The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, September 21, 1919, Section One, Page 12, Image 12

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stationed In Linn county for several
years. Although there were several
bad fires there during the summer, the
fire loss was nominal.
Robert Ruhl, editor, of the Mall-Tribune
at Medford, called at the capltol
yesterday. During' his vlRlt at the cap
ltol he enjoyed a chat With Don Upjohn,
secretary to Governor Olcott, and a
number of state officials.
Herbert Nunn, state highway engi
neer, left for Portland yesterday, where
he today attended a special meeting of
the state highway commission. R. A.
Klein, secretary of the commission, was
also present at the Portland session.
G. G. Brown, secretary of the state
land board, will arrive home Sunday
Supply Shut Off by War Is to
Be Renewed Soon.
Senator Nugent Stands Firmly
In favor of Pact.
Hood River Entertains Xdrthtvestern
Fruit Men Great Future for
Industry Forecast.
: HOOD RIVER, Or., Sept. 20. (Spe
cial.) For four war years England
sacrificed the appeals of appetite, and
the apples of Oregon, the reputation of
which had been fixed abroad, were
kept on this side of the Atlantic.
But the war over, although shipping
conditions remain somewhat uncertain.
England is sending out again for her
favorite fruit. To bring about a re
Eumption of commercial relations be
tween marketing concerns of this side
and the importers, numerous repre
eentatives of northwestern boxed ap
ples have gone abroad, and on Wednes
day Dan Wuille. managing director of
Dan Wuille & Co., pioneer shippers of
Hood River Newtowns. arrived here on
. tour of the northwestern box dis
tricts. One of the most Interesting func
tions of northwestern fruit history
occurred here Thursday night, when
Mr. Wuille was guest of honor at a
tunquet tendered at the Hotel Oregon
by his northwestern offce here, in
charge of A. E. Woolpert. It was at
tended by 115 fruit growers from Hood
River and other Oregon and Washing
ton apple districts.
Expansion la Discussed.
Mr. Wuille, whose company has be
come a permanent institution In Hood
River and other northwestern districts,
la here to discuss further expansions.
Trans-Atlantic shipping concerns han
dling apples, he stated, have Issued In
structions that no boxed apples will
be received for export unless the boxes
are wired or roped.
"While it will 6ost a few cents per
box," eaid Mr. AVuille, "It will pay well
to follow these Instructions and make
the packages secure. The standard
northwestern apple box, without Wir
ing or roping, is not suitable for ex
port. We have had 10 per cent dam
age from broken boxes and wasted ap
ples. This will run $40 loss to the
100 boxes. The transportation com
panies, while they do not always pay,
wish to shut off the annoyance of
Claims from such a. source."
"Apple a Day" AdoptedT
,! "We have adopted your adage, 'An
apple a day keeps the doctor away,' "
he said, "and when I recall that we
have 7,000,000 mouths to feed In Lon
don alone, you will see that your en
tire crop here in Hood River would not
go far toward filling our demand if all
the people were made to take cogni
zance of that advice. Tou couldn't
supply London for a month."
Uufur was represented by A. J.
Churchill, manager of the DufUr Or
chard Owners' company, whose hold
ings 4000 acres just coming to bearing
-were characterized by Toastmaster
Sproat as one of the largest single ap
ple orchards in the world. M. C. Bara
gar of Stanfield stated that the apple
growers' association in that district
had developed 500 acres of orchards in
the past nine years.
Others who responded to toasts were:
E; O. Blanchar. local banker; E. L.
Scobee, mayor of this city; E. E. Mills,
White Salmon (Wash-..) grower; W. H.
Weber. Chicago capitalist, who is
spending several weeks at his Mosier
orchards, and A. I. Mason, local
Banquet Largrly Attended.
.Those present at the .banquet were:
R, Burdick. J. B. Carey, Earl S. Coe O.
K. Corn. F. O. Childs. F. J. Empanger, H.
c: Greene. E. A. Gilbert. F. E. Harris.
Herbert Williams, H. B. Waldron and Lera
yarnell. White Salmon, Wash.; K H
AkerllK J. A. Daggett, w, j. Havener. How
land. Bros, of Lyle, Wash.; W; M. Kollock,
iJJiderwood, Wash.; P. H.Iohr, W. t. Allen
I M. Baldwin. A. O. Anderson. Hugh O.
Ball, L. D. Boyed, N. W. Bone, W K
Brazeau. E. O. Blanfchar. L. M. Bentley. E
- 5" c-laxt?n- H- Connaway. LeRoy Clillds. s.
ZZ A. . -reson, K. taveh-
pprt, Guy Emery, Charles Ehrck, J. B,
&f.T.den- Fike' AU80 a"d Clayton
Wetcher, H. J. Graff and H. S. Galligan.
Jtnn Goe, H. L.. Canoe, Charles K. Ganoe,
M. M. Hill. Nels O. and A. J. Ha gen, C.
1. Hoyt and Edward Hawkes, J. L. and
Harold Hershner, John Hakel. r. M Jack
n B. Krohn, H. T. lhman. E. E Late,
A. Massee, A. D. Moe. H. R. Moore. A.
1, Mason. Gus Miller. K. 1. Mack J O
Mark J. E. Malloy, August and Hugo
iach, Charles and Fred Pflughaupt, Purdy
end Rankin. Mayor E. L. Scobee. R. E
Scott. George and C. M. Sheppard. H I.
Shoemaker. A. F and IX p. Smith F H
Wanton, c. H. Sproat. William Swlck C '
BjJmner. Joe D. Thomison. Oscar Vander-
SjJ?80?. rdi G- A- and w- N- Weber.
3 Vi",che11' T- s- Willing, Clirton Wood.
K. 6. Woody and A. P. Slade. M. M. Burtner
Qd A. J. Churchill. Dufur; M. C Barajar
Manfleld; W. r. Blake. Albert Hutson K
lfrun- Et" J- Benedict. Russell G. Pond
6hearer. Parkdale; John R. Edgar
? 9?Um of Dee. W. c. Relth and
I I. Memfield of Kierldan and W H
Weber of Chicago.
Capital Personals.
SALEM. Or., Sept. 20. (Special.)
Jay Upton, president of the Oregon
Irrigation congress and one of the
bst-known men in the Prlneville country-,
passed a few hours at the capltol
yjsterday conferring with Attorney
General Brown and Percy Cupper,
te engineer, with regard to state
guarantee of interest on bonds issued
for development of the Ochoco Irriga
tion project. Mr. Upton Is a firm believ.
er; in the benefits of Irrigation, and
afc present is acting attorney for the
ojhoco district.
jMIss Marie Lodge, stenographer in
tlfie offices of State Treasurer Hoff and
por to that time holding a similar po
sition in the offices of the state labor
c$nmissioner, will resign her position
about October 1, when she will leave for
iStottle to make her future home.
tTtepresentative W. P. Lafferty of Cor.
vllls was a visitor at the capitol yes
terday. He conferred with J. A. Church
ilj state superintendent of public In
struction, and other officials. Mr. Laf-fe5"t-,y
w-as a member of the house com
TrMtte on education during the last
session of the legislature. Because of
trsa nikny students arriving in Corvallis
to attend the Oregon Agricultural col
lege, Mr. Lafferty Bays, it is almost lm
i possible to get a house there.
fearl Foster, county attorney of Creek
coynty, Oklahoma, called at the capitol
yesterday to" pay his respects to Gov
ernor Olcott. Mr. Foster comes from an
oil district, where common laborers re
ceive from $10 to (20 a day. Because of
thi high wages paid there, he says,
Oklahoma is one of the most prosperous
states in the Union, and the land is fast
be4ng taken up by newcomers. Mr. Fos
ter has been passing his vacation in-epi-cting
Rainier park and -other show
places of the west. .
' ...
p. A. Russell of Gates, Linn county,
ca4ne to Salem yesterday on business,
anji while here paid a number of state
officials a brief visit. He is a deputy
et-ato forestry, .wardens and has been
J antra Madlnon I1I1L
VANCOUVER. Wash., Sept. 20.
(Special.) - The funeral of
James Madison Hill, civil and
Indian war veteran, who died at
his home here Wednesday, will
be held tomorrow. Burial will be
in the post cemetery. Military
honors will be paid.
Mr. Hill was 76 years old. a
retired army commissary ser
geant and Served 40 years In the
United States army. He had lived
f in Vancouver since his retire-
7 m An t In Ififlfl
He was born In Washington,
Pa. When the civil war began
Mr. Hill, with his brother, ran
away from home and enlisted.
When the war was ever Mr. Hill
enlisted in the Bth cavalry. He
received a congressional medal
of honor and a letter of merit
for bravery displayed In the
Apache war. He was wounded
13 times during his army experi
ences. Mr. Hill Is survived by the
widow. Mrs. Mary Hill, and two
daughters, Mrs. J. J. Cairns of
this city and Mrs. L. B. Gile of
Los Angeles, Cal.
from Philadelphia, where he attended
the triennial conclave of the Knights
Templar. During his stay In the east
he also visited in New Tork and othef
important cities.
H. H. Corey and Fred Williams, mem
bers of the Oregon public service com
mission, who have been holding a series
of hearings at The Dalles, Arlington
ahd other eastern Oregon towns, are
expected to reach home Sunday, accord
ing to word received here.
August Shipments, if Carriers Had
Been Loaded to Capacity, Would
Have Saved 3199 Cars.
SALEM, Or, Sept. 20. (Special.)
Reports received at the offices of the
Oregon public service commission to
day indicate that the car shortage is
becoming more serious. Yesterday the
Southern Pacific and Spokane, Portland
& Eastern lines lacked a total of 640
cars to fill present orders. Of this
number the Southern Pacific company
reported a shortage of 412 cars and
the Spokane, Portland & Seattle, 228
During the month of August 30,738
cars, carrying 1,074,850 pounds of
freight, were moved out of the Oregon
Washington district, according to the
report. Had each of these cars been
loaded to capacity, or' 8000 additional
pounds, 3,199 carriers would have been
saved and made available for other
channels of traffic.
The car shortage is general through
out the entire United States, according
to a telegram received at the offices
of the Oregon public service commis
sion today from K. H. Aishton, regional
director of railroads with headquarters
at Chicago.
Mr. Aishton's telegram, was in reply
to messages sent to Walker D. Hlnes,
director-general of the United States
railroad administration, and the reg
ional director, by Fred J. Buchtel,
member of the public service commis
sion, urging relief for shippers.-
Twenty Teachers Jeed;d.
LEWISTOX, Idaho, Sept. 20. (Spe
cial.) There are 20 vacancies in the
schools of Asotin county, where no
teachers have been obtained, and the
county is in immediate need of ten
teachers for rural schools with salaries
ranging from S0 to $100 a month. At
Silcott, where there are from four to
six children, the salary of the teacher
is $100.
Though petroleum exists In Siam and
has been used in a crude way by the
natives for lighting, no attempts have
been made to develope the deposits.
. w.l
t f-' i M n n T- ucujilli
Active Work by Borah Against
Covenant Tends to Co'nfuse
Public Opinion.
BOISE, Idaho, Sept. 20. (Special.)
John F. Nugent, junior United States
senator from Idaho, delivered his
maiden speech in the senate recently,
and copies of it have reached Idaho,
where It is exciting no little comment.
Although he has been in the upper
halls of congress for two years. Sen
ator Nugent had not broken prominent
ly into printer's ink. Senator Nugent
lined up with the ratification sup
porters. He served notice on his con
stituency in Idaho that he is for the
treaty of Versailles and the league of
nations' covenant.
The fact that Senator Nugent come
out so pointedly for ratification and
that the senior senator from this state.
Senator Borah, recognized as one of the
nation's leaders, is taking directly the
opposite stand, has naturally divided
sentiment and opinion in Idaho. Nu
gent 1 a democrat. Borah is a re
publican. Credit is given both men for
Roosevelt la Quoted.
The address of Senator Nugent takes
hp the treaty and covenant in detail.
It is pointed out that Theodore Roose
velt, when alive, was an ardent advo
cate for the league and in support of
this statement an address given by the
martyred ex-president in 1910 in
Chrlstlnla, Norway, is quoted from.
Roosevelt Said among other things at
that time: "Each nation must keep
well prepared to defend itself until the
establishment of some form of inter
national police power, competent and
willing to prevent violence as between
nations, is organized."
Senator Nugent stated that the cove
nant can be amendded and that he
doubts not but what time and experi
ence will demonstrate the necessity
for 'amendment. He cites the fact that
since its adoption the constitution of
the United States has been amended 18
times. Failure to ratify. Senator Nu
gent holds, will mean frightful slaugh
ter in another world war soon to fol
low. The treaty and covenant are
thereafter taken up in detail, the sen
ator's statements and defense being
similar to those of President Wilson.
The address of Senator Ndgent Is
taken here as an answer to the recent
attack made upon him by democrats to
"speak up" in defense of the treaty
and covenant.
Borah's Ilepott Discredited.
Party leaders are inclined not td take
seriously the report that four years
hence Senator Borah will not ba a can
didate to succeed himself in the senate.
The report was to the effect that he
would then take up the practice of law
In New YorV.
Unusual Interest is attached to the
activity of H. F. Samuels of Samuels,
Bonner county, since he returned to
this state from a trip abroad to In
vestigate labor conditions for and on
behalf of the present national admin
istration. He has been spending the
week speaking to members of the
Nonpartisan league at picnics held in
southern Idaho. Samuels was the
league's candidate for governor, having
been nominated at the democratic
primaries, although a republican, and
defeated by D. W. Davis now governor
of the state. It is believed in political
circles that Samuels will be a candi
date. Samuels Is wealthy and can
make the race. He stated in an inter
view that the common people In Eu
rope are for the league of nations but
the aristocrats and professional sol
diers are against It. He was in France,
England, Sweden, Norway, Holland.
Germany, Belgium, Italy and other
countries. He said that While money
will buy anything to eat, most of the
people are without funds.
Woman's Building: Fund Boosted and
New Students Pledged Home-
Cominjj Day Interests.
EUGENE. Or., Sept. 20. (Special.)
Well pleased with his trip Into eastern
Oregon in the Interest of the woman's
building fund and in getting new stu
dents for the university this fall. John
Straub. dean- of men and "father of
the freshmen." returned to Eugene
Thursday. According to his statement,
he visited 20 or more towns during his
absence of three weeks. In getting
funds for the new woman's building,
he encountered very few refusals to
aid. Between $4000 and $7000 will be
added to the fund between November
and January, the dean said.
Dean Straub, who predicted that 1500
students will enroll at the University
of Oregon this fall, etill is confident
that the 150 iffftfk will be reached be
fore Thanki-g day. Some towns
will more tl double their attendance
record this! Vhe said.
Dean StT&fJ VooBted for Oregon's
home-coming 6h November 15, when
the big foo!54, frame tetwc:n Oregon
and Orpirfi' i-ricultural college will
be staged. JLfclaion ' ta planning to
send a special if
m with its contingent.
he stated. -
is the Characteristic of
this hotel. You can de
pend on its having the
best food that the mar
kets afford, the finest
music, the most prompt
and Courteous tervi ce.
Eat Sunday dinner here.
Sunday Table d'Hote
Dinner $1263.
Also a 1st Carte Service.
Weekday Badness Men's
Lunch, 12 ta 3, 60c
The Portland
Need of Increase in Supplies Is Ap
parent and 25,000,000 Gallon
Reserve Is Probable.
ASHLAND. Or.. Sept. 10 (Special.)
The city council of Ashland made a
trip of inspection to the headwaters
of Ashland creek this week, and has
practically decided upon the construc
tion of a reservoir on the east fork of
Ashland creek which will store 25,000.
000 gallons and will Solve the water
shortage problem here for several years
to come, water meters win probably
be Installed as a further protection
against shortage.
Two reservoir sites are under Con
sideration, the east -fork site being
favored, as it would be possible to
complete the project in time to insure
against a shortage next summer, while
the west fork reservoir, although it
would have twice the capacity, would
take all summer to finish and would
be larger than is necessary at this
time. It will be built when the en
larged reservoir capacity now contem
plated becomes too small.
The contemplated reservoir will sup
plement the three small and one large
reservoirs now In use. By combining
It with existing pipe lines It will form
an auxiliary source of power for the
municipal electric power plant.
Kelso Sermon Mill Be in Nature of
Harvest Festival.
KELSO, Wash, Sept. 20. (Special.)
The Kelso Presbyterian church will
have a unique service Sunday, when
Here it is for you
to operate yourself
Weight 6 pounds,
8 with case.
O o
The Personal Writing Machine
E. W. Pease CO. Distributors
110 Sixth St., Near Washington
Are You Looking
For Real Clothes Value ?
Are you looking for reliable all-wool
fabrics, shrunk by the London cold
water process tested for color-fastness
and wearing strength? You will find
them in Kirschbaum Clothes.
Are you looking for good
tailorwork the kind that
' puts shape and staying qual
ities into a suit never to
come out up to the last day
of wear. Are you looking for
25, $3o, 35 up to 50
Good clothes this Fall are scarce Pick your suit
now ivhiL our stock of Kirschbaum
Clothes is complete.
Phegley 8C Cavender
the morning worship will be in the
nature of a harvest festival. The church
has been decorated with fruits from
the orchards and Vegetables from the
fields about Kelso.
The sermon by Rev. R. A. Walmsley
will be on the subject, "Th Earth Full
of Uod's' Glory." On Monday night the
fruits, vegetables and canned goods will
be sold at auction for the benefit of
the Presbyterian orphanage in Cantor'
Roosevelt Stamps Authorized.
WASHINGTON. Sept.. !. Special
cancellation for mall matter which will
show the words "Roosevelt Memorial
Association, October 20-27," was au
thorized today by congress to aid the
Dandruff Soon
Ruins the) Hair
Girls. If you want plenty of thick,
beautiful, glossy, ellky hair. Ho by all
means get rid of dandruff, for it will
starve your hair and ruin it if you
It doesn't do much good to try to
brush or wash it out. The tonly sur
way to get rid of dandruff is to dis
solve it, then you destroy it entirely.
To do this get about four ounces of
ordinary liquid arvon: apply H at night
when retiring; use enough to moisten
the scalp and rub it in gently with the
finger tips.
By morning most, if not all. of your
dandruff will ba gone, and threa or
four more applications will completely
dissolve and entirely destroy very sla
aria sign and trac. of It.
Tou will find, too. that all Itching
and digging of tha scalp will stop, and
your hair will look and reel a hundred
times better. You can get liquid, arvon
at any drag store. It is inexpensive
and four ounces Is all you will need,
no matter how much dandruff you have.
This simple remedy never fails. Adv.
Price $50.00
Case included.
Fold it up take it with
Typewrite anywhere.
folded, for carrying ia
1 ' iwq story bafc
smart correct style for a
smooth comfortable fit? Are
you looking for a real suit of
clothes honesdy and fairly
priced? You will find all
that in Kirschbaum Clothes.
association's campaign for $5,000,000 to
construct a Roosevelt memorial.
Italy Gets More Credit.
WASHIVOTOV. Sept. 10. A n
Heard the New
All Record
mm A
fill! II
This style with 20 selections for only $15
down and $7.50 monthly. Has large double
springed noiseless running motor, automatic
stop, automatic cover lift, large record
compartment, celebrated Brunswick cabi
net and Brunswick patented all-record
sound box that plays Victor, Columbia, Edi
son and Pathe records.
Brunszvicks Have
No Surface Noise
Talking Machine Co.
350 Alder Street
t.- n r n t in jp J I a
credit or $l.l4.j;7 to Italy has brought
the total advances for that country up
to 1.619.922.S72 and to all the allies
Tlead The Orironlan classified art.