A " THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, SEPTEMBER 21; 1919. PWS OF M AS SEEN By Camera be t Wx-- ' x. III - ' - . ' i . " , X. ' J - ' V - x. - - f iXX-LK X:? 1 pX- XXv J !Xx- x X-i . - - - - WJ:- .xX : K j ' . BCT Boliv-2m Minister's Dauph. tez- Makes -Aerial Tligfit MIS3 ELENA CALDERON', flaugh ter of Don Ignacio Calderon, minister from Bolivia, recently enjoyed her first trip in the air. She made her flight In Washington's most modern sightseeing bus. The Castle of Doom near Utrecht, Holland, has been purchased by the ex kaiser of Germany for his permanent residence. He is bow living at the Castle of Amerongen and from all in dications it appears that he is to take up his abode permanently in the Neth erlands. The Castle of Doom is some what Isolated and few visitors ever pass by. Mrs. Josephus Daniels, wife of the secretary of the navy, had the honor of pressing the electric button which opened the water controls of the navy's greatest dry dock located at Pearl Harbor, Honolulu. The drydock is the largest of its kind in the world. The 300 members of this year's grad uating class at West Point, who are visiting and studying European battle fields, were inspected in France by General Curmer "of the French army. While in review at the historic Ecole Polytechnique in Taris they were drawn up facing cadets of the French military school. The reception to the first division was the occasion of the greatest mili tary event in New York during, the year. It was combined with the cere monies in honor of the return of Gen eral Pershing from overseas. . While Attorney-General A. Mitchell Palmer centered his profiteer fight In New York as the keystone in the na tional high-price situation, the sale of surplus army food bepan in practically every public school in the city with ' big crowds of buyers. At the launching of the Lake Fugard at Buffalo the vessel tipped to the ex traordinary angle of 73.8 degrees as it struck the water and In less than seven seconds, aided by the rebound of the waters in the narrow slip miraculously righted herself. - u I -'"TV I I t .,WV W ::, !l I ll fli - " C &Z? . f X - Mrs.2anje.ls Offdcxalix OjoeningM&tiozxs Greatest Ds-tIlockul t Honolulu. .ffiV773Sf f:mwsm& oaci-7itm- p-t ;! Ill: I--- .V3lMX t--' ysttf-w ,l'4 rr."''sX.V-uA ,rJ--- "Mill .m PJbV iA'fi 1 JJ'A v1;,'-1 r : i-i...r, , , - .- -, .. . !A-!Li I - - v " .r 'Holland Castle. Bought By Ex-Kalser tevlfc &-??7s r&-1 h ;.. - .- - . '4 . . 1 ( . '. . . . I . . . . - . . - Tnspectin.9 Westftoxxii Cvdet s In Fr sn.ee. : ' -w j?xY v-3- .-'- 'li" 'jeic- lll-ps-' ikv -: ' . ".f; . i' v !v,""n: -: Nations Largest ErsDockf26 HotioIilIu. I: f. X j X ! s 1 tr ' 1 ?7y -?cy S&Jes Break Trofiteer Prices jv JJeYc yr . . - . -' - - . . V 1 i . f Most Zteznajrk aJzle Stiip L&u.nchtn p In History Ccc urs Jit 3u ft rl 'o . ... u-'f . : V - uiaertvooa 3 I vy underwood Y ISncerimod & s - t