THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND SEPTEMBER 21, 1019. 15 l"OR SALE. Furniture lor Sale. CLKAN'-UP BARGAINS IN SLIGHTLY LrSKD KL'RMTl'KK, STOVES. ETC. W SI. GADSBV SONS, Kirs i and Washington Sta. "CJiidsby Selld lor Less." Good iron U-ds, all sizes, value $7..0.$ .75 tjood bed (springs, all sized, vulue $5.50 1.75 4-pieco parlor suite, in pood condi tion. Viiiue $ot.5u 17.50 Combinatio l bookcase with bevel mirror, value ?.;h.0u 1S.50 Mantel bed, white enamel finish, value $7..0 IU.Sj Singer reiving machine, good value, goes for 14.85 Bifeseli's vacuum carpet sweeper, value $1S 6.50 Solid oak revolving office chair, value 2r 10.50 Buf f At. good bevel mirror, value -l.50 17.50 Large library table, good as new, value $11) 50 12.50 Solid oak hall rack, good mirror, value $ 4.t5 40 yards good quality Inlaid linoleum, sold new 2.3o yard, all for 16.00 Good steel ranges, all makes, as low as 21.50 Good seel ct ion of heating stoves, all sizes, as low as 3.00 WM. GADSBY & SONS, First and Washington. WOMDERfUL BARGAINS. 1 quartered daveuport, Monday only oo, and a bargain. 2 oak roll-top desks, $25 and $30. Brass child's crib in very fine condi tion; special $20, worth $J5. 6lid Monarch steel range; a snap, $45. A very fine selection of rugs In all sizes; $5 and up; eoine very fine values. Select your new or used heater now, "before prices go up; a very fine selection to choo&e from at prices amazingly low. About 20 single Iron beds, springs and mat tresses, very reasonable. Very fine Jewel side oven gas range ; special for this week only i kllvb ftknitt:re CO, 192 First Street. FTJRNTTTJRE FOR LESS. Take advantage of our low prices on anything in the line of home furnishings. We need the cash and are sacrificing thousands of dollars worth of line fur niture, rugs, heaters, ranges at the whole sale cost and less. Second-hand goods would cost you as much if not more. Cume In and Judge for yourself. Liberty Bonds Accepted. PELDPTETN FURNITURE CO.. 174 1st, Cor. Yamhill. BUCK'S PIPBLESS FURNACES. . We now have the demonstrating sam ples of these popular furnaces ready for your inspection. Look at others. but for your own sake don't buy until you see ours. Special f eaCures : Hot-blast fuel saving device, one-piece firepot, auto matic humidifier, no cleaning out, ash sprinkler prevents dust. No other fur naces have some of these features; and the price and terms are right. Call and see them. GEVTRTZ FURNITURE CO. THE BIG STORE. All Under 1 Roof. No branch Stores. 1S5 FIRST ST. Remember, 2 Doors From Tamhill Public Market. MTST SELL at once for principal reasons, these goods : were not used : 2 beds, sprin gs. mattresses. 1 fine steel range. 2 heaters. 1 0x12 Axminster rug. 1 9x12 wool fahric rug. 1 breakfast table. 3 comforters. No Dealers. Call 44S Liberty st. Wood lawn. Woodlawn car. FINS. ALMOST NEW CASCADE RANGE. 18-inch oven thermometer, plain nickel trimmings; only used a few weeks; pol ished top and a splendid coil ; $35 worth of range for $6. set up and connected Easy terms. We charge no interest. GEVl'RTZ FURNITURE CO. THE BIG STORE. All Under 1 Roof. No Branch Stores. - 185 FIRST ST. Remember, 2 Doors From Yamhill Public Market. OWL FURNITURE CO. SELLS FOR LESS. Iron beds ...$2.50 and up. Springs $1.00 and up. Mattresses ..$.50 and up. Dressers $:.0 and up. Chairs $ .75 and up. Dining tables. . 5-t.oO and up. Center tables. .$ .75 and up. Rockers $1.50. Cook stoves. . .$!.00. "WL FURNITURE CO.. lfifi-168 1ST ST. USED B ED DAVENPORT, OA K FRAM E, covered in tapestry, with mattress at tached; In first-class condition; $45. Easy terms. No in teres t charged. GEVL'RTZ FURNITURE CO. THE BIG STORE. All Under 1 Roof. No Branch Stores. 185 FIRST ST. Remember, L Doors From Yamhill Public Market. COMPLETELY furnished 4-room bungalow, purchased new last November; sell entire lot, including two bedroom suites, dining room table and four chairs, two arm rock ers, cook stove, odd china and silverware; price $v500; Victrola and hall lamp extra. Sell wood car to Lafayette st. 728 East 14th street. 6 HEAVY solid oak dining room chairs, table, china closet, solid mahogany li brary table, stand, writing desk, beaut: ful piano lamp, shade and other furniture; better than the ordinary. Call Sunday be tween 11 and a. Carmelita apts., 405, cor. 13th and Jefferson sts. OFFICE desks, roll tops, typewriter and fiat-top, from $14 up. OWL FURNITURE CO. Sells For Less I60-IOS Fi-st St., Near Morrison. S-PIECE parlor set. 1 settee. 1 rocker. 2 chairs, 1 bed. spring. mattres. pad ; 3 pillows, blankets, 2 baby buggies and 1 sulky. 4 sewing machines. Singer, White. Wheeler & Wilson, Domestic, washing ma chine. 101 E. 18th st. SOLID oak davenport, upholstered in the real leat her and craft; regular $75 our special. $ 4. OWL FURNITURE CO., Sells for Less. Ififl-lfl8 First St.. near Morrison. ONE o-burner gas stove, with oven, $18; and one Humphrey gas water heater $15; party leaving city; nobody home Sunday. Call Monday evening. Lfrt6 E. 24th st. South, hi block from Hawthorne ave. DON'T sacrifice your furuiture if going east or to California. We can save you money on your freight in our through cars. Fire proof Storage. C. M. Olsea Transfer A Storage Co.. 248 Pine st. TAPESTRY overstuffed massive rock or with cushion. $40 value : special price $22.50. OWL FURNITURE CO. Sells for Less. lft-lflS First St.. near Morrison. FOR SALE Furniture and household goods, several beds, dresser, rues, tables, 1 solid oak dining room set, 12 pieces in perfect condition, splendid buy. Call Main 6413. NOT having any further use for mv fine mahogany piano I will sell at a sacrifice. Inquire 1017 E. Broadway, bet. 3Kth and 87th sts. HOUSEHOLD furniture and office desk and chair for sale cheap. 4S0 19th st. Council Crest car to Clifton. FOR SALE Large, heavy display table snd 2 chairs, $o. Apply 150 Uth st., room 307. Marshall 3030. TWO golden oak dining room sets, one gol den oak library table ; also blue Brussels rug. Phone Tabor 43S4. FOR SALE Eleven fat laying hens, one fine cockerel, Leghorns. 2(ili East 49 th. Tabor E355. SOLID oak round dining table, 54-Inch : 6 solid oak dining chairs to match; also china cabinet, mirror back. , East 574. 5 ROOMS of good fumed oak furniture cheap; good range; no dealers. 218 X. Jersey St.. St. Johns. FL" R NIT URE for sa le 2 dressers. 2 beds, go-cart, other furniture for half price. Call Monday. 1214 East Belmont. FOR SALE Fixtures for restaurant, com plete, cheap if sold at once. 106 X 6th st. Phone Broadway 13QS. FOR SALE Rocker and couch. " upholstered Imitation leather, also kitchen table. Phone NM. 401. FOR SALE Dining1 room furniture, refrig erator, beds, mattresses, etc. 715 Han ock. corner 2lst. Apt. 1. GOO' gas range, heating stove with coil, congolium rug 9x12. kitchen table. Main 7413. A BPRKET & GAY brown rnahoganv Adams chit fouler ; alsy a mahoga nv four poster bed and springy. Call East 444S. 5-ROOM HOUSE, furniture for sale, for rent. 1003 Minnesota ave. house Fl'RNIT U R E AND HOUSEHOLD EQUIP ME NT CHEAP. 248 13TH ST. FURNITURE for sale. 680 E. 4th N. Phone Tabor 8303. t-ROOM house for rent, furniture for sale. -4one by piece. 434 4th st. SOLID OAK buffet for sale. Call East 7304. call at 857 Clackamas st. EAUTIFUL furnishings of 5-room bunira low, like new; will sacrifice. Tabor 7121. TO savs money on furniture, stoves, go to 1U1 Second st. FOR 6 AXE. Furniture for Sale. WE SPRCIAU7B IV COilPl.KTE OUTFITS. HERS IS ONE WE ARE FEATURING NOW. Four f ll'M.75, m-nt m. rooms furnished complete for on easy montnly or weekly pay- j-riy :irwcie onna new. -hole Windsor steel nrura w itn iR.lnch oven and larpe fuel-saving firtbox, a runee made for keeps and guajnteed a fine baaer. 1 folding drop-baf ;able. 2 kitchen ch.iirs. 45-inch round oininj table, H solid oh.; dining chairs. . H to.vcoleum art car P 4-iiich plank rim roCul oak library table. 3 comfortable royal oak arm rot-kern. 1 lixl;: Kobe rug, 1 2-inch continuous post bed with heavy fillers, any finish. 1 well slippy tu -j. ring, 1 combination mattress in fancy art tick wjth mil edo-es. 1 lovely ivory dresser with French plate """" mm.i x Japanese Deo. room rug. al lor $119.75. MISH FURN ITUR E CO.. 18-19" Flrtt S5t. FURNITURE of 20 rooms sacrificed. Forced to vacate by Oct. 1. Will sell all or part to ruit: Solid oak dressers, $10 to 1S; oak wardrobes and chiffoniers, library tables and stands, rugs, xl2, and car pets. $10 to $18; davenports, $18 to $44 (worth $.m each); oak. dining tables, kitrhen tables, cupboards, English break fast tables, oak rockers, plain and up holstered chairs, ice box. co-sl heaters $t;.5u, wood heaters, gas heaters, good fcas ranges $12.50. gas plates, oil heaters. Hcosier cabinet only $25, sanitary folding bod. and couches and pads, iron beas, springs and mattresses, pillows and bed ding, dishes,' cooking utensils, slop jars, bric-a-brac, furnishings, etc.; many other articles too numerous to mention. 471 M'Ti ibon. Broadway 25C9. YOU WILL FIND TT PROFITABLE TO aTTKXD this great HEATER SALE. A large stock of new heaters bought when prices were low and also a carload of new heaters slightly damaged in ship ping enables us to save you at least 25. You'll find wood, coal, gas or combi nation heaters, any stylo and size you uaut at the price you want to pay. Prices beprin at 1.50. Er-- terms. M1SK j'URXm'RK CO.. lHb-K'O First St. HERE you h ave a chance to buy a real bargain. Everything in furniture. Low expense, small profit. We have a lot of beds, very good and clean, from $2.50 up. Springs, J2 up. Mattresses, $3 up. Chairs, $1 up. Rockers, $2.50 up. Dressers, $ lo up. Rugs, all sizes, $7 up. Dining tables. 58 up. UNITED FURNITURE STORE! 173 First Street. DON'T MISS THIS BARGAIN. LIBRARY TABLES. We have a wonderful assortment of library tables In William and Man-, colo nial. Queen Anne. CmmwelUan. mission and Adams designs, rnahoganv. oak or walnut. jii any ut'sin-u itnisn and of lifetime con struction. The wide range of styles means that you can fird the very table you hae long wanted and terms to suit your convenience. Prices begin at $7.50. MISH FURNITURE CO.. lb.S-l'ju First SU BEDS, SPRINGS AND MATTRESSES AT A BIG SAVING. $16.50 massive 2-tn. post steel beds with large lilling rods, all colors. $10. &5 $5.75 wood frame supported springs.S ii.35 $:.50 guaranteed steel springs $ u.!5 $1:0.50 double-deck coil springs $17. 'J5 $55. mi iinest quality silk IloKs mat tress, best grade of art ticking. .. .$23.85 FELDSTE1N FURNITURE CO., 174 1st St., Cor. Yamhill. 2-INCH CONTINUOUS POST beds. We have Just received about 50 of these popular beds In all finishes white, ivory and bronze and through rough handling in transit some of them are slightly scratched; all brand new. and we will pass the allowance we got from the railway on f o you. While they last. $13.50 each. Easy terms. No in terest. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. THE BIG STORE. All Under 1 Roof. No Branch Stores. 185 FIRST ST. Remember, 2 Doors From Yamhill Public Market. THERE TS NO NEET OP PAYING HIGH PRICES. Let lis show you our splendid Tine of nw and used ranges; we have any kind of range you want; gas, coal, wood or combine tion, at prices with'n your reach and sold on the easiest kind of terms. Prices: bctrln at $14. M.ISH FURNITURE CO.. 138-190 First St. SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEK ONLY. Cotton felt mattresses, weight 43 pounds, resular for $14.25; coil springs, regu lar $18, for $14: round dining table, solid oak, regular :t0, for $liL'.50. Big reduction on heaters. UNITED FURNITURE STORE, 1 73 First Street. YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD. MAKE YOUR OWN TERMS BARGAIN TN MONARCH RANGE. Slightly used Monarch range, polished top. for $63. We also have other ranges at low prices. GEVL'RTZ FURNITURE STORE. 205-207 1st st., bet- Taylor and Salmon. UNITED FURNITURE STORE, 173 First Street. Biff reduction, davennort. solid on lc tk for 45 ; large William and Mary library fiu, mr .i; genuine xeauier rocker. $37. for $2b.50. A I..ARGE selection of beaters, new or used. for wood or combination ; several Howard neaiers. our prices a re right. OWL FURNITURE CO. Sells For I..ess 10o-1uS First St., Near Morrison. HALF PRICE. 64 -pound electric irons, brand new. reg uiar 91 vaiue ior ,"o. MISH FURNITURE CO., 1SH-HMJ First St. MAHOGANY, curly birch and oak; also dooks 01 every description, new. old and rare; many choice pictures. These things must be sold this week. You can get jour cimurfu a sman iiurary ior a song C. If. Sholes, Hawthorne ave. and 67th st. ssOLID OAK large size library table. In the finest or condition ; looks like new; wax iinisn, ior oniy OWL FURNITURE CO. Sells for Less. 1Q0-168 First St.. near Morrison. 1 USKD electric washing and wringing ma chine, in good running order, at $25 ; 1 bargain. First come, first served. 1 hand vacuum cleaner, almost new. at $5; sells at stores for Ho. Snap. Call Monday, Mam oiu. MAHOGANY frame settee, Spanish leather seat, also chair to match. Call 778 Irv ing street, west side, or phone A 7o24. No dealers. FURNITURE of a 6 -room house for sale hi'U&e for rent; income of 2 rooms pays rent; waiKing distance, aid js. uawy. WILTON rug 0x12. for $50; beautiful oak dresser, French plate mirror, J.t5. Phone Broadway 4fi&4: MO KRIS chair, carpet, velvet suite, wood neater, ironing Doara. -u-i owtn su hi Hawthorne car. TO save money on furniture, go to 101 Second st. stoves, etc FOR SALE Child's brass cot almost new, child s sulky. Phone East 6485. CHILD'S bathtub, baiHnet (large size) with p-. lit tress; clean, sanitary. iast J3. SOLID oak carved rocking chair, solid oak library tame, enma cioset. Marshall 571. RUUD gas header. 304 Benton st. Call East KITCHEN range, t.i hie. Sell. h02. rug 9x12, oak folding FURNITURE of 10 rooms for sale, bouse tor renu .1 11 loue. FURNITURE for sale, flat for rent. leaving city. 053. E. Morrison. WILTON rug. Lincoln st. almost new, &xl2. 1151 E. FOK sal.u uining taDie, chairs, vacuum sweeper. t- st. larsnau 2y3. FOR SALE Modern 6 rooms furniture; leav ins ior east. ;ru rroni street. HEATING stove for sale cheap. Tabor 1736, HEATERS, ail kinds. 191 Second st. FURNITURE for sale Call Tabor 260. FURNITURE for sale. Call 1594 E. Hoyt. HEATERS, all kinds. 101 Second st. FOB MLR. Furniture for Sate. MAKE! BOTH STDEfl OF TOUR DOLLAR TALK. We are pleased to call attention to our many patrons that we are now In bhape to supply vour uants in good used houe furnishing' well as hotel and rooming bouses. We Just purchased 67-room hotel outfit which ha been in use but a snort wmle. We particularly call your attention to our big line of new and used heating stoves, ell sizes and styles at very moder ate prices. We herewith quote a few of the many low prices for the fall trailer Wilton Rug. 9x12. pood as new. original price $5. our price $52.50; many ethers In good shape a low us $10. Dining room tables, round or square, as low as $7.5'. Ranges, $20 up. Jacobean dining room table. 54-Inch top with six leather scat chairs, good aa new, ordinal prjci $135, our price $.". First-class slightly usod quills, blankets, sheets and bedspreads at very low prices. 2 large Round Onk beaten in good con dition, regulp.r price $1.15 our price Ss5. Electric coffee mill, could be operated by hand or power, cost new $205, our price i5 Many usefur articles too numerous to mention. City orders promptly attended to. Country trade solicited. LEVIN HARDWARE FURNITURE CO., 221 Front St. OKI FURNITURE CO. Jif.t-ll 2d St. SPECIAL SALE. $55 Davenport . . .$45.00 HI Davenport 41. OO $75 Minnesota aew'g machine. ;i5.uo Small roll -top desk 17.50 Kitchen tables LOO and Up Square dining tables. ....... 3. 'Ml and up Iron bed and spring H.50 and up Gas heaters 1.50 and up Electric heaters 6.50 and up Wood heaters .............. 5. oO and up Gas range 9.00 and up Cooking stoves 8. (to and up All kinds rugs, carpets and linoleum, also cooking utensils for sale very cheap. Free delivery. 40 blocks. USED RANGES FOR LESS. We have about lOO usd ranges to se lect from and we guarantee them the same as others guarantee new ones. Un less our experts pronounce them satis factory, we do not place them on sale, and unless you pronounce them satisfac tory, we make them good. We have them as low as $20. Easy terms. No interest, and a year to pay. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. THE BIG STORE. AH Under 1 Roof. No Branch Stores. 185 FIRST ST. Remember, 2 Doors From Yamhill Public Market. SAVE MONEY ON YOUR HEATER. We offer over 200 heaters at a saving of from 15 to o0. Get one now, it will pay you. $l."i.5o wood heater $14.7." $14.00 wood heater $111. S5 $::2.50 wood heater $J4.50 $2tV) combination heater $.'1 ,s5 $-5.O0 combli ation heater $2ti.U5 FEL OSTEIN FURNITURE CO.. 174 1st St.. Cor. Yamhill. BUCK'S UNION - MADE COMBINATION ranges lead the world. Bake in tbe oven with coal, wood and gas. Save space anil expense. Warm kitchen in win ter, cool In summer. Only one stove to clan. We have them from $100 up. Easy terms. No interest. We take your old range or gas range in exchange. Balance easy. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. THE BIG STORE. AH Under 1 Roof. No Branch 5 tores. . 185 FIRST ST. Remember, 2 Doors From Yamhill Public Market. RUGS! RUGS! RUGS! LESS THAN THE WHOLESALE COST. For Monday only we place on sale 35 regular $41 9x12 tine A xm ins ter rugs of the choicest colorings and patterns. A second-hand one would cost you as much. Onlv one to customer. S".3.75. FEL OSTEIN FURNITURE CO.. 174 1st St., Cor. Yamhill. BIG AND MASSIVE CIRCA SHLi N WAL NUT DRESSER AND CHIFFONIER to match, in the very beautiful big grain rd walnut. Swell front, with heavy plate-glass mirrors ; $15o for the two pieces. This is about half the new price and they are in splendid condition. Easy terms. No interest. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. THE BIG STORE. All Under 1 Roof. No Branch Stores. 185 FIRST ST. Remember, 2 Doors From Yamhill Public Market. M'KOLP "BED DAVENPORT AT A GREAT BARGAIN. It's the kind that holds a full thick ness and bed clothes when folded, the fmme i colonial design In ejuarter-saw-ed oak, wax finish. The chase leather seat w as torn very slight Ty in shipping; we have repaired It neatly snd reduced the price from sO to $5 .M. Easy terms. MISH FURNITURE CO.. 18S-19H First St. USED GAS RANGES AT VERT LOW prices. We cannot commence to specify them all, but here are a few examples : Vulcan hih-side oven. 4 burners and broiler, $30; A. B. gas range, side oven and broiler, white splashers, $35 : others as low as $15. Easv trms. No interest. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. THE BIG STORE. All Under 1 Roof. No Branch Store. 1S5 FIRST ST. Remember, 2 Doors From Yamhill Public Market. MISSION DAVENPORT. It measures 6 feet In length and has loose seat and 3 loose cushions in bark, made of the very best grade of brown Spanish leather; it will lend dignity to your home and only cost you $37.50. Easy weekly payments. MISH h URNTTTTRE CO., lS 100 First St. LIBRARY TABLE SPECIAL, Solid mahogany library table which should sell for $75. Two days only, $37.50. Call at once. GEVURTZ FURNtTtmE STORE, 205-207 1st st bet. Taylor and Salmon. ENTIRE furnishings 8-room house; also two ciining room sets; porcn swing, other fur niture; rugs. Monday Main 0012. Poultry. PULLETS We offer you Barred Rocks. White Uyandottes. Black Oroitigton and Rhode Island Red pullets. $1.25 to $2.50. according to age and strain. North west Poultry corp., bJd iu 7Jd to 74th ave. Southeast. 7-MONTHS-GLD Barred Rock cockerel, yearly egg records in pedigree 240 to 2nS erfgs. $4 each now, or will book order and deliver in January at $10 each. Eugi-uia vomers, tjorvauis, or. WHITE Leghorns, pedigreed Flemish Giant rabbits, cneap; ij-n. p. gasoline engine; must sell at once. Sellwood car. 1670 E. 23d st. KELLARSTR ASS Orpington cockerels worth sell for $2.oO; a pullets $1 esch; 4 Peer less Ancana cockerels worth $5 each. $2; 14 laying hens $1.75. 5005 42d ave. S. E. FOR SALE A few Indian Runner ducks. tne hnenin pencilled variety ; great lav era. 2101 East Stark St., corner of 84th street. 17 MAY 1 Barred Rock chickens and two grown hens, laying, about 12 pullets among the 17; chickens not thoroughbred. 1591 East Gllsan. SUCCESSFUL poultryman with 1000 fine. breil-lo-lav write leciiorn nens and lets. equally divided, wants partner. What have you? A V ttb4, oregonian. FOR SALE Sicilian Buttercup hens and pul lets, tnorougnoreds. Jail Tabor 7393. all day today. Week days before 8 A M. or after :30 P. M. FOR SALE 12 well-bred Barred Rock cock erels. 100 E. 93d st. 3 blocka E. M. V, depot. O. A. Bryan. FOR SALE Pullets. H. I. Reda. White Leg horns; also fryers; apples, cheap. Barr lid., east of ;raig. iriox 14. Tabor 7271. WE WILL pay you highest cash price for April. May- hatched pullets, any breed. N ortn west r-ouitry t-orp., ients. ur. t A C rnrkr1 and Vil tr F n r 1 1 V .Iruln also 7 Flemish Giant rabbits. Sellwood 257 4. PL'RB-BREO year-old laying white leghorn hens, $1 up. 149U iast btu st. N., near Woodlawn scnooi. 4-MONTHS-OLD chicks for sale, betts st. 1213 Tlb- YOUNG thoroughbred white Leghorn layln g hens ana puneis. rteeves, ooi n,. sotn ri I WAN T pullets, any br e d A . . filler. 165 Miss., ave., Wdln. 37 after 6 P. M I WANT white leghorn pullets. Call Bdwy. 3;;il Sunday: call weekdays after 6 P. M, FOR SALE Five ' Cornish chickens. 4-months-old Tabor 1070. English Dl'i'K HUNTERS Mallard csll ducks for sale. Tel. Woodlaw n li'25 aftr 1Q A. L R. L R. LAYING hens; portable single chicken house ana wire run. Tabor 4J&7 XLL R fryers, 75c each. Tabor 7202. FOB PAIR. Foul try. PREVENT POULTRY DISEASES That's cheaper and more profitable than curing them; spray your poultry houses regularly with Pratt's Poultry Disinfectant. Inex pensive, jafe. powerful. On gallon rnuKes 5u gallons of disinfectant solution that kills disease Kerms. drives out vermin, makes everyt hlng sanitary. Guaranteed. old by f?rgt-claws dealers everywhere. CHECK MOLTING TIME LOSSES Loss of layers from wcaknece and fxposure ; loss of money from long weeks when bens don't lay. Give your birds Pratt's Poultry Reg ulator to invigorate them, shorten the mlt, get them laying weeks earlier. "Vour money back if YOU are not satis fied." See the Pratt dealer today. told by first-class dealers everywhere. - loga. Rabbits, Birds. Pet Stock. FOR SALE bytheMohawkKabbitryA Ken g neia. 1521 Ashbury fl, Indianapolis, Ind.. high-clas rabbits of all breeds; Guinea pics, ferrets, plufona, nunilrif dogs and blooded does- liaise stock for us ; we fur nish t he breeding stock and buy back all you raise ; send for prtcea and terms, lor for booklet and circular. A WONDERFUL offer to the right person with rinht place Wanted: A kteper and caretaker for a amaii herd of splendid Swiss Murine n milk Kats: c.ilion nitlm-rs and belter; registered. full -blood billy ; all on a Mrofit-stiaring basis. Give loca tion, address and phone number. W 552, OroKomun. RAISb! RABBITS FOR M E T We have Belgians. New Zeal lnd Flemish Giant. English Up Ears and White KnfflUh, all ages and iz- . utility stock as well as fancy pure-bred. Write for prices and catalogue. Kouilcdg a Seed St Floral Co., 145 Second st.. Portland. Or. ORE VOODK EN N ELS. Sensation Pilot II at stud; weight 11 lbs.; A. K. C. 2CO2; claasiest llttie male Boston lerriur out tf champion stock in Portland ; see him ; small dotts board "d. Mrs. Win. J. Smith, 374 ILuisalo. East 5m ill. ROSE CITY CATTERY. 4 studs at s.-rvice; Jack Frost, white; Sunburst, orange ; Daylight, silver ; Bonnie Black Prince. (range kittens for aale. Tabor 7274. 1250 E. Morriaon St. GOOD homes wanted near Portland for one registered bitch In whelp, on shares; one male dog; Airedales. Phone G re ham o2l or address box 255. WANTED An Airedale dog or puppy f r country home, or will pay reasonable price. Am not looking for fancy stock. A K 403. Oregonian. WANTED Setter dog, must be retriever and brol'.e on pheusants ; give qualifica tions and price. E. 13. Robertson, Nam pa, l.iaho. HEAL'TIFUL white Scotch collie puppies for sale, from registered stock. M rs. 1'. K. La Pure, 442 Woodlawn ave., Seattle, Wasn. WELL-MATED pair St. Andraesberg ca naries, large breeding cage. $10; 1 sinner $5 ; 4 females, givw to anyone. 5O05 42d ave. S. E. PEDIGREED steel gray and black Flemish (itants. o27 40th ave. S. E. Take ML Scott car to Metal 1'ark. . FOR S A LE lJoton terrier pups. 3 montlm, pedigreed stock. C. H. Dnniey, U5a East 3 1th North. Woodlawn 5MM . POINTER dog, well trained in pheasants. W, L. Pulliu, S7th and Sandy road, route 7. city. GKXL'INE young St. Andreasburg rollers. singers and females, cheap. 415 E. Couch. It 17l0. NEW ZEALAND rabbits, 2 does and 24 small hutches included. 1111 East 15th at N. ; leav i ng city. O.N E Toggenburg doe kid, cheap, car. c -e and one 4-months-old .130 E. bth St.; Mt. Scott liUftTUN terrier female pup, $25: best reg istered stock. Hamlet, Tabor 48S3. FULL-LLOODED English bloodhound pup for p.i ie. Call 320 Main St. GENUINE St. Andreasburg roller female. $1. 2i7 E. 4 1 st St. Ta bor 5H 1 L RABBITS for sale. 153 West Winchell st. Mihs. ave.-Kenton car. FOR SALE Two canaries, good singers, with cages. Phone Tabor it'JA t. SELLING my stock of beautiful Persian kit tens. 11 rt E. 15th st. N. YOUNG Flemish tjiant. 5e ; Helirlan doe wnh lit ter; bred does. Wdln. 3u23. FOR SALE Fine English pointer male, 3 years old. Trained. 341 Mississipl av. ALL kinds rabbits for sale cheap If taken at onco. 44s N. 22 J st. RINGMASTER Foston. $125 bargain, sacri fice for $loo. ai E. 2"th. East 3141. SH E I'll EUD puppy for salo cheap; h.'itll tt. Tabor SN7. H2 WANTED A Leweilyn pup 3 or 4 months o.d. Phone Tabor 213. DR. M. HoWES, specialist, dog and cat. Tabor tl50u. THOROUGHBRED black Persian cat. male; set l or trade tor five hens. Tabor 8355. FoUK dandy Persian kittens; thoroughbred. Tabor MttlH. AIREDALES Select nal puppllcs. $25 up The Bush Farms, box S17-R. 3. Portland. AM clot-ing out my beautiful de singers at a sacrifice. Tabor p orange istn. BOSTON terriers for sa!e; perfect marking Some best eastern stock. Bdwy. 12ol. FOR SALE Thoroughbred Boston bulldog, 6 monttiB old. Tabor S4:9. M 1ST sell Boston terrier; pe'8"reed male. 52 Lincoln. Marshnll MM. FOR SALE Il-moiUhs-old English bulldog. B 1!. t r-Konirin. RABBITS for sale cheap. 110 E. Buffalo. Launches and Koala. SNAP FOR WIDE-AWAKE RIVER MEN! Disti I late work noat, i txu ; i n. p. h, d. liufialo 4-cycle engine, 3nt. 10 h. p. h. d. 4-cyrle Globe engine, dia tillate work boat. $325, lo h. n. Western standard. $650. 7 h. p. Western standard, good aa new. $475. 4-0 h. p. h. d. distillate engine, $150. FULTON BOATYARD. Ft. Virginia St. Marshall 2005. MOTOR boats, fish boats, pleasure launches. row botiH. burses overnauiea ana repaireu: also knockdow n frames. Phone and eur representative will call. REED ENGINEERING COM PA NT, 8tn and Lincoln sts.. Vancouver, Wash. Phone Woodlawn 1460. Vancouver 45. WE OFFER at attractive prices for prompt sale and delivery eam iukb Duueruy and Horner, both In first -cia.-s conciuion; also four barges. 20xho. h!1 in good conui tion lriren and snecif tc Hons on' Hpplica tion. Mann-Titus Co., Railway Exchange bldg. Main IMP. i FOR SALE Modern houseboat, completely furnmhed: owner leaving cn. .-no. i ure gon Yacht club. Take Oregon City car to oaks. THREE-ROOM completely furnished house boat. $.JOO; owner leaving town, iuuml cu. Ah. 417. Oregonian. WANTED Launch or hull, 40 ft- long, L beam ; must be reasonauie. u two. ore gonlan. ' HOUSEBOAT NO. 2. OREGON TACHT CLUB; MODERN, t ina l -LL-Aa k.kjux- TIO. TUG FOR SALE, TRADE OR LEAOE. n.S, ORK' ION IAN. 3-RoOM houseboau furnished, $200. Call Marshall 2ti.lo. Machinerj'. FOR SALi: 200 h. u. saw and planing mi.l, also 10x12 Seattle noriKey sawmiti. nas nigger lg turner, live rolls, transfer chains. larce edirer. gang trimmers. 2 slab saws. 7 band resaw. 3 planer, power ripsaws, 56 -inch bv 4S-lnch head saws, 4 head blocks, steam feed; 3 engines. 2 100-h. p. boilerj. belts and full eouipment. in qui re of D. S. Linsay, Wood b urn. Or., owner. ONE 250 H. P. FIREBOX BOILER. 2 54x16 Tubular boners. 1 Wtl4 Tubular boiler. 1 6"xl 6 Tubular boiler. 1 5o H. P. Scotch marine boiler. 1 10x13 Ames engine. A number of good pumps, overhauled. G. & R. MACHINERY CO., 503 Gerllnger Bldg. Phone Main 8201. FOR SALE One i-yard Smith steam con crete mixer complete ' wit h hoisting drum $S0; one 7x10 American double drum donkev en Kino. $1000: s Iso 12-ton H. Ct. new billet reinforcing steel x in 40 and Hi-ft. lengths. $00 per ton. Great Nor i hern Concrete Shipbuilding Co. lOO Washington St.. ancouver. Wash. Or call at 205 Corbett Bid;., Portland. FOR SALE 1 good as new Ideal appl sizer. I50: 1 15-inch riding plow. $40 1 Hoover Jr. tK.tato dlgifi'T. $25: 1 2k E-nl trlnlex numu sprayer. 2 IL P. enu-ine. $1.0. All In (rood order. Edit Hood River Fruit Co., Mosier. Or. SPECIAL, 5 H. P. 1PO0 RPM. three-phase Allis-Chi Imers motors, com p let ; cuaran teed. While they last at $!. R. IL 1'op- pleton, 71 f ront. fciotn pnones, AMERICAN 0-inch sticker and 20-H. p. Amen engine, located in I'ortland; must sll quick. A anap for the right party. AF IhT, Oregonian. FOR SALE Complete planing mill with electric power, U750. Oregon Machinery Co., Euicene, Or. H. P.. 4-C Y L. gasoline engine. Roach muKne'o. cheap, or trade for motorcycle. East IT Or.. W A NTEl Paint mixer with or without fit tlnirs; about 10 gallons capacity. Apply A V (1 7. OreRonlan. NINE-INCH sticker, not much used, reason- uble prlce E 4'.t. Oregonian. FOR SALE Utlca latlie. l-lnch awing, pow er and foot attachments. Union ave. WO u oUL S A W for t.iie cheap. 7-Ve Alberta at. Woodlawn FOR PALE. Machinery. DISMANTLING- FRENCH GOVERNMENT SHIPYARD, Front snd Nh oiai sts.. Portland. Orp-in. 2 Stetson-Ro No. 11 Planing, beveling and edging machines, with 2it-inch bev.-t-ing Mdehead. Intinir Ji" d-res to left and ail degrees to rlht, 4S-lnch top bevel ing head, which can be raided and lowered by liuniiK 1 n anu Tilled L o.-r-es either way; ho -foot carriage and loo-foot roller way. Requires 50-il. P. motor. Wnl be sold at sacrifice. LLKCilUC MOTORS: 4 5-H. P.. 440-1i.i 3 7'i-H. P.. 40-l0 3 IO-H. P., 44"-12tfO 2 15 4. P., 440-ImO 4 20-H. P., 440- '. 1 3 25-H. P., 4 IO- im 6 X 4-lL P., 44Ux l'uo 2 1 50-H. P., 440-1200 1 2u-H. P.. 440-1200 25-H. P., 44o-12hi 5U-H. IV, 44i- Xih) 75-H. P.. 4 0- uoo la rK" iiuanlity of wiiiooia snp flooring nmt fraui lumber, electric wiring, conduit, shail s, lamj H and a number of reflectors and flood lights. fePh.OI A L. 1 70-H. P Atlas tubular boiler, 10 0-1 a- working pr. ssure. 1 12xlS Run:: automatic engine, com plete plant, including" brick. ixuuiediAie delivery. THE J. E, MARTIN CO., 83 1st St.. Portland. Or. T pe writers, GUA RANTF.ED factory rebuilt typewriters. ALL MAKES, sold on monthly payments; send for price list. The Wholesale Tpe wruer Co.. retail dept.. 321 Wasn. St. WE can now deliver nsw machines and rentals; stunect rate $7.50 for thre muF'.hn. L. u. Smith & Hrus. Typewriter Co. 806 Spaldlr.g bids. Main 574. RENT A Remington : special rates to stu dents. Huy your new Remington now. im mediate delivery, reason r ble terms. Rem ington Typewriter coin fun.v. FI UST-CLA.S Royal typewriter ith sole b ather case. Price U5. IO iluu n, 5 monthly. Hyatt Takiug Machine Co., 350 Aldei RENT Underwood or Rem. nt ton. $3.50 per month. Empire Transfer. Phone tidwy. 155. N E W. rebuilt, second-hand rentals af cut rates. P. D. Co., 2J1 Stark IL Main 14Q7. ALL makes typewriters rented and repaiied. Oregon Typewriter Co.. U4 5th. Main :ut-s. R E BUILT typewriters and supplies. Corona dealers. E. W. Pease Co.. 110 Sisth st. FOR SALE Underwood typewriter, slan riard No. 5. Call Woodlawn 127. TO RENT Good Underwood typewriter, for hnnif use; s;ate price. AK 4"0. On'Rnniati. WILL sell my late mod- 1 L. C. Smith type writer for cash. w'oodlawn 2omL $12 TYPEWRIT KR deskT Sll Spalding bldg. Miscellaneous. A SELF-PLAYING eie'tric orchestra with tt 1 : In instrument full of pep: cost new. ,00; can be had for $40o; wils take pay merits. See it at Oregon Filers Mus.c Mouse, upstairs, en trance 2H7 Washing ton t. Telephoue Main 1123. . HIG reduction on "ised" baby buggies Moo dav A. M. olilv, at tne "itany r;iKK Hos pital," b1 N. 5ih Kt.. near Hurneioe. ltrdy. 307. The. buggies and sulkies have been completely renovated and are sanitary. . CONN C, H-Lhi and A cornet, high una low pitch, complete in case, a most ukc new , f.r 40: worth double. See it at Ei.ers. 2"7 Washington it. between 5th and 4th streets. FOLDING speed camera. 5x7. Oners 4-in. F4 H lens, local plane snutter, nun adapter and plate holders; good condtttm. Re.isimabiu. 410 Worcester bldg. Main A 5.s5. LA Dl US purses and handing repairea . leather traveling bags ana uuurirr-.. nui tan; bargains; made to order. Portland Leather company. 220 Washington. RIFLES AND S-H OT Bought, sold, rented and N K W MAN 12S 1st. Main 44f.5. til'NS exchanged. Tabor 7" GliAVENSTEIN appiea. $1.25 a box; good box. Uinne lti- caunin g peiti s. i.o day ; bring a box. rison st ret. Ciil mx 1513 E. Mor tal T;UN cheap, like new; ham m.-rbss double barrel. 10-gaugc, learner case, an tor $22 5' . Mar. 2131 A. M. Sunday or Main M2S Monday. FoR SALE Cheap. 1 small heater ana lMe. labv bod, 1 roll poultry nemo. gt-"art bookcase. Call at 74"3 5th ave. S. K. Sum! ay alter 2 1. M. o r Mon d a FOR SA LE New. at tractive dinner aress. overseas blue georgette cicpe. -, fall at estonm upia., apt. 2., alter it V M. Sunday. Phono A '"j COLU M B 1 A ItKO It I S. r .n.At..r u .i.rrv a full iine of Co luinbia snd Victor records. Hyatt Talk ing Macnine o.. 35Q A. tier. Gut il mz white potatieS. rij. . Pr lO'l-lh. sacK dell' reo. mniKioii. berta and Piedmont. PhoneWdlii 2002. vui; i.-L- vuu,.nui hhH r. cisters. nuw Bij.n Denny k ys. z eu-ciriLP. . : " down key. Inquir o 4-1 1st st . , near A m n . i . i v 1 V rtr 1 m r RIXi' : 1 mlrt 11 T WU ter healer, gas neater, inanu 1 7 1 O. x- a w llu nnn'ln suit ( 1 4-yr. siz , white Thibet lur st. goou tuuumuu, w cheap. AO 5i. orfgonian. KULL-DkI-SS suit, sine r.S. rJirnp. or trdae for what have you? Marshall 2;iO;i. Sun day and eeninge. ri 1 1 u t v 111 D ratio ior saio, a m iu liiiMk'1 t nuerw ooa i j ni . " b:!-. No reasonable otter refused. v i r i 1 V miii h 1! MeWlIlC niuciiinti, kMd w ith snrings. on neuiins mu. an . kev 2H E. U ehster, cor. 5Ion POSTAGE stamps for collectors bought and mi bill. 14 S. 1U.U L. 1 SJkl A I.I. diamond ring. solid irold beads. electric toaster. Broad w ayiH. form, 3u Phouti AI'PI-ES. new variety ; bake in their own imIoa i v w ike ii cuiu. ii.dv. I'HUh t. NEW heater, good coal range. plates some Kite n en iuronui o.u quarts fruit. 1224 E. Main sU ONE Vulcan ga range, $25; 1 Majestic steel range. $45; both in gooa conuiuou. Robinson. Mar. 1H22. FOR SALE For $50. new run-ores suit. original price l.; coat sikc . 34-32; hat 7 Si. Call Main K'.2. GENUINE hand-buffed black leather couch roll head, pPain finish, $75. Phoue Easi 5 1 : i'V BE V.UT1 FUL moleskin and aiuirrel shoul der cupe, new $175. sacrificed $loO. Main 24 7 2. ONE iron baby crib, also folding crib with mattresses. no aeaiers. vlu Marshall 3350. . WALNUT trees, $1 ca-ih. sn.l Coliimliia blvd. DuXf. LUst lltn LADY'S diamond ring, about 1 karat; must Fell quick for cah. Phone East MS J. FOK S.Vlvlv A beautiful iu coatee. KL 5KS. t'trrgonlan. STRIP nf black seal fur. 23xi in . suitable frr coat collar or choker: $10. Main 247. FOR SALE Fluff rug lxl2, $5; dres foims. err. Mar. IM7. SET of frcuuinn link fura, almost new, JS.". Marshall :;hTO. MENS reversible leather roiti, pracUcally new. S:T. Rhone Eagt f4 '-'. HIUKS tallore.l suit, beat quality, blue ST". Marshall 202. yo HEATINO itovf, almost new, $1; pray "baby sulky In t,-ood condition. Wdln. SIS. $11 LAMES' SHOES, 4-C; worn twice, eivSO; iresP8. No. SI. Main laOS aftr H. CAH RE'jlsTEIt. Is In fine condition, Sj. Call 'J42 Hawthorne ave. FOR SALE Ladies' plush coat; also brown fur coat. AC into. Oregonian. UNIVERSAL electric chafing uh. now, 412. I'hone Rroadway jr,r.1. PRESTO t;ink or giltar for electric heatr. AR ".. Orctfonlan. 300 CORSET charts f"r ral: will show you how to operate. Main 44 4Q. N EW pair of shoes, tan. sine will sell for Tabor 7T"J. PC. coat 12 JT draw or s, near Ash. 2000 frames. Inquire 41 1st.. Fctt L tables, compi-te; sell one or more. Inquire 4:!- 1st, near Ah. CtJMlilNATlON wood and col beater, with hot -water coil. Complete, t-to. C 1 ''. MEN'S and ladies bicycles, cheap; selling out. ritti M 11 w aukle st. GENUINE amber beads. beTutlfuIly cut, -4 1ich strn nd. Wood 'n w n HI ';t. lilCVCLE. aa good aa new. A-h st. Ki K SA LE A rl;ihl 4-bole rhi ranice with side oven. pri fio. Tabor ilf7. HKAVTIFTL filet ml linen luncheon set 1". tit cue-; fju. 3JJ. ALMOST nw baby cnb. paid J73. will aell -hea p. woodlawn i RAlLItOAI otflcial ntandard doubla roller lit-Jewel nail wat-n. f 1 anor &hs7. MAMoND earrings, fine stones. 4 lreiEontan. 704. COMBINATION range. Kae, wood and coal. Price J i.r,. TalKir 720 2. rX)R SALE 20 H. P. return tubular boiUr. used but llttie. bargain. Phone 1-ist 4;7o. roR SAL barga In. 2 lUdon truck, first class., at a Phone East 4i7."i. HOT WATER TANKS. 1V gallons : look 11 ke new. East 2P71. Ti. I. R. fryera, 7.'c each. Tabor 7202. FOR SALE Red fox fur. $". Tabor 174. LADY'S long black cloak, stso 44. Fast ;2T-. FEATHER bed. Phone Tabor Clou, apt. loti. FOR MUcenanous. NOTICE I.Ot;;EKS AND M1U.MKV! J. I .eve mnks n enormotF purcbs from tbe I'nlted Stu tes Spru e Proiu--t .t-n corporal ton, coiiM.nnir ot the t oi t it c frtoil-. new a I'd s 1 i 1 1 " Ued. I f vit'j tte-l anything In tne line of wire cable, t.oi- Uinl supplies, jtee tl f'rst lcfore h'lvmi; el.-ew b-re. as we can iv you money lor our prices def - romo'-'l! 'on. WIRE CA B LE. T-arce quantity of new and sHcbtly us-l plow Steel cable. Iins letitf i !ls, A I con 1- tion ; various kinds and s zes, at a low price. BLACKSMITH MSRS. Large quant:t" L la .-sin I . !i i.-es. var'ous cllKht.y ued, Al loiiditioii. at a low price. rvn-m.K-niT an ks lrir l.i Kiichtly used doubts -bit ae. A 1 condi t toll, at a low pro-.-. You nuwl't be able to itiiv t!ienper ax mab liom Iron, but they don t on- on re with oir axes betipo thrv are rnx-le f-fm st-!. riiKSSlTT SAW HAM'l.rS. 7 jire bt ji'.i'i'lv -1 r 's-. ut sa-w ban -lbs. A 1 condition. Huy i you need at 2e each. GENUlNi; SlMnVPS RoTAT, CHINOOK C K O S S ' I " T SAW'S. Large qunti tv trat. new snd l'bt' v Used gnu i ee S nn nds Ito 1 "h Tnik crosscu t and f s 1 i in c w-s. A ' 1 s w e1 ned and filed, rea.1v tor work ; tres l t. et. 6 'a feet. 7 Ict. 7 ? feet. 1. et. and up to 10 feet at a price far lower than anm,e else In Portland. If ou need any a ws, see us first. STEEL ANVILS. LA R G K lot of slitbtlv used steel anvPs. A 1 roinhbon. Trv i ln-m with a lianim-T he for you buy them. The larpcst lot In 1'ort !:ind. CHAMPION NO. 4 O0 RLOWERS Lnrce ht t'l'umplon No. 4.i .lwfr with a lO-lnch Ian, sllhtU' used, in A 1 coiiM it ion. at a low price. The largest, lot in Portland. STEEL WEHGFS. Trirf lot slightly u.-e1 steel wence. Al condition, at a l-w price. If you pe. , any woOcrs, se our a-ortment first. The largest stock in tbe dtv. M A VI L A R PE. T-wi-rr lot Biiclit'.v used M ant la rone. A 1 condition, various sizes. Ruy all you need j at 12c per pound. LU.MHER POM.iKS. Larre lot sHchtlv used lumber dollies. Al condition, at a low price. Hesbbw tbe above, we have in stock a Inrue qunittitv of Mocks, pea vie, boxtmrs, sha'tmi:, st'-cs and dies. roofing paper. cbin. ch;in blocks. Rears, pit I lev t. Nnrh vises. er-:i:ti wrenches, and all kinds of tools at lowest prices, CANVAS! CANVAS! Just pure bused from tbe covernment a large let sitcbily nvl liuhl and heavy rnn vas flies, tents and covers. A Iso b y e.mvas for auto t rncl.s and wnwon cur tains. If you need any canvas iee us fir.- t. Tbe larcett assortment in Portland at low prices ?o one cpn best. WO H'SM EN ! T A K E NOT ICE! We carry in stock at all times the lar gest and most complete a.-.-ort men t m Portland In new and s-lirht'y u "1 wWno Simonds Roval Chinook r:.".nit and li!! Inir saws, wedes. spilt tin n nmuls. axe-, broada.xes. woo 1 en w "s. f 1 les aiul nil other woodsmen's snpplie at a low price. ;I'IU1KH Hi:i.T1 NO Ijirv bt new rubber belt inc. various 4, 5 and -plv. st a low price. Mail and TpIckmj'.i Orders Answered Same Pay Received. J LEV E. 1 0-l H-101 Front st bet. Yamhill art-I Tavlor st. Main 5Rs. V;st;tb.t -I."d 1 - ' . TEKIUXS? HIGH-GRAPE PLUMttlVC. FIXTURES, I'LUMRING fcsUPPl.TES. IIOUSE-H I-ATI V' MATERIA LS. I P.ON I'l I E. PEERLESS lll.;H.:UAl'B TO'TKTJ! AND "iii LENT KNIGHT COMHiNATlON AGENTS FOR WM. rowi'Ll. Hl-'H-OHADIS VALVE AND STEAM SPECIALTIES. BOSTON RUl.TlNG t'nMPAN'T'a MECIIANU'AL IU HliKli tiO'S. THE PEEP.LKSS I'ACIFIC Co., Phowroom anJ sac room, r ront t Phone Marshall 1W1. Fortland. or. b T O R B A N ri F F I C E FIXTURES. CONSISTING OK Showcases nnd wall'-aao. Larce tables n l ii'Uiii'Ti, candy Jara. CHsh registers and s.-fes. Sculps, cliie eutters. mrnt all c era. Roll-top desks, flat-top desk. Adding machine and typewntera. One lariro and one m;tli tchoS. Large ira rsnr-. cider pr?M. Two sod: fountains: lso one 20-foot front and lack b:r. with b.rRo mirror, work hoard and ainke complete. OOOOS SOLU tN EY TKHM.i Hi 'Cltl l f. LI 1 HOS . 43 1st at. ROOF LEAKS; v.m.l: t.xt LI TE COAT IN-, nnd St ot- K - !..: k Cement i i-r vnur r.iolM vourseir See Hi"'' " ni r-ek nd u I mi co.ors fr muit'il .on cravol-t.Lht t.itnta for wsterproot- ir.r gravel rcf, too. ne for pri'-c i,fd liu-trantee 1 ; nu-litc imvci you money, or der now from t ti i;p;moi.itk pant or. inc.. S;i n Fr.i nci.-co. Ci 1. SEWING MACHINES. Slntrera Whites. Nw Homes nnj other c'l uropheaus. t roTii S 1 2 t" n.i:iv machines like new ; our prl a biwest in City. Lit te new MI'SiTs re II t. d STN'ir.ll S I -' II I". .M ooce j n 1 tT Fourt h st. Mai NOTICE TO THE FUR'- TC. Rather than return our a-t.esman anmpv to the factory we bav place. 1 v.t m 4t t'o disposal of the public at wholesale price-. coitMsuntf of ratii'oata, m"tr coat a 1 1-h t h-r coo ta in our salesroom at - MlTfiD b 1lC vxiTEP r.rniiKR co. i 14 avi.? -oir-:.! diamonds that hav ben left with me bv outside rnrll-s to .!d. You can buy t hem lor i r cent K- than tn whf!"Hi!t rot to.i. MILLER S rU:A!t'Ni HOUSL2 FOR MA.MnNl'S, 3V Wnsh st., mt lour Majestic thrrtter. IS 1 R iI'H EA !" !wln machines, ro rnlrf" with atta-h.nent.i. In rood sewing ordT. J " to $-.; rtwinic m idling rented ' !' month; nuK-hlr.Pn cleaned and repaired K. K. Stern. 1.VJ Grand ae. li :J07. Kist T2iri9. DIAMONDS WANTED. Pawn tickets bought. Fu!i market value paid for d lamonds. gold, s Ivcr, pis t i num. Old JfWf'n-. watr hs nnd Ia s teeth. NATIONAL JEWELRY CO.. 4 47 Morgan l!.dg.. 4t h Floor. SPLENDID SERVICE AND A PLEASING Jewel rv repair 1 nq. watch rer-airlne. MILLER S CLKARIN'J HOUSE FOR MA Mi N I S. 3." 5 Wash, at , next door Majestic theater. SIV benutrful. antique, orients! rue che.i; also some framed curt is innian pnoto graveurcs; am leaving city. Mr. 11. H. Rasmii-sen. "iJ6 E. 10th st. Nurth. I'hone Last 11 11. LJCH'' grav shines for s.-ile. sie r,. R i 1 . cl:h tops, 1 1 Inches hi-li ; paid $10. w:ll take 7.r.0, too small. I'hone Katt 237tl until noon Sunday. BICYCLES. .".0 and up; guaranteed ore vear. eaiy t rms. We have the t.e-ct pri--s lh town. The Kdening Repair Sho;. 340 N Urtd, cor. Raleiuh. Broadway odt'.o. Ai'PAl.EL EXCHANGE Ladies coats, suits, dresses, evening gowns; also fura. hats. iiglit:y used, distinctive sttes; ix-a-sonii h'e. Tabor J-'.V PR1NT1 NG FOR LESS Pnnth. non-tnut nrmters. nmved t. 216 Common we: in bids.. h and Ankeny. flood printing at reasonable pricea. No lockout here. FOR .-AT.K Have 50O kewpie dolls laife in I'ortland. Hair and fancy drew. Ha f price. Write for particulars. E. A. Pound, Venice. Cal. LEAKY roof, eh? Very aggravating, indeed Why not a permanent ami comfortable roof? We repair and Rubber pond al kind of leaky roofs; work guaranteed. Mam t . FOH SAI.B One Bridge & I leat h Uiu.i. 9 feet long, with t ovens. A No all kt-ids of cooVthir vessels and dhos. Pho:;.; Bd w . 1 4 SAFES FILING SAFES DlEBOLD ACTS. Expert work done. Price n!it. PVC1FIC SCALE Ac SUPPLY COMlANT. 46 Front st. R.-carfway l'..iV IXk "T-W A T E it tanks, new and seconij- band. to Installed: expert bol'.er repair ing plu it. bin q supplies cheap. -uJ Addons st. East s.M. K.EOS Hard and soft wood kegs and bar rels, new and s-cond-hand; no country orders !rK than three. Panama Cooperaca Co.. 212 Front. FOR SALE One lnrpe Creator's popcorn w a ri t hen p if ta K- n t h is w eek. Li a M. WaMen. P 1-. 1M hit W. 7th sr. Van- roiiver. Wash. H L HAWI.KV Painting, tintt'iar. paP'-rmir. bet material. bet w or'r nii'.n h i p. lowest T,ri,-M, lli.'t K. Morr'sori st. Ka-t rr.-.'.-.. SET white fox fnra. eet ninK furs, hand some fo fur. all In wonderfal condition; reasonable- Tabor CHANCE for stortsTTien to tak interest i n fine du k lane near Pjritand. K if4. 0 r- co man. TWO roTl-top dsl--'s. 1 T. W. dsk. 1 tab -. 1 fl it-top rick. 8 chairs. 3 filing Cublneu. Bushong A Co.. HI Park st. FOR SALE 11 Kind ft wood, verv rt-ns-liable price, prompt delivery. West Side F'ie Co . Broadwav L1'.'! SKWINtr niacblne. White, drphead JCO Empire Transfer. 2."4 Broadway. Broad w a v 1 BUKROU;HS adding maehlne, nine bank, wide carnage, full ketKard; snap. 110 6th at., mar Wah Ington. FINE BICYCLE. LIKE NT V. B A R C. A I N. P2 KI HST, N E A R WASHIX' T N- 14."- RVCASTI.B Nteei water tank henter: new tpe and connec tions, f . Mo'DERN meat s lcinr nia-hin : wi:: on rnont h :y payments. 4'o Union YOUNO lis and appie trwos. IxruACLwaj 47u. FOR ALr,m Mittrrltiinroits. SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEK. M iyde hummer. No. 11-12. f-c u '.t. tiE-T;i yel'.ow, 4.V . i . r rotndir.g aamiueiw, $3.5 Hot. 1 iia -!, rcg. .tC. l.;iU p in hummer, res L-.. ftoo. 7-i .:non - osn m .nws. l.!'V lI-in. t At bo: u.ionm 1. s' i lley snoKf. f-Jme. rt 1 .". now T.'e, 1'-11 i,.:.t i'.. n:i- saws, ret; 4, $ OX lien i- h and leaver uuuble- bitted axii, Dr . ik i . "i 11 is ii:rM. ri. Ve! nr-1 lothr ens. 51 1!k 'i. .. . i :ht. 7k-: Jt i .. light, sou. t -a d"el u itara lor 1 t-ach. S. onr line o fh r.a tni tacVle ni tin " i m. .time. trap, giina. We carry a . i .:f ;!eie 1 .re. "-. JI.Kii leather shotgun case, now nsrr.A us l value. o ; ;-Oc .i Mir . "."C A i ml t Icli. vaiut-s up to $7.50. your cboico .7.". we ha vk a rnvn.rn: line op loo ;im; t ti.s Cable blocks, chain, rope, does, hooks. nr.ACKSMIT'T TOOLS. Forces. Rnviij. o;" every desert p We rirry a complete lrne buildcTV hardware, rooiins, buildius paper. We carry the Vnu?hn dra vaw. See our window display. Rlir special a few left, riilrr preF'. Tiew. reff. tIT.ort, J 1 1 . c. ji.iu, j in nr.. LEVIN HPWT:. TTTNTTTTIE CO I'-.rtland, Or. TWO f.-wi't ni'TT strnr boilers, 1 in pounds. 1 fir1t Rutt Mran lmitr, T.1! pounds. 1 I'M M. I. nre-ox bo: or. LX" pund. 1 RU It. 1. firebox hotler. porindw. 2 4 it It. I. fir-box hniior. t Od pounds. 2 I'"' P. Y 'ipriclit Hoi 1 ers. 1 -. totind s. 1 T.'i It I S'Mt'ti marine rnpintv ltVO lbs. 1 J.'t M. Cor !' enaifie. 1 'J-'." 11. P. CotVks en cine. 1 1'JIt K'-le cenrer crunk. 'J I'IJ li- center crank 1 :eiim l -s ft saw, two 6- foot saws and one n - f rn .t . rT:'p!f. c. $ n. m vciUNFRT or.. ffon Orlinivr RMr. Phone Main 'fl. M -' T e er i"d v h n ben ovr.reha rr ed rr tlU'ir te we t -v rl -fl irir V h S been done un -s 1 1 'net orii v. Trv u- next time. We pruard 8 1' ;i i i t m jeh er rrs. .MILLER S CI.KVRTVn HOUSE FOR IM A M -NI S. "TiTi 4ah. st., m-t door Ma.iattc theater. FOR S A LE 1 'orcein tn bath tub and plumh I n 'z. o -tJioh - l inflow. com er dra i na e.;e juid room-., practballv new. Installed Lift Fchrunv. Mav he M-en at t"."3 llttck M.w-k. I-.X MVS .Mid c- o.d i:, bl.i ck 1 p' u h ollar I t : . ; s ize a In i: t 4 : a ls l j : r sh -trA. t nee. -il.o'it H. Call fro-n 3 1. M. Sunday. Room 214 EdiNa 1 T. h Otel. $7."d I'LAVEU FI A NO. like new. rod se lection of iii'isic Sell reaonah'e with t'Ttns or t rood d ia nioTrl sl Ttt -inont st. after i V. M. Will b homa lif'il 'J Sundxv Ni-i' t'ied - month. hammrei bran. 11 mdirons. $11 fr-- pet four piece.-. Jt 5ft n-r- en ill for $."5. liin couch. Rood as new. -".; cr-toime -ovr nnd draper las. n -vr ifsed. ?' Main IU1.V lil'.M 1NU i"iin fur muff ,-md neckpiece. po-fct skins. pr: et Icm 1 1 new: a lu it hair frnm for 4J1! r:h av. s. E. ; Wood stock car. P' 'I'ltl ! hnrni'-. $'": sin-.le bupcv lir-ti-. 5 1 ; irt i t beiit-r. $1; two hv. dr.-ioMc rims. M and barrow, J3; FV-nt-h ;:nt rnbblt. ROe and $1. E. Ie-( rout r. S'ierwoo.1. r. I i :i: k a iu.e liltor. oi.l V. TV t i iMed :ck-r TX" r k n- h ii -f tii i h. r e r s r r 'e hod y. ex -: . e x e ' ; e ii t o n I ' 1 1 . n , c o t f.vr Ft J.-.4; , NF.W Clt TlNKV Kxtrctf1 clean. iur. -'! .:.n-. el:er-d Iv f Tpr t lW. I-T lb. C 11. W.i kry, i m n I V t.i-. i r wn h.i.- a 'N'luf. r.ever w orn. i ' i i hed . m .i f "otii own corn b -its ; ''.''oil- one . ttr.i ioi.c prlro r.-onn. ) f I'tk rx now. Phone Ft row d wn y N K. II! .1 C.-lt n u ! oi-.i. t .4.. cil. with evt ra inline clip, I'Htent sctdiar1 and cirt e ; outfit -t $45; will t-eil for $-7 Ml. Morc.iti bblc. F ; sal. 'e. rtr.i Vim:.t Kill O- ii.fclc. with two T.vinsn is'i". CT. Kood as new. jr.d. E. E. Rilea, Cherry WE W! I.I. ! inoe of a lot of used ewln niR.-t'.lin--. all m cood fwl'ij; r-1eV an4 ji 1 p be:.'-, ffjr.d and $1. 17 Third t red . n .i r Yarn'.: ill. A I ' -0 Sundav par-era, 5 : in led ria cnT; :i v $ l ; Hats free. S' an ''rd ii !', S!:.innn bblg., aPltia bo-IT. I'll ;TK't . K ra-iue w n-r coll, full ntckel pinte. in cnod order, price f 1 . Alr-o one tailor Sin:er ntnit machine. No. 31-15. ITiee ?L.-,. v:: H;ll.-ey .v on ;n u-e j-hip kne. s op port u n v to s V -e. Nor' h W Ft Pte- s don't over'ooJc ire a bargain. 1 i'o. t . E c:i i Ion ri so in e curb pump, overhead, d iKi -ha re, low i ' mre: mu--? dispose 1m iti. .I!ti.''v a.1 7I,'' Orecoi;an. Dl A M 'X D -r.n-1 imi st.-l btue-wb tfe. lad- r i c f .-r a-i le : no de lra For lTi-e v. v M'Mrev AF 14. Oreirotd it. K 1 .1 ' J bras screen nrd an'i rnna f-r 4 f t . f ; ---ol sice n ml screen for 'J-ft. fi replace ::7i. I"'R SALE A M.i.eot henter; ood wndf tion; nl-o "ew S .V- E cheek writer; amall l'T irv table. 14T.". M istippl ave. A M'KI' 1 ii-; J bbic 1 D. Fea : niuin snii car. late model; ride ;h tout h of t;.t h ave. 7 4th Ft. 2 STEEL rHn;:'f. - beatinc stove, -J Uwtl rioer. 1 ele,-r;c sweeper. 1-2 16th St. Phot.- B.iwv 1'H.M. 1.1 UINI. 1 ' K 1'EK FF.CT Bl.UR STEEL. irtfM rflNTL'RY CUT. AG 22 t It Et N 1 A N . 3 TRUNKS for Kale, two larce and ona steamer trTir. k, u'd very lit tu. 311 Eat H'ttli st. Hawthorne ear. Tabor .57. F l; SALE or ex - nni:. ioerx and Voigt lanrter ler.s. 17-i Milwaukif st. Call to 1 P. M .. Se.i. 171.1. tii-nar. . !' F ! C l-i Uih I en. cli:i irs. bookkeeper's desk, check writers. Irmn spruce division. D. C. Wax. First st. Main 43L 1"L" Ax. rug. pood condition; large instan taneous wa t - r lioat'T. 54 1 Tillamook. E. cor. pJth. Phono C 10t5. FR SALE 1 ! toil black overcoat and F.n- rrl(.pi-lia Ii-it:i nnica. Woodlawn 2S.M Sunday or evenlncs. F't; SALE Maiftic cooking ranee. 4 hole", very little used. -H'l Ea-at Stark st corner of s 4 h yt. Tas U K. 4-hoe. oven and broiler; Al comiftcn; 1 gas droplleht. 27 East Ca --lit to rs. Phone SHwood 1 g. SMALI- nor table abiding machine, capacity 'iin,ii.ii)i i.i- bargain. 110 6th st-, near Wu.-h in gtfdv LA U E optical field case and stock of 'lenses cheap: will take trunk in part pay Ticnt. " North lot h st.. room S. N E W invalid w heel chair, adjustable, di- ided 1 rets. 4'7 Jaikjon f t between lo-h nnd lltn IilL LI RD and rocket blHiard tables, show rnscs and wail ca-ses. flxture-t; easv te rms. W. .'. xuiel- ' J 7 First. Main 0 . 1 : . EN KI'TI' N ALLY ne pe.'igred Persian Littciia for aa.c. Main i4.'0, Hilisda.e, Or. ONE gentleman a and one lady's bicycle, Kood condition. lo each. Call Milwauki :il M. . MAN' or yo: H's overcoat, like new, 36-37. r.arnam. "-2T oO. Tabor L'-A. POi SALE One Iwre 5ize genu ine errti ;ne mutf. bic hart-am: will take liberty bond in pvment. A ft'w. tregonian. To 4 r-' i n i s b ed poc k e t b i 1 1 1 a rd ta M en, comp'cte Marcuerite ave. Tabor 772L pT'K SALE, ch-kp. a tnotpe. Call East LA T 1 KS" r-' ghtly worn gow na and suita. Main PT. F U S LE Fulton eoltapsib'e babv huggj Vood coiditbm. 4,2 East ?.Cth iU rM-. Cj vV'S tailor-made suit, sire ?, panta 3. f 2t : In g'od cond It ion. -4 4 Fust I nth N. FH Ai'TM'Al.LV new pair fid black oxfords. vr v r-a s.. nable Tabor .'" PV it, SmrT sewing iiu-hitio; good aa new. ! nt tTl l th s.. room 3 i.M 4- FT. 1 2 -os tent with Pimi'-on st. Woodlawn ' f'y, 2i. 4 'it SALE tx 1 4 Uudhar Wi ton rug. arreeo nd brown. $ .O. Ma n :Tf Monday. LA K I E round hmtinir ft". ceMr CeM at 113 Fmn: tt. ith pipe horn, rhe.i p. FITCH scarf ra? 11 skins, in perfeet ton dt. r. Main Pert 7. Kiii SA1.V Cnnh fc i"r. first-claics ea llliun. Wooulawa J713.