The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, September 21, 1919, Section One, Page 15, Image 15

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Candidacy for Place in Senate
Is Denied.
Ttepresentative Emphasizes Interest
In Establishment of Naval Base
' in Columbia River.
He is not a candidate for the United
States senate, but will seek to return
to the lower house, declares C. N. Mc
Arthur, representative from the Third
congressional district. To set the po-
litical gossips at rest, Mr. McArthur
T makes the following statement:
During the past few weeks several
Oregon newspapers have mentioned me
as a possible candidate for the repub
lican nomination for United States sen
ator from this state for the term be
ginning March 4, 1921, and since my re
turn to Portland two weeks ago, I
have been frequently interrogated as
to whether I intend to enter the sena
torial race or seek re-election to the
house of representatives.
I deeply appreciate the offers of
support that have come to me from
many sections of the state in connec
tion with the senatorial race, but I
' wish to take this opportunity of in
forming the public that I shall not en
ter this contest, but shall seek re
election to the I'ouse.
Kival But Plan Supported.
"I am now serving my third term as
representative from the Third Oregon
district and am a memtfer of the im
portant committee on naval affairs. I
am deeply interested in the establish
ment of a naval base at the mouth of
the Columbia river and in channel and
harbor improvements that will put
Portland on the map as a port, and it
would be the height of folly volun
. tarlly to abandon my position in the
house, where 1 can help these matters
along, for the uncertainty of a (sena
torial race.
"I am also interested in other meas
ures affecting the welfare of this sec
tion of the country, as well as those
- of national character, and would like
to remain in congress long enough to
assist in writing this legislation on the
' statute books. I am deeply sensible of
. the honors already conferred upon me
by the people of this district and at the
proper time shall issue a formal dec
laration of my candidacy for re-election,
standing squarely upon my
McArthur Is In Portland.
Mr. McArthur arrived in Portland
two weeks ago, having come to Ore
gon for the purpose of accompanying
Secretary Daniels and Admirals Parks
and McKean on their tour of inspec
1 tion of the Columbia river. During
: the past few days he has been in
conference with delegations and lndi-
viduals who are interested in legisla
tive and departmental matters at
inasmuch as the house f representa
tives is not transacting any business
of importance, he will not return to
Washington until October 1. Before
leaving Portland, he will confer with
members of the Port of Portland and
others interested in port matters.
Mr. McArthur has reopened his of
fices in the Yeon building, which have
been clOBed since lie first went to
congress in 1915. He will hereafter
maintain these offices for the transac
tion of official business while in the
vaudeville to a cinema house of the
first order went into effect.
The Strand opened with 'The Brat,"
the latest special production of Madame
Nazimova, the Russian actress, who
has recently entered the motion picture
field. The new orchestra of 25 pieces,
which is to be a regular feature of the
Strand theater, made its debut. In the
afternoon it was directed by Frank Jef
fery, leader of tfte Orpheum orchestra,
but in the evening Phillip Pelz the
director, who will henceforth be in
charge, wa present. The orchestra
was enthusiastically received by each
audience. It received special applause
for its feature numbers, which were
selections from "William Tell" and
"Carmen." In addition it followed
closely the screen story.
Numerous floral pieces and bowls of
Sal of Women's and Children's Hats
to Begin Tomorrow Further
Donations Are Requested.
Women residents of the Mann" home
are making effective donations to the
American Red Cross shop, 70-72 Third
street, by knitting sweaters and bags
irom yarn donated to the shop. So
handsome are the sweaters that they
find ready sale as soon as they arrive
irom the Dome.
A sale of women's and children's hats
will begin at the Red Cross shop to
morrow njorning. More than 250 hats
have been trimmed and made ready for
the 6ale by women volunteer workers
at the shop.
Mrs. Ray Wurzweiler and Mrs. Wll
liam Boyer in charge of the used cloth
ing department of the shop, are mak
ing an appeal for further donations.
The shop is practically out of men's
clothing and needs further donations,
while the stock of women's and chil
dren's clothing is almost exhausted.
Bags of rags are asked and bundles
of newspapers and magazines also.
Those with donations for the shop
are astcea to telephone to the American
Red Cross. A truck will call promptly.
At the Theater.
T I uaDRLDS of persons were turned
XX away from the Strand theater at
its opening yesterday when new poli
cies which changed the theater from a
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on. I
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borne for the Seattle vts-
ilfir 1 .nrat inn o c e D-
t i a n allv convenient to
trans portation and to
wholesale and shopping
districts. Refined social
nt.rtylnm.rt eveninzs:
one of P a o i f i c Coast's
famous cafes.
F. MIron Vrrln
F. Miron Warrington has re
signed his position with A. O.
Anderson & Co., to become a pro
fessor In the Portland branch of
the University of Oregon school
of commerce, under Dean D. Wal
ter Morton. He will take charge
of classes in commercial lines
with the opening of the work of
the term this week.
. Professor Warrington was born
in Liverpool, England. He spent
his early school days In France,
but later graduated from the Up
per Canada college at Toronto,
Canada. From 1900 to 1908 he
was court reporter and French
interpreter to the Canadian gov
ernment of the Yukon at Daw
son. Later he went to Europe
and visited France. England and
Spain. He returned to America
to become manager of the Cali
fornia branch of the Globe In
spection company of Denver and
has been connected with other
large firms.
cut blossoms were placed about the
Strand lobbies yesterday and represent
ed the gifts and congratulations of film
men and friends of the northwest. More
than 100 congratulatory telegrams were
received by the management, while
more than 25 telegrams of appreciation
were received by S. Morton Cohn, owner
of the Strand.
Numerous improvements about the
Strand theater building were noticeable
A ramp has been built from Wash
ington street to the mezzanine floor.
which will eliminate stair climbing for
tnose to whom it is objectionable, and
which will aid in handling the crowds.
New mulberry colored draperies have
been installed on the lower floor, where
100 loges have been built. On the bal
cony a' deep, rich green carpet has
been laid.
A new full four-manual organ is still
to be installed. Its completion is ex
pected by the first of the year.
Snake Bridge Contract Is Let.
PASCO. Wash., Sept. 20 (Special.)
At a joint meeting of the Franklin and
Walla Walla county commissioners.
held at the court house in Pasco
Wednesday, a contract was let for the
construction of a bridge across the
Snake river between Pasco and Bur
bank. J. R. Woods of Seattle obtaining
the contract at $211,120. Work is to
be started with 30 days and the con
tract calls for the completion of the
bridge by September 1, 1920. For this
bridge Franklin and Walla Walla coun
ties each bonded themselves for $115,
000 several months ago. There were
five bidders for the contract.
Four Attaches of Domestic Re
lations Tribunal to Go.
Xcw Quartet for Places of Those
Discharged by Judge
Jacob Kanzler.
That a new broom iweeps clean was
proved in the court of domestic rela
tions, formerly the juvenile court, yes
terday. Judge Jacob Kanzler announc
ing the loppinc of four appointees of
Judge Tazwell. three of them women,
from the payroll on September JO, and
the selection of four new probation of
ficers. This leaves only Mrs. Sadie W.
Gardner, stenographer, and E. H. Pick
ard. deputy probation officer, of the old
regime which terminated July I.
Mrs. Delia C. Whiting, chief proba
tion officer for girls; Mrs. Sophie E.
King, deputy probation officer for girls;
Mrs. Mary Mallett, deputy probation of
ficer for girls, and T. B. McDevitt,
deputy probation officer, are the em
ployes who received notice that their
services will terminate with tne close
of this month.
Mrs. Mary E. Pringle. an employe of
the attendance department of the Port
land public schools for the past five
years, has been named acting chief
probation officer for girls. The other
probation officers appointed In the girls'
division of the work of the court of
domestic relations are Mrs. Kate H.
Magulre and Mrs.. Eva Pillsbury, both
of the women's protective division of
the police bureau.
BTevr Appointees Approved.
William S. Hale, for five years head
of the state industrial school for boys
at Salem, will replace Mr. McDevitt.
The new appointees have all been
approved by the child welfare commis
sion of the state and have only to b
formally installed by the Multnomah
county commissioners. .
Miss Mary A. Kelly, head of the home
placing department of the court, re
signed two weeks ago to take up new
work In California. Her position has
not yet been filled and Judge Kanzler
is considering discontinuing the work
of that department.
The chief probation officer for girls
ha been receiving $140 a month, her
assistants $110 and $100. Deputy pro
bation officers in the boys' division
receive $110.
All of the employes replaced by yes
terday's order of Judge Kanzler alBO
have been approved by the child wel
fare commission as. quail fled for the
positions they have been holding.
"Among those qualified, however. I
found some whom I believe to be bet
ter fitted for the work," explained
Judge Kanzler. "Mrs. Pringle. in par
ticular, comes to me highly recom
mended by the child welfare com
mission." Controversy Is Possible.
A question which is now agitating
court house circles is whether the four
employes who have been notlfed that
their services will not be required
after the end of .this month will allow
themselves to be dismissed. It Is
known that an attorney has been con
sulted and that a stiff fight, bringing
into controversy not only the right of
Judge Kanzler to hire or discharge
employes In the court of domestic rela
tions, but the constitutionality of the
court Itself is under contemplation. '
Since the inception of the court of
domestic relations, lawyers have held
its operation to be entirely Illegal, con
tending that the law which brought it
into being is invalid. Attorney-General
Brown even expressed his doubt as to
the legitimacy of the operation of the
new court, but no rt;st case has yet
been filed.
If the matter is brought to issue. It
probably would be on the grounds that
Judge Kanzler is not legally a judge
iiid that the old juvenile court has not
been abolished In fact, holding that
only Judge Tazwell, now circuit but
formerly county and juvenile judge,
can discharge employes of the court.
There are legal obstacles to such ac
tion but it Is believe that the sweep-
Gray's Harbor District
Standand Oil Company
If oil is struck, there is no limit to the possi
bility of a small investment in this property.
I offer good logged-off land in the general
vicinity of Gray's Harbor oil operations at
Aside from its oil possibilities, nearly all of this
land can be used for agricultural purposes profit
ably, we believe. If oil is struck by the Standard
Oil Co. in the well now being drilled, the price of
this land will be advanced immediately.
J. T. Royston
448 Washington St.,
Portland, Or.
' proposition in the (rays Har
bor District. Without obliga- . X
tion to me, please send me fur
ther particulars.
h - s?' jTtjOA0 OIL. OPERATIONS 7
AST" . '
x aoitj Err t.n-
J, A i STANDARD Iff r,os -
V' LANDS " ' v"-
F,H ARBOR .icnTcf1
. S flOIL CO-
p COreeNOsf
N. Proprietor Palace Tlotel
446 Washington Street, Portland
Phone Broadway 1251
I ::!
inic chanses In personnel In the court
will hasten the test of its constitutionality.
. Toppcnish Pupils Enter College.
TOPPENISH, Wash., Sept.-20. (Spe
cial.) More than a dozen graduates
and others will attend the state collesre
at Pullman this year irom loppenien,
one ot the main attractions being the
strong commercial course offered.
Misses Eernice Allphin, Dorothy Crab
tree, Angeline Ward. Keva Dubravsky :
and Kgbert Ward, Albert Patterson,
Oscar Grimes and Harry Tarton are
among; those attending.
Portland Folk In Taconia.
TACOMA, Wash.. Sept. 19. (Special.)
C. C. Cate, Mr. and Mrs. C. U IMtsch
and K. Gadnabon, all of Portland, are in
Tacoma. as are R. L. Crass of Mans
field. Or.; H. J. Haynes of Ontario. Or.
Mr. Haynes says Ontario is planning to
pave 40 block in that town.
Read The Oregonlan classified ads.
Increase of Tacoma Supplies Is Kx
pected to Effect Reduction.
TACOMA. Wanh Sept. 19. (Special.)
Water rates for commercial service
may be reduced in Tacoma. The rates
were increased several months ago by
OuT council to meet greater expenss In
the department. Protests came from
manufacturers, who were raised nearly
100 per cent. Present water prices
would militate against location of fae- "
torles in Tacoma, a Joint protest said.
Vth more reservoir facilities being"
provided the council Is of the opinio!
that water rates can be safely reduced
when quantities for commercial pur
poses are bought.
!i .ni.M.m n
Geary Street, Just oil Union Square
Famous for good service, comfort and excellent
cuisine at reasonable prices.
Rates from S1.75 a Day
Breakfast 40c and 75c. Lunch 60c: Sundays
70c. Dinner SI. 25; Sundays 11.60.
Municipal Car line direct to door.
Motor bus meets 'rains and steamers. .
r. ?
SUIT or 0 C0AT
fjlS to 41rS
An 'Easy
One Flight
The most saving little
trip you can take in
your race for. good
We give you the style
the quality and our
policy of giving you
the benefit of our rent
savings puts a brake
on your expense.
Trade Upstairs and Save Dollars
Original Upstairs Clothier
Broadway Near
Cat-ty Corner
Pantages Theater
Announcing the
of the
Self -Ash baug It
Peterson Company
as our
Portland Representatives
Effective immediately, the Self-Asbaugh-Peterson Com
pany will distribute Societe Chocolate and Imperial
Candies to the trade in Portland.
Confectioners and the General Public
Are Invited to
Visit Our Display
At 306 Oak Street
where you will find an exhibit of the most complete line
of candies manufactured on the Pacific Coast.
Your particular attention is called to the line of Societe
Packages, Societe tJard Candies and our Case and
Pail Specialties.
It will prove a revelation to you to know the classes and
types of candies that are made in our modern Pacific
Coast Plant.
Imperial Candy Co.
Makers of Societe Chocolate
Seattle, Wash.
Self - Ashbaugh - Peterson Company
Portland Representatives
306 Oak Street Phone A 1 006 Portland, Oregon