THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, SEPTEMBER 21, 1919. HELSOH 15 ASKED TO QUITY.M.G.A. BOARD Refus-al to Dismiss Alleged Slacker Incites Action. LEGION'S DEMAND BACKED Manager of Astoria Packing- Com panv Unable to Eflect Settlement; School Board May Act. ASTORIA, Or.. Sept. 20. (Special.) The board of directors of the Astoria T. M. C. A. has requested ThomasTJel son to" resign as a. member of that board. This comes as a result of a de mand made by Clatsop- post, American Legion, following Mr. Nelson's refusal to discharge Hannes" Huttula, an al leged slacker-, in. the employ of the Union Fishermen's Co-operative Packing- company, of which Mr. Nelson is manager. At a reoent meeting of the T. M. C. A. board a resolution was adopted direct ing the secretary to ask for Mr. Nel son's resignation if the latter did not effect a settlement of the controversy with the legion before today. The legion today notified the Y. M. C. A. that no settlement had been .effected and its original demand still stands.. Apology Jfot Offered. A conference was held today by a representative of the city board of school directors, of whloh Mr. Nelson is a member; an officer of the American Legion, and Mr. Nelson to hear the' lat ters explanation of his reasons for not discharging Huttula when requested to do so. Their conference was wholly unsatisfactory so far as the school board and legion are concerned, and re sulted in no change in the situation. Mr. Nelson offered no apology but did say he would not employ Huttula in the future. He contended that the legion had been arbitrary and had act ed hastily in its demand upon Him, saying he believed the legion should not have asked him to discharge Hut tula until after the close of the fishing season. The representative of the legion dis agreed with this, saying the legion cannot successfully conduct its cam paign against slackers and undesirables when industrial plants continue to em ploy and protect those men. Mr. Nel son then stated he would seek legal advice before announcing what action he would take and the conference came to an end. School Doard May Act. Immediately afterward. President Hinman of Clatsop post, American Le gion, called a meeting of his executive committee. This committee agreed by an unanimous vote that the action, in asking Mr. Nelson to resign from all public offices he holds, shall stand and that no further action by the legion is necessary, as the matter is now wholly in the hands of the various or ganizations of which Mr. Nelson is a member. The chairman of the board of school directors was out of the city today but is expected to call a special meet ing of the board Monday to take defi nite action. was expended in getting legal title to the land. The state then erected a sawmill, which operated for a short time, while two tons of nails and a large quantity of iron were trucked to the site of the hatchery. Because o fthe alleged waste in leav ing the building materials exposed to the elements the citizens of Douglas county recently petitioned the fish and game commission to resume work. While in Salem a few days ago District-Attorney George Nauner of Rose burg 'Conferred with the governor re garding' the hatchery, and it was agreed, according to reports, that the master fish warden would be made to show cause why the improvements were abandoned and also explain why the materials purchased with state money had Hot been properly protected. TREATY DEBATE IS HEARD CIVIC LEAGtE ItXCHEON- HAS INTERESTING PROGRAMME. FILIBUSTERS ANNOY HOUSE CHANGE IN RULES FORESEEN BY MAJORITY LEADERS. Texas Representative Tries to Com pel Sessions to Start at 9 A. M. Members Busy Answering Calls. Charles C. Hart Is In charge of The Ore- gonian Xews Bureau at WaBhington. His office is at S'22 Klsprs buildinff. OREGON IAN NEWS BUREAU, Wash ington, Sept. 20. Change In. the rules of the house to expedite legislation and prevent personal filibusters is foreseen by majority leaders. Never until the present congress has the need of the change become so apparent. The awakening grows out of the antics of a member of congress from Texas, whose name is Thomas L. Blan ton. Mr. Blar.ton has not been able to get a'ong with his fellows, and, be sides, the noise he has been making is said to nave impressed some of the folgs back in Texas that he is a great fighter. Blanton ran for office first on a platform promise to make the haute meet in session every morning at 9 o'clock nnd stay in session all day. That sounded very god to the resi dents of west Texas, who, perhaps did not realize that the most tedious work of a member of congress is tak ing care of his correspondence, which much be done at his office. Blanton has not compelled the house to meet at 9 o'clock, but he has certainly kept members running to and from their offices to the capitol to answer quorum calls.. The worst of this i that it breaks into the time of those members who are on Important com mittees engaged in hearings on vital legislation. Besides all of the Inconvenience' to which they are put, it is figured that each roll call costs the taxpayers of the United States approximately $1314. Blanton has made the point of no quorum as otfen as four times in single day, which forced the suspen sion of business for an hour each time besides the heavy cost in money. In discussing this situation Repre sentative S. D. Fess, chairman of the national republican congressional com mittee, said: "When the house Is in committee of the whole a. second by two members should be required in order to compel the presenceo f a quorum while a bill is being read for amendment. A second of four members should be required during general debate." - B. F. Irvine Argues for Unqualified Ratification While B. F. Mulkey Present Negative Side. Resumption of regular luncheon meetings of the Oregon Civic league was marked by an Interesting debate on tlve topic: "Shall the peace treaty be ratified by the United States senate without modification or amendment?" B. F. Irvine spoke for 15 minutes on the affirmative, followed by B. F. Mulkey for 25 minutes in presenting arguments on the negative, after which Mr. Irvine consumed 15 minutes In re buttal. The debate was earnest and the speakers received abundant evid ence of appreciation from the mem bers and visitors of the day, of whom a large number were women. Mr. Irvine declared that . changes at this time would necessitate sending the treaty again to the council at Ver sailles and that it would cause con tinued chaos throughout the world; that if American demands changes all of the other nations will likewise ask for changes and modificatons that will make it a very difficult matter to reach any conclusions. Mr. Mulkey In taking the negative contended that the treaty as it now stands would subrogate the United States to the will of other nations, and said that "America would be bound and hog-tied" by its ratification! PERSIAN DEP IMCE E IS DENIED BY CM Treaty Held to Constitute No Protectorate by Britain. FREEDOM IS GUARANTEED PROMOTER GETS ONE YEAR Fraudulent Collection of Funds for Defense League Confessed. SAN FRANCISCO. Sept. 20 John H. Suits, a promoter, was sentenced to one year in the county jail by Maurice T. Pooling. United States district judge. here today, following his plea of guilty to a charge of defrauding through the mails in connection with the collection of funds for the National Defense League of California. Others indicted with Suits were Major J. B. Jeffery, U. S. A., retired; Mason L. William and Mrs. Alice 1. Rogers, field agents for the league in northern and southern California, re spectively. Major Jeffery, Williams and Mrs. Rogers were tried and the jury disagreed. They will be tried again next month. Timber Worker Crushed to Death. TACOMA, Wash., Sept. 20. Antone W. Dluhosh, 21, was crushed to death by heavy timbers in an Onolaska, Wash., sawmill last night, according to a special dispatch received here to day. One timber fell upon his legs. crushing them and throwing Dluhosh to the ground; and a second huge beam then fell upon bis body, causing instant death, the coroner declared. Robert Cavicchi of Whitman, Mass., in a party of 30 on a fishing trip, won the prlze-r-$6.50 offered for the larg est and the smallest fish caught. He caught a pollock that weighed more than 14 pounds, and also a diminutive fish that weighed little more than an ounce. League of Nations to Get Analysis of Pact Asia Declared In for Troublous Times. LONDON, Sept. 19. Great Britain's treaty with Persia does not constitute a protectorate of the latter country in any way, the only object of the agree ment being to Insure Persia an oppor tunity to work out her destiny as an Independent country, said Earl Curion. government leader in ths house of lords, at a dinner given here tonight In honor of the foreign minister of Persia. The speaker admitted there had been misunderstandings of the treaty, but said there was no ground for suspicion. An "era of chaos and confusion in ABia," was forecast by Earl Curion, who declared it would be some time be fore stability is restored in regions formerly dominated by Russia and Turkey. "When we speak of the independence of Persia," Earl Curzon said, "I con tend that the independence of Persia is a British as well as a Persian Inter est. Indeed, our main interest in Persia Is Its independence. We do not want Persia to be a mere buffer against our enemies. We want her to be a bulwark for the peace of the world and I can assure our guest he need have no fears upon that point. We shall respect the independence of his country. League Pact Not Igaered. I see it stated In some quarters that this agreement is a disparagement or deliberate neglect of the league of na tions. Articles 10 and 20 of the cove nant are supposed in some sense to have been ignored by us. "I would say emphatically, on behalf of my government and after a confer ence with his highness this afternoon, that both his.government and mine ac cept unreservedly articles 10 and 20 ot the covenant of the league of nation! and that we see in them nothing In consistent with what we have done. On the contrary, as soon as the treaty ot peace is ratified and as soon as the council of the league of nations comet into effective existence, it is the Inten tion of his government and mine to communicate the agreement to th council of the league with a full ex planation and defense of Its contenta Asia In For Trouble. "If I attempt to forecast the futuft nothing seems to me in this era oi confusion and chaos to be more certain than tha a time of great trouble and unforseen development lies before the continent of Asia. I doubt very much whether as a result of the war, we shall succeed in pacifying Europe, but whether we do so or not, I am quite certain we shall"' not for some time se cure stability in Asia. The break up of the two great empires of Russia and Turkey has left a vacuum in this area which it will take a great deal to fill with orderly settled elements." l I I I II ... l i i i i i in U..IIM. ii . ii mil nil ..ii in ..nil. i mm , L 1 .. - I .1 Ill- II Tf ji1FW, DAYS U Ti ill ""IttsJL Uym CIV concert I " Z2 MA U -flo OA i r-7, i THE JOY SHOW! Fnp TODAY tilZ'SSfal9" , UK M nji TPTAtTU NOTHING BUT FUN ! J : ( 1VI kJ S. I jrJlO. J AT i y MURTAGH'S SUNDAY PROGRAMME: 1 JUI. I "Gypsy Girt" Oliver G. Wallace r'r1' ' 1 1 " "Spring" Greig t "Beautiful Blue Danube" (Waltz) .....Strauss "Old Black Joe" Foster Ctrrt i rTrt "Ship Ahoy" Petrie V I AW I V yS. (A Medley of Nautical Melodies) U'.".':.""- 1 fT Y J ON OUR $50,000 WURLITZER ORGAN r -" -- -: "I"--, -f- s??rrri 1 M&n Found Dead in Old Shack. BELLIXGHAM, Wash., Sept. 20. The body of a man thought to be Walter Smith, 38, who fought in the war with the Canadian forces, was found today in an , old shack along the Oreat North ern railway tracks a few miles north of here. Papers on the body bore the name and Indicated enlistment was made at Victoria in June, 1916, and that he was discharged at Vancouver in March. 1919. JIII1I1III3IIIIIIII1II1IEIIIIIIIIIIIIII1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1II11IIIIIIII1IIIIIIIIII1IIIII11IIIIII1I1L !; jr-'-t&s, i..-.,r , . . ,' .-4-- K .-VlS.:r! --fSXMi . - C05IING SATURDAY HATCHERY WASTE CHARGED DOUGLAS COrXTY ASKS WHY .IMPROVEMENT WORK STOPPED. Building Materials Left Exposed to Elements, Allege, Complaints Filed With Governor. SALEM, Or., Sept. 20. (Special.) Complaints have been lodged with Gov. ernor Olcott with reference to the al leged waste of money and material in the improvement of the state fish hatchery on the North Umpqua river in Douglas county; Several years ago, it is charged, the state legislature appropriated $6000 to Improve this hatchery. At that time it was planned to erect additional buildings, construct a new dam, and install new racks. Upon making the appropriation, the state proceeded to condemn property needed for the Im provements and considerable money New Jewelry and Silverware Are Arriving Daily The style and charm of these latest designs appeal to the artistic temperament of every man and woman who appreciates the beautiful in jewelry and the sturdy, handsome patterns in silverware. They Are All Buying Diamonds There is no one class that the sale of diamonds is limited to. More and more people have the money with which to invest in diamonds, and so the demand grows. It will be a pleasure to have you inspect our excep tionally fine stock. LA. & C. Feldenheimer J Jewelers Silversmiths Opticians WASHINGTON STREET AT PARK Established 1868. riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiBitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiisiiiinriiiiirt Multnomah Hotel Where Home Comforts Abound Portland, Oregon 113 jCllLdtfrrfrff? " Al T3i'&j"ircli& beau u-aiace ceamiiui Elegance and comfort combine make enjoyable your stay at e Multnomah. 600 cozy rooms. tiful mezzanine floor and r. and superior service at nable rates, rage in connection. Eric V. Hauser, President A. ii- Campbell. Manager , i v y- . j j , "H r hart ; j " r;"?f'"'""'i;n . Right Off the Bat Pershing- Pa- J : ( V l DAT IT 17 rade in New York Cardinal Mer- I . Aiirii cier Visits the Capitol Boston ( I Minimum ii m hi wm i.mmm T, Ctrilra i' 1 mrCFIV President Wilson on J frTf if Tour -QL 1 HAROLD LLOYD NEWS 1 tt " Un i-.,'i Pirn iii iiiinal'H ': IN j ,1 , I, i, r,.... ...II J . . J A .fl 111 ir I W A Sure Fire, Fast Comedy 1 fefe . . 3 IS irin SEE Harvey Wells & Company Fire, Riot, Explosion Insurance Sixth Floor. Gasco Bldg. Phone Main 4564 Might Preparatory School Save Time If yon cannot attend day Preparatory School, then The Y Preparatory Night School offers your best opportunity to get ready for college. Classes now forming. ENROLL DIMEDIATELY Y Preparatory School, Office 416 Y. M. C. A. Building, Sixth and Taylor