. PRICE ONLY $17,500 TERMS ANOTHER TRACKAGE NEAR BUSINESS CENTER 100x100 Corner for $10,000 TERMS Anyone looking for an industrial site should certainly investigate this un usual offering. INSIDE PROPERTY DEALERS GROUND FLOOR HENRY BLDG. WANT INCOME PROPERTY for 50 acres rigrht at Vancouver overlooking THE COLUMBIA RIVER, good set of farm bldgs., 6 acres of prunes, all good land, water system, creek; on hard surface street and R. R. PRICE $2o,000 Will assume on Portland income. WEIST & DOLLARHIDE 510-511 Lewis Bldg. , To Lease Broadway Corner Between Oak and Burnside, 76 feet frontage; will lease the present building, or will give long-term ground lease, or will build to suit tenant. This is one of the best loca tions on Broadway. Full information. Ritter, Lowe & Co. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. WASHINGTON STREET APARTMENT Now Netting 14 PERMANENT TENANTS. RENTALS COILD BE INCREASED. $125,000 Goe A. McKenna & Co. 82 FOURTH STREET. FOR SALE FACTORY OR GARAGE SITE. 100xl00,on Grand Ave.and Schuyler St 12..',00. OWNER. 481 Tillamook Street. Ci nf Mortgage Loans Edward E. Gondey Co, U. Bank BuiAdJAs NEW TODAY. 10 NET Secured Lease WEST SIDE INCOME Property Modern Brick Apartments Located close in to Busi ness Center Corner over 8000 sq. ft. Lease can be made at this time term of years at monthly rental of $650 or Income, Per Annum.... $7,800.00 Difibur KMBfB t lain $H37.1 Insurance 250.00 1 ,087.78 Xet Income Per Annum $6,712.24 We are authorized to sell this splen did property for $67,122 on terms of $22,500 cash, remainder yearly payments R EMEMBER, in five years this property will have paid under these conditions one-half of the entire purchase price. It would be difficult to duplicate this prop erty. We recommend it as one of the best apartment - house propositions we have ever listed. INSIDE PROPERTY DEALERS GROUND FLOOR HENRY BLDG. COnn nnn Boston apartment b u i Id OuUUjUUU jng, exclusive district; trade for colonization land. $MC nnfl Boston .close-in hotel eite, r3jUUUwith income; trade for Portland income. $J7C nrm Park-st. 150x150 apart f tJjUUU ment. hotel or church site. Very desirable. SIR nnnTentn "- near library; IOfUUUsnap: 50x100: 8-r. house; income $bu mo. oood noja ing property; worth $25,000 9 IE nnn B u s i n e s r building on ' transfer corner. C IC PfinF,at. 100x100; income p uiuuu $200 mo. Very desirable, cost $25,000 to build. RKfinE- 12th St., factory eite. U)UUU 100x100. On nnn Water St., near Jefferson UUjUUU 5t. depot, 100x100. Sell or lease. Ideal for manufac . turing. $ 12 000 pper .Broadwiy apart- I R finn Brick business building, I U,UUU east side. C OCfirtfl Brick apartment building w uy juuw with stores. $JC nnn Apartment site, 76x112. tJUUUufiper Washington st. 7R finn L,own tow'n Fifth -street I JpUUU building site. 47,000 foo.rri8on"street 100x See Onr I.i.t of Building and Apartment Mtrs. Farms, Acreagre. Eirkangn, Ghas. Ringler & Go. 225 HKNRY BLDG. TO LEASE FOR A TERM OF YEARS Ideal location on lower Broad way, automobile row, 5000 square feet, adapted for au tomobile accessories, or tire distributors. Garage Site on Hawthorne avenue, with permit to build, now available for responsible party. Metzger-Parker-Ferguson Co. Commercial Realtors 302 OAK STREET GARAGE LOCATION Will Build-Long Lease Bet Available Location on Wet Side. Large Building Also One Good East Side Gu-aer Build Ingr. B2.-.0 Si. Ft. on Cround Floor, 175 Per Month. Portland' Available nuainna T tions Can He Obtained Throngh Onr Lculng Department. lirK PROPERTY DEALERS. GROl.NU FLUUH, HENRY HLILDIN'G. GARAGE 1-story brick and concrete, 100x100 building, for sale for $oOOO, which is about one-third of cost to build now. Will give 10 years' lease on the grround at low rental. Located North Fifth Street. Ritter, Lowe & Co. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. HALL FOR RENT Beautiful Murlark Hall Twenty-third and Waahlnirtoii, For Kent One or More Kvenlnea a Week. Call De Honey. - Main 7858. 4 BLOCKS FROM OLDS & KINGS 60x100, 2 larpe" houses, good condition throughout; furnaces; rental value $110 Price $12,000 Terms. No Trade. W. G. COX 221 FaHln BId. Main 5333. HEW TODAY. 66 Portland Heights" Residence A SIGHTLY, MODERN, BEAUTIFUL HOME POSITIVE SACRIFICE iiniimiitiuiiiiiniiiiuniiminiiniiii Desirable (nearly new) residence. Near car, lo- 1 cation especially good. 1 A "real bargain," nine rooms: Den, sleeping- porch, II. W. floors, i plate glass windows, 1 garage, full basement, 1 furnace, fruit and flow- I I ers. REASONABLE I I TERMS. FiUJiiiuiiinnniuutiniimitmiiitmiifntramminnuutimitiiiHinitiu PRICE FOR QUICK SALE $11,000.00 (Good value at $15,000.00) ADDRESS OWNER "HEIGHTS HOME" AM 41, OREGONIAN REAL ESTATE. TO settle an eKtate the following real em ate Is offered for wale. Make an offer; no reasonable offer refused, or will trade for a house in Portland up to 950OO: Lot 21. block 7, Eastmoreland: lot 181, Ascot acres; one acre. Base Line road; tract 2, Apple Mesa Tracts, In section 25, township 1 N., R. 12 K. ; 10.18 acres, lo cated 7 miles south of The Dalles, be ing a seven-year-old apple orchard ; lo( 4, Merrifield Acre Tracts, T. J. Thorn ton Donation Land Claim. Marshall 5749. For Sale Beacn I'roperty. 1000 LOTS in KLORENTB, OREGON, on new SIUSLA W MAKBOR. for sale or trade for city property; WILL sacrifice. Main 04O0. 00x120 ON RIDGE facing Oceania k Tillamook beaches) for sale at bargain for casTi. Must be taken by Tuesday. f none Main liitt. GEARHART Good furnished house, 4403. eight-room modern $3cH0. Owner. Mam Flat and Apartment Property. WEST IDK FLAT BLDG. 95000. On Market St.. two 5-room and one 7 room flats ; two flats furnished, con tinually rented; parage. GODDAKD & WIKDKICK. 243 Stark St. $10,000 50x100 WITH large modern build ing, 224 N. 18th, next to Lovejoy; half cash; income $75. Address P. O. box Hi 'J, Marshfield, Or. FOR SALE by owner, double flat, on paved street, on good street car line. Near Heed college. AN S31., Oregon lau. 11-ROOM house for rent, furniture for aaie, cneap; house clean and well ar ranged. Fnone Last 3yii. M'iDKHN east side apartment house 923oo, part trade. W. A. Carpenter, 5u0 Jichay oiug. m arsnaii ,.(;;. DA NUY income property, $ 125 mo. All furnished. I'ne ys.MMi. Woodlawn 321 !i. ROSE CITY. PARK. ONE OR TWO LOTS. SOTH ST.. 3D AND 4TH LOTS SOUTH OK THOMPSON ST. ALL IMPROVE MENTS IN AND PAID. TERMS IF DE- J. -L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 2Ui. LOWER HEIGHTS, $1750. $650 caIi. balance to suit. Walking distance, being near the City Park. This is a perfectly level and sightly lot with view of Mt. Hood and the city; some of the finest modern homes In the same block. Hard surface street and all im provements aid. Account of living in the east can't use land make this enor mous sacrifice for quick sale. W 503. Oregonian. $32: -PARKROSB LOT. HALF BLOCK TO CA R. EAST FRONT. DANDY LITTLE HO.M E SITE. LOTS OK FIR TREES. GAS AND WATER CONNECTIONS. EASY TERMS. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 7 Chaoriber of Commerce Bldg. Main 20b. WAVERLY HEIGHTS. $77H ALL IMPROVEMENTS PAID. ON KELLEY ST.. BETWEEN 2TH 2iTH. lfci BLKS. TO CAR. TERMS CASH. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bids. Main 20H. HIGH-CLASS LOT. $350. Northeast slope Mt. Tabor, fine loca tion, being on E. Burnside st., nar Thorburn ave. Pretty trees, lies fine, wonderful view; all liens paid ; to close an estate must sell quickly; it's cer tainlv a present. K ASER & RAINE Y, 823-0 Gasco Bldg., Marshall 3125. $550 ROSE CITY PARK. 50x100 FT.. 1 4 BLOCKS TO CAR. ALL NICE HOMES ACROSS STREET. TERMS $100 DOWN, $10 MONTH. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 208. EVERY CUSTOMER IS A REFERENCE. PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. Now is the time to buy that LOT on Portland Heights. Prices will never be lower. SEE MY BARGAINS. Mar. 4827. BROOKE. A 8S39. 541 Montpomerjt Drive. Corner Elm St. EVERY CUSTOMER IS A REFERENCE. KENTON LOTS. To satisfy a mortgage I am autnor Ized to sell 40 lots in Kenton for $." each and upward on easy terms, with 6 per c:nt interest. Come tn and grab some or tnese wniie tney last. M. E. THOMPSON. HAS Mississippi ave Phone Woodlawn 1 733. BUILDERS' OPPORTUNITY. HAWTHORNE BARGAIN. 60 2 -3 x lOO N. E. cor. E. 5lst and Haw thorne, room for 2 houses; price reduced to $1300; the biggest snap In Portland; act quick. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. WE ARE selling a few lots 33 1-3 cents . on the dollar. See our ad under new today, this section. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. BANK BLDG. MAIN S7fi7. ROSE CITY PARK I have 2 lots at 51st and Stanton, price $0T0 each, with ali improvements in and paid. C. J. John son. Min 5812. Sunday. Tabor 874L FOR SALE Lot lO. block 5. Fremont place; y block from Woodstock car; concrete sidewalks; close to Woodstock school : $325. Address 327 1st st. LOT 3. block 10. Wilburten. cor. Dekum ave and Martha ats. ; reasonable. A V 630. Oregonian. IRVINGTON LOTS SEE OUR BAR GAINS. NEUHAUSEN & CO., N. W. BANK BLDG. LOT 88x30. Tabor View, $750. Telephone Tabor 9207, particulars. LOT 73x100 near R C car, $400, bargain. looi Fmirth. Main 1293. ROSE CITY PARK TMVrtoo. It 200; paved, all assessments paid. B 7137. REAL ESTATE. tor Sale Lota. BANK P HOP KRTY Ml. ST BB SOLD. Loolc up these lots nnd note the low prices. Terms and second mortgage privilege to builders. lxits 12. 13. 14. block 9. Alberta, being 100x114. on the N: E. corner of 33d and Going; all three lots for 910O0. Lot 11. block 14, Alberta, being the N. W. corner of 2ith and Going, for 93oo. Lots . 7, 8, 0. bloc fc lo. Oris wold tract. 100x200 corner, for $1500. Also blocK f3. north Alhina, between Jesxup and Jarrett and Montana and Minnesota; this 1 a fine block, and would make a dandy proposition for a builder; look this up and make an offer. N. H. ATCHISON. EXCLUSIVE AGENT FOR THE BANK. 204 Henry bldg. ROSE CITY PARK CAR LIKE. ONE OR TWO LOTS. TILLAMOOK tsT. AT 30TH. S75 EACH ; EVERYTHING PAID; (paved streets and sewer).' THIS IS A CLOSE-IN LOCATION. GO LOOK AT THEM. TERMS CASH. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 203. FOR the next 30 days the owners of Capi tol hill property will offer to home ouiia ers a special Inducement In smail tracts. 1 acre for fdOO. h acre for ft! 00. hi acre for S300. 1 lot SOxlOO for $200 and up. This property Is on the Oregon ElectHo Ry.. 5c car iare. Bull Run water, gas and electricity available. Also good school a ee owners. 301 McKay bldg. Phone Main 1004. ROSSMERE 44TH ST. CORNER LOT: all Improvements paid. Lot on grade with street; fine soil; all nice homes in this district; 3 blocks to car. J. L. HARTMAN" COMPANY. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bids. Main 2 US. BUILDERS' OPPORTUNITY. S3.0 each, 5 lots. Osth and Stanton, 50 Xlwt. 2 blocks Rose City car. $tntO, Hope City lot. SSth st. $.iu. Beaumont, ntar Alameda drive, on 40th st. Imp. paid. i:t.iO. Laurelhurst lot, imp. pd. S13on, Irvington, 22d st., imp. pd. lNOO, Williams ave., near Alberta Bt. $2.0 each. Tremont Place. 3 lots. Lots all parts city. See us. CHAS. KINOLER & CO.. 22". Henry bHg. $1250 LAURELHURST LOT. IMPROVEMENTS ALL PAID. LO CATED ON HOYT ST. I BLOCK TO CAR LINE. TERMS CASH. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 208. IRVINCTf N. IRVIN'CTUN. IRVINGTON. East front lot on Eat 17th st., RO-ft. street, all improvements in and paid; price $12o, easy terms. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-3-7 Board of Trade Bldg. LOTS. LOTS. LOTS. North, Houth, east, west. We own 1ot all uround the city. Priced from $3oO to :tooo. WE WANT TO Sti.U Come in and pee if wa have wtiat you are look ing for. WESTERN OREGON TRUST CO., $1 10O N. W. Bank Bldg. IRVINGTON. Between E. 14th and K. 24th. Tilla mook and Fremont, tots Jl 2oo to S2oo ; all improvements In and paid, evergreen shade t reei. caty terms. RITTER. LOWE CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. A KINK view niti. right on brow of hill in A lamedit Park, almost 2 full lotH, Rtreeta paid, only $25M. terms. Remem ber it's a beautiful view lot. they are scarce. JOHNSON-PODSON CO., 633 N. W. BANK BLDG. MAIN 377. REWARD OFFERED. $2. reward for the first, arrest and conviction ot" any person carrying away, destroying or mutilating any of our "For Sale" signs In Irvington or other districts. RITTER. LOWE it CO.. 201-3-.V7 Board of Trade Bldff- PORTLAND HEIGHTS. By owner, splendid site for residence or apartment house; beautiful iew of river and mountains, temporary home Heights Terrace collece. Price $4imio ; Mooo down. $50 monthly installments. Marshall 3307. WEST SIDE WALKING DISTANCE. flOOO $500 canh. Fine no-foot lot on paved street, restricted district, all im provements pa id. Fine view, level. An enormous sacrifice. W .VJ4. Oregonian. Kl LL-SIKO lots clos to Nort h J onf -more school; taken over by h;tnk for se curity; will sell all 0 lots for $7."o. your own terms : a dandy chame for some, home builder to get a bunch of lots dirt cheap. See ATCHISON, 204 Henry bldg. LOTS 10, 11. 12. 13. blk. 8, Stanley add. No. 2, 1 (Mix 100. E. fc!th St.. near Haw. thorne, cheap for cash or liberty bond; no Incumbrance. Price anl all Informa tion, write owner. 326 Walker blag.. Scuttle. Wash. If you ever expect to live in Irvington you should secure your lot now. We are Helling the remaining portion at low prices and attractive trms. HITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. OWNER wants cash at once, therefore of fers fine Rose City corner lot for $000, good location. J HNSON-DODSON CO.. 033 N. W. BANK BLDG. MAIN R787. HAVE daiiily "OxloO-ft. lot in Rose City, on East 20th ft., near Thompson; price $14i; u snap buy. Simms, 4-"ll Cham, ot" -'om. bldf. Main 0127. Open on Sun days until 12 P. M. INCOME property, lot 137x130. with all kinds or hearing fruit and berries; three houses, one 7 -room and 2 five-room, in fine condition : net 11 per cent ; clear. Inquire of owner, H 20. Oregonian. LOTS J. 2. looxiuo. in block 22. Katherine. cor. 82d and C lack ;i mas sts.. for $70 cash, or wilt give time on part. Apply A. Home. 823A Eddy st., San Francisco. Cal. oOxlOO LOT, Kenton car, just north of Peninsula park ; $300, $00 cash, $10 monthly. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 033 N. AV. BANK BLDG. MAIN 37S7. ONE-HALF BLOCK. Restricted district, mountain and ma rlne view ; fruit, berries, grapes, roses. $2."0O. Ltbertytown road, Linnton. E. R. Herold. 'FOR SALE BY OWNER." Two lota Tvith modern 4-rnom house and barn, cor. E. Pine and &7th sts. ln qulre of tenant. LOTS 7. S. it, in block 12. in Gregory Heights, for $4o cash or $430 part time for quick sale. Apply A. Home, S23 A Ed fly st.. San Frail cisco. Cal. SEE our Swinton lot ad. this section. Clas sification new today. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 033 N. W. BANK BLDG. MAIN 77 ON E or two choice lots, in nice location, west of Piedmont, near Killings worth ave.; all city conveniences; at naif price. $3."u each. Wdln. 5008. LOTS, while sale is on discounted 0 2-3 per cent, se our ad in thia section. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 33 N. W. BANK BLDG. MAIN 37R7. LOT fiOxlOO. corner, all improved, hard surface streets, close In on E. Glisan. A real bargain. Thomson. 620-21 Henry bid g. FOR SALE or rent, new tent house 14x20. and iot 30x100, price $3O0 cash or your terms. Phone owner Sunday or even 1 n gs, Eas t3.'iOI. 4 6 1E . B u rn s i d e 8 LOTS Joining, 30x100 each, 1 block Mt Tabor car, inunt sell, going In biiHine-s, need money ; improvements all in and paid; terms. AH 5lo, Oregonian. YOU should read our ad, thia section, new today. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 33 N. W. BANK BLDG. MAIN 3787. $1800 BUYS a lot GUxlOO on 25th St.. clos to Thurman st. Will give terms. S owner, 3(l McKay bldg. Phone Main 1004. CHOICE residence lot. fully improved. E. 21st and Bybee sts.. on car line; $590. Owner. D 013, Oregonian. 20 LOTS, 75x100, 06th st., near MontaviKa car; 130 to $250, terms. Chas. Gill, Dufur. Or. FOR SALE Two good corners In Laurel hurst; part cash, balance long tim. A 67S, Oregonian. ALAMEDA PARK lot. streets paid. $800. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. BANK BLDG. MAIN S787 ONE 50xlOO-foot lot. East Front near Port land blvd. and Greeley st., worth JbOO; 1550 cash takes it. Tabor 4415. MAKE me an offer on one or both of lots 7 ana t. diock in, Kose city Bark. Hitchcock, 80 4th st. SANDY BLVD. BUSINESS CORNER. Will trade for residence Iota or sell cheap. R 39. Oregonian. ROSE CITY 50x100 lot, 2 blks. of Sandy bivd. ; cement walks, graded street an and paid for. Tabor 3331. LOT on Sth, Wygant; a anap. Owner. M. Norby. Rt. A, Box 247. Gresham, Or. FOR SALE Tny terms, cholee corner lot, IrfMUreluurst, H - 10. Oregonian, KKAL KSTATE. IT'S VERT PLEASANT TO LIVE NEAR A PARK. We can offer the choice lots lying west of Kenilworth Park for $75 per 50 ft. lot. Hard-eurface streets and all im provements are in. This property Is situated between Hol gate and Cora avenue and extends from E. 28th st. to E. 3-d t., the street the park is on; eay walking distance to Heed college, the S. p. shops, and only one block to carline. It's very sightly property, part has fruit trees and every street has been improved with shade trees. The fir;t time it has been offered for sale. Will give you your choice of any lot for $750 on terms to suit your finances. Induce ments to early builders. BE SURE TO SEK IT TODAY. Drive south on either Miiwaukie or E. 26th st. to Hoi Rate ave., paving all the way. then eat on Hoi gate to property, or take the W. W. car to E. 32d street, then go south one block ; no salesmen there; look it over at your lel5ure. KAISER & RAIN E Y, 823-6 Casoo J;dg. Murshall 3125. SECOND MORTGAGE. TERMS. ROSE CITY PARK CORNER LOT 1 BLOCK TO CAR LINK 2 BLKS. TO SCHOOL 2 BLKS. TO STORES. SOME SMALL KIR TREES. LOT ON GRADE WITH STKEET. CLEAR OK INCUM BRANCES. TERMS. lOO DOWN 15 MONTH. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 205. IRVINGTON $1150; liens puid, 50x100; Clackamas, near 22d ; also Alameda Park on Dunckley, northwest corner 26t h. lOOxloO. $2500, liens paid; look these over; they are buys. R. T. Street, Irvington agent. Tel. E. 8J4. For Sale -Houftrt. $10,000, WORTH $15,000. Willamette Heights, paved street, splendid high -class home. hardwood floors. 2 fireplaces, modern plumbing, furnace ; 7 large rooms, overlooks city and river; big pore heat. To any particu lar buyer of Portland residence, we ask tiiJtpeciton. You will see an extra grade, solidly hut It. double constructed house of best materials. A GENTLEMAN'S HOME. Let uh show, personally, only by ap pointment. Main 3072. MrKarlnnd. 2 Ypon bide. G K E A T VALl'B IN IRVINGTON. Among the at tract Ively ami recently constructed homes just on border of I rvington we offer this fine 7 -room house, entirely modern, at JlOnO les than cost to the present owner. This is a pleasing, well-arranged home and worthy of your immediate investiga tion. Price $5oo0; reasonable par ment and balance easv terms. O. H. SKOTHKIM UO.. Mil floor Henry Mdg. Main Mtf. After (. 1 we will occupy 331-332-333 Rail way Exchange bldg. IRV1NGT N HOME. BEAUTIFUL. I .a rge living room in mahogany and old ivory, solid malicany dinitisj room: oak ii bra ry or bren k fast room ; base ment entirely finished. Includes large oiiliurd room. 2d floor ai' ivory finish. all oak floors, fireplace in front room suite, tile bath connecting, sleeping ttorch : attic Iim comnleie ha I h ttnd bed rooms ; best loca lion in center of Irvington. Price lo,;,oo. K. T. STREET. Agent. East MM. IMMK1UA T K P(. SS ESS ION. s:;t:.h k a s y t k R m s. Living room, with fireplace, dlnina room, pass pantry, kltihen. larse en trance hall. Upstairs 3 bedrooms, bath room, large covered sleeping porch. lur nacc. full basement. U4." Weidler at. cor. E. 31st st. fr V. ANDREWS &. CO . Oth flour Piatt bldg. 1-7 Park st $;Soo 5- RoOM modern bungalow, bleep ing porch, large room upt irs for 1 beds, bedroom downstairs, living ro.jn 2x 13 . hardwood floors. sewinK room. full cement basement, laundry trays, gau radiator heat. This includes was range hot water heater and inlaid linoleum on kitchen and bathroom. Easy terms. Woodlawn 4011. SLNNYSIDE COMPLETELY FURNISHED uvj.ti r.. Six lovely, airy room., neat as a pin; j u i moe riRin in. u t ' basement Included In price: party going y K. allMI Ilitl . illllrn Itt-ti 1111 Who ts this? Libera 1 terms; $3ti5o. HAWTHORNE REALTY CO.. 30th and Ha thorne. A HEAL HOME For a real family; aci e in Park Rose; 7-room ho nee. brand iif w ; li ins-room 1 0x27 : large hedrooiin and dining-room rtriiii.c. f urna.-e. hardwood floors, fix tures, ciiadfs curtail. p. fine lawn, paved rnMiL earaire. M um be eeen to be ap preciated. Price aiid terms are rig I it. Phopt Tabor "'s". IRVINGTON REAL HOME .H00. perfect throughout, lance living room. 2 fireplaces, four U. D. and . I., garag fine lot. natural tree.-, ail draperies, btair runner and Lund hatcr m ut tied ; w;U i;. Ue tiKerf v It.. ml or ash ui to $ lOO1 for first pavment. See this and two other beauties at 12.5m; exclusive. East 41!. A PRETTY BPNGAIAJW". 5-room bunc.i low at Fir land St at ion ThU bus ali built -ins; surrounded bv nice home, convenient to car ; spick anil !an intdde Hnd out. Why not own you home? $2nmi. Realty Co. 30th ajid Hawthorne- KoR GOOD BUY. IRVINGTON BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW. Near Urazee a na j:in. no tun w gara ice. SlMMi ; terms. Also 7 -room new bungalow, all old ivory, 2 hatha, full lot. Karage. $S2M. One 7 -room house on Broadway, $4JOO. Another 7-room house on 2"th. $0230 ; all on waay terms. McDonell, Eaet 41'.. $iro O it OMS. modern, wei, -const ructerj hme. very targe siepin im i n. eludes liMixlOo In beHitifnl t reen. ;:7 Schuyler t reel. By appointment only. R T. STREET. IRVlNoTuN, AGENT. East v.4. PORTI-AND HEIGHTS HOME. Pretty 0-rooiu house, hart! wood floors, sleeping porch, beautiful unobstructed view ; f inelv improved lot. Price $o4oo. With furniture $i;umi; terms. Mar. 427. BR HiKK. A 3831 A GOOD 3-room house, with bath. All Improvements in. close to car and schools; 2Mb. near Ankeny. Must be sold at once. Make me an offer. See owner. 511 Merchant's Trust bldg. Main 1353. 0-ROOM house, with bath, on 2M h. near Ankenv. Close to car and schools. All improvements in. Will sell very cheap. Terms if desired. See owner. 511 Mer chants Trust Bidg. Main 1333. $j.ju0 MT. TARCH VIEW PROPERTY. 5 rooms and bath; lot 50x135; fruit, flowers, garden space; 2 good poultry houses, four yards; near car. vjuick pos ition. Tabor 3420 5-KOOM house and bath, nil improvements in ; nely painted and papered : regular bargain. Close to car and schools. Move right in. See owner, 51 1 Merchant's Trust bldg. Phone Main 1353 PORTLAND HEIGHTS BARGAIN. !-room modern house in b t part of heights, with splendid view, fine quarter block; in every way a desirable residence. Will accept smaller house. Main 2471. I RVINGTi N f isoi. 711 THOMPSON ST. To close non-rehlent estate, large home, by appointment only. R. T. Street. Irvington. Agent. East v.14. 4-Rt toM house, wit h bath, needs pa int ; some repair. Will se'l verv cheap. 27th. near Ankeny. See owner, 51 1 Merchants Trust bldg. Phone Main 1353. IRVINGTON ENGLISH COLONIAL. Two bedrooms down, two up, two bathrooms, ivory finish, art paper, oak floors, garage. Neuhausen Co. FOR S A LE By o ner. O-room bungalow, all on one floor, with all modern con veniences ; must be irnl.l; look U over and make offer. 53 E. 35th. for sale rtiMHt. Seven -mom modern house, lot 10x50, lawn, fruit and flowers; t7no down, bal ance like rent. E 350, Oregonian. ROSE CITY PARK. For sale. 6-room strict ly modern house. 1 dux lOO lot. Information call Tabor 50OI. FOR SALE 4-room shack; Mt-ft. street; car line: store; gas and water; fruit and berries; S125U. terms. Phone Tabor 14 13. ROSE CITY PARK. $3700 Bungalow. 5 room : corner lot ; garage : hard surface si reet. all paid. 073 E. 54th N. Tabor loT. $5oO DOWN buy- this $2500 H-room house: rent upper half and make 7 per cent net on your money. East 45o. $:;O0 FOR 0-room house. 50x100 ft. corner lot. by owner. $5o cash required, bat. terms. X H3. Oregonian. IRVINGTON COLON I AlTbUNG ALOW, six rooms, ivory fmlsh. oak floors, art paper; garage; $7250. Neuhausen A; Co. TrVTNGTON SWELL HOME CORNER 75x1mi. all ivory finish, choice location ( new today ). Neuhausen & Co. CHOICE Irvington home at reasonable Call Jamison. price ; must sell at once. 5t4 Lumbermen; bldg. $2-50 MODERN 5-r. bungalow. East 55th st. Main 3072. McFarland. O02 Yeon bldg. M UST sell at once my 7-room modern bun ga low ; 92200 tar quIcJl sale. 7tt2; REAL KSTATE. l-'ur Sale -Ilounen. V A C A N T V AC A NT. BEAI'TIFC I- ALBERTA BUNGALOW. S.i4.(l. TKKMS IF DESIRED. f.45o. TKKMS IV DESIRED. m HOUSE ELEGANTLY CAKt'L TED (IN CLUDED". 107f EAST 25TH ST. NORTH. I07i EAST 25TH ST. NORTH. Modern 5-room bungalow; full base ment, furnace, cement floor, electric fixtures, evades, screens. pane!ed din ing room. Dutch kitchen, plumbing com plete, built-in effects, east front lot, 10 f t. a i ley. 100 rose bushes, lawn, 5 fruit trees; only -block to Alberta car. Deal direct with owner. Open for inspection 1 to 5 daily. See It today. Take a car to 2,"t h. then go S - block north. Phone Eaat ti.Mtf until O P. M for appointment. BEST BUY IN PORTLAND. PRETTIEST BUNGALOW IN ALBERTA. THE McGUIRE SYSTEM makes home buying easy. You can com to this oftice and see over Ooo photo graphs of homes for wile, arranged In t heir respective districts with f 'ill de scription. Every home has been appraised bv an expert appraiser, some remark able bnrgains. That ii why we soM over too homes since January 1 thia year. 12 experienced salesmen with autos at your . service. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE. To Buy Your Home. Abincton Building. Main 1068. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. 6-KOO.M, 2-story plastered bungalow; base ment ana gari'ge: oxiou; 5t.uo, . cash: 0tli sr.. 6-0'.th ave. S. E. 0-room modern bunsalow, $220. $3n0 cash; tiTth a e.. t,td su S. E. Grocery store and f ixt u res. Ford delivery, $32" 0, - cash, stock at invoice. 7 rooms. 00x1 20. 2o-ft. ailey. on Woodstock line. $22(i. $5i0 cash. 5 rooms and bath. 122x137 W. :;2."0, t;.m cash. 5 rooms. 80x1 oo, 3nx 21 - : t. chicken house for 30u chit kens, $1500, oo cash. 4 rooms, electricity, gas. basement, 6 blks. Mt- Scot t car. Jm0. $5o cash. Fred Spear, Tabor 5S7. 03th ave.. t7th st. S. E. GRAND 6-ROOM HOME. Large living, fireplace, dining, buffet, den, Dutch kitchen. 3 fine bedrooms, bath and toilet up, cement basement, good furnace, 50x1 0 lot, paved street, all paid, close in on E. Madison, sur rounded by splendid homes and desir able neighbors; owner is asking approxi mate value for lot, only $l5t0. Jiouo cash; tiiis is surely a big buy and a fiuu home. THE LAWRENCE CO.. J!05 Chenoweth bldg. Main 601 1 700 HOME-LIKE B U N G A L O W . On a SsxlOt-foot lot. covered with bearing fruit trees, berries, shrubs, etc., is a very comfortable, home-liko. 4-rnom bunR;iluW with good cement basement: plumbing, electric lights and gas : lare chicken house and garaee; 1 block from the Witoillawn c:ir. i 'an arrange eav terms. DoN'T PAIl. TO SEE THIS. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE. To BUY YOLK HOME. A bin gt on Bid g. Main 10O8. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. FI N E house on Mt. Tabor Heights, with beaut i ful view, surrounded by fir trees, beautiful flowers and bushes; 4 bedrooms 2 sleeping porches. M-reened and glassed, ha I h and toilet upstai ix, birde e maple fioors. large living room with fireplace, dining room with built-in buffet. Dutch kitehen and refrigerator room, oak floors downstairs, largo porch on three sides of the houe, full basement, hot-air furnaee. stationary tubs with gas Move alon-uie; price $".""; situated at ldi E. tttuh st. Phone Tabor 1 550. MODERN CORNER BUNGALOW. $ 3 m it ; od 1 00k i ri g . w e i 1 - b 11 1 t. with high basement. attic, paneled dining room, beamed ceiling, etc., mi 37th st.. three block south Hawthorne; $in wiil handle; best bargain in district. Mr. Mil ler. Mar. J. C. CORBIN CO., oO5-0-7 Lewis Bldg. GET BUSY ON THIS KKAL BARGAIN. OOxloo Jot on Nob Hilt. Johnson St.. near L':;d. west side; only a short dis tance to the tlo w nt o w n d 1st net . 1 m pioxements: A splendid bldg.. lo rooms, perfect : y modern, in perfect cond it ion ; it is a home and money-maker; increase in vaiue will make the fiurchase a ft:ie investment; our price in away below the present market ; only ?73'". For par: n -u!ars call C. It. IeHurgh, T.ti'or 271.. IE UTIFUL HOME EIGHT ROOMS. XKR EAST 20TM AND Ct d CH. NEW LY PAINTED N D D E C ' K - T E D lv SIDE AND ITSIIE. A 1.1. McoEKN 'i N VENI EN KS AND BUILT-IN EF FECTS; TWO TOl LETS. HA TM Ft R NACB AND t; A RAGE; A H ,N-NS MK A.-'D ATTRACTIVE HOM h ; 0OOti. TEtMS. E II. COLLIS. EAST SO-50. PARK ROSE ACRE HOME. Finest soli. 3 fine clue ken houses and rtins, fine cement garage. 34 apple, pears, peaches, plums, heaps of berries and grapes; nice 3-room bungalow with bath and toilet; 135 feet lacing on Sandy bld.; one of the mot beauutul aer traets near Iort land ; f 523u. une-half ca.h and value for every dollar. TH K LAWRENCE i 205 Corbett bldg. Main 6015. HUBER STATION. $1'.50. 1-3 aeres. 2 bloekn form station and good sehool. and 1 block from hard Mir faee !!: t k ay ; all in cultivation, bearing fruit trees ; new 4 -room hou.-e with bat h ; linoleum on bat h an:1 kitchen . pari, ge. piped mountai n uau-r ; price il:i,'."; a really fine buy. GODDARD A: WlEMltlt'K, 243 Stark St. BEAUTIFUL modern 5-room bungalow, on cttrner Ut 5oxltn. situattl in tne choicest pa rt of Roue City i'a 1 k ; has ha rd w ood f.oors, flrep.ace. furnaee. lunch Kilchrn. etc.; also Karatje. Tins p;-e Hx not been on th market before and shou.d be e-n at once, l'a.1 evenings at house. 414 East 47th st. North, cot tier Hancock, or sec C. A. Wagnt r. 23" Stark st. PI EDM INT. PRICK ONLY S45m. Fine modern home, doubly construct ed, triple Uoors, 4 bedrooms and sleep ing porch, lull basement, fine furnace, all built-in features, hardwood Hoor, etc ; 3uxlott lot. jillev in the rear. RELIABLE INVESTMENT 0.. 305 OAK ST. BROADWAY 4133. FOR SALE BY OWNER. 7-ROOM 1H U SE IN St'NNYSl D E. GOOD CONDITION. A DESIRABLE HOME. OR CA N RE M A DE 1 NT FLATS; TERMS REASON ABLE. 1113 BELMONT. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOWS. (32ou for a line 5-room. one of the finest lots 4!xl 12. with h rubbery, gra pen bearing fruit, and poultry imue. This is on llenn ave., ta-'mg east; Jlouo cash, bai. time. M a r. F. L. BLANUHARD. 510 Hail w ay Exchange bidg. VERY GOOD BUY. IM M EDI ATE POSSF.SSION. Only $5 mi cash, rest like n-ni: price $22uu; worth $3mio. Wel-built O-room housj w ith sleeping ptrch ; 2 b.ks. to g.od car. We have many bargains in houses. F. FITHS. 420 Ch. of om. BUNGALOW ARRANGED FOR TWO FAMILIES. Has two complete apartments of 5 renins each. ni ely arranged, mod ?rn and in good condition; lot 5xluu. fruit, flowers; good distrb t M. BILLINGS. 5UO McKay. Main 1300. FOR S A LE 7-room house. lOOx Umi il land, fruit, garden, chicken lot ; reason able price. No phone. Come out and see it. MV car. 3d and Morrison, off at E. 75th st., 1 blk. north, al 10: E. 75th N. Owner. K EN TON district, 4-room bungalow-, fire place, eleetrie lights, collerele basement, corner lot; S20IMI. also 25 feet lor $250. and advance monev to build. D. 1 . Bathrick. 515 Chamber of 'ommerce or li Winchell alter 4 P. M. 1(Mxl J5 1N Kasi 7Sth s. N 2 Mm ks south of Giisan-st. car line; fine 7-room residence, roses and fruit of ail kinds; this Is not a new house but it is better; price 33oo; H3imj eash. easy terms on baiance. Call C. K. Peliurgh. Tabor 2711. 93500. 915MO CASH buvs 9-room modern house and gr.ra ee. lot" 5iv1lM; nil kinds of fruit r''s and sh rubber v, street i m pro v erne n ts all pa id. tnly 1 b'.k. to car. Buy irom owner, S07 Vancouver ave. STOP. LOOK. LISTEN. A swell 5-room bungalow, strictly mod ern, hdw. floors and all the "fixins". Paved streets; has to be sold tht week. Owner want 9125n down. Pri e Is right. See Mr. Billings. 500 McKay. Main Liiu. NEW Irvington bun a low, 6 large rooms and carafe; one of the most modern and complete bungalows In the d 1 strict, at 751 E. IMh st. N. Price JO.'am. open today. Evening bv appointment. Tur ner Jk Winship. Tabor 2124 or 5014. BUNGALOW for sale. clo? in. east side, completely furnished, linen and dishes; $:t."aiu. $1200 down. 935 a month; like rent ;" by owner. No aitents. Marshall 5543': garage, fruit trees . mut e. $3700 M 15 V-1 1 N . except furnace; 7 rooms, sleeping porch, double construction ; 5ix 10; assessments paid: title clear; terms. S. W. car. Ow ner, 5SG Mary st. Seil w ood 310. 5a;oO M iDKRN 5-room bungalow, neat as a pin. hardwood floors. Iikht finish, etc., paved sts.. lot 5Oxl00; some terms. Come in and see it. M. HILLINGS. 5Q9 MeKay. Main 13!0 9230l GOOD 5-room modern bungalow, near car and school, cement basement, garage, beautiful yMrd. 5UxlOO. terms M. BILLINGS, 5419 McKay. Main 13tm. STrOOM houfe, modern, $1S00. 0342 ClTt st. S. E WS car ACRE and 3-room roiue-1. near ear. Bar- g:in. 5I"7.V T-nna Tahor 701 905O0 FOR J50O0 7-room modern, Belmont U "A twal acW" luuirw Aiaui 4aU. 1 REAL KSTATE. For Sale -Houses. HOtSKS Foil SALE. K X C K PT I O N A L B I" Y S. 9530O Modern 7-room bungalow, sleeping1 porch and den, hardwood floora throughout, hot water heat, fire place, 3tth t. near Sandy bou.e vard; 3 J 000 cash; wiil take ainall er home in trade. $1750 New 4-room bungalow and sleep ing porch, four fruit trees, bernea and shrubs; 5xltHi; Woodlawn. 210 o-ror.m house, fair condition. Ouimoy tt., west side; S3 1 -3x1 $3000 ciood 5-room bouse. 22d and Vaughn su., W. S., 50xJtS. J5300 2 fi rooms and aieeptna; porch. flats, Hawthorne dibtnet; $1200 " cash wi.l handle. $2500 Good t-rooiu house and garage, fruit and berries. 55th st. near Powell vallev. ooxIOO: J4oo caoh. A. W. LAMBERT Ac SON, 404 Ea.-l A.der St. $5750 EASTMORELAND HOME. In Eastmoreland. one of Portland's most beautiful home districts, just sou til of the Keed college and adjoining tha municipal golf ltnk. is a very distinct tive 7-room home with very pleasing at tractive lines on a large corner lot Un usually large living room w ith fire place, very artistic paneled dining room hardwood floors, white Dutch kitchen, screened-in back porch. 3 light, airy bedrooms, sleeping porch, full cement basement, furnace and laundry trays; very pretty lawn : abundance of flcra and shrubberv. This is an unusual bax gain. Can arrange terms. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE. Tit BUY YOUR HOME. Abington Bidg. Main lOfi. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOWS. 925UO for a 5-room. on E. 3ith; bath, toiiei, lull basement, large attio tni porches, improved street; 1 blk, from car; 3oo cash. f 7 uo for a fine modern 7-room. on 4iHh ; hiiwd. f iour, 1 ire place. buffet J paved streets : N. of car ; 91 -O0 ca&h. $3500 tor a modern 0-room on first floor; hardwood floors, fireplace, buffoc $looi cash. $;:7io for 5-room. on Market; fireplace bu::et. garage, large lot: $1500 cash, bai. time. Phone Mar. F. L. BLANCHAKD, 510 Railway Exchange blda;. PARK ROSE K--ACRE HOME. Just a real nice bungalow of 4 room?. 2 bedrooms, bath and toilet, fine lot of fruit and fin-t garden soil, facing on Sandy blvd., 3 blocks fron car; this is one of the most beautiful and attractive '-j -acre homes near Portland ; owner wishes to move east and will sacrifice at $3150. halt cash; be sure and see this. THE LAWRENCE CO.. 205 Corbett bldg. Main 6915. THAT VACANT LOT Why not turn a burden into Income? We design and build a pari ments, g r-e-s. residences, anything; funish plana and ftnxine. Established ten vears. We ofrer SECL'P.ITY. SERVICE. SATISFAC TION. L. R. liailey Co.. Inc.. contract ing architects. 12-1 N W. Bank bldg. UNK of Port land 's b st lleighls homes, close in ; full unobstructible mountain ie ; four bedrooms. uh two baths; dr.-.-,inr roon.s. 3le. nng porches; two maids rooms, with one bath; hot-water heat; mahogany wood work. all oaic floors; prb-e feO.OOO. Residence phone M am V.;:. MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE; F1REPLACH, BUILT-IN Ml FFET AND BOOK -CASES; GARAGE; CORN BR. CU SH3 IN ON EAST SIDE; BEST CAR LINK IN CITY; $1250. TERMS. PHO-Ntf EAST 301 . 7-KoOM house, in perfect condition, near g ra m ma r and h ig rt se boot, furnace, ga rae. frutt trees, waikmg distance; price $..iHio. Hne f urn it urc. a. so at great aac 1 nice; w inter fuel in basement ; real hon.c; absolutely clean; ou car line; half cash. Owner, 4 Shacr st. Phone Will a. 1 3to. FoR SALE By ow ner. Rose City Parle buiiKaiow, 5 large rooms, alt built-ina. full basement, furnace, wash trays, garage, nice lawn, all in Lrst-class shape; some terms Call any eetnng after 5 o'cloclc or days exe pt Thursday and Friday. 740 Eas-t tkld X Norih. lose City ParlC car to Q3d t. 2 S block nort h. " A C AS 1 1 B A RGaTn. Houwe ready for occupancy. 5 -room house, motiet n. cement basement, bruu - tiful lawn, iruil trees and flowers. flOoO beiow present building cost; 2i0. $1U0 t asii. ba la nt e assume mun gaga. 140 Vancouver ae. Woodlawn car. $j:too 7-RtOM house on west side; tht is a splendid larK1n: must be spot 1..SI1. ail lity iii:pritemeuis paid; street car les than S block. W. McKenna, Be'irunt and 3iUh. Suunyside car. Tabor eP.3. LEA VINO TW"N Mu!t sell small house, 2 coin plete a pa r t men I s. one furnished and rented for J2. just painted and re modeted. winter wood in busetiicnt; East Aiikniy, near 22d. I'liuno owner, B 171-4. No agents. ROSE city Fakk bun.; A LOW B. au- tilui k'ray butiKaiow on corner lot. Dutctl kitchen. bu'.It-in buf fei. etc. . some buy f.'M.'.n. SU.mi cash. -5 per month; Imme dlaie po?essivii. Tabor 50. Owner. RoS E CITY PARK biinga;ow 5 rooms, h. ba sement. 5i' 1 mi lot ; faces east ; U .ilte a 1 1 1 act i e Pric only $255" ; 94'0 un. 2" month. 7 per cent. This la a Kreat bargain, sure. 701 E. tWtth N. u!i.r oo;5 :or appointment, piease. K ENT N Fiv e cottaces and lots at and near M is, and W uichell . prices $JOO to $175. terms. MontaviHa. "Sth near Pine; 5-room hoiiM'. 40-foot lot, $2250; terms. D. L. Bathrick. 515 of .'. Main 1055. 1 R V I N TON Nice li-room house. fur nished; fine turnace. concrete garage, corner lot ."ox Umi. choice location. 1 blk. from Broadway car. For t-a.o by owner. ':'. any tun uurin; the day. 074 S. huy'er st. -!vuu. ottage at Portsmouth station, haif block from St. John carline. H49 Exeter hi., with 3 lots, each 50 by loo; a bargain at j:iuO. liao cash and bal an e in 2 V2 years. See owner. K SE CITY PARK. 0-room. si net , modern bungalow; garage. ros s, fruit, t ic. This in one of t lie Lest ounga lows in Port .and; must h a ve at least : 'i") first pa y ment. 5ii East 5 it h st. Nort h. Ta nor 0045. WHY PAY RENT? $2Simi buys 0-room house on Cook ave.. near Wi I hams . couldn't be duplicated for $ 1oo, lot ; f rui t trees ; close in . 1 are bargain. Charles Ringler. 2-j Henry bldg. P 1 KTI.A N D HEIGHTS. Large bungalow, modern conveniences., 2 lots level with paved street, on cor-, ner. 2 blocws from car, 4 S blucka front Amoitti school. Main 72;4. IN 1RVINGT N Several fine modern " homes or w ill furnish lots, finance and "build to suit. Built loo homes in Port-' land. Rice Construction Co.. R. H, Rice, agent. OVtu Wasco st. East 2432. , Co.Y 5-rom cottage, 2 lots, 2 blocks from " Mt. hcot l car. in Utrland addition, small Ul i.i' iu do 11, balance like rent. Owner, East 01&4- JG.'ai SNAP 2-room house. 1 50 cash, bal. eas ; 2 lots, cast irout; lots of berries; soiiie furniture. Cail at 0!27 &3d at. S. E syuth of Grays Crossing. Mt. Scott car. F 1 R S A LE By owner; J li 150 West of Piedmont. 7-room house; fruit trees, ber r: ebb ken house, lot 5oxllu; terms, W'oodiawu 54u;;. liV OWNER Strietly modern house In Ir inpton; a k I'lvrs, fud cement basement, .,u-:o..t lot. S45UO. East 2377, or 722 Se 11m g bl 1 1 . ' j-.Mii-r.-KOC'M modern house, bath, toiiet. "basement. Kas. v-iectric lights, lot f0g imi. 4 n o ks from car; terms. Phone Kast ll'-'V ' WEST SIDE. 2; x5H. 7-room house near 10th and. Everett sis., terms. Phone Broadway 424. IRVINGTON Fine S-room home, white ena mei and mahogany finish, like new ; a 1 1 ract ive interior de&lg n. Owner. Ernst i:s3?v j j' mi ;ioD 6-room house. including "shades; ail gas fixtures, winter's wood; walking uisia nee ; half cash ; terms. 253 Haneock. $j(M Fl UST payment, balance like re-nt, "btiys 0-room bouse, close In. walking distance. See J nnn Brown. 324 Kaal a Exchange bldg. Mar. 3331. GOING to build or repair? Get my fdesa nd .stimates. B. T. Allyu. 24J Stark Bt office hours 3 to 5 P. M. Phone M a m s3 1 Res, phone Tabor 194. MoD E UN 7-room house. 5ux lOo lot, price i:c'it) : pa ed streets. 1 blocks to Al berta or Irvington car; leaving city. Woodlawn 14:. BEAUTIFUL well-built modern home on E 14th -t., near Yamhill. This is a good buy S--e it and Judge for yourself. M BI L L 1 NGS. 5 H McKay. Main 1300. 1 5ROOM house, bath and toilet, new gaa range inciuuen mr -". "u uown. bal ance terms, low E. 2.sth N. Owner. l'.l'NGALW, five rooms, lot 5txloo. cheap for ash- Call at 6112 37th ave, s. K. on Saturday Hfternoon and Sunday. MT! TABoR. 7 rooms, entirely modern, garaKe. beautiful home, bargain. Owner. Tabor SS24. I K V I N ; TON HOME. V E LA HUNT. EAST 1347. FROM ownet. loth and Hancoe. 6 rooms, sleeping porch, hardwood -floors, w hite woodwork Price 9475o. Phone E. 57 mj. IHVIXOTON lonxioo. ! Bdw y. ; semi -bus: nes thrown In. Kat 3r.o E cor. 17th and S-room house FOR SALE Reasonable, furnished house ! incluil mg garage, chickens, cow. 123 J Armour st. East St. Johns. KENTON DIST. For sale oy owner. 1 700,