TIIE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, SEPTEMBER 14,- 1919. 15 FOR HALK. Furniture for SELECT TOl'R NEEDS FROM THESE GREAT SPECIALS. UHT ARB ALL WORTHY OF TOUR i PROMPT ATTENTION. EXTENSION TABLES GREATLY UNDER PRICED. $33.00 54-INCH ROUND DIM NO TABLE CUT TO J40.SO $10 00 Pr.ANK-RIM DININO TABLE FOR 30.50 IKMF1.rsH.RIU DIXINfl TABLE AT 32 $35 00 DININO TABLES REDUCED TO ?:3.TS t?3.O0 rININn TARI.ES. 54-INCH TOP. KiiDU'JBL. TO $13.71 jr! 00 ROUND DINING TABLES C:.T TO I13.SJ fot.ID OAK IMNTNO CHAIRS WITH f.KM'INK P K N 1 ! II I. BATHER tEATS, BRAND NEW. SET OF 6.. $24.90 LIBRARY TABLES REDUCED. 41 -INCH SOLID QUARTERKI) OAK I.I'tltAKY 1AbU. KEtiLLAR Hi. Kult I2TS0 $;.1H FUMED OAK LIBRARY TA BLES KEDl'CEU TO J1.S.SC $20 W LIBRARY TABLES CUT TO..14.SJ AVr I.TRRJIRT TARLHS AWAY CUW.V TO $ GREAT BARGAINS FOR THE BED ROOM. CONTINUOUS STKEL PEPS. WITH CUT TO $11.50 NEW SPRINGS AT .. 4.15 COTTON FELT MATTRESSES. ntll.T IV HYERS tt'Kll.HT 45 FOUNDS. REUL'LAK $22.50. FOR. $15.83 FLOOR COVERINGS. SCAMLRSS BRUSSELS RUGS. 9x12. REGULAR $34.50, REDUCED TO. $24.83 9x12 GRASS RUGS ONLT $IL50 6x9 GRASS RUG3 FOR $ 4.85 CONGOLEUM ART CARPETS. xI5 FOR $11. FOR $10 13 FOR . $ 0.00 0x104 KOR . 9x 9 FOR . $ 7.50 $ 6.73 6x FOR $ 4.50 EAST TERMS. MISH FURNITURE CO-1SS-1D0 FIRST ST. FURNITURE FOR LESS. Take advantage of our low prices on anytning In the line of home furniau.nga. We n--i the cash and an sacrificing thousands of dollars worth of line fur niture, rugs, heaters. rang at the whoie .tie cost and its, Second-hand goous Wuuld cost you as much If not mure. Coiu In and Judge, for yourself. Liberty Bonds Accepted. FELTSTErN FURNITURE CO.. 174 1st, Cor. x.tmai.1. IsKD RANGED We have ubout 1"0 used ranges for you to select from; among thee are many Just as ifood us new ones at haif the prire. We are the pioneers of tiie p. an of guaranteeing ail second-hand stoves and ranges, the same as new ones, to bake and give satisfaction. We do not believe in t he old motto, "Caveat Empror," let the buyer beware. We do a.l the inspecting be for the ranges are placed on salv and if our experts pronounce them unsatisfactory we don't stal them. Easy trrnis. No interest. UEVUKTZ FURNITURE COMPANY. THE BUS STuRE. AH Under One Konf. No Branch Stores. Is5 FIRST ST. Remember, 2 doors from Yamhill Public Market. MUST SELL at once for principal reasons, tii- Kootis: were not used: betis, springs, mattr-aies. 1 fin steel rang. 2 heaters. 1 i12 Axmlnster rug. 1 0x12 wool fabric rug. 1 breakfast table. 2 comforters. No Dealers. Call 44S Liberty iSt.. Woodlawa. Wood lawn car. TAPESTRY DAVENPORT. New tapestry davenport which would usually seii at $65, at a special price of $42. 75. Here Is something you cannot afford to misa. Come In and convince yourself. CKVfRTZ FURNITURE STORE. S05-2O7 lt st . bet. Taylor and Salmon. Do not mistake the number as there are other stores of similar name. BiiDS, fcPRl.NGS AND MATTRESSES AT A BIO SAVING. 916 n massive 2-in. post steel beds with large filling rods, alt colors. $10 05 $5 75 wood frame supported springs. $ 8.35 $ 50 guaranteed Stel spring S .." f 'jK 0 double-deck con spring $17.t. $35.M) finest quality silk floss mat tress, best irrade art tlektng $23 S3 t'ELDSTElN FURNITURE CO.. 174 lt St., cor. Yamhill. SPECIAL BARGAINS IN SLIGHTLY USED FURNITURE. Fed. good clean and heavy for 2.50 up: snrirg tr iron and wooden bed for $1.50 tip. mattresses, cotton rM combination, lor $3 up YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD. UNITED Ft RMTL'RB SToRE. 17J First St. JLRGC selection of used 9x12 rugs la up-to-date de-fins. $7.50 and up. STAR FURNITURE CO.. The Store of Bargains. 204 First Street. Alain 5064. EXTRA large- cabinet phonograph In ma hifjnt. Mke new; must sacrifice; 12 rM -ords. $125, 4tt Libriy St.. near Slh. W ood.aa. $ i.lO OA K genuine (e ither s.ip-seat dining chairs for only $4.25 each, a real $4 thai. OWL FURNITURE CO. Seils For Less. 1rt-t lu St . near Morrison ImVT sarniicw your (uri.iture if going east or to Cali'ornia. We can sivr you mney on your frciaht In our through cars. Fire proof Storage. C M. Olaea Transfer St Storage Co.. 24S Pine at. 1 OWL FURNITURE CO. SELLS FOR LESS. Cook stove with reservoir. 4 holes, large even, iare-e ftrehn. for only $1 50. 1 r,t-1 VS FIRST ST.. XE A R MORRISON. XXt1e?CSION table, upriitht folding htl with larire mirror, oak sideboard, lent her cov ered couh. hall tree, cook stove. ftve cbatrw. CH any time during week 1514 K Hoyt. JJV ear. ft WING machine. $10; nnokcase. $0; hand some wood paneled screen, $10; curtains, draperies, pi turea and ot her bric-a-brac 12 to R P. M . . room 225. Fa i 1 1 n g bldg. TWO handsome Istlier chairs. Just right for hotel lobby or larre living room : fold in a bed. square dining table and sideboard. S 142. oregonim. TWO three-o,uarter beds ccmpt; MOrary tab; ax45. Tabor 2U1KL Courh St. . one i 1OU0 WILL sell furniture of 5 rooms chew; prt leaving city. 1547 E. Flanders. Take Mon tavlTa car SOME piece of m hoit any furniture and a brass bedsteid, mattresses and piliowa Tel. East 1"'3. ELEGANTLY furntshhod o rooms. Park st : a!klnc distance; only $1500 cash. AR 7 .VJ. Ore cn is n. FURNITURE WI3 -d st. S. E. Ml. Scotl car to t.ray crossing, one block south and fir b'ck esst- t'HEAP Ktimiture of 5 -room house. Inquire at 2 F. lth. near Pine. FINE oak library table. Marshall 2577, fore noon l.KATKKH and oak davenport, A-l. lfni WANTED To sell furniture of 5 -room cot tace; rent $l OTETth st 7-RoOM bouse for rent and furniture of 8 rooms for s. 12 E. th. near I orrl on. SMALL weathered oak roll-top desk, good mm new. $a.V East 3254. IVORY drenser, new. small ras range. 54 East Coach. Phone LmI 3-. rOK 8ALR. Ftirnltilr for Sale. BIO RARi.'AINS IN SLIGHTLY USED FURNITURE. STOVES. RANGES A.VD CARPETS. WM. GAPSBY SONS. First n1 Washington fill. A BETTER PLACE. H.atln. Uni'.a hl aunrlmAni. . 1 t sizes, as low as $ 3.00 StH nntci, all makes and slses. a low an 250 Sanitary couch, almost new. valua 8 rinrnUiitn mrt mr Qvinft allrhtly ud. value 1T 12.5(1 SAliH n.V liKr.r tahi look, lik. nw. value 10.23 Solid oik rtinlnr tables. slinhtljr marre'I. value $'0 Po'irt oak dlnlnr ehfllrs In g-ood con riftinn. value I".7ri Mlon aldeboard. good bevel mir ror, value $:ir i nKiA ripnn head. 10.2 2.7 v,". -" ........ 22.50 Foldinc bod. ood s'prlnn. value 14. ."0 Whittal's body Brussels rug 8.3x11. value SC.". T.nO Breutex pxaea ruas. all slaea and ro'ors. as low mm Good kltrhen rablnet. "McDounal Halcn." value 43 t. . i .i . i... i .!. nnA mirror. 2.30 2.50 ' M. 110 ... WM. r.ApPRY SONS. First and Washington SM. AN rNEQlULEP OFFER. FO'R ROOMS' FURNISHED FOR $190.75. ON ESY WEEKLY OR MONTHLY PAYMENTS. EVERT ARTICLE BRAND NEW. ft-v.ni winrtnor Meel ranre wHh l-lncb oven nnd large fuel-saving firebox, a ranee mad for keeps and ruarnme- n i...--bk-r. 1 folding drop lesf tab. 2 -Jt-hn chai-. M-lneh round dining tabl. solid oak dining chairs. x10 congoleum artcar pet. 4-lnch plank rim mynl oak library table. 3 comfortable roval lk arm rock-en-. 1 !t!2 Kobe niK. 1 2-lr-ch continuous pot bed with heavy fillers, any finish. 1 wrll supported rprlna. 1 rombination mnttrfM In-ftncy art tfrk with mil rt !. 1 ovIy fvorv Arnnr with Frn-n pinte mirror itiH 10x12 Japanese bedroom rug. all for $109.75. VISIT FUR NATURE CO 1HS-190 First St. WONDERFUL BARGAINS. 1 quartered davenport, Monday only $55, and a bar pa In. S oak roll -top 49ks, 2.1X30. Braw rhlld'n crib In vry fine condi tion; special $20, worth $35. 6-IId Monarch tee! range; a unap, $45. A verr fin selection of niffK In all sizes. $5 and up; some very fine value. SIert vour new or tued beatr now, before prlcen ao up; a very fine selection to choose from at prices amazingly low. About 20 single Iron bds, springs and mattresses, very reasonable. Verr flna .Tewel side oven gas range; special for this week, only $22. KLTNP FURNITURE CO., 102 First Btreet. LA ROE .M7Tvr V'EW RUGS AT SECOND HAND I K II we oourni a nnnn'i stork and In It were some lftre rues which we nlnre on fi! this week at Ixl2 npUr u.h rn fen- exnmnles: PtI." seamless tnnstry Brussels rugs.$4.50 11 l- v.lv.r r.io-B 4i..0 11.3x12 Brussels rujrs. seamless 42. 11 ".II lmlnflr riiiTS 5. Prtn't take our word for It. hut Inquire elsewhere and then come nere una ouy from u F;sv terms No Interest. GEVURTZ FURNITURE COMPANY. THE BIO PTRF. All Under On Fof. No Branch Storea 1 st, FIRT ST. Remember. 2 door from Yamhill Public Mnrkrt. . GRAFS RUGS. "Wm have a lars?e ronslanment of these serviceable rues In several different pat terns and colors, which we are placing on the mnrket for a fev days at cost prices: 8x10. $7.75 Px12. $.75. OKRVVRT7 FURNITURE STORE 5n-"o7 First St.. bet. Taylor and Palmon. Do not mls'nVe number, as there are other stores of similar name. USED OAS RANGES AT VERY LOW PRICES We cr.nnot rommence to specify n!! but bere nre a fw examns: VuVin blirh side oven. 4 burners nfl slmmerer A TJ. en range, hlcn side oven....... Low oven Vulcan, fill white enamelled. .t. other froi HI 5 tin. All guaranteed. Eit tonr. No intent Mm,.v GFVURT9! Ff'RVlTURl COMPANY, THE BTO STORE. All Under One Roof No Branch Stores. 15 FITCT FT. Remember. 2 doors from Yamhill Public Mnrket. ' RUG FPECIAT. For two ivs onlv we ill sell good servlc-eabte 012 matting rur. In all col ors, regular $a value, for $4.75. CERVURTZ FURNTTrRE PTflRJC. nr.-"07 First St., bet. Tnvlor and Salmon. fo not mlstnVe the number, as there are other stores of similar name. tTuost fcos' rugs: LF.i THAN THE WHOLESALE WJ. ITrti- MondV onl" we plK'e on sal 3 rulr $40 9x1? fine Axmlnster rugs of the rhotrest roinrinirs nun y p-f-ond-hand one would cost : u as much. Onlv one to n ru"'""r. ' . E1.fSTRIV FURN1TTRF CO., 174 1-t St . Cor Ywmhill. FUMED e.V huffef. a M- bsrgsln at $18.75. STAR FURNITURE CO., The Store of Bargains. 204 First Street. Main R0B4. BUT YOm HEATER NOW. You tiv bv bovine now. We hve a bir line of sll kinds of col and wood heater mr"l" "n nir-tt-bt heaters. UNITED F"RVTTURE STORE. 173 Fir-t St. SOLm-OMC lartre slae tlhrarv table. In the finest of condition, looks like new, wax finish, for onlv t3 T.n OWL FUHNTTUPE CO. tMT,T.S FOH LES 1-1S FIRST ST.. NEAR MORRISON. PRiVCRSi d-eser with fine so," nre gins 19x41. common dreer. Irre mirror, Iron bed. steel sprlnc s plate, trunk, wil- low r-'v w at er-power washer. et. MOI.ID mahogany pedestal tab!, beautiful oak dresser. Plr brown portieres and brass pole, electric toa-ter. dress form f3t. one diamond ring, solid-gold beads. Phone Broadway 4J. VOR ALKPt $toA.. HanHaome soMd mv hnrn'nv dressio tnble. 20xft4 with triple mirrors and five drawer: also cbelr to rmt.-h- leavlnr Monfv; call Saturday or Ptindav. Mnrshnll 50!2. KOR SALE Furniture or i-room nouse. in Al shape: must be nlrl at once. If you need anv furniture, see me be'n-e you buy. 1121 East Main St. Tabor 231- BrR S 1.E Furniture of three rooms, J50; nhonorapb. $50: wIM sell separately. Call Mondav afternoon. 23d-st. car to end of line, r.rtfi Lake at. FIRST neriod of Jacobean buffet ins table: In American walnut: buffet Is Rii incbea lone: prict'c-Gly never used; price $75. Sellwood 3104 . KURNITUPE of 4-room house for sale very cheap i-with or without pian snd house for r-nt: walking distance. 4rt5 Broadway. B-ar Jirkon. 9-p.ooM horse for rent, furniture for sale; waiklne distance, west side; fi rooms rent ed pays rent; no agents. Phone Main 7 nr. 3. rVANITARY roll-tor. dek: 3 sanitary flat ton desks: 1 sanltarv tyoewrlter desk. CaU between 10 and 2 Sunday, Broad way L.k FOR s;LE Dark ftnlsbed oak library ta ble n. fet. and one Reed rocknr: tapes tv cu-b'ons. ' Phone Marshall 0112. FOR SA I.E Fin leather furniture. Ens stove ear'en tooTs. rarpenter"s tools, glass ton 1'nre f'sblng basket, etc 72S E. Ash. Ft'R SM.E cheap. ATidHleby ovn No. 4 and dousjh mtser. City Bakery, 215 Main at.. Vffon'r. Wash. V A UPr.OP K. folding bed. $S each, or ex chance for nultry. 1 g Colombia, blvd., Ht. Johns. Phono Columbia 1174. ALL KINDS of fnrnlfe bnutrht and sold. OKI FUHNITUPE CO., 2on-!l Second Street. FOR SALE Small riiC". tap-stry. arm chair, wicker sewtna cbslr. Ground Gripper T-ti, shoe-., wlra TU. 1014 Main t. ft-PI KC.H MAHOOANf dirlry set. 3-piece Tsh'ireny parlor iet. heating itove, ruga Multnomah. Main R4. FoR S I-E One waxed oak buffet. Cal tj rt.w.i,-,TTe- st ininy or Monday. V 1m pEHK with cbalr to match for $35. H. Blackford, 1015 Corhett bldg. NEW" 2-setIon oak Mary bookcase; bargain. Tabor 321. . PRACTICALLY new Isrge colonial mahog any dressing table, $10. Main 2103. FOR SALE.' Furniture for Sale. BIO FURNITURE SCOOP. $700 ALVORD FURNITURE CO. STOCK OF KERN PARK bought at a big discount and will offer same at about present wholesale prices. Will quote a few articles as follows: 2-int-h continuous post steel bed, and finish. Urge fillers $11.2" Reg. $11 nil-steel springs Re;'. $11.50 all-felt mattress 10.4: Reg. $7.50 pure cotton comforters, fancy bordered edge, only 4 45 2-inch post genuine brass bed lo.t. Reg. $23 round solid oak extension table, waxed finish, only 10.1." Reg. $45 43-inch quarted-sawed ex tension tabic, massie pedestal.... 23.4" Res. ;U solid oak buffet 24. 85 Keg. $45 quartered oak buffet 2l.5tf Keg. $5o beveled glsss china closet, solid oak, very imtsslve 27.75 Rg. $27.50 solid quarter-sawed oak library table, colonial base lti.X Reg. $ia.5o 31-inch solid oak library table, waxed finish, only 0.25 Circassian walnut princess dresser, with large beveled mirror, only... 2-S.L'. Rg. $11.50 dresser, beveled mirror.. 33. 2 Keg. $45 b inlet-ye maple chiffonier massive square lines, for only 20.B.' Reg. $13 leatherette overstuffed rocker 15.25 Reg. $15 solid oak rocker, fumed fin ish, genuine lea t her removable eat 0.R5 R-g. $20 leatherette couch 12. U0 9x 12 Ax minster rug. large selection to pick from, for only 34.25 Reg. $3". 50 Ox 12 seamless Brussels rug. fast colors, all wool 25.85 Reg. fUi.oil iixlj imported grass rugs, with Pl;Un or fancy border 10.25 Reg. lis 11x12 wool finer rue 11 Reg. $15 Sxio rag rugs U.tw Rev. 20 Hxl2 genuine Gold Seal con goleum art rues, onlv 13. Reg. $10 Rxll.S matting rugs 6.25 Keg. $1 yard Keltex lit. oleum OSc yd. Reg. $1.10 genuine congoleum 72c yd. Keg. yard inlaid linoleum .. if I ...'J yd. JU'K. x.s,. Estate white enameled side oven gas ranee . . . . .$53.50 Rec. $ 1 5 polished steel ranee, sani tary nickel base, only f3.50 Reg. $5 solid oak dining chairs 3.35 Keg. $7.5o gen. leather dining chairs 45 Reg. $U gen. leather dining chairs... 3.00 Also a large assortment of aluminum and granite kitchen utensils at a big sav ing. . STANDARD FURNITURE CO., 1SO-182 First St. Cor. Yamhill. PROSPECTIVE FURNITURE BUYERS ATTENTION. - If you contemplate furnishing a heme or purchasing just a single article, let us figure with you. Vou'li find our prices right and if desired, terms to suit your couvenience. SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEK $7.00 ELECTK1C IRONS AT . .60. See elsewhere on this page for other special bargains. MISH FURNITURE CO.. 16S-1U0 First St. CIRCASSIAN WALNUT DRESSER AND CHIFFONIER. These two pieces are perfectly matched In the exquisite big grain of light brown, big bevelled plate glass mirrors, swel'. fronts: a very desirable pair of cases; we venture to say they cannot be matched In town. Used? Yes. but good as new. We will sell them to you for less than the present wholesale cost; $150 for the pair. Easy terms; no interest. Cull and see Uiera n you love good furniture. OEYUKTZ FURNITURE COMPANY, THE BIG STORE. All Under One Roof. No Branch Stores. fikpt ST. Remember, doors from Yamhill Public Market. IVORY ENAMELLED BEDROOM SET consisting of beautifully ornamented panel bed. chiffonier and triple mirror dressing table; all perfectly matched. This outfit was originally priced at $185 but we will sell this set to a lucky purchaser for $147.50. The set is made of beautiful hard selected maple, and finished with 5 coats of hand-rubbed enamel. It Is a dream of Deauty: easy terms; no Interest. GEVURTZ FURNITURE COMPANY, THE BIG STORE. All Under One Roof. No Branch Stores. 185 FIRST ST. Remember, 2 doors from Yamhill Public Market. OWL FURNITURE CO. SELLS FOR LESS. Iron beas ...$2.50 and up Springs $1.00 and tip Mattresses ..$2.50 and up Dressers ....$0.50 and up Chairs $ .75 and up Dining tables. $3.00 and up Center tables. $ .75 and up Cook stoves. . $.1.00 Rockers $1.50 OWL FURNITURE CO.. 100-168 1ST ST. SACRIFICE SALE. Gas heaters, $1.50 and up; electric heat ers, $0 and up; wood heaters, $2.50 and up; coal heaters, $3 and up; oil heaters, $2.50 and up; gas ranges, $11 and up; wood, and coal ranges, $12 and up; stove pipe, .30c ring and up; stove boards. 0c and up. OX I FURNITURE CO., 200-U Second Street. DON'T MISS THIS BARGAIN. On account of our mall floor place we must sell our Inrge stock of furniture on very small profit, almost clvlns It away. Come In and look over our wonderful bar gains. UNITED FURNITURE STORE. 173 First St.. cor. Yamhill. Low expen.-es and smsll profits. FURNITURE FOR SALE. Private residence, most everything; 3 plece dining room set, massive oak buffet, china closet and serving table, beautiful white porcelain and nickel combination range, made for gas, wood or coal, solid leather chairs, bed complete and dresser oak bookca.se, rug, oak writing desk. No dealers. Call Marshall 4195. FINE 0x12 Axmlnster Rug. only used one month: like new: $;i5. Washing machine, hand power, as good as new. coet $25. for $1 2.50. 44$ Liberty St., near 8th. Wood lawn. GLOBE sectional bookcase. In golden oak, worth $45; our price, $2.50. STAR FURNITURE CO.. 204 Flrat Street. Main 5004. DUO FOLD davenport, solid oak. genuine leather upholstered. extra good steel springs; It Is a real beautiful davenport; $S5 value for only $50.50. This is a genu ine bargain. OWL FURNITURE CO. SELLS FOR LESS. TM-le FIRST ST., NEAR MORRISON. STOVES. 1 Wood hea ter. $ ! 0. - Kitchen Heater, with Coil. $. 1 AirtlKht. $2. 1 Oil Hrater. $3. S5 E. Alder St., Sunday Only. RELIABLE GAS RANGE. 4 burners and simmerer, oven and broil er, looks like new and is In fine condi tion, for onlv $22.50. OWL FURNITURE CO. SELLS FOR LESS. lnA-1K FIRST ST., NEAR MORRISON. UNITED FURNITURE STORE. 173 Firat St. Just received a car lot of washing ma chines. Wo have no place to keep them In and we must seil below wholesale price. Value $25 for $14.75. SACRIFICE SALE. Flat-top office dexk. $2ti up: roll-top de?k. swivel chair, $35 up; sewing ma chines, $15 up. OKI FURNITURE CO., 20W-11 Second Street. WHITE enameled crib with s!!k floss mat tress, used less than year, $14; hitrh chair. $1.50; rubber bath or auto cot. $4.50; Rld pjith's library liternture. 20 'ols., $25, cost so- classics library, 30 Vols., $30. cost $j inn. t'hone Broadway 3 WILL sacrifice furniture Th good shane: oO-lnch mission dining set. bfrdseye maple 'princess dresser, mahogany desk, chair and stand; garbage can. etc. 711 East Main st. East e:tH. OVERSTUFFED rocker, large and m; extra cushion. $40 value for $24.50. OWL FURNITURE CO.. Sells for Less. 100-1RS 1st St.. near Morrison. live. OAK telephone stand with chair to match. 17 50; wortn nounie tiie price. STAR FURNIAURE CO.. The Store of Bargains. 204 Flnt St. Main 5004. FOR RESTAURANT, hotel or camp. 5-foot Charter oaa coat or wooa range, as good as new; our special for this week, $72.00. OWL FURNITURE CO. 100-10R FIRST ST., NEAR MORRISON. FORCED TO SELL. House beinir torn down, good furniture of 20 housekeeping rooms. Will sell at sacrifice either separately or in house keeping suites. 471 Morrison. DINING room table and 4 chairs to match. $20; oak rocker. $5; libra A' table. 24x30. $l'; htt'-hen table with drawer and bins. $!; good mattress. . little used. $0. 10W3 v.' m o n a v. . A I bertn car. KOR S I.E Heating stove, good as new. bums either coai or wooa. i aoor ONE child's bed, mattrss and springs, com plete. gooQ as new. i c. -u hi, FIVE rooms of furniture for sale and house for rent. 330 Harrison st. FURNITURE of 9-rm. house for sale. Toft Everett st., cor. 22d. Main 4841. Rent $40. RANGE for sale cheap. Main 0364. FOB SALE. Furniture for Bale DETROIT JEWEL gas range, 4 burners and simmerer, elevated ovens; In line condi tion; for only $18.50. OWL FURNITURE CO. SELLS FOR LESS. 166-168 FIRST ST., NEAR MORRISON. Poultry- FOR SALE 200 1-year-old thoroughbred White Leghorn laying hens; Tancied strain bred 5 years under the Hogan system: absolutely not a cull in the flock; also 125 fancy white Plymouth Rock pullets and some large hens, $1.25 to $2 each. Take as many aa you like. Call Sundays or after tf o'clock evenings. Buildings well lighted. 1645 Mississippi ave. GET YOUR FULLETS laying. Unless you help them they may not begin until late in the winter, don t miss the high egg prices this laii; 1'ratt s poultry iteguiaior will hasten maturity, mako your pullets lay early and often, bring the profits. Vour money back If YOU are not satis fled." Sold by lirel-class dealers every where. LOUSY hens are poor layers, but poultry lice are easily exterminated ; just use Pratt's Powdered Lice Killer on your flock and watch egg-production increase; cont small results sure; "your money back if YoU are not satisfied." Sold Dy lirst class dealers everywhere. PULLETS We offer you Barred Rocks, White Wyandot tes. Black Orpington ana Rhode Island, Red pullets. $1.25 to $2.50, according to age and strain. Northwest Poultry Corp., 62d st., 73d to 74th ave. Southeast. . FOR SALE S. C. White Leghorn chicks, $12 per hundred; we ship by express, c O. D ; a little hatchery for the host chicks and price from Hoganized stock. Welly's Hatchery, Petuluma, Cal. 60 WHITE LEGHORNS. April hatch: 210 trapnesi stock in fine condition; must all be sold together; price See Anshong. Multnomah station. NEW ZEALAND Reds and Flemish Jants rabbits for sale; also hutches and little ones; leaving city. 1111 B. loth st, N. Alberta cur. 100 MARCH. April and May R. I. Red pul lets for salt, $1.50 to $1 each. Call Tur ner, Main b.H4. or address C. Siiattuck, Clackamas, or. S. C. WHITE Leghorn cockerels for sale; blooded stock. A. H. McGee, Cape Horn, Wash. v E WILL pay you highest cash price for April. May- hatched pullets, any breed. North wist Poultry Corp., Lents, Or. YOUNG white Leghorn hens, excellent lay ing stock, $1.50 each. J. R. Maguire, o. Oregon street. pn.i.KTS FOR SALE Barred Rock. R. I, Rod and Brown Leghorns, $1.25 to JJJ. J. R. Maguire, 7H7 Oregon st. AUdllT Til ihoroiitrhbred R. Reds. May chicks: 75 fine mbbits and .hutches; for sale. tiOO Sal atoga. . HANDSOME pair of golden pheasants for sale. Sellwood 42s. WHITE LEGHORN chickens for sale. Tabor 204. 2 WHITE Leghorn hens, 3 young roosters, 5 fine ducks, reasonable. Wood lawn 4vL7. 5 l-v EAR-OLD W. L. hens for sale. Tabor 3N 1 WANT White Leghorn pullets. Any amount A(j 177, Orcgonlan. GOLDEN Sen bright bantams, cheap for quick sale. . SU4 East 0th iNorth 24 WHITE LEGHORN laying hens. 148 E. 7Sth st. i. 3 MONTHS' old chickens for sale. 1213 Tib- belts st. Dogs, Rabbits, Birds, Pet Stock. FOR SALE by tho Mohawk Rabbitry & Ken nels, 1521 Ashbury uL, Indianapolis, Inri. high-claMS rabbits of all breeds; Guinea EiKB, ferrets, pigeons, hunting dogs and looded dos. Raise stock for us; we fur nish the breeding stock and buy back all you raise; send for prices and terms, 10c for booklet and Circular. PUPPIES Suitable for house or watch dogs, from $3.50 to $5; also well-bred do in ter out) Dies at S25 each, and a few first-class well-broken hunting dogs at reasonable prices. Am in the market for well-bred pointers and setters, well trained "or good prospects. Take Rose City car to 82 d st., then south to mail box 310, thence west 2 blocks to Beal's kennels. 0REWOOD KENNELS. Sensation Pilot II at stud; weight 11 lbs.; A. K. C. 200202; classiest little male Bos ton terrlor out of champion stock in Port land; see him; smali dogs boarded. Mrs. Win. J. Smith, 374 Hassalo st. Phone East 5000. KAiSS RABBITS FOR MEAT We have Belgians, New Zeaiind Flemish Giant. English Lop Ears and White English, all ages and Hizes ; utility stock as well fancy pure-bred. Write fof prices and catalogue. Roulledgj Seed & Flor.il Co., 145 Second at., Portland, JJr FIRST-CLASS furniture for sale, sufficient lor furnishing a five-room house. Apply at U0 East 40ih North, near Siskiyou st. Call between 10 and 3 P. M. Sunday. Phone Tabor FOK SALE Chesapeake duck retrievers. The only retrievers that will stand the gaff and never weaken, regardless of weather conditions. id East 02d st. N., near tilisan. WANTED Boston bull terrier or other small dog suitable tor child's pet; young dog, well trained preferred; will be well treated andhave best of homes; would pay small price If necessary. PEDIGREED New Zealand Red rabbit with two small rabbits; also pet Flemish Giant rabbit; wanted (Jood home tor hiili grown, half Angora kitten. 448 E. Market. FoR quick sale, Flemish Giants, New Zea land and Belgian rabbits, breeding does $2 ea.; bucks same; 2-months-old stock 50c ea. Harry O. Gray. Seaaide.JJr. YOUNG Flemish Giants 50c each ; Belgian doe with litter $3.25, and one bred Belgian doe for $2.50. Phone Wdin. alter 0 Monday P. M. FOR SALE Fine St. Andresburg roller canaries, strawberry finches, Java rice birds and cages. Marshall iiOtiO after 4 o'clock. PEDIGREED real Toy Boston Bull Terrier l.Mi.int-a. Hire Kohinson. ueroy .. jv. j. 277822, fine markings ; good screw tails. 2-3 union N. c.aijL bo'J. 1,1 m kai.P Scotch collie nuDDies. also Pure bred Llewellyn setter, w months otu, iieia broken, $15. Daybreak farm. Battle Ground, Wash. WANTED Setter dog. must be retriever and broke on pheasants; give qualifica tions and price. E. B. Robertson, IN am pa, Idaho. RING-MASTER male Boston, perfect mark ing, dark mahogany brtndie, house broken, 31 East 20tn. East 3'M 1. FOR SALE Very reasonable young fuli-Edi- biooded Flemish giant buck. 311 s. son st. Columbia w2. WANTED Boston bull terrier; price must be reasonable. Phone Broadway 4042. At loo, oregonian. GOLDEN Seabright bantams cheap for quick sale. 804 East IMP North. DR. M. HOWES, specialist, dog and cat. Tabor 0500. WATCH dog for iale; year-old English bull. B 508, Oregon ian. - YOUNG St. Andreasberg Rollers and females. fancy bred, 420 it Stanton, k. ast i.j 'J. "OR SALE WHson, R. -Choice decoy ducks. W. F. D. No. 0. Phone 23 F 4. R. PEDIGREED Boston terrier. 6 months old; male. Marshall i.t4. CANARY birds for sale; good singers, $50, Marshall 8870. . EXCEPTIONALLY fine pedigreed Persian kitten Main 5150, liiiisuaie, or. uox 22. FINK Llewellyn pup. 3 mos. old: beautifully marked. Phone Sellwood 1006. A FEW beautiful female pit bull puppies very cheap. Mar. 2;2, FOR SALE A young yellow singer, $7.50 Call 2130 Bust Morriyn. AI REDALES Pelect male puppies. $25 up The Bush Farms.box 817-R. 3. Portland. FOR SALE Flemish Giants and Belgian hares. Tabor 2055. BIRDS for sale. Call Main or after 0 I. M. 2530. Call Sunday! HUNTERS Engiii-h retriever. 8 months old, at sacrifice. AN 7f5, Oregonian. BKAUTIFt'L Persian kittens for sale, from $3.5(1 to $7. 1180 E. 15th st. N. WANTED A good watch dng, country home. . O. Sheppard. lo:i7 E. 27th N. WANTED To buy a bird dog. Phone-Wdln. 2010. THOROUOHBRED French bulldogs for sale. Phone East 330 FOX TERRIER for sale. $5. Tabor 952. iaunche and Boats. '0-FOOT launch. 20-H. P. engine, price $350; " alo '4-ft. runabout, 15-H. P. engine. $275; one hull. 20x0 ft., price $125. Rays Gas Engine Co., Sell. 1022. EUREKA FOLDING CANOE Completely equipped: snap if taken at once. Sell wood 1012. LAUNCHES AND BOATS. 1 NEW barges. 30x00x04 ft. Immediate delivery, BC 122, Oregonian. HOUSEBOAT NO. 2. OREGON YACHT CLUB; MODERN, FIRST-CLASS CONDI TION. . . '5x4 4, SPEED 12 miles, full equipment; best'buv on the river; sacrifice for $275. SpllyoodlUl. NEW scow, 3-Inch bottom, 4H-lnch sides, 18 x24 ft., 4 rooms. finished, furnished, 'Miierh extra. Bargain. Foot Carolina St. 4 LAUNCHES for sale cheap. Fulton Boat Yard, loot or Virginia su 3.1-KfOT passenger launch, $120. Broadway 1405, rOR BALE. Launcbee and Boats. MOTOR boats, fish boats, pleasure launches, row boats, barges overhauled and repaired; also knockdown frames. Phone and our representative will call. KEEJJ ENGINEERING COMPANY, 8tn and Lincoln sts., Vancouver, Wash. Phone Wood lawn .WHO, Vancouver 245. FOR SALE Completely furnished house boat; gas. electricity. Bull Run water, phone, modern bath, garage; price $ lotto ; owner leaving city. No. 7 Oregon Yacht club Take Oregon City car to Oaks. LAUNCH for sale; good running order. 10G2 Coroett st. . 2-ROOM house boat for sale or trade. What have you? Broadway 2062. Machinery. 1 250 H. P. FIRE box boiler. 2 54x16 Tubular boilers. 1 0xl4 Tubular boiler. 1 (tOxlB Tubular boiler. 1 50 h. p. Scotch marine boiler. 1 10x13 Ames engine. A number of good pumps, overhauled. G. & R. MACHINERY CO., 503 Oorlinger Bldg. Phone Main 8201. SPECIAL. 1 70-H. P. Atlas tubular boiler, 150-lb. working pressure. 1 12x18 Russell automatic engine, com plete plant,, including brick. Immediate delivery. THE J. E. MARTIN CO.. S3 1st St., Portland. Oi 1 RUSSELL traction engine. 13 horsepower. 1 horizontal or upright shingle machine and other equipment sold together or separate. Located on the Lunney ranch, 7 miles from Gaston, Scoggins valley road. Look it over and make offer. A. W. E-4t.es. 202 McKay bldg. FOR SALE Second-hand 15-H. P. vertical boiler, tested to 150 ibs. under hydrostatic pressure, and In good working order. Arlington club, 209 Park st. WANTED Sawmill carriage. 3 screw head block, about 4H Inchce. with track and set works complete. AG 102. Oregontan. ONE 15-in. by 8-ft. lathe with a jam chuck and boring head ; nearly new; $GO0. E. 0770. H. Truscott. 2!5 Hawthorne. NEW waterproof leather belt as follows for sale: (j it. or -j-in., in it. ol --..i., . ft of 3-in. BF 75, Oregonlan . WANTED Machinery for small mill: would consider buving some timber witn mm, no agents. S 131, Oregonlan. WANTED Boiler and engine about 10x12; could use thresher engine, al iK-, urego ninn. NINE-INCH sticker, not much used, reason able prir.e. E 403, Oregonlan. 5-H. P. ELECTRIC MOTOR, $75. 172 FIRST ST. INQUIRE WANTED Four-sided planer, BO 12. Oregon ian. small uize. Ty pewrltcrs. WE enn now deliver now machines and renrnls: student rate $7.50 for three n, .Mths. L. C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter Co., SOU Spalding bldg. Main 574. RENT A Remington; special rates to stu iu.ta r ; 1 1 v vnur new Keminaton now, im mediate delivery, reasonable terms. Rem ington Typewriter company. . QUARANT.EED factory rebuilt typewriters ALL MAKES, sold on monthly payments; send for price list. The Wholesale Type writer Co., retail dept., 321 wasn. st. FIRST-CLASS Royal visible typewriter and fine sole-leather carrying case.- Price $05, $10 down, $5 monthly. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. -w.-a v-Tcn snpnnd.hflnd Underwood type' writer: state Drice and condition. 610 Spalding bldg. Main 421. WANTED To rent good Underwood type writer for home practice. State price, P 020. Oregonian. NEW', rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. D. Co., 231 Stark st. Main H"'. ALL makes typewriters rented and repaiied. Oregon Typewriter Co.. 04 5th. Main 30QS, REBUILT typewriters and supplies. Corona dealers. rJ. w. ireaap o.. i oim u UNDERWOOD 5 typewriter, just overhauled $35. 5. o Powell st. FOR SALE Oliver typewriter, jo. 800 E. Ankeny. Apt. t. LATE model L. C. Smith typewriter, $ou. Wdln. 20h. KKM1NGTON typewriter No. 11, wide car riage. 002 Concord mag. Miscellaneous. ON HAND FOR IMMBDIATK UM.IU'.ki. ROAD tiJ.MKAUiwiw r,viir.tiE,iM. 1 No. 2 Austin jaw crusher. 1 No. 5 Austin gyratory crusher. 1 Hx14 all steel jaw crusher.-. 1 Chicago paver; cap. 20 ft. 1 Rex paver; cap. 18 ft. 1 Random mixer; cap. 30 ft. 1 Ransom mixer; cap. 10 ft. 1 nuffalo-Pttts. 5-ton tandem roller. 1 Buffalo-Pitta. 12-ton ta.ndem roller; rear wheeis 18 In. 1 Monarch. 12-ton; rear wheels 21 In. 1 Monighan 2-yd. drag line excavator. 50 24-In. gauge dump cars. 100 30-in. gauge dump cars. 2 24-in. gauge dinky locomotives. 6 ;U',-jnch. gauge dinky locomotives. 1 Austin road grader. X Model Gl Marion track shovel. Bucvrus 45-ton track shovel. 1 S',4xl0 hoisting engine. Pile driver hammers, gas engines, pumps, tools. LOCOMOTIVES. CARS. RAILS. 1 50-ton Phay: wood burner. 1 :;,-ton Heisler; oil burner. 1 15-ton 0-driver. low wheel locomotive. 1 11x11 Washington compound yarder. 1 12x12 Washington compound yarder. 1 10x13 wide drum Willamette. 2 10x12 wide drum Washington. 1 0x10 Mundy. Relav rails. 00, 40, 20-lb. Ru-scll all steel logging trucks. BOILERS. 1 loO-H. P. fire box boiler: 100 lbs. 1 250-H. P. fire box boiler; 100 lbs. 1 'to-H, p. fire box boiler. 2 00x16 butt strap return tubular boilers. ON HAND FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. 1 flr.xiB butt strap return tuDuiar Doner. 1 10x42 Bates Corliss engine. 1 S00-H. P. National feed water heater. SPECIAL. 1 Modern mill, cut 05 M In S hours. 3-New barges, aOxOOxB ft. Send us your inquiries for anything In Iron or woodworking machinery, logging, sawmill, contractors' equipment, locomo tives, boilers, engines, crushers, steel rail, cable, and belting. BURKE MACHINERY COMPANY, 528 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 1212. A 2423. A REAL GIVE AWAY. Late model grafonola and a big hunch of fine records, easily worth JtOO; will let anyone have the whole outfit for a $50 liberty bond, any issue. Call Mrs. Hur ley, East 8185. NEW tan cloth shoes, size BAA, $0; new gymnasium shoes same size. $2; No. 1 Ko dak Junior, used three times. $0.50. 200 11th st., room 214, Sunday afternoon and evenings during week. i FULL 2 years course Alexander Hamilton Institute, including the 24 volumes of the textbooks, monthly lectures, talks and re ports. Books have never been opened; price $30. A E 870, Oregonian. GASOLINE PUMPS--Both new and used, up-to-date jrasolina pumps and tanks up to 550 gallons capacity : special prices, terms if needed. Phone Tabor 454 or write Decker, 4204 27th ave. 6. E., Portland. FOR SALE One wood range, fine condi tion ; one 4-ho!a gas plate: one 30-gal. hot water tank: one gas water heater; one upholstered lounge. Phone Woodlawn 2032 evenings after 0. FOR SALE No. 6 Sharpless separator, ca pacity 050 to 750 pounds, good as new, at a bargain. Owner has no cows and no use for it. 373 Yamhill st. NEW CROP HONEY Extracted clean, pure. In new 00-lh. cans, delivered by express to Portland 20c per lb. C. B. Walkey. Clats knnie. Or. FURS at a sacrifice: mink and double black fox neckpieces and brown fox. 244 Broad way Poijth. WILL sell cheap, two ladles coats. 30 or 38; heavv material ; up-to-date cut ; like new. Main 2039. DIAMOND. $225. beautiful stone. 63-100 kt., Tiffany, only $140 Cash or bonds. Marshall 57oo. , FOIt SALE Two wood and coal ranges, 1 heatlni? stove. 1 gas range, 1 Ice box. 122 10th st. Bdwy. 2051. SAFE, size 2 ft. by St ft. fine for office, only S5o. 312 Worcester bldg. SWEATERS, cao and ban- crocheted k-nittod to or ner. i-.ast k FOR SALE New $80 red fox fur, $60. Phone Tabor 0.4. . TBOR ELECTRIC wawhor. $50. Just half Its value. 14 Kast Alain st. HOT WATER TANKS. 30 gallons, look like new. East 2871. BUTTE R-K 1ST popcorn machine cheap. Terms. 'o;; 4tn at. WANT to sell airtight heater- Call at 633 Sixth street. TWO tickets Wilson's speech, one seat, one standing. lanor mw. 1H-H. P. STATIONARY irav gas engine. WOOOiaWO Hl'ttmirm A BRAUTllfLJj runoer tree. Phone East 2102. KOR SALE 40-in. tinner's squaring shears. In goon oroer. pim.v " m n r.. .tittiii n-1 .-v VERY LATEST 20 4 shoemaker machine. n nnrgnin. in rnunn el. FOR SALE Pet ot saiesnecKpiece a yards long.-iarge mini. i i.n. FOR SALE 7 Mallard decoy ducki; choice. Phone East 4385. ONE equipped heater, $7.30. 2420 67th st. S. E. , FOR SALE 2 folding canvas cots, nearly new. Call Bdwy. 3049. Ask for Perry. FOB BALE. Miscellaneous. PEERLESS HIGH-GRADE PLUMBING FIXTURES, PLUMBING SUPPLIES, HOUSE-HEATING MATERIALS, IRON PI1E, PEERLESS HIGH-GRADE TOILETS AND "SILENT KNIGHT" COMBINATION AGENTS FOR WM. POWELL HIGH-GRADE . VALVE AND STEAM SPECIALTIES, BOSTON BELTING COMPANY'S MECHANICAL RUBBER GOODS. THE PEERLESS PACIFIC CO.. Showroom and salesroom, 08-70-72 Front t Phone Marshall 1001. Portland, or. STORE AND OFFICE FIXTURES, CONSISTING OF Showcases and wallcases. Large tables and counters, candy Jars. cash registers and safes. Scales, cheese cutters, meat sllcer. Roll-too desks, flat-top desks. Adding machines and typewriters. One larcre and one small icebox. Large gas range, cider press. Two soda fountains; also one 20-foot front and back bar, with largo mirror, work boards and sinks complete. GOODS SOLD ON EASY TERMS. HOCHFIEL BROS., 43 1st St. ROOF LEAKS; WELL! Easy to repair, simply apply REMO LITE COATING and Stoo-A-Leak Cement over your roofs yourself. See instructions. Black and also colors for composition roofs: cravel-tight paints for waterproof ing gravel roofs, too. Write for prices and guarantee. Kenioiite saves you money. Or der now from th KEMOLITE PAINT CO.. INC., . San Francisco, Cal. UNITED STATES army flannel for sale at $2 per yard, by W. H. Morgan 1'ry Goods store, 16G9 East 13th st., Sellwood. This material made on contract for the gov ernment and cancelled at the end of the war, and is now offered at less than government price. Mail orders given prompt attention. SEWING MACHINES. Singers, Whites, New Homes and other good dropheads. from $12 to $25; many machines like new; our prices lowest in city. Late new Singers rented. SINGER STORE (Moose bldg.) 103 Fourth st. Main 6S33. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. Rather than return our aaiesman samples to the factory we have placed same at the disposal of the public at wholesale prices-, consisting of raincoats, motor coats and leather coats in our salesroom at 726 Morgan bldg UNITED RUBBER CO. SEWING machines, new and second-hand, sold for less; no agents employed : com plete line of parts for all makes; machines repaired and rented. Main 04:G. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM, . 100 lid. near Taylor St. 5 DROPH GAD sewinc machines, complete with attachments, in good sewing order, $S to $25; sewing machines rented 3 per month; machines cleaned and repaired E. R. Steen. 152 Grand ave. B 3.107. East 2359. I JUST BOUGHT a beautiful Scotrh mole skin cape with ermine co!Ur for $120 and will sell it for $00; family reasons for the sacrifice: it is a beauty and can not be bought new for near the same money. Can be seen at 1025 E. Broadway. Call for Mr. Grover. DIAMONDS WANTED. Pawn tickets bought. Full market value paid for diamonds, gold, silver, platinum, old jewe'rj-. watches and faise teeth. NATIONAL JEWELRY CO., 447 Morgan Bidg.. 4th Floor. MOVING PICTURE SUPPLIES. Moving picture machines sold and rent ed. Lai ley 1000- watv electric plant. GENERAL SUPPLY & REPAIR CO.. 213 Fourth St., near Salmon. Main 2518. 7 OR S H. P. International gas engine wood saw with truck, at a bargain. On Grebe or Home Comfort farm, 2 miles south from Tigard. Or., on Capitol highway. Owner J. E. Grebe. 323 E. 42d st. S., Portland, Or. STUDENTS, attention. Will sell my schol arship in the I. C S., transferable into any course you desire. A chance to get a real education at just one-half ot the present price. Invehtlgate. AL 500, Orrgohian. SAFES Fire and burglar-proi safes, new and second-hand, at right priced, bought, sold ami exchanged. NORKlS SAFE & LOCK CO.. 105 Second SL Phone Main 2045. MAN'S black raglan overcoat, size 40-42, in fine condition, $20; light gray broad cloth coat, size 34-30, white angtra fur collar, blue satin lining, $15. Moving; come Saturday or Sunday. Murshall 5602, SHOWCASES, account register, cash regis ter, soda lountain, scales, outterimiK cool er, wall case and electric plate; must seil to raise money. 230 Washington st. PRINTING FOR LESS Smith, non-trust ' printers, moved t 216 Commonwealth b!dg.. 0th and Ankeny. Good printing at reasonable prices. No lockout here. F O r"R ALE OR TRADE. COMPLETE SET OF MACHINIST TOOLS. NEWMAN 12S 1ST, NR. WASHINGTON. APPAREL EXCHANGE Ladies' coats. suits, dresses, evening gowns ; also furs, hats; slightly used, distinctive styles; rea sonable. Tabor 225. LEAKY roof, eh? Very aggravating, indeed. v hv not a permanent and coiniortabie root : We repair and Rubber Bond all kinds of leaky roois; worn, guarantees. .iam Mill. SAFES FILING SAFES Dl u BOLD AGTS. Expert work done. Prices right. PACIFIC SCALE & SUPPLY COMPANY, 40 Front st. Brand way 10(10. FOR SALE. One 1114 Seattle logging engine. One clamshell bucket. R A I L W A Y EQUIP -M E NT CO.. S35 Stark. HOT-WATER tanks, new and second-hand. $12 to $20 Installed: expert boiler repair ing, plumbing supplies cheap. 203 Adams st. East 8510. KEGS Hard .and soft wood kegs and bar rels, new and second-hand ; no country orders less than three. Panama Cooperage Co.. 228 Front 12-GAUGE hammcrless ante-ejector high- grade Remington shotgun and case. Cost $150. Price $55. Phone East 4110. MALT, hops, caps, cappers, cider, pure fruit punches ana syrups ror parties, nances, etc. J. H. Del-acey. 203 Yamhill st. TWO roll-top desks, 1 T. W. desk, 1 table. 1 Hat-top ttesk, a cnairs. j nung cauinets. Bushong & Co.. iU Park st. ONE good sulky buby curt, reasonable price. mil TUiamooK si,, cor. yin. rnone iast 1121. ' BILLIARD and pocket billiard tables, show cases and wall cases, nxtures; eay terms. W. J. Qulgley. 227 First. .Main 5309. FOR RENT acuum cleaners. 24 hours a Woodlawn da v $1 delivered anywhere. 1250, . FOR SALE 1 show case and 1 refrigerator case, etc. B. & A. caieteria, 202 z Broad- DOUBLE-BARRELED, shotgun, Ithaca, hammerleas, 12-gauge, and case. 450 E. 11th st. FOR SALE 1 set of Lord's Oregon Laws and 1st and 2d year student's law text hooks. 325 E. 42d st. S. LA ROE French range, 7 feet 2 inches lontr, 3 feet 0 Inches wide: suitable for hotel. CM1 ant. 104 174 13th st. WOMAN'S latest style Hudson peal trimmed suit, size 30, splendid condition. Call Main 4050. FOR' SALE, cheap 2 McCaskey credit reg isters, in good condition. Call at 700 AVashington st.. Fountain Grocery. BARGAINS in unredeemed guns and revol vers, all makes, cheap. J. J; Beauregard, 702 Main st.. Vancouver. Wash. SUITS to order on easy payment. Unique Tailoring Co.. 104 Fourth st.. bet. Wash. and Stark. POSTAGE stamps for collectors bought and sold. 301 McKay bldg. Main 1004. OAK rolls, h-arts or quarters. 1. M. & M.. "Oakla nd. Or. EI ECTRIC vacu;:w cleaning in your home; 35c rug. Call East L0S. "FOR RENT SHOTGUNS AND RIFLES. N E WM AN 128 1ST, NR. WA S H 1 NO TON. VACl'LM cleaners sold, repaired, rented, ex change d. bou g ht. Dentley Co., Kant 7Q5o. FOR SALE Cash register, stfe. adding ma chine and showcases. 43 lsi st., near Ash. FOR" SALE Safes, one Iarsoand one sma.ll fireproof safe, cheap. T 142. Oreguiilnn. kTvr'sALE Acorn 4-hoIe gas range, nearly new. Sen wood 713 Powell. LADIES' strictly tailored suit. Marshall CHILD'S wicker baby rocker. East 2501. and child's LARGE Toledo, computing sca'e at bargain. 40 Third st. r F. D. mall box. overcoat, range, mis 'ceHaneous housekeeping goods. 141 11th. PRUNES from 2c to 5c a pound. Phone Wdin 7 00. 711 Columbia blvd. FOR SALE a nutria fur coatee, practically new. Tabor 3532. COOKING apples, lc pound. 4 E. Tihor 3404. SEWING machine for sale. White, drop-head rotary. 760 Tillamook st. East 87P.I. CH ILD'S adjustable bed. perfect condition. Hellwond 805. . FLOOR CASES AT A BARGAIN. NEWMAN 128 1ST, NR. WASHINGTON. BICYCLE FOR SALE OR TRADT7 NEWMAN 128 1ST, NR. WASHINGTON. TWO muskrst scarfs for sale, cheap. Phone Marshall 1370. .. FOR SALE 1 Monarch steel range. 1 new process, 3 burner oilstone. 609 Davis sL FOR SALE. Miscellaneous. PIPE PIPE PIPE A large stock of black and galvanized P'PC properly fitted, threaded and coupled, in first-class condition; absolutely guaran teed. About 2000 saws, HENRY DISSTON. brand new, at 00 cents per foot; price guaranteed for 30 days only. Sanded roofing paper, best quality, with cement and nails complete; 1-ply at $1 per roll. CABLE AT BARGAIN PRICES Several thousand feet plow steel, 0-19 cable, tn lengths up to 3000 feet, at (treat sacrifice. B LOC K S BLOCK S B LOC KS A large assortment of all kinds of snatch and tackle blocks, all sizes and all makes; several chain blocks from 1 lM to 3-ton capacity. ALL KINDS OF CHAIN Boom chains 4 to 14 -inch; a large lot of logRlng chain, M to 1-lnch. at a very low price. BELTING BELTING BELTING Wo have secured a large lot of leather and Tubbo belting, all sizes from 1 to 30 Jnchfs, that we are going to setl at a cleanup price. If you are interested In anything in the line of belting be sure lo get our prices and discount before buy ing elsewhere . A large assortment of gears, boxing, shafting, rails and several complete winches. Be euro to see us. as we can save you money on anything that you may need in our line. Phone, mall and telegraph oTdeMt promptly attended to bv our expert men. ALASKA J UN K CO., 201 Front St., Portland, Or. Main 4110. S. Schnitzer. H. J. Wolf. 2 Ot'.xlO BUTT strap boilers, 140 pounds. 1 00x1 A Butt strap boiler, 125 pounds. 1 100 h. p. fire box boiler, 1H5 pounds. 1 80 h. p. fire box boiler. 135 pounds. 2 40 h. p. fire box boilers. 100 pounds. 2 10 h. p. upright boilers, 1.2-5 pounds. 1 75 h. p. Scotch marine engine, 100 pounds. 1 250 h. p. Corloss encine. 1 225 h. p. Corles engine. 1 12x10 Erie center crank. 2 10x12 Erie center cranks. 1 steam drag saw, 2 0-foot saws and 1 8 -foot, complete.. G. R. MACHINERY CO., 503 Gerlinger Bldg. Phone Main P20L PIPE PIPE PIPE. Galvanized and black, new and second hand, from to 12-inch, from 1 to 1O.OO0 feet ; all kinds plumbing supplies. Con tract and jobbing. Let us est i mats on your job. 5-ft. bath, $25. PORTLAND PIPE SHOP. 200-271 Front St. Main 6325. $200 LARGE Graphophone with several records; case is goMnn oak; not a scratch on it; only used 5 months. 606 E. Couch, near 10th. Phone East 4076. PHONOGRAPH RECORDS. Remember, we carry a full line of Vic tor, Columbia and Edison records. Plenty of demonstrating rooms. Hyatt talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. GOING away; must sell; bank eteel safe, 2 time locks, in perfect condition, or would take smaller or less valuable safe in ex change, phone J. M. Pittenger, 000 Will inins nve. E. 108 NEW CLEVELAND Pike, worth $53. for $43. Good practice Remington typewriter for $ 10. Two 30-in. tires. 1 30-in. rim, cheap. I galv. bath tub $3. 1101 E. Sher- man st. BICYCLE Looks like new; new Vltalic tires, now chain, new seat; guaranteed in first-class condition; $30. Phone Tabor 177o. or caM at 1111 Division St. FOIt SALE Six solid oak. genuine leather upholstered dining chairs ; also Havlland china dinner set, while and gold. Phone Main 5235. 1 NEW piano, $300, half price; 1 A. B. gas range, half price ; 1 washing machine, 1 dresser, 1 tent, 1 table, 4 chairs, 23 yards velvet carpet. East 174. WE WILL dispose of a lot of used sewing machines, all d rot) h cads, and all In good sewing order. $12.50 and $15. 172 3d, near Yamhill. MA LLE ABLE iron wood and coal range, $50; one oak buffet, natural finish. $25 ; both in excellent condition. 314 Halsey. East 734. FOR COIDS, catarrh or headaches, try the Best Inhaler, 50 cents brings one to you. Distributed by C. Holther, P. O. Bolt 051. Portland, Or. FoR SALE One white serge skirt with Eaton jacket; linen waist; straw turbun; child's white pbUe cnat and slip-on swater: nil for $10. AM 407. Oregonian. BKiGGS wood saw attachment complete for Ford car. $75. Tel. Main 2380. 1224 Mis souri ave. FoR SALE lilue satin nfternoon dress, gold embroidered, size 38-40, also gray wolf fur. East 1010. r'Oit SALE Twentieth century postage stamp collection. 384 College st. Main 1 750. PAIK 3;X7 sliding doors with track and hardware. Enquire 40 Front st. Bdwy. mi. Fl ltST-ci,AHK Stui-KCNM baby buggy, used only h months, for $15. R. M. Petersen, cor. Oak and Elmer St., Mllwaukle. ELECTRIC and foot -power grinders: pal vAntc bittcry : two w heels and Universal filler. 503 iJybee. Foil SALE Good baby buggy and gas heat er, both in good condition. Reasonable. Tabor 20S7. GENUINE Alaska se;il en pc from 42-Inch P"!ts : large siko; beautiful garment. Call Woodlawn 10. ' TWO tailor-mad.' men's suits, size Ilka new, $25 and S30; cost $75 each. 44 East Tenth street North. SS-IMECK. gold hand hand painted Havlland dinner si.it. with or without oak china closet. Wnodlnwn 4'!4. NEW HUGH ES three-beat electric piste 110; bov's hicvclit, coaster brake $12. 500 Mar guerite, corner Clinton. Richmond car. FOR SALE I'm t vers! ty musical encyclope dia; new; 12 volumes. $25, cost $37. Call Mars-bail 3000 after 4. M l-;iiTI.-'K 20 words 50 month lies, $1: loo weeklies, S2.."w; 20 dailies, $3. Cope Arpii''v, St. Louie, Mo. FoR SLE One ttno!lne storage tank, 125 gal. enpacitv. 5ol E. 28th st. S. 'lei. S-ltwnod 3H05. LAUCE Rhinelander lee box In Ivory enamel, $ 2 North Pacific wood heater, $10; No. 1 condition. Sell 3708. ALMOST new habv gocart and feme for sale. Call 031 Hawthorne ave., after 10 In the morning. PRUNES 4 cents, pick them yourself: 6 miles out. Skyline boulevard, on Saltz ninn Place. XDVFrtTlSF 24 words, 20 Sunday pnpr-rs, jtr,: loo mafrnzinrs. $1. 302 Shannon bldg.. Pittsburg. Fa. 45-l'(') W Kit telescope. El m"tal finish worth $35 Woodlawn 05, nch make, gun sacrifice for $15. BKAUTIFT'L skunk muff. E. 53rd st. Tabor 8717. 134 i'NBLK to use WINon set ticket. Open I . .....! . . U TJ I Uim.luV for nffr. .Mitin ihm" " - " RANCH and Timid water heater No. H. Cull at 853 Halsey street, .uonciay. POSTAGE stamps for collectors, bought and sold. 0t North 10th st. Broadway 2Q10. i.xitf find Indies' bicycVs nt very low I rM. Selling out at 500 Milwaukte ttt. SLI DE rule with magnifier; brand new; cost Woodlawn 102L FOR SLE Sulky, like new; fruit jars. 501 "Iny st. jADY'S Asrrnkafi 'coat. In good condition; "size 40 Inches Ua length. East3241 FOK SALE Fine Italian prunes, uo per jo. 02 E. 03d st . N'crt h. TWO l:ire. beautiful, male ostrich plumes; never worn. Phone East 7104. PARTY unable to use standing tlcKei Mon day night will sell. East 5151. 1 (loop cook stove and 3 hunting stoves with pipe. Fine condition. 448 E. Market. 1 FLAT TOP sanitary desk, 5x3; fir. A bar gain. 34 i naw untrue t-. FOR SAL E piitnrnnMV -Child' bed. velocipede and 075 E. Ankeny. JASUNE woodsaw for sale. W. Wilson. Sherwood, or MAN'S all-wool overcoat, good condition; 30-:is: reasonable. Woodlawn 375S. FOR SA LE Oood scrim curtains, 75 cents a nnlr. 75 E. Rth st. S. 5 DIAMONDS. 2 n 1115. Sell for $8: arls: brooch cost i. Call Mars. 1075. NfcW and used scales, meat slice! reonlrtng. 55 2d st. Broadway aso scale V I NT fl ESTER pimm gun. f ino shape. $30. 7 10 Union nve. North. Woodlawn 1140. If ( U VD porch columns. 3x1018. used. Phone Main 12-inch. 2500-4870. FOR SA LE 2 hea ut If ill d iamonds. one karat and 1 2 karat.BC 13s, Oregonian 3 PAIRS ladirs shoes, No. 1. cheap. Ta bor 4730. . T A DY'S winter coat, all lined, tdze 88 or 40. price $10. 148 East Third. East 212. FOR SALE A gas range, water heater, good as new. 1104 East 2th North. WEBSTER dictionary stand, as good as new, cheap, fiflg East Ash St.. apartment C. WOOD and coal range for sale. Call'Wood 1a wn HO. , FOR SALE Invalid chair with ruhher tires, almost new. Tel. Woodlawn 1002. 3 AND 4-g!lon stone Crocks for sale, ' Woodlawn 404. KITCHEN garbage h eater, with hot watet mi, 15. Wondb'Wn 404. FT R NACK for sale cheap. Main P364. PARKER, 12-gauge, hammcrless. Tab. 7178. 4