The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, September 21, 1919, Section One, Image 1

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    ' life Siittfcit rii:iitttHf l Eis
Section One
Pages 1 to24
-(J YYYVIIT fl liH Entered it Portland (Oregon)
UL). AAA) 111 J. OO. Vnflorrrr aa Second -Cla. Matter.
Operators to Attempt to
Run Plants Monday.
Treaty Opposition Is
Stronger Than Ever.
Exhibits to Be More Com
plete Than Ever.
Union Leaders Assert Some of
Unorganized Will Join.
Ylayor of McKeesport Swears in
3 00 0 Deputies Labor Chiefs
to Insist on Gathering.
PITTSBURG. Sept. 20. The eve ot
the nation-wide strike in the steel in
dustry finds both sides in the contest
apparently prepared for the battle.
Final arrangements were rushed today,
the corporations paying much attention
to plans for guarding their property
and the union leaders continuing their
intensive campaign to organize unor
ganized men and urging others to stand
by the workers. Tonight there seemed
to be nothing to do but wait for the
test of strength on Monday, when the
strike will officially begin.
Expressing confidence that the
unions have not the power to compel
a general shutdown, officials of the
United States Steel corporation, the
main object of the attack of labor, and
of other steel companies said they will
blow their whistles as usual Monday
morning and try to operate their
Strikebreakers IS ot Wanted.
They frankly admit they will do their
best, and if sufficient men do not re
port, which they do not concede, they
will shut down again until such time as
they can command enough men to make
it worth while to start up again.
There is no talk of bringing strike
breakers into this district in the event
the unions cripple or close down the
plants. It is said the larger corpora
tions prefer to remain closed than
cause unnecessary turmoil that some
times follows the bringing: of strike
breakers into a community.
The strike order affects approximate
ly 200.000 iron and steel workers in the
inner and outer Pittsburg district be
tween Johnstown, Pa., on the east and
Youngstown, O., on the west. Union
leaders claim that a majority of the
men will follow the request of the
steel workers' national committee and
refuse to go to work Monday. They
assert that not only union men will be
in the walkout, but that they will be
joined by thousands who are not af
filiated with any labor organization.
City Officials on Alert.
Municipal and borough officials in
many parts of the Pittsburg district
today also prepared to meet the situa
tion and have taken precautions to
maintain law and order in their com
munities. Mayor George H. Lysle of McKees
port, who, union leaders complain, has
refused to permit labor organizations
to hold public meetings in- that city,
issued a long proclamation calling
upon citizens to support the constituted
authorities in their efforts to maintain
A report was circulated today that
the United States Steel corporation was
swearing in 10,000 of its loyal employes
as special guards to protect property
Corporation officials, following their
custom, refused to divulge what police
arrangements they are making. It was
learned, however, that the sheriff of
Allegheny county has had deputy
sheriffs at the corporation's steel plants
(Concluded on Page 23, Column 1.)
i feH'l 'AH "TWc. VTEXt. "STRIKE. m tw-Vre AU.RIGHT TrJ 'I
i ' jp ti 1 1
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Baby Girl Hears Her Father Speak
for First Time When Treatment
for Shell Shock Succeeds.
(Copyright by the New York World. Pub-
usnea by . Arrangement, t
LONDON, Sept. 20. '.Special Cable.)
There , have been many surprises.
both before and behind the scenes, in
the London Hippodrome, but nothing
more amazing ever happened there than
when, a few nights ago, Lewis Havens,
stagehand, uttered the first word he
had spoken for three years.
Havens' wife blessed him with a
child about two years ago. The little
one had never heard her father's voice.
Try to imagine the delight of his wife
when Havens embraced the youngster
and sajd: .
"Kiss your dad.
Havens was in the rifle brigade and
suffered shell shock during a bombard
ment on the Somme in September, 1916.
The shock paralyzed his vocal cords
and affected the muscles of his throat.
He was stricken dumb. Having been
discharged from the army, he was re
stored to his old place on the Hippo
drome stage.
He excited the - sympathy of Mrs.
Wanda Lyon, one of the principals at
the Hippodrome, who sent him to Frank
Horler, the chief masseur at Sir Fred
erick Milner's hospital for sufferers
from shell shock, at Hempstead. Mrs.
Lyon told Horler to exercise all his
skill on Havens and she would pay the
Intense was the astonishment of all
on the stage within hearing of Havens
when he announced in & clear voice
Just as he did before he went to the
front: .
"All's ready to begin.
Belgian Primate Impressed With
Warmth of Welcome.
NEW YORK. Sept. 20. Delighted by
the cordial welcome which he received
and promising to return to New York
October 5, Cardinal Mercier left today
for Baltimore.
"I never thought a people could be
so sincere and open-hearted as the
American people." said the cardinal be
fore his departure. "I admire you for
your work on the battlefields and for
your charity."
Work of Placing ex-Soldiers in Jobs
Is Nearly Finished.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 20: Colonel
Arthur Wood, special assistant to the
secretary of war in charge of employ
ment of discharged soldiers, resigned
today. It was said Mr. Woods feels
the larger part of the task of returning
soldiers to civil occupations has been
completed. '
The work of the bureau is to be con
tinued under Colonel Matthew C. Smith
of the regular army.
FIRE LOSS IS $275,000
Old Hotel Building Damaged at
Great Falls, Mont.
GREAT FALLS, Mont., Sept. 20.
Loss estimated at $275,000 was caused
by a fire in the old Burlington hotel
building here today, occupied as a
wholesale store by the Firestone Tire
company. Damage to the building was
set at 65,O0O and on a stock of auto
mobile tires at $210,000.
Xearly Normal Temperature Is Fore
cast for Pacific.
WASHINGTON. Sept. 20. Weather
predictions for the week beginning
Monday are:
Northern Rocky mountain and plateau
regions. Pacific states Generally fair.
Nearly normal temperatures.
11 irew ii iwL " 1 !
Maximilian Harden Tells
of Teuton Training.
Physical Force Made Measure
of All Virtues.
Mlitarism, Wars, Generals, Dates
Featured, Hatred Taught;
Result, Disaster.
Copyright. 1919. Dy the Pre Publishing
Co. (The New York World). (Special
.Cable Dispatch to The 'World.)
BERLIN, Sept. 18. Willie Krause
likes to play best with soldiers. At
first they were made of wood and
hideously painted. They became tire
some. When little Willie went back to
his sister's dolls and had fun dressing
and undressing the white, fat frauleins
with the red cheeks and sky-blue eyes
that opened and shut, father said that
was nothing for boys.
And so. on Christmas eve, there
stood under the lighted tree two boxes
of tin soldiers. Then followed many
made of lead, which looked quite true
to nature blue dragoons, red hussars,
white cuirassiers with gold or black
breastplate, infantry, artillery with
"real" cannon, a, gray warship with
torpedo tubes; one box contained, a
marine brigade.
War Science Homemade.
Splendid! Willie soon knows every
uniform, every emblem of rank tans,
stripes, bands, stars, medals. On the
floor he holds parades, manueuvers,
starts naval battles and repulses at
tempts at coast landings. Little Willie
struts around in helmet, guard coat,
cavalry boots, with shining sword; and
when he grows older wears a sailor
suit and sailor cap, with legend, "His
Majesty's Ship Worth. He reads, de
vours books glorifying war and war
riors and which describe battles so
beautifully that only the glory is vis
ible, never the horror and carnage.
Strong; Boys Mowt Respected.
When after school hours the boys
play "robber and soldier" he doesn't
want to be a robber out to fight for
order and right. That the soldier al
ways fights for order and right is
never doubtful for him. And since he
early notes that among the school
boys the strong ones, who are good
at gymnastics and on top in a rough
house fight, are much more respected
than the weaklings, who often, al
ready wearing spectacles, are best in
Greek or mathematics, he draws the
conclusion that physical force is the
measure of all virtues.
He has to learn a lot. Because no
body knows what profession will be
selected for him. Little Willie Is
crammed full of the classics and prac
tical studies.
Coeducation Not Tolerated.
Coeducation, which brings girls and
boys together, and the common public
school, which at least, in the lower
classes brings together the children
of all social classes and castes, do not
exist in Germany. Therefore the boy
learns to know neither the feelings of
the other sex nor of the great masses
of the people. He is forbidden to dis
cuss things with the maid servant be
cause household discipline would suf
fer thereunder, and when he asks why
the janitor's son. though he has a
bright mind, was only permitted to go
to the "people's school" r.nd must now
already go to work In a factory, he
(Concluded on Page 3. Column 1.)
Teutons In Position to Consolidate
Commercial Advantages In
East, Diplomats "Say.
(Copyright by the New Tork World. Pub
lished by Arrangement.)
WASHINGTON. Sept. 20. Germany
will enter Into diplomatic relations with
the Russian soviet government as soon
as the Versailles treaty shall have been
recognized by three of the principal al
lied powers, according to the belief of
well informed allied diplomats here.
Great Britain already has ratified the
pact. France is expected to ratify it
this week, and Tokio advices state that
Japan will ratify It this month "with
out amendment or reservation of any
Germany Is In a position, according
to these diplomats' statements, to con
solidate her commercial advantages in
Russia as soon as the peace treaty with
the allies shall have become effective,
and It was further declared that British
commercial Interests are alarmed at the
prospect of Germany, without competi
tion, engaging the major trade of Eu
ropean Russia. Pressure is understood
to have been brought upon the British
government by English business inter
ests to change the national policy to
wards Russia in order that British com
merce will not be sacrificed in Ger
many. English labor also is said to be In
favor of resuming trade relations with
Russia immediately, but goes further
than British capital by demanding that
Great Britain cease to favor certain
Russian factions by furnishing them
with arms and munitions to continue
the war against the bolshevik!. These
diplomats look for the probable changes
in British policy toward Russia to af
fect the American policy and predict
that within a' few months trade with
European Russia will be resumed.
Governor or Nebraska Tells Hlncs
Wheat Is In Danger of Rotting.
LINCOLN, Neb..' Sept. 20. Governor
Samuel R. McKelvie today made public
a telegram he sent to Director-General
Hines of the federal railroad adminis
tration, urging that steps be taken to
relieve a shortage of railroad cars in
western Nebraska, where huge quanti
ties of wheat are said to be in danger
of rotting because of a lack of ship
ping and storage facilities.
' At Dalton,- Neb., the telegram said,
farmers have 1,000,000 bushels of
wheat, part of which must be disposed
of at once to avoid loss from inade
quate shelter and to give relief to
banks In that community.
Convalescent Veterans Help Rescue
Vancouver, B. C. Bed Putlents.
VANCOUVER. B. C, Sept. 20. The
Shaughnessy miltary hospital was prac
tically destroyed by fire at noon to
day. The loss In property was heavy,
but not a person had the slightest per
sonal Injury. The best army traditions
prevailed in the successful removal of
20 or 30 bed patients.
One hundred veterans who were up
and about assisted the nurses in carry
ing the helpless men outside. Neigh
bors and golfers on the nearby links
joined the volunteer helpers.
A defective chimney is supposed to
have caused the fire.
Five Sinn Fein Organs Suffer for
Printing "Republic" Loan Ads.
DUBLIN. Sept. 20. The five leading
Sinn Fein organs and transport work
ers' newspapers, as well as several pro
vincial weeklies were suppressed today
by the police because they had pub
lished advertisements for the so-called
Irish republican loan.
Where newspapers operted their own
plants the raiders rendered the places
President Said to Mistake
Hostilities for Support.
Receptions Generally Are in Keeping
With Position, But People
Want Some Reservations.
ington, Sept. 20. What, has President
Wilson's appeal direct to the people
of the west accomplished?
That is the foremost question today
in the national capital. It is granted
that the applause has been generous
since he reached the cities bordering
on the Pacific, but how of the votes?
Nothing is worth while at the present
stage of the treaty struggle except
votes in the senate, and on that score
Mr. Wilson seems to be the loser since
his trip began.
First, consider Ohio. Until the presi
dent's visit to Columbus, Senator Hard
ing had given but mild expression to
his views on the league covenant.
Treaty Koes Multiply..
The presidential train had no more
than left the station until Senator
Harding delivered a speech In the sen
ate which removed doubt of his oppo
sition to the covenant in its present
form. The train moved on Into Indiana,
the president spoke and departed and
Senators Watson and New have been
urged by constituents every day since
to stand out for reservations.
Much was made of Mr. Wilson's visit
to St. Louis and Kansas City, but the
advices .which Senator Spencer received
from- home'were har he ' should, take
a stronger position against the league,
whereupon the senator Immediately an
nounced that only strong reservations,
not mild ones, would satisfy him. With
out such reservations, he said, he
would have to vote against treaty
Omaha Meetlner ot Eneouraa-lns;.
There was nothing in the Nebraska
meeting to encourage the president nor
to frighten Senator Norrls. because the
reception at Omaha, the home of Sen
ator Hitchcock, the. treaty leader, was
the poorest meeting that Mr. Wilson
has had.
In Iowa he was hospitably received,
but Senator Kenyon, regarded as more
than half friendly to the treaty,
promptly announced immediately there
after that he would vote against the
pact unless radical reservations were
attached. Senator Cummings remained
unmoved. r'
No change was made in Montana's
votes except that Senator Myers, demo
crat and supporter of the president, has
been wavering since a few days before
Mr. Wilson reached Helena.
Idaho's Views Not Changed.
In Idaho no change could be expected
because Nugent, democrat, will sup
port Mr. Wilson under any circum
stances, but Senator Borah is irrecon
clliable. Anyway there was no'lting
about the partly filled tent at Coeur
d'AIene to cause a weaker man than
Borah to lose his nerve.
' Senator Polndexter has been on the
platform assailing the treaty prac
tically every day since the president
visited Spokane and Seattle and Seu-
(Concluded on Pig
Colur.m 1.)
San Francisco Judge Says Woman
Is Equally Culpable With Husband
Who Shot E. C. Kelly.
SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 20. A charge
of murder was preferred today against
Mrs. Alice Woodcock, whose husband.
Edgar Woodcock, shot and killed Ed
ward C. Kelly, employe of a local
newspaper, Thursday night.
The charge against Mrs. Woodcock
was made by Captain of Detectives
Matheson on instructions from Police
Judge Fitzpatrlck. before whom Wood
cock was taken today for instructions
f to his rights.
Woodcock shot Kelly, the police
said, after Mrs. Woodcock accused
Kelly of having endeavored to start a
flirtation with her.
After hearing the story of witnesses
of the shooting Judge Fitzpatrick said:
"I recommend that Mrs. Woodcock be
clarged with murder. She is equally
culpable with her husband, as the evi
dence shows she conspired to bring
about the alleged flirtation which re
sulted in Kelly's death."
Bail was refused to Edgar Wood
cock. Mrs. Woodcock, before her marriage,
was Miss Alice Harris of Tacoma,
Chamberlain Favors Honors for
Overseas Fighters First.
ington. Sept. 20. "I am not certain that
I will oppose the bill promoting Gen
eral Crowder In recognition of his serv
ices, including the selective draft,"
said Senator Chamberlain today.
"I did not oppose the committee's re
port and whatever I have to say will
be said in the senate. I do not object
to honoring General Crowder In this
manner whatever I may think of him
personally, but I dislike the method of
honoring him In a preferred bill ahead
of all of the gallant officers who dis
tinguished themselves overseas. Thore
should be a general bill covering all
of them. Certainly an office general
should not be honored ahead of the
men who fought."
Post as German Foreign Secretary
to Go to Another.
BERLIN. Sept. 19. (By the Asso
ciated Press.) It ir-efficially denied
that Count von Berastorff. former am
bassador to the United States. Is to
be made state secretary of the foreign
A Berlin dispatch of September 18
quoted the Zettung Am Mittag as de
claring Von Bernstorff would become
permanent state secretary of the for
eign office.
Laborers Also Freed From Anti
Trust Prosecution.
WASHINGTON. Sept. 20. Before
passing the general deficiency bill to
day, the house again exempted from
prosecution under the anti-trust laws
all organizations of laborers and farm
ers combining to Increase wages or
maintain reasonable prices for farm
This matter has long been in con
Majority of Valbancra's Passengers
From Malaga, Spain.
MADRID, Sept. 20. Dispatches re
ceived here from Havana confirm the
loss of the Spanish steamship Val-
banera in the tropical storm, which
raged over the Gulf of Mexico and ad
jacent waters last week.
The majority of the passengers were
from Malaga. Spain.
Tribute Will Be Paid to Mem
ory of Late Governor.
Governor Olcott and Others Will
Speak, Races Will Be Held and
Exhibits Viewed First Day.
Monday Governor WIthycombe
and soldiers' day.
Tuesday Woman's and dairy
men's day.
Wednesday Salem day.
Thursday Portland and Elks'
Friday Willamette and good
roads day
Saturday Manufacturers' and
grange day.
SALEM. Or.. Sept. 20. (Special.) If
preliminary activities are any criterion
of the success of state fairs held in
Oregon, the one opening here Monday
morning should far surpass any event
of its kind ever held in the west. This.
In brief, is the opinion expressed by
A. H. tea, secretary of the state fair
board, and seconded by A. C Marsters.
president of the body.
A small army of entry clerks, rein
forced by hundreds of workers, ex
hibitors front almost every section of
Oregon, Washington and California, as
well as from more distant sections of
the United States and Canada, labored
diligently last night and today arrane-
intr the many beautiful and Instructive
displays, and by Monday morning there
will be assembled and ready for Irt-
Hpectlon the greatest and most varlefl
exnioiis ever brought together at V
single show In this slate.
Wlthyrombe Memorial rinnnrd.
Monday's programme, which will be
marked by the usual afternoon races,
viewing of exhibits and entertainment
afforded by the numerous concessions,
will probably be featured by the me
morial ceremonies in tribute to the
late Governor WIthycombe, and Amer
ican soldiers and sailors who pitted
their lives against the hun.
This part of the programme will bo
held in the new stadium, which, when
completed, will have a seating capacity
of more than 18.000. Speakers for this
event include Governor Olcott. Chester
Moores of Portland, W. J. Kerr, presi
dent of the Oregon Agricultural col
lege; P. L. Campbell, president of the
University of Oregon; Wallace JIc
Camant, George W. Stapleton and
Edgar B. Piper of Portland.
The victory show is an added at
traction this year and includes a great
array of fighting equipment used In
the late war. In this exhibit the agri
cultural war. navy, commerce, . Interior
and labor departments of the govern
ment are co-operating.
Aatoa to Be Shown.
The automobile . also will have a
prominent place in this year's fair, and
already there are assembled on the
grounds exhibits from practically all
the manufacturers and dealers repre
sented on the coast. Cars of every de
scription and price are included In this
(Concluded on Par I'liimn a