TIIE SUNDAY OltEG ONI AN, PORTLAND, SEPTEMBER 31, 1919. SCENES AT CLARKE COUNTY, WASH., PRUNE FESTIVAL. Fay I Presents Prizes at Big ": Vancouver Celebration. ON t Pa ALL CITY IN HAPPY MOOD 20 OUEEIM QUITS THRONE; IPRUNE FESTIVAL EiS ?. -) -Ji Vf'.y, Virsf ,y W (Sir ... ,.k A r runarlans, Amid Gala Dccoratins, .March In Final Parade; Farmers' I Exhibits Triumph. I VANCOUVER, Wash., Sept. 20. (Spe cfal.) When Vancouver's first royal prune harvest festival closed at mid night in a blaze of glory, it was an as sured fact that this great celebration will become an annual event, being en larged and improved from year to year. The Prunarians, responsible for the fes tival, have been widely congratulated. iThe festival was a success in every reupeet. Even the weather worked overtime in making the festival pleas aftt. The affair represeniad the work of 4 8 Prunarians. A few months ago JW. Shaw, postmaster, Kobert E. Dun bar and M. S. Cohen, merchants, casu ally met and talked about organizing a. marching club to boost Vancouver. A meeting was called and the result was the Prunarians. The uniforms worn were woven in Clarke county from wool grown on sheep browsing on Clarke county grass. Mr. Shaw was elected president, Mr. Dunbar secretary, W. S. Jjliort treasurer and Rufus Detrick vice president. Queen's Reign Ends. 'M. S. Cohen, a member, was appointed executive chairman of the committee t( put on the Prune Harvest Festival, and he acted as lord chamberlain to Queen Fay. whose reign ended at mid night tonight. Clement Scott was an aotive worker. ,The coming of five torpedo-boat de stroyers to stay until the festival added Interest to the occasion and the "gobs" 4 board entered enthusiastically into the festivities. The Salvation Army, the Knights of Columbus and the War Camp Community Service helped to en entertain the visiting sailors, providing free eats, drinks, smokes, music and dances. The Knights of Columbus was host on a. trip over the Columbia high way. The automobiles were furnished by Vancouver citizens. Officers Guests at Ball. The officers were entertained at a ep'ecial ball last night in the War Camp Community Service clubrooms, and dances were held three nights at the Knights of Columbus hut in Vancouver Uarracks. There was also a free dance oii Fifth street each night. 3."he final parade was held tonight and the coming drive for $5000 for the Salvation Army was featured by the Prunarians, some of whom wore Sal vation Army caps. Others played the part of reformed drunkards, and other work done by the Salvation Army was represented. .Clement Scott was chair man of the committee. iThe city was never before decorated Eci elaborately. Thousands of Japanese lanterns were hung in arches at each intersection on Main street from Fifth tof Eleventh, and 500 fir trees, 10 feet tall were placed in rows on both sides o the line of march. Flags were placed oH every telegraph pole and many mer chants decorated their own buildings. . Farm Displays Attractive. In his speech to the citizens Mayor Percival said he would introduce an ordinance making it a misdemeanor for any person within the city limits to' criticise with malicious intent the city of Vancouver, lie was loudly ap plauded. The farmers and fruit growers of the county added greatly to the success of; the festival. The store windows were very attractive. Most of the merchants took out all goods from their windows and put in grange, farm and orchard displays. The children's parade Friday after Boon was a feature of the festival. Queen Presents Prizes, The following prizes were presented by Queen Fay I, following the award of the judges: Best fancy costume Eleanor Peter, first: Harriet Knapp, second; Clinton fleet, third. Most original "President Wilson and league of nations," first; prune girls, second. Best school group Franklin school. State school contest won by school for deaf. Campflre girls and scout groups Mrs. Hendricksen's girls first; scout troop No. 3, second. Fancy groups Sunflower girls, first; watermelon boys, second. Doll and carriage, autumn leaf girls, first; Betty Blurock, second. Best wagon or other vehicle Del Monte group, first; Winifred Swanson, second. Coaster or tricycle Boy and girl with pigs, first; wagon of kittens, second. Clowns Charlie Chaplin, first; Bo-Peep, second. Best window display First, J. J. Padden, $20; second, Cohen & Dietrick, $7.50; third, Joseph Carter. Best prune display, green First, Chester Palmer, (20; second, Frank Russell. 10; third, Mrs. Harry Walker, $o. Best prune display, dried First. Fred Erooker, f20; second, Mrs. F. Forbes, $10; third, Frank Russell, $5. Best apple display First, John Wilkinson, $10; second, B. C. Chase, $7.50; third, M. E. Roe, So. Pear display First, C. B. Durbin, $1; second, McKinney, $7.50. Best peach display First, Mrs. Moore, $10; Second, Fred Brooker, $7.50. Best walnut display First. Mrs. R. Smith, $7.50; second, B. C. Chase, $5. Tallest stock of corn First, Huber & Both, $2. Best community exhibit First. Lake Shore grange, cup; second, H. L. Caples, cup; third. Hockinson Farm bureau, cup General farm exhibit First, B. H. ICelson, $20; second, Charles Brewer, $10; third, louis James. $5. Prize mole catcher1 Sam Zimmerman, Rldgefield. $3. Canning club First. Rldgefield; second, Felida; third, Proebstel. School canning First, Spencer; second, Hockinson. RETURNED SOLDIER HURT Lewiston. Overseas Veteran Hurled From Fire Truck. . LEWISTOX. Idaho, Sept. 20 Spe cial.) Ray Bethel, a soldier who ar rived home from overseas service a few days ago, was thrown from a fire . truck and injured last night when the truck was answering a false alarm. P-ethel was on the side steps of the truck and attempted to pass around to the rear while the car was going at a liitru rate of speed. He supported him self by the ladders, and was thrown to the street when one of the ladders gave Way. BeKiel suffered severe bruises and ecratches around the head, shoulders and arms, and his left foot was crushed. The fire department has been called out a number of times recently to answer fa'se alarms, the sources of Which have not been ascertained. Glovcraakers to Form Cnion. CENT R ALIA, Wash.. Sept. 20. (Spe cial.) The glovemakers employed at the Churchill glove factory in this city will organize a union Monday, accord ing to an announcement yesterday by William Merriman and L. V Dixon, local organizers for the American Fed eration of Labor; Twenty applica tions have been received for member ship In the new union. 3- ; V X .VI 0 1', r - h r , - . . , ' - v 3,', Starts Monday and Continues All Week if $475 Terms Begin to get ready for your Xmas music. Tiere can you do the best? Get Our Selling Plan. We have the most complete line of player pianos on the Pa cific coast to choose from. Our prices are lowest. Our pianos standard. Also some good used players. $650 Terms 1 i. i 7. .l 4 ' -t tsr j4K 3 i- X t ' - if "V r' M V fVfv." i ' r : I Ju - ' ' ' FIVE DOCTORS INDICTED ILLEGAL DISPOSAL OF XARCOT- ICS CHARGED. 52 True Bills Returned by Grand Jury; Three Men Accused of Violating White Slave Act. Indictments were returned .against five Portland physicians yesterday by the United States district grand Jury on charges of dispensing narcotics in violation of the Harrison act. Bench warrants were issued for all, with di rection that bail be fixed at $2000 each in four cases, and $2500 In the other. The physicians indicted are R. L. Gillespie, Mohawk building; H. F. Fleckenstein, Medical building; Frank C. Hart, 1093 Williams avenue; J. A. Merriman, Rothchild building; and James A. White, Clyde hotel. The first named was indicted on nine counts. Dr. Hart on ten counts, Dr. Merriman on eight, and Dr. White on nine. In all. 52 true bills were returned by the grand Jury, as well as three not true bills and ten secret indictments. Three indicted, charged with violation of the Mann white slave act, are James Watson, H. A. Hurlburt and H. H- Mc intosh. Watson's bail was fixed at $5000 and the others at $2500. E. L. Wheeler, a former employe of the Oregon-Washington railroad com pany at Vader, was indicted on five counts on a charge of misuse of the transportation pass privilege. It is al leged he brought "another woman to Portland, representing that she was his wife. S. Van Nagell was Indicted on a charge of forging a claim for damages against a railroad company; Joseph E. and Dorothy Riley on charges of coun terfeiting and their bail fixed at $2500 each, and Isaac F. Bedell, formerly assistant postmaster at Walton, Or., was indicted for obtaining funds from the postoffice through manipulating money orders. His mother was post mistress at the time. Sam D. Weldon, who was indicted on a charge of impersonating a fed eral officer, entered a plea of guilty and was sentenced to serve "seven days in Jail. William Chappelle was indicted on a charge of destruction of a rural mail box near Eugene. Indictments were returned against the following on charges of violating internal revenue laws through opera tion of stills: John Granberg, H. E. Sackett, Henry Swan, Vernal Swan, Charles S. Ross, Frank Smith, Louis Salovlch, Glesor Yassilief, Barney Don nelly, J. W. Elklns, Jar.es Wharton, Claude Ranes, E. E. George, J. E. Bo ber and Guy Lockhart. Peter St. George was Indicted, charged with the theft from a post office; Frank Wilson with moonshin ing; Dewey Obenchain with theft on an Indian reservation; and J. II. Sales, Mark Bublick, Patty Lynch, R. E. Long, Krean Sargo and Joe Mihaljevich, charged with operating whisky stills. Lester M. Leland of the Leland Drug cSmpany was among those indicted on charges of disposing of narcotics. Likewise were Tarry Troy, H. Spencer and W. Louie, the latter a Chinese resident of the city. New Pastor at Hood River. HOOD RIVER, Or., Sept. 20. (Spe cial.) Rev. D. M. Helmick, ex-pastor of the Methodist church at Wallace, Ida., has arrived here to succeed Rev. J. D. Lewellen as pastor of Asbury Metnodist church. Mr. Lewellen has been transferred to Coeur d'Alene. Mr. Helmick will give his first sermon tomorrow. PRISONED IS NERVY ONE YOUTH SHOULD BE MOVIE ACTOR, SAY OFFICERS. Portland Couple Wed in Lewiston. LEWISTON, Idaho, Sept. 20. (Spe cial.) A marriage license was issued here Thursday to Henrietta M. Stohler and J. Wallace McTarnahan, both of Portland. FOB To Get Best Results To get the very best results, take Dr. Humphreys' "Seventy seven" at the first feeling of a cold the first sneeze, chill or shiver. If you wait till you begin to cough, have sore throat and your bones ache, it may take longer. Small vial of pleasant pellets, fits the vest pocket. At all Drue and Country stores. Ksmphrrya Homeo Medicine Co., 156 Will, lama street, Jsew lork. Youngster Jumps From Moving Train, Scales Precipice and Docs Sundry Other Stunts. 'HOOD RIVER. Or.'. Sept. 20. (Spe cial.) Local officials say that John Neser, a young man held on a charge of robbing one of the Columbia river highway camps between here and Mosier and who is in the Cottage hos pital here recovering from bullet wounds and bruises sustained when he jumped backward from a moving train, ought to be a moving picture actor. The boy, who says he Is 16, and who on recovery probably will be sent to the state industrial school at Salem, was captured at Pendleton. Constable dinger was returning him here when he leaped backwards from an O.-W. R. & N. train going 20 miles an hour, near The Dalles. AHhough Neser landed in a pile of boulders, he im mediately jumped up and scaled a 100- Safe Pills have been the ideal Family Laxative for 40 years a guar antee of reliability. Gentle in action, they are entirely free from injurious drugs, and are intended especially tor constipation, biliousness, indi gestion, torpid liv er or inactivity of the bowels. Your druggist sells them. cheater. M. T. Phone your want ads to The Orego nlan. Main 7070, A 6096. There Is One Safe Place to buy your piano. Come to our musical floor, "The Musical Floor" the 7th. i yC5 J $645 Terms Choose From These Autopianos, Baldwin. Elling ton, Haines Bros., Francis Bacon, Franklin, Bush & Lane. Howard, Hamilton, Bungalow and others. "The Musical Floor," the 7th. J'l 'nWtf vffJ hUrit OtaU foot precipice before the train could be stopped. He was taken the next day by the city marshal of Arlington. The boy again escaped and started to run. when the officer shot him three times. One shot entered an arm. and two others penetrated the fleshy part of his hip. Physicians say Neser will be suffi ciently recovered for removal from the hospital next week. BANK DEPOSITS LEAP UP Gain of 74 Per Cent In 15 Months Recorded at Toppenish. TOPPEXIPH. Wash.. Sept. 20. (Spe cial.) A gain of 74 per cent In 15 months Is shown in the deposits of the Central bank of Toppenifh. taken from the last report made September 12. From June 29. ISIS, to June 30. 1919. the gain was 47 per cent. Deposits since then have brnnp-ht th (ruin tin to 74 per cent. September 12 the de posits were I4S1.1 17 07, and on Sep tember 12 deposits were (507. 63s. OS. The capital stock is $50,000. II. M. Gilbert is president: J. 1. Lauahlin. vice-president: H. B. Miller, cashier, and W. J. Schisel. assistant cashier. Showing deposits in excess of $100. 000 in the first 40 days of Its exist-en-e. the first report of the Buena State bank of Buena. has been issued by the officers The capital stock is riven as $15,000, and the deposits $113,781.12. CROOK TO TALK HIGHWAYS Meeting- Called to Consider Addi tional $50,000 Bond Issue. PRI NEVILLE, Or., Sept. 20. (Spe cial.) A special meeting will be called by Judkre Wallace at the court house September 26 to discuss the county rood builrtlncr pmnmm,, and n addi tional bond issue of $Ti0.O0O for carry ing on the work. The purpose of the meetinjr is to obtain a ceneral view of the hig-hway needs of every community of the county, and to arrange the pro gramme accordins'y. From three to five years will be re Quired to construct the county high way s stem. Hood River Soldier in New York. HOOD RIVER. Or. Sept. 20. (Ppe ceived a teleRram that her brother, ceievd a telcpram that her brother. Lieutenant Joseph K. Carson Jr.. has returned from service in France and is In New York City. Lieutenant Carson, who was called to the colors with the 12th company. Oregon coast artillery, almost immediately after his gradua tion from the University of Oregon law school was transferred to the. quar termaster's department. Phone your want ads to The Orego nt.m. Main 707K. A 6095. : 11 kTr7l Rfe f ' v v I1N1 JI I II 11 rg-tvK urn m- i i i fe. rr a : - sr. How Mueller Heating Engineers Made It a Phenomenal Success Mueller Heating Service la Complete The L.J. Mueller Furnace Co. are makers of beating sys tems of all kinds and are therefore in a position to give sound and impartial advice as to the proper heating ytem for your particular need. Beside the Pipelesa Furnace, Mueller Warm Air Pipe Furnaces and Steam and Hot Water Symtcms have m nation wide reputation for efficiency and dependabUity. THE Mueller is the most successful of all pipeless furnaces because it has built into it over 62 years experi ence in making heating sys tems of every type. It is the product of a concern es tablished a life-time ago and founded on the broad policy of supplying the heating system best suited to the requirements of the building to be heated. The present immense size of the Mueller plant and the national reputation of Mueller heating systems, are the result of this policy. Inspired by Mueller standards and qualified by vast experience it is only natural that Mueller engineers should produce the pipeless furnace which is scientifically correct and has vitally im portant and exclusive features that insure great heating efficiency and fuel saving ability. Gives More Heat With Less Fuel The Mueller Pipeless heats the entire house from one regisfcr. Its large double compartment register face per mits the delivery of the maximum volume of warm air, which circulates evenly throughout every room, provid ing moist, healthful beat and proper ventilation. The Mueller save -f, to K on fuel became its unrestricted air passages, larcer heating suxfsce and correct proportioning of every part insure maximum heating efficiency It is sold under positive guarantee to heat comfortably every room in the house. Barns Any Kurd of Foe! hard or soft coal, coke. wood, gas, lignite or oil. No waste of heat in the cellar, no cellar too small. Easily installed in any house. Mads in eight sixes. Thousands of Mueller Pipeless Furnaces now in use in homes of all sixes, chur ches and schools giving excellent satisfaction. L. J. Mueller Furnace Co. 609 Panama Bldg. Portland Ullillllliliillllllllllllinilillilllllliil Stop in today at any of the Mueller Dealers listed here, ask them to explain the features that make possible its coal saving and comfortable heating. C. J. Kelly, 1253 Belmont St. M. II. O'Connor, 5 X. 3d St. Hawthorne Sheet Metal Merita, 1389 Hawthvrne Ave. Albert Knlers, 7 East MHh St. Kdmonion Co., S07 Jersey St., St. Johns, Or.