The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, September 21, 1919, SECTION TWO, Page 20, Image 44

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IXECUTIVE, ago 4S. with wide experience
in managerial positions with large cor
porations, is open for engagement: Is en- ;
.gineer with broad experience in construe-
lion work, and In organization and man- j
agement of industrial enterprises; fully j
conversant with machine shop practice
and the design, construction, installation
and operation of machinery; would like
o maKe arrangement with inaustriai piant
, contemplating expansion of business or
with concern requiring decreased operat
ing coyts and increased production; high
est references from former connections-;
only high -class position paying not less
than 312.O00 to Slo.000 considered; salary
can be made up in larger part of percent
age of earnings. AV 610. Oregonian.
tMAUFFEUR Young man, 21 years old. 4
years' experience, good, careful driver,
familiar with all make. f cars ; do own
fepair work; know city ana roads thor
oughly; wants private driving, or will
teach new oeginners to drive; can fur
lush best of recommendations as to char
acter and ability. Phone Wood lawn 54?sti.
Y middle-aged man of good education and
faculties, work where willingness, knowl
edge of things and executive would bal
ance any lack of main strength; pay not
o much of a consideration as congenial
work, with prospects; am up in various
trades and operations; no soliciting nor
peddling. C 22;, Oregonian.
mechanic, 3U years of age, 18 years
experience, wants permanent position as
engineer- caretaker or maintenance man in
building or factory where I could attend
to business more than jurisdictional labor
disputes. Have my tools and can show
results; replies held confidential. I 646,
MARRIED MAX, 50 years old, well educat
ed, in perfect health but of impaired
hearing, desires position, in or outside,
where his defect would be no handicap;
Is not averse to manual labor; work es
sential to restore self-confidence. V ot3,
Capable, energetic salesman, age 40.
well acquainted Portland and vicinity,
wants position with reliable firm doing
high-grade business. Address Reliaole.
D C;ji, oregonian.
COM PET EXT pai-nt, varnish and specialty
salesman, over 13 years' road experience;
thoroughly acquainted in Pacific north
west and California; best of references.
Y 46, Oregonian.
foi'NGmarried man, with-" both city and
road experience, now employed, desires
- permanent connection witn good reliable
firm. City or close in work preferred.
AK 551,Oregonian.
FARM worker wants permanent situation,
experienced in stock and fruit growing,
pruner and ploughman ; married, young
family, need 5 or tivom house. Address
H. Swanston. li'Jo Court street. Saiem.
YOUNG married man now working in town
but experienced in farm work, wants place
on farm. Geo. Meeker, route A. box Its.
Portland. Phone Tabor 704, between noon
and 4 P. M. Sunday.
RANTED Position by experienced stove
and range salesman acquainted with all
leading maleable and steel ranges. Address
C. S. Baker, East Burnsiue St., Port
land, Or.
1'ULNG man. age 20, high school education,
want wurk of any kind, mornings or
evenings; any time bet ore A. M.,
or after S P. M. B 7fe2, Oregonian.
ICKriPONblBLE party wishes sales agencies
for Coos Bay towns on good supie lines;
commission basis; higiiest references. Acl
dress E. P., 768 X. 2d su. Marshfieid. Or.
FORMER instructor in California public high
echnois will tutor limited numoer of fetu
dents in elementary or high school work.
S 1 7-1. Oreyonian.
LN accountant has some extra time each
day and would like to take care of a small
get of books : best of references; charges
reasonable. K 582, Oregonian.
are you looking for a couple of No. 1
cooks? If so we can deliver you the goods;
best of references. V ou4, Oregonian.
Si AN of education, ' French and English, good
appearance, wants position where knowl
edge, trust are required;
can also teach.
s 2ul. Oregonian.
PAINTING, naperhanging and tinting neat
ly and cltanly done; Fkilied mechanics,
complete equipment, lowest prices lor good
work. Mar. 24i;i.
MIDDLE-AGED man wihhes steady position
as night watchman with some work to uo
during tha niynt. either wood or iron;
handy with tou.s. A 004. Oregonian.
EXPERIEN'CED, high-class retail shoe
salesman will be open for an engagement
Oct. Lt ; men's and boy a' shoes. D 00O,
LuuKKEKPER with wide experience de
sires office work requiring few hours
tine daily. Inquire Mr. Wilson, phone
East 0ss.
EX-SE RV1CE man, age 27. with 7 years
office experience In Portland, desires po
sition, salary $125 per month. Phone East
0H7G, or A 003. Oregonian.
BOOKKEEPER and accountant of long com
mercial experience and highest creden
tials, desires suitable position. Address AK
.02. Oregonian. "
INTERNAL combustion engineer: good ref
erences ; requires position ; ex-soldier. H.
Tint in. room 51 0 Y. M. C. A.
country for $." a
X 7.", Oregonian.
painter will go to the
day. Non-union. Address
EXPERIENCED flour salesman wants good
mill to represent; knows trade best; ref
erences. AG 1S4. Oregonian.
SALESM A X with best references wants
st'-ady job ; years of experience. AJ 4Ay.
A-l CH EF COOK, wife first-class waitress,
wishr s position, hotel or cafe ; references.
K rS."., oregonian.
enced men ; do new work and t a ke care of
lawn and shrubbery. Tabor 1300.
CHEK, all-around man, wishes position
where good work and saving is appre
ciatrd. Go anywhere. S 200. Oregonian.
HIGH school boy wants job after school and
Saturday. Knickerbocker, C003 G3d ave.
S. E.
WANTED Position with grain or cotton
firm ; have had 8 or 10 years' experience,
buying and selling. H lti'J. Oregonian.
OFFICE agency by a man lone established
in business; best references. BC S8. Oregonian.
MAX and wife cook and second cook want
hotel or camp ; can give references. Main
f2it2, room 3.
FOREMAN" carpenter, first-class, finish or
framing ; wants job with good contractor.
Jim Little, Eagle's hall. Seattle, Wash.
WANTED Man with family, dairy job; wife
can milk; we are experienced. Write 5821
87th st.. city.
YOUNG man wishes few hrs.' work after
2 P. M. ; clerical work preferred. S 161,
WANTED A job. permanent. stationary
fireman, oil burner: $iio per mo. and
board. Call East 7034.
WANTED Permanent position by young
married man, warehouse preferred. Sell
wood 2574.
Phone Tabor 37H8.
as janitor or porter.
WANT work in parage, with chance to learn
automobile business F 541, Oregonian.
Bookkeepers. Stenographers. Office.
position; have had ten rears' varied ex
perience and training In advanced ac
countancy a nd law ; age U9, local refer
ences. V 558, Oregonian.
fc.AfErtlE.NCED Bookkeeper, timekeeper
or paymaster, married. ged .t3 yeas; best
of references. Wants position with local
ct once. Tel. C-13S3.
POSITION as private secretary or righthand
man to lumberman. A-l stenographer, of
fice man, 10 years experience lumber busi
ness. Reference, AV 60S, Oregonian.
YOUNG married man. expert lumber ste
nographer, logging camp timekeeper and
assistant bookkeeper wishes position.
Phone East 1087. Address 207 E. Knott stl
EXPERT bookkeeper, employed, has time
for small set books evenings; can also
operate typewriter. C. E. L.., room 633
Y. M. C. A.
BOOKKEEPER Accountant, thoroughly ex
perienced, accurate, reliable, Al references,
desires permanent position. t 66S, Ore
gonian. BOOKKEEPER - ACCOUNTANT. 12 years
experience; efficient in cost accounting
record systematizing, etc. S 177. Orego
nlan. EXPERT accountant would like set of
books to keep eitKide regular hours. AO
It7, Oregonian.
LAW student, with knowledge of bookkeep
ing, desires position with legal firm or ab
stract company. A 659, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED second maid wapts poai
tion; has city references; 45 to r.O; would
like Sunday after dinner off. Call E. 44S
1 WOULD like old people that have no one
to care for them, please call or address
149Vb 1st st, room 12. .
WANTED Small ret books to keep even
ings; expert bookkeeper. East 37G5.
BOOKKEEPER, competent, good penman;
In or out of town. C 101. Oregonian .
BOOKKEEPER. 7 years experience, can use
typewriter. AF 176, Oregonian,
bookkeepers. Stenographer. Of fire.
PRIVATE secretary to wealthy executive in
large eastern city seeks similar associa
tion in west, with estate or person of
wealth and refinement, 2i years with pres
ent employer. In addition to exceptional
secretarial experience, Is practical account
ant. When necessary can take dictation
and transcribe notes on typewriter. AV
Open for engagement October 1 ; 13
years' experience In public and corpora
tion accounting. Capable of taking en
tire charpe of office: live wire; perman
ently located In Portland; best of refer
ences. Call Tabor 1487.
YOUNG man wishes position with corpora
tion where something with future is of
fered for anyone who proves deserving;
first-class general office man; at present
employed. AO 573. Oregonian.
BOOKKEEPER, accountant. 12 years' ex
perience, efficient in cost accounting, finan
cial statements, etc. ; willing to accept
moderate salary if good opportunity. J
217, Oregonian.
Accountant and office manager, now In
charge of lorge corporation office, open
for position shortly. For Interview ad
dress H 18rt, Oregonian.
Soldiers and Sailors.
EX-SOLDIER, married, over 21 years old.
wishes position with a local firm where
chances of advancement will be given as
ability is phown. I must hae a living wage
to start with; can furnish references; have
good education ; give me a trial. Phone
Marshall 146 for appointment. '
YOUNG man with 10 years road experience
wants to make a change; desires position
with a responsible house where there is
an opportunity to learn a good business
and to advance; willing to start at a rea
sonable salary and can furnish best of
references. H 165, Oregonian.
HONORABLY discharged soldier desires po
sition as truck or touring car driver; have
had three years experience and can do
own repair work. Phone East 2427, ask for
Clarence Kramer.
TWO brothers, ex-soldiers, defire positions
In garage or repair shop, auto or motor
cycle work; will leave town. AF 173. Ore
gonian. YOUNG Portland attorney desires position ;
have had 2 years' experience in large of
fice, adjusting department ; can handle
credit work. -Phone Marshall SI for appt.
SOLD IE R mechanic repairs your car at
your own garage ; guaranteed work and
saves you time and money ; expert. Sell
wood 11:37.
DISCHARGED army officer desires position,
15 years' experience as salesman and sales
manager. J 212. Oregonian.
EX-SERVICE man desires position as archi
tect draftsman. Can furnish references.
AC 9i2, Oregonian.
WANTED By capable young man, gas and
auto repairing; can do pipefitting and
omcKsnutnmg. AL &C3. Oregonian.
A RETURNED soldier desire position as
driver or chauffeur; experienced. Mar
shal! 3059.
SOLDI ER, mechanic, first-class work guar
anteed; will repair your car at your hom
if necessary. Main 4737.
TRUSTWORTHY young lady wishes posi
tion in neat congenial family as mother's
assistant, or can take charge in small
nome . am renneu, neat, quiet ; treated as
one of family; no washing; references
exchanged. AH 5ii, Oregonian.
COMPETENT lady wishes position aa cook
for crew of men or large ranch where son
age 2u, can go as helper or chore man. Ad
dress Mrs. Baldwin. 625A Thurman st.
Phone Broadway 1278,
TWO giris wish a place together, one wants
work and the other wants to go to school;
not too far from school. Address Miss
Dora Staiien&on, Gresham, or. box 1U3,
route A
AVoMAN studying, wishes to assist in plain,
refined home; experienced assisting in
physician's office, and the home. Room,
board, small Wage. Will go far out. C INS.
Oregonian. Phonu Mar. 4233 after 2 P. M.
WANTED Copying, addressing, writing by
legible, rapid, accurate petiman, formerly
employed advertising department Good-y-ar
Co., Alroii. Ohio. Work called lor
and delivered if desired. C 21U. Oregonian.
PowiTIoN wanted by firtt-cla-ss lady cook
in restaurant, hotel or camp ; reierence ;
wages not less than $100 per month. 544
Km"r.on it.
1 EACH EH, ten years experience, desires
position in brst, second ur tnird grades
can lurnisU reierences. AV bio, Orego
liian. CAPABLE young business woman desires
connection with live local concern ; com
petent accountant, experienced and re
sponsible. AO ft 2. Oregonian.
CAPABLE, refined woman, to manage a re
spectable apartment house can be ob
tained by casing Marshall 2003. Refer
cncps furnished.
EXPERIENCED ledger woman will work
from 1 until G; familiar with wholesale
meats and dry goods ; can operate tvne-
writer. S li3, Oregonian.
Yul'Nii lady wants office position ; have a
small child depending on me and want
a permanent place; not a stenographer;
'an give rets. Mar. 4214. room 3.
POSITION as companion housekeeper to
lady by rehued elderly .woman; neat and
capable. AO 502. Oregonian.
MRS. J. A. HUTCHINSON will be pleased
to meet both her old and new customers
at 902 E. Flanders. Phone East 1431.
RESPONSIBLE lady cares for children
evenings while parents are away; experi
enced to the sick. Marshall 34!.
POSITION as assistant matron in boys
school to do mending ; am experienced.
A E 404. Oregonian.
POSI TIOX as house mother in nurses' home
by a reiined elderly woman. AE 405,
YOUNG Japanese boy
school boy in small
wants position as
family. AF 164,
LA D x . employed, wishes place to work
morning and evening for all or part of
room ana ooara. .Marsnau 1 . evenings.
sluuul Kiri wisnes- place to board, can pay
i per mo. v 111 worn rest, tsox ui, Stella,
GIRL would like to do outside work, collect
ing for magazine or doctor; wages no ob
ject, rnone .Mar.
WAXTED A place to take care of chllflre
evenings while mother is away; references.
EXPERIENCED lady desires management of
apartment nouse octoDer l ; references.
Marshall 398:(.
LAUNDRY work and cleaning wanted by
competent, reliable worker. East 3514.
Apt. 16.
CAPABLE woman wishes position as house
keeper for otie or two gentlemen. Phone
Broadway 1535.
taking charge
considered. T
mail order clerk, capable
small business ; out of city
!lil. Oregonian. '
EXPERIENCED girl wants general house
work, plain cooking for '1 people, west side.
B 772. Oregonian.
WANT household linens to make. Infants'
hand-made wear, embroidery or plain sew-
i n g. Sel I wood 2051.
LA)Y wants housecleaning. other work
hours, day. Good work guaranteed. Wood-
lawn 6305.
WANTED To care for children, reasonable.
346 E. Hancock st. Phone E. 3264.
wants position.
comptometer operator
AP 412. Oregonian.
RESPONSIBLE woman wants position as Main 4070.
VERY experienced woman wants all-around
day work; expert laundress. East 19S7.
LA UV wants work in photo studio, havs
some experience. B 779. Orggonian.
EXPERIENCED cashier and typist desires
position. Marshall. aSI.
LAUNDRY beautifully done at home or by
day. Main 9132.
LACE curtains hand laundered by experts.
Called for and delivered. East 6196.
WoMAN wants lisht housework in apt or
small home; refs. W 55M, Oregonian.
LADY will care for children In own home.
Mrs. L. B. Saunders. 5124 77th st.
EXPERIENCED camp cook wants position;
could run country hotel. Marshall 4078.
school subjects.
to coarh ' in grammar
Phone East lftl4.
PLAIN sewing and knitting. Sell. 3159.
Bookkeepers. Stenographer. Office
WANTED Position as stenographer by
competent, experienced girl ; references
furnished. Tabor i4i6.
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and cashier
wants half-day work; can give good ref
erences. Call Main 8923.
RELIABLE your.g woman, 3 years office
experience, desires position. Call between
12 and 3. Main 457u.
BOOKKEEPER and cashier of experience,
capable of handling position of responsi
bility and trust. P. O. box 162.
EFFICIENT bookkeeper and stenographer';
best of references. Main 2817.
EXPERIENCED typist and billing clerk de
sires position. D 660. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED typist wants general office
work. H 175. Oregonian.
RELIABLE stenographer. Ed i phone opera
tor. wantsposition. Tabor 1643.
RAPID Al stenographer desires evening
wotk. Ar i:, uregonian.
TYPIST wants position; can take dictation.
Main 316U.
Rffltkkffpfr.n Btenocmpners, Office.
THOROUGHLY competent stenographer with
wide experience, desires position with
progressive firm, preferably in mercantile
or electrical lines, capable of taking full
charge of correspondence. First-class local
and eastern references; salary 4123 to
start. D 651. Oregonian.
THOROUGHLY competent stenographer with
wide dictaphone experience, desires posi
tion with progressive firm, preferably in
mercantle or electrical lines, capable of
taking full chance of correspondence.
First-class local and eastern references;
salary $125 to start. D 6ftl. Oregonian.
WANTED About October 1, permanent po
sition by a thoroughly experienced stenog
rapher and office woman; not afraid of
work or responsibility; capable of hand
ling correspondence. Tabor 2258. AH 40 U,
FIRST-CLASS stenographer, well educated.
experienced in law ana general oftice
work. Particularly successful In office
management and meeting public; highest
city references. T 213. Oregonian.
YOUNG lady, soon to be taking business
course at night school and who has had
experience as typist, also in office work,
wishes a position in office. AH. 00G. Ore
gonian. WANTED Position as office assistant;
competent in stenographic and general
detail work; 7 years' experience. Main
STENOGRAPHER, 6 years' experience in
general office work, desires position.
Phone Tabor 6359 Sunday and after ti:3l
P. M. weekdays.
YOUNG lady wishes a position In an office;
have had eight months experience in typ
ing, mimeographing and general office
work. Call Tabor tt7.
NEAT young lady would like position as
general helper In lodging camp where
there Is another congenial woman em
ployed. A J 713, Oregonian.
STENOGRAPHER and bookkeeper with 6
years' general office experience, desires
position. Phone Tabor O30D Sunday and
after 8:30 P. M. weekdays .
STENOGRAPHER with some experience
wshfs general office work, some sten
ography. Phone B 143t.
COMPETENT stenographer and dictaphone
operator desires position in life insurance
office ; four years' experience. Tabor 107.
SYSTEMATIZER. cost accountant. book
keeper, at liberty Oct. 1; local references,
AO ."iM3, Oregonian.
REFINED young lady, experienced, wishes
clerical position; references. AE 306, Ore
gonian. EFFICIENT bookkeeper desires permanent
position. Main 4246.
DRESSMAKING, plain sewing, alterations,
house dresses, aprons, children's clothes;
prices reasonable. 310 Fremont. East
IF YOU admire work well done, try Mrs.
Bates. 1120 Division St., for alterations,
remodeling and making of ladies' gar
ments, reasonable prices; work guaran
teed. Phone Tabor 012.
SEWING by the day. Guarantee all work.
Makirutr over a specialty; $3.50 per da v.
Mrs. R. G. Shaw. Phone Marshall A478.
forenoon Sunday or 5 P. M. week days.
COATS, dresses, etc, made and remodeled
by Mrs. Kinder at Emporium Dye Works,
64 i Morrison st. Broadway 4259.
GO to the Olds School of Art and learn to
make your own coats, nats and gowns.
17.", i3d st. North. 23-st. car.
WANTED Engagements by the day, experi
enced in suits and gowns ; do remodeling
reasonable. Phone Broadway loo7.
RIPPLE sweaters made to order; best work
at lowest prices. CitiO Marshall st. Phone
A 2417.
HIGH-CLASS dressmaking, tailoring, also
re.nodeling. 2oli Bth t., cor. Madison.
Main 2222.
DRESi? BAKING, plain and fancy, prices rea
sonable; prompt service, 0.i7 Montgomery
DRESSMAKING Plain sewing, alterations;
prices reasonable. 62j X. 2 1st. Main ;ios.
DRESSMAKING by a r.-allat.le dressmaker.
!!! K. 37th st. Phone lo7 after o p. M.
Dii E&SM A KING and remodeling by expert.
Pnone Main 1 10. apt. 74.
FURS remodelled and repaired. 827 Morgan
10 YEARS experience in Portland; refer
ences ; reasonable. Eat 7tiU."i.
E. Stark.
r-aso n a b I e. E.
OLD hats made over, velvets steamed and
cleaned. 352 Yamhill st.
DRESSMAKING by the day or hour;
rienceu. L. Heaid, till Glisan.
10it,- Williams Ave.
Normal coiifinejiumi cases taken care of
lor less than one-ha If the usual charges ;
cases, including drugs, dressings, licensed
physician's services, two weens' hospital
cart, all for 40.. All other hopital cases
ireateu under reauceu terms. Phone
wooaiawn loo. Main 4i44, or apply 7o2
iKum oiag.
GENTLEWOMAN desires post as nurse
companion; experience nerve and mental
cases; age -Ks; excellent references. A 65o,
bArCinitittu cnua nurse win care for
imam or cniiuren in refinea suburban Li 77.i, oregonian.
i. rtAix ED nurse wishes engagements; terms
reasonable; some houseworu.; mental case
preif ri ea. 1 apor 1 o.
COA1PETENT nurse, protracted care In
valid, elderly or illness. Can travel. Mar-
EXPERIENCED nurse, care of one contem
plating a trip to California. Mar. liiio.
GOOD practical nurse, IS years' experience.
Address lla E. .th st.
PRACTICAL nurse desires confinement
ca-s. Soilwood 77S.
WANTED Position by practical nurse, best
reference ; give massage. Tabor b424.
GRADUATE nurse will take patients at her
private residence. Tabor Hi.
GRADUATE nurse wishes cases, reasonable
prices. Phone East tiuy3.
BY a refined, middle-aged lady, a position
as manager of a nice apartment house or
a gentleman's home or dub where no one
is over her; fully competent for either po
sition. C li4. Oregonian.
KEF IN ED widow, no incumbrance, desires
housekeeping position in home of widower
where there are no small children. Phone
East 531 6.
HOUSEKEEPING for respectable gentleman
In modern home. City or country. Wages
$50. Minnie Schoenberger, Y. W. C. A.,
Portland, Or.
HOUSEKEEPER Dependable woman with
girl of school age, wishes a place in the
boine of a widower who has one or two
children. C ISO. Oregonian.
WOMAN, middle-aged, wants housekeeping
in refined home where work is light; capa
ble jf taking full charge; in or out of
city. AG 240. Oregonian.
WIDOW wishes position as housekeeper in
middle-aged widower s or bachelor's good
home. Capable of taking full charge. AO
565, Oregonian.
MIDDLE-AGED woman wants housekeeping
in refined home; gentlemen, or father and
grown children; full charge. AN 837, Ore
gonian. MAX and wife wish place to live where
wife could work for her board and room
and husband pay for his board. 143 24
16th st. Abel Satterberg.
WANTED By October 1. position as house
keeper, by woman with 6-year-old daugh
ter; refs. In or out of city ; no triilers
need answer. A 669, Oregonian.
WANTED Position as housekeeper in room
ing house or private home by refined mid-dle-ayed
lady. AC f!7. Oreponian.
HOUSEKEEPER Refined lady with girl of
school age wishes & place In home of
couple who work. S 168. Oregonian.
LADY, with boy 14. wants housekeeping for
gentleman; no triflers need apply. C 227,
WANTED A position as housekeeper by a
oman 00 enrs uiu , of si reierences. 1021
South G st. Mrs. Judd, Tacoma, Wash.
EXPERIENCED, middle-aged housekeeper
wants work; good plain cooking; - will
ifave town, aj ivh, uregon lan.
RELIABLE middle-aged woman, cooking or
nouseaeeping, Eiaic iuii particulars In first
letter. AE 414. Oregonian.
BUSINESS woman wants room and board.
east side; walking distance Bumside
orinpre. oregonian.
LADY with child 8 would like H. K. for
gentleman witn cnna. AF 177, Oregonian.
NEAT, reliable woman, alone, wishes house
Keeping laauusj. -v S3, oregonian.
YOUNG girl, in ned of a friend, wishes
light housework where she will be treated
as one of the family: no children; $20
per monin, i.mi Mrgnan tiitf.
NEAT reliable woman, alone, wishes house-
Keeping taauits. Jt oregonian.
COTTAGE West side, for three adults. Main
47-ttt. apt. D. or write S 109. Oregonian.
HOUSE in Piedmont district.
Phone Wdln.
WANTED By responsible people, furnished
House, 6 or 7 rooms. Wdln iZ6L.
Information and
Rental Bureau.
Reliable up-to-date lists of desirable va
cant houses, apartments stfid flats with
definite Information pertaining to each.
Newcomers to Portland will find this
bureau of great value in helping them set
properly and Quickly located.
Eighth Floor.
a seven or eight-room unfurnished modern
house in a good residential district: occu
pant y by October 1 if possible. AF lot
The rainy season will soon be here.
Get your houses rented at once. We have
desirable renters willing to pay from 935
to $45 and take a year's lease.
FOR LONG term or will buy if satisfactory.
6 or 7-room house with grounds for garden
and small stock, V to 3 acres preferred
unless vacant lots adjoining; no objections
to some brush ; not too far from street
car or paved road ; rent must be reaaon-
ahle to good tenants. G 514, Oregonian.
SMALL furnished house, with privilege to
sublet, or 3 rooms on ground floor, in ex
change for light work. Close in, west side
preferred. Have no children. inferences.
Call for Mrs. O.,- Marshall 727. Monday
A. M. or evening.
RESPONSIBLE party wants to rent a 6 or
7-room lurnished houe; must be modern.
AR 44, Oregonian. beilwood 35ul.
WAX TED A modern six-room house by
1st Oct. ; reasonable rent ; 4 in family, all
grown; the best of references furnished;
would lease by year. Waluga, Or., box
1 :t. Phone East 1 127.
WANTED To rent, house and sheds with
fenced blocks or acreage, suitable for keep
ing milch goat; near car line or paved
road; will buy If entirely suited. V 43,
I WANT a furnished or unfurnished house.
walking distance of 19th, and Alberta sis.
Wdln. 24U1.
WANTED To rent by Oct. 1. 5 or 6-room
furnished house, or 4-room apt., for 1
year, by responsible party; guarantee best
care for reasonable rent. Phone Wood lawn
223 1 .
WANTED, to rent small five or six -room
unfurnished bouse in Irvington or on
Portland heights. References, no children,
rail Main 2424, after 6 P. M.
WANTED For two or three months, fur
nished house for small family ; references
furnished and will guarantee good care of
prminea. Pnone EM
for Information leading to obtaining a A
or U-rooni house or bungalow ; rent not
over per month. Phone East 44 12.
W ANTED By responsible party before Oct.
1, buntcalow or cottage, xurnished or un
f urn Is ht:l. with garage preferred. Phone
E. yi07.
WANTED By responsible party before Oct.
1, bungalow or cottsge, furnished or un
furnished, with garage preferred. East
WANTED To rent by responsible, careful
family. 3 adults, best tocai references, 5
to (i-rooin mouern house, east or west side;
garage desired. SVll wood 1J3.
WANTED Small house on acre tract; pref
erably ono equipped 1 or raising chick
ens. Slate lo at price, terms, distance
to car. E 5n, On gunian.
OCT. 1ST Smalt, modern home with up
stairs. Alameua or vicinity. May purchase
at lator date; adults and references. I' hone
B lO.'.tS.
WA N T E I- To rent or leae 7 or R- room
modern house, up-to-date. No children.
Irvington ii-trl't preierred. A-l refer-enrr-s.
'al I Main ti 4 1 3.
nishrd ."
-l.'nfurnibluil or partially fur
or li-roon. house or flat, walking
state rent and location. AH liso
Greg on lit n.
RESPONSIBLE pnrty wants to rent s 0 or
7-room 1 urnislied house ; must be mod
ern. Alt 44. Ur?Eoniaii. Phone Scllwood
:;;. 1 .
YOUNG cmijde, no children, want fi-room
modern furnished or unfurnished bungalow
or hout-e ; references exchanged. AO Obi,
i r"X""iHn.
WANTED By couple, small house, with
electricity, gas and bath. AJ 717, Orego-
W HA T have you in four or five rooms for
permanent, cartful tinant? H ltu, Ore-
WILL PAY $40 up for it-roinn modern house
for ti mos. or longer; references. Marshall
7 si
WANTED TO RENT A house of six rooms
or moret by a 1 miple. Will take a lease.
Address J 303. oregonian.
WANTED Small furnished house or bunga
low lor two adults. Occupy it Oct. 1 or
15. 1-iest references. W 0U, Oregonian.
REF1NED young couple
home ; good run t fo
seek well furnished
right place; ref-
ei ences. A E .T.l. Oregonian.
WANTED To rent by young couple, no
children, small cottage or fiat or apart
men t. ( 1 liroad way 35U.
WANTED Ify two adults, small furnished
cot tai;e ; should be comfortable but not
pfffjsarily modern." V ."ir,n, . tregonlan.
FIVE ROOMS Partly or all furnished, $20
or per month, write ml,. Benson, ou. v
Albina ave.
WANTED To rent about a lO-room fur
nished house In lrlnKton, by responsible
pHrty. AC 14. Oregonian
WANTED To rent suburban home, modern.
on electric line, with option to buy. AO
olKi, Oregonian.
Olt 5-KOu.M furnished bungalow or -ot-taee,
before Oct. IO; reierences. Tabor
OR 6-KOOM bungalow or cottage, with
privilege of buying ; relerencea. Tabor
RY 1st of October, a or 6-room house
bun gai ow, iurmsnea or partly lurnisneo.
Call Main 2i:t4.
WANTED Furnuhed 7 or K-rooni house on
west side, October 1st ; two adults; will
give references. Answer D 664, Oregonian.
WANTED To rent a 5 or 6-room unfur
nished house or bungalow by a responsible
family of three. i. a.i fc.ast ;.J4
WOULD like a five
-room house ot
Mat, un lurnished ; 2 in
Marshall 2366, Sunday.
family. Phone
RESPONSIBLE couple want 4 or 5-roora
furnished house. Tabor bu24. D ll. Ore'
COUPLE want small furnished house in Ir
vington. Portland iteignts or similar dis
trict. D 6."6, Oregonian.
WANTED An unfurnished house or bunga
low in good neighborhood; responsible mid
d le-aged couple; no children. Tabor 6235.
HA V B you a 4 or 5 -room modern house to
rent to careiui tenanis; av u, uregonian,
5 OH 6-ROOM furnished house or flat, close
in. before Oct. lo. AJ iL'i. oregonian.
WANTED Small modern furnished house
In suburbs ; two adui ts. a Mi, oregonian.
WANTED Small modern furnished nous
flat by two adults. vfu oregonian-
UNFURNISHED 5 or 6-room modern house
or bungalow ry responsioie party. r. -ti.
WANTED To rent, furnished house In sub
urbs, with garage. Call Tabor 61:17.
WILL lease or rent 6 or 7-room furnished or
unfurnished, modern residence, 'tabor o43.j.
WANT TO RENT by Oct. 1, a 3, 4 or 5-
room modern iurnisnea apartment, or iiat;
no children : 2 bedrooms essential ; must
be in good district and reasonable; answer
In detail. A 644. Oregonian.
WANTED To rent furnished or unfurnished
2 or 3-room apartment or good house
keeping rooms ; must be good location,
west side preferred; ,2 adults. AK 663,
Or e gnnian.
REFINED lady wants small, clean, modern
apt. or quiet h. k. apt. west side pre
ferred; over 4 years at present place. H
172. Oregon lan. "
WANTED 2-roomed apt,, modern, by end
of month, for 2 ladles employed ; reason
able; west side: close In. D 660. ore
ponian. APT. HOUSE managers Young couple want
3 or 4-room apartment. Will be perma
nent. Best references. Occupation October
1 or 15. Y 41. Oregonian.
WANTED To rent furnished or unfurnished
apartment or flat for 3 adults; will lease;
bct of reierences. Tauor 7121.
WANTED 4 or 5-room furnished apart
ment, west side, for six months beginning
Oct. 1 or 15. Main tflMia.
STUDENT wants board and unfurnished
room near Benson trade school; must be
reasonable. AC 16. Oregonian.
WANTED permanently, high-class small
apartment, furnished or unfurnished. Ta
bor 7bi7.
BUSINESS couple want J or 3-room apt., or
modern H. K. rooms; walking distance.
Address- D 4.. Oregonian.
WANT imaU furnished apartment for lady ;
ready about October 5th. AF lbO, Ore
Ionian. WANTED An unfurnished apartment for 1
month ox lunger. iaat GObii.
5 REWARD I want a small unfurnished
apartment, all outside rooms. In a modern
brick apartment house ; nothing else con
sidered ; walking distance preferred. Will
fay S5 for information for the apartment
accept. Address AB 26, Oregonian.
WANTED To rent, four to eight-room fur
nished apartment, flat or house, with ga
rage If possible ; adults ;' state rent and
particulars frist letter. Johnson, 307 Title
& Trust bldg.
GENTLEMAN desires cheerful room In mod
ern home, with refined Protestant family ;
must be no other roomers; near Campbell
Hill hotel. Everett. Flanders or Irving sts.
preferred. A 646, Oregonian.
WANTED Bachelor wants apartment or
housekeeping suite with private bath and
entrance; west side preferred; must be olf
carllne. Address AN &46, Oregonian.
GENTLEM A N wishes comfortable room in
private home preferred, west side, walk
ing distance; stale price. F 551, Grego
nlin. REFINED business girl would like to share
apartment, not too far out. AF 176, Ore
gonian. WANT to rent room with breakfast served,
or small apartment; references given.
AJ 6Wi. Oregonian.
Wa KM. comfortable room, near -3d and
Washington sts., by teacher. Call Main
4iNj, between 7 and M P. M
EMPLOYED girl wishes room In private
family, good district, not too far out;
reasonable. AJ 728, Oregonian.
YOl'NG lady wants room, private family;
must be congenial. AJ 721, Oregonian.
HOUSE. 5 to 7 rooms, east side only.
1 15. Oregonian.
WANTED By a lady,
home 2 day's a week.
studio in private
AO 5sH. Oregonian.
A LADY wishes room In
Private family preferred.
private family.
Call East 2007.
Rooms With Board.
BY A refined and reliable gentleman, room
and board In st rtctly private family ; two
niea Is ; west side ; must have all modern
conveniences; state price; can furnish best
of references. Address T 22U .Oregonian.
WANTED Young woman with a small baby
w ishes
board at quiet place in country for month
or two. AE 4lu, Oregonian.
WANTED For two adults, room and board
in private family, C. S. preferred, or ex
clusive boarding house; must be well
heated and congenial surroundings. AK
Tf. Oregonian.
TWO ROOMS, furnished or unfurnished. In
private family, with board, for mother, 8
sturdy children, all under A years, where
there are no other boarders. Rose City or
Montavllla car line. F 543, Oregonian.
WANTED Room and board In private fam
ily for business man and his wife, west
side preferred and where there would be
no objection to small dog. C 231. Orego
nian. ROOM and board on west side for mother
and daughter, mother employed, daughter
of six years at school ; best home influ
ence for child required ; references ex-
changed AF 171. Oregoqlan.
BUSINESS woman desires comfortable room
with good board, October 1. Convenient to
Fourth and Oak ; references exchanged. X
so. Oregonian.
WANTED A home and best of motherly
care for two children 4 and 5 years; must
be on the west ide. Write particulars,
care AJ 7 It;. Oregonian.
BUSINESS woman of refinement wishes
furnished or unfurnished room with board,
would not object to congenial roommate.
X 77, Oregonian.
YOUNG LADY (employed) who appreciates
good hom, wants room and board, west
side; references furnished. HJ 5. Orego
nlan. HLSINESS man with two children, boy 12
yrs., girl 8 yrs., wishes home where chil
dren will be perfectly taken care of; ref-
rences. A K S4. Oregonian.
M 1 DDLE-AGED man, employed. wants
room ami board in private family. AO
fi!7. Or-gontan.
W A N TED lty young woman employed,
room and board in private family. Give
rh'ne number. AJ 7-7. OreRonian.
Li i S1.M-;S man ants room and two meals,
lrxlnston section; would like a garage;
state price and address AF 111. Oregonian.
WANTED Board and room for two", private
fa miiy and west side preferred. Ab la,
lio.VKD and room for boy of 10 years to at
tend sthool during winter lerdt ; I. S.
preferred. Phone Tabor i34.
STUDENT Hants room and board near Keed
-ollc;e. J 22, Oregonian.
WANT good home for a 1 1-year-old boy.
W rito A 11
TRAINED nurse wants room with private
family ; fond of children. I abor JUto.
Hmifef-keepinx; Knomt,
LADY emtdoved wishes small housekeeping
apt. In nic- nome w lie re boy 6 can be cared
fur dun 112 wurkliik.' hours: only near
s- hool, walking distance p referred. A F
1 ."iTi. Oregon itn.
oM A.N', employed, desires housekeeping
suite In pri vale house w here little girl
of 4 will have good care through day.
A 6.4, i regohian.
YoUNG COUPLE (employed) want 2 or 8
furnished 11. K. rooms with Karage on
place or near; not close in . prefer cot
tage. Majq 62L
WANTED Two housekeeping rooms, fur
uished, private bath, in the trinity o
Hawthorne school. Phone East 60 J 5.
WANTED Private garage. Phone
Khali 1523 between 7 and 9 P. M.
after FOR RENT.
Furninhed nooma,
A Modern Priced Hotel of Merit.
East Morrison and Sixth.
Hotel Clifford is the principal east side
hotel and is a hotel of dignity and refine
ment. $1.23 per day: two in room. $1.75
11 per week, S22.5U per month.
NICE room in return for care of two-room
apartment to lady employed, location' near
First and Main sts. Give occupation and
age. c 20S, oregonian.
427 W Alder St.. Corner 11th.
ElecanUy f urntsh:d. central location,
clean and orderly. Kates by day or week.
AN SON I A HOTEL 14th and Washing ion,
clean, respectable, modern, transient
up. permanent f4 up. Private bith $S.
HuTEL SAVON. 131 11th st-Tbetween Wsh
Ingtun and Aider; clean modem room $4.00
per week up; si per day up.
HARRISON HOTEL Good table board, S3
per week ; outside rooms per wk.. 92.00,
r ront and Harrison sts.
HOTEL OCKLEV, Morrison st. at Tenth
Kates (1 per day up; weekly, $4 up, run
nlng water, free phone and bath.
PALACE HOTEL, 446 Wash. St.: downtown
location, respectable and strictly modern
steam heat ; rooms large, clean.
FURNISHED rooms. Large, airy rooms, well
furnished, good neighborhood. 34 M. 21st
FOR RENT 1 large furnished room. Phone,
bath ; reasonable rent tw taitt 4UUi,
Tabor 461. Va block to Hawthorne car,
ELEGANT furnished front room for two
also single: running water, two blocks
from ce n tral tb ra r y. 2 1 3 1 2 tri at.
SLEEPING rooms for rent
steam heat: hot
and cold w a te r.
isewhall hotel. 402 E
HOTEL NOKK1S. 533 Alder Splendid out
side rooms, strictly modern. $J.0U up; with
private bam. o weeK. t ome and see
FURNISHED room, suitable for 1 or 2
tleinen. with bath: nne location. 133 12
st Broadway 317!.
FURNISHED rooms, suitable for a
man, furnace heat. 67 E. 9th
Wood law n t30.
st. N
Montgomery hotel, cor. k. 8th and k.
Morrison furnished rooms, S2.ii per wee
73c, $1 DAY: $2.50 week up; outside rooms.
Hotel Cadlilac 3d nesr Jefferson.
H I LLC R EST HOTEL Bulb, phone. $25 mo,
up: without bath, $18 up. 73 Washington,
SA RiENT HOTEL. 2m Grand ave.. h. k.
apt. and sleeping rooms. ast .jl.
- ROOM furnished basement apartment, 314
rt h st.. Harrison court.
WELL furnished suite of rooms; also single
modern, walking distance. .Main 1V26.
1 SLEEPING room, telephone and bath.
N. 2oth. Marshall Mj.
FRONT sleeping room. 2'.'o V Stark, 3d floor.
Call between 16 and l.
FURNISHED rooms, rent very reasonable.
153 Front st.
4 7T MORRISON, large or single, new, con
enient. front. and up.
1 FRONT sleeping room. rtO North 21t s
FURNISHED rooms for rent at 153 10 th
Htreet N.
I'nfurnlshed Room.
3 I'NFTRXTSHKD rooms for rent,
t MH E. Washington s
Furnished Room In Private Family.
ROOM In private family, modern fist, home
privileges to lady employed. Main 51 13.
mH Hoyt St., near 21st
ONE nicely furnished room In private fam
ily. Give references. Mar. 3616.
CONNECTING or single In modern home; J
gentlemen only. riroaaway .ton...
$)o PLEASANT well furnished room, walk
in g a is t anus, iwi diuuituiuuijr ah.
Furnished Koomi In Private Family.
FOR RENT, today, a large room sutt.ibte
for one or two people employed ; brig ht
and airy, short walk to business center,
electric lights, bath and phone, west tside,
reasonable. Marshall 34U for appointment
after today.
LA RGE, airy front room, we I furnished ;
1 smaller one, in quiet neighborhood. Sun
n side. All home comforts. pi-nty f
hot water for bath ; no chi Idren or other
roomers. Will serve breakfast if wantt-d.
11 i E. Salmon at., near 3uih. Tabor
FRONT room in modern home, 1 or 2; man
and wife or two schoolboys; no objection
- to ladies employee ; kitchen privileges it
desired. 5s4 E. Taylor st. Call a.l day
Sunday and after P. M. week d&.
East 1147.
ELEGANTLY furnished front parlor with
dressing room and sleeping porch suitable
for two gentlemen or ladies employed; ano
side room, west side, walking distance.
B roa d w a y 4 321.
ON E nicely furnished front room, modern
home, use of kitchen and laundry, home
prfvt;eges. 175 .id St. North. Taae 2od-t-treet
rar, get off at Juhnson.
Nicely furnished, homelike room with
grate ; close in. West Side. Gen t lenian
preferred.' Harrison. Phone Muin 45M.
ATTRACTIVE large living room witn disap
pearing bed, '2 closets, bath, use of kitchen,
to woman employed through the day. C S.
preferred. AE Oregonian.
ROOMS, en suite or single; fireplace, run
ning water, shower bath, fine home for
men or business women. AE 407, Ore
gonian. TWO front sleeping rooms in private family
for employed httiies; laundry and coi'kmti
furnished. 31ti East 7 til st. 1'hone Ta-oor
LA KG E, well furnished front room; Sunny
side; U minutes to 3rd and Morrison ;
suitable 2 girl or employed couple. (15
month. East 425t$.
2 ROOMS, furnished or unf urn i shed ; sleep
ing porch In connection, in pri ate home
on Lith near Stanton. East t330. School
teachers preferred.
Attractively furnished room, walking
distance, S block to car; men only; reler
ences required. Main 471 1.
WANTED Young woman employed to share
nice modern apartment. J. week. 1 ail
before 1 :0 p. M. Apt. G, -So Montgomery
st ret. Marsha 11 S.iJ.
COMFORTABLE sleeping room, telephone.
el ec trie lig ht and bat .1, per week. 1 U
17th. bet. :srnson and Yamhill ts.
OR RENT Beautiful home room, hot
water heat: can be used sleeping porch;
mrvf hrrakfast. Tabor 37o5.
Oil RENT 2 nicely furnished bedrooms.
private home, hot water, bath. otc. ; young
men pr"frred. phone East 3ttV
N ICE rajm for refined business girl w uh
all home conveniences, west side. Main
NICELY furnlshei rm. for rent to lady em
ployed, use of kitchen if desired, reason
able. East 71JH.
. A MONTH, sunny room. Wet Side, wa'.k
in distance, all conveniences imcn only).
Marshall 6olK.
Wol'.KING girls who would like & res:
home, with home privileges, please call r
71:!; cmld accommodate 4: rea.sonub.e.
H 1NUTON lesdrable room tn modern
home, alyo pura. 511 Tillamook st; cor.
12th. Plnne u l:!5.
FURNISHED rooms. S-i.r.
pr we.-k. Fre
Phone Main 344a.
phone, litfht and bath.
-7:ts 14th st.
44- TAYLOR ST. Oean. well furnished
sleeping room, suitable for 1 or 2 sent ie
mrT!: reasonable.
NEWLY furnished
fclrove room with or wtth
elso sinsi room; rca.'on
Main 7450.
out kiteheuet te ;
able. JrtJ lth.
ATTRACTIVE furnished room, clean, plenty
of heat, bat h. phone, walking d is 1 a nee,
west side. Main 47s7, Sunday only.
A ROOM furnished far above the avcrace;
good hr-aktat if ii slrea. Plenty ' heat
h nil hot w ir. Phone Tabor 251..
N 1 "E LY furnibed front room In
m swell
one or
pri at home. 115; mi! table for
two Knt it men. 71 Trinity place.
FOR R KNT Moan furms
Can. 512
apartment; water, llfihts
kM with kitchenette, modern home. Rose
t'ity Park, for woman employed. Tabor
A ).Y rvm. a i; c
m. walking
t., bet een
lima no. $ Ht moni h .
1 1 r-tnd and Sherman.
DESIRABLE room, attractive flat, near M-
hrnrv; lady employed; reierences. iain
N E WL V f urn:hed room. for ftentlem.m.
close in; b.uh and heat: near Lroadway
brtdjee. :i5 2 Rots st. En?t Sns.
TLEASANT room with home privileges to
rfinl woman, employed. Hawtnorne car;
rofer.-ncs. Tabor 12 2.
LA R. E front room with dresMHK room ;
b:h. phone, electric llsht. piano, modern
home. Nob Hill. Mar.
VY I l.L rent sleepmK room
tu woman . uw
3 Ross. 3 blocks
of kitchen. $' month. J-i
E ol 1 tro;td ny britl se.
i it. .1 I . i . , ' r
f. ire'd. Mar. 3732.
FURNISH ED room foi
rent at 427
'hone Marshall JWn.
FURNISH KD sleeping room, modern. 74i
Hall, nar Bdwy. Phone, bath. 3iain o ..
NICELY furnished connecting rooms for
2 or 3 pent lomen. 1 St 17th St.
LIGHT, cheerful room, refined family, wa.k-
ins; distance. Main -f
N ICEl.Y furnished niotn with or without
housekeeping; ; roasonable. iVi ito t
NK'ELY furnished front
wai Kin a; a is t a nee. l o
2 PLEASANT sleepiriK rooms for refined
men. close in. pnone imwy ;..
IRVINGTON modern room. 1 blka to I. or
B. Mr.'aKr:t?t. K.ixi 4 I z
FINK room
with breakfast, close in.
. Eat 3M.
water heal
ROOM for rent, $12
per month. Close in.
Main 1MIH.
BKAUTIFU L front room at 57 Trinity
place. block irom asningion i,
PLEASANT sdeepine room. Irvington,
In. Ka?t TMKI.
3 RooMS In shipyard district.
rent. Main 55..t.
f urn ished front room.
7'.1 K. Salmon.
warm and
WARM comfortable room near 23d and
Watdi. sts., by teacher. V .l. OreKonian.
DKLIGHTFl'L lare room, private bath. 2
refined people. I'hone Hdwy22to; clos-e in.
FRONT room for one gentleman. t57 Flan
tlers st.
NEAT 5 rooms In private family ; well
heated ; reasonable. Broadway 15fi".
FIRST-CLASS room in private family, suit-
able for two gentlemen. Phone .Mar.
FOR RENT Room In private family. 3;3
E. 44th st. S. Hawthorne car.
FU RN1SH ED rooms for rent, price reason
able, good family. 49 Davis.
FOUR unfurnished rooms, private entrance.
74 VauKhn st.
A CLEAN, well furnished room in a quiet
home. Mar. 4423. alter 1 P. M.
ROOMS for rent in private family.
Rose City Park. t 33 K. 47th st. N.
Ft KN ISHED bedroom
$ 2. 5 i u week. t'-' 2
modern Ilat,
PLEASANT furnished room close In ;
bath, phone; 4 to K. Clay. East 353.
rooms, walking distance. Main 3v3.
A LOVELY front room: must be ccn to o
appreciated. 71 Hoyt at. Main 2141.
i2 WEST PARK P'.eas-cnt room for a gen
tleman : nice location, w a Ik ing distance
ON E furnished room. Call 4 ." liroad way.
TWO gentlemen to room. Call Tabor ti:7.
Rooms With lion ro.
DAY NURSERY. 2.'.c a day. This Is a pri
vate home f-r choice children by mother
who have ill health, parents who both
work or mother who cares to have day
off for herself. Call 8b W. Park. Hroad
way 17s3.
NORTON I A HOTEL. Portland's downtown
high-class Iiml.y hotel: rooms rn suite
or singe. with or without boatd. for
fsml.tes and business men and women.
We give you all th comforts of a home.
R eagonable rates.
BOAR D AND ROOM Men only; home
cookng; strictly American; rates reason
able; close In. Grand ave. Hotel, 334
Urand ave., corner Mill.
ROOM S with board : excellent service ; bath
and all home privileges; very reasonable.
East MoO.
THE HAZEL Excellent tab.e; a real horn
taole at reasonable rates. Third and Mont
gomery. Main 7o4.
3SO lith st. For buslnests irtrls and
den ts ; reasonable rates. Maryhall 1 . I.
hOOM and board for business girls; all
modern conveniences; wal kin g distance; $4
per week. East 4732. 12 E, 7th st.
PARKVIEW HOTEL Rooms with board .
excellent table; ciose In. -io Uonti;uiiiery,
near Wtit Park.
ROOM AXD BOARD. 424 Fourth
venlent to X. W. shipyard.
IK oo mn With Koa r
32b lOTH ST. Well
cooking. All coav
R4ard In Private I anilly.
furnished rooms;
eui c lie ca
Rooms With Board In Private Fsvmibr.
WILL (rive rooms, with breakfasts. In &
nice, quiet home : also rent of garage, to
a conicenil couple, both empioed, at
reasonable rates; references. V 5 Go. Ore
CT n.
WITH BOARD. 1 suite of rooms, suitable
for man, wiie and large child, also one
large room, suitable for man and wife;
nictlv furnished, clean and very desirable.
Phone Main 42"t4. .
K00M and board for 1 or 2
cooking, home privileges,
board. 161 23d aL North.
men. Home
Also table
Phone Main
1 HAVE room for rent with board for one
month starting September U-; private fam
ily; .VI home cooking; Nob Hill district.
Bro;i ri way 34'.'3.
FI KST-OLASS board and room In atrictly
modern home; suitable for Phone Main
tl" NG working man to room and board;
small. conKwuat family of young people;
piano. Main i!S.
KoiM and biard In attractive apartment,
west side, for single pereon employed dur
ing day. S. preferred. Mar. Jtl!.
LADY living alone mill share beautiful home
with congenial couple, or will let rooms
to parties furnishing references. Wdln3o3L
A GENTLEMAN for room and board, home
cooking, phone and bath; walking distance,
ail for $H a week. Sua Clay.
HOARD snd clean, comfortable room for
-wo refined young men in widow's home.
Cnll afu-r 10 A. M.. 331 Market.
W 1 1 m v w ill care for children and room
p;irrit in her home, nice place. S 166,
EXCELLENT room and board, private farn
ilv. ir man and wif; references required.
75t K. Burnside. I'hone East 64K8.
WANT a child to board in a private home,
from 3 to 5 years; price $20 a month.
V 575. Oregonian.
HitKA K FAST. SELL. 121.'E M. OAMPRKLLh6mE. room with,
board, larg-. sunny room, hot -water heat,
private lavatory. Phone Main 42t5.
1 hlotk
D.vis st.
Children i
to school.
t boa rd
; good homo;
age. SSO E.
WANT children to board at pleasant coun
try home, near school. Write Mrs. Gooch.
f.::t Marshall st.. Portland. Or.
PLEASANT 3d -floor front room with or
without board. Private ; reasonable- K64.
LARGE outside room for two with board.
$7 week ; also stnge rooms, table board.
$ wk. 24 Main st.
Board and room
and t'rfsion school.
near Franklin high
Tabor 45S.
A PLEASANT front room for 2 gentlemen.
Close m. board if desired. 322 Broadway.
LARGE, well-furnished room with board.
7ol Irving st.
'E room, two meals. In flat for two men;
loso in. 544S 4th st.
FURNISHED with breakfast: running
w!.t in rooms; aduUs. Main WC1.
TO r.ils
r wim
t day.
suitable for
Sell. 1331.
people, 2
W ANT to hord children in my home: lsrsre
pl.iyirround. lots of fresh milk. Col- 755.
TWO R'ntlemen or married couple, home
orlv ll-p-s. nar garage. East 7149.
ai family
room with breakfast tn pri-
lo;o East Aldor.
ail lit
f u r:iihed 2 -room suite
I K. Pth. corner Alder.
with heat.
East 4-m.:L.
NICELY furnished room with board.
Idoi. Iway hrilice. 4'S Benton St.
W 1 1 A.
carf for fcmall child
r children. Tabor t'O
in my home ; no
i Rim M and bord in private home. 2 Cen
! tli-nifn. 57tf Ladd nve. Kast a33i.ii.
R i.MS, one up and one downstairs, with
hoiird. Tabor 42D.
i- urolfebed Apsruneoto.
Fifth snd Columbia Streets
Five minutes' wsjk zo Meier 4r Frank's
store; r ou surroundings, strictly modern.
2 and 3-room turn is hod apt a.; ai outside
w ith Kreneh doors and ba Icony.
IF YOU want to rent a very desirable pmall
apt. in new and exclusie apt. house and
u oul-i be in t crest ed in buy ins at a sub satin.: beautiful solid Jnho?any
: ur:mure which w a very rec ntiy pur
. l.iM-.j, phone Hast 740.
W ILL share my modern -room bunslow
with neat. ron Rental couple ; per
nioiit b. including plione. ltKbt and aas;
ei y c!oye in. kcrby t.
l7i-. 1 . K. A P A PA HT M 1-N T.
fompb : i v furmsfied ;i-rui apartment,
$15. iii.-lutiin? Iitcht. 1N7 IJtli st.. near
;i- k m M II . K. apt. : licht and as fur
niiiel ; f 25. also one s.eeplng room. $1
month. 54 Taylor st.
BK Al'TlFl'L 3 - room a pa rt m en t for ren t.
furniture for fale. 425 W. Park. Marsha. 1
7M- alter f,::iO P. M.
ON K or two cultured ladies to share apart
ment, lua Wheeldon Annex. Call even
in iz s.
, , j lil'VT.
i me 5in(C basement room for
ekeeping ; Avaion apt. Phone
KitM P-'i
ST AN Fl L I .!. 24 Porter at., modern
om ait., furnished, reasonable. Main
2- r
j l-tilt Kri.v l a-room
sonable: call today,
i Kist M4S.
furnished flat; rea
ls a B. Uth. Phone
NK.VTLY furnished 3-room apt.. steam
heat, llsht and phone; to lease spt. illO
M :i- k-t SI reet.
1 LARGE room and kitchenette and sleep
ing porch on first floor in private resi
dence, close downtown. 350 Saimos st.
1; A t t A G E and
Droaday 4ol.
furniture movinc; phone
Al"rt Transfer. 4114 Stark.
COM 1'I.ETK apartment. !!; concrete bide
Union ave, and Killinssworth.
TWO 3-ro-m furnish -d apartmcntM for rent
n N. 3 K. o'th st.. priee f2(. $35.
K ENT 2-room
C etohor. H 7S
furnifthed apartment
L - trtponian.
5 RCMS. mahogany; all outside; west side.
$.-,. Main 454s.
3- Rt k .M apartment for rent,
Olisan st. I'hone Mar. 117
furnished. 64
3-1 It m M furnished apt.
;iian. 21st st.
Marshall 197
pt iHTNu.M A H l-rotim. hardwood floors.
42 ': adults. 2i'd K. 13th.
FUItNlSHED 4-room apartment. 39 Trinity
ON H lai re 4-room furnished apt. Guild
apt. 2: and 24. Thurman and Vaughn sts.
3-Ht i
furnished apartment,
1 1th.
private bath.
M1ERN 3-room furnished cor. apartment.
I n furnifthed Apaxtmrnts.
SIX rooms, new apartment, including porch
and sleeping porch; may keep maehine In
bavement free. 121 Kelly st Take Ful
ton car to Flower St.; price 20.
THREE beautiful rooms, dining room, den
and bedroom. m-th kitchen privileges in
modern bungalow home, $23 per month.
Wdln. 2(Ht.
jK I AJ R EN ZO APTS.. 427 Salmon St.;
phone Main M7S; unfurnished 2-room apt.;
water. hKbt. phone; adults.
5llOOMS. motlern, all outside rooms, front
and back porch. 5ftl Gliyan.
Mi ide H N t;-room apt..
Main 7lt.
21st and Flanders.
I. A RG E bay window, housekeeping room.
lJ(i e ect nc lip hi. b.ith. 715 Everett.
MODERN 5-room flat for rent, and first
i Kim furniture for sale. App.y 310 Union
ave. North.
I'PPER flat. 3 rooms, outbid; gas mnge tn.
e le trie liKhts. sink. bath. 125. 567 Powell,
bet een 12th and 13th. Brooklyn car.
FI V E- ROOM flat. 131 s Corbet t t ; 20
month. John Singer, 420 Chamber of
4- Rtt iM flat, unfurnished. $1. Including
w-tter. garbage. Inquire 2 E. Taylor.
Furn1nei Flat
FIRN1SH ED 4-room flat t modern . first
I lour, : no chiitlren. Cail Sunday 10
to 1. 729 East Stark. Sunnyslde car ts
','oth st.
FoR KENT -Four-room furnished, steam
heated Ilat t2.i Main st. Inquire prrr. ies
S-mday. Telephf-r.e Monday. Main M3.
SIX rooms, clofte In. for a year or six
months. S21 Cham, of Commerce. E. W
Tabor 323.
3-room upper flat, garage.
Tt R ENT Five-room furnihhed fiat; plan
Kara ire. Adults only. Wood 1a wn 4t'&.
W" ELL furnished r-room low er flat; adulta
Mill and West Park. Main 7oU.
L PPE R 4-rm. furnished flat and sle
ooreh for rnt. ltOl Rodney ave.
LltiHT room, kitchenette, bath. tollt same
floor; employed couple only. 4Q2 Park.
ONE h. k
' Pi
room. $1$. sleeping room 39. 32ft
Housekeeping Room,
HOUSE KKEI'ING rooms. everything in
cluled. 4 por week. 271 N. 21sL betwek
N'nrth nip and Overton.
3-ROOM furnished, modern H. K. suite, 44
Uollege st.. west side, walking distance
ST. Min B24tt. Marshall 3S4H.
Lo V EL V larg1 suite of modern housekeep
ing rooms for H..' eek. 347 Market
a.rceL Xhea axe right.