THE' SUNDAY OliEGOXIAN, PORTLAND, SEPTEMBER 1 7,' 1919. 9 WELCOME TO PORTLAND, BOYS! a.Bmij.I K' The FAHEY-BROCKMAN Policy To sell for $10 lessbecause of Low Upstairs Rent Enormous buying Power Cash Selling and Small Profits TO SELL ONLY merchandise of High Quality and Cor rect Style to Guarantee every sale and make good every reasonable claim. fev 66 a. mi "Glad to see you back. Got my 'walkin' papers' last month, and 'dolled up' in 'civvies' right away." "Well, Sam, you" old 'ex-gob,' you shine like the brass work on a sea-goin' wagon. Where do ya' rate such 'civvies'?" . . "Same old place, Jack at FAHEY-BROCKMAN'S. They have the entire Second " Floor of the RALEIGH BUILDING Washington and Sixth streets is still under 'em. They've got the swellest line of 'duds' you can't beat their UIT ami' Mac- OVERCOA' ft i SERVICE 0 ALTERATIONS FREE FIT GUARANTEED A MM CIa?s to that, eh, Jack?" Di S1 n a rr, LnJ UP STAIRS CLOTHIERS D) m! 4f!l f ".A V I XI TAKE THE ELEVATOR SAVE $ IQ2 Entire 2d Floor RALEIGH B'LD'G, 6th and W&Sllinflfton--Seattle Store, 2d Ave., Over the Rhodes Co.