TTTE STJXDAY OEEGONIAX. PORTLAND, SEPTE3IBER 7, 1919. IlliliililillllllliliilillliliiilllllllllllllillllllliUIll Users of CHEWMILET light ellwery Cir I And More Evidence of CHEVROLET Dependability and Popularity i edj,. PRIMS MXATB ONLY he, rilS ITNCCT PORTLAND. bREOON Portland, Oregon, Fields Motor Cor Co.. August 14, 1919 14th V Alder St. City Contlenen:'- Z have used several makes of Delivery cars for a. number of years In my business and .1 find nore satisfaction Jn my deliveries Bine Z bought . Chevrolet. , . i jias the appearance and class that we ere all looking for but Z consider its economy and. durability the greatestasset., Very truly yours. J. R. Smith Company WHOLESALE EXCLUSIVELY Cigars, Tobaccos and Pipes Mt-MI BVIIITT ItUIT POftTLAMDi OKC August 13, 1919 Fields llotor Car Company, Portland, Oregon.-Gentiemen:- !7e are. pleased to own receipt of the fourth Chevrolet delivered-to us in the last few months, and owing to .th.jrary: low -o'ost of operating these cars, .if anticipate' purchasing a few more Chev rolet sin 'the near 'future. Your 8 truly,; J. H. Snith Company J3SIH HBC CM MB tOU, HRES Kelly Tire Sales CompanI KCLLY-SPRINGF1ELD TlS f imtn ae wmiioc treat. uu,t 14, 1,19, 91, Id Hater tar Caapany. 13 Gran At,., rth. City. Ointl,Bn: Swretlre we purchaeed fro. you s ChTrolt dallTery ear for the prupeea ,f dellTerlne tin, la end around lncln. Ity ,f Portland. W, have kept an accurate acoount of tha up keep. W, find that the Chevrolet gliti u, a earing tram &i to eo ever other delivery core wo have had In our nrUci, Hav. Ins weed, practically 111 eiaicae of car. can elnoerel recommend the Chevrolet cor to be tha aaat eoenoaioal car e have Ter uaed. Your, very truly. tLLT Tint SUM CO. , Orderly Cleaning Works CLEANING DYLING rwtssiNG MfAJMJMG MMij,all rial, Bator Car Co. ltta later St.- City. Ceatlejeen:- i After eoneldoreele heeltatlon oa ear . art. a a.l.t.4 the -490 Chrrrolet for our tall-eery wi-rlo, and wleh to take thl, opportunity to a.Ttea yea ,f tha apl.ndl aorrlo. It ha, reoaered. t awe hart for a, t, reellee the MBoaUeal eeet of It, speretlon analha durability of the oar .art 11 ve had had It la oerrlee ,iul find oy .rperledoe that It haa red uoed our oaet asd a tied tha appearance of aur dollrory. Tory truly yo are PORTLAND LAUNDRY COMPANY, rortlaod. Orecon. lufutt 14 . 191, field. Hot ot Car Coapany, Portland. Ore ran. eentleaon:- Cc. year a a added t, ear dollrory ,,rTc, two ttt f your Ch,rolot ear, t ,i,h t lay that they ha,, riven stir, ,atifaotlOB, oaoh ,o that a h,T, added recently two aoro. aaklne four Id), flea to ,ur, yea that ve appreciate your aerrloo. and hep, te hare aoro of thea a, a, add te ear delivery equlpaent. Year, reipoctfklly. fortlend laondry C.. CHEVROLET Ligbt Delivery $845 Delivered to You Backed by the capital and experience of the General Motors Corporation. Large volume of pro duction means low cost best value. m 4 ,-Jk;u TV- A- - . - mainer - TSi.otPteMB a1alMMMS fihx L goofy florist 141 - IXTM STKCCT PMruno. OntaoM, CuumTt.fff? tyfji, vto -axj Luuyr, cu Churur&h b fiwJL tit AAA. 1 FIELD SERVICE Touring Car MOTOR CA1 CHEVROLET DISTRIBUTORS FOURTEENTH AT ALDER Phone Broadway 240 Closed Car Light Delivery PANY I One Ton Truck IIIIIIIIIIIlllllIllllllllllllllllIIIIIIIIIM