The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, September 21, 1919, Section One, Page 2, Image 2

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Tender Sentiments Evoked
Debate in House.
liut Proposed Amendment to War
Risk Insurance Bill Is Defeated
toy Representative Mondell.
fngton, Sept. 20. Fair young- women,
whose honest affections were attested
by their haying given their hearts and
promised their hands before April 6,
1917. to young men who later became
soldiers in Uncle Sam's army, were the
particular objects of a. rescue expedi
tion undertaken in the house the other
day by Representative Hawley of Ore
gon during- the debate on the war-risk
insurance bill.
Notwithstanding the fact that In.
many cases soldier3 named the girls
to whom they were betrothed as the
beneficiaries of their government In
surance policies, the war-risk insur
ance act permits payment only to cer
tain blood relatives. Mr. Hawley
sought to provide for payment to such
sweethearts in cases where the soldier
upon his death left no blood relatives
and where the engagement was en
tered into before war was declared.
It has been necessary, of course, to
throw numerous safeguards around
the war-risk insurance law to prevent
frauds and frameups by designing
women to put themselves in line for
the soldiers' Insurance in case of death
in the war. In building these safe
guards, however. It Is pointed out that
many young women who were cheated
out of their husbands by reason of the
war suffered injustice. Explaining his
proposed amendment Representative
Hawley said:
Mellow Sentiment Evoked.
"The purpose of the amendment Is to
take care of instances where the sol
dier, sailor or marine took out Insur
ance and was allowed to name in the
application his fiancee as his benefici
ary. I have in mind a particular in
stance of this kind and have heard of
others. This, however, is to apply only
where the agreement to marry was en
tered into prior to our entry into the
war, in order to avoid any question of
The Hawley amendment opened the
way to a debate in which love and mar
riage afforded the theme for much
earnestly expressed sentiment and a
tender plea by Representative Little of
Kansas for all the girls who became
engaged just as their lovers went away
to war. He opposed the limitation of
the Hawley amendment to those who
were engaged before war was declared.
"Gentlemen ought not to forget," said
the Kansas representative, "that there
is no affair more sacred or honorable
than the love affair of a boy who be
comes engaged to be married to a girl
just before he goes to war and perhaps
to death, and when you undertake to
stigmatize all of tho3e engagements
you wrong many thousands of young
men and women in this country. I
know a member of congress who be
came engaged to be married to a young
-woman the evening before he left for
the Philippine islands years ago, and
I know of no event in his life that has
given him as much satisfaction or . of
as proud, and on his behalf
i3 comrades I request this
cirinmittee to remove that stigma . In
jrbme way from the young women who
"would be affected by this amend
ment." Little's Biography Suggestive.
Reference to Mr. Little's biography
shows that he is a veteran of the Phil
ippine war. having served under Gen
eral Funston.
But Republican Floor Leader Mori
dell, unmoved by the beautiful senti
ment of the Kansan's plea, defeated
the amendment with this cruel rejoinder:
"All the world loves a lover, and one
is taking chances of appearing ungra
clous by opposing an amendment of the
sort suggested by the gentleman from
Kansas, which it is claimed would af-
m ch he is
if that of h
From three senators, two republicans 1
and one democrat, originally opposing
any kind of a league, there are now
20 if not 22 of the so-called 'bitter
enders. "
And these bitter-enders, it was
learned, are receiving much encourage
ment from several democrats on whom '
the president is counting aa loyal to '
the end. The break of the president's ;
strength will develop immediately on
the first vote on the reasonable rcser- ;
vations because the friends of the
treaty are afraid to vote against the
reservation which would mean finally
to defeat the treaty in the present sit
uation. Senator McNary's efforts as leader of
the mild reservationists are now de
voted to guarding against a parliamen
tary situation whereby the reserva
tions would unwittingly be defeated
beyond recall, which would mean the
definite killing of the treaty.
Imocrnta Fear Vote.
Notwithstanding President Wilson's
explanation of the difference in the
voting power in the league assembly
of Great Britain and the United States,
it Is disclosed that several democratic
senators who want to support the pres
ident are trembling at the sight of
the proposal. They would rather not
see it come to a vote, confessing that
they dislike to oppose it.
Whether Senator Hiram Johnson
will go on to the Pacific coast or re
turn to Washington was not decided to
night. Senator Lodge said, but the mild
reservationists on the republican side
agreed to withhold their support of
democratic maneuvers to force his re
turn, asserting that the Pacifio coast
is entitled to hear the other side, now
that the president has spoken.
Government Connivance With Pay
Roll Robbers Intimated toy
Witness at Hearing.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 20. Further
testimony Intended to show Mexico's
determination to force forfeiture of oil
lands owned by foreigners was given
today by Ira Jewel Williams, an officer
of the Panuco Boston Oil company, be
fore the senate committee investigat
ing the Mexican situation.
Williams declared tftat Americans
who remained at work had realized the
necessity of maintaining uninterrupted
flow of oil for the allied navies.
"Eleven of these men," he said, "have
paid the supreme sacrifice."
Government patrols as well as rebel
bands contribute to the disorder of the
country, Williams said. Before ship
ments of money for the payroll are sent
an exact statement of the amount is
demanded by the government officials.
There have been cases, Williams said,
where the amounts demanded by bands
were exactly the same aa reported to
the authorities.
Chairman Fall, reminding the witness
of a recent statement by President Wil
son that much of his information con
cerning Mexico had been obtained from
"liars," asked him If he had ever dis
cussed Mexican conditions with the
"No," replied Williams, adding that
so far as he knew none of the oil
men had talked of Mexico with the
College . Boys Get Practical Expe
rience In Highway Work.
Corvallis, Sept. 20. (Special.) Samuel
M- P. Dolan, assistant professor of civil
engineering, has returned to the col
lege after having spent the summer as
head of a location party for the Cor-vallis-Newport
highway, working in
connection with the state highway de
partment. With him were five college
All of the Oregon Agricultural col
lege civil and highway engineering
men were engaged in civil Mghway
engineering work and more could have
been placed.
Salem Club Adda 200 Members.
SALEM, Or.. Sept. 20. (Special.)
More than 200 members have been
added to -the Salem commercial club
during the first two days of the mem
bership campaign, and it is believed
that fullv 100 m nr mpnihp rm will Ka
ford balm to the souls of certain young f enrolled before the drive is closed.
women wno were aiiegea to nave peen
the fiancees of soldiers. I had a curious
experience when I made an earnest ef
fort to keep a soldier from being court
martialed because he had named in an
application for an allowance as his
wife a fair daughter of the sunny south
who, when the allowance was sent to
her, modestly suggested that she did
not bear the relation of wife to the sol
dier, but only that of a good friend.
-"No doubt there are meritorious cases
which do not fall within tho general
rules adopted. These cases should be
provided for, but it would .be a great
mistake to attempt to so broaden the
general provisions of the law as to in
clude every one of the cases which have
come to attention, as having some
merit." ...
fCnnttnui-d From First Pait)
Phone your want ads to The Orego
nlan. Main 7070. A 6095.
Though Very Common It la a Serlooa
DUcaie Wone at This Season.
ator Jones is standing out as before
for reservations.
As to Oregon's senator-i. There is
no change except that Senator McXary
has recently made it clearer than be
fore than he is in earnest about his
reservations and is not offering them
merely as a compromise.
Receptions Are Good.
No change can be expected in Cali
fornia, because Senator Phelan is at
the command of Mr. Wilson at any time
and Senator Hiram Johnson has Wn
following the president in the middle
west and assailing his arguments.
The rest of the president's trip is
relatively important. There is no dls
position hene to Aeny that he had i
splendid reception on the Pacific coast
from Portland to San Diego, but his
opponents say he is mistaking far
western hospitality for Indorsement
when he assumes that he has won to
an unamended tneaty all of the thou
sands who have cheered him.
Now as to the situation back here.
The only reason he has not lost ground
every day since he departed Is that
ohnut all thn nnsstbill tcs for losses
, i . .. ,i tr. i
; were long since eiiuusicu. no ua.s
V lost more than the country knows be
Ni'fause, besides all of the democratic
gVnators in the south who have gone
ov-er to reservations, several others who
havwQ been silent will be found voting
to effarify several provisions of the
league covenant.
The president's followers are de
preosouN today ovr the development
that the mild reservationists will vote
against Uny effort by treaty supporters
to force lan early vote on the Johnson
amendment to give the United States
the same, number of votes as Great
Britain inAthe league. The mild reser
vationists Swill not support the John
ton amendment in the final vote, but
they are not going to maneuver them
selves into the position of helping those
committed to the president's irrecon
cilable programme any more than they
are willing to go to'the other extreme.
Leiene Opponents Grow.
A leader of the mild reservationists
eaid today:
"The growth of the forces opposing
any league has been almost marvelous.
It is an inflammation of the mucous
membrane, causing a discharge, and
is aggravated by colds and sudden
changes of weather, but depends on an
Impure condition of the blood. When
chronic it may develop into consump
tion by breaking down the delicate
lung tissues and impairing the general
Begin treatment with Hood's Sarsa-
parilla at once. This medicine nurl
fies the blood, removes the cause of the
disease, and gives permanent relief. It
has been entirely satisfactory to three
If a cathartic is needed take Hood's
Pills, they are gentle and thorough
enliven the liver, regulate the bowels.
Itching anddgk
irritation is
skin is
If you should, become annoyed by
skin infection from any cause, you
can obtain speedy and permanent
relief through the consistent use of
Its powerful healing tendency and
strong antiseptic qualities render it
peculiarly invaluable in skin infec
tion. It acts gently, yet quickly;
its odor is cleanly, healthful and
refreshing. It leaves the skin cool
and singularly soothed.
At All Drug and
Department Stores
iii - - III
Surely, No One Is So Lavish With Money
as to Deliberately Overlook This Newly
Collected and Displayed Two -Room
Economy Outfit
Eiirsrdt Will nd All the Garniture (Ex.
actly Illntrae4 to Year Home
the Small Cash Paymeat of
Without Chara-lna- Tea Internet. Edwerda
Will Arrange loavealeatly Easy Weekly
or Monthly Payments the Balance.
Table has quarter-sawed top. spacious
drawer and broad underneath shelf. The two
large rockers have genuine leather up
holstered auto cushion seats; the one on the
right, with round arms, has solid oak seddle
hsped seat.
Each piece is well constructed and can be
depended upon for long continuous service.
Four pieces as Illustrated. A splendid value at
Take note of the else Table, 45 inches In
diameter, opens to eight feet top. pedestal
and legs are built entirely of solid oak;
chairs, as well, are all solid oak, securely
fitted, braced, glued and bolted.
Finished In "Hand - Rubbed" Wax quite
close in color to the living-room pieces. In
the window this week you'll see the seven
pieces marked
Very well. If you don't need all, select any
single piece or pieces. Perhaps you want a
buffet with the table and chairs: all right,
Kdwards has it at the price you like to pay,
too. Same for the living room if you want a
reclining-back chair or a davenport.
Electric Vacuum
3 Cash t Week Ne latereet
Sore arms and backaches will
not be regular callers at yoirr home
after an Klectrlc Vacuum Sn'eeper
han been added.
Kdwards recommends the Flm
plex, 'cause it is liaht in weight,
easy to operate and. above all. it
cleans moat satisfactorily.
Press the button and it Is In
operation, press it again and it is
off, remove the dust bag with one
hand. While operating you need
not lean on the handle the Sim
plex is built to clean your carpets
without exertion on your part.
ytgfr-y i-fr g-'f -V " rr - .- a; rr ...v.-,, . -,W -t i
Day In and Day Out Year In and Year
Out, It Wins Unsolicited Admiration!
An Exclusive Edwards
That daintiness and elegance of Ivory Enamel, which
appeals to the most discriminating taste. Is embodied
in each piece, the "Hanti-Iyald" Moss Roses and Foliage
adds unusual charm. You could pay much more for
a decorated suite, but it is doubtful if you'd be better
satisfied than with this one at
Model Illustrated
4 Fourteen Srleetloaa)
1 OO 1 uri Tone errt
lOO Medlnra Tone Meealea.
e Jewel Point.
Two Sapphires.
Ow Record A I bam.
Bottle of Tone-Clear Clenner.
Oil Can aad Oil (or
Waxed Oak, Fumed Oak or
Which Will You Have?
A Brunswick you're going to have there's no doubt
about that, 'cause limitations have been overcome.
Every artist, every instrumental selection, every
soloist, every orchestra, every band, every dance rec
ord, every popular song of the day, without restric
tion, if on a disc record, will be at your command.
With long winter evenings coming, can you think of
anything more pleasant to bave than music In your
,i s '
IS' ' f' ""a
Time Saver
Labor Saver
Fuel Saver
The Real Combination Range
Two separate and distinct ranges joined together
upon one base. The wood and coal baking oven is
"ahsolirtelv tight" (no ventilation holes to shut up
with a slide and In time leak). The gas oven is ven
tilated properly and has long pipe burners Just like
a separate gas range.
You'll like the new Monarchs, they are the classiest
you ever saw; "Plain Nickel Trimmings." No more
kinks, creases or scroll designs to catch grease and
But the body and interior have Just the eame old
"Solid-Stay-Satlsfactory" construction.
Keystone Copper-Bearing Metal Plate Sheet Steel
Bodies with heavy asbestos linings. Quick Heating
Malleable Tops Duplex Urates and Duplex Drafts.
Sure thing get a Monarch Range and give your old
stove in exchange balance arranged to fit your indi
vidual requirement.
Panama Combination i
Heater and
(Two Slaea No. 21 and 'o, 34.)
$28.75 and $33.75
Outline is exactly as Illustrated;
built entirely of heavy cast, top has
two lids, upon which an entire meal
could be prepared if desired.
Through the top or side door very
large knots and blocks will go. Swing
the mica glass front door wide open
for rireplH.ce effect no smoke unleas
you shut off the damper.
for ventilation with heat
'cause there's continuous
circulation via the Thermo
Seal Inner Lining.
Installed by Edwsrds on
easy terms no interest.
Seamless Wool and Fiber Rugs
Sixe 9.0x12.0 Feet.
$10.50 $16.75 $21.00 -
Seamed and Seamless Brussels Rugs
Slse a.OxlXO Feet.
$32.50 $35.65 $38.75
Good Assortment of Axminsters
Sine .0xl3.O Feet.
$42.50 $44.50 $49.50
Genuine Linoleum Art Rugs
Gydonia Rag Rugs Several Colors
7x5ieoric 30x6orT7C ssxizrtTt
ches inches WUHU inches
inches 1
ards devotes one-half of the entire second
loor to Floor loverlnas. Hestaes tne aDove
named, you'll find a splendid assortment of Wilton Rugs
In duterent sises, as wen as line ilton nan nunners in
sizes 2.3x12.0 and 3.0x15.0 feet.
YES! floor
Now that housecleaning time
has arrived you will prob
ably be looking about for
Good Furniture
TouMl be well pleased wtlh Edwards'
and polishea at the same time. Price. QC a
ner bottle XJ(
Eliminate the Drudgery and Backaches of
Your Weekly Wash Day by Having
Edwards Send You The
Proven Satisfactory
Crystal Electric Washer
and Wringer
Instead of spending three to five hours washing, youll
do it in about one hour and have the remaining time to
enjoy yourself. The clothes will be white and clean, too.
i ' i : .
St. Martin's Mineral Springs
( Formerly Sh ipherds)
Open all the year Carson, Wash.
The New No. 5 Woodstock
Is a combination of the beet features
of six modern typewriters. See the
WOODSTOCK before you buy.
nO Oak Street. Bdwy. 270
rk aaoat complete repair saoa la
tne elty.
For Headache
nttirL-ArTriJin "TftHlafete.
SjL-JtJte& Wherever Head Ache
No More Chilly Morn
ings and Evenings
if you use a furnace "made in the west to fit western conditions," the
I "V f . I "K.
v r- a rs
Pipeless Furnace
"Nature's Way"
Quick, easy heat in jiffy, in one or as many rooms as desired, without having
to heat up long pipes. Burns wood, coal or briquets, and i quickly and easily
installed before or after building. Sells for less takes less fuel.
Phone, call or turile tor illustrated folder or see
it demonstrated at First and Washington streets.
Main 522