TITE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, SEPTEMBER 21, 1919. BUSLN'ESS OPI'ORTUMTIES. CIGAR AND CONFECTIONERY STORE. $bo0 Corner, west side, with three liv ing ro'jms; bargain. , S50 Near In, busy street ; with living rooms. Rent $8; snap. Delicatessen Stores. 3200 First-class location ; average busi ness $50 day. Terms. $12o0 Ideal location for lady; low rent; some terms. Cash Grocery Stores. $1-00 cash, balarue month ly, buys idaal corner store; $40 daily. $1350 West side, near in, corner with 3 rooms; will invoice. CARL E. TUGGLE, Henry Bids. Alain SS32. &1ETAL specialty manufacture. If you in tend to engage in business along these lines, there is now a splendid opportunity available In Portland. A reasonable invest ment will secure for you an interest in a new and modern plant in good location. A really mechanically inclined man with ideas Is assured of a splendid future, pro viding ho- possesses managerial ability anu practical machine shop experience. This is worth looking up. A J 7-4, Oregonian. PORTLAND HEIGHTS BARGAIN. Bungalow, wants some fixing. .$3000 Two lots t level nice 'outlook) worth ni'OO Total $t;JO0 Will sell for $4ho0; terms $."o down ta lance to be arranged. Owner in Mis souri. Mar. 4S'27. BROOKE. A 0S39. MANUFACTURER here to look for site and establish hiH tactory of well-known prof itable articles. Suitable for children, men and women. Desires to increase capital. 3f you wish good investment on an every day proposition, now i.s our chance. C. POWELL AT OREGON HOTEL. FOR SALE FRUIT STORE. Best block on the public market; lease runs over two years; doing good business; owner going to Greece; $3000 cash. W. H. WEBB, 605 YEON BLPG. FOR SALE Confectionery and grocery at Firland station, Mt. Scott line. Living rooms in rear. Sickness reason for sell ing. Cheap for cash. AG Oregonian. .WANTED A party or parties to finance a good paying logging proposition on Colum bia river. Call Main 6407. AC 17. Orego nian. BOAT repair business. well established ; making good ; tine opportunity for ship builder. AG 2oi. Oregonian. GOOD moving picture theater for sale. Pay ing well. John P. Weston. 630 N. W. Bank bldg. BARBER shop and poolroom, cigars, tobac cos, and soft drinks. Phone Sell wood 08 Sunday or mornings. MOVING-PICTURE outfit with good fu ture; two machines; seats 3,"i0; on terms to Fuit. Reynolds, Rainier, Or. ONE OF THE best paying groceries and meat markets in Vancouver. 704 Wash ington street, Vancouver, Wash. FOR SALE Red Front livery and feed barn. Easy terms. Sixth and Water sts., Oregon City. Or. FOR SALE Restaurant and cigars, soft d rinks ; doing good business; rent $11; equipped; price 000. E. Morrison at. S1400 BUYS a country paper, job plant and business. A V 020, Oregonian. FOR SALE Cigars, soft drinks and candy store. 154 North 6th st. Business Opportunities Wanted. WE HAVE clients waiting for Furniture stores, Garages. Groceries! Hotels and rooming houses. List them with us ; we get results. BUSINESS SERVICE. Main 07 y 7. PACIFIC AGENCY. INC.. 512-13-14-15 Swetiand Bldg. WE WANT GARAGES. GROCERY STORES. RESTAURANTS. HOTELS. In fact, any kind of business that is go ing. We ca.li sell. Come in and see us. . PACIFIC AGENCY. INC.. 512-13-14-15 Swetland Bldg. GASOLINE AND OIL, TIRE ACCESSORIES AND BATTERY SERVICE STATION OR GARAGE. STATE BUSINESS NOW DO ING; IF NOT IN PORTLAND GIVE POPULATION AND NAME OF TOWN. D 66L Oregonian. HAVE $1500 and services to invest with some one in a paying business. Must stand the most rigid examination. Am a good accountant and office man. Prin cipals only. K 580, Oregonian. WANTED Garage, manufacturing business or a wood and coal business; or would con sider a partnership with a jreliable party. If wanting to sell phone Main i20, or call room 4H Dkum bldg. 15 TO 20 modern, furnished or unfurnished H. K. rooms, with lease; mufit be reason able; particulars first letter. Mrs. W. R. Harris. Kerry, Or., care Tunnel Camp. H.A V E a buyer for a furnished hotel or rooming house. 40 to 60 rooms, located between GUt-an and Stark sts. John Singer, 420 Chamber of Commerce bldg. V AN TED to rent, hotel or mill boarding house, furnished. by experienced hotel . people. Best reference. W. Wood house, 65th st. S. E. GARAGE Hotel or apartments, in or near Portland ; give all particulars in first let ter. No agents need answer this ad. AF 1 51. Oregonian. RELIABLE and intelligent young man has borne money to invest with services; would consider partnership of some kind. J 275, Oregonian. VANTKD Nice busi ness one or two lad ies can handie; give full particulars; no gro cery, delicatessen or restaurant. AF 179, Oregonian. WANTED A rooming house or h. k. rooms on the west side. Can pay down $250, bal ance monthly; must be cheap rent. S 167, Oregonian. WANTED to rent or owner to build fire proof garage between 1st and 19th, Market and 'touch sts. s 77oB oregonian. I .WANT to buy direct from owner or a repair shop; .will pay cash. B 770, Oregonian. L garage Address WANTED Partnership in good paying res taurant by first-class restaurant man. F. Fuchs, 420 Chamber of Commerce. Z WANT a business for cash, around $6t"u What have you to offer? Will also con wider partnership. A J 720, Oregonian. HAVE CASH Want location for poolhal and barber shop at good, permanent mill with good payroll. 13 J VJ, oregonian. I HAVE $600 equity In 6-room house; I will exchange for grocery and pay cash for the difference. Tabor 8603. FOR SALE Shares in Johnson Auto Sig - nal Co. of Vancouver. Wash. Address 410 W est 18th street., Vancouver, Wash. WILL buy or lease planing mill or wood working proposition ; desire same fairly well equipped. 774 E. Main st. WANTED To buy cigar stand; location must be roo3 ; particulars first letter. AJ 707. Oregonian. W ILL invest $2.o with services in some business paying good salary. AG 1S6, Oregonian. ACTIVE young man has few hundred dol lars and services to invest. AH 5o0, Ore . gonian. WAT rooming or an apartment house, can pay $24)00 to $3000 cash. Address AE ;t8H, Oregonian. PARTNER wanted for a well established business with some capital. AC 25, Ore gonian. I HAVE $1000 to $:.A00 to invest in a legiti mate business; either all or half interest no aicenta. Address D 629. Oregonian. TWO young men would consider taking over desirable ousiness. At 168, Ore gonian. WANTED To buy or lease. 1 to 3-ehair bar ber shop, or location to start same. C. C. Miller, oresham. Or. $500 TO $1000 to invest. What have you? R. L. Love, room do, 4bl E. Morrison. WANT moving picture theater. Portland CHh; give full details. AE 415, Oregonian. Hotels and Rooming Houses. IS ROOMS. $20 PER MONTH. Frame bldg., workingman's location. RITTER, LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. APARTMENT HOUSE. IS 2 -room apartments, good east side location; rent $135 a month: 1 vear lease. Price $1050. 716 Board of Trade bid g. ROOMING house for sale, 12 rooms, a snap; furniture in first class condition; low rent. $1000 cash if sold today. 543 Mor rison st. WANT to buy from owner only 20 to 30 room rooming or apartment house, must be clean -and well furnished. Will pay cash. No agents. Call Main 4095. I WANT to buy direct from owner small rooming or apartment house. Sell wood 2552. What have you? TWO rooming houses, all H. K.. one 8 rooms near 14th and Wash. $350; other nice homey place. Owner. Main 908. INSURE your home, rooming or apartment house, auto or anything with me. Hedges, 2R2 Taylor st. 8 ROOMS, by owner; clean place, rooms all lull. 408 4th st. BlslXESS OfPnKTlMTIES. Hotels and Rooming Houses. SCOTT-BOWDEN CO, 431 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. HOTELS. APARTMENTS. ROOMING HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. GET ONE OF THESE. 90 room titrictly modern brick building, rent $550 with 3-year lease, automatic el evator, location la clone in on the west side and the net income runs about $5i0 per month over all expenses; the furniture and furnishings are all of good quality. This if one of the best buva in the city at $0000, $500 cash. SPLENDID HOTEL. 56 rooms, rent $450 with long lease, building is a strictly modern brick buiiding nnd location is good as tan be had: fur nishing. are the best money can buy and in fine condition; grcss income is clot to J200i; per month and nets close to $100. Price $15,000; furnishings are worth the money. ANOTHER GOOD ONE. 51 rooms located on Washington street, corner brick bldg. and modern in every respect; furnishings are all excellent and the net income is about $400 per month. Price $6o0o, terms. MAKE $1000. 50 rooms, rent $2000 with 2-year lease, Mam heat, hot and cold watif in rooms. The furnishings are of good quality, but some rearranging and some expen.se will make $1000 to tho purchaser. Price $3500, terms. 20 ROOMS On Alder st., electric lights, gas and very nicety furnished ; clears $H0 and can be made to clear more. Price $1000. 24 rooms on Mill st. ; rooms are all on one floor; rent $40; clears $100. Price $1000, $1000 cash. 17 rooms, rent $50, furniture is better than the average and nice and clean and is well worth the money. Price $1750. $1200 cash. 16 rooms, very close in, large light roams, rent $60, clears $125. Price $1800, terms. 12 rooms, furnace heat, electric lights, running water in all arartmenls, furniture is all the best and in fine condition. Price $1350. 11 rooms, right down town, rent $45. excellent furniture and clears $65; price $1350. 9 rooms on 12th, excellent furnishings and making good money; an extra good buy; $:i50 cash. OUR LISTING PHONE IS MAIN 617. SCOTT-BOWDEN CO., 431 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. HOTEL, furnishings and established business ror sale, serious sickness in owner a family reason for selling without delay. If you are a hotel man with sufficient ready money you will buy after investigating. Located in live Oregon town of 4ooo; building sub stantial, attractive, 3-story pressed brick, built 1:12; strictly modern, fine condition: property cost $30,000; would cost $40.UOU today; offer it for $32,000, half cash, hal ance long time, 6 per cent ; will consider good improved acreage for balance. Write for details. You deal with owner. AV 604. Oregonian. 12 ROOMS, all H. K. Rent $35. Corner lo cation, electricity, furnace, well furnished. $600 will handle this. 11 rooms, mostly H. K-, electricity, fur nace, your own apt, and clears $S3. Cash or terms. 21 rooms, all H. K. Rent $45. Good furniture, very best location. $1300 han dles this. 13 rooms, all H. K. Rent $40. Very de sirable, full of good tenants. Cash bar gain. THOMSON, 515 HENRI BLDG. ONE CHANCE LN A LIFETIME. Forced to sell on acount of other busi ness, 40-room hotel, well furnished. 3-year lease, doing a good business clearing $3o0 to $400 per month, located in a good R. R. town, also a good 7-passenger automobile goes with the hotel. If sold within the next tea days, $1800. C, J. CULLTSON CO.. 205 H Morirson St. A LITTLE HOTEL. Exceptionally attractive brick building, west side, 34 rooms, best of furniture and carpets, running water and steam heat; the location can't be beat for either tran sient or steady roomers; if you have $4000 cash, see this at once. A. J- DeFOREST & CO.. 320-321 HENRY BLDG. MAIN 2690. IF TOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL Business Hotel, Rooming or Apartment House of any kind, anywhere, see F. RIEHDON. WATCH OUR ADS. WE GST RESULTS. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. WILL SELL furniture of my W-room house, very nice furniture, clean, modern elec. sweeper, winter's fuel all in ; in fact, ev erything to do with. Best location in cUy: 5 min. walk from Meier & Frank's; -only people without children considered; mod erate rent, fine income. Phone .Main 573. FOR SALE Restaurant, well equipped ; a money-maker; 6 furnished rooms included; rooms more than pay rent; can give lease on place; all for $1300 cash; invoice stock; $1000 ins. paid up to next May. Phone Sell wood 71. FOR SALE OR TRADE Do you want a good paying hotel ? One of the best pay ing hotels in Oregon for sal a or trade by the owner; will gull on easy terms or will trade for mdse. store or real estate. What have you ? Write for particulars to C. W. Wallace, Grass Valley, Or. SMALL rooming house for sale in the best industrial part of Portland. lias income of $72.50 per week. The rent is $55 per month. Has modern plumbing, hot and cold water in some of the rooms, steam heat. Small payment down, balance on easy terms. AN 80S, Oregonian. BY OWNER 15-room apartment house, best of location, central, completely and well furnished, easily cared for, moderate rent. If you wish a money maker this will bear inspection and interest you. Y 42, Orego nian. FOR SALE -At a bargain, a newly built hotel of 26 bedrooms, dining room capable of seating CO people, kitchen with all mod ern improvements. In a live little town. Cheap for cash. Inquire Mrs. Anna Lewis, Silver Lake, Or. 2 ROOM S 26. Buck bldg., on Wash. st.. cheap rent with lease: turns away 20 people a night. all for siuuu; $700 will handle. Peters, 15 N. 5th st. 10 ROOMS lO. Well furnished, always full, cheap rent. located close to courthouse, for $K5; half cash. feters, xo JS. uth st. 15 ROOMS 15. Close to Morrison st., cheap rent. rooms pays the rent; Buck bldg.; always full, for iU7o; terms. . meters, id nth. FL RN1SH ED 2 1 rooms, clearing SlO pur month; $1000 handles it; no agents. Unless you mean business do not apply. AH 51 7, Oregonian. FIREPROOF hotel in live town on Columbia river iiiBiiwy, miiicmi Epri.iS location, with fine view of Mt- Hood. Address box 185. Hood River, Or. BY OWNER, 14 room apartment house, clearing over $100 per month; always full; close in. west side location. Just off Mor rison street. Call Sunday or evenings after 5. 151 Lownsdale st. HOTEL Good money-maker, well furnished. in gooa location ; win sell on easy terms on account of poor health. Al Montgom ery, Springfield, Or. HOTEL, 50 rooms. Industrial district, 45 regular boarders. Turning people away every day. $1900 cash bal. terms. Owner. AN 822. Oregonian. 2 6-ROOM rooming house, fine location, low rent, 2 "years' lease, good furniture, good buy. Call 163 West Park st,. Wells & Anderson. 40-ROOM hotel, modern brick, west side ; good furniture, low rent, lease; price right. Call 163 z West Park st. Wells & An derson. 32-ROOM apartment house, good lease, fine furniture; close in. This can be bought on easy terms. See this before you buy. Call 1S3H W. Park st. Wells & Anderson. WILL pay $4000 to $5000 cash on a centrally located hotel or a good apartment house. Address AJ 710, Oregonian. LIST your rooming houses and hotels with us for quick results. 163 W. Park st. Wells & Anderson. S-ROOM housekeeping house, good furniture, good location, price $75t; terms. Call 1 n:; West Park st. 7 ROOMS. 6 furnished, close In. mostly housekeeping, a snap, $375. Phone East 3651. 2S5 East Morrison st. ROOMING flat of 12 rooms for sale, near shipyards. 627 Hood st. For sale by owner only. FOR oest bargains in rooming or apartment houses see members of the Realty Hoard. Yates Realty Co., 249 4th st. FOR SALE 15-room location. 66 North 3S91. housekeeping. Good ilst sU Phone Main 9 ROOMS furniture, $450; 4 rooms rented pays expenses; 5 nice rooms clear for use of family. Mr. Miliership. Alder Hotel. 6-ROOM Hat, good f urn 1 1 u re, cl o&e in. by owner; reasonable. Mar. 1598. FOR RENT Rooming house, 20 rooms all furnished. 33 V North 5th st. FOR SALE Smali boarding house near shipyard and mill. Mar. 2596. 20 ROOMS, fine furniture, rent and all full. 227 Montgomery. $50; clean FOR RENT 3 housekeeping rooms, rea sonable. 33 N, 5th st. FOR SALE cheap 14-room lodging and apt, house, fully equipped. 509 Lo v e j o y . 11 H; k. ROOMS for sale. $600. Sea owner. . iiui bu sum, Dili, BUSINESS OPFORTl'MTIFs. Hotels and Rooming Houses. A. J. DeFOREST & CO.. 320-321 HENRY BLDG. MAIN 2600. BUYERS ATTENTION. If you wish to buy a busincj" and haven't sufficient capital, see us. We will help finance any good proposition if pur chased through our office. SPECIAL BARGAINS. PO-ROOM APARTMENT HOUSE. HO-room modern apartment hou.se. Nob Hill district, brick building with elevator. Rent very reasonable. Price only $7500, $4000 down, balance as you make it, 120-ROOM APARTMENT HOUSE. 30 apartments, brick building, swell lo cation, west side, close in. 5-year lease; exceptional bargain for cash. $5000 or $6000 will handle. 122-ROOM HOTEL. Corner brick building with elevator, downtown location, N. W heat. 4 u -year lease with reasonable rent. $0000 down, balance yearly payments. OS-ROOM APARTMENT HOUSE. One of the swellfst apartments in the city, best of furniture and carpets; making $500 a month net; 3 or 5-ycar lease. Price is right at $0000. A GOOD INVESTMENT. For man and wife, rooms and offices with a good lease, at a rental of $40U a month. Pays better than $350 a month net. $6000 handles it. 35 APARTMENTS 105 ROOMS. All 2s and 3s, big money-maker, good lease at $350 per month, price of furnish ings $9000; $45U0 down, balance to suit. BO-ROOM APARTMENT HOUSE. Nice little place of 28 modern apart ments. Price $5500, part time. 55 ROOMS $2700. Workingman's hotel ; rent $125. located in South Portland. Will give good terms. 35-ROOM HOTEL. Beautiful rooms, well furnished, caters to steady tenants. Modern brick building. Rent $150; price $4000, only $2000 down, balance easy. ? ? WHY WORRT ? T When you need capital, want a partner or wish to sell your business, we can help you. Give us a call. WE BUT CHATTEL MORTGAGES. HOTEL BARGAINS. The best 35-room hotel in Portland, brick bldg., well located, furnished com plete, very be?t of carpets and furniture, lease, will sell for Just what it will in voice; am leaving city. FIRST-CLASS HOTETj. I have one of the best modern hotels in the city for sale, over 10o rooms, well furnished, beautiful lobby, first class, lo cation, can make long lase, reasonable rent, good for $1000 per month net; $15, OoO can do business. 10-YEAR LEASE. One of the best transient hotels In Port land, modern brick bldg.. 6S rooms, com pletely furnished, steam heat, hot and cold water, fine lobby; price $8000. A5-ROOM HOTEL. Strictly modern brick, ail outside rooms, well furnished, good lease; $5u00 handles. 22 ROOMS 22 9 22 ROOM S 22. Brick bldg., city heat, hot and cold water, completely furnished, center of bus iness district; $2500 neceatary for business. APARTMENT HOUSES. West side bargain, 30 apts., 2, 3 and 4 rooms, well furnished, good for $40O ppr month net; five-year lease; price $7500, 49 APARTMENTS. 1 42 rooms, fine brick, modern hull ding, well furnished, 5-year leases, can bank $moo over all expenses; $6000 can handle this. 17 ROOMS, STEAM HEAT. Best apartment house buy on the west side; rent $50; lease, walking distance; price $1600; terms. SOME SPECIALS. 24 rooms, rent $70; price $22O0 12 rooms, rent $50; price... 1000 20 rooms, rent $70; price , 1750 9 rooms, rent $15; price 70(1 8 rooms, rent $27; price. 9 rooms, rent $42; price 12M) 14 rooms, rent $30; price............ i00 7 rooms, rent $35; price 650 25 rooms, transient 2150 WATCH OUR ADS. AVE GET RESULTS. F. RIERKON, RITTER, LOWE Ac CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. 4& MODERN apartments, fireproof bid g., in best west side district, 24 twos. 22 threes and 2 fours. New lease at very low rent. Automatic elevator. private ba Iconies, baths, etc.; best buy in the city at $14,000; terms. 25 two and three-room apartments : white pressed brick bldg., west side cor ner, rent $300; long lease ; completely furnished and in very best of condition ; price $6000; terms. 66 rooms, on Washington st., nearly four years' lease ; rent 400; free elevator power, lights and water; clears $4S0 per month ; price $5200; terms. 56-room hotel ; one of the classiest In the northwest ; 52 rooms connect with baths; furnishings throughout have had bent of care and are in perfect condition ; $7500 handles this: price $14,000. 2.i rooms on Yamhill st.; fine corner; electric lights, gas. furnace, water in most rooms; clears over $200 per month; price $30no. 14 h. k. rooms on Jefferson st. : electric lights, gas. furnace, hot and cold water In many rooms ; finely furnished ; price includ ing winter's- wood $ 1400; terms. YATES REALTY CO.. 241 4th St. 38-ROOMS with dining room and lobby, 34 steady boarders; rent only $50; price $1S00. 1 4-room apt. house, modern: in good lo cation; rent only $55; price $1400; terms. 18 housekeeping rooms on 13th st., clear ing over $200; rent $60; price $1800. 2 7-room apt. house, cor. bldg., stam heat, hot and cold water; rent $100; price $3(MI0. 27 -room apt. house, good location, can get lease; rent $100; price $3000. 32 rooms, brick bldg., steam heat, hot and cold water; lease, rent $165; price $5000. 1H rooms on First, brick bldg, lease, rent only $45; price $1500: terms. 10 rooms, good furniture; furnace heat; rent $60; price $1250. 11 rooms, housekeeping, furnace heat, rent $75; price $800. To buy your hotels and rooming; houses, see BUSINESS SERVICE. 317 Henry bldg. Main. 6797. HOTEL. Chance to get in easy. See this fine corner brick bldg., 36 rooms, rent $12.5. with lease; hot and cold water In all rooms, steam heat; nets about $300 month. Price $3800, $1800 down. This place is well furnished and always full. See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon bldg. 38-ROOM commercial hotel, fully furnished; 3 years lease; rent $i." per month; do ing a good business; proprietor must sell because of pursuit of other business. Price $1200. CALL ON US. H. TT. URDAHL CO. fTN?. MAIN 6252. 322 ABINGTON BLDG. 72-ROOM apt. house, white pressed brick, cor. bldg., absolutely modern ; furnish in its all first-class; nets about $500. Price $8500. Will take small bungalow in trade, some cash, bal. on time. See Mrs. .Keller, GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon bldg. SEE THIS. 16 lovely corner rooms, well furnished, clean and making net profit $100 month; rent only $50. Price, including all fuel, $2000. See Mrs. Keller, GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1Q07 Yeon bldg. 44-ROOM hotel, rent $150 month. 2 years' lease; nets over $30O month; steam heat, hot and cold water. Price $4500. Will take less for all cash. See Mrs. Ketlr. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon bldg. 70-ROOM HOTEL. FINE comer, brick, hot and cold water all rooms, steam heat, clean as a pin ; net profit about 600 month. Price $7500. See Mrs. Keller, OKO. T. MOORE CO., 10OT Yeon bl d g. 15 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, rent only $40, bringing in $160 month: splendid loca tion on Main st. Price $1400, $900 down, bal. easy. See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon bl d g. FOR QUICK SALE. List your hotels, apartment and room ing houses with us. Your interests will always be protected. See Mrs. Keller, GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1QQ7 Yeon bldg. FOR SALE 12-room rooming house, west side, walking distance: electric light, fur nace: all rooms rented; exceptional lo cation; Vt block from car: rent only $50; no agents. H 190. Oregonian. BEFORE "buying consult our list of hotels. We handle the finest hotels in the city Pee Mrs. Keller, GFO. T. MOORE CO.. 10Q7 Yeon bldg-. A SNAP A real bargain in a boarding and rooming hone of ten rooms, furnished complete: selling on account of sickness t sacrifice. 153 16th St. MUST sell furniture and lease of ,19-room hotel, good terms and pHce right, 313 Wash. st.. Vancouver. Waeh. 19 FURNISHED housekeepf rnr rooms, lease clearing $125 a month. East 417L BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES, Hotels and Rooming House. THESR CAN'T P"I "BEAT. 12 rooms with steam heat, hot and cold water In every room; clean as can be. well furnished, electricity; income $150 month; lovely home. Priced $1250. Some terms; low rent. 20 rooms, hot and cold water In all apartment!', electrieit y, furnace, clean and new like. Price 17nO; $1UUU down; clears $luo month and home. 14 very pretty rooms In White Temple district, $1300; Jsuo down. 13 rooms, $1150; furnace, running water. 12 rooms, $1(150, half cash. 16 rooms, only $475 required to pay down. Priced $800; clears $65. 13 rooms, $H75; $40 down; income. $120. Rent $30 : large yard. 44 rooms, rent $75, on lease: Income $350 month. Price $2750; good terms; clean and complete. 42 rooms, rent $85; Income $350. Terms. West side; good buy. Get in mv automobile and T will phow you. BRUCE OODDARD, 502 Couch bldg. BUYERS TAKE NOTICE. No matter what kind of a house you want, nor how much or how little money you have to pay down. I have one for you. Square deal guaranteed. My auto mobiles at vour service. J. BRUCE GOD DA RD, Main 4557. SOt -a Couch bldg. HOTELS AND ROOMING HOUSES. 18 rooms, west side, $15O0. 22 rooms in heart of city, $250. -S rooms, good location. $26o0. o7 rooms, west side, $350o. 72 rooms and dining room, has 65 steady boarders. 8 baths ; price $4. ".no. ATLAS BUSINESS AG'OY A REALTY CO. 716 BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. Main 5315. 59 ROOMS Apartment district: steam heat, water in each room; several two-room apartments; fair rent, lease: price $3500; say, $2500 cash, balance out of Income; this place is in a desirable location and you want it because it Is well furnished and it's worth the price. Hedges, 2b2 Taylor st. JUST A HOME. 8 rooms, rent $37.50, including water, completely furnished, right on Washing ton st., keep 3 rooms for own use. Price $750. See Mrs. Keller. Geo. T. Moore Co., 1007 Yeon bldg. 50 ROOMS, 2 years' lease, rent $200. Bteara heat, hot and cold water in every room, housekeeping and sleepinsr rooms, won derful location. Price $3500; $2500 down, balance easy. See Mrs. Keller. Geo. T. Moore Co., 10O7 Yeon bldg. REAL SWELL 10 rooms with kitchenette to every one, this place exceptionally well furnished ; nets $100. Price $1600; $1000 down. Downtown location. See Mrs. Keller, Geo. T. Moore Co., 1007 Yeon bldg. UNION DEPOT LOCATION 15 rooms, part furnished ; one room rented for store; splendid place for boarding house; part transient; very low rent; owner going to England, will sell for $575; quick. Hedges, 22 Taylor st. FIRST TIME ON THE MARKET. 30 modern rooms for transients. North western heat. If you have $4)M)0, let me show you this. Clears $400 month above expenses. J. Hruce Goddard. 5Q2 Couch bldg. COM E in and consult our list of rooming houses from 10 to 14 rooms, too numerous to advertise. See Mrs. Keller. Geo. T. Moore Co.. 1007 Yeon bldg. 20 ROOMS CLEARING $129 MONTH Besides own living rooms. This Is over 60 per cent on investment. Oak furniture, carpets and rugs good, clean as a pin. Price $2500. Owner. Main 3175. WHITE TEMPLE DISTRICT 12 rooms, four or five kitchenettes; Income $lbO; rent $40; price $1325, part terms; this place is a raon-y-maker ; better get It while you can. Hedges, 22 Taylor st. SPLEN Dl T 9 -room corner house, complete ly furnished, fine carpets, good furniture. Price $950, cash See Mrs. Keller. Geo. T. Moore Co., 1007 Yeon bldg. JUST WHAT YOU WANT. 8 -room flat completely furnished, rent only $32.50, close in on 12th st. Price $675. 4 rooms rented for $58.50. See Mrs. Keller. Geo. T. Moore Co., 1097 Yeon bldg. LOST AM) FOUND. THE FOLLOWING articles have been found on cars of the Portland Railway, Light & Power Co., Sept. 19: 2 purses, keys, flash light, pin, book, 5 pr. gloves, 3 packages, belt. hat. bottle, handle, birdcage, can oiL 10 suitcases, 3 lunch boxes. 3 umbrellas. Owners may obtain property at Lit and Alder sts. LOST A screw tail English bulldog; brown with black harness with brass buttons, a Michigan license tag and a tag with 15 Seeley ave. Please call Andrew Jackson, 647 Alberta St.. or phone Wood lawn lb31 Monday. Reward. LOST Mnndav afternoon on Hawthorne ave. between 27th ai:d 28th at., or Hawthorne nve car, 1 pair gold-rim spectacles in black leither case. Return to J. T. Hocthe, 1124 Boird of Trade fcldg. WILL the party who picked up a dark gray overcoat on base line road Friday afternoon about 1:30. return same to Mr. M. H. Banes, 44 N. Bdy., and receive re ward. Tabor 3(00 or Broadway 3327 LOST If tho party that stole from 40R Hoyt pocket book with 26 cents, bunch of keys, hank book, will return Dank do ok, keys, etc, no questions asked. LOST A black purse, cnntaininK money and a few small articles: name inside. Bernice Frutchey. Please call Washington high school. LOST 1 fur neckpiece on Fifth or Morrison it rar Thiiruriav vninir : reward If re turned to mgr. of Cromwell apts., 5th and Columbia sts. LOST Bv working girl, black leather purse containing money and keys, in Meier & Frank's rest room. Call M. Hendrickson, Main ''70 or Main ah.iU. Keward. THE party who found a pair of pumps at Christiansen's dance hall put in w rong auto by mistake, call J. H. Wilson, Hotel Ramapo. t j. iKT 1 iii Market Saturday, suit box con luininir little bov'o overcoat. hat and sweater. Phone Marshall 2929 Sunday or evenings. Reward. LOST Hv working girl, black . purse con taining money and keys In rest room Meier At Frank h store. i. nenancKuuu, jkiain 6276, or Main 3S30. Reward. LOST $25 reward for return to Fried lander's of Howard watch, monogram F. L. S lost near 6th and Yamhill. Wednes day. . LOST Mounted China pheasant, 68th East Glisan and west side. L. E. Beach, courthouse. between Reward. LOST Sept. 12, lady's gold watch, business district. Phone Broadway 3755, ask for Mr. Long, after 6:30 P. M. Reward. LOST Kelly Springfield tire No. 130641, 32x4. near west enu or steei on age. a. x. herk. Sherwood. Or. STRAYKn or Rtolen. a silver Persian female cat; finder call Tabor 7847. or io&i Haw thorne ave. lost maii brown fur neck piece with white fur button. Reward if returned to 110 12th st. STRAYED or stolen 1 dark gray Persian cat male: answers to name oi jaca. Marshall 9S2. LOST In or near Jimmy Dunn's, a diamond' shaped brooch, with ruoy center, aeepsaae. call Aiarsnan oioi. LOST A bracelet watch, between Meier Frank and Hippodrome, rnona beuwooa 2265. FOUND Auto tire between Donald and Newrterg. Owner pnone uoiunger at T. 808. LOST Between Sept 1 1 and 14. a black baby lamb s square collar, linen witn black satin. Reward. Phone East 4Q4. LOST A crank and hanger for a standard truck ; also a hub cap of a Smith Form-a-truck. Tabor 159, C-1541. LOST Gold bar pin, set with single ame thyst, on Morrison st. oetween ou ana tn. Return to Rex theater and receive reward. LOST Somewhere near Riviera and 22d and Kelly at., black fur; liberal reward. Bdwy. 3416. . LOST Gold link cuff button; small diamond in center. Return to 300 Oregonian bldg. Reward. U.ST Sept- 3 5. a Spanish lace scarf; the finder will please call Main 6230 and re ceive reward, or leave at 6Q2 Corbett bldg. LOST Small white male dog lost on Vista ave. Name on collar. G. Gillispie, Mountain blvd. Main 6875. Reward. LOST A collie dog. Please call East 6604 or 752 East Burnslde PARTYwho found Fitch fur with large fur covered button, please call Tabor 5778. LOST Sunburst pin. set with pearls. Finder return to 12U8 Wells-Fargo bldg. Reward. LOST Fraternity pin. Finder call Tabor 84 and receive reward. CHILD'S silk cap. about 2 week ago, in Laurolhurst. Reward. C 1955. LARGE REWARD for return of fitch for. Mrs. Sherlock. Tabor 5778. LOST English pointer female dog. 302 E. 11th. East 206. Reward. LOST Mink neckpiece. Applegate maker. Kinder leave at ( iregonlun office. Rewa rd. LOST Card case, ca r1e. Reward. money, credit slip and Tabor 9553. LOST Gold wddirg ring, 18-K, finder no tify 1060 E. Main st. : reward. FOUNI -A wedding ring. Phone Fast 718S. LOST A bunch q keys. Call Main 61 iu. 6PKCIAI. NOTICES, Proposals Invited. NOTICE SALE OK IRRIGATION DISTRICT BONDS. NOTICE IS HEREBY Ol V EN that sealed proposals will b received till the 14th ay of October, 1010, at the hour of 8 o'clock in the evening for the purchase of Fortv Thousand Dollar worth of bonds of the Enterprise Irrigation district of Klamath county. Oregon. Said bonds are to be dated November 1. 1019, and are to draw Interest at the rate of fl per cent per n nuro, interest payable semi-annually upon the first day of July and the 1st day of January of each year until the maturity of said bonds. Said proposals will be received by the board of directors of said rrrigut'on dis trict, and should be directed to the secre tary of the Enterprise Irrigation dmtrlct, care of Charles J. Kercuson, Loo mis build ing. Klamath Falls. Oregon. The board of directors reserve the right to rtject anv or all bids offered. G. J. H 1L YARD. Secretary of the Howrd of Directors of Enterprise Irrigation ljifltrtct. Miscellaneous. NOTICE William Trull's mother at 190 E. 12th st. South. East 3S35. FINANCIAL. LIBERTY AND VICTORY BONDS. If you must sell your Liberty or Victory Bonds, sell to us. If you can buy more Lib erty or v ictory t;ond. buy trom us. e buy and sell Liberty and Victory Bonds at the market. YoU CANNOT DO ET- TER. YOU MAY" DO WORSE. On Saturday, September 20. 1919. we paid the following prices for United States Government Liberty and Victory Bonds, which were the closing New York market prices, plus the accrued Interest: X. Y. Market. 3'i ....... ,...lHt.oO Interest. $ .93 LOT 1.40 1.13 1.49 .97 I4 1 26 1.60 Total. $ltMVt: 1st 4s 95. OO 96.07 2d 4s 1st 4s 2d 4( 3d 4 Us 4th 4Us Victory 3ais. . . . Victory 4s. 93.80 95. 1 2 91.24 95. TO 93. 8 4 99.92 99. !6 95. 20. 96. 95.73 95.77 95. 6S 101.1S 1U1.56 in purchasing Li berty nd Victory bonds we deduct from the above prices 37c on a sou bond and $2.50 on a finoo bond. In selling Liberty and V rtory Bonds w e charge the New York market price, plus the accrued Interest. ASK ABOUT THE MORRIS BKOTHERS PLAN. Burglar and Fireproof Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent. Open until 8 P. M. on Saturdays. MOKRIS BROTHERS. INC., The Premier Municipal Bond House, Capital One Million Dojlars. Morris Bldg., 3o9-311 Stark St., Between 5th and 6th. Telephone Broadway 2151. Established over 25 years. LIBERTY BONDS. Issues Bought and Sold, Sefore buying or P Ulnar Get Our Quotations. . X DEVEREAUX COMPANY. Government and Municipal Bonds, 87 Elxth Street. Between biarlt and. Oak, LIBERTY AND VICTORY BONDS. CASH PAID FOR ANY ISSUE OF BONDS. FULL MARKET PRICE, LOAN ON WAR SAVINGS STAMPS. YOU CAN BORROW CASH OF US ON BONDS AND SAVINGS STAMPS, OR TO H1M6H PAYING FOR VICTORY BU.ND8. SEE E. RURKITT. PRESIDENT. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO, 2X SELLING BLDG. 2I FLOOR. , CORNER 6TH AND ALDER fiSTS. CASH FOR AUTOMOBILES. YOU BUY OR SELL A CAR. WE FURNISH THE MONEY. IT IS PERFECTLY SIMPLE. OREGON' BOND r MORTGAGE CO., i;08 SELLING BL1LD1.NG. MONEY TO LOAN ON IUPROYS9 REAL ESTATE TITLE AND TRUBT COMPANY. TITLK AND 1RUST BUXX WANTED $2000 loan by Oregon corpora tion, proceeds used for purchase raw ma terials, both raw material and product in greatest demand; no chance of lotut, money secured by good personal indorsement and corporation assets, attractive interest rate and bonus or commission ; thoroughly le gitimate, commercial and higher 1 class. AF 19, Oregonian. BON DS BUCG HT. 6POT CASH. SPOT CASH. MAR KET PRICE. CASH for RECEIPTS. We will LOAN you money on B'jNDS. W. S. or te make PAYMENTS on BONDS, "5fr. 725 Gasco Btdg., Fifth and Alder. CELLARS-MORTON CO. $476.92 FOR 300. I have contract covering twla of a home, my equity Is 476.92. paahle in 910 month ly lnstai Iments. with 6 per cent interest : need $:'.oo cash; will assign contract for $300. Main 5778. HIGHEST values In cash paid for mort gages and sellers' Interest In real erttat contracts; alo money to loan at reason able rates. Williams Loan &. luvesttuen. Co.. 422 Chamber of Commerce. CASH paid for mortgages and sellers' con tracts oa real estate in Washington, ore gon, H. E, Noble, 316 LumOermens bld. CASH paid for undivided Interest In real property and estates. Frank T. Berry. 215 Railway Excha n g e blug. Money to Loan on Real Kstate. MOHTOAGE LOANS. Any amount, low rates, promptly closed. Attractive repaying privilege. A H BlliHKLL CO.. Til Northwestern Bak Bidg. Marshall 4114. A 411 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED CITY REAL ESTATE. Homes, apartments, bunnies properties, quick service, low rate, repayment pnv iiege. Call 1L P. Barnhart. Marshall 6170. LOANS. Any amount $500 to $12,000. We buy notes, mortgages and real estate con tracts. NETH & CO., Worceste r bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. FARM AND CITY 1'RurtU'ff, PER CJNT, 6 PER CENT. 7 PER CiOiT. UNION ABSTRACT CU Corbett Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN, on Improved cny property and also Im proved farm property. Current raioa. WM. MacMASTER. 831 U. S. National bar.lt Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS On Improved farm and city property ; favorao.e repaying privileges; no commission or delay. THE OREGON MORTGAGE CO.. LTD. 36 Piatt Bldg. Main 5371. PRIVATE party has $2(ou to loan on first mortgage. Improved real estate: no corn. mission; will also consider small contracts witn uiscount. At yy-t. oregonian. MONEY TO LOAN on real estate security at going rate of interest, otto & Harksoa Realty Co., 413 Chamber of Commerce. MORTGAGE LOANS. OUR OWN MONEY AT LOWEST RATES. WESTERN BOND As MORTGAGE CO.. u Fourth St., Portland. Or. TO LOAN $500. $10U0. $1500 nd up on real estate at 6 to 7 per cent. Georg p Lent. 71? Corbett bldg. $30O. $400. 5U0. $650, 750. 1000 AND UP" lowest rates, quick action. Gordon Mort gage Co.. 631 Chamber of Com. Main 13 To $309. $400. $500. $750, $1000 and up at lowest rates; quick action. Fred W. Geriuan Co 7.12 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6445. $15oO OR LESS to loan by private party on improved property. 7 per cent, no com mission. A F 166. Oregonian. SEE me about your loans. Can handle good building loans. Quick action and low est rates. C. J. Johnson. 313 Henry bldg. tO.oou TO LOAN in sums 10 uit; bulidTng loans, lowest rates. w . ti. Heck. 15-216 ramus mu s. r""iic juim ,mn. vi isrin property. 5 ner cent up. F- Fucha. 420 Cham, of Com. $1000 AND UP: no commission or delay K. II. UI-hu., tir Cham, of Corn. Bldg. SEE OREGON INV. A MORTGAGE CO 222 Chamber of Commerce. 4th and Stark! MORTGAGE loans. lowest rates. A, Harding. 312 Railway Exchange. H. MONfe-i to loan on farm and improved city KORTGAGE LOANS. 6 and 7 PER CENT. - -v.v.'i'--.- g v-'.. evening o;ag. WILL LEND $2tmo on city property, 7 per FINANCIAL. Money to Tnn on Real Kstate. OUR Installment plan Is the beat and turMt metnoa or pay in a loan. $32.36 per month for 86 month, or $21 24 per month for 60 months, or $15.17 for 96 montha pays a $looo loan and in terest. Other amounts In proportion. W loan on Improved city property. No rommlssioa char jd. EQUITABLY SAVINGS 4k LOAN ASSN. 242 Stark St.. Portland. Or. RESIDENCE LOANS. From 6W to 7 per cent for five years. YOU MAY PAY flOO or any amount oa principal and reduce interest. ABSOLUTELY NO CHARGE TO APPLICANT. Also see us for lowest interest rates on busln-e property. MORTGAGE LOAN COMPANY Phone Main 2541. 1524- Yeon Bldg. FARM LOANS. Insnrmi.ee company money to loan at lowest current rat- on Willamette valley farms. No commission. No lavs. DEVEREACX MORTGAGS COMPANY. 87 6;h St.. Portiand. or. MORTGAGE LOANS, on real estate security; any amount from $500 up on improved city or farm prop erty. THE LAWRENCE COMPANY. 2tt5 Corbett Bldg. Main 6915 A 2815. IF you want to borrow money to build or buy a home, or pay off a mortgage, you noma compare tne total amount or in terest paid on a straight loan with our monthly repayment pi an. Loans mude in every town in the state. Pacific Hidg. A Loan Assn.. 1333-5 N. W. Bank bldg. MUNEV TO LO A-N. $250O PRIVATE MONEY, 7 INTEREST. K. BL" RK ITT, JoS SELLING BLDG., PHONE MAIN 18UO. MORTGAGE LOANS. Loans made on improved city property. Prompt service; no delay. Call a&d see ur for terms. PORTLAND TRUST CO. OF OREGON. Northwestern Bank Bldg. SEE US TODAY We loan money on real estate, o ana r . long time, short tim monthly payments, pay as you can, sumi to suit. 2. Ja.oo btdg.. Fifth and Alder, CELLARS-ML KTON CO. I HAVE $5o0 to loan on improved suburban property. &ee Atcnison, U04 Henry bldg. .Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASciN. Phone Broadway 910. S94 Stark Street. Naar Tenth. Loans on diamonds, watches, vtctmina. pianos, kodaks, shotguns, furniture, musi cal instruments and anything of value. KSTARLIPHED BY THE PEOPLE OF PORTLAND TO PROTECT THE BOH- CUy and county warrants cashed 1 (ace value. CARRIE MYERS-HERRMAN. Manager. DO TOO NEED MONEY T We make a sneclairv of loana on auto mobiles, furniture, vlctrolas. etc Security left in your pose salon, bmiit weekly or mommy payments. ALSO ' Loana made to salaried people. Rates rMonaoic. private oil ice. All Duin confidential. PORTLAND LOAN CO. (Licensed). Third and Washington Sts. S06-307 Dekum B:df. Uarshsll 32(l SALARY. LOANS. CHATTELS, WE LOAN MONEY" on short notice to salaried or working men on ineir own notes. eeKiy. semi monthly or monthly payment. Each transaction strictly confidential. NO MORTGAGES. No INDORSER. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. We aso loan on household furniture. pianos, etc.. w it nout removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY. LICENSED. 218 Failing Bldg. ilONEi to loan on diamonds, iewelrv: leeaJ rates; all articles held a year; established since n pan .vary, i"- Washington. GEO. HARVEY loans money on household goods. Legal rates. Tabor 3N06. HATHAWAY Loans on pianos and fuml ture; legal rates. Rm. 20S Washington bidg, Loans Vf antr. A NT E I 1 .00, $ 1 HOO and $2000. 6 per cent Interest, security and moral risk ex c'ptiouully good ; no commission. Mr. Brice, .Main 2541. WANT $450 direct from principal 1 ear second morinaKe securit y or proper! y deeded in escrow; allow some bonus. AE 314, Oregonian. IMPROVED Inside residence property. come $i per month: want $37uo, 3 yearn. o '-2 per cent; no commission. AC vs, 'rcgonian. I .O A V S VATKI) $2500. 3 or 5 years at 7. Security iu acn-s near .mi. tcott, wortn imkj SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EX. $25iio 3 YEARS 7'r on $5500 Irvineton r. idenee. Herman Moellcr. 1025 Uasoo bldg .M tin I FIRST MORTGAGES ON IMPROVED PORTLAND PROPERTY FOR SALE F. 11. DESHOX, 615 Cham, of Com. bldi LOAN WANTED $4500 on improved city income property. 7'r, 3 to 5 years. John m. Ginon. 2h stars: st.. city. WANTED To borrow $:H00 or JHH0 on Lincoln co. ranch : first mortgage, S per cent. t iregonian. WANTED JOOOO at 6 per cent on $13,000 home in best location on west side; no commission. c 24 1, Oregonian. WANT $3mo on two flats, 6 per cent. AH .;. .regonian. -' KoR two years, to Invent in furniture. .00a security. AO .it, Oregonian. SEE OREGON INV. MORTGAGE CO, m tnami'tr or commerce. 4th and Stark. PERSONAL PHILOSOPHY. The philosophy of the average man Is a failure in a way; He fails to create assets Of knowledge as a pay. The man who claims that a success Is Jut a matter of luck. Has never learned the meaning of such words as "grit" and "pluck.' Few men have thoughts original. As environment is their treed: For knowledge comes through seeking To thoe who feel the need. We aim to have the grit and pluck And k now ou can a ve more On each fall SUIT. COAT. DRESS and HAT At the PETERSON UPSTAIRS STORE. SECOND FLOOR PITTOCK BLOCK. RHEUMATISM. TO THE PUBLIC. We have Just recently opened a smal well equipped sanitarium lor the purpose 01 nanaung rheumatism cases who have not been aule to nnd cures and re.iet; go careiully Into each cae and lurnih the beit medical authority in the diagnosis ana tne greatest tiurau ttkin taat can ue produced, and by such methods we are able to produce Immediate relief and per manent cures in each case. If this metnod sounds and looks to the reader as though we are takira and tr Ing to graft oft tne pubtic, then please do not moiet us by calling either in person or by telephone. erv sincerely yours, WILLIAMS Ac LAID SANITARIUM. 34 liawtnorne Ave. Eat 157T, Rheumatism Specialists and Expert DiatfiiuMiictam FAIR TO THE PUBLIC. Watch the paper and look for the best tailor; we do very particular work and w put on snappy styles; a first-class trimmings and workmanship Is guwran teed with every suit uiud here; ail uor clothes are made by union tailors ; have a very good variety of woolens tha you can se I ec t from; you a re cord t a 1 1 y Invited to come in uni innpect our suits it don't make any difference If you buy or if you don't buy: our prices are right. M. Nbl.MLI. o: l O., Tailors to Men and Women, Salsi fact ion Guaranteed. 410 Stork St.. Between lOih and 11th. IAIN LESS EXTRACTION CHIROPODIST. Good chiropody best investment. Inferi chiropody aggravating causes irritation, consequently necetsary receive satisfactory results patronizing surgeon chiropodist superfluous hairs permanently removed, wrinkles erao.lca.tca; manicurist, scalp ppv ciadst ; open evenings. Sunday. ttio Bush At Lane bidg. It roadway at Alder. DK. K. R. SPARKS. 717 Dokurn bldg. Phon Main 4753. Diseases of stomach and bow els. liver and kidneys, heart, lun ks. ner vous and spinal d iaordrs. Chiropractl anu naiuropatnic metnoas. Dli. E. A. SACK"S sanitary chirunodv Da r Inrs, corns and ingrowing natls treated, manicure, shampoos and scalp treat nients. rt. tu, . ai v asn. MiiS. J. S. HUTCHINSON will be pleased to lAse both her old and new customers at IHtJ K. Flanders. Phone Kat 14.1!. N KV medium at Zorn't betel. Tesch you planets thut harmonize In marriage. Daiiy readimc. 1 A. M. Main M7. TH K ECoNvMY up-to-date utmpp.-r wlil hop for you or with you. Call Marshall .";i4 or 1M 14th t. A PJl'STM EXTS for chronic ailments Phone Kat 3s5 Sunday. 12-4. for appointments. Kl'HS remodeled and repaired. 827 Morcan bldg. rtK0AL. GET WELL, FREE. FREE. FREH Ewry day. from 10 A M. to 4 P. M-. and evenings on Monday. Wednesday and Fi to r IrOID l " nd Sundays front 10 THOUSANDS OF SUFFERERS WHO HAVE FAILED to get relief in any other way are Invfted to Investigate Chiropractic methods, which re permanent;y curing hundreds every day. THE BEST OF CHIROPRACTIC . -w DIAGNOSTICIANS w-iii thoroughly examine you. make a com Plte diagnosis of lour case and direct your treatment WITHOUT ANY r09T TO YOU -UIr,rtr, WHATEVER. . ROpRAOTIC 111 t afe. Bane. sura na modern science of curing and prevent ing diseaje. CHIROPKACTIC will permanently curt rSTTnt of a:1 diseases. ..wJROPPACTIC removes the cause health returns, wTha "ve service I mil free to you at Brc.oll.esS building and may be had ia .hK.IVAT.K TrtKATMEVTS mn-r .lw f.;i. coll.c. buildin by mrmbsn oC tn. a, :,h'r lady or mm practitlon.n. fACIHC CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGE. Corner of p.rk and Yamhill. Tel. M:iin 1014. . HOSPITAL ... nn"",,on WI,h eolle.. Will tiandl. . town t a most reasonanla c.n h orclr low what Chiropractic " Aadrwj .11 communication tm DK. O. V ELLIOTT. frrsldeut. 100 PKR CK.VT CH1KOPRACTIC SYSTEM . Md Portland. 1? of J.Penence. a. past ama- .? . n"r crnt chiropractic ape.-lalist. witn nlKhejt testimonial, from pattenta k' J," jas,?rn tt.. familiar wi:h th r ' 8180 ,rom western and local patients navlna- unfortunately had less than 100 per cent chiropractic elsewhere, with of courhe corresponding disappointment In ae.ayea relief. .Me,". ?niJ wo"i't ore fully aatlsfled with tn lou per cent chiropractic phlloaophv. i.'L'". xPer''"ce and Kupenor akill demon strated in consultation examination.: e&sy. .ir.'?JUlniJdjUtnu'",!i- ra,,s ". finally, re .. . ltnth in this city. Terms, SI adjustment,, $1;.. Phone, call or wrlti JOLKTH AXD WASHINGTON. -' " nonie. . i r-ast Salmon ar mol. to be reached with almost milhs. ' i n.un ror mis reason sor. J,on,rih Pro,"r'o Kland. bladder, stomach bowels. liver. kidneys. lun-sl Joints -In fine, any part of the body can b. reached and the sore part healed Tu berculous Joints and cancerous condition are no exceptions If taken in time. It aurjerins Irom soreness In any part of tha body, coma in and havo this method of treatment explained. lir. K. A. Phllllns. HQ5 Broadway bldf. s-nuilpa, THK HOT SPRINGS OK PORTLAND. . Brown Hydropathic Institute. Steven idg.; compete .-.luipment. cientmc treatments. tnerefore superior results. Hydro-therapy. electric . light caoinel oaths. scientific masace. oake ov. n steajii me. Ileal gymnasium. correctix diet. Tuesday and Kmiav. women only; woman assistant. Main 86.10. Danrtrurf and fnlTInc hair la THE SCALP'S CALL FOR THE EKDEE HAIR CERATE. J.OO PER JAR. Get It at your drucsist or THE EKlEK CO.. SO.1 Union ave. North. PORTLAND. OR. PILES, constipation and rheumatism driven out. in your fri-tein by nature s tilt. Wild 1'iKeon .Mineral w ater. direct irom th. rock, unadulterated, order a gallon todav from jour druggiM or Horn H.k k Remeuy o.. 7 First su A 141(1. Portland, or. RKV. MR. and w::s. j. st-Hiim ci... Tuesday, circle hursuay. S P. M. 1.1 East l..ih .t. north, c-.r. Hurnsiue: Sunday meellncs S and S : M. Lut Side Wood men's hall. Ea.t oi)M. INFORMATION wanted concerning twin liarlcyL.avidi.on motorcycic lelt In a, l'ortland Ka a;.- Nowmher, 191s, for dis posal by lir. Cook; reuard. Oregon Hu mane. Society. Main 3!. LL the latest leineuiea emu at tu. C.em enson limn Co.. UoO Morrison u t. Charles Hotel corner. At this drugstor. Vuu Ket just what you ca.i lor. W. nay. no BUttatltmea. NOTICE. If FKmoro Burleson, or wife. Irene, see this notice., p. ease luriush present mall suui.s. . ii lull Aurieou, iiox stwellSi-n. W as.'l. DIAMONDS WANTED. Full market va.ue for oi.monda. 44. Morgan bldg.. no floor. tl WILL gel OOth feet flXed UU good at LtT fcutous. the CHIROPODIST, who doesn hurt vou: .". v.-..: i...... ... . . . fc theater bldg.. 1 1 1 hand Wash." ,1 w y. i'vj. MRS. MAUGA.tKTTE MARKS' lTaT"movrd to 7.4 cvereii sl tufice hour.-, lu to 1 and V.f 4- -W,1,"'S11;. "d Sundays ealcep.ed. PI. one Mar.-hall IMl.l. HoM-I-DA Pronounced by great authority the most wonderful hair grovwr and ,4lp hcaltn km. tct to sciwnce; tor sale 41. r ileuner blag. MRS. STEVENS. i!5 years Portland', re riowned teacher of pa.nustry ana crystal gazing, has crystals for rale, alsj nor . "ook pajm'stjUjiaA-asy.-- s7- Tay,Jr DR. RUTH OLSON. S52 Washington BldgT. Drugless Swedish System; si ram ball. a. electricity. Rheumatism, constlpauon. run down condition. Main o34. MRS. COL51NOW, tplrltuii and mental scientist; palmistry and cards tau.liL' '"nuigs; circles Thursdays. .UJ Washington St.. room 410. FEB VET & HANNEBUT. leading wig and toupe makers, fuie.t stock human hair gooils. hairdreasing. manicuring, face and scalp treatment. 34U Alder. Main 54. Jiit-i. M. I.. LAMAR. 15 FIFIU ST. SPIRITUAL ADVIkKU Instruction in th. theory of health, sue cena fcnil harmony. MSS" KK BW-MAN '-a hoid circ.es lues.. Tnurs anJ un. es. at a o'clock reariinss dily. lira, from lu A. M to P. M. A i 1 wo. come. 4th St. LH. ii. A. SACK V. rhinpodilt! tr s.ia the ieet. nuiniv urt yives jsn-mipoo. face and scalp tr.i. intents. It. uUo-4. J'7 Vh. ot. WllaU tho lady tii.it dropped ht-r book in tbe !Mr.nd theater about 4 months ao plea answer this ad? AJ t.. Urrsotuan. TK.VCiifc.RS of now life. Open aeanc Sun day niKht, 8 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. O. 1. lOand. "75 Knt i-.urTu?tde st. 1VLRSO.VS cxfina and poison oak cure. r-lit-v.-s Mt one; ture you three ds. Ad. dress 1151 fcl. lMlh t M VH1 ..ii'. .hKlKSO.Vs white anteld maternity home for unfortunate girls, no publicity; babies placed In Christian bonirt Ad d reaa 7 TcBACCO or snuff habit cured or do &v 1 If cured. Kemetiy sent on trial. U. pcroa Co.. W J14. Bat.umure. Aid, IVEllMJN'S eczema and pol.ton oak cur. levea at once; cure you threa dawa AdJreia 1101 fc.. -Olh iL N Wei la. 104i. MAON KTIC healing, manicurlnc. 511 Mor rison. Hroadway aoSi. H.sh-ciasa pairon- ase rcqueytfd. WILL Mr. William L. Schaxer come and. see lu sister. C tacrine li4a. at the X. W C A. Important. CORA VAUK UiL.L-. chiropodist pediatrist) Irom ChieaKo, now at .o-;.07 6weUand bldie.. Portland. 1'hone .Main 1445. OKADUATt nunte treats- lumbago. to. Hours - to i, or by appointment Phone Mam 1Q4. Office a0S-C Third st. SUPt.RJ-LL'uL'6 hair destroyed forever by multiple needle methou. Indorsed by phy siciana, &u4 S wet. and bid g.. Mh at Wait. PR. ELXA SOK tCNSKN. oOS Fanani bid. lruKie methods. Siomach, kidnoal rheumatism, constipation, eic Main oOMi, .d aIa M H KL'GhNB, from ChicKO. tearher scientific palmistry and card. 141 11th, ror. Alder, upstairs. SUFKRFLL'OUS hair, moles, wart removed by 10 need.ti method; trial free. Josie K Ha lt y, 014 Buaa 4: Lane b.dff.. Mam BEST steam bath, chiropractic, vibration and electric in city. Ur. Margaret liayme. ma Swetland oidg. Ma.n 17t0. SOPHIA H. SKIP, spiritual advice. 200 Ooodnougti bldif. Question meetings Tue-da-ya and Kriuaya. a r. M. Marahall JuX BAD DlvBTS collected everywhere. Standard .MrrtttiiuiD Aht ut.. uuuucu, t anairia tiU Ihiru and Aiuer. MADAME FRANK, noted clairvoyant, teach er of cards, aoc; i6oru a hotel, i Morri son. idiwv JULIA E. KEYS. 4d3 V 6th street, bp l ritual teacber of cards. Pbone Maia Ti! YOCNvj couple wish to Accompany someone in auto to Loa Angeles, AN Kit, Oregonian. Doia-N'T Torn. Dick or Harry pay your Sf Viereck. collections, l'tiam bide. ht'HlKe; CAN liE CURED without an op eration. Free book lt. F. O. box 1 lOi GolTivE. enlarsed glands; cure yourself. A. K. Strachau. route Hihshoro. r. PILES CAN BE CURED without vperaUoas send for free booklet. P. Q. bo 110S. Pi: 1 MKDA JtAc.il. formerly ?.led Bi.i oX Figs. S44 E. 33d gcliwosd 213. mornins. Dr. Nelson, rhlropod 1st. cures si: foot trou ble very reasonable. Dekum Ixdc. MAY ANDREWS. phrenologltTt. car " VeatT ing. Parte st.. Main 754 H EM ST ITCH 1 N 1 IcV yard, buttons covered, plaiting, braiding. M4 Huwh-bm bldg. MYRTLE CLARKE'S manicurim 7:t: M or Kan bldR. parlors. DR. C. E. STAFRIX ha- opened offices &0t-7 Medical bldg. Mam 771a. DIATHLRMIA. with proper equipment and properly applied. 1. one of thi bi.T mod.U tlea known In electrotherapeutics. Its us. Is auccesjfu: in all inflamed sore conal" tlons and no part or ih. Kn.iu