The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, September 21, 1919, Section One, Page 13, Image 13

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Thousands of Caloric Fur
naces are giving satisfaction
in city, town and country.
We hare a book of remark
able letters written by Cal
oric users, and not in one
is there a word of anything
but prmbs for the Calorie. Come to
out store and let ue show ycni the
Ueuilless Millennium of Thou
sand Years Forecast.
Christ's Earthly Kingdom Coming,
Say Crusaders League of Na
tions Will 'Sot, Be Jfecessary.
The. coming: of the- devilless roellen
r.ium with Christ ruling- over an earthly
kingdom for a thousand years and with
no need of any league of nations to
keep the peace was heralded by Dr.
W. B. Riley of Minneapolis, Minn., and
Dr. A. C. Dixon of London, England,
the two speakers at the interdenomina
tional conference on Christian funda
mentals last night. Dr. Riley spoke
at the Sunnyside Congregational church
and Dr. Dixon at the White temple.
"And when this kingdom comes,"
said Dr. Dixon, who recently left the
pastorate of Spurgeon's tabernacle In
London, "1 hope he will make Moses
Judge of the supreme court; then we
won't have any fairs open on Sunday,
I am sure."
'1 also would like to eee Eliza prime
minister and St. Paul superintendent of
public instruction," continued the
speaker. ""I was once quoted aa having
said I wanted to see Noah admiral of
the navy and JoShua general of the
army, but I don't believe we will have
any navy or army then."
Satan's Fletnrea Mislead.
The devil of the present are is not the
picture painted by Doret with horns,
hoofs, bat wings and a forked tail, ac
cording to Dr. Dixon. Instead, he said,
the devil Comes in the shape of a mes
senger of light, the difficulty being
that he gives the wrong kind of light.
There are false prophets in these
days as well as in the days of the
Bible, said the speaker, and these, he
declared, are pretending to speak for
Ood and are making a very poor per
formance. He declared that all these
false prophets and their disciples would
be defeated by the heavenly hosts led
by Christ at the battle of Armageddon.
Then, he said, would come the mil
lennium. "The coming of the earthly kingdom
of Christ is clearly referred to in the
Lord's prayer, 'Thy kingdom come, thy
will be done, in earth as it is in
heaven,'" declared Dr. Riley, who is
pastor of the First Baptist church of
Minneapolis, Minn.
Sbanie of Century Cited.
Dr. Riley also touched upon the di
vinity of Christ and declared that one
of the shames of the century is the oc
cupation of a pulpit by a preacher who
denies that divinity.
The series of conferences on Chris
tian fundamentals, of which the gath
ering at Portland is one, is the result
of a great meating held in Philadelphia
last May attended by 6000 delegates.
The gatherings now being held are the
second series and it is intended to
cover the entire country before May
t next jear, which time another
conference is to ue held in Philadelphia.
Dr. Ryan, who was one of the pro
moters of the Philadelphia gathering
and of the movement following, said
yesterday that the plan is to cover
Kngland next year.
"Our purpose," he said, "is to turn
the tide of modern skepticism. We be
lieve in the Bible, in the deity of
Christ, the atonement accomplished on
the cross and the return of Christ to
this world."
Conference Closes Today.
Today will be held the closing ses
sions of the conference in Portland. At
the White Temple of which Dr. William
A. Waldo is pastor, there will be three
great mass meetings. Dr. Riley will
speak on "The Second Coming and
Christian Conduct and Character" at
11 A. M. and in the afternoon at 2:15
he will take as his BUbJect "The Con
summation of the Ages." Dr. Dixon
will spv;ak on "The Glory of the In
carnation" in the evening at 7:45.
Arthur W. McKee will sing at the
morning and afternoon services and
the Temple quartet will give some
selections in .the morning.
Dr. Riley will speak in the evening
at the Sunnyside Congregational
church. Mr. McKee will lead the sing
ing at this service.
Feat Earns Charles Kelly 13 Months
at McNeil's Island.
Thirteen months at McNeil's island
was the sentence imposed yesterday by
Federal Judge Wolverton upon Charles
Kelly, who was found guilty of using
the mails to defraud lawyers. It was
alleged that the defendant. Who said
he had been injured in a railroad acci
dent some 15 years ago, made a prac
tice of writing to attorneys telling of
his accident and retaining them to con
duct his suit for damages. That for
mality being attended to, he would re
quest the loan of $10, or whatever rail
road fare he found he would need to
reach the lawyer.
Judge Wolverton decided upon Mc
Keil's island as Kelly's temporary home
in order that the prisoner may receive
hospital treatment. He is said to be in
poor physical condition and in need of
Prominent Oregonians to Push
Roosevelt Memorial Drive.
Announcement was made yesterday
at state headquarters of the Roosevelt
Memorial association that John L. Rand
of Baker and Daniel Boyd of Enter
prise had accepted appointments as
chairmen of committees being formed
in Baker and Wallowa counties, res
pectively. These two prominent Oregonians are
both enthusiastic organisers, and will
appoint committees to carry out the
purposes of the Roosevelt Memorial as
sociation during its campaign from
October 20 to October 27.
This completes the appointment of
committee heads in 34 counties of the
JSrOrtginal Patented Pipdesa furnace
and have yon read some of the
lettara in thai book.
Investla-ata tha furnace that heats
fhrouch only ona register. It's a
wonder. Thousands of owners
heated their houses perfectly
through the eoldcat weather of last
winter with a third lesa fuel than
Kawiambar that the Calorie Is
B-narantaed to do ererythins- wa
s.7. It must mskt good or you
are sot asked to keep it. Come in.
314 Stark St.. near Sixth.
MAIN 763
Claclaaau. a.
1 - i Hiausiai a
or Frank E. Hodgkin, died at the fam
ily residence, 1210 Esther avenue, to
day. She is survived by her husband
and the following brothers and sisters:
Charles Jennings, Coronado. Cal. ; Will
iam B. Jennings, Seattle; John F. Jen
nings. Jennings, Lodge, Or.; Mrs. Ella
A. Bpooner, Vancouver: Mrs. Mae J.
Abernathy, Seattle; Mrs. Lillian J.
Clarkston, Vancouver. Funeral serv
ices will be held at St. Luke's Episco
pal church Monday at 10:20 A. M.
a a- a
Mrs. Louise Borde, widow of the late
Wenzel Borde, died September 7 at the
the home of her son Robert near Glen
Wood. Wash. Funeral services were
held September 10 at the home of her
son, Rer. Mr. Beaumont officiating,
burial was at the Grange cemetery un
der the auspices of Glenwood grange,
of which Mrs. Borde was a member.
Mrs. Borde was born in Germany in
1848. In 18W she ma-fried Antone Wei
Ifenbrbok and two years later (ami to
America. About 40 years ago the cou
ple came to Klickitat county, near
Glenwood. Wash., where they took up
a homestead. Mr. Wellenbrook died in
1897 and three years later the widow
married Wenzel Borde. Mrs. Borde is
survived by seven children Mrs. Ber
tha Fraiser of Wapato, Wash.; Mrs.
Louise Granville of Biggs. Cal.; Mrs.
Nina Boher of Donald, Wash.; Mrs.
Anna Gilmore of Glenwood. Wash., and
Harry, Robert and George Wellenbrook
of Glenwood.
I '
Sonora Elite
i I $260
in 'M !'
P JII if I
Vf? IT Til
j A COOL CELLAR If ffffe?H I ,
Sonora Grand
Sonora Invincible
Sonora Supreme
If You Intend to Purchase a
This Fall Take Our Advice and Arrange for Yours NOW
The demand for the Sonora has reached such overwhelming pro
portions that we are almost positive we will be out of Sonoras and
unable to secure more of them long before Xmas.
Already we have a large number of Sonora instruments set aside
for customers who have acted wisely in placing a deposit on their
favorite style and requested us to hold it for Xmas delivery.
We will continue this policy and service to our customers as long as
this year's allotment lasts.
Sharp advances in the prices of other makes of phonographs have
occurred in the last two weeks. We are expecting an increase of
Sonora prices very soon.
A deposit will hold any Sonora in our stock for future delivery
between now and Christmas AT PRESENT PRICES. It will also
assure delivery of the particular style and finish you most desire.
You will be serving your best interests if you arrange for your
Xmas Sonora NOW.
Bush & Lane Bldg. Broadway at Alder
The exclusive representatives for the Sonora in this territory.
rfHE body of G. H. Rush. Portland
X contractor, who was killed late
Thursday afternoon near Baker, Or.,
when the auto in which he was riding
collided with a west-bound train, ar
rived here from Baker last night at 7
o"clock. The oldest eon, Robert, brought
the body here for funeral services,
which will be held this morning at
11 A. M. at the Portland crematorium
under the auspices of the Masonic
lodge. Mr. Rush is Survived by his
widow and four children Violet, who
has been in college in Chicago and
will be unable to arrive in time for the
funeral; Robert. George and Roger.
VANCOUVER. Wash., Sept. 20. iSpe
niaX) ilra. Adelaide C. Hodskln, wife
633 Service Men Request State Aid;
10 00 Students Already on
Hand for Opening. "
Corvall'is, Sept. 20. (Special.) With
the total number of credentials filed
from 1084 prospective new students as
compared with 557 for this date in 1916,
the last normal year, final preparations
are being made to handle what Is ex
pected to be a record-breaking attend
ance at the college. A registration of
between 2700 and 3000 students is ex
pected. Of the 1084 persons 749 are
men and 335 women.
Old students who were not in college
last year, but who will re-enter, num
ber 159.
Requests for application blanks frbm
service men who wish state aid number
653, and 446 state aid applications al
ready have, been forwarded to Palem.
In the list of 1084 persons 886 will en
ter as freshmen.
Approximately 80d rooms have been
assigned students by the Y. M. C. A.,
many other students having taken
rooms without applying to the Y. M.
C. A. It is estimated that more than
1000 students already are here.
A large percentage of students who
enter the college are either entirely
self-supporting or partially so.
Scores of workmen are employed in
transforming the barracks building
into a dormitory. Applications for
rooms irt this building have been al
ready made by nearly 100 students.
Motors to Replace Do& Teams.
KETCHIKAN, Alaska, Aug. 80. (By
Mail.) Dog teams, which for years
have pulled the malt sleds Over winter
Alaska snow trails, may be replaced by
motors. A Seattle firm is reported
building motor sleds designed to pull
trailers over the winter roads. Mall
will be carried over some of the Alaska
routes by the motor sleds this ear.
France After Food Picklers.
PARIS. Aug. 20. -Proceedings are be
ing instituted in France against boric
acid food picklers. It is claimed that
yolks of eggs, literally pickled in boric
acid, are being offered for sale in
many markets, while butchers are em
ploying borates to retard putrefaction
of their wares.
1 i
' IS
Sonora Baby Grind
Sonora Minuet
Sonora Nocturne
Sonora Trov atore
' $100
Phone your want ads to The Orego
nian. Main 7070, A 6095.
Funeral of Former Resident of Beav
. erton to Be Held Tuesday.
Seven Children Survive.
Mrs. Mary Mitsel, aged 74. died early
last Friday at the home of her daugh
ter, Mrs. Molly Jane Kidd, 45 Trinity
Place. Mrs. Mitsel was a resident of
Oregon for many years, having come
to this state from England with her
parents in the early sixties. Until the
death of her husband, Columbus' L.
Mitzel. in 1908. she made her home in
Beaverton. Or., having lived there for
more than 25 years. Since 1908 she
had lived in Portland with her daugh
ter, Mrs. Kidd.
Mrs. Mitzel Is survived by seven
children: Joseph A. Brooks and Mrs.
Clara Brown of Billings. Mont., by a
former marriage; Mrs. Myrtle M. Gar
rison of North Powder. Or.. Mrs. Kath
erine Chathberlaln and Mrs. Molly J.
Kidd. both of Portland ; -John E. and
Thomas D. Mlttel of Huber, Or., and
two brothers, Thomas ahd William
Eddon of Hamilton, Or.
Funeral services will be held Tues
day at 3 P. M. at Finley's chapel. In
terment will be made in Patton ceme
tery, Raleigh station, near Beaverton.
Army Ofilcers Without Jobs.
Information from the statistical de
partment of the office of Colonel Ar
thur Woods, assistant to the secretary
of War, received yesterday by Captain
Edwin C. Wetnple, his western district
director at Kan Francisco, shows that
of the 3.500,000 men already demo
bilized from the army and navy, but
20.000 are unplaced in civilian occupa
tions throughout the United States to
date. .The government faces a rather
This Afternoon and Evening
Admission to Park
serious situation In the re-employment
of discharged officers who are very
rapidly being released in accordance
with the recent order of the war de
partment calling for the discharge of
temporary officers prior to September
30. This is because of the fact that
the majority of these men are highly
technical and talented and are seeking
positions paying from $2400 to $6000
per year. A nation-wide campaign has
been Inaugurated to list all high-class
positions for which the discharged of
ficers are eligible. Letters are being
directed to all big employing concerns
urging them to send to Captain
Wemple, at 809 Flood building, Fan
Francisco, full information as to anj
positions open.
Bndd Snorden Operates AVithout
License; Salmon Confiscated.
Budd Sworden of Corbetts, Or., who
was arresteif Friday on a charge of
fishing with a set net at the mouth
of the Sandy river without a license,
was found guilty and fined $50 yes
terday, according to advices given out
by the state fish and gam commission.
The commission conusguru
j -' i hir.t hail heen
)UUIIU9 V DBlliiun,
caught by Sworden previous to his ar
Coos county, was'flned $21 for killing
otter out or season, ana navms
h ij.. in hi. nnsMiiidn. Being unable
to pay me line ne weni m
Display Room tot Imperial Prod
uct Opened on Oak Street.
The Self-Ashbaugh-Peterson com
pany of Portland has been appointed
the Portland representative of the Im
perial Candy company, Seattle, accord
ing to announcement made by C. E.
Roberts, president of the Seattle con
cern. A display room showing the
products of the candy company has
been opened at 30 Oak street.
The Self-Ashbaugh-Peterson com
pany Was recently organized to do a
general brokerage business by Qeorn"
M. Self. Edward C. Ashbaugh and W.
T. Petprson. all of Portland.
HERE it Is! The much-heralded sale of new government wortl blankets
at a price that is but a trifle more than dealers are asking for inferior
cotton blankets!
These grey blankets are a portion of the surplus which the United States
Government had on hand due to the sudden termination of the World War.
We secured them direct from the Government and now offer tha entire
lot to the public at S6.00 each..
FZvery blanket la weir all are iraarflntr4 perfect Mit
nave been used very blanket la warranted all pare wool!
Tbu know that the U. S. Government purchases Only the BEST! Be
assured these blankets are the best Uncle Sam could find. Come and eee
them they are better than any you'll find outside this store. Two
groups Uray Blankets and Blue-Gray Blankets, $8.00 each.
Buy one. two or as many m you wish, but supply present as well as future
needs, for this opportunity may be withdrawn any day and without
notice. So buy now $6.00 each at our store or $6.35 each by parcel post.
Out-of-town pnrrnasera may artier with perfeet safety,
being aaaured they take no rlak. Remit by Poatofflee
Money Order, Cannler'a Cheek. Kxpresa Money Order, or
Dank Draft. 6stlafaetln (uarssleed.
103 North Springs Street Los Angeles. CaL
Let a 5lgr Be Your
If you do you will have
gone a long way toward
solving the problem of
household help.
The THOR Electric
washing machine is the one
electric machine in the
world which has stood up
under the testa of 13 years.
Ask a friend whq has one.
The revolving, reversing,
wooden cylinder washes
clothes as gently as you
would "squeeze out" a fine
piece of lace.
The Thor is always sweet
and clean. It. is self-clean-able.
Washing MacHin
350,000 Women Use It
brings a
to your
home; bal
ance easy
Phone for
demonstrr . r.
your hor .
our dail t:i.
tions a' cur
appliaj '
Smith-McCoy ElectrF c
104 Fifth St., Bet. Washington anj
Phone Main 8011
Open Saturday evenings for your convenience.
IS 104.2.