The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, September 07, 1919, Section One, Page 8, Image 8

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Criticism of Administration for
Ruling Stirs Capital.
Leading Krpublican Paper Scents
Maneuver to Give Places to
Eager Office llnntcrs.
ROISE. Idaho. SpL 6. (Special.)
Vhnt is classed as a covert attack by
the statesman, leading republican paper
of the state, on the present republican
administration, the ruling; that all dem
ocrats remaining in the statehouse must
be ousted and -the. attack of Mayor
Fasleson of Boise on the Southern
Idaho Power, company in connection
with the proposed irrigation of the Bis
Pruneau project. reated a genuine stir
in Idaho's capital this week.
The Bis Hrun'aa Is considered one of
the most feasible irrigation projects,
but millions of dollars will be required
to handle It. Capital is reported Inter-'
ested. but the deal has not been defi
nitely closed. Mayor Kagleson. who 1s a
civil engineer by profession and at one
time was surveyor-jfeneral of the state.
has been Interested in the development
of irrigation projects and at one time
obtained the withdrawal and held prior
rieht for a lontr time to a large area of
land close to this city which was to be
Irrigated by -driving a tunnel through
the mountains to tap Red Fish lake.
The project did not develop and the
land reverted to the government.
Power Company Attacked.'. ,
In a Labor day address before rep
resentative labor men of this section
of Idaho Mayor- Easleson directly
chara-ed that the Idaho rower company
was but. a branch of the General Klec
tric company and was seekinsr to obtain
conlrSI 'of all power sites and electric
plants: that K. T. Meredith of les
Moines, la., who proposed to reclaim
the Bruneau project throufth the use
of water from the Yellowstone lake in
Yellowstone national park, represented
the r.eneral Klertrie company to net
tontrol of Irrlsation In Idaho and that,
in company with I. B. Prrlne. who
made a success of the South Side Twin
Tails project. Meredith recently held a
conference with Hie secretary.of the In
terior." '
The I hi ho Tower company "recently
trained control of the various large op
rratiiiK electric power companies In the
southern part of this state, one or two
of which were then In the nanas oi a
John W. Kasleson. state treasurer, is
a brother of Mayor Bapleson and. .Is
new serving-, his third term In that
f L'nusual interest has been attracted
In statehouse circles here and among
1 party leaders by the charne made that
,the present administration proposes to
cweed out all democratic holdover ap
pointees and turn their positions over
to republicans.
Attack Republican Sceated.
"-The ' tatethan editorially made an
Indirect attack on the administration,
at least that is a view taken by party
leaders. Commenting on the decision
reached to mnke the democrats walk
the plank, the Statesman says, among
other things:
-To the general public there may
seem to be something cynical In the
announcement made that all of the
democrats still employed In the State
house would soon be made to walk the
plank. Here we see the political job
seeker and Job holders come and go
according to which party may have the
power to give oat jobs. Few persons
-are to employ them during the. time
they are out of their political jobs. For
the most part they do not establish
desirable commercial relations, but live
In some curious hand-to-mouth fashion
Hnd wait just walj for the fortunes of
the next campaign. These persons con
stitute the most clearly defined class
in the country the professional tax
vating class."
The editorial holds that the governor
elect Is confronted with these job and
appointment hunters and if he expects
to be re-elected he must bow to the
demand .of party politicians and place
them In public positions.
The last legislature created a cabinet
change in government for Idaho and the
editorial Is viewed by party leaders as
direct slap at the law and the action
of the governor in filling the cabinet
of a small land owner. He worked
on the Budapest radical newspaper.
Nepsave, and was rather an obscure
member of the left wing of the social
democratic party. He entered the
army, and was among the officers cap
tured by the Russians in 1915. They
sent him to a Siberian prison camp,
where he remained until the bolshe
vik! revolution, when he went to Mos
cow. Here he took a leading part
among the agitation of the prisoners
of war. and became interested in the
bolshevik movement. ;
Returning to Hungary after the
downfall of the Hapsburgs. he worked
unceasingly in preparation for the bol
shevik coun de . tat. enjoying great
popularity among the soldiers.
After the soviet government was
set up. Scxamueli entered the govern'
ment as a member of the war college.
and passed much Of his time organisi
ng the Hungarian red army. He took
a personal part in resisting the Kou
manian advance.
Clawhammer Coats and White
Vests Resurrected. c-
Vancouver Is Preparing to Enter
tain Prince of Wales and Every. -body
Would Avoid Blunders. -
E. A. Hudson Principal of High
School and O. I. Bycrs to Direct
Work of Junior High.
ALBANY. Or., Kept. 6. (Special.)
The Albany public schools will open
for the. coming year's work on Sep
tember 22, and C. W. Boetticher, aupri
Inlendent, has . assigned teachers for
the year as follows:
HlRh school E. A. Hudson, prtnolpal;
idie hvtni, junior- ana venior tsnKiitm
Marion Stanford. Kronen and sHence; Maude
Miller, Latin and- KnK-ltslt; Myrtle Worley,
mathematics: Sarah DeVore, bookkeeping
and commercial subjects: Myrtle Meachem,
domestic art : Madeline Rawltnffs, domestic
science; Herbert Bia ten ford, chemistry' and
history ; Inland f en tier, manual training
and mechanical -drawing; Fannie Chase,
Junior hljrh school O. D. Byers, principal;
Minnie McCourt, history and fteoicraphy
Kdith McCourt,- commercial arithmetic and
penmanship; Lottie Morgan, English; Bertha
Lee, Latin and history: Annetta Burch,
mathematics; Helen Knips. mathematics
Utto I, box. manual training and mechan
leal drawing; T. K. Brumbaugh, boys' ath
letic and as assigned; Ruth Erwin, as as
signed. . ...
Grades In junior high school building
Dove McGee. sixth grade: fifth grade. .Merle
N'immo: fourth grade, Myrtle Curry: third
grade. Letha McCullough: eedond grade. Ma-
bie tchuit: nrst grade. zlla Burkhart.
Madftion school O. B. Williamson, princl
pal and seventh grade; Ruby Moench, sixth
grad; Vera Perfect, 'fifth grade: Anna
May tie. fourth grade: Alwllda Wilson, third
grade; Frances Wolfe, third and fourth
grades;, Bessie Bell, .second . grade;. Shirley
Knorr, first grade.
Maple schor1 Mrs. Anna Hodgklns. prin
clpitl and sixth grade; Louise NJmmo, fifth
Era tics Ella- Tharker, third and fourth
grades: 'Carrie Senders, second grade: Zona
JJver', first grade.
SpeHal teacher Anna f Nllson. physical
educations and girls athletics; Albert Per'
feet, band and orchestra.
Great Gun Factories Mill Build Lo
comotives and Cars.
COLOGNE. Sept. 6. The great Krupp
firm of armament manufacturers has
bejrun to center its attention on prepa
rations for government contracts for
the construction of locomotives and
railway cars, according to German
trade journals. The firm has agreed
to give the government part control of
the superintending. One of the first
contracts calls for 100 locomotives and
2000 cars.
Directors of the Krupp works are
also endeavoring to obtain contracts
in other branches of iron construction
in-order to bring all of its factories
up to at least a part of its activities
during the war.
VANCOUVER. B. C, Sept. 6. (Spe
cial.) Western Canada Is nervous and
excited. It is experiencing all the joys
and fears of a young lady anticipating
her debut, or of a youth about to make
his Initial appearance in a dress suit.
Indeed dresses and dress suits have a
great deal to do with the suppressed
excitement of the "rough and ready
Clawhammer coats and white vests
are being resurrected from lamny
wardrobes; dowagers giggle like many
schoolgirls and flappers wear the stern
authoritative expressions of their mam
mas in dictating the number of flounces.
gores, tucks, pleats and other mysteries
of feminine raiment. Officers lately
returned from the front discuss the
cause of it all over their "two-per-cenf
at the clubs. In homes it is the sub
Ject of many hopeful surmises, and even
In staid financial circles it is mentioned.
while in society well,, in society it is
the whole topic.
What is it?
Why. the visit of the prince of Wales,
of course. What else would so stir
the democratic west?
The west has entertained royalty be
fore and that la just the reason for
all this fuss and trouble. There are
a few things that stand out promi
It is one thing to entertain a passing
earl, or duke, or even a governor-gen
eral, but when it domes to doing "the
proper" "to. the prince it is a matter
of great seriousness and for the ever
lasting honor of . the nation and the
glory and dignity of the British crown,
there must be no mistakes or mishaps
such.aa.'have.featured similar events in
other oays. - :
So vividly have these memories been
impressed on the minds of citizens of
the west that they have whole-heartedly
supported the democratic move to
abolish titles in the dominion.
Now the west is brushing up on its
manners, for while they may be laughed
at and excused in the entertainment
of e. governor-general, or even a duke,
it would be scandalous to have them
repeated during the visit of the prince
the future king. Despite its demo
cratic ideas the west could not tolerate
any mistakes in the entertainment of
the heir apparent.
But those who have had the- oppor
tunity of meeting his royal highness,
the 'prince of Wales, when he ranked
as an ordinary captain in the army, do
ing his bit with the rest of the boys
in the firing line, are of the opinion
that he would relish a little formality
than that which the west is planning
for his reception. In this he is.not to
be Indulged, for western Canada is go
ing to show off, and do it according to
page and paragraph of the book.
So it is that every one is excited.
Kveryone is planning clothes and brush
ing'up on manners. But the cynics are
NEW GOVERNOR IS WANTED bettin tnat ePlt preparations
ll uuitnmm IO IHHHItU ,he prince will enjoy many a quiet
Mcdford-Jackonvllle; Rate
Considered Tomorrow
to Be
Carranza Asked to Submit Xanies
of Three Men to the Senate.
MEXICO CITT, Auar. II. By a four-to-one
majority, the Mexican senate
has asked President Carranza to submit
the names ot three men from which the
senate may choose a new provisional
governor of Ta.naultpas. This sect!on,
.-ccordlntr to senate leaders, will end
the so-called Osuna case.
Professor Andres Osuna. named pro
visional Rovernor of Tamaulipas about
a year a?o. recently' was accused . of
f.-iilure to call elections, and has been
fighting removal on the ground that
the accusations were part of a politi
cal plot against him.
smile as a result of the efforts of the
west to restrain the warmth of its
welcome to the narrow channels of pre
cedent and European customs. "
Thone your want ads to The Orego-
nlan. Main 7070. A S095.
His Hearing Restored.
The invisible antiseptic ear drum in
vented by Mr. A. O. Leonard, which is
in reality a miniature megaphone, fit
ting inside the ear and entirely out of
sight. Is restoring the hearing of liter
ally hundreds of people in New York
city. Mr. Leonard invented this remark
able drum to relieve himself of deafness
and head noises, and it does this so suc
cessfully that no one could tell that he
is a deaf jnan. This ear drum is effec-
. I . . V. -I 1 i i . i
MEDFORn.Or.'Scpt. (.(Special.) " 1.7 ' ",!-.", .-.,,,?. .1 - J.,?
Fred Williams, of the state public '""' "r
ice commission, is expected to arrive information addressed to" A. O. Leonard,
tonight and prepare for - the public lguUe 70 York cu
hearing to be held Monday on the re- be (vt,n a , reply. Adv.'
cent rise In telephone rates In Jackson j
county. . Local Interest centers mainly
in the toll marge between- jieaiora ana
Jacksonville, the county seat
Medford lawyers are up . in arms
gainst the toll charges, as most of their
business' is centered in tbe Jackson
ville courthouse, while they maintain
offices here. A large delegation from
Jacksonville also will be on hand to
protest against the charge. Although
Jacksonville is six miles from Medford
there has never been a toll charge aus
ttlni'i by the public service commis
sion, although the telephone company
several '.lines has tried to establish one.
Building Marked , in Memory of 35
Tenants Killed. During War.
-PARIS. Aug. 21). There has Just been
placed on the wall, of a building at 212
ruV Salnt-Maur a marble tablet to the
memory, of 15 of Ata former tenants
who died on the Dattlefield. Of ISO
worklngmen mho lived in the tenement
5 went to war and only 60 returned.
"Never forget . those who ; fell . as
heroea for the defense of the father
land and the liberty of the peoples."
says the Inscription on the tablet. The
names of. the-25 dead follow, beginning
with Corporal Charles Bonnet, the first
to fall, on September 21. 1914, and end
ing with Andre Labainville. killed on
November 11. ISIS, the very last day
of hostilities. Under the tablet there
is a palm with this dedication: "To
the boys of 212-rue Sair.t-Maur. who i
died for France.
Hungarian Bolshevik Killed While
1'leelng Across Austrian Frontier.
BtTDAFEST. Aug. 12. (Correspond
ence of the Associated Tress.) "Com-
of the red army, who was shot while
attempting to cross the Austrian fron
tier after the fall of Bei Kun. was
one of the most spectacular figures In
he brief but faniruinary reign of the
Hungarian bolxi'.evlki. . . ..
8cTi-,Vuc'T was 38 years "old. the" son
Fall and Winter
I am showing advance
fall and winter models in
Hudson Seal.
Mole, Mink,
' Squirrel,
Nutria and
Foxes and Lynx in all
leading shades.
Maaafacturer and Importer
Soufhweat C'oraer of Broadway
and Alder.
the profession of .Op
tometry and optical busi
ness. No tuition expense to you.
an institution of learning' under
the provisions cf the Soldiers',
Sailors' and Marines' Educational
Financial Aid Law of Oregon.
Make- application 'to A. P. DK
KBVSKR. executive head of the
TOMETRY. Second Floor Columbia Building
365 Washington St.'
Fall Floor
Coverings , are now the chief in
terest in attractive,'
homelike homes. Lovers
of beauty and art prefer
Oriental &ugg
Buy now while they are
a choice investment, be
fore the increased, prices
in the orient are felt here.
JENNING'S Washinztoat Fifth JENNING'S
Fall Furniture Displays Are Now Ready!
Select, here the things you need to beautify your
Credit! Everything is here for the modern home.
..Odd Pieces for the Dining Room
Visit here at Portland's Greatest Furniture Store!
home. Take advantage of our prices and our liberal
10th and'Alder
Largest Oriental Rug Dealers
in the' Northwest. .
Ymm' ..gB U J
1 haMtir--- i r 'in- itr-nr-1!- r -i " -"'
Greatly Keduced
Davenports of Mahogany and Reed'
Chairs and Rockers to Match
Our showing is one unequaled in the .city. Inspect at your leisure
these beautiful pieces for the, living room. The finest of brown ma
hogany is combined with cane, and upholstered in rich tapestries,
damasks and velours. Shown on the Main Floor.
Special $123.75
Regular Price $180.00
This is a large, handsome daven
port, upholstered in striped ve
lour. Special price for this week
An extra large Davenport with
spring back and seat, equipped
with three loose spring cush
ions. It will- make an orna
ment to any living room.
$125 Circassian Walnut Cplonial Buffet.
J1UU crotcn luanogany colonial duiici....
$185 Solid Mahogany Colonial Buffet.....
$115 .Solid Mahogany Colonial Buffet
$141 Mahogany Colonial Extension Table.
Rag Rug
Revue !
Special prices will be in
effect this week on Rag
Rugs. Warm, lively pat
terns some with self
fringe end border some
with printed art .borders.
Many are shown in plain
colors. Note the reduced
prices: r
$20 Rag Rugs, 9x12
for $14.75
$15 Rag Rugs, 8x10
for $11.75
$13.50 Rag Rugs,
6x9, for $10.23
$7.50 Rag Rugs, 47,
for' $5.50
Smaller sizes to match.
Adam Dining
in Solid Mahogany
$269.50 ' v
, $40 Down, $1730 '
Regular Price $361
One suite only, which we offer
at a decided reduction for this
week. Tea handsome pieces, as
Extension Table, $80; Large
Buffet, $100; China Closet, $75;
Serving Table, $45; Carver,
$13.50; Five Diners, $47.00
Library Tables
$37.50 to $250
See our , immense displays of
these tables - on,, the Balcony
Floor. All of the popular Period
styles areshown, as well as the
modern designs.
Oak Library
. Tables
- $14.75 and Upwards
See our large showing of these
tables on the third floor. All sizes.
Wool and
Fiber Rugs
at Reduced Prices
$18.50 Rugs, 9x12, $14.25
$15.50 Rugs, 9x12, $11.50
$17.50 Rugs, 8x10, $12.75
$13.25 Rugs, 9x10, $10.23
We are showing some new
arrivals in these handsome
timepieces in solid mahog
any. They are chaste in
design and highly finished.
$63 and Upwards
Cedar Chests,
; : $12.50 and Up
. Handsome' chests of fragrant,
" lasting cedar! Just the thing
to hold furs, . coats and other
clothing to keep them safe from
moths, and dampness. . See our
Balcony Floor display.
All Odd Dressers, Chiffoniers,
Chifforobes and Highboys
V; Regularly Priced, $45 to $200
25 Per Cent Off This Week
fgfedlo fb.
'IfeGJ fir
Overstuffed and
Bed Davenports
Priced $45 to $165
A hajidsome Davenport by day
a cosy, comfortable bed by night,
lust the thing for the small home
or apartment house with the oc
casional unexpected guest. Sold
on easy terms.
Bedroom Suite
in Hardwood
&QA $10 Down, $7 JO
A neat appearing suite of four
pieces, as follows:
Four-Poster, $18; Chiffonier, 426;
Dressei"! $24; Triple-Mirror Dress
ing Table, $26.
Filet Nets
In Lengths to 8 Yards
$1.10 Nets for 70c
$1.00 Nets for 65c
90c Nets for 55c
75c Nets for 50e
60c Nets for 45c
55c Nets for 40c
; Phonographs
Come in and see our exhibit of these
. handsome music-makers, which we
show in both upright and cabinet
styles. The Widdicombe plays all
makes of records, and play.s them
perfectly. Shown in our phonograph
parlors. "
Floor Lamps
and Shades
In mahogany and gold lacquer.
Lamps $15 and upwards.
Shades $10 and upwards.
Marquisette Special White, Ecru
and Biege with Cluny Edge and in
sertion. 75c values 55c
Immense Showing
Cretonnes and Materials
for Overdrapes
in Newest Patterns
Spinet Desks in
Solid Mahogany
The balcony floor holds an at
tractive array of fine spinet desks.
One of these would make a most
acceptable present for wife or
Priced $33 and Upwards
Let us demonstrate for
you the HOOVER
ELECTRIC and the
KM k'fi
Your Choice of
should be selected only from a stock
of the best variety. -We carry only
the best. :
; A half century of loyalty .to high
ideals and strictest business integ
rity have built up a clientele that
we are justly proud of.
We' should like to have you in
cluded among our jewelry cus
tomers. ..You will find the prices
A. & C. Feldenheimer
Jewelers Silversmiths Opticians
Washington Street at Park
Established 1868
mm, ii i iiii
V nPta. --' '"11 i ta in .
A Model for Your Business
$125 to $335
E W- Pease, Sales Agent
Let Us Show You on Your Own Work
Oregon Vulcanizing Co
ODD SIZE TIRES a Specialty
34x312 36x4
35x4 37x4 i. j
Phone Your Want Ads to THE OREGONIAN Main 7QjO,'6WZ